Usul Rewayat Qalun
Usul Rewayat Qalun
Usul Rewayat Qalun
Uṣ ūl Rewayat
Table of contents
1. The Tajwīd Rules of Rewayat Qālūn ………….….……….…..5
2.The Basmalah between two sūrahs…..………...…....……..…...7
3. Al-Madd Al-Far˘ī……...……………………...…….....….……8
4. Ŝilat Mīm Al-Jam˘ ………………………….. ……..…….........9
6. Two hamzahs that appear in one word…..………........………51
7. Repetitive Istifhām Mukarar……………………………..……51
8. Two hamzahs that appear in two separate words..……… ……51
(A) The 2 hamzahs differ in their ḥarakāt………………………..51
(B) The 2 hamzahs agree in their ḥarakāt…………………..……02
9. Practice ……………………...……………….....………..……00
10. Fatḥ, Imālah and taqlīl………………………...……………..01
11. The Rules of A sigle hamzah in a word…………………...…02
12. An-Naql of hamzah’s ḥarakah to a Preceding Sākin Ŝaḥiḥ …01
13. Iṫĥhār, (Clarity) and Idghām..…..…..……..……......………..15
14. Qālūn’s special words (Farsh)………………...….………….10
15. Yā-āt Al-Iḍāfah……………………………….……..…...…..11
16. Yā-āt az-Zawā-id……...………..……………………………11
17. References……………………………………………………15
Imām Qāsim ibn Ahmad Ash-Shāṭibī (d. 548 A.H.) wrote a poem,
consisting of 1173 couplets, about the seven authentic Mutawātir
Qirā-āt, which he called Ḥirz al-Amānī wa Wajh at-Tahānī, it is
better known as the Shāṭibiyyāh.
1) Qālūn: He is ˘Isā ibn Mīna ibn Wardān (120-220 A.H.) and was
called Abu Mūsā. He was the stepson of Nāfi˘. He was of Roman
heritage and lived in Medeenah. His sheikh, imām Nāfi˘, gave him
the nickname Qālūn, which means “good” in the Roman language,
because of the excellent quality of his qirā-ah. After Nāfi˘ died,
Qālūn took over his position as the leading qārī of Madeenah and
afterward died there. He was deaf and could not even hear a horn,
but if someone recited the Qur-ān to him, he could hear it. Some
say the deafness came when he was older, but others mention it as
if he was always deaf, and Allah knows best. May Allāh bestaw
His mercy on all of the reciters.
Among the students who preserved Qālūn s’ recitation, his sons,
Aḥmad and Ibrahīm and many others like Abu Nashīt Muḥammad
Harūn, Aḥmad Yazīd Al-Ḥulwānī.
َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ََْ َُ َ َْ ٌ َ َ
ال َو ُاو ع ْن ض دم ل ِِق ال َه ْم َز ُط دوِل *** َ إذا أل ِف أو ياؤها بعد ك- 521
ّس ٍة أ ِو ِ
َ َ ُْ َ َ َ ُْ ً َ ُْ ْ
ُ ْ فَإ ْن َينْ َف ِص ْل فَال َق- 521
ِِبلفِ ِهما يُ ْروِيك د ًّرا َوُمضل *** ْص بادِره طاِلِ ا ِ
َ ْ َ ُ ُُ ُ ْ َ َ ُُ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ د
وُل يف أ دم َِها أم ُرهُ إِل ومفص *** جئ وعن سوء وشاء ات ِصاُل ِ ك- 512
Qālūn makes ṣilah of mīm ِ يرر ِ ِبت َ ْخ ِيwith khulf, variance (i.e., he has
another option). The preferred one (al-muqaddam fīl-adā-a) way is
A. That he reads mīm ul-jam˘ with sukūn, like in the following:
َ ََۡ َ َ ََۡ َۡ َّ ُ ٓ
ص َر َٰط ُّم ۡس َتقِيم
ِ َوم ِۡن َءابَائ ِ ِه ۡم َوذ درِيَٰت ِ ِه ۡم ِإَوخو َٰن ِ ِه ۡمه َوٱجتب ۡي َٰ ُه ۡم َوهدي َٰ ُه ۡم إ ِ َٰل
B. He reads mīm ul-jam˘ with ṣilah, (i.e., connection of wāw).
Pronouncing the mīm with a temporary, ḍammah˘ āriḍah, (instead
of sukūn), lengthening the ḍammah of mīm ul-jam˘ into 2 ḥarakah
َ ََۡ َ َ ََۡ َۡ َّ ُ ٓ
wāw. )ص َرَٰط ُّم ۡس َتقِيم ِ إ ِ َٰل, َوهدي َٰ ُه ُم, َوٱجتب ۡي َٰ ُه ُم, ِإَوخو َٰن ِ ِه ُم, َوذ درِيَٰت ِ ِه ُم,َوم ِۡن َءابَائ ِ ِه ُم
C. If hamzatul qaṭ˘ follows mīm ul-jam˘, then Qālūn has an extra
permitted way of reading this mīm: Besides the previous two ways
Note: Similarly, if hamzatul qaṭ˘ (ِ ( ُء َء ءfollows the alif of the word
)(أناا, then Qālūn pronounces and elongates it as a madd munfaṣṣil,
(i. e., he lengthens it into either two or four ḥarakāt), waṣlan,
according to the length of the madd munfaṣṣil. If “ ”أنااprecedes a
hamzat qaṭ˘ maksūrah, then Qālūn has two allowed ways of
reading the alif in “”أناا, waṣlan, he lengthens this alif either two or
four ḥarakāt with khulf, the other option is that he drops it.
