Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light Superseding: March 1, 2015
Effective Date: October 27, 2015
1. Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for the installation of precast streetlight
concrete foundations.
This standard applies to the installation of the following Seattle City Light (SCL)
stock numbers:
Stock No. Bolt Circle, diameter (in) Bolt Projection (in)
568025 9 4
568028 11-1/2 4
Excavation and work practices are outside the scope of this standard.
2. Application
This standard provides direction to SCL crews about installation requirements for precast
streetlight concrete foundations.
This standard is only applicable to installations by SCL crews.
Installation of non-standard SCL material is subject to requirements in the City of Seattle
Standard Plans.
3. Requirements
3.1 Orientation
Precast foundations shall be oriented parallel to the curb or street as shown in Figure 3.1.
The bed of the installation area shall be filled and compacted with a 6-in minimum
thickness of 3/8-in washed gravel.
Backfill shall be compacted to 95-percent density in 12-in layers.
3.2 Installation Depth
Precast foundations shall be installed at the depths listed in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2. Installation Depths
Bolt Circle
Stock No. Roadway Type diameter (in) Installation Depth (ft)
568025 Residential 9 4
568028 Arterial 11-1/2 5
Standard Number: 1716.12
Seattle City Light Superseding: March 1, 2015
CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Effective Date: October 27, 2015
Streetlight, Precast, Concrete Foundation Installation Page: 3 of 6
3.3 In-Earth
Installations in earth without incline shall conform to Figure 3.3a.
Figure 3.3a. Requirements for In-Earth, Without Incline, Installation, Elevation View
Figure 3.3b. Requirements for In-Earth, With Incline, Installation, Elevation View
Standard Number: 1716.12
Seattle City Light Superseding: March 1, 2015
CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Effective Date: October 27, 2015
Streetlight, Precast, Concrete Foundation Installation Page: 5 of 6
3.4 In-Sidewalk
Installations in sidewalk without incline shall conform to Figure 3.4a.
4. References
SCL Material Standard 5778.20; “Footings, Precast Concrete for Residential
Streetlight Poles”
SCL Material Standard 5778.40; “Footings, Precast Concrete for Arterial
Streetlight Poles”
5. Sources
ASTM C891-11; Standard Practice for Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures
Borek, Tom; SCL Streetlight Engineer and subject matter expert for 1716.12
Chao, Yaochiem; SCL Standards Engineer, subject matter expert and originator of
1716.12 (
Li, Jesse; SCL Streetlight Engineer and subject matter expert for 1716.12