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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2016) 55, 547–560

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal



Experimental and numerical study of piled raft

A.Z. Elwakil a,*, W.R. Azzam b,1

Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt

Received 28 June 2015; revised 19 October 2015; accepted 20 October 2015

Available online 12 December 2015

KEYWORDS Abstract Raft foundations are used when isolated footings cover more than 70% of the building
Model test; area under a super structure. A combination between the use of piles and raft foundation is known
Piled raft; as piled raft foundation. Piled raft foundations proved to be more economical in case of high rise
Settlement ratio buildings on clay and can provide safe bearing capacity and serviceability requirements. The use of
strategically located piles improves the load capacity of raft and reduces the differential settlement.
This research sheds some light on the philosophy of using piles as settlement reducers for raft foun-
dations and also the behavior of piled raft embedded into sand. Small scale model tests are per-
formed. The effects of pile length and alignment on the attained ultimate load are experimentally
investigated. From the accomplished studies, it has been concluded that as the length of piles
and number of piles decrease, the load carried by raft increases. Additionally, it is found that the
best and the optimal settlement ratio (S/B%) to design the piled raft as settlement reducer is 0.7%.
Finally the percentage of load carried by raft at S/B = 0.7% is found to be 39%.
Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction transferred to deeper bearing layers, and (3) piled raft founda-
tions, at which the loads are partially transferred by piles and
Foundation systems are used to transfer the load safely into the partially by raft. According to Burland et al. [4], the conven-
soil ensuring overall stability and serviceability of the tional design method for piled raft foundation assumes that
superstructures. It is well known that there are three principal the pile carries the whole load without any contribution from
foundation options to transfer heavy structural loads; (1) raft the raft. This approach is too conservative as the raft is in direct
foundations, where loads are transferred to the ground via a contact with the soil, and hence it carries a significant portion of
foundation raft, (2) pile foundations, where loads are load. For the case of piled raft system in clay, Shukla et al. [26]
stated that the building load inducing stress in the clay precon-
solidated pressure is carried by piles in creep state of loading and
* Corresponding author.
the remaining load is carried by the raft. Katzenbach et al. [14]
E-mail addresses: amr-elwakil@hotmail.com (A.Z. Elwakil), azzam_ indicated that many piled raft systems are designed using the
waseim@yahoo.com (W.R. Azzam).
1 settlement-reducing piled method. Davids [5] showed that the
Tel.: +20 21272037757.
loads of the superstructures are shared between the raft and
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
the piles, with piles carrying about 50–80% of the total load.

1110-0168 Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
548 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

