Performance of Piled Raft With Varying Pile Length: 50 Indian Geotechnical Conference
Performance of Piled Raft With Varying Pile Length: 50 Indian Geotechnical Conference
Performance of Piled Raft With Varying Pile Length: 50 Indian Geotechnical Conference
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India
A piled raft foundation is fairly a new concept in which the total load coming from the superstructure is
partly shared by the raft through contact with soil and the remaining load is shared by piles through skin
friction. Due to the three dimensional nature of the load transfer, piled-raft foundations are regarded as
very complex systems involving many interaction factors such as pile-to-pile, pile-to-raft, raft-to-soil and
pile-to-soil. The economy of the foundation system for heavily loaded and settlement sensitive
structures like tall slender buildings and storage tanks depends upon the method adopted to reduce the
settlements to the permissible level rather than eliminating it completely. As a matter of fact when the
serviceability requirements are satisfied from the point of view of permissible settlement there is no need
to eliminate the settlement completely. The combined piled raft system has proved to be an ideal
foundation system to satisfy the above requirement under certain favorable circumstances, namely when
the bearing capacity is not a problem but settlement would be beyond the permissible requirements.
Although the combined piledraft system was developed with over consolidated clay in mind, its
applicability in sand also becomes important as the permissible settlement for the foundation is less than
that of foundation resting on clay. Therefore the applicability of piled raft to support moderately loaded
buildings and storage tanks on sand and predominantly sandy soils gains importance, further more
understanding of load sharing between piles and raft is very much important for the piled raft in sand
particularly when the piles are driven because the driving of piles improves the state of compaction of the
sand. As the piled raft foundation system transfers the load through a complicated interaction process the
effect of the parameters associated with the constituent elements, namely the piles, raft and the soil on the
settlement reduction and load sharing behavior becomes very important and needs a detailed study.
Although a number of published literatures are available on the effect of various parameters, they all have
piles of equal lengths. In case of plaza like structures wherein the raft thickness as well as the pile length
can be varied depending upon the capacity requirements, it becomes necessary to understand the effect of
variation in pile length on settlement reduction and load sharing behavior of piled raft.
The present work is based on the results of small scale 1g model tests conducted on piled raft models with
varying configurations of varying pile length. A square raft of 150mm with 33 configuration and the pile
Angelin Savio, M.Tech Student, IES College of Engineering, Thrissur, India,
Sreekumar.N.R, Asst Professor, IES College of Engineering, Thrisur, India,
V.Balakumar, Senior Consultant, Simplex Infrastructures Ltd, Chennai, India,
Angelin Savio, Sreekumar.N.R, and V.Balakumar
lengths of 0.8,1 and 1.25 times the raft width are used for the study. Tests were conducted by changing
the pile configuration by varying the locations of the short piles and long piles in a strategic manner.
Considering the high wind or seismic loads that may act on the high rise buildings, the effect of small and
large eccentric load acting on the piled raft is also studied. The load configurations are provided in such a
manner to stimulate axial load and bending. From the results it was found that connecting piles of even
short length has greater improvement in the raft behavior. Not much change in the raft behavior was
observed with small eccentricity when compared with piled raft subjected to large eccentricity. The load
settlement response was also studied and this paper discusses the result. In a specific combination of piled
raft with varying pile length, it was found that the settlement profile was almost the same for the load
applied vertically and for load applied with small eccentricity. Thus using dissimilar piles below a raft can
optimize the design of a piled raft and is economically an innovative concept and has a further scope of
Keywords: Differential settlement, Eccentric load, Load sharing ratio, Piled raft, Raft, Settlement,
Settlement reduction ratio, Sand, Varying pile length.
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India
ABSTRACT: The combined piled raft system has proved to be an ideal foundation system to satisfy the above
requirement under certain favourable circumstances, namely when the bearing capacity is not a problem but
settlement would be beyond the permissible requirements. Although a number of published literatures are available
on the behavior of piled raft foundation system, they all have piles of equal lengths. In most of the conventional
designs, piles in the foundation have uniform lengths. The present work is based on the results of small scale 1g
model tests conducted on piled raft models in sand with configurations of varying pile length at varied load
eccentricity. Studying the settlement response and load sharing behaviour it was found that using dissimilar piles
below a raft can optimize the design of a piled raft and is economically an innovative concept and has a further
scope of study.
settlements under a flexible cap, as a result of pile- which was fixed on the bottom of jack and the rigid
soil-raft interaction. Therefore, the traditional loading platen was connected to the proving ring
design often does not result in the best performance through an extension rod. The schematic view of
in overall stiffness or differential settlement. To the experimental set up is given in Fig. 1.
overcome these aforementioned problems, the use
of piles with different lengths or positions below a
raft can optimize the design of a piled raft. Using a
piled raft in areas subjected to high wind or seismic
loading, may increase the stability of the building
and may reduce the tilt of the raft foundations that
are subjected to eccentric loading.
represent pile diameter of 1000mm. Perspex rod of basis of e/B ratios. B is the raft width and e
10mm diameter was used as model piles. The corresponds to eccentric distance from the centre
length of piles tested were 187.5mm (1.25 B), of raft. For small eccentricity case e/B= 0.05 is
150mm (B) and 120mm (0.8 B), representing the considered and for large eccentricity case e/B =
tip of pile below pressure bulb, at pressure bulb 0.15 is considered.
and above pressure bulb respectively. Here after
we can call it as long (L), medium (M) and short
piles (S). The length of the piles were chosen in
such a way that the depth of the bed below the tip
was sufficiently thick so that, bottom rigidity does
not affect the pile behaviour and pile functions
purely as friction pile. Threads were provided at
the top end of piles to facilitate the proper
connection and to generate monolithic action
between the piles and the raft.
