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Example Problems For Compression Members

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Example Problems for Compression Members

1) Determine the maximum allowable load that can be carried by a compression member of a
braced building frame made of W530x167 section if section made of A-36 steel. Assume the
statical systems for member as shown below.
Pa ? Pa ?

x x

l x  7m l y  7m W-530x167

For buckling For buckling

in x-direction in y-direction

-Using recommended design value of effective length factors given by AISC table, effective
length factors for column given are
k x 1.0 & k y  0.8
From table of W-section, section properties for W530x167:
 A  21290mm2 , rx  226mm, ry  78.7mm
-then, slenderness ratio of compression member,
k x . l x 1.0  7000mm
  31.0
rx 226mm
k y . l y 0.8  7000mm
  71.2
ry 78.7 mm
k .l
-The largest value of control allowable compressive stress. Thus,
k .l
 71.2
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 70
k .l
and 75 for  71.2  Fa  112.4 N mm2
-then, the maximum allowable compressive load that can be carried by the member
Pa  Fa . A  112.4  21290  2392.996103 N  2392.996kN

2) Select the lightest W-section that can carry a service design axial compression of 700kN for
compression member of length 5m. The member may be assumed pinned at top and bottom.
In addition, it has weak direction support at mid height. The column (compression member)
is part of a braced building structure. W-sections are made of A36 steel.
P  700 kN P  700 kN y

x x
2.5 m

2.5 m
For buckling For buckling
in y-direction in x-direction

-unsupported lengths of member in both directions are

lx  5000mm & l y  2500mm
-Effective length factors if ends of column hinged,
k x 1.0 & k y 1.0
-Assuming allowable compressive stress Fa 100 N mm2 , trial area of section is obtained as
P 700103
Areq    7000mm2
Fa 100
-then, select trial section from table of W-section with A  7000mm2 ,
1st trial : W460x67
 A  8520mm2 , rx 186mm, ry  41.2mm
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,
k x . l x 1.0  5000mm
  26.9
rx 186mm
k y . l y 1.0  2500mm
  60.7
ry 41.2 mm
k .l
-The largest value of control allowable compressive stress. Thus,
k .l
 60.7
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 60
k .l
and 65 for  60.7  Fa  119.7N mm2
-then, checking adequacy of trial section
Pa  Fa . A  119.7  8520  1019.844103 N  1019.844kN  700kN
therefore, 1st trial is adequate. But, it is not the lightest section. You have to check next lower
trial section.

2st trial : W460x52
 A  6640mm2 , rx 179mm, ry  31.2mm
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,
k x . l x 1.0  5000mm
  27.9
rx 179mm
k y . l y 1.0  2500mm
  80.1
ry 31.2 mm
k .l
-The largest value of control allowable compressive stress. Thus,
k .l
 80.1
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 80
k .l
and 85 for  80.1  Fa  105.8N mm2
-then, checking adequacy of trial section
Pa  Fa . A  105.8  6640  702.512103 N  702.512kN  700kN
2 trial is adequate. Therefore, W460x52 can be selected as the lightest section for
compression member

3) Determine the maximum allowable load that can be carried by a compression member made
of built-up section as shown below. Both components of built-up section are made of A-36
steel. Assume the column is pin-ended in both directions having a length of 5.25m.
C-310x45 y
x x
S-380x74 y

-Section properties of one C-310x45:

x x
 A  5690mm2 , tw 13mm, y 17.1mm d
I x  2.1410 mm
6 4
I y  67.4 106 mm4
-Section properties of one S-380x74:
 A  9480mm2 , d  381mm y y
I x  202106 mm4 I y  6.53106 mm4
-Section properties of built-up section: a
A  5690  9480  15170 mm2 x x
I y  67.4  6.53 106  73.93  106 mm4
  A. y  5690 17.1 9480 13 381/ 2
a   133.6 mm
A 5690  9480

I x  2.14  202 106  5690 133.6  17.1  9480 381/ 2  13  133.6  327.69  106 mm4
2 2

