5 6145663957907537982
5 6145663957907537982
5 6145663957907537982
safEly Install thE cREatORs uPdatE tOday
50 brilliant apps PLUS 50 tips & tricks
that make Windows easier to use!
How to protect your personal
data when you go online
Why this should
be your next PC!
The source for tech buying advice
Sssh! Don’t tell anyone, but we’ve and more fun to use, while also
just come back from a top secret helping you to the things that
mission – to bring you the very you love to do.
best tips, tricks and shortcuts to In our Explore section, starting
help you make the most of your on page 27, you’ll find even more
PC. Even our Windows experts things to help you: from our
were pleasantly surprised by the in-depth guide to protecting your
treasures we uncovered and so online privacy using a VPN; to
will you be when you turn to making free voice and video calls
page 56 and discover the secrets using the new version of Skype.
that lie in store. But that’s not all. And on page 66 we’ll show
Starting on page 14, you’ll find you how to get ready for
our handpicked selection of the the Creators Update.
top 50 apps for your PC – apps Enjoy, and see you
that will help make your PC easier next month for more!
66 Improve Windows 10
How to safely install the Creators update
– our in-depth guide will show you how!
8 Discover How to explore the galaxy
from the comfort of your PC. Plus Project
Scorpio, 7-Zip, and the end of net neutrality
24 Subscriptions Save up to
46% on print and digital issues
6 | | June 2017
bundle offer
Print and digital bundle – only £14 every 3 months
Find out more on page 24
on the cover
50 essential
apps for
14 Try our handpicked selection of apps, games
and tools that you can get at low cost or for free
improve WINDoWS 10
Follow us on…
66 The Creators Update is here! Find out how to
prep your PC so you can make the most of it
June 2017 | | 7
NEW thiNgs to do amaziNg WEbsitEs fasciNatiNg facts
8 | | June 2017
Explore space from your PC
EvErything LED It’s a bright new world... and 28 additional graphics processing
units into a single central chip. This isn’t
the only upgrade; there’s expanded and
Full-colour RGB LED lighting isn’t a new faster system memory, and more.
thing, but it’s really starting to come into its
own thanks to schemes from the likes of What does this all mean?
Creative, Razer and Asus. Pick up hardware It means next generation 4K-resolution
and peripherals compatible with protocols gaming could be on its way to the home.
Microsoft and its developers have been
such as Aurora Reactive, Aura Sync, or
building games to support this potential
Chroma lighting (in that order) and you’ll be
upgrade for some time, so older games
able to synchronise the illumination of each will automatically get sharper and
of your PC components to enjoy a beautiful smoother, and newer games will have a
custom light show while you work. colourful keys every key in creative’s k08 brand new target to aim for. Those who’ve
Frivolous, but quite enjoyable... keyboard can be set to display a different colour. been privy to an early demonstration of
the Scorpio version of Forza Motorsport
(pictured) suggest spectacular results.
June 2017 | | 9
Ev eryon e’s tal king about Download this…
Follow us on…
encryption rulings to its transatlantic an end, bigger companies throwing their
cousins in recent months. weight around would likely lead to much
What would an end to net neutrality fiercer competition from smaller, hungrier
mean for you? It might mean, for example, ISPs, and see contracts from unfair
that your ISP will happily accept payments providers cancelled in their droves.
C Chuffr
C 1.2 billion
Answers 1C 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A Friday
10 | | June 2017
Order online at www.myfavouritemagazines.com FREE
or find us in your nearest supermarket, newsagent or bookstore! DIGITAL
Rob Mead-Green reveals a
host of fascinating digital facts
1.94 billion
Number of active monthly users on Facebook
– that’s one quarter of the world’s population.
The social media giant also made $8 billion
dollars in the first quarter of 2017.
Cost, in the USA, of the new Microsoft Surface
Laptop, which is being aimed at school leavers.
The Surface Laptop runs a special educational
Number of years you
edition of Windows 10, dubbed Windows 10 S. could face in prison if
convicted of illegally
streaming copyrighted
content in UK courts.
The chances of that
happening, though, are
small: the new Digital
Economy Act’s real
target is sellers of
fully-loaded set-top
boxes that make such
illicit streaming easy.
Number of pixels available to aerial photographers in the
forthcoming DJI M600 Pro drone – an integrated photography
platform developed in conjunction with camera experts,
Hasselblad. It’s not going to be cheap though: the on-board
Hasselblad H6D-100c camera alone costs over £28,000.
Possible range, in kilometres,
of future electric cars that
Fall, in percentage terms, of sales
of ‘consumer ebooks’ in the UK in
could use battery technology 2016. The Publishers Association
being developed by the says the fall is down to screen
Fraunhofer Institute for fatigue… sales of printed books
Ceramic Studies and Systems. rose 7 percent in the same period.
12 | | June 2017
The hottest new Windows hardware on the horizon
June 2017 | | 13
50 essential
apps for
Are you taking advantage of the best apps,
games and tools for your PC? Nick Peers
rounds up 50 of the very best
hat old adage about finding multimedia; tools and utilities; and
the right tool for the right job fun and games. Many of the apps we
has never been more apt than have chosen are completely free to
when it comes to Windows. If you’re use, while most of the others lock
not railing against missing features away additional features behind a
in a program, you finally find one subscription or one-time payment
you like only to discover it’s been – although their core functionality
discontinued. When it comes to comes with no cost and, in many
finding those apps that are the best cases, will be all you need.
fit for your needs, it can be a long, We’ve also highlighted those
frustrating experience. programs that can be downloaded
And that’s where we come in. This in portable form. Portable apps
issue, we’ve done the hard work for enable you to run the program in
you, sifting through the hundreds of question without installing it on
apps, tools and games we’ve your PC – not only can you try it out
encountered to pick out 50 of the without committing to a full-blown
very best for your PC. We’ve neatly installation, you can easily move the
split them into four categories: app (and your settings) to another
productivity, creative and computer whenever you wish.
14 | | June 2017
Windows 10
Essential apps
02 Steam http://bit.ly/eQhtxQ
If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for over
2,500 games – both free and paid-for – then you
need to install Steam. It provides a central hub for
downloading, managing and playing your games,
and works across a variety of devices as well as
your computer. It’s even optimised for playing
games on your big-screen TV.
June 2017 | | 15
03 Office 365
If you frequently work with MS Office
files, you need Office 365. For just £50
a year (Personal), or £65-70 a year
(Home, covering five PCs/Macs, tablets
and smartphones) you gain access to
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook,
Publisher and Access plus 1TB of
OneDrive storage. Too expensive? Try
LibreOffice (www.libreoffice.org).
04 EditPad Lite
http://bit.ly/2q0sQVy 05 Open Live Writer
http://bit.ly/2q0cBI2 06 Microsoft Sway
Plain text editing is a chore with If you’re a blogger, you need Open Live Who needs to use PowerPoint when
Notepad. EditPad Lite makes the Writer. It’s basically Word for bloggers, Microsoft’s Sway can produce similarly
process much easier. Its extensive giving you all the tools you need to slick presentations with half the effort
feature set includes editing multiple compose, publish and manage posts – and for free? You supply the basic
text files side-by-side in a tabbed on a wide range of blogging platforms, elements: text, photos and video. Then
window, support for multiple text including Blogger, Wordpress and pick a theme, add interactive elements,
snippets via the Clip collection, TypePad, even when you’re offline. Use such as maps, and let Sway transform
unlimited undo and redo, automatic it and you’ll never have to edit in your the whole shebang into a web-friendly
backups… Need we go on? web browser again. presentation you can share.
16 | | June 2017
Windows 10
Essential apps
10 LastPass
LastPass is your go-to password manager. You can
use it to generate strong, randomly-generated
passwords, then lock them away inside an
encrypted vault behind a single master password
that’s strong, but memorable. It works across
multiple platforms and web browsers, and all of
its core functionality is now completely free.
11 Allway Sync
Need to keep two or more folders in sync? Want
to sync data to and from multiple cloud services
such as OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox
without having to install a single app for each?
Allway Sync is for you. Just set up your folder
partnerships, choose your sync settings and
schedule, and you’re good to go.
12 FocusWriter
That report won’t write itself, and FocusWriter is
here to help. It immerses you in a minimalist
full-screen environment: just you and the
keyboard cursor. Now there’s no excuse not to
make progress, with goals, timers, alarms,
spell-checking and automatic saves to help you
get the job done. Finally.
13 Retroshare
We’ve recommended Retroshare over Skype in
this roundup because it takes encryption
seriously. Retroshare employs end-to-end
encryption and other security measures – see
page 21 of issue 131 for more details – to make
the learning curve and slightly awkward setup a
price worth paying for the privacy-conscious.
14 OneNote
Microsoft OneNote is one of the most
feature-packed and versatile note-taking
tools out there, with everything you need to
create and capture notes from a variety of
locations. You can organise your notes into
pages, folders and notebooks, plus share
and collaborate with others before
accessing on the go through your mobile.
June 2017 | | 17
15 Photoshop Express
http://bit.ly/2q0AijN 16 Paint.NET
www.getpaint.net 17 Audacity
If you’re looking for a fast, user-friendly Paint.NET takes image editing to the When it comes to recording audio –
way to improve your photos, then next level. If you’re looking for more including your growing vinyl collection
Adobe Photoshop Express is the app than a quick fix for your photos, this is – then Audacity has no peer. Its built-in
for you. Select your image, try the the tool to use. It supports multiple editing and mixing tools, coupled with
auto-fix button and if that doesn’t layers, unlimited undos and, if you a wide range of useful effects and
work, experiment with a wide range of can’t find a filter or effect to your liking, support for various output formats
photo-correct tools and filters – sign in there’s an ever-growing collection of (including, via the LAME plugin, MP3),
with an Adobe ID account to unlock all free community-built plugins for you make it an essential addition to any PC
of its features. See page 38 for more. to download and install. user’s multimedia toolkit.
18 | | June 2017
Windows 10
Essential apps
21 PhotoPageGen
www.photopagegen.com/ 22 XviD4PSP
http://bit.ly/2q0Ie4t 23 Plex www.plex.tv
This completely free tool makes it easy If you’re not getting the results you Install the Plex server on your PC or
to automatically generate a website want when converting video with dedicated device, such as a NAS or
from selected photos and videos – you Handbrake (www.handbrake.fr), then Raspberry Pi, use it to bring together
can upload it to your web space or chances are XviD4PSP will do the job your digital media, then install Plex
distribute the folder for viewing offline. – we’ve found its Interlace tools are Media Player on your computer. You
The app enables you to add your more effective at eliminating motion can run the app full-screen to enjoy
photos, choose how they’re displayed, judder, for example. Other bonuses your content in the best possible light,
pick a background, generate maps include a trimming tool, metadata or switch to windowed view and
from GPS data in photos, and more. support and a wider range of filters. manage your media server.
June 2017 | | 19
27 Malwarebytes
The more protection you have the better,
and second layers of security don’t come
better than Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. It
detects a wider range of threats – including
Potentially Unwanted Programs – compared
to other tools, and while there’s no real-time
protection in the Free version, you can still
use it to scan for, and remove, infections.
28 Windows Repair
http://bit.ly/2q30AzG 29 DMDE http://dmde.com 30 Revo Uninstaller
If your PC develops a problem, this tool While Recuva (www.piriform.com) can Programs notoriously leave parts of
could help. It first performs a series of recover deleted files, DMDE goes themselves behind after removal. Tools
key diagnostics including System File further to make it possible to recover such as Revo Uninstaller scan for
Checker, then presents you with an data from formatted, lost or even leftover Registry entries and files to
ever-growing list of repairs that you corrupt partitions. There’s a learning ensure as much of the program is
can try to resolve the issue without you curve involved, and while you can removed as possible. Upgrade to the
having to reinstall Windows. It’s an recover data for free, upgrading to the Pro edition for extra features such as
essential addition to your trouble- Express (€16) or Standard (€38) edition uninstalling multiple programs in one
shooting toolkit. makes things simpler and quicker. go. For more uninstallers, see page 95.
31 CCleaner
http://bit.ly/2q0LtsF 32 TidyTabs
http://bit.ly/2q3ah0Q 33 PortableApps
Keeping your computer clean and tidy Why clutter up your desktops with Portable apps don’t just follow you
makes it easier and faster to use, and loads of open windows when TidyTabs from computer to computer via USB
when it comes to cleaning, you’ll be allows you to organise them into tabs flash drive, they can be used to reduce
hard-pressed to find a better suite of in the same way that your favourite clutter on your own PC and survive
tools than those provided by CCleaner. web browser does? You can combine Windows reinstalls. PortableApps
Find out how to clear out gigabytes of up to three program windows per tab, provides you with a central platform
redundant files – with care – in one go or pay $9 for the Pro version to remove for obtaining, managing and accessing
with our guide to using the app on this limit. Check out our tutorial on your portable apps from a handy
page 18 of issue 132. page 42 of issue 133. launcher. An office favourite.
20 | | June 2017
Windows 10
Essential apps
34 7-Zip www.7-zip.org
The zip format is widely used, but it’s not
universal. If you’re confronted by an archive
sporting an unfamiliar extension such as .rar
or .gzip, then you need 7-Zip. On top of that,
it’s much more powerful than Windows’ native
zip tool with support for encryption, better
compression ratios and much more.
