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Turck Sensores

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Sense it! Connect it! Bus it! Solve it!

Sensor technology

Sensor technology Complete Catalog

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 1

The company

The company
The comp
The company
The company

TURCK is one of the leading manufactur- efficient solutions for factory and process
ers in industrial automation. With more automation. With our state-of-the-art
than 3.200 employees in 27 countries as production facilities in Germany, Switzer-
well as sales partners in further 60 states, land, the USA, Mexico and China we, as a
we are always close to you. As a special- family-owned company, are able to react
ist in sensor, fieldbus, connection and in- quickly and flexibly to the demands of
terface technology and also human-ma- local markets.
chine interfaces (HMI) and RFID, we offer

The product portfolio

Whether applied in machine and plant chase, storage, installation and opera-
construction, in the sectors of automo- tional safety. We provide you with
tive, transport and handling, food and optimal solutions for your automation
beverage or in the chemical or pharma- lines. This is possible thanks to the indus-
ceutical industry, TURCK automation so- try-specific knowledge we have acquired
lutions and products increase the availa- in close co-operation with our customers
bility and efficiency of your systems. But and through electronics development
this is not all! Through efficient standard- and production on the highest level.
ization you also lower your costs for pur-

2 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
The company

Our service

With nearly 50 years of experience and efficiency and productivity of your pro-
extensive know-how, we support you in duction processes and machines. The ex-
each phase of the project, from a first cellent quality of our products combined
analysis up to tailor-made solutions and with the support of our specialists and
commissioning of your application. Our fast delivery service guarantees you high
priority is, to continuously enhance the system availability.

The product data base

Whether software tools for program- week, at any place worldwide and in
ming, configuration or commissioning nine different languages. You have ac-
support, our data sheets or CAD data are cess to nearly all products and solutions
available in 80 export formats. Our web- clearly structured, completely docu-
site www.turck.com helps you to find mented and free for download.
products and solutions fast, seven days a

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 3

Table of contents

Table of contents
Table of c
Table of contents
Sensor technology The full range

The catalog features more than 3000 de- tails about product series and the most
vices for proximity, photoelectric, flow important features. If you are looking for
and position sensing. No matter the re- special application solutions, please refer
quirements on design, function or mate- to the sensors for special applications.
rial quality: TURCK offers first-class prod- Should you already know the type code
ucts and high-efficiency solutions. or the ID number of a sensor, please refer
For an overview over the full product to the type index on page 752. It guides
range and the different product areas, you to the desired product.
please see the table of contents. Each
chapter contains a table providing de-

General information Page 638

Wiring diagrams Page 658

Dimension drawings Page 670

Index of types Page 752

4 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Table of contents

uprox+ factor 1 sensors Page 6

contentsInductive sensors - Complete product range

Capacitive sensors

Magnetic field sensors

Page 42

Page 156

Page 190

Photoelectric sensors Page 210

Ultrasonic sensors Page 298

Flow sensors Page 324

Flow meters Page 368

Pressure sensors Page 388

Temperature sensors Page 438

Inclinometers Page 480

Linear position sensors Page 492

Inductive angle sensors Page 514

Encoders Page 522

Indicators and lights Page 538

Connecting and Mounting accessories Page 560

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6 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors


factor 1
uprox+ factor 1 sen
uprox+ factor 1 sensors

uprox+: The new generation of inductive sensors

The deployment of inductive sensors fac- Advantages for the user: Only a few
es complex and continuously growing uprox+ sensors are needed to cover a
demands of modern industrial automa- broad range of applications. Standardi-
tion. In order to meet these challenges, zation is thus guaranteed, purchase and
an end-to-end solution is required, rang- logistics are simplified and the variety of
ing from construction, purchase and sys- types as well as the costs are reduced to
tem engineering to operation and a manageable amount.
maintenance. The sensors are available as standard
With the development of the new versions in chrome-plated brass barrels
uprox+ factor 1 sensors, TURCK demon- or in stainless steel housings with LCP
strates impressively how to cut down on front cap and a special double lip seal for
process cost thanks to innovative sensor heavy use or sudden temperature
technology and how system availability changes. These are typical ambient con-
and performance can be improved. The ditions faced in cleaning processes of the
uprox+ sensors operate with new, non- food and tooling industry. The PTFE-
ferrous coils and circuit boards, offering coated brass versions offer extra protec-
completely new application possibilities tion against sparks and weld-splatter as
compared to conventional sensors with experienced in the automotive industry
ferrite core and wound coil. during car body welding.
All inductive sensors of the new uprox+ The sensors are incorporated in a rug-
generation operate with highest switch- ged, rectangular plastic housing, need-
ing distances, without reduction factor ing little space while offering high
(i.e. same operating distance on all met- switching distances. We also offer other
als), are weld resistant, feature an ex- rectangular designs with rotatable active
tended temperature range, excellent face.
EMC properties and are easily and flexi-
bly mounted.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 7

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Factor 1

The innovative uprox+ sensors set new and brass are detected at the same dis-
benchmarks in the field of metal detec- tance and with the highest precision.
tion. Thanks to the non-ferrous coil and Any application can therefore profit from
circuit-board the sensors operate with- the unique power spectrum of the
out reduction factor. Materials such as uprox+ sensors
iron, stainless steel, copper, aluminium

Highest switching distance

The new uprox+ sensors have the same inductive sensors with ferrite core. This
switching distance on all metals. Owing means, that the uprox+ sensors outclass
to their new patented coil technology, any standard sensor of the same size in
the switching distance is up to 250% terms of switching distance and other
higher than that of conventional features.

Non-flush mountable sensors are partly embeddable

The uprox+ rectangular sensors can be only cheaper but also quicker and easier.
mounted in many different ways. All The unique flexibility of non-flush
non-flush mountable uprox+ rectangu- mountable sensors is achieved through
lar types are 4-side embeddable with re- integrated pre-attenuation protection:
duced switching distance. Additional This allows the sensors to be mounted to
mechanical components and accessories the upper edge of the barrel.
are not needed, making installation not

8 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

ngths Your

factor 1
ur advantages

Recessed mounting of flush sensors

The new uprox+ sensors only require in with half a turn to protect them
small metal-free zones. No matter which against mechanical damage. This guar-
sensor type: Flush mounting requires no antees safe operation in all mounting
compromises. The sensors are screwed positions!

Excellent EMC properties and magnetic field resistance

uprox+ sensors fulfill the EN 6094752 strong magnetic fields, developing for
requirements and pass tests successfully instance during electrical welding pro-
according to EN 6100046 conducted cesses or near lifts and electrical
interferences. They are also immune to furnaces.

High tightness and resistance

A special double lip seal in the front cap the WD series are made of materials that
and at the connector insert prevent the are resistant to all common acid and al-
ingress of liquids even during high pres- kaline cleaning agents and disinfectants.
sure cleaning procedures. uprox+ sen- Any damage caused by aggressive
sors thus exceed the requirements of the cleansers is ruled out.
protection ratings IP68 and IP69K by far.
The threaded barrel and the front cap of

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 9

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Efficient standardization

One uprox+ sensor replaces many con- Low average prices because special
ventional sensor types. Purchase and lo- devices are not required
gistics as well as end-user service are Minimized training effort due to a lean
simplified. product line
The widest possible application range
is achieved with only a few sensor

Maximum planning freedom

uprox+ extends the performance spec- Great flexibility in machine planning,

trum of sensor technology and paves the less construction errors, elimination of
way for the development of new ma- unnecessary conflicts between me-
chines and systems: chanical and electrical construction
Many different solutions are possible Easy mounting
with only a few device types

Extremely service-friendly

uprox+ sensors can be mounted in ditions in recessed and partially em-

many ways and are easy to maintain. bedded mounting positions
Convenient adjustment thanks to Minimum maintenance and staff train-
highest switching distances ing due to a reduced variety of sensor
Maximum freedom for commissioning types
achieved through safe operating con-

10 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

ngths Your

factor 1
ur advantages

High system availability

uprox+ sensors minimize downtimes of excellent resistance of the materials

machines and systems: used against acid and alkaline clean-
Less mechanical damage through re- ing agents and disinfectants.
cessed mounting Short downtimes through high availa-
Protection against ingress of liquids bility of spare parts at lowest costs.
during cleaning processes
Prevention of downtimes due to the

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 11

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

Type code Type code

Type cod
B i 4 U M12 . A P 6 X H1 1 4 1 / L100

B i 4 U Functional principle M12 . Design A P 6 X Electrical version

Special functions Additional information Indication
U uprox or uprox+ E long-sized housing X LED
factor 1 sensors M medium-sized housing X number of LEDs or
S lateral active face multicolor LED
Rated operating distance
TC terminal chamber with
[mm] straight/angled cable Voltage range
outlet 4 1065 VDC,
Functional principle WD wash down applications 44 1055 VDC,
i inductive 6 1030 VDC,
Fitting CK40 rectangular, 40 x 40 mm Output mode
B flush CP40 flexible active face P PNP
N non-flush QV40
CP80 rectangular, 80 x 80 mm
D 2-wire DC,
EG threaded barrel, non-polarized
EM stainless steel,
in [mm]
Output function
EGT threaded barrel,
stainless steel, PTFE- A working current NO
coated, in [mm] R closed current NC
EH smooth barrel, stainless V changeover contact
steel, different diame-
K smooth barrel, plastic,
in [mm]
M threaded barrel,
chrome-plated brass,
in [mm]
MT threaded barrel, PTFE-
coated brass in [mm]
Q rectangular housing
QP rectangular, 20 x 8 x 32 mm

12 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors


factor 1
H1 1 4 1 Electrical
/ L100 Special versions
Assignment Features
1 standard assign- F2 offset oscillation frequency
ment or customized L80 device length 80 mm
L100 device length 100 mm
Number of contacts
XOR irradiated cable, resistant to
3 3 contacts weld splatter
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1
V1 connector M8 x 1 /
8 mm

Electrical connection:
x.x PSG 3 M Cable connection /
M rotatable nut
S fixed thread

Number of contacts

Connector type
PSG connector
M8 x 1, straight
RS connector
M12 x 1, straight

Cable length

M Cable connection
Cable connection
M cable length [m]

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 13

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

Designs and variants

Designs and varian
Rectangular Q8SE
8x 8x 40mm
Design an
Switching distance
4 mm,b
Electrical connection
2m cable
male, M8 x 1

Q08 Rectangular Q08 8 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 17

20x 8x 32mm male, 8 mm , NPN

QP08 Rectangular QP08 10 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 18

20x 8x 32mm 0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1 , NPN

Q10S Rectangular Q10S 5 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 18

16x 10.2x 27.8mm 0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1 , NPN

Q12 Rectangular Q12 5 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 19,

26x 12x 40mm male, M8 x 1 , NPN
male, M12 x 1

CK40 Rectangular CK40 30 mm,a male, M12 x 1 , PNP 21

40x 40x 65mm 20 mm,a , NPN
15 mm,a , 2-wire
50 mm,b , PNP
35 mm,b , NPN

QV40 Rectangular QV40 20 mm,a male, M12 x 1 , PNP 21

40x 40x 65mm 50 mm,b

CP40 Rectangular CP40 30 mm,a Terminal chamber , PNP 22

40x 40x 114mm 20 mm,a , NPN
50 mm,b , PNP

14 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors

nd variants

factor 1
Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
Q42 Rectangular Q42 50 mm,b male, M12 x 1 , PNP 22
42.5x 42.5x 68mm

Q80 Rectangular Q80 50 mm,a male, M12 x 1 , PNP 23

80x 40x 92mm 75 mm,b , NPN

K90 Rectangular K90SR 100 mm,b Terminal chamber , PNP 23

75x 60x 130mm male, M12 x 1 , NPN

EH6,5 Smooth barrel 6.5 mm 2 mm,a 2m Cable , PNP 25

6.5x 42mm 6 mm,b male, M8 x 1 , NPN
6.5x 49mm

EG08 Threaded barrel M8 x 1 2 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 25, 33

8x 42mm 6 mm,b male, M8 x 1 , NPN
8x 49mm male, M12 x 1 , PNP
8x 57mm

M12 Threaded barrel M12 x 1 4 mm,a Terminal chamber,Removable cage , 2-wire 26,
12x 52mm 10 mm,b clamp terminals , NPN 27,
12x 54mm 2 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 34, 39
12x 62mm 5 mm,b 0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1 , PNP
12x 64mm male, M12 x 1 , PNP
12x 80mm , NPN
12x 100mm
M18 Threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 27,
18x 52mm 8 mm,a clamp terminals , NPN 28,
18x 54mm 10 mm,b 2m cable , 2-wire 34,
18x 61.5mm 15 mm,b male, M12 x 1 , PNP 35, 39
18x 64mm 0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1 , PNP
18x 72mm , NPN
18x 81mm

M30 Threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a 2m cable , 2-wire 29,

30x 62mm 30 mm,b male, M12 x 1 , NPN 30,
30x 64mm 15 mm,b 0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 35,
30x 66mm 15 mm,a Terminal chamber,Removable cage , NPN 36, 40
30x 95mm clamp terminals , PNP

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 15

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Rectangular designs

uprox+ compact rectangular design

The uprox+ rectangular types can be Features

moutned in many ways and in many ap-
plications. All non-flush rectangular Partially embeddable non-flush rec-
uprox+ sensors are 4-side embeddable tangular sensors
with reduced switching distance. Thus Highest switching distance
additional mechanical components and Factor 1 for all metals
accessories are not required. As a result, Excellent EMC properties and magnet-
installation is cost-effective, quicker and ic field resistance

Designs Electrical version
From the small space-saving 3/4-wire NO/NC contact as

Q8SE to the standardized well as antivalent output,
Q12 version  PNP and NPN

Switching distances Electrical connections

High switching distances be- Connection cable 2m, males
tween 4 and 12 mm on all M12 x 1, M8 x 1 or 8 mm
metals as well as M8 pigtail

Materials Special features

Rugged and chemical resist- High protection class IP68
ant plastic and metal Side-by-side, space-saving
housings installation

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

16 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Rectangular designs

General data

Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching distance

factor 1
Housing material PP Operating current [mA] 150,
Ambient temperature -30+85C Dimensions 8x 8x 40mm

Lateral active face

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Outputv
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X 2m cable , PNP w001 d001
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP w002 d002
NI4U-Q8SE-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP w003 d002
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 8mm,a Housing material GD-Zn
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2 2m cable w001 d003
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 male, 8 mm w002 d004
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 640 Dimension drawing on page 652 Accessories on page Seite 561

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 17

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Rectangular designs

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 10mm,b Housing material PP
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
NI10U-QP08-AP6X2 2m cable w001 d005
NI10U-QP08-AP6X2-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w002 d006
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 5mm,b Housing material PP
Operating current [mA] 150, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 16x 10.2x 27.8mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
NI5U-Q10S-AP6X 2m cable w001 d007
NI5U-Q10S-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w002 d008
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

18 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Rectangular designs

General data

Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP

factor 1
Switching distance 5mm,a Housing material PA
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 26x 12x 40mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2 2m cable w001 d009
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 w002 d010
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-V1131/F2 male,M8 x 1 w002 d010
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w002 d011
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 19

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Large rectangular design

uprox+ large rectangular design

The uprox+ rectangular types offer Features

highest flexibility in terms of installation,
thus providing completely new applica- Highest switching distance
tion possibilities. All non-flush rectangu- Factor 1 for all metals
lar uprox+ sensors are 4-side embedda- Excellent EMC properties and magnet-
ble with reduced switching distance. ic field resistance
Additional mechanical components and Non-flush rectangular sensors are par-
accessories are not required. As a result, tially embeddable
installation is cost-effective, quicker and

Designs Electrical versions
From the variable 40 x 40 3/4-wire NO/NC contact as

mm standard CK 40 to the well as antivalent output,
large 90 mm K90SR  PNP and NPN

Switching distances Electrical connections

Large switching distances 2 m connection cable or
between 20 mm and male M12 x 1
max.100 mm on all metals

Materials Special features

Rugged plastic housing for Protection class IP68; high
harsh and uncompromising luminance corner LEDs; vari-
application conditions able orientation of active
face in 5 directions

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Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

20 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Large rectangular design

General data

Connection male,M12 x 1 Housing material PBT

factor 1
Dimensions 40x 40x 65mm

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance Operating current Ambient temperature
BI30U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,a 200, -10+60C w002 d012
BI20U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,a 200, -30+85C w002 d013
BI15U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 1065VDC , 2-wire 15mm,a 100, -25+70C w004 d013
NI50U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,b 200, -30+85C w002 d012
NI50U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,b 200, -30+85C w005 d012
NI35U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 1065VDC , 2-wire 35mm,b 100, -25+70C w004 d012
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PBT
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 40x 40x 65mm

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Switching distance
BI20U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 20mm,a w002 d014
NI50U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 50mm,b w002 d014

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 21

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Large rectangular design

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Housing material PBT
Operating current [mA] 200, Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance Ambient temperature
BI30U-CP40-AP6X2 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,a -10+60C w006 d015
BI20U-CP40-AP6X2 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,a -30+85C w006 d015
NI50U-CP40-AP6X2 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,b -30+85C w006 d015
NI50U-CP40-VP4X2 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,b -30+85C w007 d015
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 50mm,b
Housing material PA Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -40+100C Dimensions 42.5x 42.5x 68mm

Types and data selection table

NI50U-Q42FWD-VP6X-H1141 w005 d016
NI50U-Q42TWD-VP6X-H1141 w005 d017

22 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Large rectangular design

General data

Connection male,M12 x 1 Housing material PBT

factor 1
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 80x 40x 92mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI50U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,a w002 d018
BI50U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,a w005 d018
NI75U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1030VDC , PNP 75mm,b w002 d018
NI75U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 1065VDC , PNP 75mm,b w005 d018
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 100mm,b Housing material PBT
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 75x 60x 130mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber w007 d019
NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w005 d020
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 23

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

uprox+ cylindrical designs

All sensors of the uprox+ series owe Features

many new features to their new multi-
coil system, providing them with distinct Recessed mounting of flush sensors
advantages over conventional inductive Non-flush mountable sensors can be
sensors. The 6.5 mm, M8 x 1, M12 x 1, embedded to the upper edge of the
M18 x 1 and M30 x 1.5 standard types barrel
are available as chrome-plated versions Excellent EMC properties and magnet-
(M12, M18, M30 x 1.5) or as stainless ic field resistance
steel versions (EH6.5, EG08, EM12, EM18 Highest switching distance
and EM30) and excel in maximum oper- Factor 1 for all metals
ating distances, no reduction factors,
high magnetic-field immunity, excellent
EMC properties and versatile mounting

Designs Electrical versions
From the small 6.5 mm 3/4-wire NO/NC contact as

smooth barrel to the large well as antivalent output,
threaded barrel version  PNP and NPN
M30 x 1.5

Switching distances Electrical connections

From 2 mm flush to 30 mm 2 m connection cable, male
non-flush, on all metals M12 x 1 or M8x1

Materials Special features

Threaded barrels available Protection class IP68; differ-
as nickel-plated brass or ent thread sizes for individu-
stainless steel versions al requirements

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

24 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

General data

Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP

factor 1
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Operating current [mA] 150,

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Ambient temperature Dimensions
BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable 2mm,a -30+85C 6.5x 42mm w001 d021
BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 2mm,a -30+85C 6.5x 49mm w002 d022
NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable 6mm,b -25+70C 6.5x 42mm w001 d023
NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 6mm,b -25+70C 6.5x 49mm w002 d024
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material V4A (1.4404)
Operating current [mA] 150,

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Ambient temperature Dimensions
BI2U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a -30+85C 8x 42mm w001 d025
BI2U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a -30+85C 8x 49mm w002 d026
BI2U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a -30+85C 8x 49mm w003 d026
BI2U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a -30+85C 8x 57mm w002 d027
BI2U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a -30+85C 8x 57mm w008 d027
NI6U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 6mm,b -25+70C 8x 42mm w001 d028
NI6U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b -25+70C 8x 49mm w002 d029
NI6U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b -25+70C 8x 49mm w003 d029
NI6U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b -25+70C 8x 57mm w002 d030
NI6U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b -25+70C 8x 57mm w008 d030
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 25

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

M12 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature 0+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI2U-M12E-AD4X 2m cable 2mm,a 12x 64mm w009 d031
BI2U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a 12x 62mm w004 d032
NI5U-M12E-AD4X 2m cable 5mm,b 12x 64mm w009 d033
NI5U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,b 12x 62mm w004 d034

M12 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material CuZn-Cr
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,a 12x 54mm w001 d035
BI4U-M12-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a 12x 52mm w002 d036
BI4U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a 12x 52mm w002 d037
Bi4U-M12-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a 12x 52mm w008 d037
NI10U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,b 12x 54mm w001 d038
NI10U-M12-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b 12x 52mm w002 d039
NI10U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b 12x 52mm w002 d040
NI10U-M12-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b 12x 52mm w008 d040
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

26 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

M12 4-wire DC
General data

Operating voltage 1055VDC Output , PNP

factor 1
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-M12E-VP44X 2m cable 4mm,a 12x 64mm w010 d031
BI4U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 62mm w011 d032
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L80 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 80mm w011 d041
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L100 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 100mm w011 d042
NI10U-M12E-VP44X 2m cable 10mm,b 12x 64mm w010 d033
NI10U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 12x 62mm w011 d034
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M18 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI5U-M18M-AD4X 2m cable 5mm,a 18x 64mm w009 d043
BI5U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a 18x 61.5mm w004 d044
NI10U-M18M-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,b 18x 64mm w009 d045
NI10U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 18x 61.5mm w004 d046

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 27

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

M18 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI8U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w001 d047
BI8U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 52mm w002 d048
BI8U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w002 d048
BI8U-M18E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 72mm w002 d049
BI8U-M18-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w008 d048
NI15U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w001 d050
NI15U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 52mm w002 d051
NI15U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w002 d051
NI15U-M18-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w008 d051
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M18 4-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1055VDC Output , PNP
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-M18M-VP44X 2m cable 8mm,a 18x 64mm w010 d043
BI8U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8mm,a 18x 61.5mm w011 d044
NI15U-M18M-VP44X 2m cable 15mm,b 18x 64mm w010 d045
NI15U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b 18x 61.5mm w011 d046
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

28 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

M30 2-wire DC
General data

Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire

factor 1
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI10U-M30-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,a 30x 64mm w009 d052
BI10U-M30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a 30x 62mm w004 d053
NI15U-M30-AD4X 2m cable 15mm,b 30x 64mm w009 d054
NI15U-M30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b 30x 62mm w004 d055

M30 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI15U-M30-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w001 d052
BI15U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w002 d053
BI15U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w002 d053
NI30U-M30-AP6X 2m cable 30mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w001 d054
NI30U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w002 d055
NI30U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w002 d055
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 29

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

M30 4-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1055VDC Output , PNP
Housing material CuZn-Cr Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -30+85C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-M30-VP44X 2m cable 15mm,a 30x 64mm w010 d052
BI15U-M30-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a 30x 62mm w011 d053
NI30U-M30-VP44X 2m cable 30mm,b 30x 64mm w010 d054
NI30U-M30-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b 30x 62mm w011 d055
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

30 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
Cylindrical designs

factor 1

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

uprox+ PTFE-coated sensors for the automotive industry

Harsh production environments of the Features

automotive industry require uprox+
sensors in PTFE-coated threaded barrels. PTFE coating
The PTFE coating protects efficiently High magnetic field immunity
against weld splatter and drill cuttings. Excellent EMC properties
The non-ferrous coil system make the Factor 1 for all metals
sensors resistant to strong magnetic Highest switching distance

Designs Electrical version
Threaded barrel versions 2/3-wire NO contact, PNP

M8 x 1, M12 x 1, M18 x 1 and and NPN
M30 x 1.5 

Switching distances Electrical connections

From 2 mm flush to 30 mm Male M12 x 1, or cable with
non-flush, on all metals male end M12 x 1

Materials Special features

TF80i coating protects Protection class IP68; ap-
against weld splatter or drill proved for almost all auto-
cuttings motive plants

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

32 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

General data

Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC

factor 1
Output , PNP Housing material V2A (1.4301)-T
Operating current [mA] 150, Dimensions 8x 57mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Ambient temperature
BI2U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 2mm,a -30+85C w002 d027
NI6U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 6mm,b -25+70C w002 d056

M12 2-wire DC
General data
Connection 0.3m Cable with con- Operating voltage 1065VDC
nector,M12 x 1
Output , 2-wire Switching distance 2mm,a
Housing material CuZn-T Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature 0+70C Dimensions 12x 64mm

Types and data selection table

BI2U-MT12E-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR w004 d057

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

M12 3-wire DC
General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-T
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 12x 52mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI4U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 4mm,a w002 d058
NI10U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 10mm,b w002 d059
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M18 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire
Housing material CuZn-T Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI5U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a 18x 61.5mm w004 d044
BI5U-MT18M-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 5mm,a 18x 64mm w004 d060
NI10U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 18x 61.5mm w004 d061

34 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

M18 3-wire DC
General data

Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC

factor 1
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-T
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 18x 52mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI8U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 8mm,a w002 d062
NI15U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 15mm,b w002 d063
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M30 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire
Housing material CuZn-T Operating current [mA] 100,
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI10U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a 30x 62mm w004 d064
BI10U-MT30-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 10mm,a 30x 64mm w004 d065
NI15U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b 30x 62mm w004 d066

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 35

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

M30 3-wire DC
General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-T
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -30+85C
Dimensions 30x 62mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI15U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 15mm,a w002 d064
NI30U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 30mm,b w002 d066
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

36 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the automotive industry

factor 1

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the food industry

uprox+ For the food industry

The uprox+ sensors for the food indus- Features

try feature a rugged V4A stainless steel
housing with laser-engraved type label High tightness and resistance
and resist temperatures of 40 C to Factor 1, all metals
+100 C easily. A special double lip seal Rugged stainless steel housing
prevents the ingress of liquids. The ma- High protection classes IP68 and IP69K
terials used are resistant to detergents Highest switching distance
and disinfectants. The fluid-tight hous-
ing and the excellent EMC properties of
the electronics ensure failsafe operation
in harsh industrial production

Designs Electrical versions
Threaded barrel M12 x 1, 3-wire NO contact, PNP and

M18 x 1 and M30 x 1.5 NPN

Switching distances Electrical connections

From 4 mm flush to 30 mm 2 m cable, male M12 x 1 or
non-flush, on all metals terminal chamber

Materials Special features

Rugged V4A stainless steel High protection classes IP68
housing, Chemical-resistant and IP69K, laser-engraved
LCP front cap, sealed PP type code; Ecolab certificate
connector insert

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

38 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the food industry

General data

Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP

factor 1
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -40+100C

Pressure-resistant up to 20 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 4mm,a 12x 80mm w006 d067
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 4mm,a 12x 52mm w001 d068
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 52mm w002 d037
NI10U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 10mm,b 12x 80mm w006 d069
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 10mm,b 12x 52mm w001 d070
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 12x 52mm w002 d071
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -40+100C

Pressure-resistant up to 15 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 8mm,a 18x 81mm w006 d072
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 8mm,a 18x 52mm w001 d073
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1,M12 push-pull compatible 8mm,a 18x 52mm w002 d048
NI15U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 15mm,b 18x 81mm w006 d074
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,b 18x 52mm w001 d075
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1,M12 push-pull compatible 15mm,b 18x 52mm w002 d076
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 39

uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the food industry

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -40+100C

Pressure-resistant up to 10 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 15mm,a 30x 95mm w006 d077
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,a 30x 66mm w001 d078
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a 30x 62mm w002 d053
NI30U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage clamp terminals 30mm,b 30x 95mm w006 d079
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 30mm,b 30x 66mm w001 d080
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b 30x 62mm w002 d081

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

40 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
uprox+ inductive factor 1 sensors
For the food industry

factor 1

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range

42 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

Complete product ra
Inductive sensors

Inductive Sensors The full range

Inductive sensors are designed for con- plications, we provide them in diverse
tactless and wear-free detection of metal material qualities. We offer of course all
targets. They are extremely resistant to standard connection technologies and
environmental influences, very reliable, electrical output types.
feature high switching frequencies and Special applications often require special
are durable. sensors. Most requirements are fulfilled
There are as many application possibili- as a standard by uprox+ sensors, such as
ties as sensor types: The sensors detect Factor 1, magnetic field immunity, pro-
motion states at machines, open/close tection rating IP68/IP69K and many
position of grippers and pincers or are more. You find the sensors with func-
applied for parts inspection. tional descriptions for all applications in
The entire program of inductive sensors the TURCK product portfolio:
comprises factor 1 sensors uprox and Ring sensors
uprox+ as well as versions with conven- Slot sensors
tional ferrite core technology. Nearly all Dual sensors for valve control
types are flush as well as non-flush Analog inductive sensors
mountable. Moreover, the product port- Inductive sensors for underwater
folio offers very flexible non-flush applications
mountable sensors for recessed or flush Pressure-resistant inductive sensors
mounting. Selective inductive sensors
Only extremely resistant housing materi- and many more
als are used. In order to comply with en-
vironmental conditions of individual ap-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 43

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Wear-free operation

Inductive proximity switches are de- rents are induced in the metal target.
signed for wear-free and contactless de- They withdraw energy from the field
tection of metal objects. For this purpose which in turn leads to a decrease of the
they use a high-frequency electromag- oscillating amplitude. The decrease is de-
netic AC field that interacts with the tar- tected and analysed by the inductive
get. Conventional inductive sensors gen- sensor. For more details on inductive
erate the AC field via an LC resonant sensors see chapter uprox+ inductive
circuit with a ferrite core coil. Eddy cur- factor 1 sensors

Extensive product range

TURCK customers can choose from a mountable. The product portfolio also
broad range of standard products. The includes very flexible non-flush mounta-
entire range of sensors and accessories ble sensors that can also be partially or
holds the perfect solution for your indi- even fully installed. The devices are avail-
vidual application and meets increasing able as standard products ex stock.
requirements in the long term. Nearly all
types are flush as well as non-flush

Inductive sensors for special applications

Special applications often require special TURCK product portfolio: Ring, slot, dual
sensors. Most requirements are fulfilled sensors for valve control, sensors with
as a standard by uprox+ sensors, such as analog output, with extended tempera-
Factor 1, magnetic field immunity, pro- ture range, for underwater use, pressure
tection classes IP68/IP69K and many resistant inductive sensors and sensors
more. You find the sensors and function- with selective properties.
al descriptions for all applications in the

44 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

ngths Your
ur advantages

Many different designs

Many designs are available and each is PG36 threaded barrels as well as 3 mm
optimally adjusted to different applica- to 40 mm smooth barrels. Nearly all
tion conditions. From the compact rec- types are flush as well as non-flush
tangular version 5 x 5 x 25 mm to the mountable. The product portfolio also
90 x 130 x 60 mm version with extremely includes very flexible non-flush mounta-
large switching distance. Also available ble sensors that can also be partially or
are sensor sizes ranging from M4 to even fully installed.

Application compliant housing materials

Only extremely resistant housing materi- PA, PP, PBT or ABS, brass (threaded bar-
als are used. In order to comply with the rel), chrome-plated or PTFE-coated,
ambient conditions of individual applica- stainless steel in different qualities up to
tions, our sensors are incorporated in dif- high-quality V4A, 1.4404.
ferent housing materials: Plastic versions

Many different output and connection possibilities

We offer all connection types available cable outlet. All standard electrical ver-
on the market: 8 mm, M8, M12, 1/2 sions are available: NAMUR, 2, 3 and
and 7/8 connectors, cables in different 4-wire DC, PNP/NPN output or 2-wire
lengths and sheath qualities (standard AC/DC. Also available are fieldbus
length 2 m) pigtail - i.e. short cable with capable dual sensors for DeviceNet or
male end M8 or M12, terminal chamber - ASinterface.
incl. the new innovative TC version with
removable terminal block and variable

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 45

Inductive sensors Complete product range

For speci
For special applicat
For special applications

Ring sensors

TURCK ring sensors with integrated elec- sensors of theTS12 series are an innova-
tronics are very compact and thus fit in tive replacement for various ring sensors.
many places. They are used in many dif- You only need one sensor type to oper-
ferent systems such as in assembly lines ate applications with different tube
or component feeding systems where diameters.
they detect small, fast moving metal Page 102
parts reliably and quickly. The uprox+

Slot sensors

The slot sensors are U-shaped and the detect laterally approaching targets re-
active face is located between the two gardless of their distance to the active
arms. If an object passes through the face.
slot, the sensor is actuated. Slot sensors Page 108

Dual sensors for rotary actuators

In the chemical, petro-chemical and food actuators reliably. They are easily mount-
industry, position control on rotary actu- ed and wired, thus making them a cost-
ators is of major importance. TURCK dual efficient solution for your systems.
sensors detect the end position of rotary Page 112

46 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range


Sensors with analog output

Inductive sensors with analog output ac- distance. TURCK analog sensors provide
complish simple control tasks. They pro- a linear output signal across the entire
vide a current, voltage or frequency sig- measuring range.
nal that is proportional to the targets Page 116

Extended temperature range

The product portfolio even includes sen- foundries, in drying furnaces of varnish-
sors for applications with ambient tem- ing stations or the glass industry for
peratures of -60 C or +250 C. These example.
TURCK sensors are typically used in deep Page 128
freezing systems, outdoors, in metal

Inductive sensors for underwater applications

TURCK offers sensors in fully pressure capsulated in the SG40/2 housing. In ad-
and seawater tight housings for subsea dition, they feature large switching
applications. They are made for continu- distances, are IP68 rated and are made
ous use under water. Mounted in plastic for water depths of up to 500 m. They are
M18 threaded barrels, they can even be mainly used in locks, weirs and offshore
used at water depths of up to 500 m. areas.
Also included in the TURCK product port- Page 146
folio are CP40 sensors. They are fully en-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 47

Inductive sensors Complete product range

For speci
For special applicat
For special applications

Pressure-resistant sensors

We offer application optimized, pressure high-pressure resistant sensors are incor-

resistant as well as high-pressure resist- porated in a stainless steel housing and
ant devices. The uprox+ Washdown sen- are ideally suited for hydraulic systems.
sors resist pressures up to 20 bar. They Special seals and additional outer seals
combined the unique uprox advantag- at the front as well as an O-ring enable
es in a single product, such as largest application in high pressure systems of
switching distance for example, factor 1 up to 500 bar.
and protection rating IP68/IP69K. The Page 148

Selective sensors

TURCKs sensor series NF, FE and NF/FE tween workpiece and tool or between
with distinctive function are particularly workpieces made of different materials
suited for applications in which ferritic and accomplish simple coding tasks.
metals have to be distinguished from
non-ferritic ones. They distinguish be- Page 152

48 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range



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Inductive sensors Complete product range

Type code
B i
Type code
Type cod
. 4 U M12 . A P 6 X H1 1 4 1 / L100

B i . 4 U Functional
principle M12 . Design A P 6 X Electrical version
Special functions Additional information Indication
FE selective behavi- D climate-proof X LED
our: ferrite only E long-sized housing X number of LEDs or
U uprox or K short-sized housing multicolor LED
uprox+ factor 1 Voltage range
M medium-sized housing
S lateral active face 3 10300 VDC /
NF selective behavi- 20250 VAC
our: non-ferrite SK terminal chamber,
angled cable outlet 4 1065 VDC,
SR, TC terminal chamber with 6 1030 VDC,
R ring sensor
straight/angled cable 7 1030 VDC
outlet (TTL compatibel)
Rated operating
distance WD wash down resistant 30 10300 VDC /
to aggressive cleaning 20250 VDC,
or slot width
ring diameter agents, Protection 31 10300 VDC /
[mm] class IP68/69K 20250 VAC,
max. 100 mA
Housing 41 1055 VDC
CA25 rectangular, 25 x 25 44 1055 VDC,
D high-pressure flexible active face
resistant 45 8.465 VDC, , load
CA40, rectangular, 40 x 40, dump and EMC protec-
CK40, flexible active face
Functional principle ted acc. to e1 approval
i inductive QV40 Output mode
CP80 rectangular, 80 x 80 D 2-wire DC, non-polarized
Fitting DSC, dual sensor for moni- G 2-wire DC, polarized
DSU toring of rotary actua-
B flush N NPN
tors height in mm
N non-flush P PNP
EG, EM threaded barrel, stain-
S slot sensor less steel, in [mm] Z, DZ 2-wire AC/DC
EGT, GT, threaded barrel, metal Output function
MT PTFE-coated, in [mm]
A working current NO
EH, H smooth barrel, metal,
in [mm] ASI AS-Interface connec-
GS threaded barrel, metal,
DA dynamic output,
lateral active face,
working current NO
in [mm]
Dnet DeviceNet
G, M threaded barrel, metal,
in [mm] F working current NO/
HS closed current NC,
smooth barrel, metal,
programmable via
lateral active face,
in [mm]
LF analog output
K smooth barrel, plastic,
or slot-shaped
LI analog output (current)
P, S threaded barrel, plastic
in [mm], housing LI-Exi analog output (current),
style 'S' also available intrinsically save
as ring sensor BI/NIR LIU, analog output
Q, QN, rectangular, height SIU (voltage and current)
QP in mm LU analog output (current)
TS tube sensor detection of R closed current NC
small parts, height in mm Y0, Y1 output acc. to
W ring sensor, height in mm EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)
V changeover contact

50 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range


H1 1 4 1 Electrical
/ L100 Special versions
Assignment Features
1 standard assign- 3G approval ATEX II 3 G
ment or customized 3D approval ATEX II 3 D
3GD approval ATEX II 3 G
Number of contacts and II 3 D
contacts L100 device length 100 mm
L80 device length 80 mm
Connector type S34 magnetic-field resistant
1 straight S97 extended temperature
3 straight, with adapter range: -40 C
S100 extended temperature
Connector type range: +100 C
B1 connector type 7/8 S120 extended temperature
range: +120 C
B3 connector type 1/2
S139 seawater-proof housing
H1 connector type M12 x 1
S369 CP40 housing fully encap-
V1, connector type M8 x 1 / sulated in SG40 protective
V2 8 mm housing, seawater-proof
S907 extended temperature
range: +160 C
S929 extended temperature
Pigtail: Cable connection range: -60 C
x.x PSG 3 M with connector S1102 extended temperature range:
+250 C
M rotatable nut
S fixed thread


Connector type
PSG connector M8 x 1,
RS connector M12 x 1,
straight rotatable

Cable length

M Cable connection
Cable connection
M cable length [m]

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 51

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Designs and varian
Designs and variants
Rectangular Q5SE
Design an
Switching distance

0.8 mm,a
Electrical connection
2m cable

5x 5x 25mm

Q5,5 Rectangular Q5,5 2 mm,a 2m cable , NPN 63

8x 5.5x 28mm 3.5 mm,b , PNP

Q06 Rectangular Q06 3 mm,a 2m cable , NPN 64

17.3x 6x 27.8mm , PNP

Q6,5 Rectangular Q6,5 1 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 64

17x 6.5x 20mm 2 mm,b

Q8SE Rectangular Q8SE 4 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 65

8x 8x 40mm connector, M8 x 1 , NPN

Q08 Rectangular Q08 8 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 119

20x 8x 32mm 5 mm,a connector, 8 mm , NPN
7 mm,a connector, M8 x 1 , PNP
0.5m cable with connector, , NPN
M12 x 1 NAMUR
1m cable with connector, Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V
M12 x 1
QP08 Rectangular QP08 10 mm,b 2m cable , NPN 66
20x 8x 32mm 0.3m cable with connector, , PNP
M8 x 1

52 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

nd variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
Q9,5 Rectangular Q9,5 2 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 66
17x 9.5x 20mm

Q10 Rectangular Q10 8 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 67

25x 10.8x 42mm connector, M8 x 1 , NPN

Q10S Rectangular Q10S 2 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 67

16x 10.2x 27.8mm 5 mm,b 0.2m connector, M8 x 1 , NPN
0.3m cable with connector, , PNP
M8 x 1 , NPN

Q12 Rectangular Q12 5 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 68

26x 12x 40mm 2 mm,a 7m cable , NPN
4 mm,b connector, M8 x 1 , PNP
connector, M12 x 1 , NPN

Q18 Rectangular Q18 5 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 69

18x 18x 29mm , NPN

Q20 Rectangular Q20 15 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 Analog output, 0...10V 69,
ring sensor Q20 25 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 104,
40x 20x 68mm , NPN 120
Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V

Q25 Rectangular Q25 10 mm,b 2m cable , NPN 70

25x 25.5x 38.5mm , PNP

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 53

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Designs and varian
Designs and variants
Rectangular CA25
Design an
Switching distance

10 mm,a
Electrical connection
connector, M8 x 1

25x 25x 40mm 15 mm,b connector, M12 x 1

QN26 Rectangular QN26 10 mm,a 0.15m cable with connector, , 2-wire 71

26x 26x 43mm M12 x 1

CK40 Rectangular CK40 15 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , NPN 71,

40x 40x 65mm 20 mm,a connector, 7/8 , PNP 121
20 mm,b connector, 1/2 , NPN
25 mm,b , PNP
30 mm,a , 2-wire
35 mm,b
40 mm,b NAMUR
50 mm,b Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V
CP40 Rectangular CP40 15 mm,a terminal chamber , NPN 72,
40x 40x 114mm 20 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 121,
67x 50x 190mm 20 mm,b 30m cable , NPN 130,
30 mm,a , PNP 134,
35 mm,b , 147,
40 mm,b NAMUR 153
50 mm,b , 2-wire
Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V

QV40 Rectangular QV40 20 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 73

40x 40x 65mm 50 mm,b

Q42 Rectangular Q42 50 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 73

42.5x 42.5x 68mm

Q80 Rectangular Q80 50 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , NPN 74,

80x 40x 92mm 75 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 122
60 mm,b , NPN
Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V

54 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

nd variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
CP80 Rectangular CP80 40 mm,a terminal chamber , NPN 75,
80x 41x 80mm 40 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 130,
50 mm,b , 134
75 mm,b NAMUR

K90 Rectangular K90SR 100 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 75

75x 60x 130mm 60 mm,b terminal chamber , NPN
50 mm,b ,

Q130 Rectangular Q130 30 mm,b 2m cable , NPN 76

57x 48x 130mm connector, 7/8 , PNP

M5 threaded barrel M5 x 0.5 1 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 79

5x 30mm connector, M8 x 1 , PNP
5x 42.5mm , NPN

M8 threaded barrel M8 x 1 1.5 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 NAMUR 79,

8x 23.6mm 6 mm,b 2m cable , 2-wire 80,
8x 47mm 4 mm,b , PNP 81,
8x 49mm 3 mm,b , NPN 82,
8x 57mm 2 mm,a , PNP 135,
8x 31mm , PNP 149
8x 23.6mm , NPN
8x 41.6mm Analog output, 0...10V
8x 57mm
8x 39mm
8x 42mm

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 55

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Designs and varian
Designs and variants
Design an
threaded barrel M12 x 1
Switching distance

2 mm,a
Electrical connection
2m cable
12x 100mm 2.5 mm,a 7m cable , 2-wire 83,
12x 34mm 3 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 84,
12x 42mm 4 mm,b terminal chamber, removablee , NPN 85,
12x 52mm 4 mm,a cage clamp terminals , PNP 86,
12x 54mm 5 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 123,
12x 60mm 8 mm,b connector, M8 x 1 , NPN 129,
12x 62mm 10 mm,b connector, 1/2'' Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V 132,
12x 63mm 135,
12x 64mm 136,
12x 65mm 140,
12x 67mm 149,
12x 70mm 153
12x 71mm
12x 72mm
12x 75mm
12x 80mm
M18 threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 86,
18x 30mm 7 mm,a 7m cable , 2-wire 87,
18x 34mm 7 mm,b terminal chamber , PNP 88,
18x 46mm 8 mm,a terminal chamber, removablee , NPN 89,
18x 52mm 8 mm,b cage clamp terminals , PNP 90,
18x 54mm 10 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , NPN 123,
18x 61.5mm 12 mm,b connector, 1/2'' , PNP 124,
18x 64mm 14 mm,b connector, 7/8'' 125,
18x 65mm 15 mm,b Analog output, 4...20mA 129,
18x 67mm , PNP/Analog output, 0...10V 132,
18x 71mm Analog output, 4...20mA, 0...10V 137,
18x 72mm 138,
18x 75mm 141,
18x 77mm 142,
18x 80mm 147,
18x 81mm 150,
18x 82mm 154
18x 87mm
18x 95mm
18x 97mm
18x 103mm
18x 107.5mm
18x 139mm

56 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

nd variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
M30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 90,
30x 44mm 12 mm,a 7m cable , 2-wire 91,
30x 62mm 15 mm,b terminal chamber , PNP 92,
30x 64mm 15 mm,a terminal chamber, removablee , NPN 93,
30x 66mm 20 mm,b cage clamp terminals , PNP 94,
30x 72mm 20 mm,b connector, M12 x 1 , NPN 125,
30x 80mm 30 mm,b connector, 1/2'' , PNP 126,
30x 80mm connector, 7/8'' 132,
30x 87mm , 132,
30x 95mm 138,
30x 97mm 139,
30x 100mm 141,
30x 110mm 142,
30x 115mm 151,
G47 threaded barrel G47 25 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 94
47x 96mm 20 mm,a 2m cable , NPN
47x 70mm 40 mm,b ,
47x 106mm 25 mm,b NAMUR

3 mm smooth barrel 3 mm 1 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 97
3x 27mm , NPN

4 mm smooth barrel 4 mm 1 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 97,

4x 30mm connector, M8 x 1 , PNP 127
4x 42.5mm 0.3m connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V

6,5 mm smooth barrel 6.5 mm 1.5 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 98,

6.5x 23.6mm 2 mm,a connector, M8 x 1 , PNP 127
6.5x 31mm 3 mm,b , NPN
6.5x 32mm 6 mm,b , PNP
6.5x 42mm Analog output, 0...10V
6.5x 49mm

11 mm smooth barrel 11 mm 2 mm,a 2m cable NAMUR 99

11x 34mm 5 mm,b terminal chamber , PNP
11x 54mm
11x 75mm

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 57

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Designs and variants

20 mm
Designs and varian
smooth barrel 20 mm
Design an
Switching distance

10 mm,b
Electrical connection
2m cable

20x 54mm terminal chamber , NPN
20x 77mm
20x 79mm

34 mm smooth barrel 34 mm 20 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 100

34x 80mm terminal chamber
34x 106mm

40 mm smooth barrel 40 mm 30 mm,b terminal chamber , PNP 101

40x 90mm 20 mm,b , NPN

TS12 Rectangular TS12 20 mm,b connector, M8 x 1 , PNP 103

17x 12x 80mm , NPN

Q14 Switching output ring sensor Q14 connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 103,
30x 14x 62.5mm , NPN 104
Analog output, 0...10V

W30 ring sensor W30 connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 105

35x 30x 60mm , NPN

Q80 ring sensor Q80 b connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 105,

80x 40x 92mm Analog output, 0...10V 118

58 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

nd variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
S32SR ring sensor S32SR terminal chamber , PNP 106
100x 32x 175mm

S32XL ring sensor S32XL connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 106,

137.5x 32x 180mm Analog output, 0...10V 118

K08 slot sensor K08 0.5m cable NAMUR 109

15x 8x 11mm , PNP

K09 slot sensor K09 0.5m cable NAMUR 109

9x 14x 20mm

K10 slot sensor K10 0.5m cable NAMUR 110

15x 10x 19mm , PNP

K30 slot sensor K30 2m cable NAMUR 110

60x 30x 48mm , PNP

DSC26 dual sensor for valve mon- 4 mm,b 2m cable NAMUR 113
itoring DSC26 connector, M12 x 1 , PNP
42x 26x 28mm

DSU35 dual sensor for valve mon- 4 mm,b 2m cable NAMUR 113
itoring DSU35 connector, M12 x 1 , PNP
60x 35x 59mm terminal chamber , 2-wire
60x 35.4x 59mm 2x
60x 35x 62mm , AS-i V2.1
, DeviceNet

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 59

Inductive sensors Complete product range

Designs and variants Designs and varian

EH6.5 2 outputs 0...10 V smooth barrel 6.5 mm
Design an
Switching distance

Electrical connection
0.2m connector, M12 x 1
Analog output, 0...10V
Distinction of ferrous metals 6.5x 41.6mm

Q14 outputs 0...10 V und Rectangular Q14 10 mm,a connector, M8 x 1 Analog output, 0...20mA, 0...10V 119,
0...20 mA 30x 14x 52mm 20 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 120
ring sensor Q14 , NPN

Analog output, 0...10V

+120 C 160 mm Rectangular Q160 100 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 140

60x 160mm

+250 C Q40 Sensor Rectangular CQ40 25 mm,b 5m connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 143
40x 40x 52mm

+250 C Q80 Sensor Rectangular CQ80 40 mm,b 5m connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 143
80x 41x 92mm

+250 C EM30 Amplifier threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 144
30x 83mm

60 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range

nd variants


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 61

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

Rectangular designs

Rectangular inductive sensors fit to Features

measure. Thanks to large switching dis-
tances and rugged housing materials, Stable and resistant plastic housings
these sensors are highly reliable and se- Large switching distances
cure. They are quickly and firmly mount- Perfect mounting
ed thanks to threaded holes in the hous- All connection types
ing. All standard electrical output and
connection types are available.

Designs Electrical versions
From the small compact NAMUR, 2, 3 and 4-wire DC,

Q5SE to the big sized K90 2-wire AC/DC
90 mm version 

Switching distances Electrical connections

0.8 mm for exact position Cable, connector, terminal
detection, 100 mm for long chamber and pigtail

Materials Special features

Rugged and chemical-resist- Factor 1, extended tempera-
ant plastic and metal hous- ture range, approvals (et al.
ings for all types of ATEX and SIL)

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

62 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 0.8mm,a
Housing material Al, anodized Dimensions 5x 5x 25mm

Active face on top
Types and data selection table
BI0,8-Q5SE-AP6X w012 d082

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP-GF20
Dimensions 8x 5.5x 28mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI2-Q5,5-AP6X 2mm,a w012 d083
NI3,5-Q5,5-AP6X 3.5mm,b w012 d083
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 63

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 3mm,a
Housing material PBT Dimensions 17.3x 6x 27.8mm

Types and data selection table

BI3-Q06-AP6X2 w012 d084
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP
Dimensions 17x 6.5x 20mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI1-Q6,5-AP6/S34 1mm,a w012 d085
NI2-Q6,5-AP6/S34 2mm,b w012 d085

64 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 4mm,b Housing material PP
Dimensions 8x 8x 40mm

Lateral active face
Types and data selection table
Type Connection
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X 2m cable w012 d086
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 w013 d087
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material GD-Zn Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,a w012 d088
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 male, 8 mm 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,a w013 d089
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w012 d090
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 male, 8 mm 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d091
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-V2131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d092
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-0,5XOR-RS4 0.5m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d093
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-1XOR-RS4 1m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d093
BI7-Q08-VP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 7mm,a w010 d090
BI7-Q08-VP6X2-V1141 male, 8 mm 1030VDC , PNP 7mm,a w005 d091
BI5-Q08-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 5mm,a w014 d090
BI5-Q08-VP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w010 d090
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 65

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 10mm,b Housing material PP
Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
NI10U-QP08-AP6X2 2m cable w012 d094
NI10U-QP08-AP6X2-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w013 d095
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 2mm,b
Housing material PP Dimensions 17x 9.5x 20mm

Types and data selection table

NI2-Q9,5-AP6/S34 w012 d096

66 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 8mm,a Housing material PBT
Dimensions 25x 10.8x 42mm

Types and data selection table
Type Connection
BI8U-Q10-AP6X2 2m cable w012 d097
BI8U-Q10-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 w013 d098
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PP-GF20 Dimensions 16x 10.2x 27.8mm

Lateral active face

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI2-Q10S-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 2mm,a w014 d099
BI2-Q10S-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 2mm,a w012 d099
BI2-Q10S-VP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 2mm,a w010 d099
BI2-Q10S-AZ31X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 2mm,a w015 d099
BI2-Q10S-AP6X-0,2-PSG3M 0.2m male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 2mm,a w013 d100
NI5U-Q10S-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,b w012 d099
NI5U-Q10S-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,b w013 d100
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 67

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Housing material PA Dimensions 26x 12x 40mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w012 d101
BI5U-Q12-VP6X2 7M 7m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w010 d101
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d010
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w013 d102
BI2-Q12-AZ31X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 2mm,a w015 d103
NI4-Q12-AZ31X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 4mm,b w015 d103
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 30x 14x 52mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI10U-Q14-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a w012 d104
BI10U-Q14-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a w013 d105
BI10-Q14-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 10mm,a w014 d106
BI10-Q14-ADZ32X2 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 10mm,a w016 d104
NI20-Q14-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,b w012 d104
NI20-Q14-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,b w013 d105
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

68 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 5mm,b
Housing material PBT Dimensions 18x 18x 29mm

Types and data selection table
NI5-Q18-AP6X w012 d107
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 40x 20x 68mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI15U-Q20-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w012 d108
BI15U-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w013 d109
BI15-Q20-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w014 d110
BI15-Q20-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w017 d109
NI25-Q20-AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 25mm,b w012 d108
NI25-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 25mm,b w013 d109
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 10mm,b
Housing material PBT Dimensions 25x 25.5x 38.5mm

Types and data selection table

NI10-Q25-AP6X w012 d111
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material GD-CuZn Dimensions 25x 25x 40mm

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance
BI10U-CA25-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 10mm,a w013 d112
BI10U-CA25-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a w013 d113
NI15U-CA25-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 15mm,b w013 d112
NI15U-CA25-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b w013 d113

70 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 0.15m Cable with Operating voltage 1065VDC
connector,M12 x 1
Output , 2-wire Switching distance 10mm,a
Dimensions 26x 26x 43mm

Variable orientation of active face in 4 directions
Types and data selection table
Type Housing material
BI10-QN26-AD4X-0,15-RS4.23/S90 PBT w018 d114
BI10-QN26-AD4X-0,15XOR-RS4.23/S100-S1589 PBT, weldguard coated w018 d115

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 40x 40x 65mm

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI30U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,a w013 d116
BI20U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,a w013 d013
BI20U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,a w005 d013
BI15U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w013 d013
BI15U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w005 d013
BI15U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , 2-wire 15mm,a w018 d013
BI15U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B1131 male,7/8 20250VAC/10300VDC 15mm,a w019 d117
BI15U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B3131 male,1/2 20250VAC/10300VDC 15mm,a w020 d118
BI15-CK40-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w017 d119
BI15-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w013 d013
BI15-CK40-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , 2-wire 15mm,a w021 d119
NI50U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,b w013 d116
NI50U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,b w005 d116
NI40U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 40mm,b w013 d116
NI35U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 35mm,b w013 d116
Table continues on the next page

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Rectangular designs

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
NI35U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , 2-wire 35mm,b w018 d116
NI35U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B1131 male,7/8 20250VAC/10300VDC 35mm,b w019 d120
NI35U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B3131 male,1/2 20250VAC/10300VDC 35mm,b w020 d121
NI25U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 25mm,b w013 d116
NI25U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 25mm,b w005 d116
NI35-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 35mm,b w013 d116
NI20-CK40-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 20mm,b w017 d119
NI20-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,b w013 d013
NI20-CK40-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , 2-wire 20mm,b w021 d119
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI30U-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,a w022 d122
BI20U-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,a w022 d122
BI20U-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,a w023 d122
BI15U-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w022 d122
BI15U-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w023 d122
BI15U-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w005 d123
BI15U-CP40-FDZ30X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 15mm,a w024 d122
BI20-CP40-Y1X Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 20mm,a w025 d124
BI15-CP40-Y1X Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w025 d124
BI15-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a w022 d122
BI15-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w023 d122
BI15-CP40-AD4X Terminal chamber 1065VDC , 2-wire 15mm,a w026 d124
BI15-CP40-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 15mm,a w024 d122
NI50U-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,b w022 d122
NI50U-CP40-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,b w013 d123
NI50U-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,b w023 d122
NI40U-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 40mm,b w022 d122
NI40U-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,b w023 d122
NI40U-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,b w005 d123
NI40U-CP40-FDZ30X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 40mm,b w024 d122
NI35-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 35mm,b w023 d122
NI35-CP40-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 35mm,b w024 d122
NI20-CP40-Y1X Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 20mm,b w025 d124
Table continues on the next page

72 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
NI20-CP40-AP6X2 Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 20mm,b w022 d122
NI20-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,b w023 d122
NI20-CP40-AD4X Terminal chamber 1065VDC , 2-wire 20mm,b w026 d124
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 20mm,b w024 d122
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PBT
Dimensions 40x 40x 65mm

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Switching distance
BI20U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 20mm,a w013 d125
NI50U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 50mm,b w013 d125

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 50mm,b
Housing material PA Dimensions 42.5x 42.5x 68mm

Types and data selection table

NI50U-Q42FWD-VP6X-H1141 w005 d126
NI50U-Q42TWD-VP6X-H1141 w005 d127

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 80x 40x 92mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI50U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 50mm,a w013 d128
BI50U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,a w005 d128
BI50U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,a w005 d128
BI50-Q80-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 50mm,a w014 d129
NI75U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 75mm,b w013 d128
NI75U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 75mm,b w005 d128
NI60-Q80-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 60mm,b w014 d129
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

74 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 80x 41x 80mm

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI40-CP80-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,a w023 d130
BI40-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,a w005 d131
BI40-CP80-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 40mm,a w024 d130
NI75U-CP80-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 75mm,b w023 d130
NI75U-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 75mm,b w005 d131
NI75U-CP80-FDZ30X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 75mm,b w024 d130
NI50-CP80-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 50mm,b w023 d130
NI50-CP80-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 50mm,b w024 d130
NI40-CP80-Y1 Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 40mm,b w025 d132
NI40-CP80-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,b w023 d130
NI40-CP80-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 40mm,b w024 d130
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PBT Dimensions 75x 60x 130mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance
NI50-K90SR-Y1 Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 50mm,b w025 d133
NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 100mm,b w005 d134
NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 100mm,b w023 d135
NI60-K90SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 60mm,b w023 d135
NI60-K90SR-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 60mm,b w024 d135
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs

General data
Switching distance 30mm,b Housing material PBT
Dimensions 57x 48x 130mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output
NI30-Q130-VP4X2 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP w010 d136
NI30-Q130-ADZ30X2-B1131 male,7/8 20250VAC/10300VDC w027 d137
NI30-Q130-ADZ30X2 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC w028 d136
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

76 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Rectangular designs


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

Cylindrical design - Thread

Threaded barrel sensors are available for Features

all types of applications, ranging from
the small 5 mm version to the big size Rugged 4-hole LED
PG36. In order to comply with the ambi- Different thread lengths
ent conditions of individual applications, Rugged housing materials
most sensors are available in different Connection cable with approved
housing materials. The range of accesso- sheath quality
ries is broad and enhances the function- Many different electrical output
ality of the sensors if needed. functions

Designs Electrical versions
All standard thread sizes NAMUR, 2, 3 and 4-wire DC,

M5 x 0.5, M8 x 1, M12 x 1, 2-wire AC/DC
M18 x 1, M30 x 1.5 and PG36 

Switching distances Electrical connections

non-flush 1 25 mm and Cable, connector, terminal
flush 3 mm 25 mm chamber and pigtail

Materials Special features

Chrome-plated brass (op- Factor 1, all metals extended
tionally PTFE-coated), stain- temperature range, approv-
less steel or rugged plastic als (et al. ATEX and SIL)

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

78 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

General data
Switching distance 1mm,a Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
BI1-EG05-Y1 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 5x 30mm w014 d138
BI1-EG05-AP6X-V1331 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5x 42.5mm w013 d139
BI1-EG05-RP6X-V1331 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 5x 42.5mm w029 d139
BI1-EG05-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5x 30mm w012 d140
BI1-EG05-RP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5x 30mm w030 d140
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI1,5-EG08K-Y1-H1341 male,M12 x 1 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 39mm w017 d141
BI1,5-EG08-Y1-H1341 male,M12 x 1 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w017 d142
NI3-EG08K-Y1-H1341 male,M12 x 1 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 39mm w017 d143
BI1,5-EG08K-Y1 2m cable 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 23.6mm w014 d144
NI3-EG08K-Y1 2m cable 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 23.6mm w014 d145
BI1,5-GS880-Y1 2m cable 1.5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 8x 47mm w014 d146

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Cylindrical design - Thread

M8 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1055VDC Output , 2-wire
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI2-EG08-AG41X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a 8x 57mm w031 d027
NI4-EG08-AG41X 2m cable 4mm,b 8x 41.6mm w032 d147
BI2-EG08-AG41X 2m cable 2mm,a 8x 42mm w032 d148

M8 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 31mm w013 d149
BI2-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 31mm w013 d149
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d150
BI1,5U-EGT08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V2A (1.4301), PTFE-coated 8x 49mm w013 d150
BI2U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d150
BI2-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d150
BI2U-EGT08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301), PTFE-coated 8x 49mm w013 d150
BI2U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w029 d150
BI1,5-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d150
NI3-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 31mm w013 d151
NI3-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d152
NI4U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 4mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d153
NI6U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w013 d153
NI6U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 49mm w029 d153
BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 39mm w013 d154
BI2-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 39mm w013 d154
Table continues on the next page

80 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d027
BI1,5U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V2A (1.4301), PTFE-coated 8x 57mm w013 d155
BI2U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d027
BI2-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d027
BI2U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301), PTFE-coated 8x 57mm w013 d027

BI2U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w008 d027
BI1,5-EG08WD-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d027
BI1,5-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d027
NI3-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 39mm w013 d156
NI4U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d157
NI6U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d157
NI6U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w008 d157
NI3-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 57mm w013 d158
BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 23.6mm w012 d159
BI2-EG08K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 23.6mm w012 d159
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d148
BI2U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d148
BI2-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d148
BI1,5-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d148
NI3-EG08K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 23.6mm w012 d160
NI4U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d161
NI6U-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 6mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 42mm w012 d161
NI3-EG08-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 8x 41.6mm w012 d147

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M8 4-wire DC
General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 2mm,a
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Dimensions
BI2-EG08-VP6X-H1341 8x 57mm w005 d027
BI2-EG08K-VP6X-H1341 8x 39mm w005 d154
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Cylindrical design - Thread

M8 2-wire AC/DC
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 20132VAC/10
Output Switching distance 2mm,a
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Dimensions 8x 42mm

Types and data selection table

BI2-EG08-AZ14X w033 d148

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI5-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d162
clamp terminals
BI2-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d163
clamp terminals
BI2-G12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 65mm w025 d164
BI2-EG12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 65mm w025 d164
BI2-P12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 2mm,a PA 12x 70mm w025 d165
NI5-P12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,b PA 12x 70mm w025 d165
NI5-G12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 65mm w025 d166
NI5-EG12SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 65mm w025 d166
NI5-G12-Y1X 2m cable 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w014 d167
BI2-P12-Y1X 2m cable 2mm,a PA 12x 34mm w014 d168
NI5-P12-Y1X 2m cable 5mm,b PA 12x 34mm w014 d168
BI2-G12-Y1X 2m cable 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w014 d169
BI2-M12-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w017 d170
BI2-EM12-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 52mm w017 d170
NI5-M12-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w017 d171
NI5-EM12-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 5mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 52mm w017 d171

82 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

M12 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI2-M12-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w021 d170
BI2U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 62mm w018 d172
BI2U-MT12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 2mm,a CuZn-T 12x 62mm w018 d173
NI4-M12-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 4mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w021 d171
NI8-M12-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w021 d171
NI5U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 62mm w018 d174
NI5U-MT12E-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,b CuZn-T 12x 62mm w018 d175
BI3-G12K-AD4X 2m cable 3mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w034 d169
NI4-M12-AD4X 2m cable 4mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w034 d176
NI8-M12-AD4X 2m cable 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w034 d176
NI5U-M12E-AD4X 2m cable 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 64mm w034 d177
NI8-G12K-AD4X 2m cable 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w034 d167
BI2U-M12E-AD4X 2m cable 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 64mm w034 d178
BI2-S12-AD4X 2m cable 2mm,a PA 12x 60mm w034 d179
NI4-S12-AD4X 2m cable 4mm,b PA 12x 64mm w034 d179
BI2-M12-AD4X 2m cable 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w034 d180
BI3-M12-AD4X 2m cable 3mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w034 d180

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M12 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI8U-EG12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 8mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 75mm w022 d181
NI5-G12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 75mm w022 d181
NI10U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 80mm w022 d182
clamp terminals
BI3U-EG12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 3mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 75mm w022 d183
BI2-G12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 75mm w022 d183
BI3U-P12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 3mm,a PA 12x 75mm w022 d184
NI8U-P12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 8mm,b PA 12x 75mm w022 d184
BI2-P12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 2mm,a PA 12x 75mm w022 d184
NI5-P12SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,b PA 12x 75mm w022 d184
BI4U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 4mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 80mm w022 d185
clamp terminals
BI4U-M12-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d186
NI10U-M12-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d039
NI10U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d176
NI8U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d176
NI8U-EM12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 54mm w012 d176
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w012 d187
NI5-G12K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w012 d167
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w012 d188
BI3U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI3U-EM12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI4U-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI2-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI4-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI3U-S12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,a PBT 12x 54mm w012 d189
NI8U-S12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,b PBT 12x 54mm w012 d189
BI2-G12K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w012 d169
BI4-G12K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 34mm w012 d169
BI4-M12-AP6X 7M 7m cable , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 54mm w012 d180
BI2-G12K-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 42mm w013 d190
BI3U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d170
BI3U-EM12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 52mm w013 d170
BI4U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d170
BI4U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-T 12x 52mm w013 d191
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w013 d170
Bi4U-M12-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w008 d170
BI2-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d170
BI4-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d170

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Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI3U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,a CuZn-T 12x 52mm w013 d191
BI3U-S12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,a PBT 12x 52mm w013 d192
NI8U-S12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b PBT 12x 52mm w013 d192
NI8U-M12EE-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 72mm w013 d193
BI3U-M12EE-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 3mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 72mm w013 d194

NI10U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d171
NI10U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-T 12x 52mm w013 d195
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w013 d196
NI10U-M12-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w008 d171
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w013 d196
NI8U-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d171
NI8U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-T 12x 52mm w013 d195
NI8U-EM12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 52mm w013 d171
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 4mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 52mm w013 d170
NI8-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 52mm w013 d171
NI10U-M12E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 62mm w013 d174

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M12 4-wire DC
General data
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-Cr

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Switching distance Dimensions
NI10U-M12E-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 10mm,b 12x 64mm w010 d177
BI4U-M12E-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 4mm,a 12x 64mm w010 d178
BI4-M12-VP6X 2m cable 1030VDC 4mm,a 12x 54mm w010 d180
BI4-M12-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 4mm,a 12x 54mm w010 d180
NI8-M12-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 8mm,b 12x 54mm w010 d176
BI3U-M12E-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC 3mm,a 12x 62mm w005 d172
BI4U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 4mm,a 12x 62mm w035 d172
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L80 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 4mm,a 12x 80mm w035 d197
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L100 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 4mm,a 12x 100mm w035 d198
NI10U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 10mm,b 12x 62mm w035 d174
NI8U-M12E-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC 8mm,b 12x 62mm w005 d174
NI8-M12-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 8mm,b 12x 52mm w005 d171
BI4-M12-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 4mm,a 12x 52mm w005 d170
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

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M12 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Operating voltage 20250VAC/10 Output

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI2U-G12-ADZ32X-B3131 male,1/2 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 71mm w036 d199
NI8U-G12-ADZ32X-B3131 male,1/2 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 71mm w036 d200
BI2-S12-AZ31X 2m cable 2mm,a PA 12x 60mm w015 d179
NI4-S12-AZ31X 2m cable 4mm,b PA 12x 64mm w015 d179
BI2-M12-AZ31X 2m cable 2mm,a CuZn-Cr 12x 64mm w015 d178
NI4-M12-AZ31X 2m cable 4mm,b CuZn-Cr 12x 64mm w015 d201

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-M18-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w017 d202
BI5-EM18-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a V2A (1.4305) 18x 52mm w017 d202
NI10-M18-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w017 d203
NI10-EM18-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 52mm w017 d203
BI5-P18-Y1X 2m cable 5mm,a PA 18x 34mm w014 d204
NI10-P18-Y1X 2m cable 10mm,b PA 18x 34mm w014 d204
BI5-G18-Y1X 2m cable 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w014 d205
NI10-G18-Y1X 2m cable 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w014 d206
NI14-G18-Y1X 2m cable 14mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w014 d206
BI5-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d207
clamp terminals
NI10-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d208
clamp terminals
Table continues on the next page

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Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-G18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 67mm w025 d209
BI5-EG18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 67mm w025 d209
NI10-P18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,b PA 18x 67mm w025 d210
NI10-EG18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 67mm w025 d211
BI5-P18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 5mm,a PA 18x 67mm w025 d210

NI10-G18SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 67mm w025 d211

M18 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-M18-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w021 d202
BI7-M18-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 7mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w021 d202
BI5U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 61.5mm w018 d212
BI5U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 5mm,a CuZn-T 18x 61.5mm w018 d212
NI10U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 61.5mm w018 d213
NI10U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b CuZn-T 18x 61.5mm w018 d214
NI8-M18-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w021 d203
BI7-G18K-AD4X 2m cable 7mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w034 d205
BI5-M18-AD4X 2m cable 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w034 d215
BI7-M18-AD4X 2m cable 7mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w034 d215
NI10U-M18M-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 64mm w034 d216
BI5-S18-AD4X 2m cable 5mm,a PA 18x 64mm w034 d217
NI8-S18-AD4X 2m cable 8mm,b PA 18x 64mm w034 d217
NI8-M18-AD4X 2m cable 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w034 d218

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M18 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-G18KK-AP6-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 30mm w013 d219
BI8-M18K-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 46mm w013 d220
BI5U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI8U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI8U-M18-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w008 d202
BI8-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI5-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI8U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-T 18x 52mm w013 d221
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI5U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 52mm w013 d202
BI5U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-T 18x 52mm w013 d221
BI5U-S18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a PBT 18x 52mm w013 d222
NI12U-S18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12mm,b PBT 18x 52mm w013 d222
BI8U-MT18E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-T 18x 72mm w013 d223
BI5U-MT18E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-T 18x 72mm w013 d223
NI12U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 52mm w013 d203
NI12U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12mm,b CuZn-T 18x 52mm w013 d224
NI12U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d203
NI15U-M18-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w008 d203
NI15U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-T 18x 52mm w013 d224
NI15U-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d203
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w013 d225
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w013 d225
NI12U-M18E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 72mm w013 d226
BI8U-M18E-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 72mm w013 d223
NI14-M18-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 14mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 52mm w013 d203
BI5-G18K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w012 d205
BI5U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d215
BI8U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d215
BI5-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d215
BI5U-EM18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 54mm w012 d215
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w012 d227
BI5U-S18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 5mm,a PBT 18x 64mm w012 d217
NI12U-S18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 12mm,b PBT 18x 64mm w012 d217
NI10-G18K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 34mm w012 d206

Table continues on the next page

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Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 52mm w012 d228
NI15U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d218
NI12U-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d218
NI12U-EM18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 12mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 54mm w012 d229
BI8-M18-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d215

BI8-M18-AP6X 7M 7m cable , PNP 8mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 54mm w012 d215
NI15U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 81mm w022 d230
clamp terminals
BI5-G18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 77mm w022 d231
BI5U-EG18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 77mm w022 d231
BI5U-P18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,a PBT 18x 77mm w022 d232
NI12U-P18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 12mm,b PBT 18x 77mm w022 d232
BI5-P18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 5mm,a PA 18x 77mm w022 d232
NI10-P18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,b PA 18x 77mm w022 d232
BI8U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 8mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 81mm w022 d233
clamp terminals
NI10-G18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 77mm w022 d234
NI12U-EG18SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 12mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 77mm w022 d234

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M18 4-wire DC
General data
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-Cr

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 8mm,a 18x 61.5mm w035 d212
NI15U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 15mm,b 18x 61.5mm w035 d213
NI14-M18-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 14mm,b 18x 52mm w005 d203
BI8-M18-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 8mm,a 18x 52mm w005 d202
BI8U-M18M-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 8mm,a 18x 64mm w010 d235
NI15U-M18M-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 15mm,b 18x 64mm w010 d216
NI14-M18-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 14mm,b 18x 54mm w010 d218
BI8-M18-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 8mm,a 18x 54mm w010 d215
BI8-M18-VP6X 2m cable 1030VDC 8mm,a 18x 54mm w010 d215
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

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M18 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Operating voltage 20250VAC/10 Output

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-M18-AZ3X 2m cable 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 64mm w028 d235
BI5U-M18-ADZ30X2 2m cable 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 64mm w028 d236
NI8-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 2m cable 8mm,b POM 18x 80mm w028 d237
BI5-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 2m cable 5mm,a POM 18x 80mm w028 d237
BI5-S18-AZ3X 2m cable 5mm,a PA 18x 64mm w028 d217
NI8-S18-AZ3X 2m cable 8mm,b PA 18x 64mm w028 d217
NI12U-M18-ADZ30X2 2m cable 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 65mm w028 d238
NI8-M18-AZ3X 2m cable 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 64mm w033 d216
BI5U-G18-ADZ30X2-B1331 male,7/8 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 82mm w027 d239
NI12U-G18-ADZ30X2-B1331 male,7/8 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 82mm w027 d240
BI5U-G18-ADZ30X2-B3331 male,1/2 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 82mm w027 d241
NI12U-G18-ADZ30X2-B3331 male,1/2 12mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 82mm w027 d242

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-EM30-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w017 d243
BI10-M30-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w017 d243
NI15-EM30-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w017 d244
NI15-M30-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w017 d244
BI10-P30-Y1X 2m cable 10mm,a PA 30x 44mm w014 d245
NI15-P30-Y1X 2m cable 15mm,b PA 30x 44mm w014 d245
BI10-G30-Y1X 2m cable 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 44mm w014 d246
Table continues on the next page

90 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI15-G30-Y1X 2m cable 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 44mm w014 d247
BI10-P30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,a PA 30x 72mm w025 d248
NI15-P30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 15mm,b PA 30x 72mm w025 d248
BI10-EG30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 72mm w025 d249
BI10-G30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 72mm w025 d249

NI15-EG30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 15mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 72mm w025 d250
NI15-G30SK-Y1X Terminal chamber 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 72mm w025 d250
BI10-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d251
clamp terminals
NI15-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d252
clamp terminals

M30 2-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , 2-wire

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-M30-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w021 d243
BI10U-M30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w018 d243
BI10U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 10mm,a CuZn-T 30x 62mm w018 d064
NI15-M30-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w021 d244
NI15U-M30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w018 d244
NI15U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b CuZn-T 30x 62mm w018 d253
NI20-M30-AD4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w021 d244
BI12-G30K-AD4X 2m cable 12mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 44mm w034 d246
BI10-S30-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,a PA 30x 64mm w034 d254
NI15-S30-AD4X 2m cable 15mm,b PA 30x 64mm w034 d254
BI10-M30-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w034 d255
BI10U-M30-AD4X 2m cable 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w034 d255
NI20-G30K-AD4X 2m cable 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 44mm w034 d247
NI15-M30-AD4X 2m cable 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w034 d256
NI20-M30-AD4X 2m cable 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w034 d256
NI15U-M30-AD4X 2m cable 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w034 d256

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M30 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
Bi15U-M30-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w008 d243
BI15U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI15U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-T 30x 62mm w013 d064
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI10-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI10U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI10U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI10U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-T 30x 62mm w013 d064
BI15-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d243
BI10U-S30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 10mm,a PBT 30x 62mm w013 d257
NI20U-S30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 20mm,b PBT 30x 62mm w013 d257
NI30U-M30-RP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w008 d244
NI30U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d244
NI30U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30mm,b CuZn-T 30x 62mm w013 d253
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30mm,b V4A (1.4404) 30x 62mm w013 d258
NI20U-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d244
NI20U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 20mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 62mm w013 d244
NI20U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 20mm,b CuZn-T 30x 62mm w013 d253
NI20-M30-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 62mm w013 d244
BI10-G30K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 44mm w012 d246
BI10U-S30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,a PA 30x 64mm w012 d254
NI20U-S30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 20mm,b PA 30x 64mm w012 d254
BI15U-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d255
BI10-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d255
BI10U-EM30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 64mm w012 d255
BI10U-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d259
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 66mm w012 d260
NI30U-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 30mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d256
NI20U-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d256
NI20U-EM30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 20mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 64mm w012 d256
BI15-M30-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d255
BI15-M30-AP6X 7M 7m cable , PNP 15mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w012 d255
BI10-G30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 87mm w022 d261
BI10U-EG30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 87mm w022 d261
NI20U-EG30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 20mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 87mm w022 d262
BI10-P30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,a PA 30x 87mm w022 d263

Table continues on the next page

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Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10U-P30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,a PA 30x 87mm w022 d263
NI15-P30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 15mm,b PA 30x 87mm w022 d263
NI20U-P30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 20mm,b PA 30x 87mm w022 d263
BI15U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 15mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 95mm w022 d264
clamp terminals

BI10-P30SR-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 10mm,a ABS 30x 115mm w022 d265
NI15-P30SR-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 15mm,b ABS 30x 115mm w022 d265
NI15-G30SK-AP6X Terminal chamber , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 87mm w022 d262
NI30U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage , PNP 30mm,b V4A (1.4404) 30x 95mm w022 d266
clamp terminals
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M30 4-wire DC
General data
Output , PNP Housing material CuZn-Cr

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-M30-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 15mm,a 30x 62mm w035 d243
NI30U-M30-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC 30mm,b 30x 62mm w035 d244
NI20-M30-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 20mm,b 30x 62mm w005 d244
BI15-M30-VP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC 15mm,a 30x 62mm w005 d243
BI15U-M30-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 15mm,a 30x 64mm w010 d255
NI30U-M30-VP44X 2m cable 1055VDC 30mm,b 30x 64mm w010 d256
NI20-M30-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 20mm,b 30x 64mm w010 d256
BI15-M30-VP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC 15mm,a 30x 64mm w010 d255
BI15-M30-VP6X 2m cable 1030VDC 15mm,a 30x 64mm w010 d255
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Cylindrical design - Thread

M30 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Operating voltage 20250VAC/10

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-S30-AZ3X 2m cable 10mm,a PA 30x 64mm w028 d254
NI15-S30-AZ3X 2m cable 15mm,b PA 30x 64mm w028 d254
BI10-M30-AZ3X 2m cable 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w033 d255
BI10U-M30-ADZ30X2 2m cable 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w028 d267
NI15-M30-AZ3X 2m cable 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w033 d256
NI20U-M30-ADZ30X2 2m cable 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 64mm w028 d268
BI10-P30SR-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber , 10mm,a ABS 30x 115mm w024 d269
NI15-P30SR-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber , 15mm,b ABS 30x 115mm w024 d269
BI10U-G30-ADZ30X2-B1131 male,7/8 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 80mm w027 d270
NI20U-G30-ADZ30X2-B1131 male,7/8 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 80mm w027 d271
BI10U-G30-ADZ30X2-B3131 male,1/2 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 80mm w027 d272
NI20U-G30-ADZ30X2-B3131 male,1/2 20mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 80mm w027 d273

General data
Housing material CuZn-Cr

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI20-G47-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 20mm,a 47x 70mm w014 d274
BI20-G47-AP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,a 47x 70mm w012 d274
NI25-G47-AP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 25mm,b 47x 70mm w012 d275
BI25-G47SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 25mm,a 47x 96mm w023 d276
NI40-G47SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 40mm,b 47x 106mm w023 d277
BI20-G47-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 20mm,a 47x 70mm w028 d274
NI25-G47-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 25mm,b 47x 70mm w028 d275
Table continues on the next page

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical design - Thread

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI25-G47SR-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 25mm,a 47x 96mm w024 d276
NI40-G47SR-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC , 40mm,b 47x 106mm w024 d277
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical designs Smooth barrel

Cylindrical designs Smooth barrel

No matter if you choose a compact Features

3 mm or a rugged 40 mm version:
The smooth barrels from TURCK are Cables, connector or terminal
available with different switching dis- chamber
tances, many connection possibilities Mounting bracket included in delivery
and high protection rating. All these fea- Electrical versions NAMUR, DC and
tures are required as a standard in indus- AC/DC
trial automation. Stainless steel and plastic housings

Designs Electrical versions
3 mm for confined spaces NAMUR, 2, 3 and 4-wire DC,

up to 40 mm 2-wire AC/DC

Switching distances Electrical connections

Large switching distances, Cable, terminal chamber, M8
optionally with factor 1, and M12 connectors
without reduction factor

Materials Special features

Stainless steel sensors up to 4 mm, 6.5 mm, with lat-
6.5 mm diameter, bigger eral active face, integrated
sizes in PA or PBT rotation speed monitoring

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Cylindrical designs Smooth barrel

3 mm
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 1mm,a
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Dimensions 3x 27mm

Types and data selection table
BI1-EH03-AP7X w012 d278
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

4 mm
General data
Switching distance 1mm,a

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Housing material Dimensions
BI1-EH04-Y1 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR V4A (1.4404) 4x 30mm w014 d279
BI1-HS540-Y1 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR V2A (1.4301) 4x 30mm w014 d280
BI1-EH04-AP6X-V1331 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP V4A (1.4404) 4x 42.5mm w013 d281
BI1-EH04-RP6X-V1331 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP V4A (1.4404) 4x 42.5mm w029 d281
BI1-EH04-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP V4A (1.4404) 4x 30mm w012 d282
BI1-EH04-RP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP V4A (1.4404) 4x 30mm w030 d282
BI1-HS540-RP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP V2A (1.4301) 4x 30mm w030 d283
BI1-HS540-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP V2A (1.4301) 4x 30mm w012 d283
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

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6.5 mm NAMUR
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 8.2VDC
Output NAMUR

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI1,5-EH6,5K-Y1 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w014 d284
BI1,5-HS865-Y1 1.5mm,a CuZn-Cr 6.5x 32mm w014 d285
NI3-EH6,5K-Y1 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w014 d286

6.5 mm 3-wire DC
General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI1,5-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 31mm w013 d287
BI2-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 31mm w013 d287
BI2-EH6,5K-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 31mm w029 d287
BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w013 d288
BI2U-EH6,5-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w029 d288
BI1,5-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 1.5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w013 d288
BI2-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w013 d288
NI3-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 31mm w013 d289
NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w013 d290
NI6U-EH6,5-RP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 6mm,b V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w029 d290
NI3-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP 3mm,b V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 49mm w013 d290
BI1,5-EH6,5K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 1.5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w012 d291
BI2-EH6,5K-RP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w030 d291
BI2-EH6,5K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w012 d291
BI1,5-HS865-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 1.5mm,a CuZn-Cr 6.5x 32mm w012 d285
BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 42mm w012 d292
Table continues on the next page

98 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Cylindrical designs Smooth barrel

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI2-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 42mm w012 d292
BI2U-EH6,5-RP6X 2m cable , PNP 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 42mm w030 d292
NI3-EH6,5K-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,b V4A (1.4404) 6.5x 23.6mm w012 d293
NI3-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 3mm,b V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 42mm w012 d294
NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 6mm,b V2A (1.4301) 6.5x 42mm w012 d294

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

11 mm
General data
Housing material PA

Fixing clamp BS11 included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
NI5-K11-Y1 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 5mm,b 11x 34mm w014 d295
BI2-K11-Y1 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 2mm,a 11x 34mm w014 d295
BI2-K11-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 2mm,a 11x 54mm w012 d296
NI5-K11-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,b 11x 54mm w012 d296
BI2-K11SK-AP6X Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 2mm,a 11x 75mm w022 d297
NI5-K11SK-AP6X Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,b 11x 75mm w022 d297

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20 mm
General data
Switching distance 10mm,b Housing material PBT

Fixing clamp BS20 included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
NI10-K20-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 20x 54mm w012 d298
NI10-K20SK-AP6X Terminal chamber 1030VDC , PNP 20x 77mm w022 d299
NI10-K20-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 20x 79mm w028 d300
NI10-K20SK-AZ3X Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC 20x 77mm w037 d299
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

34 mm
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 20mm,b Housing material PBT

Fixing clamp BS34.1 included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Dimensions
NI20-K34-VP4X 2m cable 34x 80mm w010 d301
NI20-K34SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 34x 106mm w023 d302

100 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

40 mm
General data
Connection Terminal chamber Housing material ABS
Dimensions 40x 90mm

Fixing clamp BS40 included in delivery
Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance
NI20-K40SR-VP4X2 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,b w023 d303
NI30-K40SR-VP4X2 1065VDC , PNP 30mm,b w023 d303
NI30-K40SR-FZ3X2 20250VAC/10300VDC , 30mm,b w024 d303
NI20-K40SR-FZ3X2 20250VAC/10300VDC , 20mm,b w024 d303
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

Ring sensors

TURCK ring sensors are compact and Features

universally mountable. They are used in
many different systems such as in as- Ring diameter 6100 mm
sembly lines or component feeding sys- Static, dynamic and analog versions
tems where they detect small and fast Integrated amplifier or separate
moving metal parts reliably and quickly. probe-amplifier combination
The uprox+ Factor1 sensors of the TS12 High sensitivity, adjustable, up to
series are used in feeding systems com- 0.1 mm wire diameter
posed by hoses with different diameters. Compact design
The TS12 can therefore be used as an in- The innovative TS12 uprox+ factor 1
novative replacement for ring sensors. series

Designs Electrical versions
From the compact rectangu- 3-wire NO or antivalent PNP/

lar Q14 to the proven S32 NPN; static, dynamic or
 analog output

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Ring diameters of Connection cable, 2 m; male
6100 mm detect steel M8 x 1, M12 x 1
balls from 0.6 mm as well
as wires 0.4 mm and
Materials Special features
Plastic housing in PBT, PA, Versions with separate ring
ABS and POM and amplifier; S32XL ring di-
ameter 100 mm

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102 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

General data
Connection male,M8 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PBT
Dimensions 17x 12x 80mm

Can be used as a universal replacement for ring sensors
For small parts detection
Types and data selection table
NI20U-TS12-AP6X2-V1131 w013 d304
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Q14 Switching output

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PBT
Dimensions 30x 14x 62.5mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
Type Inside ring diameter D
BI20R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 20.1mm w013 d305
BI15R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 15.1mm w013 d306
BI10R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 10.1mm w013 d307
BI6R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 6.1mm w013 d308
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

Q14 - Voltage output

General data
Inside ring diameter D 20.1mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output Analog output,
Housing material PBT Dimensions 30x 14x 62.5mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
BI20R-Q14-LU-H1141 w038 d309

General data
Inside ring diameter D 30.1mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material PBT Dimensions 40x 20x 68mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
BI30R-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 w013 d310
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

104 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PA
Dimensions 35x 30x 60mm

Dynamic output behaviour
For the detection of small and fast moving parts
Types and data selection table
Type Inside ring diameter D
BI30R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 30.1mm w013 d311
BI20R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 20.1mm w013 d312
BI15R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 15.1mm w013 d313
BI10R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 10.1mm w013 d314
BI6R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 6.1mm w013 d315
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PBT
Dimensions 80x 40x 92mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
Type Inside ring diameter D
BI65R-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 65mm w013 d316
BI50R-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 50mm w013 d317

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Ring sensors

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Operating voltage 1055VDC
Output , PNP Housing material ABS
Dimensions 100x 32x 175mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
Type Inside ring diameter D Steel wire diameter (St37)
NI65R-S32SR-VP44X 65mm 2mm w023 d318
NI40R-S32SR-VP44X 40mm 1mm w023 d319
NI20R-S32SR-VP44X 20mm 0.4mm w023 d320

General data
Inside ring diameter D 100mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1055VDC Output , PNP
Housing material POM Dimensions 137.5x 32x 180mm
Steel wire diameter (St37) 4mm

Tailback detection
Types and data selection table
NI100R-S32XL-VP44X-H1141 w035 d321

106 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Slot sensors


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Slot sensors

Slot sensors

The slot sensors are U-shaped and the Features

active face is located between the two
arms. The sensor is activated when an Sloth width 2 15 mm
object passes through the slot. Slot sen- Compact design for confined spaces
sors detect laterally approaching targets High repeatability
reliably, regardless of their distance to All designs available with NAMUR out-
the active face. put (incl. SIL2)
Slot sensors are thus applicable as limit Robust plastic housings
value detectors on analog pointer instru-
ments or on trailing chain capable con-
veyor systems, on which the positioning
element may move due to the chain

Designs Electrical versions
From the K08 for confined 3 and 4-wire DC; NAMUR

spaces to the K30 with large
slot width 

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Slot widths 2 15 mm Strands, 0.5 m or connection
cable, 2 m

Materials Special features

PA or PBT housings ATEX approved and SIL2
qualified NAMUR devices

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

108 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Slot sensors

General data
Connection 0.5m cable Housing material Vestamide
Dimensions 15x 8x 11mm Slot width 2mm

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output
SI2-K08-Y1 8.2VDC NAMUR w014 d322
SI2-K08-AP7 1030VDC , PNP w012 d323
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection 0.5m cable Operating voltage 8.2VDC
Output NAMUR Housing material PBT
Dimensions 9x 14x 20mm Slot width 5mm

Types and data selection table

SI5-K09-Y1 w014 d324

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Slot sensors

General data
Connection 0.5m cable Housing material PBT
Dimensions 15x 10x 19mm Slot width 3.5mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output
SI3,5-K10-Y1 8.2VDC NAMUR w014 d325
SI3,5-K10-Y1X 8.2VDC NAMUR w014 d326
SI3,5-K10-AP6X 1030VDC , PNP w012 d327

General data
Connection 2m cable Housing material PBT
Dimensions 60x 30x 48mm Slot width 15mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output
SI15-K30-Y1X 8.2VDC NAMUR w014 d328
SI15-K30-AP6X 1030VDC , PNP w012 d328
SI15-K30-RZ3 20250VAC/10300VDC w039 d329
SI15-K30-AZ3 20250VAC/10300VDC w028 d329
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

110 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Dual sensors for rotary actuators


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Dual sensors for rotary actuators

Dual sensors for rotary actuators

In the chemical, petro-chemical and Features

food industry, position control on rotary
actuators is of great importance. TURCK Safe protection against environmental
dual sensors detect the end position of conditions
rotary actuators reliably. They are pre- High resistance to chemicals and
cisely tailored to the requirements of cleaning agents
many different systems and application Integrated valve control
conditions. Simple mounting and cable Bus-compatible
routing reduce the expenses for Direct mounting on rotary actuator
installation. Robust and impact-resistant
Repairs of the drive system without
disconnection of wiring
Absolutely maintenance-free
Broad range of actuating elements
and accessories
Compliant with worldwide standards
like ATEX and SIL

Designs Electrical versions
Robust, impact-resistant and 2, 3 and 4-wire DC, 2-wire

compact housing AC/DC, NAMUR,

Electrical connections Materials

Terminal chamber with re- Robust and chemical resist-
movable terminal strip, ca- ant PP housing
ble or male M12

Special features Internet link

ATEX approved and SIL2 Scan the QR code to access
qualified NAMUR devices our products on the internet

112 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Dual sensors for rotary actuators

General data
Switching distance 4mm,b Housing material PP
Dimensions 42x 26x 28mm

For more details on actuators (pucks) and mounting accessories see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output
NI4-DSC26-2Y1X2 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR w040 d330
NI4-DSC26-2Y1X2-H1140 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR w041 d331
NI4-DSC26-2AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w042 d331
NI4-DSC26-2AP6X2 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w043 d330

General data
Switching distance 4mm,b Housing material plastic, PA12-GF20

For more details on actuators (pucks) and mounting accessories see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
NI4-DSU35-2Y1X2 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 60x 35x 59mm w040 d332
NI4-DSU35-2Y1X2-H1140 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 60x 35.4x 59mm w041 d333
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2 Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 60x 35x 62mm w044 d334
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2/S933 Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 60x 35x 62mm w044 d334
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2/S97 Terminal chamber 8.2VDC NAMUR 60x 35x 62mm w044 d334
NI4-DSU35-2AP4X2 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 60x 35x 59mm w043 d332
NI4-DSU35-2AP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 60x 35.4x 59mm w042 d333
NI4-DSU35TC-2AP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 60x 35x 62mm w045 d334
NI4-DSU35TC-2AD4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , 2-wire 60x 35x 62mm w046 d334
NI4-DSU35TC-2AP4X2/3GD Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 60x 35x 62mm w045 d334
NI4-DSU35-2ADZ30X2 2m cable 20250VAC/10300VDC 2x 60x 35x 59mm w047 d332
NI4-DSU35TC-2ADZ30X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC/10300VDC 2x 60x 35x 62mm w048 d334
Table continues on the next page

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
NI4-DSU35-2ASIX4-H1140 male,M12 x 1 1833VDC , AS-i V2.1 60x 35.4x 59mm w049 d335
NI4-DSU35-2DNETX5-H1150 male,M12 x 1 1125VDC , DeviceNet 60x 35.4x 59mm w050 d336

114 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Sensors with analog output

Inductive sensors with analog output Features

provide a current, voltage or frequency
signal and are ideally suited for simple High repeatability
control tasks. They are used in many ap- Large measuring ranges
plications, requiring more than just sim- Current, voltage and frequency output
ple digital position indication. Typical Optionally adjustable switching
applications are for example tension output
control, winding/unwinding motion or Many different designs
separation of parts according to size and Excellent EMC protection
material. Short-circuit and reverse-polarity
All connection types

Designs Electrical versions
Compact rectangular, 010V or 020mA,

threaded and smooth bar- 3/4-wire; 420mA 2-wire
rels as well as ring shaped  intrinsically safe

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

High-precision 0.11.5 mm, Cable, connector or terminal
large range 1050 mm, ring chamber
sensors 20, 50, 100 mm

Materials Special features

Rugged and chemical-resist- Sensors for metal detection;
ant plastic and metal hous- ATEX approved versions
ings for all types of

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

116 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

EH6.5 2 outputs 010 V Metal distinction

General data
Connection 0.2m male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1530VDC
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 6.5x 41.6mm Measuring accuracy <1% of full scale

Types and data selection table
BI1,5-EH6,5-0,2-Q20-2LU-H1141/S950 w051 d337

Q20 2 outputs 010 V Metal distinction

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1530VDC
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 40x 20x 68mm Measuring accuracy <1% of full scale

Types and data selection table

BI15-Q20-2LU-H1141/S950 w051 d338

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Q80 2 outputs 010 V Metal distinction

General data
Inside ring diameter D 50mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1530VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 80x 40x 92mm
Measuring accuracy <1% of full scale

Types and data selection table

BI50R-Q80-2LU-H1141/S950 w051 d339

S32XL 2 outputs 010 V Metal distinction

General data
Inside ring diameter D 100mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1530VDC Housing material POM
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 137.5x 32x 180mm
Measuring accuracy <1% of full scale

Types and data selection table

NI100R-S32XL-2LU-H1141/S950 w051 d340

118 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Q08 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Measuring range 14mm
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1530VDC
Switching distance a Housing material GD-Zn
Ambient temperature -25C Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm

Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI7-Q08-LIU w052 d341

Q14 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Linearity deviation 3% of full scale Measuring range 38mm
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 30x 14x 52mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BI10-Q14-LIU-V1141 male,M8 x 1 w053 d342
BI10-Q14-LIU 2m cable w052 d343

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Q14 Ring sensor Output 010 V

General data
Inside ring diameter D 20.1mm Operating voltage 1530VDC
Output Analog output, Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Dimensions
BI20R-Q14-LU-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30x 14x 62.5mm w038 d309
BI20R-Q14-LU 2m cable 30x 14x 52mm w054 d344

Q20 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Linearity deviation 3% of full scale Measuring range 411mm
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 40x 20x 68mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BI15-Q20-LIU-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w053 d338
BI15-Q20-LIU 2m cable w052 d345

120 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

CK40 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1530VDC
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 40x 40x 65mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Variable orientation of active face in 5 directions
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Switching distance
BI15-CK40-LIU-H1141 3% of full scale 411mm a w053 d346
NI25-CK40-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 525mm b w053 d346

CP40 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Operating voltage 1530VDC
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Switching distance
BI15-CP40-LIU 3% of full scale 411mm a w055 d347
NI25-CP40-LIU 5% of full scale 525mm b w055 d347

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

Q80 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Measuring range 1050mm
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1530VDC
Switching distance b Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 80x 40x 92mm
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

NI50-Q80-LIU-H1141 w053 d348

M8 Voltage output 010 V

General data
Linearity deviation 3% of full scale Measuring range 0.251.25mm
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -25+70C
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Dimensions
BI1,5-EG08-LU-H1341 male,M12 x 1 8x 57mm w038 d142
BI1,5-EG08-LU 2m cable 8x 42mm w054 d349

122 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

M12 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Operating voltage 1530VDC Housing material CuZn-Cr
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Connection Switching distance Ambient temperature Dimensions
BI4-M12-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 0.53mm male,M12 x 1 a -25C 12x 62mm w053 d350
BI4-M12-LIU 5% of full scale 0.53mm 2m cable a -25C 12x 64mm w052 d351
BI2-M12-LIU-H1141 3% of full scale 12.5mm male,M12 x 1 a -25+70C 12x 62mm w053 d350
BI2-M12-LIU 3% of full scale 12.5mm 2m cable a -25+70C 12x 64mm w052 d351
NI5-M12-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 0.54mm male,M12 x 1 b -25+70C 12x 62mm w053 d352
NI5-M12-LIU 5% of full scale 0.54mm 2m cable b -25+70C 12x 64mm w052 d353

M18 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Operating voltage 1530VDC Housing material CuZn-Cr
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Connection Switching distance Ambient temperature Dimensions
BI8-M18E-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 15mm male,M12 x 1 a -25C 18x 72mm w053 d354
BI8-M18-LIU 5% of full scale 15mm 2m cable a -25C 18x 64mm w052 d236
BI5-M18E-LIU-H1141 3% of full scale 24mm male,M12 x 1 a -25+70C 18x 72mm w053 d354
BI5-M18-LIU 3% of full scale 24mm 2m cable a -25+70C 18x 64mm w052 d236
NI10-M18E-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 17mm male,M12 x 1 b -25+70C 18x 72mm w053 d355
NI10-M18-LIU 5% of full scale 17mm 2m cable b -25+70C 18x 64mm w052 d356

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

M18 Current output 420 mA Intrinsically safe

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Measuring range 15mm
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1430VDC
Switching distance a Housing material CuZn-Cr
Ambient temperature -25C Dimensions 18x 64mm
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI8-M18-LI-EXI w056 d236

M18 Voltage output 010 V and 3-wire PNP

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material CuZn-Cr Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 18x 54mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|
Measuring range 15mm

Types and data selection table

BI8-M18-LUAP6X w057 d357

124 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

M18 Inductive linear position sensor Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1530VDC
Switching distance b Housing material CuZn-Cr
Ambient temperature -25+70C Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Actuation via short-circuiting ring (included in delivery), blind hole or similar
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
WI70-M18-LIU5 3% of full scale 070mm 18x 139mm w052 d358
WI40-M18-LIU5 2% of full scale 040mm 18x 107.5mm w052 d359

M30 Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material CuZn-Cr Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Connection Ambient temperature Dimensions
BI15-M30E-LIU-H1141 5% of full scale 210mm male,M12 x 1 -25C 30x 77mm w053 d360
BI15-M30-LIU 5% of full scale 210mm 2m cable -25C 30x 64mm w052 d259
BI10-M30E-LIU-H1141 3% of full scale 38mm male,M12 x 1 -25+70C 30x 77mm w053 d360
BI10-M30-LIU 3% of full scale 38mm 2m cable -25+70C 30x 64mm w052 d259

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

M30 Voltage output 420 mA Intrinsically safe

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Measuring range 210mm
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1430VDC
Switching distance a Housing material CuZn-Cr
Ambient temperature -25C Dimensions 30x 64mm
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI15-M30-LI-EXI w056 d259

M30 Voltage output 010 V and 3-wire PNP

General data
Linearity deviation 5% of full scale Measuring range 210mm
Operating voltage 1530VDC Connection 2m cable
Housing material CuZn-Cr Switching distance a
Dimensions 30x 64mm Ambient temperature -25+70C
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI15-M30-LUAP6X w057 d361

126 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Sensors with analog output

4 mm Output 010 V and 020 mA

General data
Measuring range 0.11.5mm Connection 0.3m male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching distance a
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 4x 30mm Repeatability 1 % of measuring

range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI1,5-EH04-0,3-M12-SIU-H1141 w053 d362

6.5 mm Voltage output 010 V

General data
Linearity deviation 3% of full scale Measuring range 0.251.25mm
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1530VDC
Switching distance a Housing material V2A (1.4301)
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 6.5x 42mm
Repeatability 1 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

BI1,5-EH6,5-LU w054 d363

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 127

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

Sensors with extended temperature range

Many different sensors are available for Features

applications characterized by extreme
ambient temperatures of -60 C or Six different series for temperatures of
+250 C. These TURCK devices are typi- -60 C up to +250 C
cally used in deep freezing systems, out- Complete product families with all
door applications, in metal foundries, housing types: M8, M12, M18, M30,
the glass industry or in drying furnaces 40 x 40, 80 x 80
of varnishing stations used in the auto- Specially sealed sensors for wet
motive industry. environments
Our climate-proof versions in stainless Different cable materials tailored to
steel housings are exellently suited for the temperature ranges
humid environments affected by sudden Excellent EMC properties
temperature changes of up to +120 C.

