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v10x - Communication Protocol n1200

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0005 Prompt Read: Current prompt position in the parameters flowchart.

N1200 index Write: not allowed. Range: 0000h to 060Ch

Prompt number format: XXYYh, where:
Communication Protocol V10x XXmenu cycle number (check item 4 -
1. SERIAL COMMUNICATION YYprompt number (index).
0006 Status Read: Status bits. See table 2.
Word 1 Write: not allowed.
1.1 COMMUNICATION INTERFACE 0007 Software Read: The firmware version of controller. If V1.00, the read
Version value will be 100.
The optional serial interface RS485 allows to address up to 247 controllers in a Write: not allowed.
network communicating remotely with a host computer or master controller.
0008 ID Read: controller identification number.
RS485 Interface Write: not allowed.
Compatible line signals with RS485 standard Values:
2 wire connection from master to up to 31 slaves indicators in a multidrop bus. It 1 N1100; 2 - N2000; 3 - N1500; 48 - 1200
is possible address 247 nodes with multiple outputs converters. Other values: special instruments.
Maximum communication distance: 1000 meters 0009 Status Word Read: Status bits. See table 2.
The RS485 signals are: 2 Write: not allowed.
0010 Status Word Read: Status bits. See table 2.
D1 = D: Bidirectional data line.
3 Write: not allowed.
D0 = D: Bidirectional inverted data line.
0011 Ir Integral Rate (in repetitions/min)
C = GND: Optional connection which left communication better.
Range: 0 to 9999 (0.00 to 99.99)
General Characteristics 0012 Dt Derivative Time (in seconds). Range: 0 to 3000 (0.0 to
Optically isolated serial interface 300.0)
Programmable baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 0013 Pb Proportional Band (in percentage)
115200 bps. Range: 0 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0)
Data Bits: 8 0014 tbas Read/Write: Time base for the ramp and soak programs.
Range: 0 1 (seconds/minutes)
Parity: None, Even or Odd.
Stop Bits: 1
0015 Ct Cycle Time (PWM, in seconds)
Range: 5 to 1000 (0.5 to 100.0)
Communication Protocol 0016 Freq Read/Write: Mains frequency.
The MOSBUS RTU slave is implemented, available in most SCADA softwares in the Range: 0 1 (60/50Hz)
market. 0017 kyst On/Off Control Hysteresis (in selected type engineering
All configurable parameters can be accessed (for reading or writing) through the
Range: 0 to spkl - spll
Registers Table. Broadcast commands are supported as well (address 0).
The available Modbus commands are:
0018 fltr Read/Write: PV digital filter gain.
Range: 0 20
03 - Read Holding Register 0019 ovll Output Low Limit (minimum output power)
05 - Force Single Coil (Force Digital Output state) Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%).

06 - Preset Single Register

0020 ovkl Output High Limit (minimum output power)
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%).
16 - Preset Multiple Registers (Block write to multiple holding registers) 0021 AvEn N2000 only.
The registers are arranged in a table in such a way that several registers can be Auto/Man key Enable .
read in the same request. 1 Key enabled 0  Key disabled
0022 f.fvnc N2000 only.
0  Not used. 7  Controller start/stop.
Two parameters must be configured in the device for serial communication: 8  Select remote SP. 9  Ramp and soak hold.
10  Enable ramp and soak profile 1.
bavd: Baud rate. All devices with same baud rate.
0023 Serial Serial Number High (Upper display).
addr: Device communication address. Each device must have an exclusive number H Range: 0 to 9999. Read only
address. 0024 Serial Serial Number Low (Lower display).
prty: Paraty. number L Range: 0 to 9999. Read only
0025 SV Control Setpoint (Prompt Setpoint).
1.3 REGISTERS TABLE Range: from spll to spkl.
0026 spll Setpoint Low limit.
Equivalent to the registers referenced as 4XXXX. Range: minimum value depends on the input type selected
The holding registers are basically a list of the internal indicator parameters. All in type (see Table 1) to spkl
registers above address 12 can be read or written. The registers up to this address 0027 spkl Setpoint High limit.
in more are read only. Please verify each case. Each table parameter is a 16 bits Range: minimum value is spll and maximum depends on
two complement signed word. the input type selected in type (see Table 1).
0028 Reserved Internal use.

