An Influence of Selected Conditions On The Production of Energy in Photovoltaic Panels Based On Correlation Coefficients
An Influence of Selected Conditions On The Production of Energy in Photovoltaic Panels Based On Correlation Coefficients
An Influence of Selected Conditions On The Production of Energy in Photovoltaic Panels Based On Correlation Coefficients
Abstract— The aim of this study was to analyze of the 35.5 [GW] and with a quarter of the world’s installed
efficiency of electricity production from the photovoltaic located photovoltaic capacity in that year, Germany was the world
in selected areas of the city of Krakow. Analysis was based on leader. The next two countries are China (18.3 [GW]) and
data relating to atmospheric pollution and sun exposure in Italy (17.6 [GW]) with 13 percent of total world’s installed in
selected areas. In order to take into account all the analyzed 2014 solar devices each other. Japan (13.6 [GW]), as well as
models, the analysis used the library MATLAB / Simulink and United States (12 [GW]) are the only countries that exceeded
artificial neural networks. The scope of the work was limited to 3 10 [GW] of installed capacity [5].
types of solar panels. Based on the research, it was found, that
the photovoltaic panels draw up different amounts of energy Novel large-scale PV systems could produce electricity at
from solar radiation depending on not only the climate, but also competitive prices. It could be possible thanks to the recent
anthropogenic conditions. advances in photovoltaic cell technology and properly chosen
localization of investment. Exposure to sunlight is taken into
Keywords— solar energy; urban air quality; correlation coefficient account when implementing solar panels investments. This
strongly affects the economic aspect of capital expenditure
except for the availability of land. Simultaneously the energy
At the present time there are real technical possibilities for produced by photovoltaics is closely associated with operating
solar energy equipment to achieve the efficiency competitive temperature of PV cells, and thus indirectly with the ambient
with traditional sources of electricity. The most pragmatic and temperature, which is indicated by a temperature coefficients.
realistic alternative requiring the shortest possible period of This is another parameter to be considered when designing
time is the construction of solar panel in the form of automatic and implementing PV installations [6].
driven and modern devices which could be equipped with
novel multi-junction concentrator type solar cells, could have Nowadays, within the era of polluted air, another
solar cell designed for low cost and high concentration parameter which is taken into account is the climate change
systems, and would be combination of silicon and perovskites. which may be anthropogenic and natural origin. It should be
This device shall be expected to contribute to electricity cost included in the project PV system installation [7, 8]. The
reduction for widespread photovoltaic applications [1]. climate is changing both in time and in individual locations. It
However, on the basis of the same solar module, it could be is a global problem that affects entire economies, society and
possible to create super-high-efficiency (more than 60% [2, nature. Quantity and precipitation patterns are changing;
3]) and low-cost solar cells that would gradually bring us extreme weather conditions appear in addition to temperature
closer to the conception of low cost terrestrial concentrating changes. All of these factors have an influence on energy
applications more perfected than the most popular crystalline generation from PV systems. It is believed that these adverse
silicon solar modules. Key technologies for realizing climate changes are caused, among others, by atmospheric
efficiency and low-cost solar cells are essential for terrestrial concentrations of greenhouse gases. The solution to this
applications aiming at developing innovational technologies problem is to reduce emissions of these gases, thereby limiting
[4]. the impact of the increase in global temperature [9].
Solar energy is not a completely new idea, but it continues The international response to climate change includes the
to come forward as a substitute to fossil fuels. The best adoption of the United Nation Framework Convention on
possible selection of the number of solar modules at a Climate Change. The 2015 Paris Climate Conference aimed to
particular site is a vital economical problem. Cheaper and achieve a universal agreement on climate with the aim of
mass produced crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells are avoiding anthropogenic interference with the climate on the
commonly used on a commercial scale. Their prices are Earth. Nearly the 200 countries decided on actions aimed at
acceptable for investors implementing projects of large improving the functioning of the global economy through
photovoltaic installations. In 2014, Germany installed sustainable production and consumption.
• measurements and collection of empirical data relating • when the value of one variable is increasing the value of
to the climatic and anthropogenic factors affecting the the other variable is decreasing.
amount of solar energy that is possible to use; The correlation coefficient of 1 indicates the strongest
positive correlation. The correlation coefficient of -1 indicates
• modeling of site specific PV system in
the strongest negative correlation. The correlation coefficient
of 0 indicates that the variables are not together in any way
Measurements were conducted for chosen localization in related.
Krakow, for analysed factors (Fig. 3):
A correlation coefficient is a coefficient that illustrates a
• light intensity, using a light meter; quantitative measure of some type of correlation and
dependence, meaning statistical relationships between two or
• cloudiness [octane]; more observed data values.
