6 Perforating
6 Perforating
6 Perforating
Reservoir boundary is the size of the reservoir, which is estimated during the temporary com-
pletion test.
Reservoir properties are properties such as porosity, permeability, fluid properties, and hydro-
carbon saturation. Reservoir properties are measured through logging and testing methods.
There are different ways to maximize productivity. These include:
Creating a highly conductive path to the well bore by fracturing the formation.
Reducing viscosity by employing methods such as steam injection.
Removing skin by employing methods such as acidising.
Increasing well penetration by perforating deeper into the formation.
Reducing formation volume factor by choosing correct surface separator.
Perforations in a well optimize the connection between the wellbore and the reservoir so as to
enhance productivity.
In order to allow oil and gas to flow into the well, conduits need to be made into the forma-
tion. To do this, a gun is positioned across the producing formation and is detonated to create
perforations through the casing and cement. The guns used for this purpose are known as per-
forating guns.
Perforating guns are divided into two primary categories.
Capsule guns
Carrier guns
In capsule guns, shaped charges are individually packaged in a pressure tight case. The Enerjet
and the Pivot are the examples of capsule guns.
Palentad charge
1.56·in. HSDg.m 2,0·in. HSD g.m 2,25-in, HSo g.m 5.85-in, BiJshot 6 ',&- in, Bigshot
4 spf 2((0 Jilasing 6 spf. 60" spral 6 spf. 60" spral 18 spf. 12ifl60" 18 spf. 120';'60"
phasi[lJ phasi[lJ Jilasing JilasillJ
Carrier guns contain a group of shaped charges enclosed in a steel carrier. High Shot Density
(HSD) guns are carrier guns designed to carry more number of shots per foor.
The performance of the perforating gun in the down hole environment is critical to the suc-
cess of the well completion.
Guns performance is governed by several parameters. These are:
Gun size
Shot density
Gun phasing
Perforating length (penetration)
Temperature rating
2.1.1 Gun size:
The gun size is an important parameter that affects the guns performance. If a well is to be
perforated before tubing is run, the casing ID becomes the limiting factor in specifying maxi-
mum gun size. Usually an operator will allow some clearance to permit fishing. Gun swell
after fire, and burring are also important consideration that needs to be taken into account
when choosing a gun size.
If a well is to be perforated through tubing, then rubular accessories such as nipple-profile
will limit gun size.
2.1.2 Clearance
Clearance is the distance from the guns outer diameter to the inner diameter of the casing.
Clearance is an important gun parameter from the perspective of performance. It helps in
determining the length of perforating, which has a significant impact on well productivity.
Gun clearance affects penetration and entrance hole diameter and these effects have a pro-
found impact when perforating through rubing.
Scallop recess
adjacent to charge
Figure 10.2.137:
Zinc case and debris
on the left, Traditional
steel case and debris
on the right
Figure 10.2.138:
Shaped charge in a
carrier gun.
ExplosIVe Steel target
Metallic Ii er
II ed cavity
cavIty effect
Figure 10.2.139: SShaped-Charge Dynamics
Perforations are created in less than a second by shaped charges that use an explosive cavity
effect, which is based on military weapons technology, with a metal liner to maximize pene-
Perforating charges consist of a primer, outer case, high explosive and conical metal liner con-
nected to a detOnating cord. Each component must be made to exact tOlerances. At the
Schlumberger Reservoir Completions Centre (SRC) in Rosharon, Texas, USA, these charges
are designed, manufactured and tested to meet strict quality standards.
A detonating cord initiates the primer and detOnates the main explosive. The liner collapses
to form a high-velocity jet of fluidized metal particles that is propelled along the charge axis.
This high-energy jet consists of a faster tip and slower tail. The tip travels at about 4.4
miles/see [7 km/see}, but the tail moves more slowly, less than 0.6 miles/see [l km/sec}. This
velocity gradient stretches the jet so that it penetrates casing, cement and formation.
Perforating jets erode until all energy is expended at the end of a perforation tunnel.
Perforating jets act like high-velocity, rapidly expanding rods. Rather than by blasting, burn-
ing, drilling or abrasive wearing, penetration is achieved by extremely high impact pressures -
3 million psi [20 GPa} on casing and 300,000 psi [2 GPa} on formations. These enormous jet
impact pressures cause steel, cement, rock and pore fluids to flow plastically outward. Elastic
rebound leaves shock-damaged rock, pulverizedformation grains and debris in the newly creat-
ed perforation tunnels.
