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Transpression and Transtension Zones

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Transpression and transtension zones

J. F. D E W E Y 1, R. E. H O L D S W O R T H 2 & R. A . S T R A C H A N 3
1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK
2Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
3Geology and Cartography Division, School of Construction and Earth Sciences, Oxford
Brookes University, Gypsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK

Abstract: Transpression and transtension are strike-slip deformations that deviate from
simple shear because of a component of, respectively, shortening or extension orthogonal
to the deformation zone. These three-dimensional non-coaxial strains develop principally
in response to obliquely convergent or divergent relative motions across plate boundary
and other crustal deformation zones at various scales. The basic constant-volume strain
model with a vertical stretch can be modified to allow for volume change, lateral stretch,
an oblique simple shear component, heterogeneous strain and steady-state transpression
and transtension. The more sophisticated triclinic models may be more realistic but their
mathematical complexity may limit their general application when interpreting geological
examples. Most transpression zones generate flattening (k < 1) and transtension zones con-
strictional (k > 1) finite strains, although exceptions can occur in certain situations. Rela-
tive plate motion vectors, instantaneous strain (or stress) axes and finite strain axes are all
oblique to one another in transpression and transtension zones. Kinematic partitioning of
non-coaxial strike-slip and coaxial strains appears to be a characteristic feature of many
such zones, especially where the far-field (plate) displacement direction is markedly
oblique (<20 ~ to the plate or deformation zone boundary. Complex foliation, lineation and
other structural patterns are also expected in such settings, resulting from switching or pro-
gressive rotation of finite strain axes. The variation in style and kinematic linkage of trans-
pressional and transtensional structures at different crustal depths is poorly understood at
present but may be of central importance to understanding the relationship between defor-
mation in the lithospheric mantle and crust. Existing analyses of obliquely convergent and
divergent zones highlight the importance of kinematic boundary conditions and imply that
stress may be of secondary importance in controlling the dynamics of deformation in the
crust and lithosphere.

Transpression (TP) and transtension (TT) margins or to smaller-scale deformation zone

(Harland 1971) occur on a wide variety of scales boundaries. In many cases, this arises because
during deformation of the Earth's lithosphere. block margins are inherited features that act as
On the largest scale, this is an inevitable conse- zones of weakness, repeatedly reactivated during
quence of relative plate motion on a spherical successive crustal strains, often in preference to
surface: plate convergence and divergence slip the formation of new zones of displacement
vectors are not commonly precisely orthogonal (Holdsworth et al. 1997). Any displacement zone
to plate boundaries and other deformation margin that is significantly curvilinear or irregu-
zones. Plate b o u n d a r y zones will, therefore, lar is bound to exhibit oblique convergence
experience oblique relative motions at some time and/or divergence unless it follows exactly a
during their history along some part of their small circle of rotation. In addition to collisional
length (Dewey 1975). Within a plate boundary orogenic belts, TP and TT occur widely in a large
zone, strain is focused generally into displace- range of other tectonic settings: oblique subduc-
ment zones that bound units of less-deformed tion margins in the forearc (TP), arc (TP and TT)
material on several scales. This is particularly and back-arc (TT) regions; 'restraining' (TP) and
evident in continental orogens, where broad 'releasing' (TT) bends of transform and other
deformation belts develop in which fault- and strike-slip displacement zones; continental rift
shear-zone-bounded blocks partition strains into zones (TT), especially during the early stages of
a series of complex displacements, internal continental break-up and formation of new
strains and rotations in response to far-field plate oceanic lithosphere; during late orogenic exten-
tectonic stresses and large-scale body forces sion (TT) and in slate belts (TP), where defor-
(Dewey et al. 1986). Here again, block conver- mation may be accompanied by large-scale
gence and divergence slip vectors are not com- volume loss. This paper sets out to introduce
monly precisely orthogonal to or parallel to plate some of the basic features of transpressional and

J. E DEWEY,R. E. HOLDSWORTH& R. A. STRACHAN.1998. Transpression and transtension zones.

In: HOLDSWORTH,R. E., STRACHAN,R. A. & DEWEY,J. E (eds) 1998. ContinentalTranspressional
and TranstensionalTectonics.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 135, 1-14.
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transtensional deformation zones and to high-

light briefly some important problems that may
be encountered in such regions and their impli-
cations for geologists. Our review is not exhaus-
tive and is intended to set the scene for the papers
in this volume.