35 VirtualBox
Want to dabble in Linux? Need an old version
of Windows to run a favourite program no
longer supported in Windows 10? Install
VirtualBox to run your operating system of
choice within a window without having to
reboot your PC. Much safer than messing
about with dual-boot setups!
36 TreeSize Free
Struggling to find out where all your hard drive
space has gone? TreeSize Free makes it easy to
visualise your drive using a treemap, which lets
you view your drive or a selected folder as a
series of blocks, with the largest files quickly
identifiable. An optional touch-friendly UI
makes it especially useful for tablets.
37 CloneApp
File History backs up your files, while Macrium
Reflect covers your PC’s entire storage drive
(including Windows). But what about your
app settings – perhaps you’re migrating to a
new PC? Enter CloneApp, a tool for backing
up and restoring app settings quickly and
easily. See our guide on page 17 of issue 135.
June 2017 | | 21
39 RootsMagic
www.rootsmagic.com 40 Data Crow
www.datacrow.net 41 TripAdvisor
RootsMagic allows you to record and If you want to keep tabs on a collection The free TripAdvisor app provides a
research your family history within a of items, from books or DVDs to convenient – and attractive – frontend
single program. Bring together your personal contacts or software, Data to the whole TripAdvisor experience. It
ancestors, add scanned photos and Crow is for you. This brilliant free enables you to plan holidays, look for
connect to online records – including cataloguing tool helps speed up the places to visit and book hotels and
FamilySearch and FindMyPast – to entry of data by linking into various flights with the minimum of fuss. And
discover more about the people they online databases – just pick and click once you’ve been away, you can share
were and the lives they led. The to download metadata and artwork your thoughts on your trip by
cut-down Essentials version is free. relating to your items. providing reviews for other users.
42 MuseScore
https://musescore.org 43 Audiblewww.audible.com 44 Celestia
If you’re in any way musically inclined, The free Audible app gives you access Explore the universe – in time as well
this open-source notation tool is a to all those audiobooks you’ve bought as space – in glorious 3D with this
must. Simply input your notes and from Audible.com on your PC, and lets beautifully presented app. Navigation
instruments, then listen back to the you purchase and download more. The is easy: either float, rotate and zoom in
score before printing out the finished app lets you view and organise your and out, or press a key to quickly move
piece. You can also input using your library, and choose whether to stream between the planets of the solar
keyboard or any MIDI device. The app your purchases on-demand rather system. Look further afield, discover
even allows you to add lyrics and than store the books on your man-made objects in space and more.
chords to your masterpiece too. computer. It’s listening made easy. See our guide on page 28 of issue 132.
22 | | June 2017
Windows 10
Essential apps
45 Xbox App
http://bit.ly/2q0wdvI 46 Planetside 2
www.planetside2.com/ 47 Path of Exile
Fancy a quick blast on one of your If the thought of facing off against Path of Exile is for those who prefer
favourite Xbox games? Frustrated that hundreds of other players in a chaotic their gaming to be of the action-
someone is currently hogging the environment doesn’t put you off, then orientated role-playing variety. It’s
big-screen TV? No problem, armed Planetside 2 will appeal. This first- completely free to play, and provides
with the right settings (see page 38 of person shooter was originally released you with a large world in which to
issue 130) and the Xbox app, you can back in 2012, and remains massively explore, and endless possibilities to
stream games from your Xbox to your popular thanks to its free-to-play develop your character, obtain skills
Windows 10 PC over your network. status on the PC (you can purchase through gems and build your online
And guess what? The app is free. items to enhance gameplay). riches. Hours of fun.
June 2017 | | 23
Subscribe to our print edition, digital
edition, or get the best value with
our complete print and digital bundle
24 | | June 2017
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UK subscription offer
June 2017 | | 25
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June 2017 | | 27
Skype now lets you
search for previous
messages using this
Use Skype in
Windows 10 Your guide Matt Hanson says…
recent meSSageS
“The Windows 10 Creators Update Click to view your
brings an overhauled Skype app. recent messages. If
you have missed any
Here’s how to use its best features” you have been sent
recently these will
at a glance he Windows 10 Creators
Anyone can do it 10, and one of the apps that has seen contactS
Straightforward the biggest change is Skype. Ever Skype works closely
since Microsoft acquired the video with the People app,
Tricky in parts calling service in 2011, it has been an making it easy to
integral part of Windows, seamlessly find contacts you
Suitable for… integrated into the operating system know, as well as add
Windows 10 and making it incredibly easy to keep any new ones.
in touch with friends and family
Windows 8.1 around the world via free voice and
Windows 7 video calls. If you haven’t tried Skype,
then now is an excellent time to start
since it’s free to download and use.
Video and voice calls to other
Skype users are free – potentially
saving you huge amounts of money
on phone bills. You can also buy
Skype credit allowing you to phone
– and now text – mobile phones and
landlines from the Skype app on your
Windows 10 device. Read on to find
out how to get started and make use
of the exciting new features…
28 | | June 2017
Use Skype in Windows 10
Jargon buster!
video call
Own a webcam? Windows 10
Click to start a free creators Update
This is the latest
video call with your major update to
chosen contact. If Windows 10, and it
you don’t, this icon comes with a wide
will be greyed out. range of new and
improved features,
including a new
voice call version of Skype. It’s
free for Windows 10
If your PC has a users, so keep an eye
microphone, click on Windows Update.
here to start a voice
call. Calls to other emoticons
Skype users are These are popular
completely free! icons that people
use in text and
messages to quickly
convey emotions.
Skype, like pretty
much any messaging
program, has a large
range of emoticons
that you can use.
June 2017 | | 29
5 Add a phone number
While you can make video and text calls to other Skype
6 Send a text message
One of the most useful features of the new Skype app is the
users for free, calls to other landline and mobile numbers cost ability to send regular text (or SMS) messages. Again, these are
money. Luckily, you can use Skype Credit to make these calls paid for using Skype Credit, but are still cheaper than using your
instead. Skype credits are cheap to top up and use, and cost a lot phone when texting people in other countries. To do this, select a
less than making regular international calls. To add a phone Skype contact who has a phone number. Where it says ‘Via’ in the
number, click the icon of the telephone with a ‘+’ sign next to it. chat box, select Skype SMS, type in your message and tap Send.
30 | | June 2017
Everything you need
to live the Apple life
32 | | June 2017
Pocket Button
Click to save a page,
video or image to
Pocket. You can also
Save and view content later
open your list from
here, add keywords
and archive content.
Jargon buster!
A handy browser
extension that can
view save your favourite
web content as you
Click here to toggle browse. Click the
between Grid and button at any time to
Tile views. Select save to your Pocket.
Videos, Images or You can also save
Articles on the left to your favourite links
filter your items. to your archive.
Your Archive is used
to keep a record of
web content you’ve
already accessed,
such as articles you
have read when
doing research.
Tags are keywords or
expressions that you
can add to content
saved to your Pocket
to make items easier
to find later on.
June 2017 | | 33
5 Save videos to Pocket
Open a new tab by clicking the ‘+’ button at the top of your
6 Add images to Pocket
Pocket can save images as well as videos to your device so
screen and go to a video-sharing website, such as YouTube. Find a you don’t need to load the entire web page to retrieve them. To
video you’d like to save and click once on the Pocket button. A add an image, simply hover your mouse over it, right-click and
pop-up will appear saying the video has been saved. Click inside choose ‘Save to Pocket’. A confirmation pop-up will appear where
the Add Tags box to add keywords to make the content easier to you can add tags to the image as before. When you return to your
find later. To add multiple tags press [Return] after each phrase. Pocket list later, click Images on the left to display only pictures.
9 Archiving items
If you want to keep track of pages you’ve visited, simply
10 Manage your Pocket
Open your Pocket list at any time by clicking Pocket > More
click the Pocket button to save a page in the usual way and add a Options > Open Pocket. Move your mouse over items to see
memorable tag such as ‘BBC News’. Click on the More Options options such as Archive, Delete, Favorite and Edit Tags. If you need
button in Pocket to archive the page. To see the content you’ve to edit multiple items, to add a tag for instance, use the grey Bulk
saved, click on the Pocket > More Options button again then Edit button at the top right. To filter by keyword click Tags on the
Open Pocket. Click Archive on the left to view your saved items. left then on your chosen tag. Click ‘My List’ to show all items. ■
34 | | June 2017
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June 2017 | | 35
Learn how to…
Move your emails
from Windows Mail
Your guide Cat Ellis says…
“Windows 10’s default email app is very limited – make the move to
Mozilla Thunderbird instead and see how much more it can do”
1 Get Thunderbird
Thunderbird is an email client developed by Mozilla – the
2 Set app defaults
Launch Thunderbird and it will ask if you want to make it
same team that created Firefox. It’s brilliant for anyone who uses the default app for mail, feeds and newsgroups, You definitely
more than one email account, and is easy to set up. To get started, want it for mail, and it’s good to keep your RSS feeds in one place
download it from www.mozilla.org/thunderbird and run the so keep both checked. Few people use newsgroups these days, so
installer. Choose a standard install, and make sure the checkbox leave this option unchecked. When asked if you want to create a
marked ‘Use Thunderbird as my default mail application’ is ticked. new email address, click ‘Skip this and use my existing email’.
36 | | June 2017
Move your emails from Windows Mail
5 Add a calendar
Not only does Thunderbird keep all your email accounts
6 Sync your events
Click the Calendar tab, then right-click in the empty space
organised, it can also help you manage your schedule with its on the left and select ‘New calendar’. Select ‘On the network’ >
calendar features. To add your Google calendars, click the Google Calendar > Next and enter your Gmail address. Enter your
Calendar tab, then click the menu button and select ‘Add ons’ > password when asked and give the app permission to manage
Extensions. Search for ‘Provider for Google Calendar’, and when it your calendars. Choose which calendars to add, then click Next >
appears, click Install. Restart Thunderbird when prompted. Finish. You can now add, delete and edit events in Thunderbird.
7 Configure alerts
Click the Mail tab, then the menu button and select Options
8 Get news bulletins
To make Thunderbird even more useful, let’s add some RSS
> Options. Here you can change the alert you receive when a new feeds. Click an email address, then click ‘Create new account’ >
message arrives – a note on the desktop, a discreet icon in the Feeds > Next > Finish. Click ‘Manage subscriptions’ and paste in
system tray, or just a sound. It’s also worth checking the security the address of an RSS feed. Click ‘Add’, and the feed will be added,
settings. Allow your anti-virus software to quarantine suspicious so you can get at-a-glance headlines. With messages, calendars
messages, and let Thunderbird notify you of possible email scams. and news now at your fingertips, you’ll never go back to Mail! ■
June 2017 | | 37
Learn how to…
Edit images in Back Button
Always at the top left
of the interface, this
takes you out of the
editing mode you’re
in and back to the
main window.
Your guide Ian Evenden says…
“Improve the look of your holiday
snaps with Photoshop Express and
a few simple clicks and tweaks”
at a glance diting photos is one one the
1 One-click fix?
If you’re pushed for time, Photoshop Express has an Auto Fix
2 Straighten the horizon
That horizon, caused by a wobbly boardwalk on the way
option. It’s not really why we’re here, since it doesn’t do much that down to the boats, can be sorted easily, but at the expense of
Windows’ Photos app can’t, but it shows up the limitations of such some of the edges of the image. Using Crop to straighten it out
automatic systems. In this photo, it’s lightened the dark areas and rotates the image, so the corners are moved outside the new
altered the colour of the sky to a paler blue, but has done nothing image rectangle, and are discarded. There’s nothing we can’t bear
about the wonky horizon. To fix this, we have to go hands-on. to lose, but it’s worth thinking about when you straighten images.
38 | | June 2017
Edt images in Photoshop
Jargon buster!
undo/rEdo Pixels of the wrong
Always at the top colour caused by
right, click here to over-amplification of
undo your last edit, the image signal by
and flick between the your camera sensor.
original and edited Can be reduced in
versions of an image. software, but often
at the cost of detail.
Measured in degrees
Kelvin, this is a
measure of how
yellow or blue the
light in an image is.
Photoshop Express
doesn’t show you
the technicalities,
but allows you to
change this using
White Balance tools.
red eyes
Caused by light from
a flash that’s too
close to the camera
lens bouncing back
from the retina of
your subject’s eyes.
3 Crop further
Now let’s crop further into the image to see how if affects
4 Using Looks filters
Press the back button to reverse out of the Crop tool, and
the composition. There’s a lot of that wobbly boardwalk in the choose the one which looks like a paint roller, to access the Looks.
bottom left of the image, so by removing that we can concentrate These are one-shot filters – and you aren’t given any control over
on the boats and the water. By moving the corners of the Crop the intensity with which they’re applied, which undermines the
tool rectangle so they make a square-ish image taking in the right idea of using an editing app in the first place. That said, Looks are
side of the original, we make it more interesting to look at. capable of making some striking changes to your photos.
June 2017 | | 39
5 Make manual adjustments
The Correct tools are the place to go if you want to choose
6 Correct some more
There’s a Reset button at the left if you change your mind.
how your image looks for yourself. Located between Crop and The next part of Correct is Exposure, which lets you to change the
Looks, Correct gives you manual control over the brightness and brightness of your image. It’s split into three: the first part works
colours of your image. Contrast covers the difference between the across the whole image; the second part only on the bright areas;
dark and light parts of the image; Clarity also tweaks contrast, but and the third only on the dark bits. The latter is useful to brighten
can make photos appear sharper; Vibrance deepens colours. shadows to reveal lost detail, or darken parts that are too light.