Another technique to reduce debris associated with shaped charge case is to retain as much
possible case metal inside the gun body. Either by using special packing arrangement or by
using special shape charges cases that do not break up.
To control debris, Schlumberger uses the patented packing method. It causes steel cases to
fragment into large pieces that remain in the carrier and decrease the risk of debris exiting the
gun. In this method, shaped charges are placed in the closest possible arrangement for a par-
ticular gun size and shot density so that they cannot expand. Tight confinement causes cases
to break into large pieces that remain in the gun. Small carrier exit holes minimize the
amount of debris that can escape.
This system has proved extremely useful, when used for sand control, with big-shot-gun sys-
tems and is becoming the preferred method.
Perforating guns carry explosive charges to the borehole where they are detonated creating
cylindrical holes in the casing and the cement. This allows oil and gas to flow from the for-
mation into the well.
The two critical parts of a perforating gun are the detonator cord and the detonators.
2.6.1 Detonator cord:
The detonator cord is also referred to as primacord. The detonator cord runs through the
length of the gun and provides the ballistic link from the detonator to each of the shaped
2.6.2 Detonator:
A detonator is used to fire a perforating gun. There are two primary detonator types.
Electrical detonators
Both electrical and percussion detonators contain the primary high explosive Lead Azide
except for RF system detonators (SECURE or SAFE) that contain secondary high explosives
only that are initiated by high voltage pulses instead of low voltage.
Electrical detonators are also known as blasting caps and are normally used in wireline-
deployed guns. Conventional electrical detonators are susceptible to accidental application of
power from electric potential differences (EPD), which constitute a safety hazard.
Electrical detonators come in two types:
Pressure-tight detonators are used in guns exposed to well fluids and pressure, typically
Fluid- desensitised detonators are used in carrier guns and are made in such a way that
they deactivate if fluid leaks or enters into the gun.
Percussion detonators are normally used with tubing conveyed, coil tubing conveyed and non-
electric wireline systems. Percussion detonators that are used in TCP systems actuate mechan-
ically when a firing pin strikes a pressure-sealed membrane and detonates a primary high
2.6.3 Safeguards.
There are numerous safeguards implemented in both the electrical and percussion detonation
systems. However, these conventional systems may explode accidentally when exposed to elec-
tric magnetic fields or other voltages found around the field.
The S.A.F.E Slapper-Actuated Firing Equipment system was developed to be immune from
the potential differences created by the radio-frequency (RF) radiation, impressed current
from corrosion cathodic protection, electric welding, high-tension power lines and induction
motors such as topdrives on drilling rigs.
S.A.F.E. equipment is available for most types of perforating/explosive assemblies run on
A major advantage of S.A.F.E. equipment is that wellsite assembly is quicker than for conven-
tional electrical detonators.
Disadvantages of the S.A.F.E. detonator are cost and size, which take up lubricator space.
The S.A.F.E system initiates a gun firing without the use of any primary detonating material.
The key components of the S.A.F.E. system are the EFI or Exploding Foil Initiator and the
ESIC or the electrical secondary explosive initiating cartridge. The ESIC generates a unique
signature of high voltage and current and rapidly discharges the pulse. The pulse is necessary
to fire the EFI.
The Secure detonator is a third-generation S.A.F.E.-type device that also uses an EFI. It does
not contain primary high explosives or a down-hole electronic cartridge. A microcircuit per-
forms the same function as the electronic cartridge and EFI together in a package. It is similar
in size to a conventional electric detonator. The Secure system has all the technical advantages
of S.A.F.E. detonators, bur is more reliable and fully expendable. It is also smaller in size and
therefore allows the gun strings to be shorter.
Both Secure and SAFE system fire using high voltage and current. There electronic circuits are
protected and they do not fire accidentally in case of malfunction.
HSD Guns (through tubing and casing type guns) both Wire line Deployed tubing if
Note- the larger sizes would not be wire line deployable as TTP guns.
The HSD guns is a type of carrier gun. They comprise of specific carriers, charges, detonating
cords and boosters to provide maximum perforator performance. HSD guns provide increased
shot density, optimum phasing patterns and the largest high-performance charges available for
natural, stimulated or sand control completions.
HSD are the most flexible guns in the field. They are expandable, retrievable carriers and can
be tun on any type of conveyance (tubing, completion, slick line, TCP, wire line, coil tub-
ing ... etc).
