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2403 SC1000 Controller Data Sheet

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Universal Controller

Features and Benefits

Modular System
The Hach sc1000 Multi-parameter Universal Controller is a
fully modular system consisting of a Display Module and
one or more Probe Modules.
Probe ModuleEach sc1000 Probe Module provides
power to the system and can accept up to 8 digital
sensors. Probe Modules can be networked together
to accommodate many more sensors attached to the
same network.
Display ModuleThe sc1000 Display Module is a
full-featured controller with a large color touch-screen
display. The intuitive, easy to use interface can be used
for any number of parameters. One Display Module
controls either a single Probe Module or a number of
Probe Modules connected by a digital network. The DW
Display Module is fully portable and can be
disconnected and moved anywhere within the network.
The Hach Model sc1000 Multi-parameter Universal Controller WW
Plug and Play Operation is a state-of-the-art modular controller system. Use it directly
with 8 sensors or network several together to accommodate
Theres no complicated wiring or set up procedures with the PW
many more sensors and parameters. It is completely
sc1000 controller. Just plug the sensor into a Probe Module
compatible with Hachs full range of digital sensors.
and its ready for use without special ordering or software
configuration. IW
Mix and Match Digital Sensors Digital Reliability and Integration
The digital sensors that can be plugged into the Probe Digital signals between the sc1000 controller and attached
Module can be any from Hachs line of digital sensors sensors assure data integrity and immunity from signal
dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity, turbidity, interference. Digital outputs from the sc1000 make it easy to
suspended solids, nitrate, etc. Use them in any combination. integrate the controller into an existing network. Additional
advanced communication features include:
Flexible Communication Options
Ethernet port (standard)attach a computer directly to the
Communication and relay options for the sc1000 controller sc1000 controller to operate the system from the
can be configured to suit any situation. Standard computer. Download data logs and upload software
configurations for a single Probe Module include; updates.
up to 4 potential free relay contacts for alarm and control MultiMediaCard (MMC) slot (standard)transfer data and
functions, software updates using a standard memory card like those
up to 12 analog outputs for measured values, used in digital cameras.
up to 12 digital or analog inputs from instruments GSM wireless modem (optional)use it for fully remote
(i.e., flow or pressure sensors), operation of the sc1000 controller, including transfer of
data and software updates. (FCC approval pending.)
field bus card to integrate with an external network
(MODBUS and PROFIBUS DP are currently available). Expandable and Upgradeable
Additional relays and analog inputs and outputs can be The sc1000 controller can adapt to your needs. Change
added by networking a second Probe Module or optional probes without changing the controller. Probe Modules
DIN-rail communication modules. can be added or removed depending on operational needs.
Fully upgradeable software ensures that this system will not
be obsolete.

DW = drinking water WW = wastewater municipal PW = pure water / power

IW = industrial water E = environmental C = collections FB = food and beverage

Ambient Conditions Alarms
Operation: -20 to 55C (-4 to 131F); Low alarm point, low alarm point deadband, high alarm point,
0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing high alarm point deadband, off delay, and on delay
Storage: -20 to 70C (-4 to 158F); Communication (Optional)
0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
MODBUS (RS-485): Advanced communications/networking
with PLC or SCADA system directly from analyzer.
Power Requirements
100 to 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz PROFIBUS DP
Power: 75 W GSM cellular module (FCC approval pending.)
Optional: 24 Vdc Ethernet service port (standard)

Display Multimedia memory card slot (standard)

1/4 VGA graphical backlit TFT color touch screen
Memory Backup
Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels All user settings are retained indefinitely in memory
(non-volatile) (EEPROM)
Up to four SPDT, user-configurable contacts rated 100 to Mounting Configurations
230 Vac, 5 Amp resistive maximum, per probe module. Surface, panel, and pipe (horizontal and vertical)
Additional relays are available via digital network connection.
Outputs IP65; ABS (display module) and metal (probe module)
Up to 12 analog 0/4-20 mA, maximum impedance 500 Ohms enclosure with corrosion-resistant finish
per probe module.
Additional analog outputs are available via digital network
Probe module with attached display module:
315 x 250 x 142 mm (12.4 x 9.8 x 5.6 in.)
Optional digital communications via MODBUS (RS-485)
or PROFIBUS DP. Weight
Approximately 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) depending on configuration
Up to 12 analog 0-20 mA, maximum impedance 500 Ohms Certifications
per probe module. cTUVus to UL 61010A-1 and CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1
TUV-GS to EN 61010-1
Additional inputs are available via digital network connection. CE per 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC
PID, high/low phasing, setpoint, deadband, overfeed timer, off
delay, and on delay

*Specifications subject to change without notice.