40 | | June 2017
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Make your PC
If in doubt, ask her!
1 Create a PIN
If you sign into your PC (or other apps and services) using
2 Use your PIN
You will be asked to enter your PIN twice. You can make the
your Microsoft account, Windows will ask for its password every PIN as long or as short as you like (longer is better), but aim for a
time you login. If your password is long and/or complicated, this minimum of four digits – letters or numbers ideally. Now logout
can get old very quickly. Luckily, there is an alternative: you can of Windows. The next time you login, instead of being asked to
create a PIN. To do that head to Settings > Accounts > ‘Sign-in enter your password, Windows will ask you for your PIN. You can
options’, scroll down to the PIN option and click Add. still use your Microsoft password to login if you wish.
42 | | June 2017
Make your PC easier to use
Contains a wealth of
options that make
using your PC easier
and simpler. Worth Jargon buster!
taking the time to
explore in detail. Quick access
A folder pinned to
the top-left of File
Explorer’s browser
window, which
contains shortcuts to
your favourite items.
The bar at the
bottom of your
Windows desktop,
which displays any
apps or items you
currently have open.
night Light
A new feature of the
Creators Update that
can automatically
adjust the colour of
the display at night
or in the evening by
reducing the amount
of blue-white light.
fiLe exPLorer
Your window on the
Windows world. Use
it to find, add, move,
copy and delete files
and folders on your
PC. Customisable.
QuiCk aCCeSS Contains all of the
Appears in every File currently open items
Explorer window. on your PC. You can
Add shortcuts to also easily pin items
your most-used files here for quick and
and folders for easy easy access.
access anywhere.
June 2017 | | 43
5 Change the display
Windows is pretty good at choosing the right resolution for
6 Use a Night Light
The Windows 10 Creators Update includes a Night Light
your PC’s display, but if you find the default leaves you struggling mode, which adjusts the colour of the display to reduce eye strain
to read what’s on screen, you can change it. Head to Settings > and help you sleep better. Under Settings > Display, switch the
System > Display and look under the ‘Scale and layout’ options. ‘Night light’ toggle to On. Or click ‘Night light settings’ for further
The settings you need can be found under ‘Change the size of options – such as setting the time when Night Light mode kicks in
text, apps and other items’ drop-down and under Resolution. and to adjust the default colour it uses when activated.
44 | | June 2017
The compleTe guide
To fixing your pc
46 | | June 2017
Discover Windows 10’s built-in apps
3 Open apps
When you open a built-in app, you’ll see it appear on the
4 Make notes
Sometimes you need to jot something down, whether it’s a
desktop – they all have the same look and feel. Apps on the list of tasks for the week ahead, or sketching out an idea. OneNote
desktop will also have specific icons along the Taskbar, so you can lets you do just that. Click or tap the main area of the window to
keep track of which window is open at any time. If, in future, you start adding a note. First, create a new section and then add
want to download apps that are like the built-in ones, head to the pages to your note by clicking ‘+ Page’ underneath. Using the tabs
Windows Store app – you can find it in the Start menu. at the top you can insert lists, images and draw anything you like.
7 Go exploring
Windows 10 has a powerful mapping service baked in; it’s
8 That’s it!
Now you’ve followed this tutorial, you will have discovered
so good that you might never use Google Maps again. Called some of the great apps that are built into Windows 10 – to find
Maps, it enables you to look anywhere around the world – the 3D more you just need to start looking through the list of apps in the
Cities option in the top navigation bar enables you to see many Start menu, or type the name of the app into the search function.
cities in an astonishing level of detail. You can also click (or tap) Cortana – another brilliant app that’s included in Windows 10 –
the navigation arrow in the top left corner to get directions. will be able to help you in your search for more apps. ■
June 2017 | | 47
Traffic limiT
Windscribe’s free tier
Browse safely
usage here.
1 Check your IP
Before you start your VPN, let’s see what the internet knows
2 Download Windscribe
Go to www.windscribe.com and click the green download
about you. Open your web browser and go to www.whatismyip. button. The software is available both as a standalone app and as
com. You’ll see your public IP address, its originating location, and a web browser plugin – we’ll opt for the standalone download at
(most likely) the name of your internet provider. The location may this point, as it protects all online traffic, not just that which goes
be slightly off, but it’ll be close – this info is available to every site through your browser. Scroll down slightly and click ‘Windows’ in
you visit. Make a note of your address for comparison later on. the ‘Windscribe for your Computer’ section of the page.
48 | | June 2017
BroWSer PlugiN
Windscribe’s plugin
Browse safely with a VPN
can be found by
clicking the icon at
the top right of your
Firefox, Opera or Jargon buster!
Chrome window.
iP address
A series of numbers
which determines a
computer’s location
on a network. Think
of it like your house
address or your
phone number; all
machines have one.
Block iT
Use the plugin’s Plugin
A way of adding
preferences menu to extra capabilities to
prevent ads, and ad software. A browser
tracking engines, plugin might be
from following you used to block online
around the web. ads, for example.
network adapter
A network adapter,
like your Wi-Fi or
Ethernet port, that’s
completely software
based. Used to
intercept network
SPliT PerSoNaliTy
As well as hiding
your web traffic and
re-routing it, you
can also baffle
trackers by
activating this.
June 2017 | | 49
5 Select a server
Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the main Windscribe
6 Watch the changes
It’ll take a couple of seconds to connect, at which point
window. Click the drop-down box to see a list of available VPN you’ll see the colour of the Windscribe window change from grey
servers (scroll down to see a larger selection) and find a suitable to blue and, all being well, the IP address will differ from the one
location that you’d like your PC to appear to be from. Bear in mind you noted down earlier. At this point you’re protected, and your
that those marked with a star are for paid-for customers only. internet traffic is shielded: open your browser and head back to
Left-click the location and Windscribe will connect automatically. www.whatismyip.com to see where your PC now purports to be.
7 Switch it off
Unless you’re a very light internet user, it’s probably not a
8 Get the plugin
While the main app provides privacy, a firewall to protect
good idea to leave Windscribe switched on all the time. You’ll against unwanted traffic, and location changing, the browser
burn through the 10GB limit quickly unless you limit it to those plugin adds ad blocking, anti-tracking tech, and the ability to
times you really want your traffic to be private. Hit the large create password-protected links to send to your friends. Go to
power button on the app to deactivate it, and a Windows pop-up https://windscribe.com/download and click the appropriate
will tell you exactly how much data you’ve expended. button beneath ‘Windscribe for your browser’.
9 Extra protection
Install the plugin through your browser’s plugin store (in
10 More settings
Click the three-line icon at the top left of the plugin, then
this case we’re using Google Chrome), then click the icon on your click Privacy Options to see which features you’d like to switch on
browser’s toolbar and log in with your details. Click the icon again or off. You’re now free to use the main app or the plugin to
to turn it off – it’s on by default. The plugin uses a ‘cruise control’ obfuscate your web traffic and change your location – your 10GB
mode to change your location to match the content you’re trying traffic allowance will renew monthly. You can get more free data
to access, although you can force a location if you wish. by referring friends at https://windscribe.com/referafriend. ■
50 | | June 2017
Get our
digitAl edition!
When youe
monthly subscription:
£1.99 – save 38%
single issue: £2.49
Connect with
user ID of a remote
computer you want to
control. The password
pops up in a separate box.
1 Remote Desktop
Before you dive into Teamviewer, Microsoft might be able
2 Never sleep
Set your PC so it doesn’t go into Sleep mode in Settings >
to help with the Remote Desktop remote-control tool that’s built System > Power & Sleep. Then make sure your PC can accept
into Windows. It’s been around since Windows NT 4 in 1998, and Remote Desktop connections in Control Panel > System
crossed over into our homes with Windows XP. In Windows 10, go Properties > Remote. If you’re on the same network, the Remote
to Settings > System > About and make a note of your PC’s name, Desktop app on the PC or phone trying to connect should scan
as you’ll need this to allow other users to connect. for you. You may need to find and supply your IP address.
52 | | June 2017
Connect with Teamviewer
Universal app
CompUTeRS & With version 11,
ConTACTS Teamviewer
A list of all the computers migrated to the
in your Teamviewer Universal Windows
group. They can chat, platform, which
videoconference and means it can run on
share files. any Windows PC,
tablet or phone.
Stands for Advanced
Encryption Standard.
This is used by
Teamviewer to
RighT-CliCk menU encrypt your
Right-click one of connections. There is
the PCs in your list no known practical
to get a menu way to break it.
containing all the
options you have to
interact with it. noTifiCATionS
Notifications for
things like file
transfers pop up here
in the bottom corner
of the screen. But not
for chats, sadly.
3 Enter Teamviewer
Download the application from www.teamviewer.com. If
4 Advanced options
There are some more options available during setup. You
you only want to use the program once, it’s capable of running can choose the directory the application will be installed into. The
from the .exe file rather than being fully installed on your PC. other options are for an Outlook plugin to coordinate meetings,
Select this box in the installation options if that’s what you want. plus advanced features such as a VPN (virtual private network)
The application is free for personal use, so tick the ‘Personal/non and a printing server. These are the sort of things that will need to
commercial’ box for the free version. be configured, and aren’t needed for basic use of the app.
June 2017 | | 53
5 Basic connection
A good way to test whether it’s working is to use your
6 Mobile apps
The mobile app strips out the wallpaper from your PC
smartphone. There are free Teamviewer Remote Control apps for desktop, but you should see all the icons of your Windows
iOS, Android, Windows Mobile and Blackberry, so install it and link desktop in front of a plain backdrop. Pinch to zoom in and out,
to your Wi-Fi. Run Teamviewer on your PC and phone, and type scroll the mouse pointer around, and click to launch apps and
the user ID and password from your PC into the phone app. You open windows. The apps are useful for checking in on a relative’s
should get a good connection on the same Wi-Fi network. computer, or for administering a home server.
9 File transfer
If your team is logged into Teamviewer, they can pass files
10 Instant messaging
There are more fully featured instant-messaging apps,
among one another with the File Transfer functionality. With your but if everyone’s logged into Teamviewer it saves having to use
connection established, right-click on the computer name in the a second app. It’s much like any of the other apps, but it doesn’t
Computers & Contacts list to get a menu, and select File Transfer. send notifications when someone adds a comment – this means
The person on the remote computer may have to authorise the you’ll need to keep the window in view at all times. The chat
transfer, then you can copy files from their hard drive to yours. system supports mobile devices too. ■
54 | | June 2017
Philips' first
OLED 4K TV blows
our minds
master Windows. Just when you kind of feature is uncovering secrets that we – the
get to grips with one version, out so-called experts – weren’t aware of. You know
comes another. Things are further you’re on the right track when you stumble upon
complicated by the fact that while tips that save you time and prove useful to your
Windows 10 seems here to stay, own computing life, and more than a few of those
it’s now undergoing more frequent changes, with a revealed themselves.
succession of major updates: Anniversary last year, We’re confident that you’ll find at least one tip in
Creators last month, and another slated for the end this collection that will transform the way you use
of the year. How do you possibly keep up? your PC. But mindful of providing value for money,
The trick is to realise that the more things we’ve decided 50 isn’t enough. You’ll find three
change, the more they stay the same, with many of additional boxes in this feature, each one revealing
the best tips and tricks that were uncovered during bonus secrets you can use to save time and speed
those halcyon days of Windows XP and 7 still up the way you use your PC. You’ll discover how
relevant now. The problem is, where to find them? to quickly access system settings without wading
That’s what’s driven us to write this feature. through menus and dialog boxes and uncover
We’ve gone hunting for 50 of the most obscure – some Registry shortcuts that enable you to change
but useful – tips we can find. We’ve rooted out new the way Windows looks and behaves. We finish off
techniques for old favorites, and also uncovered by revealing lesser known – but still immensely
some new features that may not have made the useful – keyboard shortcuts.
headlines when the Creators Update appeared, but Ready? Dust down your fedora, Dr. Jones, we’re
will still help improve the way you use Windows. going on a treasure hunt…
56 | | June 2017
Windows 10 secrets
June 2017 | | 57
Customise the ‘QuiCk Link’ menu
You can easily add your own custom
shortcuts to the menu that appears
when you right-click the Start button.
Use the portable Win+X Menu Editor tool
to add programs, control panel applets, and other system
shortcuts, plus organize them all into groups.
Create ‘Godmode’
Get easy access to every Control Panel
in Windows by evoking its so-called
‘GodMode’. To do that, create a new folder
and name it as shown below (you can
change the ‘GodMode’ part if you like):
Doing so puts each control panel applet in a convenient
list – why not add it to your Quick Link menu?
place your own restriCt driVe usaGe
View usaGe by driVe custom shortcuts Prevent shared users from hogging all
on the “Quick
Windows 10 gives you with a handy way to available drive space by setting up drive-
access” menu.
see what kind of content is taking up space based quotas (again NTFS-formatted
on each of your drives. To do that, go to drives only). Open File Explorer > This PC,
Settings > System > Storage, and tap a drive right-click your target drive, and choose the Properties >
to see a breakdown of content by type. The Creators Update Quota tab. Click Show Quota Settings, and check ‘Enable
also introduces a Storage Sense button, which automatically quota management,’ followed by ‘Deny disk space to
clears temporary files, plus any files that have been in the users exceeding quota limit,’ and select ‘Limit disk space
Recycle Bin for over 30 days. to.’ Set your limit (probably in GB) and a warning (say 10–20
percent less than the limit), then click OK.
moVe apps to another driVe
Running out of space on your system
drive? Move existing Windows Store apps
to another drive or partition via Settings
> Apps – select the app, and click Move to
select your target drive. Force all new apps to install to a
specified drive by switching to the Storage section, and
tapping ‘Change where new content is saved.’
you can move any installed desktop app?
