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Technical and Economical Study of Thread Measurement/Calibration Method With Scanner Instrument

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METROLOGIA-2003 – Metrologia para a Vida

Sociedade Brasileira de Metrologia (SBM)

Setembro 01−05, 2003, Recife, Pernambuco - BRASIL



Author: Dr. Liviu MASALAR

University of Liege
Mechanical Production Systems and Metrology
Chemin des Chevreuils 1, B 52/3
4000 Liège, Belgium
Tel&fax 32.4.3669166
E-mail: L.Masalar@ulg.ac.be

Abstract – The paper presents the results of a comparison 2. METROLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS

study, done in an accredited laboratory for dimensional
metrology, between different thread measurement and In order to verify the conformity of the thread execution
calibration methods using classical ways (caliper, optical, with the given requirements written down in the
two-ball method, three-wire method, etc.) and a new method specifications, it is necessary to do an appropriate quality
based on a scanning set-up. This new measuring instrument control.
is a 2 axes numerical controlled machine, able to explore Generally, to characterize a threaded part, it is necessary to
with a special sensor, both opposite profiles of an internal or know at least the values of the following sizes : pitch, pitch
an external thread. The advantages and inconvenients of diameter, minor diameter, major diameter, flank angles, top
each method, from both technical and economical view angle, as they are shown in figure 2.
points, are explained with the practical recommendations for

different application field.


Internal thread
The mechanical threaded parts are widely used, from a

regular assembly between two parts to high precision gauges α/2
for machines and instruments. =

A threaded surface is generated by moving a generating

profile as : triangular, squared, trapezoidal, rounded, etc. on


a guiding curve that can be a cylindrical, conical, globoidal



External thread
or multiple helix (1), as shown in figure 1. P

The manufacturing of threaded surfaces depends on the field Figure 2 – Geometrical parameters of the triangular internal
of application and must respond to various requirements and external threads.
from very large tolerances (screws for wood) to very small
(micrometric screws). For specials cases, one may need additional information :
the pitch tolerance, the clearance at the bottom of the thread,
the angle of the generating profile, etc.
There are many methods to measure the threads and the
choice of one or another of it may be done according to the
equipment and the know-how that is available, as well as the
utilization field of the thread. For instance : optical methods,
three-wire method (external screw) or two-ball method
(internal screw), resin imprints, etc.
For mass production, instead of measuring the different
Figure 1 – Generating profiles and guiding curve. threaded elements, we can use the GO and NO GO gauges
in order to validate or not the part.
For a quality production or for a thread calibration we have operator qualification, all other methods ask a specialized
to use a more complex measurement procedure, which work, which is expensive and rare.
generally consists in following the steps :

− measurement on different instruments;

− writing down the measured values on an observation
− trigonometrically or other calculus;
− drawing up of the measurement protocol; ØM4

transposition on an adequate support;
− collation; ØM1

− signature. ØM2

In the case of an entirely manual procedure, the needed time

to obtain the final measurement protocol is considerably
large. It is generally difficult to decrease that delay under 24
or even 48 hours (2).
On the other hand, each step of the procedure, according to
the influence of the 5M (Machine, Method, Man, Material, Figure 4 – Airbag component for automotive.
Milieu) may generate errors as : wrong lecture of figures,
wrong transcription, calculus failure, etc. On the other hand, the evolution of the performances of the
By using computerized and automated means, time industrial products (miniaturization, mechatronics,
procedure may be considerable decreased, as well as the micromechanics, and new functions) makes quite impossible
failure sources. Despite this, one may recognize that the the measurement of certain threaded parts by traditional
traditional methods can offer us only a limited information, methods in economical conditions. It is the case for example
quasi punctual over the threading (especially the three-wire with the control of the parts shown in figure 4, which are
method – see figure 3). In order to get more information, we airbags components, used by well-known automotive
have to multiply the measurements in different points of the European manufacturers. One may see that the threaded
thread with an immediate increasing in price. surfaces are difficult to be measured by traditional methods,
because of their bad accessibility and their strong
requirements of coaxiality and parallelism. To obtain correct
and complete data about these parts, in mass production, in a
very short time is a serious problem. It was solved by the
arrival on the market of the "Master Scanner XP"
instrument, a fully automatic screw thread measuring
machine developed by the Dutch company I.A.C.-
Geometrical Engineers (3).


This scanner is inspired by the principle of a deep profile

meter to which was added an additional measuring axle, that
allows the determination of different diameters of the
examined thread. It is a numerical controlled measuring
machine with two axis, which can explore the two opposite
profiles of both internal and external threaded part using a
double sensor as shown in figure 5.

x Mx
Figure 3 – The three-wire method.


