A Review On Low Cycle Fatigue Failure
A Review On Low Cycle Fatigue Failure
A Review On Low Cycle Fatigue Failure
The service life of a structure is its time of functionality during the intended period of service at the expected loading. The life
prediction of the components of a structure plays a crucial role to avoid a sudden global failure. Fatigue is the type of failure under
repeated loads. The most distinguishing characteristic is that the failure had occurred only after the stresses had been repeated a
very large number of times. The present work gives a broad review of the available literature on low cycle fatigue failure.
Keywords: Fatigue, Low Cycle Fatigue, Cyclic Loading, Steel Beam to Column Connection, Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue
The majority of component designs involve parts subjected to fluctuating or cyclic loads. The members subjected to repeated or
cyclic stressing are found to have failed even when the actual maximum stresses were below the ultimate strength of the material,
quite frequently at stress values even below the yield strength. While many components of the structure may function well initially,
they often fail under service load due to fatigue failure caused by repeated cyclic loading. The most distinguishing characteristic
is that the failure had occurred only after the stresses had been repeated a very large number of times. This type of failure is called
fatigue failure. About 95% of all structural failures occur through a fatigue mechanism.
Fatigue failure is significantly influenced by many factors such as magnitude and frequency of the loads causing the fluctuating
stress, temperature, environment, geometrical complexities, material imperfections and discontinuities. Fatigue is the failure under
a repeated or otherwise varying load which never reaches a level sufficient to cause failure in a single application. It can also be
thought of as the initiation and growth of a crack, or growth from a pre-existing defect, until it reaches a critical size, such as
separation into two or more parts [10].
Fatigue is a localized damage process of a component produced by cyclic loading. It is the result of the cumulative process
consisting of crack initiation, propagation, and final fracture of a component. Localized plastic deformation occurs at stress
concentrated area during cyclic loading. A permanent damage to the component is induced and a crack is developed due to plastic
deformation. With the increasing number of loading cycles, the length of the crack also increases. After a certain number of cycles,
the crack will cause the component to fail [9].
While the mechanical engineers are always concerned about fatigue when designing machine components, the civil engineers
concern fatigue damage mainly in steel bridges and tall steel structures that are subjected to wind and earthquake induced vibrations
Types of Fatigue
Fatigue failure can be defined as the number of cycles and the time taken to reach a pre-defined or threshold criterion. Fatigue
failures are classified into two categories namely the high cycle and low cycle fatigue failure, depending upon the number of cycles
necessary to create rupture.
practices are applicable only to simple shapes and laboratory experimental verification is costly [11]. Therefore simulation using
finite element software is becoming popular.
Uniaxial Fatigue
Local strain life fatigue analysis presumes that the stain life behaviour of the local stress concentration is similar to a larger uniform
section tested with equalling stresses and strains. Local strain life methods are suitable for finite element models because the stress
strain relationship at all locations are known [11].
Multi-Axial Fatigue
In practice many structures experience multi-axial fatigue. Use of uniaxial methods for multi-axial fatigue may give overestimates
of the life. The fatigue cracks are usually initiated from the surface. Combination of in-plane stresses and out-of-plane stresses on
the surface creates tri-axial stress distribution. Multi-axial fatigue theories concentrate on this condition [11].
Extremely Low-Cycle Fatigue Prediction of Steel Beam-to-Column Connection by Using a Micro-Mechanics Based
Fracture Model
Zhou et al. (2013) investigated the effect of extremely low cycle fatigue (ELCF) using a Cyclic Void Growth Model (CVGM)
under variable amplitude loading .Several research and experiments were carried out to find the ELCF effect in steel under constant
cyclic loading, but the experiments may give large errors when used to predict fatigue under random loading .This lead to the
evolution of damage mechanical model –CVGM for evaluating fatigue. The fracture mechanics has a key aspect, that the damage
accumulates among the inter-void materials due to cyclic loading and a smaller critical void size may trigger voids coalescence.
The validity of the model was verified by the experimental results of nine full scale connection tests. The refined finite element
model (CVGM) simulates the cyclic behaviours of the connection tests. The graph plotted between number of cycles to fracture
(from FEA result) versus number of cycles to failure (recorded during test) were within 25% marginal difference. Thus, the number
of cycles and the cumulative deformations to ELCF fracture predicted by CVGM agreed well with the experimental results.