Designs Electrical versions
Broad range of devices from NAMUR -40+100C;

the 8 mm threaded barrel 3/4wireDC: -60+250C;
up to the 80x80mm rec-  2wireAC: -40+120C
tangular version

Switching distances Electrical connections

7 mm at temperatures of Cable, connector, terminal
-60C; 40mm at tempera- chamber and pigtail; sensors
tures of+250C with external amplifier for
temperatures of +160 C and

Materials Special features

Rugged, temperature resist- Washdown; pressure-resist-
ant housing materials and ant active face
cable qualities

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

128 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

-60 C M12
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -60+60C

Types and data selection table
Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI2-EM12WD-AP6/S929 2mm,a 12x 63mm w012 d364
NI4-EM12WD-AP6/S929 4mm,b 12x 67mm w012 d365

-60 C M18
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -60+60C

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI5-EM18WD-AP6X/S929 5mm,a 18x 67mm w012 d366
NI7-EM18WD-AP6X/S929 7mm,b 18x 75mm w012 d367

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

-40 C CP40
General data
Connection Terminal chamber Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI15-CP40-VP4X2/S97 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w023 d122
NI20-CP40-VP4X2/S97 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,b w023 d122
BI15-CP40-Y1X/S97 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w025 d124
BI15-CP40-FZ3X2/S97 20250VAC/10300VDC , 15mm,a w024 d122
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2/S97 20250VAC/10300VDC , 20mm,b w024 d122

-40 C CP80
General data
Connection Terminal chamber Switching distance 40mm,b
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -40+70C
Dimensions 80x 41x 80mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output
NI40-CP80-Y1/S97 8.2VDC NAMUR w025 d132
NI40-CP80-VP4X2/S97 1065VDC , PNP w023 d130
NI40-CP80-FZ3X2/S97 20250VAC/10300VDC , w024 d130

130 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

-40 C M12 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI2-P12-Y1X/S97 2m cable 2mm,a PA 12x 34mm w014 d168
NI5-P12-Y1X/S97 2m cable 5mm,b PA 12x 34mm w014 d168
NI5-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d162
clamp terminals
BI2-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d163
clamp terminals

-40 C M12 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 52mm w013 d170
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 12x 52mm w013 d196
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 4mm,a 12x 52mm w012 d188
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 10mm,b 12x 52mm w012 d187
BI4U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 4mm,a 12x 80mm w022 d185
clamp terminals
NI10U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,b 12x 80mm w022 d182
clamp terminals

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 131

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

-40 C S18 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI10-P18-Y1X/S97 2m cable 10mm,b PA 18x 34mm w014 d204
BI5-P18-Y1X/S97 2m cable 5mm,a PA 18x 34mm w014 d204
BI5-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d207
clamp terminals
NI10-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d208
clamp terminals

-40 C M18 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 8mm,a 18x 52mm w012 d227
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,b 18x 52mm w012 d228
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8mm,a 18x 52mm w013 d202
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b 18x 52mm w013 d225
BI8U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 8mm,a 18x 81mm w022 d233
clamp terminals
NI15U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,b 18x 81mm w022 d230
clamp terminals

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

132 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

-40 C M30 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-P30-Y1X/S97 2m cable 10mm,a PA 30x 44mm w014 d245
NI15-P30-Y1X/S97 2m cable 15mm,b PA 30x 44mm w014 d245
BI10-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d251
clamp terminals
NI15-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d252
clamp terminals

-40 C M30 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -40+100C

Removable terminal strip and variable cable outlet

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,a 30x 95mm w022 d264
clamp terminals
NI30U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 30mm,b 30x 95mm w022 d266
clamp terminals
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,a 30x 66mm w012 d260
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 30mm,b 30x 66mm w012 d368
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a 30x 62mm w013 d243
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b 30x 62mm w013 d258
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 133

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C CP40
General data
Connection Terminal chamber Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+100C Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance
BI15-CP40-VP4X2/S100 1065VDC , PNP 15mm,a w023 d122
NI20-CP40-VP4X2/S100 1065VDC , PNP 20mm,b w023 d122
BI15-CP40-Y1X/S100 8.2VDC NAMUR 15mm,a w025 d124
NI20-CP40-Y1X/S100 8.2VDC NAMUR 20mm,b w025 d124
BI15-CP40-FZ3X2/S100 20250VAC/10300VDC , 15mm,a w024 d122
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2/S100 20250VAC/10300VDC , 20mm,b w024 d122

+100 C CP80
General data
Connection Terminal chamber Switching distance 40mm,b
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+100C
Dimensions 80x 41x 80mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output
NI40-CP80-Y1/S100 8.2VDC NAMUR w025 d132
NI40-CP80-VP4X2/S100 1065VDC , PNP w023 d130
NI40-CP80-FZ3X2/S100 20250VAC/10300VDC , w024 d130

134 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C M8
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 2mm,a
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -25+100C
Dimensions 8x 42mm

Types and data selection table
BI2-EG08-AP6X/S100 w012 d148
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

+100 C M12 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -25+100C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
NI5-P12-Y1/S100 2m cable 5mm,b PA 12x 34mm w014 d369
BI2-P12-Y1/S100 2m cable 2mm,a PA 12x 34mm w014 d369
BI2-EG12-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 2mm,a V2A (1.4301) 12x 34mm w014 d169
NI5-EG12-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 5mm,b V2A (1.4301) 12x 34mm w014 d167
NI5-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,b V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d162
clamp terminals
BI2-EM12WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 2mm,a V4A (1.4404) 12x 70mm w025 d163
clamp terminals

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 135

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C M12 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 4mm,a 12x 52mm w013 d170
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 10mm,b 12x 52mm w013 d196
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 4mm,a 12x 52mm w012 d188
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 10mm,b 12x 52mm w012 d187
BI4U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 4mm,a 12x 80mm w022 d185
clamp terminals
NI10U-EM12WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,b 12x 80mm w022 d182
clamp terminals

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

+100 C M12 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 20250VAC/10
Output Housing material PA
Ambient temperature -25+100C

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI2-S12-AZ31X/S100 2mm,a 12x 60mm w015 d179
NI4-S12-AZ31X/S100 4mm,b 12x 64mm w015 d179

136 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C S18 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -25+100C

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-EG18-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 5mm,a V2A (1.4301) 18x 34mm w014 d205
NI10-P18-Y1/S100 2m cable 10mm,b PA 18x 34mm w014 d370
BI5-P18-Y1/S100 2m cable 5mm,a PA 18x 34mm w014 d370
NI10-EG18-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 10mm,b V2A (1.4301) 18x 34mm w014 d206
BI5-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 5mm,a V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d207
clamp terminals
NI10-EM18WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,b V4A (1.4404) 18x 71mm w025 d208
clamp terminals

+100 C M18 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 8mm,a 18x 52mm w012 d227
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,b 18x 52mm w012 d228
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8mm,a 18x 52mm w013 d202
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,b 18x 52mm w013 d225
BI8U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 8mm,a 18x 81mm w022 d233
clamp terminals
NI15U-EM18WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,b 18x 81mm w022 d230
clamp terminals

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 137

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C M18 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 20250VAC/10
Output Housing material PA
Ambient temperature -25+100C Dimensions 18x 64mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI5-S18-AZ3X/S100 5mm,a w028 d217
NI8-S18-AZ3X/S100 8mm,b w028 d217

+100 C M30 NAMUR

General data
Operating voltage 8.2VDC Output NAMUR
Ambient temperature -25+100C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-P30-Y1/S100 2m cable 10mm,a PA 30x 44mm w014 d371
NI15-P30-Y1/S100 2m cable 15mm,b PA 30x 44mm w014 d371
BI10-EG30-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 10mm,a V2A (1.4301) 30x 44mm w014 d246
NI15-EG30-Y1X/S100 7M 7m cable 15mm,b V2A (1.4301) 30x 44mm w014 d247
BI10-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 10mm,a V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d251
clamp terminals
NI15-EM30WDTC-Y1X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,b V4A (1.4404) 30x 80mm w025 d252
clamp terminals

138 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+100 C M30 3-wire DC

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -40+100C

Removable terminal strip and variable cable outlet
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 15mm,a 30x 95mm w022 d264
clamp terminals
NI30U-EM30WDTC-AP6X Terminal chamber,Removable cage 30mm,b 30x 95mm w022 d266
clamp terminals
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 15mm,a 30x 66mm w012 d260
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 30mm,b 30x 66mm w012 d368
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 15mm,a 30x 62mm w013 d243
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 30mm,b 30x 62mm w013 d258
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

+100 C M30 2-wire AC/DC

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 20250VAC/10
Output Housing material PA
Ambient temperature -25+100C Dimensions 30x 64mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance
BI10-S30-AZ3X/S100 10mm,a w028 d254
NI15-S30-AZ3X/S100 15mm,b w028 d254

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 139

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+120 C 160 mm
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1055VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 100mm,b
Housing material PPO Ambient temperature -25+120C
Dimensions 60x 160mm

Types and data selection table

NI100-Q160-AP44X/S120 w012 d372

+120 C M12
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -25+120C

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI2-EM12D-AP6/S120 2mm,a 12x 63mm w012 d364
NI4-EM12D-AP6/S120 4mm,b 12x 67mm w012 d365

140 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+120 C M18
General data
Connection 2m cable Ambient temperature -25+120C

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI5-M18-AP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 87mm w012 d373
NI8-M18-AP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 97mm w012 d374
BI5-EM18D-VP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a V4A (1.4571) 18x 95mm w010 d375
NI7-EM18D-VP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 7mm,b V4A (1.4571) 18x 103mm w010 d376
BI5-M18-AZ3X/S120 20250VAC 5mm,a CuZn-Cr 18x 87mm w015 d373
NI8-M18-AZ3X/S120 20250VAC 8mm,b CuZn-Cr 18x 97mm w015 d374

+120 C M30
General data
Connection 2m cable Ambient temperature -25+120C

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance Housing material Dimensions
BI10-M30-AP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 87mm w012 d377
NI15-M30-AP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 97mm w012 d378
BI10-EM30D-VP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a V4A (1.4571) 30x 100mm w010 d379
NI15-EM30D-VP6X/S120 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,b V4A (1.4571) 30x 110mm w010 d380
BI10-M30-AZ3X/S120 20250VAC 10mm,a CuZn-Cr 30x 87mm w015 d377
NI15-M30-AZ3X/S120 20250VAC 15mm,b CuZn-Cr 30x 97mm w015 d378

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 141

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+160 C M18
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -25+160C

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI5-EM18-AP6/S907 5mm,a 18x 95mm w012 d381
NI8-EM18-AP6/S907 8mm,b 18x 103mm w012 d382

+160 C M30
General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -25+160C

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI10-EM30-AP6/S907 10mm,a 30x 100mm w012 d383
NI15-EM30-AP6/S907 15mm,b 30x 110mm w012 d384

142 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+250 C Q40 Sensor

General data
Connection 5m male,M12 x 1 Output , PNP
Switching distance 25mm,b Housing material Al
Ambient temperature 0+250C Dimensions 40x 40x 52mm

Amplifier EM30-AP6X2-H1141/S1102 required
Types and data selection table
NI25-CQ40/S1102 5M w058 d385

+250 C Q80 Sensor

General data
Connection 5m male,M12 x 1 Output , PNP
Switching distance 40mm,b Housing material Al
Ambient temperature 0+250C Dimensions 80x 41x 92mm

Amplifier EM30-AP6X2-H1141/S1102 required

Types and data selection table
NI40-CQ80/S1102 5M w058 d386

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 143

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Extended temperature range

+250 C EM30 Amplifier

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V4A (1.4571)
Ambient temperature -20+70C Dimensions 30x 83mm

Required sensors Ni25-CQ40/S1102 5M or Ni40-CQ80/S1102 5M

Types and data selection table
EM30-AP6X2-H1141/S1102 w059 d387

144 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Inductive sensors for underwater applications


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 145

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Inductive sensors for underwater applications

Inductive sensors for underwater applications

We provide sensors in fully pressure and Features

seawater tight housings for subsea ap-
plications. Mounted in plastic M18 For continuous use under water
threaded barrels, they can even be ap- M18 sensors for water depths of up to
plied at water depths of up to 500 m. 500 m
The CP40 sensors are also made for sub- CP40 sensors in protective housing for
sea use. They are fully encapsulated in a water depths of up to 50 m
SG40/2 housing. These types achieve Application compliant housing
large switching distances, are IP68 rated materials
and made for (fresh) water depths of up Versions with ATEX approval
to 50 m. They are mostly applied in
locks, weirs and offshore areas.

Designs Electrical versions
M18 x 1 threaded barrel, rec- NAMUR or 3 and 4-wire DC

tangular 40 x 40 mm,
mounted in protective 

Switching distances Materials

Threaded barrel 5 mm flush Longlife materials,
or 8 mm non-flush version, seawater-resistant
35 mm non-flush

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

146 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Inductive sensors for underwater applications

General data
Connection 30m cable Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 35mm,b
Housing material Ultem Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 67x 50x 190mm

Types and data selection table
NI35-CP40-VP4X2/S369-F 30M w060 d388

General data
Connection 2m cable Housing material POM
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 18x 80mm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance
NI8-P18-Y1/S139 8.2VDC NAMUR 8mm,b w014 d237
BI5-P18-AP6/S139-S90 1030VDC , PNP 5mm,a w012 d237
NI8-P18-AP6/S139-S90 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,b w012 d237
BI5-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 20250VAC/10300VDC 5mm,a w028 d237
NI8-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 20250VAC/10300VDC 8mm,b w028 d237

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 147

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Pressure-resistant sensors

Pressure-resistant sensors

We offer pressure and high-pressure re- Features

sistant sensors. The uprox+ Washdown
sensors resist pressures up to 20 bar, are M8 and M12 versions up to 20 bar
IP68/IP69K rated and combine the M18 up to 15 bar
unique uprox advantages, such as larg- M30 up to 10 bar uprox+ Washdown
est switching distance and factor 1 on all sensors with large switching distance
metals. Special high pressure resistant sensors
The high-pressure resistant sensors are up to 500 bar
incorporated in a stainless steel housing
and are ideally suited for hydraulic sys-
tems. Special seals and additional outer
seals at the front as well as an O-ring en-
able the application in high pressure sys-
tems of up to 500 bar.

Designs Electrical versions
Thread sizes M8 x 1, M12 x 1, NO, NC contact or antivalent

M18 x 1 or M30 x 1.5 DC output functions

Switching distances Electrical connections

uprox+ Washdown sensors Cable or male M12
up to 30 mm; high-pressure
resistant sensors up to 2 mm

Materials Special features

Stainless steel threaded bar- Factor 1 for all metals,
rel, shape-stable plastics for temperature range -
active face 40+100 C

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

148 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Pressure-resistant sensors

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 1.5mm,a
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Dimensions 8x 57mm

Pressure-resistant up to 20 bar
Types and data selection table
BI1,5-EG08WD-AP6X-H1341 w013 d027
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Pressure-resistant up to 20 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 4mm,a 12x 52mm w013 d170
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,b 12x 52mm w013 d196
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 4mm,a 12x 52mm w012 d188
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,b 12x 52mm w012 d187
BI4U-EM12EWD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 4mm,a 12x 62mm w035 d172
NI10U-EM12EWD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 10mm,b 12x 62mm w035 d175

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 149

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Pressure-resistant sensors

General data
Housing material V4A (1.4404)

Pressure-resistant up to 15 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,a 18x 52mm w013 d202
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,b 18x 52mm w013 d225
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 8mm,a 18x 52mm w012 d227
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,b 18x 52mm w012 d228
BI8U-EM18MWD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 8mm,a 18x 61.5mm w035 d212
NI15U-EM18MWD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 15mm,b 18x 61.5mm w035 d214

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

M18 High pressure resistant

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 2mm,a Housing material V2A (1.4305)
Dimensions 18x 58mm

Pressure resistant up to 500 bar (S212) resp. 100 bar (S220)

Types and data selection table
Type Connection
BID2-G180-AP6-H1141/S220 male,M12 x 1 w013 d389
BID2-G180-AP6-H1141/S212 male,M12 x 1 w013 d389
BID2-G180-AP6/S220 2m cable w012 d390
BID2-G180-AP6/S212 2m cable w012 d390

150 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Pressure-resistant sensors

General data
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Ambient temperature -40+100C

Pressure-resistant up to 10 bar
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Switching distance Dimensions
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a 30x 62mm w013 d243
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,b 30x 62mm w013 d258
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 15mm,a 30x 66mm w012 d260
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 30mm,b 30x 66mm w012 d368
BI15U-EM30WD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 15mm,a 30x 62mm w035 d243
NI30U-EM30WD-VP44X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1055VDC , PNP 30mm,b 30x 62mm w035 d258
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 151

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Selective sensors

Selective sensors

TURCKs sensor series NF and FE and are Features

particularly suited for applications in
which ferritic metals have to be distin- Switching outputs for the detection of
guished from non-ferritic ones. They dis- different materials
tinguish for example between work- NF with output for non-ferritic metals
piece and tool or between workpieces FE with output for ferritic metals
made of different materials and perform Stainless steel housing
simple coding tasks. Large switching distance also on non-
ferritic metals
Highly immune to interference

Designs Electrical versions
12, 18 and 30 mm threaded 3-wire DC for threaded bar-

barrels as well as 40x40mm rels; 4-wire DC/2-wire AC for
rectangular housings  rectangular types

Switching distances Electrical connections

Distinction of ferrous metals Threaded barrel with male
up to 5 mm; distinction of M12, rectangular version
non-ferrous metals up to with terminal chamber
20 mm

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

152 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Selective sensors

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 20mm,b
Housing material PBT Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions
Types and data selection table
NI20NF-CP40-VP4X2 w023 d391
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material V2A (1.4301)

Types and data selection table

Type Switching distance Dimensions
BI3NF-EM12HE-AP6X2-H1141 3mm,a 12x 62mm w013 d173
BI2,5FE-EM12FE-AP6X-H1141 2.5mm,a 12x 60mm w013 d392
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 153

Inductive sensors Complete product range
Selective sensors

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 5mm,a
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Dimensions 18x 72mm

Types and data selection table

BI5NF-EM18HE-AP6X2-H1141 w013 d223
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 10mm,a
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Dimensions 30x 77mm

Types and data selection table

BI10NF-EM30HE-AP6X2-H1141 w013 d393
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

154 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive sensors Complete product range
Selective sensors


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 155

Capacitive sensors

156 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors

Capacitive sensors
Capacitive sensors

Rectangular design, high-performance technology within the smallest space

Capacitive sensors operate contactless, choosing the right sensor. TURCK meets
reactionless and wear-free. Capacitive these requirements and offers capacitive
proximity switches are highly sensitive sensors for the most diverse demands,
and designed for non-contact and wear- such as high temperatures, aggressive
free detection of electrically conductive media or explosion hazardous environ-
as well as non-conductive metal objects. ments. As well as types comply with the
They measure filling levels of liquids or application typical demands, such as
bulk goods either in direct contact with those of the food or pharmaceutical in-
the medium or through a metallic con- dustry for example.
tainer wall. In addition to positioning The BCF series is designed for applica-
measurement, the sensors are also de- tions exposed to strong interference. In
ployed for control of overflow and leaka- addition, the BCF sensors operate reliab-
ge as well as run-dry protection of le, even with adherent and conductive li-
pumps. quid films on the active face. The BCC se-
TURCK offers them as threaded barrel ty- ries is especially suited for powders and
pes mounted in a plastic or metal granulates with a very low dielectric con-
housing and as rectangular types that stant. These sensors are especially shiel-
are easily mounted and fit in almost eve- ded against interferences and electrosta-
ry space. tic discharge and maintain the switching
The type of application and the environ- distance even when flush mounted in
mental conditions play a key role in metal containers.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 157

Capacitive sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

New close-up range suppression

Capacitive sensors react to all materials close to the sensor surface, antagonizing
with a permittivity greater than 1. This the main signal. A zone is thus created
may lead to interferences during operati- near the electrode in which dirt and hu-
on in the event of wetting, condensation midity are not detected by the sensor.
or icing on the sensor surface. Residue Based on the new technology, the close-
and humidity may also lead to detection up range suppression of TURCK sensors
failures. In order to rule out this effect, a works also with conductive adhesion.
signal is produced with an electrode

All-round protection against interferences

Capacitive sensors work reliably and interference. The sensors are also ESD
safe, even under rough environmental immune. Automatic wetting compensa-
conditions. Special protective measures tion eliminates moreover interferences
ensure failsafe operation of the sensors caused by wetting and condensation.
when exposed to high electromagnetic

Wear-free detection of conducting and non-conducting materials.

Capacitive proximity sensors are desig- citive sensors measure deflection, thick-
ned for contactless and wear-free detec- ness, eccentricity, concentricity, defor-
tion of electrically conducting and non- mation, wear, vibration and above all
conducting objects. These all-rounders filling levels of liquid and solid
are thus suited for many applications. In substances.
addition to distance and position, capa-

158 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors

ngths Your
ur advantages

Cylindrical design, metal or plastic version

Whether metal or plastic housing, the Besides the usual reliability, capacitive
product range of standard cylindrical TURCK sensors feature standard func-
sensors is large, offering devices with tions such as automatic wetting com-
diameters between 12 mm and 40 mm. pensation, excellent EMC and ESD pro-
The flush mountable sensors generate perties and they are flexibly mounted.
an almost linear detection field.

Rectangular design, high-performance technology within the smallest space

The rectangular devices offer high-quali- are considerably smaller, lowering the
ty components and high functionality in construction effort while enhancing the
a rugged housing. These sensors moreo- system availability. You save time and
ver convince through easy and conveni- money.
ent handling. The prescribed free zones

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 159

Capacitive sensors

Inductive sensors fo
Inductive sensors for special applicat

special ap
BCF sensors for demanding applications

Conventional sensors do not operate re- The sensors are immune to radiated and
liably in demanding applications. Resi- conducted HF interference, burst as well
due and humidity on the active face may as electrostatic discharge (ESD).
inhibit proper operation of the sensor. Suited for highly viscous media
These problems are now ruled out with Increased EMI shielding (even with
the new BCF series. Even conductive ad- high frequency equipment)
hesion is not a problem anymore, thanks
to the new technology. Page 184

BCC sensors for level control

The BCC sensors blank out all interferen- Even smallest pellets are detected
ces during the monitoring process: They Same switching distance, even when
are EMC and ESD immune. A laterally mounted in metal barrels
mounted shield and an integrated pro- Excellent EMC and ESD properties
cessing unit inhibit pre-attenuation
when mounted in metal flanges. The full Page 188
switching distance is thus exploitable.

NAMUR sensors

The available NAMUR sensors are appro- vert current variations into binary output
ved for the zones 0 and 1. They are pola- signals. The advantage: With an appro-
rized 2-wire devices, changing their in- ved switching amplifier, they can be ap-
ternal resistance in dependence on the plied in Ex-areas. Continuous monitoring
attenuation (continuous linear/current of wire-break and short-circuit via the
characteristic). They can be connected to switching amplifier is possible.
external switching amplifiers which con-

160 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors

e sensors for
or special applications

AC 2-wire sensors

Capacitive AC 2-wire sensors are availab- The established wiring, normally two wi-
le as M12, M18, M30 and CK40 types. The res, can still be used. The advantage is,
2-wire sensors can be used to replace compared to 3-wire switching elements,
mechanical switches in existing systems. the reduced wiring complexity.

Chemical resistant sensors

The capacitive sensors (PVDF) are the nery. PVDF materials belong to the
ideal solution for any application of the group of fluoride plastics. They are extre-
pharmaceutical, chemical or food indust- mely resistant due to the high fluorine
ry. They help to optimize all kinds of ap- content. They also feature a high creep
plications for instance in dairies, bre- strength under constant load as well as
weries, industrial bakeries, frozen food good heat and cold properties.
production, packaging and filling machi-

High-temperature resistant sensors

A growing number of applications requi- sensors feature temperature resistant

re sensors resisting temperatures bey- components as well as cleverly designed
ond the standard range of passive cooling concepts, approved in
-25+70 C. For this purpose TURCK has demanding laboratory tests. These sen-
developed capacitive sensors which sors resist temperatures from -25 C to
meet exactly these requirements. The +100 C.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 161

Capacitive sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

B C F 5 M12 K A P 6 X H1 1 4 1 / S250

B C F 5 Functional principle M12 K Design A P 6 X Electrical version

Rated operating distance Additional Information Indication
distance Sn in [mm] K short-sized housing X LED
WD wash down, resistant X... number of LEDs or
Special function to aggressive cleaning multicolor LED
C predamping protection agents, protection class
IP69K Voltage range
F close-up range
SR, TC terminal chamber with 3 10300 VDC /
straight or angled cable 20250 VAC
outlet 4 1065 VDC,
Functional principle
short-circuit proof
C capacitive Housing
6 1030 VDC,
CP40 rectangular, short-circuit proof
Fitting (40 x 40 mm)
B flush active face flexible Output mode
N non-flush CP80 rectangular, N NPN
(80 x 80 mm)
K smooth barrel, plastic
Z 2-wire AC/DC
KT smooth barrel, plastic,
M threaded barrel,metal, Output function
in [mm] A working current NO
S barrel, plastic F working current NO/
continuous thread closed current NC
PT threaded barrel, plastic, programmable via
PTFE-coated connection
Q rectangular, height and R closed current NC
in [mm] V changeover contact
QF rectangular flat, Y0, output acc. to
height in [mm] Y1 EN 60947-5-6

162 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors


H1 1 4 1 Electrical
/ S250 Special version
Assignment Features
1 standard assigment, S90 PUR cable
or customized S100 extended temperature range
S250 fixed settings
Number of contacts 3GD approval ATEX II 3 G
4 contacts and II 3D

Connector type
1 straight
3 straight, with adapter

Connector type
B3 connector 1/2"
H1 connector M12 x 1
V1 connector M8 x 1 /
8 mm

M Cable connection /
Cable connection
M cable length [m]

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 163

Capacitive sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
QF5,5 rectangular QF5,5 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 169
20.3x 5.5x 54mm 5 mm,a , NPN

Q08 rectangular Q08 5 mm,a connector, 8 mm , PNP 169

20x 8x 32mm 2m cable , NPN

Q10 rectangular Q10 8 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 170

25x 10.8x 42mm connector , NPN

Q14 rectangular Q14 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 170

30x 14x 55.5mm connector, M8 x 1 , NPN

Q20 rectangular Q20 20 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 171

40x 20x 68mm 2m cable , NPN
connector, M8 x 1 , PNP
, 2-wire
, 2-wire
CP40 rectangular CP40 20 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 171
40x 40x 114mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
, , 2-wire

CP80 rectangular CP80 50 mm,b terminal chamber , PNP 172

80x 40.5x 80mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
, , 2-wire

M12 threaded barrel M12 x 1 3 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 175

12x 63.5mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
12x 70mm , PNP

164 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors

and variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
M18 threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 175
18x 83mm 2m cable , NPN
18x 74mm , PNP
, 2-wire
, 2-wire

M30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 176
30x 60mm 2m cable , NPN
30x 62.5mm , 2-wire
, 2-wire

S12 threaded barrel M12 x 1 3 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 179

12x 63mm , NPN

S18 threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 179

18x 83mm 2m cable , NPN
18x 74mm , PNP
, 2-wire
, 2-wire
S185 threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 180
18x 74.5mm , NPN

S30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 180
30x 60mm 2m cable , NPN
30x 62.5mm , 2-wire
, 2-wire

P30SR threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 181
30x 115mm , NPN
, , 2-wire

PT30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 181

30x 80mm , NPN

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 165

Capacitive sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
K34 smooth barrel 34 mm 15 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 182
34x 60mm 2m cable , NPN
34x 80mm , PNP
, 2-wire
, 2-wire
K34SR smooth barrel 34 mm 15 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 182
34x 106mm , NPN
, , 2-wire

KT34 smooth barrel 34 mm 20 mm,b 2m cable , PNP 183

34x 80mm , NPN

K40SR smooth barrel 40 mm 20 mm,a terminal chamber , PNP 183

40x 90mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN

K40WDTC smooth barrel 40 mm 20 mm,a terminal chamber, removablee , PNP 183

40x 91mm cage clamp terminals

BCF S18 threaded barrel M18 x 1 5 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 185

18x 74mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
18x 83mm , NPN

BCF S30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 185
30x 62.5mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
30x 60mm , 2-wire
, 2-wire

BCF K34 smooth barrel 34 mm 15 mm,a 2m cable , 2-wire 186

34x 80mm , 2-wire

166 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors

and variants

Design Switching distance Electrical connection Output Page
BCF Q20L60 rectangular Q20L60 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 186
30x 20x 60mm connector, M12 x 1

BCC S30 threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a 2m cable , PNP 189
30x 62.5mm connector, M12 x 1 , PNP
30x 60mm , PNP

BCC S30WD threaded barrel M30 x 1.5 10 mm,a connector, M12 x 1 , PNP 189

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 167

Capacitive sensors
Rectangular designs

Rectangular designs

Rectangular shaped capacitive sensors Features

are the compact solution for your facili-
ties. The rugged housing and high-quali- Stable and resistant housings
ty components provide additional op- Large switching distances
tions for installation and detection. The Excellent EMC properties
8 mm Q08 as well as the variable CP80 Easy to mount
convince through easy mounting and Connector and cable versions
short blind zones.
The rectangular types thus simplify the
assembly and enhance the operability of
your systems.

Designs Electrical versions
All designs available, from the 3-wire and 4-wire DC, as well

flat 5.5mm QF5.5 up to the as 2-wire AC and NAMUR
big sized 80x40.5 x 80mm  devices, PNP and NPN swit-
CP80 ching; NO, NC contact or
with antivalent switching

Switching distances Electrical connections

5 mm versions for close-ran- 2 m cable PVC or PUR, male
ge detection, 50 mm versi- M8 x 1, 8mm and M12x1
ons for long ranges or terminal chamber

Materials Special features

Rugged and chemical resis- Fine adjustment via
tant plastic and metal potentiometer,

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

168 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Rectangular designs

General data
Connection 2m cable Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 20.3x 5.5x 54mm

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Switching distance Approvals Operating current [mA] Adjustment
BC10-QF5,5-AP6X2 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a 200, Potentiometer w061 d394
BC10-QF5,5-RP6X2 1030VDC , PNP 10mm,a 200, Potentiometer w062 d394
BC5-QF5,5-Y1X/S250 8.2VDC NAMUR 5mm,a II 2 G fixed w063 d395
II 1 D
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching distance 5mm,a
Housing material GD-Zn Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 20x 8x 32mm
Adjustment fixed

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output
BC5-Q08-AP6X2-V1131/S250 male, 8 mm , PNP w064 d396
BC5-Q08-AP6X2/S250 2m cable , PNP w061 d397
BC5-Q08-RP6X2/S250 2m cable , PNP w062 d397
BC5-Q08-RP6X2-V1131/S250 male, 8 mm , PNP w066 d396
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 169

Capacitive sensors
Rectangular designs

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching distance 8mm,a
Housing material PBT Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 25x 10.8x 42mm
Adjustment fixed

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output
BC8-Q10-AP6X2/S250 2m cable , PNP w061 d398
BC8-Q10-RP6X2/S250 2m cable , PNP w062 d398
BC8-Q10-AP6X2-V1131/S250 male , PNP w064 d399
BC8-Q10-RP6X2-V1131/S250 male , PNP w066 d399
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Switching distance 10mm,a
Housing material PBT Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 30x 14x 55.5mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output
BC10-Q14-AP4X2 2m cable , PNP w061 d400
BC10-Q14-VP4X2 2m cable , PNP w067 d400
BC10-Q14-RP4X2 2m cable , PNP w062 d400
BC10-Q14-AP4X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 , PNP w064
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

170 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Rectangular designs

General data
Switching distance 20mm,a Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 40x 20x 68mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA]
BC20-Q20-AP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, w064 d401
BC20-Q20-AP4X2 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, w061 d402
BC20-Q20-RP4X2 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, w062 d402
BC20-Q20-RP4X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, w066 d403
BC20-Q20-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, w069 d401
BC20-Q20-AZ3X2 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire w071 d402
BC20-Q20-RZ3X2 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire w072 d402
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Switching distance 20mm,a Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 40x 40x 114mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Variable orientation of active face in 9 directions

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA]
BC20-CP40-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 200, w073 d404
BC20-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, w069 d405
BC20-CP40-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC connection programmable, 2-wire w074 d404
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 171

Capacitive sensors
Rectangular designs

General data
Switching distance 50mm,b Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 80x 40.5x 80mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA]
NC50-CP80-VP4X2 Terminal chamber 1065VDC , PNP 200, w073 d406
NC50-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, w069 d407
NC50-CP80-FZ3X2 Terminal chamber 20250VAC , , 2-wire w074 d406
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

172 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Metal


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 173

Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Metal

Cylindrical designs - Metal

Cylindrically shaped capacitive sensors Features

feature high switching distances and are
available in many different designs. M12, Excellent reliability
M18 and M30 chrome-plated threaded Automatic wetting compensation
barrels are available with connection Excellent EMC properties
cable or male connection. Besides the ESD immunity
usual reliability, capacitive sensors fea- Mounting flexibility
ture standard properties such as auto-
matic wetting compensation, excellent
EMC and ESD properties and more flexi-
bility with respect to mounting.

Designs Electrical versions
Threaded barrel M12 x 1, 2-wire AC, 3-wire and 4-wire

M18 x 1 and M30 x 1.5 DC, PNP or NPN switching;
 NO/NC contact as well as
with antivalent switching

Switching distances Electrical connections

From 3 mm flush to 10mm 2 m connection cable or
non-flush on all metals and male M12 x 1

Materials Special features

Threaded barrels, chrome- Fine adjustment via potenti-
plated brass ometer, protection class

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

174 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Metal

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching distance 3mm,a
Housing material CuZn, chrome-plated Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Output Approvals Dimensions
BC3-M12-AP6X 2m cable , PNP 12x 63.5mm w061 d408
BC3-M12-RP6X 2m cable , PNP 12x 63.5mm w062 d408
BC3-M12-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 12x 70mm w064 d409
BC3-M12-AP6X/S90/3GD 2m cable , PNP II 3 G 12x 63.5mm w061 d408
II 3 D
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Switching distance 5mm,a Housing material CuZn, chrome-plated
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA] Dimensions Adjustment
BC5-M18-AP4X-H1141/S250 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 18x 83mm fixed w064 d410
BC5-M18-RP4X-H1141/S250 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 18x 83mm fixed w075 d410
BC5-M18-AP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 18x 74mm Potentiometer w061 d411
BC5-M18-RP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 18x 74mm Potentiometer w062 d411
BC5-M18-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 18x 74mm Potentiometer w076 d411
BC5-M18-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 18x 74mm Potentiometer w077 d411
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 175

Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Metal

General data
Switching distance 10mm,a Housing material CuZn, chrome-plated
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA] Dimensions
BC10-M30K-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 60mm w069 d412
BC10-M30K-VP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 62.5mm w067 d413
BC10-M30K-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w077 d413
BC10-M30K-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w076 d413
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

176 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

Cylindrical designs - Plastic

Cylindrically shaped capacitive sensors Features

feature high switching distances and are
available in many different designs. The Excellent reliability
standard types come in plastic housings Automatic wetting compensation
and sizes from 12 mm to 40 mm, Excellent EMC properties
with connection cable, male or terminal ESD immunity
chamber. Mounting flexibility
Besides the usual reliability, capacitive
sensors feature standard properties such
as automatic wetting compensation, ex-
cellent EMC and ESD properties and
more flexibility with respect to

Designs Electrical versions
Cylindrical designs M12 x 1, 3-wire DC and 4-wire DC, as

M18 x 1, M30 x 1.5, 34 mm well as 2-wire AC and NA-
and 40 mm  MUR devices, PNP and NPN
switching; NO, NC contact or
with antivalent switching

Switching distances Electrical connections

From 3 mm to 20 mm flush 2 m cable, male M12 x 1 or
mountable on all metals and terminal chamber

Materials Special features

Plastic housings PA, PBT, Fine adjustment via potenti-
PVDF and ABS ometer, protection class
IP68 or IP69K

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

178 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1030VDC
Switching distance 4.5mm,a Housing material PA12-GF30
Operating current [mA] 200, Dimensions 12x 63mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
Type Output Approvals Ambient temperature
BC3-S12-AP6X , PNP -25+70C w061 d414
BC3-S12-RP6X , PNP -25+70C w062 d414
BC3-S12-AP6X/S100 , PNP -25+100C w061 d414
BC3-S12-RP6X/S90/3GD , PNP II 3 G -25+70C w062 d414
II 3 D
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Housing material PA12-GF30 Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connec- Operating Output Switching Approvals Operating current Dimen- Adjustment
tion voltage distance [mA] sions
BC5-S18-AP4X- male, 1065VDC , PNP 5mm,a 200, 18x fixed w064 d415
H1141/S250 M12 x 1 83mm
BC5-S18-RP4X- male, 1065VDC , PNP 5mm,a 200, 18x fixed w075 d415
H1141/S250 M12 x 1 83mm
BC5-S18-AP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 7.5mm,a 200, 18x Potentiometer w061 d416
BC5-S18-RP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 7.5mm,a 200, 18x Potentiometer w062 d416
BC5-S18-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 7.5mm,a 18x Potentiometer w071 d416
2-wire 74mm
BC5-S18-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 7.5mm,a 18x Potentiometer w072 d416
2-wire 74mm
Table continues on the next page

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 179

Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

Table starts on previous page

Type Connec- Operating Output Switching Approvals Operating current Dimen- Adjustment
tion voltage distance [mA] sions
BC5-S18-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 7.5mm,a II 2 G 18x Potentiometer w063 d416
II 1 D 74mm

Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 7.5mm,a
Housing material PVDF Operating current [mA] 200,
Dimensions 18x 74.5mm Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Ambient temperature
BC5-S185-AP4X -25+70C w061 d417
BC5-S185-AP4X/S100 -25+100C w061 d417
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Switching distance 15mm,a Housing material PA12-GF30
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Approvals Operating current [mA] Dimensions
BC10-S30-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 60mm w069 d418
BC10-S30-VP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 62.5mm w067 d419
BC10-S30-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w071 d419
BC10-S30-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w072 d419
BC10-S30-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR II 2 G 30x 62.5mm w063 d419
II 1 D
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

180 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Switching distance 15mm,a
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 30x 115mm Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
Type Operating voltage Output Approvals Operating current [mA]
BC10-P30SR-VP4X2 1065VDC , PNP 200, w073 d420
BC10-P30SR-VP4X2/3GD 1065VDC , PNP II 3 G 200, w073 d420
II 3 D
BC10-P30SR-FZ3X2 20250VAC connection programmable, 2-wire w074 d420
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 15mm,a
Housing material PVDF Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 30x 80mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

BC10-PT30-VP4X2 w067 d421
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 181

Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

General data
Switching distance 22.5mm,a Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA] Dimensions
BC15-K34-AP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 34x 60mm w064 d422
BC15-K34-VP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 34x 80mm w067 d423
BC15-K34-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 34x 80mm w071 d423
BC15-K34-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 34x 80mm w072 d423
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection Terminal chamber Switching distance 22.5mm,a
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 34x 106mm Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA]
BC15-K34SR-VP4X2 1065VDC , PNP 200, w073 d424
BC15-K34SR-FZ3X2 20250VAC connection programmable, 2-wire w074 d424
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

182 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
Cylindrical designs - Plastic

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 20mm,b
Housing material PVDF Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 34x 80mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
NC20-KT34-VP4X2 w067 d425
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Switching distance 30mm,a
Housing material ABS Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 40x 90mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output
BC20-K40SR-VP4X2 Terminal chamber , PNP w073 d426
BC20-K40SR-VP4X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , NPN w078 d427
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Connection Terminal cham- Operating voltage 1065VDC
ber,Removable cage
clamp terminals
Output , PNP Switching distance 30mm,a
Housing material Grilamid LV-30H FWA Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 40x 91mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

BC20-K40WDTC-VP4X2/S930 w073 d428
more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 183
Capacitive sensors
BCF sensors with close-up range suppression

BCF sensors with close-up range suppression

Thanks to the new switching technology Features

in combination with optimized electro-
de and compensation features, the BCFs Automatic wetting compensation
work reliably under difficult application Increased EMI shielding (even with
conditions. Even conductive coatings high frequency equipment)
are not a problem at all. To avoid HF High protection class
crosstalk and other interferences, the New close-up range suppression
potentiometer is located in a less sensiti-
ve area of the circuit, this applies to all
capacitive TURCK sensors. Even applica-
tions that are subject to strong interfe-
rences do not require additional protec-
tive measures. All sensors of the BCF
series are immune to radiated and con-
ducted HF interference, burst as well as
electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Designs Electrical versions
Cylindrical designs M18 x 1, 2-wire AC and 3/4-wire DC,

M30 x 1.5 and 34 mm and NPN or PNP switching, NC,
40 and rectangular  NO or with antivalent swit-
ching output

Switching distances Electrical connections

5 15 mm, flush mounting 2 m cable PVC or PUR, male
M12 x 1

Materials Special features

PA or PBT housings Close-up range suppression,
EMC stability

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

184 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
BCF sensors with close-up range suppression

General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 5mm,a Housing material PA12-GF30
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Dimensions Adjustment
BCF5-S18-AP4X 2m cable 18x 74mm Potentiometer w061 d416
BCF5-S18-AP4X-H1141/S250 male,M12 x 1 18x 83mm fixed w064 d415
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Switching distance 10mm,a Housing material PA12-GF30
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Operating current [mA] Dimensions
BCF10-S30-VP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 62.5mm w067 d419
BCF10-S30-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP 200, 30x 60mm w069 d418
BCF10-S30-AZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w071 d419
BCF10-S30-RZ3X 2m cable 20250VAC , 2-wire 30x 62.5mm w072 d419
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 185

Capacitive sensors
BCF sensors with close-up range suppression

General data
Connection 2m cable Operating voltage 20250VAC
Switching distance 15mm,a Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 34x 80mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Output
BCF15-K34-RZ3X , 2-wire w072 d423
BCF15-K34-AZ3X , 2-wire w071 d423

BCF Q20L60
General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Output , PNP
Switching distance 10mm,a Housing material PC
Operating current [mA] 200, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 30x 20x 60mm Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BCF10-Q20L60-AP4X 2m cable w061 d429
BCF10-Q20L60-AP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w064 d430

186 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
BCC sensors with pre-attenuation protection


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Capacitive sensors
BCC sensors with pre-attenuation protection

BCC sensors with pre-attenuation protection

The BCC sensors blank out all interferen- Features

ces during the monitoring process: They
are EMC and ESD immune. A laterally Automatic wetting compensation
mounted shield and an integrated pro- Excellent EMC properties
cessing unit inhibit pre-attenuation High ESD immunity
when mounted in metal flanges. The full Detection of smallest pellets
switching distance is thus available

Designs Electrical versions
Threaded barrel, M30 x 1.5 3/4-wire, PNP switching, NO,

NC or with antivalent swit-
 ching output

Switching distances Electrical connections

10 mm, flush mounting 2 m connection cable or
male M12 x 1

Materials Special features

Housing quality plastic, PA ESD immune; lateral pre-at-
or LCP tenuation protection

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

188 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Capacitive sensors
BCC sensors with pre-attenuation protection

General data
Operating voltage 1065VDC Switching distance 10mm,a
Housing material PA12-GF30 Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Output Dimensions
BCC10-S30-RP4X 2m cable , PNP 30x 62.5mm w062 d419
BCC10-S30-AP4X 2m cable , PNP 30x 62.5mm w061 d419
BCC10-S30-AP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30x 60mm w064 d418
BCC10-S30-VP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 , PNP 30x 60mm w069 d418

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1065VDC
Output , PNP Switching distance 10mm,a
Housing material LCP Operating current [mA] 200,
Ambient temperature -25+100C Dimensions 30mm
Adjustment Potentiometer

Types and data selection table

BCC10-S30WD-AP4X-H1141 w064 d431

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

190 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

Magnetic field sens
Magnetic field sensors

Magnetic field
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

Magnetic field sensors are activated by need one sensors series, BIM-UNT, BIM-
magnetic fields and are especially suited UNTK and BIM-UNR. NAMUR sensors for
for the detection of pistons in pneumatic explosion hazardous areas are also avail-
cylinders. Based on the fact that magnet- able. Measuring only 18 mm (UNR),
ic fields can permeate non-magnetizable 19.7 mm (UNTK) and 28 mm (UNT), the
metals, sensors of this type detect a per- sensors are very small and can be
manent magnet mounted on a piston mounted on C-groove and T-groove cyl-
through the aluminium wall of a inders. Matching accessories are also
cylinder. available for mounting on tie-rod and
Magnetic-inductive sensors from TURCK dovetail cylinders. Special versions with
operate on a patented functional princi- fine adjustment or external adjustment
ple. The sensing range is adjusted to a of switchpoint are no longer needed.
core width to rule out multiple switch- The series of universal magnetic field
points. Permanent magnets of different sensors for pneumatic cylinders is com-
field strengths are thus reliably detected pleted by the WIM45-UNTL with analog
in all common cylinder types. The sen- current and voltage output. Solutions us-
sors operate wear-free, are rugged and ing indirect analog detection can be eas-
short-circuit protected and feature pro- ily retrofitted with this new type.
tection class IP67. Magnetic-inductive sensors are typically
The product range offers many solutions applied in pig trap systems or used for
for standard applications, welding facili- gate monitoring. Even the very small ver-
ties as well as Ex-areas. TURCK also offers sions achieve large switching distances.
magnetic field sensors for analog detec- In combination with the actuation mag-
tion tasks. They are easy to operate and net DMR31-15-5, the M12 sensors attain
even fulfill higher demands equally a nominal switching distance of 90 mm.
To monitor the piston position on all
standard pneumatic cylinders, you only

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 191

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Universal magnetic field sensors

Monitoring the piston position on stand- ardized, from construction over purchase
ard pneumatic cylinders is easy with the and production, up to system support
universal magnetic field sensors. But for operators and service personnel. Use
whats more, with the new magnetic the unique performance spectrum of
field sensors from TURCK automation these sensors to reduce your cost
processes can be optimized and stand- effectively!

High system availability

The universally applicable magnetic field practical functionality of the housings

sensors operate extremely reliable, even and solid mounting accessories. Magnet-
in rough production environments. This ic field sensors thus withstand the rough
is guaranteed through excellent EMC ambient conditions of machine building
properties, protection class IP67 as well without any problems. Use these bene-
as the safe method of installation of the fits to optimize your production
devices. We placed great emphasis on processes.

Maximum planning freedom

Numerous connection possibilities, sim- to combined binary/analog monitoring:

ple mounting and flexible accessories Profit from the extensive standard prod-
guarantee maximum freedom in plan- uct range of TURCK magnetic field sen-
ning with minimal mounting effort. From sors bringing more flexibility to your
single switchpoint monitoring, over application.
twin-sets, analog position detection up

192 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

ngths Your
ur advantages


Magnetic field
Safe installation

A pre-fixation lip enables one-handed designed for T-grooves mounting. The

mounting in the groove. Once inserted wing screw is made of tool steel alloy
in the groove, the sensor is moved in its and is extremely stable. For vibration-re-
final position and then screwed tight sistant mounting it is simply enough to
near the cable exit. This prevents an up- tighten the screw with a quarter revolu-
lift of the sensor when pulling the cable. tion, using a standard screw driver or a
The screw is a new type of wing screw 1.5 mm Allen key.

Compact design

Measuring only 28 mm (UNT), 19.7 mm Thanks to the bright and all-round visible
(UNTK) and 18 mm (UNR), the standard LED, the current switching state is per-
sensors are the most compact devices on fectly visible from any perspective and
the market. The active face is located di- proves helpful when sensors are mount-
rectly at the sensor end. This enables the ed and adjusted. The best mounting po-
piston position to be detected up to the sition is thus obtained.
end of compact short-stroke cylinders.

Optional accessories

An extensive range of accessories round sensor element, all magnets in standard

off the performance spectrum of the pneumatic cylinders can be detected
new, universally applicable magnetic safely and without multiple switching
field sensors. We offer mounting aids for points. Thus piston positions are precise-
all standard cylinders, adjustment and ly detected, allowing you to benefit from
fixation tools, as well as the fixation clips the high level of flexibility.
for save cable routing. With the new MR

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 193

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

Type code Type code Type cod

BIM UNT . A P 6 X H1 1 4 1 / S1160

BIM Functional principle UNT . Housing A P 6 X Electrical version

Functional principle Additional information Indication
BIM magnetic-inductive/ to housing X 1 x LED
magnetostrictive E long X... number of LEDs or
WIM45 analog, position detection, multicolor LED
magnetically actuated, Housing
45 mm measuring range IKT for tie-rod and profile Voltage range
cylinders mounted 6 1030 VDC,
with fixing clamp,
active face centered 4 1065 VDC,
NST for groove cylinders,
mounted with fixing Output mode
clamp, incl. accessories N NPN
adaptable to dovetail P PNP
and tie-rod cylinders
active face centered
Output function
UNR for C-groove cylinders
without accessories, A working current NO
adaptable to other LIU analog output
cylinder types with (voltage and current),
accessories UB = 1530 VDC
UNT for T-groove cylinders AY1 digital (NAMUR acc.
without accessories, to EN 60947-5-6)
adaptable to other Y1 analog (NAMUR acc.
cylinder types with to EN 60947-5-6)
UNTK short type, for
T-groove cylinders,
mounted without ac-
cessories, accessories
for mountingon other
cylinder types
UNTL long size, with analog
output, for T-groove
cylinders without
accessories, adaptable
to other cylinder types
with accessories
EG, EM threaded barrel, stain-
less steel, in [mm]
M threaded barrel, metal,
in [mm]

194 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders


Magnetic field
H1 1 4 1 Electrical
/ S1160 Special version
Assignment Features
1 standard assigment 3GD approval ATEX II 3 G
or customized and II 3 D
S34 magnetic-field resistant
Number of contacts S97 extended temperature
contacts range: -40 C
S100 extended temperature
range: +100 C
Connector type
S1139 extended travel path
1 straight
S1160 irradiated cable, for
3 straight with welding facilities
S1165 PP cabel, chemical and
temperature resistant
Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1
V1 connector M8 x 1 /
8 mm

Electrical connection:
x.x PSG 3 M Cable connection /
M rotatable nut
S fixed thread

Number of contacts

Connector type
PSG connector
M8 x 1, straight
RS4 connector
M12 x 1, straight

Cable length
... [m]

M Cable Connection /
Cable Connection
M cable length [m]

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 195

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs aMeasuring Electrical connection Output Accessories for Page
range cylindrical design
UNTK 3-wire DC rectangular 2m cable , PNP E KLR1... 199
5x 6x 19.7mm 0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1 N-
0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1

UNT cable connection and cable rectangular UNT 2m cable NAMUR E KLR1... 199
with male end 5x 6x 28mm 0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1 , PNP N-
7m cable , NPN
0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1 , 2-wire
0.3m cable with connector, 8 mm F KLZ...INT
0.3m cable with connector

UNT M12 x 1 or male M8 x 1 rectangular UNT connector, M8 x 1 , PNP E KLR1... 200

5x 22x 30mm connector, M12 x 1 , NPN N-

UNT Twin Set rectangular UNT connector, M8 x 1 , PNP E KLR1... 200

5x 22x 30mm connector, M12 x 1 N-

UNR 3-wire DC rectangular UNR 2m cable , PNP M- 203

2.9x 4.6x 18mm 7m cable , NPN
0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1
0.3m cable with connector, 8 mm
0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1

UNTL Current and voltage rectangular UNTL 45 mm 0.3m cable with connector, M8 x 1 Analog output, N- 205
output 5x 14.5x 73mm 0.3m cable with connector, M12 x 1 4...20mA, 0...10V K KLDT...

UNTL Twin Set rectangular UNTL 45 mm cable with connector, M12 x 1 , PNP/ 205
Analog output,

196 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders

and variants
Design Measuring Electrical connection Output Accessories for Page
range cylindrical design

Magnetic field
Design NST rectangular NST 2m cable NAMUR N KLN3 207
17x 14x 28mm connector, M12 x 1 , PNP K KLN3
connector, M8 x 1 , NPN
F KLZ...INT and
Design IKT rectangular IKT 2m cable NAMUR F KLI... 207
14.6x 17x 30mm connector, M12 x 1 , PNP G KLI...
14.6x 28x 30mm connector, M8 x 1 , NPN
H KLI...

M8 threaded barrel 2m cable NAMUR 209

M8 x 1 connector, M12 x 1 , NPN
8x 41.6mm connector, M8 x 1 , PNP
8x 57mm
8x 49mm

M12 threaded barrel connector, M12 x 1 NAMUR 209

M12 x 1 2m cable , PNP
12x 62mm , NPN
12x 64mm

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 197

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNT and UNTK design

UNT and UNTK design

UNTs and UNTKs are mounted quickly Features

and firmly. The devices of the UNTK se-
ries are extremely compact and feature a Compact design
very small switching distance. A pre-fixa- Quickly and firmly mounted
tion lip enables one-handed mounting, Excellent EMC properties
even overhead. With the extended For T-groove cylinders without
range of accessories, the sensors can be accessories
mounted on nearly all standard pneu- Mounting accessories for all standard
matic cylinders. All standard connection cylinders.
types are available. Clearly visible LED
Twin set for monitoring of two

Designs Electrical version
Universal design (28mm) NAMUR, 2, 3 and 4-wire DC

and very compact design

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Reliable position detection Cable, male M8 and M12,
on all standard pneumatic pigtail

Materials Internet link

Rugged PP housing for a Scan the QR code to access
wide range of applications our products on the internet

198 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNT and UNTK design

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 5x 6x 19.7mm

Magnetic field
Types and data selection table
Type Connection
BIM-UNTK-AP7X 2m cable w079 d432
BIM-UNTK-AP7X-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w064 d433
BIM-UNTK-AP7X-0,3-RS4 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 w064 d434

UNT cable connection and cable with male end

General data
Protection class IP67 Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 5x 6x 28mm

S1139: long overtravel range; S1160: irradiated, weld-resistant cable; S1165: highly resistant cable for the food industry
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output
BIM-UNT-AY1X/S1139 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR w080 d435
BIM-UNT-AY1X-0,3-RS4.21/S1139 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR w081 d436
BIM-UNT-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d435
BIM-UNT-AP6X 7M 7m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d435
BIM-UNT-AP6X/S1139 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d435
BIM-UNT-AP6X/S1160 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d435
BIM-UNT-AP6X/3GD 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d435
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d437
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S/S1139 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d437
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d438
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M/S1139 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d438
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d436
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4/S1139 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d436
BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4/S1160 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d436
BIM-UNT-AG41X/S1139/S1160 2m cable 1055VDC , 2-wire w082 d435
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 199

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNT and UNTK design

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Operating voltage Output
BIM-UNT-AG41X-0,3-RS4.23/S1139/S1160 0.3m Cable with connector 1055VDC , 2-wire w083 d436
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

UNT M12 x 1 or male M8 x 1

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 5x 22x 30mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BIM-UNT-AP6X2-V1131 male,M8 x 1 w064 d439
BIM-UNT-AP6X2-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w064 d440
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

UNT Twin set

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 5x 22x 30mm

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
BIM-UNT-0,3-UNT-2AP6X3-V1141 male,M8 x 1 w084 d441
BIM-UNT-0,3-UNT-2AP6X3-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w084 d442

200 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNT and UNTK design

Magnetic field

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 201

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNR design

UNR design

Magnetic field sensors for short-stroke Features

cylinders and parallel grippers are very
compactly designed. The all-round visi- Compact design
ble LED allows the switching state to be For C groove cylinders
observed from any position. All standard Quickly and firmly mounted
connection types are available. Excellent EMC properties
Clearly visible LED

Designs Electrical version
Small size, length 18 mm 3-wire DC outputs NPN/PNP

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Reliable position detection Cable, cable with male end
on all standard pneumatic M8x1 and M12x1

Materials Internet link

Rugged PP housing for a Scan the QR code to access
wide range of applications our products on the internet

202 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
UNR design

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP Housing material PP
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 2.9x 4.6x 18mm

Magnetic field
Types and data selection table
Type Connection
BIM-UNR-AP6X 2m cable w079 d443
BIM-UNR-AP6X 7M 7m cable w079 d443
BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w064 d444
BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w064 d445
BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-RS4 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 w064 d446
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 203

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
Analog position gauging systems

Analog position gauging systems

The universal magnetic field sensors for Features

pneumatic cylinders are now also availa-
ble with analog current and voltage out- Compact design
put. The new analog sensor WIM45 Quickly and firmly mounted
UNTL by TURCK offers clear advantages, Inserted in the groove from the top
especially in situations where additional Hardly affected by external magnetic
flexibility and monitoring properties are fields
required. Status of magnetic field displayed via
2 LEDs
Measured value memory

Designs Electrical version
One type for all standard Analog outputs 4 20 mA

pneumatic cylinders and 010 VDC as well as 3-
 wire DC switching output

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Analog position detection Standard connection modes:
up to 45 mm on all standard Cable with male end M8 or
pneumatic cylinders M12

Materials Special features

Rugged PA housing for a Also available with com-
wide range of applications bined analog and switching
output in one device

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

204 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
Analog position gauging systems

UNTL Current and voltage output

General data
Measuring range 45mm Protection class IP67
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output Analog output,
Housing material PA12-GF30 Ambient temperature -25+70C
Dimensions 5x 14.5x 73mm Repeatability 0.1% of measuring
range IA - BI

Magnetic field
Types and data selection table
Type Connection
WIM45-UNTL-LIU5X2-0,3-PSG4M 0.3m Cable with connector,M8 x 1 w085 d447
WIM45-UNTL-LIU5X2-0,3-RS4 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 w085 d448

UNTL Twin set

General data
Measuring range 45mm Protection class IP67
Connection Cable with connect- Operating voltage 1530VDC
or,M12 x 1
Output , PNP/analog Housing material PA
output, 010V

Ambient temperature -25+70C Repeatability 0.1% of measuring

range IA - BI

Types and data selection table

WIM45-UNTL-0,3-BIM-UNT-LUAP6X 4-H1141 w086 d449

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 205

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
For harsh environments

For harsh environments

The rugged magnetic field sensors are Features

particularly suited for harsh environ-
ments. With the extended range of ac- Rugged designs
cessories the sensors can be mounted Many different mounting options
on nearly all standard pneumatic cylin- Optional weld field immunity
ders. All standard connection types are Excellent EMC properties

Designs Electrical versions
Standard design, for harsh NAMUR, 2/3-wire DC


Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Reliable position detection Cable, male M8x1 and
on all standard pneumatic M12x1

Materials Internet link

Rugged PA12-GF30 resp. Scan the QR code to access
GD-ZN housing for a wide our products on the internet
range of applications

206 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
For harsh environments

General data
Protection class IP67 Housing material PA12-GF30
Ambient temperature -25+70C Dimensions 17x 14x 28mm

Magnetic field
S34: weld-resistant, for use in 50-Hz welding systems
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output
BIM-NST-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR w080 d450
BIM-NST-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR w081 d451
BIM-NST-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP w079 d450
BIM-NST-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d452
BIM-NST-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d451
BIM-NST-AP6X-H1141/S34 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP w064 d453
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Protection class IP67 Housing material GD-Zn
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
BIM-IKT-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 14.6x 17x 30mm w080 d454
BIM-IKT-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 14.6x 28x 30mm w081 d455
BIM-IKT-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 14.6x 17x 30mm w079 d454
BIM-IKT-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 14.6x 17x 30mm w064 d456
BIM-IKT-AP6X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 14.6x 28x 30mm w064 d455
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 207

Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
Magnetic-inductive sensors

Magnetic-inductive sensors

Typical applications for magnetic-induc- Features

tive sensors include pig detection and
gate monitoring. Since magnetic-induc- Achieves very long ranges
tive sensors are actuated by external Permeates non-magnetizable
magnetic fields, they achieve large materials
switching distances despite their small ATEX and SIL approved versions
size. In combination with the actuation Rugged threaded barrels
magnet DMR31-15-5, the M12 sensors Broad selection of actuators
attain a rated switching distance of 90

Designs Electrical version
Threaded barrels M8 x 1 or NAMUR, 2 or 3-wire DC

M12 x 1

Switching distances Electrical connections

M8 sensors up to 78 mm Connection cable, male
and M12 sensors up to M8x1 and M12x1, 2 m
90 mm, depending on the
actuating magnet

Materials Internet link

Rugged threaded barrels, Scan the QR code to access
chrome-plated brass or our products on the internet
stainless steel

208 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetic field sensors for pneumatic cylinders
Magnetic-inductive sensors

General data
Protection class IP67 Switching distance 78mm
Housing material V2A (1.4301) Ambient temperature -25+70C

Magnetic field
For more details on magnetic actuators see chapter Accessories
Operating distance 78 mm, in conjunction with magnet DMR31-15-5
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Dimensions
BIM-EG08-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR 8x 41.6mm w080 d457
BIM-EG08-Y1X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR 8x 57mm w081 d458
BIM-EG08-AP6X 2m cable 1030VDC , PNP 8x 41.6mm w079 d457
BIM-EG08-AP6X-V1131 male,M8 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 8x 49mm w064 d459
BIM-EG08-AP6X-H1341 male,M12 x 1 1030VDC , PNP 8x 57mm w064 d458
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

General data
Protection class IP67 Switching distance 90mm
Ambient temperature -25+70C

For more details on magnetic actuators see chapter Accessories

Operating distance 90 mm, in conjunction with magnet DMR31-15-5
Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Housing material Dimensions
BIM-M12E-Y1X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8.2VDC NAMUR CuZn, chrome-plated 12x 62mm w081 d173
BIM-EM12E-Y1X 2m cable 8.2VDC NAMUR V2A (1.4301) 12x 64mm w080 d460
BIM-EM12E-AP4X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 1065VDC , PNP V2A (1.4301) 12x 62mm w064 d173
BIM-EM12E-AP4X 2m cable 1065VDC , PNP V2A (1.4301) 12x 64mm w079 d460
Many different types available, also as NPN version, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 209

Photoelectric sensors

210 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

Photoelectric senso
Photoelectric sensors

Photoelectric sensors from TURCK - More solutions, more advantages

Photoelectric sensors use visible or infra- Opposed mode sensors operate similar-
red light to detect many different types ly. Unlike retroreflective sensors, emitter

of objects contactless, regardless of their and receiver are separate units. Opposed
quality and consistency. Unlike inductive mode sensors thus achieve greater sens-
or capacitive sensors, they cover larger ing ranges than retroreflective devices.
measuring ranges. Glass or plastic fibers pipe the light beam
The most common tasks they fulfill are from the sensor to the object and back.
position control, counting, sorting and They are especially suited for confined
classifying. They are mostly applied in spaces or demanding environmental
the automotive industry, machine-build- conditions.
ing, assembly lines, storage and trans- Switching and measuring light screens,
port systems. the so called area sensors, are applied
Photoelectric sensors operate on the where scanning with a single beam
principle of emitting and receiving light. would be unapt. Light screens consist of
A diode emits light which is either cut off many single beams, detecting the quali-
or reflected by an object and the event is ty of objects through the different
subsequently processed. Photoelectric switching states of each single beam.
sensors are available as opposed mode, Whether standard or programmable
retroreflective mode, diffuse mode or multifunctional versions, compact devic-
fiber-optic systems. es or devices with external amplifier etc.,
Diffuse mode sensors detect the light re- each sensor has special features suited
flected by an object. The sensing range for different applications. TURCK not
of these sensors depends largely on the only offers the most comprehensive
reflectivity factor of the object. product range of photoelectric sensors,
Retroreflective sensors detect a light optical fibers and systems, you also get
beam which is established between individual service and support to find the
emitter, reflector and receiver. If an ob- optimal solution for your application.
ject cuts off the beam, the sensor reacts.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 211

Photoelectric sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

VSM High-power miniature sensor

The VSM series comprises miniature sen- Optical power and efficiency are thus en-
sors incorporated in a rugged stainless hanced. Thanks to the excellently fo-
steel housing with a sapphire crystal cused lens, the sensor produces a narrow
glass window which makes them resist- and extremely bright light beam. Even
ant to many chemicals and cooling lubri- frequent cleaning cycles in hygienic en-
cants. Achieving long ranges and meas- vironments are not a problem at all for
uring only 4 mm, the VSMs can be the VSM: The stainless steel versions,
installed in applications normally re- available as smooth barrels or flat rectan-
served to optical fibers. The sensors in- gular types with recessed optics, are the
corporate the entire evaluation electron- perfect choice for such tasks.
ics needing no additional amplifier.

Q20 series - Compact, powerful and versatile

The Q20 are not only versatile in terms of bles easy mounting even in confined
operating modes, they as powerful as spaces. Bores with integrated thread
bigger sensors. The plastic housings are make the use of additional mounting
fully encapsulated and excellently dura- nuts redundant.
ble and tight. Their compact design ena-

Q26 - Compact sensor for detection of transparent objects

The Q26 works on the retroreflective reliably detected. Objects located any-
principle, using a polarizing filter which where between sensor and reflector are
is especially designed for the detection detected with this single-lens system.
of clear-glass objects. By means of the Light or dark operation are set with a ro-
coaxially arranged optics, the light beam tary switch. A very short response time of
hits the reflector vertically. Transparent, only 250s is a further plus of the Q26.
opaque and reflecting objects are thus

212 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

ngths Your
ur advantages

QS30ELVC High-End opposed mode sensor for clear-glass detection

The QS30ELVC is a user-friendly powerful tion coating are reliably detected.

opposed mode sensor for detecting The sensor is insensitive to the reflec-

bright, transparent or opaque objects. tions of the objects.
PET bottles, glass jars and reflecting sur-
faces such as mirrors, LCDs with polariza-

QS30 H2O High-power sensor for the detection of water

The QS30H2O detects water reliably. The based liquids, wood, metal or cardboard.
photoelectric components are adjusted Blinds to attenuate or shape light beams
to the absorption band of water in the are additionally available for applications
long-wave infrared spectrum. The emit- in which clear water has to be detected
ted infrared beam permeates most plas- in transparent bottles for example.
tic and glass containers but not water-

R58E Expert Registration mark sensor with automatic teach routines

The R58E with excellent color sensitivity are individually programmable. In dy-
is typically used for the registration of namic teach mode the R58E adjusts the
products and materials. With a response switchpoint automatically during opera-
time of only 50 s, the R58E achieves ex- tion through continuous scanning of the
cellent repeatability, also in high-speed brightest and darkest events.
applications. Output ON and output OFF

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 213

Photoelectric sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

L-GAGE LT3 Laser sensor for distance measurement

LT3 laser sensors for distance measure- achieved, depending on the adjusted re-
ment provide exceptional sensing rang- sponse time and object color. The sensor
es and accuracy. The diffuse mode ver- features a switching and an analog out-
sions achieve ranges of 0.3 to 3 m for put, each with its individual measuring
grey objects and 0.3 m to 5 m for white range. The scalable analog output auto-
objects. Retroreflective sensors achieve matically spreads the output signal over
ranges of up to 50 m. The LT3 is easily the entire programmed sensing range.
programmed via an integrated pushbut-
ton. A resolution of up to 1 mm can be

Ex area Solutions available in many different operating modes

TURCK provides the full range of perfor- T6 and fulfill all relevant norms such as
mance even for explosion hazardous are- EN 60947-5-6, EN 60079-0, part 1 and
as. The NAMUR sensors of the series MI- EN60079-11. Available are opposed and
NI-BEAM and Q45 are approved retroreflective mode, convergent and
according to KEMA certificate 03 ATEX diffuse mode sensors as well as basic de-
1441 X ignition protection type Ex ia IIC vices for optical fibers.

DF-G1 Expert With intuitive user interface

The DF-G1 basic device can be used in ously and combines easy operability
many applications, operates reliable and with pinpoint accuracy. The user can
is easy to handle. All this is available at a comfortably adjust the response time,
very good price/performance ratio. New signal strength and sensitivity. The basic
design with improved connectivity for device works reliably in low contrast ap-
plastic fibers and also special high-tem- plications, identifies small parts and con-
perature resistant glass fibers. The well trols the position of electronic
readable dual display indicates the components.
threshold and signal strength simultane-

214 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

ngths Your
ur advantages

EZ-ARRAY Measuring light screen

The measuring light screen A-GAGE EZ- achieve heights of either 150 mm or
ARRAY is ideal for product sizing and 1800 mm with an edge resolution of

profiling, edge and center guiding, loop 2.5 mm. 14 measuring modes can be set
tension control and parts counting. The such as, 3 scanning methods, 2 analog
narrowly arranged infrared beams detect and 2 digital switching outputs as well as
5 mm objects at a range of 4 m and a serial output.

Vision sensors iVu and iVu Plus with C-mount lens

The vision sensors of the iVu and iVu Plus ness which is ideal for high-speed appli-
series achieve a longer focal distance cations. Protection rating IP67 is fulfilled
when used in combination with a with the optionally available lens cover.
C-mount lens. The flexible and easy to All other features of the iVu and iVu Plus
handle vision sensors can thus be series, such as the integrated touch
mounted further away from the inspec- screen, remote display and the many
tion area. The C-mount lens also pro- connection possibilities are of course
vides a higher luminous sensitivity and also provided by the vision sensors with
thus a better pixel resolution and sharp- C-mount lens.

Pick-to-light solutions Control and monitoring of job sequences

Pick-to-light solutions control and moni- tions, also for direct mounting on picking
tor commissioning processes. The light bins. If output signals from sensors have
screen located in front of picking bins to be visually monitored for example,
detects the hand of the operator. Job multicolor job lights are the right choice.
lights additionally indicate into which The bright LEDs can also be used as indi-
bin the operator has to reach next. cators for machine states.
TURCK offers different pick-to-light solu-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 215

Photoelectric sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Function Max. range
Light type Page

VS1 Convergent rectangular PNP IP67 -20+55C W 10 red, 630nm 227

mode sensor 8.3x 25.7x 11.6mm 20

VS2 Flat design rectangular PNP IP67 -20+55C X 1200 red, 660nm 227
12x 25.1x 4.7mm Y 15

VS3 Retroreflective rectangular PNP IP67 -20+55C T 250 red, 680nm 228
sensor 9x 25.4x 16.6mm

VSM Stainless steel smooth barrel PNP IP67 0+55C X 250 IR, 880nm 228
sensors threaded barrel Y
rectangular W
4x 35mm
4x 36.8mm
6.5x 35mm
6.5x 36.8mm
5x 40x 7mm
VS4 Rectan- rectangular PNP IP67 -20+55C X 1000 red, 660nm 229
gular design 4.75x 25.4x 12.5mm Y

T8 Round design threaded barrel PNP IP67 -20+55C X 2000 red, 660nm 229
16.3x 15.8mm Y 50 red, 680nm
U 100

216 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

and variants
Design Output
Function Max. range
Light type Page

Q12 Rectangular rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -20+55C X 2000 red, 640nm 230
design 8x 26.6x 12.4mm Y 1500
S 1000
T 15

V 30


M12 Cylind- threaded barrel PNP IP67 -20+60C X 5000 red, 660nm 233
rical design 12x 67.5mm NPN Y 400 red, 680nm
12x 74mm U 2500
T 1500
V 25
QS18 With thread rectangular PNP IP67 -20+70C X 50 IR, 940nm 235
15x 35x 31mm NPN -10+50C Y 100 red, 650nm, 1
15x 35x 33.2mm S 300 red, 650nm, 2
T 450 red, 660nm
W 3500
U 6500
V 10000
QS18 Wit- rectangular NPN IP67 -20+70C X 3000 IR, 940nm 235
hout thread 15x 35x 27.7mm PNP 0+55C Y 20000 red, 660nm
15x 35x 21.1mm -10+50C U 450 red, 650nm, 1
15x 34.5x 21.1mm V 100 red, 658nm, 2
QS18 Expert rectangular NPN IP67 -20+70C 1 3500 red, 660nm 236
With thread 15x 35x 31mm PNP W IR, 940nm
800 red, 940nm

QS18 Expert rectangular NPN IP67 -20+70C 1 500 IR, 940nm 237
Without thread 15x 35x 21.1mm PNP 300

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 217

Photoelectric sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Function Max. range
Light type Page

TM18 Round design cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 20000 red, 625nm 239
with metal housing 30x 41x 30mm Y 5500 red, 680nm
30x 49x 30mm T 25 red, 880nm
V 50

S18 Cylindrical cylindrical/threaded NPN IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 20000 IR, 950nm 241
design 18x 78.7mm PNP Y 2000 red, 680nm
18x 59.2mm S 25 IR, 880nm
18x 65mm T 50
18x 84.1mm V 100
U 300

M18 Cylindri- cylindrical/threaded NPN IP67 -40+70C X 20000 IR, 950nm 241
cal design with 18x 59.2mm PNP Y 2000 red, 680nm
metal housing 18x 78mm S 25 IR, 880nm
18x 65mm T 50
18x 83.8mm V 100
U 300

T18 Round design cylindrical/threaded NPN IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 20000 IR, 950nm 242
30x 41.5x 30mm PNP Y 2000 red, 680nm
30x 54x 30mm S 500 IR, 880nm
T 25
U 50
V 100

Q25 Rectan- rectangular NPN IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 20000 IR, 950nm 243
gular design 25x 50.2x 30mm PNP Y 2000 red, 680nm
25x 62.7x 30mm T 25 IR, 880nm
V 50

Q20 Rectan- rectangular NPN IP67 -20+60C X 12000 red, 630nm 245
gular design 12x 32x 20mm PNP Y 20000 IR, 850nm
S 6000 red, 660nm
T 4000
U 250
V 800

218 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

and variants
Design Output
Function Max. range
Light type Page

Q26 Rectan- rectangular NPN IP67 -10+55C T 800 red, 660nm 247
gular design 14x 42x 25mm PNP

QS30 - Rectan- rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -20+70C X 60000 IR, 875nm 249
gular design 22x 57x 35mm -10+55C Y 12000 red, 630nm
22x 49x 35mm S 8000 IR, 940nm
22x 53x 35mm T 1000 red, 660nm
U 600 red, 680nm
V 400

QS30 - Expert rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -10+50C T 18000 red, 650nm, 1 249
22x 49x 35mm -10+55C S 2000 red, 660nm
22x 57x 35mm U 1400 red, 650nm, 2

QS30 - Water-detec- rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -20+60C X 4000 IR, 1450nm 250
tion sensor 22x 53x 54.3mm Y 2000
22x 57x 51.5mm 8000

S30 - Cylind- cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 60000 IR, 950nm 253
rical design 30x 77.5mm Y 6000 red, 680nm
30x 68.7mm T 200 IR, 880nm
V 400

T30 Round design cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 60000 IR, 950nm 253
40x 64x 45mm Y 6000 red, 680nm
40x 51.5x 45mm T 200 IR, 880nm
V 400

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 219

Photoelectric sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Function Max. range
Light type Page

Q40 Rectangular rectangular PNP IP67 / IP69K -40+70C X 60000 IR, 950nm 254
design 40.1x 82.5x 46mm Y 6000 red, 680nm
40.1x 69.8x 46mm T 200 IR, 880nm
40.1x 40x 46mm V 400

QM42 Rectan- rectangular PNP IP67 -20+70C X 10000 IR, 880nm 257
gular design 12.7x 60.2x 42mm -20+55C Y 3000 red, 660nm
12.7x 42x 42mm T 400
U 150

QMT42 Rec- rectangular PNP IP67 -20+55C U 6000 IR, 880nm 257
tangular design 18x 76.2x 42mm V 750 red, 680nm
18x 58x 42mm 1000

Q45 - Rectan- rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -40+70C X 60000 IR, 880nm 259
gular design 44.5x 87.6x 56.4mm -10+40C Y 6000 red, 680nm
44.5x 102.6x 56.4mm T 9000 red, 650nm
12.3x 30.7x 53.3mm S 40000 red, 655nm, 2
54.6x 44.5x 87.6mm U 70000
54.6x 44.5x 103mm W 450
56.4x 44.5x 87.6mm 1800
56.4x 44.5x 103mm 3000
Q60 Rectangular rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -20+55C V 1000 red, 665nm 262
design 25x 75x 60mm -10+50C 2000 IR, 880nm
1400 red, 650nm, 1
red, 650nm, 2

QC50 Color sensor rectangular PNP IP67 -10+55C U 20 white 263

25x 50x 50mm

220 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

and variants
Design Output
Function Max. range
Light type Page

R58 Registration rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -10+55C W red 265

mark sensor 30x 58.9x 80.1mm green
red / green / blau

LT3 Laser running rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 0+50C U 5000 red, 658nm, 2 267
time meter 35.3x 68.5x 87mm PNP/analog S 50000 red, 658nm, 1

LT7 Laser running rectangular PNP/analog IP67 -10+50C U 10000 IR, 900nm, 1 267
time meter 42x 93x 95mm output S 250000

LH Laser rectangular analog IP67 -10+45C U 35 red, 670nm, 2 269

triangulation 32x 80x 65mm output 100

MINI-BEAM Com- rectangular NAMUR IP67 -40+70C X 6000 IR, 880nm 271
pact design 12.3x 30.7x 66mm Y 5000 red, 650nm
12.3x 30.7x 84mm S 2000
12.3x 30.7x 51.8mm T 380
12.3x 30.7x 69.8mm U 75

Q45 Large design rectangular NAMUR IP67 -40+70C X 6000 IR, 880nm 271
54.1x 44.5x 87mm Y 60000 red, 680nm
54.1x 44.5x 103mm S 9000 red, 660nm
44.5x 87.6x 54.1mm T 300
44.5x 102.6x 54.1mm U 1070
44.5x 87.6x 56.4mm W
44.5x 102.6x 56.4mm 1
44.5x 87.6x 60.5mm Z
44.5x 102.6x 60.5mm

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 221

Photoelectric sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Function Max. range
Light type Page

SLM Slot sensors slot sensor PNP/NPN IP67 -20+60C red, 680nm 273
12x 42x 80mm PNP
12x 52x 80mm
12x 62x 80mm
12x 82x 80mm
12x 112x 80mm
12x 152x 140mm
12x 202x 140mm
12x 252x 140mm
DF-G1 Basic device rectangular NPN IP50 -10+55C 1 red, 960nm, 660 275
for plastic fibers 10x 33x 79.3mm PNP nm

D10 Switching rectangular PNP/NPN IP50 -10+55C 1 red, 660nm 277

output 10x 35.9x 68.1mm green, 525nm
10x 35.9x 84.4mm

D10 Expert Switch- rectangular PNP/NPN IP50 -10+55C 1 red, 660nm 277
ing output 10.5x 35.9x 68.1mm green, 525nm
10.5x 35.9x 84.4mm

D10 Expert Dual rectangular NPN IP50 -20+55C 1 red, 680nm 278
switching output 10.5x 35.9x 68.1mm PNP green, 525nm
10.5x 35.9x 84.4mm

D10 Expert rectangular NPN IP50 -20+55C 1 red, 680nm 278

Current output 10.5x 35.9x 68.1mm PNP green, 525nm
10.5x 35.9x 84.4mm

222 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

and variants
Design Output
Function Max. range
Light type Page

D10 Expert Voltage rectangular NPN IP50 -20+55C 1 red, 680nm 279
output 10.5x 35.9x 68.1mm PNP green, 525nm
10.5x 35.9x 84.4mm

QS18F Basic device rectangular NPN IP67 -20+70C Z IR, 940nm 282
for glass fibers 15x 35x 36.9mm PNP
15x 49x 36.9mm

QS18FP Basic device rectangular NPN IP67 -20+70C 1 red, 660nm 282
for plastic fibers 15x 34.5x 27.5mm PNP
15x 49x 27.5mm

FI22 Basic device rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -10+55C 1 red, 660nm 283
for plastic fibers 23x 14.5x 50mm

R55F Base unit rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 -10+55C Z IR, 880nm 285
for optical fibers 30x 25x 85.4mm 1 red, 650nm
30x 25x 97mm green, 525nm
blue, 475nm

K50 - Beacon for cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 -20+50C V 50 IR, 880nm 287
picking processes 50x 67.8mm S 100 red, 680nm
50x 56.8mm 2000

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 223

Photoelectric sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Function Max. range
Light type Page

PVA/PVD/PVL Light rectangular PNP IP62 0+50C X 2000 IR, 880nm 289
screens for picking 30x 137.8x 15mm PNP/NPN IP65 -40+70C Y 1500 red, 630nm
processes 30x 266.4x 15mm S
30x 341.4x 15mm U
30x 416.6x 15mm S
31x 37.3x 327.5mm

LX Light screen for rectangular PNP/NPN IP65 -20+70C X 2000 IR, 880nm 291
parts detection 25.4x 113.4x 31.8mm Y
25.4x 189.6x 31.8mm
25.4x 265.8x 31.8mm
25.4x 342x 31.8mm
25.4x 418.2x 31.8mm
25.4x 494.4x 31.8mm
25.4x 570.6x 31.8mm
25.4x 646.8x 31.8mm
EZ-ARRAY Measur- rectangular PNP/analog IP65 -40+70C X 4000 IR 293
ing light screen 36x 227x 45.2mm output Y
36x 379x 45.2mm
36x 529x 45.2mm
36x 678x 45.2mm
36x 828x 45.2mm
36x 978x 45.2mm
36x 1128x 45.2mm
36x 1278x 45.2mm
36x 1578x 45.2mm
36x 1878x 45.2mm
36x 2178x 45.2mm
36x 2478x 45.2mm
iVu TG Vision sensor rectangular PNP IP67 0+50C Area, Blemi IR 295
with integrated 81.2x 95.3x 51.5mm sh, Match red
touch screen white
UV, 375nm

iVu BCR Barcode rectangular PNP IP67 0+50C BCR IR 295

reader with integ- 81.2x 95.3x 51.5mm red
rated touch screen white

224 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

and variants
Design Output
Function Max. range
Light type Page

iVu Plus TG Vision rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 0+50C Area, Blemi IR 297
sensor with integrat- 81.2x 95.3x 51.5mm sh, Match, red
ed touch screen Sort white


iVu Plus BCR Bar- rectangular PNP/NPN IP67 0+50C BCR IR 297
code reader with in- 81.2x 95.3x 51.5mm red
tegrated touch white

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 225

Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

Miniature sensors VS1, VS2, VS3, VS4, VSM, T8, Q12

We offer different types of miniature Features

sensors. From the well-priced compact
T8 with 8 mm thread, over the extremely High performance series for limited
small, powerful VS and VSM rectangular spaces
types, up to the robust and universally Short response time of only 1 ms
applicable Q12 series. Easily aligned through a visible light
Made for limited space conditions, these beam
sensors cover the entire power spectrum LED indicates power-on and light
in terms of operating modes, functional- captured
ity, range and robustness. 3-wire connection, adjustment of light
and dark operation, PNP or NPN
Protection class IP67
2 m connection cable and 150 mm
pigtail with male M8 x 1

Type code miniature sensors

VSM4 A P 6 CV10 Q

VSM4 Series A P Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
Q12 rectangular B PNP/NPN 5 1030 VDC max. 20 mA
8 x 26.6 x 12.4 mm N NPN 6 1030 VDC max. 25 mA
T8 cylinder, P PNP
15.8 x 16.3 mm
VS1 rectangular Output function
8.3 x 25.7 x 11.6 mm
A light operation
VS2 rectangular
12 x 25.1 x 4.7 mm R dark operation
VS3 rectangular
9 x 25.4 x 16.6 mm
VS4 rectangular
5 x 40 x 7 mm
VSM4 smooth barrel, 4 mm
VSM5 threaded barrel 5 mm
VSMQ rectangular
5 x 40 x 7 mm

CV10 Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating mode Electrical connection
CV convergent mode 10 50 mm blank cable connection, 2 m
E emitter Q pigtail with connector, M8 x 1
EV emitter, visible red light
R receiver
D diffuse mode
FF diffuse mode, fixed field
L opposed mode
LP opposed mode,
polarizing filter
LV opposed mode,
visible red light
XLP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
XLV retroreflective mode
CR chemical resistant housing

226 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

VS1 Convergent mode sensor

General data
Protection class IP54 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS
Light type red, 630nm Ambient temperature -20+55C
Function W

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range

VS1AP5CV10 , light operation, PNP 10mm w087 d461
VS1AP5CV20 , light operation, PNP 20mm w087 d461
VS1RP5CV10 , dark operation, PNP 10mm w087 d461
VS1RP5CV20 , dark operation, PNP 20mm w087 d461
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

VS2 Flat design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output Light type Range Function
VS25EV red, 660nm 01200mm X d462
VS2AP5R 1030VDC , light operation, PNP 01200mm Y w088 d462
VS2RP5R 1030VDC , dark operation, PNP 01200mm Y w088 d462
VS2AP5CV15 1030VDC , light operation, PNP red, 660nm 15mm W w088 d463
VS2RP5CV15 1030VDC , dark operation, PNP red, 660nm 15mm W w088 d463
VS2AP5CV30 1030VDC , light operation, PNP red, 660nm W w088 d464
VS2RP5CV30 1030VDC , dark operation, PNP red, 660nm 30mm W w088 d464
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 227

Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

VS3 Retroreflective sensor

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS
Light type red, 680nm Range 0250mm
Ambient temperature -20+55C Function T

Types and data selection table

Type Output
VS3AP5XLP , light operation, PNP w088 d465
VS3RP5XLP , dark operation, PNP w088 d465
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

VSM Stainless steel sensors

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material V2A (1.4301)
Ambient temperature 0+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
VSM46E IR, 880nm 0250mm X w089 d466
VSM4RP6R , dark operation, PNP 0250mm Y w088 d466
VSM4AP6CV10 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d467
VSM4AP6CV20 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d467
VSM4AP6CV50 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d466
VSM56E IR, 880nm 0250mm X w089 d468
VSM5RP6R , dark operation, PNP 0250mm Y w088 d468
VSM5AP6CV10 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d469
VSM5AP6CV20 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d469
VSM5AP6CV50 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d468
VSMQAP6CV20 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d470
VSMQAP6CV50 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d470
VSMQAP6CV90 , light operation, PNP IR, 880nm W w088 d470

228 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

VS4 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PC
Range 01000mm Ambient temperature -20+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Function

VS4EV red, 660nm X w089 d471
VS4AP5R , light operation, PNP Y w088 d472
VS4RP5R , dark operation, PNP Y w088 d472
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

T8 Round design
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature -20+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
T86EV red, 660nm 02000mm X w089 d473
T8AP6R , light operation, PNP 02000mm Y w088 d473
T8RP6R , dark operation, PNP 02000mm Y w088 d473
T8AP6D50 , light operation, PNP red, 680nm 050mm U w088 d473
T8RP6D50 , dark operation, PNP red, 680nm 050mm U w088 d473
T8AP6D100 , light operation, PNP red, 680nm 0100mm U w088 d473
T8RP6D100 , dark operation, PNP red, 680nm 0100mm U w088 d473

Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 229

Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

Q12 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material Elastomere
Ambient temperature -20+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
Q126E red, 640nm 02000mm X w089 d474
Q12AB6R , light operation, PNP 02000mm Y w090 d474
Q12RB6R , dark operation, PNP/NPN 02000mm Y w090 d474
Q12AB6LV , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 401500mm S w090 d474
Q12RB6LV , dark operation, PNP/NPN red, 640nm 401500mm S w090 d474
Q12AB6LP , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 1001000mm T w090 d475
Q12RB6LP , dark operation, PNP/NPN red, 640nm 1001000mm T w090 d475
Q12AB6FF15 , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 315mm V w090 d474
Q12RB6FF15 , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 315mm V w090 d474
Q12AB6FF30 , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 330mm V w090 d474
Q12RB6FF30 , dark operation, PNP/NPN red, 640nm 330mm V w090 d474
Q12AB6FF50 , light operation, PNP red, 640nm 350mm V w090 d474
Q12RB6FF50 , dark operation, PNP/NPN red, 640nm 350mm V w090 d474

Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

230 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 231

Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

M12 Miniature sensors

The M12 provide many functions incor- Features

porated in a rugged metal housing. With
a diameter of only 12 mm, they can be M12 sensor series, threaded barrel,
mounted even in poorly accessible plac- metal
es. Even under rough operating condi- All operating modes
tions the IP67 rated sensors work con- Easily aligned through a visible red
vincingly powerful, such as their bigger light beam
counterparts. The operating modes are LED indicates power-on and light
opposed, retroreflective with/without captured
polarizing filter as well as diffuse mode PNP or NPN output
with fixed background suppression. Protection class IP67
2 m connection cable, male M12 x 1 or
cable with male end M12 x 1

Type code M12

M12 P FF25 Q8

M12 Series P Output FF25 Operating mode

Series Output Operating mode
M12 cylinder, thread M12: 57 x mm P PNP D diffuse mode
N NPN E opposed mode emitter
FF25 diffuse mode fixed field
025 mm
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
Q8 Electrical connection LV retroreflective mode
visible red light
Electrical connection R receiver
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q5 pigtail with connector, 8 mm
Q8 connector, M12 x 1

232 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Miniature sensors

M12 Cylindrical design

General data
Protection class IP68 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material CuZn
Ambient temperature -20+60C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

M12E red, 660nm 05000mm X w089 d476
M12PR , PNP 05000mm Y w091 d476
M12PD , PNP red, 660nm 0400mm U w091 d476
M12PLV , PNP red, 660nm 02500mm S w091 d476
M12PLP , PNP red, 660nm 201500mm T w091 d476
M12PFF25 , PNP red, 680nm 025mm V w091 d476
M12PFF50 , PNP red, 680nm 050mm V w091 d476
M12PFF75 , PNP red, 680nm 075mm V w091 d476

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 233

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

QS18 Compact sensors

The compact QS18 fit in almost any Features

place. They are optionally available with
M18 thread and can thus replace M18 Universal rectangular design, flexible
threaded barrel sensors. They can also mounting
be used to replace M30 threaded barrel Many operating modes, functions and
sensors as well as rectangular sensors application possibilities
without thread. Response time < 1ms
The QS18 are available in many different Rugged, fully encapsulated plastic
operating modes and achieve an optical housing, protective circuit
power which exceeds by far the usual Protection class IP67
performance of sensors of this size. Bright, all-round visible LEDs
2 m connection cable, male M12 x 1,
cable with male end M12 x 1
Blind for opposed mode sensors
Expert QS18E: Easy startup via push-
button or remote via cable

Type code QS18

QS18 V P 6 LP Q5

QS18 Series V P Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
QS18 rectangular, N NPN 6 1030 VDC
15 x 35 x 21 P PNP
15 x 35 x 31
15 x 49 x 21
Output function
15 x 49 x 31
E teach-in/NO

LP Operating mode Q5 Electrical connection

Operating mode Electrical connection

AF100 diffuse mode LAF250 laser, diffuse mode Q pigtail with connector, 8 mm
adjustable field 20100 mm adjustable field Q5 pigtail with connector, M12 x 1
CV15 C = convergent mode 50250 mm, class 2
Q7 connector, 8 mm
V = visible red light, LD laser, diffuse mode
focal distance 15 mm Q8 connector, M12 x 1
LE laser emitter
CV16 C = convergent mode LE10 laser emitter, point blank cable connection, 2 m
V = visible red light LE11 laser emitter, vertical line
focal distance 16 mm
LE12 laser emitter, horizontal line
D diffuse mode
LE14 laser emitter, cross
DB diffuse mode, without blind
zone LLP laser, retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
DV diffuse mode, visible red
light LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter, visible red light
E emitter, opposed mode
LV retroreflective mode
EB emitter, opposed mode visible red light,
sensor range 3 m
R receiver, opposed mode
FF50 diffuse mode, fixed field
050 mm RB receiver, opposed mode
range 3 m
LAF laser, diffuse mode
adjustable field W diffuse mode, wide angle
30150 mm, class 1

234 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

QS18 With thread

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Ambient Function


QS186EQ8 IR, 940nm 030000mm -20+70C X w092 d477
QS186LEQ8 red, 650nm, 1 030000mm -10+50C X w093 d478
QS186LE2Q8 IR, 940nm, 2 030000mm -10+50C X w094 d477
QS18VP6RQ8 /, PNP, 100mA 030000mm -20+70C Y w091 d477
QS18VP6LVQ8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 06500mm -20+70C S w091 d479
QS18VP6LPQ8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 503500mm -20+70C T w091 d479
QS18VP6LLPQ8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 650nm, 1 10010000mm -10+50C T w091 d479
QS18VP6CV15Q8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm -20+70C W w091 d480
QS18VP6CV45Q8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm -20+70C W w091 d480
QS18VP6DQ8 /, PNP, 100mA IR, 940nm 1450mm -20+70C U w091 d479
QS18VP6LDQ8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 650nm, 1 0300mm -10+50C U w091 d479
QS18VP6FF50Q8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 050mm -20+70C V w091 d477
QS18VP6FF100Q8 /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 0100mm -20+70C V w091 d477

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

QS18 Without thread

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Housing material ABS

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output Light type Range Ambient Function
QS186EBQ8 male,M12 x 1 IR, 940nm 03000mm -20+70C X w089 d481
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 235

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Table starts on previous page

Type Connection Output Light type Range Ambient Function
QS18VP6RBQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, PNP, 100mA 03000mm -20+70C Y w091 d481
QS18VP6DBQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, PNP, 100mA IR, 940nm 0450mm -20+70C U w091 d482
QS18VP6WQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, PNP, 100mA IR, 940nm 0100mm -20+70C U w091 d482
QS18VP6AFF200Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 30200mm -20+55C w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6AFF40Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 1540mm -20+55C w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6AF300Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 1300mm -20+55C V w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6AF40Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 1540mm -20+55C V w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6AF100Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 660nm 1100mm 0+55C V w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6LAFQ5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 650nm, 1 1150mm -10+50C V w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1
QS18VP6LAF250Q5 0.15m Cable with connec- /, PNP, 100mA red, 658nm, 2 1250mm -10+50C V w091 d483
tor,M12 x 1

Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code
Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code

QS18 Expert With thread

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range Function
QS18EP6LPQ8 red, 660nm 503500mm 1 w095 d484
QS18EP6CV15Q8 red, 660nm W w095 d484
QS18EP6CV45Q8 red, 660nm W w095 d484
QS18EP6DQ8 IR, 940nm 0800mm 1 w095 d484
QS18EP6DVBVQ8 red, 660 mm 0600mm 1 w095 d484
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

236 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

QS18 Expert Without thread

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material ABS Light type IR, 940nm
Ambient temperature -20+70C Function U

Types and data selection table

Type Range

QS18EP6DBQ8 0500mm w095 d485
QS18EP6WQ8 0300mm w095 d485
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 237

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

TM18 Compact sensors

The TM18 series features devices incor- Features

porated in a rugged metal and IP69K rat-
ed housing. They are perfectly suitable Rugged metal housing with M18 x 1
for demanding application conditions. metal thread
Thanks to the M18 thread and the Easily installed in all M18
bright, red light beam, the sensors are feed-throughs
easily installed. Further adjustments are All operating modes available
not necessary for optimal operation of Easy alignment thanks to bright, red
the device. The diffuse mode as well as light beam
the retroreflective sensors are insensitive Protection class IP69K, for wet
to ambient light and interferences environments
caused by other TM18 sensors.