Properties of transpression and

transtension zones
Basic definitions
Relative plate, or block, motion vectors and the
orientation of the plate or block margins are the
principal boundary conditions during litho-
spheric deformation. Therefore, in contrast to
the original definitions discussed by Harland
(1971), we suggest that the terms oblique conver-
gence and oblique divergence should be used to
indicate the relative motion of boundary plates
or blocks. These are measured using the angle
between the horizontal far-field (plate) displace-
ment vector and the boundary of the defor-
mation zone (Fig. 1; Tikoff & Teyssier 1994). We
suggest that the terms transpression and transten-
sion be restricted to the resulting combinations
of non-coaxial and coaxial strains. Thus trans-
pression and transtension can be defined as
strike-slip deformations that deviate from simple
shear because of a component of, respectively,
shortening or extension orthogonal to the defor- Fig. 1. Some examples of transpressional strain
mation zone (Fig. 1). The deformation zone is models. (Note that the arrows and angle ~ are
commonly steeply dipping or sub-vertical. omitted in (f) and (g) for simplicity.)

Holdsworth this volume). All these homoge-

Strain patterns neous strain models are idealized compared with
Existing studies have modelled transpression and the strain patterns in naturally occurring shear
transtension zones using either finite and incre- zones. In particular, the deformation zone
mental strain (e.g. Sanderson & Marchini 1984; boundaries are unlikely to be unconstrained, as
Fossen & Tikoff 1993; Tikoff & Teyssier 1994) or they cannot simultaneously allow free slip in all
strain rate (e.g. Ramberg 1975). Models based on directions while transmitting the shear stress
strain have been shown to be effective starting imparted by the component of simple shear
points in the analysis of three-dimensional defor- (Schwerdtner 1989; Robin & Cruden 1994). A
mation zones and examples are shown in Fig. more realistic model would display a strain grad-
l a - g (for transpression zones), ordered approxi- ient developed from zero slip at the boundary
mately in terms of increasing realism and com- walls to maximum vertical extension in the centre
plexity. The basic model of Sanderson & of the zone, yielding a heterogeneous strain (Fig.
Marchini (1984) (e.g. Fig. la) involves a constant- le; Robin & Cruden 1994). Unfortunately, such
volume, homogeneous strain in a vertical zone in models are extremely complex and do not easily
which horizontal shortening (or extension) allow generalizations to be made concerning
across the zone was accommodated by vertical finite strains; therefore, they may be of limited
extension (or shortening). It is possible to modify use in the analysis of most naturally deformed
this basic model by changing each of the bound- rocks. In all these models, the deformation zone
ary conditions to allow for volume change (e.g. has a fixed width, so the strain rates will expo-
Fig. lb; Fossen & Tikoff 1993), lateral stretch nentially increase (transpression) or decrease
(Fig. lc; Dias & Ribeiro 1994; Jones etal. 1997) or (transtension). Further variants are steady-state
an oblique simple shear component in which the transpressional or transtensional models, either
bounding blocks are displaced vertically and symmetrical (Fig. lf) or asymmetrical (Fig. lg),
laterally (Fig. ld; Robin & Cruden 1994; Jones & that yield a constant strain rate (Dutton 1997).
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Transpression/Transtension with vertical stretch


J Volume
~--~,~-j~ [ constant I
k=co I ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ k = 8 ' ,

k=1.35 z .k=n97
= ~--~ J~, I


prolate ~ \/10~ (zvalues~ -I
sJrains~L..../'~ ~ Dlanestrains J
;0~)cJ~trSt~i~Sia~~j~r /~ 1

o, [// ~ ~.,~v50~tra~ssi~onal ~ ~.~15


I0 ~ 101
LogY/Z 10 2
oblatestrains 10 3

Fig. 2. (a) Flinn plot to illustrate examples of transpressional flattening and transtensional constrictional
deformations. The double-headed arrows are incremental stretching directions. (b) Logarithmic Flinn plot to
illustrate some transpressional (flattening) and transtensional (constrictional) strain paths.

