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International Journal of General Science and Engineering Research (IJGSER), ISSN 2455-510X, Vol 3(2), 2017, 83-86

Design and Development of Universal Metal Bender

Pratik Sable, 2Rajat Sharma, 3Pritam Punde, 4Pratiksha Bansode, 5Prof.R.D.Shelke
Department Of Mechanical Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College Of Engineering Pune-05.

Abstract- The aim of this paper is to design and construct a back to few years later it's a plant in Galles that processed
portable manually operated bending machine which is 700 metric linear unit-long bars with one hundred mm
useful to bend a sheet and pipe in required shape & size. breadth, that might get sheets with 1500×700 metric linear
Due to its portability it can be used by small workshop or unit sizes, the actuation was provided by water wheels .
fabrication shop. 3-point metal bending machine is a Within the eighteenth century they conjointly started rolling
process of turning the flat sheet metal and pipe of additional complicated shapes: rounds, squares, rails,
appropriate length into a desired curvature as the double-T beams etc. In 1600 lead sheets for the roof covers
manufacturer wants or into a hollow semi-circular shape. It were extremely requested and at the tip of 1700, within the
is easy to be carry and use at any time and any place. It middle of the commercial revolution, they required rails
requires less skill to operate this machine. The basic and semi-finished steel merchandise so there's a prompt
components are cylindrical rollers, hand wheel, end ought to develop rolling machine. At the start of the
support (pedestal bearing) and support (frame). Our nineteenth century the steel mill structure was primarily the
objective is to maintain accuracy at low prize without present one: a durable forged iron cage with 2 steel
affecting the pipe and sheet bending productivity. This cylinders and also the chance of adjusting, through a screw,
machine can bend up-to 6 mm thick sheet and 1 inch pipe. the roller distance. With ceaselessly increase in product
There is no proper small scale bending machine for size, capability conjointly will increase. 3 cylinders (trio)
bending a pipe and sheet collectively. A roll bending square measure employed in that intermediate is smaller in
machine uses three rollers to bend a metal – one upper diameter to diminish the requested power and to permit the
roller and two lower rollers. rolling within the 2 senses while not reversing motion of
Keywords- Portable bending machine, Pedestal bearing, 3- the motor.
point metal bending machine. Sheet metal fabrication plays an important role in the metal
production and manufacturing world. Manufacturing is a
1. INTRODUCTION field of transferring raw material into finished goods. A
It is difficult so far the “first sheet metal”, definitely bending is a process of bending a metal. Sheet metal is used
skinny sheets of valuable metals were invented within the in the production of materials ranging from tools, to hinges,
period by cold operating terribly ductile materials like gold automobiles etc. Sheet metal fabrication ranges from deep
and silver, blow them with stones till were earned terribly drawing, stamping, forming, and hydro forming to create
refined sheets that were then wont to build jewels however
desired shapes. Bending machines of the type which
conjointly to coat the wood shields or to fabricate armour
components. operates with rolls called roller bending machines. The
The real turning purpose within the flat solid production roller of bending machine can be two rollers, three rollers,
materialized with the introduction of the steel mill. the or four rollers. The common product of roll bending
primary celebrated style of a steel mill dates back no but to machine are tube bending, sheet bending, plate bending and
architect World Health Organization in one among his a coil. Universal metal bender is a roller bending machine
drawings, dated 1480 , describes for the primary time the for converting metal sheet of varying thickness into curve
likelihood of “making a fabric pass” between 2 cylindrical sheet and rolling pipe into 360º.
rollers with parallel axes to switch its thickness. conjointly Market available conventional machines are heavy, fixed
during this case it absolutely was provided for the cold and immobile. They occupy lot of space which is utmost
machining of ductile materials, particularly for lead, tin important factor for consideration while designing layout of
etc., however it's not sure that it absolutely was ever shop. They are expensive hence it is not economically
engineered. In sixteenth century 2 finishing devices were feasible for small scale manufacturer to purchase it. Cost of
engineered, one is for coin drawing from gold sheet and maintenance and repair is high because most of the parts
also the second is for sheet cutting into strips. the primary are expensive and damage in one part hampers the working
complex was employed in 1615, to get lead and tin plates which results in stoppage the production. There is no
driven by animal or hydraulic force. owing to the integrated machine for bending sheet metal and pipes.
exaggerated chance of getting ferric material, the cold We are interested to design a manually operated
rolling of steel is at the same time started. In 1682 a chilly bender with same dimensional accuracy of results having
steel mill of notable sizes was gift in Newcastle in same operating cycle time as motor operated machines. We
European country. the primary elaborated description dates tried to overcome to existing problems in current available

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International Journal of General Science and Engineering Research (IJGSER), ISSN 2455-510X, Vol 3(2), 2017, 83-86

machines. This machine can be used to bend sheet metals its portability it can be used by small workshop or
up to 6mm of thickness and pipe of 1 inch. It works on fabrication shop.
simple procedure therefore it does not require skilled
operator. 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM

