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Safety Leadership and Occupational Health

and Safety Management Systems

OH&S management system is incorporated
with environmental and operational
management (called SH&E) and has the
following procedures which satisfy attainment
of the Standards and fall into 5 categories:

1. SH&E Management
2. Safety
3. Health
4. Environment
5. Engineering
SH&E Management -30 Procedures which define
organisational responsibilities eg.

• Policies and Documents

• SH&E Committees
• SH&E Audits
• Control of Contractors
Safety - 26 Procedures to address workplace
safety eg.

• Clearance to Work
• Fire Safety Management
• Emergency Response
• Electrical Safety
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Training
Health -25 Procedures covering Health

• Health Assessment
• First Aid
• Ergonomics and Manual Handling
• Working in Heat
• Hearing Conservation
Environment - 13 Procedures for environment

• Environmental Impact Assessment

• Cleaner Production
• Land Protection
• Recycling
• Wildlife Conservation
Engineering - 19 Procedures covering

• Modifications
• Hazard& Operability (HAZOP) Studies
• Plant Structures and Pipe Bridges
• Pressure Systems
• Capital Projects
How to Manage
New Workplace Issues

The SH&E Management System utilises Quality Management

principles - a "systems" approach, combined with a "people"
approach, so that the two compliment and enhance each other. In
practice this includes Quality Assurance (based on the relevant
requirements of ISO 9001) and TQM elements such as Continuous
Improvement. The culture change program to establish Quality
Leadership in the company is also reflected in the system and users
recognise this and value the outcomes.
The system operates a PDMI Cycle:

Plan, Do, Measure, Improve

• PLAN : The Standards and Model Procedures

define legislated requirements, company policy,
Responsible and Best Practice.
• DO : Implementation involves customization to
account for local conditions, allocation of
responsibilities, analysis of training needs,
development and delivery of training and
integration into business Quality Plans.
• MEASURE : Performance Indicators for each
implemented procedure are used to monitor
effectiveness. These and the system
behavioural requirements form the basis for
internal and external (corporate) auditing.

• IMPROVE : Status of implementation and

Corrective Actions are reviewed periodically to
formulate a SH&E Plan which provides input into
the annual Letter of Assurance.
Success in Performance

To determine what would be considered as success in performance

the most appropriate response is - "As long as the organization is
improving in the agreed performance areas then success may be
claimed". The danger in this statement lies in the potential of the
organization to relax improvement efforts or to focus resources
towards a new area of concern. It is equally important to apply
maintenance principles to enable the improvement process the
opportunity to operate.

The important element of today’s systems approach (whether it be

to safety, health, environmental, quality, etc) is that we ensure
continual improvement is mandatory and not a term which is an
optional extra. This acceptance and even in some organizations
hunger for improvement is the difference between the "Every Day
Company" and the "Excellence Organization".
We cannot accept an injury and within ICI our vision is "No Injuries to
Anyone - ever!". This is not an absolute target but it represents a goal of
zero injuries. It is important that in the first instance we ensure personnel
believe this is possible and it is!

The use of Management Systems in the areas of Safety, Health and

Environment has provided performance improvement within ICIA. The
improvement has been recognised in many areas including
environmental non-compliance which has reduced by greater than
50% over the past 5 years and safety through our medical injury
frequency rate which has reduced from greater than 12 to 3 over the
same 5 year period.
The Behavioural Connection

The challenge for environmental management, as with safety, health and

quality, is to resist the obvious temptations of defect management and to
identify critical factors that are both upstream and measurable with
statistical validity. In terms of the environmental management system, the
processes - largely behaviours which support the achievement of the
performance indicators - are upstream and their results are downstream.

Hence the effectiveness of the system is dependent on the identification

of upstream critical behaviour which influence achievement of the desired
downstream results. These behaviours include, and are certainly not
confined to, visible commitment by management, application of
"best practice" environmental design by planners and engineers, and the
efforts by all operators working within the system to exert the appropriate
environmental control to their jobs.
Thus behaviour is the key. It is the "final common pathway" of most
incidents. The final common pathway is a unique kind of cause first
discovered in medical analysis of the onset of illness. It is defined as
a small factor that paves the way for many pre-existing factors to
come together to form a negative even

In the continuous improvement model the word "behaviour" takes

on a technical meaning that differs from the everyday usage of the
word. For instance, people say that a prisoner is paroled for good
behaviour, a friend's behaviour at a party was inappropriate, or a
child was on his/her best behaviour. In each example the word
"behaviour" deals with actions which are socially acceptable or
unacceptable. The behaviour based approach to SH&E on the
other hand, is focused strictly on observable, measurable
behaviours that are task oriented, critical work-related skills and
contribute to achievement of the desired result for the business as
defined by the performance indicators.
This is only one example of the approach used to improve
environmental performance how you do it needs to be sensitive
to your company culture, internal as well as external customer
needs and budget.