Type code TM18

TM18 V N 6 R Q8

TM18 Series V Switching behaviour N Output

Series Switching behaviour Output
TM18 cylinder, V changeover N NPN
thread M18: 30 mm A light operation P PNP
R dark operation

6 Operating voltage R Operating mode Q5 Electrical connection

Operating voltage Operating mode Electrical connection

6 1030 VDC E emitter Q5 M12 x 1 connector with 0.5 m
R receiver
blank cable connection, 2 m
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
FF25 diffuse mode, fixed field
025 mm
FF50 diffuse mode, fixed field
050 mm
FF100 diffuse mode, fixed field
0100 mm

238 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

TM18 Round design with metal housing

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material CuZn
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

TM186EQ8 red, 625nm 020000mm X w089 d486
TM18AP6RQ8 , light operation, PNP 020000mm Y w088 d486
TM18RP6RQ8 , dark operation, PNP 020000mm Y w096 d486
TM18VP6RQ8 , PNP 020000mm Y w091 d486
TM18AP6LPQ8 , light operation, PNP red, 680nm 05500mm T w088 d486
TM18RP6LPQ8 , dark operation, PNP red, 680nm 05500mm T w096 d486
TM18VP6LPQ8 , PNP red, 680nm 05500mm T w091 d486
TM18AP6FF25Q8 , light operation, PNP red, 660nm 025mm V w088 d486
TM18VP6FF25Q8 , PNP red, 660nm 025mm V w091 d486
TM18AP6FF50Q8 , light operation, PNP red, 660nm 050mm V w088 d486
TM18VP6FF50Q8 , PNP red, 660nm 050mm V w091 d486
TM18AP6FF100Q8 , light operation, PNP red, 660nm 0100mm V w088 d486
TM18VP6FF100Q8 , PNP red, 660nm 0100mm V w091 d486

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 239

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Compact sensors S18, M18, T18 and Q25

EZ-BEAM sensors are compact, easy to Features

install and work reliably, even under
rough operating conditions. Sensitivity Low-priced, high performance, IP69K
adjustments are redundant for most of rated (most types)
the types. EZ-BEAM sensors are available No adjustments (most types)
in different sizes, designs and operating Auto-diagnostics with separate dis-
modes: Plastic and threaded barrels or play for insufficient excess gain and
rectangular types, opposed mode, ret- alarm output
roreflective mode with/without polariz- Extended temperature range
ing filter as well as diffuse mode with -40 +70 C
background suppression. Antivalent PNP/NPN output, AC ver-
sions available
Blind for opposed mode sensors

Type code EZ-Beam

Q25 S P 6 LP Q

Q25 Series S Output function P Output

Series Output function Output
M18 thread, metal, 18 mm S programmable* P PNP
Q25 rectangular, 25 x 50.2 x 30 mm N NPN
Q40 rectangular, 40 x 40 x 46 mm * selectable light/dark operation or
S18 cylinder, 18 mm light operation and alarm
S30 thread, plastic, 30 mm
T18 30 x 54 x 30 mm, angled,
thread 18 mm
T30 40 x 64 x 45 mm, angled
dimensions, thread 30 mm

6 Operating voltage LP Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating voltage Operating mode Electrical connection

6 1030 VDC E opposed mode emitter blank cable connection, 2 m
R receiver Q connection, M12 x 1
D diffuse mode
DL diffuse mode, long distance
FF600 diffuse mode, fixed field
0600 mm
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
L retroreflective mode
infrared light
ELD opposed mode laser emitter
(only S18)

240 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

S18 Cylindrical design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

S186EQ IR, 950nm 020000mm X w089 d487
S18SP6RQ , , PNP 020000mm Y w097 d487
S18SP6LQ , , PNP IR, 950nm 502000mm S w097 d487
S18SP6LPQ , , PNP red, 680nm 502000mm T w097 d487
S18SP6FF25Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 025mm V w097 d488
S18SP6FF50Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 050mm V w097 d488
S18SP6FF100Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0100mm V w097 d488
S18SP6DLQ , , PNP IR, 880nm 2300mm U w097 d487

Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

M18 Cylindrical design with metal housing

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material V2A (1.4305)
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
M186EQ IR, 950nm 020000mm X w089 d489
M18SP6RQ , , PNP 020000mm Y w097 d489
M18SP6LQ , , IR, 950nm 502000mm S w097 d489
M18SP6LPQ , , PNP red, 680nm 502000mm T w097 d489
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 241

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Table starts on previous page

Type Output Light type Range Function
M18SP6FF25Q , , IR, 880nm 025mm V w097 d490
M18SP6FF50Q , , IR, 880nm 050mm V w097 d490
M18SP6FF100Q , , IR, 880nm 0100mm V w097 d490
M18SP6DQ , , IR, 880nm 0100mm U w097 d489
M18SP6DLQ , , IR, 880nm 2300mm U w097 d489

Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

T18 Round design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
T186EQ IR, 950nm 020000mm X w089 d491
T18SP6RQ , , 020000mm Y w097 d491
T18SP6LQ , , IR, 950nm 502000mm S w097 d491
T18SP6LPQ , , red, 680nm 502000mm T w097 d491
T18SP6DQ , , IR, 880nm 0500mm U w097 d492
T18SP6FF25Q , , IR, 880nm 025mm V w097 d491
T18SP6FF50Q , , IR, 880nm 050mm V w097 d491
T18SP6FF100Q , , IR, 880nm 0100mm V w097 d491

Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

242 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Q25 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

Q256EQ IR, 950nm 020000mm X w089 d493
Q25SP6RQ , , 020000mm Y w097 d493
Q25SP6LPQ , , red, 680nm 502000mm T w097 d493
Q25SP6FF25Q , , IR, 880nm 025mm V w097 d493
Q25SP6FF50Q , , IR, 880nm 050mm V w097 d493
Q25SP6FF100Q , , IR, 880nm 0100mm V w097 d493

Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 243

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Q20 compact sensors

The rectangular Q20 are quickly and eas- Features

ily mounted. Bores with integrated
thread make the use of additional 3 mm thread bores, 25.4 mm inbe-
mounting nuts redundant. Whether ap- tween space
plied as opposed mode, retroreflective Easily aligned thanks to visible light
or diffuse mode sensor, the compact beam (most types)
Q20 are striking for their outstanding Protection class IP67
optical power and reliability. Thanks to Excellent protection against interfer-
the compact design they fit everywhere, ences and crosstalk
even in confined spaces. Antivalent transistor outputs (1 NO,
1 NC); PNP or NPN
2 m connection cable, male M8 x 1, ca-
ble with male end M8 x 1, cable with
male end M12 x 1

Type code Q20

Q20 P DXL Q5

Q20 Series P Output DXL Operating mode

Series Output Operating mode
Q20 rectangular, P PNP E opposed mode emitter
12 x 32 x 20 mm (cable device) N NPN
12 x 42 x 20 mm (plug-in device) R opposed mode receiver
FF25 diffuse mode, fixed field
025 mm
EL emitter, long range
RL receiver, long range
Q5 Electrical connection LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
LV retroreflective mode
Electrical connection
visible red light
blank cable connection, 2 m DL diffuse mode, long range
Q pigtail with connector, M8 x 1 DXL diffuse mode sensor
Q5 pigtail with connector, M12 x 1 extra long range
Q8 connector, M8 mm DV diffuse mode, visible red light

244 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Q20 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 0.15m Cable with
connector,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature -20+60C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

Q20EQ5 red, 630nm 012000mm X w089 d494
Q20PRQ5 , PNP 012000mm Y w091 d494
Q20ELQ5 IR, 850nm 020000mm X w089 d494
Q20PRLQ5 , PNP 020000mm Y w091 d494
Q20PLVQ5 , PNP red, 660nm 306000mm S w091 d495
Q20PLPQ5 , PNP red, 660nm 304000mm T w091 d495
Q20PDQ5 , PNP red, 630nm 1250mm U w091 d495
Q20PDLQ5 , PNP red, 630nm 1800mm U w091 d495
Q20PDXLQ5 , PNP IR, 850nm 11500mm U w091 d495
Q20PFF50Q5 , PNP red, 660nm 050mm V w091 d494
Q20PFF100Q5 , PNP red, 660nm 0100mm V w091 d494
Q20PFF150Q5 , PNP red, 660nm 0150mm V w091 d494

Many different types available, also with cable and / or NPN output, see type code
Many different types available, also with connector and / or NPN output see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 245

Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Compact sensors Q26 for clear object detection

The Q26 works on the retroreflective Features

principle, using a polarizing filter which
is especially designed for the detection Reliable detection of clear-glass
of clear-glass objects. By means of the Single-lens system with small inspec-
coaxially arranged optics, the light beam tion window
hits the reflector vertically. Transparent, No blind zone, short distances to
opaque or reflecting objects are thus re- reflector
liably detected. Objects located any- Need not be aligned
where between sensor and reflector are Repeatability 50 s, response time
detected with this single-lens system. 250 s
The sensitivity is adjusted via potentiom- Sensitivity adjusted via potentiometer
eter. The output is also adjustable. Light
or dark operation is set via rotary switch.
A very short response time of only
250s is a further plus.

Type code Q26

Q26 P XLP Q7

Q26 Series P Output XLP Operating mode

Series Output/Function Operating mode
Q26 rectangular, P PNP XLP retroreflective mode
14 x 25 x 52.3 mm N NPN polarizing filter

Q7 Electrical connection
Electrical connection
Q5 pigtail with connector, M12 x 1
Q7 connector, 8 mm

246 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Compact sensors

Q26 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M8 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Switching frequency 4kHz
Housing material ABS Light type red, 660nm
Range 5800mm Ambient temperature -10+55C
Function T

Types and data selection table

Type Output

Q26NXLPQ7 2x , NPN w098 d496
Q26PXLPQ7 2x , PNP w099 d496
Many different types available, also with cable with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 247

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QS30 Large design

The large QS30 can be mounted in many Features

ways. Thanks to the M30 thread and
standard bores, they can also be used to Universal rectangular design, many
replace M30 threaded barrel sensors as mounting options
well as rectangular sensors without Many operating modes, functions and
thread. application possibilities
Pushbutton or external programming
The QS30 series offers many operating Good visible status, indicated via 8-
modes, functions and application segment bargraph display
possibilities Plastic housing, protection class IP67
Bipolar digital outputs, PNP/NPN
30 ms switch-off delay (adjustable)
2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1

Type code QS30

QS30 FF600 Q

QS30 Series FF600 Operating mode

Series Operating mode
QS30 rectangular, AF400 diffuse mode sensor with FF600 diffuse mode, fixed field
22 x 49 x 35 mm (cable device) adjustable field, bargraph 0600 mm
22 x 57 x 35 mm (plug-in display 0400 mm
device) LD laser, diffuse mode bargraph
ARX receiver, high-power light display
operation LDL laser, diffuse mode, long
ARXH20 receiver high-power, light distance, bargraph display
operation, water detection LLP laser, retroreflective mode po-
ARH20 receiver, light operation, larizing filter bargraph display
water detection LLPC laser, retroreflective mode
Q Electrical connection D diffuse mode polarizing filter, clear-glass
E opposed mode emitter recognition, bargraph display
EDV diffuse mode, teachable LP retroreflective mode
Electrical connection visible red light bargraph polarizing filter
Q connection, M12 x 1 display LV retroreflective mode
Q5 pigtail with connection, M12 x 1 ELVC retroreflective mode, R opposed mode receiver
blank cable connection, 2 m visible red light, clear-glass RRH20 receiver, dark operation
recognition, bargraph water detection
display RRX receiver, high-power
EX opposed mode emitter dark operation
high-power RRXH20 receiver, high-power
EXH20 opposed mode emitter dark operation
high-power, water detec- water detection

248 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QS30 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Ambient Function


QS30EQ IR, 875nm 060000mm -20+70C X w089 d497
QS30RQ , PNP/NPN 060000mm -20+70C Y w100 d497
QS30LVQ , PNP/NPN red, 630nm 1012000mm -20+70C S w100 d498
QS30LPQ , PNP/NPN red, 630nm 08000mm -20+70C T w100 d498
QS30DQ , PNP/NPN IR, 940nm 21000mm -20+70C U w101 d498
QS30AF600Q , PNP/NPN red, 660nm 50600mm -10+55C V w102 d499
QS30AFF400Q , PNP/NPN red, 660nm 50400mm -10+55C w102 d499
QS30FF200Q , PNP/NPN red, 680nm 0200mm -20+70C V w101 d497
QS30FF400Q , PNP/NPN red, 680nm 0400mm -20+70C V w101 d497
QS30FF600Q , PNP/NPN red, 680nm 0600mm -20+70C V w101 d497
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

QS30 Expert
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP/NPN
Housing material ABS

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range Ambient temperature Function
QS30LLPQ red, 650nm, 1 20018000mm -10+50C T w102 d500
QS30LLPCQ red, 650nm, 1 20018000mm -10+50C T w102 d500
QS30ELVCQ red, 660nm 1002000mm -10+55C S w102 d500
QS30EDVQ red, 660nm 21400mm -10+55C U w102 d500
QS30LDQ red, 650nm, 1 0400mm -10+50C U w102 d500
QS30LDLQ red, 650nm, 2 0800mm -10+50C U w102 d500

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 249

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QS30 Water-detection sensor

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 0.15m Cable with
connector,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+60C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
QS30EXH2OQ5 IR, 1450nm 04000mm X w103 d501
QS30ARH2OQ5 , light operation, PNP/NPN 02000mm Y w104 d499
QS30RRH2OQ5 , dark operation, PNP/NPN 02000mm Y w104 d502
QS30ARXH2OQ5 , light operation, PNP/NPN 04000mm Y w104 d499
QS30RRXH2OQ5 , dark operation, PNP/NPN 04000mm Y w104 d502

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

250 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 251

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

S30, T30, Q40 Large designs

EZ-BEAM sensors are compact, easy to Features

install and work reliably, even under
rough operating conditions. Sensitivity Low-priced, high performance, IP69K
adjustments are redundant for most of rated (most types)
the types. EZ-BEAM sensors are available No adjustments (most types)
in different sizes, designs and operating Auto-diagnostics with separate dis-
modes: Plastic and threaded barrels or play for insufficient excess gain and
rectangular types, opposed mode, ret- alarm output
roreflective moded with/without polariz- Extended temperature range
ing filter as well as diffuse mode with -40 +70 C
background suppression. Antivalent PNP/NPN output, AC ver-
sions available
Blind for opposed mode sensors

Type code EZ-Beam Large

S30 S P 6 LP Q

S30 Series S Output function P Output

Series Output function Output
Q40 rectangular, S programmable* P PNP
40 x 40 x 46 mm N NPN
S30 thread, plastic, 30 mm * selectable light/dark operation or
T30 40 x 64 x 45 mm, angled, light operation and alarm
thread 30 mm

6 Operating voltage LP Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating voltage Operating mode Electrical connection

6 1030 VDC D diffuse mode blank cable connection, 2 m
DL diffuse mode, long distance Q connector, M12 x 1
E emitter
ELD opposed mode laser emitter
(only S18)
FF600 diffuse mode, fixed field
0600 mm
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
L retroreflective mode,
R receiver

252 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

S30 Cylindrical design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

S306EQ IR, 950nm 060000mm X w089 d503
S30SP6RQ , , PNP 060000mm Y w097 d503
S30SP6LPQ , , PNP red, 680nm 506000mm T w097 d503
S30SP6FF200Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0200mm V w097 d503
S30SP6FF400Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0400mm V w097 d503
S30SP6FF600Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0600mm V w097 d503
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

T30 Round design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
T306EQ IR, 950nm 060000mm X w089 d504
T30SP6RQ , , PNP 060000mm Y w097 d504
T30SP6LPQ , , PNP red, 680nm 506000mm T w097 d504
T30SP6FF200Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0200mm V w097 d504
T30SP6FF400Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0400mm V w097 d504
T30SP6FF600Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0600mm V w097 d504
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 253

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Q40 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
Q406EQ IR, 950nm 060000mm X w089 d505
Q40SP6RQ , , PNP 060000mm Y w097 d505
Q40SP6LPQ , , PNP red, 680nm 506000mm T w097 d505
Q40SP6FF200Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0200mm V w097 d505
Q40SP6FF400Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0400mm V w097 d505
Q40SP6FF600Q , , PNP IR, 880nm 0600mm V w097 d505

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

254 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 255

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Large designs QM42, QMT42

The rectangular QM42 and QMT42 are Features

installed in a IP67 rated die-cast housing
and are especially suited for rugged in- Universal rectangular design, many
dustrial environments. Standard bores mounting options
enable flexible mounting. QM42 as well Many operating modes, functions and
as the slightly bigger QMT42 are availa- application possibilities
ble in various operating modes and with Good visible status LEDs
excellent background suppression. Metal housing, ZN, black
Protection class IP67
Bipolar digital outputs, PNP/NPN
2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1

Type code QM42 / QMT42

QM42 VP 6 R Q

QM42 Series VP Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
QM42 rectangular VP changeover PNP 6 1030 VDC
12.7 x 42 x 27.1 mm VN changeover NPN
QMT42 rectangular
18 x 58 x 27.1 mm

R Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating mode Electrical connection

AFV150 diffuse mode blank cable connection, 2 m
adjustable field 0150 mm Q connector, M12 x 1
D diffuse mode
DX diffuse mode, long range
E emitter
ELD opposed mode laser emitter
(only S18)
FF500 diffuse mode, fixed field
0500 mm
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
R receiver

256 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QM42 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ZN

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Ambient Function


QM426EQ IR, 880nm 010000mm -20+70C X w089 d506
QM42VP6RQ /, PNP 010000mm -20+70C Y w091 d506
QM42VP6LPQ /, PNP red, 660nm 1503000mm -20+70C T w091 d506
QM42VP6DQ /, PNP IR, 880nm 0400mm -20+70C U w091 d506
QM42VP6AF150Q /, PNP IR, 880nm 50150mm -20+55C V w091 d506

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

QMT42 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output /, PNP
Housing material ZN Ambient temperature -20+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range Function
QMT42VP6DXQ IR, 880nm 106000mm U w091 d507
QMT42VP6FF750Q IR, 880nm 50750mm V w091 d507
QMT42VP6FF1000Q IR, 880nm 501000mm V w091 d507
QMT42VP6FF1500Q IR, 880nm 501500mm V w091 d507
QMT42VP6AFV400Q red, 680nm 125400mm V w091 d508
QMT42VP6FF500Q IR, 880nm 50500mm V w091 d507
QMT42VP6FF2000Q IR, 880nm 502000mm V w091 d507

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 257

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Q45 Large design

The innovative, one-piece Q45 sensors Features

provide high optical power. The ex-
tremely rugged housing exceeds the Universal rectangular design, many
NEMA 6P standards and protection rat- mounting options
ing IP67. The sensors even withstand Plastic housing, protection class IP67
pressure of 1200 psi easily. Many operating modes, functions and
The sensors are powered either via a 2 m application possibilities
cable or a male M12x1 connection. De- LEDs indicate power ON, status and
pending on the type, the sensitivity and excess gain
the output (light or dark operation) can 2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1
be adjusted. Moreover, the devices fea-
ture LEDs for indication of power and

Type code Q45

Q45 BB 6 LV Q

Q45 Series BB Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
Q45 rectangular, BB bipolar, adjustable 6 1030 VDC
30 x 37.6 x 44.5 mm (NO/NC)

LV Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating mode Electrical connection

CV convergent mode, visible red light blank cable connection, 2 m
D diffuse mode Q5 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole
DL diffuse mode, long range Q6 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole
DX diffuse mode, High-Power
E emitter
LL retroreflective mode
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter
LV retroreflective mode
R receiver

258 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Q45 - Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Ambient temperature Function

Q456EQ5 IR, 880nm 060000mm -40+70C X w089 d509
Q45BB6RQ5 , PNP/NPN 060000mm -40+70C Y w090 d509
Q45BB6LPQ5 , PNP/NPN red, 650nm 1506000mm -40+70C T w090 d510
Q45BB6LVQ5 , PNP/NPN red, 680nm 809000mm -40+70C S w090 d510
Q45BB6LLPQ6 , PNP/NPN red, 655nm, 2 60040000mm -10+40C T w105 d511
Q45BB6LLQ6 , PNP/NPN red, 655nm, 2 30070000mm -10+40C S w105 d511
Q45BB6DQ5 , PNP/NPN IR, 880nm 0450mm -40+70C U w090 d509
Q45BB6DLQ5 , PNP/NPN IR, 880nm 01800mm -40+70C U w090 d509
Q45BB6DXQ5 , PNP/NPN IR, 880nm 03000mm -40+70C U w090 d509
Q45BB6CVQ5 , PNP/NPN red, 680nm -40+70C W w090 d509
Q45BB6CV4Q5 , PNP/NPN red, 680nm -40+70C W w090 d509

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 259

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Laser/LED sensors Q60

The Q60 series comprises sensors work- Features

ing with laser or visible red light. They
are long-range operating devices with Sensors with adjustable background
programmable background suppres- suppression
sion. Objects with low reflectivity are de- Measuring ranges 200 2000 mm
tected reliably while objects located just Easy setting of cutoff point
beyond the sensing field are ignored. Laser or LED sensors (infrared or visi-
The cutoff point is set via a two-turn ad- ble red light)
justing screw. Output timing, light/dark Easy programming via integrated
operate and keylock are programmed pushbutton or remotely.
remotely or via two pushbuttons. Con- Light or dark operation
figuration and operating status are indi- Seven LEDs indicate configuration and
cated by a 7-LED bargraph. Five of the operating status
seven LEDs combine to form a single Rugged IP67 rated housing
light bar indicating relative ON and OFF

Type code Q60

Q60 BB 6 L AF 1400 Q

Q60 Series BB Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
Q60 Laser-/LED Sensors, BB PNP/NPN bipolar 6 1030 VDC,
rectangular, VR relay output (changeover contact) 3 12250 VDC or 24250 VAC
25 x 70 x 60 mm

L Sensor type AF Background suppression 1400 Max. range [mm]

Sensor type Background suppression Max. range [mm]

blank LED sensor AF adjustable field, infrared light 1400 max. range [mm]
L laser sensor AFV adjustable field, visible red light

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connector, M12 x 1

260 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

Q60 Rectangular design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP/NPN
Housing material ABS

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range Ambient temperature Function

Q60BB6AFV1000Q red, 665nm 2001000mm -20+55C V w102 d512
Q60BB6AF2000Q IR, 880nm 2002000mm -20+55C V w102 d512
Q60BB6LAF1400Q red, 650nm, 1 2001400mm -10+50C V w102 d512
Q60BB6LAF2000Q red, 650nm, 2 2002000mm -10+50C V w102 d512

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 261

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QC50 Color sensor

The QC50 is a user-friendly compact Features

color sensor. It detects one, two or three
colors, by means of modulated white Analysis and comparison of different
light and electronic red, green and blue colors and color intensities
filters (R, G, B). Thanks to its compact size Short response time of 335 s
it fits almost anywhere. The user can ad- Easily programmed for 1,2 or 3 colors
just the parameters for color detection Channel, operating mode and toler-
as well as an optional switch-off delay ance are programmable
for the output. With tolerance to compensate prod-
The sensor is equipped with three tran- uct variance
sistor outputs which can be adjusted ei- Output switch-off delay (6 options);
ther to distinguish between colors or to Adjustments are valid for all three
distinguish between colors and different color channels
color intensities. Furthermore, there are Gate-controlled color detection (also
two buttons (SET and SELECT), a 4-digit called locking, synchronization or
LCD display, an output LED and three windowing)
status LEDs (one per output) for easy Male M12 x 1 with 3 positions, rotata-
programming and status monitoring. ble, 8-pin
3 NPN or 3 PNP outputs, one output
per color channel

Type code QC50

QC50 A3P 6X D W Q

QC50 Series A3P Output 6X Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
QC50 rectangular, A3P 3 x PNP, light operation 6X 1030 VDC,
25 x 50 x 50 mm, A3N 3 x NPN, light operation 2 V max. residual ripple
335 s response time
QCX50 rectangular,
25 x 50 x 50 mm,
5/1 ms response time

D Operating mode W Light type Q Electrical connection

Operating mode Light type Electrical connection

D diffuse mode W white blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connector, M12 x 1

262 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

QC50 Color sensor

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching frequency 2kHz
Output 3x , PNP Response time 0.335ms
Housing material ABS Light type white
Range 020mm Ambient temperature -10+55C
Function U

Types and data selection table


QC50A3P6XDWQ w106 d513

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 263

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

R58E Registration mark sensor

The registration mark sensor R58 Expert Features

detects all common color marks used for
product and material registration. To Registration mark sensor with tri-color
achieve the highest contrast ratio, the light source
sensor automatically selects one of the Excellent color contrast sensitivity, de-
three integrated color LEDs (red, green, tects 16 greyscales
blue) The very short response time of 50 Vertical or horizontal light spot, de-
s is ideally suited for high speed appli- pending on the model
cations. Contrast sensitivity, switching Light/dark operate, switch ON/OFF
performance and delays are adjusted via delay 30 ms, programmed via push-
integrated pushbuttons or remotely via button or teach line
teach line. Furthermore, the device can Bipolar output PNP/NPN
be taught to differentiate between ON Highly visible 8-segment bargraph in-
and OFF state, either statically before dicates signal strength, output status
commissioning or dynamically during and setup.
operation. Rugged IP67 rated housing

Type code R58

R58 E CRGB 2 Q

R58 Series E Programming CRGB Scanning

Series Programming Scanning
R58 registration mark sensor, A potentiometer CG 1 emitter LED red
rectangular, B teachable CR 1 emitter LED green
30 x 58.9 x 80.1 mm
E teachable CRGB convergent mode sensor,
3 emitter LEDs red, green,

2 Detection field Q Electrical connection

Detection field Electrical connection

1 parallel detection field relative to the blank cable connection, 2 m
housing axis Q connector, M12 x 1
2 vertical detection field relative to the
housing axis

264 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

R58 Registration mark sensor

General data
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching frequency 10kHz
Output , PNP/NPN Function W

Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1

Housing material ZN Ambient temperature -10+55C

Types and data selection table

Type Light type

R58ACR1Q8 red w090 d514
R58ACG1Q8 green w090 d514
R58ECRGB1Q8 red / green / blue w102 d514
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 265

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

LT3/LT7 Laser sensors

The LT3 / LT7 sensor operates on the Features

principle of laser running time technolo-
gy and is thus extremely efficient: The la- Range adjusted via pushbutton
ser emits one million pulses per second. Well-priced solution for long-range
The microprocessor records the time detection
each pulse needs to travel to the target Up to 10 m in diffuse mode, up to 250
and back to the sensor. One thousand m in retroreflective mode
pulse times are averaged every millisec- Fast and easy teaching via pushbut-
ond and the value is transferred to the ton, no potentiometer adjustments
output. Switching and analog outputs
The long rangeability of the sensors ena- Hysteresis and measuring range are
bles very small parts or less prominent separately adjustable
features to be detected, even if the LT
sensor is mounted at a safe distance to
the hazardous area.
The sensors are available with switching
and analog output. Measuring and
switching range are easily adjusted via
pushbutton. A bright, visible laser spot
simplifies the alignment.

Type code LT3/LT7


LT3 Series P Output LV Operating mode

Series Output Operating mode
LT3 laser sensor, runtime, BD PNP/NPN selectable LV retroreflective laser sensor
rectangular, I analog output 420 mA blank diffuse mode sensor with LT3
35.3 x 68.5 x 87 mm
N NPN D diffuse mode sensor with LT7
LT7 laser sensor, runtime,
rectangular, P PNP
42 x 93 x 95 mm U analog output 010 V

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q with LT3 connector, M12 x 1
Q with LT7 connector, M16

266 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

LT3 Laser running time meter

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1224VDC Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature 0+50C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function

LT3BDQ 2x , PNP/NPN red, 658nm, 2 3005000mm U w107 d515
LT3PUQ , PNP/analog output, 010V red, 658nm, 2 3005000mm U w108 d515
LT3PIQ , PNP/analog output, 420mA red, 658nm, 2 3005000mm U w108 d515
LT3BDLVQ 2x , PNP/NPN red, 658nm, 1 50050000mm S w107 d515
LT3PULVQ , PNP/analog output, 010V red, 658nm, 1 50050000mm S w108 d515
LT3PILVQ , PNP/analog output, 420mA red, 658nm, 1 50050000mm S w108 d515
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

LT7 Laser running time meter

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M16
Operating voltage 1830VDC Housing material ABS
Light type IR, 900nm, 1 Ambient temperature -10+50C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range Function
LT7PIDQ 2x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 50010000mm U w109 d516
LT7PLVQ 2x , PNP 500250000mm S w109 d516

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 267

Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

LH series Laser triangulation

The compact LH laser gauging sensors Features

work according to the principle of opti-
cal triangulation. They are a versatile al- Compact laser gauging system, work-
ternative for precision measurement at ing on the principle of optical triangu-
short to medium distances. Typical fields lation, for short to medium distances
of application are the control of surface Measuring ranges 2535mm,
qualities, dimensional accuracy of com- 60100mm und 100200mm
ponents and distance, thickness as well Typical applications: hot parts, turned
as height measurement. Two sensors and milled parts, semiconductors,
scan the object from both sides to deter- PCBs, shiny or reflective part, soft or
mine the thickness and synchronize the sticky parts
results. Up to 32 sensors can be com-
bined to a measuring network, able to
scan the profile of workpieces at wheel
rims for example.

Type code LH

LH 30 I X485 QP

LH Series 30 Range I Output

Series Range Output
LH laser sensor, 30 2535 mm I current output 420 mA
triangulation 80 60100 mm
33 x 80 x 65 mm
150 100200 mm

X485 Interface QP Electrical connection

Interface Electrical connection
x485 RS-485 communication QP pigtail, cable connection with
connector, M12 x 1

268 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Large designs

LH Laser triangulation
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 0.15m Cable with
connector,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1830VDC Output 4 20 mA, Analog
output, 420mA
Housing material Al Light type red, 670nm, 2

Ambient temperature -10+45C Function U

Measuring sequence 4000Hz

Types and data selection table

Type Range

LH30IX485QP 2535mm w110 d517
LH80IX485QP 60100mm w110 d517
LH150IX485QP 100200mm w110 d517

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 269

Photoelectric sensors
NAMUR sensors

NAMUR sensors MINI-BEAM and Q45

The NAMUR sensors MINI-BEAM and Q45 Features

can be applied in rough industrial appli-
cations together with intrinsically safe Ex approval acc. to KEMA certificate 03
amplifiers. Conform to the NAMUR ATEX 1441 X ignition protection type
standard, light operating sensors are Ex ia IIC T6
supplied with < 1 mA in dark state and acc. to EN 60947-5-6:2000,
with > 2.1 mA in light state. Available are EN60079-0:2006, part 1 and
opposed and retroreflective mode, con- EN 60079-11: 2007 A1A2
vergent and diffuse mode sensors and Sensitivity exactly adjustable via a 15-
basic devices for fiber optics. NOTE: NA- turn potentiometer
MUR sensors have to be operated via in- 2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1
trinsically safe switching amplifiers in ar-
eas exposed to explosion hazards.

Type code NAMUR-Sensors


MI Series AD Output 9 Input

Series Output Input
Q45 rectangular AD 2-wire, NAMUR sensor voltage supply via isolating switching
44.5 x 87.6 x 56.4 mm amplifier
MI MINI-BEAM, rectangular, 9 515 VDC
12.3 x 30.7 x 66 mm

LVAG Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating mode Electrical connection

CV convergent mode, visible red blank cable connection, 2 m
light MINI-BEAM, 16 mm, Q connection, M12 x 1
Q45: 38 mm
CV2 convergent mode, visible red
light focal distance 43 mm
CV4 convergent mode, visible red
light focal distance 100 mm
D diffuse mode
DL diffuse mode, long distance
E opposed mode emitter
F basic device for glass fibers
FP basic device for plastic fibers
LP retroreflective mode
polarizing filter

270 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
NAMUR sensors

MINI-BEAM Compact design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Protection type Ex ia IIC T6 Operating voltage 8.2VDC
Approvals II 1 G Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
MI9EQ (emitter), NAMUR IR, 880nm 06000mm X w111 d518

MIAD9RQ light operation, NAMUR 06000mm Y w111 d518
MIAD9LVQ light operation, NAMUR red, 650nm 155000mm S w111 d518
MIAD9LVAGQ light operation, NAMUR red, 650nm 502000mm T w111 d518
MIAD9DQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm 0380mm U w111 d518
MIAD9WQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm 075mm U w111 d519
MIAD9CVQ light operation, NAMUR red, 650nm W w111 d518
MIAD9CV2Q light operation, NAMUR red, 650nm W w111 d518
MIAD9FQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm Z w111 d520
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Q45 Large design

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Protection type Ex ia IIC T6 Operating voltage 8.2VDC
Approvals II 1 G Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type Range Function
Q459EQ (emitter), NAMUR IR, 880nm 06000mm X w111 d509
Q45AD9RQ light operation, NAMUR 060000mm Y w111 d509
Q45AD9LVQ light operation, NAMUR red, 680nm 809000mm S w111 d509
Q45AD9LPQ light operation, NAMUR red, 680nm 1506000mm T w111 d509
Q45AD9DQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm 0300mm U w111 d509
Q45AD9DLQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm 01070mm U w111 d509
Q45AD9CVQ light operation, NAMUR red, 680nm W w111 d509
Q45AD9CV4Q light operation, NAMUR red, 680nm W w111 d509
Q45AD9FQ light operation, NAMUR IR, 880nm Z w111 d521
Q45AD9FPQ light operation, NAMUR red, 660nm 1 w111 d521
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 271

Photoelectric sensors
Slot sensors

Slot sensors SLM

SLM slot sensors consist of a compact Features

pair of opposed mode sensors incorpo-
rated in a U-shaped die-cast metal hous- Compact slot design with integrated
ing. The sensors are thus well protected opposed mode sensor
and easily mounted; no emitter-receiver Rugged die-cast metal housing, IP67
alignment. Different designs with 8 slot rated
widths from 10 mm to 220 mm are avail- 8 slot widths from 10220 mm
able for many applications. The sensitivi- PNP, NPN or bipolar output, 1 x NPN
ty is adjusted via a single speed and 1 x PNP
potentiometer. Short response time of 0.5 ms
Visible red beam
Light or dark operation selectable via
sealed switch.
2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1

Type code SLM

SLM 120 P 6 Q

SLM Series 120 Slot width P Output

Series Slot width Output
SLM slot sensor, 120 slot width in mm, B PNP/NPN
12 x 42 x 80 mm 8 sloth widths 10220 mm N NPN
12 x 62 x 80 mm
12 x 82 x 80 mm P PNP
12 x 112 x 80 mm
12 x 152 x 140 mm
12 x 252 x 140 mm

6 Operating voltage Q Electrical connection

Operating voltage Electrical connection

6 1030 VDC blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connection, M12 x 1

272 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Slot sensors

SLM Slot sensors

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M8 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP
Housing material ZN Light type red, 680nm
Ambient temperature -20+60C Function

Types and data selection table

Type Slot width

SLM10P6Q 10 w088 d522
SLM20P6Q 20 w088 d523
SLM30P6Q 30 w088 d524
SLM50P6Q 50 w088 d525
SLM80P6Q 80 w088 d526
SLM120P6Q 120 w088 d527
SLM180P6Q 180 w088 d528
SLM220P6Q 220 w088 d529
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 273

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

DF-G1 Basic device for plastic fibers

Easy setting and configuration, stable Features

performance and various functions are
available for a convincing price The 10 Optimized connectivity for optical
mm slim basic device DF-G1 for optical fibers
fibers can be used in many applications Intuitive user interface with dual dis-
it works reliably in low contrast appli- play: Simultaneous display of signal
cations, identifies small parts and con- level and threshold
trols the position of electronic compo- Parts detection in pick-and-place
nents. Worth mentioning is also the dual systems
display, indicating the actual and real LWL arrays for parts counting
value simultaneously. It fulfills the de- Detection of small, low-contrast
mands of many users and has become objects
increasingly successful on the market.
The DF-G1 thus takes its place in the
ranks of very successful basic devices to
which different plastic fibers can be

Type code DF-G1


DF-G1 Series PS Output/Function 2M Electrical connection

Series Output/Function Electrical connection
DF-G1 basic device for plastic NS 1 x NPN 2M cable connection, 2 m
fibers, DIN-rail mounting, PS 1 x PNP Q7 connector, 8 mm
10 x 33 x 72 mm

274 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

DF-G1 Basic device for plastic fibers

General data
Protection class IP50 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Switching frequency 10kHz Housing material ABS
Light type red, 660nm Ambient temperature -10+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output

DF-G1-NS-2M 2m cable , NPN w112 d530
DF-G1-NS-Q7 male,M8 , NPN w112 d531
DF-G1-PS-2M 2m cable , PNP w095 d530
DF-G1-PS-Q7 male,M8 , PNP w095 d531

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 275

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

D10 For plastic fibers

The D10 and D10 expert series provide Features

user-friendly sensors to connect plastic
fibers and suitable for DIN rail mounting. High-power sensors for use with plas-
Numerous configuration options and tic fibers
the slim design of only 10 mm make Very slim (10 mm), for DIN rail
these sensors the perfect choice for de- mounting
manding application conditions. Standard versions with bipolar switch-
The expert series offers static, dynamic ing output (1 x PNP and 1 x NPN)
and single-point teaching as well as Expert version with 2 switching out-
manual fine adjustment, external pro- puts or 1 analog and 1 switching
gramming and keylock. A big and well output
readable display resp. bargraph and Teachable version with numeric and
LEDs support programming and bargraph display
monitoring. Automatic crosstalk protection
Adjustable switch-off delay
Status indicated via red or green LED

Type code D10


D10 Series IP Output FP Fibers

Series Output Fibers
D10 basic device for plastic fibers IP expert: analog output 420 mA FP plastic fiber
DIN rail mounting switching output, PNP, teach input
10 x 36 x 61.3 mm numeric display
DP expert: 2 analog outputs, PNP, teach
input numeric display
UP expert: analog output 010 V
switching output, PNP,
teach input, numeric display
B switching output,bipolar, bargraph
teach input
A switching output, bipolar,

G Lights Response time Q Electrical connection

Lights Response time Electrical connection

G green Y high-speed blank cable connection, 2 m
blank red (higher switching frequency) Q connection, M12 x 1
blank standard

276 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

D10 Switching output

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP/NPN
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -10+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Switching frequency Response time Light type

D10AFP 1kHz 0.5ms red, 660nm w090 d532
D10AFPG 1kHz 0.5ms green, 525nm w090 d532
D10AFPY 2.5kHz 0.2ms red, 660nm w090 d532
D10AFPGY 2.5kHz 0.2ms green, 525nm w090 d532
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

D10 Expert Switching output

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1030VDC Switching frequency 2.5kHz
Output , PNP/NPN Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature -10+55C Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
D10BFP red, 660nm w113 d533
D10BFPG green, 525nm w113 d533
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 277

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

D10 Expert Dual switching output

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1224VDC Switching frequency 10kHz
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type
D10DNFP 2x , NPN red, 680nm w114 d534
D10DPFP 2x , PNP red, 680nm w115 d534
D10DNFPG 2x , NPN green, 525nm w114 d534
D10DPFPG 2x , PNP green, 525nm w115 d534
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

D10 Expert Current output

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1224VDC Switching frequency 10kHz
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type
D10INFP , NPN, 420mA red, 680nm w116 d534
D10IPFP , PNP, 420mA red, 680nm w116 d534
D10INFPG , NPN, 420mA green, 525nm w116 d534
D10IPFPG , PNP, 420mA green, 525nm w116 d534
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

278 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

D10 Expert Voltage output

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection 2m cable
Operating voltage 1524VDC Switching frequency 10kHz
Housing material ABS Ambient temperature -20+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Output Light type

D10UNFP , NPN, 010V red, 680nm w116 d534
D10UPFP , PNP, 010V red, 680nm w116 d534
D10UNFPG , NPN, 010V green, 525nm w116 d534
D10UPFPG , PNP, 010V green, 525nm w116 d534
Many different types available, also with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 279

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

QS18 Basic device for glass and plastic fibers

The compact QS18 fit in almost any Features

place. Equipped with standard bores
and optionally available with M18 Universal rectangular design, many
thread, they can be used to replace M18 mounting options
threaded barrels as well as rectangular Connection of plastic and glass fibers
shaped sensors without thread. The Response time < 1ms
QS18 is available as basic device for plas- Rugged, fully encapsulated plastic
tic or glass fibers and achieves an optical housing, protective circuit
power which exceeds by far the usual Protection class IP67
performance of sensors of this size. Bright, all-round visible LEDs
2 m connection cable, male M12 x 1
and cable with male end M12 x 1

Type code QS18F

QS18 V P 6 FP Q

QS18 Series A P Output 6 Operating voltage

Series Output Operating voltage
QS18 rectangular, N NPN 6 1030 VDC max. 25 mA
fiber optic sensor, P PNP
15 x 35 x 27.5 mm
15 x 35 x 36.9 mm
Output function
15 x 49 x 27.5 mm
15 x 49 x 36.9 mm V NO/NC

FP Fibers Q Electrical connection

Fibers Electrical connection
FP plastic fiber blank cable connection, 2 m
F glass fiber Q connection, M12 x 1
M18 thread

280 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

QS18F Basic device for glass fibers

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Housing material ABS Light type IR, 940nm
Ambient temperature -20+70C Function Z

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output

QS18VN6F 2m cable /, NPN, 100mA w117 d535
QS18VP6F 2m cable /, PNP, 100mA w091 d535
QS18VN6FQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, NPN, 100mA w117 d536
QS18VP6FQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, PNP, 100mA w091 d536

QS18FP Basic device for plastic fibers

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Housing material ABS Light type red, 660nm
Ambient temperature -20+70C Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Output
QS18VN6FP 2m cable /, NPN, 100mA w117 d537
QS18VP6FP 2m cable /, PNP, 100mA w091 d537
QS18VN6FPQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, NPN, 100mA w117 d538
QS18VP6FPQ8 male,M12 x 1 /, PNP, 100mA w091 d538

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 281

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

FI22 Basic device for plastic fibers

The plastic fiber sensor FI22 operates re- Features

liably even in low-contrast applications.
Setup mode with static, dynamic and Compact plastic fiber sensor
single-point teaching as well as manual Protection class IP67
fine adjustment, external programming 8-segment LED bargraph indicates the
and keylock are only some of many func- relative signal strength at the input,
tions that can be programmed. A large, the contrast, the programming and
well readable bargraph and bright LEDs alarm status.
support programming and monitoring Automatic teach modes, including
during operation. Owing to its compact static, dynamic, and single-point pro-
design, the sensor can be mounted al- gramming as well as manual fine
most anywhere. It is simply snapped on adjustment.
with the bracket which is included in the PNP or NPN outputs
delivery. The housing is IP67 protected, Programmable 30 ms pulse expansion
allowing the sensor to be applied in pol- (switch-off delay)
luted ambients. Programmed via two buttons or re-
motely via cable
Visible red light

Type code Fi22

Fi22 FP Q

Fi22 Series FP Fibers Q Electrical connection

Series Fibers Electrical connection
Fi22 basic device for plastic fibers FP plastic fiber Q connector, 8 mm
LED bargraph, teach input blank cable connector, 2 m
23 x 14.5 x 50 mm

282 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

FI22 Basic device for plastic fibers

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output , PNP/NPN Housing material ABS
Light type red, 660nm Ambient temperature -10+55C
Function 1

Types and data selection table

Type Connection

FI22FP 2m cable w113 d539
FI22FPQ male, 8 mm w113 d540

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 283

Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

R55F Base unit for optical fibers

The R55F detects 16 greyscales reliably Features

at up to 10,000 actuations per second.
The devices with green light emitting Contrast sensor for color mark detec-
LED are suitable for most color mark ap- tion, for plastic and glass fibers
plications. Blue light is ideally suited for Installed with bracket or on a 35 mm
the detection of yellow tones. For exam- DIN rail
ple, 20% of yellow on newspaper is de- Devices with green, blue, red and
tected with it. Blue and green tones are white light
detected with red light. White light is Static or dynamic teaching
used for special applications. ON and Adjustments: Light/dark operation,
OFF conditions are individually defined switch-off delay
in the static teach mode. In dynamic 4 LEDs for indication of light/dark op-
teach mode the light and dark condi- eration, switching status and switch-
tions are automatically taught during off delay.
operation and the switching threshold is Bipolar outputs NPN/PNP
continuously updated while the sensor
is working. During commissioning and
operation a good visible green LED
chain indicates continuously the con-
trast quality and the switchpoint.

Type code R55F

R55F V W Q

R55F Series V Fibers W Lights

Series Fibers Lighs
R55F color mark sensor P plastic fiber B blue
30 x 25 x 85.4 mm V glass fiber G green
F connection for glass W white
plastic fiber
blank red

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connection, M12 x 1

284 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Basic devices for optical fibers

R55F Base unit for optical fibers

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Switching frequency 10kHz Output , PNP/NPN
Housing material polycarbonate/ABS Ambient temperature -10+55C
Connection male,M12 x 1

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Function

R55FQ IR, 880nm Z w102 d541
R55FVQ red, 650nm Z w102 d541
R55FVGQ green, 525nm Z w102 d541
R55FVBQ blue, 475nm Z w102 d541
R55FVWQ white Z w102 d541
R55FPGQ green, 525nm 1 w102 d541
R55FPBQ blue, 475nm 1 w102 d541
R55FPWQ white 1 w102 d541
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 285

Photoelectric sensors

Pick-to-Light sensors K50

The Pick-to-Light K50 are mounted to Features

the bins. Integrated job lights indicate
the pickup order of components. If the Sensors with integrated job light for
operator takes a component from a box, removal control and bin-picking
the sensor detects the operators hand applications
and sends a corresponding signal to the Compact design with sensor and inte-
control unit. The control unit checks if grated job light
the right component and the right Job lights available in different colors
amount has been removed from the Versions with pushbutton and passive
box. If so, the job light of the box turns triggering to confirm the removal
off and the job light of the next box NPN or PNP output
turns on. Alarm and other signals can be Fully encapsulated IP67 rated design,
programmed to indicate mispick. suited for rough environments
Protection against ambient light, im-
mune to electromagnetic and high-
frequency interferences

Type code K50


K50 Series R Output function P Output

Series Output function Output
K50 pick to light, 50 mm, A light operation P PNP
height: 37.3 mm, R dark operation N NPN
thread M30 x 1

LP Operating mode GR Colors E Color signals

Operating mode Colors Color signals

LP retroreflective mode G green C request green - pick up red - picking
polarizing filter R red error red
FF50 diffuse mode, X single-color D request green - pick up green - picking
fixed field 50 mm error OFF
PB pushbutton E request green - pick up green - picking
error red

QP Electrical connection

Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connector, M12 x 1
QP cable connection with
connector, M12 x 1

286 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

K50 - Beacon for picking processes

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male, M12,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Output , PNP
Response time 3ms Housing material PC
Ambient temperature -40+50C Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range Function

K50APFF50GRCQ IR, 880nm 0...50 mm V w118 d542
K50APFF50GXDQ IR, 880nm 0...50 mm V w118 d542
K50APFF100GRCQ IR, 880nm 0...100 mm V w118 d542
K50APFF100GYCQ IR, 880nm 0...100 mm V w118 d542
K50APFF100GXDQ IR, 880nm 0...100 mm V w118 d542
K50APFF100GREQ IR, 880nm 0...100 mm V w118 d542
K50APLPGRCQ red, 680nm 0...2000 mm T w118 d542
K50APLPGXDQ red, 680nm 0...2000 mm T w118 d542
K50APLPGREQ red, 680nm 0...2000 mm T w118 d542

Many different types available, also with cable with connector, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 287

Photoelectric sensors

Job sequencing PVA/PVD/PVL

PVA, PVD and PVL light screens are used Features

for job sequencing and monitoring of
bin-picking processes. Clearly visible job PVA: Opposed mode sensor, 2 m
lights on each emitter and receiver range; emitter and receiver with inte-
guide the operators at the assembly grated job light; asynchronous emitter
lines through the parts assembly se- and receiver
quence. Failures such as missing or PVD: One-piece, compact sensor; au-
wrongly mounted parts are reduced to a tomatic selection of diffuse or retrore-
minimum. The following settings can be flective mode; max. 2 m range with re-
adjusted via DIP switch: PNP/NPN out- flector; max. 400 mm in diffuse mode.
put, NO/NC output, steady/flashing job PVL: One-piece, compact sensor, ret-
light, gate polarity for activation of job roreflective mode, max. range 1.5 m.
light. LEDs indicate setup and system Protective mounting brackets are
failures. available.

Type code PVA, PVD, PVL

PVA 225 P 6 E Q

PVA Series 225 Monitored field P Output

Series Monitored field Output (PVA)
PVA Lights screen for pick-and-place 225 monitored field in mm P PNP
assembly, 2-part, N NPN
emitter, receiver
PVD Lights screen for pick-and-place
assembly, 1-part,
adjustable, retroreflective laser
sensor on reflector or diffuse
mode sensor
PVL Lights screen for pick-and-place
assembly, 1-part,
retroreflective laser sensor on

6 Operating voltage E Operating mode Q Electrical connection

Operating voltage Operating mode (PVA) Electrical connection

6 1030 VDC E emitter blank cable connection, 2 m
R receiver Q pigtail with connector, M12 x 1
blank pair (emitter & receiver)

288 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors

PVA/PVD/PVL Light screens for picking processes

General data
Operating voltage 1230VDC Housing material Al

Types and data selection table

Type Protection Connection Output Detection Response Light type Range Ambient Function

class zone height time temperature

PVA100P6Q IP62 2m Cable with con- PNP 100mm IR, 880nm 02000mm 0+50C X, w119 d543
nector,M12 x 1 Y
PVA225P6Q IP62 2m Cable with con- PNP 225mm IR, 880nm 02000mm 0+50C X, w119 d543
nector,M12 x 1 Y
PVA300P6Q IP62 2m Cable with con- PNP 300mm IR, 880nm 02000mm 0+50C X, w119 d543
nector,M12 x 1 Y
PVA375P6Q IP62 2m Cable with con- PNP 375mm IR, 880nm 02000mm 0+50C X, w119 d543
nector,M12 x 1 Y
PVD100Q IP62 Cable with connec- / 111mm red, 630nm 02000mm 0+50C S, w120 d544
tor,M12 x 1 , U
PVD225Q IP62 Cable with connec- / 240mm red, 630nm 02000mm 0+50C S, w120 d545
tor,M12 x 1 , U
PVL225PQ IP65 2m Cable with con- , 280mm 2ms red, 630nm 01500mm -40+70C S w118 d546
nector,M12 x 1 PNP

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 289

Photoelectric sensors
Light screens

Switching light screen LX

The LX switching light screen detects Features

very small but also extremely flat ob-
jects, for example a sheet of paper or an Switching light screen
envelope. Typical applications are Multiple-beam infrared pattern
counting tasks or parcel handling on Detects small and extremely flat ob-
conveyor belts. The two-piece system jects of 5.6 or 9.5 mm
consists of an emitter and a receiver Available in different sizes 113, 189,
identical in size and range. 342 mm
The distance between emitter and re- Sensing ranges from 75 mm to 2 m
ceiver can be up to 75 mm for short- Response time in 0.8 to 3.2 ms
range and 200 mm for long-range appli- Simple wiring, synchronizing line is
cations. Sensors for standard ranges can not required
be mounted at distance of 200 mm to NPN and PNP transistor outputs
2000 mm from each other. High reliabili- Rugged IP67 rated housing
ty and precision is achieved through a 5 Temperature range: -20+70 C
ms switch-off delay.

Type code LX

LX 12 R SR Q

LX Series 12 Monitored field R Sensor type

Series Monitored field Sensor type
LX switching light screen, 3 field height 67 mm R receiver
height: 31.8 mm, depth: 25.4 mm, 6 field height 143 mm E emitter
other heights:
LX3 = 113.4 mm 9 field height 218 mm
LX6 = 189.6 mm 12 field height 295 mm
LX9 = 265.8 mm 15 field height 371 mm
LX12 = 342.0 mm 18 field height 447 mm
LX15 = 418.2 mm
LX18 = 494.4 mm 21 field height 523 mm
LX21 = 570.6 mm 24 field height 599 mm
LX24 = 646.8 mm

SR Resolution Q Electrical connection

Resolution Electrical connection

SR minimum object size, 5.6 mm Q pigtail with connector, M12 x 1
blank minimum object size, 9.5 mm blank cable connection, 2 m

290 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Light screens

LX Light screen for parts detection

General data
Protection class IP65 Connection 0.15m Cable with
connector,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material Al, grey
Range 1502000mm Ambient temperature -20+70C
Function switching light screen

Types and data selection table

Type Output Detection zone height Response time Light type

LX3EQ 67mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX3RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 67mm 0.8ms w122 d547
LX6EQ 143mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX6RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 143mm 1.6ms w122 d547
LX9EQ 218mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX9RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 218mm 2.4ms w122 d547
LX12EQ 295mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX12RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 295mm 3.2ms w122 d547
LX15EQ 371mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX15RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 371mm 4ms w122 d547
LX18EQ 447mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX18RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 447mm 4.8ms w122 d547
LX21EQ 523mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX21RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 523mm 5.6ms w122 d547
LX24EQ 599mm IR, 880nm w121 d547
LX24RQ , PNP/NPN, 125mA 599mm 6.4ms w122 d547
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 291

Photoelectric sensors
Light screens

EZ-ARRAY Measuring light screen

The measuring light screen EZ-ARRAY Features

is ideal for hole sizing, product sizing
and profiling, edge and center guiding, Measuring light screen with multiple op-
loop tension control and parts counting. erating modes
The controller functionality is integrated Adjustable resolution 5 mm and higher
in the receiver and can be configured via Range up to 4 m
6 DIP switches. Status and alignment of Two-piece device, evaluation functional-
emitter and receiver are indicated by a ity integrated in receiver
3-digit display and LED bargraph. The Configuration via DIP switch or software
light screen can be configured alterna- Serial interface RS485 Modbus-RTU
tively via RS485 interface at the receiver Two switching outputs (PNP or NPN)
(software included in delivery). and two analog outputs (0 10 V or
The EZ-ARRAY can be adjusted to al- 4 20 mA)
most any application with a resolution Display and LED bargraph for status
limit above 5 mm. The functionality indication
comprises first, last or middle beam Temperature range -40 +70 C
blocked, number of beams blocked, in- Protection class IP65
vert and blanking.

Type code EZ-Array - Measuring light screens

EA5 R 1500 P I XMOD Q

EA5 Series R Operating mode 1500 Field range

Series Operating mode Field range
EA5 measuring light screen, R receiver 1500 range in mm
width: 36 mm, depth: 46.2 mm E emitter
other heights:
EA5.150 mm
EA5.300 mm
EA5.450 mm
EA5.600 mm
EA5.750 mm
EA5.900 mm
EA5.1050 mm
EA5.1200 mm
EA5.1500 mm
EA5.1800 mm
EA5.2100 mm
EA5.2400 mm

P Switching output (2 x) I Analog output (2 x) XMOD

Switching output (2 x) Analog output (2 x) XMOD serial interface RS485

P PNP (2 x) I 420 mA (2 x) (Modbus RTU) via
M12 x 1 connector
N NPN (2 x) U 010 VDC (2 x) (only on emitter)

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
Q connector, M12 x 1, 8-pole

292 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Light screens

EZ-ARRAY Measuring light screen

General data
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Housing material Al, anodized
Range 4004000mm Ambient temperature -40+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Detection zone height Response time Light type Function

EA5E150Q 150mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R150PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 150mm 2.8ms Y w124 d549
EA5E300Q 300mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R300PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 300mm 5ms Y w124 d549
EA5E450Q 450mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R450PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 450mm 7.1ms Y w124 d549
EA5E600Q 600mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R600PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 600mm 9.3ms Y w124 d549
EA5E750Q 750mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R750PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 750mm 11.4ms Y w124 d549
EA5E900Q 900mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R900PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 900mm 13.6ms Y w124 d549
EA5E1050Q 1050mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R1050PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 1050mm 15.7ms Y w124 d549
EA5E1200Q 1200mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R1200PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 1200mm 17.9ms Y w124 d549
EA5E1500Q 1500mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R1500PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 1500mm 22.2ms Y w124 d549
EA5E1800Q 1800mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R1800PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 1800mm 26.5ms Y w124 d549
EA5E2100Q 2100mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R2100PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 2100mm 30.8ms Y w124 d549
EA5E2400Q 2400mm IR X w123 d548
EA5R2400PIXMODQ 2 x , PNP/analog output, 420mA 2400mm 35.1ms Y w124 d549

Many different types available, also with voltage output, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 293

Photoelectric sensors
Vision sensors

Vision sensor iVu

The iVu-series offers a selection of com- Features

pact vision sensors for camera-based in-
spection and identification tasks. The Compact image processing solution
sensors are easy to handle thanks to the Camera with CMOS image processor (
intuitive menu guidance. In terms of ca- resolution 752 x 480)
pability, they work highly precise, just 68.5 mm touch screen, LCD display
like complex camera systems a PC is Rugged IP67 housing with integrated
not required to make adjustments. The light
product portfolio comprises types with External triggering input, remote
integrated lens and light, types with in- teach input, external flash output
tegrated lens and without light, as well USB port for upload/download of de-
as types for C-mount lenses with en- vice settings, inspection files or soft-
larged focal length. Lenses and light ware updates
have to be ordered separately.
The iVu-TG sensors accomplish control
tasks such as presence monitoring of ob-
jects or compare objects to a reference
piece or a parameter. They also do pass/
fail inspections (detection and count-
ing). The iVu-TB barcode reader scans
matrix barcodes (DataMatrix, QR-Code)
as well as linear barcodes (Code 128,
Code 39, CODABAR, Interleaved 2 of 5,
EAN13, EAN8, UPCE, Postnet, IMB,

Type code Vision sensors iVu


IVU Series TG Design P Output

Vision-Sensor iVu Design Output
TG vision sensor with integrated P PNP
touch screen N NPN
RG vision sensor for remote display
TB barcode reader with integrated
touch screen
RB barcode reader for remote display

X LED color 08 Lens

LED color Diameter in mm
X no color 04 4.3 mm
R red 06 6 mm
G green 08 8 mm
B blue 12 12 mm
W white 16 16 mm
I infrared 25 25 mm
6 ultraviolet (365 nm) C C-mount
9 ultraviolet (395 nm)

294 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Vision sensors

iVu TG Vision sensor with integrated touch screen

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP, 150mA

Housing material PBT Ambient temperature 0+50C

Function area, blemish, match Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range

IVUTGPI08 IR 8 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPI12 IR 12 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPI16 IR 16 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPR08 red 8 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPR12 red 12 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPR16 red 16 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPW08 white 8 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPW12 white 12 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPW16 white 16 mm w125 d550
IVUTGPXC C-Mount w125 d551

Many different types available, also with other focus and / or integrated lighting, see type code

iVu BCR Barcode reader with integrated touch screen

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output , PNP, 150mA

Housing material PBT Ambient temperature 0+50C

Function BCR Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range
IVUTBPI08 IR 8 mm w126 d550
IVUTBPR08 red 8 mm w126 d550
IVUTBPW08 white 8 mm w126 d550
IVUTBPXC C-Mount w126 d551
Many different types available, also with other focus and / or integrated lighting, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 295

Photoelectric sensors
Vision sensors

Vision sensor iVu Plus with Ethernet communication

The iVu-Plus series offers a selection of Features

compact vision sensors for camera-
based inspection and identification Compact image processing solution
tasks. The sensors are easy to handle Camera with CMOS image processor (
thanks to the intuitive menu guidance. resolution 752 x 480)
In terms of capability, they work highly 68.5 mm touch screen, LCD display
precise, just like complex camera sys- Rugged IP67 housing with integrated
tems a PC is not required to make ad- light
justments. The product portfolio com- Memory for 30 inspections
prises types with integrated lens and External triggering input, remote
light, types with integrated lens and teach input, external flash output
without light, as well as types for C- USB port for upload/download of de-
mount lenses with enlarged focal length. vice settings, inspection files or soft-
Lenses and light have to be ordered ware updates
separately. Serial communication interface RS232
The iVu-TG sensors accomplish control Ethernet communication
tasks such as presence monitoring of ob-
jects or compare objects to a reference
piece or a parameter; they also do pass/
fail inspections (detection and count-
ing). The iVu-TB barcode reader scans
matrix barcodes (DataMatrix, QR-Code)
as well as linear barcodes (Code 128,
Code 39, CODABAR, Interleaved 2 of 5,
EAN13, EAN8, UPCE, Postnet, IMB,

Type code Vision sensors iVu Plus


IVUP Series TG Design X LED color

Vision-Sensor iVu Plus Design LED color
with Ethernet communication TG vision sensor with integrated X no color
touch screen R red
RG vision sensor for remote display G green
TB barcode reader with integrated B blue
touch screen
W white
RB barcode reader for remote display
I infrared
6 ultraviolet (365 nm)
9 ultraviolet (395 nm)

08 Lens
Diameter in mm
04 4.3 mm
06 6 mm
08 8 mm
12 12 mm
16 16 mm
25 25 mm
C C-mount

296 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Photoelectric sensors
Vision sensors

iVu Plus TG Vision sensor with integrated touch screen

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output programmable, PNP/
NPN, 150mA
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature 0+50C
Function area, blemish, match, Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range

IVUPTGI08 IR 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGI12 IR 12 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGI16 IR 16 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGR08 red 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGR12 red 12 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGR16 red 16 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGW08 white 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGW12 white 12 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGW16 white 16 mm w126 d552
IVUPTGXC C-Mount w126 d551
Many different types available, also with other focus and / or integrated lighting, see type code

iVu Plus BCR Barcode reader with integrated touch screen

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output programmable, PNP/
NPN, 150mA
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature 0+50C
Function BCR Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Range
IVUPTBI08 IR 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTBR08 red 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTBW08 white 8 mm w126 d552
IVUPTBXC C-Mount w126 d551
Many different types available, also with other focus and / or integrated lighting, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 297

Ultrasonic sensors

298 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensors
Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensing Versatile solutions for many applications

Ultrasonic sensors detect a multitude of Ultrasonic sensors are also available as

objects contactless and wear-free with opposed and retroreflective mode de-
ultrasonic waves. In contrast to other vices. In opposed mode, ultrasonic
sensing technologies, it is not important waves are continuously propagating bet-
whether the object is transparent or ween emitter and receiver. If an object
opaque, metallic or non-metallic, firm, li- crosses the wave, reverberation is cut off

quid or powdery. More important is the and the sensor produces a switching

objects surface. The smoother the sur- signal.
face, the better the reflectivity and the TURCKs ultrasonic sensors are available
larger the range. in many different designs, measuring
The application possibilities for ultraso- ranges, cone angles and output types.
nic sensors are nearly infinite. Whether Most of them feature temperature com-
level or height detection, measurement pensation, noise suppression and a con-
of distance or object counting, ultrasonic nection cable for autosynchronization
sensors detect objects of different mate- (protection against crosstalk).
rial qualities and at long distances. Envi- Sensors with two switching outputs are
ronmental conditions such as spray, dust suited for the control of minimum and
or rain hardly affect their functionality. maximum filling levels for example. Ana-
Ultrasonic diffuse mode sensors detect log sensors are available with current
all objects that echo back ultrasonic and voltage output. Sensors with exter-
waves. For this purpose the sensor emits nal transducer are best suited for confi-
ultrasonic pulses in cyclic periods. The ned spaces.
echo is reverberated and transformed Ultrasonic sensors with a cone angle of
into an electrical signal via the sensors 6 detect small objects with pinpoint ac-
transducer surface. The distance bet- curacy. Devices with cone angles of 12
ween the sensor and object is determi- to 15 are also available. Sensors with a
ned through the echo propagation prin- cone angle of 60 are best suited for mo-
ciple, whereby the period between pulse nitoring very large areas. They detect
emission and reverberation is related to smooth and even surfaces easily and are
a given sonic speed. insensitive to tilt.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 299

Ultrasonic sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Broad product range - Different designs and cone angles

TURCK ultrasonic sensors are available as to 15. The cone angle of the CP40 rec-
metal threaded barrels M18/M30 or plas- tangular types is 60. They are best sui-
tic rectangular Q30 devices with a nar- ted to monitor large areas and are insen-
row cone angle of about 6. They detect sitive to tilt when detecting objects with
very small objects with pinpoint accura- smooth and even surfaces. The right
cy. Through focussing energy, ranges of choice for confined spaces is the Q45U
up to 8 m can be achieved. Q45U and with external transducer.
T30U have far greater cone angles of 12

Highly efficient - High accuracy at any given range

The ranges achieved by ultrasonic sen- wavelength but also by the fluctuation
sors depend on the wavelength respec- of sonic speed caused by temperature
tively the frequency used. The greater changes. Therefore most of the sensors
the wavelength or lower the frequency, are equipped with temperature compen-
the larger the range. Compact sensors sation. This enables analog sensors to
achieve ranges from 300 mm to 500 mm. achieve resolutions of up to 0.6 mm over
8 m and more are possible with wave- a wide temperature range.
lengths of 5 mm. The accuracy of ultraso-
nic sensing is not only limited by the

Protection against interferences Noise suppression and synchronization

Signal processing is not influenced by sensors synchronize automatically after

metallic clink or compressed air hissing. connecting the cable. For this purpose
Such unwanted ambient noises are filte- they emit ultrasonic pulses synchronous-
red out through an optimally selected ly, behaving like one single sensor with
frequency range and a patented noise extended sonic cone, provided they are
suppression circuit. Crosstalk between accordingly arranged. You find this tech-
ultrasonic sensors is inhibited through nology applied in electronic parking as-
multiplexing or synchronization. Most sistants of cars.

300 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors

ngths Your
ur advantages

T30UX Accurately measured values and minimal influence of temperature

Thanks to a powerful transducer and -40+70 C remains stable with a slight

temperature compensation, the T30UX drift of only 2.2 %. The IP67 rated sensors
provide very accurately measured valu- are applied in different industrial sectors
es. The diffuse mode types achieve ran- such as the automotive industry (detec-
ges of even 3 m with blind zones redu- tion of glass), paper manufacturing (sag
ced to 10 % of full scale. Thanks to the control), pharmaceuticals production (le-

integrated temperature compensation, vel control) and many other fields.

failure rates are reduced by approx.
90 %. The temperature window of

M25U All-metal ultrasonic sensors for aseptic applications

The M25U are fully encapsulated in stain- sist hot cleaning at +60 C immediately
less steel and are IP68/IP69K rated. They followed by cold rinsing at +10 C easily.
meet all requirements on hygienic de- Two sensitivities can be adjusted: Nor-
sign of the food and beverage as well as mal sensitivity, max. range 1 m (for ob-
the pharmaceutical industry. The stain- jects sizing 30 mm and larger); high
less steel housing not only resists chemi- sensitivity, max. range 40 cm (for objects
cals and aggressive cleaning agents, it is sizing 15 mm and larger).
also thermal-shock proof. The sensors re-

QS18U Also available with focussing adapter

The sonic cone of some ultrasonic sen- terfering ambient conditions. Measure-
sors such as the QS18U can be focussed ments in tubes and barrels are also
with the UWG18 adapter. This allows possible.
small objects to be detected free from in-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 301

Ultrasonic sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Output function Protection class Ambient temperature Max. range Page
QS18 Switching output rectangular PNP IP67 -20+60C 50cm 305
15x 35x 33.5mm IP68

S18 Switching or analog cylindrical/threaded Analog output IP67 -20+60C 30cm 307
output 18x 80.8mm PNP/NPN
18x 90.9mm
18x 85.1mm
18x 95.1mm

M18K Switching cylindrical/threaded frequency IP67 -25+70C 20cm 309

or frequency output 18x 63mm PNP 70cm
18x 81mm

T18 Switching or analog cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 -25+70C 30cm 311

output 18x 101mm Analog output 100cm
18x 104mm

M25 Opposed mode smooth barrel PNP/NPN IP67 / IP69K -20+70C 50cm 313
sensor 25x 106mm

M30 Switching and/ cylindrical/threaded PNP IP65 -25+70C 30cm 315

or analog output 30x 141.5mm PNP/Analog output 130cm
30x 131mm 300cm
30x 160.5mm 600cm
47.5x 150mm
65x 163.5mm

T30 Switching and/ cylindrical/threaded PNP IP67 -40+70C 100cm 317

or analog output 40x 45mm Analog output 200cm

302 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors

and variants
Design Output function Protection class Ambient temperature Max. range Page
Q30 Switching or analog rectangular PNP IP65 0+55C 30cm 319
output 65x 30x 88mm Analog output 100cm

CP40 Switching or analog rectangular PNP IP40 0+70C 180cm 321

output 40x 40x 160mm Analog output

QT50 Switching or analog rectangular PNP IP67 -20+70C 800cm 323
output 74x 84.2x 67.4mm Analog output
74x 100.2x 67.4mm

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 303

Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

QS18 Compact rectangular design

The QS18U are suited for confined Features

spaces. They withstand rough environ-
ments thanks to protection rating IP67. Very compact rectangular design,
The sensors fit in almost any space. They 33.5 x 15 x 35 mm
are optionally available with M18 thread Plastic housing
and can thus replace M18 threaded bar- Protection classes IP67/IP68
rel sensors. Diffuse and retroreflective Ambient temperature -20+60 C
mode devices offer sensing ranges of 5 Diffuse mode
cm respectively 50 cm. They are availab- Retroreflective mode (with adjustable
le with PNP or NPN switching output. switching output)
Max. range 100 cm
Switching output
LEDs indicate power ON and swit-
ching status
Easy teaching, remote or via

Type code QS18U

QS18U P A E Q8

QS18U Series P Output A Sensing range

Series Output Sensing range
QS18U rectangular, P PNP A 50500 mm
15 x 35 x 33,5 mm N NPN

E Design Q8 Electrical connection

Design Electrical connection

E protection class IP68 without blank cable connection, 2 m
teach button Q pigtail with connector, 8 mm
blank protection class IP67 with teach Q5 pigtail with connector, M12 x 1
button Q7 connector, 8 mm
Q8 connector, M12 x 1

304 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

QS18 Switching output

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1230VDC
Output , PNP Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature -20+60C Function 4
Range 550cm

Types and data selection table

Type Protection class
QS18UPAQ8 IP67 w127 d553
QS18UPAEQ8 IP68 w127 d554
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 305

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

Cylindrical design S18U Threaded barrel

The S18U detect small objects with pin- Features

point accuracy. They are IP67 rated and
thus also applicable in rough environ- M18, threaded barrel
ments. The sensors are built in a 18 mm Plastic housing, straight/angled
threaded barrel made of plastic and are Protection class IP67
available as diffuse or retroreflective Ambient temperature -20+60 C
mode devices with sensing ranges bet- Diffuse mode
ween 3 cm to 30 cm Available with swit- Retroreflective sensing mode adjus-
ching or analog output. table (with switching output)
Max. range 30 cm
Cone angle 6
Analog or switching output
Easy teaching
Via pushbutton or external cable

Type code S18U

S18U B A R Q

S18U Series P Output A Range

Series Output Range
S18U cylinder, plastic, thread B PNP/NPN transistor output A 3300 mm
18 mm adjustable to retroreflective mode
switching range adjustable via teach-in
U 0 10 V, measuring range
adjustable via teach-in
I 4 20 mA, measuring range
adjustable via teach-in

R Design Q Electrical connection

Design Electrical connection

R housing, angled Q connector, M12 x 1
blank housing, straight blank cable connection, 2 m

306 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

S18 Switching or analog output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PBT
Ambient temperature -20+60C Function 4
Range 330cm

Types and data selection table

Type Output
S18UUAQ Analog output, 010V w128 d555
S18UIAQ Analog output, 420mA w128 d555
S18UUARQ Analog output, 010V w128 d556
S18UIARQ Analog output, 420mA w128 d556

S18UBAQ , PNP/NPN w129 d555
S18UBARQ , PNP/NPN w129 d556
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 307

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

M18K Threaded barrel

The M18K detect small objects with pin- Features

point accuracy. They are IP67 rated and
thus also applicable in rough environ- M18K, threaded barrel
ments. The sensors come in a small 18 Nickel-plated brass
mm threaded barrel made of nickel-pla- Protection class IP67
ted brass. Available are diffuse and retro- Diffuse mode (RU/RUN) and retrore-
reflective mode devices with a max. ran- flective mode (RUR)
ge of 20 cm resp. 70 cm and equipped Max. range 70 cm
with a PNP transistor or an analog fre- Cone angle 6
quency output. Version with lateral emission (M18KS)
Switching or analog frequency output
LED indicates the switching status and
teach mode
Adjustments via teach input

Type code CP40, M18, M18K, M30, Q30

RUR 70 Q30 AP8X H1141 3GD

RUR Series 70 Sensing range Q30 Design

Series Sensing range Design
RU ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode 70 max. sensing range in cm CP40 rectangular, plastic
RUC ultrasonic sensor, programma- 40 x 40 x 160 mm or
ble, synchronizable, multiplex 40 x 40 x 177.5 mm
function, diffuse mode M18 cylinder/thread, M18, metal,
RUN ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode CuZn nickel-plated, 18 mm
RUR ultrasonic sensor, retroreflective M18K compact design, cylinder/
mode thread M18, metal, CuZn,
nickel-plated 18 mm
M30 cylinder/thread M30, metal
CuZn, nickel-plated,
30 mm
Q30 compact, rectangular
plastic, 65 x 30 x 88 mm

AP8X Electrical version H1141 Electrical connection 3GD Approval

Electrical version Electrical connection Approval
A NO H1141 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole 3GD ATEX declaration of conformity
2A 2 x NO H1151 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole 3163M, EX II 3 G EEx nA II T6 X / II
F frequency output V1141 connector, M8 x 1, 4-pole 3 D IP65 T 60 C X (only valid for
I analog output 020 mA blank cable connection, 2 m, RUCM30 family)
or 420 mA with CP40 = terminal
L analog chamber
U analog output 010 V
X LED display
X2 2 x LED display
6 1030 VDC input voltage
8 1835 VDC input voltage

308 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

M18K Switching or frequency output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 2030VDC Housing material CuZn
Ambient temperature -25+70C

Types and data selection table

Type Output Function Range
RU20-M18K-LFX-H1141 Frequency 4 320cm w130 d557
RU70-M18K-LFX-H1141 Frequency 4 1070cm w130 d557
RU20-M18KS-LFX-H1141 Frequency 4 320cm w130 d558
RU70-M18KS-LFX-H1141 Frequency 4 1070cm w130 d558

RUN20-M18K-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 4 320cm w131 d557
RUN70-M18K-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 4 1070cm w131 d557
RUR20-M18K-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 020cm w131 d557
RUR70-M18K-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 070cm w131 d557
RUN20-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 4 320cm w131 d558
RUN70-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 4 1070cm w131 d558
RUR20-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 020cm w131 d558
RUR70-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 070cm w131 d558

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 309

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

Cylindrical design M18 Threaded barrel

The M18 detect small objects with pin- Features

point accuracy. They are IP67 rated and
thus also applicable in rough environ- M18, threaded barrel
ments. The electronics is incorporated in Nickel-plated brass
a small 18 mm threaded barrel made of Protection class IP67
nickel-plated brass. Devices with 30 cm Ambient temperature: -25+70 C
or 100 cm range are available, either Diffuse mode
with switching or analog output. In or- Max. range 100 cm
der to avoid crosstalk, up to six devices Cone angle 6
can be synchronized simply by connec- Switching or analog output
ting the power supply. Alternate operati- LED indicates the switching status
on of several sensors is also possible via Adjustment of operating range via po-
external control. tentiometer and programming device
Synchronizing/enable input

Type code CP40, M18, M18K, M30, Q30

RUR 70 Q30 AP8X H1141 3GD

RUR Series 70 Sensing range Q30 Design

Series Sensing range Design
RU ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode 70 max. sensing range in cm CP40 rectangular, plastic
RUC ultrasonic sensor, programma- 40 x 40 x 160 mm or
ble, synchronizable, multiplex 40 x 40 x 177.5 mm
function, diffuse mode M18 cylinder/thread, M18, metal,
RUN ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode CuZn nickel-plated, 18 mm
RUR ultrasonic sensor, retroreflective M18K compact design, cylinder/
mode thread M18, metal, CuZn,
nickel-plated 18 mm
M30 cylinder/thread M30, metal
CuZn, nickel-plated,
30 mm
Q30 compact, rectangular
plastic, 65 x 30 x 88 mm

AP8X Electrical version H1141 Electrical connection 3GD Approval

Electrical version Electrical connection Approval
A NO H1141 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole 3GD ATEX declaration of conformity
2A 2 x NO H1151 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole 3163M, EX II 3 G EEx nA II T6 X / II
F frequency output V1141 connector, M8 x 1, 4-pole 3 D IP65 T 60 C X (only valid for
I analog output 020 mA blank cable connection, 2 m, RUCM30 family)
or 420 mA with CP40 = terminal
L analog chamber
U analog output 010 V
X LED display
X2 2 x LED display
6 1030 VDC input voltage
8 1835 VDC input voltage

310 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

T18 Switching or analog output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 2030VDC Housing material CuZn
Ambient temperature -25+70C Function 4

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range
RU30-M18-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 530cm w132 d559
RU30-M18-LIX-H1141 Analog output, 420mA 530cm w133 d560
RU100-M18-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 15100cm w132 d561
RU100-M18-LIX-H1141 Analog output, 420mA 15100cm w133 d562


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 311

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

M25U Smooth barrel Stainless steel

The M25U are fully encapsulated in Features

stainless steel barrel and sonic transdu-
cer and are IP68/IP69K rated. This ma- All-metal ultrasonic sensor M25U
kes them ideally suited for tasks in asep- Hygienic design, smooth barrel, stain-
tic applications of the food and less steel, 25 mm
beverage as well as the pharmaceutical Opposed mode, emitter/receiver
industry. The ultrasonic opposed mode Max. range 50 cm
version incorporates emitter and recei- Protection rating IP67 / IP69K
ver and achieves a max. range of Resistant to aggressive cleaning
75 mm. The device is available with PNP/ agents and disinfectants
NPN switching output. Two sensitivities Designed for 200,000 cleaning cycles,
can be adjusted: Normal sensitivity, max. 15 min, water +80 C, rapid cool down
range 1 m (for objects sizing 30 mm PNP/NPN switching output
and larger); high sensitivity, max. range High sensitivity for small objects (mini-
40 cm (for objects sizing 15 mm and mum size 15 mm)

Type code M25U

M25U E B Q

M25U Series E Operating mode B Electrical output

Series Operating mode Electrical output
M25U cylinder, smooth, E opposed mode emitter B PNP/NPN
stainless steel V4A, IP68/ R receiver
IP69K, 25 mm,
length: 106 mm

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
Q connector, M12 x 1

312 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

M25 Opposed mode sensor

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316)
Ambient temperature -20+70C Range 050cm

Types and data selection table

Type Output Function
M25UEQ8 7 w134 d563
M25URBQ8 , PNP/NPN 6 w135 d564


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 313

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

Cylindrical design M30 Threaded barrel

The M30 detect small objects with pin- Features

point accuracy and are installed in a 30
mm threaded barrel made of nickel-pla- M30 housing, threaded barrel
ted brass. Available are versions with 30, Nickel-plated brass
130, 300 and 600 cm range, switching Protection class IP65
output, switching and analog output or Ambient temperature -25 +70 C
with two switching outputs. In order to Diffuse mode
avoid crosstalk, up to six RUC devices Max. range 600 cm
can be synchronized simply by connec- Cone angle 6
ting the power supply. Alternate operati- Switching or analog output or two
on of several sensors is also possible via switching outputs
external control or synchronizing/enable LED indicates the switching status
input. Adjustment of operating range via po-
tentiometer and programming device
Devices with synchronizing/enable
3GD version for explosion hazardous

Type code CP40, M18, M18K, M30, Q30

RUR 70 Q30 AP8X H1141 3GD

RUR Series 70 Sensing range Q30 Design

Series Sensing range Design
RU ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode 70 max. sensing range in cm CP40 rectangular, plastic
RUC ultrasonic sensor, programma- 40 x 40 x 160 mm or
ble, synchronizable, multiplex 40 x 40 x 177.5 mm
function, diffuse mode M18 cylinder/thread, M18, metal,
RUN ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode CuZn nickel-plated, 18 mm
RUR ultrasonic sensor, retroreflective M18K compact design, cylinder/
mode thread M18, metal, CuZn,
nickel-plated 18 mm
M30 cylinder/thread M30, metal
CuZn, nickel-plated,
30 mm
Q30 compact, rectangular
plastic, 65 x 30 x 88 mm

AP8X Electrical version H1141 Electrical connection 3GD Approval

Electrical version Electrical connection Approval
A NO H1141 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole 3GD ATEX declaration of conformity
2A 2 x NO H1151 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole 3163M, EX II 3 G EEx nA II T6 X / II
F frequency output V1141 connector, M8 x 1, 4-pole 3 D IP65 T 60 C X (only valid for
I analog output 020 mA blank cable connection, 2 m, RUCM30 family)
or 420 mA with CP40 = terminal
L analog chamber
U analog output 010 V
X LED display
X2 2 x LED display
6 1030 VDC input voltage
8 1835 VDC input voltage

314 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

M30 Switching and/or analog output

General data
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 2030VDC Housing material CuZn
Ambient temperature -25+70C Function 4

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range
RUC30-M30-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 630cm w132 d565
RUC30-M30-2AP8X-H1151 2x , PNP 630cm w136 d565
RUC30-M30-LIAP8X-H1151 , PNP/analog output, 630cm w137 d565

RUC130-M30-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 20130cm w132 d565
RUC130-M30-2AP8X-H1151 2x , PNP 20130cm w136 d565
RUC130-M30-LIAP8X-H1151 , PNP/analog output, 20130cm w137 d565
RUC300-M3047-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 40300cm w132 d566
RUC300-M3047-2AP8X-H1151 2x , PNP 40300cm w136 d566
RUC300-M3047-LIAP8X-H1151 , PNP/analog output, 40300cm w137 d566
RUC600-M3065-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 60600cm w132 d567
RUC600-M3065-2AP8X-H1151 2x , PNP 60600cm w136 d567
RUC600-M3065-LIAP8X-H1151 , PNP/analog output, 60600cm w137 d567

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 315

Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

Cylindrical design T30U Threaded barrel

The T30U offer many output configura- Features

tions in a universal housing. They are ap-
plied to monitor filling levels in tanks or T30U, plastic housing with M30 thread
detect transparent materials. Available Protection class IP67
are versions with two switching outputs Ambient temperature -20+70 C
as well as one switching and one analog Diffuse mode
output for current or voltage. Thus mea- Max. ranges 100, 200, 300 cm
surements and switching operations can Analog and switching output or two
be implemented simultaneously. Swit- switching outputs
ching and measuring outputs can be The outputs can either be program-
programmed to same or different opera- med together or separately with rising
ting ranges. The sensors are available as or falling analog output curve.
diffuse mode devices with max. sensing LEDs indicate power ON, signal
ranges of 100, 200 or 300 cm. strength and output status
Easy teaching via pushbuttons or ex-
ternal cable
Chemical-resistant and PTFE-coated

Type code T30U

T30U DP B Q8

T30U Series DP Output B Range

Series Output Range
T30U cylinder, thread 40 mm DP PNP (2 x) A 15100 cm
length 45 mm, without UP PNP, analog output 010 V B 30200 cm
temperature compensation
IP PNP, analog output 420 mA C 40300 cm
T30UX cylinder, thread 40 mm
length 45 mm, with
temperature compensation

Q8 Electrical connection

Electrical connection
Q8 connector, M12 x 1
blank cable connection, 2 m

316 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Cylindrical design

T30 Switching and/or analog output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material Polyester
Ambient temperature -40+70C Function diffuse mode sensor

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range
T30UXDAQ8 , PNP 10100cm w132 d568
T30UXDBQ8 , PNP 20200cm w132 d568
T30UXDCQ8 , PNP 30300cm w132 d568
T30UXUAQ8 Analog output, 010V 10100cm w138 d568

T30UXUBQ8 Analog output, 010V 20200cm w138 d568
T30UXUCQ8 Analog output, 010V 30300cm w138 d568
T30UXIAQ8 Analog output, 420mA 10100cm w133 d568
T30UXIBQ8 Analog output, 420mA 20200cm w133 d568
T30UXICQ8 Analog output, 420mA 30300cm w133 d568
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 317

Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

Q30 Compact rectangular design

The Q30 detect small objects with pin- Features

point accuracy. They are available as dif-
fuse mode sensors with sensing ranges Compact rectangular design,
of 30 cm respectively 100 cm, optionally 88 x 65 x 30 mm
with switching or analog output. In or- Plastic housing
der to avoid crosstalk, up to six devices Protection class IP65
can be synchronized simply by connec- Ambient temperature 0+55 C
ting the power supply. Alternate operati- Diffuse mode
on of several sensors is also possible via Max. range 100 cm
external control or synchronizing/enable Cone angle 6
input. Analog or switching output
LEDs indicate switching status/object
Easy adjustment of operating range
via potentiometer
Synchronizing/enable input
Type code CP40, M18, M18K, M30, Q30

RUR 70 Q30 AP8X H1141 3GD

RUR Series 70 Sensing range Q30 Design

Series Sensing range Design
RU ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode 70 max. sensing range in cm CP40 rectangular, plastic
RUC ultrasonic sensor, programma- 40 x 40 x 160 mm or
ble, synchronizable, multiplex 40 x 40 x 177.5 mm
function, diffuse mode M18 cylinder/thread, M18, metal,
RUN ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode CuZn nickel-plated, 18 mm
RUR ultrasonic sensor, retroreflective M18K compact design, cylinder/
mode thread M18, metal, CuZn,
nickel-plated 18 mm
M30 cylinder/thread M30, metal
CuZn, nickel-plated,
30 mm
Q30 compact, rectangular
plastic, 65 x 30 x 88 mm

AP8X Electrical version H1141 Electrical connection 3GD Approval

Electrical version Electrical connection Approval
A NO H1141 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole 3GD ATEX declaration of conformity
2A 2 x NO H1151 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole 3163M, EX II 3 G EEx nA II T6 X / II
F frequency output V1141 connector, M8 x 1, 4-pole 3 D IP65 T 60 C X (only valid for
I analog output 020 mA blank cable connection, 2 m, RUCM30 family)
or 420 mA with CP40 = terminal
L analog chamber
U analog output 010 V
X LED display
X2 2 x LED display
6 1030 VDC input voltage
8 1835 VDC input voltage

318 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

Q30 Switching or analog output

General data
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1835VDC Housing material Crastin, SK645FR
Ambient temperature 0+55C Function diffuse mode sensor
Housing designation Q30

Types and data selection table

Type Output Range
RU30-Q30-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 630cm w132 d569
RU30-Q30-LUX-H1141 Analog output, 010V 630cm w138 d569
RU100-Q30-AP8X-H1141 , PNP 20100cm w132 d569
RU100-Q30-LUX-H1141 Analog output, 010V 20100cm w138 d569


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 319

Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

CP40 Rectangular design

The CP40 are ideal for detecting glass or Features

metal objects with smooth surfaces,
even with oblique propagating sonic Compact rectangular design, 160 x 40
waves. They cover a wide sensing range x 40 mm
of 5 cm to 180 cm with a cone angle of Plastic housing
60. They are available with PNP transis- Protection class IP40
tor or analog output 010 V/020 mA. Ambient temperature 0+70 C
Diffuse mode
Max. range 180 cm
Cone angle 60
Rotatable sensor head to align sonic
Analog or switching output
LEDs indicate switching status / object
Adjustment of operating range via

Type code CP40, M18, M18K, M30, Q30

RUR 70 Q30 AP8X H1141 3GD

RUR Series 70 Sensing range Q30 Design

Series Sensing range Design
RU ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode 70 max. sensing range in cm CP40 rectangular, plastic
RUC ultrasonic sensor, programma- 40 x 40 x 160 mm or
ble, synchronizable, multiplex 40 x 40 x 177.5 mm
function, diffuse mode M18 cylinder/thread, M18, metal,
RUN ultrasonic sensor, diffuse mode CuZn nickel-plated, 18 mm
RUR ultrasonic sensor, retroreflective M18K compact design, cylinder/
mode thread M18, metal, CuZn,
nickel-plated 18 mm
M30 cylinder/thread M30, metal
CuZn, nickel-plated,
30 mm
Q30 compact, rectangular
plastic, 65 x 30 x 88 mm

AP8X Electrical version H1141 Electrical connection 3GD Approval

Electrical version Electrical connection Approval
A NO H1141 connector, M12 x 1, 4-pole 3GD ATEX declaration of conformity
2A 2 x NO H1151 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole 3163M, EX II 3 G EEx nA II T6 X / II
F frequency output V1141 connector, M8 x 1, 4-pole 3 D IP65 T 60 C X (only valid for
I analog output 020 mA blank cable connection, 2 m, RUCM30 family)
or 420 mA with CP40 = terminal
L analog chamber
U analog output 010 V
X LED display
X2 2 x LED display
6 1030 VDC input voltage
8 1835 VDC input voltage

320 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

CP40 Switching or analog output

General data
Protection class IP40 Connection Terminal cham-
ber,Terminal box with
cable gland
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature 0+70C
Function diffuse mode sensor Range 5180cm

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output
RU100-CP40-AP6X2 1030VDC , PNP w139 d570
RU100-CP40-LIUX 1530VDC Analog output, 020mA,010V w140 d571


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 321

Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

QT50 Rectangular design

The QT50U are available as diffuse mode Features

sensors with sensing ranges of 20 cm or
800 cm and with switching or analog Compact rectangular design, 67.4 x 74
output. Many configurations can be set x 84.2 mm
via DIP switch, allowing the sensors to Plastic housing
be mounted in nearly any application. Protection class IP67
The fully encapsulated devices are ide- Ambient temperature -20+70 C
ally suited for monitoring filling levels of Diffuse mode
liquids and solids: Versions with analog Max. range 800 cm
output are best suited for continuous Cone angle 12
monitoring. Versions with two digital Analog and switching output
outputs allow limit values for close and LEDs indicate the signal strength
distant range to be adjusted separately Configuration via DIP/rotary switch
for each output. Easy teaching
Via pushbutton or external cable

Type code QT50U


QT50U Series LB Electrical output Q6 Electrical connection

Series Electrical output Electrical connection
QT50U rectangular: LB 2 x analog output, Q6 connector, M12 x 1, 5-pole
74 x 84 x 67.4 mm 010 V oder 420 mA blank cable connection, 2 m
74 x 100.2 x 67.4 mm DB 2 x switching outputs, PNP or NPN

322 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Ultrasonic sensors
Rectangular design

QT50 Switching or analog output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material ABS
Ambient temperature -20+70C Function diffuse mode sensor
Range 20800cm

Types and data selection table

Type Output
QT50UDBQ6 2x , PNP w141 d572
QT50ULBQ6 Analog output, 420mA,010V w142 d572
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 323

Flow sensors

324 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

Flow sensors Flow sensors

Flow sensors - Monitoring of limit values and flow patterns

Flow sensors are applied in automated heat quantity serves as a measure for the
manufacturing to detect deviating flow flow speed.
speeds of gases and liquids quickly and TURCK flow sensors are available as com-
reliably. They monitor coolant circuits, pact devices with integrated signal pro-
run-dry protection of pumps or control cessor or as insertion or inline sensor
the flow of exhaust air ducts and air con- with separate processing unit. Sensor
ditioning systems. and housing are available in different
Flow sensors are not applied to perform materials and with different connectivity.
precise measurements but to monitor The connection technology is made for
limit values and flow patterns. In other many different industrial application

Flow sensors
words, the increase or decrease of flow conditions:
speed. In this context, high repeatability Standard sensors for factory
is the most important feature. automation
The output signal can either be analog or Sensors for high temperatures and
binary, depending on whether continu- pressures
ous flow or a limit value is to be Sensors for the food and pharmaceuti-
monitored. cal industries
TURCK insertion flow sensors operate on Chemical-resistant sensors
the thermo-dynamic principle: The flow Sensors for the Ex area
speed is determined from thermal ener- Flow sensors for the control of gase-
gy dissipated by a probe. The dissipated ous media

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 325

Flow sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Monitoring of flow speeds and patterns

Flow monitoring of media plays an im- air conditioning systems are typical ap-
portant role in many applications of fac- plications. Electronic flow sensors are in-
tory and process automation. Cooling creasingly applied to detect critical
circuits, run-dry protection of pumps or changes in flow and to signal them to a
the flow control of exhaust air ducts and control unit.

High repeatability

Flow sensors are mainly applied to con- values of flows but also flow patterns.
trol flow speeds. Precise and expensive That is, the increase or decrease of flow
measurement is not the aim but rather speed. The output signal can either be
the control of limit values. High repeata- analog or binary, depending on whether
bility is therefore the most important continuous flow or a limit value is to be
feature. The sensors not only detect limit monitored.

High performance in a compact housing

A great variety of types are available, circuits and temperature cycles are pre-
such as insertion and inline flow sensors cisely monitored but also dosage inter-
as well as compact sensors and sensors vals, like in water purification systems.
with downstream electronics. They are Limit value monitoring as well as analog
easily integrated in existing line configu- linearized switching outputs are availa-
rations and are space saving alternatives ble for these tasks.
for new constructions. Not only coolant

326 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

ngths - Your
ur advantages

Calorimetric flow sensors

Calorimetric flow sensors work on the stable values displayed even under the
thermodynamic principle and are ap- influence of strong temperature fluctua-
plied to monitor flow speeds of liquids tions, make these sensors particularly
and gases. Depending on the type, they suited for flow rate monitoring in return
also measure the media temperature. and cooling circuits.
Short response times within seconds and

Flow sensors
Different designs and versions

You can choose between insertion and tions. Not only coolant circuits and tem-
inline flow sensors as well as between perature cycles are precisely monitored
compact devices and sensors with down- but also dosage intervals, like in water
stream electronic evaluation system. All purification systems. Limit value moni-
sensors can be easily integrated in exist- toring and analog switching outputs are
ing line configurations and are space available for these tasks.
saving alternatives for new construc-

The right solution for complex applications

Depending on the application, a broad area, extremely chemical-resistant ver-

range of different flow sensors is re- sions, high-temperature and pressure-re-
quired. TURCK offers them in different sistant versions as well as sensors for the
material qualities, for liquid as well as for pharmaceutical and food industries.
gaseous media. The product portfolio
also comprises flow sensors for the Ex-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 327

Flow sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

High system availability

Flow meters proof their outstanding reli- well legible LED chain are the main fea-
ability in rough environments of factory tures considered in the design. Flow me-
and process automation. This is guaran- ters thus withstand the special ambient
teed through excellent EMC properties conditions of many applications easily.
and protection rating IP67. A practical Use these benefits to optimize your pro-
housing, durable mounting aids and a duction processes.