2.7.1 Features of HSD guns.
(All HSD guns can be used with the S.A.F.E. system.)
Expendable carriers:
All HSD guns are expendable, eliminating the need for separate porthole plugs. All carrier
sizes are available in 5-, 10- , 20- and 30-ft lengths.
Shot density:
The helical shot pattern available in all gun sizes provides the smallest vertical spacing
between the shots and the optimum phasing pattern for productivity and remaining casing
strength. Shot spacing can be customized on demand.
Schlumberger HSD guns feature self-aligning detonation transfer modules between guns and
spacers for auromatic ballistic connection during makeup.
Borh borrom-up and rop-down firing modes are available: rop-down for TCP, which allows
insrallarion of rhe firing head lasr, and borrom-up for wireline applicarions, providing fluid
For TCP, Schlumberger HSD guns have modified API-rapered drill pipe connecrions incorpo-
raring high-pressure a-ring seals. These connecrions provide fasr, safe verrical makeup on rig
Loaded HSD guns contain only secondary high explosives (deronaring cord, boosrers and
charges), allowing safe rransporr and handling when Schlumberger srandard safery procedures
are observed.
2.7.2 Quality Assurance:
All HSD gun sysrems are manufacrured according ro rigorous qualiry assurance srandards of
HSD perforaring guns incorporare shaped charges, deronaring cord and deronarors. Srandard
aperaring Procedures musr be followed when loading or running rhese gun sysrems. Loaded
guns should be enclosed in prorecrive rubes during srorage ro prorecr rhe exposed explosives.
Three crirical resrs are performed on HSD perforaring guns for reliabiliry resring. These are:
Mechanical I Pressure I Temperarure resr
Perforaring Gun Splir I Swell Tesr
Drop Tesr
To ensure rhar performance meers specificarions, charges are qualiry control-resred during
producrion in accual gun carriers.
This resr is designed ro measure the performance of rhe gun in a well during deployment,
under well conditions and during retrieval. The rest is performed in pressured vessels up ro
30,000-psi and 600 OF.
This test is designed ro prove rhat the gun will survive deronation in liquid and air. The test
includes swell measurement with laser inspection.
Drop Test:
This test is designed ro ensure there is no damage ro the gun either during rransporration or
if the gun is accidentally dropped. The test includes dropping rhe gun verrically and horizon-
tally from 1, 2, 3 and 4 fr height.
The 27 18-in. HSD guns (featuring PowerJet and HTX explosive) are for the slim-hole, 4 1/2_
in. ro 5 1/2-in. casing markets, bur have applications in any completion where downhole
resrrictions limit gun size including the through-cubing, dual-completion, monobore and
extended-reach markets.
2.8. 1 Natural Completions
Natural completions require deep penetrating charges provided by PowerJet premium
charges. For horizontal wells there is a low-debris CleanSHOT version of this charge.
2.8.2 Sand Control
Sand control requires high shot density and big-hole charges to maximize area open to flow
(AOF) and good phasing. To satisfy these conditions the 27/8-in. gun has 6 spf with 60° phas-
ing and 38C CleanPACK charges. Sand prevention requires deep penetrating charges, high
shot density and optimum phasing to prevent failure of the sand around the perforation tunnel
and minimize perf-to-perf collapse.
2.8.3 Fracture Stimulation
Fracture stimulation requires 120°-or 60°-phased guns wi th a large entrance hole or, if the
gun can be aligned with the preferred fracture plane (PFP), 180° phasing. The standard 2 7 Is -
in. gun has a 60° spiral hole pattern and can be loaded with a choice of big-hole or deep-pene-
trating charges up to 6 spf. Also available is a 180° 4 spf gun.
2.8.4 Special Applications
For special applications a low-side 1180°/60° phased gun using 38C CleanPACK charges is
available for oriented perforating in highly deviated or horizontal wells. Other phasings and
shot densities can be made upon request. Guns can be conveyed using wireline, slickline, tub-
ing or coiled tubing. Multiple guns can be aligned using alignment inter-carriers.
The diagrams and charts shown below are typical of the information available from the
Perforating Contractors regarding their perforating gun specs and performances .
.--X.- • .....L-
.--.- 2 in.
