SF 6
SF 6
SF 6
The following applications are known. For some of these most probably
you haven’t heard of.
(*) According to the 3rd Assessment Report of UNFCCC. Previous accepted value was 23.900
4. What is the overall contribution of SF6 used
in the electrical equipment to the greenhouse
Less than 0,1 % ( see CAPIEL) and CIGRE). In an Ecofys study the
contribution to the greenhouse effect in Europe is estimated to 0.05 % (*).
(*) ECOFYS, Sina Wartmann, Dr. Jochen Harnisch, June 2005, “Reductions of SF6 Emissions from High and Medium
Voltage Equipment in Europe”
SF6 a unique and indispensable material in electric power equipment for which there is no
HV switchgear (< 52 kV) use closed pressure systems with leakage rates less
than 0.5 %, which is the maximum permitted by the relevant IEC standards. The
operating pressure of HV equipment is approx. 5 times higher compared to
Therefore they only have to assure that the disposal and the end of life is carried out by a
Appropriate detailed information can be found in IEC 61634 (handling SF6), IEC
60480 (used SF6); CIGRE guide for the preparation of customised “Practical
SF6 Handling Instructions”.
In the past some proposals of this kind concerning electrical switchgear came up due to
insufficient knowledge on how the electrical industry is using SF6. Once this was clarified and
the benefits given by this technology were explained, the proposals were withdrawn.
18. Can we use vacuum as insulation medium?
Vacuum technology is already in use for switching purposes in the MV
range. In the case of a small volume, a vacuum can be relatively easy
maintained, which is essential to assure the performance of the switching
For sealed for life MV equipment a range below 0,1 % per year is common.
For example, a 3 kg filling quantity (RMU) results in a calculated loss of 3
g per year.
Therefore, this limit does not mean that higher SF6 concentrations pose any
toxic hazard. According to Clause 7.1 of IEC 60480: “In principle, a mixture of
20% of oxygen and 80% SF6 can be inhaled without adverse effect.
Concentrations above 20% would cause suffocation due to lack of oxygen.
(*) TRGS 900, Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe
The decomposition products depend on the type of equipment and its service
history; the quantities depend on energy (voltage, current, time) and the type of
the equipment.
irrespective the switchgear contains SF6 or not. See IEC 61634 sub-clause 5.3: “Abnormal
The technical integrity of the equipment will need to be verified after such an
occurrence and appropriate corrective actions taken by authorised personnel
before refilling of equipment or placing in service.
28. Under which conditions needs SF6 gas in
gas-insulated switchgear to be replaced?
Which are the parameters to be checked e.g. (concentration, dew point,
decomposition products) and what are the related acceptable limits?
An internal fault will cause an increase of pressure inside the enclosure, the
effects of which will depend upon circumstances. The pressure rise is caused
by the transfer of the electrical energy from the arc into the gas. The increase in
pressure will depend upon the value of the arc current, the arc voltage, the arc
duration and the volume of the enclosure in which the arc has developed.
Following an internal fault leading to pressure relief or enclosure burn-
through, the SF6 and much of any solid decomposition products
(powders) will have been expelled from the SF6 enclosure.
CAPIEL (Coordinating Committee for the Associations of Manufacturers of
Industrial Electrical Switchgear and Controlgear in the European Union) –
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers on SF6
IEC 61634 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Use and handling of
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60480 Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) taken from electrical equipment and specification for its