Maximum planning freedom

The flow meters provide maximum plan- signals to a well legible display, even
ning freedom with just a few device from a greater distance: Profit from the
types, many connection possibilities and extensive standard product range of
different mounting aids. From polling of TURCK flow meters providing more flexi-
single switchpoints over analog output bility to your application.

User-friendly operation

The compact flow sensors feature user- point. The LED chain indicates the cur-
friendly potentiometers at the front for rent flow state.
comfortable adjustment of the switch-

328 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

ngths - Your
ur advantages

Easy mounting

Unlike insertion sensors, inline types are mounted to a baseplate. Alternatively,

installed in pipes. The pipe may be con- the baseplate can be screwed to the
nected directly via cutting ring fittings or housing for frontal mounting of the
a matching adapter. With insert nuts lo- sensor.
cated at the bottom, the sensor can be

Flow sensors
Many different output signals

For further processing of output signals output. Parameters such as switchpoint,

via control or PLC , the flow sensors pro- temperature, start and end value at sen-
vide a standard PNP switching and a re- sors with analog output signal, are ad-
lay output as well as an analog 420 mA justed via potentiometer.

High serviceability

Thanks to flexible mounting options, the play and last but not least, the excellent
user-friendly operation and adjustment, repeatability, flow sensors offer calcula-
the well legible 3-digit 7-segment dis- ble advantages.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 329

Flow sensors

Flow sens
Flow sensors for spe
Flow sensors for special applications

special ap
Sensors for gaseous media

TURCK offers special versions for moni- applied in air conditioning and ventila-
toring gaseous media which are espe- tion systems, filling and coating lines as
cially adjusted to the low thermal con- well as in motor ventilation and cabinets.
ductivity of gases. They are typically

Sensors for the Ex area

Flow sensors for areas exposed to gas mounted with a T-piece or a weld-on
and dust-explosion hazards are ATEX ap- adapter. The inline sensors for zone 1 are
proved and can only be operated in mounted directly in pipes with cutting
combination with approved external sig- ring fittings, thus ensuring a tight and
nal processors [Ex ia]. Inline sensors are pressure resistant connection.
available for zone 1 and zone 0 and

Chemical-resistant sensors

Stainless steel 1.4571 is often not resist- (Dyflor), stainless steel alloy (Hastelloy)
ant enough for aggressive media. De- or titanium are used. These materials are
pending on the application, chemical-re- highly resistant to many chemicals.
sistant materials such as PTFE and PVDF

330 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

sors for
ecial applications

Sensors for high temperatures and pressures

More and more applications require sen- with hot cleaning liquids or in plastics
sors that withstand temperatures out- processing machines. These sensors are
side the standard range. We offer sensors identified by D090 or D100 in the type
for extreme ambient temperatures of up code for high-temperature applications
to +120 C and operating pressures of up and D500 for high-pressure applications.
to 500 bar. They are typically applied in
production lines and withstand rinsing

Flow sensors
Sensors for the food and pharmaceutical industry

The mechanics and electronics have to vere strain on the electronics and thus
fulfill special requirements of the food require special protective measures. For
and pharmaceutical industry. Food-safe this reason the sensors are made of spe-
connections such as Tri-Clamp or dairy cial steel 1.4404 and 1.4435. Customized
screw connections (DIN11851) are con- connections such as GEA-Varivent or
form to the 3 A sanitary standard. The APV flanges are available as well as other
standard cleaning cycles CIP and SIP with metal based materials.
rapid temperature changes impose se-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 331

Flow sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

FCS G1/2 A4 A P 8 X H1 1 4 1 / L120

FCS Functional principle G1/2 A4 Design A P 8 X Electrical version

Series flow sensors Materials Indication
FCI calorimetric, inline A4 stainless steel A4 X number of LEDs
FCS calorimetric, insertion (1.4404 or 1.4571) or multicolor LED
A4P sensor stainless steel
A4 (1.4404 or 1.4571), Voltage range
housing plastic,
8 19.228.8 VDC
CT ceramics/PTFE)
DY PVDF (Dyflor)
Output mode
HA2P sensor stainless steel A2
(1.4305), housing plastic
with coupling nut N NPN
HB2 Hastelloy B2 (2.4617) R relay output
HC22 Hastelloy C22 (2.4603)
Output function
Hastelloy C4 (2.4610)
2A 2 x NO, working
plastic housing
T PTFE A 1 x NO, working
TN titanium alloy (3.7235) current
R 1 x NC, closed current
Mechanical connection
V changeover contact
50 Tri-Clamp, 50.5 mm
LI analog output (I)
68 Varivent, 68 mm
LIU NO/NC programmab-
10D08 compression fittings for le, analog + I + PNP
smooth barrel, outer
10 mm LU analog output (U)
34D10 Tri-Clamp, 34 mm (FCI 2U NO/NC
with barrel 10 mm) programmable,
2 x PNP
D03 gland, 4 mm barrel
D04 male thread G1/4", programmable,
4 mm barrel
NA sensor with
D06 female thread G1/4", downstream electro-
6 mm barrel nics (processor units
D09 female thread, 9 mm MC96, MK96, MS96)
barrel NAEX sensor for Ex zone
D15 male thread G1/2", 1 with downstream
15 mm barrel electronics (processor
D20 male thread G3/4", units MC96, MS96)
19 mm barrel NAEX0 sensor for Ex zone
DN25 flange DN25/PN40 or 0 with downstream
Tri-Clamp DN25 electronics (processor
G1/4 thread G1/4" units MC96, MS96)
G1/2 thread G1/2"
GL1/2 thread G1/2", long
GL3/4 thread G3/4", long
K20 smooth barrel 20 mm
M18 threaded barrel M18 x 1
N1/2 thread 1/2 NPT
N3/4 thread 3/4 NPT
TCD04 gland, 4 mm, inline
sensor with 3.6 mm

332 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

H1 1 4 1 Electrical
/ L120 Special versions
Assignment Special version
0 M12 x 1, connector A air-flow sensors
(modified) gaseous media
1 M12 x 1, connector D003 process connection Varivent
(standard ) D014 process connection Tri-Clamp
blank 2 m cable D024 material test certificate 3.1b
D041 sensor and mounting block
glued together
Number of contacts
D090 high-temperature version up
4 4 contacts to 100 C
D100 high-temperature version up

Flow sensors
Connector type to 120 C
1 straight D500 high-pressure version upt to
500 bar
Connector type L065 insertion depth 65 mm (incl.
H1 connector M12 x 1 thread)
L080 insertion depth 80 mm (incl.
L115 insertion depth 115 mm (incl.
L120 insertion depth 120 mm (incl.
L200 insertion depth 200 mm (incl.
M12 process connection female
thread M12 x 1.5
M16 process connection female
thread M16 x 1.5
5M cable connection, 5 m
10M cable connection, 10 m
24VDC supply voltage 24 VDC
230VAC supply voltage 230 VAC

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 333

Flow sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

FM X IM 3UP 63 X

FM X Series IM Housing 3UP 63 X Electrical version

Function Housing LED display
blank connection of IM Interfacemodul X 4 status LEDs,
non-Ex sensors (modular housing) LED band
series FM is IO-Link Voltage range
capable 38 20125 VDC/
X connection of 20250 VAC
Ex sensors 63 2030 VDC
series FMX is IO-Link
resp. HART capable Outputs
3UP one PNP output
Series (2030 VDC) each for
monitoring of flow,
FM flow module, processor
unit for the connection
and errors
of TURCK flow sensors
3UR one relay output
(< 250 VAC/60VDC)
each for monitoring
of flow, temperature
and error
2UPLi one PNP output
(2030 VDC) each for
monitoring of tempe-
rature and errors and
one analog output
(420 mA) for
monitoring of flow

334 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors


Flow sensors

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 335

Flow sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Operating ranges Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing Output Page
temperature with medium resistance material
G 1/4 Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A , PNP 343
housing Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4571) ,
Relay output

G 1/2 Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A , PNP 343
housing Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4571) , NPN

G1/2 Dyflor housing Liquids Water:1...70cm/s -10...80C PVDF 5bar PVDF , PNP 344

GL1/2 Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A , PNP 344
housing Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4571)

N 1/2 Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A , PNP 345
housing Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4571)

Varivent Stainless Liquids Water:1...150cm/s 0...80C V4A (1.4404) 10bar V4A , PNP 345
steel A4 housing Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4404)

1 1/2 TriClamp Stain- Liquids Water:1...150cm/s 0...80C V4A (1.4404) 10bar V4A , PNP 356
less steel Oil:3...300cm/s (1.4404)

336 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

and variants
Medium Operating ranges Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing Output Page
temperature with medium resistance material
G1/4 Plastic housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar PBT , PNP 356

G1/2 Plastic housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar PBT , PNP 347
Oil:3...300cm/s ,
Relay output

GL1/2 Plastic housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar PBT , PNP 347

Flow sensors
Air Oil:3...300cm/s V2A (1.4305) 30bar ,
Air:0.5...30m/s Relay output
analog output,

G 1 Female Coupling Air Air:0.5...30m/s -20...80C V2A (1.4305) 3bar PBT analog output, 348
nut Plastic housing 4...20mA
Relay output

N 1/2 Plastic housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar PBT , PNP 348

G1/4 Male thread Air Air:0.5...40m/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT , PNP 351
Plastic housing Liquids Flow Rate:0,01...1l/min analog output,
Flow Rate:0,1...6l/min 4...20mA
Relay output

G1/2 Male thread Liquids Flow Rate:3...20l/min -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT , PNP 351
Plastic housing

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 337

Flow sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Operating ranges Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing Output Page
temperature with medium resistance material
G3/4 Male thread Liquids Flow Rate:4...30l/min -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT , PNP 352
Plastic housing

G1/4 Female thread Liquids Flow Rate:0,02...3l/min 0...60C Al2O3/PTFE 5bar PBT , 352
Plastic housing Relay output
analog output,

4 mm pipe connection Liquids Flow Rate:0,001...0,2l/min 0...60C V4A (1.4571) 1bar PBT , PNP 353
Plastic housing analog output,
Relay output

TriClamp DN 10 Plastic Liquids Flow Rate:0,1...6l/min -20...80C V4A (1.4404) 20bar PBT , 353
housing -20...60C Relay output
analog output,

338 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

and variants

Flow sensors

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 339

Flow sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a
Operating ranges Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing material Page
temperature with medium resistance
G 1/4 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 355
Oil:3...300cm/s -20...85C 60bar
Water:1...100cm/s -20...60C

G 1/4 PTFE housing Liquids Water:1...70cm/s -10...70C PTFE 5bar PTFE 355

G 1/2 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 356
Oil:3...300cm/s -20...85C 60bar
Water:1...100cm/s -20...60C

G3/4 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 356
Oil:3...300cm/s -20...60C 60bar

GL1/2 PTFE housing Liquids Water:1...70cm/s -10...70C PTFE 5bar PTFE 357

GL1/2 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 357
Air Oil:3...300cm/s -20...85C V2A (1.4305) 60bar V2A (1.4305)
Water:1...100cm/s -20...60C 10bar
Oil:3...200cm/s 10...120C 30bar
N 1/2 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 358
Oil:3...300cm/s -20...85C 60bar

N3/4 Stainless steel housing Liquids Water:1...150cm/s -20...80C V4A (1.4571) 100bar V4A (1.4571) 358

340 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow sensors

and variants
Medium Operating ranges Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing material Page
temperature with medium resistance
DN25 Dairy screw connection Liquids Water:1...150cm/s 10...120C V4A (1.4404) 10bar V4A (1.4404) 359
Stainless steel Oil:3...300cm/s

1 1/2 TriClamp Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s 10...120C V4A (1.4404) 10bar V4A (1.4404) 359

Flow sensors
Varivent Stainless steel Liquids Water:1...150cm/s 10...120C V4A (1.4571) 10bar V4A (1.4571) 360

M12x1.5 Female Stainless steel Liquids Flow Rate:0,01...0,15l/min -20...70C V4A (1.4571) 6bar V4A (1.4571) 363
Flow Rate:0,005...0,15l/min -20...80C 10bar

M16x1.5 Female Stainless steel Liquids Flow Rate:0,05...0,9l/min -20...70C V4A (1.4571) 6bar V4A (1.4571) 363
Flow Rate:0,03...0,9l/min -20...80C 16bar

Flow monitoring Output Page

FM Flow modules Current output 4...20 mA, Analog output 365
transistor output / programmable, PNP/NPN
relay output /programmable, Relay output

FMX - Flow Module Current output 4...20 mA, Analog output 367
transistor output / programmable, PNP/NPN
relay output / programmable, Relay output

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 341

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Compact devices insertion

The compact devices incorporate sensor Features

and signal processor. They are mounted
with a T-piece, a weld-on adapter or with Insertion flow sensor in a stainless
a matching adapter block. The probe is steel or plastic housing
inserted in the pipe and has direct con- Sensor and signal processor enclosed
tact with the medium. The integrated in the housing
LED chain indicates the current flow Ideal for all pipe diameters of DN20
state. The sensors are available either and larger
with transistor, relay switching or analog Adjustable to flow speeds between
current output. They are also available 0.5 30 m/s
with different mechanical process Switchpoint freely adjustable within
connections. the operating range
LED band for flow indication
Transistor, relay or analog current
Pressure-resistant up to 100 bar

Designs Electrical versions
Compact insertion flow sen- PNP transistor, relay or cur-

sor, for pipe diameters of rent output 420 mA
DN20 and larger 

Monitoring range Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow speeds Via A-coded male M12 x 1 or
between 0.5 30 m/s gase- connection cable
ous media and
1300 cm/s for liquids

Materials Special features

Housing and sensor made of Switchpoint adjusted via po-
stainless steel or plastic tentiometer, LED chain for
status indication, pressure-
resistant up to
30 bar

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

342 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G 1/4 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Output
FCS-G1/4A4-AP8X-H1141 , PNP w143 d573
FCS-G1/4A4-ARX-H1140 , Relay output w144 d573

G 1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data

Flow sensors
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Output
FCS-G1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 , PNP w143 d574
FCS-G1/2A4-AN8X-H1141 , NPN w145 d574

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 343

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G1/2 Dyflor housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality PVDF
Operating ranges Water:170cm/s Pressure resistance 5bar
Medium temperature -1080C Operating voltage 2126VDC
Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

Type Connection
FCS-G1/2DY-AP8X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 w143 d574
FCS-G1/2DY-AP8X 2m cable w146 d575

GL1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-GL1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 w143 d576

344 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

N 1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-N1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 w143 d577

Varivent Stainless steel A4 housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1

Flow sensors
Sensor quality AISI 316L Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-68A4-AP8X-H1141/D003 w143 d578

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 345

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

1 1/2 TriClamp Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-50A4-AP8X-H1141/D014 w143 d579

G1/4 Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-G1/4A4P-AP8X-H1141 w143 d580

346 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G1/2 Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality AISI 316Ti
Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s Pressure resistance 100bar
Medium temperature -2080C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output
FCS-G1/2A4P-AP8X-H1141 male,M12 x 1 2126VDC , PNP w143 d581
FCS-G1/2A4P-AP8X/L120 2m cable 2126VDC , PNP w146 d582
FCS-G1/2A4P-VRX/24VDC 2m cable 19.228.8VDC , Relay output w147 d583

GL1/2 Plastic housing

Flow sensors
General data
Medium temperature -2080C

Types and data selection table

Type Medium Connection Sensor Operating ranges Pressure Operating Output
quality resistance voltage
FCS-GL1/2A4P- liquids male,M12 x 1 AISI 316Ti Water:1150cm/s 100bar 2126VDC , PNP w143 d584
AP8X-H1141 Oil:3300cm/s
FCS-GL1/2A4P- liquids 2m cable AISI 316Ti Water:1150cm/s 100bar 195264VAC , w148 d585
VRX/230VAC Oil:3300cm/s Relay output
FCS-GL1/2A2P- air male,M12 x 1 AISI 303 Air:0.530m/s 30bar 2126VDC , PNP w143 d586
FCS-GL1/2A2P- air male,M12 x 1 AISI 303 Air:0.530m/s 30bar 2126VDC Analog output, w149 d586
LIX-H1141/A 420mA

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G 1 Female thread Coupling nut Plastic housing

General data
Medium air Sensor quality AISI 303
Operating ranges Air:0.530m/s Pressure resistance 3bar
Medium temperature -2080C

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating voltage Output
FCS-HA2P-LIX-H1141/AL115 male,M12 x 1 2126VDC Analog output, 420mA w149 d587
FCS-HA2P-VRX/230VAC/AL115 2m cable 195264VAC , Relay output w148 d588
FCS-HA2P-VRX/24VDC/AL115 6M 6m cable 19.228.8VDC , Relay output w148 d588

N 1/2 Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCS-N1/2A4P-AP8X-H1141 w143 d589

348 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Flow sensors

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Inline compact devices

The compact devices incorporate sensor Features

and signal processor. They are mounted
with a T-piece, a weld-on adapter or with Inline flow sensor installed in a plastic
a matching adapter block. The probe is housing, parts in contact with medium
inserted in the pipe and has direct con- are made of stainless steel
tact with the medium. The integrated Sensor and signal processor enclosed
LED chain indicates the current flow in the housing
state. The sensors are available either Ideal for small pipe diameters of up to
with transistor, relay switching or analog DN10
current output. They are also available Adjustable to flow speeds between
with different mechanical process 0.5 40 m/s
connections. Pressure-resistant up to 20 bar
Switchpoint freely adjustable within
the operating range
LED band for flow indication
Transistor or analog current output
No disturbing components, free pipe
profile, no pressure loss
Fast response times within seconds

Designs Electrical versions
Inline flow sensors, ideal for PNP transistor, relay or

all pipe diameters of up to analog current output
DN20  420 mA

Monitoring range Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow rates be- M12 x 1 connectors,
tween 1 ml/min 30 l/min A-coded
or flow speeds between
0.5 40 m/s (air)

Materials Special features

Plastic housing, sensor ma- Switchpoint adjusted via po-
terial stainless steel tentiometer, LED chain for
status indication

Internet link
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our products on the internet

350 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G1/4 Male thread Plastic housing

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality AISI 316Ti
Pressure resistance 20bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Medium Operating ranges Output
FCI-D10A4P-AP8X-H1141/A air Air:0.540m/s , PNP w143 d590
FCI-D10A4P-LIX-H1141/A air Air:0.540m/s Analog output, 420mA w149 d590
FCI-D04A4P-LIX-H1141 liquids Flow Rate:0,011l/min Analog output, 420mA w149 d591
FCI-D10A4P-ARX-H1140 liquids Flow Rate:0,16l/min , Relay output w144 d590

G1/2 Male thread Plastic housing

Flow sensors
General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Flow Rate:320l/min

Pressure resistance 20bar Medium temperature -2080C

Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCI-D15A4P-AP8X-H1141 w143 d592

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 351

Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G3/4 Male thread Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Flow Rate:430l/min
Pressure resistance 20bar Medium temperature -2080C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output , PNP

Types and data selection table

FCI-D20A4P-AP8X-H1141 w143 d593

G1/4 Female thread Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality Al Operating ranges Flow Rate:0,023l/min
Pressure resistance 5bar Medium temperature 060C
Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Output
FCI-D06CTP-ARX-H1140 , Relay output w144 d594
FCI-D06CTP-LIX-H1141 Analog output, 420mA w149 d595
FCI-D06CTP-AP8X-H1141 , PNP w143 d594

352 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

4 mm pipe connection Plastic housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Flow Rate:0,0010,2l/min
Pressure resistance 1bar Medium temperature 060C
Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Output
FCI-TCD04A4P-AP8X-H1141 , PNP w143 d596
FCI-TCD04A4P-LIX-H1141 Analog output, 420mA w149 d597
FCI-TCD04A4P-ARX-H1140 , Relay output w144 d596

TriClamp DN 10 Plastic housing

Flow sensors
General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Operating ranges Flow Rate:0,16l/min
Pressure resistance 20bar Operating voltage 2126VDC

Types and data selection table

Type Medium temperature Output
FCI-34D10A4P-ARX-H1140 -2080C , Relay output w144 d598
FCI-34D10A4P-LIX-H1141 -2060C Analog output, 420mA w149 d599
FCI-34D10A4P-AP8X-H1141 -2080C , PNP w143 d598

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 353

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Insertion probe

The insertion flow sensors are operated Features

with an external signal processor. They
are mounted with a T-piece, a weld-on Insertion flow sensors
adapter or with a matching adapter Sensor and signal processor available
block. The probe is inserted in the pipe as separate units
and has direct contact with the medium. Values adjusted and displayed at the
The integrated LED chain indicates the signal processor
current flow state. The sensors are avail- Ideal for all pipe diameters of DN20
able with transistor, relay or analog cur- and larger
rent output, depending on the signal Adjustable to flow speeds between
processor used. They are also available 1 300 cm/s
with different process connections and Switchpoint freely adjustable within
probe lengths. the operating range via
Depending on processing unit, availa-
ble with transistor, relay or analog
High temperature version up to 120 C
Chemical resistant materials

Designs Electrical versions
Insertion flow sensors, ideal Depending on processor

for pipe diameters of DN20 unit: Available with transis-
and larger  tor, relay or analog current
output 420 mA

Monitoring range Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow speeds Via A-coded male M12 x 1 or
between 1 300 cm/s (liq- connection cable
uids) and 0.5 30 m/s gase-
ous media (air)

Materials Special features

Sensor material stainless Pressure-resistant up to 100
steel or PTFE bar, high-pressure version
up to 500 bar, high-temper-
ature version up to +120 C

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our products on the internet

354 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G 1/4 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCS-G1/4A4-NA-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1150cm/s 100bar -2080C w150 d600
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1100cm/s Ex ib IIC 60bar -2085C II 2 G w151 d600
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX 2m PUR cable Water:1100cm/s Ex ib IIC 60bar -2085C II 2 G w152 d601
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX0 2m PUR cable Water:1100cm/s Ex ia IIC 60bar -2060C II 1/2 G w153 d601

Flow sensors
G 1/4 PTFE housing
General data
Medium liquids Connection 2m FEP cable
Sensor quality PTFE Operating ranges Water:170cm/s
Pressure resistance 5bar Medium temperature -1070C

Types and data selection table

FCS-G1/4T-NA w154 d602

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 355

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

G 1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCS-G1/2A4-NA-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1150cm/s 100bar -2080C w150 d603
FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1100cm/s Ex ib IIC 60bar -2085C II 2 G w151 d603
FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX0-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1100cm/s Ex ia IIC 60bar -2060C II 1/2 G w151 d603
FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX0 2m PUR cable Water:1100cm/s Ex ia IIC 60bar -2060C II 1/2 G w153 d604

G3/4 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCS-G3/4A4-NA-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1150cm/s 100bar -2080C w150 d605
FCS-G3/4A4-NAEX0 2m PUR cable Water:1100cm/s Ex ia IIC 60bar -2060C II 1/2 G w153 d606

356 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

GL1/2 PTFE housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection 2m FEP cable
Sensor quality PTFE Operating ranges Water:170cm/s
Pressure resistance 5bar Medium temperature -1070C

Types and data selection table

FCS-GL1/2T-NA w154 d607

GL1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data

Flow sensors
Types and data selection table
Type Medium Connection Sensor Operating ranges Protection Pressure Medium Approvals
quality type resistance temperature
FCS-GL1/2A4-NA- liquids male,M12 x 1 AISI 316Ti Water:1150cm/s 100bar -2080C w150 d608
H1141 Oil:3300cm/s
FCS-GL1/2A4- liquids male,M12 x 1 AISI 316Ti Water:1100cm/s Ex ib IIC 60bar -2085C II 2 G w151 d608
NAEX-H1141 Oil:3200cm/s
FCS-GL1/2A4- air male,M12 x 1 AISI 316Ti Air:220m/s Ex ib IIC 10bar -2085C II 2 G w151 d609
FCS-GL1/2A4- air male,M12 x 1 AISI 316Ti Air:220m/s Ex ia IIC 10bar -2060C II 1/2 G w151 d609
FCS-GL1/2A2-NA- air male,M12 x 1 AISI 303 Air:0.530m/s 30bar -2080C w150 d609
FCS-GL1/2A2-NA/ air 2m FEP cable AISI 303 Air:0.530m/s 30bar 10120C w154 d610
FCS-GL1/2A4- air 2m PUR cable AISI 316Ti Air:220m/s Ex ib IIC 10bar -2085C II 2 G w152 d610
FCS-GL1/2A4- air 2m PUR cable AISI 316Ti Air:220m/s Ex ia IIC 10bar -2060C II 1/2 G w153 d610

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 357

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

N 1/2 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCS-N1/2A4-NA 2m PVC cable Water:1150cm/s 100bar -2080C w154 d611
FCS-N1/2A4-NAEX-H1141 male,M12 x 1 Water:1100cm/s Ex ib IIC 60bar -2085C II 2 G w151 d612

N3/4 Stainless steel housing

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 100bar Medium temperature -2080C

Types and data selection table

FCS-N3/4A4-NA-H1141 w150 d613

358 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

DN25 Dairy screw connection Stainless steel

General data
Medium liquids Connection 2m FEP cable
Sensor quality AISI 316L Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 10120C

Types and data selection table

FCS-DN25A4-NA/D100 w154 d614

1 1/2 TriClamp Stainless steel

General data
Medium liquids Connection 2m FEP cable

Flow sensors
Sensor quality AISI 316L Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 10120C

Types and data selection table

FCS-50A4-NA/D014 w154 d615

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 359

Insertion flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Varivent Stainless steel

General data
Medium liquids Connection 2m PVC cable
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Operating ranges Water:1150cm/s
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 10120C

Types and data selection table

FCS-68A4-NA/D011 w154 d616

360 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Flow sensors

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

Inline probe

The inline flow sensors are operated Features

with an external signal processor. For
this purpose they are mounted directly Insertion flow sensors
in pipes. They have very fast response Sensor and signal processor available
times and are suited for simple control as separate units
tasks, such as monitoring low flow rates. Values adjusted and displayed at the
The integrated LED chain indicates the signal processor
current flow state. The sensors are avail- Ideal for all pipe diameters of DN10
able with transistor, relay or analog cur- and larger
rent output, depending on the signal Adjustable to flow rates between 5
processor used. They are also available 900 ml/min
with different mechanical process Switchpoint freely adjustable within
connections. the operating range via
Depending on processing unit, availa-
ble with transistor, relay or analog
Fast response times within seconds

Designs Electrical versions
Inline flow sensors, ideal for Depending on processor

all pipe diameters of up to unit: Available with transis-
DN10  tor, relay or analog current
output 420 mA

Monitoring range Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow rates be- Male M12 x 1, A-coded
tween 5 900 ml/min

Materials Special features

Sensor material stainless Pressure-resistant 5, 10, or
steel 16 bar, temperature range

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our products on the internet

362 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inline flow sensors
Calorimetric measuring principle

M12x1.5 Female Stainless steel

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCI-D03A4-NAEX-H1141/M12 Flow Rate:0,010,15l/min Ex ib IIC 6bar -2070C II 2 G w151 d617
FCI-D03A4-NA-H1141/M12 Flow Rate:0,0050,15l/min 10bar -2080C w150 d617

M16x1.5 Female Stainless steel

General data

Flow sensors
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti

Types and data selection table

Type Operating ranges Protection type Pressure resistance Medium temperature Approvals
FCI-D09A4-NAEX-H1141/M16 Flow Rate:0,050,9l/min Ex ib IIC 6bar -2070C II 2 G w151 d618
FCI-D09A4-NA-H1141/M16 Flow Rate:0,030,9l/min 16bar -2080C w150 d618

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 363

Signal processors
Signal processors for insertion and inline flow sensors

Signal processors for flow sensors

Easy handling, high functionality and Features

many connection possibilities are the
key features of the FM-IM flow modules. Intelligent signal processors for flow
All Turck flow sensors of the FCS (immer- sensors
sion) and FCI (inline) series can be oper- Many display and diagnostic functions
ated unrestrictedly at the FM modules. Integrated IO-Link interface
The FCS and FCI flow sensors work ac- Easy adjustment directly at the signal
cording to the calorimetric measuring processor or software supported via
principle and continuously capture the IO-Link (FDT/DTM)
flow speed and temperature of media Easy to handle and parametrize via
via signal processors. The desired Quick-Teach
switchpoint is adjusted in a few steps Additional monitoring of temperature
with the new Quick-Teach function. In Transistor, relay or analog output
addition to numerous software options 420 mA
such as wire-break and short-circuit di- Compact design, requires little space
agnostics, which are available via IO-Link
in combination with FDT/DTM, each sen-
sor features LEDs and a 10-segment LED
band for indication of local diagnostics.

Design Electrical versions
The flow modules are de- They are available as types

signed for DIN rail with standard PNP transistor
mounting.  output, relay output and
analog 420 mA current

Monitoring range Electrical connections

The monitoring range de- The sensors are powered via
pends on the type of flow terminal strips. The modules
sensor connected. additionally feature a jack
plug for IO-Link

Materials Special features

The rugged IP20 housing is The functionality is in-
made of polycarbonate creased through IO-Link
(ABS). communicability as well as
through temperature moni-
toring and the new Quick-
Teach function for adjust-
ment of switchpoints.
Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

364 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Signal processors
Signal processors for insertion and inline flow sensors

FM Flow modules
General data
Communication via IO-Link Connection Terminal block
Dimensions 27x 89x 110mm

Types and data selection table

Type Switching element Temperature Error Flow Operating voltage Output
function monitoring monitoring monitoring
FM-IM-2UPLI63X 420 mA transistor output transistor Current 2030VDC 4 20 mA, Analog
output output output
FM-IM-3UP63X NO/NC programmable transistor output transistor transistor 2030VDC / program-
output output mable, PNP/NPN
FM-IM-3UR38X NO/NC programmable relay output relay output relay output 20250VAC/ / program-
20125VDC mable, Relay output

Flow sensors

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 365

Signal processors
Connection of Ex insertion and inline flow sensors

Signal processors for Ex flow sensors

Easy handling, high functionality and Features

many connection possibilities are the
key features of the new FMX-IM flow Intelligent signal processors for Ex
modules. All Turck Ex flow sensors of the flow sensors
FCS (immersion) and FCI (inline) series Many display and diagnostic functions
can be operated unrestrictedly at the Integrated IO-Link or HART interface
FMX modules. The FCS and FCI flow sen- Easy adjustment directly at the signal
sors work according to the calorimetric processor or software supported via
measuring principle and continuously IO-Link or HART (FDT/DTM).
capture the flow speed and temperature Easy to handle and parametrize via
of media via signal processors. The de- Quick-Teach
sired switchpoint is adjusted in a few Additional monitoring of temperature
steps with the new Quick-Teach func- Transistor, relay or analog output
tion. In addition to numerous software 420 mA
options such as wire-break and short-cir- Compact design, requires little space
cuit diagnostics, which are available via
IO-Link or HART in combination with
FDT/DTM, each sensor features LEDs and
a 10-segment LED band for local

Design Electrical versions
The flow modules are de- They are available as types

signed for DIN rail with standard PNP transistor
mounting.  output, relay output and
analog 420 mA current
Monitoring range Electrical connections
The monitoring range de- The sensors are powered via
pends on the type of flow terminal strips. The modules
sensor connected. additionally feature a jack
plug for IO-Link or HART
Materials Special features
The rugged IP20 housing is The functionality is in-
made of polycarbonate creased through IO-Link and
(ABS). HART communicability as
well as through temperature
monitoring and the new
QuickTeach function.
Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

366 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Signal processors
Connection of Ex insertion and inline flow sensors

FMX - Flow Module

General data
Connection Terminal block Protection type Ex II (1) G [Ex ia Ga] IIC
resp. II (1) D [Ex ia Da]
Approvals II 1 G Dimensions 27x 89x 110mm
II 1 D

Types and data selection table

Type Switching element Temperature Error monitoring Communica- Flow monit- Operating Output
function monitoring tion via oring voltage
FMX-IM-2UPLI63X 420 mA transistor output transistor output HART Current output 2030VDC 4 20 mA,
Analog output
FMX-IM-3UP63X NO/NC programmable transistor output transistor output IO-Link transistor 2030VDC /
output programmable,
FMX-IM-3UR38X NO/NC programmable relay output relay output IO-Link relay output 20250VAC/ /
20125VDC programmable,

Flow sensors
Relay output

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Flow meters

368 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters

Flow meters Flow meters

Flow meters - Continuous and precise measurement of flow rates

In order to guarantee smooth operation plied in water or water-glycol mixtures.

and consistent quality, many processes Short response times within seconds and
require constant in and outflow of liquid stable values displayed even under the
or gaseous media. Flow sensors measure influence of strong temperature fluctua-
the speed and flow meters continuously tions, make these sensors particularly
measure the volume per time unit rela- suited for flow rate monitoring in cooling
tive to the defined pipe cross-section. circuits.

Flow measurement requires high repeat- FCMI flow meters operate according to
ability and accuracy. TURCK sensors ap- the magnetic-inductive principle. They
ply different methods for electronic measure the flow rate of many low-con-
measurement of flow rates, such as the ductive liquids. Blistering and non-abra-
calorimetric, the magnetic-inductive as sive solids have only little influence on
well as the vortex principle. the measurement. The operating range
between 0.2 and 80 l/min is ideal for all

Flow meters
TURCK flow meters indicate the flow rate applications with small to medium flow
via display and via an analog current out- rates.
put. The output signal can either be
analog or binary, depending on whether FCVI vortex flow meters are insensitive to
continuous flow or a limit value is to be pressure and temperature changes and
monitored. The programmable devices are thus suited for applications with high
are characterized by a long service life demands on measuring accuracy. Flow
and are thus almost maintenance-free. rates between 2 and 20 I/min are detect-
ed with an accuracy of 2 % f.s. The ex-
The FTCI flow meters operate according tremely responsive and temperature-sta-
to the thermodynamic principle. They ble flow meter is preferably applied in
are favourably priced and work reliably. water return and coolant circuits.
Due to the different thermal conductivity
of media, the devices are preferably ap-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 369

Flow meters

Our stren
Our strenghts You
Our strenghts Your advantages

Measuring and monitoring of flow rates

Flow monitoring of media plays an im- systems are some examples. In order to
portant role in many applications of fac- detect critical changes in flow and to in-
tory and process automation. The moni- dicate them to a control unit, electronic
toring of coolant circuits, run-dry flow sensors are increasingly applied.
protection of pumps or the flow control
of exhaust air ducts and air conditioning

High repeatability

Unvarying processes and smooth opera- and analog current output. The output
tion require a constant inflow of media. signal can either be analog or binary, de-
Flow rate monitoring in such processes pending on whether continuous flow or
requires high repeatability. TURCK flow a limit value is to be monitored.
meters indicate the flow rate via display

High-precision measurement Compact design

Inline flow meters made by TURCK are cisely monitored but also dosage inter-
highly precise operating systems incor- vals, like in water purification systems.
porated in a compact housing. They are Limit value monitoring as well as an
easily integrated in existing line configu- analog linearized swichting output are
rations and are space saving alternatives available for these tasks.
for new constructions. Not only coolant
circuits and temperature cycles are pre-

370 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters

nghts - Your
ur advantages

Calorimetric flow meter

The FTCI flow meter working on the calo- sponse times within seconds and stable
rimetric principle measures and monitors values displayed even under the influ-
either the media temperature or the flow ence of strong temperature fluctuations,
rate. The FTCI is therefore suited for make these sensors particularly suited
many different applications. Flow rates for flow rate monitoring in coolant
between 1 and 40 I/min are detected circuits.
with a repeatability of 10 % f.s. Short re-

Magnetic-inductive flow meter

Flow meters
The magnetic-inductive flow meter FCMI meter are a high measuring range dy-
measures flow rates of low-conductive namics and a measuring accuracy of 2%
liquids. The FCMI is therefore suited for f.s. The operating range between 0.2 and
many different applications. Outstanding 80 l/min is ideal for all applications with
features of the magnetic-inductive flow small to medium flow rates.

Vortex flow meters

The FCVI vortex flow meter works on the Short response times within seconds and
principle of the Karman vortex street. It is stable values displayed even under the
thus especially suited for high-precision influence of strong temperature fluctua-
measurement of water flow rates. Flow tions, make these sensors particularly
rates between 2 and 20 I/min are detect- suited for flow rate monitoring in return
ed with a measuring accuracy of 2% f.s. and cooling circuits.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 371

Flow meters

Our stren
Our strenghts You
Our strenghts Your advantages

High system availability

The inline flow meters proof their out- and a well legible display are the main
standing reliability especially in rough features considered in the design. Flow
environments of factory and process au- meters thus withstand the special ambi-
tomation, This is guaranteed through ent conditions of many applications
excellent EMC properties and a protec- without any problems. Use these bene-
tion rating of IP67. An application-opti- fits to optimize your production
mized housing, durable mounting aids processes.

Maximum planning freedom

Many solutions are implementable with from a greater distance. Profit from the
only a few device types, numerous con- extensive standard product range of
nection possibilities, simple mounting TURCK flow meters providing more flexi-
and flexible mounting aids. From polling bility to your application.
of single switchpoints, over analog out-
put signals, to a well legible display, even

User-friendly operation

The inline flow meters have two front stored values of the switchpoints and pa-
panel buttons to make adjustments. For rameters are displayed. All these features
comfortable menu navigation and flow in combination with a simply structured
rate reading [l/min], the devices also fea- menu help to reduce commissioning
ture a 3-digit 7-segment display. The times and to improve process safety.
programming functions are code pro-
tected. Without the access code, only the

372 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters

nghts - Your
ur advantages

Easy mounting

The inline flow meters are built in pipe- the bottom of the housing. For frontal
lines. The pipe may be connected direct- mounting of the sensor, screw the base-
ly via cutting ring fitting or adapter. The plate first on the housing.
flow meters can be mounted on a base-
plate via a threaded bushing located at

Many different output signals

Flow meters
If output signals need to be further pro- at the output. If the flow direction is op-
cessed via control or PLC , the flow sen- posed to the mounting direction, the
sors provide a standard switching and flow rate is displayed as a negative value
also an analog 420 mA output. Initial and the output current remains stable at
and end value are adjusted in the pro- 4 mA. The measuring range shown in
gramming mode. Upon error in the the display is limited to -9.9 l/min in this
measurement system, 2 mA are provided mounting position.

High servicability

Thanks to the many application possibili- display and last but not least the excel-
ties, user-friendly operation and adjust- lent repeatability, inline flow meters of-
ment, the well legible 3-digit 7-segment fer calculable advantages.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 373

Flow meters

Type code Type code Type cod

FCMI 10D08 DYA4P LIU P 8 X H1 1 4 1

FCMI Functional principle 10D08 DYA4P Design LIU P 8 X Electrical version

Flow meters Materials Indications
FTCI calorimetric, inline with A4 stainless steel X number of LEDs or
temperature monitoring A4 (1.4404 or multicolor LED
FCMI magnetic-inductive, inline 1.4571)
DY PVDF (Dyflor) Voltage range
FCVI Vortex, inline
P plastic housing 8 19.228.8 VDC

Mechanical connection Output range

10D08 compression P PNP
fittings for smooth
barrel, outer Output function
10 mm LI analog output (I)
10D10 compression LIU NO/NC program-
fittings for smooth mable, analog +
barrel, outer current + PNP
10 mm
2U NO/NC program-
10R09 compression mable, 2 x PNP
fittings for smooth
barrel, outer
10 mm
15D15 compression
fittings for smooth
barrel, outer
15 mm
18D15 compression
fittings for smooth
barrel, outer
18 mm

374 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters

H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 M12 x 1, connector
(standard )

Number of contacts
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1

Flow meters

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 375

Flow meters

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Medium Operating ranges
Designs a Mechanical connection Medium Material in contact Pressure Housing Page
temperature with medium resistance material
10 mm cutting Liquids Flow Rate:1...10l/min compression ferrule -10...90C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT 379
ring fitting fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN 10305-1)

15 mm cutting Liquids Flow Rate:2...20l/min compression ferrule fittings -10...90C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT 379
ring fitting Flow Rate:2...25l/min for pipes
Flow Rate:1...10l/min 15 x 1.5 (EN 10305-1)
compression ferrule fittings
for pipes
10 x 1 (EN 10305-1)
18 mm cutting ring Liquids Flow Rate:4...40l/min compression ferrule fittings -10...90C V4A (1.4571) 20bar PBT 380
fitting Flow Rate:10...100l/min for pipes
18 x 1.5 (EN 10305-1)

10 mm cutting Liquids Flow Rate:0...40l/min compression ferrule 5...60C V4A (1.4571)/PVDF 10bar PBT 383
ring fitting fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN 10305-1)

15 mm cutting Liquids Flow Rate:0...80l/min compression ferrule 5...60C V4A (1.4571)/PVDF 10bar PBT 383
ring fitting fittings for pipes
15 x 1.5 (EN 10305-1)

G 3/4 Male Liquids Flow Rate:0...75l/min swagelok 5...60C V4A (1.4571)/PVDF 10bar PBT 384

10 mm cutting ring Liquids Flow Rate:2...20l/min compression ferrule 5...60C V4A (1.4571)/PVDF 10bar PBT 391
fitting fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN 10305-1)

376 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters

and variants

Flow meters

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 377

Flow meters
Calorimetric measuring principle

Flow meters for water and water-glycol mixtures

The FTCIs are particularly suited for flow Features

rate monitoring in coolant circuits. Short
response times within seconds and sta- Measurement of small to medium wa-
ble values displayed even under the in- ter flow rates and water-glycol
fluence of strong temperature fluctua- mixtures
tions, make these sensors particularly Ideal for small pipe diameters of up to
suited for automotive welding lines. A DN20
3-digit 7-segment display indicates the Temperature monitoring
flow rate and the cooling capacity Switchpoint freely adjustable within
continuously. the operating range
To prevent icing, industrial air condition- No disturbing built-ins, free pipe pro-
ing systems use water-glycol mixtures in file, no pressure loss
secondary circuits. In order to provide a Fast response times within seconds
reliable indication of flow rate values, Adjustable to flow rates between
the glycol amount is adjusted at the flow 1 40 l/min
meter. The devices are programmable Repeatability < 10 % f.s.
via three pushbuttons at the front. Either Two transistor outputs or one transis-
the measured value or the sensor pa- tor and one analog current output
rameters are displayed, depending on
the adjustments made.

Designs Electrical versions
Rugged plastic housing with Two PNP transistor outputs

display, ideal for small pipe or one PNP transistor and
diameters of up to DN20  one linear analog current
output 420mA

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow rates be- Connected via male M12 x 1,
tween 1 40 l/min, repeat- A-coded
ability < 10 % f.s.

Materials Special features

PBT housing, sensor made of Programmable switchpoint,
stainless steel 1.4571 and output, hysteresis, switch
FKM O-ring ON/OFF delay, glycol
amount, flow rate correc-
tion, averaging and access

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

378 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters
Calorimetric measuring principle

10 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality AISI 316Ti
Operating ranges Flow Rate:110l/min Mechanical connection compression ferrule
fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN10305-1)
Pressure resistance 20bar Medium temperature -1090C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Housing material PBT
Function Inline sensor with integrat-
ed processor

Types and data selection table

Type Output
FTCI-10D10A4P-LIUP8X-H1141 / programmable, PNP/analog output, 420mA w155 d619
FTCI-10D10A4P-2UP8X-H1141 / programmable, 2 x PNP w156 d620

15 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Pressure resistance 20bar
Medium temperature -1090C Operating voltage 2126VDC
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with in-

Flow meters
tegrated processor

Types and data selection table

Type Protection class Operating ranges Mechanical connection Output
FTCI-15D15A4P-LIUP8X- IP65 Flow Rate:220l/min compression ferrule fittings for pipes / programmable, PNP/ w155 d621
H1141 15 x 1.5 (EN10305-1) analog output, 420mA
FTCI-15D15A4P-2UP8X- IP65 Flow Rate:220l/min compression ferrule fittings for pipes / programmable, 2 x w156 d622
H1141 15 x 1.5 (EN10305-1) PNP
FTCI-N1/2D15A4P-2LIX- IP67 Flow Rate:225l/min NPT 4 20 mA, Analog output, w157 d623
H1140/D224 420mA
FTCI-10D10A4P-2LIX- IP65 Flow Rate:110l/min compression ferrule fittings for pipes Analog output, 420mA w158 d619
H1141 10 x 1 (EN10305-1)

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 379

Flow meters
Calorimetric measuring principle

18 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316Ti Pressure resistance 20bar
Medium temperature -1090C Operating voltage 2126VDC
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with in-
tegrated processor

Types and data selection table

Type Protection class Operating ranges Mechanical connection Output
FTCI-18D15A4P-LIUP8X- IP65 Flow Rate:440l/min compression ferrule fittings for pipes / programmable, w155 d624
H1141 18 x 1.5 (EN10305-1) PNP/analog output, 420mA
FTCI-18D15A4P-2UP8X- IP65 Flow Rate:440l/min compression ferrule fittings for pipes / programmable, w156 d625
H1141 18 x 1.5 (EN10305-1) 2 x PNP
FTCI-N3/4D19A4P-2LIX- IP67 Flow Rate:10100l/min NPT 4 20 mA, Analog output, w157 d623
H1140/D224 420mA

380 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters
Magnetic-inductive measuring principle

Flow meters

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 381

Flow meters
Magnetic-inductive measuring principle

Compact devices for electrically conductive media

The magnetic-inductive flow meter FCMI Features

is designed for continuous measure-
ment of many conductive liquids. The Measurement of small to medium flow
operating range covers small to medium rates of conductive liquids
flow rates. Operating on the magnetic- > 20 S/cm
inductive principle, they are applied in Ideal for small pipe diamters of up to
many different areas to measure quanti- DN15
ties and dosages of many different me- Switchpoint freely adjustable within
dia. The strengths of the magnetic-in- the operating range
ductive flow meters include a high No disturbing built-ins, free pipe pro-
measuring range dynamics and excel- file, no pressure loss
lent repeatability. A 3-digit 7-segment Fast response times within seconds
display indicates the flow rate continu- Adjustable to flow rates between
ously. The devices are programmable via 1 80 l/min
three pushbuttons at the front. Either Repeatability < 20 % f.s.
the measured value or the sensor pa- Transistor and analog current output
rameters are displayed, depending on
the adjustments made.

Designs Electrical versions
Rugged plastic housing with Configurable PNP transistor

display, ideal for small pipe output, linear analog current
diamters of up to DN15  output 420mA

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow rates be- Connected via male M12 x 1,
tween 1 80 l/min, repeat- A-coded
ability < 2 % f.s.

Materials Special features

PBT housing, sensor material Programmable switchpoint,
PVDF and stainless steel output, hysteresis, switch
1.4571 ON/OFF delay, averaging
and access code

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

382 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters
Magnetic-inductive measuring principle

10 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality V4A (1.4571)/PVDF
Operating ranges Flow Rate:040l/min Mechanical connection compression ferrule
fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN10305-1)
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 560C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output / pro-
grammable, PNP/
analog output,
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with in-
tegrated processor

Types and data selection table

FCMI-10D08DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 w155 d619

15 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality V4A (1.4571)/PVDF
Operating ranges Flow Rate:080l/min Mechanical connection compression ferrule fit-
tings for pipes
15 x 1.5 (EN10305-1)

Flow meters
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 560C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output / pro-
grammable, PNP/
analog output,
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with inte-
grated processor

Types and data selection table

FCMI-15D12DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 w155 d621

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 383

Flow meters
Magnetic-inductive measuring principle

G 3/4 Male
General data
Medium liquids Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality V4A (1.4571)/PVDF
Operating ranges Flow Rate:075l/min Mechanical connection swagelok
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 560C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output / pro-
grammable, PNP/
analog output,
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with in-
tegrated processor

Types and data selection table

FCMI-3/4D12DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 w155 d626

384 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters
Vortex measuring principle

Flow meters

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 385

Flow meters
Vortex measuring principle

Flow meters for water applications

The Vortex flow meter FCVI is especially Features

suited for applications with high de-
mands on linearity and repeatability. The Measurement of small to medium wa-
devices detect flow rates between 2 and ter flow rates
20 I/min with a repeatability of 2 % f.s. Ideal for small pipe diameters of up to
Short response times within seconds DN10
and stable values displayed even under Switchpoint freely adjustable within
the influence of strong temperature fluc- the operating range
tuations, make the FCVI particularly suit- Fast response times within seconds
ed for flow rate monitoring of process Adjustable to flow rates between
water and cooling water circuits. A 2 20 l/min
3-digit 7-segment display indicates the Repeatability < 4 % f.s.
flow rate continuously. The devices are Transistor and analog current output
programmable via three pushbuttons at
the front. Either the measured value or
the sensor parameters are displayed, de-
pending on the adjustments made.

Designs Electrical versions
Robust plastic housing with Configurable PNP transistor

display, ideal for small pipe output, linear analog current
diamters of up to DN10  output 420mA

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Adjustable to flow rates be- Connected via male M12 x 1,
tween 2 20 l/min, repeat- A-coded
ability < 2 % f.s.

Materials Special features

PBT housing, sensor made of Programmable switchpoint,
PVDF and stainless steel output, hysteresis, switch
1.4571 ON/OFF delay, averaging
and access code

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

386 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Flow meters
Vortex measuring principle

10 mm cutting ring fitting

General data
Medium liquids Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality V4A (1.4571)/PVDF
Operating ranges Flow Rate:220l/min Mechanical connection compression ferrule
fittings for pipes
10 x 1 (EN10305-1)
Pressure resistance 10bar Medium temperature 560C
Operating voltage 2126VDC Output / pro-
grammable, PNP/
analog output,
Housing material PBT Function Inline sensor with in-
tegrated processor

Types and data selection table

FCVI-10R09DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 w155 d619

Flow meters

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 387

Pressure sensors

388 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors - Reliability and flexibility on highest levels

Pressure is most commonly measured Most electronic pressure sensors trans-

and monitored in applications of process duce the measured pressure in deforma-
control and manufacturing industries. tion force which is subsequently convert-
Equally complex are the demands on ed into an electrical signal by strain
pressure sensors: gauges, piezo-crystals, piezoresistive, ca-
Whether applied in standard systems or pacitive or inductive sensors.
exposed to extreme temperature chang- TURCK pressure sensors detect and
es, vibration, impacts or aggressive me- measure absolute, relative and reference
dia: Each application requires a perfect pressures of liquids, gases and air in
solution in every respect. High-quality nearly all industrial applications and un-
materials, flexible process connections, der the most diverse conditions. The PK
easy programming as well as highest ac- series is especially designed for pneu-
curacy and many display functions are matic and vacuum applications. Rugged,
therefore essential standards of electron- compact and at the same time light-
ic pressure measurement. weight designed, these sensors are
Pressure is not measured as a general made for handling and automation
physical property; a pressure value has systems.
rather a special reference. The positive Ideally suited for demanding hydraulic
and negative pressure is defined as the and pneumatic systems are pressure sen-
difference between the measured pres- sors of the PS series . The devices are in-

sure and the atmospheric pressure. corporated in a stainless steel housing
Therefore, most measuring devices re- and operate with a ceramic measuring
quire a reference terminal open to the cell. Different versions with switching
atmosphere. This type of pressure is also and analog output as well as 4-digit 7-
described as relative pressure or gauge. segment display are user friendly and
The absolute pressure however is related easily integrated in your system. Open
to vacuum. In actual practice, the refer- standards such as VDMA menu guide
ence side of the measuring device is her- and IO-Link are also supported.
metically sealed. The pressure and tem- The PT series features pressure transmit-
perature of gases are mainly regulated ters in rugged cylindrical housings made
this way in industrial applications. With of stainless steel, without display and
regard to differential pressure, the pro- with linear current or voltage output.
cess pressure is connected to the refer-
ence side of the device. Filling levels,
flow rates and leaks are thus detected in

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 389

Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors P
Pressure sensors PS series

The full range of performance

The sensors of this series cover all impor- puts or with one switching and one
tant pressure ranges from -1 +600 bar analog output. High EMC immunity and
with an accuracy of 0.5% f.s.. Bar, psi and protection classes IP67/IP69K guarantee
further 12 standard pressure units can be reliable operation, even under harsh
selected for measurement. The 4-digit conditions. All sensors are equipped with
7-segment LED display indicates the an IO-Link interface. Flexible integration
pressure status and makes programming and diagnostics is guaranteed, making
more comfortable. The devices are avail- the PS series a cost-effective solution.
able with two transistor switching out-

Clearly visible display

The 4-digit 7-segment display indicates the position of the process connection.
the applied pressure during normal op- The read direction can be reversed by
eration and is easily programmed. The 180 degrees via software. Values are
sloped display allows the sensors to be thus perfectly readable, even if the sen-
mounted on top or in front according to sor is mounted horizontally.

Flexible mounting

Inclined by 45 the display is well reada- Once the final position is attained, the
ble from any position and even from a device is fixed in place with a second
great distance. Horizontal mounting is coupling nut. Special mounting aids are
also possible. The read direction can be not required. With a diameter of only 34
reversed by 180 degrees via software. mm, several sensors can be mounted
After locking the pressure connection, side by side in confined spaces.
the PS500 can be moved in any desired
position because it is freely rotatable.

390 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors

sensors PS
PS series
Easy programming

Thanks to the user friendly menu guide, values. To avoid accidental changes of
parameters such as switch and release programmed data, the ENTER button for
points, output type, analog range and storing the values is recessed. The but-
various special functions are easily ton can only be pressed with a pointed
taught. The PS sensors are programmed object, such as a ball pen for example.
with the buttons MODE and SET. Tools
are not needed to view the parameter

Rugged design

The sensor body, process and electrical Even in an undesired exceptional situa-
connection of the PS series are made of tion, safety comes first: Should the meas-
stainless steel. Based on proven ceramic uring cell burst, a patented medium-stop

component technology, these shock and system prevents the discharge of liquids
vibration proof sensors operate safely up to a pressure of 2400 bar, depending
and reliably even in harsh environments. on the medium temperature.
All sensors feature excellent EMC proper-
ties and are IP67 or IP69K protected.

High system availability

The PS series excels in excellent EMC Excellent EMC properties, highly inter-
properties and is IP67 rated. Sensor ference immune
body, pressure and electrical connection Protection against mechanical impacts
are made of stainless steel and are there- thanks to the rugged design
fore highly reliable and rugged. Should Short down-times through high sys-
the measuring cell burst, a patented me- tem availability and short replacement
dium-stop system prevents the dis- times
charge of liquids up to a pressure of 2400
bar, depending on the medium

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 391

Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors P
Pressure sensors PS series

Extremely service-friendly

Due to the extremely flexible mounting Minimum maintenance effort through

options, user-friendly operation and high streamlined product range.
accuracy, the sensors offer you distinct Simple operation via two finger-oper-
and calculable advantages. ated pushbuttons
Upper sensor part rotatable by 360 Failsafe operation through a recessed
(PS500 series) ENTER button for the storage of values

Efficient standardization

A single sensor replaces many conven- Only a few sensors are needed to cov-
tional types. Even if a PS sensor is applied er a large range of applications
to measure only half of its nominal pres- Reduced training effort due to simple
sure, it will operate highly accurate, as and failsafe operation
required by the machine engineering in- High system safety achieved through a
dustry. As a result, sensor inventories can rugged design
be reduced significantly. A reduced in-
ventory pays off for you:

Maximum planning freedom

Due to many solutions achievable with Bright illuminated LED display legible
only a few devices, the new sensors of from a greater distance
the PS series offer maximum planning Highest accuracy, 0.5 % f.s.
freedom, while minimizing the mount- Two switching outputs or a combina-
ing efforts. tion of switching and analog output
Upper sensor part rotatable by 360 Communication via IO-Link
Display rotatable by 180 VDMA menu guide (optional)
Sloped display by 45

392 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors

sensors PS
PS series


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 393

Pressure sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

PS 010V 5 01 LI2U PN 8 X H1 1 4 1

PS 010V Functional principle 5 01 Mechanical version LI2U PN 8 X Electrical version

Measuring range Process connection Indication
01VR -10 bar g 1) 01 G1/4" female thread X... LED display
001R 01 bar g 1) 02 1/4-18NPT female thread
001V -11 bar g 1) 03 1/4-18NPT male thread Voltage range
003V -12,5 bar g 1) 04 G1/4" male thread 8 15(18)30 VDC
010V -110 bar g 05 7/16" UNF male thread
(only for design 6) Output mode
016V -116 bar g
06 G3/4" male thread PN PNP/NPN
025V -125 bar g
front-flush (only for design 6)
040V -140 bar g Output function
07 1 1/2" Tri-Clamp
100R 0100 bar g (only for design 6) 2U output 1:
250R 0250 bar g 08 G1/2" male thread switching output
400R 0400 bar g manometer connection output 2:
(only for design 5) switching output
600R 0600 bar g 2)
09 G1/2" male thread LUU output 1:
001A 01 bar a 1) 3) front-flush (only for design 6) switching output
003A 02,5 bar a 1) 3) 10 R 1/4" male thread output 2:
010A 010 bar a 1) 3) voltage output
11 R 1/4" female thread
016A 016 bar a 1) 3) LI2U output 1:
switching output
025A 025 bar a 1) 3) Design
output 2:
3 adjustable, with display, current/switching
Functional principle non-rotatable sensor output,
PS pressure sensor 5 adjustable, with display, reprogrammable
rotatable sensor
6 adjustable, with display,
non-rotatable sensor, dia-
phragm seal with front-flush

1) Not available for design/pressure connection 609

2) Not available for design 600
3) Not available for design 300

g = Relative pressure
a = Absolute pressure

394 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors

H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment

Number of contacts
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 395

Pressure sensors

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Mechanical connection
Designs a
Connection Output 1 Output 2 Page
G1/4 Female thread G " female thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 399
2 switching outputs mode

G1/4 Female thread G " female thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link Analog- or switching output 399
Switching and analog mode analog output

G1/4 Male thread G " male thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 400
2 switching outputs NPT " - 18 male thread mode

G1/4 Male thread G " male thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link Analog- or switching output 401
Switching and analog NPT " - 18 male thread mode analog output

G1/4 Female thread G " female thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 403
2 switching outputs mode

G1/4 Female thread G " female thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link Analog- or switching output 403
Switching and analog mode analog output

396 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors

and variants
Mechanical connection Connection Output 1 Output 2 Page
G1/4 Male thread G " male thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 404
2 switching outputs NPT " - 18 male thread mode
7/16-20 UNF

G1/4 Male thread G " male thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link Analog- or switching output 405
Switching and analog NPT " - 18 male thread mode analog output
output 7/16-20 UNF

G3/4 Front-flush dia- G " front-flush male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 409
phragm 2 switching mode

G3/4 Front-flush dia- G " front-flush male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link Analog- or switching output 409
phragm Switching and mode
analog output

G3/4 Front-flush dia- G " front-flush male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link analog output 410
phragm Switching and mode
analog output

G1/2 Front-flush dia- G " front-flush male, M12 x 1 Switching output or IO-Link switching output 411
phragm 2 switching mode

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 397

Pressure sensors with display
PS300 series - Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

PS300 series For hydraulic applications

The PS300 series has been designed es- Features

pecially for hydraulic applications. The
devices operate with a ceramic measur- IOLink capable
ing cell. Available are versions with two Measuring range -1600 bar
switching outputs or one switching and Fully potted stainless steel housing
one analog output. IO-Link communica- Protection class IP69K
tion is integrated as a standard. Highest VDMA menu guide (optional)
process safety is achieved through a Permanent display of pressure (bar,
stainless steel housing, fully potted elec- psi, kPa, MPa, misc)
tronics and protection class IP69K. Highest pressure resistance

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical design, non-ro- -1600 bar rel.
tatable, with display

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link capable, 2-channel, Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

switching, current or voltage

Connectivity Special features

G1/4, 1/4 NPT, R1/4 male Failsafe 3-key operation,
and female thread VDMA menu guide (option-
al), IP69K, fully potted sensor

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

398 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS300 series - Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

G1/4 Female thread 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PS01VR-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d627
PS001R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d627
PS001V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d627
PS003V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar w159 d627
PS010V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar w159 d627
PS016V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar w159 d627
PS025V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar w159 d627
PS040V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar w159 d627
PS100R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar w159 d627
PS250R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar w159 d627
PS400R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar w159 d627
PS600R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d627

G1/4 Female thread Switching and analog output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67 / IP69K
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G female thread
Medium temperature -4085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS01VR-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS001R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS001V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS003V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS010V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS016V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS025V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 399

Pressure sensors with display
PS300 series - Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS040V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS100R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS250R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS400R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS600R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d627
PS01VR-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS001R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS001V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS003V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS010V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS016V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS025V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS040V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS100R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS250R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS400R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627
PS600R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d627

G1/4 Male thread 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PS01VR-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d628
PS001R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d628
PS001V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d628
PS003V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar w159 d628
PS010V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar w159 d628
PS016V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar w159 d628
PS025V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar w159 d628
PS040V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar w159 d628
PS100R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar w159 d628
PS250R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar w159 d628
PS400R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar w159 d628
PS600R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d628
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

400 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS300 series - Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

G1/4 Male thread Switching and analog output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67 / IP69K
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G male thread
Medium temperature -4085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS01VR-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS001R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS001V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS003V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS010V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS016V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS025V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS040V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS100R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS250R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS400R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS600R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d628
PS01VR-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS001R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628

PS001V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS003V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS010V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS016V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS025V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS040V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS100R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS250R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS400R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
PS600R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d628
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 401

Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection

PS500 series For hydraulic and pneumatic applications

The PS500 sensors operate with ceramic Features

measuring cells. Through pressure exert-
ed on the ceramic substrate a pressure- IOLink capable
proportional signal is created and then Sensor rotatable by 360
electronically processed. Depending on 4-digit 7-segment display
the sensor type used, the processed sig- Measuring range -1600 bar relative
nal is either provided at a switching or pressure
an analog output. IO-Link communica- Measuring range 025 bar absolute
tion is integrated as a standard. A rotata- pressure
ble sensor body, a large number of avail- Stainless steel housing
able thread types and an accuracy of Permanent display of pressure (bar,
0.5% f.s. guarantee highest mounting psi, kPa, MPa, misc)
flexibility and secure connection to the

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical design, rotatable 1600 bar relative and
by 360, with display 025bar absolute

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link capable, 2-channel, Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

switching, current or voltage

Connectivity Special features

G1/4, 1/4 NPT, R1/4 male Failsafe 3-key operation,
and female thread, 7/16 VDMA menu guide (option-
UNF and G1/2 male thread al), IP67

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

402 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection

G1/4 Female thread 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Absolute pressure Admissible overpressure
PS001R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar w159 d629
PS001V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar w159 d629
PS003V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar w159 d629
PS010V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar w159 d629
PS016V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar w159 d629
PS01VR-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar w159 d629
PS025V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar w159 d629
PS040V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar w159 d629
PS100R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar w159 d629
PS250R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar w159 d629
PS400R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar w159 d629
PS600R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d629
PS001A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar abs. 3bar w159 d629
PS003A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 02.5bar abs. 7bar w159 d629

PS010A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 010bar abs. 25bar w159 d629
PS016A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 016bar abs. 40bar w159 d629
PS025A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 025bar abs. 65bar w159 d629

G1/4 Female thread Switching and analog output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G female thread
Medium temperature -4085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Absolute pres. Admissible overpres. Output 2 Operating range
PS01VR-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS001R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
Table continues on the next page

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Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Absolute pres. Admissible overpres. Output 2 Operating range
PS001V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS003V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS010V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS016V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS025V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS040V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS100R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS250R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS400R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS600R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS001A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 01bar abs. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS003A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 02.5bar abs. 7bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS010A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 010bar abs. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS016A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 016bar abs. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS025A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 025bar abs. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d629
PS01VR-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS001R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS001V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS003V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS010V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS016V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS025V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS040V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS100R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS250R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS400R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS600R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS001A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 01bar abs. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS003A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 02.5bar abs. 7bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS010A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 010bar abs. 25bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS016A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 016bar abs. 40bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629
PS025A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 025bar abs. 65bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d629

G1/4 Male thread 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Absolute pressure Admissible overpressure
PS01VR-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar w159 d630
PS001R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar w159 d630
Table continues on the next page

404 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Absolute pressure Admissible overpressure
PS001V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar w159 d630
PS003V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar w159 d630
PS010V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar w159 d630
PS016V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar w159 d630
PS025V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar w159 d630
PS040V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar w159 d630
PS100R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar w159 d630
PS250R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar w159 d630
PS400R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar w159 d630
PS600R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d630
PS001A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar abs. 3bar w159 d630
PS003A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 02.5bar abs. 7bar w159 d630
PS010A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 010bar abs. 25bar w159 d630
PS016A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 016bar abs. 40bar w159 d630
PS025A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 025bar abs. 65bar w159 d630

Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

G1/4 Male thread Switching and analog output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G male thread
Medium temperature -4085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value

output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pres. Absolute pres. Admissible overpres. Output 2 Operating range
PS01VR-504-LI2UPN8X- -10bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS001R-504-LI2UPN8X- 01bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS001V-504-LI2UPN8X- -11bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS003V-504-LI2UPN8X- -12.5bar rel. 7bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS010V-504-LI2UPN8X- -110bar rel. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS016V-504-LI2UPN8X- -116bar rel. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS025V-504-LI2UPN8X- -125bar rel. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS040V-504-LI2UPN8X- -140bar rel. 100bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630

Table continues on the next page

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pres. Absolute pres. Admissible overpres. Output 2 Operating range
PS100R-504-LI2UPN8X- 0100bar rel. 250bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS250R-504-LI2UPN8X- 0250bar rel. 625bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS400R-504-LI2UPN8X- 0400bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS600R-504-LI2UPN8X- 0600bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS001A-504-LI2UPN8X- 01bar abs. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS003A-504-LI2UPN8X- 02.5bar abs. 7bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS010A-504-LI2UPN8X- 010bar abs. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS016A-504-LI2UPN8X- 016bar abs. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS025A-504-LI2UPN8X- 025bar abs. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d630
PS01VR-504-LUUPN8X- -10bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d630
PS001R-504-LUUPN8X- 01bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d630
PS001V-504-LUUPN8X- -11bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d630
PS003V-504-LUUPN8X- -12.5bar rel. 7bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d630
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

406 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS 500 series - Rotatable version and flexible process connection


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Pressure sensors with display
PS600 series Front-flush process connection

PS600 series For viscous media or contamination

The PS600 series operates with a front- Features

flush mounted diaphragm system. Pres-
sure exerted on the stainless steel dia- IOLink capable
phragm is transmitted via the filling Front-flush and dead-space free pro-
medium to the measuring cells ceramic cess connections
base. Depending on the sensor type 4-digit 7-segment display
used, the processed signal is either pro- Measuring range -1400 bar relative
vided at a switching or an analog out- pressure
put. IO-Link is standard. Thanks to a Measuring range 025 bar absolute
front-flush or dead-space free dia- pressure
phragm and an accuracy of 0.5% f.s., the Stainless steel housing
sensors can be securely connected to Permanent display of pressure (bar,
the process in many different ways. psi, kPa, MPa, misc)

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical design, non-ro- -1600 bar rel.
tatable, with display

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link capable, 2-channel, Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

switching, current or voltage

Connectivity Special features

G1/2 and G3/4 front-flush Failsafe 3-key operation,
process connections VDMA menu guide (option-
al), IP67, fully potted sensor

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

408 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS600 series Front-flush process connection

G3/4 Front-flush diaphragm 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G front-flush Medium temperature -1085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PS01VR-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar w159 d631
PS001R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar w159 d631
PS001V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar w159 d631
PS003V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar w159 d631
PS010V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar w159 d631
PS016V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar w159 d631
PS025V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar w159 d631
PS040V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar w159 d631
PS100R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar w159 d631
PS250R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar w159 d631
PS400R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar w159 d631

G3/4 Front-flush diaphragm Switching and analog output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G front-flush
Medium temperature -1085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS01VR-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS001R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS001V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS003V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS010V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS016V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS025V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS040V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
Table continues on the next page

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Pressure sensors with display
PS600 series Front-flush process connection

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS100R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS250R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS400R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d631
PS01VR-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS001R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS001V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 3bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS003V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 7bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS010V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS016V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS025V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS040V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS100R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS250R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631
PS400R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d631

G1/2 Front-flush diaphragm 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G front-flush Medium temperature -1085C
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PS010V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar w159 d632
PS016V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar w159 d632
PS025V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar w159 d632
PS040V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar w159 d632
PS100R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar w159 d632
PS250R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar w159 d632
PS400R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar w159 d632

410 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PS600 series Front-flush process connection

G1/2 Front-flush diaphragm 1 switching and 1 voltage output

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Mechanical connection G front-flush
Medium temperature -1085C Operating voltage 1830VDC
Response time 3ms Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC
Switching frequency 180Hz Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL
Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure Output 2 Operating range
PS010V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS016V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS025V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS040V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS100R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS250R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS400R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) w160 d632
PS010V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 25bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS016V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 40bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS025V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 65bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS040V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 100bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS100R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 250bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS250R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 625bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632
PS400R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 900bar analog output 010 V, 05 V (3-wire) w161 d632


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Pressure sensors with display

412 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display

Pressure sensors P
Pressure sensors PK series

Multifaceted pneumatic specialists

The PK pressure sensors are especially ble, cylindrical body with display. The
designed for pneumatic applications and processed signal is made available as
are ideally suited for pick-and-place sys- switching output. These sensors are only
tems, labelling machines and hoists. The made for non-aggressive gas and com-
N version is manometer-shaped, features pressed air applications.
a display and a process connection on
the back side. The P version has a rotata-

Compact design

The sensors are compact, rugged but at For pressure and vacuum monitoring
the same time lightweight and thus per- Compact sensors in cylindrical or ma-
fectly suited for handling and automa- nometer-like design

3-digit 7-segment display

tion systems. They feature two switching
outputs and are NO/NC programmable Display rotatable by 180
in hysteresis mode. The output configu- Excellent EMC properties
ration is easily reprogrammed for special One LED per output to indicate the
requirements, such as monitoring of a switching status
pressure window, for example.

Easy programming

Thanks to the user friendly menu guide, various special functions are easily
parameters such as switch and release taught. The buttons are finger-operated.
points, output type, analog range and Additional tools are not needed.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 413

Pressure sensors with display

Type code Type code Type cod

PK 01VR N12L 2U P 8 X V1 1 4 1

PK 01VR Functional principle N12L Mechanical version 2U P 8 X Electrical version

Measuring range Design Indication
01VR -10 bar g N12AL display axial, aluminium, X LED display
010R 010 bar g G1/8" female thread
N14AL display axial, aluminium, Voltage range
NPT1/8" male thread
Functional principle 8 15(18)30 VDC
P13 display radial,
PK pressure sensor, G1/8" male thread
compact Output mode
P14 display radial,
NPT1/8" male thread P PNP

Output function
2U Output 1:
switching output
Output 2:
switching output

414 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display

V1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 standard

Number of contacts
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
V1 M8,
4-pole connector


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 415

Pressure sensors with display
PK-N series - Manometer-like design

PK-N series For pneumatic applications

The PK-N pressure sensors operate with Features

a silicon measuring cell. It is an open sili-
con chip with direct contact to the medi- Compact manometer-like design
um. The N version is manometer- 3-digit 7-segment display
shaped, features a display and a process For pressure and vacuum monitoring
connection on the back side. The pro- Display rotatable by 180
cessed signal is provided at the switch- Excellent EMC properties
ing output. These sensors are only suita-
ble for non-aggressive gas and
compressed air applications.

Designs Measuring ranges
Manometer-like design with 010 bar rel.
display 0-1 bar rel.

Electrical versions Electrical connections

2-channel with switching Male M8 x 1, 4-pin


Connectivity Special features

G1/8 female and 1/8NPT For pneumatic applications
male thread

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

416 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PK-N series - Manometer-like design

G1/8 Female 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 switching output Output 2 switching output
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M8 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature 050C
Operating voltage 10.830VDC Housing material Al/PVC
Switching frequency 400Hz Accuracy switching 1% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PK01VR-N12AL-2UP8X-V1141 -10bar rel. 5bar w162 d633
PK010R-N12AL-2UP8X-V1141 010bar rel. 16bar w162 d633

1/8 NPT Male 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 switching output Output 2 switching output
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M8 x 1
Mechanical connection NPT male thread Medium temperature 050C
Operating voltage 10.830VDC Housing material Al/PVC
Switching frequency 400Hz Accuracy switching 1% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table
Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PK01VR-N14AL-2UP8X-V1141 -10bar rel. 5bar w162 d633
PK010R-N14AL-2UP8X-V1141 010bar rel. 16bar w162 d633

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 417

Pressure sensors with display
PK-P series - Cylindrical design

PK-P series For pneumatic applications

The PK-P pressure sensors operate with Features

a silicon measuring cell. It is an open sili-
con chip with direct contact to the medi- Compact cylindrical design
um. The P version has a rotatable, cylin- Rotatable sensor body
drical body with display. These sensors 3-digit 7-segment display
are only suitable for non-aggressive gas For pressure and vacuum monitoring
and compressed air applications. The Display rotatable by 180
processed signal is provided at the Excellent EMC properties
switching output.

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical version with lat- 010 bar rel.
erally mounted display 0-1 bar rel.

Electrical versions Electrical connections

2-channel with switching Male M8 x 1, 4-pin


Connectivity Special features

G1/8 or 1/8NPT male For pneumatic applications

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

418 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors with display
PK-P series - Cylindrical design

G1/8 Male 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 switching output Output 2 switching output
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M8 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature 050C
Operating voltage 10.830VDC Housing material ABS
Switching frequency 400Hz Accuracy switching 1% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PK010R-P13-2UP8X-V1141 010bar rel. 16bar w162 d634
PK01VR-P13-2UP8X-V1141 -10bar rel. 5bar w162 d634

1/8 NPT Male 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 switching output Output 2 switching output
Protection class IP65 Connection male,M8 x 1
Mechanical connection NPT male thread Medium temperature 050C
Operating voltage 10.830VDC Housing material ABS
Switching frequency 400Hz Accuracy switching 1% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table
Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PK01VR-P14-2UP8X-V1141 -10bar rel. 5bar w162 d634
PK010R-P14-2UP8X-V1141 010bar rel. 16bar w162 d634

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

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Pressure sensors without display

420 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors without display

Pressure sensors P
Pressure sensors PT series

Compact pressure transmitters - Solutions

The pressure transmitters develop their the sensors can be applied in almost all
full potential in applications requiring areas of industrial automation. The pat-
high operational safety and accuracy. ented medium-stop system prevents the
Based on proven ceramic technology, discharge of liquids when burst pressure
these shock and vibration proof devices exceeds 40 bar. In normal operating
work reliably even in harsh environ- mode it works as a peak pressure
ments. Thanks to the compact design, aperture.

Made-to-measure solutions

The PT devices with diaphragm are a units. The PT series proves its applicabili-
cost-efficient solution and a proven suc- ty in refrigeration technology and many
cess regarding the control of filling levels other industrial fields with features such

at vessels. Other typical applications for as operational safety, accuracy and tem-
pressure transmitters are machine tools, perature stability.
pneumatic systems and hydraulic power

Working reliably even under extreme conditions

Equipped with a ceramic measuring cell, Stainless steel housing and pressure
a stainless steel body and a FPM O-ring, connection
the PT pressure transmitters resist tem- 1.4305 (AISI 303)
peratures of up to 125 C without any Medium-stop system
problems. The devices fulfill industrial Protection class IP67
standards and guarantee a long-term Excellent EMC properties
stable performance. -1+600 bar relative pressure
Compact and rugged design 025 bar absolute pressure
Accuracy 0.6 % f.s.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 421

Pressure sensors without display

Type code Type code Type cod

PT 010V 11 LI3 H1 1 3 1

PT 010V Functional principle 11 Mechanical version LI3 Electrical version

Measuring range Pressure connection Electrical version

01VR -10 bar g * 11 G" female thread LI3 420 mA 2-wire
001R 01 bar g * 12 "-18 NPT female thread LU2 010 V 3-wire *
002R 01.6 bar g * 13 "-18-NPT male thread
003R 02.5 bar g * 14 G" male thread
004R 04 bar g * 26 G"male thread front-flush
006R 06 bar g * 29 G" male thread front-flush
010R 0...10 bar g
016R 016 bar g
025R 025 bar g
040R 040 bar g
100R 0100 bar g
160R 0160 bar g
250R 0250 bar g
400R 0400 bar g
600R 0600 bar g
001A 01 bar a *
002A 01.6 bar a *
003A 02.5 bar a *
004A 04 bar a *
006A 06 bar a *
010A 010 bar a *
016A 016 bar a *
025A 025 bar a *

Functional principle
PT pressure transmitter

* only for PT 11-14

g = Relative pressure
a = Absolute pressure

422 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors without display

H1 1 3 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment

Number of contacts
3 3 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 423

Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design

PT-series For temperatures up to +125 C

The pressure sensors of the PT series op- Features

erate with ceramic or fully welded thin-
film measuring cells. They are cylindrical- Compact and rugged design
ly shaped, made of stainless and have no Measuring range -1600 bar relative
display. Depending on the sensor ver- pressure
sion used, the processed signal is output Temperature range up to +125 C
as 420 mA (2wire) or 010 V (3wire). 420 mA (2wire) or 010 V (3wire)
Excellent EMC properties

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical design, non-ro- -1600 bar rel.
tatable, without display

Electrical versions Electrical connections

420 mA (2-wire) Male M12 x 1

010 V (3-wire)

Connectivity Special features

G , NPT as well as G For media temperatures up
and G front-flush to +125 C, IP67

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

424 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design

G1/4 Female Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature -40125C
Operating voltage 833VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Accuracy LHR analog 0.3% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT001R-11-LI3-H1131 01bar rel. 3bar w163 d635
PT002R-11-LI3-H1131 01.6bar rel. 5bar w163 d635
PT003R-11-LI3-H1131 02.5bar rel. 7bar w163 d635
PT004R-11-LI3-H1131 04bar rel. 12bar w163 d635
PT006R-11-LI3-H1131 06bar rel. 15bar w163 d635
PT010R-11-LI3-H1131 010bar rel. 25bar w163 d635
PT016R-11-LI3-H1131 016bar rel. 40bar w163 d635
PT025R-11-LI3-H1131 025bar rel. 65bar w163 d635
PT040R-11-LI3-H1131 040bar rel. 100bar w163 d635
PT060R-11-LI3-H1131 060bar rel. 150bar w163 d635
PT100R-11-LI3-H1131 0100bar rel. 250bar w163 d635
PT160R-11-LI3-H1131 0160bar rel. 400bar w163 d635
PT250R-11-LI3-H1131 0250bar rel. 625bar w163 d635
PT400R-11-LI3-H1131 0400bar rel. 900bar w163 d635

PT600R-11-LI3-H1131 0600bar rel. 900bar w163 d635

G1/4 Female Voltage output (3-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 010 V (3-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature -40125C
Operating voltage 11.433VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Accuracy LHR analog 0.3% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT001R-11-LU2-H1131 01bar rel. 3bar w164 d635
PT002R-11-LU2-H1131 01.6bar rel. 5bar w164 d635
PT003R-11-LU2-H1131 02.5bar rel. 7bar w164 d635
PT004R-11-LU2-H1131 04bar rel. 12bar w164 d635
Table continues on the next page

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Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT006R-11-LU2-H1131 06bar rel. 15bar w164 d635
PT010R-11-LU2-H1131 010bar rel. 25bar w164 d635
PT016R-11-LU2-H1131 016bar rel. 40bar w164 d635
PT01VR-11-LU2-H1131 -10bar rel. 3bar w164 d635
PT025R-11-LU2-H1131 025bar rel. 65bar w164 d635
PT040R-11-LU2-H1131 040bar rel. 100bar w164 d635
PT060R-11-LU2-H1131 060bar rel. 150bar w164 d635
PT100R-11-LU2-H1131 0100bar rel. 250bar w164 d635
PT160R-11-LU2-H1131 0160bar rel. 400bar w164 d635
PT250R-11-LU2-H1131 0250bar rel. 625bar w164 d635
PT400R-11-LU2-H1131 0400bar rel. 900bar w164 d635
PT600R-11-LU2-H1131 0600bar rel. 900bar w164 d635

G1/4 Male thread Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature -40125C
Operating voltage 833VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Accuracy LHR analog 0.3% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT01VR-14-LI3-H1131 -10bar rel. 3bar w163 d636
PT001R-14-LI3-H1131 01bar rel. 3bar w163 d636
PT002R-14-LI3-H1131 01.6bar rel. 5bar w163 d636
PT003R-14-LI3-H1131 02.5bar rel. 7bar w163 d636
PT004R-14-LI3-H1131 04bar rel. 12bar w163 d636
PT006R-14-LI3-H1131 06bar rel. 15bar w163 d636
PT010R-14-LI3-H1131 010bar rel. 25bar w163 d636
PT016R-14-LI3-H1131 016bar rel. 40bar w163 d636
PT025R-14-LI3-H1131 025bar rel. 65bar w163 d636
PT040R-14-LI3-H1131 040bar rel. 100bar w163 d636
PT060R-14-LI3-H1131 060bar rel. 150bar w163 d636
PT100R-14-LI3-H1131 0100bar rel. 250bar w163 d636
PT160R-14-LI3-H1131 0160bar rel. 400bar w163 d636
PT250R-14-LI3-H1131 0250bar rel. 625bar w163 d636
PT400R-14-LI3-H1131 0400bar rel. 900bar w163 d636
PT600R-14-LI3-H1131 0600bar rel. 900bar w163 d636
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

426 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design

G1/4 Male Voltage output (3-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 010 V (3-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature -40125C
Operating voltage 11.433VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/PC Accuracy LHR analog 0.3% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT01VR-14-LU2-H1131 -10bar rel. 3bar w164 d636
PT001R-14-LU2-H1131 01bar rel. 3bar w164 d636
PT002R-14-LU2-H1131 01.6bar rel. 5bar w164 d636
PT003R-14-LU2-H1131 02.5bar rel. 7bar w164 d636
PT004R-14-LU2-H1131 04bar rel. 12bar w164 d636
PT006R-14-LU2-H1131 06bar rel. 15bar w164 d636
PT010R-14-LU2-H1131 010bar rel. 25bar w164 d636
PT016R-14-LU2-H1131 016bar rel. 40bar w164 d636
PT025R-14-LU2-H1131 025bar rel. 65bar w164 d636
PT040R-14-LU2-H1131 040bar rel. 100bar w164 d636
PT060R-14-LU2-H1131 060bar rel. 150bar w164 d636
PT100R-14-LU2-H1131 0100bar rel. 250bar w164 d636
PT160R-14-LU2-H1131 0160bar rel. 400bar w164 d636
PT250R-14-LU2-H1131 0250bar rel. 625bar w164 d636

PT400R-14-LU2-H1131 0400bar rel. 900bar w164 d636
PT600R-14-LU2-H1131 0600bar rel. 900bar w164 d636
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

G1/2 Male Front-flush Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G front-flush Medium temperature -2585C
Operating voltage 930VDC Response time 1ms
Housing material 1.4435 (316L) Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT010R-29-LI3-H1140 010bar rel. 40bar w165 d637
PT016R-29-LI3-H1140 016bar rel. 40bar w165 d637
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 427

Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT025R-29-LI3-H1140 025bar rel. 40bar w165 d637
PT040R-29-LI3-H1140 040bar rel. 120bar w165 d637
PT060R-29-LI3-H1140 060bar rel. 120bar w165 d637
PT100R-29-LI3-H1140 0100bar rel. 320bar w165 d637
PT160R-29-LI3-H1140 0160bar rel. 320bar w165 d637
PT250R-29-LI3-H1140 0250bar rel. 800bar w165 d637
PT400R-29-LI3-H1140 0400bar rel. 800bar w165 d637

G3/4 Male Front-flush Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G front-flush Medium temperature -2585C
Operating voltage 930VDC Response time 1ms
Housing material 1.4435 (316L) Accuracy LHR analog 0.5% of final value
output BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PT010R-26-LI3-H1140 010bar rel. 40bar w165 d638
PT016R-26-LI3-H1140 016bar rel. 40bar w165 d638
PT025R-26-LI3-H1140 025bar rel. 40bar w165 d638
PT040R-26-LI3-H1140 040bar rel. 120bar w165 d638
PT060R-26-LI3-H1140 060bar rel. 120bar w165 d638
PT100R-26-LI3-H1140 0100bar rel. 320bar w165 d638
PT160R-26-LI3-H1140 0160bar rel. 320bar w165 d638
PT250R-26-LI3-H1140 0250bar rel. 800bar w165 d638
PT400R-26-LI3-H1140 0400bar rel. 800bar w165 d638

428 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure sensors without display
PT- series Cylindrical design


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 429

Pressure switch without display

430 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure switch without display

Pressure sensors P
Pressure sensors PC series

Compact IO-Link solution

The PC series is especially made for IO- cure detection of process-relevant val-
Link communication, complying with all ues. They can also be used as simple
typical demands of machine building. switches. Switch and release point are
The sensors communicate on the field- programmed via the IO-Link interface.
bus level via a point-to-point connection.
Cyclic and acyclic services ensure a se-

Made-to-measure solutions

The PC series is equipped with the prov- membrane, the sealings and the trans-
en ceramic measuring cell technology. ducer housing. The sensors are therefore
Thanks to the rugged design, they are protected by a stainless steel housing

ideally suited for hydraulic applications without display which makes them ex-
in a range from -1 to 600 bar. The con- tremely resistant to pressure.
stant pressure cycles exert load on the

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 431

Pressure switch without display

Type code Type code Type cod

PC 250R 2 01 2UPN 8 X H1 1 4 1

PC 250R Functional principle 2 01 Mechanical Design 2UPN 8 X Electrical version

Measuring range Pressure connection Electrical version

01VR -10 bar g 01 G" female thread X with LED display
001R 01 bar g 02 "-18 NPT female thread
001V -11 bar g 03 "-18-NPT male thread Voltage range
003V -12.5 bar g 04 G" male thread 8 1530 VDC
010V -110 bar g 10 R" male thread
Output type
016V -116 bar g 11 R" female thread
2UPN 2 switching
025V -125 bar g outputs
040V -140 bar g Housing
100R 1100 bar g 2 cylindrical type, without
250R 1250 bar g
400R 1400 bar g
600R 1600 bar g

Functional principle
PC Pressure sensor

432 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure switch without display

H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment

Number of contacts
4 4 contacts M12 x 1

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 433

Pressure switch without display
PC-series - Cylindrical design

PC-series - Hydraulic applications with IO-Link

The PC series is equipped with the prov- Features

en ceramic measuring cell technology.
Thanks to the rugged design, they are Compact and rugged design
ideally suited for hydraulic applications Measuring range -1600 bar relative
in a range from -1 to 600 bar. The con- pressure
stant pressure cycles exert load on the IP 67/ 69K
membrane, the sealings and the trans- IO-Link communication
ducer housing. The sensors are therefore 0.5 % f.s.
protected by a stainless steel housing
without display which makes them ex-
tremely resistant to pressure.

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical design, non-ro- -1600 bar rel.
tatable, without display

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link communication Male M12 x 1

2 switching outputs

Connectivity Special features

G and NPT, female and For media temperatures up
male thread to +85 C, IP67/ IP69K

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

434 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure switch without display
PC-series - Cylindrical design

G1/4 Female thread 2 switching outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G female thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1530VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/ Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PC01VR-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d639
PC001V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d639
PC001R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d639
PC003V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar w159 d639
PC010V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar w159 d639
PC016V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar w159 d639
PC025V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar w159 d639
PC040V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar w159 d639
PC100R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar w159 d639
PC250R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar w159 d639
PC400R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar w159 d639
PC600R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d639
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

G1/4 Male thread 2 switching outputs
General data
Output 1 Switching output or Output 2 switching output
IO-Link mode
Protection class IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Mechanical connection G male thread Medium temperature -4085C
Operating voltage 1530VDC Response time 3ms
Housing material 1.4305 (AISI 303)/ Switching frequency 180Hz
Accuracy switching 0.5% v. E. BSL

Types and data selection table

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PC01VR-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -10bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d640
PC001V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -11bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d640
PC001R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 01bar rel. 5,5bar w159 d640
PC003V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -12.5bar rel. 12bar w159 d640
PC010V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -110bar rel. 50bar w159 d640
PC016V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -116bar rel. 80bar w159 d640
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 435

Pressure switch without display
PC-series - Cylindrical design

Table starts on previous page

Type Relative pressure Admissible overpressure
PC025V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -125bar rel. 120bar w159 d640
PC040V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 -140bar rel. 200bar w159 d640
PC100R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 0100bar rel. 450bar w159 d640
PC250R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 0250bar rel. 600bar w159 d640
PC400R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 0400bar rel. 800bar w159 d640
PC600R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 0600bar rel. 900bar w159 d640
Many different types available, also with barrel, see type code

436 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Pressure switch without display
PC-series - Cylindrical design


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 437

Temperature evaluation

438 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation

Temperature sensors Temperature senso

Temperature sensors - Highly optimized specialists for every requirement

Temperature is a critical factor in many tact measurement of surface tempera-

industrial processes and has to be moni- tures in a range between -70 C and
tored constantly in order to operate ma- +1000 C. The distance-spot ratio is
chines and systems safely and efficiently. thereby of importance because it indi-
A reliable and practical solution for tem- cates the diameter (S) of the spot at a
perature measurement are electronic given distance (D).
temperature sensors and transmitters. The TURCK product portfolio guarantees
Reliability is not just provided through maximum flexibility for temperature
high accuracy and repeatability but also measurement through numerous con-
through many available interfaces to the nection possibilities and output signals.
process and the operator. The intelligent sensors of the TS series
Temperature measurement in industrial fulfill all application specific require-
applications is mainly implemented with ments to the optimum through easy pro-
resistance thermometers or thermoele- gramming, flexible process connection
ments. Resistance thermometers accom- and well readable displays. The compact
plish this via temperature-sensitive elec- sensors of the TT/TC series are available
trical resistors. While the resistance of with integrated probe but also with
PTCs increases with the rise of tempera- standard M12 male connection to mount
ture, NTCs behave opposite. external probes. The infrared sensors of
Thermoelements are applied to detect the T-Gage series measure temperatures
temperatures up to +1700 C and higher. contactless between 0 and +300 C at
A thermoelement consists of two differ- wavelengths between 8 and 14 m. A
ent interconnected metals or semicon- further important device of the product
ductors. A temperature difference be- portfolio is the IP67 rated Pt100 resist-

tween the two metals causes electric ance thermometer for temperature
potential of corresponding magnitude at measurements between -50 and
the interconnection. In practice, the tem- +500 C. The temperature probes of the
perature of a cold spot is detected with a TP series are available in different
separate probe from which the tempera- lengths and diameters. The sensor can
ture of the hot spot is then deduced. be adapted to critical applications with a
Infrared sensors are applied for non-con- thermowell.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 439

Temperature evaluation

Temperature senso
Temperature sensors TS series

TS series
Made-to-measure solutions

Due to its high accuracy of 0.2 K, the the temperature and makes program-
temperature sensors of the TS series han- ming easier. The devices are available
dle a large spectrum of applications with with two transistor switching outputs or
only a few devices. Temperature is de- with one switching and one analog out-
tected with a Pt100 directly connected to put. High EMC immunity and protection
the M12 male or via a standard connec- classes IP67/IP69K guarantee reliable op-
tion cable. Temperatures are detected in eration, even under harsh conditions. All
a range between -50 and +500 C. The TS sensors are equipped with an IO-Link
4-digit 7-segment LED display indicates interface.

Flexible mounting

Inclined by 45 the display is well reada- Once the final position is attained, the
ble from any position and even from a device is fixed in place with a second
great distance. Horizontal mounting is coupling nut. Special mounting aids are
also possible. The read direction can be not required. With a diameter of only 34
reversed by 180 degrees via software. mm, several sensors can be mounted
After locking the pressure connection, side by side in confined spaces.
the TS500 can be rotated by 320 de-
grees and moved in any desired position.

Clearly visible display

The bright 4-digit 7-segment display in- the position of the process connection.
dicates the temperature during normal The read direction can be reversed by
operation and is easy to program. The 180 degrees via software. Values are
sloped display allows the sensors to be thus perfectly readable, even if the sen-
mounted on top or in front according to sor is mounted horizontally.