The ICI environmental management system is an integral

component of the wider SH&E Management System and is
critical to the cultural change program for improving quality and
productivity within the organization. It is only through the
development of useable operating procedures which take into
account all variables, such as safety, health, environment,
quality, human resources, production, cost control, etc, using a
truly integrated approach to finally create an Operations
Management System.
(Permenaker no. 5/1996)

Mohamad Yani
Definisi SMK3

Secara normatif - PER.05/MEN/1996 pasal 1,

Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

(SMK3) :

Bagian dari sistem manajemen keseluruhan yang meliputi struktur

organisasi, perencanaan, tanggungjawab, pelaksanaan, prosedur,
proses dan sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan bagi pengembangan,
penerapan, pencapaian, pengkajian dan pemeliharaan kebijakan
keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam rangka pengendalian risiko
yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerja guna terciptanya tempat kerja
yang aman, efisien dan produktif.
Tujuan dan Sasaran SMK3

Terciptanya sistem K3 di tempat kerja yang melibatkan

segala pihak sehingga dapat mencegah dan
mengurangi kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja dan
terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien, dan

Alasan Penerapan SMK3

Karena SMK3 bukan hanya tuntutan pemerintah,
masyarakat, pasar, atau dunia internasional saja
tetapi juga tanggung jawab pengusaha untuk
menyediakan tempat kerja yang aman bagi
Manfaat Langsung :
1. Mengurangi jam kerja yang hilang akibat kecelakaan
2. Menghindari kerugian material dan jiwa akibat
kecelakaan kerja.
3. Menciptakan tempat kerja yang efisien dan produktif
karena tenaga kerja merasa aman dalam bekerja.

Manfaat tidak langsung :

a. Meningkatkan image market terhadap perusahaan.
b. Menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis bagi karyawan
dan perusahaan.
c. Perawatan terhadap mesin dan peralatan semakin
baik, sehingga membuat umur alat semakin lama.
SMK3 Permen LH no. 5/1996
Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
yang selanjutnya disebut Sistem Manajemen K3 adalah
bagian dari sistem manajemen secara keseluruhan yang
meliputi struktur organisasi, perencanaan, tanggung
jawab, pelaksanaan, prosedur, proses dan sumberdaya
yang dibutuhkan bagi pengembangan, penerapan,
pencapaian, pengkajian dan pemeliharaan kebijakan
keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam rangka
pengendalian risiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan
kerja guna terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien
dan produktif;

Audit adalah pemeriksaan secara sistematik

dan independen, untuk menentukan suatu
kegiatan dan hasil-hasil yang berkaitan sesuai
dengan pengaturan yang direncanakan, dan
dilaksanakan secara efektif dan cocok untuk
mencapai kebijakan dan tujuan perusahaan;
Klausa dan elemen pada SMK3
Sebagai mana terdapat pada lampiran I :
PERMENAKER NO:PER.05/MEN/1996 sebagai berikut :

1. Komitmen dan Kebijakan

1.1. Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen
1.2. Tinjauan Awal K3
1.3. Kebijakan K3

2. Perencanaan
2.1. Perencanaan Identifikasi Bahaya, Penilaian dan Pengendalian
2.2. Peraturan Perundangan dan Persyaratan Lainnya
2.3. Tujuan dan Sasaran
2.4. Indikator Kinerja
2.5. Perencanaan Awal dan Perencanaan Kegiatan yang Sedang
3. Penerapan

3.1 Jaminan Kemampuan

3.1.1. SDM, Sarana dan Dana
3.1.2. Integrasi
3.1.3. Tanggung Jawab dan Tanggung Gugat
3.1.4. Konsultasi, Motivasi dan Kesadaran
3.1.5. Pelatihan dan Kompensasi

3.2. Kegiatan Pendukung

3.2.1. Komunikasi
3.2.2. Pelaporan
3.2.3. Pendokumentasian
3.2.4. Pengendalian Dokumen
3.2.5. Pencatatan dan Manajemen Informasi
3.3. Identifikasi Sumber Bahaya, Penilaian dan Pengendalian Resiko
3.3.1. Identifikasi Sumber Bahaya
3.3.2. Penilaian Resiko
3.3.3. Tindakan Pengendalian
3.3.4. Perancangan dan Rekayasa
3.3.5. Pengendalian Administratif
3.3.6. Tinjauan Ulang Kontrak
3.3.7. Pembelian
3.3.8. Prosedur Menghadapi keadaan darurat dan Bencana
3.3.9. Prosedur Menghadapi Insiden
3.3.10. Prosedur Rencana Pemulihan Keadaan Darurat

4. Pengukuran dan Evaluasi

4.1. Inspeksi dan Pengujian
4.2. Audit SMK3
4.3. Tindakan Perbaikan dan Pencegahan
5. Tinjauan Ulang dan Peningkatan oleh Pihak Manajemen
Perbandingannya Dengan Sistem Manajemen Lainnya

SMK3 yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia

sudah cukup representatif dibandingkan
dengan standard internasional seperti
OHSAS atau ILO OSH guidelines.

Catatan :
Standar ini berdasarkan pada metodologi yang dikenal sebagai
Rencanakan – Lakukan – Periksa – Tindaki (Plan – Do - Check –
Act/PDCA). PDCA dapat dijelaskan secara singkat sebagai berikut:
-Rencanakan (Plan): menetapkan tujuan dan proses yang diperlukan
untuk memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan kebijakan lingkungan

-Lakukan (Do): menerapkan proses tersebut.

Tinjauan Manajemen Penerapan dan operasi Perencanaan Kebijakan

Lingkungan Perbaikan berkelanjutan Pemeriksaan

-Periksa (Check): memantau dan mengukur proses terhadap

kebijakan lingkungan, tujuan, sasaran, persyaratan peraturan
peundang-undangan dan ketentuan lain yang diikuti organisasi, serta
melaporkan hasilnya.

- Tindaki (Act): melaksanakan tindakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja

sistem manajemen lingkungan secara berkelanjutan.

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