Excepting the measurements with the microscope, valid Mz

only for the external threads and not requiring a high Figure 5 – I.A.C.- Geometrical Engineers scanning instrument
In that way, in one measurement cycle, a very large number
of points are recorded in X (1,5 µm increment) and Z 6. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT
coordinates, stored into a database and processed according METHODS
to an adequate algorithm. That leads to numerical values for
the thread quantities as pitch, pitch diameter, minor The main advantages of the traditional methods (optical,
diameter, major diameter, flank angles, top angle and three-wire method, two-ball method etc.) are standardization
profile. of the method, acceptable measuring uncertainty, common
The contact force between the sensor and the threaded equipment, well known and generally already amortized.
surface is adjustable by a system of weights and levers for The main disadvantages are time-consuming, depending on
internal as well as external screws. operator skill, limited information about threading, sensitive
to the production environment.
5. TECHNICAL DATA OF THE SCANNING The scanner instrument offers the advantage of a rapid
INSTRUMENT measuring process, a less specialized manpower, gives a
larger piece of information about the thread parameters, fits
The scanner is a very performant machine that allows in of profile in tolerance zone. It allows even a 3 D image of
obtaining a measuring protocol for an internal or external the geometric elements of the threading process, if it is
(ring or plug caliper) threaded caliper, in less than 10 necessary.
minutes (2). This includes the validation of the machine The main disadvantage of the scanner instrument is its high
parameters, the setting up of the part, the measurement and price (about 75.000 EUR). This last fact has led us to do a
the editing of a protocol, all in a computer integrated way. cost-effective study, which results are presented bellow.
The measuring ranges of the scanning instrument "XP-60" This study was led according to the available equipment in
existing at the Metrology Laboratory of the University of the Metrology Laboratory of the University of Liège (the
Liège are : laboratory was accredited by the Belgian Organization for
Calibration - OBE in 1993, and the prices are those of the
− profile height : (0,3 ... 4,5) mm; Belgian market in 2002).
− min. flank angle : 25°;
− minor diameter : (2,55 ... 60,0) mm; 7. ECONOMICAL ASPECTS
− scan length : max. 25 mm;
Let's compare the costs of a complete measurement of the
Some other technical specifications: following quantities (major diameter, minor diameter, pitch
diameter, pitch and half angles) of a plug thread gauge or of
− measuring force : 0,15 N on the two directions; a ring thread gauge made on one hand by traditional
− air sustained slide ways; methods, and on the other hand by using the scanner
− DC servomotors;
In the first case (traditional measuring methods), there are
− measuring system Heidenhain optoelectronic sensors
nowadays many independent laboratories and the prices on
(resolution of 0,01 µm);
this market are listed below :
− work condition temperature : (20±1)°C
− Thread plug gauges 15 €
(3) − Thread ring gauges 30 €.
The measurement uncertainties given by the producer are
presented in the table bellow : L [m]. Let's adopt an average value of 20 €.

In the second case (scanner instrument), one may adopt a

Thread Internal Internal External frequency of 10 threads (male and female) per hour, with a
parameters diameter diameter diameter loan rate of 15 €/hour. In this last case we need ca refully
2,4-10 mm >10 mm prepared manpower, but less qualified than in the first case.
Major diameter 2,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L 2,0 µm + 5 x10 -6 L 1,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L
-6 -6
Let's consider
Minor diameter 2,5 µm + 5 x10 L 2,0 µm + 5 x10 L 1,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L
Pitch diameter 2,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L 2,0 µm + 5 x10-6 L 1,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L
− Value of the loan 75.000 €
Pitch 1,5 µm + 5 x10-6 L 1,0 µm + 5 x10-6 L 1,0 µm + 5 x10-6 L − Period 5 years
Flank angle 0,1° 0,1° 0,1° − Rate 6%
Top angle 0,1° 0,1° 0,1°
− Average 17.680 €/year
Conicity 0,1° 0,1° 0,1°
Profile shape 1,0 µm + 5 x10-6 L (on X direction)
and if we consider 200 working days, each of 8 hours,
1,5 µm + 5 x10 L (on Z direction) measuring 1.600 hours/years, the finance charges of the loan
is 11 €/hour or 88 € per an 8 hours day. If we admit an
average of 5 tested parts/day (measuring 1.000 parts/year, or
The scanner has a specialized software library for cylindrical 100 hours using time for the scanner gauge), we may obtain
and tapered threads frequently used (Metric ISO, the following values :
Whitworth, BSF, Pg etc.). For other applications, one may − Yearly finance charges 17.680 €
add specified and adequate software modules (3). − Manpower 100 h x 15 €/h 1.500 €
Total 19.180 €
In comparison with the market price :
1.000 gauges x 20 €/part = 20.000 € If we are taking into account the values expressed in the
analysis shown before, it occurs that the investment in
If we consider one measurement/calibration total cost P acquisition of a scanning measuring instrument becomes
given by a relationship as economically interesting if you have to calibrate more than
1000 threaded parts per year.
P=F+nV The scanner is also able to measure the diameters of smooth
plug and ring gauges. It is practically the only available way
where F is the fix cost, V is the variable cost and n the to measure the complex threaded parts, as those shown in
number of parts in process one may represent the evolution figure 2 in economically acceptable conditions. It is very
of these costs as shown in figure 6. effective in mass production.
The measurement/calibration certificate is automatically
printed out with all the useful data. The explored profile of
the thread is drawn in green/red color (good/bad) with
respect to the tolerance zone. The procedure time for
measurement/calibration by scanner instrument is very
short, less than 10 min, in comparison with traditiona1
methods that need several hours.

Figure 6 – Cost comparison between the calibration
(1) Report of the "Study days on threading" organized by the
by traditional method and scanning method.
society TQ3 and the Metrology Laboratory of the Liege
University, the 17 September 1996.
We see that for a small numb er of calibration parts (till
(2) L.MASALAR, J.SIMONET - Evaluation of Master
intersection point) the traditional methods are preferable
Scanner measuring results. Internal report, Liège
while the scanner measurement is more attractive for a large
University 1998
number of parts.
(3) R. GALESTIEN – "XP - Master Scanner User-guide"
I.A.C. - Geometrical Engineers, Holland, 1997

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