Iy 73.93  106
ry    69.8 mm
A 15170
Ix 327.69  106
rx    147 mm
A 15170
-Effective length factors if ends of column hinged,
k x 1.0 & k y 1.0
-then, slenderness ratio of member,
k x . l x 1.0  5250mm
  35.7
rx 147 mm
k y . l y 1.0  5250mm
  75.2
ry 69.8 mm
k .l
-The largest value of control allowable compressive stress. Thus,
k .l
 75.2
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 75
k .l
and 80 for  75.2  Fa  109.45N mm2
-then, the maximum allowable compressive load that can be carried by the member
Pa  Fa . A  109.45  15170  1660.356103 N  1660.356kN

4) Determine the maximum allowable load that can be carried by a compression member made
of double angles sections, 2L76x51x6.4 with longer legs back to back connected to opposite
sides of 10mm thick gusset-plate by bolts as shown below. The effective length of column is
equal to 3.4m, and they are the same in both directions. Assume sufficient tacking bolts with
spacer-plates have been provided along the length of member. Section is made of A-36 steel.
t gusset  10 mm


x x
76 mm
-Section properties of one L76x51x6.4:
 A  768mm2 , rx  24.3 mm, x 12.5mm, I y  0.163 106 mm4
-Section properties of double angles 2 L76x51x6.4:
A  2  768  1536 mm2
rx  24.3 mm (the same as for single angle)

I y   I y0    A. d x2   2  0.163106  2  768 12.5  10 / 2  796.4  103 mm4

Iy 796.4  103
ry    22.77 mm
A 1536
-effective length factors if ends of column hinged,
k x 1.0 & k y 1.0
-then, slenderness ratio of member,
k x . lx 1.0  3400mm
  139.9
rx 24.3 mm
k y . l y 1.0  3400mm
  149.3
ry 22.77 mm
k .l
-The largest value of control allowable compressive stress. Thus,
k .l
 149.3
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 145
k .l
and 150 for  149.3  Fa  46.248N mm2
-then, the maximum allowable compressive load that can be carried by the member
Pa  Fa . A  46.248  1536  71.037 103 N  71.037kN

5) a) Design a built-up section for column to supports a service design axial compressive load of
1250kN using double channel section placed back to back spaced at desired distance. The
channel sections are effectively held at desired position using adequate lacing system. The
effective length of column is equal to 6.4m. Channel section is made of A-36 steel.
b) Design also the lacing system for built-up section.
a) Design of built-up section using double channels placed back to back

V (transverse shear)
40 mm 40 mm
y F (t )
F (c)

x x lC

y   450
bf s b f  80 mm

40 mm s 40 mm

-Assuming allowable comp. stress Fa 120 N mm2 , trial area of built-up section is,
P 1250103
Areq    10416.7 mm2
Fa 120
and, required area of one channel section is Ag (one channel)  10416.7 2  5208.35 mm2
-then, select trial channel section from table with, A  5208.35 mm2
1st trial : 2C-310x45 section placed back to back at desired spacing
For one C-310x45 section:  Ag  5690mm2 , x 17.1mm, rx 109mm, ry 19.4 mm,
I x  67.4  106 mm4 , I y  2.14  106 mm4 , bf  80mm
For double channels  A  2  5690 11380mm2 ,
-for efficient section of compression member made of built-up, section may be

proportioned using rx  ry I x  I y 
then, rmin  rx 109mm (the same as for single channel section)
-effective length factors if ends of column hinged,
k x 1.0 & k y 1.0
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,
k . l 1.0  6400mm
  58.7
r 109mm
-Using tables of allowable compressive stress, interpolating between slenderness ratios of 55
k .l
and 60 for  58.7  Fa  121 N mm2
-then, checking adequacy of trial section
Pa  Fa . A  121  11380  1376.98103 N  1376.98kN  1250kN
therefore, trial section is adequate if channels are spaced at desired position.
-To locate spacing between channels for efficient built-up section may be determined using,
Ix  I y
where I x  2I x0  267.4  106   134.8  106 mm4
I y  2I y0  2 Ag0 . s 2  x   22.14  106   25690 s 2 17.1
2 2