Holding Parameter Register Description

0029 offs PV offset
Range: from spll to spkl.
0000 Active SP Read: Active control SP (main SP, from ramp and soak or
0030 dppo PV decimal point position
Range: 0 to 3
from remote SP). 00.000; 100.00; 2000.0; 30000
Write: to main SP
Range: from spll to spkl.
0031 Sp.a1 Alarm 1 Setpoint.
Range: The minimum value is at spll for non-differential
0001 PV Read: Process Variable. alarm or spll - splk for differential alarm
Write: Not allowed. The maximum value is at spkl for non-differential alarm or
Range: Minimum value is the one configured in spll and at spkl - spll for differential alarm.
the maximum value is the one configured in spkl.
spkl Decimal
point position depends on dppo value.
0032 Sp.a2 Alarm 2 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1. spa1

In case of temperature reading, the value read is always

0033 Sp.a3 Alarm 3 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1.
multiplied by 10, independently of dppo value. 0034 Sp.a4 Alarm 4 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1.
0002 MV Read: Output Power in automatic or manual mode. 0035 Fva1 Alarm 1 Function. Range: 0 to 8
Write: Not allowed. See address 28. off;
0off ierr;
off 1ierr
ierr 2rs rs; rfai;
rs 3rfai
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%). lo;
lo 5ki
4lo ki; difl;
ki 6difl difk;
difl 7difk
0003 Remote Read/Write: Selected input type for remote SP. dif.
SP type Range: 0 to 3 0036 Fva2 Alarm 2 Function. Range: same as in fua1.
0004 Display Read: Current value shown on display. 0037 Fva3 Alarm 3 Function. Range: same as in fua1.
value Write: Current value shown on display. 0038 Fva4 Alarm 4 Function. Range: same as in fua1.
Range: -1999 to 9999. The range depends on the
displayed parameter.
0039 Kya1 Alarm 1 Hysteresis. Range: 0 to 9999 (0.00 to 99.99%)