API S13tisrics
Cllarge Explosive rype, S~ots pet Entrance f Bun AJea open Pe.etllllioll t Temperature' Targe{ Tesl
OlaxirlUll 1001. ~ole Ii•. ) aVetage! tollow (in.) (OF) Stretlgl~ dare
wei,ht (gl phasilg (OJ lllaxillUlU (il.j Ii•. 'Ill) Ips i)
HvpelJ"t 2906 RDX.150 6, Ell 0.38 0':6;0.09 f\3 15.3 34(\1240 6>G4 02-00
UItl",let 2906 Ht,1:\ 15.0 6. Ell 0.36 0.•:>7/0.09 l"I3 214 400/300 5514 12-99
Po\'!"fJ"t 2906 Ht,1,\ 15.0 6. Ell 0.36 0.0510.08 n.1 27.7 40(\1300 6847 (lH9
PoI,,."IJ,,t2906 Hr;.~ ISO 6. IOU 0.32 0.07/0.11 n.; 22.6 5001460 6518 09·99
POI""fJ"t 2906 H1X 195 6.m 0.33 0051009 n.1 20.8 50(\/460 65;:3 03-00
34J ClronSH(iT RDX.151 6, t» 0.27 ' 0')4/0.06 f\3 !"'"
,.1 340/240 7&31 04-97
38C CleanP.ACK RDX.155 6.m 0.62 OCe/0.13 1.81 8.4 340/240 58<» 12-95
t API Rf\JJ,lhot in ~'/~in., II bib, l-80 ('3irg
t tem~rJtur;;. rJlin9~ ,1ft' lor , hour and 100 t,:(JI'S.
Through tubing guns are used primarily for underbalanced initial or subsequent completions
that have the tubing and bottomhole assembly already in place. Optimal underbalance can be
applied to achieve clean, productive perforations while maintaining absolure well control.
The through-tubing guns are designed as systems comprising of specific carriers, charges, det-
onating cords and boosters to provide maximum perforating performance
Loaded through-tubing guns contain only secondary high explosives (detonating cords, boost-
ers and charges), allowing safe transport and handling when Schlumberger standard safety
procedures are being observed.
Through-tubing guns include:
The hollow carrier guns (HSD type).
The exposed guns
2.9.1 Hollow Gun Carriers
Schlumberger hollow carrier guns include the Scallop gun systems. These guns are fully
retrievable and are the most rugged through-tubing guns, capable of withstanding the high-
est temperatures and pressures. The hollow carrier guns can be run at very high speeds. In
these guns debris are confined within the gun,
The 2 lis-in. Scallop gun is a retrievable 4-spf hollow carrier gun system suitable for medi-
um-diameter bottomhole assemblies. It is a perforating gun with a recess profile in the per-
forating gun body adjacent to the shaped charge. The scallop profile reduces the external
burrs created as the perforating jet exits the gun body, thereby reducing the risk of hang-up
or damage as the gun assembly is retrieved.
HyperDome and UltraJet
60 degree phasing Scallop recess
adjacent to charge
d~'-Q 00
Figure 10.2.145: Enerjet Guns
Enerjet guns are available in 1.63 in., 1.69 in., 2.12 in. and 2.50-in. diameters and come in a
variety of, phasing patterns and shor densities.
Standard Enerjet was the first to be introduced in the field. Enerjet guns are now classified, in
two malO types.
With retrievable carriers
With expendable carriers
The retrievable system is designed for rugged conveyance while running down-hole. It pro-
vides shot verification. Any charge that does not fire will be retrieved from the well along
with the carrier strip. As the carrier is retrieved there is less debris left in the well.
Expendable systems are useful for applications where well components or conditions make the
retrieval of the carrier strip difficult after the gun is shot.
Expendible Retrievable
API 27.3 in. PEN, 0.25 in. EH 22.9 in. PEN, 0.29 in. EH
(2 liS-in. spiral, 4 spf, 45°, PowerJet) (2 liS-in., 6 spf, ±45°)
Temperature, Pressure, 365°P HMX, 4500P HTX 365°P HMX, 4500P HTX·
Maximum Length. 15,000 psi. 20,000 psi.
35ft or 20 ft (spiral). 35 ft
Shot density 4 or 6 spf, 00±45° (three phase), 45° 4 or 6 spf, ±45° (two phase)
spiral, 60° spiral
Charges DP, BH, HMX, HTX, PowerJet DP, BH, HMX, HTX, PowerJet
Enerjet systems have a long history of high reliability which exceeds any competitor's service
rating. One reason for the high reliability of Enerjet is due to the closely controlled manufac-
turing process of sealing the charges. Each charge is individually checked for seal reliability
before it is shipped. There have been virtually zero leaking charges in the past ten years since
this comprehensive manufacturing process has been implemented. All Enerjet components are
manufactured to strict ISO 9001 standards to insure the highest level of quality.
