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Part B

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UNIT –I, PART B Questions

1. Explain the different components of basic electrical drive system.

2. Describe different braking methods employed for electrical motors.
3. Explain the four quadrant operation of a motor drive in general.
4. What do you mean by regenerative braking of motor? Explain.
5. Explain about nature and classification of different load torques.
6. Explain about steady state stability of an electric drive.
7. Compare three electric braking methods.
8. Write short notes on components of load torque.
9. Short notes on load equalization.
10. Explain each block of the electric drive with block diagram.
11. Classify and explain the load torques in detail.

UNIT –II, PART B Questions

1. A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 50 A separately excited motor with armature

resistance is fed from a3-phase fully-controlled rectifier. Available ac
source has a line voltage of 440 V, 50 Hz. A star-delta connected
transformer is used to feed the armature so that motor terminal voltage
equals rated voltage when converter firing angle is zero. Calculate
transformer turns ratio. Determine the value of firing angle when motor is
running at 1200 rpm and rated torque.

2. Draw and explain the speed-torque characteristics at different firing

angles for a 3-phase fully converter feeding a separately excited d.c motor.

3. Explain in detail the operation of a 3-phase full converter feeding a d.c

separately excited motor with reference to voltage and current waveforms,
assume motor current is continuous.

4. A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 50 A separately excited motor with armature

resistance is fed from a 3-phase fully-controlled rectifier. Available ac
source has a line voltage of 440 V, 50 Hz. A stardelta connected
transformer is used to feed the armature so that motor terminal voltage
equals rated voltage when converter firing angle is zero. Determine the
value of firing angle when motor is running at -800 rpm and twice the
rated torque.
5. A fully controlled rectifier –fed separately excited dc motor is required to
operate in motoring and braking operations in the forward direction. Only
one fully-controlled rectifier is available. What switching arrangement will
be required? Explain.

6. Describe relative merits and demerits of four quadrant dc drives

employing noncirculating and circulating dual converters. converter
feeding a d.c series motor. Draw the quadrant diagram also.

7. Explain in detail the operation of a 3-phase full converter feeding a d.c

series motor with reference to voltage and current waveforms, assume
motor current is continuous.

8. Explain the operation of a separately excited dc motor supplied from 3-_

semi controlled rectifier.

9. A 12.2 kW, 230 V, 850 rpm, 56 A dc separately exited motor is controlled

by a 3-phase fully-controlled rectifier fed from 460 V, 60 Hz ac supply
through a transformer. It has an armature resistance of 0.284ohms and
sufficient inductance to assure continuous conduction for all operating
points with torques greater than 20 percent of the rated. The transformer
and the source impedance can be neglected.
(i) A rated dc voltage across the motor at full load is desired. Choose a
suitable transformer from the following three available:
(i) 460/460 V
(ii) 460/230 V
(iii) 460/ 180 V
(ii) Having chosen the transformer find the following:
(i) The rectifier firing angle for the rated torque and speed.
(ii) The rectifier firing angle for the rated braking torque and the speed of
600 rpm in the reverse direction.

10. A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 11.6 A separately excited motor is controlled by a 3-

phase fully controlled rectifier with an ac source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz.
Enough filter inductance is added to ensure continuous conduction for
any torque greater than 25 percent of rated torque, Ra = 2 ohms.
(i) What should be the value of the firing angle to get the rated torque at
1000 rpm?
(ii) Ca1culate the firing angle for the rated braking torque and –1500 rpm.
(ii) Ca1culate the motor speed at the rated torque and 𝛼 = 160° for the
regenerative braking in the second quadrant.

11. Explain the operation of dual converter controlling the separately excited
dc motor.
12. Explain the operation of 3-phase six pulse converter feeding DC series
motor with neat diagram and relevant waveforms.

13. A 200V, 875rpm, 150A separately excited dc motor has an armature

resistance of 0.06ohm. It is fed from a three phase fully controlled
rectifier with an ac source of 220V, 50Hz. Assuming continuous
conduction, calculate
(i) Firing angle for rated motor torque and 750rpm.
(ii) Motor speed for 𝛼=160° and rated torque.