Download Steam Mover from www.
traynier.com, and run it as an administrator.
stop users of
Point ‘Steam Apps Common Folder’ to your Program Files your pC from
folders, then select an alternative folder on your target drive hogging space
(which must be formatted as NTFS). Once done, select each by setting
program you wish to move, and click the right arrow button drive quotas.
to move them across. Clever use of Junction Points ensure restriCt usaGe on per-user basis
the programs continue to work even from another drive, To set limits for individual users, leave ‘Do
and you can always move them back if needed. not limit disk usage’ selected, and click
Quota Entries instead. Select Quota > New
Quota Entry. Click ‘Advanced,’ then Find
Now to list all available users. Select a name from the list,
and click OK twice. Set their quota and warning limits, then
repeat for other users for whom you wish to apply limits.
Once done, close the window, and click OK twice.
Add a convenient shortcut to the right-click
menu: download www.howtogeek.com/
wp-content/uploads/TakeOwnership.zip –
open the zip file, and double-click ‘InstallTakeOwnership.
reg,’ clicking Run followed by Yes, Yes, and finally OK when
prompted. Now right-click any folder or file to find a new
Take Ownership option.
move any app to another drive using steammover.
58 | | June 2017
Windows 10 secrets
Control playback
from the taskbar
task View shortCuts with Groove music.
Press [Win] + [Tab] to trigger Task View, where
you can easily move windows between
multiple virtual desktops. Press [Ctrl] + [Win]
+ [D] to quickly create (and switch to) a new
virtual desktop, and [Ctrl] + [Win] + [Left Cursor]/[Right
Cursor] to move between them.
download and install TidyTabs (www.
It enables you to group multiple windows
together in a single tabbed window – just as you would
in your browser. Only TidyTabs covers all your apps, and
it enables you to mix and match different programs, too.
it defaults to the Quick Access menu. You
can change this by going to the File tab on roll your mouse over its Taskbar icon, and the Aero Peek
the Explorer ribbon, and choosing Folder & preview contains playback controls you can use without
Search Options. Click ‘Open File Explorer to…’ and choose bringing the main program into focus.
This PC to change the default action to showing your user
folders, drives, and network locations. snap app windows
Snap Assist makes it even easier to snap
multiple windows in place. Snap your
first window in place by dragging it to
the edge or corner of the screen, at which
point all other windows appear as they do when in Task
View. You can then drag these into place, bring them into
focus, or even close them quickly and easily.
control over your colour scheme when
tweaking your desktop. Go to Settings
> Personalisation > Colours, and click
Custom Colour. Use the colour picker which appears
to choose your colour, then adjust it with the help of a
slider and preview (complete with a warning, should the
colours be difficult to read).
folder from here, too, by selectively
removing both recently used files and
frequently accessed folders from its view if
you wish – this leaves only those shortcut folders that you
specifically pin to the menu.
baCkGround sCroLLinG
This feature enables you to scroll any
program window using your mouse or
trackpad, by moving the cursor over it, even
when it’s not in focus. Toggle it on and off
via the ‘Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them’
switch under Settings > Devices > Mouse and Touchpad.
June 2017 | | 59
tweak notifiCation settinGs
Fed up with certain apps constantly Create your own
badgering you with notifications through quick shortcuts to
the Action Centre? Go to Settings > System system tools.
> ‘Notifications & actions,’ then scroll down
to pick and choose exactly which apps and services send
you alerts. You can also choose whether to allow apps and
services to alert you using Banners or Sounds, or both.
remember, remember
If you frequently forget something within
moments of thinking it, Cortana could prove
to be your lifesaver. Simply type (or speak)
‘remember’ to set up a reminder from
scratch, or try something such as ‘remember to get milk
tomorrow after work’ to include additional details.
disabLe Cortana
The quickest way to disable Cortana
control appwiz.cpl ‘Program and Features’ control panel
displays ‘Search Windows,’ and you can
control date/time ‘Date and Time Properties’ window
continue to use it to find apps, settings,
and files on your PC – tap Filters to choose control desk.cpl Settings > System > Display
specific things to search for, such as folders, documents, or control desk.cpl,,2 Settings > Personalisation
music. (While we’re on the subject, right-click the Taskbar,
control folders ‘File Explorer Properties’ window
and choose Search > ‘Show search icon’ to replace the
Search box with a simple search button.) control fonts ‘Fonts’ folder
control mouse ‘Mouse Properties’ control panel applet
master fiLe assoCiations
The quickest way to change a single file control system System Properties
type’s association is to right-click a file in File control sysdm.cpl,,4 ‘System Protection’ tab under System Properties
Explorer, then choose Open With > ‘Choose control printers ‘Devices and Printers’ control panel
another app.’ Be sure to select ‘Always use
this app to open…’ before going through the list to find the control userpasswords2 Hidden ‘User Accounts’ dialog
program you want to use as the file’s default application –
if it’s not displayed, click ‘More apps,’ then scroll down to More examples can be found at www.lifewire.com/shortcuts-2626060, or you can
the bottom, and click ‘Look for another app on this PC’. add shortcuts directly to the Quick Access menu via Win+X Menu Editor’s ‘Add a
program’ > ‘Add a Control Panel item’ command.
Apps > ‘Default apps,’ but scroll down and
you can choose ‘Set defaults by app’ to gain
access to a much wider range of apps. Select
one to quickly assign multiple file types to it via ‘Choose
defaults for this program.’
saVe bandwidth
There are many ways in which you can
stop Windows from wasting your precious
bandwidth when connected to a metered
network, all accessible via Settings. One of
the first things you should do is go to, Update & Security
save bandwidth:
stop your pC from
> Windows Update > ‘Advanced options’ > ‘Choose how
sharing updates updates are delivered’, and change the setting to ‘PCs on
over the internet. my local network,’ or even flick the switch to Off.
60 | | June 2017
Windows 10 secrets
and click ‘Manage known networks.’ Choose
a network with bandwidth limits, and click
Quick-Fire Registry Tweaks Properties. Flick the switch marked ‘Set as
metered connection’ to On, then go to Devices, to ensure
Many of Windows’ hidden secrets are buried inside the Registry – you can access the ‘Download over metered connections’ is Off under ‘Printers
Registry Editor by pressing [Win] + [R], typing ‘regedit,’ and hitting [Enter]. Here are & scanners’ and ‘Connected devices.’
some quick-fire tweaks you can’t perform outside of the Registry.
Once there, head over to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ ChanGe printer defauLt
Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, then select the subkey indicated. Once done, If you have two or more printers, go to
locate the value shown (create a new DWORD 32-bit value if it’s not already present), Settings > Devices > ‘Printers & scanners’,
then change its data, selecting Decimal as the Base, unless stated. You need to open and flick the ‘Let Windows manage my
Task Manager, select File Explorer under Processes (click ‘More details’ if necessary), default printer’ switch to On if you want the
and click the Restart button to apply the tweak(s). printer to always default to the last one you used.
projeCt your pC
Project your display from one wireless
SUBKEY VALUE NAME OBJECTIVE PC or tablet to another – both need to
Show seconds in the support Miracast. Go to Settings > System
Advanced ShowSecondsInSystemClock 1
Taskbar clock > ‘Projecting on this PC’ to verify this, then
Increase transparency select ‘Available everywhere on secure networks.’ Now
Advanced UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency 1
of the Taskbar press [Win] + [P] on the device you want to extend, and
Speed up Aero Peek click ‘Project to a second screen.’ Select ‘Connect to a
Advanced ExtendedUIHoverTime 1
thumbnail preview wireless display,’ select your target PC, and wait for the
Click Taskbar icon to connection to be made, at which point your display can be
Advanced LastActiveClick 1 cycle through open duplicated or extended.
Increase size of Aero Cast Video from edGe
Taskband MinThumbSizePX 500
Peek thumbnail preview
If you have a device capable of receiving
A list of previously Miracast or DLNA streams, you can cast
entered commands in
RunMRU Various Various
the Run dialog – delete media content such as YouTube videos
unwanted ones direct from Edge – navigate to the page
containing your media, then click the ellipsis […] and
choose ‘Cast to Device.’ Wait for it to appear, then select it
to switch output to that device.
suddenly reboot your PC without your
permission. Go to Settings > ‘Update &
security,’ and click ‘Change active hours’
under Windows Update to set the times of day when you’re
active on your PC. Updates will be scheduled to reboot
outside this period only if you’re not using your computer.
update options: click ‘Restart options’ to
pick an exact time of day for Windows
Update to complete updates. Also, flick the
if your pC and another device, such as a tablet, support miracast you ‘Show more notifications’ switch to On, and you’ll be able
can project the display from one onto the screen of another. see tip 26. to snooze updates for up to three days at a time.
June 2017 | | 61
or off.’ Select ‘Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta).’ Click OK, and
then reboot your PC when prompted.
bash Limitations
Once enabled, press [Win] + [R], type ‘bash’, and
hit [Enter to install Ubuntu on Windows. You can
then run command-line Linux apps and Bash
commands via the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
app, or by invoking Bash from the Command Prompt, like so:
$ bash ls -l
recharges by going to Settings > System > Battery,
and switching on Battery Saver. Push the slider up
to 70 or even 80 percent, then tap ‘Battery usage
by app’ to see which apps require most power. Consider replacing
you can tweak the
aCtiVation troubLeshooter them with more power-efficient alternatives (the Opera web
Command prompt
Here’s some good news: if you took advantage of window (tip 31). browser instead of Microsoft Edge, for example).
the free Windows 10 upgrade, then signed in with
your Microsoft Account, your Windows license
is linked to the account (do this manually via
Settings > ‘Update & security’ > Activation > ‘Add an account’). You
can now perform major hardware surgery – including swapping
out the motherboard – without losing your copy of Windows. If
you run into problems with reactivation, click Troubleshoot on
the Activation page, and select ‘I changed hardware on this device
recently’ to resolve them.
to provide lots of extra functionality, such as
support for clipboard keyboard shortcuts and
text wrapping. Configure these by right-clicking
the Command Prompt menu bar and choosing Properties. While
you’re here, customise the size, colour scheme, and fonts, too.
For Developers, and select Developer Mode run Linux LoCk down wi-fi
under ‘Use developer features.’ Tweaks include commands in Make sure you’re not exposed to insecure wireless
windows – really!
developer-friendly options for File Explorer, such networks: go to Settings > Network & Internet >
as showing full directory paths in the title bar. Wi-Fi. Make sure ‘Connect to suggested open
hotspots’ is disabled if you don’t connect through
run bash Commands a Virtual Private Network (VPN). For more on VPNs, turn to page 48.
You can run Linux commands in Windows when
Check what
Developer Mode is enabled via the Bash UNIX information is run a priVaCy sweep
Shell – right-click Start, and choose ‘Programs and being shared Open your favourite web browser and head
Features’, then click ‘Turn Windows features on with microsoft. to http://account.microsoft.com/privacy, where
you’ll find a web dashboard providing convenient
shortcuts to reviewing and clearing personal
data stored in the cloud, including Cortana Notebook. You can
also perform a local audit via Settings > Privacy, but if this is all
too confusing, run the portable O&O ShutUp 10 tool (www.oo-
software.com/en/shutup10) for a one-click solution.
62 | | June 2017
Windows 10 secrets
HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Gone to the wrong
hive accidentally? Simply right-click the key,
and choose ‘Go to HKEY…’ to jump to its corresponding
entry in the other hive.
Windows 10 Professional comes with the
Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), which
is often used by IT admins to configure
security settings. If you’re running Windows 10 Home, you
can apply many of these tweaks with the right Registry
settings, which you’ll find neatly summarised as an Excel
spreadsheet – go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/
optimise onedriVe record footage download/details.aspx?id=25250 to download it.
from any app with
Next, right-click the OneDrive Taskbar
Game dVr.
Notification area icon, and choose Settings.
Click ‘Choose folders’ under Account to
sync selective content to your PC, and
set bandwidth limits under the Network tab if you think
OneDrive is adversely affecting your Internet connection.
Go to the Office tab and deselect both boxes if you find
Office defaulting to your online file copies instead of those
that you have stored locally.
exists to enable you to record your gaming
exploits, but you can use it on any app you
install from the Windows Store. Simply open
the app, press [Win] + [G], and check ‘Yes, this is a game’
when prompted to open it.
to install Microsoft Office on your PC?