This is important because the correlation of flow plane because of the non-coaxial wrench simple
parameters, such as vorticity, with finite strains shear component. This produces strains that, in
will be valid only if the deformation is steady common with simple shear, have a monoclinic
state (Jiang & White 1995). symmetry. In contrast, more complex models,
In the more straightforward strain models for requiring an oblique simple shear component
transpression and transtension (e.g. Fig. 1a-c), (e.g. Fig. ld-g) generally have a triclinic symme-
one of the principal axes of finite strain remains try in which all three axes of finite strain rotate
fixed and vertical as deformation progresses, relative to a fixed external reference frame.
and the other two axes rotate in the horizontal Figure 2a and b shows examples of finite
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4 J.F. DEWEY E T A L .




~: ,.:.7
Insubric i r



3implon N
Line A
I 100km t

Fig. 3. Simplified tectonic map of the Central Alps. Lines with open arrowheads are Eocene-Oligocene
lineations; lines with filled arrowheads are Miocene lineations; AA, Austro-Alpine zones. Inset map shows a
schematic illustration of the Miocene trans-Alps slip vector partitioning (H, Helvetics; L, Lepontine; IL,
Insubric Line; RL, Rh6ne Line; UZ, Urserenzone; SV, slip vector).

strains and strain paths using the basic constant- zone-parallel dextral slip on the Insubric Line,
volume, vertical stretch model of Sanderson & which passed northwestwards into the exten-
Marchini (1984) (e.g. Fig. la). These show that sional Simplon Line and then westward into the
transpression generates flattening (k < 1) and dextral Rh6ne Line. During dextral slip, the
transtension constrictional (k > 1) bulk strains. Lepontine Alps were extensionally unroofed
This is also generally the case in constant- and vertically shortened simultaneously with
volume deformation zones where lateral extru- north-south horizontal shortening and
sion (Fig. lc) or oblique simple shear (Fig. ld) or east-west extension, thus leading to a bulk con-
heterogeneous transpression (Fig. le) occur, strictional deformation in a plate-boundary zone
although the range of k values is reduced, clus- of oblique convergence.
tering increasingly towards plane strains as the In constant-volume transpression or transten-
lateral stretch or vertical simple shear com- sion zones with a vertical stretch, finite strain
ponents of finite strain are increased, respec- paths at low angles of convergence (c~ < 20~
tively (Robin & Cruden 1994; Jones et al. 1997; 'wrench-dominated' models of Tikoff &
Jones & Holdsworth this volume). However, it is Teyssier 1994) are strongly non-linear and
possible to develop constrictional or prolate complex with 'bouncing' off k = 0 and k = oo axes
strains in transpression zones and flattening or (Fig. 2b). This coincides with a switching (or
oblate strains in transtension zones in special cir- 'swapping') in the orientation of the finite strain
cumstances. For example, constrictional strains axes (e.g. Fig. 4; Sanderson & Marchini 1984;
will develop in transpression zones where there Tikoff & Teyssier 1994; Tikoff & Greene 1997).
is a component of lateral stretch and vertical In transpression zones, an initially horizontal x-
shortening (or volume loss) (e.g. Dias & Ribeiro axis swaps orientation with the vertical y-axis
1994; Fossen & Tikoff this volume). A good with increasing finite strain, whereas in transten-
example of this developed during Miocene sion zones, the y-axis swaps with an initially ver-
oblique-dextral convergence in the Swiss Alps tical z-axis.
(Fig. 3), where partitioning developed between Far-field plate slip vectors will be parallel to
roughly zone-orthogonal Helvetic thrusting and the axes of instantaneous or finite strain in a
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T r a n s p r e s s i o n with vertical stretch


-I-, .m

~ 1000

.___~ x vertical,Y & Z horizontal:

.c: "~
~ retching lineation

o N 10 ri onta, , ,

1 I
0 5 10 15 20 25
Angle of convergence (o0

Increasing coaxial component

Fig. 4. Plot of angle of convergence (~) v. horizontal finite strain ellipse ratio for homogeneous transpression
(after Tikoff & Greene 1997, fig. 5). A line of oblate strain separates the field in which the long axis of finite
strain is horizontal from the field in which it is vertical.

