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The Pathfinder Zybot: An Open Platform Telepresence Robot: Stefan Oniga

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22 A. Erdős, J. Zákány, S.

Oniga / Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 9/2 (2016) 22-26

The Pathfinder Zybot: an Open Platform

Telepresence Robot

András Erdős(1), József Zákány(1), Stefan Oniga(1),(2)

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics,
Intelligent Embedded Systems Research Laboratory
Department of Informatics Systems and Networks
Debrecen, Hungary
erdos.andris@gmail.com, zjozsi891018@gmail.com, oniga.istvan@inf.unideb.hu

Abstract— This paper presents an Open Platform controlled remotely and it provides a video stream for the user.
Telepresence Robot developed by authors. The main goal was to There are many other robots, like Costai’s Jazz Connect robot,
develop an Open Platform for development of telepresence or The MantaroBot developed by Mantaro, and the VGo robot.
assistive robots. The system has two main parts, a PC application
for the users of the robot, and the robot itself. A friendly GUI This research presents a work in progress, namely the
was developed in order to control and track the machine. The development of an assistive assembly consisting of an assistive
robot is built using an iRobot Roomba as the base platform. The and telepresence robot platform together with the related
robot’s main component is an FPGA based ZYBO development components and services
board that it is connected to a lot of peripherals. It runs an
Ubuntu Linux operating system, which provides a solid base for We aim to develop a complex autonomous robot as a part
the software. The PC application and the robot software are of our assistive system for elderly local and remote assistance.
communicating with each other, using a unique protocol The robot must pay close attention to the elderly person, try to
developed by authors. The robot also has a lot of useful features, learn his behavioral patterns, give him/her verbal advice, could
such as remote controlled or autonomous movement, obstacle control the room temperature, and could alert the family or
detection and avoidance, video streaming of the on board camera doctor in case of the assisted person is not feeling well. An
images, etc. Such a robot it is intended to be used for daily life important role of the robot is to entertain, playing the favorite
assistance of older adults or persons with different type of music, video or photo slideshow, or displaying favorite internet
disabilities. sites. It can respond to question regarding calendar (day, month
and year), temperature indoor and outdoor, daily expected
Keywords — Assistive-robot, navigation, mapping, autonomous, events and meetings. It should behave like a sensitive family
Zybo, Debrecen member and react to the problems of the patient.
I. INTRODUCTION The main functions required for the assistive robot are:
A. Related works  Manual control by keyboard or joystick
The increasing number of the elderly population along with  Autonomous movement in patient’s home
increased costs related to assistance of their independent living
at home leads to extreme challenges that could be solved only  User identification using an RFID tag
by using assistive technologies in general and assistive robots
in particular. In this way elderly citizens would need less  Easy to use GUI for simple usage
human assistance or they need human assistance at a much  Video streaming, with the camera on the robot
later stage in their aging process. The acceptance of technology
still remains a delicate subject.  Dynamic obstacle detection
Major universities and research centers have research  Map builder application
related to assistive and telepresence robots [1] - [13]. A special
 Shortest path determination
interest is related to Open Platform Telepresence Robots. For
example there the TurtleBot is a low-cost, personal robot kit A good example of designing a telepresence robot can be
with open-source software. It has a Kobuki base, an ASUS found in [13]. This paper provides guidelines for designing a
Xion Pro Live, a Netbook, a Kinect, and a ROS system which telepresence robot with features like video, audio stream, user
can handle everything. Or another example is The Anybots QB interface and automated behaviors.
telepresence robot. It can be operated from a web browser, the
user can interact with other people through the robot as he B. Our project
would there. And we can mention the TILR of RoboDynamics. The project aims to design an Open Platform Telepresence
This robot is a video conferencing system on wheels. It can be Robot. The robots basic function is to help people in some