Abdel-Fattah and Hemada [1] proved that the part of the super available, both in 2D and 3D versions. The most common soft-
structural load passes to the soil through the raft contact pres- wares are 1 – PLAXIS 2D and 3D, which is a Finite Element
sure varies from 30–60% from the total load depends on the Code for soil and Rock Analyses, 2 – FLAC 2D and 3D that is
state of soil under earth. This percentage increases with the a Fast Lagrangian Analyses of Continua and 3 – ABAQUS 2D
decrease in the piles’ lengths and the increase in piles spacing. and 3D which is a general-purpose Nonlinear Finite Element
They also proved that using the piled raft system is suitable Software. FEM is very effective tool for analyzing any founda-
for high rise buildings in case of soft clay for both bearing capac- tion and structure system. However, it is too complicated and
ity and serviceability. Hemsley [10] reported that the raft can time consuming to simulate a complicated soil–structure inter-
carry up to 50% of the building loads. Leung et al. [15] observed action problem such as piled raft foundation. There are a num-
that the percentage of the raft carried load in piled raft system ber of approaches that numerical analyses can be carried out
varies from 25% to 51% of the applied load with an average using Equivalent two-dimensional (2D) plain strain model,
value of 36% when designed as piled raft foundation. Randolph where the main problem when modeling a piled raft with a
[22] provided four design methods to piled raft: (1) the conven- plane strain model is the change from three to two dimensions,
tional method, where piles carry the entire load, (2) creep piling i.e. to expresses a three dimensional problem in a two dimen-
method, where piles operate at 70% of the ultimate load and sional model. To do this the ‘‘out off”-plane rows of piles
sufficient piles are included to reduce contact pressure between are simplified as elements, called plane strain piles. The wall
raft and soil below the reconsolidation pressure of the clay element is defined per meter; the normal stiffness bending stiff-
under the raft, (3) differential settlement control, where the raft ness and weight for the piles in the ‘‘out off”-plane rows of
is sufficient but the piles are added to control the settlement and piles are therefore ‘‘smeared” per meter.
(4) settlement reducing method where the piles operate at 100% Methods in this category are demonstrated by the analyses
of their ultimate loads. It was also concluded that increasing the described by Prakoso and Kulhawy [21]. In this research, the
length of the piles in piled raft foundation is more effective than load response and behavior of piled raft embedded in sands
increasing the number of the piles. It was also reported that for are investigated considering different piles stiffness and
uniformly loaded raft piles, the piles should be concentrated in arrangement.
the central 15–25% of the raft area. Algulin and Pedersen [2] made a case study plane strain
Enormous contributions to the development of the piled model of a building piled raft foundation, and the model
raft foundation concept have been carried out in Germany worked in a reasonable manner indicating that plane strain
during the 1980s and 1990s of the last century. Many piled raft model in PLAXIS 2D is a good and a time effective tool.
foundations have been constructed in the Frankfurt clay using Ryltenius [3] mentioned that Piled raft is 3 dimensional
settlement-reducing piled foundation for heavy high-rise build- problems, and in a 2 dimensional analysis one has to introduce
ings [23,14]. There are also applications in cohesionless soil, simplifications convenient to use this method as it is faster and
such as the Berlin sand [6]. Recently super high-rise buildings the software is cheaper.
in the Gulf area have often been constructed on piled raft It is proved that 2D model overestimates the settlement and
foundations such as Burj Khailfa, previously called Burj moment in raft by 30% and the pile load by 10%, and it is also
Dubai, in Dubai, UAE as well as QIPCO tower in Duha, Qat- proved that as the spacing between piles decreases the 2D
tar [18]. The load of the buildings is shared between the piles model resembles the 3D model more. The plane strain models
and the raft indirect bearing, with the pile system typically car- can give similar results to 3D model when pile spacing is nar-
rying about 50–80% of the total load directly into the deeper row and the piled raft shape is greater than 1:2.
strata [5]. On the other hand, recently, computer-based meth- In the current study, the effect of the stiffness of the outer
ods appeared to be effective tools to facilitate the design of and inner piles is studied. A series of experimental load tests
such foundation systems, which includes the following broad were conducted using square piled raft foundation models.
approaches: The numerical analysis is well adopted to verify the model test
results and to identify piled raft interaction using finite element
(a) Methods employing a ‘‘strip on springs” approach. The package PLAXIS 2D.
raft in this method is represented by a series of strip
footings, and the piles and the soil are represented by
springs of appropriate stiffness [19]. 2. Testing equipment
(b) Methods employing a ‘‘plate on springs” approach. In
this method the raft is represented by a plate and the To study the behavior of piled raft in sand, twenty-three labo-
piles and the soil as springs [20,25]. ratory tests were conducted on small scale models foundation
(c) Boundary Element Method (BEM), in which both raft system. The raft was modeled by a square steel plate of side
and piles within the system are discretized, and use is dimensions 150 mm and 15 mm in thickness having a smooth
made of elastic theory [24]. surface with a notch in the center to mount the calibrated
(d) Numerical analyses using Finite Element Method proving ring. The plate has 16 screwed holes from the bottom
(FEM). surface with 10 mm depth and 12 mm diameter, spaced with
37.5 mm center to center. These 16 holes were used to fix the
The more rigorous computer-based methods include the BE different groups of circular piles of 12 mm diameter with screw
and FE Methods. Numerical analyses using FEM usually heads. 16-pile groups of diameter 12 mm were manufactured
involve in the detailed design of the piled raft foundation for with different lengths of 400 mm, 200 mm and 100 mm. A cal-
high-rises. This is necessary in high-rise buildings especially ibrated proving ring of 2 kN maximum capacity and 0.01 kN
when they become higher and heavier and more complex in accuracy is used with the proving ring mounted over the plate
configurations. There are number of commercial codes center notch via ball bearing. Two-dial gauges with their tips
Piled raft system 549

Silt fraction Sand fraction Gravel fraction

Classification Fine Mdium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100




Percent of passing %







Diameter, mm

Figure 2 Grain size distribution curve for sand.