0040 Kya2 Alarm 2 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
kya1 0084 A4T1 Time 1 of the alarm 4 timing (in seconds)
0041 Kya3 Alarm 3 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
kya1 Range: same as in a1t1.
0042 Kya4 Alarm 4 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
kya1 0085 A4T2 Time 2 of the alarm 4 timing (in seconds)
Range: same as in a1t2.
0043 type PV input type
Range: 0 to 22. See operation manual.
0086 Rstr Restores original default calibration.
Range: 0 to 1; 0-> do not restore; 1-> restore calibration
0044 addr Communication slave address
Range: 1 to 247
0087 - Internal use
0045 bavd Communication Baud-Rate. Range: 0 to 4 0088 Prot Password protection level.
01200;12400;24800;39600; 419200 Range: 1 to 7.
Check instruction manual for further details.
0046 avto Control Mode. Range: 0manual; 1automatic.
0047 rvn Enable control. Range: 0no; 1yes. 0089 PRTY Serial communication parity.
Range: 0 to 2.
0048 act Control action. Range: 0direct; 1reverse.
0-> no parity; 1 - > even parity; 2 - >odd parity;
0049 atvn Auto tune enable. Range: 0no; 1yes.
0090 Reserved Internal use
0050 Bla1 Alarm 1 power-up inhibit. Range: 0no; 1yes. 0091 Reserved Internal use
0051 Bla2 Alarm 2 power-up inhibit 0092 Reserved Internal use
Range: same as in bla1.
bla1 0093 Reserved Internal use
0052 Bla3 Alarm 3 power-up inhibit 0094 Reserved Internal use
Range: same as in bla1.
bla1 0095 Reserved Internal use
0053 Bla4 Alarm 4 power-up inhibit 0096 Reserved Internal use
Range: same as in bla1.
0097 Reserved Internal use
0054 Key Key press remote action. Range: 0 to 9
1 ; 2 ; 4 ; 8 BACK ; 9 BACK e .
0098 ersp Enables remote setpoint.
Range: 0 to 1.
0055 rsll Remote Setpoint Low limit 0 - > Remote setpoint depends on I/O configuration
Range: Minimum value depends on the input type selected 1 - > Force remote setpoint
in type,
type and maximum value is in rskl. rskl
0099 Reserved Internal use
0056 rskl Remote Setpoint High limit
0100 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: Minimum value is in rsll, and maximum depends
Range: 0 to 15. Check table 6 of the instruction manual.
on the input type selected in type.
0101 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 1.
0057 Io 1 IO 1 Function. Range: 0 to 5
Range: same as in pe1
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0102 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 1.
0058 Io 2 IO 2 Function. Range: 0 to 5
Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0103 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 1.
0059 Io 3 IO 3 Function. Range: 0 to 10
Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0104 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 1.
0060 Io 4 IO 4 Function. Range: 0 to 10
Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0105 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 1.
0061 Io 5 IO 5 Function. Range: 0 to 16
Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0106 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 1.
0062 A1t1 Alarm 1 Time 1. Range: 0 to 6500s
Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0107 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 1.
0063 A1t2 Alarm 1 Time 2 (in seconds)
Range: same as in pe1.
Range: same as in a1t1.
0108 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 1.
0064 A2t1 Alarm 2 Time 1 (in seconds)
Range: same as in pe1.
Range: same as in a1t1.
0109 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 2.
0065 A2t2 Alarm 2 Time 2 (in seconds)
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Range: same as in a1t1.
0110 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 2.
0066 sfst Soft-Start time (in seconds)
Range: same as in pe1.
Range: 0 to 9999
0111 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 2.
0067 vnit Temperature unit. Range: 0 to 1
Range: same as in pe1.
0C; 1F.
0112 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 2.
0068 bias Bias. Range: -100 to +100%.
Range: same as in pe1.
0069 Io 6 N2000 only. 0113 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 2.
IO 6 Function. Allowed values: 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Range: same as in pe1.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
0070 R&S Ramp and Soak segment being executed (read only).
0114 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment Range: 0 to 9 0115 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 2.
0071 Pr n Ramp and Soak segment to be viewed or edited. Range: same as in pe1.
Range: 1 to 20 0116 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 2.
0072 Pr n Ramp and Soak segment to be executed Range: same as in pe1.
Range: 0 to 20
0073 Remaining Indicates the remaining time of the Ramp and Soak
0117 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
time R&S segment. 0119 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 3.
0074 Sqrt Square root of a linear input. Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Range: 0->Disable;1->Enable.
0075 Calibration Enter the low input value currently applied in the PV input
0120 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
PV Low for calibration purposes.
0076 Calibration Enter the high input value currently applied in the PV input
0118 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
PV High for calibration purposes.
0077 Calib. remote Enter the low input value currently applied in the remote
0121 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
SP Low setpoint input for calibration purposes.
0078 Calib. remote Enter the high input value currently applied in the remote
0122 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
SP High setpoint input for calibration purposes. 0123 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 3.
0079 Rtll Retransmission low limit Range: same as in pe1.
0080 RTHL Retransmission high limit 0124 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 3.
0081 FLSH Enables the top display blinking as a function of the Range: same as in pe1.
selected alarm. 0125 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: 0 to 15. Range: same as in pe1.
Check instruction manual for further details. 0126 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 3.
0082 A3T1 Time 1 of the alarm 3 timing (in seconds) Range: same as in pe1.
Range: same as in a1t1.
a1t1 0127 Pei Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 4.
0083 A3T2 Time 2 of the alarm 3 timing (in seconds) Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Range: same as in a1t2.

0128 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 4. 0169 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0129 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 4. 0170 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0130 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 4. 0171 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0131 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 4. 0172 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0132 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 4. 0173 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0133 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 4. 0174 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0134 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 4. 0175 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0135 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 4. 0176 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0136 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 5. 0177 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0137 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 5. 0178 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0138 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 5. 0179 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0139 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 5. 0180 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0140 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 5. 0181 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0141 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 5. 0182 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0142 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 5. 0183 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0143 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 5. 0184 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0144 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 5. 0185 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0145 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 6. 0186 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0146 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 6. 0187 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0147 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 6. 0188 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0148 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 6. 0189 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0149 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 6. 0190 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0150 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 6. 0191 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0151 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 6. 0192 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0152 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 6. 0193 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0153 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 6. 0194 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0154 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 7. 0195 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1 for Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0155 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 7. 0196 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0156 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 7. 0197 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0157 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 7. 0198 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0158 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 7. 0199 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0159 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 7. 0200 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0160 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 7. 0201 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0161 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 7. 0202 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0162 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 7. 0203 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0163 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 8. 0204 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0164 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 8. 0205 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0165 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 8. 0206 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0166 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 8. 0207 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 12.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0167 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 8. 0208 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 13.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0168 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 8. 0209 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 13.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.