deformation zone only when they are oriented Islands is partitioned between orthogonal sub-
orthogonally to the zone boundaries (~ = 90~ duction and intra-arc (or volcanic axis) strike-
Thus, in all zones of transpression and transten- slip, with the strike-slip component becoming
sion, plate motions, instantaneous strain (or more important northwestwards. In the Andes,
stress) axes and finite strain axes are oblique to a fairly constant 100 mm/a E N E slip vector
one another (e.g. see top of blocks in Fig. 2a). between the Nazca and South American Plates
However, the horizontal plate m o t i o n will is accommodated and partitioned in various
always correspond to one of three flow apophy- ways along the mountain belt (Dewey & Lamb
ses that define the maximum, intermediate and 1992). Depending upon the sense (sinistral or
minimum rates of particle movement in the zone dextral) of obliquity, left-lateral or right-lateral
(Fossen et al. 1994). Such flow apophyses criti- intra-arc strike-slip faulting, mainly along the
cally control the passive rotation of marker weaker arc volcanic zone (where present), is
structures in the deformation zone even though combined with orthogonal Benioff Zone slip
these structures may have formed initially in and/or back-arc thrusting.
response to instantaneous or finite strains. This Molnar (1992) has provided the best rationale
emphasizes that the relationships between plate yet for plate boundary-scale partitioning.
motions and resulting strain patterns are Molnar's argument is that in a strong, yet ductile,
complex. continental upper mantle, a viscous continuum
should generate principal stresses and strain
rates parallel to or perpendicular to the Earth's
Strain p a r t i t i o n i n g
surface. Because upper-crustal block rotation
Strains may be kinematically non-partitioned or about vertical axes is coupled, via a viscous
partitioned in transpression and transtension lower crust, to the vorticity field of the upper
zones (Fig. 5a and b). There are many ways in mantle, oblique-slip faults should not be stable
which partitioning may occur (e.g. Fig. 3 and during bulk finite strain. Strain partitioning may
6a-f; see also Oldow et al. 1990). Fitch (1972) also be facilitated by the reactivation of pre-
showed how oblique plate convergence in the existing structural weaknesses that are in suit-
Indonesian arc from Java to the A n d a m a n able orientations to minimize work done (e.g.
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angles, there is strong partitioning into thrust

and strike-slip components. This is well illus-
trated by the low degree of partitioning in the
South Island of New Zealand and the strong par-
titioning along the San Andreas zone, where
obliquity is, respectively, high and low (Teyssier
et al. 1995). Tikoff & Teyssier (1994) further sug-
gested that partitioning is especially likely where
the angles of convergence or divergence are low
(<20 ~ because of non-parallelism of incremen-
tal and finite strain axes.