َ َّ ۠ َ َ ۡ ُّ َ َّ ٓ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ َّ َ ٓ َ َ َ ُ َُ ۡ ُ ََٓ َ َ
) (إِن أنا إ ِل نذِير، ) (إِن أنا إ ِل نذِير مبِْي، ) (وأنا أول ٱلمسل ِ ِمْي، )ۡحۦ وأمِيته ِ (قال أنا أ
َ ْ َ ْ ُد ْ
ُُْ َ َ َََْ َ
ْ َ ْ َ ُّ َ َ
َ ص َل َم ْع َض ِدم َه ْم
بل ِ ّس
ِ ك ال يف ف ل اْلو َت أ ح ت فو *** ٍة ز ومد أنا يف الو- 105
The alif in the verse is a letter code that indicates Nāfi˘ (i.e., Warsh
and Qālūn). Nāfi˘ elongates the alif in “ ”أناin a continuous reading,
if it is followed by a hamzat qaṭ˘ maftūḥah or maḍmūmah. Warsh
prolongs it into 6 ḥarakāt according to his madd munfaṣṣil, while
Qālūn has two ways of reading this alif in “”أناا. If it is followed by
hamzat qaṭ˘ maftūḥah, maḍmūmah or maksūrah, in all ḥarakāt. He
1- lengthens it (in a continuous reading), into two ḥarakāt, or
into four, according to how the madd munfaṣṣil is being read, or
2- dropping this alif in two cases, in which ‘ ’أناis followed by 1 of:
َّ ۠ َ َ
a. Hamzah maksūrah, as the 2nd way of reading ‘ ’أنا إِلis to drop it.
b. If any letter, other than the hamzah, comes after ‘’أنا, then he
َ ََ۠
drops this alif, the same way in Ḥafṣ’s recitation: ()إنما أنا لكم نذِير.
Also we have the same four allowable ways, if mīm ul-jam˘ or the
word ( )أناis followed by hamzatul qaṭ˘, such as in: 2X2 = 4ways.
َۡ َٓ َ ۡ َ َ َ َّ ۡ َ َ ُّ ُ
C. Mīm came first: )ّسون إ ِ َۡل ِهم بِٱل َم َودة ِ َوأنا أعل ُم ب ِ َما أخف ۡي ُت ۡم
ِ (ت
ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ُ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ َّ َ َ ۡ َ َ ُّ ُ
1- Sukūn mīm, short munfaṣṣil ّسون إ ِ َۡل ِهم بِٱلمودة ِ وأنا أعلم بِما أخفيتم ِ (ت
َۡ ٓ َ َ
َ ۡ ٓ َ َّ ۡ َ َ ُّ ُ
2- Sākin mīm, tawassuṭ munfaṣṣil ّسون إ ِ َۡل ِهم بِٱل َم َودة ِ َوأنا أعل ُم ب ِ َما أخف ۡي ُتم
ِۡ ِ ت
َۡ َ َ
َ ۡ َ َّ ۡ َ َ َ ُّ ُ
3- Ŝilat mīm, shorten munfaṣṣil, ّسون إ ِ َۡل ِهمو بِٱل َم َودة ِ َوأنا أعل ُم ب ِ َما أخف ۡي ُت ۡمِ (ت
َۡ ٓ َ َ
َ ۡ ٓ َ َّ ۡ َ َ َ ُّ ُ
4- Ŝilat mīm, tawassuṭ munfaṣṣil, ّسون إ ِ َۡل ِهمو بِٱل َم َودة ِ َوأنا أعل ُم ب ِ َما أخف ۡي ُت ۡم ِ (ت
The bā in the verse is a letter code that indicates Qālūn reads some
words in a different way of the normal rule of hā-ul-Kināyah, that
he has only one way: qaṣr of hā, shortens it with a kasrah. Except
the word يأت ِهin sūrat Tāhā, he reads it with بِ َو ْج َهي ِْن: qaṣr and ṣilah.
Note: I’ll write how Qālūn reads hā-ul-Kināyah, in a red color, and
how Ḥafṣ reads hā-ul-Kināyah, in a blueۡ color.
Ḥafṣ reads with ṣilah: ٓنطار يُؤدِه ِۦ
َد َ ِ(( َوم ِۡن أ َ ۡهل ۡٱلك َِتَٰب َم ۡن إن تَأ َم ۡن ُه بق3:75)
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ َ َد َّ ۡ َ َۡ َُ د
َ ك َوم ِۡن ُهم َّم ۡن إن تَأ َم ۡن ُه بد
I. Qālūn reads with qaṣr hā ِينار ل يُؤ ِده ِ إ ِ َۡلك ِ ِ يؤ ِده ِ إَِل
ُۡ َ ٱل ۡن َيا نُ ۡؤت ِهِ م ِۡن َها َو َمن يُر ۡد ثَ َو
،) اب ٱٓأۡلخ َِرة ِ نؤت ِهِ م ِۡن َها ُّ اب َ ( ( َو َمن يُر ۡد ثَ َو3:145) ن ُ ۡؤتِهِۦ-
ِ ِ
Note: نافعNāfi˘ (meaning both Qālūn and Warsh) reads the word
ويت ْق ِهwith a kasrah on the ويتقه
ِ . Only Ḥafṣ reads qāf with sukūn.
ُ َ َ ْ ُ َۡ
The only hā with a ḍammah (Az-Zumar 7) ِ(ِإَون تشك ُروا يَ ۡرض ُه لك ۡم
Note : Qālūn reads يَ ۡرض ُهthe same way as Ḥafṣ ˘an ˘Āsim reads.