Engineering Specifications
1. The controller shall consist of a 6. The controller shall have up to four 11. The AC power supply shall be
portable display module connected potential free relays, four analog housed in the interface unit and
to one or more probe modules. outputs and four analog inputs per automatically accept input in the
probe module (all expandable via the range of 100 to 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz.
2. The portable display module shall controllers internal network). An internal 24 Vdc power supply
have a color graphical touch-screen shall be available as an option.
display. 7. The controller shall have an Ethernet
service port for direct connection to 12. All system components shall be
3. Connections between the sensors a personal computer for transfer of certified by cTUVus to UL 61010A-1
and the controller shall be plug and data and software updates. and CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1;
play. TUV-GS to EN 61010-1;
8. The controller shall have a CE per 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC.
4. The controller shall have the option Multimedia card slot for transfer of
for MODBUS or PROFIBUS DP data and software updates. 13. The controller shall be warranted for
communication. 12 months against defects in
9. The controller shall be housed in an material and workmanship.
5. The interface unit shall allow IP65 enclosure.
operators to control sensor and 14. The controller shall be Hach
interface functions with menu-driven 10. The controller shall be mounted Company Model sc1000 Multi-
software. horizontally or vertically on surface parameter Universal Controller.
or pipe.

The sc1000 controller unit can be installed on a pole, wall, or a floor stand. No tools are needed to connect the controller unit
to any Hach digital sensor.
Front View

250 mm (9.8 in.)

Bottom View

315 mm (12.5 in.)

142 mm (5.6 in.)

Ordering Information
LXV402.99.00002 sc1000 Display Module
LXV400.99.1R572 sc1000 Probe Module, 4 sensors, 4 mA Out, 4 mA In, 4 Relays, 110-230V
LXV400.99.1B572 sc1000 Probe Module, 4 sensors, 4 mA Out, 4 mA In, 4 Relays, RS-485 (MODBUS), 110-230V
LXV400.99.1F572 sc1000 Probe Module, 4 sensors, 4 mA Out, 4 mA In, 4 Relays, PROFIBUS DP, 110-230V
LXV400.99.1R582 sc1000 Probe Module, 6 sensors, 4 mA Out, 4 mA In, 4 Relays, 110-230V
Additional combinations are available. Contact your Hach representative or call 1-800-227-4224 for more information.

Power Cords
54488-00 Power Cord with strain relief, 125 Vac, American-style plug
54489-00 Power Cord with strain relief, 230 Vac, European-style plug

LZX958 Sun Shield, for sc1000 controller
LZX918 sc1000 internal network connector
LZX988 sc1000 internal network cable, 100 m (328 ft.)
LZX989 sc1000 internal network cable, 500 m (1640 ft.)

At Hach, its about learning

To complete your digital from our customers and
providing the right answers.
measurement system, choose from Its more than ensuring the
quality of waterits about
Hachs family of digital products ensuring the quality of life.
When it comes to the things
that touch our lives...
Keep it pure.
Make it simple.
Be right.

For current price information,

technical support, and ordering
assistance, contact the Hach
office or distributor serving
your area.

In the United States, contact:

HACH COMPANY World Headquarters
P.O. Box 389
Loveland, Colorado 80539-0389
sc100 Controller Inductive Telephone: 800-227-4224
Conductivity Sensors Fax: 970-669-2932
Plug-and-play, mix-and-match operation
for one or two sensors Innovative technology for harsh E-mail: orders@hach.com
(see Lit. # 2463) environments www.hach.com
(see Lit. # 2465)
Hach LDO Dissolved
Oxygen Probe Contacting U.S. exporters and customers in Canada,
Conductivity Sensors Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia,
Break-through luminescent technology
for dissolved oxygen Enhanced performance sensors for a and Australia/New Zealand, contact:
(see Lit. # 2455) variety of applications HACH COMPANY World Headquarters
(see Lit. # 2468) P.O. Box 389
Model 5740 sc Galvanic
Membrane Dissolved 1720E Low Range Loveland, Colorado 80539-0389
Oxygen Sensor Turbidimeter U.S.A.
Telephone: 970-669-3050
Replaceable membrane cartridge for Meets performance criteria established
simple maintenance by the USEPA for regulatory reporting Fax: 970-461-3939
(see Lit. # 2469) (see Lit. # 2457) E-mail: intl@hach.com
Differential pH and SOLITAX sc
ORP Sensors Turbidity and
Suspended Solids Sensors In Europe, the Middle East, and
Three electrodes for increased
Mediterranean Africa, contact:
measurement accuracy Accurate, color-independent
(see Lit. # 2467) measurement in any application HACH + LANGE Europe
(see Lit. # 2472) Dr. Bruno Lange GmbH & Co. KG
3/4-inch Combination pH
and ORP Sensor Kits NITRATAX Willsttterstrae 11
UV Nitrate Sensors D-40549 Dsseldorf
Designed specifically for immersion or GERMANY
in-line mounting Simple and accurate technology for low
Tel: +49 (0) 211 5288-0
(see Lit. # 2470) cost of operation
(see Lit. # 2464) Fax: +49 (0) 211 5288-143
E-mail: info@hach-lange.de

Lit. No. 2403

B53 Printed in U.S.A.
Hach Company, 2005. All rights reserved.
In the interest of improving and updating its equipment, Hach Company reserves the right to alter specifications to equipment at any time.

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