respectively. The grain size distribution curve for the adopted

sand is shown in Fig 2. A sand bed was formed in the soil bin
Figure 1 Complete setup of testing procedures.
in layers of 150 mm thickness. To ensure the homogeneity of
the sand formation, a designed weight of sand, with an accu-
racy of 0.001 kN, was formed into a certain volume of the soil
resting on the plate on each side with 0.01 mm accuracy were bin by compaction to give the specified relative density of 65%
used to measure the vertical displacements and rotations of and a height of 200 mm for this relative density. The sand med-
the pile groups. The dial gauges were attached vertically far ium dense sand and of modulus of elasticity (Es) of 50 GPa,
apart on the top surface of the plate. This means that 48 piles (EC 203). The formed sand was leveled using sharpened
were manufactured to study the behavior of embedded piled straight steel plate and the model piles were then placed on
raft into sand. Combination of these piles was used to form the surface of the compacted sand using driving technique
pile groups of different alignments. The general layout of the [17] where a wooden templates are used at the face of the raft.
equipment used in the present study is illustrated in Fig. 1. Then, piled raft is inserted by absolute vertical driving with
The vertical displacement of each dial gauge was recorded. success blows using a steel hammer weighing 15 kg falling from
The load was applied vertically and concentrically on the pile 50 cm height. No inclination in piles or raft is allowed.
cap model. The soil bin was manufactured from two steel rings Sand was then added in the same explained procedure to
of 300 mm height and 750 mm diameter for each one. These give a height of almost 600 mm according to the testing pro-
rings were assembled to form a soil bin of total height of gram (Table 1). Compaction was carried out manually using
600 mm. The sides of the soil bin were strengthen by circular a 200 mm diameter rammer weighing 40.0 N. Three
steel plates to prevent lateral deformations of the side walls 50 mm  50 mm  30 mm aluminum boxes were distributed
and to facilitate the erection of the steel rings by using steel into the sand to recheck the relative density after performing
bolts. Also vertical steel ribs were added to each ring and the experiment, and tolerance in relative density is 1.5% during
welded to the boundary circular plates of each ring. The soil all test program.
bin was placed accurately vertical on a rigid steel girder resting Table 1 shows the testing program for the current research
on the ground. Spirit level was used to ensure the vertical and of three main groups. In the first group, G1, the raft has 16
horizontal leveling of the test setup. Reaction frame support- similar piles of diameter 12 mm and lengths of 400 mm,
ing a loading machine was attached to the soil bin. It is obvi- 200 mm, and 100 mm, respectively. The piles were attached
ous that the dimensions of the soil bin are large enough to to the bottom face of the raft to form a squared pattern of
overcome the scaling effects and the boundary conditions on 4  4 alignment. For each pile group with certain length,
the piled raft assembly response as the ratio between the bin two loading tests were performed: the first one, the raft is in
diameter and the raft side dimension is 5.0. The problem of contact with the sand surface, where for the second test the raft
scale effect has been widely investigated to show the piles is above the sand surface by 50 mm; a free support. The second
model to tank dimension in addition to boundary conditions group, G2, piles are fixed to the raft in a staggered alignment,
as stated by MuirWood [16] and Franke and Muth [9]. that’s to say a hole has a pile and the adjacent is free to have a
total of eight piles of equal length in the raft; loading tests were
3. Experimental procedure and testing strategy/parameters applied in the same previous group. In the first loading test, the
raft is in contact with the soil surface, while in the second test
The test sand has medium size and minimum dry unit weight raft model is free by supported. The third groups, G3, the 12
of 15.0 kN/m3. The uniformity coefficient, effective diameter outer piles, are having the same length, and the surrounding
and specific gravity of the sand are 2.90, 0.19 mm, and 2.56, 4 inner piles, are having the same length different to the inner
550 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

Table 1 Testing program and studied parameters. 4. Discussion of test results

Group Test No. Outer Inner Case of Notes 4.1. Group 1 – 4  4 alignment
no. of piles piles loading
piles length, length,
mm mm To study the piles effect, an alignment of 4  4 piles was fixed
Reference 1 0 0 0 Raft only into the raft forming 16 piles, Group 1, G1. The first 16 piles
are of length 400 mm the second group piles are of length
G1 2 16 400 400 Free 44 200 mm and the last group of piles have a length of 100 mm.
alignment Each group was loaded in two conditions. In the first condi-
3 16 400 400 Contact 44
tion, the raft bottom surface was free supported, and no con-
4 16 200 200 Free 44 tact pressure exists between the raft and the supporting sand
alignment (free standing piles, P). In the second condition of loading,
5 16 200 200 Contact 44 the raft is in contact with the supporting sand, PR. Raft with-
alignment out piles is loaded and the displacement was recorded and the
6 16 100 100 Free 44 raft load–displacement relationship is plotted and referred to
alignment as the reference test, R.
7 16 100 100 Contact 44 Load displacement for each pile length is gathered and
alignment shown in Fig. 3. From the accomplished laboratory experi-
G2 8 8 400 400 Free Staggered mental results the load displacement for the piled raft of differ-
9 8 400 400 Contact Staggered ent pile length is gathered and shown in Fig 4a. It can be
10 8 200 200 Free Staggered concluded that as the piles length increases the ultimate load
11 8 200 200 Contact Staggered increases due to the increase in the lateral surface area of fric-
12 8 100 100 Free Staggered tion, and hence the ultimate load attained. Fig. 4b shows the
13 8 100 100 Contact Staggered relationships of load–settlement for free supported piles, and
G3 14 4 0.0 400 Free it reflects the same behavior is detected; as the pile length
15 14 0.0 400 Contact increases the lateral surface area increases and hence the ulti-
16 16 100 400 Free mate pile load attained. It is quite obvious that such behavior
17 16 100 400 Contact appears at early stage of loading, as the friction resistance is
18 16 200 400 Free mobilized at small pile settlement ratio, S/D in the range
19 16 200 400 Contact
G4 20 4 0.0 200 Free In order to calculate the ultimate load assessed by the piled
21 4 0.0 200 Contact raft system, Poulos [18] suggested a simplified method by add-
22 4 0.0 100 Free ing piles ultimate resistance and the raft ultimate resistance
23 4 0.0 100 Contact without piles. El-Mossallamy et al. [7] introduced three differ-
ent failure mechanisms for piled rafts depending upon the
piles, in a pattern shown in Table 1. It is worth mentioning that number of piles and piles lengths. In order to check the previ-
the raft with no piles was loaded for comparative studies. This ous assumptions, the raft load, R is measured at different set-
means that a total number of twenty-three laboratory experi- tlement ratio values S/B, and piles loads only P, is measured at
ments were conducted for studying and investigating the the same S/B ratios, and compared to the load attained by the
response of piled raft in sand. The load was applied using a piled raft, PR, at the same settlement ratio S/B values.
manually operated loading device that gives an axial concen- The factor b is introduced here and defined as follows:
tric load. The load was measured using a calibrated proving piled raft load PR
b¼ ¼ ð1Þ
ring. The load was applied incrementally. Each increment pile load þ raft load P þ R
was kept constant till no significant change occurs in pile set-
tlement, that’s to say the difference between two successive Fig. 5 shows the relationships between b and S/B values for
readings is less than 0.01 mm per 5 min for three consecutive different piles length of 100 mm, 200 mm, and 400 mm, respec-
readings under the same load. The corresponding piles dis- tively. From the shown relationships, it can be observed that b
placements were measured using two-dial gauges. In these is bigger than 1 for S/B smaller than 0.7% for piles length 100,
loading experiments no rotation is allowed, that’s to say any 200, and 400 mm.
difference in dial gauges readings is not accepted. It can be observed that as S/B increases, the factor b
Load–displacement relationship for each experiment is decreases at high rate that gets smaller till reaching a constant
plotted and gathered in groups as shown by the figures. For value for S/B greater than unity.
the loading tests of raft in contact with sand bed the load is It was found that the raft share of the load is about 36% of
referred as piled raft load, PR, where when the piles are free the total load whereas Hemsley [10] has reported higher share
standing, and the load is denoted as, pile load, P. Finally up to 50% of the load could be carried by the raft. From Fig. 6
when the raft is loaded without piles, the load is referred as raft the percent carried by raft and that carried by piles is plotted
load, R. and it can be calculated that the average load carried by raft
Obviously, the test facility is simple and inexpensive, and is 39% which matches with Leung et al. [15]. From the chart
the effect of the scale factor, is minimized by performing com- it can be concluded that the percentage of load carried by raft
parative studies between the results. increases as the length of piles decreases, and also it increases
Piled raft system 551

