Chemical Storage Guidelines Si
Chemical Storage Guidelines Si
Chemical Storage Guidelines Si
Chemical Storage Guidelines
Storage Shelves/Cabinets
• Ensure chemical storage shelves are securely fastened to the wall and have lips or other suitable methods to prevent bottles
from falling in the event of an earthquake.
• Avoid storing all chemicals above shoulder height. Large containers (1 gal or larger), liquids, and corrosive materials should
be stored no higher than eye level.
• Do not overcrowd shelves.
• Flammables (in excess of 10 gal) must be stored in a flammable storage cabinet.
• Label chemical storage cabinets according to the type of chemical family or hazard classification found there (Acid Storage,
Solvent Storage, etc.).
• Never store chemicals in office, domestic, or personal refrigerators; food and chemicals should never be stored together.
• When storing flammables in refrigerator, use an approved explosion proof or flammable storage refrigerator only.
• Label all refrigerator/freezers as to intended use.
• Frequently inventory materials stored in refrigerator/freezers and defrost occasionally to prevent chemicals from becoming
trapped in ice formations.
Secondary Containment
Store chemicals by hazard classification; avoid storing chemicals alphabetically unless they are compatible or already separated
into appropriate hazard classes - this ensures that incompatible chemicals are segregated.
Accidental contact between incompatible chemicals can result in a fire, an explosion, the formation of highly toxic and/or flammable
substances, or other potentially harmful reactions. If incompatible chemicals must be stored in the same cabinet, be sure to provide
physical segregation (secondary containment).
Corrosives – Organic Store in a corrosive storage cabinet Acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid,
Bases and cyanides
Acids or in secondary containment lactic acid
Store in dry, cool location, protect Sodium metal, potassium metal, Separate from all aqueous
from water fire sprinkler lithium metal solution, and oxidizers
Note: Certain chemicals require special segregation precautions to be taken. Concentrated nitric and perchloric acids
should be stored in their own secondary containment within a corrosive storage cabinet due to oxidizing characteristics.
Amines are often flammable in addition to being corrosive and should be stored in their own secondary containment
within a chemical storage cabinet.