ۡ ۡ َ ََۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ د ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ََۡ
َٰ َٰ
** َوفي طه بِ َو ْج َهي ِْن بُ ِجل/ 01 كت ِِب هذا فألقِهِ إَِل ِهم) انلمل
َ ِ ِ (فألقِه إَِل ِهم) (ٱذهب ب-
II. Qālūn reads the hā in the word يأت ِهin sūrat Tāhā with 2 allowed
ways: qaṣr of the hā maksūrah, with a shortening to one ḥarkāh, is
the preferred and withۡ َ ṣilah of hā maksūrah lengthening the hā
َ َّ َ َ ۡ َ ٗ ۡ ُ ۡ to a
ِ ََٰومن يَأت ِهِۦ مؤمِنا قد ع ِمل ٱلصَٰل ِح
yā of 2 ḥarakāt: يأتِهِۦlike Ḥafṣ: (20:75) ت
IV. Qālūn and Warsh read the hā of the word )ِ (فِيْهmaksūrah, with
no elongation of the Hā-ul-Kināyah in the āyah: (Al-Furqan 69)
ً ۡ ُ ( َو َي ۡخ.) ُل فِيهِ ُم َهانًا
) ُل فِيِهِۦ ُم َهانا ۡ ُ ( َو َي ۡخ
If two of hamzatul qaṭ˘ meet or follow each other in one word, the
first questioning hamzah will only carry a fatḥah, is called an
interrogative hamzah, has to be pronounced muḥaqaqqah ءand the
second hamzah is either maftūḥah, maḍmūmah, or maksūrah, such
َ َ َ َ ۡ ََُۡ َ ََُۡ
as in: (نزل ُ َ َ َ
ِ أء- أءنتم- ءأل –أءِذا-( ءأنذرتهم, (نتم--ذا - - نذرتهم (
III.Qālūn also reads some words with the tas-hīl of the 2nd hamzah
only, without the insertion of an alif-ulfaṣl, as it is forbidden to
insert an alif in between the two hamzahs in these words: َء َءامنتم
1- ) ( َء َءامنتمin its three sūrahs: Al-˘Arāf:133, Tā-Hā: 71, and Ash-
َ ُ َ َٰ َ َ َ ُ َ
Shu˘arā’: 49, The 2 is: )ل ِهتنا (ءأل ِهتناin sūrat Az-Zukhruf.
َ َ َ َ َ ُْ ُ ُد ُّ َ َ
الًا ابْدِل ِ ِلك ث ل م ت ن آم ء ا ه ب ا َ الش َع
ر و اف
ِ َ َوطه ويف اْل ْع- 511
ِ ِ *** ِ
َ ُّ َ َ َ ْ َّ َ ٌ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َّ َ َ َ
َنل ول ِِبيث ثلث يت ِفقن ت *** ْي ه َنا ِ ول مد بْي الهمزت- 511
ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َّ َ َ َ
The reason ْي ه َناا
ِ ول مد بْي الهمزتthe insertion is not allowed in these
words is because it will have a collection of four alifs, which is
forbidden: (i.e., if we add an extra alif to the three hamzahs that are
found in these two words; the first is the questioning hamzah,
istifhām, the second is the hamzah with a fatḥah, and the third is a
َ َ
hamzah sākinah, which الًا ابْادِل ِ ثhas been changed into an alif. The
tas-hīl of the second hamzah only, is allowed here.
The 3rd is: ) (أئ ِ َّمةwherever it occurs in the Qur-ān, only tas-hīl.
When two hamzahs meet in two words, (i.e. the first hamzah is the
last letter of the first word and the second hamzah is the first letter
of the second word) there are different ways of reading these
words depending on the ḥarakāt of the two different hamazāt (pl.).
Some rāwīs have a special rule regarding these hamazāt.
ْ َ َْ َْ
أبدل وكذلك س ِهل: غري ذلك/ أب ِدل: فتحِ الانية/ َس د ِهل:فتحِ اْلوَّل
د َ
The Rule
If the 1st hamzah is maftūḥah, then make tas-hīl of the 2nd hamzah
If the 2nd hamzah is maftūḥah, then make ibdāl of the 2nd hamzah
If none of them is maftūḥah, then make ibdāl & tas-hīl of the 2nd.
Ash-Shāṭibī states in 021 that the first 3 imāms of the Qirā-āt: سرما
(Nāfi˘, Ibn Kathīr and Abu ˘Amr ibn al-˘Alā' el-Baṣrī) recite every
2 words of double hamazāt with tas-hīl of the 2nd األ ُ ْخ َرىhamzah in
the case of different ḥarakāt, ikhtilāf, while the 1st is maftūḥah.
َ ْ ً ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ ُ ُ َ
اء أ َّمة ان ِزلسما ت ِِفء إِل مع ج *** َوت ْس ِهيل اْلخ َرى يف اختِلف ِ ِهما- 021
(a) If the first hamzah has a fatḥah, Qālūn makes tas-hīl of the 2nd
َٰ َ َ َ ً َّ ُ َ َ
hamzah, which will have a kasrah:) (ت ِِفء إِلor a ḍammah: ) (جاء أمة.