Load, kN Load, kN
Load, kN
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0 1 2 3
0 0

-1 -1

Displacement, mm

Displacement, mm

Displacement, mm


-6 -5
R -6
16 piles L=100mm, P
-7 16 piles, L=100mm, PR 16 piles L=400mm, Free
-6 16 piles L=200mm, P
16 piles, L=200mm, PR -7 16 piles, L=400mm, PR

Figure 3 Load–displacement relationships for piled raft, 16 piles, 4 * 4 alignment.

Load, kN
Load, kN 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Displacement, mm

Displacement, mm



16 piles, L=100mm, PR -5
16 piles, L=200mm, PR
16 piles, L=400mm, PR 16 piles L=100mm, Free
-5 -6 16 piles L=200mm, Free
16 piles L=400mm, Free

-6 -7
a- PR, b-P

Figure 4 Piled raft load displacement relationship.

as the spacing between piles increases which agrees with Abdel- 4.2. Group 2, staggered alignment
Fattah and Hamada [1].
At early stage of loading, the piles frictional resistance is To study the effect of piles configuration on the ultimate load
mobilized at S/D equals to (1–2)% as the settlement ratio attained, 8 piles were fixed to the raft in a staggered alignment,
increases to values of S/D = 10%, almost S/B = 0.7%, the G2. Three subgroups were conducted using pile lengths of 100,
pile end bearing load starts to mobilize and at further settle- 200 and 400 mm, respectively. Each time the piled raft was
ment, the piled raft system starts to be active. The failure sur- loaded in two cases, free end support, P, and raft in contact
face is formed and the shear strength is mobilized in different with the sand underneath, PR. Load–settlement relationships
methods according to piles lengths and spacing as shown in are gathered and shown in Fig. 8. In each subgroup, the
Fig. 6. Also, the previous phenomenon might be attributed load–settlement relationship of the reference test is plotted.
to the mechanism of shear failure, for shorter piles the failure From Fig. 9a, it is obvious that the raft load is mobilized at
starts underneath the raft directly and for longer piles usually higher settlement values and the pile load is mobilized at
block failure occurs under piles tips as shown in Fig. 7 [7]. smaller settlement values. This is attributed to the frictional
552 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

2.5 To understand the percentage of load carried by piles and

raft, b is plotted against S/B for different piles group, Fig. 5.
b is bigger than 1 for the three piles group and decreases to
unity at S/B = 1% for the three piles group of piles length
of 100 mm, 200 mm, and 400 mm. It means, that at early stage
of loading the piled raft carries more than the sum of the loads
of both raft and piles.
1.5 This might be attributed to the piles–soil–raft interaction

