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TP Task 1 – Promoting Scientific Thinking

This task is linked to ECE3703; using higher level questions (Bloom’s Taxonomy) to
develop students’ thinking. Teaching students the skills of scientific thinking is
not only for science class, but can be applied to any area of learning.
Explain how Challenge students in all grade levels with many types of
questioning relates questions as defined by Bloom's Taxonomy. They will be
to Bloom’s doing high level thinking and they will be in interesting
taxonomy and classroom. New teachers will find this resource
student learning. specifically valuable it includes an in-depth discussion of
different levels of questions with many suggestions
examples to help you from your own high level questions
to use in the classroom
Reference (Where did you get the information from? Cite the

Question(s) asked Was

Engagement by the teacher thinking
time How did the students’
given? If respond?
(& subject & LO) yes, how
-The teacher -The teacher was 30 The students were
showed asking the students seconds engaged and they were
students different question, raising their hands and
pictures and for example she tell waiting for the teacher to
vocabulary them do you sleep give them the chance to
words as well on the grass or do answer
and she was you sleep on rug?
encouraging the
students to read
the new words
-The Subject
was English
Students will be
able to learn the
new vocabulary

-They had a -I will ask students 30 -The students where

math subject can you count know seconds engaged and active at the
and the learning how many objects same time. All of the
outcomes: left students were counting
Students will be -Can you court with correctly and slowly so
able to know me I a loud voice? that they don’t get
how to subtract. -How many fingers confused.
The do we all have in
engagement our hands?
activity will be
different objects
in front of the
students and
encourage them
to count out
how many
objects are
They had a -I was asking the 30 -Students where active
lesson about my students, what do seconds and each of them where
room and the we call the thing giving me their answers
learning that we sleep on? and they were so happy
outcome is: -What do we put because they loved the
Students will be under our head lesson and they said that
able to know when we sleep the lesson was so excited.
the names of -What do we put on
the things that the flour in our
they can see in room?
their room. -Something we sit
I will show at in the room,
students what do we call it?
pictures to
engage them
and encourage
them to repeat
the names of
the things that
they see in the

On reflection:
(i) Which question(s) did the students engage with the most? Why do
you think that was?
(ii) Which engagement activity were the students most engaged with?
Why do you think that was?
-When the student had the lesson called (My room), the students were so
engaged because they were interested in the lesson and they were answering
all the given question.

-The most engaged activity was the English activity because they were happy to
know more vocabulary words so that they can use these new words while their
talking in English.

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