(b) If the second hamzah has a fatḥah, then Qālūn changes it into a
madd letter according to the preceding vowel. If the first hamzah,
carries a ḍammah, then he turns, makes ibdāl of the second hamzah
and if the first hamzah carries a kasrah, then he turns the 2nd into a
ً َ َ ٓ َ َّ ْ ً َ ٓ َ َّ ْ َ ٓ َ َّ ْ ٓ َّ ْ
(yā maftūḥah):) مِن السماءِ ءاية: (مِن السماءِ ياية- )(مِن السما ِء أو: )الس َماءِ يَو (مِن
َ ْ ْ َ ْ ٓ َ ُْ ْ َ ُ ْ َ
َوقل يَشا ُء إِل اكَلَا ِء أقيَ ُس َمعدِل *** َون ْو ََع ِن مِن َها أبْدِل مِن ُه َما- 055
(c) If there is no maftūḥah, i.e. the 1st hamzah has a ḍammah and
the 2nd has a kasrah, (the opposite is not existing in the qura-ān),
Qālūn makes tas-hīl & ibdāl of the second hamzah into a wāw
َ ٓ َ
maksūrah and the ibdāl is preferred, muqaddam. )( َي ْهدِي َم ْن يَشا ُء إِل
َ َُٓ َُۡ َ َُٓ َ ُۡ َّ َ ُ ٓ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ ُ َ َ ٓ َ َ ٓ َ ٓ ُ
)ل.ِِ (ٱلفقراء وَِّل) (ٱلفقراء:) (أنتم ٱلفقراء إِل ٱللِه،)ل.ِِ (الشهدا ُء إِذا)(يَشا ُء وَِّل)( يَشا ُء
َ َّ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ُ ٌّ َ ْ ْ ُ د َ ُ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ِ َّ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ
ك يبدا مفصل ِ وُك بِهم ِز ال *** ث القراء تبدل واوها ِ وعن أك- 050
َ ْ ُ ُ َّ ُ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َواإلب ْ َد ُال َُمْ ٌض َوال ْ ُم َس َّه ُل َب- 051
ِنه أش ِِكاِل ْرف اَّلِي م *** هو الهمز و ْي َما ِ
If both hamzahs have fatḥah, Qālūn drops the 5st one, accordingly,
he reads the two words with two allowable ways of lengthening of
the first madd, the preferred way is to read it with 2 ḥarakāt madd,
ََٓ َ ٓ
qaṣr, then the 4 ḥarakāt, as in madd munfaṣṣil: )َجا َء (جا أحد)( جا أحد
ْ ٓ َ ُ َٰٓ َ ٓ َّ
II. If both hamzahs have a kasrah, such as in )ِِ إِن ٱلس َماءِ إِن) (هؤلء (
َ َ ُ ٓ َ
or a ḍammah, as in the sole example in the Qur-ān: )وَلَاا ُء أ ْو َٰٓلئِاك ِ (أ,
then Qālūn makes tas-hīl of the first hamzah, with an exception in
َّ ُّ بin (Sūrat Yūsuf:53). Qālūn and al-Bazzī have an
one word: الس ٓوءِ إِل
َ َْ ُ َ َْ َ ُْ َ ٌَ َ َ َ ْ َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َّ ُّ َوب- 021
وفِيهِ خِلف عنهما ليس مقفل *** السوءِ إِل أبدل ثم أدغما ِ
extra way of reading this word by making ibdāl of the 1st hamzah,
altering it into a madd letter following the preceding ḍammah into
wāw, then they merge, make idghām of the previous sakin wāw
َّ ُّ د
into it and read it as: اوِ إِل بِالس, accordingly, reads with assimilation
as one mushaddad wāw. This is besides the two permitted ways of
tas-hīl for the same hamzah. Accordingly, Qālūn reads the 2 words
with 2 allowable ways of lengthening the first madd, the preferred
one is to elongate it into 4 ḥarakāt madd, and then qaṣr, 2 ḥarakāt.
Note: That all of these rules are applicable to the second hamzah
only in the connecting recitation, but if you stopped on the first
hamzah, - for out of controle reason-, test, sneezing, then you start
the second without any changes, even it is not a good place to stop,
َ َ َ ُ ٌّ َ ْ ْ ُ د
as the meaning requires to connect them. *** ك َيبْ َدا ُمف َّصل
ِ وُك بِهم ِز ال
Note: The tajweed scholars forbade shortening the stronger madd
muttaṣṣil, (even that has a changed hamzah with tas-hīl), when you
lengthen the weaker one, munfaṣṣil into 4 ḥarakāt. This explains
why Qālūn reads any āyah that has madd munfaṣṣil, mīm jam˘ and
2 hamzah words, in 2 allowable ways instead of 8. As he drops 2
of tawassuṭ madd munfaṣṣil (1 for sukūn mīm ul- jam˘ and 1 for its
ṣilah) if he makes qaṣr 2 ḥarakāt of the changed madd muttaṣṣil.
َ ْ ُ َ ُ ٓ َ ُ َٰٓ َ َ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َ َّ ُ ٗ َ ۡ ُ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ
٤٠Sūrat Saba’ )هؤلِِ إِيَّاك ۡم اكنوا َي ۡع ُب ُدون
. َٰٓ (ويوم َيِشهم َجِيعا ثم يقول ل ِلم
لئِكةِ أ
I. If you have mīm ul-jam˘, a madd munfaṣṣil and two identical
adjacent hamzahs in two words that carry kasrahs, then Qālūn has
8-2 allowable ways of reading this verse = 6 ways, as follows.
2 for (mīm) X 2 for (madd) X 2 for (ِ = )لِِ إ8 -2 = 6 ways. As he
drops 2 ways of tawassuṭ madd munfaṣṣil (one for sukūn mīm and
one for its ṣilah) if he makes qaṣr of the changed madd muttaṣṣil.
ُّ َ َّ ۠ َ َ ٓ َ َ َّ َ َٰٓ َ ُ َ َّ ُ َّ َ ۡ ۡ ُ ََ َُ ُۡ َ َۡ ََٓ
))وما أدرِي ما يفعل ِِب ول بِكمه إِن أتبِع إِل ما يوۡح إ ِل وما أنا إ ِل نذِير مبِْي
Note: The changes start from the left side, the end of the verse and
goes towards the right, (i.e., to the beginning of the āyah).
Madd munfaṣṣil came first, read mīm jam˘ mahmūzah, (i.e., that
followed by a hamzah, in 3 ways: 2 of them are included as madd
munfaṣṣil, the same madd munfaṣṣil is applied for the alif of (ِ )أنا إ.