Fabric patterns a n d structural style

The angle of obliquity (a), intensity of finite
strain and degree of kinematic partitioning
principally control fabric orientation in both
transpression and transtension zones (e.g. Fig.
6a-f; McCoss 1986; Fossen & Tikoff 1993;
Fossen et al. 1994; Tikoff & Teyssier 1994; Tikoff
& Greene 1997). In monoclinic transpression
zones where the bulk deformation follows the
vertical stretch model of Sanderson & Marchini
(1984), the strikes of the principal flattening
surface (cleavage, schistosity, gneissosity) will
vary with the non-coaxial component of the
strain (Fig. 6a-f) but the dip is always vertical.
Characteristically, associated stretching lin-
eations can switch from vertical to horizontal
(Fig. 4) where a <20 ~ ('wrench-dominated trans-
pression'). If no kinematic partitioning occurs,
Fig. 5. (a) Non-partitioned transpression. (b) stretching lineations will be initially horizontal
Partitioned transpression in which a significant but, as the finite strain increases, they will switch
component of the wrench component is to vertical; the exact strain threshold required
accommodated by a discrete strike-slip fault. depends on the value of t~ (Fig. 4). If, however,
the wrench non-coaxial component is kinemati-
Jones & Tanner 1995) or at angles at which the cally partitioned into boundary-parallel high-
coefficient of sliding friction is less than the strain zones, vertical lineations may switch back
coefficient of internal friction for new faults. into sub-horizontal orientations. Possible field
Michael (1990) demonstrated that the rate of examples of such switching behaviour have been
energy release on oblique-slip faults is greater described by Hudleston et al. (1988),
than that on pairs of strike-parallel dip-slip and Holdsworth (1989) and Tikoff & Greene (1997).
strike-slip faults, by invoking Hamilton's Prin- Conversely, in transtension, the stretching direc-
ciple that systems choose configurations that tion is always horizontal, but the shortening
minimize work done. This could apply, particu- direction switches from vertical to horizontal
larly, to simple bimodal partitioning at island where ct < 20 ~ with increasing finite strain
arcs where a very weak zone along the magmatic (McCoss 1986). Thus, if no kinematic partition-
axis of the arc represents a suitable surface to ing occurs, any planar fabric switches from ver-
accommodate the strike-slip component. Platt tical to horizontal with increasing strain or vice
(1993) showed, by modelling a variety of accre- versa if boundary-parallel wrench simple shear-
tionary-prism rheologies, that a linear viscous dominated high-strain zones form as a result of
model generates a continuously partitioned partitioning. Switching behaviour is suppressed
strain from orthogonal near the Benioff Zone in transpression and transtension zones where
with a rapidly increasing strike-slip component there is a significant component of lateral stretch
near the back-stop. However, a plastic rheologi- and lineations are mainly horizontal (e.g. Jones
cal model demonstrated strong dependence et al. 1997).
upon the angle of convergence; at high angles, The relationship between planar and linear
there is little or no partitioning, whereas at low fabrics in triclinic transpression and transtension
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I Cross section Plan view I

9 9t 9 v 9
l '" D ~ e
simple \,,.
partitioning \ -, \
9 9 9 A,, 9 9


. . . . . . . .

D continuous


F discontinuous

I Zero Reference Datum]

Fig. 6. Plan view of six transpressional zones showing various degrees and styles of partitioning, particle paths
in the transpression zone (arrows on sides) and cleavage traces (fine lines). D, tectonic transport direction; a,
angle between D and zone margin; e, zone-normal direction. Topographic profiles and possible gravity-driven
thrust movements (half arrows) are indicated in the cross-sections. (a) Simple partitioning into marginal thrust
belts and a central strike-slip zone. (b) A non-partitioned zone of oblique cleavage (particle paths parallel to
D). (c) Continuous symmetrical partitioning of coaxial and non-coaxial components towards the edges and
centre of the zone, respectively. (d) Continuous symmetrical partitioning of the coaxial and non-coaxial
components towards the centre and edges of the zone, respectively. (e) Continuous asymmetrical partitioning
of the coaxial and non-coaxial components to either side of the zone. (f) Discontinuous partitioning of the
coaxial and non-coaxial components.
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8 J.F. DEWEY E T A L .

/ LD folds + fabrics

~ ,,,-" LD folds
L UP,,,,,,"

~" . "~ LDSbr:Ctntres

F i ~ [ NW--SIDE
Fig. 7. Three-dimensional diagram showing foliation, lineation, shear sense and associated folding patterns
from a transpressional terrane boundary shear zone developed in the Avalon Zone, NE Newfoundland
Appalachians (redrawn after Holdsworth 1994). Two phases of ductile transpressional structures, 'early' and
'late ductile' (LD), are recognized, both of which appear to have an overall triclinic symmetry. (Note that in
both cases, the wrench component is concentrated adjacent to the present-day terrane boundary, the Dover