0210 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 13. 0251 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 17.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0211 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 13. 0252 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 17.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0212 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 13. 0253 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0213 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 13. 0254 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0214 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 13. 0255 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0215 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 13. 0256 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0216 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 13. 0257 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0217 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 14. 0258 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0218 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 14. 0259 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0219 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 14. 0260 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0220 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 14. 0261 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 18.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0221 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 14. 0262 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0222 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 14. 0263 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0223 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 14. 0264 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0224 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 14. 0265 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0225 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 14. 0266 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0226 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 15. 0267 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0227 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 15. 0268 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0228 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 15. 0269 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0229 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 15. 0270 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 19.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0230 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 15. 0271 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
0231 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 15. 0272 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0232 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 15. 0273 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0233 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 15. 0274 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0234 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 15. 0275 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0235 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 16. 0276 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. Range: same as in pe1.
0236 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 16. 0277 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0237 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 16. 0278 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0238 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 16. 0279 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 20.
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 Range: same as in pe1.
0239 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 16. 0280 Ptol R&S Program 1 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0240 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 16. 0281 Ptol R&S Program 2 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0241 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 16. 0282 Ptol R&S Program 3 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0242 Pe8 Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 16. 0283 Ptol R&S Program 4 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0243 Pe9 Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 16. 0284 Ptol R&S Program 5 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1
pe1. spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0244 Pe1 Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 17. 0285 Ptol R&S Program 6 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1. spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0245 Pe2 Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 17. 0286 Ptol R&S Program 7 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0246 Pe3 Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 17. 0287 Ptol R&S Program 8 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0247 Pe4 Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 17. 0288 Ptol R&S Program 9 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0248 Pe5 Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 17. 0289 Ptol R&S Program 10 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0249 Pe6 Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 17. 0290 Ptol R&S Program 11 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0250 Pe7 Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 17. 0291 Ptol R&S Program 12 Tolerance
Range: same as in pe1.
pe1 spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll

0292 Ptol R&S Program 13 Tolerance 0344 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll 0345 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0293 Ptol R&S Program 14 Tolerance 0346 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0347 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0294 Ptol R&S Program 15 Tolerance
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0348 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0295 Ptol R&S Program 16 Tolerance 0349 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll 0350 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0296 Ptol R&S Program 17 Tolerance 0351 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll 0352 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0297 Ptol R&S Program 18 Tolerance 0353 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0354 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0298 Ptol R&S Program 19 Tolerance
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll
0355 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 4. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0299 Ptol R&S Program 20 Tolerance 0356 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
spkl - spll).
Range: From 0 to (spkl spll 0357 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0300 Lp R&S Program 1 Link 0358 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0359 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0301 lP R&S Program 2 Link 0360 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0361 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0302 lP R&S Program 3 Link
Range: 0 to 20
0362 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0303 lP R&S Program 4 Link 0363 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0364 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 5. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0304 lP R&S Program 5 Link 0365 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0366 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0305 lP R&S Program 6 Link 0367 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0368 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0306 lP R&S Program 7 Link
0369 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0307 Lp R&S Program 8 Link 0370 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0371 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0308 Lp R&S Program 9 Link 0372 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0373 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 6. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0309 Lp R&S Program 10 Link 0374 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0375 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0310 Lp R&S Program 11 Link
0376 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0311 Lp R&S Program 12 Link 0377 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0378 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0312 Lp R&S Program 13 Link 0379 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0380 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0313 Lp R&S Program 14 Link 0381 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0382 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 7. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0314 Lp R&S Program 15 Link
0383 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0315 Lp R&S Program 16 Link 0384 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0385 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0316 Lp R&S Program 17 Link 0386 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0387 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0317 Lp R&S Program 18 Link 0388 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0389 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0318 Lp R&S Program 19 Link
0390 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20
0319 Lp R&S Program 20 Link
0391 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 8. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: 0 to 20 0392 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0320 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0393 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0321 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0394 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0322 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0395 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0323 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0396 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0324 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0397 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0325 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0398 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0326 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0399 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0327 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0400 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 9. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0328 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 1. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0401 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0329 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0402 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0330 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0403 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0331 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0404 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0332 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0405 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0333 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0406 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0334 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0407 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0335 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0408 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0336 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 0409 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 10. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0337 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 2. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 410 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0338 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 411 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0339 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 412 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0340 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 413 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0341 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 414 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0342 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 415 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
0343 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 3. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 416 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.