ُّ َ َّ ۠ َ َ ٓ َ َ َّ َ َٰٓ َ ُ َ َّ ُ َّ َ ۡ ۡ ُ ََ َُ ُۡ َ َََۡٓ
)(وما أدرِي ما يفعل ِِب ول بِكمه إ ِن أتبِع إِل ما يوۡح إ ِل وما أنا إ ِل نذِير مبِْي
1,2- Qaṣr munfaṣṣil, sukūn mīm, qaṣr madd ( )أناand drop alif of أنا
َ َّ ۠ َ َ َّ َ َ َّ َ ِ وۡح إ َّ َ
َٰ َ ُك ۡمه إ ِ ۡن أتَّب ِ ُع إِل َما ي
ُ َ ُ ۡ َۡ َ
) أنا إل نذِير ُّمبِْي/ ل َو َما أنا إ ِل )و َما أدرِي َما ُيف َعل ِِب َول ِب
7,8- Do the same as the previous, but with ṣilat mīm in tawassuṭ.
َ َّ ۠ َ َ َّ ٓ َ َ ٓ َّ َ ِ ۡح إ َّ َ
َٰٓ َ ~ إ ِ ۡن أتَّب ِ ُع إِل َما يُو,ك ُم
ُ َ ُ ۡ َۡٓ
أنا إل نذِير ُّمبِْي/ ل َو َما أنا إ ِل َو َما أدرِي َما ُيف َعل ِِب َول ِب
III. Qālūn could have the same 1 allowable ways of reading the
verse, if instead of the the word )(أنا, there are two different vowels
hamzahs of two adjacent words: the first hamzah has a ḍammah
and the second has a kasrah, Qālūn changes the second hamzah
َ ٓ َ
into a (wāw maksūrah) and also makes tas-hīl of it: َي ْهدِي َم ْن يَشاا ُء إِل,
then, 2 (mīm) X 2 (munfaṣṣil) X 2 ( = ) ُء ِء8 ways.
َ ٓ َ َ ٓ َ
،)ل.ِِ(يَشا ُء وَِّل)( يَشا ُء, with mīm ul-jam˘, and al madd al-munfaṣṣil.
َ ۡ َ َ َ َٰٓ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َّ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َّ َ َ َ َٰ ُ د ۡ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ
ك َشء قدِير ِ ومِنهم من يم ِِش ىلع أربع َيلق ٱلل ما يشاء إ ِن ٱلل ىلع
Mīm ul-jam˘ came first:
َّ ٓ َ َّ ٓ َ
1,2- Sukūn mīm, qaṣr munfaṣṣil and 2 ways of يَشا ُء وِن- ن.ِِيَشا ُء
َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ َ َٰ ُ د ُ ٓ َ َ َّ ُ ٓ َ َ َ ُ َّ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َٰ َ َ ۡ َ َّ ْ ُ ۡ َ
ِ ِن) ٱلل ىلع. يشاء،(ومِنهم من يم ِِش ىلع أربع َيلق ٱلل ما (يشاء وِن
)ك َشء قدِير َّ
3,4- Do the same as the previous, but with ṣilat mīm,
َ ۡ َ َ َ َٰ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َّ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َّ َ َ َ َٰ ُ د ۡ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ
)ك َشء قدِير ِ ِِن) ٱلل ىلع. يشاء- (ومِنهمو من يم ِِش ىلع أربع َيلق ٱلل ما (يشاء وِن
َ ٓ َ َ ٓ َ
5,6- Sukūn mīm, tawassuṭ munfaṣṣil, and 2 ways )ل.ِِ يَشا ُء،(يَشا ُء وَِّل
َ ۡ َ َ َ َٰٓ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َّ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َّ َ َ َ َٰ ُ د ۡ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ
)ك َشء قدِير ِ ن) ٱلل ىلع.ِِ يشاء،(ومِنهم من يم ِِش ىلع أربع َيلق ٱلل ما (يشاء وِن
7,8- Do the same as the previous, but with ṣilat mīm,
َ ۡ َ َ َ َٰٓ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َّ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َ َ ٓ ُ َّ َّ َ َ َ َٰ ُ د ۡ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ
)َشء قدِير ك
ِ ِِن) ٱلل ىلع. يشاء،(ومِنهمو من يم ِِش ىلع أربع َيلق ٱلل ما (يشاء وِن
-A hamzah with a sukūn into a yā, then merges it, makes idghām
into the following yā: ورِ دي ِا: ورِئ َياsūrat (Maryam: 74).
َّ َ ََ ََْٓ
-A hamzah with a fatḥah into a yā in sūrat (an-Nour) ) (أبناءِ َيوات ِ ِهن,
َ َ َ َ ََ َ ََ
) َِلهب، ( ِْلهبin sūrat (Maryam), ِْلهبis the preferred,.
3- Hamzah with a kasrah / a fatḥah into a wāw in:
َ ٓ َ ُّ َ ٓ ُّ َّ
)لسف َها ُء َول (ٱ/ (ٱلش َه َدا ُء وِذا) باِلقرة:(بَال ُّس دوِ إِل) بيوسف
َ ْ َ ْ َّ َ َ ً َاه ِم ْز َمعا ً َع ْن ف
ْ َ ٌَ َ ْ ُ َ
*** َول ع َّم ِيف َوالش ْم ِس بِالفاءِ َواْنَل ً َت ح
ِىم ومؤصدة ف- 5551
ُ )ٌوص َدة
4- Hamzah with a sukūn into a wāw in: الهمزة و اِلُل َ ( ُم
َّ َ َ ُ َّ َ
َ لصاب َ ُ َ ُ
II. Qālūn omits the hamzah in: – )ْيِ (وٱلصابون) (وٱ:( يض َٰهون) بالوبة
َ ُ
ك ِن ف د ِصل َّ ُخ ْذ َو ُه ْزؤا ً َو ُك ْفؤا ً يف َ َّ ْي ال ْ َه ْم َز َو
الصاب ِ ُئون َّ َويف-122
َ الصابئ
ِ الس َوا *** ِِ
ََُْ َ ٌ َ َ َ
Deletes or drops the hamzah in: )(جا أمرنا: )(جا أحد
َْ ُ د َ ْ أ َ َر۬اي-كم
ُ أا۬ا،ت
VI. Qālūn makes tas-hīl hamzah in: فاك.ِِءا-ن ِكم.ءا-نتم
ُ ُ َ َد
ُِنب ِئ
َٰٓ َ [: with the lengthening of the alif into
ُ ها۬ا
Qālūn makes tas-hīl of [نت ۡم
two and four madd munfaṣṣil.
