Non - Involute
Non - Involute
Non - Involute
This paper was first presented at the Gleason Corp-hosted 5th (2014) U.S./ WZL Gear Conference.
upon whether the tooth normal profile the extended Wildhaber-Novikov profile nominal pressure angle at mid-adden-
or the tooth transverse profile should be design (Ref. 4). Nagata bases the profile dum.
of circular shape, the cutter rack profile definitions not on the gear teeth, but on Nagata shows in a theoretical evalua-
must consist of modified curves (no cir- the rack cutter or reference profile. The tion a significant reduction in center dis-
cles) to accommodate for the generating basic construction of this profile is rep- tance sensitivity of the improved profile
motion between cutter and work. Also, resented in Figure 8. The new profile has combination of circular and involute ele-
the use of circular-shaped rack cutters is a circular addendum and a dedendum ments. In a following study, Nagata tested
mentioned in the literature, which would that consists of two involutes that blend a variety of Wildhaber-Novikov-Nagata
of course generate complex non-circular at mid-dedendum. The upper dedendum gears and published the results with rec-
profile curves. is developed with a cord — unrolled from ommendations for optimal parameters
Profile development. Shigeyoshi the upper base circle — where the lower in 1985 (Nagata 85). The manufacture of
Nagata, a professor at the University of dedendum is developed with a cord that Wildhaber-Novikov-Nagata gears is pos-
Tokyo published a paper in 1981 where unrolls from the lower base circle. The sible by hobbing and shaping. All com-
he discusses a proposed improvement of addendum is circular (Fig. 8) and has a mon hard-finishing methods can also
be applied if the tool profile is formed
accordingly. Like in standard Wildhaber-
Novikov gears, the helix angle is required
and differs depending on the individual
gear design.
Convoloid gearing. Bernard Berlinger
and John Colbourne introduced in a
paper, published in 2011, a tooth form
called Convoloid (Ref. 5). The new tooth
form appears optically very similar to the
Wilhaber-Novikov-Nagata development
(Fig. 9). The addendum has a convex
shape, while the dedendum is concave.
The transition zone at the pitch point
seems to be “S-shaped” rather than the
straight section of Nagata’s development.
The authors report that the tooth profiles
are computer calculated as a point cloud
for each application case individually.
O n e i nte re st i ng c on clu s i on of
Figure 8 Wildhaber-Novikov-Nagata profile construction. Berlinger’s and Colbourne’s findings is
the fact that while involute gearing fit
well with traditional, mechanical gear
manufacturing machines, it is outdated
for today’s engineering and manufactur-
ing environment. Test rig investigations
of Convoloid gears resulted in 20%-35%
increased torque levels vs. involute gear-
ing. The center distance insensitivity of
involute gears seems not to be given, but
the inventors state that the Convoloid
gears can withstand the customary
deflections given in modern gearboxes.
An interesting aspect of Convoloid
gears is that the tooth contact can move
from root to top while maintaining the
correct ratio. This makes Convoloid gears
independent from the helix angle and
allows a choice of suitable helix angles,
depending on gearbox application
requirements. The Convoloid profile of
Figure 9 refers to the final teeth, not to
the rack profile. In order to establish the
rack cutter profile, the kinematic rela-
Figure 9 Convoloid tooth profile.
claims the strength of his new hypoid ment. Flank profile and tooth lead form in 2007 a bevel gear with a sinusoidally
gear design is three times that of tradi- seem different to common bevel and formed flank line with the claim of 40%
tional hypoid gears (Ref. 8). It seems that hypoid gears because no customary pro- increased load-carrying capacity (Ref. 9).
the creation of the gear tooth was done file requirements are mentioned and the The teeth of that system have some sim-
by using simple straight or twisted sur- equivalent pitch elements are not related ilarity with the “herringbone” teeth in
faces. The pinion flank surfaces might to the transmission ratio (Fig. 14). cylindrical gearing. The observer of the
have been generated with simulation soft- Globoidal gears cannot be manufac- photographs in Figure 15 notices large
ware, similar to Vericut. The gear can be tured using traditional manufacturing variations of the tooth thickness and a
defined as a tool and the axis positions methods. Prototypes have been manu- curvature inflection point at each side
of pinion and gear in a given hypoid gear factured with 5-axis machines, but no of the center. It appears that the reason
box can be used as tool and work posi- reports of evaluation results have become why the inventor anticipates a higher
tion in order to simulate the generat- public. strength could be given by the curved
ing process of the pinion flank surfaces. Cosine gears. HPG in the Netherlands, profile in the center of the face width.
Fleytman uses the kinematic coupling a company that developed 5-axis machin- The reversal with a lowering of the spiral
condition to generate the pinion teeth ing technologies for the soft and hard angle towards the ends of the teeth seems
where the gear is used as a generating ele- manufacture of bevel gears, introduced unjustified and results basically in teeth
with no spiral angle — which gives them
similar properties to ZEROL bevel gears.
Real herringbone gears are two connect-
ed helical gears with opposite helix angle
directions. The advantage is a complete
cancellation of all axial forces, combined
with a very smooth mesh characteristic
in their operation. The two opposing sec-
tions of herringbone gears are separated
by a groove in order to eliminate the sin-
gularity at the point of helix angle change.
This common herringbone gear design
takes advantage of the smooth mesh-
ing and the high strength of helical gears
without the disadvantage of rolling dis-
turbance in the transition area between
right- and left-hand sections.