Open the Start menu, locate the Get Office
shortcut in the ‘All apps’ menu, then right-
click it, and choose Uninstall to remove both the prompt
and the underlying application.
you’ve downloaded from the internet is the
real deal? Easy! Right-click the downloaded
file, and then choose the Properties > Digital
Signatures tab to view the certificate that should help
identify its origin. If the website you downloaded it from
provides an MD5 or SHA1 hash, you can use HashMyFiles
(www.nirsoft.net/utils/hash_my_files.html) to compare
the file’s hash with that on the site.
resolutions connected to your PC – one
that’s 4K Ultra HD, say, and one that’s HD –
then Windows 10 enables you to scale each
display completely independently of the other. To do this, go
to Settings > System > Display, select the display you want to
change by clicking it, and then use the slider to increase the
size of text, apps, and other on-screen elements. Clicking
‘Advanced display settings’ enables you to change the
selected display’s resolution. Repeat for the other
display for the best viewing experience!
June 2017 | | 63
reduCe eye strain
Create your own
The Creators Update introduces a new
custom hotkeys
feature that changes the colour temperature using inhotkey.
of your screen at night-time, which should
help you sleep better and avoid eye strain.
Switch it on via Settings > System > Display. Tap ‘Night
light settings’ to set it up (flick the schedule on, and use
the recommended sunset-sunrise setting, which changes
based on your location and the time of year).
you should make use of gestures. Just
like the ones you’re familiar with on your
smartphone, these enable you to control
your PC in various ways: from swiping with two fingers
to scroll, for example, to swiping with three fingers
horizontally to move between open windows, or vertically
to shift between Task View and hiding everything but the Oft-Forgotten
desktop. To use gestures, open the Mouse control panel,
and check for a tab called Device Settings, where you may Keyboard Shortcuts
find options for customising your own gestures. Touchscreens, trackpads, mice – they’re all great, but they’re no substitute for the
keyboard. Find the right keyboard shortcut and you can skip straight to the action.
speed up remoVabLe driVes We won’t insult your intelligence by revisiting well-known shortcuts (head over to
If you are willing to give up the ability to https://support.microsoft.com/help/12445/ for a comprehensive list), but here are
safely remove drives without ejecting them some shortcuts you may have forgotten (or never knew existed).
first, you can enable disk write caching on
the drive for a speed boost. Open Device
Shortcut what it doeS
Manager, then double-click your target drive under Disk
Drives. Switch to the Policies tab to make your choice. [Shift] + [F10] Performs a right-click at the current cursor point
root out problems with [win] + [X] Opens the Quick Link menu
[win] + [B]
Opens System > Ease of Access
Focuses on the Taskbar Notification Area – use cursor
keys to navigate, Enter to select
switCh pLaybaCk deViCe Opens Action Center (use [Win] + [V]
[win] + [a]
Most problems regarding lost sound can to cycle through notifications)
usually be traced to Windows switching [win] + [h] Opens Share charm
the playback device. Quickly review (and
change) the current playback device by [win] + [i] Opens Settings
clicking the Taskbar Notification area’s audio device icon. [win] + [+/-]
Zooms in and out using Magnifier
Click ‘^’ to reveal all available devices, and select the correct (use [Win] + [Esc] to close it)
one to bring your sound back.
If you’d like to create your own custom keyboard shortcuts using a
beCome a diGitaL media snob combination of the [Win], [Ctrl], and [Alt] keys, download WinHotKey from
Windows 10 now comes with native support www.directedge.us/content/winhotkey – it works fine in Windows 10.
for MKV, HVEC, and the lossless FLAC audio
format. Open Windows Media Player, and
click ‘Rip settings’ > Format > FLAC (Lossless)
to make it the default choice for future CD rips, ensuring
they’re stored at maximum audio quality.
‘powercfg–energy,’ and then hit [Enter].
Double-click the energy-report.html file
that’s been generated (in your Windows\
System32 folder) to get an overview of the energy-saving
capabilities of your PC and its peripherals. The report can
help to root out problems with sleep and hibernation.
It’s also worth checking suspect devices through Device
Manager, where you should look for a ‘Power Management’
tab, which lets you prevent certain devices from bringing keep tabs on your pC’s energy-saving aptitude with a power efficiency
your PC prematurely out of standby. diagnostics report. see tip 50 (left) for further details.
64 | | June 2017
Digital version
with this
pages of
ith the release of
Windows 10, Microsoft’s
policy on new Windows
versions changed. No
longer will we see major
Windows versions like
XP, Vista, 7 or 8 that require a huge
upgrade, a massive overhaul over those
that came before. The company’s new
plan involves, instead, rolling out serious
feature updates on top of Windows 10
at reasonably regular intervals. We’ve
seen two already: the November
Update, which landed in, yes, November
2015, corrected some early bugs and
introduced improvements to Cortana,
app snapping, and media casting in the
home. The Anniversary Update –
released a year after the initial release of
Windows 10 – tweaked certain elements
of the interface and added new features ForCe the Issue Want to upgrade your pC to the Creators update now? head to http://bit.ly/2nd4GqC to
get your hands on Microsoft’s official Windows 10 update assistant.
for those using tablets. There’s another
release scheduled for later in 2017 – select it, and when you next start up
currently codenamed Neon – but for your computer the upgrade process will
now we’re getting ready for the latest begin. It may take a while, so it’s worth
version: The Creators Update. holding off until you know you’re not
going to need your PC immediately –
What will happen? once the update process has kicked off,
Before we get into the specifics of what you’ll have to leave it until it’s done.
the Creators Update does, let’s look at There’s a possibility, again depending
what you need to do. Option one is to on your settings, that Windows will
do absolutely nothing: sit tight, and the interrupt an active machine to install the
update will, unless you’re running with update – a popup alert will warn you
some unusual settings, make its way to that it’s about to happen, but if you
your PC automatically. At some point leave your machine unattended you
Make a poInt a system restore point will allow soon you’ll go to shut down your stand to lose anything that you’re
you to take back an update if it causes problems. machine and see a prompt to upgrade; currently working on.
66 | | June 2017
Windows 10
The Creators Update
Let’s be clear, though: installing the
Creators Update is entirely optional, at
least for a while after release. You’ll find
instructions for delaying updates at the
bottom of this page. But why would you
want to? If you’ve been with Windows
10 for a while, you’ll have probably
noticed the rather aggressive way these
updates get applied to your machine.
You may even have noticed a few
teething troubles; the Anniversary
Update, for instance, didn’t play nicely
with certain hardware until a corrective
patch was issued a few weeks after its
release. While we’d advocate getting on
board with exciting new Windows
features as early as you can, affording
them time to bed in does make sense.
Proper preparation BaCk to the Future Make sure you back up all the files on your pC before you upgrade. Built-in tools,
such as Backup and restore help make this easy. Consider cloud services such as onedrive too.
With the potential for instability in mind,
any time a major update is about to heading to System & Maintenance > low. Restore points take space, the
make its way onto your PC we’d suggest Backup & Restore. If you’ve not used it update will need space to download,
you take a few precautionary steps. The before, click ‘Set up backup’ and follow and your Windows installation will grow
first is to make sure you’re fully up to the steps to make a backup onto an in size once it’s applied. Aside from
date with all your backups – it’s unlikely external storage drive. deleting old files – in your Downloads
June 2017 | | 67
What’s in the Update?
The Creators Update is packed with new features, new apps, new toys,
and plenty to make Windows 10 more awesome than it was before...
hen the Creators Update
lands, you may not
immediately notice the
difference. It doesn’t
make any massive
changes to the Windows
interface, unlike the forthcoming Neon
update, which is due to tweak the look
of the desktop significantly. Dig around
the Start menu, though, and you’ll find a
few cool new apps.
New dimensions
As you might expect, given the update’s
name, Microsoft is seeking to enhance
your creative possibilities. You’ll find play WIth Clay paint 3d is fun to experiment with – check www.remix3d.com to see some examples.
new app Paint 3D sitting alongside its
2D cousin, and while it’s possibly of and offers much lower latency (one any windows you have open – ideal for
limited usefulness for most of us, it’s a second) than the likes of Twitch (30 keeping tabs on Skype chats, or your
great way to play with 3D objects and seconds), meaning you’ll be able to favourite TV show, without needing to
provides a stack more artistic tools than interact with those watching you play at make space for a specific window.
you’ll find in the basic Paint. a much faster rate. If you work in the evening, Night Light
Gamers receive a pretty huge The same shortcut also enables you to (found in System > Settings > Display)
enhancement this time around, with activate a dedicated game mode, which automatically tweaks the colour output
integrated game streaming through drops certain background processes to of your screen to reduce the amount of
Microsoft’s new Beam system (www. improve game performance. There’s also blue light it outputs. This is scientifically
beam.pro) accessible by selecting [Win] a whole new page of gaming options in proven to improve your brain’s ability to
+ [G] on your keyboard when you’re the Settings screen. sleep, and is barely perceptible in use.
playing. It’s the same system recently If you’re a Skype user, the Creators Digital assistant Cortana has been
implemented on the Xbox One console, Update offers up the very latest version. updated in a number of ways, and now
Specifically built for Windows 10, it supports music control in some audio
includes features like a mini view, SMS apps, while integrating natural language
integration if you also use Windows compatibility in TuneIn and IHeartRadio.
Phone, and even a live translation If you’ve set it up to use audio input, you
option for use when calling other can now take full-screen control when
countries. See page 28 for more. your PC is unlocked, making it easier to
use Cortana from across the room.
Other updates There are also upgrades to Microsoft
While there’s no major interface Edge, as well as audio improvements
overhaul, there are a few minor tweaks thanks to a Windows Store-based Dolby
in the Creators Update that will make Atmos app, support for 360-degree
your life more pleasant. Mini view video on the Movies & TV app, and
Broadcast media Beam enables you to stream your enables you to dock certain apps in a mixed-reality features that you’ll be able
gameplay online with a couple of clicks. small window that remains on top of to play with once you get a HoloLens. ■
68 | | June 2017
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70 | | June 2017
Find the solution! Windows 10 Help (Official)
Now the Creator’s Update is out, visit https://support.microsoft.
com/en-gb/products/windows for troubleshooting help. Technical help
printEr woEs
if your printer has Quickfire questions
stopped working
after upgrading
windows, reinstall I’ve set up a virtual machine in
its printer drivers. VirtualBox, but can’t get it
connected to my home
network to share files.
Piers younger
Close the virtual machine, go
to Settings > Network and
made sure it’s attached to
Bridged Adapter and not NAT.
changes I’d made in the previous
half hour. Can you help?
“That ASD file contains
Louise Taylor most, if not all, of your
Q After Microsoft sneaked Alex’s solution unsaved changes”
through Windows 10 on to my That ASD file contains
system when I wasn’t looking, my
HP OfficeJet 3830 printer has
most, if not all, of your
unsaved changes. First,
Jargon buster!
stopped printing from my PC. It let’s back up that file – just in case. NAT
scans happily enough and will print Press [Win] + [R], type ‘%appdata%\ Network Address Translation.
a diagnostic page, but despite Microsoft\Word’ and hit [Enter]. You Enables VirtualBox to give
consulting with HP I can’t get should see the file in question – an virtual machines internet
anywhere. Any ideas? AutoRecovery save of <filename>. access without exposing them
Alan Puffett asd. Ordinarily when you reopen to the internal network.
Word the AutoRecover dialogue
Rob’s solution should appear with this file, so you DocumEnt Sandbox
Given that the problem you can restore your changes. rEcovErY
Any unsaved Isolated environment in which
began after Windows 10 For now, copy – don’t move – this information in apps can be run, reducing the
was installed, we told file to a convenient location, such word is stored risk of infection or crashes.
Alan to go to Start > System > as your Documents folder. Now in hidden files.
Devices, click the HP printer to
highlight it and then click ‘Remove
device’. Once the printer was
removed, the next step was to try
reinstalling it from the same
Settings option. Click ‘Add a printer
or scanner’ and follow the prompts
to see if Windows 10 detects the
printer and downloads the latest
driver for it; if not, HP does provide
a Windows 10 driver on its website.
After following this procedure, Alan
was happy to report the printer was
now working again.
Microsoft Word
Q Wouldn’t you know it? Word
has just crashed and when I
reopened it, it told me it can’t open
an ASD file because it’s already
open in Word. As a result, I end up
with a read-only copy of the file I
was working on, with none of the
June 2017 | | 71
reopen Word to the File screen.
Quickfire questions Click the Manage Document
button and choose Recover
I made some bespoke tiles for Unsaved Documents. You’ll be
my Start menu using Tile Genie dumped inside a different folder –
from the App Store, but now it C:\Users\nickd\AppData\Local\
keeps crashing a few seconds Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles. If a
after launch. Can you help? duplicate of the ASD file isn’t here,
bryan Little navigate to where you copied it,
This was fixed simply by select the file and click Open. The
uninstalling and reinstalling file will open in a separate window
the app via Start > Settings > – verify it’s the version you want,
Apps – Bryan had previously then click the ‘Save as’ button at
recorded his settings, so the top to save a copy.
nothing was lost.
I’ve started receiving a warning QUIckLy REDRAFT
in Firefox about compromised AN EmAIL
Q Occasionally, when I send an know if I can migrate my existing
ssD clonE
logins on certain web pages. make sure your
Should I be concerned? email it’s not sent because I drive is big enough
Windows system drive to the new
Fran Warnock misspelled the recipient’s email to accommodate a drive using Macrium Reflect Free in
address. Is there any easy way to windows install. conjunction with a rescue disc. I’m
This is a new feature that alerts correct this without having to thinking of imaging the Windows
you to insecure web pages. rewrite the whole email again? system drive to DVD.