forming more soil–piles interaction and enhancing more over-

burden pressure above the sand surrounding the piles inducing
more effective stress and hence more shear-resistance and fric-
tional load. In addition, piles may be viewed as reinforcement
elements that increase shear resistance of supporting soil.
On the other hand at higher settlement values the piles fric-
16piles,L=100mm 16piles,L=200mm 16piles,L=400mm
0.5 tion is totally mobilized and the end bearing load is mobilized.
8piles,L=100mm 8piles,L=200mm 8piles,L=400mm In higher settlement ratios piles total load is occurred and raft
load is mobilized and hence the values of b reaches unity that’s
In400,out0 In400,out100 In400,out200
to say the ultimate load or piled raft equals to the summation
0 of the load attained by piles added to the load attained by raft,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
as stated and confirmed by Polous [18].
From the previous relationships one should benefit from
Figure 5 b versus S/B. piled raft system as settlement reducer system or the design
should be settlement oriented at settlement ratios less than 1
and the piled raft system is more effective and more efficient
as b is bigger than 1. Settlement ratio of 0.7% is recommended
based on laboratory experimental program performed in this
study. It can be concluded that the positive effect of piled raft
is exhibited [13]. The positive effect represents increasing pile
skin friction caused by increases in confining stress within
the soil by raft pressure. The confining stress is a function of
the stress level and location of the piles within the raft, where
the pile raft interaction represents changes in the load response
of rafts caused by the load carrying mechanism of piles as jus-
tified by the factor b.
El-Mossallamy et al. [7] quoted that Hanisch et al. (2002)
have studied the load settlement relationship of piled raft with
Figure 6a The load carried by piles, Raft and piled raft for each
25 piles applying a three dimensional finite element analysis,
alignment at S/B = 0.7%.
and the ultimate load attained is larger than the summation
of individual piles load and raft load due to the contribution
of raft contact stresses that increases the horizontal effective
stresses around the piles and hence increasing the ultimate

4.3. Group 3

To study the effect of the number of piles, and arrangement on

the piled relationship, Group 3 tests are performed. In this
group, 4 piles symmetric under the raft center have a constant
length of 400 mm while the surrounding 12 piles length varied
between 0.0 mm, 100 mm, and 200 mm. For each alignment 2
tests were performed, in the first, the piles were free standing,
Figure 6b Percentage of load carried by piles for each alignment and load settlement relationships for each pile length are gath-
at S/B = 0.7%. ered for inner and outer arrangements for raft, R, free sup-
ported piles, ‘‘P” and piled raft ‘‘PR” shown in Fig. 10. The
general behavior agrees with the two previous groups and
resistance which is mobilized at (1–2%) of the pile diameter for the same reasons discussed before. Also b was plotted
whatever the piles length is increased. That’s to say the friction against S/B%, Fig. 5 and the behavior agrees with Group 1,
resistance depends on S/D ratio. and Group 2.
From Fig. 9b, as the piles length increases, the lateral sur- Generally, the rate of piled-raft settlement decreases as the
face area increases, and therefore the friction resistance number of settlement reducing piles increases; and for a given
increases which is a part of the total load attained. number of piles, the settlement decreases as the L/D ratio
Piled raft system 553

Figure 7 Different possible failure mechanisms for piled rafts [7].

increases. This is in agreement with Katzenbach et al. [12] and From Fig. 5, b versus S/B ratio for all performed tests
Poulos [18] who performed theoretical analyses of raft on dif- results in the same behavior is observed; b is bigger than 1
ferent numbers of settlement reducing piles. for S/B = 1% for all tests. From Fig. 12 it can be observed
that L/B is directly proportional to Qu as the length of pile
4.4. Length and number of piles effect increases the total surface area increases, to produce a signifi-
cant increase in the shear strength and hence in the ultimate
From presented laboratory test program, the ultimate piles load.
raft load is measured in each test, Qu, it is defined when no To study the effect of piles number on the piled raft ulti-
more load can be taken by the piled raft, and settlement con- mate load, Fig. 11 introduces a relationship between the ulti-
tinues to increase. For the same comparative studies, two more mate load and number of piles for different piles length
tests were performed where the inner 4 piles lengths are having ratio, L/B. From the shown relationship it can be noted that
100 mm and 200 mm in length and no outer piles are used, the attained ultimate load increases as the number of piles in
Table 1. Qu was plotted against piles number, Fig. 11, and the piled raft increases and linear relationships exist which
against piles length ratio, L/B, Fig. 12. From these figures, it agrees with Polous [18]. This increase is mostly due to the
is obvious that the difference between the load attained in increase in the portion of load carried by the central piles
16-piles configuration and 8 piles configuration is less than due to the increase in the number of piles.
25% for all piles lengths 100 mm, 200 mm and 400 mm, and The ultimate load attained by piled raft with 16 piles is
less than 20% for 4 piles at S/B = 0.7%. 1.5 kN and by piled raft with 4 piles under the center of load-
554 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

Load, kN Load, kN Load, kN

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3
0 0 0

-1 -1 -1

-2 -2 -2
Displacement, mm

Displacement, mm
Displacement, mm
-3 -3 -3

-4 -4 -4

-5 -5
8 piles L=100mm, P 8 piles L=200mm, P
-6 8 piles, L=100mm, PR 8 piles, L=200mm, PR 8 piles L=400mm, P
-6 -6
8 piles, L=400mm, PR

Figure 8 Load–displacement relationships for piled raft, 8 piles, staggered.

