Benzhi Liu
Benzhi Liu
Benzhi Liu
Abstract. A nanostructured gold modified glassy carbon electrode (Aunano/GCE) was employed for the
determination of trace chromium(VI). To prepare Aunano/GCE, the GCE was immersed into KAuCl4 solu-
tion and electrodeposition was conducted at the potential of 04 V (vs Ag/AgCl) for 600 s. Scanning
electron microscopy measurements show that the electrochemically synthesized gold nanoparticles were
deposited in aggregated form. Any undue effects caused by the presence of foreign ions in the solution
were also analysed to ensure that common interference in the determination of chromium(VI) by square
wave voltammetry, do not influence the electrochemical response of the latter element. The results show
that this method allows for Cr(VI) determinations with a much lower detection limit (001 g L1) in the
presence of excess of Cr(III) than the commonly used diethylenetriammine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)
method. The method was applied to determine levels of chromium(VI) in tap water and sewage water.
Keywords. Nanostructured gold modified glassy carbon electrode; square wave voltammetry; Cr(VI).
494 Benzhi Liu et al
a concentration of 50 M gold salt and the deposi- in this work is one of the most extensively studied
tion time of 600 s in H2SO4 were used for all ex- redox couples in electrochemistry2327 and exhibits a
periments. Figure 1 shows the SEM image of gold heterogeneous one-electron transfer (n = 1). C is equal
nanoparticles at the GCE surface. As shown in figure to 10 mM, and the diffusion coefficient (D) is 6057
1, gold nanoparticles can be clearly observed decorat- 106 cm2/s. The value of the electroactive surface
ing the surface of GCE, and the particles were rela- area for optimized Aunano/GCE, and Au electrode
tively uniform, while the formation of gold film or were 041 cm2 and 019 cm2, respectively. A higher
agglomerates was not observed. peak current value also illustrated an increase in the
electroactive surface area for the Aunano/GCE, mainly
3.2 Electrochemical characterization of Aunano/ due to smaller size of Au nanoparticles distributed
GCE on the surface of GCE, which increased the large local
rates of mass transport to the Aunano/GCE.
The high effective surface area of Aunano/GCE was
studied by performing an electrochemical charac- 3.3 Electrochemical response of Cr(VI) on
terization using cyclic voltammetry. Figure 2 shows Aunano/GCE and Au electrode
steady CVs for (1) gold electrode and (2) Aunano/
GCE in 10 mM [Fe(CN)6]3/4 and 02 M KCl at Figure 3 shows the SWVs for 2 g L1 of Cr (VI)
20 mV/s. The well-defined oxidation and reduction determination with a Aunano/GCE (1) and Au electrode
peaks were observed at + 016 V and + 011 V due to (2). a well-defined peak was observed at ca. + 030 V
the [Fe(CN)6]3/4 redox couple in forward and reverse in the cathode scan at Au electrode, which was due
scans. The Aunano/GCE exhibited the high electroac- to the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), a well-defined
tive area according to the RandlesSevcikequation:22 peak takes 31% peak height enhancement over the
Au electrode was also observed when Aunano/GCE
Ip = 269 105 AD1/2n3/2v1/2 C. was used. The voltammetric current remarkably en-
hanced, which may be attributed to larger effective
In this equation, n is the number of electrons appear- surface area resulting from smaller size of Au nano-
ing in half-reaction for the redox couple, v is the rate particles supported on the surface of GCE. There-
at which the potential is swept (V/s), A is the elec- fore, measurement sensitivity could be improved
trode area (cm2), The [Fe(CN)6]3/4 redox system used by using Aunano/GCE for the determination of Cr
3.4 SWVs response of Cr(VI) in different acidity became unstable when the accumulation potential
was higher than +08 V, therefore, accumulation po-
The reduction of Cr(VI) was examined in various tential of +08 V was chosen in this experiment to
solutions containing different concentrations of hydro- keep chromium at hexavalent states. The accumula-
chloric acid (010001 M), which correspond to pH tion time was further studied, figure 5 shows the
13, respectively. Figure 4 illustrates the SWVs re- SWVs in various accumulation time in solution
sponse obtained in the solution containing 2 g L1 containing 2 g L1 Cr(VI). It can be seen that the
Cr(VI) in different acidity. It can be seen that the re- response increases nearly linearly with the accumula-
sponse of the Aunano/GCE to Cr(VI) in 01 M HCl tion time up to 80 s accumulation, and levels off
produced a well-defined peak, with a reduction peak thereafter, which reflecting the electrode surface
at +030 V, the sharply decreased peak current was saturation. Therefore, an accumulation time of 80 s
obtained in 001 M and 0001 M HCl in solution was utilized for all further measurements.
containing the same concentration of Cr(VI), with
peak potential at +026 V and +022 V, respectively.
Lower magnitude of reduction current and negative
peak potential indicating a proton-dependent proc-
ess, this is in accordance with the reported work.21
Therefore, the response of the electrode recorded in
0001 M HCl containing 2 g L1 Cr(VI) produced
very little analytical signal, possibly because of the
low concentration of protons.
Calibration curves for the determination of Cr(VI) This method was applied to Cr(VI) determination in
on the Aunano/GCE was achieved by SWV under op- tap water (our laboratory) and sewage water sample
timal conditions. The SWVs for different concentra- (sewage water treatment station of Huaibei). The re-
tions of Cr(VI) were illustrated in figure 6. The sults are shown in table 1. Agreement between the
resulting calibration plots is linear over the range results obtained by this method with that obtained
from 013 to 45 g L1. The calibration curves and by DTPA method28 for tap water and sewage water
correlation coefficients are y = 0932 + 0115x and shows that this method can be used for determina-
r = 09988 with an accumulation time of 80 s, res- tion of Cr(VI) in real samples. The results show that
pectively. The limits of detection was 001 g L1 this method allows for Cr(VI) determinations with a
based on three times the standard deviation of the much lower detection limit in the presence of excess
baseline. The reproducibility of the electrode as- of Cr(III) than the commonly used DTPA method.28
prepared was estimated from the response to each
2 g L1 of Cr (VI) at 5 different electrodes by differ- 4. Conclusion
ent operating time. This series yield a mean current
response of 138 A, corresponding to relative stan- In this paper, a simple method for the fabrication of
dard deviation (R.S.D.) of 61%. The results demon- nanostructured gold modified glassy carbon elec-
strated that the Aunano/GCE could improve both the trode was presented. It has been shown that, after
sensitivity and the reproducibility for the determina- proper optimization of the experimental conditions,
tion of Cr (VI) by SWV. the electrode prepared was suitable for the determi-
nation of Cr(VI) with high sensitivity and good re-
producibility. The method developed was applied to
3.7 Effect of foreign ions real samples which gave satisfactory results.
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