440 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation

ature sensors -
ors TS series
Easy programming

Thanks to the user friendly menu guide needed to view the parameter values. To
the switch and release point, the output protect against unintentional changes of
function, the analog range and various data, the ENTER button for storing the
special functions are easily taught via values is recessed. The button can only
pushbuttons. be pressed with a pointed object, such as
The TS series is programmed with the a ball pen for example.
buttons MODE and SET. Tools are not

Rugged design

The sensor body, temperature and elec- ments. The mineral-insulated probes are
trical connection are made of stainless enormously flexible and temperature-re-
steel. All sensors feature excellent EMC sistant. Rugged TURCK connection ca-
properties and are IP67 protected. Abso- bles provide the necessary security for
lute operational safety is thus guaran- connection.
teed even in rough production environ-

High system availability

The TS series excels in excellent EMC Protection against mechanical impacts

properties and is IP67 protected. Sensor thanks to the rugged design
body, temperature and electrical con- Minimum maintenance effort through
nection of the programmable devices optimized temperature coupling
are made of stainless steel and guaran- Short down-times through high sys-
tee maximum operational safety: tem availability and short replacement
Excellent EMC properties, highly inter- times
ference immune

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 441

Temperature evaluation

Temperature senso
Temperature sensors TS series

TS series
Extremely service-friendly

Flexible mounting options, user-friendli- Recessed programming button

ness and accuracy provide calculable ad- Large and good readable display
vantages, such as: The upper part of the TS500 sensor is
Minimum maintenance effort through rotatable by 320
optimized performance of the sensors Communication via IO-Link
and a streamlined product portfolio. VDMA menu guide (optional)
Easy configuration and operation via

Efficient standardization

A single sensor replaces many conven- Reduced training effort due to simple
tional types. The intelligent temperature and failsafe operation
sensors fulfill many different control High system safety achieved through a
tasks and reduce the number of required rugged design
sensors considerably. 4-pole standard M12 male connection
A reduced inventory pays off for you: at the probe and processor unit
Only a few sensors are needed to cov-
er a large range of applications

442 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation

ature sensors -
ors TS series


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 443

Temperature evaluation

Type code Type code

TS 5 00 LI2U PN 8 X H1 1 4 1
Type cod
TS Functional principle 5 00 Mechanical version LI2U PN 8 X Electrical version
Functional principle Process connection Indication
TS temperature sensor 00 without process connection X... Number of LEDs or
temperature probe via multicolor LED
M12 x 1
Voltage range
Design 8 15(18)30 VDC
4 adjustable, with display,
non-rotatable Output range
5 adjustable, with display, PN PNP/NPN
rotatable output

Output function
2U output 1:
switching output
Ausgang 2:
switching output
LUU output 1:
switching output
output 2:
voltage output
LI2U output 1:
switching output
output 2:

444 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation

H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment
or customized

Number of contacts
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight
3 straight, with adapter

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 445

Temperature evaluation

Designs and variants Designs and varian Designs a

Mechanical connection Connection Output 1 Output 2 Page
Pt100 processing unit Switching and analog Cylindrical, 18 mm male, M12 x 1 Switching output or switching output 449
outputs IO-Link mode Analog or switching
analog output

Pt100 processing unit rotatable Switching Cylindrical, 18 mm male, M12 x 1 Switching output or switching output 451
and analog outputs IO-Link mode Analog or switching
analog output

Processing unit without probe 1 current out- for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 analog output 457
put (2-wire)) tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

Processing unit without probe 1 switching male, M12 x 1 Switching output 457

Temperature transmitter with compact probe G " male thread male, M12 x 1 analog output 458
3 mm 1 current output (2-wire)

Temperature switch with compact probe 3 G " male thread male, M12 x 1 Switching output 458
mm 1 switching output

Temperature transmitter with rod-type probe for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 analog output 459
6 mm 1 current output (2-wire) tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

446 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation

and variants
Mechanical connection Connection Output 1 Output 2 Page
Transmitter with compact probe 3 mm G " male thread male, M12 x 1 analog output 461
Current output (2-wire)

Transmitter with rod-shaped probe 6 mm for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 analog output 461
Current output (2-wire) tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

Compact probe 3 mm Process connection G " male thread male, M12 x 1 473

Rod-type probe 3 mm for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 473

tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

Rod-type probe 6 mm for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 474
tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

Cable probe 6 mm for compression ferrule fit- male, M12 x 1 474

tings, protective tubing or di-
rect mounting

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 447

Temperature evaluation
PS400 series Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

TS400 series Pt 100 probe (4-wire)

The TS400 processor units are incorpo- Features

rated in a non-rotatable, rugged stain-
less steel housing. A standard male Temperature probes connected via
M12 x 1 connection is available for TP male M12 x 1
temperature probes. The display indi- Housing, temperature and electrical
cates the temperature during normal connection are made of stainless steel
operation and guides the operator Highest flexibility through modular
through the programming menu. We of- system
fer sensors with switching outputs or a Secure programming through re-
combination of switching and analog cessed pushbutton and keylock
outputs. IO-Link communication is inte- Permanent display of temperature (C,
grated as a standard. F, K, )
Storage of max/min values

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical, non-rotatable, 50+500 C
with display

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link capable, 2-channel, Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

switching, current or voltage

Connectivity Special features

Cylindrical design 18 mm, Failsafe 3-key operation,
for mounting bracket VDMA menu guide (option-
Male M12 x 1 for probe al), IP67, fully encapsulated

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

448 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation
PS400 series Cylindrical design, non-rotatable

Pt100 processing unit Switching and analog outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Temperature operating -50500C
Mechanical connection Cylindrical, 18mm Response time 100ms
Housing material V2A (1.4305) Switching frequency 180Hz
Remark 0.1% of full scale ap- Switching point accuracy 0.2K
plies to temperatures
> 200C

Types and data selection table

Type Output 2 Operating range Operating voltage Accuracy
(Lin. + Hys. + Rep.)
TS-400-2UPN8X-H1141 switching output 1530VDC w166 d641
TS-400-LI2UPN8X-H1141 Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) 1830VDC 0.2K w167 d641
TS-400-LUUPN8X-H1141 analogue output 010 V/05 V/16 V (3-wire) 1830VDC 0.2K w168 d641


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 449

Temperature evaluation
TS500 series Rotatable

TS500 series fo Pt 100 probe (4-wire)

The TS500 processor units are rotatable Features

by 320 and equipped with 4-digit 7-seg-
ment displays. A standard male M12 x 1 Sensor rotatable by 320
connection is available for TP tempera- Temperature probes connected via
ture probes. The display indicates the male M12 x 1
temperature during normal operation Housing, temperature and electrical
and guides the operator through the connection are made of stainless steel
programming menu. We offer sensors Highest flexibility through modular
with switching outputs or a combination system
of switching and analog outputs. IO-Link Secure programming through re-
communication is integrated as a cessed pushbutton and keylock
standard. Permanent display of temperature (C,
F, K,)
Storage of max/min values

Designs Measuring ranges
Cylindrical, rotatable, with 50+500 C

Electrical versions Electrical connections

IO-Link capable, 2-channel, Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

switching, current or voltage

Connectivity Special features

Cylindrical design 18 mm, Failsafe 3-key operation,
for mounting bracket VDMA menu guide (option-
Male M12x1 for probe al), IP67, fully encapsulated

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

450 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature evaluation
TS500 series Rotatable

Pt100 processing unit rotatable Switching and analog outputs

General data
Output 1 Switching output or Protection class IP67
IO-Link mode
Connection male,M12 x 1 Temperature operating -50500C
Mechanical connection Cylindrical, 18mm Response time 100ms
Housing material V2A (1.4305) Switching frequency 180Hz
Remark 0.1% of full scale ap- Switching point accuracy 0.2K
plies to temperatures
> 200C

Types and data selection table

Type Output 2 Operating range Operating voltage Accuracy
(Lin. + Hys. + Rep.)
TS-500-2UPN8X-H1141 switching output 1530VDC w166 d642
TS-500-LI2UPN8X-H1141 Analog or switching output 420/ 020 mA (3-wire) 1830VDC 0.2K w167 d642
TS-500-LUUPN8X-H1141 analogue output 010 V/05 V/16 V (3-wire) 1830VDC 0.2K w168 d642


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 451

Temperature sensors / processing unit without display

452 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensors / processing unit without display

Temperature senso
Temperature sensors TT/TC series
TT/TC ser
Flexible temperature transmitter and sensor

The sensors of the TT/TC series detect (2-wire). The devices of the TC series in-
temperature with a Pt100 4-wire probe. stead feature a switching output. De-
Available are compact devices with inte- pending on the combination of sensor
grated probe but also with standard M12 and probe, temperatures are measured
connector for separate probes. The tem- in a range between -50+500 C. The
perature transmitters of the TT series fea- temperature range can be customized
ture an analog output 420 mA on request.

Cost-efficient transmitter solution

Termperature transmitters and sensors Versions with integrated probe or

of the TT/TC series are applied in places without probe
where transducers are not required and Connection of separate probes via
the customer needs highest flexibility re- M12 connector
garding the choice of probe and Highest flexibility in choice of probe
thermowell: Further mounting aids are not
Temperature range -50+500 C required

Rugged stainless steel housing, IP67 Analog output 420 mA (TT series) or

protected switching output (TC series)

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 453

Temperature sensors / processing unit without display

Type code Type code

Type cod
TT 103A G1/8 H1 1 4 0 L013 / S713

TT Functional principle 103A Mechanical version G1/8 Process connection

Functional principle Housing Process connection (only devices
TC temperature switch 100A processor unit without with built-on probe)
TT temperature transmitter probe, connection of probe G1/8 G1/8" male thread (only 103A)
via M12 x 1 CF connection compression fitting
103A processor unit with probe thermowell (only 206A)
3 mm, process connection
via standard thread accuracy
class A
206A processor unit with probe
6 mm, process connection
via compression fitting ther-
mowell, accuracy class A

454 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensors / processing unit without display

H1 1 4 0 Electrical connection L013 Probe length / S713 Costumized measuring range
Assignment Probe length in mm Customized measuring range
0 standard assignment L013 13 mm (only with 103A) on request
or customized L024 24 mm (only with 103A) S713 when placing your order add
"/S713" to the type code (e.g.
L100 100 mm (only with 206A) "TT-100-LI6-H1140/S713") and
Number of contacts
L150 150 mm (only with 206A) the following details:
4 4 contacts temperature sensor TC:
desired switch and release
Connector type point
1 straight temperature transmitter TT:
measuring range
(adjustable via analog star and
Connector type
end point)
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 455

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TT/ TC series Cylindrical design

TT/ TC series Temperature transmitters and switches

The temperature transmitters of the TT Features

series as well as the temperature switch-
es of the TC series are available with or Operating range -50 +500 C
without integrated probe. The versions Customized settings
without probe take any Pt100 (4-wire) Transmitter with analog current out-
probe of the TP series. put 420 mA (2-wire), default tem-
The TT temperature transmitters are set perature range 0+150 C
to 0+150 C by default. The processed Sensor with PNP output (NO), custom-
signal is provided via an analog current ized switch and release point
output, 420 mA (2-wire). The TC devic-
es feature a switching output, switch
and release point are set by default. Cus-
tomized settings are available on

Designs Measuring ranges
Compact cylindrical design, 50+500 C
29 mm

Electrical versions Electrical connections

Analog current output Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

420mA (2-wire) or PNP
 switching output (NO)

Connectivity Special features

Probes available with stand- Customized temperature
ard thread, compression fit- range, many connection
ting or thermowell possibilities for the probe

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

456 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TT/ TC series Cylindrical design

Processing unit without probe 1 current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Temperature operating -50500C Mechanical connection for compression fer-
range rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Pressure resistance 100bar Operating voltage 835VDC
Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316) Response time Dependent on con-
nected temperature
Accuracy (Lin. + Hys. + 0.2K

Types and data selection table

TT-100-LI6-H1140 w169 d643

Processing unit without probe 1 switching output

General data
Output 1 switching output Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Temperature operating -50500C
Operating voltage 1530VDC Switching frequency 1kHz
Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316) Ambient temperature -25+80C
Response time Dependent on con- Switching point accuracy 0.2K
nected temperature

Types and data selection table

TC-100-AP6-H1140 w170 d643
TC-100-AP6-H1140/S713 w170 d643

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 457

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TT/ TC series Cylindrical design

Temperature transmitter with compact probe 3 mm 1 current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316 Temperature operating 0150C
Mechanical connection G male thread Pressure resistance 100bar
Operating voltage 835VDC Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316)
Outer diameter 3mm Accuracy Class A
Accuracy (Lin. + Hys. + 0.2K

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TT-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 13mm w169 d644
TT-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 24mm w169 d645

Temperature switch with compact probe 3 mm 1 switching output

General data
Output 1 switching output Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Sensor quality AISI 316
Temperature operating 0150C Mechanical connection G male thread
Pressure resistance 100bar Operating voltage 1530VDC
Switching frequency 1kHz Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316)
Outer diameter 3mm Ambient temperature -25+80C
Switching point accuracy 0.2K Accuracy Class A

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TC-103A-G1/8-AP6-H1140-L013 13mm w170 d644
TC-103A-G1/8-AP6-H1140-L024 24mm w170 d645

458 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TT/ TC series Cylindrical design

Temperature transmitter with rod-type probe 6 mm 1 current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316 Temperature operating 0150C
Mechanical connection for compression fer- Pressure resistance 100bar
rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Operating voltage 835VDC Housing material V4A 1.4401 (AISI 316)
Outer diameter 6mm Accuracy Class A
Accuracy (Lin. + Hys. + 0.2K

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TT-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L0100 100mm w169 d646
TT-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L0150 150mm w169 d647


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 459

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display

460 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display

Temperature senso
Temperature sensors TTM series
TTM serie
Miniature transmitters

The TTM miniature sensors detect tem- the M12 x 1 connector. Depending on
perature with a 4-wire Pt1000 probe. the combination of sensor and probe,
Available are compact devices with inte- temperatures are measured in a range
grated probe. The TTMs are transmitters between -50 +500 C. The tempera-
with analog output 420 mA (2-wire) ture range can be customized on
and have the electronics incorporated in request.

Cost-efficient transmitter solution

Miniature transmitters of the TTM series Versions with integrated rod-type or

are applied in places where transducers screw-in probe
are not required and customers need Highest flexibility in choice of probe
highest flexibility regarding the choice of Depending on the type of probe used,
probe and thermowell: mounting aids are not required
Analog output 420 mA in the Temperature range -50+500 C
M12 x 1 connector hood Protection class IP67


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 461

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display

Type code Type code

Type cod
TTM 100C 203A CF LI6 H1 1 4 0 L100

TTM Functional principle 100C Measuring range 203A Housing

Type Measuring range (other ranges Housing
TTM Temperature transmitter on request) 103A processor unit with probe
miniature 50C 050 C 3 mm, process connection
100C 0100 C via standard thread,
accuracy class A
150C 0150 C
203A for ferrule/thermowell,
probe 3 mm, accuracy
class A
206A for ferrule/thermowell,
probe , probe 6 mm
L100 Insertion depth
Probe length in mm
L100 100 mm
L150 150 mm
special lengths on request!

462 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display

CF Process connection LI6 Electrical Output H1 1 4 0 Electrical connection
Process connection Electrical Output Assignment
G1/8 G1/8" male thread LI6 420 mA 2-wire 0 customized assignment
CF compression fittings
Number of contacts
4 4 contacts

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 463

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TTM series Miniature design

TTM series Miniature transmitters

The miniature transmitters of the TTM Features

series are available with integrated
probe. Miniature sensors of the TTM se- Operating range depending on the
ries fit in the most confined spaces and transmitter -50+500C
measure temperatures precisely via the Customized default settings on
integrated processor and the Pt1000 request
class A measuring element. The over- Analog current output 420 mA
moulded sensor electronics is only (2-wire)
25 mm longer and 1.5 mm wider than a For factory setting see type code
standard M12 x 1 male connector and
provides an output signal of 420 mA
in 2-wire technology.

Designs Measuring ranges
Compact miniature design, 50+500 C

Electrical versions Electrical connections

Analog current output Male M12 x 1, 4-pin

420 mA (2-wire)

Connectivity Special features

Probes available with stand- Customized temperature
ard thread, compression fit- ranges
ting or thermowell

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

464 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TTM series Miniature design

Transmitter with compact probe 3 mm Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Mechanical connection G male thread
Pressure resistance 100bar Operating voltage 1024VDC
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Outer diameter 3mm
Response time t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = Accuracy Class A
6.0 s in water at 0.2
Accuracy (Lin. + Hys. + 0.2K

Types and data selection table

Type Temperature operating range Immersion depth (L)
TTM100C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 0100C 13mm w171 d648
TTM050C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 -5050C -5050C 13mm w171 d648
TTM100C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 0100C 24mm w171 d649
TTM050C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 -5050C -5050C 24mm w171 d649

Transmitter with rod-shaped probe 3 or 6 mm Current output (2-wire)

General data
Output 1 analog output Operating range 420 mA (2-wire)
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Mechanical connection for compression fer-
rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Pressure resistance 100bar Operating voltage 1024VDC
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Accuracy Class A

Accuracy (Lin. + Hys. + 0.2K

Types and data selection table

Type Temperature operating range Outer diameter Immersion depth (L) Response time
TTM100C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0100C 3mm 100mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d650
L100 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM100C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0100C 3mm 150mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d651
L150 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0150C 3mm 100mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d650
L100 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0150C 3mm 150mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d651
L150 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- -50150C 3mm 100mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d650
L100-50150C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- -50150C 3mm 150mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d651
L150-50150C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM050C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- -5050C 3mm 100mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d650
L100-5050C in water at 0.2 m/s
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 465

Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TTM series Miniature design

Table starts on previous page

Type Temperature operating range Outer diameter Immersion depth (L) Response time
TTM050C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140- -5050C 3mm 150mm t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = 6.0 s w171 d651
L150-5050C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM100C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0100C 6mm 100mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L100 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM100C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0100C 6mm 150mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L150 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0150C 6mm 100mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L100 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- 0150C 6mm 150mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L150 in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- -50150C 6mm 100mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L100-50150C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- -50150C 6mm 150mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L150-50150C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM050C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- -5050C 6mm 100mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L100-5050C in water at 0.2 m/s
TTM050C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140- -5050C 6mm 150mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
L150-5050C in water at 0.2 m/s
6mm 100mm t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s w171 d652
in water at 0.2 m/s

466 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensor / processing unit without display
TTM series Miniature design


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 467

Temperature probes

468 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature probes

Temperature probe
Temperature probes TP series
TP series
Highest possible flexibility

A temperature probe has to be flexible is thus compensated and a possible in-

and robust. All Pt100 probes of the TP se- fluence on the measured value is avoid-
ries are therefore mineral-insulated, ed right from the start when using long
equipped with a standard process con- cable connections between the probes
nection and available ex-stock. Moreo- and the processing units.
ver, TURCK Pt100 probes are provided in
4-wire technology. The power resistance

High operational safety

The mineral-insulated probes from Longevity even under extreme condi-

TURCK are characterized by enormous tions (sheathed cables oxidize only on
flexibility and temperature resistance. one side and thus achieve double life
Further advantages: cycles compared to tubes with the
High accuracy same wall thickness)
Weldability (like a tube)


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 469

Temperature probes

Type code Type code

Type cod
TP 103 A G1/8 H1 1 4 0 L013

TP Functional principle 103 A Mechanical version G1/8 Process connection

Functional principle Accuracy Process connection
TP temperature probe A accuracy class A (only devices with built-on probe)
DN25 DN25 fr milk pipe connec-
tion DIN 11851
CF connection via compression
103 processor unit with probe fitting or thermowell
3 mm, process connec-
tion via standard thread G1/8 G1/8" male thread
accuracy class A TRI3/4 3/4" Tri-Clamp
104 process connection for
food applications, probe
4 mm, accuracy class A
203 for compression fitting/
thermowell mounting
probe 3 mm, accuracy
class A
206 for compression fitting/
thermowell mounting
probe 6 mm,
306 cable probe 6 mm

470 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature probes

H1 1 4 0 Electrical connection L013 Insertion depth
Assignment Probe length in mm
0 customized L013 13 mm (only 103A)
L024 25 mm (only 103A)
Number of contacts L035 35 mm (only 104A)
4 4 contacts L100 100 mm (only 104A,
203A, 206A)
Connector type L150 150 mm (only 203A, 206A)
1 straight L200 200 mm (only 203A, 206A)
L250 250 mm (only 203A, 206A)
Connector type L300 300 mm (only 203A, 206A)
H1 connector M12 x 1 L1000 1000 mm (only 306A)
L2000 2000 mm (only 306A)
L5000 5000 mm (only 306A)
special lengths on request!


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 471

Temperature probes
TP series - For all processing units

Pt100 temperature probes in 4-wire technology

The core element of the TP series is a Features

Pt 100 measuring resistor in 4-wire tech-
nology. All probes are connected to the Pt100 probe acc. to DIN EN 60751
processing unit via standard male Vibration and shock-resistant
M12 x 1. Class A for temp. < 350 C
Resistance thermometers are used in Class B for temp. > 350 C
places where temperatures must be de- Connectable to TS, TT and TC series as
tected and monitored to control and op- well as IM34, BL20 and BL67
timize processes. Typical applications
are process plants, manufacturing facili-
ties and units as well as air-conditioning

Designs Measuring ranges
All types available: With 50+500 C
standard process connec-
tion, lengths and diameters
(3/6 mm), up to freely se-
lectable types

Electrical versions Electrical connections

Pt100 4-wire, other types on Male M12 x 1, 4-pin


Connectivity Special features

Probes available with stand- Mineral-insulated probe,
ard thread, compression fit- IP68
ting or thermowell

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

472 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature probes
TP series - For all processing units

Compact probe 3 mm Process connection

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Temperature operating -50120C
Mechanical connection G male thread Pressure resistance 100bar
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Outer diameter 3mm
Response time t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = Accuracy Class A
6.0 s in water at
0.2 m/s

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TP-103A-G1/8-H1141-L013 13mm w172 d653
TP-103A-G1/8-H1141-L024 24mm w172 d654

Rod-type probe 3 mm
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Temperature operating -50500C
Mechanical connection for compression fer- Pressure resistance 100bar
rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Outer diameter 3mm
Response time t0.5 = 1.5 s/ t0.9 = Accuracy Class A
6.0 s in water at
0.2 m/s

Types and data selection table
Type Immersion depth (L)
TP-203A-CF-H1141-L100 100mm w172 d655
TP-203A-CF-H1141-L150 150mm w172 d655
TP-203A-CF-H1141-L250 250mm w172 d655
TP-203A-CF-H1141-L200 200mm w172 d655
TP-203A-CF-H1141-L300 300mm w172 d655

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 473

Temperature probes
TP series - For all processing units

Rod-type probe 6 mm
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Temperature operating -50500C
Mechanical connection for compression fer- Pressure resistance 100bar
rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Housing material V4A (1.4404) Outer diameter 6mm
Response time t0.5 = 6 s/ t0.9 = 15 s Accuracy Class A
in water at 0.2 m/s

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TP-206A-CF-H1141-L100 100mm w172 d656
TP-206A-CF-H1141-L150 150mm w172 d656
TP-206A-CF-H1141-L200 200mm w172 d656
TP-206A-CF-H1141-L300 300mm w172 d656

Cable probe 6 mm
General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Sensor quality AISI 316L Temperature operating -50105C
Mechanical connection for compression fer- Housing material V4A (1.4404)
rule fittings, protective
tubing or direct
Outer diameter 6mm Response time t0.5 = 8 s/ t0.9 = 20 s
in water at 0.2 m/s
Accuracy Class A

Types and data selection table

Type Immersion depth (L)
TP-306A-CF-H1141-L1000 1000mm w172 d657
TP-306A-CF-H1141-L5000 5000mm w172 d657

474 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature probes
TP series - For all processing units


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 475

Temperature sensors

476 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensors

Temperature senso
Temperature sensors M18T series
M18T ser
Resistant infrared sensors

Infrared sensors of the M18T series de- m, is transformed into an electrical sig-
tect heat contactless in a range between nal by a thermopile and then converted
0+300 C. The sensors operate as re- into an output signal.
ceivers and the objects are the heat No matter which device you use, the
emitting sources. The thermal radiation switchpoint as well as the measuring
of an object, normally between 8 and 14 range are easily taught.

Non-contact detection of temperature

The rugged MT18 infrared sensors moni- Temperature range 0+300 C

tor hot objects such as bakery products, Versions with analog output 010 V
metals or bottles. They also monitor or switching output
flame brazing, blasting or straightening Easy teaching of measuring range or
processes and also hot glueing applied swichtpoint.
in packaging stations, book binding and Compact and rugged stainless steel
product assembly. housing for harsh environments


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 477

Temperature sensors
Non-contact detection of temperature

Infrared sensors M18T

The non-contact sensors of the M18T se- Features

ries are mainly passive receivers. The
thermal radiation of an object, normally Temperature range 0+300 C
between 8 and 14 m, is transformed DS-ratio 6:1, 8:1 and 14:1
into an electrical signal in a thermopile Teaching via pushbutton or cable
and then converted into an output sig- Switching output PNP/NPN or analog
nal. The D:S (distance: spot) ratio, which output 010 V/420 mA
specifies the spot diameter at a defined Version with analog output: PNP-
distance, is important in this context. To alarm outputs 10 V/20 mA when
monitor the surface temperature of the reaching the end of the measuring
object optimally, the spot should be cov- range
ered completely by the object. 2 m connection cable or male M12 x 1
Available are devices with switching out-
put (NO/ PNP) or with analog voltage
output 010 V. Easy teaching of meas-
uring range or swichtpoint.

Type code M18T

M18T B 8 Q

M18T Design B Electrical output 8 Special functions

Design Electrical output Special functions
M18T cylinder, smooth B PNP/NPN 8 distance - spot ratio
59.2 x 18 mm UP Uo = 010V
65 x 18 mm alarm output, PNP
78 x 18 mm
83.8 x 18 mm

Q Electrical connection
Electrical connection
Q connector, M12 x 1.5-pole

478 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Temperature sensors
Non-contact detection of temperature

M18T Switching output/analog output

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Temperature operating 0300C Housing material V2A (1.4301)
Ambient temperature -20+70C Function infrared sensor

Types and data selection table

Type Operating voltage Output D:S ratio
M18TB8Q 1030VDC , PNP/NPN 8:1 w173 d658
M18TB6EQ 1030VDC , PNP/NPN 6:1 w173 d659
M18TB14Q 1030VDC , PNP/NPN 14:1 w173 d660
M18TIP8Q 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 420mA 8:1 w174 d658
M18TIP6EQ 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 420mA 6:1 w174 d659
M18TIP14Q 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 420mA 14:1 w174 d660
M18TUP8Q 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 010V 8:1 w175 d658
M18TUP6EQ 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 010V 6:1 w175 d659
M18TUP14Q 1230VDC , PNP/analog output, 010V 14:1 w175 d660

Many different types available, also with cable, see type code


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 479


480 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Inclinometers Inclinometers
Inclinometers Solutions for any application

No matter if applied in harvesters, agri- The dielectric of this differential capaci-

cultural and construction machinery, in tor is designed as a resilient pendulum. If
vehicles and airplanes or in machines, ro- the position of the sensor changes, the
bots and solar plants: Sensors for meas- dielectric in the middle moves, causing
uring and monitoring inclination are uni- the capacitance ratio between both elec-
versally applicable and help to improve trodes to change. This change in capaci-
the safety and efficiency of operation tance is exactly measured and evaluated
processes. to determine the angular tilt.
Inclination is defined as the relative an- The extremely rugged TURCK inclinome-
gular tilt to the horizon or perpendicular. ters are also suited for fast production
Inclinometers use the local gravity re- sequences and withstand impacts. The
spectively acceleration of gravity as a ref- standard product portfolio comprises
erence to measure angular tilt. The rectangular shaped, biaxially operating
measuring principle is similar to that of inclinometers Q20L60, with angular
perpendicular drop, whereby the mass is ranges of 10, 45 and 60. It also in-
directly related to the gravitational field. cludes devices with analog voltage, cur-
Following this principle, inclinometers rent or ratiometric output as well as 20
use mechanical pendulums, bending mm uniaxial versions with freely adjusta-
beams or liquids like in water-levels. ble measuring range 0 360 and
TURCK inclinometers incorporate a mi- analog or digital output.
cromechanical pendulum based on The Q42 complementing the product
MEMS technology (Mikro Elektro Me- range, features a standard CANopen in-
chanic Systems). The core piece is a ca- terface (CiA DS-301). These sensors pro-
pacitive sensor element consisting of vide baud rates of 10 kbps up to 1 Mbps,
two parallel arranged plate electrodes high sampling rates and bandwidths as
with a dielectric in the middle. well as a parametrizable vibrostability.


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 481


Our stren
Our strenghts You
Our strenghts Your advantages

High repeatability

The Q20L60 series is the right solution Q20L60 and Q42 inclinometers both fea-
for high-precision applications, operat- ture a resolution of up to 0.04.
ing with a repeatability of 0.01 % f.s.

High protection rating

The sensors are IP68 and IP69K protect- +70 C to -25 C, dwell cycle per tem-
ed, fulfilling high requirements such as: perature 1 hour.
24 hrs. continuous storage at +70 C Suited for high pressure steam-jet
24 hrs. continuous storage at -25 C cleaning acc. to DIN 40050-9, following
7 days submersed, depth 1 m EN 60529
Thermal shock resistant, 10 times

360 freely selectable range

The uniaxial inclinometers operate over teach adapter. Select the start value,
the full range of 360 and deliver signals then press and hold the teach adapter
between 4 and 20 mA or 0.1 and 4.9 V VB2-SP3 for 1 seconds. Then select the
corresponding to the angular position. end value, press and hold the teach
The measuring range is adjusted via adapter for 3 seconds.

482 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

nghts - Your
ur advantages

CANopen interface

The inclinometers with CANopen inter- rates and bandwidths as well as a para-
face (CIA DS-301) provide baud rates of metrizable vibrostability.
10 kbps up to 1Mbps, high sampling

Easy zero point calibration

The home position (zero point) is easily press the teach adapter for just 1 second
set with the teach adapter VB2-SP3. and the sensor is calibrated!
Move the sensor in the wanted position,


Programmable switchpoints

The inclinometer with digital output fea- cranes and utility vehicles are thus de-
tures two programmable switchpoints tected and monitored for example.
that can be set with the teach adapter
TX1-Q20L60. Different positions at

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 483


Type code Type code

Type cod
B2N 10 H Q20 L60 2 UP 6 X3 H1 1 5 1

B2N 10 H Functional principle Q20 L60 Additional information 2 UP 6 X3 Electrical version

Mounting Additional information Indication
H horizontal Housing X number of LEDs
V vertical L length of housing or multicolor LED

Optional features Housing Voltage range

10 -10+10 Q20 rectangular, 6 1030 VDC,
height 20 mm
45 -45+45
Q42 rectangular, Output function
60 -60+60 height 42 mm CN CANopen
360 0360 interface
UP switching output
Functional principle parameterizable
B1N inclinometer, LI2 analog output
uniaxial 420 mA
B2N inclinometer, LU3 analog output
biaxial 0.14.9 V

Number of outputs
blank 1 output
2 2 outputs

484 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

H1 1 5 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment

Number of contacts

Connector type
1 straight
3 straight, with adapter

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 485


Designs and variants Designs and varian Designs a

Design Connection Output Page
Biaxial standard series with analog outputs Rectangular Q20L60 Male, M12 x 1 0.1...4.9V 489
30x 20x 60mm 4...20mA

Uniaxial 360, with adjustable measuring range Rectangular Q20L60 Male, M12 x 1 4...20mA 489
30x 20x 60mm 0.1...4.9V

Uniaxial 360 with two programmable Rectangular Q20L60 Male, M12 x 1 / 490
switchpoints 30x 20x 60mm

Uniaxial or biaxial CANopen interface Rectangular Q42 M12 x 1 490

52x 42x 68mm

486 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

and variants


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 487

Solutions for many applications

Inclinometers for many applications

The standard product portfolio compris- Features

es rectangular shaped, biaxially operat-
ing inclinometers Q20L60, with angular Compact rectangular design
ranges of 10, 45 and 60. It also in- High-speed measurement
cludes devices with analog voltage, cur- Long-term stable and reliable
rent or ratiometric output as well as Zero point calibration
20 mm uniaxial versions with freely ad- High protection classes IP68 and IP69K
justable measuring range 0 360 and Extremely robust
analog or digital output. Optimum alignment
The Q42 complementing the product Adjustable measuring range
range, features a standard CANopen in- Adjustable switchpoints
terface (CiA DS-301). The inclinometers Easily mounted
provide baud rates of 10 kbps up to
1Mbps, high sampling rates and band-
widths as well as a parametrizable

Designs Electrical versions
Compact housing, 20 mm Digital as well as analog cur-

and 42 mm high rent and voltage outputs

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Angular ranges 10, 45, Male M12 x 1 for easy
60, 85 and 360 installation

Materials Special features

Rugged plastic housings, Zero point calibration and
fully encapsulated, adjustment of measuring
chemical-resistant range

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

488 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Solutions for many applications

Biaxial standard series with analog outputs

General data
Protection class IP68 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PC
Ambient temperature -30+70 C Dimensions 30x 20x 60mm
Repeatability 0.2 % of measuring
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Measuring range Output Absolute accuracy Temperature Resolution
(at 25 C) coefficient typical
B2N10H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 -1010 0.14.9V +/-0.3 0.01/K <0.04 w176 d661
B2N45H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 -4545 0.14.9V +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.1 w176 d661
B2N60H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 -6060 0.14.9V +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.14 w176 d661
B2N85H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 -8585 0.14.9V +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.14 w176 d661
B2N10H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 -1010 420mA +/-0.3 0.01/K <0.04 w177 d661
B2N45H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 -4545 420mA +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.1 w177 d661
B2N60H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 -6060 420mA +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.14 w177 d661
B2N85H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 -8585 420mA +/-0.5 0.03/K <0.14 w177 d661

Uniaxial 360, with adjustable measuring range

General data
Measuring range 0360 Protection class IP68 / IP69K
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Housing material PC Ambient temperature -30+70 C
Dimensions 30x 20x 60mm Temperature coefficient 0.03/K
Resolution <0.14 Repeatability 0.2 % of measuring Inclinometers
range |A - B|

Types and data selection table

Type Output
B1N360V-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 420mA w178 d661
B1N360V-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 0.14.9V w179 d661

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 489

Solutions for many applications

Uniaxial 360 with two programmable switchpoints

General data
Measuring range 0360 Protection class IP68 / IP69K
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output / Housing material PC
Ambient temperature -30+70 C Dimensions 30x 20x 60mm
Absolute accuracy +/-0.5 Temperature coefficient 0.03/K
(at 25 C) typical
Resolution <0.14

Types and data selection table

B1N360V-Q20L60-2UP6X3-H1151 w180 d661

Uniaxial or biaxial CANopen interface

General data
Protection class IP68 / IP69K Connection M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Housing material PA12-GF30
Ambient temperature -40+80 C Dimensions 52x 42x 68mm
Temperature coefficient 0.008/K Resolution <0.01

Types and data selection table

Type Measuring range Absolute accuracy (at 25 C)
B2N10H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 010 +/-0.05 w181 d662
B2N45H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 045 +/-0.05 w181 d662
B2N60H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 060 +/-0.05 w181 d662
B1N360V-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 0360 +/-0.1 w181 d662

490 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 491

Contactless operating linear positions sensors

492 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors

Linear position sens

Linear position sensors

Linear position sensors Wear-free measurement of path and position

Position measuring systems are available Metal chips or external magnetic fields,
in most varying designs and for many both strongly impair the functionality of
different applications. The aim is to opti- positioning magnets. The customer al-
mize production processes, simplify ways gets the perfect solution regard-
quality assurance and reduce production less of whether short range measure-
costs and failure rates. ments of 25 mm or long range
The application possibilities are many measurements of up to 1000 mm need
and varied. High repeatability and linear- to be implemented.
ity, simple installation, a rugged design The WIM-Q25L sensors are magnetically
and wear-free measurement, last but not actuated and feature measuring ranges
least a large measuring range and short of up to 200 mm. Working on the basis of
blind zones are the features which an in- the Hall principle, they achieve high line-
dustrial-suited position detection system arity and repeatability and have ex-
should have. tremely short blind zones. The magnet of
The new LI series of inductive linear posi- WIM sensors is axially magnetized, allow-
tion sensors can replace expensive mag- ing the sensors to be mounted directly
netostrictive position detection systems on pneumatic cylinders, flow meters or
as well as cheap but susceptible potenti- hydraulic valves.
ometers. Thanks to a new revolutionary The LTX-R10 are magnetostrictive sen-
measuring principle, position is not de- sors, optimized for precise position con-
tected via a positioning magnet but via trol in hydraulic cylinders. They can also
an inductive oscillating circuit. The sen- be used for level control when combined
sor is thus completely immune to mag- with optionally available floating mag-
netic fields generated by large motors nets. Being very rugged and operating
for example. with absolute values, they need not be
Injection moulding or metal processing reset to zero.
are typical applications for LI sensors.

Linear position

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 493

Contactless operating linear positions sensors

Inductive linear pos
Inductive linear position sensors

position s
Inductive linear position sensors

The new Li-Q25L inductive linear posi- immune to magnetic fields, such as gen-
tion sensors operate on the basis of a erated by large motors for example. The
completely new, revolutionary measur- new sensors operate wear-free, feature
ing principle, combining the positive fea- short blind zones and excellent EMC
tures of standard measuring systems. Po- properties. The measuring range is ad-
sition is not detected via a positioning justed via pushbutton. Thanks to the ex-
magnet but via an inductive oscillating tremely short blind zones, the sensors
circuit, making the devices completely are very compactly shaped.

Rugged and leakproof housing

Sensors of the Li-Q25L series are built in series are built in a highly tight plastic
an aluminium cast housing with a high- housing, resisting many aggressive sub-
quality plastic inlay. They are available in stances. They are available in different
lengths from 100 mm to 1000 mm. The lengths from 50 mm to 200 mm (series
compact Li-Q17L as well as the LiQR14 Li-Q17L) or 25 mm (LiQR14)

Short blind zones

Very short blind zones provide highest range of the devices with analog output
mounting flexibility for many different is either pin-programed or set via teach
applications. Even when mounted in adapter within seconds. The teach-in
confined spaces, the entire measuring process is comfortably controlled via LED
range is exploitable. The measuring at the sensor.

494 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors

e linear
sition sensors

Flexible process connection

Different output types such as analog remote I/O systems for example. A stand-
current or voltage but also SSI enable ard male M12 x 1 makes the use of other
connection to the higher level control special connectors redundant. In addi-
system. The signal is thus easily coupled tion, we also offer IO-Link operable
to different fieldbuses using the TURCK sensors.

Highest accuracy

The standard version already achieves a sensors immune to magnetic fields and
very high degree of linearity and repeat- provides excellent EMC properties. Me-
ability, sufficient for most applications. If chanical interferences are also hold off.
the standard version should not comply The distance between sensor and posi-
with your demands in this respect, the tioning element as well as vibration and
high-end series does. Frequency con- roughness in the guidance have no ef-
verters, large motors, ferrous metals or fect on the output signal.
permanent magnets are no problem at
all. Inductive RLC coupling makes the

Magnetic linear position sensors

Linear position

The WIM-Q25L series of magnetically ac- blind zones. The Q25L series is thus per-
tuated linear position sensors features fectly suited for applications requiring
measuring ranges of up to 200 mm. precise signal transmission over long dis-
Working on the basis of the Hall princi- tances, such as in pneumatic pumps,
ple, they achieve high linearity and re- slides, blanking or moulding systems.
peatability and have extremely short

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 495

Contactless operating linear positions sensors

Type code Type code

Type cod
Li 100 P1 Q25L M1 2 LiUPN8 X3 H1 1 5 1 S97

Li 100 P1 Inductive
linear position sensor Q25L M1 Design E LiUPN8 X3 Electrical version
Positioning element Mounting aid Number of LEDs
P0 without positioning M0 withour mounting aid X2 2 x LED
element M1 M1-Q25L or X3 3 x LED
P1 P1-Li-Q25L or M1.1-Q17L/
P1-Li-QR14/Q17L M1.2-Q17L Output mode
P2 P2-Li-Q25L M2 M2-Q25L LiUPN8 IO-Link capable,
P3 P3-Li-Q25L M4 M4-Q25L analog output,
P4 P4-Li-Q25L switching output
Design LiU5 analog output
Measuring range (mm) Q25L rectangular, (I/U) 420 mA,
25 x 35 mm 010 V
Q25L 00 mm 1000 mm,
adjustable in steps of Q17L rectangular, LU4 analog output
100 mm 16.5 x 20 mm (U) 0,54,5 V
Q17L 50 mm SG24 SSi, Gray 24 Bit
100 mm SG25 SSI, Gray 25 Bit
150 mm SG26 SSI, Gray 26 Bit
200 mm
300 mm SB24 SSI, binary 24 Bit
SB25 SSI, binary 25Bit
Functional principle SB26 SSI, binary 26 Bit
Li Linear inductive
E increased
Electrical connection
H1 1 5 1 (Q25L) S97 Special version (Q17L) resolution
HE increased
Assignment Special version
1 standard assign- S97 extended temperature
ment or customized range -40+70 C, only with
electrical version LU4
Number of contacts
5 5-pole
8 8-pole

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1

0,3-RS5 Electrical connection (Q17L)

Electrical connection cable
0,3-RS5 cable 0.3 m,
male M12 x 1
cable 2 m, open end

496 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors

WIM 200 Q25L LIU5 X2 H1 1 5 1

WIM 200 Functional principle Q25L Design LIU5 X2 Electrical version

Measuring range Housing Indication
200 range in mm Q25L rectangular X2 2 x LED
25 x 35 mm
Functional principle Output function
WIM magnet-actuated LIU5 analog output (I/U)
Hall elements, axially 420 mA, 010 V
polarized in direction
of motion

H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection
1 standard assignment or

Number of contacts
4 4-pole

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1

Linear position

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 497

Contactless operating linear positions sensors

Designs and variants

and voltage output

Designs and varian
Designs a
Li-QR14 and Li-Q17L Compact series with current Rectangular QR14
Rectangular Q17L
2m cable
0.3m cable with connector,
Analog output, 4...20mA, 0...10V
Analog output, 0.5...4.5V
49x 14x 53.5mm M12 x 1
20x 16.5x 88mm
20x 16.5x 131mm
20x 16.5x 181mm
20x 16.5x 231mm
20x 16.5x 331mm
Li-Q25L Standard series with current and volt- Rectangular Q25L male, M12 x 1 Analog output, 4...20mA, 0...10V 503
age output 35x 25x 158mm
35x 25x 258mm
35x 25x 358mm
35x 25x 458mm
35x 25x 558mm
35x 25x 658mm
35x 25x 758mm
35x 25x 858mm
35x 25x 958mm
35x 25x 1058mm
Li-Q25L High-end E-series with SSI interface Rectangular Q25L male, M12 x 1 SSi, 25 Bit, Gray 503
35x 25x 158mm
35x 25x 258mm
35x 25x 358mm
35x 25x 458mm
35x 25x 558mm
35x 25x 658mm
35x 25x 758mm
35x 25x 858mm
35x 25x 958mm
35x 25x 1058mm
Li-Q25L High-end H-series with high-speed SSI Rectangular Q25L male, M12 x 1 SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, synchron 504
interface 35x 25x 158mm
35x 25x 258mm
35x 25x 358mm
35x 25x 458mm
35x 25x 558mm
35x 25x 658mm
35x 25x 758mm
35x 25x 858mm
35x 25x 958mm
35x 25x 1058mm

498 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Inductive linear position sensors

and variants
Li-Q25L High-end E-series, IO-Link capable
Rectangular Q25L
35x 25x 158mm
male, M12 x 1
Output Page
/, PNP/NPN, Analog output, 505
4...20mA, 0...10V
35x 25x 258mm
35x 25x 358mm
35x 25x 458mm
35x 25x 558mm
35x 25x 658mm
35x 25x 758mm
35x 25x 858mm
35x 25x 958mm
35x 25x 1058mm
WIM-Q25L with current and voltage output Rectangular Q25L male, M12 x 1 Analog output, 4...20mA, 0...10V 507
35x 25x 141mm
35x 25x 166mm
35x 25x 201mm
35x 25x 241mm

WIM-Q25L with current output, intrinsically safe, Rectangular Q25L male, M12 x 1 Analog output, 4...20mA 507
loop-powered 35x 25x 141mm
35x 25x 166mm
35x 25x 201mm
35x 25x 241mm

Linear position

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 499

Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Inductive linear position sensors

Inductive linear position sensors

The inductive linear position sensors are Features

available with measuring ranges from
100 mm to 1000 mm. They operate Li-Q25L: Rugged aluminium strand
wear-free, feature short blind zones and cast housing and watertight polycar-
excellent EMC properties. The devices bonate inlay
are available with analog output Li-Q17L: Fully encapsulated plastic
(420mA and 010V) or SSi interface. housing
The measuring range is adjusted via Many mounting possibilities
pushbutton. Thanks to the extremely Programmable measuring range
short blind zones, they are also very Standard male M12 x 1, 5-pole
compact. In addition, the IO-Link capa- Measuring range indicated via LED
ble version can be parametrized with Immune to external magnetic fields
switching outputs. Extremely short blind zones

Designs Electrical versions
Compact design, short blind Analog outputs 420 mA,

zones 010 V, IO-Link , SSI

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Smallest version 25 mm, Proven male M12 x 1 con-
largest 1000 mm nection for easy installation

Materials Special features

Closed housing, protection Teachable measuring range
rating IP68

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

500 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Compact series with current and voltage output

Li-QR14 and Li-Q17L Compact series with current and voltage output, 2 m cable
General data
Linearity deviation 0.5% of full scale LED
Protection class IP67 Connection 2m cable
Description Rectangular, plastic Temperature drift 0.01% / K
Resolution 12bit

Positioning element and mounting aids included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Measuring Operating voltage Output Ambient Dimensions
range temperature
LI25P1-QR14-LIU5X2 25mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 49x 14x 53.5mm w182 d663
LI25P1-QR14-LU4X2/S97 25mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 49x 14x 53.5mm w054 d663
LI50P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2 50mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 88mm w183 d664
LI50P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2/S97 50mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 88mm w184 d664
LI100P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2 100mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 131mm w183 d665
LI100P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2/S97 100mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 131mm w184 d665
LI150P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2 150mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 181mm w183 d666
LI150P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2/S97 150mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 181mm w184 d666
LI200P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2 200mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 231mm w183 d667
LI200P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2/S97 200mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 231mm w184 d667
LI300P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2 300mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 331mm w183 d668
LI300P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2/S97 300mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 331mm w184 d668

Linear position

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 501

Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Compact series with current and voltage output

Li-QR14 and Li-Q17L Compact series with current and voltage output, cable with male end 0.3 m
General data
Linearity deviation 0.5% of full scale LED
Protection class IP67 Connection 0.3m Cable with con-
nector,M12 x 1
Description Rectangular, plastic Temperature drift 0.01% / K
Resolution 12bit

Positioning element and mounting aids included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Measuring Operating Output Ambient Dimensions
range voltage temperature
LI25P1-QR14-LIU5X2-0,3-RS4 25mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 49x 14x 53.5mm w185 d669
LI25P1-QR14-LU4X2-0,3-RS4/S97 25mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 49x 14x 53.5mm w186 d669
LI50P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2-0,3-RS5 50mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 88mm w187 d670
LI50P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2-0,3-RS5/S97 50mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 88mm w188 d670
LI100P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2-0,3-RS5 100mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 131mm w187 d671
LI100P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2-0,3-RS5/S97 100mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 131mm w188 d671
LI150P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2-0,3-RS5 150mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 181mm w187 d672
LI150P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2-0,3-RS5/S97 150mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 181mm w188 d672
LI200P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2-0,3-RS5 200mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 231mm w187 d673
LI200P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2-0,3-RS5/S97 200mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 231mm w188 d673
LI300P1-Q17LM1-LIU5X2-0,3-RS5 300mm 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70C 20x 16.5x 331mm w187 d674
LI300P1-Q17LM1-LU4X2-0,3-RS5/S97 300mm 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70C 20x 16.5x 331mm w188 d674

502 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Compact series with current and voltage output

Li-Q25L Standard series with current and voltage output

General data
LED Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Description rectangular, alumini-
um / plastic
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output Analog output,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Temperature drift 0.003% / K
Resolution 12bit

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
LI100P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.1% of full scale 100mm 35x 25x 158mm w187 d675
LI200P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.1% of full scale 200mm 35x 25x 258mm w187 d675
LI300P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.1% of full scale 300mm 35x 25x 358mm w187 d675
LI400P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.075% of full scale 400mm 35x 25x 458mm w187 d675
LI500P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.07% of full scale 500mm 35x 25x 558mm w187 d675
LI600P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.065% of full scale 600mm 35x 25x 658mm w187 d675
LI700P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.065% of full scale 700mm 35x 25x 758mm w187 d675
LI800P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.06% of full scale 800mm 35x 25x 858mm w187 d675
LI900P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.06% of full scale 900mm 35x 25x 958mm w187 d675
LI1000P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 0.056% of full scale 1000mm 35x 25x 1058mm w187 d675
Devices with included mounting aids and positioning elements available, see type code

Li-Q25L High-end E-series with SSI interface

General data
LED Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Description rectangular, alumini-
um / plastic
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output SSi, 25 Bit, Gray
Ambient temperature -25+70C Temperature drift 0.0001% / K Linear position

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
LI100P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.1% of full scale 100mm 35x 25x 158mm w189 d675
LI200P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.1% of full scale 200mm 35x 25x 258mm w189 d675
LI300P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.07% of full scale 300mm 35x 25x 358mm w189 d675
LI400P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.05% of full scale 400mm 35x 25x 458mm w189 d675
LI500P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.05% of full scale 500mm 35x 25x 558mm w189 d675
LI600P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.04% of full scale 600mm 35x 25x 658mm w189 d675
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 503

Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Compact series with current and voltage output

Table starts on previous page

Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
LI700P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.04% of full scale 700mm 35x 25x 758mm w189 d675
LI800P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 800mm 35x 25x 858mm w189 d675
LI900P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 900mm 35x 25x 958mm w189 d675
LI1000P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 1000mm 35x 25x 1058mm w189 d675
Devices with included mounting aids and positioning elements available, see type code

Li-Q25L High-end H-series with high-speed SSI interface

General data
LED Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Description rectangular, alumini-
um / plastic
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output SSi, 25 Bit, Gray,
Ambient temperature -25+70C Temperature drift 0.0001% / K

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
LI100P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.1% of full scale 100mm 35x 25x 158mm w189 d675
LI200P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.1% of full scale 200mm 35x 25x 258mm w189 d675
LI300P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.07% of full scale 300mm 35x 25x 358mm w189 d675
LI400P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.05% of full scale 400mm 35x 25x 458mm w189 d675
LI500P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.05% of full scale 500mm 35x 25x 558mm w189 d675
LI600P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.04% of full scale 600mm 35x 25x 658mm w189 d675
LI700P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.04% of full scale 700mm 35x 25x 758mm w189 d675
LI800P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 800mm 35x 25x 858mm w189 d675
LI900P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 900mm 35x 25x 958mm w189 d675
LI1000P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 0.035% of full scale 1000mm 35x 25x 1058mm w189 d675

504 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Compact series with current and voltage output

Li-Q25L High-end E-series, IO-Link capable

General data
LED Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Description rectangular, alumini-
um / plastic
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output /, PNP/
NPN, analog output,

Ambient temperature -25+70C Temperature drift 0.003% / K

Resolution 16bit

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Linearity deviation Measuring range Dimensions
LI100P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.1% of full scale 100mm 35x 25x 158mm w190 d675
LI200P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.1% of full scale 200mm 35x 25x 258mm w190 d675
LI300P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.07% of full scale 300mm 35x 25x 358mm w190 d675
LI400P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.05% of full scale 400mm 35x 25x 458mm w190 d675
LI500P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.05% of full scale 500mm 35x 25x 558mm w190 d675
LI600P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.04% of full scale 600mm 35x 25x 658mm w190 d675
LI700P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.04% of full scale 700mm 35x 25x 758mm w190 d675
LI800P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.035% of full scale 800mm 35x 25x 858mm w190 d675
LI900P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.035% of full scale 900mm 35x 25x 958mm w190 d675
LI1000P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 0.035% of full scale 1000mm 35x 25x 1058mm w190 d675
Devices with included mounting aids and positioning elements available, see type code

Linear position

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 505

Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Magnetic linear position sensors WIM-Q25L

Magnetic linear position sensors WIM-Q25L

The WIM-Q25L series features magneti- Features

cally actuated linear position sensors
with measuring ranges of up to 200 mm. Many mounting possibilities
The sensors work on the basis of the Hall Measuring range indicated via LED
principle which is also used by th com- Immune to external magnetic fields
pact magnetic field sensors WIM45 with Extremely short blind zones
analog output. Typical features are high
accuracy and linearity combined with
extremely short blind zones. The Q25L
sensor series is thus perfectly suited for
applications requiring precise signal
transmission over long measuring dis-
tances, such as in pneumatic pumps,
slides, blanking or moulding systems.

Designs Electrical versions
4 lengths, compact housing, Analog outputs 420 mA

short blind zones and 010 V

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Smallest version 100 mm, Proven male M12 x 1 con-
largest 200 mm nection for easy installation

Materials Special features

Aluminium strand cast hous- Intrinsically
ing with plastic inlay safe, loop-powered

Internet link
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our products on the internet

506 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Contactless operating linear positions sensors
Magnetic linear position sensors WIM-Q25L

WIM-Q25L with current and voltage output

General data
Linearity deviation 1% of full scale LED
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Description rectangular, alumini- Operating voltage 1530VDC
um / plastic
Output Analog output, Ambient temperature -25+70C
Temperature drift 0.006% / K Resolution 10bit

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Measuring range Dimensions
WIM100-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 100mm 35x 25x 141mm w185 d676
WIM125-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 125mm 35x 25x 166mm w185 d676
WIM160-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 160mm 35x 25x 201mm w185 d676
WIM200-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 200mm 35x 25x 241mm w185 d676

WIM-Q25L with current output, intrinsically safe, loop-powered

General data
Linearity deviation 1% of full scale Protection class IP67
Connection male,M12 x 1 Description rectangular, alumini-
um / plastic
Operating voltage 1430VDC Output Analog output,
Ambient temperature -25+65C Temperature drift 0.03% / K
Resolution 10bit

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Measuring range Dimensions
Linear position

WIM100-Q25L-LI-EXI-H1141 100mm 35x 25x 141mm w191 d676


WIM125-Q25L-LI-EXI-H1141 125mm 35x 25x 166mm w191 d676

WIM160-Q25L-LI-EXI-H1141 160mm 35x 25x 201mm w191 d676
WIM200-Q25L-LI-EXI-H1141 200mm 35x 25x 241mm w191 d676

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 507

Magnetostrictive linear position sensors

Magnetostrictive lin
Magnetostrictive linear position sens

linear po
Contactless and wear-free detection

The principle of magnetostrictive meas- curacy, linearity and tightness are con-
uring works entirely contactless and served for life and guarantee faultless
wear-free. Important features such as ac- operation of the sensor at all times.

Rugged housing and easy mounting

The compact LTX sensor is IP68 rated steel and protects optimally against ag-
and resistant to many chemicals and oils. gressive media.
The rod is made of high-grade stainless

Flexible process connection

The LTX is available with different out- SSI interface. The sensor is connected via
puts: You can choose between analog male M12 x 1, other special connectors
outputs 010 V and 420 mA and an are not required.

508 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetostrictive linear position sensors

near position

Highest accuracy

High-quality components and an innova- bility. Even the most demanding applica-
tive quality management provide highly tions are economically and technically
precise measured signals and form the feasible with TURCK linear position
basis for excellent linearity and repeata- sensors.

Shock and vibration proof

The extremely rugged construction guar- and shock 1000 g RMS, even under
antees high stability when exposed to vi- heavy use and thus prevent interferenc-
bration and other mechanical loads. es and machine downtimes.
They are resistant to vibration 30 g RMS

Programmable measuring range:

Linear position

The LTX can be taught any desired meas- lows you to reduce the stock of different
uring range, easily and precise. This al- device versions sustainably.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 509

Magnetostrictive linear position sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

LTX 25 M R10 LI0 X3 H1 1 5 1

LTX 25 M Magnetostrictive
Linear position sensor R10 Housing LI0 X3 Electrical version
Unit Housing Number of LED
M Millimeter R10 Rod 10,3 mm X3 3 x LED

Measuring range Output type

25 Measuring range LU0 010 V
257500 mm, adjus- LI0 420 mA
table in 25 mm steps

Functional principle
LTX Linear position sensors

H1 1 5 1 Electrical connection
1 Standard assignment

Number of contacts
5 5-pole

Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1

510 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetostrictive linear position sensors

LTX 25 M R10 SSI 1 B S F 1 X3 A H1 1 6 1

LTX 25 M Magnetostrictive
Linear position sensor R10 Housing
Unit Housing
M Millimeter R10 Rod 10,3 mm

Measuring range
25 Measuring range
257500 mm, adjus-
table in 25 mm steps

Functional principle
LTX Linear position sensors

SSI 1 B S F 1 X3 Electrical version H1 1 6 1 Electrical connection

Number of LED Assignment
X3 3 x LED 1 Standard assignment

Resolution Number of contacts

1 0.005 mm 6 6-pole
2 0.01 mm
3 0.05 mm Connector type
4 0.1 mm 1 straight
5 0.02 mm
6 0.002 mm Connector type
7 0.001 mm H1 connector M12 x 1

F forward
R reversed
V velocity
Linear position

Data ty
S synchronous
A asynchronous

Data format
B binary
G gray

Data length
1 24 bit
2 25 bit
3 26 bit

Data mode

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 511

Magnetostrictive linear position sensors
Rod design

Rod design

The LTX-R10 are magnetostrictive sen- Features

sors, optimized for precise position con-
trol in hydraulic cylinders. They can also Contactless and wear-free position
be used for level control when com- detection
bined with optionally available floating Individually adjustable measuring
magnets. Operating with absolute val- range
ues, they need not be reset to zero. High resolution and accuracy
Highly vibration and shock resistant
Flexible application in all mobile and
stationary systems
Available in lengths up to 7500 mm
3-color LED display, indicates diagnos-
tic values
Protection class IP68
SSI output: 24, 25 or 26 bit, binary or
Gray code
Analog output: 010 VDC, 420 mA

Designs Electrical versions
Rod design 10.3 mm Analog outputs: 4 20 mA

or 0 10 V, SSI interface:
 24, 25 or 26 bit, binary or
Gray code

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

From 25 mm to 7500 mm, Proven male M12 x 1 con-
adjustable in 100 mm steps nection for easy installation

Materials Special features

Closed housing, protection Programmable measuring
rating IP68 range

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

512 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Magnetostrictive linear position sensors
Rod design

LTX - Analog output or SSI interface

General data
Linearity deviation 0.01% of full scale Protection class IP68
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 730VDC
Housing material Al Active face quality Stainless steel, 316
Ambient temperature -40+105C

For more details on mounting aids and positioning elements see chapter Accessories
Types and data selection table
Type Measuring range Output Dimensions Resolution
LTX100M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 100mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 293mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX250M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 250mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 443mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX500M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 500mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 693mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX1000M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 1000mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 1193mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX1500M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 1500mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 1693mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX2000M-R10-LI0-X3-H1151 2000mm Analog output, 420mA 10.3x 2193mm 16 bit w192 d677
LTX100M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 100mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 293mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX250M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 250mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 443mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX500M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 500mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 693mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX1000M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1000mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 1193mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX1500M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1500mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 1693mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX2000M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 2000mm Analog output, 010V 10.3x 2193mm 16 bit w193 d677
LTX200M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 200mm SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, asynchronous 10.3x 393mm 0,005 mm w194 d677
LTX500M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 500mm SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, asynchronous 10.3x 693mm 0,005 mm w194 d677
LTX1000M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1000mm SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, asynchronous 10.3x 1193mm 0,005 mm w194 d677
LTX1500M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1500mm SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, asynchronous 10.3x 1693mm 0,005 mm w194 d677
LTX2000M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 2000mm SSi, 25 Bit, Gray, asynchronous 10.3x 2193mm 0,005 mm w194 d677

Linear position

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 513

Inductive angle sensors

514 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive angle sensors

Inductive angle sens

Inductive angle sensors

Inductive angle sensors Contactless measurement of angles

The new inductive angle sensor from The two-part build consisting of sensor
TURCK operates on the basis of a new, and positioning element, compensates
revolutionary measuring principle. It lateral offsets of up to 3 mm. As a result,
combines the positive features of stand- the sensor works reliably and can be
ard measuring systems in one device and mounted on solid shafts as well as on
has undergone consistent further devel- hollow shafts. The contactless measur-
opment. The angular position is not de- ing principle reliably compensates bear-
tected via a positioning magnet but via ing tolerances as well as vibration caused
RLC coupling. The sensor is thus com- by irregularly rotating shafts.
pletely immune to magnetic fields such The angle sensors are typically used in
as generated by large motors for solar tracking systems, which guide the
example. solar panels to the position of the sun.
Being extremely immune to electromag- You also find them in printing machines,
netic interference and enclosed in a rug- where they are deployed to measure the
ged IP67 rated plastic housing of unlimit- height of paper stacks or they continu-
ed durability, the Ri-angle sensors are ously query the actual position of the
suitable for many applications. The dancer rolls to ensure constant web
measuring range is 360 an the repeata- tension.
bility is 0.09. On the output side, stand-
ard analog outputs are available or SSI

angle sensors

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 515

Inductive angle sensors

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

Contactless and wear-free detection

The new measuring principle operates ity and tightness are conserved for life
entirely contactless and wear-free. Im- and guarantee faultless operation of the
portant features such as accuracy, linear- sensor at all times.

Highly interference immune

Frequency converters, large motors, fer- cal interferences are also securely hold
rous metals or permanent magnets are off. The distance between sensor and po-
no problem at all: The new angle sensor sitioning element has no influence on
is insensitive to magnetic fields and fea- the output signal.
tures excellent EMC properties. Mechani-

Rugged housing and easy mounting

The compact sensor is IP67 rated and re- ing of sensor and positioning element
sistant to many chemicals and oils. Made compensates lateral offsets and guaran-
of high-quality plastic, the housing is tees easy fitting and operation.
very rugged. The two-part build consist-

516 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive angle sensors

ngths Your
ur advantages

High linearity and vibration resistance

The new angle sensors provide highly pensates bearing tolerances as well as vi-
precise measuring signals within 360 bration caused by irregularly rotating
and a repeatability of 0.09. The contact- shafts. This guarantees a high degree of
less measuring principle reliably com- linearity.

Positioning element adaptable to hollow and solid shafts

Additional mounting flexibility is low you to easily modify standard hollow

achieved through optionally available shaft sensors to solid shaft sensors.
6 mm and 8 mm adapter pins. They al-

Flexible process connection

Different types of outputs are also availa- ble connection are provided, making the
ble: You can choose between 010 V, use of special connectors redundant.
420 mA and 0.54.5 V and also an SSI
interface. A standard male M12 x 1 or ca-
angle sensors

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 517

Inductive angle sensors

Type code Type code Type cod

Ri 360 P1 QR14 ELiU5 X2 0,3-RS5 / S97

Ri 360 P1 Inductive angle sensor QR14 Housing ELiU5 X2 Electrical version

Positioning element Housing Number of LED
P1 P1-Ri-QR14 QR14 rectangular, X2 2 x LED
53.5 x 49 x 14 mm
Measuring range Output type
360 360 ELiU5 analog output
420 mA / 010 V,
Functional principle teachable measu-
ring range
Ri rotatory inductive
ELU4 analog output
0.54.5 V,
teachable measu-
ring range

518 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive angle sensors

0.3-RS5 Electrical connection / S97 Special version
Electrical connection Special version
0.3-RS5 cable, 0.3 m, with S97 extended temperature range
connector, M12 x 1 -40+70 C, only available with
blank cable connection, electrical version ELU4

angle sensors

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 519

Inductive angle sensors
Ri-QR14 design

Ri-QR14 design

The measuring principle of inductive an- Features

gle sensors is based on oscillation circuit
coupling between the transducer and Operates contactless, and wear-free
the sensor. The output signal provided is Measuring range 360
proportional to the angle of the posi- High interference immunity and
tioning element. The sensors are wear linearity
and maintenance-free, thanks to the Measures highly precise and functions
contactless operating principle. They highly reliable
convince through their excellent repeat- Rugged, high-quality plastic housing
ability, resolution and linearity main- Hardly affected by lateral offset and
tained within a broad temperature vibration
range. Thanks to the innovative technol- Adjustable angular range
ogy, electromagnetic AC and DC fields
have no influence on the measured

Designs Electrical versions
Rectangular design, protec- Standard analog outputs,

tion class IP67, variously 420 mA and 010 V as
mountable  well as SSI interface

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

Measuring range 360, Re- Connection cable or cable
peatability 0.09 with male end M12 x 1

Materials Special features

High-quality plastic, resist- Positioning element adapta-
ant to many chemicals and ble to hollow and solid
oils shafts; adjustable angular

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

520 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Inductive angle sensors
Ri-QR14 design

QR14 With analog output

General data
Measuring range 0360 Included in scope of Positioning element
supply P1-Ri-QR14
Linearity deviation 0.3% of full scale LED
Protection class IP67 Description rectangular, plastic
Housing material PBT Dimensions 49x 14x 53.5mm
Temperature drift 0.01% / K Resolution 12 bit

Positioning element included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Connection Operating voltage Output Ambient temperature
RI360P1-QR14-ELIU5X2 2m cable 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70 C w195 d678
RI360P1-QR14-ELIU5X2-0,3- 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 1530VDC Analog output, 420mA,010V -25+70 C w196 d679
RI360P1-QR14-ELU4X2/S97 2m cable 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70 C w197 d678
RI360P1-QR14-ELU4X2-0,3- 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 830VDC Analog output, 0.54.5V -40+70 C w198 d679

QR14 - With SSI interface

General data
Measuring range 0360 Included in scope of Positioning element
supply P1-Ri-QR14
Linearity deviation 0.3% of full scale LED
Protection class IP67 Description rectangular, plastic
Operating voltage 1530VDC Output SSi, 25 Bit, Gray
Housing material PBT Ambient temperature -25+70 C
Dimensions 49x 14x 53.5mm Repeatability 0.025 % of measuring
range IA - BI
Temperature drift 0.0001% / K Resolution 16 bit

Positioning element included in delivery

Types and data selection table
Type Connection
RI360P1-QR14-ESG25X2 2m cable w199 d678
RI360P1-QR14-ESG25X2-0,3-RS8 0.3m Cable with connector,M12 x 1 w200 d679
angle sensors

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 521


522 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Encoders Encoders
Encoders and draw-wire sensors Spot-on and trailblazing technology

Encoders measure rotation speed, sense, TURCK encoders are available in diverse
position, angle and length. For this pur- mechanical designs, as versions for incre-
pose, they convert mechanical motion in mental or absolute position detection, as
electrical signals. hollow or solid shafts and in various sizes
There are incremental and absolute en- with diameters from 24 mm to 120 mm.
coders. Signal periods provided by incre- They fulfill different positioning tasks
mental encoders are used as a measure with a resolution of up to 14 bits (digital
for rotation speed or position. The dual- devices) and of up to 36,000 pulses per
channel incremental encoder detects po- revolution (incremental types).
sitions bidirectionally as well as the rota- If simple length measurements have to
tion sense of shafts. be performed such as cutting paper or
With absolute encoders instead, each in- fabrics to length, encoders with a pre-
cremental angle is assigned a code pat- fixed measuring wheel are the right
tern. The position is thus detected at any choice. They are reasonably priced and
time, even in the event of power failure operate highly accurate.
without having to perform a reference Encoders with prefixed draw-wire sen-
run. Single-turn encoders set back the sors (1 to 40 m long) are the best choice
coding to the initial value after each full for direct length measurement. Thanks
revolution. Absolute encoders detect an- to the excellent repeatability rating of
gles, positions and inclinations precisely. 0.05 mm, they solve position control
Tasks that are typically found in robotics, tasks in a highly precise manner. Until
positioning and process technology. now, such task could only be implement-
Encoders are available as solid and hol- ed with complex equipment. Whether
low shaft types. Hollow shaft encoders applied to control the position of pumps
can be mounted without couplings, in tanks, alignment of elevating plat-
brackets or other mounting aids. The forms or orientation of cranes: Just select
hollow shaft encoder is shifted on the an encoder of the wanted size and out-
drive shaft, then clamped and if neces- put configuration and combine it with a
sary fixated with a pin. draw-wire sensor of the right length. Encoders

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 523


Our stren
Our strenghts You
Our strenghts Your advantages

Many different designs

We offer the appropriate encoder for al- industry. A broad range of connection
most any application. Incremental and possibilities provide tailor-made solu-
absolute encoders in different sizes are tions for any application. Equally benefi-
available as hollow or solid shaft types. cial is the large range of available output
From miniature versions, over IP69K rat- types, making the connection to the con-
ed types, up to encoders for the heavy trol system very easy.

Highest accuracy

High-quality components and an innova- the most demanding applications are

tive quality management are the prereq- economically and technically feasible
uisites for the delivery of highly precise with TURCK encoders.
measured signals and form the basis for
excellent linearity and repeatability. Even

Rugged designs Shock and vibration proof

Balanced stainless steel clamp rings and assembly guarantees high stability when
highly robust bearing- shaft connections exposed to vibration for example. Me-
improve the stability and reliability of the chanically complex applications are of-
devices and resist extremely heavy me- ten exposed to intense load. Blocked
chanical impacts. Thanks to this new bearings, large distances between the
construction, the encoders are made for bearings and extra strong outer bearings
heavy duties and highest revolution prevent interferences and downtimes re-
speeds. The extremely rugged bearing sulting from these loads.

524 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

nghts - Your
ur advantages

High protection rating

The mechanically protected shaft seal most adverse conditions. TURCK encod-
with its high protection rating of IP69K is ers operate reliably even in roughest
very durable and protects against the environments.

Highly interference immune

Frequency converters, large motors, fer- the optical principle are immune to mag-
rous metals or permanent magnets are netic fields and offer excellent EMC
no problem at all: Encoders working on properties.

Draw-wire sensors For direct length measurement

Encoders with prefixed draw-wire sen- implemented with complex equipment.

sors (0.25 to 40 m long) are the best solu- Whether applied to control the position
tion for direct length measurement. of pumps in tanks, alignment of elevat-
Thanks to the excellent repeatability rat- ing platforms or orientation of cranes:
ing of 0.05 mm, they solve position con- Just select an encoder of the wanted size
trol tasks in a highly precise manner. Un- and output configuration.
til now, such task could only be

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 525


Type code Type code Type cod

Type code encoders
RI 10 S 10 S 2B 1024 H1181

RI Encoder 10 Design S Shaft

Function Additional information to housing Shaft
RI incremental 10 For more information on the device S solid shaft
RS absolute (singleturn) please see according H hollow shaft
data sheet on www.turck.com
RM absolute (multiturn) B blind hollow shaft

10 Shaft diameter [mm] S Flange 2B Electrical output

Diameter in mm Meaning Electrical output
6 6 mm C clamping flange 2B push-pull with inverting function,
8 8 mm E engine coupling power supply:
1030 VDC
10 10 mm S synchro flange, flange without
mounting element 2F 7272; push-pull with inverting func-
12 12 mm tion, power supply: 530 VDC
15 15 mm S4 with spring element, long low-level max. 0.5 V
25 25 mm 3C SSI, Gray
30 30 mm power supply:
530 VDC low-level max. 0.5 V
5B SSI, binary
power supply:
1030 VDC
1024 Resolution H1181 Electrical connection 7A 420 mA output
power supply:
1030 VDC
Pulse frequency or in bit (B) Electrical connection
8B 010 V output
360 360 C cable (radial) power supply:
500 500 CT cable (tangential) 1530 VDC
512 512 RC removable bus cover with 9A PROFIBUS
1000 1000 cable gland
1024 1024 R3M12 bus cover (removable)
2048 2048 with 3 x M12
2500 2500 12M23 male M23, 12-pole
4096 4096 H1151 male M12, 5-pole
5000 5000 H1141 male M12, 4-pole
9B 9 Bit H1181 male M12, 8-pole
12B 12 Bit
13B 13 Bit
16B 16 Bit
24B 24 Bit
28B 28 Bit

526 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Type code draw-wire sensors
DW 6000 135 2B H1141

DW Draw-wire 6000 Measuring length [mm] 135 Design

Draw-wire Length in mm Additional information to housing
250 250 mm 135 For more information on the
500 500 mm device please see according
data sheet on www.turck.com
1000 1000 mm
2000 2000 mm
3000 3000 mm
6000 6000 mm
10000 10000 mm
15000 15000 mm
20000 20000 mm
30000 30000 mm
40000 40000 mm

2B Electrical output H1 1 4 1 Electrical connection

Electrical output Assignment
7E 420 mA output 1 standard assignment
power supply: or customized
1230 VDC
PA potentiometer output Number of contacts
power supply: 4 number of contacts
max. 30 VDC; 1 k
Connector type
1 straight

Connector type
H1 connector M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 527


Designs and variants Designs and varian

Incremental Compact 37 mm
Hollow or solid shaft
Designs a
Hollow shaft
cable, 1m
push-pull 7272, invertable

Incremental Standard 58 mm shaft male, M12 x 1 push-Pull, invertable 531

Hollow or solid shaft Hollow shaft

Incremental Large hollow shaft 100 mm Hollow shaft male, M23 12-pol push-Pull, invertable 532

Absolut singleturn - Compact 36 mm shaft cable, 1m Analog output, 0...10 V 533

Hollow or solid shaft Hollow shaft Analog output, 4...20 mA
SSi, Binary coded

Absolut singleturn - Standard 58 mm shaft male, M12 x 1 SSi, Gray coded 533
Hollow or solid shaft Hollow shaft bus connection

Absolute multiturn Compact 36 mm shaft cable, 1m SSi, Gray coded 534

Hollow or solid shaft Hollow shaft

528 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

and variants
Absolute multiturn Standard 58 mm
Hollow or solid shaft
Hollow shaft
male, M12 x 1
bus connection
SSi, Gray coded

Draw-wire sensors Current or potentiome- male, M12 x 1 Analog output, 4...20 mA 537
ter output Potentiometer


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 529



Encoders measure rotation speed, sense, Features

position, angle and length. For this pur-
pose, they convert mechanical motion in Rotary measurement, optical or mag-
electrical signals. TURCK encoders are netic measuring principle
available in diverse designs, as versions Incremental encoders, push-pull with
for incremental or absolute position de- inversion and zero output
tection, as hollow or solid shafts and in Absolute encoders, singleturn or
various sizes with diameters from 24 mm multiturn
to 102 mm. They fulfill different position- Solid shaft or hollow shaft
ing tasks with a resolution of up to Protection class IP67, on the shaft side
17 bits (absolute encoders) and of up to
36,000 pulses per revolution (incremen-
tal encoders).

Designs Electrical versions
Hollow and solid shaft de- Analog outputs 420 mA

vices, incremental or abso- or 010 V, SSI interface or
lute:Single/Multiturn  push-pull with inversion

Electrical connections Materials

Proven M12x1 or M23 con- Rugged housings with high
nection, 12-pin protection rating

Special features Internet link

High-temperature resistant Scan the QR code to access
for demanding applications our products on the internet

530 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Incremental Compact 37 mm Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Flange diameter 36.8mm Connection cable,1m
Operating voltage 530VDC Output push-pull 7272,
Protection class housing IP67 Protection class shaft IP65
Ambient temperature -20+70C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type Resolution, incremental
Ri-08S6S-2F360-C 1M without fixing clamp 6mm Shaft 360 w201 d680
Ri-08S6S-2F500-C 1M without fixing clamp 6mm Shaft 500 w201 d680
RI-08S6S-2F512-C 1M without fixing clamp 6mm Shaft 512 w201 d680
Ri-08S6S-2F1000-C 1M without fixing clamp 6mm Shaft 1000 w201 d680
Ri-08S6S-2F1024-C 1M without fixing clamp 6mm Shaft 1024 w201 d680
Ri-09H8E-2F360-C 1M Flange with stator coupling 8mm Hollow shaft 360 w201 d681

Incremental Standard 58 mm Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output push-Pull, invertable Protection class housing IP67
Protection class shaft IP67 Ambient temperature -40+85C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange diameter Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type Resolution, incremental
RI-10S6C-2B360-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 6mm Shaft 360 w202 d682
RI-10S6C-2B2048-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 6mm Shaft 2048 w202 d682
RI-10S6C-2B2500-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 6mm Shaft 2500 w202 d682
RI-10S6C-2B4096-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 6mm Shaft 4096 w202 d682
RI-10S6C-2B5000-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 6mm Shaft 5000 w202 d682

RI-10S10C-2B360-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 10mm Shaft 360 w202 d682

RI-10S10C-2B2048-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 10mm Shaft 2048 w202 d682
RI-10S10C-2B2500-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 10mm Shaft 2500 w202 d682
RI-10S10C-2B4096-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 10mm Shaft 4096 w202 d682
RI-10S10C-2B5000-H1181 58mm Clamping flange 10mm Shaft 5000 w202 d682
RI-10S6S-2B360-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 6mm Shaft 360 w202 d683
Table continues on the next page

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 531


Table starts on previous page

Type Flange diameter Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type Resolution, incremental
RI-10S6S-2B2048-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 6mm Shaft 2048 w202 d683
RI-10S6S-2B2500-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 6mm Shaft 2500 w202 d683
RI-10S6S-2B4096-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 6mm Shaft 4096 w202 d683
RI-10S6S-2B5000-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 6mm Shaft 5000 w202 d683
RI-10S10S-2B360-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 10mm Shaft 360 w202 d683
RI-10S10S-2B2048-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 10mm Shaft 2048 w202 d683
RI-10S10S-2B2500-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 10mm Shaft 2500 w202 d683
RI-10S10S-2B4096-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 10mm Shaft 4096 w202 d683
RI-10S10S-2B5000-H1181 58mm Synchro flange 10mm Shaft 5000 w202 d683
Ri-12H10T-2B360-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 10mm Hollow shaft 360 w202 d684
Ri-12H10T-2B2048-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 10mm Hollow shaft 2048 w202 d684
RI-12H10T-2B2500-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 10mm Hollow shaft 2500 w202 d684
Ri-12H10T-2B4096-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 10mm Hollow shaft 4096 w202 d684
RI-12H10T-2B5000-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 10mm Hollow shaft 5000 w202 d684
RI-12H15T-2B360-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 15mm Hollow shaft 360 w202 d684
RI-12H15T-2B2048-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 15mm Hollow shaft 2048 w202 d684
RI-12H15T-2B2500-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 15mm Hollow shaft 2500 w202 d684
RI-12H15T-2B4096-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 15mm Hollow shaft 4096 w202 d684
RI-12H15T-2B5000-H1181 50.8mm Flange with torque stop 15mm Hollow shaft 5000 w202 d684

Incremental Large hollow shaft 100 mm

General data
Flange diameter 100mm Flange type Flange with mounting
Included in scope of Spring element, long Shaft type Hollow shaft
Connection male,M23, 12-pole Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output push-Pull, invertable Protection class housing IP65
Protection class shaft IP65 Ambient temperature -40+90C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Shaft diameter D Resolution, incremental
RI-42H25S4-2B1024-12M23 25mm 1024 w203 d685
RI-42H25S4-2B2048-12M23 25mm 2048 w203 d685
RI-42H25S4-2B5000-12M23 25mm 5000 w203 d685
RI-42H30S4-2B1024-12M23 30mm 1024 w203 d685
RI-42H30S4-2B2048-12M23 30mm 2048 w203 d685
RI-42H30S4-2B5000-12M23 30mm 5000 w203 d685

532 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264

Absolut singleturn - Compact 36 mm - Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Flange diameter 36mm Measuring range 0360
Shaft diameter D 6mm Connection cable,1m
Ambient temperature -40+85C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange type Shaft Operating Output Resolution Protection class Protection class
type voltage single-turn housing shaft
RS-06S6S-8B12B-C 1M Synchro flange Shaft 1530VDC Analog output, 12Bit IP69k IP69k w204 d686
RS-06S6S-7A12B-C 1M Synchro flange Shaft 1030VDC Analog output, 12Bit IP69k IP69k w204 d686
RS-54S6S-5B9B-C 1M Synchro flange Shaft 530VDC SSi, Binary coded 9Bit IP67 IP67 w205 d687

RS-07H6E-8B12B-C 1M Flange with stator Hollow 1530VDC Analog output, 12Bit IP69k IP69k w204 d688
coupling shaft 010V
RS-07H6E-7A12B-C 1M Flange with stator Hollow 1030VDC Analog output, 12Bit IP69k IP69k w204 d688
coupling shaft 420mA
RS-55H6E-5B9B-C 1M Flange with stator Hollow 530VDC SSi, Binary coded 9Bit IP67 IP67 w205 d688
coupling shaft

Absolut singleturn - Standard 58 mm - Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Flange diameter 58mm Measuring range 0360
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1030VDC
Output SSi, Gray coded Resolution single-turn 13Bit
Protection class housing IP67 Protection class shaft IP67
Ambient temperature -40+70C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type

RS-24S6C-3C13B-H1181 Clamping flange 6mm Shaft w206 d689

RS-24S10C-3C13B-H1181 Clamping flange 10mm Shaft w206 d689
RS-24S6S-3C13B-H1181 Synchro flange 6mm Shaft w206 d690
RS-24S10S-3C13B-H1181 Synchro flange 10mm Shaft w206 d690
RS-31H12E-3C13B-H1181 Flange with stator coupling 12mm Hollow shaft w206 d691
Devices with fieldbus interface available, see type code
Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 533


Absolute multiturn Compact 36 mm Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Flange diameter 36mm Connection cable,1m
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output SSi, Gray coded
Resolution single-turn 12Bit Resolution multiturn 12Bit
Protection class shaft IP67 Ambient temperature -40+85C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type Protection class housing
RM-46S8S-3C24B-CT 1M Synchro flange 8mm Shaft IP67 w207 d692
RM-50H10E-3C24B-CT 1M Flange with stator coupling 10mm Hollow shaft IP65 w207 d693

Absolute multiturn Standard 58 mm Hollow or solid shaft

General data
Flange diameter 58mm Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Output SSi, Gray coded
Resolution single-turn 13Bit Resolution multiturn 12Bit
Protection class housing IP67 Protection class shaft IP67
Ambient temperature -40+70C

For more details on mounting aids see chapter Accessories

Types and data selection table
Type Flange type Shaft diameter D Shaft type
RM-28S6C-3C25B-H1181 Clamping flange 6mm Shaft w206 d694
RM-28S10C-3C25B-H1181 Clamping flange 10mm Shaft w206 d694
RM-28S6S-3C25B-H1181 Synchro flange 6mm Shaft w206 d695
RM-28S10S-3C25B-H1181 Synchro flange 10mm Shaft w206 d695
RM-35H12E-3C25B-H1181 Flange with stator coupling 12mm Hollow shaft w206 d696
Devices with fieldbus interface available, see type code

534 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Draw-wire sensors


Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 535

Draw-wire sensors

Draw-wire sensors

Encoders with prefixed draw-wire sen- Features

sors (0.25 to 40 m long) are the best so-
lution for direct length measurement. Direct length measurement, measur-
Thanks to the excellent repeatability rat- ing range 0.2540m
ing of 0.05 mm, they solve position con- Repeatability up to 0.05 mm
trol tasks in a highly precise manner. So Potentiometer output or analog cur-
far, such task were only implementable rent output
with complex equipment. Whether ap- M12 connectors
plied to control the position of pumps in
tanks, alignment of elevating platforms
or orientation of cranes: Just select an
encoder of the wanted size and output

Designs Electrical versions
Encoders with prefixed Analog current output

draw-wire sensors 420 mA or potentiometer

Measuring ranges Electrical connections

250 mm to 40000 mm Proven male M12 x 1 con-
nection for easy installation

Materials Special features

Rugged housings with high Highly accurate position
protection rating control

Internet link
Scan the QR code to access
our products on the internet

536 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Draw-wire sensors

Draw-wire sensors Current or potentiometer output

General data
Linearity deviation 0.1% of full scale Protection class IP65
Connection male,M12 x 1

Types and data selection table

Type Measuring range Operating voltage Output Ambient temperature
DW250-70-7E-H1141 0250mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d697
DW500-70-7E-H1141 0500mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d697
DW1000-110-7E-H1141 01000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d698
DW2000-110-7E-H1141 02000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d698
DW3000-110-7E-H1141 03000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d698
DW6000-155-7E-H1141 06000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d699
DW10000-135-7E-H1141 010000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d700
DW15000-135-7E-H1141 015000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d701
DW20000-135-7E-H1141 020000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d701
DW30000-135-7E-H1141 030000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d702
DW40000-135-7E-H1141 040000mm 1230VDC Analog output, 420mA -20+60C w208 d703
DW250-70-PA-H1141 0250mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d697
DW500-70-PA-H1141 0500mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d697
DW1000-110-PA-H1141 01000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d698
DW2000-110-PA-H1141 02000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d698
DW3000-110-PA-H1141 03000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d698
DW6000-155-PA-H1141 06000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d699
DW10000-135-PA-H1141 010000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d700
DW15000-135-PA-H1141 015000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d701
DW20000-135-PA-H1141 020000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d701
DW30000-135-PA-H1141 030000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d702
DW40000-135-PA-H1141 040000mm 030VDC Potentiometer -20+85C w209 d703 Encoders

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 537

Indicators and lights

538 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights

Indicators and lights

Indicators and lights

Indicators and lights Lighting solutions for the industry

The LED work lights from TURCK are low- ered via a switch integrated in some
power consuming devices and especially WL versions and located directly next to
designed for industrial use. They are the LED light.
IP67/IP69K rated and suitable for many LED machine lights can be integrated di-
demanding applications where bright rectly in the machine wiring and control
and uniform illumination is required. environment. They are encapsulated and
The color temperature lies in the field of resistant to conventional cooling lubri-
daylight, between 5,000 and 10,000 Kel- cants, oils or aggressive cleaning agents.
vin. Depending on the model, the lumi- Supplied with 24 VDC and consuming
nous flux may vary between 65 and less than 0.5 A, the lights are directly
1,800 lumen. Comparison: A 100 W in- controllable via a standard PLC output,
candescent lamp has a luminous flux of passive junctions or fieldbus stations.
1400 lumen, a 60 W incandescent lamp The TL50 tower lights indicate the oper-
approx. 700 lumen. LED lights have a ser- ating status clearly visible throughout
vice life of 100,000 hours, which is 100 the entire production line. Each tower
times longer than that of a conventional light is preassembled and preconfigured,
incandescent lamp. featuring LEDs in different colors and
The work lights are connected via a with optional audible function. The tow-
standard male M12x1 or stranded cable er lights are easily installed, no matter if
end directly at the terminal connection. mounted directly on the machine, in the
There are two ways to switch them on or cabinet or at critical control points within
off. Either via power supply the production line.
(1030 VDC) or when constantly pow-

and lights

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 539

Indicators and lights

Our stren
Our strengths You
Our strengths Your advantages

TL50BL Multisegment indicators

The new TL50BL tower lights are clearly control points within the production line.
visible and indicate the operating status Up to five different colors can be com-
throughout the entire production line. bined in a single tower and can be on si-
Each tower light is preassembled and multaneously. The durable LED technol-
preconfigured, featuring LEDs in differ- ogy has a service life of more than
ent colors and with optional audible 100,000 hrs. (11 years). The volume of
function. The tower lights are easily in- the audible alert is adjustable; max.
stalled, no matter if mounted directly on sound pressure level 95 dB at 1 m
the machine, in the cabinet or at critical distance.

WL series LED work lights for industrial applications

The LED work lights from TURCK are low- Depending on the model, the luminous
power consuming devices and especially flux may vary between 65 and 1,800 lu-
designed for industrial use. The rugged men. A 100 W incandescent lamp has a
IP67/IP69K rated devices can be used in luminous flux of 1400 lumen, a 60 W in-
many demanding applications where candescent lamp approx. 700 lumen.
bright and uniform illumination is re- LED lights have a service life of 100,000
quired. The color temperature lies in the hours, which is 100 times longer than
field of daylight, between 5,000 and that of a conventional incandescent
10,000 Kelvin. lamp.

ML LED machine lights

The high-power LED machine lights are rectly to the switching output of fieldbus
made for rough environmental condi- stations or passive junctions. This allows
tions and fulfill many industrial require- them to be switched on or off separately
ments. The die-cast aluminium housing which reduces the energy consumption
is IP67 rated and the rugged glass win- considerably. LED machine lights can be
dow withstands even cooling lubricants, integrated seamlessly in the wiring and
oils and aggressive cleaning agents. dont need additional hardware
They are powered with 24 VDC via PINs components.
3(-) and 4(+) and can be connected di-

540 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights

ngths - Your
ur advantages


and lights

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 541

Indicators and lights

Designs and variants Designs and varian

Designs a Protection
Funkction Light type Page

K30 Beacon cylindrical/threaded IP67 / IP69K -40+50 C Beacon green 545

30x 58mm red
green / red
green / red / yellow

K50 Beacon cylindrical/threaded IP67 / IP69K -40+50 C Beacon green 545

50x 37.3mm red
green / red
green / red / yellow

K50 Beacon cylindrical/threaded IP67 / IP69K -40+50 C Beacon green 546

50x 49mm red
green / red

TL50 Tower light cylindrical/threaded IP67 -40+50 C Tower light green / red / yellow 549
50x 142.6mm green / red / yellow / blue
50x 183.3mm green / red / yellow / blue /
50x 224mm white

TL50 Beacon Tower light cylindrical/threaded IP67 -40+50 C Tower light red 549
50x 46.2mm green / red
50x 72mm green / red / yellow
50x 97.8mm green / red / yellow / blue
50x 123.6mm

WLA Area light rectangular IP67 / IP69K -20+50 C Area light white, 50008300K 551
80.1x 25.8x 105.1mm
80.1x 25.8x 180.1mm
80.1x 25.8x 272.7mm
80.1x 25.8x 356.6mm

WLS28 - Linear light rectangular IP50 -20+50 C Linear light white, 50008300K 553

542 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights

and variants
Design Protection
Funkction Light type Page

WL50 Spotlight cylindrical/threaded IP67 / IP69K -40+50 C Spotlight white, 50008300K 555
rectangular IP67

WL50S Spotlight cylindrical/threaded IP69K -40+70 C Spotlight green, 520535nm 555

red, 620630nm
white, 50008300K

CA40 Stacklight Cube rectangular IP67 -40+50 C Stacklight white, 6300K 557

Q20L80 Built-in longitudinal rectangular IP67 -40+50 C Built-in longitu- white, 40007000K 557
light dinal light

RF160 Built-on beacon cylindrical/smooth IP67 -40+50 C Built-on beacon white, 50007000K 558

and lights

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 543

Indicators and lights

Multisegment LED indicators EZ-LIGHT

The K30/K50 series provide a compre- Features

hensive selection of job lights, indicator
lights, multisegment indicators and Highly visible LED indicators, up to 5
touch switches for job sequencing and colors available
monitoring of pick-to-light and assem- Optional audible alert
bly processes. The rugged devices are Different designs and sizes
suited for rough industrial applications Simple mounting and configuration
and feature clearly visible status
The EZ-LIGHT indicators are pro-
grammed in a few steps and are easily
mounted directly on the machine, in the
cabinet or at critical control points. A
great variety of designs, modules, func-
tions and accessories offer perfect solu-
tions for any task.

Type code K50BCL Beacon


K50BCL Series GRX LED color/signals P Input

Series LED color Input
K50BCL multifunction display B blue P PNP
cylindrical, G green N NPN
plastic: 50 mm, Y yellow
thread: 30 mm
R red
X no other functions
2 3 colors / 7 function
Audible signals
blank without audible signals
A with audible signals

Q Electrical connection
Electrical connection
blank pigtail with cable connection, 2 m
Q connector, M12 x 1

544 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights

K30 Beacon
General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1030VDC Response time 1ms
Housing material PC Ambient temperature -40+50 C
Function beacon Window material Plastic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
K30LGXXPQ green w210 d704
K30LXRXPQ red w210 d704
K30LGRXPQ green / red w210 d704
K30LGRYPQ green / red / yellow w210 d704
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code

K50 Beacon
General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1830VDC Response time 1ms
Housing material PC Ambient temperature -40+50 C
Function beacon Window material Plastic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
K50LGXXPQ green w210 d705
K50LXRXPQ red w210 d705
K50LGRXPQ green / red w210 d705
K50LGRYPQ green / red / yellow w210 d705
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code
and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 545

Indicators and lights

K50 Beacon
General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Response time 10ms
Housing material PC Ambient temperature -40+50 C
Function beacon Window material Plastic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
K50BCLXGXPQ green w210 d706
K50BCLXRXPQ red w210 d706
K50BCLGRXPQ green / red w210 d706
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code

546 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Tower lights

and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 547

Indicators and lights
Tower lights

LED tower lights EZ-LIGHT

The TL50 tower lights are clearly visible Features

and easy to handle. Each tower light is
preassembled and preconfigured, fea- Multicolor multisegment indicators
turing LEDs in different colors and with Green, yellow, red, blue or white LEDs
optional audible alert. The tower lights Optional audible alert with volume
are easily installed, no matter if mounted control (max. 95 dB)
directly on the machine, in the cabinet Longlife LED technology, low-power
or at critical control points within the consumption
production line. Up to five different color Protection class IP67 (with audible
lights are combinable in a single TL50 function IP50)
tower and can be on simultaneously. De- Water and oil-tight
vices with acoustic alarm have also a vol- Insensitive to ambient lights, shock, vi-
ume controller. bration and electromagnetic
Wide range of accessories for variable
and easy mounting

Type code TL50BL Beacon


TL50BL Series BGYR LED color A Signals

Series LED color Signals
TL50BL multifunction display, B blue blank without audible signals
50 mm, different heights G green A audible signals (IP50)
depending on number
of LED: Y yellow ALS audible signals (IP67)
without audible alert R red
(IP67): W white
1 element 46.2 mm
2 elements 72.0 mm
3 elements 97.8 mm
4 elements 123.6 mm
with audible alert (IP67)
1 element 102.2 mm
2 elements 126.0 mm
3 elements 151.8 mm
4 elements 177.6 mm
with audible alert (IP50)
1 element 71.1 mm
2 elements 102.9 mm
3 elements 128.7 mm
4 elements 154.5 mm

QP Electrical connection
Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connector, M12 x 1
QP pigtail with connector, M12 x 1

548 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Tower lights

TL50 Tower light

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 2127VAC/183 Response time 10ms
Housing material ABS AC rated operational 100AC
Ambient temperature -40+50 C Function tower light
Window material Plastic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
TL50HGYRQ green / red / yellow w210 d707
TL50HBGYRQ green / red / yellow / blue w211 d708
TL50HWBGYRQ green / red / yellow / blue / white w212 d709
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code

TL50 Beacon Tower light

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 2127VAC/123 Response time 1ms
Housing material ABS AC rated operational 100AC
Ambient temperature -40+50 C Function tower light
Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Light type
TL50BLRQ red w210 d710
TL50BLGRQ green / red w210 d711
TL50BLGYRQ green / red / yellow w210 d712
TL50BLBGYRQ green / red / yellow / blue w211 d713
and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 549

Indicators and lights
Work lights

WLA Area lights

The WLA area lights are available in dif- Features

ferent LED color combinations and light
field sizes and consume very little pow- Energy-efficient
er. The IP67 / IP69K rating qualifies them Service life 100,000 hours
for industrial applications. They are pow- Rugged design
ered either via a male M12 x 1 connec- Uniform illumination
tion or a 2 m cable. The area lights are Standard electrical connection
not switched on via a button but rather
through applying the necessary voltage
of 1030VDC.

Type code Work Lights WLA

WLA W 105x180 D L11 Q

WLA Series W LED colors 105x180 Field

Work lights LED colors Illuminated field
W cold white 105x180 105 x 180 mm
WW warm white
R red 190x180 190 x 180 mm
G green
275x180 275 x 180 mm
B blue
Y yellow 360x180 360 x 180 mm

D Window L11 Lens Q Electrical connection

Window Lens Electrical connection
blank clear blank no lens blank cable connection, 2 m
D diffuse L11 lens, beam angle 11 Q connector M12 x 1

550 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Work lights

WLA Area light

General data
Protection class IP67 / IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Housing material PBT
Light type white, 50008300K Ambient temperature -20+50 C
Function area light Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Luminous flux lumen Leistung
WLAW105X180Q 550lm 12W w213 d714
WLAW190X180Q 1100lm 24W w213 d715
WLAW275X180Q 1650lm 36W w213 d716
WLAW360X180Q 2200lm 48W w213 d717
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code

and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 551

Indicators and lights
Work lights

WLS28 - Linear lights

The WLS28 linear lights are available in Features

many different types. The series com-
prises types with different LED colors Energy-efficient
and light field sizes, IP50 or IP67/IP69K Service life 100,000 hours
rating, cascadable via a female M12 con- Rugged design
nection or non-cascadable, equipped Uniform illumination
with a male M12 x 1 or a 2 m cable for Standard electrical connection
power supply. The IP50 rated devices are
available with or without ON/OFF
switch. The operating voltage is
1230 VDC.

Type code Work Lights WLS28

WLS28 C W 145 D X . Q

WLS28 Series C Cascadable W LED color

Work lights Cascadable LED color
C cascadable W cold white
X not cascadable WW warm white
R red
G green
B blue
Y yellow

145 Field D Window X Design

Illuminated field Window Design
145 145 mm blank clear X not sealed
285 285 mm D diffuse S sealed
430 430 mm
570 570 mm
710 710 mm
850 850 mm
990 990 mm
1130 1130 mm

ON/OFF switch Q Electrical connection

ON/OFF switch Electrical connection

blank no blank cable connection, 2 m
PB ON/ OFF switch integrated Q connector M12 x 1

552 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Work lights

WLS28 - Linear light

General data
Protection class IP50 Connection male, M12,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Housing material Al
Light type white, 50008300K Ambient temperature -20+50 C
Function linear light Window material Acrylic

Types and data selection table

Type Luminous flux lumen Leistung
WLS28CW145XQ 225lm 6W w213 d718
WLS28CW285XQ 450lm 9W w213 d718
WLS28CW430XQ 675lm 15W w213 d718
WLS28CW570XQ 900lm 18W w213 d718
WLS28CW710XQ 1125lm 24W w213 d718
WLS28CW850XQ 1350lm 27W w213 d718
WLS28CW990XQ 1575lm 33W w213 d718
WLS28CW1130XQ 1800lm 36W w213 d718
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different colors, see type code

and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 553

Indicators and lights
Work lights

WL50 Spotlight

The WL50 spotlights feature six LEDs Features

with a total power below 2 W. They are
available as flat types (WL50FQ) or as Energy-efficient
types with 30 mm thread (WL50Q) and Service life 100,000 hours
both with or without pushbutton (PB). Rugged design
The WL50S spotlights feature three Uniform illumination
high-intensity LEDs and are available Standard electrical connection
with different beam angles and colors.
Both series can be powered with
1030 VDC and are delivered with a
male M12 x 1 connector (Q-type) or a 2
m connection cable.

