Did you know that in 2015 a student stabbed a classmate at a school in Managua and it was after
that happened, that the government started a campaign in all Nicaraguan schools against bullying?
Good afternoon, teachers, classmates and special guests, today I’m going to talk about the causes
and effects of bullying.
But first of all, do you know what is bullying? Well, according to Oxford University, the term
“bullying” typically is defined as a form of aggression which can be direct or indirect and includes
physical, verbal or psychological and relational acts, that is intentional and occurs in a relationship
characterized by a power imbalance, and is repeated over time and it can happen in any number of
places, contexts, or locations. Sometimes that place is online or through a cellphone.
Thankfully, the issue of bullying has begun to get more attention in recent years, but many people
still think it is just one of those things or victims should just toughen up. Being bullied can cause
serious problems with self-esteem, and has can be a contributing factor to suicide. Having said that,
now, I’m going to illustrate some of the causes of bullying.
Some people bully to get power, they think if you push people around and make them do what you
want them to do you will get noticed. They think that gets their name out there that makes them
feel cool they get attention they become more popular. But some bullies do it just because they like
to hurt people see the victim cry and if the victim has to the courage to respond the bully has no
pity. Most people think if you are popular you can get away with things that they know isn't right.
Some common cause of bullying is when kids don't have enough super vision they think they can
get away with any think Another causes is that some people just have an aggressive personality, and
because they have they low self-confidence issues.
According to an official website of the United States government (StopBullying.gov), bullying can
affect everyone, those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is
linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.
It is important to talk to kids and teenagers to determine whether bullying or something else is a
concern. Like everything in life, each cause has an effect, so let's analyze the effects of bullying.
First, Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. Kids
who are bullied are more likely to experience:
1. Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and
eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist
into adulthood.
2. Health complaints
3. Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school
participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.
It is important to say that a very small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely
violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s in USA, the shooters had a history
of being bullied.
Second, Kids who bully others can also engage in violent and other risky behaviors into adulthood.
Kids who bully are more likely to:
Media reports often link bullying with suicide. However, most youth who are bullied do not have
thoughts of suicide or engage in suicidal behaviors.
Although kids who are bullied are at risk of suicide, bullying alone is not the cause. Many issues
contribute to suicide risk, including depression, problems at home, and trauma history. This risk can
be increased further when these kids are not supported by parents, peers, and schools.
According to a global survey conducted by UNICEF in 2016, 9 out of 10 young people think that
bullying is a widespread issue in their communities and two-thirds of them have been victims of that
To sum up, bullying is a terrible practice that has become incredible popular and to end this type of
violence we must improve public knowledge about the harmful effects of bullying, and equip,
parents, teachers, and children with the necessary skills to identify risks and report incidents, and
offer victims care and protection.
We need to practice tolerance, so, respect people’s feeling, even if it does not mean anything to
you, it could be mean everything to them.