14. A 220V, 1440rpm, 120A separately excited DC motor with armature

resistance of 0.7 ohms is fed from 3-phase fully controlled converter with
an ac source line voltage 440V, 50 Hz supply. A star connected
transformer is used to feed the armature so that motor terminal voltage
equals rated voltage when converter firing angle is zero. Calculate the
value of firing angle when motor is running at 1200 rpm at rated torque.

15. A 220 V, 750 rpm, 200 A separately excited motor has armature and field
resistances of 0.05 and 20 Ω respectively. Load torque is given by TL = 500-
0.2N N-m. Where N is the speed in rpm. Armature is fed from a three phase
fully controlled rectifier with AC source voltage (line) of 200 V, 50 Hz and
field is fed from a half controlled single phase rectifier with a single phase
source voltage of 250 V, 50Hz. Drive operates in continuous conduction.
Calculate the firing angles for speeds of 500 rpm and 1000 rpm.

UNIT –III, PART B Questions

1. Explain the operation of a four quadrant chopper fed to the D.C series
motor and also draw the current and voltage wave forms for continuous
current operation.

2. A 220v, 24A, 1000rpm separately excited dc motor having an armature

resistance of 2ohm is controlled by a chopper. The chopping frequency is
500Hz and the input voltage is 230V. Calculate the duty ratio for a motor
torque of 1.2 times rated torque at 500rpm.

3. Class-A chopper, operating in time-ratio control, is supplying the

armature of the separately excited dc motor. Derive the motor speed-
torque relation.
4. A 230 V, 960 rpm and 200A separately excited dc motor has an armature
resistance of 0.02Ω. The motor is fed from a chopper, which is capable of
providing both motoring and braking operations. The source has a
voltage of 230 V. Assuming continuous conduction: (i) Calculate the time
ratio of chopper for the motoring action at rated torque and 350 rpm. (ii)
Determine the maximum possible speed, if maximum value of time ratio
is 0.95 and maximum permissible motor current is twice the rated value.

5. Explain with circuit and waveforms of four quadrant chopper fed

separately excited DC motor.
6. A 230V, 960rpm and 200A separately excited dc motor has an armature
resistance of 0.02ohms. The motor is fed from a chopper, which is
capable of providing both motoring and braking operations. The source
has a voltage of 230V. Assuming continuous conduction: When motor is
operated in Dynamic braking, with Braking resistance of 2 ohm
(i) calculate Duty ratio of chopper for a motor speed of 600 rpm and
braking torque of twice the rated value.
(ii) What will be the motor speed for a duty ratio of 0.6 and motor torque
equal to twice its rated value?

7. Explain with circuit and waveforms of two quadrant chopper fed

separately excited DC motor.

8. A 230 V, 500 rpm, 90 A separately excited dc motor having an armature

resistance and inductance of 0.115 ohms and 11 mH respectively, is
controlled by a c1ass C two quadrant chopper operating with a source
voltage of 230 V and a frequency of 400 Hz.
(i) Calculate the motor speed for a motoring operation at 𝛼 = 0.5 and half
of rated torque.
(iii) What will be the motor speed when regenerating at 𝛼 = 0.5 and
rated torque?

9. Explain two-quadrant operation consisting of forward motoring and

regenerative braking of chopper fed dc drive with speed-torque
10. A 220 V, 1000 rpm, and 150A separately excited dc motor has an
armature resistance of 0.04Ω. The motor is fed from a chopper which
provides both motoring and braking operations. The source has a
voltage of 220V. Assuming continuous conduction calculate duty ratios
of chopper for motoring and braking operations at rated torque and 500
11. Derive the speed-torque expression of class-B chopper operating in time
ratio control is supplying the armature of the separately excited dc
motor. And draw speed torque characteristics.

12. When fed by a constant voltage source, regenerative braking below base
speed can also be obtained by connecting a step-up chopper. Justify.

13. Explain the operation of four quadrant chopper fed dc separately excited
in detail with neat sketches. Take any control scheme. Assume
continuous current.