Load, kN Load, kN
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

8 piles, L=100mm, contact -1
8 piles, L=200mm, contact

-2 8 piles, L=400mm, contact -1.5

Displacement, mm
Displacement, mm

8 piles L=100mm, free

8 piles L=200mm, free
-3 -2.5 8 piles L=400mm, free



-6 -5

Figure 9a Load displacement relationships for group 2, PR. Figure 9b Load displacement relationships for group 2, P.

where Qu is the ultimate load carried by the piled raft in kN

ing is 1 kN. This means a reduction in 30% of the load occurs and N is the number of piles.
when reducing the piles number to quarter but under the load From the laboratory test program, it is recommended and
applied point. The ultimate capacity could be estimated by the confirmed to design the piled raft as a settlement reducer at
equations, a design value of S/B = 0.7%.
The piled raft load, PR, the piles load, P, and raft load, R,
Qu ¼ 0:0411N þ 0:85 for L=B ¼ 2:67 ð2Þ
are determined at S/B = 0.7% for all performed tests. As men-
Qu ¼ 0:038N þ 0:65 for L=B ¼ 1:33 ð3Þ tioned before charts are plotted and shown in Figs. 6a and 6b
Qu ¼ 0:03N þ 0:6 for L=B ¼ 0:67 ð4Þ showing the percentage of load carried by raft and that carried
by piles for S/B = 0.7%. It is worth mentioning that the sum
Generally the ultimate capacity attained by piled raft mod-
of the two percentages is less than 100% because the load car-
els tested in current investigation can be expressed by the fol- ried by piled raft is bigger than or equal to both loads carried
lowing equation: by raft and piles, Fig. 5. It can be seen that:
Qu ¼ 0:036N þ 0:7 for 0:67 6 L=B 6 2:67 ð5Þ
PR  P þ R at S=B ¼ 0:7% ð6Þ
Piled raft system 555

Load, kN
Load, kN Load, kN
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5

Settlement, mm

Settlement, mm
Settlement, mm

-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-3 -3
-3.5 -3.5
-4 -4
-4.5 R R -4.5 R
P,in400/out0.0 -5 P,in400/out100 P,in400/out200
-5 PR,in400/out0 PR,in400/out100 -5 PR,in400/out200

Figure 10 Load–displacement relationships for piled raft, inner piles 400 mm, outer variable.

1.6 the pile load up to 10% but it can be used for saving time
1.4 and simplicity, Ryltnius (2011) and [2]. This study is aimed
at verifying the laboratory model test results, and analyzing
the parameters that cannot be investigated by laboratory
Qu, kN

In reality, the analysis of axially loaded piled raft represents
0.6 L/B=.67 a three dimensional problem. Since the loading and geometry
0.4 are symmetrical, symmetric approaches permit to reduce it to
0.2 two dimensions as presented by Prakoso et al. [21]. Therefore,
0 modeling of a piled raft foundation as a plane strain model in
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 PLAXIS 2D version 8.2 is carried out. The piled raft founda-
Number of piles tion was analyzed by the use of linear elastic and nonlinear
plane strain finite element models which involved the analysis
Figure 11 Piles number effect.
of a three dimensional piled raft as a two dimension strip pilled
raft. A six nodded triangular element was used to model the
pilled raft and the soil. The rows of piles were simplified into
strips. The in plane row of piles has to be simplified into a
1.4 plane strain pile with an equivalent pile modulus of deforma-
1.2 tion in terms of the number of piles in the row considering
the dimension of the pile and dimension of the raft.
The numerical model for the problems under consideration
Qu, kN

0.8 is shown in Fig. 13 which, presents the different element used

0.6 16 piles to simulate the practical problems. The geometry of the finite
8 piles element model investigated for this analysis was adopted to
4 piles have the same dimensions of the experimental model. The clus-
0.2 ter model is 750 mm  600 mm. The displacements are pre-
0 scribed to zero in both x- and y-directions in the bottom and
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 in x-direction at the sides. The cluster embracing the piled raft
L/B was introduced to prepare for a simple mesh optimization, by
using the ‘‘refine cluster” option during mesh generation.
Figure 12 Length ration L/B versus piled raft ultimate load. Three different elements are present in the model: 6-node ele-
ment for the soil clusters, plate/beam element for the raft
and the piles, and interface element for the interaction between
5. Numerical modeling the soil and the structural elements. The material properties
used in the finite element analysis for problem statement are
Although a three dimensional analysis should be implemented listed in Table 2.
yet a two-dimensional finite element analysis is adopted know- The interface strength Rinter for real soil structure interac-
ing it is over estimating the system settlement up to 30% and tion is less than 1. The value of the interface strength Rinter
556 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

Plane strain pile plane strain mod el

Lr S pile

Load A Ra

Model piles and

interface element

Refined cluster

Soil Model as the same

dimension of model test

Figure 13 Plane strain model of piled rafts and finite element adopted models.

piles are simplified as wall elements, called plane strain piles.