It appears that the developers of the
gear in Figure 15 supposed that the sep-
aration groove of herringbone gears is
Figure 12 Worm (sun gear), planets and planet carrier cage motion. strictly the result of a manufacturing lim-
itation of the traditional manufacturing
methods and believed that the curved
flank line at the center of the face width
would increase the strength. The addi-
tional reversal of the flank line curvature
Figure 13 Toroidal, spiral motion and cage rotation. Figure 14 Globoidal, angular gear pair.
Summary to the properties of the “half-round” pro- performance advantages resulted in this
The tooth shapes discussed here can be file of Figure 4. case in load-carrying capacity similar to
sorted into those with interesting physical The Nagata development is very simi- straight bevel gears, and a rolling perfor-
properties and those without sufficient- lar to the extended Wildhaber-Novikov, mance that cannot compare to standard
ly proven functionality. It is quite true but requires rather more complicated tool spiral bevel gears.
that validating a new system is difficult geometry. The “S-shaped” profile makes Asymmetric gears build upon the
if the technical community rejects the it an additional version of the Cycloidal strength of involute gearing, with the
idea based on solely subjective reasons. gear type with similar physical proper- acknowledgement that in case of a pre-
This would prevent any private or public ties. Center distance sensibility and diffi- ferred driving direction, the properties
research funding. However, many of the cult manufacturability also prevented the of the driving flanks can be improved
new tooth profile solutions discussed in introduction of this gear type in power by taking away from the non-driving,
this paper are based on brilliant ideas that transmissions. or coasting, flanks. The practical results
failed to have a breakthrough for similar Convoloid gears, with their dedendum of transmissions with asymmetric gears
reasons, as why, for example, the Wankel transition point, which is a “flat spot” show a significant increase of power den-
engine never replaced the stroking piston in a finite profile section, cannot accept sity due to an improvement of root bend-
engine. significant center distance changes. The ing strength and higher surface durabil-
Cycloidal gears have been used for flat section of the two mating profiles ity. Investigations showed that the full
watches and clocks. Even though they must be located precisely during the roll- advantage of asymmetric gearing vs.
are center distance-sensitive, the watch ing process to separate addendum and gears with symmetric involutes can only
designer allows rather large center toler- dedendum rolling. The separation may be realized if sensible tip relief modifica-
ances in connection with axle bearing interrupt the hydrodynamic lubrication, tions are applied. This in turn creates a
play. The “S-shaped” profiles of the mat- and misalignments may cause rolling problem for many manufacturers — even
ing cycloidal gears develop a self-center- of the transition flat into addendum or those that mass-produce, say, automotive
ing force that forces the gears to roll with dedendum, which will create roll inter- transmissions. The wealth of experience
correct center distance. The advantage of ference. The transition flat prevents or that has been compiled over decades that
this design was the manufacturing cost complicates the profile generation with found its way into the international stan-
reduction due to large bearing position a reference profile on a tool like a hob. dards, as well as the material application
tolerances and large axle play. The large Convoloid profiles seem to present the tables, has no or only limited use for the
bearing play in turn would guarantee disadvantages of cycloidal profiles, with dimensioning and design of asymmetric
low friction in the sleeve bearings, which increased vulnerability around the pitch gears. Also, the cutting tools are now not
achieves one important objective of chro- line. standard tools anymore. Different pres-
nometers. Manufacturing of the cycloidal The “S-shaped” bevel gear profile is sure angle offsets for different applica-
requires specially formed tool profiles, or very similar to the Convoloid profile. tions and gear design parameters in con-
pointed tools, that move along a cycloidal However, where the Convoloid profile nection with circular tip relieves of differ-
path. The advantages cycloidal gears have is the result of an analytical mesh and ent amounts will not only make existing
in watches cannot be duplicated in indus- contact area optimization, the singular- tooling obsolete but also eliminate today’s
trial power transmissions. ity of the “S-shaped” bevel gear profile in standards in hobs and even shaper cut-
Wildhaber-Novikov gears have proven mid-profile will not permit relative pro- ters which will result in increased cutting
their increased load-carrying capacity, yet file sliding in this section; this makes this tool cost and contribute to longer tool-
show significant center distance sensitiv- proposed profile unusable in practical ing lead times. The fact that asymmetric
ity, are difficult to manufacture, require applications. gears have not had a breakthrough yet is
non-standard tools and depend on a spe- Globoidal gears use the kinematic cou- the result of those obstacles. However, the
cific, pre-determined helix angle in order pling conditions of formate gears. The symmetry offset, as well as tip reliefs or
to transmit a constant ratio. Changes in profile of the gear member is basical- other corrections, could be standardized,
center distance and axes inclinations due ly chosen to be straight and the pinion depending on module and application,
to tolerances and deflections will intro- member is generated with respect to the which would remove the major obstacle
duce significant motion errors and trans- desired ratio, shaft angle and center dis- for the broad application of asymmetric
mission vibrations, which would increase tance. The principle of interacting pitch involute gears.
the cost for shafts, bearings and/or hous- elements is not applied, which leads to
ing in order to reduce tolerances and high relative sliding and can cause partial Conclusions
deflections. Even then, the robustness mutilation to the flank surface. The motivation to change from involute
and “mechanical intelligence” of involute Cosine gears have been discussed to profiles and proven straight or curved
gearing that provides them with smooth also elaborate on flank line ideas which flank lines to alternative shapes is fueled
rolling through many million cycles do not conform to the common mathe- by the logic that, in today’s time and age,
could not be achieved. The extended ver- matical flank line functions. Cosine gears more than just incremental improve-
sion of the Wildhaber-Novikov profile might have the ability to hold higher ments should be possible, applying new
has an “S-shape” — just like the Cycloidal torques in a non-rotating, static condi- theories and sophisticated computation
profile that adds the self-centering ability tion. The attempt to design a gearset with technology. Those dramatic improve-