417 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 490 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
418 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 11. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 491 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
419 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 492 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
420 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 493 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
421 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 494 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
422 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 495 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
423 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 496 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
424 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 497 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
425 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 498 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
426 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 499 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 20. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
427 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 12. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 500 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 1.
428 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: From spll to spkl.
429 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 501 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
430 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
502 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 1 (R&S)
431 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: same as in psp0.
432 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 503 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 1 (R&S)
433 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
434 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 504 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 1 (R&S)
435 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
436 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 13. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 505 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
437 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
506 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 1 (R&S)
438 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: same as in psp0.
439 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 507 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 1 (R&S)
440 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
441 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 508 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 1 (R&S)
442 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
443 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 509 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
444 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
510 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 2.
445 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 14. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
Range: From spll to spkl.
446 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 511 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 2 (R&S)
447 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
448 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 512 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program (R&S)
449 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
450 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 513 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 2 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
451 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
452 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
514 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 2 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
453 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 515 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 2 (R&S)
454 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 15. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
455 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 516 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 2 (R&S)
456 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
457 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 517 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 2 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
458 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
459 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
518 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 2 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
460 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 519 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 2 (R&S)
461 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
462 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 520 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 3.
463 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 16. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: From spll to spkl.
464 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 521 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 3 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
465 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
466 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
522 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 3 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
467 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 523 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 3 (R&S)
468 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
469 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 524 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 3 (R&S)
470 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
471 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 525 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 3 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
472 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 17. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
473 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
526 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 3 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
474 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 527 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 3 (R&S)
475 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
476 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 528 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 3 (R&S)
477 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
478 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 529 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 3 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
479 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
480 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
530 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 4.
Range: From spll to spkl.
481 Pt9 Time 9 of Program 18. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
531 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 4 (R&S)
482 Pt1 Time 1 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
483 Pt2 Time 2 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 532 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 4 (R&S)
484 Pt3 Time 3 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.
485 Pt4 Time 4 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. 533 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 4 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0
486 Pt5 Time 5 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
487 Pt6 Time 6 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
534 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 4 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
488 Pt7 Time 7 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes.
535 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 4 (R&S)
489 Pt8 Time 8 of Program 19. Range: 0 to 9999 minutes. Range: same as in psp0.

536 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 4 (R&S) 577 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 8 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
537 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 4 (R&S) 578 Psp8
Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 8 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
sp0 Range: same as in psp0.
538 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 4 (R&S) 579 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 8 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
539 psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 4 (R&S) 580 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 9.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
540 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 5. 581 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
541 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 5 (R&S) 582 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
542 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 5 (R&S) 583 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
543 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 5 (R&S) 584 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
544 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 5 (R&S) 585 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
545 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 5 (R&S) 586 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
546 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 5 (R&S) 587 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
547 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 5 (R&S) 588 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
548 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 5 (R&S) 589 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 9 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
549 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 5 (R&S) 590 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 10.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
550 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 6. 591 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
551 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 6 (R&S) 592 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
552 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 6 (R&S) 593 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
553 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 6 (R&S) 594 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
554 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 6 (R&S) 595 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
555 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 6 (R&S) 596 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
556 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 6 (R&S) 597 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
557 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 6 (R&S) 598 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
558 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 6 (R&S) 599 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 10 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
559 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 6 (R&S) 600 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 11.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
560 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 7. 601 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
561 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 7 (R&S) 602 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
562 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 7 (R&S) 603 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
563 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 7 (R&S) 604 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
564 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 7 (R&S) 605 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
565 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 7 (R&S) 606 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
566 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 7 (R&S) 607 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
567 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 7 (R&S) 608 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
568 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 7 (R&S) 609 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 11 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0
569 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 7 (R&S) 610 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 12.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
570 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 8. 611 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
571 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 8 (R&S) 612 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
572 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 8 (R&S) 613 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0
572 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 8 (R&S) 614 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
574 Psp4
Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 8 (R&S) 615 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
575 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 8 (R&S) 616 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
576 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 8 (R&S) 617 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 12 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.