The problem was always there, Jim Duncan Peter claxton
but now you’re being alerted
to it. We recommend using cat’s solution Nick O’s solution
secure (https) connections The quickest thing to do While it’s possible to do
where possible. is locate the email in what you want using
your Sent folder, then DVDs, we don’t
I have a dual-boot setup, but open it and click the Forward recommend it, Peter. The size of
for some unknown reason my button. Remove the email header your Windows system drive means
ageing HP 2180 printer prints information from the body of the a minimum of four discs – and
differently in Windows 10 than email itself, and amend the subject probably many more – will be
it does in Windows 7. line to remove any reference to required. Furthermore, it’s a slow
Tony Shaw forwarding (typically ‘Fwd:’). Then process and you’ll need to be on
It sounds like only the basic it’s simply a case of entering the hand to swap out the discs. Instead,
printer driver has been correct address and hitting Send. back up to an external hard drive or
installed in Windows 10 – open Going forward, try to make use of large (64GB or 128GB) flash drive
your web browser and search your email program’s contacts – following the guide at www.
for ‘F2180’ at http://support. Jim’s a Gmail user, so when he techradar.com/1319885.
hp.com where you’ll be able to starts typing a name or email Once backed up and verified,
replace the driver with a full address, a list of previously entered swap out your old hard drive for
software package, and so addresses (and stored contacts) your new one. Then boot from the
ensure consistent results. should appear. Macrium rescue media and choose
the Restore option. If your image
Disk cloning isn’t detected, click ‘Browse for an
mIGRATING TO A NEW image file’ to manually select it.
SOLID-STATE DRIvE When you come to restore the
image, Macrium should detect that
Q I’m planning to buy a
solid-state drive and want to your new SSD drive is probably
72 | | June 2017
Technical help
smaller than your old hard drive would enable the child to upload mayank’s solution
and offer to resize the partitions and download with no limits until Later versions of
during the restore process. other devices come online, at which Microsoft Excel than you
Some further considerations: point their web demands would have do open each
make sure that your SSD drive is take precedence. Consult your worksheet in its own window, PC problem?
large enough to comfortably router’s manual or support website enabling you to easily drag one to Get in touch…
accommodate your current C drive, for specific instructions. another display. In Excel 2010, Email full details of
and be sure to choose the option to however, you’ll need to open your your problem to the
support team and we’ll
image all the partitions required to Microsoft Excel first document as normal in Excel, do our best to help:
back up and restore Windows. DISPLAy EXcEL then press [Win] + [R], type ‘excel’ windowsmagazine@
We usually recommend you hive DOcUmENTS ON and hit [Enter] – this should open a futurenet.com
off your data to a separate drive mULTIPLE mONITORS new instance of Excel containing a Or write to :
when upgrading to a SSD to give Support Squad,
Q I’m running Excel 2010, and I blank document. Choose File >
Windows Help &
Windows room to breathe – check want to display two separate Open to load in your second Advice magazine,
out last month’s Reinstall feature spreadsheets on different monitors, document, and then drag Future Publishing Ltd,
(issue 135, page 14) for a detailed but I can’t get the files to open in whichever window you want to the Quay House,
step-by-step guide to doing so. separate windows. Can you help? second display. It’s a slightly The Ambury,
Greg Scowen inelegant solution, but it works! ■ bath bA1 1UA
Q One of my children is
constantly downloading and
uploading to the detriment of the
rest of our household. What steps
can I take to apply limits so the rest
of us get a reasonable speedy
internet connection?
Xavier Rodgers
matt’s solution
If the problem is linked
to a specific app or
program, and your child
co-operates, check its settings for
an option to limit upload and
download speeds – try the
automatic setting if it exists,
otherwise check your router for
your upload and download speeds
and set limits accordingly – say 50% BAnDwiDth hog
of the total available bandwidth. Your router can
If they refuse to help, log into balance competing
your router’s configuration utility in internet demands.
your web browser and see if you
can find a Bandwidth Control or
QoS section. Options vary
according to your router, but you
should be able to create rules for
“Log into your router’s configuration utility
your child’s specific IP address, then
either set specific limits in Kbps or
in your browser and see if you can find a
look for a Priority setting. This Bandwidth Control or QoS section”
Jargon buster!
Stands for Digital Living
Network Alliance and is a
standard used for sharing
digital media (including video)
between devices including
your PC, TV and/or a tablet.
3 Add content
Next, you need to physically add the
4 consume media
You can now access your shared media
Stands for Quality of Service,
and is a tool used by networks
shared content to your client device – from libraries – they won’t show up on the main to prioritise internet traffic and
the home page, select your target library and screen, instead, select Movies and click ‘Enter reserve internet resources on a
enter the files section. Click ‘Add videos…’ files section’ to manually browse your libraries device-by-device basis to
followed by Browse, UPnP devices and select using the same navigation tools as found in balance competing demands.
your PC. Click OK twice. Kodi itself.
June 2017 | | 73
The home of technology
Welcome to…
WindoWs 10 tips
Windows 10features explained neW tips and tricks
Welcome Featuring…
Just starting your 76 How to master the 78 Change the way 80 Discover the ways
Windows journey? Windows 10 desktop the Start menu works Cortana can help you
Confused by the
changes Microsoft
has made to the
Creators Update? Maybe you
just want to learn something
new about Windows 10. Well,
this is the section for you!
There’s not enough space to
tell you absolutely everything
you need to know here, but
Windows Help & Advice always
has your back. In our essential
Basics section, we’ll show you
how to: master the desktop and
make it work for you; customise
the Start menu and quickly
access favourite items using
tiles; and how to get the best
from Windows 10’s virtual turn to
personal assistant, Cortana. page 46 to
get started
windows 10’s
Matt Hanson built-in
Associate Editor apps
June 2017 | | 75
Master the desktop
You’ll spend a lot of time there, so here are
some great ways to make it work for you…
hen not actually using pastime that’s all but dead now
1 Show desktop/peek
The Show Desktop button isn’t marked, and some people
2 Virtual desktops
If you find your desktop frequently getting overcrowded as
don’t even know it exists. Press this anonymous section at the you work, why not offload some of the mess onto another one?
extreme right of the taskbar, and all your open windows will Click the Task View button to the right of Cortana’s search box on
minimise. Hover the mouse pointer over it, and you’ll get a the taskbar, and you’ll be taken to a screen that shows your open
preview ‘peek’ at the desktop that reverts when you move your apps, and also your desktops. Add a new one, or even more, and
mouse pointer away. It’s very useful when you’ve got a chaotic you’ll be able to flick between them with different apps open on
number of windows open on your desktop. each. It’s a great way to stay organised on your PC.
76 | | June 2017
Welcome to Windows 10
Master the desktop
5 Desktop icons
The Windows 10 desktop icons have a pixellated look, and
6 Shake to minimise
This may sound like something left over from a tablet build
if this offends you it’s easy to change them. Luckily, there are icon of Windows that needs a built-in accelerometer, but picking up a
packs available online – including the shinier Windows 8 icons. window with your mouse pointer and shaking it back and forth
Download the icon pack you want to use, then go to Start > will minimise every other window, leaving you with a clear and
Settings > Personalisation > Themes. Click the ‘Desktop icon uninterrupted view of the one you want to work with. It’s much
Settings’ and select the icons you want to place on the desktop, faster than clicking several minimise buttons, and it’s a fun little
then use the Change Icon option to change their look. quirk that’s a good one to remember.
7 Notifications
The notifications panel – or Action Centre – slides in from
8 Window management
In addition to window snapping, you can arrange your
the right of the screen, with a button in the system tray, and will windows in some other ways too. Right-click on the taskbar to
house any messages that apps or Windows components want to reveal three window arrangement schemes: ‘Cascade windows’;
send you. It’s where you’ll find links to details of Windows updates ‘Show windows stacked’; and ‘Show windows side by side’. These
that have been installed on your machine, and any social media are similar to the Window menu’s functions that have been
messages or upcoming calendar events. You can customise it so available all the way back to Windows 3.1, and can make it quick
it’s as intrusive as you can deal with. and easy to find what you’re looking for.
June 2017 | | 77
Customise the Start menu
The Start menu in Windows 10 is more powerful than
ever – here are some easy tips to make it work for you
he Start menu’s return was big news install of Windows 10, it doesn’t have to stay that
1 Colour
Your Start menu’s background can be any colour you like
2 Size
To make space for all the customising you can do to the
– all you have to do is untick a box. Open up Settings, then Start menu, you can easily resize it to your liking. Just move your
Personalisation and finally Colours. Untick the ‘Automatically pick mouse pointer to the top-border or right-border of the Start
an accent colour from my background’ option and you’ll be able Menu, the pointer will change into arrows, and you’ll be able to
to pick a colour from the palette. So your Start menu can be a increase or decrease height and width, dragging it out to
contrasting red or yellow rather than a dull blue or grey. Play completely fill the screen if you want to. This is particularly useful
around to find a combination that works for you. if you have a PC filled with programs that you access regularly.
78 | | June 2017
5 Use it to search with
Hitting the [Win] key on your keyboard to pop up the Start
6 Live tiles
Live tiles are tiles that are constantly updated with data,
menu’s Search box is one of the fastest ways to look for anything usually gleaned over the internet to make them up-to-date.
in Windows 10. Just type a few characters and you will get There’s one for the Mail app that shows your most recent
suggestions for applications and documents stored on your messages, one for the Weather app that uses your PC’s location to
computer that match your initial query. You can also use the tell you what’s going on outside the window, and so on. If you
arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate the Start menu, if you’d find them distracting, you can turn them off by right-clicking
rather not use the mouse. them and choosing the appropriate option.
June 2017 | | 79
Get to know Cortana
Meet the digital assistant that’s here to help you
– she can even recognise the sound of your voice
icrosoft’s virtual personal assistant The Windows 10 version is perhaps a little less
1 Set up
Depending on how your PC has been configured, you may
2 Personalise Cortana
To make Cortana as useful as possible she needs to address
need to switch Cortana on in order to work with her. The first time you personally. Tell Cortana your name and where you live and
you try to search your PC, she’ll ask if you want to use her. Say no, she can adapt herself to you. If you’ve opted for her to speak
and the search box remains functional, but without the extra results back to you, she’ll call you by name and allow you to
features that Cortana brings. You’ll need to be connected to the correct her pronunciation if she gets it wrong. Tell her your
internet to use Cortana of course, because that’s how results are interests, and appropriate news snippets will appear when you
queried and returned to you, just like Apple’s Siri. open Cortana’s panel. You can do all this from the settings.
80 | | June 2017
5 Use Cortana in Edge
Cortana can also help you as you browse the internet. To
6 Use voice commands
Click the microphone icon next to the search box, and you
enable it in Microsoft Edge, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > can speak your questions and instructions to Cortana. You must
View Advanced Settings and under ‘Privacy and Services’ enable have ‘Search online’ enabled in Cortana settings to use voice
‘Have Cortana Assist Me in Microsoft Edge’. Now, as you explore search, otherwise the mic icon disappears. If you select the
the web, you’ll get helpful additions such as song lyrics if you’re option, she will respond to a cheery ‘Hey Cortana’ – but this will
listening to music, or links to apps if the site you’re using has one. increase battery usage on portable devices, so is only worth
turning on if you’re sure you’ll use it.
June 2017 | | 81
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June 2017 | | 83
HP Pavilion 17
£899.99-£999.99 | $729.99-$1,099.99 www.hp.com
The archetypal student laptop is back – and better than ever!
hen it comes choosing the company’s higher-end Envy family. colours are available on all model
right laptop for school, Most notably, the Pavilion laptop’s sizes, as we note later. You can
college or university, the classically plastic body has been choose the colour you prefer when
HP Pavilion is often at the top of infused with 3D metal to make it you place your order online –
many student wishlists. Why? look more visually appealing. although since the lids aren’t
Because this popular range of Then there’s the addition of the interchangeable you’ll be stuck
budget laptop PCs have proved, proprietary Lift Hinge, which you’ll with the colour you’ve chosen for
over the years, that they are both find drooping over the rear of the as long as you own the laptop. That
tough and reliable; while keen new Pavilion clamshells. Open up said, the colours do look classy and
pricing and flexible configuration the screen and this rear extension give the Pavilion extra appeal for
options mean there’s a model to props the entire machine at a slight anyone who wants to make their
suit almost any need or budget. slant for a more comfortable typing laptop that bit more personal.