In accordance with the provision IS 2911, relating more rapid. This indicates that when there is an
to pile foundation, the possible deviation of the pile eccentricity of loading, a larger eccentricity can
permitted is 60-75mm on a smaller diameter of a induce distress in the raft. Fig. 3 presents the load
pile thus works out to 13.3%, considering 450mm settlement response of the plain raft of 150mm
as the diameter of the pile. If 75mm is permitted on square and 8mm thick tested in dense sand bed,
a 500mm diameter pile, the eccentricity works out under three loading conditions.
to 15%. However on a larger diameter pile, say 1m,
the permissible eccentricity works out to 7.5%. As Load (kN)
a parameter of study we have considered 15% for 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
the present. No eccentricity case is also studied for 0
comparison. Each combination of pile arrangement 2
is subjected to all the three loading conditions.
Settlement (mm)
e/B = 0
tip coincides with the tip of the pressure bulb. It is within the pressure bulb and so increasing the pile
also seen that the increase in the load between the length does not produce any distinct advantage and
case of small eccentricity and no eccentricity is that increasing pile length beyond pressure bulb
smaller than the difference between large does not produce any distinct advantage.
eccentricity and small eccentricity.
Combination 4 and 5
Load (kN) Various combinations by varying the pile lengths
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 have been studied by keeping the long pile at the
centre. In the combination 5, where the long pile at
2 the centre is surrounded by medium length piles,
4 e/B = 0 the load at failure is 10.13 kN for no eccentricity
Settlement (mm)
e/B = 0
case of no eccentricity and small eccentricity.
6 e/B = 0.05
However the load at failure is higher for no
eccentricity case. This means that so long as the
e/B = 0.15
longer pile remains in the centre, the location of the
smaller pile does not affect the behaviour of piled
raft with smaller eccentricity compared to the piled
14 raft of no eccentricity. But in the case of larger
16 eccentricity combination 6 showed better results
Fig. 5 Load settlement response of piled raft with than combination 7. This means that with the small
combination 3 piles in the corner the performance of the
foundation system is not satisfactory. It is also seen
It is seen from the load settlement response shown that the fall of stiffness is at relatively smaller load
in Fig. 5 that the load taken by the group with level compared to the previous cases. Hence when
larger pile is only marginally more than the the eccentricity is higher the location of smaller
previous case namely the pile group with length piles affects the performance of the piled raft.
equal to the raft width. This clearly indicates that
the enhancement of the confining pressure due to
the applied load through the raft takes place only
Angelin Savio, Sreekumar.N.R, and V.Balakumar
8 e/B = 0.15
10 0.45
4 e/B = 0
6 e/B = 0.05
8 It is seen that from 10mm settlement level as the
e/B = 0.15
settlement increases the load sharing ratio
decreases gradually indicating that the pile group
essentially functions as settlement reducer. In the
case of no eccentricity the combination 3 and 7 has
established a better performance.
Fig. 7 Load settlement response of piled raft with
combination 7 0.60
Load Sharing Ratio
eccentricity in the loading the position of smaller did not show any appreciable results. From the
pile influences the performance of the foundation load settlement behaviour of various combinations
system. it was found that in no eccentricity case, the piled
raft with varying length can be used effectively.
The load sharing ratio in the case of large When eccentric load was at minimum, position of
eccentricity is given by Fig 10. It is seen that at smaller pile had no appreciable effect. The
higher loading eccentricity, the pile group has to combination 6 showed better results than all other
take higher load. When the e/B ratio is 0.15 at any cases. This was because the position of short pile
given settlement level the load sharing ratio is plays an important role under eccentricity loading.
higher than the other two cases. Also where there is Therefore, in case of large eccentric loads it is
no load eccentricity the pile group functions more preferable not to have any variation in pile length.
as a settlement reducer as the load sharing ratio is
smaller. When there is loading eccentricity the pile The study establishes that for practical problems
group is more stressed and its efficiency as load piled raft can have piles of varying length provided
sharing element reduces. they are placed strategically depending on
requirement. Thus we can reduce the cost of
0.60 construction by limiting the length of the piles in
an effective manner. As a further study numerical
modelling can be done as a validation of the thesis.
Load Sharing Ratio
0.40 2 Further, the effect of varying pile length can be
3 studied on raft thickness, spacing, pile diameter
4 and size of raft. As an extension to this thesis, the
5 interaction effect of superstructure stiffness can
0.10 6
also be analysed.
2mm 4mm 6mm 8mm 10mm
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Fig.10 Load sharing ratio for various combinations
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Angelin Savio, Sreekumar.N.R, and V.Balakumar