means: elongate both, shorten both, or shorten (نت ۡم ُ ها۬ا َٰٓ َ ), while
ٓ َ ُ َٰٓ َ
elongating "ِهؤلء ", but not the opposite; This why Qālūn reads it in
6 ways instead of 8 in sūrat an-Nisā109
َ َ ْ ُ ْ ََ َْ َ َ ََْ د ً َ َ َ ْ ََُْ َ ٌ َ َ َ
وس ِهل أخا َحد وكم مبدِل جل *** ول أل ِف ِيف ها هأنتم زَك جنا- 111
َ َّ َ َ َ
اُل م ِْن ه ْم َز ٍة َزان َجل ُ ُ ِإَوب ْ َد ً يه م ِْن ثَابت ُه
دى ُ النْب َّ ِ َويف َهائه- 122
*** ِ ِ ِ
َ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ْ ُ د َ َ َ
ْ ج َه ْْي َع ْن غ ْريه ِْم َوك ْ
ْ َ ُ َْ ََ
ك َحل ِ ِل ل ْي
ِ ه جو ال ِ ه ِ ب يه ج
ِ و *** م ِ ِ ويحت ِمل الو- 125
َْ َ ْ ْ ْ ُ ً َ ْ َ ْ َْ ُ ْ ُ ُ َو َي ْق- 120
*** َوذو اِلَ َد ِل ال َوجها ِن عن ُه ُم َس د ِهل ْص مذهبا ِ ق ال وذ ِ ه يِ ب الن يف
ِ ْص
ۡ َ َ َّ ُ َٰ َ ُ َ َ َ ۡ ُّ َٰ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ٓ َ ُ َٰٓ َ ۡ ُ َٰٓ َ
ٱلل ع ۡن ُه ۡم يَ ۡو َم ٱلقِ َيَٰ َم ِة ج َٰ َدلُ ۡم ع ۡن ُه ۡم ِيف ٱِليوة ِ ٱلنيا فمن يجدِل ها۬انتم هؤل ِء
Madd munfaṣṣil came first
ٓ َ ُ َٰٓ َ ُ ُ َٰٓ َ
6- Do the same as the previous, but with ṣilat mīm.ِِهؤلء ها۬انتمو
ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ٓ َ ُ ُ َٰٓ َ
:نت ۡم أ ْولءِ َت ُِّبون ُه ۡم َول َي ُِّبونك ۡم ۬ هااSūrat Āl ‘Emran 119:
ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ٓ َ ُ ُ َٰ َ
2- Qaṣr munfaṣṣil tas-hīl, ṣilat mīm نت ْمو أ ْول ِء َت ُِّبون ُه ۡمو َول َي ُِّبونك ۡم ها۬ا
ُ َ ُّ ُ َ َ ۡ ُ َ ُّ ُ ِ ٓ َ ْ ُ ۡ ُ َٰٓ َ
3- Tawassuṭ munfaṣṣil, sukūn mīm ها۬انتم أولء َتِبونهم ول َيِبونكم
ُ َ ُّ ُ َ َ ۡ ُ َ ُّ ُ ِ ٓ َ ْ ُ ٓ ُ َٰٓ َ
4- Tawassuṭ both munfaṣṣil and ṣilah ها۬انتمو أولء َتِبونهمو ول َيِبونكم
َ ُۡ َ ُ َ َ َ َْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ د
start the second word: 1- ٱْلوَّلlikeَٰ َِ Ḥafṣ, ***ضل ل ِقالون
ِ واِلدء بِاْلص ِل ف
َ ُْ
2- ٱلؤ ََّٰل, with hamzat ulwaṣl pronounced maftūḥah, followed by lām
َ ُْ
maḍmūmah and hamzah sākinah after that. ٱلؤ ََّٰل
َْ ُ
1- لاؤ ََّٰل, without hamzatul waṣl, since the lām acquired a ḥarakah
˘āriḍah, so there is no need for hamzat waṣl, this is in general naql
of any word starts with () األ, such as الخرة- الزفة- النسان-السم-الرض
َ ْ ُّ َ َ َ ت ُم ْع َت ًّدا ب َ ُْ ْ َ ْ ُّ َّ ْ ُ د ْ َْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ
)ضهِ فل (لؤ ََّٰل ار
ِ ِ ِ ع ن ك ِإَون *** ) َٰ
َّل ؤ ٱل( ِ هِ ِك ل ِ ق انل يف ل
ِ وتبدأ بِهم ِز الو- 011
َ ََ َ َ ْ ب ْ َ َ ً ُْ
اكن ع ْن َو ْرش أ َص ُّح تق َّبل ِ اإلس ِ ِ *** َونقل رِدا ع ْن ناف ِع َوك َِتابِيه- 011
B. رِد ًءاin āyah 34 of Al-Qasas, ِ)ن ه ٓ ِ ُِع رِ ۡد ٗءا يُ َص ددِق َ ِ (فَأ ۡرس ِۡل ُه َم, This in Ḥafṣ.
ْ ً
Qālūn, and Warsh read ( رِد ًءا:)رِدا: by transferring the fatḥah of the
hamzah to the sākin dal and omits the hamzah, then reads it: )(رِدا.