618 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 12 (R&S) 659 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 16 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
619 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 12 (R&S) 660 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 17.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
620 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 13. 661 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
621 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 13 (R&S) 662 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
622 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 13 (R&S) 663 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
623 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 13 (R&S) 664 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
624 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 13 (R&S) 665 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
625 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 13 (R&S) 666 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
626 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 13 (R&S) 667 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
627 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 13 (R&S) 668 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
628 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 13 (R&S) 669 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 17 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
629 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 13 (R&S) 670 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 18.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
630 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 14. 671 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
631 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 14 (R&S) 672 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
632 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 14 (R&S) 673 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
633 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 14 (R&S) 674 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
634 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 14 (R&S) 675 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
635 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 14 (R&S) 676 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
636 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 14 (R&S) 677 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
637 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 14 (R&S) 678 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
638 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 14 (R&S) 679 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 18 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
639 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 14 (R&S) 680 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 19.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
640 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 15. 681 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
641 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 15 (R&S) 682 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
642 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 15 (R&S) 683 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
643 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 15 (R&S) 684 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
644 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 15 (R&S) 685 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
645 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 15 (R&S) 686 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
646 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 15 (R&S) 687 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
647 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 15 (R&S) 688 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
648 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 15 (R&S) 689 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 19 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
649 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 15 (R&S) 690 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 1.
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: From spll to spkl.
650 Psp0 Setpoint 0 of Program 16. 691 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: From spll to spkl.
spkl Range: same as in psp0.
651 Psp1 Setpoint 1 of Program 16 (R&S) 692 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
652 Psp2 Setpoint 2 of Program 16 (R&S) 693 Psp3
Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
653 Psp3 Setpoint 3 of Program 16 (R&S) 694 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
654 Psp4 Setpoint 4 of Program 16 (R&S) 695 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
655 Psp5 Setpoint 5 of Program 16 (R&S) 696 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
656 Psp6 Setpoint 6 of Program 16 (R&S) 697 Psp7
Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
657 Psp7 Setpoint 7 of Program 16 (R&S) 698 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
658 Psp8 Setpoint 8 of Program 16 (R&S) 699 Psp9 Setpoint 9 of Program 1 (R&S)
Range: same as in psp0.
psp0 Range: same as in psp0.
700 Reserved Internal use

Register Value format Exception Responses Error Conditions
Status Word 1 bit 0 Alarm 1 (0-inactive; 1-active) The MODBUS RTU protocol checks the CRC in the data blocks received.
bit 1 Alarm 2 (0-inactive; 1-active)
bit 2 Alarm 3 (0-inactive; 1-active) Reception errors are detected by the CRC, causing the controller to discard the
bit 3 Alarm 4 (0-inactive; 1-active) packet, not sending any reply to the master.
bit 4 Input 0 I/O 5 (0- inactive; 1- active)
bit 5 Input 1 I/O 3 (0- inactive; 1- active) After receiving an error-free packet, the controller processes the packet and verifies
bit 6 Input 2 I/O 4 (0- inactive; 1- active) whether the request is valid or not, sending back an exception error code in case of
bit 7 Reserved an invalid request. Response frames containing error codes have the most
bit 8 Hardware detection value significant bit of the Modbus command set.
bit 9 Hardware detection value
bit 10 Reserved If a WRITE command sends an out-of-range value to a parameter, the controller will
bit 11 Reserved clamp the value to the parameter range limits, replying with a value that reflects
bit 12 Reserved these limits (maximum or minimum value allowed for the parameter).
bit 13 Reserved The controller ignores broadcast READ commands; the controller processes only
bit 14 Reserved broadcast WRITE commands.
bit 15 Reserved
Status Word 2 bit 0 Automatic (0- manual; 1- automatic) Error Code Error Description
bit 1 Run (0-stop; 1-run)
bit 2 Control Action (0-direct; 1-reverse) 01 Invalid Command
bit 3 Reserved
bit 4 Auto-tune (0-no; 1-yes) 02 Invalid Register Number or out of range
bit 5 Alarm 1 power-up inhibit (0-no; 1-yes)
03 Invalid Register Quantity or out of range
bit 6 Alarm 2 power-up inhibit (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 7 Alarm 3 power-up inhibit (0-no; 1-yes)
Table 3 Exception response error codes
bit 8 Alarm 4 power-up inhibit (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 9 Unit (0-C; 1-F)
bit 10 Reserved
bit 11 Output 1 status
bit 12 Output 2 status
bit 13 Output 3 status
bit 14 Output 4 status
bit 15 Output 5 status
Status Word 3 bit 0 Very low PV conversion (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 1 Negative conversion after calibration (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 2 Very high PV conversion (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 3 Exceeded linearization limit (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 4 Very high Pt100 cable resistance (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 5 Self zero conversion out of range (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 6 Self span conversion out of range (0-no; 1-yes)
bit 7 Reserved
bit 8 Reserved
bit 9 Reserved
bit 10 Reserved
bit 11 Reserved
bit 12 Reserved
bit 13 Reserved
bit 14 Reserved
bit 15 Reserved
Table 2: Values of Status Words

Writing to an output bit is only possible if the output has no function assigned to it
(the output is configured to OFF in Alarm Cycle).

Coil Status Output description

1 Output 1 Status (I/O1)

2 Output 2 Status (I/O2)
3 Output 3 Status (I/O3)
4 Output 4 Status (I/O4)
5 Output 5 Status (I/O5)

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