Seismic Low Cycle Fatigue Evaluation of Welded Beam to Column Connections in Steel Moment Frames through Global
– Local Analysis
Zhou et al.(2014) In this paper they have proposed a combined seismic low- cycle fatigue evaluation procedure of steel structures
in which fatigue critical connections are identified through global analysis and fatigue fracture prediction of most critical
connection is performed by the refined global–local model. Here the fatigue damage is calculated using Palmgren – Miner
cumulative damage rule based on structural deformation response and fatigue curve specified by connection category. The paper
also did a collective study of the fatigue curves established through tests in different countries. This study explains the type of
fatigue curves to be adopted for design of new SMRFs and the one already experienced earthquake. Inter-storey drift history
imposed on each connection of SMRF is generated by seismic dynamic analysis and adopted in fatigue damage calculation based
on Palmgren–Miner’s rule and the experimentally determined fatigue curve. A constant amplitude loading was given. In order to
utilise the Palmgren rule, a ’Rainflow cycle counting method’ is applied to convert the irregular time history of inter- storey drift
angle into the equivalent rotation range spectrum. Now, the Palmgren rule is applied to calculate the most fatigue critical
connection. Micromechanics based fracture model termed as CVGM is applied in refined local model to predict the fracture
initiations using ABAQUS. The toe of weld access hole in the beam bottom flange is predicted to be the most fracture critical point
in the identified critical connection subjected to the Northridge earthquake.
Low Cycle Fatigue Propagation in Steel Moment Frames Subjected to Seismic Loads
Charles et al.(2016) discuss the significance of understanding the fracture propagation along with fracture initiation. Low cycle
fatigue models have been used to predict fracture initiation only; most low cycle fatigue models do not capture fracture propagation.
To assess the performance of steel moment resisting frames (SMRF) as subjected to large earthquakes, it is critical to understand
fracture propagation. In this paper, a Damage Plasticity Model (DPM) is introduced. It is a local approach to model material failures
and has been used in limited studies found in the literature. Finite element models are created using the software LS-DYNA that
incorporates the Damage Plasticity Model to capture low cycle fatigue fracture initiation and propagation through element removal.
In this paper only one full scale test conducted by Eatherton et al. (2013) was studied using DPM. Observations about the locations
of fracture initiation, cycle in which fracture initiated and the evolution of fracture propagation is documented and compared to
the experimental results. On comparing, the DPM could not predict the accurate number of cycles between fracture initiation and
propagation but it predicted the locations of fracture initiation and the fracture propagation mechanism. In this paper different
SMRFs with different artifacts are not discussed.
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Extremely Low-Cycle Fatigue Fracture Behaviour of Steel Welded Joints
Tong et al. (2016) investigated the fatigue failure through experimental study and finite element analysis. Experiments were
conducted on the six full scale beam-to-column welded joints. The seismic performance of welded joints with different weld access
hole geometries was compared among them and the effect of crack initiation and growth on the load carrying capacity of welded
joints was discussed. A Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) model, which is another typical micromechanical model, is used
here to predict the fracture of joints subjected to monotonic loading and extremely low cycle loading. The three dimensional CDM
finite element models of tested welded joints were developed. This will help to study the fracture behaviour on various load
histories and also could validate the applicability of CDM model in predicting fracture under different loading conditions. The load
displacement graphs for all joints were plotted and highest fracture potential is near the weld access hole region. On comparing, it
was found that the beam flange fracture extended through thickness, which was initiated at weld access hole toe of flange. Different
loading histories can affect the deformality of welded joints but not much influence on ultimate bearing capacity. The fracture
prediction using FEA results were also consistent with experimental results.
Inelastic Deformation Demands of Regular Steel Frames Subjected to Pulse Like Near- Fault Ground Shaking
Siahpolo et al. (2016) discussed a new method for estimating inelastic demands of non-deteriorating steel moment frames with
different load patterns. During earthquake structure enter into inelastic region and so non-linear analysis is very relevant. A
simplified method so adopted is by simulation of structural behaviour against an incremental monotonic loading called push over
analysis. Four load patterns are considered for comparison. The structure is pushed to target displacement and then inelastic
demands are recorded but, load pattern remain constant during plastic hinge formation which is a deficiency. To overcome this,
Multi-mode push over analysis is proposed. The structure inelastic demand parameters (shear, story displacement, inter story drift
angle etc...) of different load patterns are compared with Non-linear Time History Analysis (NTHA). Performance criterion was
to determine the target displacement at given performance level to get lateral strength and yield strength. The target displacement
is roof displacement. The peak roof displacement gives global damage index .The non-linear demands of frames are calculated and
compared with NTHA. The assessment of evaluation methods used to estimate seismic demands plays a major role in design
process. The pushover methods are reliable to estimate inelastic demands. But in low rise structures all load patterns provide fairly
accurate estimation of the global and inter-story demand.
From the literature review it is concluded that, from the observations after earthquake, most of the connection failures are due to
low cycle fatigue damage. The low cycle fatigue is found to be critical compared to the high cycle fatigue. From the analytical
study done in literature, it is concluded that , the linear or non-linear analysis not necessarily give the accurate stress values of
damage but a cumulative fatigue damage evaluation method is needed to find the critical connections. To record the inelastic
demands of a structure, a Multi-mode push over analysis can be done and can be compared with Non-linear Time History Analysis
I am extremely thankful to my project guide Dr.C.Prabha for her valuable guidance throughout my work. I express my sincere
gratitude to all my friends and teachers for the constant support in completing this work.
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