For 2017, though, HP has adopted experience. At the same time, the Other welcome changes to the
a slight change of tack. The Pavilion Lift Hinge helps raise the bottom of 2017 Pavilion include drastically
range is still sensibly priced; but has the notebook above surfaces for narrower bezels – 51% at the sides
also been given a makeover, giving better airflow. and 19% top and bottom – around
the line a more premium look and The 2017 Pavilion frames also the laptop’s display. This helps the
feel, while also making each model look noticeably less like they’re screen pop and look as if it simply
thinner and smaller. The 17-incher, made of plastic thanks to a new falls off to nothing rather than
seen here, is also incredibly cheap silver paint job, with the option to being encompassed in large strips
– with prices starting at £899.99 choose a different coloured lid on of plastic. The 17-incher’s smaller
($729.99) and rising to £999.99 the back of the display. There are 14-inch sibling is slimmer for
($1,099.99), depending on model. five different colour options another reason: HP has kicked out
available across the range – its optical drive, enabling it to drop
Design Opulent Blue, Silk Gold, Orchid the laptop from 22mm to 19mm in
The 2017 HP Pavilion borrows much Pink, Mineral Silver and Empress thickness. If you still need an optical
of its classier design from the Red – although not all of the drive (for games and other media)
84 | | June 2017
HP Pavilion 17
HP Pavilion 17-ab201na
Supplier www.hp.com
Operating system Windows 10 Home
Processor Quad-core 2.5GHz Intel Core
i5-7300HQ (Kaby Lake), up to 3.5GHz with
Turbo Boost, 6MB cache)
Storage 256GB PCIe SSD + 1TB HDD
(upgradeable to 16GB)
Graphics Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 (4GB
of dedicated GDDR5 RAM)
Connectivity 802.11ac Wi-Fi (2x2);
Bluetooth 4.2; 1x USB 2.0 port; 2x USB 3.0
ports; 1x HDMI port; 1x Ethernet port; 1x
headphone socket
Optical drive SuperMulti DVD burner
Webcam HP Wide Vision HD with Dual
Digital Microphone
Battery 6-cell, 62WHr Lithium Ion
Weight 2.85kg
Screen size 17.3-inch
Display resolution 1920x1080 Full HD
HP Pavilion 17-ab200na
Supplier www.hp.com
Operating system Windows 10 Home
Processor Quad-core 2.8GHz Intel Core
i7-7700HQ (Kaby Lake), up to 3.8GHz with
Turbo Boost,6MB cache)
Storage 256GB PCIe SSD + 1TB HDD
then it remain as an option on the nothing else, so if you want an RAM 16GB DDR4-2400 SDRAM
15-inch and 17-inch Pavilions. This, Orchid Pink one? No dice. Graphics Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 (4GB
of course, means that the 17-inch One thing that all of the new of dedicated GDDR5 RAM)
Connectivity 802.11ac Wi-Fi (2x2);
model sports larger dimensions, laptops share is HP’s new Wide Bluetooth 4.2; 1x USB 2.0 port; 2x USB 3.0
measuring 27.1mm thick and Vision camera, which is located ports; 1x HDMI port; 1x Ethernet port; 1x
weighing in at 2.8kg. above the display. This introduces headphone socket
Optical drive SuperMulti DVD burner
new lenses that capture a wider Webcam HP Wide Vision HD with Dual
Specifications than normal field of view. With this, Digital Microphone
The huge range of customisation you can have a bigger group to Battery 6-cell, 62WHr Lithium Ion
options HP offers on its Pavilion has their whole family in frame during Weight 2.85kg
Screen size 17.3-inch
always been once of its strongest video calls. Optional IR cameras Display resolution 1920x1080 Full HD
suits. As well as a line-up that also add the ability to login with
encompasses 14-inch, 15.6-inch your face through Windows Hello.
and 17-inch screen sizes; you can HP says that the Pavilion should
also choose to equip your laptop get a maximum of 10 hours of continuing popularity: firstly, it’s
now possible to buy Chromebooks
“HP says that the Pavilion should get a maximum equipped with Full HD screens for
half the money that the HP Pavilion
of 10 hours battery life between recharges” costs. And there are some things
about the Pavilion line-up that
with a choice of AMD or Intel Core battery life between recharges, remain stuck in the early years of
processors; find room for all your although, in our experience we the 21st Century: limited battery life
stuff with storage options that wouldn’t put much faith in these and a lack of configuration options
include up to 2TB of hard drive claims. This time around HP is also on some models among them.
storage; a 512GB SSD, or a 256GB introducing Fast Charge, which Having said that we still think,
SDD/1TB hard drive combo. Gamers brings a system’s battery back up the HP Pavilion is tremendous value
and photo/video enthusiasts will to a 90% charge in 90 minutes. – and remains the archetypal
love the choice of AMD Radeon or workhorse for students of all ages.
Nvidia GeForce discrete graphics Summary
– and the ability to upgrade to There’s no doubt that the 2017 The HP Pavilion is slimmer and
1920x1080 Full HD displays. Pavilion is the best iteration of HP’s more premium, but some of its
The only catch is that some of entry-level laptop yet. It retains the options don’t go far enough.
HP’s configuration options seem long and popular tradition of
rather arbitrary. We’ve already combining both the affordable with
explained that there’s no optical the upgradeable, and the addition
drive option on the 14-inch model; of a thinner chassis, slimmer bezels
while 4K Ultra HD displays aren’t an and a more premium feel – taken
option on any of them – not even from the higher-end HP Envy – are
the 17-incher. Even the colour undoubtedly a welcome touch.
choices are limited: the 17-inch However there are also some
model comes in Mineral Silver and reasons to doubt the Pavilion’s
June 2017 | | 85
Teclast X5 Pro
£474 | $585 www.teclast.com/en/zt/X5Pro/
Microsoft’s Surface devices are an inspiration for other 2-in-1s
othing in tech stays the same But the Tbook 16 Power isn’t the massive 12.2-inch display with a
for long, so it was only a top-of-the-range model from the thick black frame, and a Windows
matter of time before Chinese company – that honour belongs to logo that betrays its origins, while
vendors, buyoed by success at the the X5 Pro, a Kaby Lake-powered the rear of the device consists of a
budget end of the market, started tablet that goes head-to-head with magnesium alloy enclosure with a
pushing their products upstream the Microsoft Surface Pro 4. kickstand that opens at up to 90
towards more profitable sectors. However, at £474 (around $585) degrees (in 22.5-degree steps).
What started as a flood of cheap at the time of writing at Gearbest Like the Surface, the edges of the
knockoffs has slowly turned into a (www.gearbest.com), the X5 Pro X5 Pro are slightly tapered, which
steady stream of better quality isn’t cheap, although it is often helps stability when held in your
products that tend to get their available for less in one of hand or placed on a surface.
inspiration from Microsoft rather Gearbest’s frequent flash sales. The power button is located on
than Google or Apple. These costs, though, are exclusive one edge of the tablet; next to it on
Chinese vendors are now bolder of any taxes that may be levied by the shorter edge are a volume
and no longer as hesitant when it HMRC or the courier companies rocker, an audio socket and a
comes to taking on the big brands. used by the vendor. microUSB port.
The Xiaomi Air 12 is one of many The cheapest Surface Pro 4, The latter is the odd one out. It is
devices that have attempted to meanwhile, costs around 60% more electrically active and we managed
carve a niche at the top-end of the with a worse set of components to successfully read a microSD card
market with mixed results. But that – although it does come with a free using an adaptor, although we
won’t prevent others, such as Surface pen and Windows 10 Pro. couldn’t use it to charge either a
Teclast, from trying. This little- phone or the laptop. The X5 Pro’s
known manufacturer impressed us Design keyboard connector is located on
with the Tbook 16 Power earlier this The Teclast X5 Pro embraces a the other longer edge with a
year – a powerful device aimed at tried-and-trusted design, one made proprietary power connector, a
the Surface 3, but at a fraction of popular by Microsoft: it’s a large mini-HDMI port, a full-size USB port
the cost of its Microsoft rival. slab of glass and metal. You get a and a USB Type-C connector.
86 | | June 2017
Teclast X5 Pro
Teclast X5 Pro
Processor: Intel Core m3-7Y30 (dual-
core, 1GHz with turbo up to 2.6GHz)
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 615
Memory (RAM): 8GB
Screen: 12.2-inch IPS, 1920 x 1200,
10-point capacitive display
Storage: 240GB SSD
Ports: USB 3.0 port, USB-C port,
micro-HDMI, microUSB, microSD slot,
headphone jack
Connectivity: 802.11ac Wi-Fi;
Bluetooth 4.2
Camera: 5MP rear-facing,
2MP front-facing
Dimensions: 299x202x8mm
Weight: 911g
June 2017 | | 87
Logitech G413 Carbon
£99.99 | $89.99 www.logitech.com
Is this super-thin mechanical keyboard a compromise too far?
hile RGB lighting and Corsair Strafe (£109.99/$99.99), and which adds to its rigidity while
macro keys might seem the Roccat Suora (£79.99/$99.99). elevating it slightly above a basic,
like all the rage in gaming plastic base. The only thing some
keyboards, the cost of all those Design users might not love is how the key
extra features adds up. Between When compared to most gaming caps basically hover right above the
the Roccat Suora (http://roc. keyboards – or even most other PC base board without any protection
gg/2pSA8M3) and HyperX Alloy FPS keyboards come to that – the on the sides. We personally love the
(http://bit.ly/2qzoMst), it’s clear Logitech G413 looks a little naked; simpler design, and cleaning the
there’s a demand for an affordable since it lacks a plastic fairing, you keyboard is easier too.
keyboard with a straightforward can see the keyboard’s underlying Ever since Logitech introduced
design and fewer gimmicks. base plate in all its glory. the ostentatious G910 Orion Spark
Meet Logitech’s first affordable While we dig the painted black (http://bit.ly/2qzqHxf), the
mechanical gaming keyboard: the metal and red backlighting on the company’s keyboards have grown
G413. Available in separate Carbon Logitech G413 Carbon model, progressively thinner and more
and Silver versions, the Logitech tested here, we love the brighter sophisticated. The Logitech G413
G413 ditches the usual media and steel panel and white backlighting feels like the last major step in that
macro keys, along with fully- on the Silver version even more. direction with a completely bare
customisable RGB backlighting, in Luckily, losing the external shell frame that measures just one
favour of a frameless design and a hasn’t cost the Logitech G413 any centimetre thick.
full set of Logitech’s proprietary sturdiness at all. You’ll certainly
Romer-G switches. have a tough time bending or Performance
Priced at £99.99 ($89.99), the finding any points of flex on the Rather than going with membrane
Logitech G413 is competitively G413, thanks to its solid, aluminium- keys or Cherry MX switches like
priced, costing the same or less magnesium alloy plate. And even Logitech’s last few budget
than other similarly specified the plastic underside of the keyboard offerings, the G413 comes
keyboards, including the HyperX keyboard feels tough, thanks to a with a full complement of Romer-G
Alloy FPS (£99.99/$99.99), the set of diagonally moulded lines, switches. If you haven’t had the
88 | | June 2017
Logitech G413 Carbon
Logitech G413 Carbon
System requirements: Windows 7/8/10;
USB port (for keyboard); Second USB port
(for USB passthrough port); internet
access for Logitech Gaming Software
Switch type: Romer-G Mechanical
Durability: 70 million keypresses
Actuation distance: 1.5mm
Actuation force: 45g
Total travel distance: 3mm
Indicator Lights (LED): 2
USB Ports (Built-in): 1x USB 2.0
Backlighting: Yes; Single colour (5 fixed
brightness levels)
Special keys: Backlight Toggle: [FN] +
[F7]; Game Mode: [FN] + [F8]; Media
Controls: [FN] + [F9]/[F10]/[F11]/[F12]
Cable length: 1.8m
Dimensions: 445x34mmx132mm
Weight (without cable): 1105g
With the G413, Logitech has
introduced an inexpensive and
gorgeous, fully mechanical gaming
keyboard that’s well worth your
chance to use them yourself, the omission when they’re available on attention. It’s certainly one of the
only thing you need to know is that the even-lower-priced G213 Prodigy most competitively-priced
they’re responsive and relatively Gaming keyboard (£59.99/$69.99) frameless options on the market,
silent mechanical switches. from the same company. going head to head against the
There’s a strong tactile bump We have a similar issue with the HyperX Alloy FPS and the Roccat
when you hit the bottom of the G413’s USB passthrough feature. Suora keyboards in price; and
2.5mm of key travel on the While it’s undoubtedly a neat thing beating both in responsiveness.
Romer-G mechanisms. Despite the to have – you can use the provided Unfortunately, the Logitech
long actuation distance, we got port to connect and charge your G413 isn’t without its flaws. While
into cover faster and more reliably smartphone or tablet; or plug a the presence of USB passthrough is
when than with other keyboards. mouse directly into the keyboard welcome, the fact that it’s limited to
This is due to Logitech nailing – the fact that it’s limited to USB 2.0 USB 2.0 seems like an oversight; as
down response times to a science. limits its effectiveness when it does the lack of dedicated media
These Romer-G switches should comes to syncing or transferring keys. However we think both
also last you a while, since they’re data between devices. compromises are a relatively small
price to pay given the G413’s price.