There are certain limitations of Enerjets:
Hostile environment
Acid / H2S / C02 (special operating techniques required)
Temperature (450°F with HTX, special operating techniques)
Debris (need rat hole for debris)
Selectivity (limited to 2 guns with standard or retrievable)
Length (recommended max. 50 ft standard, less with others)
Wireline conveyed (CT conveyed not tecommended).
The 21/8-in. PowerSpiral system is a retrievable capsule perforating gun designed for
through-tubing wireline operations. The Power Spiral System uses the latest technology to
attain optimum performance for maximum well productivity.
1. Safety: All personnel involved in the operation should discuss the safety rules and pro-
cedures to be followed, and any potential hazards. If the perforating gun is to be load-
ed on a rig, additional safety precautions are required.
2. Hot check: This is an operational check of the perforating equipment performed by the
engineer to verify the functionality and electrical circuitry of the gun and CCl tool.
3. Measure distance from CCl measure point to tOp shot: The distance from the CCl
measure point to the top shot of each gun is measured and noted on the perforation
worksheet for use during gun positioning. The distance is measured using a tape and
Several guns may be either run together and shot selectively in one descent, or run in
multiple descents. When several guns are being run, each CCl-to-top-shot distance
and gun length must be physically measured and noted.
4. Gun arming: Before arming the gun, the area must be safe for working with explo-
sives. To ensure this, a series of precautionary measures needs to be performed. Gun
arming is performed in two steps:
a) Connect the detonatOr electric wires to the gun wires. The detOnator is a sensitive
device that contains primary, high explosives and is, therefore, secured inside a safe-
ty loading rube while making the connection.
b) Remove the detonator from the rube and crimp it to the detonator cord before the
gun is sealed up and run into the well.
5. Zero the CCl measure point
After rigging up the gun string the depth of the CCl measure point is set on the logging
computer. If for example, the permanent darum is the old rig floor level located 5 m above the
wellhead the engineer sets the computer depth to 0005 m with the CCl measure point at the
The perforation-depth control log now shows the correct depth in relation to the GR open
hole log datum. However, while running in hole it is very likely that some depth shift will
occur. The correct depth of the CCl tool must be carefully checked and corrected once the
perforating gun has reached the required depth before the guns are fired.
6. Run in hole: Mter verifying all the pressure control procedures, the gun is run into
the well.
After the gun zero is set, run into the hole to below the perforation depth, taking certain pre-
Once the perforation depth is reached, a correlation pass is logged coming up the well at a
speed equal or close to the open hole reference logging. This pass must cover a sufficient
interval to allow unambiguous correlation; in any case it must cover a minimum of six casing
If for example, the casing collars are shown 3-m deeper in the first correlation pass in compar-
ison to the cased-hole reference log 3 m must be subtracted from the odometer (i.e it is
changed from 1990 m to 1987 m)
The engineer must correct the depth of the casing collars on the CCl log to within ±0.1 m of
the cased-hole reference log. In addition, the depth of any distinctive features, such as short
joints of casing or a cementing collar near the perforating interval, must be logged and
The CCl log is tied into the cased-hole reference log when the casing collars recorded on both
logs are shown at the same depth. Once this has been achieved, a further correlation pass is
made to confirm accurate tie in of the CCl log. A hard copy is made before continuing. This
is called the perforating-depth control log, the tie-in CCl or the before-shooting correlation
The hard copy of the perforating-depth control log is then used to check accurate correlation
by comparing it with the hard copy of the cased-hole reference log. All casing collars should
match depth within ±0.1 m.
The engineer must also confirm that the perforating-depth control log is not off depth by the
length of one or more whole collars. Unless all the casing joints are exactly of the same
length, the technique of sliding the log one joint up and one joint down will quickly show
whether the log is on depth. The presence of a shorr or long casing joint makes confirmation
of the correlation easier.
If any doubts exist in the correlation procedure DO NOT SHOOT until they are resolved.
Remember that rectifying an incorrectly located perforation almost certainly involves rig
intervention and is both time consuming and costly.
After ensuring guns proper positioning, run down three or four casing collars below the inter-
val to be perforated.