zones (e.g. Fig. 1d-g) is poorly understood. The in both the intensity of finite strain and the strain
preliminary transpressional models of Robin & rate.
Cruden (1994) suggest that complex and system- The depth variation in the style of transpres-
atic variations in the orientation of both folia- sional and, especially, transtensional defor-
tions and lineations will occur depending upon mation structures and how such systems may be
the intensity of finite strain, the obliquity of the kinematically linked is very poorly understood.
simple shear component and the nature of any The shallower crustal levels are generally charac-
kinematic partitioning within the deformation terized by brittle deformation among complex
zone. This seems to be consistent with the field domains of rotating crustal blocks. Exhumed
observations made in steeply dipping transpres- examples of middle-crustal transpression zones
sion zones where there is evidence for a vertical display similar configurations except that the
simple shear component (e.g. Fig. 7 based on blocks may be internally deformed and the
Holdsworth (1994); other examples have been block-bounding structures are now ductile shear
given by Robin & Cruden (1994) and Goodwin zones (e.g. Hudleston et al. 1988; D'Lemos et al.
& Williams (1996)). Figure 8a-e illustrates 1992). The nature of transpressional and
schematically in cross-section what may happen transtensional structures in the weak ductile
to foliation trajectories in vertically extruding, lower crust and much stronger ductile upper
heterogeneous, triclinic transpression zones mantle is uncertain but is of some importance if
with a range of boundary wall morphologies. It the coupled model proposed by Molnar (1992)
should be noted that the broadening or narrow- for zones of oblique convergence and divergence
ing of the zones will lead to significant changes is correct. Transpressional slate belts also present
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t Cross Sections t

//J 1111
1"///,/,I I,"

y .~////li',,

/// \

/ 9

Fig. 8. Transpression with various boundary wall orientations showing possible cleavage trajectories in section.
(a) Vertical walls with vertical escape. (b) Zone widening upwards between inward-dipping walls. (c) Zone
narrowing upwards between outward-dipping walls. (d) Inclined walls dipping in same direction. (e) Inclined
walls, more steeply dipping extensional detachment above more gently dipping basal thrust. Possible gravity-
driven thrust movements are also indicated by the shaded zones and arrows.

a special problem. These are, structurally, high- mass transfer mechanisms (e.g. Wood 1973; Cox
level anchimetamorphic zones in which transect- & Etheridge 1989). It is not yet clear where
ing cleavages and cleavage sequences are modern slate belts develop and how they main-
developed often with very large volume losses tain compatibility with subjacent high-grade
(up to 55%) because of fluid-assisted diffusive crustal levels.
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Lateral stretch, extrusion and escape deformation that may be attributed to a com-
ponent of lateral extrusion have been docu-
There is some semantic and kinematic confusion mented in continental strike-slip duplex systems
in the literature arising from failure to distin- (Laney & Gates 1996) and broader regions of
guish between lateral extrusion (or lateral transpressional deformation, e.g. mid-Devon-
escape) and lengthening of a transpression or ian, central Scotland (Jones et al. 1997). The
transtension zone developed in other ways. complex and irregular nature of plate and
There are three ways in which lateral stretches 'block' boundaries and their mutual interaction
may develop in plate boundary or other defor- means that small components of lateral extru-
mation zones: lateral extrusion, non-coaxial sion may be possible in continental deformation
stretching, and radial spreading. zones.