14. A 250-V separately excited motor has an armature resistance of 2.5 Ω.

When driving a load at 600 rpm with constant torque, the armature
takes 20 A. This motor is controlled by a chopper circuit with a frequency
of 400 Hz and an input voltage of 250 V.

What should be the value of the duty ratio if one desires to reduce the
speed from 600 to 400 rpm, with the load torque maintained constant?

15. A 220 V, 960 rpm and 200 A separately excited dc motor has an
armature resistance of 0.02 ohm. The motor is fed from a chopper which
provides both motoring and braking operations. The source has a voltage
of 220 V.
Assuming continuous conduction (i) Calculate duty ratio of chopper for
motoring operation at rated torque and 400 rpm. (ii) Calculate duty ratio of
chopper for braking operation at rated torque and 300 rpm

UNIT –IV, PART B Questions

1. Discuss how v/f speed control scheme of a induction motor is similar to

the armature voltage control method of a DC motor.

2. Why stator voltage control is an inefficient method of induction motor

speed control.

3. Explain why stator voltage control is suitable for speed control of

induction motors in fan
and pump drives.

4. Variable frequency control of induction motor has higher efficiency and

better low speed performance when fed from a PWM inverter instead of 6-
step inverter. Explain.
5. Draw a neat circuit diagram for speed control of 3-phase induction motor
in four quadrants using AC voltage controller and draw the relevant
speed-torque characteristics.

6. For variable frequency control of induction motor for speeds below base
speed V/f ratio is maintained constant, why?

7. Explain in detail with speed-torque characteristics of variable voltage and

variable frequency (V/F) control of induction motor drive.

8. Explain closed loop operation of slip controlled PWM inverter fed

induction motor drives.

9. Discuss speed control of induction motor from stator side with speed-
torque curves.

10. The parameters of a three phase 400 Volts, 50 Hz, 6 pole, 960 rpm, and
star connected induction motor has the following parameters per phase
referred to the stator. R1= 0.4 Ohm. R2 = 0.20 Ohm, X1 = X2 =1.5 Ohm,
Xm = 30 Ohms. If the motor is controlled by variable frequency control at
a constant flux of rated value, determine the motor speed and the stator
current at half the rated torque and 25Hz.

11. Draw and explain speed control of 3 phase Induction motor using AC
Voltage Controller.

12. The rotor resistance and stand still reactance referred to stator of a 3
phase, 4 pole, 50 Hz Squirrel cage Induction motor is 0.2 ohm and 0.8
ohm per phase respectively. The full load slip of the motor is 4 percent.
Neglect stator resistance and leakage reactance. Determine how much
stator voltage should be reduced in order to get a speed of 1200 rpm if the
load torque remains constant.

13. Show that variable frequency control of induction motor is more efficient
than stator voltage control.

14. A 440V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 6 pole, 945 rpm, delta connected Induction
Motor has the following parameters referred to the stator. Rs = 2ohms ,
Rr’ = 2ohms, Xs = 3ohms, Xr’ = 4ohms. When driving a fan load at rated
voltage it runs at rated speed. The motor speed is controlled by stator
voltage control. Determine motor terminal voltage, current and torque at
800 RPM.
15. A 440V, 3 phase, 50Hz 6 pole 945 RPM delta connected induction motor
has the following parameters referred to the stator. Rs=2.0ohm, R’r = 2.0
ohm, Xs = 3 ohm, X’r = 4 ohm. When driving a fan load at rated voltage, it
runs at rated speed. The motor speed is controlled by stator voltage
control. Determine motor terminal voltage, current and torque at 600

16. Explain speed control of induction motor by AC Voltage Controllers.

17. A 3 phase, 4 pole, 50 Hz squirrel cage Induction motor has the following
circuit parameters: r1 = 0.05ohm, r2 = 0.09ohm, X1 + X2 = 0.55ohm. The
motor is star connected and rated voltage is 400V. It drives a load whose
torque is proportional to the speed and is given as Tl = 0.05𝜔 N-m.
Determine the speed and torque of the motor for a firing angle of 45
degree of the AC Voltage Controller on a 400V, 50 Hz supply.

UNIT –V, PART B Questions

1. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of rotor- resistance
control of Induction motor. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of
the above method of control.

2. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of a slip power
recovery system using static Scherbius system for a three phase
induction motor.

3. Explain static Scherbius drive control for speed control of induction

motor. Draw speed -torque characteristics.

4. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of a slip power
recovery system using Static Kramer drive for a three phase induction

5. Explain with circuit and waveforms for speed control of induction motor
by Static rotor resistance method.

6. Draw a suitable circuit diagram and explain the working of slip-power

recovery scheme using static Scherbius drive.

7. A 440 V, 50 Hz, 6-pole Y-connected wound rotor motor has the following
parameters:Rs=0.5 Ω, Rr’=0.4 Ω, Xs=Xr’=1.2 Ω, Xm=50 Ω, stator to rotor
turns ratio is 3.5. Motor is controlled by static rotor resistance control.
External resistance is chosen such that the breakdown torque is
produced at standstill for a duty ratio of zero. Calculate the value of
external resistance.
8. Draw a suitable circuit diagram and explain the working of slip-power
recovery scheme using commutator-less Kramer drive.

9. A 3-phase, 440 V, 50 Hz, 6-pole, 970 rpm, Y-connected induction motor

has the following parameters referred to stator: Rs=0.2 Ω, Rr’=0.15 Ω,
Xs=Xr’=0.4 Ω, stator to rotor turns ratio is 3.5. Motor is controlled by
static Scherbius drive. The drive is designed for a speed range of 30%
below the synchronous speed. The maximum value of firing angle is
170°. Calculate turns ratio of transformer and torque for a speed of
750rpm and α=140°

10. What are the advantages of static rotor resistance control over
conventional methods of rotor resistance control?

11. A 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, 1400 rpm, Y-connected wound-rotor

induction motor has the following parameters referred to stator: Rs=2Ω,
Rr’=3Ω, Xs=Xr’=3.5Ω, stator to rotor turns ratio is 2. Motor speed is
controlled by static Scherbius drive. The inverter is directly connected to
the source. Determine the speed range of the drive when α max=165° and
the firing angle for 0.4 times the rated motor torque and a speed of 1200

12. A 3 Phase, 400V, 50 Hz, 10 KW 960 rpm, 6 pole star connected slip ring
Induction motor has the following constants referred to the stator. Rs =
0.4 Ω, Rr’ = 0. 6 Ω, Xs = Xr’ = 1.4 Ω. The motor drives a fan load at 960
rpm. The Stator to rotor turns ratio is 2. When the motor is controlled by
a static rotor resistance control, calculate the value of external resistance
so that motor runs at 800 rpm for duty ratio of 0.5.

UNIT –VI, PART B Questions

1. Describe separate controlled and self-controlled modes of operation of a

synchronous motor drive in detail and compare them.

2. Give advantages of self-controlled variable speed synchronous motor

drive and applications.

3. Why the LCI fed synchronous motor drive is found suitable for high
speed and high power applications?

4. Draw and explain the speed-torque curves of asynchronous motor with

variable frequency control of synchronous motor.
5. With block diagram explain closed loop speed control of self-controlled
synchronous motor drives fed from voltage source inverter.

6. How is the output voltage of a VSI improved by PWM techniques?

Explain how you will use this converter for speed control of a
synchronous motor.

7. Explain the operation of Load commutated CSI fed Synchronous motor


8. In variable frequency control of a synchronous motor why (V/f) ratio is

maintained constant up to base speed and V constant above the base
speed. Explain briefly with necessary waveforms.

9. When operating in true synchronous mode, why the frequency must be

changed in small steps?

10. Describe self-controlled and load-commutated inverter controlled

synchronous motor drives in detail.

11. A 400 kW, three-phase, 3.3 kV, 50 Hz, unity power factor, four-pole,
star-connected synchronous motor has the following parameters: Ra=0,
Xs= 12 ohms, rated field current=10 A.The machine is controlled by
variable frequency control at a constant V/f ratio.
(i) The torque and field current for rated armature current, 900 rpm and
0.8 leading power factor, and
(ii) The armature current and power factor for regenerative braking torque
equal to rated motor torque, 900 rpm and rated field current.

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