Preparations should now be made at surface to establish the required conditions for perforat-
ing. This may involve bleeding off pressure at surface or producing the well if perforations
already exist. Note that any changes in well pressure or flowing conditions after tying in the
perforating-depth control log may cause movement of the gun that will put the gun off
depth. In this case, the log must be tied in again before perforating.
The depth of the CCl measure point with the guns at the required shooting depth should be
checked again. This calculation must take into account the distance from the CCl to the tOp
shot of the loaded gun section to be fired, measured at surface and noted in the perforating
After the company representative witnessing the operation has confirmed the calculation, the
CCl is pulled up to the agreed depth. While coming up, ensure that casing collars remain on
depth, and cable tension does not vary and stop the winch with the gun at the shooting depth.
Once the witness confirms that shooting can proceed, the engineer sends the electric current
to fire the gun. During and after firing, the engineer observes and notes changes, including
cable tension, surface pressure and gun string weight.
After a positive indication that the gun has fired, the engineer records the depth of the shot
with the software by pressing the 'ENTER' key. For example, a pressure increase at surface or
a shock felt at the wellhead indicates a successful detonation. Following this, the software
shifts one of the CCl curves to graphically show the depth of the CCl when the gun was
The fired gun is picked up slowly while the cable tension is observed. The engineer should
continue recording the log for three more collars. Note that the collars may appear slightly off
depth due to the variation in gun weight after firing.
While shooting multiple intervals, it is a common practice to perforate the lowest zone first,
and work upwards to avoid exposure of the tool to gun debris.
The clearance between the gun and the casing or tubing, the size of restrictions in the well
and the type of completion fluid all determine how fast the gun should be pulled from the
well. Once the gun is at surface, all pressure-control procedures must be followed.
The gun is treated as potentially unfired until the detonation of all the charges has been veri-
fied by inspection. All safety rules for running the gun into the well must therefore be
observed when retrieving the fired gun from the well.
Once the gun is out of the well, the engineer checks carefully that there is no high-pressure
fluid trapped within the gun and that all of the charges have been fired. Trapped pressure
should then be relieved before rigging down the gun.
In the event of a misfire, the engineer must immediately disarm the gun using the proper dis-
arming procedure described in the relevant operations manuals
Perforating is a critical part of any well completion process. Perforating is the only way to
establish conductive tunnels that link oil and gas reservoirs to steel-cased well bores, which
lead to surface.
However, perforating also damages formation permeability around perforation tunnels. This
damage and perforation parameters like formation penetration, hole size, number of shots and
the angle between holes-have a significant impact on pressure drop near a well and, therefore,
on production. Optimising the perforation parameters and mitigating induced damage are the
vital aspects of perforating.
Ongoing research confirms that under-balance perforating, where well bore pressure before
perforating is less than the formation pressure is essential in removing damage and debris
from perforations.
CDAD Gun Stack
4.1.1 CIRP - Completion Insertion and Retrieval under pressure system.
Gate valves
Deployment stack ~ Lock actuator
Guide ram with rack_
~CIRP connector
No-go ram with lock /
If the gun length exceeds the length of the lubricator assembly and it is desired to run and
pull the guns with the well still under pressure, then there are only few options.
Shoot only the first run underbalanced
Kill the well after perforating: This operation risks damaging the formation and limiting
the well productivity
Drill additional sump: Drilling extra holes is always an added cost
The CIRP system allows high shot density guns to be run into or our of a well, which is
under pressure. With the introduction of the CIRP system, guns can be made into sections ..
The CIRP system showing WHE and the CIRP connector process.
4.1.2 X-Tools
There are two types of gun release mechanisms. Mechanical & Automatic. The automatic gun
release system offered by Schlumberger includes:
MXAR - Gun anchor
Upper Gun -
Break Plug
Assembly 1
Chamber __ 1-
Lower Gun --
r.:7----GlJ" adapter
ii--- Knuckle
A microannulus is caused by the weakening of the hydraulic bond between cement and the
A microannulus often gets created after:
Casing pressure-integrity testing
Establishing an underbalance
After perforating and pumping operations
A microannulus should be avoided because of the accompanying flow restrictions, increased
pressure and associated pinch points.
4.3. 1 Factors to be considered if Micro-annulus is present
stress (S.)