Equating the two moment of inertias

134.8  106  4.28  106  11380 s 2 17.1

simplifying, s 2 17.12  11469.244

 s 2 17.1  107.09
 s  179.989mm  180mm
therefore, 2C-310x45 spaced 180mm between back of the channels may be used for column

b) Design of lacing system

-assuming a single lacing system inclined at 450 , spacing of lacing bars connection if edge
distance from line of bolts is 40mm,
l C  2s  2  40 / tan 450  2180 80 / tan 450  520 mm
rmin of each channel section = ryC  19.4 mm
-then, checking slenderness ratio of each channel section between lacings connection (IS:800)

lC 520  50
  26.8   ok!
 0.7l r comp. member  0.7  58.7  41.09
rmin 19.4
-effective length of lacing bars,
leL  s  2  40 sin 450  180 80 sin 450  367.7 mm
-minimum thickness of lacing bar (IS:800 & AISC),
lL 367.7
tL  e   9.2 mm  use t L  10 mm
40 40
-minimum width of lacing bar if 20mm diameter bolts are used (IS:800 & AISC),
b L  3b  3  20  60 mm
-Try 60mm x 10mm flat solid bars for lacing connected by 20mm diameter bolts:
Checking slenderness ratio of trial lacing bar section,
leL 12 leL 12  267.7
   127.4  145 0k!
rmin t 10
-allowable compressive stress of lacing bar for l r  127.4  FaL  63.5 N mm2
-transverse shear force to be resisted by lacing bars (IS:800),
V  0.025P  0.025 1250 kN  31.25 kN
-then, axial tensile and compressive forces developed in lacing bars due to transverse shear
from force equilibrium,
V 31.25
F   22.1 kN
2 sin  2 sin 450
-then, checking tensile and compressive stresses in the lacing bars:
F 22.1  103
ft    57.4 N mm2  Ft  0.6 Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm2 ok!
An 60  21.5  10

F 22.1  103
and, fc    36.83 N mm2  FaL  63.5 N mm2 ok!
Ag 60  10
Therefore, use single lacing system made of 60mm x 10mm flat solid bars placed 450 from
vertical at the two faces of the double channel section.
End tie-plate required:
-tie-plate shall have a thickness at least equal to 1/50 of the distance between lines of bolts,
t = (180+2x40)/50 = 5.2mm  take t = 6mm
-length of tie-plate is equal to the distance between lines of bolts,
l = (180+2x40) = 260mm take l = 260mm
-width of tie-plate, b = (180+2bf) = (180+2x80) = 340 mm take b = 340mm
-therefore, use end tie-plate 6mm x 260mm x 340mm

Exercise Problems
1) It is desired to design a column for compression member to support a service design axial
compression of 6490kN using A-36 steel with effective length of 3.65m and they are the
same in both direction. A W360x202 is on hand with a good supply of 25mm thick plates.
Design cover-plates to be connected to the flanges of W-section to enable the column to
support the required load. Ans: PL-445mm x 25mm

PL  bp  25 mm

W  360  202
x x
PL  bp  25 mm

2) Assuming axial loads only, select W-section for an interior column of the laterally braced
frame as shown below. Use A-50 steel ( Fy  345 N mm2 ). Each column section can be used
for one or two stories before it is spliced, whichever seems advisable. Select among W360
depth group.
Miscellaneous Data:
-Weight of reinforced concrete = 24 kN m3
-Live load on roof = 1.5 kN m2
-Weight of roof finishes = 0.3 kN m2
-Live load on interior floors = 4.0 kN m2
-Weight of floor finishes & partition load = 0.7 kN m2
All joints are assumed to be pinned so as to simplify calculations. Spacing of frames are 9m
on centers. Neglect weight of beams and columns.
100mm re inf orced concrete slab

150mm re inf orced 3.6 m

concrete slab
3.6 m

3.6 m

3.6 m

12 m 12 m 12 m

column beam


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