Type code Work Lights WL50S

WL50S W L11 Q

WL50S Housing W LED colors L11 Lens

Work lights - Spots LED colors Lense
W cold white L5 lens, beam angle 5
WW warm white L11 lens, beam angle 11
R red L20 lens, beam angle 20
G green
B blue
Y yellow

Q Electrical connection

Electrical connection
blank cable connection, 2 m
Q connector M12 x 1

554 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Work lights

WL50 Spotlight
General data
Connection male,M12 x 1 Operating voltage 1230VDC
Housing material PC Light type white, 50008300K
Ambient temperature -40+50 C Luminous flux lumen 65lm
Leistung 1.7W Function Spotleuchte
Window material Plastic

Types and data selection table

Type Protection class
WL50Q IP67 / IP69K w213 d719
WL50FQ IP67 / IP69K w213 d720
WL50PBQ IP67 w214 d721
WL50FPBQ IP67 w214 d722
Many different types available, also with cable, see type code

WL50S Spotlight
General data
Protection class IP69K Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1230VDC Housing material Al
Ambient temperature -40+70 C Leistung 1.7W
Function Spotlight Window material Plastic
Aperture angle degree 11

Types and data selection table

Type Light type Luminous flux
WL50SGL11Q green, 520535nm 200lm w214 d723
WL50SRL11Q red, 620630nm 105lm w214 d723
WL50SWL11Q white, 50008300K 285lm w214 d723
Many different types available, also with cable and / or different beam width, see type code
and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 555

Indicators and lights
Machine lights

Machine lights CA40, Q20L80 and RF160

LED machine lights are directly integra- Features

ble in the machine wiring and control
environment, allowing you to cut down IP67 rated housings, encapsulated and
on hardware costs because additional resistant to conventional cooling lu-
cabinet components are not required. bricants, oils or aggressive cleaning
All devices are IP67 rated and delivered agents
in industrial conform designs for exten- Connected via rugged male M12 x 1 or
sion of and installation in systems. Sup- 2 m connection cable
plied with 24 VDC and consuming less Direct control via standard PLC out-
than 0.5 A, the TURCK machine lights are put, passive junction boxes or fieldbus
directly controllable via a standard PLC stations
output, passive junctions or fieldbus sta-
tions. The control of illumination via PLC
reduces the energy costs because the
duty cycle is solely controlled by the

Type code Machine Lights

ML -CA40 G -9 X3 -CW W -H1141 /G

ML Machine Lights -CA40 Series G Window

Machine Lights Series Window
CA40 cubic lights, build-on G safety glass
40 x 40, metal housing P plastic
Q20L80 rectangular light,
20 x 80, plastic housing
RF160 build-on round light,
160 mm, metal housing

-9 Operating voltage X3 Number of LED -CW LED Color

Operating voltage Number of LED LED Color
9 24 VDC X2 2 LEDs CW cold white
X3 3 LEDs
X8 8 LEDs

W Opening angle -H1141 Electrical connection /G Special version

Opening angle Electrical connection Special version

blank 2 m cable connection, /G gooseneck
S 0 - 30
2 wire
N 31 - 70 H1141 M12 x 1-connector, 4-pole
W 71 - 120 0.5-RS4 0.5 m cable connection
with M12 x 1-connector,

556 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Machine lights

CA40 Stacklight Cube

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection male,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1830VDC Housing material Al
Light type white, 6300K Ambient temperature -40+50 C
Leistung 4W Function Mountable cube light
Aperture angle degree 120

Types and data selection table

Type Window material
ML-CA40G-9X3-CWW-H1141 twin-pane safety glass w215 d724
ML-CA40P-9X3-CWW-H1141 Plastic w215 d724
ML-CA40G-9X3-CWW-H1141/G twin-pane safety glass w215 d725

Q20L80 Built-in longitudinal light

General data
Protection class IP67 Connection 0.5m Cable with con-
nector,M12 x 1
Operating voltage 1830VDC Housing material PA
Light type white, 40007000K Ambient temperature -40+50 C
Leistung 6W Function Built-in longitudinal
Aperture angle degree 90

Types and data selection table

Type Window material
ML-Q20L80G-9X2-CWW-0,5-RS4 twin-pane safety glass w215 d726
ML-Q20L80P-9X2-CWW-0,5-RS4 Plastic w215 d726
and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 557

Indicators and lights
Machine lights

RF160 Built-on beacon

General data
Protection class IP67 Operating voltage 1830VDC
Housing material Al Light type white, 50007000K
Ambient temperature -40+50 C Leistung 24W
Function Mountable beacon Window material twin-pane safety glass

Types and data selection table

Type Connection Aperture angle
ML-RF160-9X8-CWN-H1141 male,M12 x 1 38 w215 d727
ML-RF160-9X8-CWS-H1141 male,M12 x 1 8 w215 d727
ML-RF160-9X8-CWN/G 2m cable 38 w215 d728
ML-RF160-9X8-CWS/G 2m cable 8 w215 d728

558 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Indicators and lights
Machine lights

and lights

Wiring diagrams on page 658 Dimension drawing on page 670 Accessories on page 560

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 559

Connection and mounting accessories

560 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories

Connection and mo
Connection and mounting accessories
Connection technology

TURCK connectors fulfill many different M12 x 1 female or male outputs are avail-
requirements of the automation indus- able, straight and angled, 3 and 4-pole.
try. The standard and universally applica- The M12 is also available as 5-pole ver-
ble product series help to minimize in- sion. The entire product family is IP67
stallation efforts and storage space. M8/ rated.

Mounting accessories

TURCK off ers the appropriate accesso- Pressure sensors

ries for quick mounting, optimal opera- Temperature sensors
tion and protection of the sensors. Flow sensors
Accessories for: Ultrasonic sensors
Proximity sensors
Dual sensors for rotary actuators More accessories for photoelectric and
Magnetic fi eld sensors inspection sensors are listed at the end.


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 561

Connection and mounting accessories

The product portfolio features female Features

connectors with injection-moulded ca-
bles, connection cables and field wirea- Connectors eXtended Line:
ble female connectors. You find a short PUR, qualified for drag chain use
overview of the standard female connec- Free from halogen, silicone and PVC
tors with stripped cable end further Resistant to weld splatter, chemicals
down in this chapter. and o
Please visit our website for more details Flame-retardant, UV-resistant
on our entire product range. FB+ males:
IP68/IP69K rated
Resistant to cleaning agents
Stainless steel coupling nut

562 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories

female connector female connector
M12 x 1 straight M12 x 1 angled
cable length 2 Meter cable length 2 Meter

3-pole RKC4T-2/TXL 3-pole WKC4T-2/TXL
 4-pole RKC4.4T-2/TXL 4-pole WKC4.4T-2/TXL
5-pole RKC4.5T-2/TXL  5-pole WKC4.5T-2/TXL


female connector female connector

M12 x 1 straight M12 x 1 straight
cable length 2 Meter cable length 2 Meter
15 without LED
M12 x 1
4-pole FB-WAK4-2/S2300
M12 x 1 14 14 4-pole FB-WWAK4-2/S2300

42 31,5

female connector female connector

M8 x 1 straight M8 x 1 angled
cable length 2 Meter cable length 2 Meter

3-pole PKG3M-2/TXL 3-pole PKW3M-2/TXL
4-pole PKG4M-2/TXL  4-pole PKW4M-2/TXL



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 563

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Proximity sensors Accessories

We offer a complete range of accessories Features

for operating, mounting and protection
of our proximity switches. The assort- Protective housing and mounting rail
ment comprises function accessories for CP40 sensors
and actuating elements, m ounting ac- Fixing clamps for sensors in smooth or
cessories for easy and s ecure mounting threaded barrels
as well as protective aids shielding PTFE caps for M12, M18 and M30
against mechanical load. threads, protect against weld splatter
Test box, for functional testing of
Universal signal converter for sensors
with male M12
Mounting bracket, for more mounting

564 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Mounting bracket
MW-08  MW-12
Mounting bracket for Mounting bracket for
 threaded barrel devic- threaded barrel devic-
es; material: Stainless es; material: Stainless
steel A2 1.4301 (AISI steel A2 1.4301 (AISI
304) 304)



 MW-18  MW-30

Mounting bracket for Mounting bracket for
threaded barrel devic- threaded barrel devic-
es; material: Stainless es; material: Stainless
steel A2 1.4301 (AISI steel A2 1.4301 (AISI
  304)   304)



MW-Q14/Q20 MW-Q08/Q10
Mounting bracket for Mounting bracket for
rectangular Q14 or rectangular Q08 or
Q20; material VA Q10; material VA
1.4301 1.4301


8 SMB18FA MW 47
Mounting bracket; Mounting bracket;
31,5 material VA 1.4401, for material: Steel plate,
18 mm thread  zinc-plated
18 68,9 


3/8-16 x 2


Mounting bracket;  Mounting bracket;
material VA 1.4401, for material VA 1.4401, for

Q12 series photoelectric sensor,
Q12 series




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 565

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Mounting bracket
Mounting bracket; Mounting bracket,
material VA 1.4401, for stainless steel, for sen-

photoelectric sensor,  sors with 18 mm

 Q12 series thread



Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
PBT black; with 2 PTB black steel, for
 screws M5 x 0.8, for sensors with 18 mm
sensors with 18 mm  thread
smooth barrel


Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for stainless steel, for MI-
QS18/QS18U and 




Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
PBT black, for PICO- stainless steel, for sen-
GUARD points sors with 18 mm



Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for sen- PTB black, for sensors

 sors with 18 mm  with 18 mm thread



566 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Mounting bracket
Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for 18 stainless steel, for 18
mm thread mm thread



Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for sen- stainless steel, for Q45,
sors with 30 mm 
 K50L and WL50

Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
PBT black; for 30 mm stainless steel, for sen-

thread; with 4 screws  
sors with 30 mm
 M5 x 0.8 thread



Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for stainless steel, for
 QS30 series  QS30 series



Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for stainless steel, for
QS18, QS30, MINI- QS18, QS30, MINI-




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 567

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Mounting bracket
Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for stainless steel, for
QS18, MINI-BEAM, QS18 and S18 (laser

QM42 and ultrasonic types)




Mounting bracket,  
Mounting bracket,
PBT black, with  stainless steel, for Q50

mounting plate, stain- series
 less steel, for types
with 18 mm thread, 



  Mounting bracket,  Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for Q60 stainless steel, for LT3
 series  series





Mounting bracket,  Foot, galvanized steel,

stainless steel, for LT3 for LX series



Mounting bracket, 
Mounting bracket,

galvanized steel, for stainless steel, for PVA
LX series, 2 pcs. incl. in series





568 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Mounting bracket
Mounting bracket, Mounting bracket,
stainless steel, for sen- PBT black; with 2

sors with 18 mm 
screws M5 x 0.8, for
 thread sensors in 30 mm
 smooth barrel



Mounting panel
 Mounting panel for Foot for signal light

DIN rail, suited for  K50L, stainless-steel
CP80, DX80, K80, Q80, round bar, adapter
operating tempera- made of Acetal
ture. -20+90C


Foot for signal light Mounting bracket,
 K50L, stainless-steel stainless steel, for sen-
round bar, adapter sors with 30 mm

made of Acetal  


Backplane, stainless Backplane, stainless
steel, for Q60 series steel, for LT3 series






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 569

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Fixing clamps
Fixing clamp for Fixing clamp for
threaded barrel devic- threaded barrel devic-
es, with dead-stop; es, without dead-stop;
 material: PA6  material: PA6



Mounting bracket for Mounting bracket for
rectangular devices; smooth and threaded
material: barrel devices; materi-
Polypropylene  al: Polypropylene


BS 12 BST-12B
Mounting bracket for Fixing clamp for
threaded barrel devic-  threaded barrel devic-

es; material: PBT-GF20 es, with dead-stop;

material: PA6



BST-12N BSS-12
Fixing clamp for Mounting bracket for
 threaded barrel devic- smooth and threaded
es, without dead-stop;  barrel devices; materi-
material: PA6  al: Polypropylene


BS 18 BSN 18
Mounting bracket for Fixing clamp; material:
 threaded barrel devic- 20
es; material: PA66-GF 26

  M6 x 30
DIN 912



570 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Fixing clamps
Fixing clamp for Fixing clamp for
threaded barrel devic- threaded barrel devic-
es, with dead-stop; es, without dead-stop;
   material: PA6    material: PA6



BSS-18 BST-30B

Mounting bracket for Fixing clamp for

smooth and threaded threaded barrel devic-

barrel devices; materi-  es, with dead-stop;

al: Polypropylene  material: PA6



BST-30N BSS-30

Fixing clamp for Mounting bracket for

threaded barrel devic- smooth and threaded

 es, without dead-stop;  barrel devices; materi-
 material: PA6  al: Polypropylene


BS 540 MBS40
Fixing clamp; material 3,2 Fixing clamp; material
mounting block: Ano- 3,75 M3 x 8 mounting block: Ano-
dized aluminium; 7,5 DIN 912 dized aluminium
S 2,5
clamp sleeve: Steel

20 15

BS 865 MBS65
Fixing clamp for 3,2 Fixing clamp for
smooth barrel devices; 3,75 M3 x 8 smooth barrel devices;
  material mounting 7,5 DIN 912 material mounting
S 2,5
block: Anodized alu- block: Anodized
 minium; clamp sleeve: 12 aluminium
Steel 6,5


20 15


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 571

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Fixing clamps
BS 11 BS 20
Fixing clamp; material Fixing clamp; material
mounting block: PBT mounting block: PBT



BS34.1 BS 40
Fixing clamp: Mount- Fixing clamp; material
 ing block material  mounting block: PBT

(PBT-GF20-V0); dimen-  
 sions (58 mm x 56 mm
 x 16 mm), included in 
delivery (2 M5 screws
for base mounting) 


Quick-mount clamp
QM-08 QM-12
Quick-mount bracket Quick-mount bracket
with dead-stop, with dead-stop; mate-
chrome-plated brass, rial: Chrome-plated
male thread M12 x 1. brass Male thread M16

Note: The switching x 1. Note: The switch-
distance of proximity ing distance of prox-
switches may be re- imity switches can be
 duced through the   reduced by the use of
use of quick-mount quick-mount brackets.

QMT-12 QM-18
Quick-mount bracket Quick-mount bracket
with dead-stop; mate- with dead-stop; mate-
rial: brass, PTFE-coat- rial: Chrome-plated
ed; male thread M16 x  brass Male thread M24
1. Note: The switching x 1.5. Note: The
distance of the prox- switching distance of
imity switches may re- proximity switches

  duce when using 
can be reduced by the

quick-mount brackets.  use of quick-mount

572 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Quick-mount clamp
QMT-18 QM-30
Quick-mount bracket Quick-mount bracket
with dead-stop; mate- with dead-stop; mate-
rial: brass, PTFE-coat-  rial: Chrome-plated
 ed; male thread M24 x brass Male thread M36
 1,5. Note: The switch- x 1.5. Note: The
ing distance of the switching distance of
proximity switches proximity switches

may reduce when us- can be reduced by the
 ing quick-mount use of quick-mount
brackets. brackets.

Quick-mount bracket
with dead-stop; mate-
 rial: brass, PTFE-coat-
ed; male thread M36 x
1.5. Note: The switch-
ing distance of the
proximity switches
may reduce when us-

ing quick-mount

Mounting rail
JS 025/037
Mounting rail for rec-
tangular housings CK/
CP40; material: VA



Spacer rollers
MH-Q14 MH-Q20
Mounted with active Mounted with active
face downwards, for face downwards, for
Q14 Q20



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 573

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Protective housing
Protective frame for Protective housing,

  CP40; material hous- stainless steel, for

ing/cover: ULTEM; QS18 series
temperature resistant

up to +170 C, espe- 
cially UV and ozone 
resistant; protection

class IP 68, 5 m w.g. 

Protective housing, Protective housing
stainless steel, for with safety glas panel,

QS30 series stainless steel, for
  QS30 series


 Protective housing Protective housing

with safety glas panel, with safety glas panel,
 stainless steel, for Q60  for LT3 series



 Protective housing, Protective frame for

 stainless steel, for LT3 Q20L60; protects
series against mechanical
impact; stainless steel



574 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Protective frames
MF-CK40-1S MF-CK40-2S
Protective frame (one  Protective frame (an-
side) rectangular CK40  gle) for rectangular





 Protective frame (U
 profile) CK40



Protective caps
PTFE-coated caps; for PTFE-coated caps; for
use in welding sys- use in welding sys-
tems and grinding tems and grinding
 machinery; protection machinery; protection
against intense  against intense
sparking sparking


PTFE-coated caps; for
use in welding sys-
tems and grinding

machinery; protection
against intense


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 575

Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Protecting nuts
PN-M12 PN-M18
Impact protection nut Impact protection nut
for M12x1 threaded for M18x1 threaded
barrel devices; materi-  barrel devices; materi-

al: Stainless steel A2 al: Stainless steel A2
 1.4305 (AISI 303)  1.4305 (AISI 303)

Impact protection nut

for M30x1 threaded
barrel devices; materi-
al: Stainless steel A2

1.4305 (AISI 303)

Safety clips
SC-M12/3GD SC-M8/3GD
Captive safety clip for Captive safety clip for
 sensors with M12 x 1 sensors with M8 x 1

connectors and ap- connectors and ap-
 proval according to  proval according to
ATEX II 3 G or II 3 D ATEX II 3 G or II 3 D


Adapter for rotational Adapter for pnp/npn
speed monitor switch function




576 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Proximity sensors

Adapter with switch-

ON/OFF delay

Test and configuration devices

 TB3-CP80 TB4

Universal test device Universal test and
for pnp, npn and NA- configuration device

MUR sensors for analog an binary





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 577

Connection and mounting accessories
Dual sensors for rotary actuators

Dual sensors for rotary actuators Accessories

TURCKs comprehensive product p ortfo- Features

lio of sensors and matching accessories
for position feedback enables cost-effec- Broad range of actuating elements
tive planning, commissioning and oper- and a ccessories
ation of systems. Different actuating ele- Highly resistant to chemicals and
ments allow the application on cleaning agents
clockwise and counter-clockwise rotat- For all standard actuator sizes
ing drives and for altering switchpoints. Rugged design

578 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Dual sensors for rotary actuators

Dual sensors DSC26 Actuator sets

Actuation kit (puck) Actuation kit (puck)

 for dual sensors; end  
for dual sensors; end
position damped; hole  position damped; hole
 pattern on flange sur- 
pattern on flange sur-
face 80 x 30 mm and face 80 x 30 mm and
130 x 30mm; connec- 130 x 30mm; connec-
tion shaft (shaft exten- tion shaft (shaft exten-
sion) height 20 mm / sion) height 30 mm /
max. 35 mm max. 50 mm

Actuation kit (puck)
for dual sensors; end
 position damped; hole

pattern on flange sur-
face 30 x 130 mm;
connection shaft
(shaft extension)
height 30 mm /
max. 85 mm

Dual sensors DSU35 Actuator sets

 Actuation kit (puck) 
Actuation kit (puck)
for dual sensors; end for dual sensors; end

position damped; hole 

position undamped
 pattern on flange sur-  for clockwise and
face 80 x 30 mm and counter-clockwise
130 x 30 mm; connec- drives; hole pattern on
tion shaft (shaft exten- flange surface 80 x 30
sion) height 20 mm / mm and 130 x 30 mm;
max. 30 mm connection shaft
(shaft stud) height 20
(30) mm / max. 30

 Actuation kit (puck),  Actuation kit (puck)

end position damped 
for dual sensors; end

and switchpoint ad- 
position damped;

justable; hole pattern 
open and closed
on flange surface 80 x switchpoint adjusta-
30 mm (130 x 30 mm); ble; hole pattern on
connection shaft flange surface 80 x 30
(shaft extension) mm and 130 x 30 mm;
height 20 / max. 30 connection shaft
mm (shaft extension)
height 20 / max. 30

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 579

Connection and mounting accessories
Dual sensors for rotary actuators

Dual sensors DSU35 Actuator sets


Mounting kit dual sen- 
Mounting kit dual sen-

 sors, for larger rotary 
sors, for larger rotary

actuators: Spacer plate 

actuators: disc and
  and snap ring max. snap ring max. 65 mm;
65 mm; hole pattern hole pattern on flange


on flange surface 30 x surface 30 x 80 mm

80 mm (30 x 130 mm); (30 x 130 mm); con-
connection shaft nection shaft (shaft
(shaft extension) extension) height 20
height 30 mm / (30) mm / max. 40
max. 30 mm mm

 BTS-DSU35-Z03 BTS-DSU35-Z04

Mounting kit dual sen- 

Mounting kit for larger

sors, for larger rotary 
 rotary actuators:

actuators: disc and 

disc and snap ring
snap ring max.110  
max. 65 mm; hole pat-
  mm; hole pattern on    tern on flange surface

flange surface 30 x 30 x 80 mm (30 x 130
130 mm; connection mm); connection shaft
shaft (shaft extension) (shaft extension)
height 30 mm / height 30 mm /
max. 70 mm max. 30 mm

BTS-DSU35-Z05  BTS-DSU35-Z06
 Mounting kit for larger  Mounting kit dual sen-

rotary actuators: 
sors, for larger rotary

disc and snap ring 

actuators: Spacer plate
max. 65 mm; hole pat- and snap ring max.

tern on flange surface 65 mm; hole pattern

30 x 80 mm (30 x 130 
on flange surface 30 x
mm); connection shaft 80 mm (30 x 130 mm);
(shaft extension) connection shaft
height 30 mm / (shaft extension)
max. 30 mm height 30 mm /
max. 40 mm

Mounting kit dual sen- Protective housing for

sors, for larger rotary dual sensors, series

actuators: disc and DSU35, for mechani-

snap ring max.110 cally protected instal-
  mm; hole pattern on lation in the explosion
  flange surface 30 x hazardous area
130 mm; connection 
shaft (shaft extension)
height 50 mm /
max. 75 mm

580 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 581

Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Magnetic field sensors Accessories

The permanent magnets are used as ac- Features

tuating elements for magnetic inductive
proximity sensors or as positioning ele- Strontium ferrite magnets, rugged
ments for magnetic inductive linear po- and resistant to chemicals
sition sensors. Despite the small size, Rectangular polyamide magnet
they achieve larger switching distances Switching distance up to 90 mm on
compared to inductive sensors. They fit BIM-(E)M12 sensors
in narrow spaces and are ideal for diffi- Switching distance up to 78 mm on
cult sensing c onditions such as hangar BIM-EG08 sensors
doors with poor guiding control for Recommended distance between
example. magnet and WIM-Q25L sensor 3 to 5

582 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Actuating magnets
DM-Q12   DMR31-15-5
Actuation magnet; Actuation magnet,
cuboid-shaped plastic; 31 mm ( 5 mm),

  sensing range 58 mm h: 15 mm; sensing

 on BIM-(E)M12 sensors range 90 mm on
 resp. 49 mm on BIM-  BIM-(E)M12 sensors
EG08 sensors; in com- resp. 78 mm on
bination with Q25: BIM-EG08 sensors; in
Recommended dis-  combination with
 tance between sensor Q25L: Recommended
and magnet: distance between sen-
3 5 mm sor and magnet:
3 5 mm

DMR20-10-4   DMR15-6-3
Actuation magnet; Actuation magnet,
20 mm ( 4 mm), 15 mm ( 3 mm),

h: 10 mm; sensing h: 6 mm; sensing
range 59 mm on range 36 mm on
 BIM-(E)M12 sensors 
BIM-(E)M12 sensors
resp. 50 mm on resp. 32 mm on
 BIM-EG08 sensors; in BIM-EG08 sensors; in
combination with combination with
Q25L: Recommended Q25L: Recommended
distance between sen- distance between sen-
sor and magnet: sor and magnet:
3 4 mm 3 4 mm

Accessories for UNT

 Accessories for  Accessories for
mounting on round mounting on round
 cylinders; diameter:  cylinders; diameter:
825 mm; material: 2563 mm; material:
PA 6I/6T / nickel silver; PA 6I/6T / nickel silver;
 Fire-hazard classifica-  Fire-hazard classifica-
tion acc. to UL94 - V2 tion acc. to UL94 - V2

 Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the BIM- mounting the BIM-
 UNT sensor on round UNT sensor on dove-
cylinders; diameter: tail groove cylinders;
63130 mm; materi-  groove width: 7 mm;
 al: PA 6I/6T / nickel sil- material: PPS
  ver; Fire-hazard classi-
fication acc. to
UL94 - V2 


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 583

Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Accessories for UNT

Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the BIM- mounting the BIM-
UNT sensor on dove- UNT sensor on dove-
tail groove cylinders; tail groove cylinders;
 groove width: 9.4 mm; 
groove width:
material: PPS 11.5 mm; material: PPS


Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the BIM- mounting on dovetail
UNT sensor on dove- groove cylinders;
tail groove cylinders; groove width:

groove width: 7.35 mm; material: PPS

12.6 mm; material: PPS


Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the mounting the BIM-
BIM-UNT sensor on UNT sensor on tie-rod
tie-rod cylinders; di- cylinders; diameter:
ameter: 3240 mm; 5063 mm; material:
material: Aluminium; Aluminium; further
 further mounting ac- 
mounting accessories
 cessories for other cyl- for other cylinder di-
inder diameters on  ameters on request


Accessories for Mounting on tie-rod
mounting the BIM- cylinder; cylinder di-
UNT sensor on tie-rod ameter:
cylinders; diameter: 160200 mm; materi-
80100 mm; materi-  al: Aluminium; further
al: Aluminium; further mounting accessories
mounting accessories for other cylinder di-

for other cylinder di-  ameters on request
ameters on request 

UNT-Stopper UNT-Justage
Accessories to secure Accessories for fine-
the switchpoint on T- 5,5 tuning of the switch-
  groove cylinders; point on T-groove cyl-
snap-lock mounting in 7 M3 inders; snap-lock
the BIM-UNT sensor mounting in the sen-
 fixture; material: sor fixture; suited for
Plastic 0,4 Nm multiple use; material:
1,5 Metal/plastic

11 32 ... 44

584 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Accessories for WIM

Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the BIM- mounting the BIM-
UNT sensor on dove- UNT sensor on dove-
tail groove cylinders; tail groove cylinders;
 groove width: 7 mm;  groove width: 9.4 mm;
material: PPS material: PPS


Accessories for Accessories for
mounting the BIM- mounting the BIM-
UNT sensor on dove- UNT sensor on dove-
tail groove cylinders; tail groove cylinders;

groove width: groove width:

11.5 mm; material: PPS 12.6 mm; material: PPS


Accessories for Accessories to secure
mounting on dovetail the switchpoint on T-
groove cylinders;   groove cylinders;
groove width: snap-lock mounting in

7.35 mm; material: PPS the BIM-UNT sensor
 fixture; material:


Accessories for fine-
5,5 tuning of the switch-
point on T-groove cyl-
7 M3 inders; snap-lock
mounting in the sen-
sor fixture; suited for
0,4 Nm multiple use; material:
1,5 Metal/plastic

11 32 ... 44

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 585

Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Accessories for NST

Mounting on Dovetail Mounting on SMC cyl-
groove cylinders or T- inders; clamping
 groove cylinders; width 4 mm; material:
clamping width  Anodized aluminium

5.213.5 mm; materi-
al: Anodized

Mounting on external Mounting on external

dovetail grooves; for dovetail grooves (IMI
all cylinder diameters, Norgrem); for all cylin-
material: Anodized der diameters, materi-
aluminium al: Anodized

Accessories for IKT

Mounting on tie-rod Mounting on tie-rod

cylinders; cylinder di-  cylinders; cylinder di-
ameter 32100 mm; ameter 3263 mm;
material: Die-cast zinc material: Aluminum


Mounting on tie-rod Mounting on profile
cylinders; cylinder di-  cylinder; cylinder di-

ameter 50125 mm; ameter 3250 mm;
 material: Aluminum material: Aluminium


586 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Magnetic field sensors Actuating magnets

Accessories for IKT

Mounting on profile Mounting on tie-rod
cylinder; cylinder di- cylinders; cylinder di-

ameter 50100 mm;  ameter 63160 mm;
material: Aluminium material: Die-cast zinc



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 587

Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors

Inductive linear position sensors Accessories

The range of accessories includes guid- Features

ed and floating positioning elements as
well as different mounting aids for linear Broad range of positioning elements
position sensors. The individual measur- and mounting accessories
ing range is easily set via teach adapter. Highest mounting flexibility
The sensors are thus easily adjusted to Guided and floating positioning
the correspondent application. The pro- elements
grammed m easuring range can be test-
ed with the a nalog test box.

588 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors

Accessories for inductive sensors Li-Q25L

P1-Li-Q25L P2-Li-Q25L
Guided positioning el- 12 Floating positioning
ement for Li-Q25L, in- 4,5 element for Li-Q25L.
serted in the sensor 4,5 32
35,3 8 M5
M5 (4x) 21,5

40,4 40


P3-Li-Q25L M1-Q25L
12 Free positioning ele- Mounting foot for lin-
4,5 ment for Li-Q25L, off- ear position sensor
4,5 32 set mountable by 90 Q25L; aluminium;
 2 pcs. per bag
(4x) 21,5


M2-Q25L  M4-Q25L
Mounting foot for lin- Mounting bracket for
ear position sensor linear position sensor
Q25L; aluminium; 2  Q25L; material Stain-
 pcs. per bag less steel; 2 pcs. per


MN-M4-Q25 30
Sliding block with M4 20 Teach adapter for in-
thread for the back- ductive linear position
side profile of the M12 x 1
and angle sensors

  Q25L; material Brass;
 10 pcs. per bag 50
M12 x 1
 8 17


Universal test and Axial joint for Li-Q25L
configuration device M5 specific guided posi-
for analog an binary tioning elements




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 589

Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors

Accessories for inductive sensors Li-Q25L

 CA100  CA200
 Extension bar for the  Extension bar for posi-
positioning element; tioning element;
 L = 100 mm  L = 200 mm



 CA300  CA400
 Extension bar for posi-  Extension bar for the
tioning element; positioning element;
 L = 300 mm  L = 400 mm



Accessories for magnetic sensors WIM-Q25L

DM-Q12   DMR15-6-3
Actuation magnet; Actuation magnet,
cuboid-shaped plastic; 15 mm ( 3 mm),
  sensing range 58 mm h: 6 mm; sensing
on BIM-(E)M12 sensors  range 36 mm on

 resp. 49 mm on BIM- 
BIM-(E)M12 sensors
EG08 sensors; in com- resp. 32 mm on
bination with Q25: BIM-EG08 sensors; in
Recommended dis- combination with
 tance between sensor Q25L: Recommended
and magnet: distance between sen-
3 5 mm sor and magnet:
3 4 mm

DMR20-10-4   DMR31-15-5
Actuation magnet; Actuation magnet,
20 mm ( 4 mm), 31 mm ( 5 mm),
h: 10 mm; sensing h: 15 mm; sensing
range 59 mm on range 90 mm on
 BIM-(E)M12 sensors  BIM-(E)M12 sensors
resp. 50 mm on resp. 78 mm on
 BIM-EG08 sensors; in BIM-EG08 sensors; in
combination with  combination with
Q25L: Recommended Q25L: Recommended
distance between sen- distance between sen-
sor and magnet: sor and magnet:
3 4 mm 3 5 mm

590 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors

Accessories for magnetic sensors WIM-Q25L

M1-Q25L M2-Q25L
Mounting foot for lin- Mounting foot for lin-
ear position sensor ear position sensor
Q25L; aluminium; Q25L; aluminium;
 2 pcs. per bag  2 pcs. per bag



 M4-Q25L MB1-Q25
Mounting bracket for Mounting clip for line-
linear position sensor ar position sensor
 Q25L; material Stain- Q25L; material Stain-
less steel; 2 pcs. per  less steel; 2 pcs. per
bag bag




MB2.1-Q25 MB2.2-Q25
Mounting bracket for Mounting bracket for
linear position sensors linear position sensors
Q25L; mounting on Q25L; mounting on
pneumatic cylinders pneumatic cylinders
 (4060mm); materi-  (70120mm); materi-
 al: Stainless steel;  al: Stainless steel;
4 pcs. per bag 4 pcs. per bag


Sliding block with M4
thread for the back-
side profile of the

  Q25L; material Brass;
 10 pcs. per bag


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 591

Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors in rod design

Magnetostrictive linear position sensors Accessories

The range of accessories for linear posi- Features

tion sensors includes actuation magnets
as well as mounting aids for installation Broad range of positioning elements
in hydraulic cylinders or outside to de- and mounting accessories for many
tect the position of a moving unit. The different applications
magnets are also available as floating ac-
tuators for the detection of filling levels
in stainless steel containers.

Accessories for magnetostrictive linear position sensors LTX

CM-R10  STS-R10
standard cylinder  Standard spacer disc It
magnet consists of non-ferritic
metal and is used to

separate the position-
ing magnet from the
 head piece of the hy-
draulic piston rod.



large ring magnet Large ring magnet
with slot, aluminium with slot, stainless




592 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Linear position sensors in rod design

Accessories for magnetostrictive linear position sensors LTX

 standard 4-hole mag- Small ring magnet
net, aluminium with slot, aluminium




 SPS-R10 EF-R10

spacer disk for ring Float magnet, stain-
magnet with slot 
less steel, specific
 weigth 0.62

MF-R10 MB-R10
Small float, stainless  Sensor head fixing
steel, specific weigth clamp


RB-R10  LB-R10

Rod fixing clamp  Magnet fixing clamp



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 593

Connection and mounting accessories
Inductive angle sensors

Inductive angle sensors Accessories

Angle sensors can be mounted in many Features

different ways with the range of availa-
ble adapters. The positioning element Mounting accessories for shafts
floating freely above the s ensors can be Mounting accessories for rear
changed from a hollow s haft to a 6 or 8 mounting
mm solid shaft connection. The sensor Teach adapter to adjust the measuring
can also be mounted on the rear side range
with spacer sleeves.

594 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Inductive angle sensors

Accessories for inductive angle sensors Ri-QR14

Adapter for Ri-QR14 Adapter for Ri-QR14
specific positioning el- specific positioning el-
 ements, hollow on sol-  ements, hollow on sol-
 id shaft, 6 mm  id shaft, 8 mm


DS-RI-QR14 30
Spacer sleeves for rear 20 Teach adapter for in-
mounting of Ri-QR14, ductive linear position
 2 pcs. per pack and angle sensors
M12 x 1

M12 x 1
8 17



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 595

Connection and mounting accessories

Encoders Accessories

The product portfolio comprises differ- Features

ent mounting aids for hollow and solid
shaft encoders, spring elements, stator Broad range of flange adapters and
couplings, flange adapters, mounting mounting elements
brackets and plates. Measuring wheels for length measure-
Measuring wheels for length measure- ment of moving objects
ment of moving objects are also a vaila-
ble in different qualities and sizes.

596 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories

Accessories for encoders

RFA-2 RFA-12
Aluminium flange Aluminium flange
adapter, rectangular, 5,5 3,4
120 adapter, rectangular,
3 5,5 48 for solid shaft encod- for solid shaft encod-
ers with clamping ers with clamping
3,2 flange; edge length flange; edge length
36,5 63.5mm; 3mm thick 70mm; 10mm thick

10 36
63,5 58

RFA-13 RFA-1
Aluminium flange Aluminium flange
120 120
adapter, rectangular, adapter, rectangular,
5,5 48
for solid shaft encod- 4 4,5 48 for solid shaft encod-
ers with clamping ers with clamping
3,2 flange; edge length 3,2 flange; edge length 58
36,5 80mm; 4 mm thick 36,5 mm; 4 mm thick

4 58

DIN 74-Hm6 Euro flange alumini- Aluminium flange
100 115 10 120
um flange adapter for adapter for solid shaft
solid shaft encoders, 3
50 58 encoders with clamp-
115 mm; reference di- ing flange, 58 mm;
ameter 100 mm; M4 adapts clamping
adapts 58 mm clamp- flange to synchro
60 ing flange to Euro flange
42 36,1
1 58 120
8 DIN 74-BM3

Aluminium flange Aluminium flange
5 120
adapter for solid shaft adapter for solid shaft
1,8 65 encoders, 65 mm; 3 64 48 encoders with clamp-
48 70 42
6,3 36,5 adapts to 65 mm ing flange, 70 mm;
flange and 48 mm ref- 3,4 50 thickness 4 mm,
15 erence diameter M3 adapts to 70 mm
M4 36 flange
3,4 120
3 M4

2,5 RFA-9 RFA-11

Aluminium angle Aluminium flange
10 120
flange for solid shaft 9
adapter for solid shaft
80 36 60,4 encoders with 58 8 70
64 48
42 encoders with clamp-
mm clamping flange ing flange, 70 mm;
45 thickness 10mm,
3,4 50
6 M3 adapts to 70 mm
48 DIN 74-Hm6
M4 56 flange
80 6
22 6
7 120


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 597

Connection and mounting accessories

Accessories for encoders

36 Spring arm for encod- Aluminium measuring
ers; max. contact pres- wheel (cross-knurled)
sure 40 N; for encod- for encoders, perime-
120 63,66 12
48 3,8 90 ers with measuring ter 0.2m, width 1 2mm
wheel D

60 8
4 90 M4 x 6
8 DIN916

30 120 30
Hytrel measuring Hytrel measuring
wheel (smooth) for wheel (grooved) for
encoders, perimeter encoders, perimeter
63,66 12 63,66 12
0.2 m, width 12 mm, 0.2 m, width 12 mm,
D temp.range -1050C D temp.range -1070C

M4 x 6 M4 x 6
DIN916 DIN916

Aluminium measuring Hytrel measuring
159,15 100 24,8 159,15 100 24,8
wheel (cross-knurled) wheel (smooth) for
for encoders, perime- encoders, perimeter
ter 0.5 m, w
idth 0.5m, width 25mm,
D 25 mm D temp.range -1050C

M5 x 8 M5 x 8
DIN916 DIN916

Vulkollan measuring Aluminium measuring
159,15 100 24,8 159,15 100 24,8
wheel (smooth) for wheel with napped
encoders, perimeter rubber for encoders,
0.5 m, width 25 mm, perimeter 0.5 m, w
D temp.range -3080C D 25 mm, t emp.range

M5 x 8 M5 x 8
DIN916 DIN916

3/8 16 UNC x 1
Hytrel measuring 35,4
Stainless steel mount-
159,15 100 24,8
wheel (grooved) for ing plate for h
encoders, perimeter shaft encoders, refer-
0.5m, width 25mm, 87 ence diameter
D temp.range -1050C 74,5 149 mm, for applica-
tions with axial p lay

60,7 0,4
M5 x 8
DIN916 70 18

598 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories

Accessories for encoders

79,8 RME-6 RME-10
70 Stainless steel mount- Stainless steel spring
ing plate for hollow element for hollow
11,43 shaft encoders, refer- shaft encoders, refer-
ence diameter 2,5 R3,25 8 ence diameter 110
25,4 104206 mm, for ap- mm, for applications
plications with fixing 7,8 5,3 with high axial play
points on adjustable
45 52 reference diameter 3 6 2 6
114 30


RME-11 RME-15
Stainless steel spring Metal arm bracket, for
element for hollow hollow shaft encoders,
shaft encoders, refer- M2,5 x 6 length 70mm; for ap-
10,6 2
2,5 8 ence diameter 76 mm, plications with little
for applications with 29,7 6 axial and radial play;
5 18
7,8 5,3 limited mounting 25,7 flexibly adjustable
3 6 70
88 19

RME-16 RME-17
Metal arm bracket, for Metal arm bracket, for
hollow shaft encoders, hollow shaft encoders,
M2,5 x 6 length 100 mm; for M2,5 x 6 length 150mm; for
10,6 2 10,6 2
applications with little applications with little
29,7 6 axial and radial play; 29,7 6 axial and radial play;
5 18 5 18
25,7 flexibly adjustable 25,7 flexibly adjustable

100 150
118 19 168 19

Stainless steel stator
coupling for hollow
20 3,3 0,4 shaft encoders, refer-
5,5 ence diameter 119
mm, for highly dy-
70 namic applications
24,5 31,5 106
with axial and radial

119 6,9

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 599

Connection and mounting accessories
Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors Accessories

We offer matching accessories for Features

mounting and protection of pressure
sensors. Available are accessories for the Protective cap for the PS series
PK series as well as protective aids for Reduction of temperature for the PS
the PS series. It also includes a heat sink and PT series
to reduce high ambient temperatures. Mounting accessories for the PK series

600 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Pressure sensors

Accessories for PS series

PTS-Cover PCS-G1/4A4
Protective cap Cooling section



PCV-G1/4A4 PCV-G1/2A4
Adapter G1/4 on G1/ Adapter G1/4 on G1/
4 thread 2 thread




PCV-N1/2A4 PCV-G1/8A4
Adapter G1/4 on N1/ Adapter G1/4 on G1/
2 thread 8 thread




Accessories for PT series

Cooling section




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 601

Connection and mounting accessories
Pressure sensors

Accessories for the PK series

PK-N-MZ-001 PK-N-MZ-002

 complete mounting  Mounting bracket
kit PK-N   PK-N



 PK-P-MZ-001 PK-P-MZ-002

Mounting kit PK-P Flange connection







602 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 603

Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

Temperature sensors Accessories

We offer accessories for operating, Features

mounting and protection of sensors. The
product portfolio comprises function Compression fittings for temperature
and mounting accessories such as c om- probes with different process
pression and cutting ring fittings as well connections
as thermowells and protective caps. The Thermowells
protection accessories are made to
measure and thus protect optimally
against mechanical damages.

604 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-3 Thermowell for 3 mm probes

THW-3-DN25K-L035 THW-3-DN25K-A4-
Thermowell for L050
 mounting tempera-  Thermowell for
ture probes mounting tempera-
ture probes


THW-3-DN25K-A4- THW-3-DN25K-A4-
L100 L150
 Thermowell for  Thermowell for
mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
ture probes ture probes


THW-3-DN25K-A4- THW-3-G1/2-A4-
L250 L050
 Thermowell for Thermowell for
mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
ture probes  ture probes


THW-3-G1/2-A4- THW-3-G1/2-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes



THW-3-G1/2-A4- THW-3-G1/4-A4-
L250 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 605

Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-3 Thermowell for 3 mm probes

THW-3-G1/4-A4- THW-3-G1/4-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


THW-3-G1/4-A4- THW-3-G1/8-A4-
L200 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera- mounting tempera-

 ture probes  ture probes


THW-3-G1/8-A4- THW-3-G1/8-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-

ture probes 
ture probes


THW-3-G1/8-A4- THW-3-N1/2-A4-
L200 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes

THW-3-N1/2-A4- THW-3-N1/2-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes



606 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-3 Thermowell for 3 mm probes

THW-3-N1/2-A4- THW-3-N1/4-A4-
L250 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes

THW-3-N1/4-A4- THW-3-N1/4-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


THW-3-N1/4-A4- THW-3-N1/8-A4-
L200 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera- mounting tempera-

 ture probes  ture probes


THW-3-N1/8-A4- THW-3-N1/8-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-

ture probes 
ture probes


THW-3-N1/8-A4- THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-
L200 L035
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
 ture probes ture probes


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 607

Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-3 Thermowell for 3 mm probes

THW-3-TRI3/4-A4- THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-
L050 L100
Thermowell for Thermowell for
mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
ture probes ture probes

THW-3-TRI3/4-A4- THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-
 L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
 ture probes ture probes



Thermowell for
mounting tempera-
ture probes


THW-6 Thermowell for 6 mm probes

THW-6-DN25K-A4- THW-6-G1/2-A4-
L100 L050
 Thermowell for Thermowell for
mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
ture probes  ture probes


608 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-6 Thermowell for 6 mm probes

THW-6-G1/2-A4- THW-6-G1/2-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes



THW-6-G1/2-A4- THW-6-N1/2-A4-
L250 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes



THW-6-N1/2-A4- THW-6-N1/2-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes



THW-6-N1/2-A4- THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-
L250 L050
Thermowell for Thermowell for
 mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
 ture probes ture probes


THW-6-TRI3/4-A4- THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-
L100 L150
Thermowell for Thermowell for
mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
ture probes ture probes



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 609

Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

THW-6 Thermowell for 6 mm probes

THW-6-TRI3/4-A4- THW-6-DN25K-A4-
L250 L050
Thermowell for  Thermowell for
mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
ture probes ture probes



THW-6-DN25K-A4- THW-6-DN25K-A4-
L150 L250
 Thermowell for  Thermowell for
mounting tempera- mounting tempera-
ture probes ture probes



THW-3-UNI25-A4- THW-3-UNI25-A4-
L100 L035
Thermowell for Thermowell for

 mounting tempera-  mounting tempera-
ture probes  ture probes



CF-3 Compression fittings for 3 mm probes

CF-M-3-G1/8-A4 CF-M-3-N1/8-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


610 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

CF-3 Compression fittings for 3 mm probes

CF-M-3-G1/4-A4 CF-M-3-N1/4-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


CF-P-3-G1/8-A4 CF-P-3-N1/8-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


CF-P-3-G1/4-A4 CF-P-3-N1/4-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


CF-6 Compression fittings for 6 mm probes

CF-M-6-G1/4-A4 CF-M-6-N1/4-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 611

Connection and mounting accessories
Temperature sensors

CF-6 Compression fittings for 6 mm probes

CF-P-6-G1/4-A4 CF-P-6-N1/4-A4
Compression ferrule Compression ferrule
fittings for direct fittings for direct
mounting of tempera- mounting of tempera-
 ture probes  ture probes


Other accessories
Protective cap

612 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Flow sensors and flow meters


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 613

Connection and mounting accessories
Flow sensors and flow meters

Flow sensors/meters Accessories

We offer accessories for operating, Features

mounting and protection of sensors.
Function supporting accessories, actuat- Adapter for flow meters
ing elements, accessories for easy and D18, D15, D10 on G1/2
secure mounting as well as aids, shield- Other connection types on request
ing against mechanical load. Mounting aids for FTCI, FCVI and FCMI
flow meters

614 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Flow sensors and flow meters

Adapters and mounting kits

FTCI-G1/4A4-D10/ FTCI-G1/2A4-D18/
L050 L068
Adapter for G1/4  Adapter for G1/2
 thread made of stain- thread made of stain-
less steel A4 (1.4571/  less steel A4 (1.4571/

 AISI 316Ti)  AISI 316Ti)


aluminium mounting
panel for front



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 615

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors


The use of reflectors and reflective foils Features

requires sufficient excess gain (excess r a-
diated power). Reflectors and reflective foils are avail-
Excess gain 1 means, the sensor o per- able in different sizes and with differ-
ates without excess of radiancy. If dust, ent mounting arrangements
fume or mist is expected to c ontaminate Reflectors for rough environments
the lens or the beam path, the excess and high temperatures
gain of the system has to be enlarged
(> 1.5) compared to a clean e nvironment
Unless otherwise indicated, the ranges
of the retroreflective sensors stated here
are based on the use of a BRT-3 reflector
with a diameter of 75 mm.

616 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Rectangular reflectors
BRT-40X18A BRT-53X19A
Rectangular reflector, Rectangular reflector,

 reflection coefficient  reflection coefficient

1.0, material acrylic, 1.4, material acrylic,
ambient temperature ambient temperature
-20 +60 C -20 +60 C



BRT-48X32A BRT-40X23B
Rectangular reflector, Rectangular reflector,

reflection coefficient  reflection coefficient
1.0, material acrylic, 1.4, material acrylic,
ambient temperature ambient temperature
-20 +60 C -20 +60 C




BRT-48X32B BRT-46

Rectangular reflector, Rectangular reflector,
reflection coefficient reflection coefficient

1.0, material acrylic, 1.8, material acrylic,
ambient temperature ambient temperature

-20 +60 C max. 50 C



BRT-60X40C BRT-77X77C
Rectangular reflector,  Round reflector, re-
 reflection coefficient 
flection coefficient 2.0,
 1.48, material: acrylic,  material acrylic, ambi-
ambient temperature  ent temperature -20
-20+60 C +60 C


 Round reflector, re-  Rectangular reflector,

flection coefficient 3.0, reflection coefficient
 material acrylic, ambi- 0.15, material alumini-
 ent temperature -20 um, ambient tempera-
+60 C ture max. 480 C


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 617

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Rectangular reflectors
BRT-40X23 BRT-48X32
Rectangular reflector, Rectangular reflector,
reflection coefficient reflection coefficient

 1.4, material acrylic, 1.0, material acrylic,
ambient temperature ambient temperature
-20 +60C -20 +60C



BRT-100X18A  BRT-100X50
 Rectangular reflector, Rectangular reflector,
reflection coefficient reflection coefficient
1.4, material acrylic, 1.4, material acrylic,
ambient temperature ambient temperature
-20 +60C -20 +60C


BRT-100X55A BRT-250
Rectangular reflector, Special rectangular re-

reflection coefficient flector for LT7PLVQ
1.5, material acrylic, sensor, material alu-
ambient temperature minium, ambient t em-
-20 +60C perature -20 + 50C


Round reflectors
BRT-40 BRT-75
Round reflector, re- Round reflector, re-
flection coefficient 1.0,  flection coefficient 1.0,
material acrylic, a mbi- material acrylic, ambi-

ent temperature ent temperature
max. 65C max. 65C

618 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Round reflectors
BRT-84 BRT-42A
Round reflector, re- Rectangular reflector,
 flection coefficient 1.4, reflection coefficient

material acrylic, ambi-  1.0, material acrylic,
ent temperature  ambient temperature
-20 +60 C -20 +60 C


Round reflector, re- Round reflector, re-
flection coefficient 1.0, flection coefficient 1.0,
material acrylic, ambi- material acrylic, ambi-
 ent temperature ent temperature

-20 +60 C -20 +60 C


Round reflector, re- Round reflector, re-
flection coefficient 1.0, flection coefficient 1.0,
material acrylic, ambi- 7,6
material acrylic, ambi-
 ent temperature ent temperature
max. 50 C max. 65 C


Reflective foil
BRF50H (1M) BRF75H (1M)
self-adhesive reflec- self-adhesive reflec-
tive foil made of tive foil made of
epoxy resin. Length epoxy resin. Length
1 m, reflection coeffi- 1 m, reflection coeffi-
cient 0.7, max. ambi- cient 0.7, max. ambi-
 ent temperature 60 C  ent temperature 60 C


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 619

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Plastic fibers

The very flexible plastic fibers are a well- Features

priced solution for applications with
poorly accessible spaces. Well-priced solution for confined spaces
Plastic fibers can be cut to the required Easy fitting
length. They are freely bendable and fit Coiled plastic fibers, freely bendable
everywhere. For applications in which Highly flexible
the fibers need to be bended in all direc- Cut to fit
tions, TURCK offers extremely flexible Extremely small bending radius, more than
coiled version with the following diame- 1,000,000 bending cycles
ters: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.5 mm. They Ambient temperatures: -30+70 C
are sold in pairs. Auxiliary lenses to increase the sensing range
and to focus the light
Quartz glass tips Monitoring of filling levels
Brackets available as accessories
Type code plastic fibers

P B P 4 6 UC MXX

P plastic fiber B Design/Operating mode P Sensing end

plastic fiber Design/Operating mode Sensing end
P plastic fiber B bifurcated fiber A angled (90)
diffuse mode AT angled (90), thread
I individual fiber AF angled (90), ferrule
opposed mode (2 fibers required)
AP angled (90), probe
CF coaxial, ferrule
CT coaxial, thread
4 Bundle diameter (core) 6 Total length EFP extended ferrule, probe
F ferrule
Bundle diameter (core) Total length FM ferrule, miniature
1X4 4 x 0.25 mm 3 3 ft. = approx. 914 mm FMP ferrule, miniature, probe
1X8 8 x 0.25 mm 6 6 ft. = approx. 1829 mm FP ferrule, probe
1X16 16 x 0.25 mm 15 15 ft. = approx. 4572 mm L lensed
1X32 32 x 0.25 mm P bendable probe
1 0.25 mm PF probe, ferrule
2 0.5 mm PM probe, miniature
3 0.75 mm PMSB probe, miniature, side emission
4 1 mm bendable
6 1.5 mm PS probe, side emission
PSB probe, side emission, bendable
PSM probe, side emission, miniature
R rectangular beam
UC Connecting end to the sensor MXX Modifiaction of sensing end RS rectangular beam, side emission
T thread
Connecting end to the sensor Modifiaction of sensing end TA thread, angled (90)
T pluggable termination MXX modifiaction of sensing end TF thread, ferrule
(for sensor type D12) TR thread, rectangular
T1 pluggable termination U unterminated fiber
(for sensor type Q45)
TS pluggable termination, stainless
steel (for sensor type D12)
TS1 pluggable termination stainless
steel (for sensor type Q45)
U* unterminated, customizable
UC* unterminated coiled fiber
UHF unterminated DURO-BEND
multi-core fiber
UHT unterminated,
high-temperature fiber 125 C

* Plastic fibers featuring a "U" in the type code are unterminated and can be cut to the required length with the supplied cutter.
All individual plastic fibers are sold in pairs.

620 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Plastic fibers Bifurcated fibers

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
bendable tip, preas- coaxial, threaded bush
2000 11 63,5 sembled wire without 2x 1,25 M4 x 0,7 M4 x 0.7 mm, preas-
1 0,81 end tip, polyethylene sembled wire without
jacket, ambient tem- end tip, polyethylene
peratures -30+70 C jacket, ambient tem-
M3 x 0,5 stainless steel peratures -30+70 C
Nickel plated brass (bendable) probe
2000 18
2x 0,25

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
coaxial, threaded bush threaded bush M6 x
   2000 14 3
M6 x 0.75 mm, preas- 0.75 mm, highly bend-
sembled wire without 2x 2,2 able DURA-BEND
end tip, polyethylene multicore fiber, preas-
jacket, ambient tem- sembled wire without
peratures -30+70 C M6 x 0,75 4 end tip, polyethylene
   Nickel plated brass
2x 1 fibre jacket, ambient tem-
peratures -30+70 C

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
threaded bush M6 x threaded bush M6 x
   2000 14 3
0.75 mm, preassem- 0.75 mm, preassem-
 bled wire without end 2x 2,2 bled wire without end
tip, polyethylene jack- tip, polyethylene jack-
et, ambient tempera- et, ambient tempera-
  tures up to +125 C M6 x 0,75 4 tures -30+70 C
  Nickel plated brass

2x 1,5 fibre

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
rectangular beam, threaded bush M6 x
   preassembled wire   0.75 mm, pluggable
  without end tip, poly-    end tip (for D12 sen-
ethylene jacket, ambi- sor), polyethylene
ent temperatures jacket, ambient tem-

 -30+70 C    peratures -30+70 C

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
lateral beam, head threaded bush M3 x
   with bendable tip,   0.75 mm, preassem-
threaded bush M6 x  bled wire without end
0.75 mm, preassem- tip, polyethylene jack-
bled wire without end et, ambient tempera-
 tip, polyethylene jack-  tures -30+70 C
   et, ambient tempera-   

tures -30+70 C 


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 621

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Plastic fibers Bifurcated fibers

plastic fibre-optic sen-
sor, sensing mode: dif-
fuse mode sensor, pol-
2000 14 3
yethylene cable; for
2x 2,2 ambient temperatures
of -30+70 C

M6 x 0,75 4
Nickel plated brass
2x 1 fibre

Plastic fibers Individual fibers

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, head angled mode, threaded bush
(90), threaded bush 2000 11 3 M2.5 x 0.45 mm, high-
    M2.5 x 0.45, preassem- ly bendable DURA-
 bled wire without end BEND multicore fib-
 tip, polyethylene jack- er, preassembled wire

et, ambient tempera- M4 x 0,7 M2,5 x 0,45 without end tip, poly-
  Nickel plated brass
tures -30+70 C ethylene jacket, ambi-
1 fibre
ent temperatures
-30+70 C

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, threaded bush mode, bundle diame-
2000 11 3 M2.5 x 0.45 mm, pre-    ter 1,5 mm, thread-
2,2 assembled wire with-  ed bush M2,5 x 0.45,
out end tip, polyethyl- preassembled wire
ene jacket, ambient without end tip, poly-
M4 x 0,7 M2,5 x 0,45 temperatures up to   ethylene jacket, ambi-
Nickel plated brass   
+125 C ent temperatures
1 fibre  
-30+70 C

PIL46U M 3 x 0.5 (3x) aluminium 0.26 x 5.2 PIR1X166U

Plastic fiber, sensing 2.2 Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed 10 15 mode: Opposed
mode, with acrylic mode, compact head,
   lens, threaded bush rectangular/straight
M8 x 1, preassembled 2.5 5 beam, preassembled

wire without end tip, wire without end tip,
polyethylene jacket, polyethylene jacket,
ambient temperatures ambient temperatures

-30+70 C -30+70 C

622 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Plastic fibers Individual fibers

Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
  mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, rectangular mode, threaded bush
 beam, side emission, M2.5 x 0.45 mm, plug-
  preassembled wire     gable end tip (for D12
 without end tip, poly- sensor), polyethylene

ethylene jacket, ambi-  jacket, ambient tem-
 ent temperatures  
peratures -30+70 C
  -30+70 C 


Plastic fiber, sensing Plastic fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, head angled mode, threaded bush
  (90), polyethylene   M3 x 0.5 mm, preas-
  jacket, ambient tem-  sembled wire without
peratures -30+70 C end tip, polyethylene
 jacket, ambient tem-
 peratures -30+70 C


Plastic fiber, sensing plastic fibre-optic sen-
mode: Opposed sor, sensing mode:
mode, smooth bush light screen, polyeth-
  3.2, preassembled 2000 11 3 ylene cable; for ambi-
  wire without end tip, 2,2 ent temperatures of
polyethylene jacket, -30+70 C
ambient temperatures

-30+70 C M4 x 0,7 M2,5 x 0,45
 Nickel plated brass
1 fibre

Plastic fibers Lenses

Glass lens in nickel-plat- Glass lens (prism) in
ed brass jacket, for range nickel-plated brass
extension of plastic fiber jacket, lateral beam
optic sensors, ambient emissiono, for range
 temperatures -60 
extension of plastic

 +350 C  fiber optic sensors,
ambient temperatures
 -60 +300 C


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 623

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Plastic fibers Lenses

Accessory lens in ano-
dized aluminium jacket
to focus the light of plas-
tic fiber optic sensors,
 range 6mm 1 mm,
 spot size 2.5 mm, am-

 bient temperatures
 -40 +70C

Plastic fibers Level sensing tips

Monitoring of filling lev-
els with bifurcated p las-
tic fiber PBT46U a nd
   PBT26UM6M.1, polypro-
pylene jacket, q uartz
 glass tip, ambient tem-
peratures o f


624 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 625

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers

In many applications objects can only be Features

detected with the help of fiber optics. If
light beams have to be piped through Standard and special versions for de-
very hot, humid or chemically aggressive manding application conditions
ambients, glass or plastic fibers are the High chemical resistance
ideal solution. Broad temperature range:
Glass fibers are available in different siz- -140+480 C
es, lengths and qualities, as monofila- Immune to moisture
ments for opposed mode sensors and as Resistant to impacts and vibration
bifurcated or double bifurcated fibers for High interference immunity
diffuse mode sensors. Robust design for application in vacu-
Unlike plastic fibers, glass fibers have a um chambers
bigger inner bending radius and are not Auxiliary lenses to increase the sens-
suited for frequent bending. ing range and to focus the light
Quartz glass tips Monitoring of filling
Brackets available as accessories
Type code glass fibers


I Design AT Sensing end

Design Sensing end
B bifurcated fiber diffuse mode A angled (90) MHAP miniature tip, 1.5 mm,
DB Double bifurcated fiber emitter AM angled (90), miniature tip half angled (45)
and receiver to two sensing points 1.5 mm MM miniature tip, 1.1 mm
I individual fiber opposed mode AMM angled (90), miniature tip MT miniature tip, 1.5 mm
(2 fibers required) 1.1 mm brass thread
AR angled (90), rectangular beam MTAP miniature tip, 1.5 mm
AT angled (90), thread brass thread, angled (90)
ATR angled (90), thread MT- miniature tip, 1.5 mm
rectangular beam HAP brass thread, half angle (45)
F ferrule MTP miniature tip, 1.5 mm
brass thread
FR ferrule, rectangular beam
P bendable tip 2.3 mm
HA half angle (45)
R rectangular beam
HAR half angle (45) rectangular beam
T brass thread
HAT half angle (45), thread, brass
TA thread, angled (90)
HATR half angle (45), thread
TAR thread, rectangular beam
rectangular beam
M miniature tip, 1.5 mm THA thread, half angle (45)
MAP miniature tip, 1.5 mm THAR thread, half angle (45)
angled (90) rectangular beam
TR thread, rectangular beam

2 Bundle diameter (core) 3 Total length S Sheath material

Bundle diameter (core) Total length Sheath material
.44 0.7 mm 3 3 ft. = approx. 914 mm S stainless steel, flexible conduit
.5 0.8 mm 6 6 ft. = approx. 1829 mm P galvanized spiral sheath with PVC
.75 1.2 mm L silicone sheath (max. flexibility, min.
1 1.6 mm protection of fiber)
1.5 2.3 mm T PTFE sheath (max. chemical
resistance, min. flexibility)
2 3.2 mm
HDP silicone sheath (max. flexibility,
2.5 4.0 mm min. protection of fiber)

MXXX Modifiaction of sensing end

Modifiaction of sensing end

M600 heat-resistant up to 315 C
M900 heat-resistant up to 480 C

626 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers Bifurcated fibers

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
 head angled (90),  flexible stainless steel
  flexible stainless steel  sheath, ambient tem-
    sheath, ambient tem-      peratures
peratures -140+250 C
 -140+250 C

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
   compact head ( 1.5  threaded bush (brass)
   mm), head angled  M8 x 1.25, bundle di-
  (90), flexible stainless ameter 3.2 mm, flexi-
 steel sheath, ambient ble stainless steel
 temperatures sheath, ambient tem-


  -140+250 C peratures
   -140+250 C

 Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
 mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,

  rectangular beam,  threaded bush (brass)
flexible stainless steel  M8 x 1.25, bundle di-
sheath, ambient tem- ameter 1,6 mm, flexi-
peratures ble stainless steel

-140+250 C sheath, ambient tem-

    -140+250 C

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode mode: Diffuse mode
 sensor, bendable tip,  sensor, galvanized
  galvanized PVC jacket,  PVC jacket; for ambi-
  ambient temperatures      ent temperatures of

-140 C+250 C -40+105 C


glass fibre-optic sen- Glass fiber, sensing
sor, sensing mode: dif- mode: Diffuse mode,
 fuse mode sensor, PVC compact head, high
cable; for ambient temperature proof up
temperatures of to 315 C, threaded
-40+105 C bush (brass) M4 x 0.7,
flexible stainless steel


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 627

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers Bifurcated fibers

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, 914
mode: Diffuse mode,
914 threaded sleeve head angled (90),
191 191
(brass), bundle diame- 13 13 13 threaded sleeve
13 13 13 38 28
38 38 ter 3.2 mm, flexible (brass), flexible stain-
stainless steel sheath, less steel sheath, am-
ambient temperatures 4,8 20,3 bient temperatures
4,7 8 4,7
-140+250 C 7,4 6,4
R12,7 -140 C +250 C
7,4 6,4 5/16-24 38

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Diffuse mode, mode: Diffuse mode,
1828 threaded sleeve 914 threaded sleeve
191 191
(brass), bundle diame- (brass), head angled
13 13 13 13 13 13
38 38 ter 3.2 mm, flexible 38 38 15,8 (90), flexible stainless
stainless steel sheath, steel sheath, ambient
ambient temperatures 27,9 temperatures
4,7 8 -140+250 C 4,7 5/16-24 R 9,7 -140+250 C
7,4 6,4 5/16-24 7,4 6,4

Glass fibers Individual fibers

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, head angled mode, flexible stain-
 (90), flexible stainless  less steel sheath, am-

    steel sheath, ambient      bient temperatures
temperatures -140 C +250 C
 -140+250 C

IT23SM8 IR2.53S
Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, threaded bush     mode, rectangular
(brass) M8 x 1.25, bun-  beam, bundle diame-
dle diameter 3,2 mm,  
  ter 4.0 mm, flexible
flexible stainless steel   stainless steel sheath,
sheath, ambient tem-

 ambient temperatures
-140+250 C
-140+250 C 

628 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers Individual fibers

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, rectangular mode, compact head
beam, bundle diame- ( 1.5 mm), head an-

 ter 3.2 mm, flexible   gled (90), flexible
  stainless steel sheath,  stainless steel sheath,
 ambient temperature 
  ambient temperature
-140+250 C 
-140 C +250 C

Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed mode
mode, threaded bush sensor, head angled
(brass) M8 x 1.25, bun-  (90), threaded bush
dle diameter 1,6 mm,    (brass) M8 x 1.25, flexi-
flexible stainless steel ble stainless steel
sheath, ambient tem-  sheath, ambient tem-

 peratures  perature
-140+250 C  -140+250 C

IMT.756.6S-HT IAT23S
Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, compact head, 914 mode, head angled
   high temperature 13 13 13 (90), threaded sleeve
   proof up to 315 C, (brass), flexible stain-
threaded bush (brass) less steel sheath, am-
M4 x 0.7, flexible 4,7 4,8 20,3 bient temperatures


stainless steel sheath 7,4 6,4 R12,7 -140 C +250 C


Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, threaded 914
mode, threaded
sleeve (brass), bundle sleeve (brass), head
13 13 13 13 13 13
38 diameter 3.2 mm, flex- 38 15,8 angled (90), bundle
ible stainless steel diameter 3.2 mm, flex-
sheath, ambient tem- 27,9 ible stainless steel
8 peratures 4,7 5/16-24 R 9,7 sheath, ambient tem-
7,4 6,4
5/16-24 -140+250 C 7,4 6,4 peratures
-140+250 C

IT26S IMM.442S
Glass fiber, sensing Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed mode: Opposed
mode, threaded 610
mode, miniature head
sleeve (brass), bundle (1.1 mm), bundle di-
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
38 diameter 3.2 mm, flex- 25,4 ameter, flexible stain-
ible stainless steel less steel sheath
sheath, ambient tem- 4,7 4,6 1,1
8 peratures
7,4 6,4 7,4 6,4
5/16-24 -140+250 C

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 629

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers Individual fibers

Glass fiber, sensing
mode: Opposed
mode, compact head,
13 16,5 13 13
proof up to 315 C,
threaded sleeve
(brass) M4 x 0.7, flexi-
4,7 3 8-32 1,2 ble stainless steel
7,4 3,8 sheath

Glass fibers Lenses

L9M8 L10M8
Glass lens in a blue Convergent glass lens
galvanized aluminium encased in a red gal-
sheath, for range ex- vanized aluminium
tension of glass fiber sheath to focus the
 optic sensors, op-  light of bifurcated fi-
 posed mode, ambient  bre optic sensors, e.g.
temperature up to for print/colour mark
315 C detection, focal dis-
tance 5 mm 1 mm,
  ambient temperature
up to 315C

Glass lens in plastic Glass lens in a galva-
jacket for glas fibers; nized aluminium
for range extension of sheath; for range ex-
opposed mode sen- tension of glass fiber
 sors, ambient temper-  optic sensors, op-
 atures up to +105 C  posed and retroreflec-
tive mode, long range,
ambient temperatures
up to 315 C

Stainless steel encased
glass lens; for range
extension of glass fib-
er optic sensors, op-
 posed and retroreflec-
 tive mode, long range,
ambient temperatures
up to +480 C

630 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Glass fibers Level sensing tips

Monitoring of filling
levels with bifurcated
glas fibers, M8 thread
  (types BM8), end
 tip screwed on the fib-
 er, chemical resistant
glass tip, ambient


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 631

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Vision sensors Accessories

For applications in which vision sensors Features

are poorly accessible, the remote display
RD35 is the right solution. All adjust- Cables for sensors, remote display and
ments can be made via a separate cable. Ethernet connections
After making the adjustments, the dis- Different brackets for flexible
play is simply removed from the docking mounting
station and can be used for c ommunica- Large selection of C-mount lenses
tion with other remote iVu s ensors. The with different focal lengths
remote display can also be u sed for con-
tinuous control of hidden p rocesses.

632 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

remote display
Remote display 3.5,
touch screen, connec-
83 tion via Molex integral
52,5 connector


Connection cable
MQDC2S-806 MQDC2S-1206
Power supply, M12x1 Power supply, M12x1
female, 8-pole, 1.83 m female, 12-pole,
1.83 m

15 M12 x 1 15 M12 x 1

42 42

Remote display, 9,5 M8 x 1 Ethernet connection
M12x1 male on Molex, cable, M8x1 on RJ45,
8-pole, 1.83 m 4-pole, 2 m


14,5 M12 x 1


40 28,6

Mounting bracket
Brackets for mounting Brackets for mounting
on right side 36,4 4,4 on left side
29,3 36,4 22,5
78,1 16,8
1/4-20 22,5
25 1/4-20 29,3
7 25
27 7
44 27
49 49

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 633

Connection and mounting accessories
Photoelectric sensors

Mounting bracket
U-bracket for base Baseplate to extend
mounting (incl. SMBI- the installation
1 VUB baseplate) 1/4-20 UNC
5,35 29
(8x) M5 x 0,8 (2x)
25,4 30 54


6,25 61,2

Lens, 4 mm Lens, 8 mm

1-32 UNF 34 1-32 UNF 34

25 14 30,3 20

Lens, 12 mm, with Lens, 16 mm, with
fixed focus fixed focus
1-32 UNF 1-32 UNF
34 34

36,5 26 34,3 26

Lens covers
Rugged, watertight Rugged, watertight
housing in IP67, short 54 housing in IP67, long
type type

33 60

634 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Ultrasonic sensors


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 635

Connection and mounting accessories
Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensors Accessories

Our product portfolio comprises a teach Features

adapter and a programming device to
adjust ultrasonic sensors optimally to Teach adapter
any application. Programming device
Ultrasonic focussing adapter

636 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Connection and mounting accessories
Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensors
Teach adapter for ul- programming device

trasonic sensors, types for configuration of ul-

 trasonic sensor types


RU-M18 and


UWG18-6.4 UWG18-5.0
Ultrasonic focussing- Ultrasonic focussing-
 adapter for QS18U  adapter for QS18U

and S18U, internal di- 
and S18U, internal di-

ameter 6.4 mm 
ameter 5.0 mm




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 637

Terms and definitions

Active Face
Glossary Glossary Analog output

The point where the high-frequency magnetic field leaves the The analog output signal serves for continuous outputting of
sensor. Regarding threaded barrel sensors, the active face is at a measured variable. The analog-signal format is for example
the front. Concerning rectangular plastic sensors, the zone of 0/420 mA or 0/210 V.
the active face is marked with a target.
Assured switching distance (Sa) capacitive sensors
AID Alignment indicating device (photoelectric sensors)
Distance at which the sensor securely switches.
The AID emits pulses at a rate proportional to the quantity of Correlation to rated switching distance sn : sa < 0.72 x sn
received light. The higher the pulse frequency, the higher the
amount of light. A pulse rate of 1 Hz indicates that the sensor
receives just the right amount of light it needs to switch. Slight Assured switching distance (Sa), inductive sensors
contamination may cause malfunctioning. A pulse rate of 3 Hz
Distance at which the sensor securely switches.
or more ensures reliable operation of the sensor.
Correlation to rated switching distance sa : sa < 0.81 x sn
Air pressure (ultrasonic sensors)

Normal atmospheric changes of 5 % (for a local reference
point) can lead to a deviation of the sensing range of about 

0.6 %.  
Air streams (ultrasonic sensors)

Air streams influence the echo time, however, air flow speeds 
of up to 10 m/s are insignificant. In conditions where turbu-
lences prevail, for example above glowing metal, the use of ul- 
trasonic sensors is not recommended, because the echo of 
distorted sound waves is difficult to evaluate. 

Air temperature and moisture (ultrasonic sensors)

Both air temperature and moisture influence the sonic pulse
duration. An increase of temperature by 20 C causes a change
of the sensing distance of max. 8 %. An increase of moisture
results in an increase of the sound speed of max. 2 %. The dis-
Background suppression (photoelectric sensors)
tance to the object seems to decrease with a higher sound
speed. Normal diffuse mode sensors switch on when the level of light
reflected back to the receiver exceeds the sensors threshold.
Alarm output
A dark object that is close and a bright object that is further
The alarm output indicates low excess gain or overload. Many away reflect the same quantity of light. It is recommended
sensors mentioned in this catalog feature an alarm output. that, in order to have an acceptable contrast, any object that
has to be ignored, should be at least four times further away
Ambient conditions (photoelectric sensors) than the actual target to be detected. Background suppres-
sion sensors not only detect the amount of energy returned to
The ambient conditions determine the sensors reliability. the sensor but also determine the distance to the object re-
Working at its maximum range in demanding ambients, the flecting the light. A background suppression sensor detects
sensor will soon perform less efficiently and finally be inopera- objects reliably up to a set distance (the cutoff point) while ig-
ble due to dirt covering the lens. If the same sensor works at noring other objects that are slightly further away regardless
half its distance in the same environment, the good perfor- of the their surface reflectivity.
mance may be kept stable for a longer time. The optimal
range for each sensor and the individual ambient conditions is
determined with the excess gain curve.

638 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Terms and definitions

Blind zone (ultrasonic and linear position sensors) the area in front and behind the focal point in which objects
are detected. The higher the reflectivity of an object the deep-
Diffuse mode ultrasonic sensors are not capable of detecting er the field. Through bundling light in the focal point, conver-
targets located directly in front of the sonic transducer. The gent mode sensors are capable of detecting objects with low
area between the sonic transducer surface and the beginning reflectivity. They detect transparent materials easily, such as
of the detection range is called blind zone and must always be glass bottles on conveyor belts. Convergent mode sensors
kept free. working with visible light are suited for the detection of color
With regard to linear position sensors, the blind zone marks
the area in which the positioning element can not be detect- Correction factors
see Reduction factors
Burst pressure (pressure sensors)
Crosstalk (ultrasonic sensors)
The minimum pressure a sensor must withstand without dam-
age. If the minimum pressure is exceeded, the sensor may leak Crosstalk occures when ultrasonic sensors are mounted side
or be destroyed. by side. It can either be avoided through minimum distances
kept between the sensors, alternate operation or synchroniza-
Close-up range suppression (capacitive sensors) tion (see multiplexing).

Dirt deposits and moisture are blanked out through integrat- Degree of pollution
ed self-compensation. of IEC 60947-1 defines 4 pollution degrees:
Color effects (photoelectric sensors) TURCK proximity sensors belong to category 3 acc. to IEC
60947-1 conductive or dry, non-conductive dirt that becomes
Colored objects may affect the measurement accuracy of pho- conductive due to condensation.
toelectric sensors. White, red, yellow and orange objects re-
flect more light than green, blue or black ones. All values indi- Designs and cone angle (ultrasonic sensors)
cated in this catalog are related to the official white Kodak test
card. TURCK ultrasonic sensors are available as M18/M30 threaded
barrel and Q30 rectangular types, both producing a 6 narrow
Contrast (photoelectric sensors) cone angle. Thanks to this, they detect relatively small objects
with pinpoint accuracy. Through focussing energy, ranges of
The most important factor for reliable operation of photoelec- up to 8 m can be achieved. Q45U and T30U have far greater
tric sensors is the contrast. Contrast is the degree of difference cone angles of 12 to 15. The beam angle of CP40 types is 60.
between two sensing conditions, light and dark. For example, These sensors are used for monitoring large areas and are im-
a thick cardboard box breakes a retroreflective beam. The con- mune to tilt when detecting objects with smooth and even
trast is determined through adjusting first the light condition. surfaces.
For this purpose the sensitivity is reduced to the minimum lev-
el (counter clockwise rotation of button). Subsequently the Diffuse mode sensors (photoelectric sensors)
level of sensitivity is increased until the status LED lights up.
Next the dark condition is established when the sensor switch- Like retroreflective sensors, diffuse mode sensors host emitter
es off. Subsequently the sensitivity is increased until the status and receiver circuitry in the same housing. In this sensing
LED lights up again. The best contrast is achieved if the differ- mode, an object is not detected through the interruption of a

light beam but through the reflectivity of an object. An object


ence between both switching states covers more than a third

of the adjustable range. Sensors without sensitivity adjust- is detected when sufficient light is reflected back to the emit-
ment are not suited for low contrast applications. ter. The switching distance of diffuse mode sensors depends
largely on the reflectivity of the object.
Convergent mode sensors (photoelectric sensors)
Diffuse mode sensors with background suppression (pho-
Convergent mode sensors use a lens system that focuses the toelectric sensors)
emitted light to an exact point in front of the sensor and fo-
cuses the receiver element at the same point. They operate Diffuse mode sensors with background suppression operate
like diffuse mode sensors, detecting an object through its re- with an emitter an several receivers. The position of the object
flectivity. Small objects, edges and transparent materials are as well as the optical structure of the sensor determine on
reliably detected. It is important though that the objects are which receiver the largest quantity of light falls. The sensor
within the near-field depth. The near-field depth is defined as electronics then determines whether the reflecting target is in

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 639

Terms and definitions

or outside the measuring range. They are available either with Flush and non-flush mounting (inductive and capacitive
fixed or adjustable field. sensors)

Digital output Flush mountable sensors can be mounted in metal up to the

active face. Non-flush mountable sensors have to protrude the
A digital output provides on/off signals depending on the val- metal,
ues that are determined during a continuous measuring pro- they have larger sensing ranges.
cess. Digital outputs are normally implemented with PNP or Non-flush mountable uprox + sensors with integrated self-
NPN transistors or with an electromechanical relay. compensation can be embedded partially (see technical data).
Flush mountable uprox + sensors with integrated self-com-
Distance measuring gauge (inductive sensors)
pensation can be recessed (see technical data).
Square metal plate to determine the measuring range sn:
Material: St37 Hysteresis function (pressure sensors)
Thickness: 1 mm
Edge lenth 3 x sn , if 3 x sn is greater than the diameter of the This function is used to establish a stable switching state, in-
active face, otherwise just the diameter of the active face. dependent of system-related pressure fluctuations near the
adjusted set point. The switching range is limited by a switch-
point (sP) and a release point (rP) adjusted by the user.
Dynamic output

Sensors with dynamic output respond highly sensitive and P

create a short pulse upon attenuation.

The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) denotes the normal- t

ly desired state in which technical devices do not cause or suf- 1
fer undesired electrical or electromagnetic interference to or 0 Hno
from other devices in the same environment. 1 Hnc
Excess gain (photoelectric sensors)

Excess gain indicates how much light a sensor receives under Linearity deviation
certain conditions. This value is compared to the amount of
light the sensor needs to switch. Excess gain 1 indicates that Indicated by sensors with analog output. Admissible deviation
the sensor receives a minimum quantity of light, just enough of the output signal from an ideal linear curve, indicated in %
to work. Excess gain 50 indicates that the sensor receives fifty f.s. of the output signal.
times more light then needed for proper operation. In a clean
environment, excess gain 1.5 is sufficient to ensure proper op- Magnetic field immune
eration of the sensor in case of offset or gradual consumption Magnetic field sensors incorporate a special ferrite core which
of the LED. If dust, fume or mist is expected to contaminate makes them immune to magnetic AC and DC fields. Hence,
the lens, excess gain should be higher than 1.5. All values for they can be applied in welding systems. All uprox + and uprox
the sensing ranges stated in this catalog refer to excess gain 1. sensors are immune to magnetic DC or AC fields.
Fixing torque Measurement accuracy
The tightening torque must be observed with threaded types The closeness of the measured value to the nominal value. See
to prevent torsional stress to the sensor housing. You find the also Measurement deviation
corresponding values on the data sheets.
If strong vibrations are likely, use adhesive liquid thread lock Measurement deviation
(e.g. loctite 242).
Deviation of a measured value from a nominal value accord-
ing to DIN 1319-1:1995.

Measurement error

see Measurement deviation

Measuring range

Indicated by sensors with analog output. The range within

which the output signal is changed.

Media temperature (flow sensors)

The temperature range in which the sensor operates accord-

ing to its measurement properties.

640 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Terms and definitions

Minimum operating current (Im) Nomogram (pipe diameter DN 25500)

Minimum current to maintain the functionality. Only indicated 

for 2-wire sensors with switching output. [ l/s ] [ l/min ] m3/h

100 000 5000


Mounting instructions (for cylindrical sensors) 50 000


General mounting instructions for threaded cylinders. 300 1000

0 0 0 0
25 30 35 40

DIN 13 specifies the thread sizes, screw-in depths of threaded 10 000 500

devices and testing of threads. 5000


To minimize the effects of admissible tolerances within the 50


30 2000
thread, the length of the thread should not exceed the screw-


in depths listed in the table below.

flow rate Q
1000 50

10 30


3 200 10

100 5


0,3 20 1

10 0,5

0,1 0,3
max. A 0,05
0,03 2 0,1
A [mm] 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05
v in m/s
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100

M8 8
M12 10
Nomogram (pipe diameter DN 625)
M18 12
M30 16
The nomogram is used to convert volume flow rate (l/min)
into flow speed (m/s) in relation to the pipe diameter (DN), as
shown in the example below. If the flow speed is outside the
Multiplexing (ultrasonic sensors) detection range, the speed can be adjusted through changing
the pipe diameter to guarantee safe operation of the sensor.
Mutual influence is impossible with alternately operating ul-
Example: With a flow rate of 30 l/min and a pipe diameter of
trasonic sensors. The more sensors are operated alternately,
DN25, the flow speed is 1 m/s.
the lower the switching frequency. The X1-line of the sensor
Conversion units: 1 imp. gallon = 4.546 liters; 1 US gallon =
series RUC-M30, RU-Q30 and RU-M18 can also be used as an
enable input for multiplexing. If the X1-line is connected to
+24 V, the sensor is enabled; if the X1-line is connected to 0 V, 
the sensor is disabled. Multiplexing via the X1-line has the ad- 
[ l/s ] [ l/min ]
vantage that for each enable-operation only the response 16,6 1000

time and not the time-delay before availability has to be con- 10

sidered. Once connected to the X1 line, most sensors can be 5 300
programmed with the RU-PDI to multiplex automatically. 3

No-load current (lo)


2-wire sensors: The current which flows in non-active condi- 0,5 30


tion. 0,3

3/4-wire sensors: Off-state current flow between output and 0



V (PNP output) resp. output and supply voltage (NPN output),


flow rate Q

see also residual current.


0,05 3


Noise suppression (ultrasonic sensors) 0,02


Noise such as metal clink or roaring pressure have no influ- 0,5

ence on the evaluation of signals, thanks to the optimally ad- 0,005 0,3
justable frequency range and the patented noise suppression 0,003

circuitry. 0,1


0,0005 0,03

0,00016 0,01
0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100
v in m/s

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 641

Terms and definitions

Nomogram for Ex flow sensors (pipe diameter DN Operating modes (ultrasonic and photoelectric sensors)
Ultrasonic sensors are mainly used in the diffuse mode. An ob-

ject in front of the sensor is detected by the partly reflected

[ l/s ] [ l/min ] m3/h
 sound wave. They are also available as opposed and retrore-
100 000 5000

1000 flective mode devices. In opposed mode, ultrasonic waves are

50 000
2000 continuously propagating between emitter and receiver. The
ultrasonic sound is interrupted by an object between emitter

300 1000

and receiver, causing the sensor to switch. Photoelectric sen-

0 0 0 0
25 30 35 40
10 000 500

100 300
sors operate according to the same principles using light in-
200 stead of sound.
3000 20
30 2000

20 Operating range (flow sensors)

flow rate Q

1000 50

10 30
The measuring sensitivity of the sensors depends on the ex-

300 traction of heat, which is proportional to the flow speed and

3 200
the heat conductivity of the medium: The lower the heat con-

100 5
ductivity of the medium, the faster the medium has to flow in
order to detect the extraction of heat. At the same flow rate


30 compared to water, air for example can only conduct away a
20 1
fraction of the heat from the heating element. Therefore dif-

10 0,5
ferent operating ranges apply for water, oil or air.
0,1 0,3
3 Operating range (pressure sensors)
0,03 2 0,1
0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100
v in m/s
Is the tolerance in which deviation of temperature is permit-
Nomogram for Ex flow sensors (pipe diameter DN 625)
Operating range (temperature sensors)

Is the tolerance in which deviation of temperature is permit-
[ l/s ]
[ l/min ]
Opposed mode sensors (photoelectric sensors)
5 300

Opposed mode sensors consist of emitter and receiver mount-
ed in separate housings. They are installed directly opposite

1 each other in such a way that the light from the emitter is


0,5 30 aimed directly at the receiver. When an object interrupts or


weakens the light beam, the sensor switches. Opposed mode

sensors are the most reliable photoelectric sensors for detec-


tion of opaque targets.


flow rate Q


0,05 3
Optical fibers (photoelectric sensors)

Optical fibers are suited for many applications:

Detection of small objects



0,005 0,3
Fit in confined spaces
High-temperature resistant
Immune to strong magnetic fields
0,05 Vibration proof
0,0005 0,03 Resistant to aggressive gases
Suited for explosion hazardous areas
0,00016 0,01
0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100
Optical fibers made of glass or plastic are used to pipe light
v in m/s from the sensor to the object and back. They are passive com-
Object color (photoelectric sensors) ponents of a photoelectric system. Because of their passive-
ness and the absence of moving parts, light can be piped in
The color as well as the transparency of objects has no influ- hazardous areas. They are also immune to electromagnetic in-
ence on the sensing range. Glass or perspex are reliably de- terference. The glass or plastic core of the fibers is sheathed.
tected. The sheath has a lower refractive index than the core. The law
of total internal reflection defines,when a light beam hits the
Object surface (photoelectric sensors) medium boundary between two media with different refrac-
tive index, it is totally reflected, provided the angle of inci-
Sometimes the surface quality of an object helps to choose
dence does not exceed a determined critical angle.
the right sensor. Photoelectric sensors are usually not the right
choice for mirror-like surfaces. Measuring errors are likely to
occur even with semi-transparent and porous surfaces such as
plastic or foam.

642 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Terms and definitions

Output function (see also electrical versions) Protection rating

Typical output functions are: NAMUR: Normalized output sig- Protection class according to IEC/EN 60529, defines the pro-
nal acc. to EN 60947-5-6 normally open (NO): The output is tection of the enclosure against contact with and ingress of
open when the sensor is non-activated and closed when the foreign matters and moisture.
sensor is activated. Normally closed (NC): The output is closed The customary protection classes of TURCK products are:
when the sensor is non-activated and open when the sensor is IP20: Protection against accidental physical contact (intend-
activated. Complementary/Antivalent (two-way contact): One ed for installation in cabinets only)
of the two outputs is closed in the non-activated state and the IP65: Full protection against dust and hose water
other output is closed in the activated state. Analog output: IP67: Full protection against dust and short submersion in
Analog output: The output supplies a normalized output sig- water
nal (0/420 mA or 0/210 V). IP69K: Full protection against dust and high-pressure/
steam-jet cleaning
Overpressure (pressure sensors)

The maximum pressure load exerted on the sensor occasional-
ly without impeding its functionality, yet allowing the toler-
ances to be exceeded. 

Polarizing filter (photoelectric sensors)

If strong reflecting objects have to be detected with retrore- 
flective sensors a polarizing filter is required. A triple reflector

redirects the light beam by 90, maintaining the polarization
of the light reflected by the objects surface. The polarizing fil-
ter enables the sensor to distinguish between light thrown
back from the object or from the reflector.

Power consumption

The current consumption defines the current that is used for
the power supply of the device. For sensors with switching
output the power consumption is indicated without load.
Rated operating distance (sn)
Precipitation and moisture (ultrasonic sensors)
The rated operating distance is measured through the axial
Normal concentrations of rain or snow do not affect the sen- approach of a standard target. Manufacturing tolerances and
sors operability. The CP40 transducers are not protected external influences such as temperature and voltage are not
against moisture (protection class IP40). All other types are not considered. The tables only indicate the rated operating dis-
damaged by water but correct functionality may be impaired. tances.
Ultrasonic transducers should generally be protected against
direct wetting.

Pressure range (pressure sensors)  

The operating range in which deviation of pressure is permit-

Principle of photoelectric sensing

Photoelectric sensors operate on the principle of emitting and

receiving light. All sensors in this catalog are compact devices
having optics, amplifier and switching output in the same
housing. A diode emits a light beam which is either cut off 
(opposed mode) or reflected by an object (retroreflective/dif-

fuse mode). The sensor detects a change in light intensity


causing the output to switch. Photoelectric sensors operate

with modulated light in order to blank out unwanted influ-
Readiness delay
ence of ambient light.
Sensors feature a readiness delay of < 80 ms to suppress fail-
Protection against pre-attenuation
ure pulses occuring in the period between power-on and op-
Self-compensation inhibits pre-attenuation of non-flush erational readiness.
mountable sensors and enables partial embedding of the
same with reduced switching distance.

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 643

Terms and definitions

Real switching distance (Sr) Repeatability

Real switching distance (sr ): Sensors with switching output (digital): Deviation of the
Switching distance under fixed temperature and supply switchpoint after often repeated switching, under identical
conditions conditions and with the same sensor.
Factory set tolerances are taken into account Sensors with analog output: Change of the output value un-
Correlation to rated switching distance sn : 0.9 x sn < sr < 1.1 der the same conditions and with the same sensor. Value of
x s n the measured range indicated in percentage.

Reduction factor
Repeatability is defined as the deviation of the switchpoint a f-
The switching distance of inductive ferrite core sensors d e- ter often repeated switching, under identical conditions and
pends on the material of the actuating element. with the same digital sensor. TURCK uses the repeatability to
The maximum switching distance is attained with mild steel measure the performance of digital sensors. For example, a la-
St37, whereas with other metals only smaller switching d is- ser sensor is programmed to switch at 100 mm. The actual dis-
tances are achieved. tance is measured twenty times with a micrometer. The s tand-
The reduction factor indicates to which fraction the switching ard deviation measured is 0.01 mm; the two sigma
distance is reduced by using other metals than St37. repeatability is 0.02 mm.
Reduction factor, typical values: Steel (St37): 1; brass:
0.350.5; copper: 0.250.45; aluminium: 0.350.50; stain- Residual current (lr)
less steel: 0.61 uprox and uprox + sensors have the s ame
2-wire sensors: The current which flows in non-active condi-
switching distance for all metals. The reduction factor is al-
ways 1.
3 and 4-wire sensors: The current which flows in non-active
Reflectivity of surfaces (photoelectric sensors) condition between the output and 0 V (PNP output), resp. be-
tween output and supply voltage (NPN output).
An object has to reflect sufficient light in order to be detected
by a diffuse or a convergent mode sensor. The amount of light Resolution
received, depends on the emitting power of the sensor and
Analog signals converted to digital signals by a DA converter.
the reflectivity of the object. A dark object reflects less light
Each digital signal is individually resolved. The resolution indi-
than a bright one (see Excess gain). A smooth, mirror-like sur-
cates the increment of the signal, meaning the smallest possi-
face has to be aligned perpendicular to the sensors axis. Oth-
ble change of the analog output signal.
erwise, the light is not reflected back.
Response time (flow sensors)
Reflectors and filters (photoelectric sensors)
Is the time a sensor takes to react to a given change of an in-
All sensing ranges of photoelectric sensors and excess gain
put signal. Exampel: A temperature sensor working at 0 C is
curves of retroreflective sensors mentioned in this catalog
instantly immersed in 100 C hot water. After 4 seconds, the
were determined with the BRT75 reflector. Retroreflectors are
sensor indicates 63 C. The response time is thus 4 seconds.
designed in such a way that light is reflected back in the same
direction. The amount of light reflected back to the sensor de- Retroreflective sensors (photoelectric sensors)
pends on two factors:
1. The size of the reflecting surface Retroreflective sensors host both emitter and receiver circuitry
2. The reflectors reflectivity in the same housing. A light beam is established between the
Short distances require a reflector with 25 mm which is c a- emitter, reflector and receiver. An object is sensed when it in-
pable of reflecting the light as good as a 75 mm reflector. A
terrupts the beam. Retroreflective sensors share some a dvan-
75 mm reflector reflects up to nine times more light than a tages with opposed mode sensors such as good c ontrast and
25 mm and is suited for longer distances. high excess gain. Moreover, only one device has to be in-
stalled and wired. Of disadvantage are short sensing ranges
Refreshing rate and objects with shiny surfaces when using devices without
polarizing filter.
The period a value takes to be formed in an application in d e-
vice A, to be sent on line to a device B and made available to Reverse polarity protection
the application there. The refreshing rate should not be con-
fused with the response time, which is slower in most c ases. A Protection against false connection.
floating average value can be formed for a data v olume of 10
ms and given out every 1 ms. In this case the r efreshing rate is Ripple
1/1 ms resp. 1 kHz, while the response time is 6 ms.
Irregularities in the DC voltage may occur after the VAC mains
Release point (pressure sensors) voltage is rectified to a VDC voltage (due to the original sinu-
soidal wave of the mains voltage). The remaining wave
In hysteresis mode, the output switches at the release point troughs can be compensated (smoothed) by means of a c a-
(rP) when system pressure decreases. In window mode, the pacitor connected in parallel to the load or a coil connected in
output switches at the release point (rP) independent of series to the load. The remaining AC component after smooth-
whether system pressure increases or decreases. ing is called the ripple or hum voltage. 10% ripple (peak to
peak) of supply voltage is usually tolerated.

644 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Terms and definitions

Sensing conditions (ultrasonic sensors) Maximum switching frequency at an operating distance s = sn

/2, measured with a gauge wheel.
The ultrasonic transducers are especially optimized for the

medium air. They can also be used for other gaseous media.
In this case the sensitivity and the range need to be adjusted.
Short-circuit protection

Protection against overload.   

Standby time (flow sensors)

The time a flow sensor needs to achieve a stable state after it
has been turned on.

Static output (ring sensors)

Sensors with a static output produce a constant pulse as long   

as they are attenuated. In principle, all proximity sensors fea-     
ture a static output. The term is used in connection with ring

sensors (see also dynamic output).

Storage temperature
Switching frequency (max.)
The storage temperature may range from 30+85 C.
The max. switching frequency of a device indicates how many
Surface roughness (ultrasonic sensors) changes of the switching state are possible within a second.

Ultrasonic sensors detect objects with a surface roughness ex- Switchpoint (pressure and temperature sensors)
ceeding 0.15 mm. On the one hand, the surface need not be
In hysteresis mode, the output switches at the switchpoint (sP)
aligned exactly towards the sensor but on the other hand the
when system pressure or temperature increases. In window
sensing range has to be reduced.
mode, the output switches at the sP independent of whether
Surge current system pressure or temperature increases or decreases.

Inrush current transiently flowing through the output. Switchpoint accuracy (pressure and temperature sensors)

Switch element function The switchpoint accuracy defines the maximum admissible
deviation of an adjusted value from the actual switchpoint val-
see Output function ue.

Switch-off time (flow sensors) Synchronization (ultrasonic sensors)

Time the flow sensor needs to measure and display the drop Crosstalk can be avoided through synchronization. Most sen-
in flow speed. sors of the RUC-M30, RU-M18 and RU-Q30 series synchronize
themselves simply through connecting the synchronization
Switch-on time (flow sensors) line. They emit sonic pulses simultaneously, thus performing
like a single sensor with extended range.
Time the flow sensor needs to measure and display the in-
crease in flow speed. System pressure (pressure sensors)
Switching delay The media pressure exerted on the pressure sensor.
Is the period between attaining a switchpoint and resulting Temperature drift
change of status at the output.
Temperature-dependent change of switchpoint or output val-
Switching distance (s) ue.

Distance at which a change of signal is produced with axial ap- Temperature gradient (flow sensors)
proach of the object.
The temperature gradient defines the max. temperature rise
Switching frequency that a flow sensor can adapt to without damage. The sensors
have the ability to compensate temperature jumps within
The switching frequency indicates the number of status specified tolerances. Excess of these tolerances may lead to
changes per second. The higher the switching frequency the malfunction. In this case, the sensor has to be adjusted to the
more often switching can be repeated per second resp. the new temperature range to ensure correct detection of flow.
faster the switching operation. Unit of measure: C/min. or K/min.
Concerning proximity switches, the switching frequency indi-
cates the maximum number of changes between attenuated
and non-attenuated state per second (Hz).

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 645

Terms and definitions

Transparent objects (photoelectric sensors) to the correspondent rated current, rated voltage and the load
current. Inductive sensors by TURCK fulfill the following cate-
Transparent objects are hardly detected by opposed mode gories:
sensors as they reflect the light beam only partially. Retrore- Direct current DC13: Control of electromagnets.
flective sensors are better suited for this task because the light Alternate current AC-140: Control of smaller electromagnet-
beam passes the object twice. This improves the contrast con- ic loads with holding current > 0.2 A.
siderably. Anyhow, the switchpoint has to be adjusted pre-
cisely which is only possible with sensors featuring sensitivity
adjustment. Diffuse mode or convergent mode sensors are Voltage drop
best suited for this job.
Voltage drop is the reduction in voltage of a connected out-
Usable operating distance (Su) (inductive sensors) put.

Allowed switching distance within the admissible tempera- Weld-proof

ture and voltage range.
Correlation to rated operating distance Weld-resistant sensors can be applied in welding systems.
0.9 x sr < su < 1.1 x sr 0.81 x sn < su < 1.21 x sn They have a special ferrite core incorporated which makes
them immune to magnetic AC and DC fields. (see also Mag-
netic field immune).