Charg3s at 9'r phasing
horizontal ••.
str ••ss (S,J
f"eferred fracllIe
Minimum horizontal
stress (S,)
Unstat:le. ineffocti.e
Maximum •••••••••..
horizontal ..,.....
stress (S,J
Unstable. inelfecti'i'9
Relative Jearing, 0°
'Nireline Perforatirg HSDgun
Inclinometer Tool
(\'\ifll T) and casi ng-
collar locator (CeL)
devire (WSPD)
Srot Density
gun, 180°
LO'N-erindexing HSD gun
spring -positioning
device [\tVSPD)
Runs on wireline (electric line)
Used on wells with deviations greater than 20
Repeatability is +-30
Indexing is provided at 50 increments
Minimizes fracture pressure and eliminates multiple competing fractures by aligning 1800
- phased guns within +- 100 of preferred fracture plane
Minimize sand production by aligning perforations on either side of maximum stress
Orient perforations away from known mechanical obstacles.
Preferred phasing angles for available gun systems
0° for 180° HSD Guns
1.56-, 2-, 2.25-, 2 1/2-, 2 7/8, 3 3/8-,4 l/2-in. HSD guns at 4 spf
± 10° for 2 7/8-in. HSD Gun at 6 spf
Qualified with PowerJet charges
±14° 2 7/8-in. HSD Gun used at 4 spfwith UltraJet charges
±25° for 3 3/8-in. HSD Gun at 4 spf
Qualified with UltraJet charges
± 10° for 3 3/8-in. HSD Gun at 5 spf
Qualified with PowerJet charges
20°, 160°, 200°, 340° for 4 l/2-in. HSD Gun at 12 spf
Qualified with PowerJet & UltraJet charges.
Other methods for orienting TCP guns include:
Orienting by gravity
Orienting by using Gyro Positioning String
Orientation by gravity uses eccentering weighted spacers, ballistic swivels and tubing swivels.
In this method, a directional survey is essential.
In Gyro Positioning String, guns are positioned at a depth; gyro is seated in landing shoe,
string is rotated to a desired direction, gyro removed and then the guns are fired.
In the past, theories and software were available to analyze perforation performance, bur com-
pletion decisions were often based on average formation properties or perforating limitations
unrelated to productivity.
Today, thinking in terms of what IS best for a reservoir is the predominant approach. Operators
consider what a particular field development requires and then select the best completion
techniques and hardware that are available.
Standard "off-the-shelf' equipment and services sometimes do not meet those needs. New
tOols, procedures and services-shaped charges, completion equipment, conveyance alternatives
and applications for under balance, overbalance or extreme overbalance-often need to be devel-
The best perforation designs are based on specific well requirements to optimize production.
This tOtal-systems approach-smart perforating- emphasizes on practices that maximize well
productivity and help in overcoming dilemmas associated with perforated well completions.
FactOrs that need to be taken into account for increasing well productivity include:
Formation compressive strength and stress
Reservoir pressure and temperature
Zone thickness and lithology
Fluid type-gas or oil.
Hard-high-strength-formations and reservoirs damaged by drilling fluids benefit the most
from deep-penetrating perforations that extend beyond the formation damage and increase the
effective well bore radius.
Low-permeability reservoirs that need hydraulic-fracture stimulation require appropriately
spaced and oriented perforations.
Unconsolidated formations that may produce sand need big holes, which reduce pressure
drop and can be packed with gravel to keep the formation particles out of the perforation and
the wellbore. Perforations can also be designed to prevent tunnel and formation failure associ-
ated with sand production.
Perforating is an integral part of sand control in cased hoes, fro frac-packing, gravel packing
and screen-less completions. Proper design of the perforating process including gun type and
stand-off, shot density and required under balance is critical to achieving a productive sand
control completion.
Perforated completions can be designed using the SPAN Schlumberger Perforating Analysis
Schlumberger Perforating Analysis Program (SPAN) consists of three modules:
Penetration - This module calculates the shot penetration and entry hole diameter
based on the SPAN penetration database.
Productivity - The efficiency of the completion is expressed as a Productivity Ratio
(PR). It compares the expected production from the perforated completion, modified
for the effects of damage, partial penetration, and well deviation, to the ideal open-
hole production under steady flow.
Underbalance - This module calculates the minimum under balance necessary for
zero skin perforations based on the algorithms currently accepted as the best formula-
tions for under balance criteria.
SPAN software helps select gun systems based on:
Specific well parameters
Completion geometry
U nderbalance
D Forn13tion
The SPAN program allows completion engineers to compare the impact different types of per-
forating guns will have on production prior to execuring the job.