ISSN 1844 – 9689 http://cjece.ubm.ro

A. Erdős, J. Zákány, S. Oniga / Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 9/2 (2016) 22-26 23

ways. During the development we concentrated on functions The graphical user interface (Fig. 1) is a windows-like
like mapping, controlling, and navigating the robot and surface, we have tiles for every function, for example sensor
autonomous behavior. The project has two different parts. The stream, video stream and logs. These are the information,
first part is the robot including the hardware and the software, which we acquire from the robot.
the second is the PC application. We can control the robot
manually by keyboard or a joystick. For the autonomous
movements, the robot needs a predefined map. The operator of
the robot can upload a map (Fig. 2) of the room where he/she
wants to use the robot in. It is a simple hand drawn image file,
with black and white elements. The robot processes the picture
and it creates a simple matrix from it, which will be used as a
map. The user can use the GUI to put the robot on the map, and
also determine a goal position. When the robot has the map and
the goal position it will start moving. First, it uses an A*
algorithm to assign the shortest route avoiding all the objects
drawn on the map. All actions of the Zybot can be seen on the
graphical user interface on the PC. We can follow the
movements using the camera on the top of the robot. It is a
simple video stream towards the user. If the robot got lost, we
can use remote control function. Thanks to the RFID reader on Fig. 1 – The Graphical User Interface of the PC application
the bottom of the robot, we can define reference points for
orientation. If the robot finds an RFID card on the floor it can There are tiles what we can use for controlling, driving the
refresh its coordinates and it will know where exactly it is. robot. The Manual control tile can be used as a remote control
option. We can drive the robot from the keyboard of the PC or
We used a Zybo as the central control unit of the robot. All
we can use a joystick.
the peripherals including the Roomba platform are connected
to it. We also used a Wifly WiFi module and a unique protocol The robot is able to act on its own. For the autonomous
system to communicate with the PC. movements we have to use the Map builder and the Route
tracking tiles.
C. Map builder
A. Communication between a PC and the Robot
The map builder tile starts an application that helps to
The data changing method between the Zybo’s WiFi create maps. If we have a pre-made map or picture, we can just
module and the PC is a simple UART communication. To simple drag the picture and drop to the map builder window.
describe the messages, we use a specific internal protocol We can draw extra objects on the map easily if we want to. We
system. have placed several map editor tools in this window.
B. Graphical User Interface We can operate on the uploaded map by navigating to the
During the development of the application, we focused on route tracking tile. After that, we can put the robot on the map.
the user. Software included important features, which are the If we are done, we can start the map upload to the robot.
The map builder (Fig. 2) slices the image to small
 The application user interface is very easy to use. rectangles (nodes) and the map becomes a grid. We can define
the node size on the map and on the room. Those parameters
 It has a graphical display surface that allows maps will determine the resolution of the slicing. We can also define
creation. the size of the robot. The software will upload the map node by
 It makes possible the management of the maps: save node to the robot.
maps, load maps, modify maps.
 The application is expandable easily with new
developments and functionalities. Because of this it
includes general planning samples and models.
 The representation, the model, and the controller are
totally independent parts.
 The application has a common protocol system with the
 It provides an interface for the robot, through which it is
able to insure two-way communication.

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24 A. Erdős, J. Zákány, S. Oniga / Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 9/2 (2016) 22-26

Fig. 2 - The Map Builder function of the PC application

D. Route Tracking

The size of the nodes is user defined. These parameters will Fig. 3 - The Route Tracking function of the PC application
determine the resolution of the grid. When the user uploads a
map (which is an image), and set a goal point, the A* algorithm III. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION
determines the shortest path. This process called the upper We have chosen an iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner robot
operation because the robot is not moving during the as the platform for our system. We have removed the parts we
calculations. The lower operation is to try to navigate the robot did not need and we have built a holder part for the system on
to a specified location, and try to detect barriers, meanwhile it the top.
is moving.
The Roomba system contains two wheels driven directly by
Before The GUI sends out the image of the map, preprocess motors. It can be controlled by an UART interface with simple
it. It slices the image into small nodes and send the nodes to the commands. Since we are not familiar with the mechanics, the
robot with the specified protocol. Roomba system has proved to be a simple and good choice.
The robot software collects all the information about the On this platform, we have built a system that can control
nodes (in which position, which node is empty) and the start and drive the robot. This system contains a CPU, several
position. peripherals and the parts for the power supply. The central
Calculating the robot’s speed, and determining the robot’s control unit is a Zybo board, on which we installed a Linux
location is easier if we handle the robot as a material point of Ubuntu 15.04 operating system.
the grid. Our robot is circle based with 350 mm diameter. So A. Operating system
the robot size is much bigger, than the node size. We can
handle the robot, as a material point, if we fatten all the object In order to install the operating system, we have created
on the map with the robot’s radius. The method needs the two partitions on the SD card. One of them is the BOOT
following parameters: robot radius, node width, node height. partition, which is a simple 100Mb FAT32 system. The other
First, we need to find the edges of the objects, after that we one is the ROOT_FS partition that is an ext4 file system and
need to extend them. This will be our real map, which will be uses the rest of the space on the card.
the world for the robot. The first file we made was the BOOT.bin. This file was
In the route tracking tile (Fig. 3) we can see what the robot created from three previously made files, the fsbl.elf (first stage
see from the uploaded map. We can define a goal position for boot loader) what we create with the SDK, the
the robot - the red x. system_wrapper.bit which is the product of building the block
design in the Vivado and finally the u-boot.elf what is the
The robot will determine the shortest route from its position second stage bootloader, and we get it by compiling the u-boot
to the goal and will send back the coordinates of the path. And system provided by Digilent.
finally, the robot will start moving by its own fallowing the
path. To calculate the shortest route on this grid based map, we The second file is the device tree, which contains the
used an A* algorithm. definitions of the peripherals. We had to add our modifications
to the zynq-zybo.dts file and compile it to a .dtb (device tree
blob) file.
The final part of the first partition is the uImage, which is
technically the compiled kernel image.

