Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Teachers Rubric
Introduction - Describe the setting, the grades you -I have choosen Algrayen KIndergaten
Warmer taught and explain the purpose of this which is located in Shajah. The grade I
placement: tought was KG2, I choose this class
because I noticed that studnets in this
grade are working well so I decided to
benefit from the teachers experience
with this grade.
1 Professionalism How did you demonstrate professional -I have done lots of things to show my
behavior as a trainee teacher in the professional work such as, being on tims ,
school? Explain how you maintained preparing the lessons well, working with
your professional status not only in the teachers and collaborating with the
your own classroom but also across the admenstration to delvier good teaching
school. practices.Moreiver I had the chance to sit
with other teachers to benefit from their
Explain how conducting and receiving experiences and develop my teaching
one formal peer observations helped skills and practices.With regard to peer
you to develop professionally? observations I attended her class while
she was teaching to help me improve my
Explain how you collaborated with teaching practices.Also peer observation
other staff in activities that involve the helped me to find out certin weeknesses
community during this placement. that a teacher showed get red of while
-While teaching in this school, I had the
chance to collaborate with the staff
during the pajama day. We prepared
aftivities for children and brought some
food to encourage those children. The
staff appretiated coopration and became
more willing to do more activities with
me in the future.
2 Planning for Describe the process you went -Infact I have faced few difficulties while
Learning thorough in order to plan an planning 7 diffentiated lesson plans.Some
(including integrated, thematic unit of work in of these difficulties were related to
partnership with your MST. How were extending the activities for high level
Knowledge and
you guided in this by your own teaching students and the time wasent enough to
philosophy? What impact did the use of apply all the planned activities.
of Content) STEAM/STEM activities have on student
learning? Do not answer -For assessing objectives and outcomes
of the lessons I had prepared a paper
What difficulties did you face in that included follow up remarks of
planning seven differentiated lesson students performance. For example I
plans to ensure that they included a wrote notices next to each students
range of activity types for the whole performance.
class, groups and individuals
3 Implementing Explain what you did to make sure that -To make sure that the task are clear for
and Managing your modeling / demonstration of the the studenst, I prepared an example for
Learning tasks you set your students was clear each activity to help students understand
and effective. the task well. Also, I selected some
students for each activity to come in
What strategies did you apply to front of the class and practice doing the
management, maintain student engagement and preprepared tasks.
language and how effective were they in ensuring
delivery) that tasks were completed effectively? -In order to keep studenst engaged in the
lesson activities, I prepared some
Provide examples of how you attractive activities that are related to
developed student independence and the lsoon. In addition to that I reinforce
responsibility in your classes. students who managed to perform the
task correctly and fast .Moreover, I tried
to suppored studenst who werent able
to do tha activities by giving them more
examples and prasing their progress.
-As a student teacher in this kindergarten
I was able to implement the key
principles of teaching by helping students
develop their levels, encouraging them to
learn and increasing their confidence as
Explain how conducting and receiving one formal peer observations helped you to
develop professionally?
Explain how you collaborated with other staff in activities that involve the community
during this placement.
Planning for Learning (including Describe the process you went thorough in order to plan an integrated, thematic unit of
Knowledge and Understanding of work in partnership with your MST. How were you guided in this by your own teaching
Content) philosophy? What impact did the use of STEAM/STEM activities have on student
learning? Do not answer this question
What difficulties did you face in planning seven differentiated lesson plans to ensure
that they included a range of activity types for the whole class, groups, and individuals
Explain how you assessed the learning objectives/outcomes you set the students.
Implementing and Managing Learning Explain what you did to make sure that your modeling / demonstration of the tasks you
(including behaviour management, set your students was clear and effective.
language, and delivery)
What strategies did you apply to maintain student engagement and how effective were
they in ensuring that tasks were completed effectively?
Monitoring, Assessment, and What strategies did you use to monitor student progress across a range of connected
Evaluation teaching sessions including class, group, pair, and individual work
Reflection on Practice Which teaching strategies did you find were particularly effective and explained why
with reference to educational theory and/or experience?
Identify and critically evaluate the influence of a range of stakeholders at your school
e.g. Ministry of Education, Principal, parents, etc.
Explain how closely you were able to apply key principles from your own teaching
philosophy as a student teacher in this school?
What would you say have been your particular strengths during this TP? Which areas for
development have you identified for next semester - justify this?