Window function

 The window function is used to implement a range in which
  the sensor takes on a defined switching state. The user can ad-
   just the switching range (window) by setting an upper and
 lower limit.

acceptable range

1 Fnc

Usable operating distance (Su) (inductive sensors) Wire-break protection

Allowed switching distance within the admissible tempera- If the supply cable is cut, the output stays off (no failure).
ture and voltage range.
Correlation to rated operating distance
0.8 x sr < su < 1.2 x sr 0.72 sn < su < 1.32 sn




Utilization category

The utilization category indicates the area in which sensors

can be operated. Category IEC 60947-5-2 is defined in relation

646 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Terms and definitions


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 647

General information
Electrical versions

Electrical versions
General informatio General i NAMUR characteristic inductive sensors

NAMUR sensors acc. to EN 6094756 are polarized 2-wire de- I [mA]

vices, changing their internal resistance in dependence on the 4
attenuation (continuous linear/current characteristic). They Inductive
are connected to external switching amplifiers which convert sensors
current flow changes into a binary output signals. 3

NAMUR-sensor amplifier 2 1,75 mA difference of

BN + switching current i
+ 8,2 VDC 1,55 mA
BU difference of
1 switching distance s

R i : 1 k sn s [mm]

NAMUR characteristic capacitive and magnetic field sen-

Advantages of NAMUR sensors sors
When used in combination with approved isolating switching
amplifiers, they can be applied in Ex-areas. I [mA]
Wire-break and short-circuit can be monitored continuously 4
via the switching amplifier.
Sensors with NAMUR output are also suitable for monitoring Magnet-inductive
fast moving objects and high rotation speeds. NAMUR sensors 3 sensors
are identically designed, nonetheless they achieve higher
switching frequencies.
2 1,75 mA
Nominal operating values difference of
switching current i
1,55 mA
The nominal operating values specified acc. to EN 6094756 difference of
1 switching distance s
U0 = 8.2 VDC
Ri = 1000
lactuated 1.2 mA sn s [mm]
lnon-actuated 2.1 mA
Please note, that the characteristic of capacitive and mag- Indication of switching state (LED)
netic field sensors is inverted due to their functional princi-
ple. Owing to the special functional principle, inductive sensors
TURCK NAMUR sensors are specified right in the middle of the with NAMUR output have an inverted LED functionality: The
NAMUR window at 1.55 mA for sn and1.75 mA for sn + Ds (see LED doesnt light up in attenuated state but in non-attenuated
characteristic). state. This is because in attenuated state not enough power is
Reverse-polarity protected supplied to light up the LED (NAMUR characteristic), whereas
Hysteresis H: 110 % in non-attenuated state enough power is provided.
Temperature drift < 10 % (Nominal temperature range Environmental conditions
20+70 C) < 20 % (extended temperature range 40/
25+100/120 C)
Protection class (IEC 60529/EN 60529) IP67
Repeatability: < 2 % Pollution degree 3
Shock resistance 30 x g (11 ms)
Vibration resistance 55 Hz (1 mm)

648 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
General information
Electrical versions

Usage in Ex areas Note: Please note that this calculation doesnt consider addi-
tional resistances such as corrosion or transfer resistance of
When used in Ex areas, NAMUR sensors must be operated at connecting terminals!
approved isolating switching amplifiers with intrinsically safe
control circuits. The TURCK product portfolio comprises many Condition 2: If the sensor is operated in explosion hazardous
Ex-approved isolating switching amplifiers in different de- areas, the maximal inductance and capacitance must addi-
signs. tionally be observed. You find the corresponding values on
Supply and evaluation via external approved switching am- the technical data sheets of the NAMUR sensors and isolating
plifier identified by Y1.- switching amplifiers.
Ignition protection type Ex ia IIC T4 T6 (approved for use Example: Isolating switching amplifier IM122ExR:
in Ex areas; ECtype-examination certificate acc. to EN 50020 Cmax = 830 nF; Lmax = 5 mH (for Ex ia IIC);
(EN 6007911) and EN 50014 (EN 600790); Approved acc. to sensor Bi5EG18SKY1X: Ci = 150 nF; Li = 150 H
directive 94/9/EC, KEMA 02 ATEX 1090 X) When subtracting the values of the isolating switching ampli-
Static charging must be avoided with sensors of the follow- fiers and sensors, you get the following values for the cable:
ing series: CA40, CK40, CP40, CP80, DSU26, DSU35, K40, K90, C = 680 nF; L = 4.85 mH.
MP, Q80 Cable suppliers usually declare the values for inductance and
For installation observe the certificate and the operating in- capacitance per meter, whereby 110 nF/km and 1 mH/km are
structions taken as reference values.
Applying these reference values to our example, leads to the
For use in safety-related systems acc. to IEC 61508
following results: max. cable length for 110 nF/km:
Almost all NAMUR sensors from our product portfolio are suit- 680 nF / 110 nF = 6.18 km;
ed for use in safety-related systems (including SIL2 acc. to IEC max. cable length for 1 mH/km: 4.85 mH / 1 mH = 4.85 km
61508). This has been certified by an independent test body Under consideration of the above mentioned two conditions,
(TV). The certificate is valid for all TURCK sensors with stand- the maximum admissible cable length is the smallest calculat-
ard NAMUR output. These sensors are 100 % compatible with ed value. This example provides the following values:
all standard NAMUR signal processors as well as with (safety) Condition 1: Cable resistance: 485.5 m
PLCs featuring NAMUR inputs. Condition 2:
Probability of failure (PFDavg ) a) Cable inductance: 6.18 km
b) Cable capacitance: 4.85 km
7.00 x 106 test interval: 1 year The maximum cable length is 485.5 m.
3.50 x 106 test interval: 5 years
Safe failure fraction (SFF): 0.9
Sensors with transistor output 3/4-
Series or parallel connected NAMUR sensors wire DC
Operation at TURCK switching amplifiers is not permitted. Advantages

Maximum cable length Very low residual current

Easily connected to relay or PCS
Two conditions must be ensured to determine the maximum Series and parallel connection
cable length:
Condition 1: Power supply
EN 6094756 stipulates 50 as the maximum cable resist-

Operating voltage UB : 1030 VDC, 1055 VDC or 1065


ance. The maximum cable length can be calculated using this

value and the core cross-section: VDC
l=RxQ/ Ripple WPP : 10 %
l = max. core length in [m]
Switching output
R = max. resistance in []
Q = core cross-section in mm2 = resistivity of core material
(0.0175 for copper) in [ x mm2 x m]
3-wire sensors: Normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC)
Example for a copper core with a core cross-section of Q =
4-wire sensors: Antivalent
0.34 mm2 :
Cyclic short-circuit protection for nearly all devices
l = 50 x 0.34 / 0.0175 = 971 m
Wire-break proof
As NAMUR sensors are operated by two wires, the calculated
Reverse-polarity protected
value must be divided by two. The result is the maximum ca-
Utilization category 13
ble length: 971 / 2 = 485.5 m
Rated insulation voltage Ui =0.5 kV
Conditional rated short-circuit current up to 100 A
more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 649
General information
Electrical versions

3-wire, DC (PNP) Parallel circuit, 3-wire, DC

BN +

pnp BK pnp

3-wire, DC (NPN)



Sensors with transistor output
2-wire DC
4-wire, DC (PNP)
Only two wires
  Short-circuit protected
 Power supply

Operating voltage UB : 1030 VDC or 1065 VDC (see type
4-wire, DC (NPN) Ripple WPP : 10 %
Switching function
  Normally open (NO)
Cyclic short-circuit protection (Overload trip point > Ie +
 20 mA)

 Reverse-polarity protected
Residual currrent Ir : 0.6 mA
Voltage drop Ud : non-polarized version (AD) < 5 V, polar-
Environmental conditions ized version (AG) < 4.2 V
Utilization category 13
Protection class (IEC 60529/EN 60529) IP67/IP68/IP69K (acc. 2-wire, DC (polarized)
to Sensor type)
Pollution degree 3
Shock resistance 30 x g (11 ms)
Vibration resistance 55 Hz (1 mm)  

Series and parallel circuits  

With series connected devices, voltage drops and readiness

delay of all sensors are added.

Series circuit, 3-wire, DC 2-wire, DC (non-polarized)



BU Environmental conditions
pnp Protection class at least IP65
Pollution degree 3
Shock resistance: 30 x g (11 ms)
Vibration resistance: 55 Hz (1 mm)

650 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
General information
Electrical versions

Series connected 2-wire sensors 2-wire AC/DC, NO

NO contact: AND link

NOR link
With series connected devices, voltage drops add up across
the sensors. This reduces the usable voltage at the load. 
Therefore, care has to be taken that the operating voltage at
the load may not fall below its minimum. Environmental conditions
Series connected 2-wire sensors Protection class (IEC 60529/EN 60529): IP67
L1 Degree of pollution: 3
Shock resistance: 30 x g (11 ms)
Vibration resistance: 55 Hz (1 mm)

Series connection of 2-wire AC/DC sensors

N NO contact: AND link
NC contact: NOR link
With series connected devices, voltage drops add up across
the sensors. This reduces the usable voltage at the load.
2-wire AC/DC sensors Therefore, care has to be taken that the operating voltage at
Advantages the load may not fall below its minimum (observe mains volt-
age fluctuations).
Only two wires Series connection of 2-wire AC/DC sensors
Connectable to AC and DC current
Short-circuit resistant types ADZ, RDZ, FDZ L1
Power supply

Operating voltage for inductive and capacitive sensors UB :

20250 VAC or 10300 VDC
Except sensors with selective properties NF and sensors RL
with extended temperature range up to +120 C N

Switching behaviour Series connected mechanical switches and AC/DC sensors

Normally open (NO): Identifier: ADZ/AZ When the contact is open the sensor power supply is inter-
Normally closed (NC): Identifier: RDZ/RZ rupted. Closing the mechanical contact while the sensor is at-
Normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contacts are tenuated may cause transient malfunction of the sensor. The
programmed via connection cable: FDZ/FZ readiness delay (t = 80 ms) prevents immediate switching.
Residual current: Ir 1.7 mA (AC), Ir 1.5 mA (DC) Solution: A resistor arranged in parallel to the mechanical con-
Latching short-circuit protection, types ADZ, RDZ, FDZ, peak tact supplies the senor also with open contact and thus neu-
current 8 A ( 5 ms, max. 5 Hz) overload trip point tralizes the effects of the readiness delay. The resistance value
> 500 mA for 230 VAC is: approx. 91 k/1 W.
Voltage drop Ud < 6 Veff Hysteresis H: 315 % Reference value approx. 400 /V
Temperature drift < 10 % (Nominal temperature range
20+70 C) < 20 % (extended temperature range Series connected mechanical switches
40/25+100/120 C)
Repeatability R: < 2 %

Utilization category: AC 140/DC 13
Rated insulation voltage Ui =1.5 kV
Conditional rated short-circuit current 100 A
The rated operating current is limited at ambient tempera-  


tures > 40 C

2-wire AC/DC, NC 

Parallel connected mechanical switches and AC/DC sen-


A closed contact cuts off the sensor power supply. When
opening the contact again, the sensor is operable only after a
readiness delay of t = 80 ms.

Solution: A resistor connected in series to the mechanical con-

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 651

General information
Electrical versions

tact ensures that the sensor is supplied with enough power. Wiring diagram sensors with voltage and current output
The readiness delay is thus avoided after opening the contact (example)

Formula for calculating the resistance value: R = 10 V / lLoad P =  

l2 Load x R
Parallel connected mechanical switches  

 Output characteristic sensors with 010 V / 020 mA
 output (example)
 A B
U [V] I [mA]

 11 max 22 max
10 20

Sensors with analog output


Linear characteristic (except output type: SiU) 0,05 0,1

Miniature design with enhanced range and non-linear out- 0 A B 0

put (SiU)
Output characteristic sensors with 210 V / 420 mA
Variable outputs: Current, voltage, frequency, adjustable output (example)
switching output

Power supply  

Operating voltage UB : 1530 VDC
Ripple Wss : 10 %

Environmental conditions
Protection class at least IP65 

Pollution degree 3  
Shock resistance: 30 x g (11 ms)
Vibration resistance: 55 Hz (1 mm)
Digital SSI output
General data
The high-precision SSI output transmits digital measured
Repeatability R: < 1 %; R < 0.5 % After warm-up phase of 30 values either directly or via remote I/O fieldbus to the control
unit without conversion losses. Gray 25 Bit is the preferred
Temperature drift: 0.06 % / C coding for the Li-Q25L sensor series. The coding is adjusted via
Utilization category: 13 control or via fieldbus m
Rated insulation voltage Ui =0.5 kV

Load resistances

Current output: < 0.4 k

Voltage output: 4.7 k
Frequency output: < 1 k

652 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
General information
Electrical versions


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 653

General information
Standards and directives

General informatio
Standards and directives (if applicable)
General i EN 61326-1

EN 60947-5-2: 2007 Laboratory equipment for electrical measuring, control, and

regulating tasks; EMC requirements
Low-voltage switching devices, part 5: Control devices and
switching elements, section 2: Proximity switch
EN 60079-0: 2009
Electrical equipment for explosion hazardous areas, general
regulations Low voltage directive

EN 60079-11: 2012 2004/108/EC

Electrical equipment for explosion hazardous areas; intrinsic Electromagnetic compatibility

safety i
EN 60079-15: 2010
Explosion protection (ATEX)
Electrical equipment for explosion hazardous areas; Protection
type N CE

EN 61241-0: 2006 The CE-symbol is neither a seal of quality nor a test mark but
serves for free trade within the European Community. Manu-
General requirements on electrical equipment for use in areas facturers assure that the protective aims of the applicable di-
susceptible to flammable dusts rectives are fulfilled by CE- labelled products. With the CE sym-
bol on products for sale, the manufacturer confirms that these
EN 60079-31: 2009 products comply with the technical guidelines for operating
safety and electromagnetic compatibility valid at the time of
Electrical equipment for use in areas exposed to dust; protect-
ed by housing

EN 61000-6-4: 2007

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); Generic emission stand-


EN 61000-6-2: 2005

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); Generic standards, im-

munity for industrial environments

EN 60529 1991 +A1: 2000

Protection classes (IPCode); housing protected against in-

gress of dust and moisture

EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR): 2000

Control devices and proximity switches, DC current interface

for proximity switches and switching amplifiers ((NAMUR)

EN 61508-17: 2010

Functional safety of safety-related electrical / electronic / pro-

grammable electronic systems

654 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
General information
Housing materials

on Housing materials

ABS Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene PA (Polyamide)

Impact resistant, stiff Wear-free, stiff, impact resistant, good thermostability


Al Aluminium PA-T polyamide, PTFE-coated, protection against weld splatter

Low specific weight, good resistance to oxidation
PAX Polyamide, radiation cross-linked
CuZnCr chrome-plated brass Excellent mechanical stability, high thermostability, PA6/PA12
Standard housing material approved for the food industry


CuZnOP brass, Optaloy-coated PBT Polybutylene terephthalate (thermoplastic polyester)

Standard housing material Rigid, stiff, solid, tough (even at low temperatures), good re-
sistance to chemicals, flame retardant, self-extinguishing and
CuZn-T UV resistant
CuZnT brass, PTFE-coated, protection against weld splatter PC
DURO PC Polycarbonate
transparent, highly resistant to impacts, very stiff, solid, tough,
DURO Duroplast
good thermostability, flame retardant, self-extinguishing
Very good mechanical stability, excellent thermostability PEEK
EPTR PEEK Polyethertetherketon
Good mechanical properties at high temperatures, high di-
EPTR thermoplastic rubber
mension stability and resistance to chemicals
Good mechanical stability, thermostability, resistance to POM
POM Polyoxymethylene
FEP Highly resistant to impacts, good mechanical stability, good
resistant to chemicals
FEP Fluoropolymer
High thermostability, highly resistant to abrasion, resistant to PP
acids, alkaline solutions, varnishes, benzine and oils
PP Polypropylene
GD-Al Excellent resistance to chemicals, even to acids, alkalis and sol-
vents, high thermostability, high mechanical stability
GDAl die-cast aluminium

Low specific weight, good stability and durability PTFE

GD-Zn PTFE Polytetrafluorethylene;
Highly thermostable and chemical-resistant plastic
GDZn die-cast zinc
Good stability and durability PUR
LCP PUR Polyurethane
Elastic, wear-free, impact resistant, good resistance to oils, lu-
LCP Liquid Cristal Polymers, liquid cristal Copolyester
bricants and solvents
High thermostability and resistance to chemicals, low thermal
expansion, good chemical properties, flame retardant

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 655

General information
Housing materials

Housing materials
General informatio General i
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
Good mechanical stability, resistance to impact, resistance to


PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride

High thermostability, good resistance to chemicals (similar to
PTFE), high mechanical stability


SrFe strontium ferrite

In terms of hardness and brittleness similar to ceramic materi-
al, weather-proof and good resistance chemicals


Trogamid Polyamide (transparent)

Transparent, hard, stiff, good resistance to chemicals


PEI Polyetherimide
Highly rugged, stiff and hard, high thermostability, operates in
a broad temperature range, good resistance to high-energy
radiation, flame retardant and self-extinguishing, transparent
and UV resistant


VA high-quality stainless steel

V4A denotes a certain type of steel and stands for the CrNiMo
steels with the material grade numbers 1.4401 (AISI 316),
1.4571 (AISI 316Ti) and 1.4404 (AISI316L)


VA high-quality stainless steel

Corrosion and acid-resistant steel, highly stable for higher de-
mands also suitable for the food industry


VAT stainless steel, PTFE-coated, protection against weld



VES Vestamide (PA)

Good mechanical stability, excellent temperature stability

656 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
General information
Connection cables for sensors

on Connection cables for sensors
FEP sheath with FEP insulated core

FEP sheath with FEP insulated core

Suitable for very low temperatures, 100+180 C
Identifier: /S939 (60 C)

PTFE sheath with PTFE-insulated core

PTFE sheath with PTFE-insulated core

Excellent thermostability and resistance to chemicals
/S120 (+120 C)
/S907 (+160 C)
/S200 (+200 C)

PUR sheath with PVC-insulated core

PUR sheath with PVC-insulated core

Resistant to all industrial oils and lubricants, extra fine strands,
thus highly stable under vibration and torsional stress, small
bending radius
Identifier: /S90

PVC sheath with PVC-insulated core

PVC sheath with PVC-insulated core

Standard quality, extra fine strands, highly flexible (LifYY)

Silicone sheath with silicone-insulated core

Silicone sheath with silicone-insulated core

For high and low temperatures (50+180 C), moderate me-
chanical stability, average resistance to alkaline solutions, ac-
ids, oils and solvents
/S140 or /S120 (+120 C)
SiHSi, 2 x 0.5 mm2 , 16 x 0.2
SiHSi, 3 x 0.5 mm2 , 16 x 0.2
SiHSi, 3 x 0.25 mm2 , 14 x 0.15

TPE sheath with TPE-insulated core

TPE sheath with TPE-insulated core

Good thermostability and resistance to chemicals

(40+130 C)

Identifier: EG08/S100

lflex-PUR sheath PVC-insulated core

lflex-PUR sheath with PVC-insulated core

Good resistance to oil, highly resistant to abrasion and grind-
ing, cut-resistant, resistant to microbes and hydrolysis, tem-
perature range 5+70C
Identifier: /S396 (underwater)

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 657

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams

BN +
Wiring di
Wiring diagrams


w002 w008 w014




w003 w009 w015


w004 w010 w016


w005 w011 w017



w006 w012 w018

  BN +

658 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

w019 w025 w031



w020 w026 w032



w021 w027 w033



w022 w028 w034


w023 w029 w035


w024 w030 w036

BN + 


pnp BK


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 659

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams
Wiring diagrams
Wiring di




w038 w044 w050








w039 w045 w051




w040 w046 w052



w041 w047 w053



w042 w048 w054






660 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology


BN +

w056 w062 w068

  BN + 2
 3 BU 1 BN
4 BK

w057 w063 w069




w058 w064 w070




w059 w065 w071



w060 w066 w072





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 661

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams
Wiring di
Wiring diagrams

BN +


w074 w080 w086



w075 w081 w087




w076 w082 w088


w077 w083 w089



w078 w084 w090




662 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology


frequency A
BN (1)
BU (3)

  WH (2)
     GY (5)
BK (4) n.c.
frequency B
BN (1)
BU (3)

WH (2)
   GY (5)
 BK (4) n.c.

w092 w098 w104

frequency A
BN (1) +
  3 BU (3)
WH (2)
1 + BK (4)
GY (5)
4 1
frequency B
2 BN (1)
BU (3)

WH (2)
BK (4)
GY (5)

w093 w099 w105

BN (1) +
1 +
  WH (2)
 BK (4)
4 1 BU (3)
  2 2 YE or GY Beam inhibit:
connect to +V

w094 w100 w106






w095 w101 w107

BN (1) +      

BU (3)   

BK (4)   
WH (2) *  



* external programming   

w096 w102 w108

BN (2) +
   BU (7) 1224 VDC
     WH (1)

GN (3)
  GY (5)



PK (6) laser control 524 VDC ON


YE (4) teach
(8) shield
524 VDC

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 663

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams

Wiring diagrams

Wiring di









w110 w116 w122

BN +
  WH* 1  
  BK 2  
 GY teach  
   PK gate

* 0...10 VDC or 4...20 mA

w111 w117 w123

BN +

 WH n.c.
   YE n.c.
 GN n.c.
   RD n.c.
Sync PK
GY n.c.
Shield bare

w112 w118 w124

WH (2) * BN (1) +

BU (3) BK (4)


BN (1) +  

BU (3)


BK (4) 

WH (2) joblight 12...30 VDC  

* external programming

w113 w119 w125

2 BN +
BN (1) +   7 BU
WH (2) 6 PK In
BK (4)  
5 GY In
GY (5) 1) 1 WH Out
BU (3) 8 RD Out
 4 YE Out
1) external programming line 3 GN Out

w114 w120 w126

BN +   


BK 2


PK gate  

664 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology





w128 w134 w140



w129 w135 w141



w130 w136 w142




w131 w137 w143




w132 w138 w144




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 665

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams
Wiring diagrams
Wiring di
w151 w157




w146 w152 w158




w147 w153 w159



w148 w154 w160

 1 BN +

 PS 3 BU
  2 WH out 2 / IA

  4 BK out 1/IO-Link

w149 w155 w161

  1 BN +
   3 BU
    2 WH VA
 4 BK out 1/IO-Link

w150 w156 w162



666 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

w163 w169 w175


w164 w170 w176



w165 w171 w177



w166 w172 w178

 1 BN +

4 BK Iz cw

   2 WH Iz ccw
  3 BU
 5 GY
 ext. teach

w167 w173 w179

   1 BN +
1 BN +    4 BK Uz cw
TS 3 BU Uz ccw
  2 WH
2 WH out 2 / IA
4 BK out 1/IO-Link   3 BU
  5 GY

ext. teach

w168 w174 w180

1 BN +   

TS 3 BU   

2 WH VA  
4 BK out / IO-Link



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 667

Sensor technology

Wiring diagrams

Wiring diagrams

Wiring di
1 BN
4 BK
2 WH I U 
3 BU
    5 GY

ext. teach

w182 w188 w194

1 BN +  
  4 BK   
3 BU
5 WH   
ext. teach

w183 w189 w195

BN +  
BN +

ext. teach ext. teach

w184 w190 w196

BN + 1 BN + 1 BN +
4 BK out 1 / IO-Link
U 2 WH I U
2 WH out 2
WH 3 BU 5 GY
ext. teach 5 GY teach ext. teach

w185 w191 w197

BN +
ext. teach

w186 w192 w198

1 BN + 1 BN +
  2 WH progr. input 4 BK
 4 BK U
 3 BU
3 BU
  5 WH
5 GY
ext. teach

668 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

24 VDC
UB +

BK (4)
SSI BU 0 V sens BN (1)
YE CLK RD UB sens + COL 2
WH (2)
GY Data + GN T +
PK Data COL 3
YE T GY (5) +
BU n.c. GY D + COL 4
RD n.c. BU (3)

w200 w206 w212

1 GND PK (6)
  COL 1
2 UB + BN (2)
3 C + COL 2
   WH (1)
4 C COL 3
  GY (5)
5 D + COL 4
   YE (4) +
6 D
  COL 5
7 SET BU (7)

8 DIR RD (8) n.c.

PH shield/PE GN (3) n.c.

w201 w207 w213

GN C +  
YE A inv. GY D +
PK B inv. BU SET  
BU 0
RD 0 inv. PE shield

w202 w208 w214

1 GND 1 UB +
2 UB +
2 n.c.  
3 A
4 A inv. 3 analog out
5 B
6 B inv.
4 n.c.
7 0
8 0 inv.
PH shield

w203 w209 w215

1 B inv.
2 UB sens + 1 UB +
0 inv.

2 out 4 +
5 A
6 A inv. 3 GND
7 n.c.
8 B 4 n.c.
9 n.c. 3
10 GND
11 0V sens
12 UB +
PH shield

w204 w210
BK (4)
GN analog out BN (1)
YE analog GND COL 2
WH (2) +


BU (3)

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 669

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d004 d007



d002 d005 d008



d003 d006 d009



670 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d010 d013 d016



d011 d014 d017





d012 d015 d018



 M12 x 1 92

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 671

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d022 d025

 M8 x 1




d020 d023 d026




d021 d024 d027




672 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d028 d031 d034

M12 x 1
M12 x 1 10

 55 46
17/4 17/4


M12 x 1

d029 d032 d035

M12 x 1
 M12 x 1

  17/4 46 17/4 45
 62 50

 M12 x 1

d030 d033 d036

 M12 x 1
M12 x 1 10

17/4 17/4 40
  60 52

 M8 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 673

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d040 d043

M12 x 1 M18 x 1
M12 x 1
17/4 36 17/4 36 24/4 55
LED 52 LED 52 60

9 9 LED

M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d038 d041 d044

M12 x 1 M18 x 1
M12 x 1 10
24/4 46
45 17/4 66
50 80 LED 61,5

M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d039 d042 d045

M12 x 1

M12 x 1 M18 x 1 10

40 17/4 86
17/4 24/4 55
52 100
LED 60


9 4
M8 x 1

M12 x 1

674 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d046 d049 d052

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 M30 x 1,5

24/4 56
24/4 46 36/5
72 55
LED 61,5 LED 60
9 9
M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d047 d050 d053

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1
M18 x 1 10
24/4 45 45 46
50 50 LED 62
4 4

M12 x 1

d048 d051 d054

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 M30 x 1,5
10 15
24/4 36 24/4 36
LED 36/5 55
52 LED 52
9 9 LED

M12 x 1 M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 675

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d058 d061

M12 x 1 M18 x 1
M30 x 1,5 10

36/5 46 17/4 36 24/4 46

LED 52 61,5

M12 x 1
M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d056 d059 d062

 M18 x 1
M12 x 1

  17/4 36 24/4 36
  LED 52 LED 52

9 9

 M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d057 d060 d063

M12 x 1 M18 x 1
M12 x 1 M12 x 1
15 M18 x 1
15 10
55 24/4 55
17/4 24/4 36
60 60 48,5
48,5 LED 52
4 4
M12 x 1

676 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d064 d067 d070

M12 x 1
M30 x 1,5
17/4 M12 x 1
36/5 8
17/4 36
46 LED 50
LED 62 40,5
33 9
M12 x 1 LED

d065 d068 d071

M30 x 1,5

36/5 M12 x 1 M12 x 1

55 10
LED 17/4 36 17/4 36
LED 50 LED 52
4 9
M12 x 1 9
M12 x 1


d066 d069 d072

M18 x 1
M12 x 1
M30 x 1,5 24/4
15 17/4
8 8
36/5 46 10
LED 62 30,5 45
33 33
80 81
39 39
8 8
M12 x 1 LED LED

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 677

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d076 d079

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1 36/5
M18 x 1
24/4 36 28 15
LED 24/4 36
50 LED 45
33 95
M12 x 1
2 39
M12 x 1

d074 d077 d080

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1
24/4 M30 x 1,5
8 15
10 36/5 46
35 33 LED 60
33 95
M12 x 1 9
39 8
8 LED 2

d075 d078 d081

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1
10 M30 x 1,5
24/4 36 46 36/5 46
LED 50 LED 60 62
M12 x 1 9
M12 x 1 9
M12 x 1

678 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d082 d085 d088





d083 d086 d089


d084 d087 d090





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 679

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d094 d097






d092 d095 d098




d093 d096 d099



680 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d100 d103 d106



d101 d104 d107



d102 d105 d108




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 681

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d112 d115





d110 d113 d116


d111 d114 d117





682 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d118 d121 d124





d119 d122 d125






d120 d123 d126






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 683

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d130 d133




d128 d131 d134



5,3 80  
M12 x 1 92   

d129 d132 d135



5,3 80  

684 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d136 d139 d142





d137 d140 d143






d138 d141 d144




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 685

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d148 d151

M8 x 1 




d146 d149 d152


d147 d150 d153





686 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d154 d157 d160



d155 d158 d161





d156 d159 d162

M12 x 1





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 687

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing

M12 x 1

M12 x 1
17/4 LED
10 M12 x 1
65 17/4 30
30 LED
70 4
29 Pg 9
39 17
8 50

d164 d167 d170

M12 x 1
LED M12 x 1
M12 x 1
30 10 17/4 36
65 17/4 30 LED 52
4 9
29 Pg 9
50 M12 x 1

d165 d168 d171

M12 x 1
LED M12 x 1 M12 x 1
17/8 17/4 36
70 30
4 9
29 Pg 9
M12 x 1

688 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d172 d175 d178

M12 x 1 M12 x 1
M12 x 1 10

46 17/4 46 55
17/4 17/4
62 62 60


M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d173 d176 d179

M12 x 1 M12 x 1
M12 x 1 10
17/4 46 45 40
17/4 17/8
62 50 60
M12 x 1

d174 d177 d180

M12 x 1 10 M12 x 1 10 M12 x 1

17/4 46 17/4 55 17/4 45

62 60 50

M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 689

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
M12 x 1

M12 x 1

17/4 17/8
LED 10 LED M12 x 1
40 40 17/4 36
75 75 LED 50

29 Pg 9
29 Pg 9 2

d182 d185 d188

M12 x 1 M12 x 1

17/4 M12 x 1
8 8
17/4 36
LED 50
30,5 40,5
33 33
80 80

39 39 2
8 8

d183 d186 d189

M12 x 1

M12 x 1 M12 x 1

40 45
17/4 40 17/8
75 50
29 Pg 9 4
50 M8 x 1

690 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d190 d193 d196

M12 x 1 M12 x 1 10
M12 x 1

17/4 28 17/4 56 17/4 36

LED 72 LED 52
9 9

M12 x 1 M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d191 d194 d197

M12 x 1 M12 x 1 M12 x 1

17/4 36 17/4 56
17/4 66
LED 52 72
M12 x 1
M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d192 d195 d198

M12 x 1
M12 x 1
M12 x 1
17/8 36 17/4 86
17/4 36
LED 52 100
LED 52

M12 x 1 9
M12 x 1

M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 691

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d202 d205

M12 x 1
M18 x 1 M18 x 1

17/4 50
24/4 36 24/4
71 30

10 9 4

M12 x 1

d200 d203 d206

M12 x 1 10
M18 x 1
10 M18 x 1
50 10
17/4 24/4 36
71 24/4
LED 52 30
10 9

1/2-20UNF-2A M12 x 1

d201 d204 d207

M18 x 1
M12 x 1 10 24/4
M18 x 1
17/4 40
60 24/8
30 35
LED 33
LED 71

692 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d208 d211

M18 x 1

M18 x 1
24/4 M18 x 1
10 24/4 46
35 61,5
33 25 LED
39 29 Pg 9
8 17
50 M12 x 1

d209 d212 d215

M18 x 1
M18 x 1
M18 x 1

35 24/4 46 24/4 45
67 LED 61,5
29 Pg 9
50 M12 x 1

d210 d213 d216

M18 x 1

LED M18 x 1 10 M18 x 1 10

35 24/4 46 24/4 55
67 LED 61,5 60
29 Pg 9
17 4
50 M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 693

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d220 d223

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 M18 x 1

24/4 31 24/4 56
24/8 50
LED 46 72
60 LED
M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d218 d221 d224

M18 x 1 M18 x 1
M18 x 1 10 10

24/4 45 24/4 36 24/4 36

50 LED 52 LED 52

9 9
M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d219 d222 d225

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 M18 x 1

24/4 20 24/8 36 24/4 36

30 LED 52 LED 52

M12 x 1
M12 x 1 M12 x 1

694 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d226 d229 d232

M18 x 1

M18 x 1 10 LED
M18 x 1 10
24/4 56 45
24/4 45
72 77
LED 50
9 29 Pg 9
M12 x 1

d227 d230 d233

M18 x 1 M18 x 1

M18 x 1 24/4
8 8
24/4 36 10
LED 50 45
33 33
M12 x 1
9 81 81

2 39 39
8 8

d228 d231 d234

M18 x 1 M18 x 1
24/4 24/4
M18 x 1 10

24/4 36
LED 45 45
77 77
M12 x 1 9
29 Pg 9 29 Pg 9
2 17 17
50 50

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 695

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d238 d241

M18 x 1
M18 x 1
M18 x 1 10
24/4 55 24/4 55
60 60 LED 82
4 4


d236 d239 d242

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 10
M18 x 1

24/4 24/4 50
24/4 55
LED 82 LED 82
25 20


d237 d240 d243

M18 x 1
M18 x 1 M30 x 1,5

24/8 60 24/4 50 36/5

80 LED 82
LED 62

7/8-16UN-2A M12 x 1

696 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d244 d247 d250

M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5
15 LED
M30 x 1,5 15
36/5 46 45
36/5 40
LED 62 72
4 29 Pg 9

M12 x 1 50

d245 d248 d251

M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5

45 45
40 72 33
LED 80

4 29 Pg 9 8
17 LED

d246 d249 d252

M30 x 1,5
M30 x 1,5
M30 x 1,5 LED
45 15
40 72 33 30
LED 80
4 29 Pg 9 39

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 697

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d256 d259

M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5

15 M30 x 1,5 15
36/5 46 36/5
36/5 55 55
LED 62 60
4 4

M12 x 1

d254 d257 d260

M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5

36/10 36/10 46
50 46
60 62 LED 60
LED M12 x 1
9 9

4 2
M12 x 1

d255 d258 d261

M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5

15 LED

36/5 46 60
36/5 55
LED 62 87
LED 17
Pg 9
M12 x 1 50

698 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings

M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5

LED 15 LED M30 x 1,5 15
36/5 55
61 LED
29 Pg 9
115 4
50 x 1,5

d263 d266 d269

M30 x 1,5
M30 x 1,5
M30 x 1,5
19 36/10
36/5 40
28 15
87 45
33 95 61

29 Pg 9 39
28 M16 115
17 x 1,5

d264 d267 d270

M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5
M30 x 1,5
36/5 60
36/5 55
33 80
60 LED
95 LED 25
8 4


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 699

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d274 d277

Pg 36
M30 x 1,5 15 Pg 36
36/5 60
80 51/5
LED 60 30

10 M16
x 1,5 106

d272 d275 d278

M30 x 1,5

Pg 36 
36/5 30
LED 51/5 60
20 LED



d273 d276 d279

Pg 36

M30 x 1,5 15
36/5 60
x 1,5

700 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d280 d283 d286



d281 d284 d287



d282 d285 d288





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 701

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d292 d295




d290 d293 d296



d291 d294 d297





702 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d298 d301 d304



 M8 x 1 6,5

d299 d302 d305





d300 d303 d306



more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 703

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d310 d313



d308 d311 d314





d309 d312 d315




704 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings

d319 d322






d317 d320 d323




d318 d321 d324




more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 705

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d328 d331






d326 d329 d332




d327 d330 d333






706 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d334 d337







d335 d338 d341






d336 d339 d342





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 707

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d346 d349

  M8 x 1

 13/4 40,4



d344 d347 d350

 M12 x 1


 17/4 46


M12 x 1

d345 d348 d351

65 M12 x 1


27,2 60

 80 4
M12 x 1 92

708 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d352 d355 d358

M18 x 1 10 75
M12 x 1 10

17/4 46 24/4 56 16,7

62 72 M18 x 1 10
9 9 24/4 40

M12 x 1 Pot.
M12 x 1

d353 d356 d359

M12 x 1 10 M18 x 1 10
17/4 55 55 M18 x 1 10
60 60 105
24/4 40
4 Pot.

d354 d357 d360

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1 M18 x 1

24/4 56 36/5 61
24/4 55
72 60 77


M12 x 1
M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 709

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d364 d367

M30 x 1,5 M12 x 1 M18 x 1 8

17/4 35 24/4 44
36/5 55
60 63
Pot. LED
4 15

d362 d365 d368

M12 x 1 M12 x 1 M30 x 1,5
4 36/5
17/4 46 17/4 35 46
30 67
62 LED 60

9 M12 x 1 9
M12 x 1

d363 d366 d369

M18 x 1

6,5 M12 x 1
24/4 44
40,4 17/8 30

710 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d370 d373 d376

M18 x 1 M18 x 1 8

M18 x 1
24/4 60 24/4 60
24/8 80 103


7 15

d371 d374 d377

M18 x 1 10 M30 x 1,5

M30 x 1,5

24/4 60 36/5 60
36/10 80 80
7 7

d372 d375 d378

M18 x 1
 M30 x 1,5 10

24/4 60
36/5 60
 95 80


15 7


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 711

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d382 d385

M30 x 1,5 M18 x 1 8

36/5 65 24/4 60 



d380 d383 d386

10 M30 x 1,5 

M30 x 1,5 

36/5 36/5 65

110 100


15 15

d381 d384 d387

M12 x 1

M30 x 1,5 10
M18 x 1 M30 x 1,5

36/5 65
24/4 60 36/5
110 83


M12 x 1

712 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings

d391 d394


(M3 x 20
DIN 963) Pot.

  6 x 1,5

 LED 34
  20,3 42,1
  4,1 54

d389 d392 d395

15 f6 16 0,1 M12 x 1 

M18 x 1 
17/4 40
45 60 
24/4 LED

M12 x 1
M12 x 1

d390 d393 d396

16 0,1 M30 x 1,5

15 f6
M18 x 1
36/5 61  
24/4 45
14 LED


M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 713

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d400 d403





d398 d401 d404





d399 d402 d405




714 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d406 d409 d412

 M12 x 1 

 17/4 56  

 M12 x 1

d407 d410 d413

 M18 x 1

 24/4 60



M12 x 1

d408 d411 d414

M18 x 1



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Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d418 d421






d416 d419 d422



d417 d420 d423

29 72

LED 2,5  

716 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d424 d427 d430



d425 d428 d431

M30 x 1,5

 36/10 50


 M12 x 1

d426 d429 d432





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 717

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing


M8 x 1 



d434 d437 d440





5 M12 x 1 


d435 d438 d441






718 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings








d443 d446 d449






d444 d447 d450






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 719

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d454 d457

 M8 x 1



d452 d455 d458





d453 d456 d459





720 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d460 d463 d466

M12 x 1 



d461 d464 d467




d462 d465 d468





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 721

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing




 15 4,7


d470 d473 d476





d471 d474 d477


 3,6 LEDs

 15 4,7


722 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings







d479 d482 d485





d480 d483 d486



 30 M18 x 1
M12 x 1


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 723

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing

M18 x 1

M18 x 1

24/4 24/4 

37 37

78,7 83,8

M12 x 1 M12 x 1 

d488 d491 d494


M18 x 1 


M12 x 1

d489 d492 d495


M18 x 1



M12 x 1 

724 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings







M8 x 1  


d497 d500 d503





d498 d501 d504






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 725

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing







d506 d509 d512

LED YE 25 7 LEDs 60

  LED RD Pot.

 2x 14
56,4 4,2
  92 75
69 52

103 5

7,1 52
M30 x 1,5 77,6
M12 x 1 4

d507 d510 d513

18 LED GN  
LED YE receiver 

(4 x) 
3,1 58 axis
M12 x 1 76,2

27,1 3,1

726 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d514 d517


M12 x 1 LED


39 30  

d515 d518 d521










d516 d519 d522

LEDs  9
93 display M8 x 1
81,5  18 GN
  8 Lo/Do

42,8  5
24 60,8 12
M5 (2x)
95 42

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 727

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings

M8 x 1 9
Dimension drawing
M8 x 1 9

YE 80
M8 x 1 9

20 140
GN 8 8
20 Pot. GN
8 Lo/Do 200 Lo/Do
Pot. 4 Pot.

5 20 5
52 80 220
4,5 112 4,5
55 115
5 12 4,5
55 120,7
5 12
60,8 5

d524 d527 d530

M8 x 1 9

M8 x 1 9 20 140
YE 80 YE 10
20 GN GN
8 Lo/Do 100 Lo/Do 31,5
Pot. 4 Pot.

5 30 4,5
62 152 7,6 36,5
4,5 72
115 79,3 17
55 120,7
60,8 5 12 5 12

d525 d528 d531

M8 x 1 9
M8 x 1 9
80 140
YE 20
20 GN YE 10
8 GN
8 Lo/Do
Pot. 160 Lo/Do 31,5
30 4 Pot.
50 180
82 4,5 212
5 36,5
4,5 72
115 79,3 17
55 120
5 5 12
60,8 12

728 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d532 d535













d533 d536 d539






d534 d537 d540








more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 729

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d544 d547




  M12 x 1

31,8 25,4 40

d542 d545 d548


 45 56




d543 d546 d549

18 50,8 12
15 37,3
70 36 H
32,9 DIP-switch
Display 56
job lights LED 45
Push Button
Y 311,5
M12 x 1
indicator LEDs 14,5 6,5
configuration M12 x 1
switch cover 14,5 40 16,5


730 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings







d551 d554 d557


81,2 43  M18 x 1

  24/4 38

M12 x 1 

M12 x 1
16 M12 x 1

d552 d555 d558


81,2 51,5
59,7 M18 x 1

77,5 24/4 38

M12 x 1
M8 x 1 (2x)

16 M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 731

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d562 d565

M30 x 1,5
M18 x 1 M18 x 1

65 65
24/4 24/4 36/5 80
86,5 89,5
Pot. 131

2 x LED
2 x Pot.

14,5 14,5
M12 x 1 M12 x 1 M12 x 1

d560 d563 d566

M18 x 1 34 19
M30 x 1,5

24/4 86,5 150

LED  2 x LED

2 x Pot.

M12 x 1
 M12 x 1

d561 d564 d567

M18 x 1 34 22 36
 M30 x 1,5
24/4 89,5
 36/5 153
Pot. 66

LED  2 x LED

2 x Pot.

M12 x 1
 M12 x 1

732 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d568 d571 d574






d569 d572 d575





d570 d573 d576






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 733

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing








d578 d581 d584



M12 x 1



d579 d582 d585



M12 x 1




734 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings










d587 d590 d593









d588 d591 d594






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Sensor technology

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing







d596 d599 d602








d597 d600 d603






736 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d604 d607 d610




d605 d608 d611




d606 d609 d612





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 737

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing









d614 d617 d620






d615 d618 d621







738 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings









d623 d626 d629





d624 d627 d630









more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 739

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d634 d637





d632 d635 d638





d633 d636 d639





740 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings

d643 d646




d641 d644 d647







d642 d645 d648






more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 741

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d652 d655

M12 x 1
15 M12 x 1

58,7 34


d650 d653 d656

 M12 x 1






d651 d654 d657

 M12 x 1


 I L

742 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings

M18 x 1
d661 d664

16 20
54,2 50 16,5
91,3 22


10,6 14,4 4,5
M12 x 1

d659 d662 d665

M18 x 1  B
9 20

54,7 100 16,5


91,8 22


10,6 14,4 4,5

M12 x 1

d660 d663 d666

M18 x 1
9 20
24/4 59,5  150
96,6 22


10,6 14,4 4,5

M12 x 1

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 743

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing




9 20 

200 16,5  



14,4 4,5

d668 d671 d674

  9 20

B   300 16,5

9 20 A

300 16,5  22
154  M12 x 1
154   14,4 4,5

14,4 4,5

d669 d672 d675


 LED 29

M12 x 1 25


744 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d676 d679


B 35  58
36 50,8 M3 48

LED 20,5 D
25 X
M12 x 1 M12 x 1
5 10 37

d677 d680 d683

 20 36,8 M3 42

D M3 D


  39 46

2 3

X 47 M12 x 1
X 5 28

d678 d681 d684

3,2 D
 37 37,9
21 46
max. 50,8 34,9 D
 33 M3

  39 4
 2 46 42

12,5 M12 x 1
40 34,2

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 745

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing
d688 d691

DIN 912
M3 x 8
55 100 2 20 D 53,6 max.
M3 21 36 46 33 58 D 63

70 25
6,5 81
32,5 3,2
77,8 70
6,6 0,8
M23 13,3 M12 x 1
12,4 40,3
36 46,5
6 53 68

d686 d689 d692

33 36 39
M3 26

58 M4 20 M3
36 48
26 36
X 42,3 150
31,5 58,5
2,5 X
23 52,5
3 M23
X 42,3 10 38 28,5

d687 d690 d693

25,5 36 3,2 D

36 50 58 M4 42
M3 46

6,8 150
32,5 52 31,5
3 50
X 23 52,5
X 42,3 44 22

746 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d694 d697

4,5 [0.18]
30 [1.18]
23 [0.91]

40 [1.57]

M12 x 1

58 20 M3 166,4

70 [2.76]
60 [2.36]
M4 48 135

D 21 [0.83] 50 [1.97] 4 [0.16] 0,5 [0.02]
136,5 [5.33] A B
135 50 112 100
215 275

10 49,5 22

d695 d698 d701

45 [1.77]
34,5 [1.36]
6,5 [0.26] 7

40 [1.57]
M12 x 1

110 [4.33]
95 [3.74]
13,8 [0.54]

50 58 M4 42

D D 80 [3.15] 5 [0.2] 6 [0.24]

135 50 112 100
165,5 [6.52] 50,2 [1.98] B 215 275

4 M12
X 59,5 22

d696 d699 d702

45 [1.77]
34,5 [1.36]
6 ,5 [0.26]

60 [2.36]
M12 x 1
106,5 [4.19]

140 [5.51]
155 [6.1]

19,7 [0.78]

30 58 D 63

3,1 50 [1.97] 120 [3.15] 5 [0.2] 1,3 [0.05]

234,5 [9.23] 42,5 [1.67] 102,2 [4.02]
135 75 142 100
25 215 330


13,25 68

more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 747

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing

M12 x 1
d706 d709


135 100 142 100 29 
215 355
49 50
M30 x 1,5
11 M12 x 1


d704 d707 d710

50 46,2

M30 x 1,5
 M12 x 1 8,4

d705 d708 d711


  M30 x 1,5
M12 x 1 8,4


748 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings
d712 d715



97,8 13
50 M12 x 1
M30 x 1,5 19 
M12 x 1 17 19
25 30

d713 d716 d719


M30 x 1,5
M12 x 1 8,4

d714 d717 d720





more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 749

Sensor technology

Dimension drawings
Dimension drawing
d724 d727


M12 x 1
 M12 x 1
 5,3 x 7,3
66 74,5

d722 d725 d728

41 41 120





62 6,5 (4x)

50 80

d723 d726

28 50
M30 x 1,5 95
23 M12 x 1
14,8 M12 x 1

max. 60

750 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 208 49 52-0 Fax +49 208 49 52-264
Sensor technology

on drawings


more@turck.com www.turck.com Edition I/2013 751

Index of types

Index of types
Index of types
Index of t
B1N360V-Q20L60-2UP6X3-H1151 1534051 490 BC10-S30-VP4X-H1141 2506100 180
B1N360V-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 1534065 490 BC10-S30-Y1X 20100 180
B2N10H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 1534012 489 BC15-K34-AN4X-H1141 2502125 182
B2N10H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 1534006 489 BC15-K34-AP4X-H1141 2502126 182
B2N10H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 1534061 490 BC15-K34-AZ3X 2310008 182
B2N45H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 1534013 489 BC15-K34-RZ3X 2310110 182
B2N45H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 1534007 489 BC15-K34SR-FZ3X2 2310009 182
B2N45H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 1534062 490 BC15-K34SR-VN4X2 2502128 182
B2N60H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 1534014 489 BC15-K34SR-VP4X2 2502129 182
B2N60H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 1534008 489 BC15-K34-VN4X 2502127 182
B2N60H-Q42-CNX2-2H1150 1534063 490 BC15-K34-VP4X 2502124 182
B2N85H-Q20L60-2LI2-H1151 1534032 489 BC20-CP40-FZ3X2 23105 171
B2N85H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 1534027 489 BC20-CP40-VN4X2 25161 22
BA1.53SMTA 3020879 629 BC20-CP40-VP4X2 25160 171
BA23S 3017210 629 BC20-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 2516102 171
BAT23S 3017222 630 BC20-K40SR-VN4X2 25101 183
BC10-M30K-AZ3X 2503031 176 BC20-K40SR-VN4X2-H1141 2510104 183
BC10-M30K-RZ3X 2503025 176 BC20-K40SR-VP4X2 25100 183
BC10-M30K-VN4X 2503024 40 BC20-K40SR-VP4X2-H1141 2510002 183
BC10-M30K-VN4X-H1141 2503033 40 BC20-K40WDTC-VP4X2/S930 2510105 183
BC10-M30K-VP4X 2503022 176 BC20-Q20-AN4X2 2530110 69
BC10-M30K-VP4X-H1141 2503035 176 BC20-Q20-AN4X2-H1141 2530111 69
BC10-P30SR-FZ3X2 23104 181 BC20-Q20-AP4X2 2530100 171
BC10-P30SR-VN4X2 25051 181 BC20-Q20-AP4X2-H1141 2530101 171
BC10-P30SR-VP4X2 25050 181 BC20-Q20-AZ3X2 4352000 171
BC10-P30SR-VP4X2/3GD 2505006 181 BC20-Q20-RP4X2 2530106 171
BC10-PT30-VN4X2 2507020 181 BC20-Q20-RP4X2-V1131 2501007 171
BC10-PT30-VP4X2 2507010 181 BC20-Q20-RZ3X2 4352001 171
BC10-Q14-AN4X2 2530010 170 BC20-Q20-VN4X2-H1141 2530131 69
BC10-Q14-AN4X2-V1131 2530011 170 BC20-Q20-VP4X2-H1141 2530121 171
BC10-Q14-AP4X2 2530001 170 BC3-M12-AN6X 2601100 39
BC10-Q14-AP4X2-V1131 2530002 170 BC3-M12-AP6X 2601000 175
BC10-Q14-RP4X2 2530014 170 BC3-M12-AP6X/S90/3GD 2601003 175
BC10-Q14-VP4X2 2530020 170 BC3-M12-AP6X-H1141 2601011 175
BC10-QF5,5-AN6X2 2620121 169 BC3-M12-RP6X 2601103 175
BC10-QF5,5-AP6X2 2620117 169 BC3-S12-AN6X 2601300 179
BC10-QF5,5-RN6X2 2620128 169 BC3-S12-AP6X 2601200 179
BC10-QF5,5-RP6X2 2620126 169 BC3-S12-AP6X/S100 2601201 179
BC10-S30-AZ3X 2310700 180 BC3-S12-RP6X 2601202 179
BC10-S30-RZ3X 2310800 180 BC3-S12-RP6X/S90/3GD 2601204 179

752 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

BC5-M18-AP4X-H1141/S250 2504024 39 BCF10-S30-VN4X 2506011 180
BC5-M18-AZ3X 2305000 175 BCF10-S30-VN4X-H1141 2506016 180
BC5-M18-RP4X 2504026 175 BCF10-S30-VP4X 2506111 185
BC5-M18-RP4X-H1141/S250 2504023 39 BCF10-S30-VP4X-H1141 2506117 185
BC5-M18-RZ3X 2305100 175 BCF15-K34-AZ3X 2502136 186
BC5-Q08-AN6X2/S250 26201 17 BCF15-K34-RZ3X 2502135 186
BC5-Q08-AN6X2-V1131/S250 26211 17 BCF5-S18-AN4X 2503012 179
BC5-Q08-AP6X2/S250 26200 169 BCF5-S18-AN4X-H1141/S250 2503016 179
BC5-Q08-AP6X2-V1131/S250 26210 169 BCF5-S18-AP4X 2503011 185
BC5-Q08-RN6X2/S250 2620150 17 BCF5-S18-AP4X-H1141/S250 2503010 185
BC5-Q08-RP6X2/S250 2530108 169 BCF5-S18-RN4X 2503008 179
BC5-Q08-RP6X2-V1131/S250 2620152 169 BF23P 3017233 629
BC5-QF5,5-Y1X/S250 2030000 169 BF23S 3017237 629
BC5-S185-AN4X 2503550 180 BI0,8-Q5SE-AP6X 1619341 63
BC5-S185-AN4X/S100 2503551 180 BI1,5-EG08-AN6X 4602340 25
BC5-S185-AP4X 25035 180 BI1,5-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4602360 25
BC5-S185-AP4X/S100 2503502 180 BI1,5-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4602350 25
BC5-S18-AN4X 25031 179 BI1,5-EG08-AP6X 4602240 81
BC5-S18-AN4X-H1141/S250 2503108 179 BI1,5-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4602260 81
BC5-S18-AP4X 25030 179 BI1,5-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4602220 81
BC5-S18-AP4X-H1141/S250 2503602 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AN6X 4669140 25
BC5-S18-AZ3X 2305500 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AN6X-H1341 4669150 25
BC5-S18-RN4X 2503021 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AN6X-V1131 4672540 25
BC5-S18-RP4X 2503020 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X 4669040 81
BC5-S18-RP4X-H1141/S250 2601209 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 4669050 81
BC5-S18-RZ3X 2305400 179 BI1,5-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 4672440 81
BC5-S18-Y1X 20060 180 BI1,5-EG08K-Y1 1003600 79
BC8-Q10-AN6X2/S250 2621203 170 BI1,5-EG08K-Y1-H1341 1003620 79
BC8-Q10-AN6X2-V1131/S250 2621202 170 BI1,5-EG08-LU 1533003 122
BC8-Q10-AP6X2/S250 2621200 170 BI1,5-EG08-LU-H1341 1533004 122
BC8-Q10-AP6X2-V1131/S250 2621201 170 BI1,5-EG08WD-AN6X-H1341 4602211 81
BC8-Q10-RN6X2/S250 2621199 170 BI1,5-EG08WD-AP6X-H1341 4602210 81, 149
BC8-Q10-RP6X2/S250 2621205 170 BI1,5-EG08-Y1-H1341 1003502 79
BC8-Q10-RP6X2-V1131/S250 2621204 170 BI1,5-EH04-0,3-M12-SIU-H1141 1533001 127
BCC10-S30-AP4X 2503037 189 BI1,5-EH6,5-AN6X-V1131 4612120 25
BCC10-S30-AP4X-H1141 2503038 189 BI1,5-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 4612020 98
BCC10-S30-RP4X 1542561 189 BI1,5-EH6,5K-AN6X 4610640 25
BCC10-S30-VP4X-H1141 2503043 189 BI1,5-EH6,5K-AN6X-V1131 4610840 25
BCC10-S30WD-AP4X-H1141 2503052 189 BI1,5-EH6,5K-AP6X 4610540 98
of types

BCF10-Q20L60-AP4X BI1,5-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131

2504028 186 4610740 98

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI1,5-EH6,5K-Y1 1004600 98 BI10R-Q14-AN6X2-H1141 1407120 103
BI1,5-EH6,5-LU 1533002 127 BI10R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 1407100 103
BI1,5-GS880-Y1 1004401 79 BI10R-W30-DAN6X-H1141 14039 105
BI1,5-HS865-AN6X 4604301 25 BI10R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 14038 105
BI1,5-HS865-AP6X 4604201 98 BI10-S30-AD4X 44590 91
BI1,5-HS865-Y1 1004201 98 BI10-S30-AZ3X 43554 94
BI1,5U-EG08-AN6X 4600510 25 BI10-S30-AZ3X/S100 13719 139
BI1,5U-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4600550 25 BI10U-CA25-AP6X2-H1141 1625631 70
BI1,5U-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4600530 25 BI10U-CA25-AP6X2-V1131 1625632 70
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X 4600500 80 BI10U-EG30SK-AN6X 1636420 29
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4600540 80 BI10U-EG30SK-AP6X 1636400 92
BI1,5U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4600520 80 BI10U-EM30-AN6X 1636320 29
BI1,5U-EGT08-AN6X-H1341 4600558 25 BI10U-EM30-AN6X-H1141 1636350 29
BI1,5U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 4600555 80 BI10U-EM30-AP6X 1636300 92
BI1,5U-EGT08-AP6X-V1131 4600556 80 BI10U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 1636340 92
BI10-EG30SK-Y1X 4012070 90 BI10U-G30-ADZ30X2-B1131 4281612 94
BI10-EG30-Y1X/S100 7M 4012005 138 BI10U-G30-ADZ30X2-B3131 4281613 94
BI10-EM30-AP6/S907 4614513 142 BI10U-M30-AD4X 4405073 29, 91
BI10-EM30D-VP6X/S120 4617035 141 BI10U-M30-AD4X-H1144 4405072 29, 91
BI10-EM30WDTC-Y1X 4012071 91, 133, 138 BI10U-M30-ADZ30X2 4282610 94
BI10-EM30-Y1X-H1141 4020205 90 BI10U-M30-AN6X 1636120 29
BI10-G30K-AN6X 46716 29 BI10U-M30-AN6X-H1141 1636150 29
BI10-G30K-AP6X 46706 92 BI10U-M30-AP6X 1636100 92
BI10-G30SK-AN6X 46481 29 BI10U-M30-AP6X-H1141 1636140 92
BI10-G30SK-AP6X 46480 92 BI10U-MT30-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR 4405050 35
BI10-G30SK-Y1X 40220 90 BI10U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 4405074 35, 91
BI10-G30-Y1X 40200 90 BI10U-MT30-AN6X-H1141 1636250 29
BI10-M30-AD4X 44170 91 BI10U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 1636240 92
BI10-M30-AD4X-H1141 44175 91 BI10U-P30SK-AN6X 1636720 29
BI10-M30-AN6X 46171 29 BI10U-P30SK-AP6X 1636700 92
BI10-M30-AN6X-H1141 46176 29 BI10U-Q14-AN6X2 1608710 68
BI10-M30-AP6X 46170 92 BI10U-Q14-AN6X2-V1131 1608510 68
BI10-M30-AP6X/S120 4617010 141 BI10U-Q14-AP6X2 1608700 68
BI10-M30-AP6X-H1141 46175 92 BI10U-Q14-AP6X2-V1131 1608500 68
BI10-M30-AZ3X 43164 94 BI10U-S30-AN6X 1636520 29
BI10-M30-AZ3X/S120 4316410 141 BI10U-S30-AN6X-H1141 1636620 29
BI10-M30E-LIU-H1141 1537003 125 BI10U-S30-AP6X 1636500 92
BI10-M30-LIU 15355 125 BI10U-S30-AP6X-H1141 1636600 92
BI10-M30-Y1X-H1141 40202 90 BI12-G30K-AD4X 4417010 91
BI10NF-EM30HE-AN6X2-H1141 1615005 154 BI15-CK40-AD4X-H1141 44650 71
BI10NF-EM30HE-AP6X2-H1141 1615002 154 BI15-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 16251 21
BI10-P30SK-AP6X 46595 92 BI15-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 16250 71
BI10-P30SK-Y1X 40410 90 BI15-CK40-LIU-H1141 1537800 121
BI10-P30SR-AN6X 16203 29 BI15-CK40-Y1X-H1141 4065000 71
BI10-P30SR-AP6X 16116 92 BI15-CP40-AD4X 44660 72
BI10-P30SR-FZ3X2 13420 94 BI15-CP40-AN6X2 16223 22
BI10-P30-Y1/S100 10233 138 BI15-CP40-AP6X2 16023 72
BI10-P30-Y1X 40400 90 BI15-CP40-FZ3X2 13400 72
BI10-P30-Y1X/S97 1023322 133 BI15-CP40-FZ3X2/S100 13440 134
BI10-Q14-ADZ32X2 4256220 68 BI15-CP40-FZ3X2/S97 1341015 130
BI10-Q14-LIU 1534602 119 BI15-CP40-LIU 15356 121
BI10-Q14-LIU-V1141 1534603 119 BI15-CP40-VN4X2 15790 22
BI10-Q14-Y1X 1608730 68 BI15-CP40-VP4X2 15690 72

754 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI15-CP40-VP4X2/S100 15045 134 BI15U-M30-AN6X-H1141 1636736 29
BI15-CP40-VP4X2/S97 15058 130 BI15U-M30-AP6X 1636731 29, 92
BI15-CP40-Y1X 10110 72 BI15U-M30-AP6X-H1141 1636732 29, 92
BI15-CP40-Y1X/S100 10396 134 Bi15U-M30-RP6X-H1141 1636739 92
BI15-CP40-Y1X/S97 10397 130 BI15U-M30-VN44X 1634888 30
BI15-M30-AN6X 4618620 29 BI15U-M30-VN44X-H1141 1634889 30
BI15-M30-AN6X 7M 4618621 29 BI15U-M30-VP44X 1634884 30, 93
BI15-M30-AN6X-H1141 4618600 29 BI15U-M30-VP44X-H1141 1634885 30, 93
BI15-M30-AP6X 4618530 92 BI15U-MT30-AN6X-H1141 1636738 29
BI15-M30-AP6X 7M 4618532 92 BI15U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 1636734 36, 92
BI15-M30-AP6X-H1141 46185 92 BI15U-Q20-AN6X2 1608810 69
BI15-M30E-LIU-H1141 1535563 125 BI15U-Q20-AN6X2-H1141 1608610 69
BI15-M30-LI-EXI 1535554 126 BI15U-Q20-AP6X2 1608800 69
BI15-M30-LIU 1535543 125 BI15U-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 1608600 69
BI15-M30-LUAP6X 4618510 126 BI1-EG05-AN6X 4609840 79
BI15-M30-VN6X 4590717 30 BI1-EG05-AN6X-V1331 4608740 79
BI15-M30-VN6X 7M 4590714 30 BI1-EG05-AP6X 4609740 79
BI15-M30-VN6X-H1141 4590719 30 BI1-EG05-AP6X-V1331 4608640 79
BI15-M30-VP6X 4590716 93 BI1-EG05-RP6X 4609750 79
BI15-M30-VP6X 7M 4590715 93 BI1-EG05-RP6X-V1331 4609752 79
BI15-M30-VP6X-H1141 4590718 93 BI1-EG05-Y1 1003240 79
BI15-Q20-2LU-H1141/S950 1534611 117 BI1-EH03-AN7X 1619323 97
BI15-Q20-LIU 1534600 120 BI1-EH03-AP7X 1619322 97
BI15-Q20-LIU-H1141 1534601 120 BI1-EH04-AN6X 4609640 97
BI15-Q20-Y1X 1080020 69 BI1-EH04-AN6X-V1331 4608540 97
BI15-Q20-Y1X-H1141 1080025 69 BI1-EH04-AP6X 4609540 97
BI15R-Q14-AN6X2-H1141 1407220 103 BI1-EH04-AP6X-V1331 4608440 97
BI15R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 1407200 103 BI1-EH04-RP6X 4608442 97
BI15R-W30-DAN6X-H1141 14041 105 BI1-EH04-RP6X-V1331 4608441 97
BI15R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 14040 105 BI1-EH04-Y1 1003040 97
BI15U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 4280032 21, 71 BI1-HS540-AN6X 4604101 97
BI15U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B1131 4280010 71 BI1-HS540-AP6X 4604001 97
BI15U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B3131 4280030 71 BI1-HS540-RP6X 4604050 97
BI15U-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 1625610 21 BI1-HS540-Y1 1004001 97
BI15U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1625600 71 BI1-Q6,5-AP6/S34 4613401 64
BI15U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 1568801 71 BI2,5FE-EM12FE-AP6X-H1141 1615011 153
BI15U-CP40-AN6X2 1623510 22 BI20-CP40-Y1X 1011123 72
BI15U-CP40-AP6X2 1623500 72 BI20-G47-AN4X 15745 94
BI15U-CP40-FDZ30X2 4280600 72 BI20-G47-AP4X 15645 94
BI15U-CP40-VP4X2 1540500 72 BI20-G47-AZ3X 13088 94
BI15U-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 1540502 72 BI20-G47-Y1X 10202 94
BI15U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 1636733 29 BI20R-Q14-AN6X2-H1141 1407320 103
BI15U-EM30WD-AN6X 1634843 40 BI20R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 1407300 103
BI15U-EM30WD-AN6X-H1141 1634834 40 BI20R-Q14-LU 1535546 120
BI15U-EM30WD-AN6X-H1141/3GD 1634856 29 BI20R-Q14-LU-H1141 1535548 104, 120
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X 1634819 40, 92, 133, BI20R-W30-DAN6X-H1141 14043 105
139, 151 BI20R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 14042 105
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 1634820 40, 92, 133, BI20U-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 1627231 21
139, 151
BI20U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1627233 21, 71
BI15U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634855 92
BI20U-CK40-VN4X2-H1141 1568814 21
BI15U-EM30WDTC-AP6X 1634764 40, 92, 133,
BI20U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 1627216 71
BI20U-CP40-AN6X2 1627230 22
BI15U-EM30WD-VP44X-H1141 1634899 151
BI20U-CP40-AP6X2 1627232 22, 72
BI15U-M30-AN6X 1636735 29
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI20U-CP40-VN4X2 1627237 22 BI2-M12-AD4X-H1141 44065 83
BI20U-CP40-VP4X2 1627240 72 BI2-M12-AN6X 46051 26
BI20U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 1627245 21, 73 BI2-M12-AN6X-H1141 46066 26
BI25-G47SR-FZ3X2 13427 94 BI2-M12-AP6X 46050 84
BI25-G47SR-VN4X2 15748 94 BI2-M12-AP6X-H1141 46065 84
BI25-G47SR-VP4X2 15648 94 BI2-M12-AZ31X 13030 86
BI2-EG08-AG41X 4562000 80 BI2-M12-LIU 1535534 123
BI2-EG08-AG41X-H1341 4562001 80 BI2-M12-LIU-H1141 1535533 123
BI2-EG08-AN6X 4602140 25 BI2-M12-Y1X-H1141 40102 82
BI2-EG08-AN6X/S100 4602108 135 BI2-P12SK-AN6X 46536 26
BI2-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4602160 25 BI2-P12SK-AP6X 46535 84
BI2-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4602150 25 BI2-P12SK-Y1X 40310 82
BI2-EG08-AP6X 4602040 81 BI2-P12-Y1/S100 10302 135
BI2-EG08-AP6X/S100 4602047 135 BI2-P12-Y1X 40300 82
BI2-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4602060 80 BI2-P12-Y1X/S97 4030021 131
BI2-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4602050 80 BI2-Q10S-AN6X 1619310 18
BI2-EG08-AZ14X 4100001 82 BI2-Q10S-AP6X 1609360 67
BI2-EG08K-AN6X 4669500 25 BI2-Q10S-AP6X-0,2-PSG3M 1609303 67
BI2-EG08K-AN6X-H1341 4669560 25 BI2-Q10S-AZ31X 1309100 67
BI2-EG08K-AN6X-V1131 4669550 25 BI2-Q10S-VN6X 1609341 18
BI2-EG08K-AP6X 4669400 81 BI2-Q10S-VP6X 1609340 67
BI2-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 4669460 80 BI2-Q10S-Y1X 4012130 67
BI2-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 4669450 80 BI2-Q12-AZ31X 13100 68
BI2-EG08K-VN6X-H1341 4669419 81 BI2-Q5,5-AN6X 1613100 63
BI2-EG08K-VP6X-H1341 4669416 81 BI2-Q5,5-AP6X 1613000 63
BI2-EG08-VP6X-H1341 4602522 81 BI2-S12-AD4X 44530 83
BI2-EG12SK-Y1X 4012050 82 BI2-S12-AZ31X 13020 86
BI2-EG12-Y1X/S100 7M 4012003 135 BI2-S12-AZ31X/S100 1302001 136
BI2-EH6,5-AN6X 4612300 25 BI2U-EG08-AN6X 4602035 25
BI2-EH6,5-AN6X-V1131 4612320 25 BI2U-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4602037 25
BI2-EH6,5-AP6X 4612200 98 BI2U-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4602036 25
BI2-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 4612220 98 BI2U-EG08-AP6X 4602032 25, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-AN6X 4610100 25 BI2U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4602034 25, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-AN6X-V1131 4610120 25 BI2U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4602033 25, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-AP6X 4610000 98 BI2U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 4602080 25, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131 4610020 98 BI2U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 4602091 25, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-RP6X 4610001 98 BI2U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 4602071 33, 80
BI2-EH6,5K-RP6X-V1131 4610021 98 BI2U-EGT08-AP6X-V1131 4602070 80
BI2-EM12D-AP6/S120 4614512 140 BI2U-EH6,5-AN6X 4281170 25
BI2-EM12WD-AP6/S929 4614515 129 BI2U-EH6,5-AN6X-V1131 4281180 25
BI2-EM12WDTC-Y1X 4012051 82, 131, 135 BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X 4281150 25, 98
BI2-EM12-Y1X-H1141 4010201 82 BI2U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 4281160 25, 98
BI2-G12K-AN6X 46712 26 BI2U-EH6,5-RP6X 4281151 98
BI2-G12K-AP6X 46702 84 BI2U-EH6,5-RP6X-V1131 1637151 98
BI2-G12K-AP6X-H1141 4670260 84 BI2U-G12-ADZ32X-B3131 4281005 86
BI2-G12SK-AN6X 46361 26 BI2U-M12E-AD4X 4405062 26, 83
BI2-G12SK-AP6X 46360 84 BI2U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 4405060 26, 83
BI2-G12SK-Y1X 40110 82 BI2U-MT12E-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR 4405048 33
BI2-G12-Y1X 40100 82 BI2U-MT12E-AD4X-H1144 4405061 83
BI2-K11-AP6X 46609 99 BI30R-Q20-AN6X2-H1141 1407520 104
BI2-K11SK-AP6X 46615 99 BI30R-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 1407500 104
BI2-K11-Y1 10070 99 BI30R-W30-DAN6X-H1141 1404501 105
BI2-M12-AD4X 44050 83 BI30R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 14045 105

756 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI30U-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 1625820 21 BI4U-EM12WD-AN6X-H1141 1634841 39
BI30U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1625829 21, 71 BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X 1634811 39, 84, 131,
BI30U-CP40-AN6X2 1625102 22 136, 149
BI30U-CP40-AP6X2 1625830 22, 72 BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 1634812 39, 84, 131,
136, 149
BI3-G12K-AD4X 4405030 83
BI4U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634851 84
BI3-M12-AD4X 4405035 83
BI4U-EM12WDTC-AP6X 1634760 39, 84, 131,
BI3NF-EM12HE-AN6X2-H1141 1615003 153
BI3NF-EM12HE-AP6X2-H1141 1615001 153
BI4U-M12-AN6X 1634823 26
BI3-Q06-AN6X2 1620150 64
BI4U-M12-AN6X-H1141 1634824 26
BI3-Q06-AP6X2 1620100 64
BI4U-M12-AN6X-V1131 1635430 26
BI3U-EG12SK-AN6X 1634420 26
BI4U-M12-AP6X 1634803 26, 84
BI3U-EG12SK-AP6X 1634400 84
BI4U-M12-AP6X-H1141 1634804 26, 84
BI3U-EM12-AN6X 1634320 26
BI4U-M12-AP6X-V1131 1634780 26, 84
BI3U-EM12-AN6X-H1141 1634350 26
BI4U-M12E-VN44X 1634872 27
BI3U-EM12-AP6X 1634300 84
BI4U-M12E-VN44X-H1141 1634873 27
BI3U-EM12-AP6X-H1141 1634340 84
BI4U-M12E-VP44X 1634868 27, 85
BI3U-M12-AN6X 1634120 26
BI4U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 1634869 27, 85
BI3U-M12-AN6X-H1141 1634150 26
Bi4U-M12-RP6X-H1141 1634846 26, 84
BI3U-M12-AP6X 1634100 84
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L100 1634917 27, 85
BI3U-M12-AP6X-H1141 1634140 84
BI4U-M12-VP44X-H1141 L80 1634918 27, 85
BI3U-M12EE-AP6X-H1141 1634149 84
BI4U-MT12-AN6X-H1141 1634829 26
BI3U-M12E-VN4X-H1141 1580354 27
BI4U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 1634809 34, 84
BI3U-M12E-VP4X-H1141 1580252 85
BI50-Q80-Y1X 1008701 23
BI3U-MT12-AN6X-H1141 1634250 26
BI50R-Q80-2LU-H1141/S950 1534609 118
BI3U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 1634240 84
BI50R-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1407530 105
BI3U-P12SK-AN6X 1634720 26
BI50U-Q80-AN6X2-H1141 1608944 23
BI3U-P12SK-AP6X 1634700 84
BI50U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1608940 23
BI3U-S12-AN6X 1634520 26
BI50U-Q80-VN4X2-H1141 1562001 23
BI3U-S12-AN6X-H1141 1634620 26
BI50U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 1562000 23
BI3U-S12-AP6X 1634500 84
BI50U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141/3GD 1562004 23
BI3U-S12-AP6X-H1141 1634600 84
BI5-EG18SK-Y1X 4012060 86
BI40-CP80-FZ3X2 13404 75
BI5-EG18-Y1X/S100 7M 4012007 137
BI40-CP80-VN4X2 15797 75
BI5-EM18-AP6/S907 4617425 142
BI40-CP80-VP4X2 15697 75
BI5-EM18D-VP6X/S120 4614900 141
BI40-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 1569702 75
BI5-EM18WD-AP6X/S929 4614902 129
BI4-G12K-AN6X 4670251 26
BI5-EM18WDTC-Y1X 4012061 86, 132, 137
BI4-G12K-AP6X 4670250 84
BI5-EM18-Y1X-H1141 4015202 86
BI4-M12-AN6X 4607130 26
BI5-G18K-AP6X 46704 88
Bi4-M12-AN6X 7M 4607131 26
BI5-G18KK-AP6-H1141 4670410 88
BI4-M12-AN6X-H1141 46071 26
BI5-G18SK-AN6X 46421 28
BI4-M12-AP6X 4607006 84
BI5-G18SK-AP6X 46420 88
BI4-M12-AP6X 7M 4607012 84
BI5-G18SK-Y1X 40160 86
BI4-M12-AP6X-H1141 46070 84
BI5-G18-Y1X 40150 86
BI4-M12-LIU 1535532 123
BI5-M18-AD4X 44110 87
BI4-M12-LIU-H1141 1535531 123
BI5-M18-AD4X-H1141 44145 87
BI4-M12-VN6X 1643300 27
BI5-M18-AN6X 46111 28
Bi4-M12-VN6X 7M 1643301 27
BI5-M18-AN6X-H1141 46146 28
BI4-M12-VN6X-H1141 1643200 27
BI5-M18-AP6X 46110 88
BI4-M12-VP6X 1633300 85
BI5-M18-AP6X/S120 4611030 141
Bi4-M12-VP6X 7M 1633301 27
BI5-M18-AP6X-H1141 46145 88
BI4-M12-VP6X-H1141 1633200 85
BI5-M18-AZ3X 43104 90
BI4U-EM12EWD-VP44X-H1141 1634905 149
BI5-M18-AZ3X/S120 4310410 141
BI4U-EM12WD-AN6X 1634842 39
BI5-M18E-LIU-H1141 1536205 123
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI5-M18-LIU 1536000 123 BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-V1131/F2 1635528 19
BI5-M18-Y1X-H1141 40152 86 BI5U-Q12-VN6X2 7M 1635531 19
BI5NF-EM18HE-AN6X2-H1141 1615004 39 BI5U-Q12-VP6X2 7M 1635529 68
BI5NF-EM18HE-AP6X2-H1141 1615000 154 BI5U-S18-AN6X 1635520 28
BI5-P18-AP6/S139-S90 1660350 147 BI5U-S18-AN6X-H1141 1635620 28
BI5-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 13843 90, 147 BI5U-S18-AP6X 1635500 88
BI5-P18SK-AN6X 46566 28 BI5U-S18-AP6X-H1141 1635600 88
BI5-P18SK-AP6X 46565 88 BI65R-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1407531 105
BI5-P18SK-Y1X 40360 86 BI6R-Q14-AN6X2-H1141 1407020 103
BI5-P18-Y1/S100 10245 137 BI6R-Q14-AP6X2-H1141 1407000 103
BI5-P18-Y1X 40350 86 BI6R-W30-DAN6X-H1141 14037 105
BI5-P18-Y1X/S97 4035001 132 BI6R-W30-DAP6X-H1141 14036 105
BI5-Q08-VN6X2 16002 17 BI7-G18K-AD4X 4414540 87
BI5-Q08-VP6X2 16001 65 BI7-M18-AD4X 4414535 87
BI5-Q08-Y1X 4054000 65 BI7-M18-AD4X-H1141 4414541 87
BI5-S18-AD4X 44560 87 BI7-Q08-LIU 1534605 119
BI5-S18-AZ3X 43504 90 BI7-Q08-VN6X2 1600920 17
BI5-S18-AZ3X/S100 13734 138 BI7-Q08-VN6X2-V1141 1600922 17
BI5U-EG18SK-AN6X 1635420 28 BI7-Q08-VP6X2 1600900 65
BI5U-EG18SK-AP6X 1635400 88 BI7-Q08-VP6X2-V1141 1600902 65
BI5U-EM18-AN6X 1635320 28 BI8-M18-AN6X 4615130 28
BI5U-EM18-AN6X-H1141 1635350 28 BI8-M18-AN6X 7M 4615131 28
BI5U-EM18-AP6X 1635300 88 BI8-M18-AN6X-H1141 4615100 28
BI5U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 1635340 88 BI8-M18-AP6X 4615030 88
BI5U-G18-ADZ30X2-B1331 4281212 90 BI8-M18-AP6X 7M 4615031 88
BI5U-G18-ADZ30X2-B3331 4281213 90 BI8-M18-AP6X-H1141 46150 88
BI5U-M18-ADZ30X2 4282210 90 BI8-M18E-LIU-H1141 1535561 123
BI5U-M18-AN6X 1635120 28 BI8-M18K-AP6X-H1141 4615050 88
BI5U-M18-AN6X-H1141 1635150 28 BI8-M18-LI-EXI 1535528 124
BI5U-M18-AP6X 1635100 88 BI8-M18-LIU 1535538 123
BI5U-M18-AP6X-H1141 1635140 88 BI8-M18-LUAP6X 4615010 124
BI5U-M18M-AD4X 4405067 27 Bi8-M18-VN6X 4605155 28
BI5U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 4405066 27, 87 Bi8-M18-VN6X 7M 4590705 28
BI5U-MT18-AN6X-H1141 1635250 28 Bi8-M18-VN6X-H1141 4605157 28
BI5U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 1635240 88 Bi8-M18-VP6X 4605154 28
BI5U-MT18E-AP6X-H1141 1635248 88 Bi8-M18-VP6X 7M 4590706 28
BI5U-MT18M-AD4X-0,3-RS4.23/XOR 4405049 34 Bi8-M18-VP6X-H1141 4605156 28
BI5U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 4405068 34, 87 BI8U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 1644734 28
BI5U-P18SK-AN6X 1635720 28 BI8U-EM18MWD-VN44X-H1141 1635127 39
BI5U-P18SK-AP6X 1635700 88 BI8U-EM18MWD-VP44X-H1141 1634897 150
BI5U-Q08-AN6X2 1608911 17 BI8U-EM18WD-AN6X 1634840 39
BI5U-Q08-AN6X2-V1131 1608910 17 BI8U-EM18WD-AN6X-H1141 1634839 39
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2 1608901 65 BI8U-EM18WD-AN6X-H1141/3GD 1634854 28
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-0,5XOR-RS4 1608925 65 BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X 1634815 39, 88, 132,
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-1XOR-RS4 1608921 65 137, 150
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 1608900 65 BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 1634816 39, 88, 132,
137, 150
BI5U-Q08-AP6X2-V2131 1608905 65
BI8U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634853 88
BI5U-Q12-AN6X2 1635523 19
BI8U-EM18WDTC-AP6X 1634762 39, 88, 132,
BI5U-Q12-AN6X2-H1141 1635527 19
BI5U-Q12-AN6X2-V1131 1635525 19
BI8U-M18-AN6X 1644736 28
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2 1635522 19, 68
BI8U-M18-AN6X-H1141 1644737 28
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-H1141 1635526 19, 68
BI8U-M18-AP6X 1644733 28, 88
BI5U-Q12-AP6X2-V1131 1635524 19, 68
BI8U-M18-AP6X-H1141 1644731 28, 88

758 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BI8U-M18E-AN6X-H1141 1644751 28 BIM-UNR-AN6X-0,3-PSG3M 4586839 203
BI8U-M18E-AP6X-H1141 1644735 28, 88 BIM-UNR-AN6X-0,3-PSG3S 4685838 203
BI8U-M18M-VN44X 1634880 28 BIM-UNR-AN6X-0,3-RS4 4586840 203
BI8U-M18M-VN44X-H1141 1634881 28 BIM-UNR-AP6X 4685830 203
BI8U-M18M-VP44X 1634876 28, 89 BIM-UNR-AP6X 7M 4685834 203
BI8U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 1634877 28, 89 BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 4685832 203
BI8U-M18-RP6X-H1141 1644750 28, 88 BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S 4685831 203
BI8U-MT18-AN6X-H1141 1644739 28 BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-RS4 4685833 203
BI8U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 1644730 35, 88 BIM-UNT-0,3-UNT-2AP6X3-H1141 4685730 200
BI8U-MT18E-AP6X-H1141 1644752 88 BIM-UNT-0,3-UNT-2AP6X3-V1141 4685754 200
BI8U-Q08-AN6X2 1662007 17 BIM-UNT-AG41X/S1139/S1160 4685766 200
BI8U-Q08-AN6X2-V1131 1662008 17 BIM-UNT-AG41X-0,3-RS4.23/S1139/S1160 4685768 200
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2 1662006 17, 65 BIM-UNT-AN6X 4685702 199
BI8U-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 1662005 17, 65 BIM-UNT-AN6X-0,3-PSG3M 4685706 199
BI8U-Q10-AN6X2 1662003 67 BIM-UNT-AN6X-0,3-PSG3S 4685705 199
BI8U-Q10-AN6X2-V1131 1662004 67 BIM-UNT-AN6X2-H1141 4685759 200
BI8U-Q10-AP6X2 1662001 67 BIM-UNT-AN6X2-V1131 4685753 200
BI8U-Q10-AP6X2-V1131 1662002 67 BIM-UNT-AP6X 4685720 199
BID2-G180-AP6/S212 1688003 150 BIM-UNT-AP6X 7M 4685721 199
BID2-G180-AP6/S220 16880 150 BIM-UNT-AP6X/3GD 4685736 199
BID2-G180-AP6-H1141/S212 16885 150 BIM-UNT-AP6X/S1139 4685729 199
BID2-G180-AP6-H1141/S220 1688501 150 BIM-UNT-AP6X/S1160 4685761 199
BIM-EG08-AN6X 4621300 122 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 4685723 199
BIM-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4621301 122 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M/S1139 4685744 199
BIM-EG08-AP6X 4621310 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S 4685722 199
BIM-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4621311 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S/S1139 4685743 199
BIM-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4621314 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4 4685725 199
BIM-EG08-Y1X 1074000 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4/S1139 4685731 199
BIM-EG08-Y1X-H1341 1074001 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-RS4/S1160 4685733 200
BIM-EM12E-AP4X 1579918 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X2-H1141 4685726 200
BIM-EM12E-AP4X-H1141 1579915 209 BIM-UNT-AP6X2-V1131 4685727 200
BIM-EM12E-Y1X 1070036 209 BIM-UNT-AY1X/S1139 4685763 199
BIM-IKT-AN6X 46201 205 BIM-UNT-AY1X-0,3-RS4.21/S1139 4685765 199
BIM-IKT-AN6X-H1141 46211 205 BMT16.6S-HT 3064397 629
BIM-IKT-AN6X-V1131 46221 205 BP13P 3017254 629
BIM-IKT-AP6X 46200 207 BR23S 3017261 629
BIM-IKT-AP6X-H1141 46210 207 BRF50H (1M) 3721000 620
BIM-IKT-AP6X-V1131 46220 207 BRF75H (1M) 3412400 620
BIM-IKT-Y1X 10560 207 BRT-100X18A 3044998 618
BIM-IKT-Y1X-H1141 10562 207 BRT-100X50 3045000 618
BIM-M12E-AN4X 1579912 39 BRT-100X55A 3045001 618
BIM-M12E-AN4X-H1141 1579914 39 BRT-25 37419 618
BIM-M12E-Y1X-H1141 1074003 209 BRT-250 3073713 618
BIM-NST-AN6X 4685700 199 BRT-25R 3049809 619
BIM-NST-AN6X-H1141 4685500 199 BRT-2A 3015970 619
BIM-NST-AN6X-H1141/S34 4685501 199 BRT-40 37420 618
BIM-NST-AP6X 4685600 207 BRT-40X18A 3044991 617
BIM-NST-AP6X-H1141 4685400 207 BRT-40X23 3044993 618
BIM-NST-AP6X-H1141/S34 4685401 207 BRT-40X23B 3044992 617
BIM-NST-AP6X-V1131 4685800 207 BRT-42A 3045005 619
BIM-NST-Y1X 1058400 207 BRT-42D 3045006 619
BIM-NST-Y1X-H1141 1058600 207 BRT-46 3040071 617
BIM-UNR-AN6X 4685837 203 BRT-48X32 3044994 618
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

BRT-48X32A 3044995 617 CA200 6901065 590
BRT-48X32B 3044999 617 CA300 6901066 590
BRT-4HT 3018528 617 CA400 6901067 590
BRT-50R 3049814 619 CF-M-3-G1/4-A4 9910407 611
BRT-53X19A 3044996 617 CF-M-3-G1/8-A4 9910405 610
BRT-60X40C 3044997 617 CF-M-3-N1/4-A4 9910408 611
BRT-75 37421 619 CF-M-3-N1/8-A4 9910406 610
BRT-77X77C 3049816 617 CF-M-6-G1/4-A4 9910483 611
BRT-84 3058979 619 CF-M-6-N1/4-A4 9910484 611
BRT-92X92C 3049808 617 CF-P-3-G1/4-A4 9910411 611
BS 11 69462 572 CF-P-3-G1/8-A4 9910409 611
BS 12 69470 570 CF-P-3-N1/4-A4 9910412 611
BS 18 69471 570 CF-P-3-N1/8-A4 9910410 611
BS 20 69464 572 CF-P-6-G1/4-A4 9910485 612
BS 40 69466 572 CF-P-6-N1/4-A4 9910486 612
BS 540 69475 571 CM-R10 6900416 592
BS 865 69476 571 D10AFP 3072808 277
BS34.1 6946010 572 D10AFPG 3072810 277
BSN 18 69472 570 D10AFPGQ 3072811 277
BSS-08 6901322 570 D10AFPGY 3073124 277
BSS-12 6901321 570 D10AFPGYQ 3073125 277
BSS-18 6901320 571 D10AFPQ 3072809 277
BSS-30 6901319 571 D10AFPY 3073121 277
BSS-CP40 6901318 570 D10AFPYQ 3073122 277
BST-08B 6947210 570 D10BFP 3072613 277
BST-08N 6947211 570 D10BFPG 3072616 277
BST-12B 6947212 570 D10BFPGQ 3072617 277
BST-12N 6947213 570 D10BFPQ 3072614 277
BST-18B 6947214 571 D10DNFP 3062379 278
BST-18N 6947215 571 D10DNFPG 3064561 278
BST-30B 6947216 571 D10DNFPGQ 3064562 278
BST-30N 6947217 571 D10DNFPQ 3062380 278
BT13SM8 3022452 629 D10DPFP 3062382 278
BT23PM6 3904100 629 D10DPFPG 3064564 278
BT23S 3017276 630 D10DPFPGQ 3064565 278
BT23SM8 3017277 629 D10DPFPQ 3062383 278
BT26S 3017285 630 D10INFP 3062385 278
BTA23S 3020008 630 D10INFPG 3064567 278
BTS-DSC26-EB1 6900222 579 D10INFPGQ 3064568 278
BTS-DSC26-EB2 6900223 579 D10INFPQ 3062386 278
BTS-DSC26-EB3 6900224 579 D10IPFP 3062388 278
BTS-DSU35-EB1 6900225 579 D10IPFPG 3064570 278
BTS-DSU35-EBE1 6900226 579 D10IPFPGQ 3064571 278
BTS-DSU35-EBE3 6901070 579 D10IPFPQ 3062389 278
BTS-DSU35-EU2 6900455 579 D10UNFP 3063992 279
BTS-DSU35-Z01 6900229 580 D10UNFPG 3064573 279
BTS-DSU35-Z02 6900230 580 D10UNFPGQ 3064574 279
BTS-DSU35-Z03 6900231 580 D10UNFPQ 3063993 279
BTS-DSU35-Z04 6900286 580 D10UPFP 3063995 279
BTS-DSU35-Z05 6900287 580 D10UPFPG 3064576 279
BTS-DSU35-Z06 6900402 580 D10UPFPGQ 3064577 279
BTS-DSU35-Z07 6900403 580 D10UPFPQ 3063996 279
CA100 6901064 590 DF-G1-NS-2M 3019350 275

760 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

DF-G1-NS-Q7 3019354 275 EA5R2100PUXMODQ 3078941 293
DF-G1-PS-2M 3019355 275 EA5R2400PIXMODQ 3078872 293
DF-G1-PS-Q7 3019359 275 EA5R2400PUXMODQ 3078942 293
DM-Q12 6900367 583, 590 EA5R300PIXMODQ 3077528 293
DMR15-6-3 6900216 583, 590 EA5R300PUXMODQ 3077538 293
DMR20-10-4 6900214 583, 590 EA5R450PIXMODQ 3077529 293
DMR31-15-5 6900215 583, 590 EA5R450PUXMODQ 3077540 293
DS-Ri-QR14 1590814 589 EA5R600PIXMODQ 3077530 293
DW10000-135-7E-H1141 1544555 537 EA5R600PUXMODQ 3077541 293
DW10000-135-PA-H1141 1544557 537 EA5R750PIXMODQ 3077531 293
DW1000-110-7E-H1141 1544540 537 EA5R750PUXMODQ 3077542 293
DW1000-110-PA-H1141 1544542 537 EA5R900PIXMODQ 3077532 293
DW15000-135-7E-H1141 1544558 537 EA5R900PUXMODQ 3077543 293
DW15000-135-PA-H1141 1544560 537 EF-R10 6900417 593
DW20000-135-7E-H1141 1544561 537 EM30-AP6X2-H1141/S1102 1602411 144
DW20000-135-PA-H1141 1544563 537 FB-WAK4-2/S2300 8034191 563
DW2000-110-7E-H1141 1544543 537 FB-WWAK4-2/S2300 8034194 563
DW2000-110-PA-H1141 1544545 537 FCI-34D10A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870627 353
DW250-70-7E-H1141 1544531 537 FCI-34D10A4P-ARX-H1140 6870628 353
DW250-70-PA-H1141 1544533 537 FCI-34D10A4P-LIX-H1141 6870624 353
DW30000-135-7E-H1141 1544567 537 FCI-D03A4-NAEX-H1141/M12 6870632 363
DW30000-135-PA-H1141 1544569 537 FCI-D03A4-NA-H1141/M12 6870635 363
DW3000-110-7E-H1141 1544546 537 FCI-D04A4P-LIX-H1141 6870641 351
DW3000-110-PA-H1141 1544548 537 FCI-D06CTP-AP8X-H1141 6870661 352
DW40000-135-7E-H1141 1544603 537 FCI-D06CTP-ARX-H1140 6870625 352
DW40000-135-PA-H1141 1544605 537 FCI-D06CTP-LIX-H1141 6870662 352
DW500-70-7E-H1141 1544534 537 FCI-D09A4-NAEX-H1141/M16 6870634 363
DW500-70-PA-H1141 1544536 537 FCI-D09A4-NA-H1141/M16 6870631 363
DW6000-155-7E-H1141 1544549 537 FCI-D10A4P-AP8X-H1141/A 6870646 351
DW6000-155-PA-H1141 1544551 537 FCI-D10A4P-ARX-H1140 6870644 351
EA5E1050Q 3075429 293 FCI-D10A4P-LIX-H1141/A 6870639 351
EA5E1200Q 3075430 293 FCI-D15A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870669 351
EA5E1500Q 3075431 293 FCI-D20A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870672 352
EA5E150Q 3075423 293 FCI-TCD04A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870656 353
EA5E1800Q 3075432 293 FCI-TCD04A4P-ARX-H1140 6870626 353
EA5E2100Q 3075433 293 FCI-TCD04A4P-LIX-H1141 6870655 353
EA5E2400Q 3075434 293 FCMI-10D08DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870603 383
EA5E300Q 3075424 293 FCMI-15D12DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870601 383
EA5E450Q 3075425 293 FCMI-3/4D12DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870817 384
EA5E600Q 3075426 293 FCS-50A4-AP8X-H1141/D014 6872025 346
EA5E750Q 3075427 293 FCS-50A4-NA/D014 6872009 359
EA5E900Q 3075428 293 FCS-68A4-AP8X-H1141/D003 6872003 345
EA5R1050PIXMODQ 3077533 293 FCS-68A4-NA/D011 6872006 360
EA5R1050PUXMODQ 3077544 293 FCS-DN25A4-NA/D100 6872017 359
EA5R1200PIXMODQ 3077534 293 FCS-G1/2A4-AN8X-H1141 6870034 343
EA5R1200PUXMODQ 3077545 293 FCS-G1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 6870004 343
EA5R1500PIXMODQ 3077535 293 FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX0 6870467 356
EA5R1500PUXMODQ 3077546 293 FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX0-H1141 6870468 356
EA5R150PIXMODQ 3077527 293 FCS-G1/2A4-NAEX-H1141 6870322 356
EA5R150PUXMODQ 3077437 293 FCS-G1/2A4-NA-H1141 6870303 356
EA5R1800PIXMODQ 3077536 293 FCS-G1/2A4P-AP8X/L120 6870026 347
EA5R1800PUXMODQ 3077547 293 FCS-G1/2A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870092 347
EA5R2100PIXMODQ 3078939 293 FCS-G1/2A4P-VRX/24VDC 6870096 347
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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

FCS-G1/2DY-AP8X 6870005 344 FTCI-N1/2D15A4P-2LIX-H1140/224 6870047 351
FCS-G1/2DY-AP8X-H1141 6870003 344 FTCI-N3/4D19A4P-2LIX-H1140/224 6870048 380
FCS-G1/4A4-AP8X-H1141 6870101 343 HSA-M6-QR14 6901051 595
FCS-G1/4A4-ARX-H1140 6870102 343 HSA-M8-QR14 6901052 595
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX 6870315 355 IA1.53SMTA 3021056 631
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX0 6870465 355 IA23S 3017299 630
FCS-G1/4A4-NAEX-H1141 6870341 355 IAT23S 3017307 631
FCS-G1/4A4-NA-H1141 6870304 355 IAT23SM8 3022892 631
FCS-G1/4A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870082 346 IF23S 3017317 630
FCS-G1/4T-NA 6870310 355 IMM.442S 3020561 631
FCS-G3/4A4-NAEX0 6870473 356 IMT.753P 3021073 632
FCS-G3/4A4-NA-H1141 6870306 356 IMT.756.6S-HT 3064398 631
FCS-GL1/2A2-NA/A/D100 6870380 357 IR2.53S 3017332 630
FCS-GL1/2A2-NA-H1141/A 6870404 357 IR23S 3017336 631
FCS-GL1/2A2P-AP8X-H1141/A 6870457 357 IT13SM8 3022705 631
FCS-GL1/2A2P-LIX-H1141/A 6870455 357 IT23S 3017355 631
FCS-GL1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 6870204 357 IT23SM8 3017357 630
FCS-GL1/2A4-NAEX/A 6870440 357 IT26S 3017360 631
FCS-GL1/2A4-NAEX0/A 6870349 357 ITA23S 3017967 631
FCS-GL1/2A4-NAEX0-H1141/A 6870348 357 IVUC-E-406 3013892 635
FCS-GL1/2A4-NAEX-H1141 6870432 357 IVUPRBI08 3016377 297
FCS-GL1/2A4-NAEX-H1141/A 6870439 357 IVUPRBI12 3016378 297
FCS-GL1/2A4-NA-H1141 6870403 357 IVUPRBI16 3016379 297
FCS-GL1/2A4P-AP8X-H1141 6870242 357 IVUPRBR08 3016324 297
FCS-GL1/2A4P-VRX/230VAC 6870098 357 IVUPRBR12 3016325 297
FCS-GL1/2T-NA 6870422 357 IVUPRBR16 3016329 297
FCS-HA2P-LIX-H1141/AL115 6870720 348 IVUPRBW08 3016409 297
FCS-HA2P-VRX/230VAC/AL115 6870724 348 IVUPRBW12 3016420 297
FCS-HA2P-VRX/24VDC/AL115 6M 6870725 348 IVUPRBW16 3016426 297
FCS-N1/2A4-AP8X-H1141 6871004 345 IVUPRG608 3025128 297
FCS-N1/2A4-NA 6871309 358 IVUPRG612 3025129 297
FCS-N1/2A4-NAEX-H1141 6871322 358 IVUPRG616 3025130 297
FCS-N1/2A4P-AP8X-H1141 6871032 348 IVUPRG908 3025136 297
FCS-N3/4A4-NA-H1141 6871304 358 IVUPRG912 3025137 297
FCVI-10R09DYA4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870159 387 IVUPRG916 3025138 297
FI22FP 3056287 283 IVUPRGB08 3016257 297
FI22FPQ 3056289 283 IVUPRGB12 3016258 297
FM-IM-2UPLi63X 7525104 365 IVUPRGB16 3016259 297
FM-IM-3UP63X 7525100 365 IVUPRGG08 3016263 297
FM-IM-3UR38X 7525102 365 IVUPRGG12 3016264 297
FMX-IM-2UPLi63X 7525105 365 IVUPRGG16 3016265 297
FMX-IM-3UP63X 7525101 367 IVUPRGI08 3016269 297
FMX-IM-3UR38X 7525103 367 IVUPRGI12 3016270 297
FTCI-10D10A4P-2LIX-H1141 6870049 379 IVUPRGI16 3016271 297
FTCI-10D10A4P-2UP8X-H1141 6870041 379 IVUPRGR08 3016251 297
FTCI-10D10A4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870042 379 IVUPRGR12 3016252 297
FTCI-15D15A4P-2UP8X-H1141 6870043 379 IVUPRGR16 3016253 297
FTCI-15D15A4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870044 379 IVUPRGW08 3016275 297
FTCI-18D15A4P-2UP8X-H1141 6870045 380 IVUPRGW12 3016284 297
FTCI-18D15A4P-LIUP8X-H1141 6870046 380 IVUPRGW16 3016285 297
FTCI-G1/2A4-D18/L068 6870150 615 IVUPTBI08 3016552 297
FTCI-G1/4A4-D10/L050 6870151 615 IVUPTBI12 3016553 297
FTCI-MP01AL 6870040 615 IVUPTBI16 3016563 297