Lateral extrusion. Lateral extrusion (or escape) Non-coaxial components of stretching. These
sensu stricto involves a stretch in the horizontal can lead to horizontal zone elongation at low
direction that causes the deformation zone to angles to the plate or deformation zone bound-
lengthen relative to the undeformed or less- ary in transpression and transtension zones. This
deformed rocks that form the zone margins (e.g. stretch is boundary wall compatible and does
Fig. lc; Jones et al. 1997). Homogeneous lateral not lead to extrusion. On a plate boundary scale,
extrusion necessarily involves slippage along the arc-parallel along-strike extension in
zone walls with changing slip along strike, but Sumatra (McCaffrey 1991) and the Aleutians
heterogeneous extrusion may be boundary wall (Ekstr6m & Engdahl 1989), and the transpres-
compatible where a zone-orthogonal strain sional zone-parallel extension of northeast
gradient exists, although the amount of extru- Venezuela that may be an important mechanism
sion will be severely limited. Lateral extrusion, for the exhumation of high-pressure-low-tem-
therefore, involves horizontal, along-strike mass perature metamorphic rocks in accretionary
movement of material towards the end (or ends) wedges (Av6 Lallemant & Guth 1990), are prob-
of the zone where compatibility problems of able examples of this non-coaxial stretching.
material extruding from the zone are solved by
creating space at the end of the zone (Harland Radial spreading. Radial spreading driven by
1971; Ramsay & Huber 1987). In theory, this body forces in curved transpressional arcs,
should be kinematically possible at certain types accretionary prisms and thrust wedges may lead
of triple junction or at a transform-bounded sub- to zone-parallel plate-boundary scale extension.
duction zone. These are rare situations and Good examples occur by radial thrusting in the
escape is, therefore, extremely unlikely at a Himalayas, which leads to orogen-parallel
large plate-boundary zone scale. However, stretching, and the radial back-arc spreading of
exceptions are known to exist in some trans- the Aegean, which is causing arc-parallel exten-
pressional and transtensional settings at smaller sion in the Cretan fore-arc. In such radial
scales, where specific geometric and mechanical systems, body-force driven coaxial strains are
boundary conditions and internal theologies in combined with the coaxial and non-coaxial
the deformation zone may favour lateral extru- strains of transpression caused by relative plate
sion. It should be noted that, to apply such motion across oblique portions of the plate
models, it is necessary to account for the lateral boundary zone. Compatibility is not required
space problem at the terminations of the defor- along the free-slipping basal thrust or Benioff
mation zone. Zone but is maintained with the zone-ortho-
(1) Transpression involving lateral extrusion gonal extending thrust sheet or upper plate.
affects deformed serpentinites intruding a
complex suture zone in SW Cyprus (Bailey 1997;
Transpression, topography and exhumation
Jones et al. 1997). In this case, the serpentinites
were intruded as irregular and possibly isolated Large-scale steeply dipping or vertical trans-
bodies into a pre-existing fault system. Subse- pression zones are likely to develop significant
quent transpressional deformation then redis- surface topographies both above and at the
tibuted the rheologically weak material laterally lateral terminations of the deformation zones.
and, to a lesser extent, vertically within the fault These topographies may be sufficient to gener-
zones. Similar deformation patterns may be ate regionally important episodes of gravity-
common in plutonic bodies emplaced syn-tec- driven deformation that may aid the exhumation
tonically along pre-existing faults and shear of deep crustal rocks. Variations in strain inten-
zones in active transpressional arcs. sity, kinematic partitioning and orientation of
(2) Small but significant components of the deformation zone boundaries will all affect
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Fig. 9. Three possible modes of termination of transpressional zones. (a) Termination in coaxial zones where
the zone termination boundaries do not rotate and where there is no compatibility problem between the
surface topography of the coaxial and transpressional zones. The only compatibility problem exists where zone
orthogonal, gravity-driven thrusting is in different directions at the coaxial-transpressional boundary. (b)
Termination in non-coaxial zones where the termination boundaries rotate with non-coaxial zone vorticity and
where a compatibility problem exists between the growing topography of the transpressional zone and the
'non-topography' of the non-coaxial zone. (c) One end terminated by a non-coaxial zone, the other by a
coaxial zone. Gravity-driven lateral flow will be towards the non-coaxial zone.

the surface topography of transpression zones mismatch b e t w e e n the vertically t h i c k e n e d

and resulting geometries and distributions of transpression zone and the non-thickened non-
gravity-driven deformation (Fig. 6a-f and 8a-e). coaxial zone that is likely to engender high-level
The terminations of transpression (and gravity-driven flow. Third, the transpressional
transtension) zones are rarely considered. They zone may be terminated by both non-coaxial
may be terminated by coaxial or non-coaxial and coaxial strain zones, allowing unidirectional
zones in one of three ways (Fig. 9a-c). Where gravity-driven flow towards the non-coaxial
coaxial zones terminate the transpressional zone zone (Fig. 9c).
(Fig. 9a), the transpressional boundary does not
rotate and there are no compatibility problems
b e t w e e n transpressional and coaxial zones.
Where the transpressional zone is terminated by All transpression and transtension zones display
non-coaxial simple shear zones (Fig. 9b), not three-dimensional, non-coaxial strains; existing
only do the n o n - c o a x i a l - t r a n s p r e s s i o n zone and future attempts to model their development
boundaries rotate with the non-coaxial rota- represent part of a broader and long overdue
tional sense but there is also a topographic attempt to deal with geological deformation
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12 J.F. DEWEY E T A L .