2. LITERATURE REVIEW The three roll push bending is the most commonly used free
form bending process to manufacture bending geometries
Force Analysis of Metal Sheet in Bending Operation on consisting of several plane bending curves. The profile is
Sheet Bending Machine [1] In the three roller-bending guided between bending roll and supporting rolls, while
machine, the three rollers rotate. Bending can be done in both being push through the rolls. The position of the forming
sheet metal and bars of metal. For designing a three roller- roll defines the bending radius. The bending point is the
bending machine, it is required to calculate the exact force for tangent point between tube or sheet and bending roll to
bending. Based on this force, the machine parameters and motor change the bending plane. The process is very flexible. The
power are decided. On the basis of the results and its analysis, machine is manually operated with same accuracy at low
following conclusion can be drawn. From the result’s analysis prize without affecting the bending productivity.
for constant radius of curvature, constant dimensions by
changing the material, load increases as the value of modulus of The metal pipe and sheet needs to put in the roller and then
elasticity increases i.e Load is directly proportional to the rolls around it until the desire shape is acquired. The
modulus of elasticity. products that can be produced with this machine are various
curves, structural elements, automobile parts etc. When the
Review on Design and Analysis of Portable Rolling and metal sheet and pipe is feed into the roller this causes
Bending Machine [2] In this paper we are discussing about the vertical downward force acting on downward rollers. This
difference in roll pressure distribution was assumed linear. load causes a crushing stress or compressive stress on the
Using this model rolling parameters such rolling force, torque hydraulic jack. The upper and lower rollers have a support
and the developed curvature were easily calculated. Bending at both the ends, when the sheet and pipe passes between
moment can be applied in suitable direction. In addition, the rollers the support of rollers causes a frictional wear.
employing a bending moment at entry of the roll gap in a Wear in friction material result in eccentric motion of in
symmetrical rolling process causes pressure difference on the rolling shaft. The more the wear, the lead to dissatisfaction
rolls and warping at the outlet, as happens in an asymmetrical and disturbance in the company manufacturing process who
rolling process. In Portable bending machine is device which need to send the machine for maintenance.
gives the less efforts of man and gives the required work
properly of the construction and other metal fabricated areas. The entire process of the roll bending may be divided into
three steps: namely, 1. Positioning of blank sheet or pipe.
Research and exploration of sheet material bending
machine [3] Based on survey of existing bending machine 2. Lowering of the centre roller.
and mechanism of sheet material bending processing, the
3. Feeding of the sheet and pipe.
paper researches design mechanism and principle of sheet
material bending machine, mainly including design of In the very first step, a flat blank sheet and pipe is
overall structure, rear stopper and transmission part, and fed into the machine by two rotating side rollers until the
then carries out calculation and check of bending machine sheet is properly positioned. In the second step, bottom
mechanical structure, including workbench intensity and rollers are displaced upward causes bending of the sheet. In
connecting bolt check. the final step, central splined roller rotates again, so that the
Sheet material bending machine is one of the most widely used sheet and pipe is bent continuously. Sometimes multiple
sheet metal cold forming machine, which bends sheet metal to passes are required to obtain required curvature. Sheet
various components in different angles by simple general mould bending is the central operation and provision of additional
under cold condition. Along with the popularity of bending attachments is also provided for pipe bending. There are
machine’s application in various industries there were more chances of sprung back effect to occur in case of
continuously higher requests for bending precision, productivity sheet. Therefore pre-stressing is needed before bending
and automatic operation. operation. The rolling process always began with the
crucial operation of pre bending both ends of the sheet.
Study of Portable 3 Roller Pipe Bending Machine [4] The
This operation eliminated flat spots when rolling a full
aim of this paper is to develop a pipe-bending machine,
cylindrical shape and ensured better closure of the seam.
which is useful to bend a pipe in workshop. This project is
The success of three roller bending process heavily depends
to design and construct a portable pipe-bending machine.
on the experience and skill of the operator. Bottom rollers
This machine is used to bend steel pipes into curve and the
load required to bend the sheet is the function of various
other curvature shapes. This machine works on simple
parameters viz. sheet thickness, sheet width, sheet material
kinematic system instead of complicated design. This
property, shell diameter to be rolled, center to center
machine can bend up-to 4-5mm thickness of pipe. Due to

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International Journal of General Science and Engineering Research (IJGSER), ISSN 2455-510X, Vol 3(2), 2017, 83-86

distance between bottom two rollers, displacement of top

roller, etc.

Completed Assembly: Universal Metal Bender

Fig. 4: 4mm ms sheet strip bend by machine

Fig.1: Side View

Fig. 5: Sheet 5mm thickness

Fig 2: Front View

Fig. 6: Sheet 3mm thickness half circle bend
After Design of three roller bending machine the results
obtained are pipe can be bend up to 160° on 1” hollow pipe

Fig. 7: Circular Pipe Bend

The new change within the style can reduce the crushing stress
on the actuating mechanism of the rolling machine on that the
Fig. 3: 6mm ms sheet bend by machine lower rollers are mounted .The addition within the
modification of material can reduce the contact stress within
the support finish wherever the roller rolls that end in
frictional wear. Thus, the rolling machine can have a less

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International Journal of General Science and Engineering Research (IJGSER), ISSN 2455-510X, Vol 3(2), 2017, 83-86

maintenance, which is able to directly in reduce the

maintenance value. The machine capacity is often increased in
line with the requirement. Manual bending tends wrinkles and
may reduce springbuck. By its style the defects are often
simply overcome. Simpler style not only reduces the defects
however additionally contributes to fluid pressure check
throughout bending. It ought to be noted the tendency to
wrinkle and therefore the cross section of tube deformation
square measure reduced. Thus, this machine is often used for
bending a skinny walled tube and metal sheet that cannot be
achieved with single standard methodology of bending.

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