• pollutants: sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and nitrogen Types of correlation coefficients include:
dioxide, particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10;
• Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient;
• temperature [°C];
• Intraclass correlation;
• wind direction [o];
• Rank correlation:
• atmospheric pressure [Pa];
o Spearman's rank correlation coefficient;
• relative humidity [%].
o Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient;
Potential monthly global irradiation on optimally inclined
plane (Hopt [Wh/m2/day]) and an average daytime temperature o Goodman and Kruskal's gamma [21].
(TD [°C]) (Fig. 4) were estimated [20]. Irradiance diminishes
when the sun is at a low angle and temperature decreasing, as PM2.5 [g/m3] September
well. Nevertheless, every types of solar cell have a dissimilar PM10 [g/m3] July
temperature coefficient (monocrystalline and polycrystalline O3 (8h) [g/m3]
have -0.45% to -0.50% and amorphous based thin film have - O3 [g/m3]
0.20% to -0.25%). The amount of electricity produced by solar NO [g/m3]
panels depends on the ambient and module temperature. NOx [g/m3]
Different solar modules respond differently to the operating NO2 [g/m3]
temperature, but the efficiency of a solar panel decreases as it SO2 [g/m3]
increases in temperature. Cloud cover [%]
Wind [km/h]
One of the purposes of analysis was to determine the
Temperature [C]
correlation between the experimental data. A correlation is a
Illuminance [Lx]
way of analysing data. This might be useful for finding
association between data and show a tendency towards 1 10 100 1000
changes and it could be used to test the strength of the
association between climatic and anthropogenic factors. Fig. 3. A comparison of the measurements of average values of parameters
for chosen location in July and September
E 6000H
-0.1239 0.5239 0.5738 -0.3551 -0.3037 -0.2618 -0.1568 -0.8087 -0.1739 0.5820 -0.0441 1.000 opt
0.1002 0.1598 -0.0200 0.1337 0.1870 0.2059 0.3885 -0.0635 0.2076 0.0270 1.000 -0.0441
0.2864 0.8240 0.8034 -0.4225 -0.3065 -0.2122 -0.2998 -0.4854 -0.0841 1.000 0.0270 0.5820
0.0021 0.0907 -0.0025 -0.0860 -0.1084 -0.1175 -0.2348 0.0223 1.000 -0.0841 0.2076 -0.1739
O3 (8h)
0.0665 0.9046 1.000 -0.7278 -0.6289 -0.5246 -0.3337 -0.4748 -0.0025 0.8034 -0.0200 0.5738
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
PM 10
0.1328 1.000 0.9046 -0.6028 -0.4967 -0.3957 -0.2437 -0.4018 0.0907 0.8240 0.1598 0.5239
PM 2.5
1.000 0.1328 0.0665 0.3112 0.4263 0.4740 0.1259 0.1417 0.0021 0.2864 0.1002 -0.1239
Fig. 4. Potential monthly global irradiation and average daytime temperature
0.3393 0.8046 0.7930 -0.5013 -0.3066 -0.2013 -0.3153 -0.4967 -0.1080 1.000 0.0104 0.5611
|r|=1 - full correlation
-0.0541 0.0799 -0.0064 -0.0293 -0.0028 -0.0669 -0.1818 0.0185 1.000 -0.1080 0.1770 -0.1635
increases, Y too;
0.1173 -0.2443 -0.3151 0.4430 0.4881 0.5001 1.000 0.1180 -0.1818 -0.3153 0.2944 -0.1413
0.3<|r|0.5 - average correlation
0.7<|r|0.9 - very high correlation
0.9<|r|<1.0 - almost full correlation
0.3380 -0.3991 -0.5015 0.7851 0.9768 1.000 0.5001 0.2581 -0.0669 -0.2013 0.2434 -0.2965
0.2530 -0.4999 -0.6166 0.8607 1.000 0.9768 0.4881 0.2791 -0.0028 -0.3066 0.2275 -0.3274
increases and sometimes decreases;
0.1649 -0.6865 -0.8097 1.000 0.8607 0.7851 0.4430 0.3900 -0.0293 -0.5013 0.1737 -0.4223
O3 (8h)
0.0939 0.8984 1.000 -0.8097 -0.6166 -0.5015 -0.3151 -0.4905 -0.0064 0.7930 -0.0447 0.5633
Classification adopted to analysis (by J.Guilford):
PM 10
0.1366 1.000 0.8984 -0.6865 -0.4999 -0.3991 -0.2443 -0.4255 0.0799 0.8046 0.1412 0.4952
PM 2.5
1.000 0.1366 0.0939 0.1649 0.2530 0.3380 0.1173 0.0663 -0.0541 0.3393 0.0871 -0.1207
• r>0 - a positive correlation, when the value of X