َ ْ ُد َ ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ََ
َلى يُونس آلن بِانلَّق ِل ن ِقل *** َشء َوشي ًئا ل ْم يَ ِزد َونلِ َاف ِع و- 001
َ ۡ
C. )( َءآلَٰٔـ َن َوق ۡد: Sūrat Yūnus (51,91) it has an interrogative hamzah,
istifhām. Qālūn and other reciters read this word, with the two
ways of the second conjuctive, hamzatul waṣl,
1- Change, make ibdāl of hamzatul waṣl into a long alif,
lengthening it to six ḥarakāt as a compulsory madd lāzim, due to
the sākin lām following it. )( َءال َٰ َن
2- Read it with ease, make tas-hīl of hamzatul waṣl: )َل َٰ َن.( َء.
Besides, Qālūn and Warsh read it with an extra way accompanying
3-The “ba” into the “mīm” in Sūrat Hūd with khulf: both Idghām
َ ۡ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ۡ َ َٰ ُ َ د
َ كَٰفِر َ ٱر َكب َّم َع
ۡ ن َ َُد
and Iṫĥhār: ٤٢ )ين ِ ٱل ع م ن ك ت ل و ان عم ب ك ٱر ن
ِ ب (ي ، ) ان ِ (يَٰب.
If two sākin letters meet between two words, then waṣlan, the first
sākin is either given a ḥarakah or it is dropped if it is a madd letter.
َ َّ َ َ َ ُّ َ َ
, on the وضمك أوَّل الساكِنْيa ḍammah Qālūn reads the first sākin with
condition that the second sākin is a verb which starts with
hamzatul waṣl and its third letter (counting starts from hamzah),
Nāfi˘ (meaning both Qālūn and Warsh) reads two words with
ّ ّ ي
ٓ( ِ يin sūrat Hūd:77), 2- ٓيت
ishmām, 1- ٓسء ٓ سِٓ ٓ (in sūrat al-Mulk:27).
The rules in verses 111-460 were mentioned under the title (11.
Rules of a Single Hamzah in a Word), on page 46.
ْ َ ً َ ً َ َ َ َْ َ َ ُ ْ ْ
اضيا بارِدا حل كن ر ِ
ِه أس َِو َها ِ َ *** َ - 111وها ه َو َبع َد ال َواوِ َوالفا َولم َِها
َ َ ْ ٌ َ ُ د ُّ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َّ ْ َ ْ ً َ َ َ َّ ُّ َ ْ ُ ُ
ّس َوع ْن ك يُ ِمل ه َو اْنَل وك *** ريه ُم - 112وثم هو رِفقا بان والضم غ
Qālūn reads these words with sākin hā with the condition to be
ُ ۡ
للصاب ِريْن-ث َّم ه َو) )و-ف-ل-ثم( preceded with a letter of ري َّ ه-ل َ ۡه َو َخ ْ ٌ
َ ( .و ۡه َوَ -ف ۡ َ
َََْ َ ُُ ٌ َ ٌ َ َ َ َّ ُ ً َ ُّ ْ َ
وكيف أَت أذن بِهِ ناف ِع تل *** ه ف ًَت ت عم ن السح ِ اتَ - 251و ِيف ِك َِم ِ
َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َّ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ ُ
ضف ح ل *** سما كم صاب أكل أ ِ ور َرف ٌع ْ - 111نَازِي بِياء وافتحِ الزاي والكف
ُْ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ
اْلكل-أكل-أكلها Qālūn reads 2 words with sukūn of theٓ2nd letter:
َ َ ُ َۡ ٗ َ ُْ ُ ُ َ ُ ُ ْ ُ ۡ ُ ْ ُ َ َّ ُ َُْۡ ُْۡ
َوٱْلذن بِٱْلذ ِنَ -و َيقولون ه َو أذن قل أذن خ ۡري لك ۡمِ -نلَ ۡج َعل َها لك ۡم تذك َِرة َوت ِع َي َهاأذن َوَٰع َِية
ۡ ٗ َ َّ َٰ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ٗ ُ ٗد ُ ٗد ُ ٗد َ َ ۡ َ َ ُ َ َّ َ ۡ ُ َّ د َ ْ َ ُ ُ َّ د ْ ُ
ب احكم. ن ِسيا-تسقطُ-مل ِصا-جثِيا-عتِيا-صل ِيا-فيسحتكم-تلقف-قل ر ِّب يعلم -قل ر ِ
The Attached Yā-āt il-iḍāfah at the end of: The Extra Yā-āt az-Zawā-id
2) Recorded in the writing of the Muṣḥaf (2) Deleted from the writing of
the Muṣḥaf
(3) The reciters differ in reading it with a (3) The reciters differ in reading
sukūn or a fatḥah. yā or without it. with the
(4) Do not stem from the word’s letters. (4) Either one of the word’s root
َ ْ َ ِ ال
They denote a direct object or possessive or an يَأ َِت/ ّسي ِ ي/ اع
َّ letters like
pronoun indicating “me” or “my”. َ
. ِ َوextra letter
ن ِذيرِي/ عي ِدي
ُ دَ ََ ٓ َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ َّ ۡ َ َٰ ُ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ٓ َّ َ د َ
