Kingdom of Life
Kingdom of Life
Kingdom of Life
- 6 components -6 process
- Inorganic substance - Energy circuit
- Organic substance - Food Chain
- Climate regime - Diversity Pattern in Space
- Producers - Nutrient Cycle
- Macroconsumers (Phagotrophs) - Development and evolution
- Microconsumers (Saprotrophs) - Control (Cybernatics)
- At operational level abiotic components limits and control the biotic components
- High availability of food attracts more birds
- Animal diversity is more in nutrient rich layer of any
- Most of the vital elements such as C, H, N, O, P, S etc. and organic material such
as charbohydrate, protein, lipids, humic substances are present in both living and
- They are in constant state of flux
- However some substances are unique to one state or other
Eg. ATP (Adinosine triphosphate) is found only inside living cell. (present
outside only in transitory phase)
Humic substances a product of decomposition and resistant in nature -
never found inside living cell but are important for survival of the
DNA Genetic material and Chlorophyll both are present in both inside
living cell and outside living cell. But they are nonfunctional outside living cell.
Whittaker (1969) proposed to join the ecological evolution into the natural
Monera prokaryote (False nucleus)
Protista Eukaryote (True Nucleus)
Trophic level means food levels. The amount of food / living material available
in any trophic level is called as crop.
Pyramids of number -
Pyramid of biomass-
Pyramids of energy-