762 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

IVUPTBR08 3016498 297 IVURGPI16 3082352 295
IVUPTBR12 3016502 297 IVURGPR08 3082181 295
IVUPTBR16 3016505 297 IVURGPR12 3082182 295
IVUPTBW08 3016569 297 IVURGPR16 3082183 295
IVUPTBW12 3016570 297 IVURGPW08 3082362 295
IVUPTBW16 3016571 297 IVURGPW12 3082363 295
IVUPTBXC 3018396 297 IVURGPW16 3082364 295
IVUPTG608 3025103 297 IVUSLC50-P 3018399 636
IVUPTG612 3025104 297 IVUSLC75-P 3018400 636
IVUPTG616 3025105 297 IVUTBPI08 3084844 295
IVUPTG908 3025110 297 IVUTBPI12 3084845 295
IVUPTG912 3025111 297 IVUTBPI16 3084846 295
IVUPTG916 3025112 297 IVUTBPR08 3084808 295
IVUPTGB08 3016450 297 IVUTBPR12 3084809 295
IVUPTGB12 3016451 297 IVUTBPR16 3084810 295
IVUPTGB16 3016452 297 IVUTBPW08 3084856 295
IVUPTGG08 3016456 297 IVUTBPW12 3084857 295
IVUPTGG12 3016458 297 IVUTBPW16 3084858 295
IVUPTGG16 3016461 297 IVUTBPXC 3018390 295
IVUPTGI08 3016466 297 IVUTGP608 3095508 295
IVUPTGI12 3016467 297 IVUTGP612 3095509 295
IVUPTGI16 3016468 297 IVUTGP616 3095510 295
IVUPTGR08 3016439 297 IVUTGP906 3095519 295
IVUPTGR12 3016440 297 IVUTGP908 3095520 295
IVUPTGR16 3016444 297 IVUTGP912 3095521 295
IVUPTGW08 3016472 297 IVUTGPB08 3081948 295
IVUPTGW12 3016473 297 IVUTGPB12 3081949 295
IVUPTGW16 3016474 297 IVUTGPB16 3081950 295
IVUPTGXC 3018395 297 IVUTGPG08 3081956 295
IVURBPI06 3012233 295 IVUTGPG12 3081957 295
IVURBPI08 3012234 295 IVUTGPG16 3081958 295
IVURBPI12 3012235 295 IVUTGPI08 3081964 295
IVURBPR08 3012221 295 IVUTGPI12 3081965 295
IVURBPR12 3012222 295 IVUTGPI16 3081966 295
IVURBPR16 3012223 295 IVUTGPR08 3081940 295
IVURBPW08 3012246 295 IVUTGPR12 3081941 295
IVURBPW12 3012247 295 IVUTGPR16 3081942 295
IVURBPW16 3012248 295 IVUTGPW08 3010354 295
IVURD-MXK-806 3012435 635 IVUTGPW12 3010355 295
IVURGP608 3095556 295 IVUTGPW16 3010356 295
IVURGP612 3095557 295 IVUTGPXC 3018388 295
IVURGP616 3095558 295 JS 025/037 69429 573
IVURGP906 3095567 295 K30LGRXPQ 3078800 545
IVURGP908 3095568 295 K30LGRYP 3078926 545
IVURGP912 3095569 295 K30LGRYPQ 3078925 545
IVURGPB08 3082253 295 K30LGXXPQ 3078934 545
IVURGPB12 3082254 295 K30LXRXPQ 3078935 545
IVURGPB16 3082255 295 K50APFF100GRCQ 3076229 287
IVURGPG08 3082338 295 K50APFF100GREQ 3076080 287
IVURGPG12 3082339 295 K50APFF100GREQP 3075376 287
IVURGPG16 3082340 295 K50APFF100GXDQ 3075979 287
IVURGPI08 3082350 295 K50APFF100GYCQ 3078600 287
IVURGPI12 3082351 295 K50APFF50GRCQ 3076223 287
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

K50APFF50GREQP 3076236 287 LCF12 3057299 636
K50APFF50GXDQ 3076216 287 LCF16 3056522 636
K50APFF50GXDQP 3076191 287 LH150IX485QP 3011952 269
K50APLPGRCQ 3076280 287 LH30IX485QP 3011950 269
K50APLPGREQ 3076284 287 LH80IX485QP 3011951 269
K50APLPGREQP 3075439 287 Li1000P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590611 505
K50APLPGXDQ 3076277 287 LI1000P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590016 504
K50APLPGXDQP 3076010 287 Li1000P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590210 503
K50BCLGRXPQ 3018346 546 LI1000P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590008 503
K50BCLXGXPQ 3018336 546 LI1000P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H115 1590621 505
K50BCLXRXP 3018341 546 LI1000P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590359 503
K50BCLXRXPQ 3018337 546 LI1000P1-Q25LM1-LIU5X3-H1151 1590069 503
K50LGRXPQ 3076352 545 LI100P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590017 505
K50LGRYP 3076118 287 LI100P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590009 503
K50LGRYPQ 3075671 545 Li100P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590201 503
K50LGXXP 3077956 287 LI100P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590001 503
K50LGXXPQ 3075983 545 LI100P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590612 505
K50LRXXP 3077958 287 LI100P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590350 503
K50LXRXPQ 3078641 545 Li200P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590604 505
K50RPFF100GXDQP 3076008 287 LI200P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590010 503
KLDT-UNT2 6913351 583, 585 Li200P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590202 503
KLDT-UNT3 6913352 584, 585 LI200P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590002 503
KLDT-UNT4 6913353 584, 585 LI200P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590613 505
KLDT-UNT5 6913354 584, 585 LI200P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590351 503
KLDT-UNT6 6913355 584, 585 LI300P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590018 505
KLF 1 6970401 586 LI300P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590011 503
KLF 2 6970402 586 Li300P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590203 503
KLI 1 69710 586 LI300P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590003 503
KLI 3 69712 587 LI300P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590614 505
KLI 5 6971802 586 LI300P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590352 503
KLI 5Z 6971803 586 Li400P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590605 505
KLI 6 6971805 587 LI400P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590012 503
KLI 6Z 6971806 586 Li400P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590204 503
KLN 3 6970504 586 LI400P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590004 503
KLN-SMC 6970503 586 LI400P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590615 505
KLRC-UNT1 6970626 583 LI400P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590353 503
KLRC-UNT2 6970627 583 Li500P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590606 505
KLRC-UNT3 6970628 583 LI500P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590013 503
KLZ1-INT 6970410 584 Li500P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590205 503
KLZ2-INT 6970411 584 LI500P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590005 503
KLZ3-INT 6970412 584 LI500P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590616 505
KLZ5-INT 6970413 584 LI500P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590354 503
L10M8 3036147 632 Li600P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590607 505
L16FALM8 3036149 632 LI600P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590014 503
L16FM8 3036148 632 Li600P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590206 503
L16FSSM8 3036150 632 LI600P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590006 503
L2 3026343 626 LI600P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590617 505
L2RA 3026344 626 LI600P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590355 503
L4C6 3041517 626 Li700P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590608 505
L9M8 3036146 632 LI700P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590602 504
LB-R10 6900421 593 Li700P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590207 503
LCF04 3068884 636 LI700P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590600 503
LCF08 3057298 636 LI700P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590618 505

764 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

Li800P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590609 505 LX18EQ 3071798 291
LI800P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590015 504 LX18R 3071812 291
Li800P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590208 503 LX18RQ 3071813 291
LI800P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590007 503 LX21E 3071799 291
LI800P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590619 505 LX21EQ 3071800 291
LI800P1-Q25LM1-ESG25X3-H1181 1590357 503 LX21R 3071814 291
Li900P0-Q25LM0-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590610 505 LX21RQ 3071815 291
LI900P0-Q25LM0-ESG25X3-H1181 1590603 504 LX24E 3071801 291
Li900P0-Q25LM0-HESG25X3-H1181 1590209 503 LX24EQ 3071802 291
LI900P0-Q25LM0-LIU5X3-H1151 1590601 503 LX24R 3071816 291
LI900P1-Q25LM1-ELIUPN8X3-H1151 1590620 505 LX24RQ 3071817 291
LSPM-AL-R10 6900414 592 LX3E 3002658 291
LSPM-SS-R10 6900415 592 LX3EQ 3002661 291
LT3BD 3065517 267 LX3R 3002664 291
LT3BDLV 3067380 267 LX3RQ 3002667 291
LT3BDLVQ 3067381 267 LX6E 3002670 291
LT3BDQ 3065516 267 LX6EQ 3002673 291
LT3PI 3065514 267 LX6R 3002676 291
LT3PILV 3067279 267 LX6RQ 3002679 291
LT3PILVQ 3067280 267 LX9E 3071794 291
LT3PIQ 3065513 267 LX9EQ 3071667 291
LT3PU 3065508 267 LX9R 3071809 291
LT3PULV 3067273 267 LX9RQ 3071668 291
LT3PULVQ 3067274 267 M12E 3077202 233
LT3PUQ 3065507 267 M12EQ8 3077203 39
LT7PIDQ 3073439 267 M12ND 3077180 39
LT7PLVQ 3073440 267 M12NDQ8 3077181 39
LTX1000M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1540031 513 M12NFF25 3077192 39
LTX1000M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1543042 513 M12NFF25Q8 3077193 39
LTX1000M-R10-SSi-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1543046 513 M12NFF50 3077196 39
LTX100M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1540015 513 M12NFF50Q8 3077197 39
LTX100M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1540017 513 M12NFF75 3078230 39
LTX1500M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1540024 513 M12NFF75Q8 3078231 39
LTX1500M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1543043 513 M12NLP 3077184 39
LTX1500M-R10-SSi-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1543047 513 M12NLPQ8 3077185 39
LTX2000M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1543039 513 M12NLV 3077188 39
LTX2000M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1543044 513 M12NLVQ8 3077189 39
LTX2000M-R10-SSi-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1543048 513 M12NR 3077200 39
LTX200M-R10-SSI-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1543024 513 M12NRQ8 3077201 39
LTX250M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1540022 513 M12PD 3077178 233
LTX250M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1543040 513 M12PDQ8 3077179 39
LTX500M-R10-Li0-X3-H1151 1540025 513 M12PFF25 3077190 233
LTX500M-R10-LU0-X3-H1151 1543041 513 M12PFF25Q8 3077191 39
LTX500M-R10-SSi-2-GAF1-X3-H1161 1543045 513 M12PFF50 3077194 233
LX12E 3002682 291 M12PFF50Q8 3077195 39
LX12EQ 3002685 291 M12PFF75 3078228 233
LX12R 3002688 291 M12PFF75Q8 3078229 39
LX12RQ 3002691 291 M12PLP 3077182 233
LX15E 3071795 291 M12PLPQ8 3077183 39
LX15EQ 3071796 291 M12PLV 3077186 233
LX15R 3071810 291 M12PLVQ8 3077187 39
LX15RQ 3071811 291 M12PR 3077198 233
LX18E 3071797 291 M12PRQ8 3077199 39
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

M186E 3048346 39 M2-Q25L 6901046 589, 591
M186EQ 3048347 241 M4-Q25L 6901048 589, 591
M18SN6D 3048660 39 MB1-Q25 6901026 591
M18SN6DL 3048664 39 MB2.1-Q25 6901027 591
M18SN6DLQ 3048665 39 MB2.2-Q25 6901028 591
M18SN6DQ 3048661 39 MB-R10 6900419 593
M18SN6FF100 3048672 39 MBS40 69477 571
M18SN6FF100Q 3048673 39 MBS65 69478 571
M18SN6FF25 3058428 39 MF-CK40-1S 6900481 575
M18SN6FF25Q 3058432 39 MF-CK40-2S 6900482 575
M18SN6FF50 3048668 39 MF-CK40-3S 6900483 575
M18SN6FF50Q 3048669 39 MF-R10 6900418 593
M18SN6L 3048652 39 MI9E 3040141 271
M18SN6LP 3048656 39 MI9EQ 3040143 271
M18SN6LPQ 3048657 39 MIAD9CV 3037713 271
M18SN6LQ 3048653 39 MIAD9CV2 3037712 271
M18SN6R 3048348 39 MIAD9CV2Q 3035235 271
M18SN6RQ 3048349 39 MIAD9CVQ 3035234 271
M18SP6D 3048662 39 MIAD9D 3037714 271
M18SP6DL 3048666 39 MIAD9DQ 3034625 271
M18SP6DLQ 3048667 242 MIAD9F 3037715 271
M18SP6DQ 3048663 241 MIAD9FQ 3034626 271
M18SP6FF100 3048674 39 MIAD9LV 3037717 271
M18SP6FF100Q 3048675 241 MIAD9LVAG 3037716 271
M18SP6FF25 3058429 39 MIAD9LVAGQ 3037294 271
M18SP6FF25Q 3058433 241 MIAD9LVQ 3034474 271
M18SP6FF50 3048670 39 MIAD9R 3040144 271
M18SP6FF50Q 3048671 241 MIAD9RQ 3040146 271
M18SP6L 3048654 39 MIAD9W 3037718 271
M18SP6LP 3048658 39 MIAD9WQ 3035233 271
M18SP6LPQ 3048659 241 MN-M4-Q25 6901025 589, 591
M18SP6LQ 3048655 241 MQDC2S-1206 3011420 635
M18SP6R 3048350 39 MQDC2S-806 3070975 635
M18SP6RQ 3048651 241 MW 47 69452 565
M18TB14 3073651 479 MW-08 6945008 565
M18TB14Q 3073652 479 MW-12 6945003 565
M18TB6E 3073648 479 MW-18 6945004 565
M18TB6EQ 3073649 479 MW-30 6945005 565
M18TB8 3073645 479 MW-Q08/Q10 6945007 565
M18TB8Q 3073646 479 MW-Q14/Q20 6945006 565
M18TIP14 3081127 479 NC20-KT34-VN4X2 2550100 183
M18TIP14Q 3076327 479 NC20-KT34-VP4X2 2550300 183
M18TIP6E 3081126 479 NC50-CP80-FZ3X2 2310600 172
M18TIP6EQ 3078465 479 NC50-CP80-VN4X2 2580102 172
M18TIP8 3081125 479 NC50-CP80-VP4X2 2580202 172
M18TIP8Q 3081128 479 NC50-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 2580400 172
M18TUP14 3074921 479 NI100-Q160-AP44X/S120 1440012 140
M18TUP14Q 3074923 479 NI100R-S32XL-2LU-H1141/S950 1534610 118
M18TUP6E 3074918 479 NI100R-S32XL-VP44X-H1141 1510301 106
M18TUP6EQ 3074920 479 NI100U-K90SR-VN4X2 1515503 23
M18TUP8 3074915 479 NI100U-K90SR-VN4X2-H1141 1515510 23
M18TUP8Q 3074916 479 NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2 1625834 23, 75
M1-Q25L 6901045 589, 591 NI100U-K90SR-VP4X2-H1141 1625844 23, 75

766 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

NI10-EG18SK-Y1X 4012150 87 NI10U-QP08-AN6X2-0,3-PSG3M 1662018 18
NI10-EG18-Y1X/S100 7M 4012006 137 NI10U-QP08-AP6X2 1662015 18, 66
NI10-EM18WDTC-Y1X 4012151 87, 132, 137 NI10U-QP08-AP6X2-0,3-PSG3M 1662017 18, 66
NI10-EM18-Y1X-H1141 1006261 86 NI12U-EG18SK-AN6X 1645420 28
NI10-G18K-AP6X 46705 89 NI12U-EG18SK-AP6X 1645400 89
NI10-G18SK-AN6X 46423 28 NI12U-EM18-AN6X 1645320 28
NI10-G18SK-AP6X 46422 89 NI12U-EM18-AN6X-H1141 1645350 28
NI10-G18SK-Y1X 40161 87 NI12U-EM18-AP6X 1645300 89
NI10-G18-Y1X 40151 87 NI12U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 1645340 89
NI10-K20-AN6X 46641 100 NI12U-G18-ADZ30X2-B1331 4281412 90
NI10-K20-AP6X 46640 100 NI12U-G18-ADZ30X2-B3331 4281413 90
NI10-K20-AZ3X 43585 100 NI12U-M18-ADZ30X2 4282410 90
NI10-K20SK-AN6X 46648 100 NI12U-M18-AN6X 1645120 28
NI10-K20SK-AP6X 46646 100 NI12U-M18-AN6X-H1141 1645150 28
NI10-K20SK-AZ3X 43591 100 NI12U-M18-AP6X 1645100 89
NI10-M18E-LIU-H1141 1535562 123 NI12U-M18-AP6X-H1141 1645140 89
NI10-M18-LIU 1535540 123 NI12U-M18E-AP6X-H1141 1645143 89
NI10-M18-Y1X-H1141 40153 86 NI12U-MT18-AN6X-H1141 1645250 28
NI10-P18SK-AN6X 46568 28 NI12U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 1645240 89
NI10-P18SK-AP6X 46567 89 NI12U-P18SK-AN6X 1645720 28
NI10-P18SK-Y1X 40361 87 NI12U-P18SK-AP6X 1645700 89
NI10-P18-Y1/S100 10317 137 NI12U-S18-AN6X 1645520 28
NI10-P18-Y1X 40351 86 NI12U-S18-AN6X-H1141 1645620 28
NI10-P18-Y1X/S97 4035121 132 NI12U-S18-AP6X 1645500 89
NI10-Q25-AN6X 4652330 70 NI12U-S18-AP6X-H1141 1645600 89
NI10-Q25-AP6X 4652225 70 NI14-G18-Y1X 4015401 86
NI10U-EM12EWD-VP44X-H1141 1634896 149 Ni14-M18-AN6X-H1141 4611410 28
NI10U-EM12WD-AN6X 1634838 39 Ni14-M18-AP6X-H1141 4611400 28
NI10U-EM12WD-AN6X-H1141 1634837 39 NI14-M18-VN6X 7M 4590609 28
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X 1634813 39, 84, 131, NI14-M18-VN6X-H1141 4690630 28
136, 149 NI14-M18-VP6X 7M 4590610 89
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141 1634814 39, 85, 131, NI14-M18-VP6X-H1141 4590620 89
136, 149
NI15-EG30SK-Y1X 4012160 91
NI10U-EM12WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634857 85
NI15-EG30-Y1X/S100 7M 4012004 138
NI10U-EM12WDTC-AP6X 1634761 39, 84, 131,
NI15-EM30-AP6/S907 4617412 142
NI15-EM30D-VP6X/S120 4617410 141
NI10U-M12-AN6X 1634825 26
NI15-EM30WDTC-Y1X 4012161 91, 133, 138
NI10U-M12-AN6X-H1141 1634826 26
NI15-EM30-Y1X-H1141 1006260 91
NI10U-M12-AN6X-V1131 1634795 26
NI15-G30SK-AN6X 46483 29
NI10U-M12-AP6X 1634805 26, 84
NI15-G30SK-AP6X 46482 93
NI10U-M12-AP6X-H1141 1634806 26, 84
NI15-G30SK-Y1X 40221 91
NI10U-M12-AP6X-V1131 1634790 26, 84
NI15-G30-Y1X 40201 91
NI10U-M12E-AP6X-H1141 1634901 85
NI15-M30-AD4X 44172 91
NI10U-M12E-VN44X 1634874 27
NI15-M30-AD4X-H1141 44177 91
NI10U-M12E-VN44X-H1141 1634875 27
NI15-M30-AP6X/S120 4617210 141
NI10U-M12E-VP44X 1634870 27, 85
NI15-M30-AZ3X 43165 94
NI10U-M12E-VP44X-H1141 1634871 27, 85
NI15-M30-AZ3X/S120 4316506 141
NI10U-M12-RP6X-H1141 1634848 26, 85
NI15-M30-Y1X-H1141 40203 91
NI10U-M18M-AD4X 4405070 27, 87
NI15-P30SK-AN6X 46598 29
NI10U-M18M-AD4X-H1144 4405069 27, 87
NI15-P30SK-AP6X 46597 93
NI10U-MT12-AN6X-H1141 1634830 26
NI15-P30SK-Y1X 40411 91
NI10U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 1634810 34, 84
NI15-P30SR-AN6X 16204 29
NI10U-MT18M-AD4X-H1144 4405071 34, 87
NI15-P30SR-AP6X 16117 93
NI10U-QP08-AN6X2 1662016 18
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

NI15-P30SR-FZ3X2 13421 94 NI20-K40SR-FZ3X2 13424 101
NI15-P30-Y1/S100 10227 138 NI20-K40SR-VN4X2 15756 101
NI15-P30-Y1X 40401 91 NI20-K40SR-VP4X2 15656 101
NI15-P30-Y1X/S97 1022704 133 NI20-M30-AD4X 4466135 91
NI15-S30-AD4X 44592 91 NI20-M30-AD4X-H1141 4466141 91
NI15-S30-AZ3X 43555 94 NI20-M30-AN6X-H1141 4670515 29
NI15-S30-AZ3X/S100 13758 139 NI20-M30-AP6X-H1141 4670510 93
NI15U-CA25-AP6X2-H1141 1625641 70 NI20-M30-VN6X 7M 4590613 30
NI15U-CA25-AP6X2-V1131 1625642 70 NI20-M30-VN6X-H1141 4590614 30
NI15U-EM18-AP6X-H1141 1635332 28 NI20-M30-VP6X 7M 4590611 93
NI15U-EM18MWD-VP44X-H1141 1634898 150 NI20-M30-VP6X-H1141 4590612 93
NI15U-EM18WD-AN6X 1634836 39 NI20NF-CP40-VN4X2 15784 153
NI15U-EM18WD-AN6X-H1141 1634835 39 NI20NF-CP40-VP4X2 15684 153
NI15U-EM18WD-AN6X-H1141/3GD 1634860 28 NI20-Q14-AN6X2 4690220 68
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X 1634817 39, 88, 132, NI20-Q14-AN6X2-V1131 4690221 68
137, 150 NI20-Q14-AP6X2 4690205 68
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141 1634818 39, 88, 132, NI20-Q14-AP6X2-V1131 4690210 68
137, 150
NI20R-S32SR-VP44X 1440001 106
NI15U-EM18WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634859 88
NI20U-EG30SK-AN6X 1646420 29
NI15U-EM18WDTC-AP6X 1634763 39, 89, 132,
NI20U-EG30SK-AP6X 1646400 93
NI20U-EM30-AN6X 1646320 29
NI15U-M18-AN6X 1635334 28
NI20U-EM30-AN6X-H1141 1646350 29
NI15U-M18-AN6X-H1141 1635335 28
NI20U-EM30-AP6X 1646300 93
NI15U-M18-AP6X 1635330 28, 89
NI20U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 1646340 92
NI15U-M18-AP6X-H1141 1635331 28, 88
NI20U-G30-ADZ30X2-B1131 4281812 94
NI15U-M18M-VN44X 1634882 28
NI20U-G30-ADZ30X2-B3131 4281813 94
NI15U-M18M-VN44X-H1141 1634883 28
NI20U-M30-ADZ30X2 4282810 94
NI15U-M18M-VP44X 1634878 28, 89
NI20U-M30-AN6X 1646120 29
NI15U-M18M-VP44X-H1141 1634879 28, 89
NI20U-M30-AN6X-H1141 1646150 29
NI15U-M18-RP6X-H1141 1635450 28, 88
NI20U-M30-AP6X 1646100 93
NI15U-M30-AD4X 4405076 29, 91
NI20U-M30-AP6X-H1141 1646140 92
NI15U-M30-AD4X-H1144 4405075 29, 91
NI20U-MT30-AN6X-H1141 1646250 29
NI15U-MT18-AN6X-H1141 1635337 28
NI20U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 1646240 93
NI15U-MT18-AP6X-H1141 1635333 35, 88
NI20U-P30SK-AN6X 1646720 29
NI15U-MT30-AD4X-H1144 4405077 35, 91
NI20U-P30SK-AP6X 1646700 93
NI20-CK40-AD4X-H1141 44652 72
NI20U-S30-AN6X 1646520 29
NI20-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 16253 21
NI20U-S30-AN6X-H1141 1646620 29
NI20-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 16252 72
NI20U-S30-AP6X 1646500 93
NI20-CK40-Y1X-H1141 4065200 72
NI20U-S30-AP6X-H1141 1646600 92
NI20-CP40-AD4X 44661 73
NI20U-TS12-AN6X2-V1131 1625822 103
NI20-CP40-AN6X2 16224 22
NI20U-TS12-AP6X2-V1131 1646640 103
NI20-CP40-AP6X2 16024 73
NI25-CK40-LIU-H1141 1537802 121
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2 13401 73
NI25-CP40-LIU 1535544 121
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2/S100 13441 134
NI25-CQ40/S1102 5M 1602410 143
NI20-CP40-FZ3X2/S97 1340123 130
NI25-G47-AN4X 15746 94
NI20-CP40-VN4X2 15791 22
NI25-G47-AP4X 15646 95
NI20-CP40-VP4X2 15691 73
NI25-G47-AZ3X 13089 95
NI20-CP40-VP4X2/S100 15046 134
NI25-Q20-AN6X2 1602800 69
NI20-CP40-VP4X2/S97 1569101 130
NI25-Q20-AN6X2-H1141 1602802 69
NI20-CP40-Y1X 10111 73
NI25-Q20-AP6X2 1602700 69
NI20-CP40-Y1X/S100 1011121 134
NI25-Q20-AP6X2-H1141 1602702 69
NI20-G30K-AD4X 4417220 91
NI25U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1625700 72
NI20-K34SR-VP4X2 1565601 100
NI25U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 1568803 72
NI20-K34-VP4X 1565602 100

768 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

NI2-Q6,5-AP6/S34 1650023 64 NI3-EG08K-AP6X-H1341 4669660 81
NI2-Q9,5-AP6/S34 1650077 66 NI3-EG08K-AP6X-V1131 4669650 81
NI3,5-Q5,5-AN6X 4613610 63 NI3-EG08K-Y1 1003700 79
NI3,5-Q5,5-AP6X 4613601 63 NI3-EG08K-Y1-H1341 1003720 79
NI30-K40SR-FZ3X2 13425 101 NI3-EH6,5-AN6X 4612500 25
NI30-K40SR-VN4X2 15758 101 NI3-EH6,5-AN6X-V1131 4612520 25
NI30-K40SR-VP4X2 15658 101 NI3-EH6,5-AP6X 4612400 99
NI30-Q130-ADZ30X2 42095 76 NI3-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 4612420 99
NI30-Q130-ADZ30X2-B1131 42100 76 NI3-EH6,5K-AN6X 4610300 25
NI30-Q130-VN4X2 15178 76 NI3-EH6,5K-AN6X-V1131 4610320 25
NI30-Q130-VP4X2 15179 76 NI3-EH6,5K-AP6X 4610200 99
NI30U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 1646632 29 NI3-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131 4610220 99
NI30U-EM30WD-AN6X 1634833 40 NI3-EH6,5K-Y1 1004700 98
NI30U-EM30WD-AN6X-H1141 1634832 40 NI40-CP80-FZ3X2 13405 75
NI30U-EM30WD-AN6X-H1141/3GD 1634862 29 NI40-CP80-FZ3X2/S100 13443 134
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X 1634821 40, 133, 139, NI40-CP80-FZ3X2/S97 1340510 130
151 NI40-CP80-VN4X2 15795 75
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141 1634822 40, 133, 139, NI40-CP80-VP4X2 15695 75
NI40-CP80-VP4X2/S100 15095 134
NI30U-EM30WD-AP6X-H1141/3GD 1634861 92
NI40-CP80-VP4X2/S97 1569522 130
NI30U-EM30WDTC-AP6X 1634765 40, 92, 133,
NI40-CP80-Y1 10085 75
NI40-CP80-Y1/S100 10404 134
NI30U-EM30WD-VP44X-H1141 1634904 151
NI40-CP80-Y1/S97 1040010 130
NI30U-M30-AN6X 1644634 29
NI40-CQ80/S1102 5M 1602404 143
NI30U-M30-AN6X-H1141 1644635 29
NI40-G47SR-FZ3X2 13428 95
NI30U-M30-AP6X 1646630 29, 92
NI40-G47SR-VN4X2 15750 94
NI30U-M30-AP6X-H1141 1646631 29, 92
NI40-G47SR-VP4X2 15650 95
NI30U-M30-RP6X-H1141 1646636 92
NI40R-S32SR-VP44X 1440005 106
NI30U-M30-VN44X 1634890 30
NI40U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1623641 71
NI30U-M30-VN44X-H1141 1634891 30
NI40U-CP40-AN6X2 1623610 22
NI30U-M30-VP44X 1634886 30, 93
NI40U-CP40-AP6X2 1623600 72
NI30U-M30-VP44X-H1141 1634887 30, 93
NI40U-CP40-FDZ30X2 4280800 73
NI30U-MT30-AN6X-H1141 1644637 29
NI40U-CP40-VN4X2 1540610 22
NI30U-MT30-AP6X-H1141 1646633 36, 92
NI40U-CP40-VP4X2 1540600 72
NI35-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1626400 72
NI40U-CP40-VP4X2-H1141 1540602 72
NI35-CP40-FZ3X2 13403 73
NI4-DSC26-2AP6X2 1650096 113
NI35-CP40-VN4X2 15794 22
NI4-DSC26-2AP6X2-H1141 1650087 113
NI35-CP40-VP4X2 15694 73
NI4-DSC26-2Y1X2 1051000 113
NI35-CP40-VP4X2/S369-F 30M 1569425 147
NI4-DSC26-2Y1X2-H1140 1051001 113
NI35U-CK40-AD4X-H1144 4280232 21, 72
NI4-DSU35-2ADZ30X2 4290000 113
NI35U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B1131 4280410 72
NI4-DSU35-2AP4X2 1569900 113
NI35U-CK40-ADZ30X2-B3131 4280430 72
NI4-DSU35-2AP4X2-H1141 1569901 113
NI35U-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 1625810 21
NI4-DSU35-2ASIX4-H1140 1902000 114
NI35U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1625800 72
NI4-DSU35-2DNETX5-H1150 1569908 114
NI3-EG08-AN6X 4602840 25
NI4-DSU35-2Y1X2 1051002 113
NI3-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4602860 25
NI4-DSU35-2Y1X2-H1140 1051003 113
NI3-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4602850 25
NI4-DSU35TC-2AD4X2 4430130 113
NI3-EG08-AP6X 4602740 81
NI4-DSU35TC-2ADZ30X2 4290002 113
NI3-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4602760 81
NI4-DSU35TC-2AP4X2 1569902 113
NI3-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4602750 81
NI4-DSU35TC-2AP4X2/3GD 1569911 113
NI3-EG08K-AN6X 4669700 25
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2 1051004 113
NI3-EG08K-AN6X-H1341 4669760 25
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2/S933 1051011 113
NI3-EG08K-AN6X-V1131 4669750 25
NI4-DSU35TC-2Y1X2/S97 1051017 113
NI3-EG08K-AP6X 4669600 81
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

NI4-EG08-AG41X 4561000 80 NI5-M12-Y1X-H1141 40103 82
NI4-EM12D-AP6/S120 1633110 140 NI5-P12SK-AN6X 46538 26
NI4-EM12WD-AP6/S929 1633111 129 NI5-P12SK-AP6X 46537 85
NI4-M12-AD4X 44052 83 NI5-P12SK-Y1X 40311 82
NI4-M12-AD4X-H1141 44067 83 NI5-P12-Y1/S100 10242 135
NI4-M12-AZ31X 13032 86 NI5-P12-Y1X 40301 82
NI4-Q12-AZ31X 13102 68 NI5-P12-Y1X/S97 1009402 131
NI4-S12-AD4X 44532 83 NI5-Q18-AN6X 4614607 69
NI4-S12-AZ31X 13022 86 NI5-Q18-AP6X 4614606 69
NI4-S12-AZ31X/S100 1302201 136 NI5U-M12E-AD4X 4405064 26, 83
NI4U-EG08-AN6X 4600610 25 NI5U-M12E-AD4X-H1144 4405063 26, 83
NI4U-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4600650 25 NI5U-MT12E-AD4X-H1144 4405065 83
NI4U-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4600630 25 NI5U-Q10S-AN6X 1609365 18
NI4U-EG08-AP6X 4600600 81 NI5U-Q10S-AN6X-0,3-PSG3M 1609367 18
NI4U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4600640 81 NI5U-Q10S-AP6X 1609364 18, 67
NI4U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4600620 81 NI5U-Q10S-AP6X-0,3-PSG3M 1609366 18, 67
NI4U-Q8SE-AN6X 4635809 17 NI60-K90SR-FZ3X2 13429 76
NI4U-Q8SE-AN6X-V1131 4635810 17 NI60-K90SR-VN4X2 15740 23
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X 4635807 65 NI60-K90SR-VP4X2 15640 75
NI4U-Q8SE-AP6X-V1131 4635808 17, 65 NI60-Q80-Y1X 1008700 23
NI4U-Q8SE-RP6X-V1131 4635820 17 NI65R-S32SR-VP44X 1440008 106
NI50-CP80-FZ3X2 13406 75 NI6U-EG08-AN6X 4635803 25
NI50-CP80-VN4X2 15796 75 NI6U-EG08-AN6X-H1341 4635805 25
NI50-CP80-VP4X2 15696 75 NI6U-EG08-AN6X-V1131 4635804 25
NI50-K90SR-Y1 10074 76 NI6U-EG08-AP6X 4635800 25, 81
NI50-Q80-LIU-H1141 1535545 122 NI6U-EG08-AP6X-H1341 4635802 25, 81
NI50U-CK40-AN6X2-H1141 1625823 21 NI6U-EG08-AP6X-V1131 4635801 25, 81
NI50U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 1625837 21, 71 NI6U-EG08-RP6X-H1341 4635830 25, 81
NI50U-CK40-VN4X2-H1141 1625806 21 NI6U-EG08-RP6X-V1131 4635831 25, 81
NI50U-CK40-VP4X2-H1141 1538302 21, 71 Ni6U-EGT08-AP6X-H1341 4635811 25
NI50U-CP40-AN6X2 1625846 22 NI6U-EH6,5-AN6X 4631520 25
NI50U-CP40-AP6X2 1625831 22, 72 NI6U-EH6,5-AN6X-V1131 4631530 25
NI50U-CP40-AP6X2-H1141 1625835 72 NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X 4631500 25, 99
NI50U-CP40-VN4X2 1625847 22 NI6U-EH6,5-AP6X-V1131 4631510 25, 98
NI50U-CP40-VP4X2 1538303 22, 72 NI6U-EH6,5-RP6X-V1131 4635832 98
Ni50U-Q42FWD-VP6X-H1141 1538305 490 NI75U-CP80-FDZ30X2 4280900 75
Ni50U-Q42TWD-VP6X-H1141 1538306 490 NI75U-CP80-VN4X2 1540810 75
NI50U-QV40-AP6X2-H1141 1625853 21, 73 NI75U-CP80-VP4X2 1540800 75
NI5-EG12SK-Y1X 4012140 82 NI75U-CP80-VP4X2-H1141 1540802 75
NI5-EG12-Y1X/S100 7M 4012008 135 NI75U-Q80-AN6X2-H1141 1625856 23
NI5-EM12WDTC-Y1X 4012141 82, 131, 135 NI75U-Q80-AP6X2-H1141 1625855 23
NI5-EM12-Y1X-H1141 4010301 82 NI75U-Q80-VN4X2-H1141 1625858 23
NI5-G12K-AN6X 46713 26 NI75U-Q80-VP4X2-H1141 1625857 23
NI5-G12K-AP6X 46703 85 NI7-EM18D-VP6X/S120 4632100 141
NI5-G12SK-AN6X 46363 26 NI7-EM18WD-AP6X/S929 4632001 129
NI5-G12SK-AP6X 46362 85 NI8-EM18-AP6/S907 4611231 142
NI5-G12SK-Y1X 40111 82 NI8-G12K-AD4X 4411230 83
NI5-G12-Y1X 40101 82 NI8-M12-AD4X 4411235 83
NI5-K11-AP6X 46611 99 NI8-M12-AD4X-H1141 4411241 83
NI5-K11SK-AP6X 46617 99 NI8-M12-AN6X-H1141 4611315 26
NI5-K11-Y1 10071 99 NI8-M12-AP6X-H1141 4611310 85
NI5-M12-LIU 1535536 123 Ni8-M12-VN6X 7M 4611326 27
NI5-M12-LIU-H1141 1535535 123 Ni8-M12-VN6X-H1141 4611323 27

770 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

Ni8-M12-VP6X 7M 4611327 27 PC001V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833714 435
Ni8-M12-VP6X-H1141 4611324 27 PC001V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833726 425
NI8-M18-AD4X 44112 87 PC001V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833738 426
NI8-M18-AD4X-H1141 44147 87 PC001V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833750 435
NI8-M18-AP6X/S120 4611230 141 PC003V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833716 435
NI8-M18-AZ3X 43105 90 PC003V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833728 425
NI8-M18-AZ3X/S120 4310530 141 PC003V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833740 426
NI8-P18-AP6/S139-S90 1650082 147 PC003V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833752 435
NI8-P18-AZ3/S139-S90 1350002 90, 147 PC010V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833717 435
NI8-P18-Y1/S139 1072501 147 PC010V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833729 425
NI8-S18-AD4X 44562 87 PC010V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833741 426
NI8-S18-AZ3X 43505 90 PC010V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833753 435
NI8-S18-AZ3X/S100 13718 138 PC016V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833718 435
NI8U-EG12SK-AN6X 1644420 26 PC016V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833730 425
NI8U-EG12SK-AP6X 1644400 85 PC016V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833742 426
NI8U-EM12-AN6X 1644320 26 PC016V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833754 435
NI8U-EM12-AN6X-H1141 1644350 26 PC01VR-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833713 435
NI8U-EM12-AP6X 1644300 85 PC01VR-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833725 425
NI8U-EM12-AP6X-H1141 1644340 85 PC01VR-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833737 426
NI8U-G12-ADZ32X-B3131 4281105 86 PC01VR-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833749 435
NI8U-M12-AN6X 1644120 26 PC025V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833719 435
NI8U-M12-AN6X-H1141 1644150 26 PC025V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833731 425
NI8U-M12-AP6X 1644100 85 PC025V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833743 426
NI8U-M12-AP6X-H1141 1644140 85 PC025V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833755 436
NI8U-M12EE-AP6X-H1141 1644147 85 PC040V-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833720 435
NI8U-M12E-VN4X-H1141 1580552 27 PC040V-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833732 425
NI8U-M12E-VP4X-H1141 1580454 85 PC040V-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833744 426
NI8U-MT12-AN6X-H1141 1644250 26 PC040V-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833756 436
NI8U-MT12-AP6X-H1141 1644240 85 PC100R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833721 435
NI8U-P12SK-AN6X 1644720 26 PC100R-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833733 425
NI8U-P12SK-AP6X 1644700 85 PC100R-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833745 426
NI8U-S12-AN6X 1644520 26 PC100R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833757 436
NI8U-S12-AN6X-H1141 1644620 26 PC250R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833722 435
NI8U-S12-AP6X 1644500 85 PC250R-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833734 425
NI8U-S12-AP6X-H1141 1644600 85 PC250R-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833746 426
P1-Li-Q25L 6901041 589 PC250R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833758 436
P2-Li-Q25L 6901042 589 PC400R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833723 435
P3-Li-Q25L 6901044 589 PC400R-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833735 425
PBCT26U 3045091 623 PC400R-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833747 426
PBCT46U 3035214 623 PC400R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833759 436
PBP16U 3039992 623 PC600R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833724 435
PBPS46UMT 3048005 624 PC600R-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833736 425
PBR1X326U 3039987 623 PC600R-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833748 426
PBT26U 3026080 624 PC600R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833760 436
PBT43TMB5 3070768 623 PCS-G1/4A4 6835015 601
PBT46U 3025967 624 PCV-G1/2A4 6835012 601
PBT46UHF 3051784 623 PCV-G1/4A4 6835011 601
PBT46UHT1 3042799 623 PCV-G1/8A4 6835014 601
PBT66U 3039982 623 PCV-N1/2A4 6835013 601
PC001R-201-2UPN8X-H1141 6833715 435 PIA26U 3025905 625
PC001R-202-2UPN8X-H1141 6833727 425 PIAT46U 3028236 624
PC001R-203-2UPN8X-H1141 6833739 426 PIF46U 3026036 625
PC001R-204-2UPN8X-H1141 6833751 435 PIL46U 3034080 625
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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PIR1X166U 3039152 625 PS001R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832676 404
PIRS1X166UMPMAL 3048066 625 PS001R-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832301 405
PIT26U 3026079 625 PS001R-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832311 406
PIT43TMB5 3070766 625 PS001R-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832693 404
PIT46U 3026034 625 PS001R-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832852 405
PIT46UHF 3051783 624 PS001R-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832775 405
PIT46UHT1 3042804 624 PS001R-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832710 404
PIT66U 3039899 624 PS001R-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832341 405
PK010R-N12AL-2UP8X-V1141 6833010 417 PS001R-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832351 405
PK010R-N14AL-2UP8X-V1141 6833012 417 PS001R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833055 409
PK010R-P13-2UP8X-V1141 6833005 419 PS001R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832381 409
PK010R-P14-2UP8X-V1141 6833007 419 PS001R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832391 410
PK01VR-N12AL-2UP8X-V1141 6833009 417 PS001V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833314 399
PK01VR-N14AL-2UP8X-V1141 6833011 417 PS001V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833302 399
PK01VR-P13-2UP8X-V1141 6833004 419 PS001V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833326 400
PK01VR-P14-2UP8X-V1141 6833006 419 PS001V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833416 400
PK-N-MZ-001 6835025 602 PS001V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833404 401
PK-N-MZ-002 6835026 602 PS001V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833428 401
PK-P-MZ-001 6835027 602 PS001V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833452 400
PK-P-MZ-002 6835028 602 PS001V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833440 401
PN-M12 6905309 576 PS001V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833464 401
PN-M18 6905310 576 PS001V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832626 403
PN-M30 6905308 576 PS001V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832803 404
PS001A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832636 403 PS001V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832726 404
PS001A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832810 404 PS001V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832660 404
PS001A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832733 404 PS001V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832827 405
PS001A-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832670 404 PS001V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832750 405
PS001A-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832834 405 PS001V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832677 405
PS001A-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832757 405 PS001V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832839 405
PS001A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832687 405 PS001V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832762 406
PS001A-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832846 405 PS001V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832694 404
PS001A-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832769 406 PS001V-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832853 405
PS001A-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832704 404 PS001V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832776 405
PS001A-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832862 405 PS001V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832711 404
PS001A-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832786 405 PS001V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832867 405
PS001A-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832721 404 PS001V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832791 405
PS001A-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832874 405 PS001V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833056 409
PS001A-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832798 405 PS001V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833040 409
PS001R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833313 399 PS001V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833027 410
PS001R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833301 399 PS003A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832637 403
PS001R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833325 400 PS003A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832811 404
PS001R-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833415 400 PS003A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832734 404
PS001R-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833403 401 PS003A-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832671 404
PS001R-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833427 401 PS003A-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832835 405
PS001R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833451 400 PS003A-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832758 405
PS001R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833439 401 PS003A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832688 405
PS001R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833463 401 PS003A-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832847 405
PS001R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832625 403 PS003A-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832770 406
PS001R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832221 403 PS003A-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832705 404
PS001R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832231 404 PS003A-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832863 405
PS001R-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832659 404 PS003A-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832787 405
PS001R-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832281 405 PS003A-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832722 404
PS001R-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832291 405 PS003A-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832875 405

772 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PS003A-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832799 405 PS010V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832805 404
PS003V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833315 399 PS010V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832728 404
PS003V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833303 399 PS010V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832662 404
PS003V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833327 400 PS010V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832829 405
PS003V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833417 400 PS010V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832752 405
PS003V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833405 401 PS010V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832679 405
PS003V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833429 401 PS010V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832841 405
PS003V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833453 400 PS010V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832764 406
PS003V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833441 401 PS010V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832696 404
PS003V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833465 401 PS010V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832778 405
PS003V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832627 403 PS010V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832713 404
PS003V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832804 404 PS010V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832869 405
PS003V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832727 404 PS010V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832793 405
PS003V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832661 404 PS010V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833058 409
PS003V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832828 405 PS010V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833042 409
PS003V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832751 405 PS010V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833029 410
PS003V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832678 405 PS010V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833020 410
PS003V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832840 405 PS010V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833047 411
PS003V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832763 406 PS010V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833033 411
PS003V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832695 404 PS016A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832639 403
PS003V-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832854 405 PS016A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832813 404
PS003V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832777 405 PS016A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832736 404
PS003V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832712 404 PS016A-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832673 404
PS003V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832868 405 PS016A-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832837 405
PS003V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832792 405 PS016A-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832760 405
PS003V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833057 409 PS016A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832690 405
PS003V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833041 409 PS016A-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832849 405
PS003V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833028 410 PS016A-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832772 406
PS010A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832638 403 PS016A-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832707 404
PS010A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832812 404 PS016A-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832865 405
PS010A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832735 404 PS016A-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832789 405
PS010A-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832672 404 PS016A-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832724 404
PS010A-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832836 405 PS016A-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832877 405
PS010A-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832759 405 PS016A-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832801 405
PS010A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832689 405 PS016V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833317 399
PS010A-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832848 405 PS016V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833305 399
PS010A-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832771 406 PS016V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833329 400
PS010A-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832706 404 PS016V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833419 400
PS010A-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832864 405 PS016V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833407 401
PS010A-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832788 405 PS016V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833431 401
PS010A-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832723 404 PS016V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833455 400
PS010A-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832876 405 PS016V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833443 401
PS010A-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832800 405 PS016V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833467 401
PS010V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833316 399 PS016V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832629 403
PS010V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833304 399 PS016V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832806 404
PS010V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833328 400 PS016V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832729 404
PS010V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833418 400 PS016V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832663 404
PS010V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833406 401 PS016V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832830 405
PS010V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833430 401 PS016V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832753 405
PS010V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833454 400 PS016V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832680 405
PS010V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833442 401 PS016V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832842 405
PS010V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833466 401 PS016V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832765 406
PS010V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832628 403 PS016V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832697 404
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PS016V-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832855 405 PS025V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833318 399
PS016V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832779 405 PS025V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833306 399
PS016V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832714 404 PS025V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833330 400
PS016V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832870 405 PS025V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833420 400
PS016V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832794 405 PS025V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833408 401
PS016V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833059 409 PS025V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833432 401
PS016V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833043 409 PS025V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833456 400
PS016V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833030 410 PS025V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833444 401
PS016V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833021 410 PS025V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833468 401
PS016V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833048 411 PS025V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832630 403
PS016V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833034 411 PS025V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832807 404
PS01VR-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833312 399 PS025V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832730 404
PS01VR-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833300 399 PS025V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832664 404
PS01VR-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833324 400 PS025V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832831 405
PS01VR-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833414 400 PS025V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832754 405
PS01VR-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833402 401 PS025V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832681 405
PS01VR-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833426 401 PS025V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832843 405
PS01VR-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833450 400 PS025V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832766 406
PS01VR-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833438 401 PS025V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832698 404
PS01VR-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833462 401 PS025V-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832856 405
PS01VR-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832624 403 PS025V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832780 405
PS01VR-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832220 403 PS025V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832715 404
PS01VR-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832230 404 PS025V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832871 405
PS01VR-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832658 404 PS025V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832795 405
PS01VR-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832280 405 PS025V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833060 409
PS01VR-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832290 405 PS025V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833044 409
PS01VR-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832675 404 PS025V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833031 410
PS01VR-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832300 405 PS025V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833022 410
PS01VR-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832310 406 PS025V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833049 411
PS01VR-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832692 404 PS025V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833035 411
PS01VR-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832851 405 PS040V-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833319 399
PS01VR-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832774 405 PS040V-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833307 400
PS01VR-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832709 404 PS040V-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833331 400
PS01VR-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832340 405 PS040V-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833421 400
PS01VR-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832350 405 PS040V-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833409 401
PS01VR-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833054 409 PS040V-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833433 401
PS01VR-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832380 409 PS040V-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833457 400
PS01VR-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832390 410 PS040V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833445 401
PS025A-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832640 403 PS040V-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833469 401
PS025A-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832814 404 PS040V-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832631 403
PS025A-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832737 404 PS040V-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832808 404
PS025A-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832674 404 PS040V-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832731 404
PS025A-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832838 405 PS040V-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832665 404
PS025A-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832761 405 PS040V-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832832 405
PS025A-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832691 405 PS040V-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832755 405
PS025A-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832850 406 PS040V-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832682 405
PS025A-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832773 406 PS040V-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832844 405
PS025A-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832708 404 PS040V-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832767 406
PS025A-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832866 405 PS040V-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832699 404
PS025A-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832790 405 PS040V-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832857 405
PS025A-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832725 404 PS040V-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832781 405
PS025A-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832878 405 PS040V-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832716 404
PS025A-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832802 405 PS040V-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832872 405

774 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PS040V-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832796 405 PS250R-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832308 405
PS040V-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833061 409 PS250R-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832318 406
PS040V-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833045 409 PS250R-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832701 404
PS040V-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833032 410 PS250R-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832859 405
PS040V-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833023 410 PS250R-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832783 405
PS040V-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833050 411 PS250R-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832718 404
PS040V-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833036 411 PS250R-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832348 405
PS100R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833320 399 PS250R-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832358 405
PS100R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833308 400 PS250R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833063 409
PS100R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833332 400 PS250R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832388 410
PS100R-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833422 400 PS250R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832398 410
PS100R-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833410 401 PS250R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833025 410
PS100R-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833434 401 PS250R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833052 411
PS100R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833458 400 PS250R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833038 411
PS100R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833446 401 PS400R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833322 399
PS100R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833500 401 PS400R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833310 400
PS100R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832632 403 PS400R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833334 400
PS100R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832227 404 PS400R-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833424 400
PS100R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832237 404 PS400R-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833412 401
PS100R-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832666 404 PS400R-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833436 401
PS100R-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832287 405 PS400R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833460 400
PS100R-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832297 405 PS400R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833448 401
PS100R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832683 405 PS400R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833502 401
PS100R-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832307 405 PS400R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832634 403
PS100R-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832317 406 PS400R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832229 404
PS100R-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832700 404 PS400R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832239 404
PS100R-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832858 405 PS400R-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832668 404
PS100R-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832782 405 PS400R-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832289 405
PS100R-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832717 404 PS400R-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832299 405
PS100R-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832347 405 PS400R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832685 405
PS100R-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832357 405 PS400R-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832309 405
PS100R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833062 409 PS400R-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832319 406
PS100R-606-Li2UPN8X-H1141 6832387 409 PS400R-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832702 404
PS100R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832397 410 PS400R-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832860 405
PS100R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833024 410 PS400R-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832784 405
PS100R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832446 411 PS400R-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832719 404
PS100R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833037 411 PS400R-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832349 405
PS250R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833321 399 PS400R-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832359 405
PS250R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833309 400 PS400R-606-2UPN8X-H1141 6833064 409
PS250R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833333 400 PS400R-606-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832389 410
PS250R-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833423 400 PS400R-606-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832399 410
PS250R-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833411 401 PS400R-609-2UPN8X-H1141 6833026 410
PS250R-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833435 401 PS400R-609-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833053 411
PS250R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833459 400 PS400R-609-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833039 411
PS250R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833447 401 PS600R-301-2UPN8X-H1141 6833323 399
PS250R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833501 401 PS600R-301-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833311 400
PS250R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832633 403 PS600R-301-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833335 400
PS250R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832228 404 PS600R-303-2UPN8X-H1141 6833425 400
PS250R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832238 404 PS600R-303-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833413 401
PS250R-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832667 404 PS600R-303-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833437 401
PS250R-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832288 405 PS600R-304-2UPN8X-H1141 6833461 400
PS250R-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832298 405 PS600R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6833449 401
PS250R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832684 405 PS600R-304-LUUPN8X-H1141 6833503 401
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PS600R-501-2UPN8X-H1141 6832635 403 PT016R-26-LI3-H1140 6831544 428
PS600R-501-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832809 404 PT016R-29-LI3-H1140 6831555 427
PS600R-501-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832732 404 PT01VR-11-LU2-H1131 6831454 426
PS600R-503-2UPN8X-H1141 6832669 404 PT01VR-13-LU2-H1131 6831512 427
PS600R-503-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832833 405 PT01VR-14-LI3-H1131 6831400 426
PS600R-503-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832756 405 PT01VR-14-LU2-H1131 6831416 427
PS600R-504-2UPN8X-H1141 6832686 405 PT025R-11-LI3-H1131 6831440 425
PS600R-504-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832845 405 PT025R-11-LU2-H1131 6831489 426
PS600R-504-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832768 406 PT025R-13-LI3-H1131 6831504 426
PS600R-505-2UPN8X-H1141 6832703 404 PT025R-14-LI3-H1131 6831408 426
PS600R-505-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832861 405 PT025R-14-LU2-H1131 6831424 427
PS600R-505-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832785 405 PT025R-26-LI3-H1140 6831545 428
PS600R-508-2UPN8X-H1141 6832720 404 PT025R-29-LI3-H1140 6831556 427
PS600R-508-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6832873 405 PT040R-11-LI3-H1131 6831441 425
PS600R-508-LUUPN8X-H1141 6832797 405 PT040R-11-LU2-H1131 6831490 426
PT001R-11-LI3-H1131 6831434 425 PT040R-13-LI3-H1131 6831505 426
PT001R-11-LU2-H1131 6831483 425 PT040R-14-LI3-H1131 6831409 426
PT001R-13-LU2-H1131 6831513 427 PT040R-14-LU2-H1131 6831425 427
PT001R-14-LI3-H1131 6831401 426 PT040R-26-LI3-H1140 6831546 428
PT001R-14-LU2-H1131 6831417 427 PT040R-29-LI3-H1140 6831557 427
PT002R-11-LI3-H1131 6831435 425 PT060R-11-LI3-H1131 6831442 425
PT002R-11-LU2-H1131 6831484 425 PT060R-11-LU2-H1131 6831491 426
PT002R-13-LU2-H1131 6831514 427 PT060R-13-LI3-H1131 6831506 426
PT002R-14-LI3-H1131 6831402 426 PT060R-13-LU2-H1131 6831522 427
PT002R-14-LU2-H1131 6831418 427 PT060R-14-LI3-H1131 6831410 426
PT003R-11-LI3-H1131 6831436 425 PT060R-14-LU2-H1131 6831426 427
PT003R-11-LU2-H1131 6831485 425 PT060R-26-LI3-H1140 6831547 428
PT003R-13-LU2-H1131 6831515 427 PT060R-29-LI3-H1140 6831558 427
PT003R-14-LI3-H1131 6831403 426 PT100R-11-LI3-H1131 6831443 425
PT003R-14-LU2-H1131 6831419 427 PT100R-11-LU2-H1131 6831492 426
PT004R-11-LI3-H1131 6831437 425 PT100R-13-LI3-H1131 6831507 426
PT004R-11-LU2-H1131 6831486 425 PT100R-13-LU2-H1131 6831523 427
PT004R-13-LI3-H1131 6831498 426 PT100R-14-LI3-H1131 6831411 426
PT004R-13-LU2-H1131 6831516 427 PT100R-14-LU2-H1131 6831427 427
PT004R-14-LI3-H1131 6831404 426 PT100R-26-LI3-H1140 6831548 428
PT004R-14-LU2-H1131 6831420 427 PT100R-29-LI3-H1140 6831559 427
PT006R-11-LI3-H1131 6831438 425 PT160R-11-LI3-H1131 6831444 425
PT006R-11-LU2-H1131 6831452 426 PT160R-11-LU2-H1131 6831453 426
PT006R-13-LU2-H1131 6831517 427 PT160R-13-LI3-H1131 6831508 426
PT006R-14-LI3-H1131 6831405 426 PT160R-13-LU2-H1131 6831524 427
PT006R-14-LU2-H1131 6831421 427 PT160R-14-LI3-H1131 6831412 426
PT010R-11-LI3-H1131 6831432 425 PT160R-14-LU2-H1131 6831428 427
PT010R-11-LU2-H1131 6831487 426 PT160R-26-LI3-H1140 6831549 428
PT010R-13-LI3-H1131 6831502 426 PT160R-29-LI3-H1140 6831560 427
PT010R-13-LU2-H1131 6831496 427 PT250R-11-LI3-H1131 6831445 425
PT010R-14-LI3-H1131 6831406 426 PT250R-11-LU2-H1131 6831451 426
PT010R-14-LU2-H1131 6831422 427 PT250R-13-LI3-H1131 6831509 426
PT010R-26-LI3-H1140 6831543 428 PT250R-13-LU2-H1131 6831525 427
PT010R-29-LI3-H1140 6831554 427 PT250R-14-LI3-H1131 6831413 426
PT016R-11-LI3-H1131 6831439 425 PT250R-14-LU2-H1131 6831429 427
PT016R-11-LU2-H1131 6831488 426 PT250R-26-LI3-H1140 6831550 428
PT016R-13-LI3-H1131 6831503 426 PT250R-29-LI3-H1140 6831561 427
PT016R-14-LI3-H1131 6831407 426 PT400R-11-LI3-H1131 6831446 425
PT016R-14-LU2-H1131 6831423 427

776 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

PT400R-11-LU2-H1131 6831493 426 Q12RB6RQ 3072138 19
PT400R-13-LI3-H1131 6831510 426 Q20E 3077781 69
PT400R-13-LU2-H1131 6831526 427 Q20EL 3078159 69
PT400R-14-LI3-H1131 6831414 426 Q20ELQ5 3078206 245
PT400R-14-LU2-H1131 6831430 427 Q20EQ5 3078205 245
PT400R-26-LI3-H1140 6831552 428 Q20ND 3077759 69
PT400R-29-LI3-H1140 6831562 427 Q20NDL 3077755 69
PT600R-11-LI3-H1131 6831447 425 Q20NDLQ5 3078188 69
PT600R-11-LU2-H1131 6831494 426 Q20NDQ5 3078192 69
PT600R-13-LI3-H1131 6831511 426 Q20NDXL 3078153 69
PT600R-13-LU2-H1131 6831527 427 Q20NDXLQ5 3078190 69
PT600R-14-LI3-H1131 6831415 426 Q20NLP 3077763 69
PT600R-14-LU2-H1131 6831431 427 Q20NLPQ5 3078194 69
PTS-Cover 6907410 601, 612 Q20NLV 3077767 69
PVA100P6 3052901 289 Q20NLVQ5 3078196 69
PVA100P6Q 3052903 289 Q20NR 3077779 69
PVA225P6 3052905 289 Q20NRL 3078274 69
PVA225P6Q 3052907 289 Q20PD 3077757 69
PVA300P6 3052909 289 Q20PDL 3077753 69
PVA300P6Q 3052911 289 Q20PDLQ5 3078187 245
PVA375P6 3052913 289 Q20PDQ5 3078191 245
PVA375P6Q 3052915 289 Q20PDXL 3078151 69
PVD100 3070988 289 Q20PDXLQ5 3078189 245
PVD100Q 3070989 289 Q20PFF100 3077773 69
PVD225 3070990 289 Q20PFF100Q5 3078199 245
PVD225Q 3070991 289 Q20PFF150 3078155 69
PVL225P 3026207 289 Q20PFF150Q5 3078201 245
PVL225PQ 3026206 289 Q20PFF50 3077769 69
Q126E 3072140 230 Q20PFF50Q5 3078197 245
Q126EQ 3072141 19 Q20PLP 3077761 69
Q12AB6FF15 3072104 230 Q20PLPQ5 3078193 245
Q12AB6FF15Q 3072105 19 Q20PLV 3077765 69
Q12AB6FF30 3072110 230 Q20PLVQ5 3078195 245
Q12AB6FF30Q 3072111 19 Q20PR 3077777 69
Q12AB6FF50 3072116 230 Q20PRL 3078272 69
Q12AB6FF50Q 3072117 19 Q20PRLQ5 3078280 245
Q12AB6LP 3072128 230 Q20PRQ5 3078203 245
Q12AB6LPQ 3072129 19 Q256E 3031926 243
Q12AB6LV 3072122 230 Q256EQ 3031935 243
Q12AB6LVQ 3072123 19 Q25SN6FF100 3031931 243
Q12AB6R 3072134 230 Q25SN6FF100Q 3031940 243
Q12AB6RQ 3072135 19 Q25SN6FF25 3058400 243
Q12RB6FF15 3072107 230 Q25SN6FF25Q 3058408 243
Q12RB6FF15Q 3072108 19 Q25SN6FF50 3031929 243
Q12RB6FF30 3072113 230 Q25SN6FF50Q 3031938 243
Q12RB6FF30Q 3072114 19 Q25SN6LP 3031924 243
Q12RB6FF50 3072119 230 Q25SN6LPQ 3031933 243
Q12RB6FF50Q 3072120 19 Q25SN6R 3031927 243
Q12RB6LP 3072131 230 Q25SN6RQ 3031936 243
Q12RB6LPQ 3072132 19 Q25SP6FF100 3031932 243
Q12RB6LV 3072125 230 Q25SP6FF100Q 3031941 243
Q12RB6LVQ 3072126 19 Q25SP6FF25 3058401 243
Q12RB6R 3072137 230 Q25SP6FF25Q 3058409 243
of types

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Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

Q25SP6FF50 3031930 243 Q45BB6DXQ5 3047138 259
Q25SP6FF50Q 3031939 243 Q45BB6LL 3037248 254
Q25SP6LP 3031925 243 Q45BB6LLP 3039551 254
Q25SP6LPQ 3031934 243 Q45BB6LLPQ6 3041033 259
Q25SP6R 3031928 243 Q45BB6LLQ6 3041032 259
Q25SP6RQ 3031937 243 Q45BB6LP 3036556 254
Q26NXLPQ5 3017132 247 Q45BB6LPQ5 3038666 259
Q26NXLPQ7 3017130 247 Q45BB6LV 3036557 254
Q26PXLPQ5 3017131 247 Q45BB6LVQ5 3038665 259
Q26PXLPQ7 3017129 247 Q45BB6R 3036562 254
Q406E 3032375 254 Q45BB6RQ5 3038660 259
Q406EQ 3033398 254 Q60BB6AF2000 3063000 261
Q40SP6FF200 3032364 254 Q60BB6AF2000Q 3063001 261
Q40SP6FF200Q 3033392 254 Q60BB6AFV1000 3070092 261
Q40SP6FF400 3032367 254 Q60BB6AFV1000Q 3070093 261
Q40SP6FF400Q 3033393 254 Q60BB6LAF1400 3071633 261
Q40SP6FF600 3032370 254 Q60BB6LAF1400Q 3071742 261
Q40SP6FF600Q 3034343 254 Q60BB6LAF2000 3071634 261
Q40SP6LP 3032361 254 Q60BB6LAF2000Q 3071743 261
Q40SP6LPQ 3033395 254 QC50A3P6XDWQ 3070826 263
Q40SP6R 3032373 254 QM-08 6945100 572
Q40SP6RQ 3033400 254 QM-12 6945101 572
Q456E 3036563 254 QM-18 6945102 572
Q456EQ5 3038659 259 QM-30 6945103 573
Q459E 3037625 254 QM426E 3044331 257
Q459EQ 3037635 271 QM426EQ 3044334 257
Q45AD9CV 3037623 254 QM42VP6AF150 3045688 257
Q45AD9CV4 3037624 254 QM42VP6AF150Q 3045690 257
Q45AD9CV4Q 3037634 271 QM42VP6D 3044333 257
Q45AD9CVQ 3037633 271 QM42VP6DQ 3044336 257
Q45AD9D 3037617 254 QM42VP6LP 3044901 257
Q45AD9DL 3037618 254 QM42VP6LPQ 3044903 257
Q45AD9DLQ 3037628 271 QM42VP6R 3044332 257
Q45AD9DQ 3037627 271 QM42VP6RQ 3044335 257
Q45AD9F 3037621 254 QMT-12 6945106 572
Q45AD9FP 3037622 254 QMT-18 6945104 573
Q45AD9FPQ 3037632 271 QMT-30 6945105 573
Q45AD9FQ 3037631 271 QMT42VP6AFV400 3046856 257
Q45AD9LP 3037619 254 QMT42VP6AFV400Q 3046858 257
Q45AD9LPQ 3037629 271 QMT42VP6DXQ 3056897 257
Q45AD9LV 3037620 254 QMT42VP6FF1000 3049233 257
Q45AD9LVQ 3037630 271 QMT42VP6FF1000Q 3049234 257
Q45AD9R 3037626 254 QMT42VP6FF1500 3057545 257
Q45AD9RQ 3037636 271 QMT42VP6FF1500Q 3057546 257
Q45BB6CV 3036836 254 QMT42VP6FF2000 3049237 257
Q45BB6CV4 3036837 254 QMT42VP6FF2000Q 3049238 257
Q45BB6CV4Q5 3038662 259 QMT42VP6FF500 3049229 257
Q45BB6CVQ5 3038661 259 QMT42VP6FF500Q 3049230 257
Q45BB6D 3036558 254 QMT42VP6FF750Q 3057371 257
Q45BB6DL 3036559 254 QS186E 3061618 235
Q45BB6DLQ5 3038664 259 QS186EB 3061675 235
Q45BB6DQ5 3038663 259 QS186EBQ8 3066448 235
Q45BB6DX 3042476 254 QS186EQ8 3066447 235

778 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

QS186LE 3070252 235 QS18VN6LAF 3073184 235
QS186LE2 3075951 235 QS18VN6LAF250 3075734 235
QS186LE2Q8 3074733 235 QS18VN6LAF250Q5 3075737 235
QS186LEQ8 3070253 235 QS18VN6LAFQ5 3073187 235
QS18EN6CV15 3068850 236 QS18VN6LD 3073034 235
QS18EN6CV15Q8 3071992 236 QS18VN6LDQ8 3073039 235
QS18EN6CV45 3068743 236 QS18VN6LLP 3073235 235
QS18EN6CV45Q8 3071988 236 QS18VN6LLPQ8 3073240 235
QS18EN6D 3069205 236 QS18VN6LP 3061627 235
QS18EN6DB 3068745 237 QS18VN6LPQ8 3066451 235
QS18EN6DBQ8 3071990 237 QS18VN6LV 3061633 235
QS18EN6DQ8 3071994 236 QS18VN6LVQ8 3066453 235
QS18EN6LP 3068741 236 QS18VN6R 3061621 235
QS18EN6LPQ8 3070810 236 QS18VN6RB 3061669 235
QS18EN6W 3069213 237 QS18VN6RBQ8 3066461 235
QS18EN6WQ8 3071996 237 QS18VN6RQ8 3066449 235
QS18EP6CV15 3068851 236 QS18VN6W 3061657 235
QS18EP6CV15Q8 3071993 236 QS18VN6WQ8 3066463 235
QS18EP6CV45 3068744 236 QS18VP6AF100 3065502 235
QS18EP6CV45Q8 3071989 236 QS18VP6AF100Q5 3068326 236
QS18EP6D 3069209 236 QS18VP6AF300 3011394 235
QS18EP6DB 3068746 237 QS18VP6AF300Q5 3010659 236
QS18EP6DBQ8 3071991 237 QS18VP6AF40 3012139 235
QS18EP6DQ8 3071995 236 QS18VP6AF40Q5 3012142 236
QS18EP6DVBQ8 3079049 236 QS18VP6AFF200 3011470 235
QS18EP6LP 3068742 236 QS18VP6AFF200Q5 3011474 235
QS18EP6LPQ8 3071987 236 QS18VP6AFF40 3012183 235
QS18EP6W 3069217 237 QS18VP6AFF40Q5 3012186 236
QS18EP6WQ8 3071997 237 QS18VP6CV15 3061642 235
QS18UPA 3073155 235 QS18VP6CV15Q8 3066456 235
QS18UPAE 3073165 235 QS18VP6CV45 3061648 235
QS18UPAEQ8 3073166 305 QS18VP6CV45Q8 3066458 235
QS18UPAQ8 3073156 305 QS18VP6D 3061654 235
QS18VN6AF100 3065500 235 QS18VP6DB 3061666 235
QS18VN6AF100Q5 3067643 235 QS18VP6DBQ8 3066466 236
QS18VN6AF300Q5 3010658 235 QS18VP6DQ8 3066460 235
QS18VN6AF40 3012135 235 QS18VP6F 3002796 281
QS18VN6CV15 3061639 235 QS18VP6FF100 3071641 235
QS18VN6CV15Q8 3066455 235 QS18VP6FF100Q8 3071882 235
QS18VN6CV45 3061645 235 QS18VP6FF50 3071640 235
QS18VN6CV45Q8 3066457 235 QS18VP6FF50Q8 3071755 235
QS18VN6D 3061651 235 QS18VP6FP 3066224 281
QS18VN6DB 3061663 235 QS18VP6FPQ8 3066468 281
QS18VN6DBQ8 3066465 235 QS18VP6FQ8 3071778 281
QS18VN6DQ8 3066459 235 QS18VP6LAF 3073188 235
QS18VN6F 3002793 281 QS18VP6LAF250 3075739 235
QS18VN6FF100 3071639 235 QS18VP6LAF250Q5 3075742 235
QS18VN6FF100Q8 3071878 235 QS18VP6LAFQ5 3073191 236
QS18VN6FF50 3071637 235 QS18VP6LD 3073040 235
QS18VN6FF50Q8 3071638 235 QS18VP6LDQ8 3073045 235
QS18VN6FP 3066222 281 QS18VP6LLP 3073241 235
QS18VN6FPQ8 3066467 281 QS18VP6LLPQ8 3073246 235
QS18VN6FQ8 3071782 281 QS18VP6LP 3061630 235
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

QS18VP6LPQ8 3066452 235 QT50ULB 3002726 323
QS18VP6LV 3061636 235 QT50ULBQ6 3002728 323
QS18VP6LVQ8 3066454 235 R55F 3066379 285
QS18VP6R 3061624 235 R55FP 3058018 285
QS18VP6RB 3061672 235 R55FPB 3058024 285
QS18VP6RBQ8 3066462 236 R55FPBQ 3058026 285
QS18VP6RQ8 3066450 235 R55FPG 3058021 285
QS18VP6W 3061660 235 R55FPGQ 3058023 285
QS18VP6WQ8 3066464 236 R55FPQ 3058020 285
QS30AF600 3011977 249 R55FPW 3058027 285
QS30AF600Q 3011980 249 R55FPWQ 3058029 285
QS30AFF400 3011984 249 R55FQ 3064634 285
QS30AFF400Q 3011987 249 R55FV 3058006 285
QS30ARH2O 3079167 250 R55FVB 3058012 285
QS30ARH2OQ5 3079169 250 R55FVBQ 3058014 285
QS30ARXH2OQ5 3079175 250 R55FVG 3058009 285
QS30ARXSH2O 3083301 250 R55FVGQ 3058011 285
QS30D 3072604 249 R55FVQ 3058008 285
QS30DQ 3073095 249 R55FVW 3058015 285
QS30E 3073081 249 R55FVWQ 3058017 285
QS30EDV 3076090 249 R58ACG1 3010217 265
QS30EDVQ 3076092 249 R58ACG1Q8 3010220 265
QS30ELVC 3010133 249 R58ACR1 3010225 265
QS30ELVCQ 3081102 249 R58ACR1Q8 3010228 265
QS30EQ 3073082 249 R58ECRGB1 3074999 265
QS30EXH2O 3079164 250 R58ECRGB1Q8 3081509 265
QS30EXH2OQ5 3079166 250 RB-R10 6900420 593
QS30FF200 3072546 249 RD35 3082646 635
QS30FF200Q 3073086 249 RFA-1 1544630 597
QS30FF400 3073088 249 RFA-11 1544640 597
QS30FF400Q 3073089 249 RFA-12 1544641 597
QS30FF600 3073091 249 RFA-13 1544642 597
QS30FF600Q 3073092 249 RFA-2 1544631 597
QS30LD 3070230 249 RFA-4 1544633 597
QS30LDL 3002785 249 RFA-6 1544635 597
QS30LDLQ 3002786 249 RFA-7 1544636 597
QS30LDQ 3070231 249 RFA-8 1544637 597
QS30LLP 3002993 249 RFA-9 1544638 597
QS30LLPC 3071377 249 Ri-08S6S-2F1000-C 1M 1544061 531
QS30LLPCQ 3071378 249 Ri-08S6S-2F1024-C 1M 1544062 531
QS30LLPQ 3002994 249 Ri-08S6S-2F360-C 1M 1544059 531
QS30LP 3072544 249 Ri-08S6S-2F500-C 1M 1544060 531
QS30LPQ 3073084 249 Ri-08S6S-2F512-C 1M 1545200 531
QS30LV 3072605 249 Ri-09H8E-2F360-C 1M 1544103 531
QS30LVQ 3073094 249 Ri-10S10C-2B2048-H1181 1545205 532
QS30R 3073078 249 Ri-10S10C-2B2500-H1181 1544956 532
QS30RQ 3073079 249 Ri-10S10C-2B360-H1181 1544754 532
QS30RRH2O 3079170 250 Ri-10S10C-2B4096-H1181 1545207 532
QS30RRH2OQ5 3079172 250 Ri-10S10C-2B5000-H1181 1544758 532
QS30RRXH2OQ5 3079178 250 Ri-10S10S-2B2048-H1181 1545214 532
QS30RRXSH2O 3083304 250 Ri-10S10S-2B2500-H1181 1545215 532
QT50UDB 3002722 323 Ri-10S10S-2B360-H1181 1545213 532
QT50UDBQ6 3002724 323 Ri-10S10S-2B4096-H1181 1545216 532

780 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

Ri-10S10S-2B5000-H1181 1545217 532 RS-06S6S-7A12B-C 1M 1544037 534
Ri-10S6C-2B2048-H1181 1545201 532 RS-06S6S-8B12B-C 1M 1544039 534
Ri-10S6C-2B2500-H1181 1545202 532 RS-07H6E-7A12B-C 1M 1544045 534
Ri-10S6C-2B360-H1181 1544940 532 RS-07H6E-8B12B-C 1M 1544055 534
Ri-10S6C-2B4096-H1181 1545203 532 RS-24S10C-3C13B-H1181 1545235 533
Ri-10S6C-2B5000-H1181 1545204 532 RS-24S10S-3C13B-H1181 1545237 533
Ri-10S6S-2B2048-H1181 1545209 532 RS-24S6C-3C13B-H1181 1545234 533
Ri-10S6S-2B2500-H1181 1545210 532 RS-24S6S-3C13B-H1181 1545236 533
Ri-10S6S-2B360-H1181 1545208 532 RS-25S10C-9A16B-R3M12 1544367 533
Ri-10S6S-2B4096-H1181 1545211 532 RS-25S10S-9A16B-R3M12 1544365 533
Ri-10S6S-2B5000-H1181 1545212 532 RS-25S6C-9A16B-R3M12 1544363 533
Ri-12H10T-2B2048-H1181 1544727 532 RS-25S6S-9A16B-R3M12 1544364 533
Ri-12H10T-2B2500-H1181 1545218 532 RS-31H12E-3C13B-H1181 1544424 533
Ri-12H10T-2B360-H1181 1544720 532 RS-33B12E-9A16B-R3M12 1544434 533
Ri-12H10T-2B4096-H1181 1544729 532 RS-54S6S-5B9B-C 1M 1545231 534
Ri-12H10T-2B5000-H1181 1545219 532 RS-55H6E-5B9B-C 1M 1545233 534
Ri-12H15T-2B2048-H1181 1545221 532 RU100-CP40-AP6X2 16100 321
Ri-12H15T-2B2500-H1181 1545222 532 RU100-CP40-LIUX 15349 321
Ri-12H15T-2B360-H1181 1545220 532 RU100-M18-AP8X-H1141 1810200 311
Ri-12H15T-2B4096-H1181 1545223 532 RU100-M18-LIX-H1141 1810205 311
Ri-12H15T-2B5000-H1181 1545224 532 RU100-Q30-AP8X-H1141 1820200 319
RKC4.4T-2/TXL 6625503 563 RU100-Q30-LUX-H1141 1820205 319
RKC4.5T-2/TXL 6625506 563 RU20-M18K-LFX-H1141 1830030 309
RKC4T-2/TXL 6625500 563 RU20-M18KS-LFX-H1141 1830032 309
RM-28S10C-3C25B-H1181 1545239 534 RU30-M18-AP8X-H1141 1810000 311
RM-28S10S-3C25B-H1181 1545241 534 RU30-M18-LIX-H1141 1810005 311
RM-28S6C-3C25B-H1181 1545238 534 RU30-Q30-AP8X-H1141 1820000 319
RM-28S6S-3C25B-H1181 1545240 534 RU30-Q30-LUX-H1141 1820005 319
RM-29S10C-9A28B-R3M12 1544416 533 RU70-M18K-LFX-H1141 1830031 309
RM-29S10S-9A28B-R3M12 1544418 533 RU70-M18KS-LFX-H1141 1830033 309
RM-29S6C-9A28B-R3M12 1544413 533 RUC130-M30-2AP8X-H1151 1840220 315
RM-29S6S-9A28B-R3M12 1544417 533 RUC130-M30-AP8X-H1141 1840200 315
RM-35H12E-3C25B-H1181 1545242 534 RUC130-M30-LIAP8X-H1151 1840230 315
RM-36B12E-9A28B-R3M12 1544445 533 RUC300-M3047-2AP8X-H1151 1840420 315
RM-46S8S-3C24B-CT 1M 1544521 534 RUC300-M3047-AP8X-H1141 1840400 315
RM-50H10E-3C24B-CT 1M 1544525 534 RUC300-M3047-LIAP8X-H1151 1840430 315
RME-10 1544621 599 RUC30-M30-2AP8X-H1151 1840020 315
RME-11 1544622 599 RUC30-M30-AP8X-H1141 1840000 315
RME-15 1544626 599 RUC30-M30-LIAP8X-H1151 1840031 315
RME-16 1544627 599 RUC600-M3065-2AP8X-H1151 1840620 315
RME-17 1544628 599 RUC600-M3065-AP8X-H1141 1840600 315
RME-18 1544629 599 RUC600-M3065-LIAP8X-H1151 1840630 315
RME-5 1544616 598 RUN20-M18K-AP8X-H1141 1830034 309
RME-6 1544617 599 RUN20-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 1830038 309
RMW-1 1544643 598 RUN70-M18K-AP8X-H1141 1830035 309
RMW-2 1544644 598 RUN70-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 1830039 309
RMW-3 1544645 598 RU-PDI 1890000 639
RMW-4 1544646 598 RUR20-M18K-AP8X-H1141 1830036 309
RMW-5 1544647 598 RUR20-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 1830040 309
RMW-6 1544648 598 RUR70-M18K-AP8X-H1141 1830037 309
RMW-7 1544649 598 RUR70-M18KS-AP8X-H1141 1830041 309
RMW-8 1544650 598 S186E 3029409 179
RMW-9 1544651 598 S186EQ 3029507 241
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

S18SN6D 3029407 179 S30SP6LPQ 3033373 253
S18SN6DL 3031173 179 S30SP6R 3032339 180
S18SN6DLQ 3031174 179 S30SP6RQ 3033378 253
S18SN6DQ 3029505 179 SG40/2 (ULTEM) 69497 574
S18SN6FF100 3029086 179 SKN/M12 69662 575
S18SN6FF100Q 3030866 179 SKN/M18 69663 575
S18SN6FF25 3056607 179 SKN/M30 69664 575
S18SN6FF25Q 3037298 179 SC-M12/3GD 6900390 576
S18SN6FF50 3028940 179 SC-M8/3GD 6900515 576
S18SN6FF50Q 3030867 179 SG-DSU35TC 6900437 580
S18SN6L 3028556 179 SG-Q20L60 6901100 574
S18SN6LP 3032725 179 SI15-K30-AN6X 1605003 110
S18SN6LPQ 3033449 179 SI15-K30-AP6X 1605001 110
S18SN6LQ 3029511 179 SI15-K30-AZ3 13069 110
S18SN6R 3029408 179 SI15-K30-RZ3 13169 110
S18SN6RQ 3029506 179 SI15-K30-Y1X 1007601 110
S18SP6D 3029410 179 SI2-K08-AN7 1719601 109
S18SP6DL 3031175 179 SI2-K08-AP7 1719501 109
S18SP6DLQ 3031176 241 SI2-K08-Y1 1007700 109
S18SP6DQ 3029508 179 SI3,5-K10-AP6X 1650001 110
S18SP6FF100 3030326 179 SI3,5-K10-Y1 10090 110
S18SP6FF100Q 3030884 241 SI3,5-K10-Y1X 40490 110
S18SP6FF25 3058415 179 SI5-K09-Y1 10075 109
S18SP6FF25Q 3050561 241 SLM10B6 3074965 273
S18SP6FF50 3030325 179 SLM10P6Q 3074966 273
S18SP6FF50Q 3030883 241 SLM120B6 3074985 273
S18SP6L 3029411 179 SLM120P6Q 3074986 273
S18SP6LP 3032726 179 SLM180B6 3079218 273
S18SP6LPQ 3033450 241 SLM180P6Q 3079215 273
S18SP6LQ 3029509 241 SLM20B6 3079217 273
S18SP6R 3029412 179 SLM20P6Q 3079213 273
S18SP6RQ 3029510 241 SLM220B6 3074989 273
S18UBA 3002711 179 SLM220P6Q 3074990 273
S18UBAQ 3002712 307 SLM30B6 3074969 273
S18UBAR 3002714 179 SLM30P6Q 3074974 273
S18UBARQ 3002715 307 SLM50B6 3074977 273
S18UIA 3002702 179 SLM50P6Q 3074978 273
S18UIAQ 3002703 307 SLM80B6 3074981 273
S18UIAR 3002708 179 SLM80P6Q 3074982 273
S18UIARQ 3002709 307 SMB1815SF 3053279 566
S18UUA 3002699 179 SMB18A 3470200 565
S18UUAQ 3002700 307 SMB18C 3032635 566
S18UUAR 3002705 179 SMB18FA 3074004 565
S18UUARQ 3002706 307 SMB18Q 3032721 566
S306E 3032341 180 SMB18SF 3052519 566
S306EQ 3033376 253 SMB3018SC 3053952 567
S30SP6FF200 3032330 180 SMB30A 3032723 567
S30SP6FF200Q 3033370 253 SMB30C 3470100 565
S30SP6FF400 3032333 180 SMB30Q 3032722 567
S30SP6FF400Q 3033371 253 SMB30SC 3052521 567
S30SP6FF600 3032336 180 SMB30SK 3052523 565
S30SP6FF600Q 3034346 253 SMB312B 3025519 566
S30SP6LP 3032327 180 SMB312S 3025518 566

782 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

SMB46A 3052518 568 T18SN6FF50Q 3033412 242
SMB46L 3048747 568 T18SN6L 3034655 242
SMB46S 3048748 568 T18SN6LP 3032467 242
SMB46U 3048746 568 T18SN6LPQ 3033416 242
SMBAMS18P 3073134 566 T18SN6LQ 3034739 242
SMBAMS18RA 3073136 566 T18SN6R 3032469 242
SMBAMS30P 3073135 569 T18SN6RQ 3033421 242
SMBAMS30RA 3073137 567 T18SP6D 3034629 242
SMBAMSLT3IP 3073442 574 T18SP6DQ 3034631 242
SMBAMSLT3P 3073132 569 T18SP6FF100 3032471 242
SMBAMSQ60IP 3073441 574 T18SP6FF100Q 3033415 242
SMBAMSQ60P 3073133 569 T18SP6FF25 3056559 242
SMBDX80DIN 3077161 569 T18SP6FF25Q 3041618 242
SMBIVUB 3082548 636 T18SP6FF50 3032470 242
SMBIVURAL 3082546 635 T18SP6FF50Q 3033414 242
SMBIVURAR 3082547 635 T18SP6L 3034683 242
SMBIVUU 3082549 636 T18SP6LP 3032472 242
SMBLT31 3068505 568 T18SP6LPQ 3033417 242
SMBLT32 3069236 574 T18SP6LQ 3034740 242
SMBLT7 3073711 568 T18SP6R 3032473 242
SMBLX 3002915 569 T18SP6RQ 3033422 242
SMBLXR 3002914 568 T306E 3032483 253
SMBPVA1 3056884 569 T306EQ 3033442 253
SMBQ12A 3074341 566 T30SP6FF200 3032485 253
SMBQ12T 3073722 565 T30SP6FF200Q 3033436 253
SMBQ50 3066226 568 T30SP6FF400 3032486 253
SMBQ60 3067592 568 T30SP6FF400Q 3033437 253
SMBQS12PD 3059606 565 T30SP6FF600 3032487 253
SMBQS18A 3069721 567 T30SP6FF600Q 3034349 253
SMBQS18AF 3067467 567 T30SP6LP 3032488 253
SMBQS18Y 3068865 574 T30SP6LPQ 3033439 253
SMBQS30L 3002809 567 T30SP6R 3032489 253
SMBQS30LT 3002810 567 T30SP6RQ 3033444 253
SMBQS30Y 3002811 574 T30UXDA 3079993 317
SMBQS30YL 3072741 574 T30UXDAQ8 3079995 317
SOK-K50L-150SS 3078908 569 T30UXDB 3079998 317
SOK-K50L-300SS 3078909 569 T30UXDBQ8 3080058 317
SPF1-AP6X 6900375 576 T30UXDC 3080458 317
SPM-AL-R10 6900412 593 T30UXDCQ8 3080460 317
SPN1-AP6-ARN6X 6930231 576 T30UXIA 3080479 317
SPS-R10 6900413 593 T30UXIAQ8 3080481 317
SPT1-AP6X 6915091 577 T30UXIB 3080484 317
STM-AL-R10 6900409 593 T30UXIBQ8 3080486 317
STS-R10 6900411 592 T30UXIC 3080489 317
T186E 3032468 242 T30UXICQ8 3080491 317
T186EQ 3033420 242 T30UXUA 3080463 317
T18SN6D 3033814 242 T30UXUAQ8 3080465 317
T18SN6DQ 3034630 242 T30UXUB 3080468 317
T18SN6FF100 3032466 242 T30UXUBQ8 3080471 317
T18SN6FF100Q 3033413 242 T30UXUC 3080474 317
T18SN6FF25 3058110 242 T30UXUCQ8 3080476 317
T18SN6FF25Q 3058392 242 T86EV 3066671 229
T18SN6FF50 3032465 242 T86EVQ 3066672 229
of types

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Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

T8AP6D100 3068688 229 THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-L250 9910454 608
T8AP6D100Q 3068689 229 THW-3-UNI25-A4-L035 9910502 610
T8AP6D50 3066659 229 THW-3-UNI25-A4-L100 9910503 610
T8AP6D50Q 3066660 229 THW-6-DN25K-A4-L050 9910471 610
T8AP6R 3066667 229 THW-6-DN25K-A4-L100 9910436 608
T8AP6RQ 3066668 229 THW-6-DN25K-A4-L150 9910472 610
T8RP6D100 3068690 229 THW-6-DN25K-A4-L250 9910473 610
T8RP6D100Q 3068691 229 THW-6-G1/2-A4-L050 9910459 608
T8RP6D50 3066661 229 THW-6-G1/2-A4-L100 9910460 609
T8RP6D50Q 3066662 229 THW-6-G1/2-A4-L150 9910461 609
T8RP6R 3066669 229 THW-6-G1/2-A4-L250 9910462 609
T8RP6RQ 3066670 229 THW-6-N1/2-A4-L050 9910463 609
TB3-CP80 6967112 577 THW-6-N1/2-A4-L100 9910464 609
TB4 6967113 577, 589 THW-6-N1/2-A4-L150 9910465 609
TC-100-AP6-H1140 9910442 457 THW-6-N1/2-A4-L250 9910466 609
TC-100-AP6-H1140/S713 9910559 457 THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-L050 9910467 609
TC-103A-G1/8-AP6-H1140-L013 9910439 458 THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-L100 9910468 609
TC-103A-G1/8-AP6-H1140-L024 9910440 458 THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-L150 9910469 609
TGR3/8MPFMQ 3023268 626 THW-6-TRI3/4-A4-L250 9910470 610
TGRM8MM 3775000 633 TL50BLBGYRQ 3019280 549
THW-3-DN25K-A4-L050 9910455 605 TL50BLGRQ 3019277 549
THW-3-DN25K-A4-L100 9910456 605 TL50BLGYRQ 3019278 549
THW-3-DN25K-A4-L150 9910457 605 TL50BLRQ 3019275 549
THW-3-DN25K-A4-L250 9910458 605 TL50HBGYR 3014600 549
THW-3-DN25K-L035 9910435 605 TL50HBGYRQ 3014589 549
THW-3-G1/2-A4-L050 9910443 605 TL50HGYR 3014595 549
THW-3-G1/2-A4-L100 9910444 605 TL50HGYRQ 3014586 549
THW-3-G1/2-A4-L150 9910445 605 TL50HWBGYRQ 3016608 549
THW-3-G1/2-A4-L250 9910446 605 TL50WBGYR 3083225 549
THW-3-G1/4-A4-L050 9910415 605 TP-103A-G1/8-H1141-L013 9910400 473
THW-3-G1/4-A4-L100 9910419 606 TP-103A-G1/8-H1141-L024 9910401 473
THW-3-G1/4-A4-L150 9910423 606 TP-203A-CF-H1141-L100 9910402 473
THW-3-G1/4-A4-L200 9910427 606 TP-203A-CF-H1141-L150 9910403 473
THW-3-G1/8-A4-L050 9910413 606 TP-203A-CF-H1141-L200 9910482 473
THW-3-G1/8-A4-L100 9910417 606 TP-203A-CF-H1141-L250 9910404 473
THW-3-G1/8-A4-L150 9910421 606 TP-203A-CF-H1141-L300 9910474 473
THW-3-G1/8-A4-L200 9910425 606 TP-206A-CF-H1141-L100 9910475 474
THW-3-N1/2-A4-L050 9910447 606 TP-206A-CF-H1141-L150 9910476 474
THW-3-N1/2-A4-L100 9910448 606 TP-206A-CF-H1141-L200 9910477 474
THW-3-N1/2-A4-L150 9910449 606 TP-206A-CF-H1141-L300 9910478 474
THW-3-N1/2-A4-L250 9910450 607 TP-306A-CF-H1141-L1000 9910479 474
THW-3-N1/4-A4-L050 9910416 607 TP-306A-CF-H1141-L5000 9910481 474
THW-3-N1/4-A4-L100 9910420 607 TS-400-2UPN8X-H1141 6840017 449
THW-3-N1/4-A4-L150 9910424 607 TS-400-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6840007 449
THW-3-N1/4-A4-L200 9910428 607 TS-400-LUUPN8X-H1141 6840008 449
THW-3-N1/8-A4-L050 9910414 607 TS-500-2UPN8X-H1141 6840018 451
THW-3-N1/8-A4-L100 9910418 607 TS-500-LI2UPN8X-H1141 6840015 451
THW-3-N1/8-A4-L150 9910422 607 TS-500-LUUPN8X-H1141 6840016 451
THW-3-N1/8-A4-L200 9910426 607 TT-100-LI6-H1140 9910441 457
THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-L035 9910433 607 TT-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 9910437 458
THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-L050 9910451 608 TT-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 9910438 458
THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-L100 9910452 608 TT-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L0100 9910489 459
THW-3-TRI3/4-A4-L150 9910453 608 TT-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L0150 9910490 459

784 Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49 (208) 49 52-0 Fax +49 (208) 49 52-264
Index of types

Type Ident-Nr. Page Type Ident-Nr. Page

TTM050C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 9910550 465 VS3AP5XLPQ 3062624 228
-50...50C VS3RP5XLP 3062625 228
TTM050C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 9910552 465 VS3RP5XLPQ 3062626 228
VS4AP5R 3069425 229
TTM050C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 -50...50C 9910539 465
VS4AP5RQ 3069430 229
TTM050C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 -50...50C 9910540 465
VS4EV 3069422 229
TTM050C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 -50...50C 9910547 465
VS4EVQ 3069427 229
TTM050C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 -50...50C 9910548 465
VS4RP5R 3069426 229
TTM100C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L013 9910549 465
VS4RP5RQ 3069431 229
TTM100C-103A-G1/8-LI6-H1140-L024 9910551 465
VSM46E 3013286 360
TTM100C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910533 465
VSM4AP6CV10 3013340 360
TTM100C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910534 465
VSM4AP6CV20 3013357 360
TTM100C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910541 466
VSM4AP6CV50 3013279 360
TTM100C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910542 466
VSM4RP6R 3013296 360
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910535 465
VSM56E 3013317 360
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910537 465
VSM5AP6CV10 3013374 360
VSM5AP6CV20 3013378 360
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910536 465
VSM5AP6CV50 3013305 360
TTM150C-203A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910538 465
-50...150C VSM5RP6R 3013330 360
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910543 466 VSMQAP6CV20 3013383 360
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L100 9910545 465 VSMQAP6CV50 3013385 360
-50...150C VSMQAP6CV90 3013397 360
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910544 466 WI40-M18-LIU5 1536603 125
TTM150C-206A-CF-LI6-H1140-L150 9910546 465 WI70-M18-LIU5 1536600 125
WIM100-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 1536630 507
TX1-Q20L60 6967114 589, 595
WIM125-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 1536631 507
UNT-Justage 4685750 584, 585
WIM160-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 1536632 507
UNT-Stopper 4685751 584, 585
WIM200-Q25L-LIU5X2-H1141 1536633 507
UWG18-5.0 3077342 639
WIM45-UNTL-0,3-BIM-UNT-LUAP6X 4-H1141 1536623 205
UWG18-6.4 3076952 639
WIM45-UNTL-LIU5X2-0,3-PSG4M 1536620 205
VB2-SP2 6999083 639
WIM45-UNTL-LIU5X2-0,3-RS4 1536621 205
VS1AP5CV10 3056494 227
WKC4.4T-2/TXL 6625515 563
VS1AP5CV10Q 3059177 227
WKC4.5T-2/TXL 6625518 563
VS1AP5CV20 3056498 227
WKC4T-2/TXL 6625512 563
VS1AP5CV20Q 3059178 227
WL50 3013481 555
VS1RP5CV10 3056495 227
WL50F 3010984 555
VS1RP5CV10Q 3063088 227
WL50FPB 3011625 555
VS1RP5CV20 3056499 227
WL50FPBQ 3011626 555
VS1RP5CV20Q 3063095 227
WL50FQ 3010985 555
VS25EV 3055401 227
WL50PB 3013484 555
VS25EVQ 3059161 227
WL50PBQ 3013486 555
VS2AP5CV15 3061745 227
WL50Q 3012972 555
VS2AP5CV15Q 3063075 227
WLAW105X180 3017610 551
VS2AP5CV30 3061749 227
WLAW105X180Q 3017605 551
VS2AP5CV30Q 3063079 227
WLAW190X180 3017611 551
VS2AP5R 3055404 227
WLAW190X180Q 3017607 551
VS2AP5RQ 3061596 227
WLAW275X180 3017614 551
VS2RP5CV15 3061747 227
WLAW275X180Q 3017608 551
VS2RP5CV15Q 3063077 227
WLAW360X180 3017615 551
VS2RP5CV30 3061751 227
WLAW360X180Q 3017609 551
VS2RP5CV30Q 3063081 227
VS2RP5R 3055405 227
VS2RP5RQ 3059175 227
VS3AP5XLP 3062623 228
of types

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