ISSN 1844 – 9689 http://cjece.ubm.ro

A. Erdős, J. Zákány, S. Oniga / Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 9/2 (2016) 22-26 25

On the second partition, we have to create a standard Linux file I2C, and the ARM UART modules then compile the kernel
system. In our case, we used the Linaro file system. It can be with all of them.
downloaded from the Linaro’s home page as a compressed file.
We have to extract that file and synchronize all the files in it to IV. ROBOT SOFTWARE
the ROOT_FS partition of the SD card. (Fig. 4) A. Software design
The robot software is written in C++. We chose this
language, because it is really fast, easy to write drivers and
describe hardware close parts in it. The software itself is
vertically divided, from the hardware layer to the artificial
intelligent layer (Fig. 6).
The software describes strongly parallel operations. Each
module has an own thread, and between the modules the
communication take place via messages. The program
essential features and the functionality are presented in bellow.

 If a sensor sends data, the Zybo is able to receive it,

 On the driver level, we can keep as many data as we need.
Fig. 4 - The architecture of the partitions and files on the SD card.

B. Hardware on the FPGA

We have created a block design (Fig. 5) for the ZYNQ
processor that can operate with a Linux operating system.

Fig. 6 - The layers and structure of the software of the Zybot

 If any higher level operation needs data, it is available

 It is easy to expand our system with new modules.
The threads describe a parallel functionality.

The driver level (Fig. 7) describes an abstract layer, through

which our program interacts with the sensors. All the drivers
have the same structure. This means, that if we want to add a
new physical module to our project, we need to write a driver.
We have a driver sample, so we can do it easily. When we
Fig. 5 - The Hardware architecture for the FPGA create a new driver, we pass to it an object id and a port name.
The port contains a serial port name (described by OS,
In the design we used different peripherals. For example,
example: ttyUL0), or an I2C bus address (example: /dev/i2c-
we needed a lot of UARTs, so we created thirteen pieces of
0). The object id ensures, that every driver is unique and there
UartLites. The interrupts of the UARTs are connected with a
logical OR module that is connected to the interrupt input pin is no other object that is identical with it. For example, if we
of the ZYNQ. We also used the peripherals in the ARM part of want to handle 5 ultrasonic range finder, we can do it with one
the ZYNQ processor. UART1 is used as the serial terminal of MaxSonar driver, and yet all the range finder drivers can be
the Linux, and the I2C-0 bus is controlling the magnetometer identified. The driver tries to open a socket on the specific
module. We had to enable these peripherals in the kernel menu channel. If it succeeds, the OS gives back a port id. With this
config. For example, we had to find and enable the Uartlite, the ID, we are able to read/write across the socket. At the same

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26 A. Erdős, J. Zákány, S. Oniga / Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 9/2 (2016) 22-26

time, the driver creates a thread. This thread periodically

observes the communication channel. If a new data is
available, the thread read it, and save it to a specific container.
The driver provides interfaces to the outside through event
handler functions.

Fig. 9 – The calculations of the Heuristic

The A* algorithm has a set of opened and closed nodes.

The closed nodes are already visited, the opened nodes are
available to visit. The algorithm will always visit the node with
the lowest heuristic value. Every node has a parent. It means
that node from that we can reach the given node on the shortest
path. When it finds the goal node, it will go back step by step
to the start using the closed nodes’ parents. It collects every
Fig. 7 - The Driver level of the software
node on the way back, and that will be the shortest path.
B. A* algorithm V. CONCLUSION
The A* algorithm is able to calculate the shortest path We achieved to develop an Open Platform for telepresence
between two points (Fig. 8) on a map, with the given state- or assistive robots on FPGA based ZYBO development board.
space representation. Our map is a grid-based map, and the
We have reached the first milestone for the development of a
robot center point is always at the center of a node of the grid.
robot that is able to move on its own and navigate on a map
The robot can move node to node. To calculate the shortest
route on this grid based map, we used A* algorithm. which will be able to help people with special needs. The
robot can be remotely controlled and is capable of autonomous
movement, obstacle detection and avoidance.

This work was made as a part of the ongoing research that
takes place in the Intelligent Embedded Systems Research
Laboratory at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, with the
aims to assist elderly or sick people everyday independent
activities using the latest assistive technologies.
Fig. 8 – The shortest path determined by the A* algorithm

We determine a heuristic for every node. We tried out

several types of them:
 Manhattan distance
 Diagonal distance
 Euclidean distance
 etc.
We count the Euclidean distance from the robot to the
given node and from the node to the goal position. The
heuristic is the sum of this two value (Fig. 9).

Fig 10 - The Pathfinder Zybot

The project (Fig 10) was presented at Digilent Design

Contest Europe 2016, where won the third price.

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ISSN 1844 – 9689 http://cjece.ubm.ro

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