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Jan 16 - 18

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School: Mariano Espina Memorial Central Elem.

School Grade Level: VI

Teacher: Mrs. Roselyn T. Lastimosa Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: January 16-18, 2017 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Differentiate adjective from adverbs Organize one’s thoughts in writing resume Organize one’s thoughts in writing resume
II. CONTENT Use Adverbs Organize one’s thoughts in writing
Teacher’s Guides PELC Speaking 10.2 PELC Writing 10.3 PELC Writing 10.3
Learner’s Material pages English for You & Me-Language English for You & Me-Reading English for You & Me-Reading
pp. 138-143 pp. pp.
Textbook Pages
Additional Reference from
Learning Resource

Other Learning Resources Chart, worksheets Chart, worksheets Chart, worksheets

Reviewing previous lesson Spelling drill # 5 Spelling drill # 5 (All words) Spelling drill # 5 (All words)
or presenting the new
Establishing a purpose for Flash the words using metacards. Group the pupils into 8, give the strips of Group the pupils into 8, give the strips of paper and
the lesson paper and let them rearrange the jumbled let them rearrange the jumbled letters to form the
letters to form the word; resume. word; resume.
Presenting Let the pupils use one word to describe noun and the Show a sample of resume Show a sample of resume
examples/instances of the same word to modify an action.
new lesson
Discussing new concepts Discuss how a word becomes adjective and how it Allow the pupils complete the information Allow the pupils complete the information being
and practicing new skill #1 becomes adverbs. being asked in the chart. asked in the chart.
Discussing new concepts Give another example. Discuss what is resume. Discuss what is resume.
and practicing new skill #2 Discuss further.
Developing mastery (Leads Direction. Tell if the word is used as an adjective or as an Answer the resume in the chart. Answer the resume in the chart.
to Formative Assessment) adverb.

Finding practical Direction: Accomplish the worksheets in your group. Everyone must be honest in giving personal Everyone must be honest in giving personal
applications of concepts information when writing a resume. information when writing a resume.
and skills in daily living

Making generalizations and When a word becomes adjective? When it becomes an What are the important thing to remember What are the important thing to remember when
abstractions about the adverb? when we are writing a resume? we are writing a resume?
Evaluating learning Directions: Identify if the underlined word is used as an Directions: Complete the details in the Directions: Complete the details in the worksheet.
adjective or as adverb. worksheet.
Additional activities for For those pupils who got 74% and below, the teacher has For those pupils who got 74% and below, For those pupils who got 74% and below, the
application or remediation prepared activity that will make the pupils understand the the teacher has prepared activity that will teacher has prepared activity that will make the
concept of the lesson make the pupils understand the concept of pupils understand the concept of the lesson
the lesson


No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
No. of learners who require
additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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