Table 2 The material parameters used in the finite element The axial stiffness of the pile reinforcement technique is evalu-
analysis. ated as equivalent plate where, a raw of piles is represented by
Parameter Sand Footing Piles an equivalent plate considering a plane strain condition. Their
Type of material behavior Mohr Elastic Elastic
equivalent properties are calculated on the basis of the
coulomb following assumption: Normal stiffness of plane strain pile,
Young’s modulus (kN/m2) 5000 21  107 21  107 Eps Apseq = n(Epile Apile)/Lr where n is the number of piles in
Cohesion 0.0 – – raw related to pile spacing, and Lr is the out of plane
Poisson’s ratio 0.30 0.25 0.25 raft length (Fig. 13). Analogously, the bending stiffness
Friction angle (/) 35° – – of piles in plane strain is inputted as Eps Ipseq = n(Epile Ipile)/
Angle of dilatancy 5° – – Lr [21].
Saturated unit weight (kN/m3) 19.5 – –
Unsaturated unit weight (kN/m3) 18 – –
Axial stiffness EA (kN/m) – 472,500 Eps Apseq 5.1. Validation of the model test results
Bending stiffness EI, for footing – 0.132 Eps Ipseq
beam element (kN m2/m) An important aspect of creating models using numerical soft-
ware is to be able to validate that the model is acting as antic-
ipated. In order to verify that the soil model created in
was taken 0.67 for sand steel interfaces. The normal stiffness PLAXIS is able to express the actual behavior of the in model
for the plane strain piles was calculated using the ‘‘smeared” test, it is possible to simulate different kinds of model tests in
parameters from the following plane strain FEM-model for PLAXIS. Model test results from real laboratory tests can be
piled rafts. The main problem when modeling a piled raft with compared with the results from simulated tests in PLAXIS
a plane strain model is the transition from three to two dimen- and thus show whether the model corresponds to the real case
sions, i.e. to express a three dimensional problem in a two in a realistic way. Based on the comparison, the input param-
dimensional model. To do this the ‘‘out off” plane rows of eters could be calibrated to find the optimal input values.
Piled raft system 557

Load, kN to right and left direction along each side of raft. The maxi-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 mum extreme horizontal displacement under the un-pilled raft
is found to be 5.5 mm (Dr = 65%), while this values are
8.94  103 and 78.7  106 mm for piled raft and free piled
-1 raft correspondingly. It can be concluded that the pilled raft
has higher horizontal displacement compared with un-pilled
-2 raft system because of the direct contact between the pilled raft
and the soil. As a result the amount of foundation loads is
transferred to subgrade soil at foundation level producing
Displacement, mm

the horizontal deformation. On contrary for the free piled raft

there is no contact between the raft and soil. So, the loads are
-4 transferred directly to the deep layer through the supported
piles and as a result the horizontal displacement is limited. It
-5 can be also confirmed by regarding the horizontal displace-
ment vectors in free case that were concentrated at the toe of
R Exprimental the piles. The horizontal displacement vectors for the piled raft
-6 R FEM were concentrated form the middle depth of piles to great
16 piles, L=100mm, PR
FEM for L = 100mm depth below the pile toe within distance around third pile
-7 16 piles, L=400mm, PR length (L/3). In addition to, the extracted maximum vertical
FEM for L = 400mm settlement of the piled raft is found to be 1 mm (Dr = 65%,
16 piles and L = 400 mm). It can be concluded that the neutral
plane principle is achieved and implemented as stated by Fel-
Figure 14 Comparison of experimental versus numerical results lenius [8] compared with free standing piled raft due to signif-
for raft and pilled raft system. icant raft confining stress that increases the pile–raft
interaction. It can be distinctly observed by the elimination
of the relative movement between the soil and piles. This also
Due to space limitation, only some of load displacement attributed to construction of equivalent footing placed at the
curves are present. Thus a series of numerical model tests were location of the neutral plane.
carried out for the raft only and piled raft system at different For more confirmation of pile–raft–soil interaction,
pile depth of 100 and 400 mm in case of 4  4 piles alignment. Fig. 15c shows the induced plastic points for the studied three
The necessary reference data for the purpose of comparison cases. First, for the normal raft, it has been found that the
are provided as shown in Fig. 14. As illustrated in the relevant plastic points and tension cutoff were observed at the top sur-
figure, there is no observed peak load in the results. It is evi- face below the raft, while in the piled raft these points were
dent that the numerical analysis gives acceptable results and founded at both the contact surface and along the pile length
can be used to predict the pilled raft behavior. It is also noticed toward the piles toe. In addition, the distribution of such
that the numerical analysis (model scale) are in a close agree- points referred to significant interaction between the piled raft
ment with the results from experimental tests. The difference and soil. Finally, in the free piled raft there is no tension cutoff
for the experimental results and numerical analysis varies from considered at the top but it is densely founded at toe of piles.
5% to 11%. It can be seen that when the vertical displacement This again confirmed that the major foundation loads were
(S/B < 0.7%) the predicted load from the numerical analysis transferred to deep layer by end bearing besides the friction
is approximately similar to that predicted by the experimental resistance.
model results and has the same trend. On the contrary, at ver- The extreme mean stress shading is given in Fig. 15d, and it
tical displacement (S/B > 0.7%) the difference between the also showed that the maximum induced mean stress is
predicted loads from numerical and experimental tests obtained at the toe of pile in pilled raft and mentioned by yel-
increases significantly to be around 11%. The difference low legend and equal to 5.6 kPa. This shading also confirmed
between model test results and the finite element analysis is the interaction induced at the toe of piled raft (group action) to
due to the plane strain model approximation in current model. form a one unit embedded foundation. It has been found that
the stress shading which has a major stress was concentrated at
5.2. Deformation characteristics the bottom of the piles. The load transfer mechanism is started
from the lower third of pile length as distinctly presented.
The deformed mesh is illustrated in Fig. 15a for three studied These findings agree with El-Mossallamy et al. [7]. The system
cases raft, pilled raft and free piled raft for piles with length behaves as if embedded block like equivalent pier one unit as
400 mm in 4  4 alignment. It is noticed that the deformation confirmed by Horikoshi and Randolph [11].
behavior of raft is totally different from both piles group and Moreover, the value of mean stress is decreased in free piled
piled raft. The existence of piles can modify the subgrade raft which was found to be 3.8 kPa as mentioned by the yellow
deformation and prevent the heave which was observed along legend. The difference between the mean stress value of pilled
each side of un-pilled raft. The pilled system has a considerable raft and free case is around (5.6–3.8 = 1.80 kPa). This value is
effect in decreasing and controlling the horizontal deformation considered the maximum mean stress for the raft only as
of subgrade particles as shown in Fig. 15b. For un-piled raft, obtained from the shading in Fig. 15d by yellow legend value.
the maximum horizontal displacement vectors were mainly This can be justified by the efficiency of pilled raft in increasing
located at the top surface directly below the raft and dissipated the foundation load capacity and controlling the settlement.
558 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