“There’s a strong tactile bump when you hit the The Logitech G413 also feels like
it makes total sense compared to its
bottom of the 2.5mm key travel on the Romer-G” rivals – less so when it comes to
Logitech’s other offerings. It
rated for 70 million actuations. Still, this level of connectivity is certainly seems like an odd
Logitech also includes a set of 12 comparable to the Corsair’s Strafe step-down from the company’s
faceted key caps that you can use keyboard (http://bit.ly/2pSxYvL) own entry-level option, the G213
to replace the [W], [A], [S], [D] and and is a step up from the sole Prodigy, despite that keyboard’s
first five number keys, plus a few charging port you’ll find on the lower price tag.
others. They’re a welcome touch for HyperX Alloy FPS. The Logitech Regardless, the Logitech G413 is
differentiating the gaming-specific G413 also does a fine job of one of the best sub-£100/$100
keys from the rest of the keyboard. supporting wireless peripherals, gaming keyboards you can buy. ■
such as the Logitech G900 Chaos
Features Spectrum wireless gaming mouse. Compromised it may be, but the
There is a downside to Logitech’s Another more useful feature can G413 is one of the best budget
minimalist approach, however – as be found on the bottom of the gaming keyboards around
evidenced by the G413’s limited G413 keyboard: a cable pathway
feature set. that you can use to route your
Unlike every one of Logitech’s headphone cable along and keep it
other keyboards, this one doesn’t out of the way – a feature we’ve
include any dedicated media only seen on the Corsair K95 RGB
playback buttons. Sure, you can just Platinum so far. In addition, the
hit the function buttons to toggle G413 also includes a ‘U-shaped’
shortcuts attached to the F-keys channel that can be used as an
instead, but it seems like an odd anchor point for a wired gaming
June 2017 | | 89
Parrot Bebop 2
£439.99 | $549.99 www.parrot.com
A drone that – for a little extra – will make you think you can fly
he Parrot Bebop 2 is a Design and handling balls, and they reduce the impact of
smartphone-controlled drone You’d be forgiven for thinking the vibration on the camera itself.
with a 14-megapixel camera, Bebop 2 is modest upgrade over While the Bebop 2 feels a little
which offers 1080p video recording. the original Bebop, purely becasue flimsy in the hand, it means video
The successor to the original Parrot they look so similar. Thankfully, recording is less prone to shaking
Bebop model, it features a fisheye Parrot hasn’t been that lazy; the from the rotors on each arm.
lens which allows for surprisingly Bebop 2 boasts a more robust The plastic rotors are removable,
judder-free footage and even design and a larger-capacity and have to be fitted to the drone
boasts user-serviceable rotors. battery, addressing two of the big itself using a special tool. The rotors
The USP of the Bebop 2 is the problems with the first model. are colour-coded – white for the
optional FPV pack, which includes a The bodywork is almost entirely front, black for the back – and have
headset and professional-style plastic, save for some deformable to be fitted to the correct arm
flight controller, complete with polystyrene-type material around before flying. There’s a spare set of
sticks and buttons. Using this setup the camera. Each rotor has three rotors in the box, and it’s possible
it’s possible to get a first-person blades, and these can be removed to order replacements if they get
view of what the drone is seeing – a when the drone isn’t in use. The damaged. In fact, much of the unit
surprisingly immersive experience. massive 2700mAh battery slots is modular – it’s possible to buy
The catch is that, when you add onto the back of the unit itself, and new motor units for the arms, too.
the cost of the FPV pack to the price has to be detached for charging The Bebop 2’s motors are pretty
of the Bebop 2 itself, you rapidly The Bebop 2’s design is unique in powerful, and it’s able to hold its
approach the kind of money you’d that it’s not a single solid unit, but position even when being buffeted
expect to spend on a more capable two main elements which are by relatively strong winds. Take-off
drone. The Bebop 2 is available for connected via a series of shock- and landing are easy, and the unit is
£439.99 ($549.99) on its own. Or for absorbing rubber balls. The main clever enough to know when
£599.99 ($699.99) with the body – which houses the camera there’s an issue which could cause
additional Parrot Controller 2 and and electronics, and onto which the problems – for example, if you try
Parrot Cockpitglasses headset. battery clips – sits on top of these to take off in long grass that
90 | | June 2017
Parrot Bebop 2
Parrot Bebop 2
Camera: 14-megapixels CMOS with
Sunny 180° fish-eye lens (1/2.3” aperture)
Video: 3-axis, 1080p Full HD @ 30fps
Video encoding: H264
Photo format: JPEG, RAW, DNG
Stabilisation: Digital
Battery life: 25 minutes flight time (max)
Built-in GPS: Yes
Processor: Dual-core; quad-core GPU
Storage: 8 GB flash storage
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
FPV bundle
While the standard Bebop 2 can be
controlled using your smartphone
and the Freeflight Pro app, the FPV
bundle adds the Cockpitglasses
headset and the SkyController 2,
catches one of the rotors, the wireless signal to ensure the drone which features physical controls.
motors will turn off and you’ll get is always under control, but should The Cockpitglasses unit doesn’t
an error message until you move the link drop then the drone will have its own screen or hardware,
the drone to a clear space. Some stay stationary until you reconnect. but instead uses your phone to
other drones lack this feature, and The working range is said to be 300 display what the drone is seeing.
can flip over as a result. metres, but we struggled to get One of the big issues with flying
When the drone’s in the air that kind of distance, since the a drone is having to constantly look
there’s a small amount of drift in connection would often drop off. down at your phone’s screen to see
positioning, but unless you’re in a Most of us probably wouldn’t be the drone’s view of the world –
cramped space – which is never comfortable with flying a drone so something that isn’t always easy.
recommended when flying a drone far away that it can’t be seen, so it’s Parrot’s FPV solution removes this
– it’s not too much of an issue. The not a major issue, but if you’re keen issue, as you’re always seeing the
Bebop 2 is fast and responsive on putting some distance between drone’s viewpoint, so you’re not
when airborne, and is capable of yourself and the unit then it’s worth tempted to switch from your phone
some surprisingly swift turns. noting that the FPV bundle’s to the drone itself. As an immersive
experience it’s stunning; it really
“The drone connects to your smartphone via Wi-Fi, feels like you’re flying.
and a set of controls appears on the touchscreen” Summary
The Parrot Bebop 2 is a great
Performance physical controller increases the entry-level drone for anyone fancies
Out of the box the Parrot Bebop 2 operational range to 1.24 miles. trying aerial photography and
is controlled via Parrot’s FreeFlight The Parrot Bebop 2 can reach video capture, and cuts the cost by
Pro app, which is available for iOS speeds of 37.28mph horizontally enabling you to use your phone as
and Android. The drone connects and 13.05mph vertically without a controller. If you can afford it, you
to your smartphone via Wi-Fi, and affecting image quality. The battery should fork out for the FPV bundle
a set of controls appears on the is quoted as offering 25 minutes of – the experience of flying from a
touchscreen. From here, you can flight time, but 20 is more realistic. first-person viewpoint is worth it. ■
use a twin-stick setup to
manoeuvre the drone in the air; Video capture If you’re looking to get into drone
there are autonomous flight The Bebop 2 uses a fisheye lens, flight videography, the Parrot
commands such as turns and loops, complete with 170-degree field of Bebop 2 is a great way to start.
and you can get the drone to follow vision, on its 14-megapixel camera,
a particular subject as well. If you’re which allows for smoother video
feeling fancy, you can create a flight recording than on other drones.
plan for the drone, but both this The unit doesn’t record all of this
and the ‘follow me’ functionality image, but instead uses software
cost extra – which is rather cheeky routines to anticipate movement
given the cost of the drone. and keep the image steady. When
The app automatically toggles the drone is performing a turn the
between a 2.4GHz and 5GHz software moves its focus to
June 2017 | | 91
Want multiplex movie audio without the
multi-channel faff? We test six seriously
cinematic Bluetooth soundbars
1 3
92 | | June 2017
long time ago in a galaxy Kick-ass digital amplification, lows in a single enclosure. all promise
far, far away, you needed ingenious drivers and sophisticated face-slapping audio.
an aV receiver and a dSP audio processing mean a sound Throw in bluetooth and multi-room
battalion of speakers to system no longer needs to take over audio streaming, and the right
bring convincing movie sound home. your living room to sound good. Some soundbar will do more than just
now a single premium soundbar lets bars come with wireless subwoofers scratch your cinematic itch. bring on
anyone get rowdy with Rogue One. for deep bass, others handle highs and the movie stars…
The Fidelio B1 is a mere 41cm wide and It may look like a film star, but this Available in black or silver (actually grey
comes with a wireless sub, which at just 2.1-channel audio package turns out to fabric), the YAS-306 is a mid-ranger that
86mm deep is able to slide beneath your be tuned for audiophiles. The 108cm bar wants to do more. As part of Yamaha’s
sofa. You get two HDMIs, a 3.5mm boasts a pair of mid-range drivers, MusicCast system, it can stream content
line-in and an optical digital jack, but flanked by a gold-ringed high-frequency across other MusicCast kit. It’ll also play
there’s no 4K support. The rolled super tweeter and a secondary tweeter hi-res audio. But there are caveats.
aluminium and fabric design is cute. on the edge of the unit. Audio quality is Offering very little below 100Hz, it’s light
For such a shorty, the B1 delivers an smooth and articulate, although it on bass, which removes heft for action
engaging, panoramic soundstage. The doesn’t quite have the bass wallop that movies and diminishes deep beats from
wide sweet spot comes from four you might be expecting. music. Arguably the best reason to
microbeaming drivers in a cross-firing There are four HDMIs, all 4K Ultra HD audition the 950mm YAS-306 is its brilliant
configuration. A pair of additional soft friendly, plus an optical digital audio Air Surround Xtreme virtual surround
dome tweeters on top function as a input. The HT-NT5 can also be used as mode, which effectively recreates a
virtual speaker array. Over-priced but part of a Sony multi-room system. One cinematic soundstage from its tweeter/
always entertaining. for the fashionistas. woofer array.
June 2017 | | 93
The compleTe guide To
building your own pc
hen you want to Once they’ve been purged, the
remove an app or software will then perform
program from your another scan to track down and
PC, you probably wipe out temporary files and old
reach for Windows’ built-in ‘Add registry entries, freeing up
or remove programs’ option. It’s valuable space and ensuring you
okay for removing the odd don’t run into problems when
program here and there, but all installing a newer version of the
too often you’ll be presented same software later on.
with a message telling you that The best free uninstallers also
some components couldn’t be provide a handy way to manage
removed, or that the uninstall has browser extensions and plugins,
failed in some way. and remove any you don’t use.
That’s why you need a You’ll also be able to empty your
dedicated third-party uninstaller recycle bin with a single click, and
– and some of the best tools delete your browser history.
around are available completely If you like to experiment with
free. These uninstallers will new software, or just want to
quickly scan your system for all keep your computer tidy, a free
installed programs, and let you uninstaller is essential. Presented
select several at once for removal. here is our pick of the best.
June 2017 | | 95
1 IObit Uninstaller
IObit Uninstaller (available for like it), and the biggest ones
Winner! IObit Uninstaller also takes a
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10) (which will have the greatest look at your web browsers to
gets right down to business, impact on system performance). identify any plugins that could be
scanning your system for installed If you’ve already uninstalled a uninstalled to speed up your
software the moment it starts. Its program but suspect it’s left surfing. Version 6 supports Firefox,
smart, clear interface displays a list mucky footprints across your Internet Explorer and Edge. Each
of all your installed software, with drive, IObit’s deep scanner can extension is accompanied by a
extra tabs if you’re only interested hunt down junk including broken user rating to help you decide
in the newest programs (if you’ve shortcuts and caches created whether to keep it.
tried something new and don’t when installing software updates. IObit Uninstaller also throws a
file shredder in too, which doesn’t
really fit with the premise of an
uninstaller, but all the other tools
are relevant and useful.
All in all, IObit is the best
uninstaller you can download, and
its thorough scanning makes it the
equal of many premium programs.
IObit Uninstaller
searches your PC
for apps and
makes removing
them a breeze. Its RATING
powerful scans
ensure no traces
are left behind.
Wise Program Uninstaller is a displays ratings to show you how but only if it’s part of the software
portable app for Windows XP or other users feel about them. You in the first place).
later, so you don’t have to worry probably know what you want to Safe uninstall is a way to access
about it leaving a mess of its own. erase, but it’s a thoughtful touch. Having a dedicated the program’s own uninstaller,
uninstaller is wise,
It’s a very quick and lean little Your choices for each program and this free tool
whereas Forced performs a deep
uninstaller that scans your system are Safe and Forced uninstall removes even the scan to track down scrap files and
for already installed programs and (some also have a Repair option, trickiest programs. broken registry entries. It shows
you everything it’s identified
before deleting them, but this
doesn’t serve much purpose;
you’re unlikely to be able to pick
out an individual Registry entry
and say “Hang on, I need that!”
The main downside is that it
can’t log new programs as you
install them, but as an uninstaller
it’s well designed and not bulked
out with unnecessary tools.
96 | | June 2017
Software Test
Free uninstallers
3 GeekUninstaller
GeekUninstaller is
a portable app RATING
that’s ideal for
mopping up after
messy software.
Revo Uninstaller Free’s icon- However, Revo Uninstaller Free There’s also a strange Hunter
strewn interface is colourful but does offer four uninstall options: Mode, which enables you uninstall
cluttered, and includes tools such built-in, safe (built-in with programs by dragging their icons
as a startup program manager, additional registry scanning), onto a crosshair on your desktop.
plus links to Windows’ system moderate (with extra scanning of It’s more work than selecting the
tools, including defrag and the common locations for leftover program from a list – a metaphor
on-screen keyboard. These aren’t files) and advanced (moderate gone rogue.
necessary, and just distract from mode, followed by a thorough Unlike some rival apps, Revo
an otherwise solid free uninstaller. scanning of your whole system). Uninstaller Free begins by creating
a system restore point, which is
reassuring. It can’t log new
installations, though – if you want
that, you might like to give Revo’s
Pro version a whirl. It’s worlds
away from the free edition’s
late-’90s styling, and will give your
drives a good scrubbing. Prices
start at £33.33 for a single PC.
June 2017 | | 97
In the next issue...
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