ِ (5م ۢن بع ِد أن نزغ ٱلشيطن بي ِن وبْي إِخو ِِت إِن ر ِّب ل ِطيف ل ِما يشاء) 522يوسف،
َ ْ ٓ َ َٰ َ ِ ُ ْ َ ُ َ ً ُ َ د ْ د َ َ ُ َ
ن إِ ِ َ (0رِدا يص ِدق ِ ٓ
نظر ِن إِل يوم يبعثون) 51اْلعراف، ِن أخاف أن) 11القصص(1 ،أ ِ
ُ َ ٓ َ ََ َ َ َّ َ ٓ َ َٰ َ َ َ
وم ُيبْ َعثون) 12الحجر 511 /ص، رن إ ِ َٰل يَ ِ
ِ ظ
ِ ن أ (5ف 52 )يب ر
ن إِل أجل ق ِ (1لول أخرت ِ
ُ د َّ ٓ د صل ََْ ْ ٓ َ َ ُّ َ َّ َّ َ ْ ُ ۡ َ
َت إ ِ ِِن) 46 ي ر
ِ ِ ِ ِ ذ يف ل ح ِ أ(7و إَله) ن ( Yūsuf 6أحب إ ِل ِمما يدعون ِ
َ َّ َ ْ ُ ۡ َ ٓ َ ن إ َل ٱلن ََْ َُۡ
ن إ َِلهِ) اغفر .11 ِ ن و عد ت مان (أ ،15 )ِ َّار ( 1وتدعون ِ ٓ ِ
( with a fatḥah, which is preferred,رّب) Note: Qālūn reads the yā of
ن) ُف دص َّل ْ إن ل عنده ل َلَ ُ
ح ْس َ َٰ َ َّ َ َ ُّ ْ ُ َ َٰ َ د ْ َّ
تand with a sukūn in: 12 ِ ّب إِن /رّب
جعت إِل ر ِ (ولئِن ر ِ
4) There are 14 yā-iḍāfah that precede hamzat waṣl with lām ut-
لظَٰلِم َ َ َ َ ُ َ ۡ َ َّ
ْي) Ta˘rīf (Identification Article “al”): like: ِ (ل ينال عهدِي ٱ
َ َ َ ُ َ َ َّ َّ ْ
فإ ِ ْساكن َها فاش َوع ْهدِي ِيف ُعل *** يف أ ْر َب ُع َع ْ َ
ِش ٍة َ - 121و ِيف الل ِم ل ِلتع ِر ِ
I. Ya-āt az-Zawā-id are 62 in total. Qālūn reads19 words with an
, waṣlan and deletes them waqfan, as Shāṭibī states:ۦ ”extra “yā
َ ْ َ َ َ د ُ َّ َ ْ َ َُ َ َ َ َ َُ د ََ َ َ ْ
*** كن عن خ ِط المصاح ِِف مع ِزل - 102ودونك ياءات تسىم زوائِدا ْلن
َ َُُْ َ ُ َ َ َْ َ ْ َ
ان فاعقِل َ ْ َ ْ َ َّ ٌ َ ُ ٌ
ور إ َم ُ
ام ُه
وَجلتها سِتون واثن ِ *** - 100و ِيف الوص ِل َحاد شك ِ
َ َْ َ ْ ُْ َ َ ْ َْ َُد اع ْ َ - 101فَيَ ّْسي إل َّ
يهدِين يؤت ِْي مع أن تعل ِم ِن وِل *** الم َنادِ
اْل َوار ُ
ِ ِ ال ِ ِ
II. Qālūn reads only 1 word with an extra “yā” maftūḥah waṣlan
and he reads it in 2 ways waqfan: deletes it or keeps it sākinah, as
َ َ َ ٓ َ َ َٰ َ َّ ُ َ ۡ د َّ ٓ َ َ َٰ ُ
كام) َءاتَى َٰ
انۦ َءاتىَٰان in Ḥafṣ’s recitation.
ِ (, and heفما ءاتى ِنۦ ٱلل خري مِما ءاتى
reads only 1 word with an extra “yā” sākinah waṣlan and waqfan:
َ َ ۡ ٌ َ َۡ ُ ُ َۡۡ َ ََ ٓ َ ُ ۡ ََُۡ َ َ
يَٰعِ َبادِى ل خوف عليكم ٱَلوم ول أنتم َتزنون (Az-Zukhruf) ٦٨
III. Qālūn reads 4 words in 2 ways waṣlan: either deletes the extra
yā – the preferred- or keeps them, and he deletes them waqfan, as
the Scholars are not sure of keeping these yā from famous ways.
ََۡ ُ َ ُ َ َ ۡ َ ُ َ ُّ َ ُ ْ َ َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ۡ َ َّ َ
سا اغفر{:يوم ٱلنادِ ٣٢يوم تولون مدبِرين}{يوم ٱلل ِق ١٥يوم هم ب َٰ ِرزون} َولَ ْي َ
َ ُْ ْ َ َّ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُّ ُ َ َّ ً
اْلل ِف ُج د ِهل ال َنادِ د َرا بَاغِيهِ ِبو *** الل ِق ال دره و َ
- 111و ِيف المتع ِ
Note: If hamzat qaṭ˘ follows these yā-āt which Qālūn reads with
sukūn, waṣlan, then he lengthens this yā into 2 or 4 ḥarakāt of
madd, according to the madd munfaṣṣil .
-5اإلضاءة في بيان أصول القراءة ،الكاتب :نور الدين علي دمحم حسن المصري،
الملقب بالضباع (ت )5112الناشر :المكتبة األزهرية للتراث ،سنة النشر هـ5102
اط ِبيَّ ِة ( ِح ْرز ْاأل َ َمانِي َو َو ْجه التَّهانِي) في القراءات السبع لإلمام الشاطبي
ش َِ -0متْ ُن ال َّ
-1الرسالة الغراء في األوجه المقدمة في األداء عن العشرة القراء -المؤلف :علي بن
دمحم توفي النحا ،سنة النشر0221 – 5101 :
-1الوافي في شرح الشاطبية في القراءات السبع ،المؤلف :عبد الفتاح عبد الغني
القاضي الناشر :مكتبة السوادي – جدة ،سنة النشر5111 – 5102 :
ُ -1
غني الطلبة في تيسير السبعة Muḥammad Salīm Gaibie auther ofā--2
How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness that
Nonee has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your
forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.