- Raft only - Piled raft - Free Piled raft

Figure 15a The deformed finite element mesh (Dr = 65%, L = 400 mm).

- Raft only - Piled raft - Free Piled raft

Figure 15b The horizontal displacement vectors (Dr = 65%, L = 400 mm).

- Raft only - Piled raft - Free Piled raft

Figure 15c The plastic points and tension cutoff (Dr = 65%, L = 400 mm).

5.3. Parametric study – pilled raft foundation A series of numerical analysis were done for piled-raft with
4  4 piles at different both L/D ratio and pile soil stiffness
The purpose of this parametric study is to give a spot about the ratio in case of pile spacing ratio S/D = 3. The pile slenderness
different parameters that cannot be investigated in the ratio L/D was chosen as mentioned in experimental model.
libratory as pile soil stiffness and piles spacing. The study The results of the analysis are shown in Fig. 16a and b to
has been limited to piled raft with varying pile soil stiffness explain the effect of varying the pile soil stiffness (relative den-
ratio (Ep/Es = 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000) and piles spacing sity) in both vertical settlement and percentage of load carried
ratio (S/D = 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8). by the piles. Fig. 16a shows that, as expected, an increase in the
Piled raft system 559

- Raft only - Piled raft - Free Piled raft

Figure 15d The shading of the mean stress (Dr = 65%, L = 400 mm).

L/D = 8.33
Vertical settelment, mm

4 L/D = 16.66
L/D = 33.33

Percentage load carreid by piles %

4x4 piles
Spacing = 3D
pilled raft 60
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Pile soil stifness ratio (Ep/Es) 40

120 L/D = 33.33

L/D = 16.66
Percentage of load carreid

100 4x4 piles L/D = 8.33

Spacing = 3D
(b) Ep/Es =1000
80 Pilled raft
by the piles

0 2 4 6 8 10
pile spacing ratio S/D
L/D = 33.33 Figure 17 Effect of pile–soil stiffness ratio on load carried by
20 L/D = 16.66 piles.
L/D = 8.33
10 100 1000 10000
Pile soil stifness ratio (Ep/Es)
stiffness ratio exceeds 1000 in case of L/D > 16.66. It can be
Figure 16 Effect of pile–soil stiffness ratio on: a – vertical concluded that for higher stiffness ratio and at
settlement and b – load carried by piles. (L/D = 30.33) the piled–soil interaction took place. This again
confirmed the system behaves as if embedded mass similar to
equivalent pier as confirmed by finite element output in
Fig. 15 and agrees with explanation by Horikoshi and Ran-
pile–soil stiffness ratio (Ep/Es) leads to a reduction in the ver- dolph [11].
tical displacement of the piled raft with upon increase in piles The effect of pile spacing ratio on the percentage load car-
length. However, when the pile–soil stiffness ratio is lower, the ried by the piles is shown in Fig. 17. Increase in pile spacing
vertical displacement increases fairly rapidly with minimum ratio can also lead to significant reduction of the load carried
pile–soil stiffness ratio. It is noticed that when the pile–soil by the piles. As the pile spacing becomes larger so does the pile
stiffness ratio is in excess of 1000, the vertical settlement of capacity is decreased. Keeping the pile spacing ratio S/D = 4 a
the piled raft is sharply decreased and can be partially to sharp decrease in the load carried by the pile is pronounced for
totally eliminate with upon increase in L/D ratio. different L/D ratio. The best improvement in load carried by
It is also of interest to see whether the piles carry most of the piles was obtained when the piles were installed within
the load, or whether the raft carries the load for the piled raft S/D ratio less than 3.
considered in this study. The results of the analyses are pre-
sented in Fig. 16b which shows that the percentage of the load
6. Conclusions
carried by the piles increases as the pile–soil stiffness ratio
increases (for the range of ratios considered) while the vertical
load carried by the piles stops increasing when the pile–soil Based on the current study, it could be concluded that:
560 A.Z. Elwakil, W.R. Azzam

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