zones in a realistic manner. There are important these features would previously have been and,
practical difficulties. In particular, it is not clear in some areas, still are interpreted as the prod-
whether strain models need to strive for realism, ucts of polyphase deformation events. A more
making them complex and unwieldy, or simplic- fundamental difficulty exists in all transpression
ity, meaning that they may only be applied quali- zones because there is not, in general, a simple
tatively to finite bulk strain patterns. relationship between stretching lineations and
On a b r o a d e r note, the strain patterns the direction of tectonic transport. Marked
deduced in transpression and transtension zones changes in lineation pattern may occur because
have several i m p o r t a n t implications for the of spatial variations in finite strain and/or kine-
broader geological community: matic partitioning (Tikoff & Greene 1997). This
(1) Balanced cross-section techniques. Many problem is particularly acute in triclinic trans-
quantitative studies of crustal deformation use pression zones, where the precise relationship
cross-sections and explicitly or implicitly assume between the development of geological struc-
two-dimensional (i.e. k = 1 plane) strains. tures and deformation is very poorly understood.
Examples include most palinspastic or balanced (4) Deduction o f plate motions. Zones of
section methods in convergent and divergent transpression and transtension present particu-
settings (e.g. Buchanan & Neiuwland (1996) and lar problems when trying to relate crustal defor-
references therein) and some forward-model- mation patterns to relative plate motions. If
ling techniques employed in the analysis of sedi- kinematic partitioning occurs, as is fairly
mentary basins (e.g. Kusznir et al. 1991). If the common, the deformation seen in one region
region being considered has suffered any com- may not be representative of the system as a
ponent of wrenching, extension (transpression) whole. This is particularly i m p o r t a n t in the
or contraction (transtension) occurs normal to recognition of major strike-parallel motions in
the line of section (Jamison 1991). Used in iso- crustal deformation zones because structures
lation, such two-dimensional cross-section- recording such movements very commonly
based methods may yield misleading results, and occur in narrow zones of high strain of limited
the development and use of three-dimensional areal extent that may be poorly exposed
techniques is required (e.g. Ma & Kuzsnir 1992, (Goodwin & Williams 1996). In addition,
1993). attempts to relate regional lineation patterns to
(2) Strain ellipses and faulting. Wilcox et al. plate motions (e.g. Shackleton & Ries 1984; Ellis
(1973) and Harding (1974) used a two-dimen- & Watkinson 1987) may also be unwise in trans-
sional finite strain ellipse to account for the wide pression zones.
range of second-order contractional, exten- (5) Boundary conditions versus stress. The
sional and strike-slip structures that formed in analysis of transpression and transtension zones
analogue models of strike-slip d e f o r m a t i o n has highlighted the importance of kinematic
zones viewed in plan. These workers demon- boundary conditions during deformation of the
strated that such models may be used qualita- crust and lithosphere (e.g. Molnar 1992; Tikoff
tively to explain deformation patterns within & Teyssier 1994). Many traditional approaches
strike-slip zones where the shear plane is well in deformation zones follow Anderson (1951) in
defined and the deformation approximates to a considering stress to be the main deformation
steeply dipping wrench simple shear. However, control, particularly in the brittle crust. If,
such ellipse models have also been very widely however, the development of most geological
used in the interpretation of faulting patterns in structures is controlled by the strain imposed by
offshore sedimentary basins and, in some cases, the boundary conditions, as appears to be the
they are used to support strike-slip or oblique case in transpression zones, then there may not
opening hypotheses (e.g. Gibbs 1986; Fossen be a simple or significant relationship between
1989; Dor6 & Lundin 1996). The use of such large-scale crustal deformation structures and
two-dimensional, simple shear models in regions stress.
of three-dimensional transtensional strain is
inappropriate and may lead to serious errors in The authors would like to sincerely thank all the par-
the interpretation of crustal deformation pat- ticipants for helping to make the meeting in London
terns. such an enormous success. We would also like to thank
(3) Structural complexity. Complex and, as yet, R. Jones and P. Ryan for their constructive reviews of
this paper, and A. Roberts, who allowed us to see his
poorly understood deformation patterns are unpublished manuscript on the abuses of strain ellipse
likely within many transpression and transten- models in the hydrocarbon industry. K. Atkinson at
sion zones. Existing field studies (e.g. Fig. 7) Durham drafted the diagrams and showed great
show that structures that differ significantly in patience when the authors dithered over their ~xangles
orientation may form simultaneously. Many of and other matters.
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