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Second Language Acquisition

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Second Language

A look into SLA and the key information you will want to know when teaching students additional languages.

The first topic we are going depending on what component of

D id you learn a language
to address is the optimal age to
learn a language. Have you ever
the language is considered but it
ranges between 2 years and 13
as a kid in school? Maybe you used wondered why as an adult it is so years old. Some evidence
an app to learn a language before difficult to retain words in another supporting this hypothesis from
going on vacation? Or maybe you language? Have you ever wonder 1980 is a test by Patkowski.
took an interest in a culture and why kids pick up Spanish so easy Learners who learned a second
decided to learn their language? from watching Dora? There is an language prior to the age of 15 all
The process of learning other explanation for this and that is the scored high, while those who
languages in addition to ones native critical period hypothesis. There started after this age scored lower.
language is called second language actually is a critical period in time Children surpass adults on most
acquisition and this is our subject where young learners can learn a measures of second language
for today. language very easily and acquisition. Now you may be
completely. This age can alter wondering why this is? Linguist
Stephen Krashen explains the three main functions of output acquisition. Explicit knowledge
children’s affective filter is low. This are noticing/triggering function, developed through instruction can
is where they are in an emotionally hypotheses-testing function and contribute to language acquisition. It
safe place lowering imaginary walls metalinguistic function. Her can become a part of the
promoting more successful research demonstrates input alone interlanguage system; it assists in
language acquisition. It results in is not adequate for developing a noticing elements of input and
increased self-confidence and a students linguistic abilities and assists in noticing the gap between
desire to explore, learn and take output is also important. Finally we input and ones current
risks. After puberty students have negotiation, Long did a study interlanguage. The weak interface
become more inhibited and their on his observation between two position facilitates noticing and the
affective filter increases. native speakers and one native noticing gap, and proposes more
Krashen’s intelligence is also speaker with a non-native speaker. often than not L2 knowledge begins
brought through in this next topic of In result he noticed repetition, as implicit knowledge. Ellis’ model
what contributes to second confirmation and comprehension demonstrates input progresses
language acquisition. The key checks and clarification between through several stages before
ingredients for this are the native speaker to non-native becoming implicit knowledge.
comprehensible input, pushed speaker. Long then hypothesized After viewing how explicit
output and negotiation. Krashen’s they were collaborating, negotiation knowledge through instruction can
input hypotheses is that humans of meaning facilitated improved contribute to language acquisition
learn language by receiving input learning conditions. With this we we will see the other influences
that is comprehensible ( i+1). In now know teachers can facilitate instruction can have. Roger Brown
studies students in an input only effective second language found when learning English,
course achieved just as well as acquisition by manipulating these grammatical morphemes are
other forms of classes. Asher found three ingredients. acquired in a consistent order. From
that students could develop high Now we will view how explicit present progressive being the firs to
levels of comprehension prior to knowledge contributes to second the auxiliary ‘Be’ as the last. Similar
producing any language. Krashen language acquisition. Krashen studies for German and Spanish
only believes output serves one takes a no transfer position, and demonstrated similar results. From
function in language acquisition believes explicit knowledge this we know that second language
however other researchers find it to strengthens the monitor but does learning is systematic, is largely
be more instrumental. Swain states not contribute to language independent of the firs language of
the learner, and yet contains many habits based on L1. Similarities assist learners in acquiring the
similarities with first language between L1 and L2 can facilitate second language. Finally transfers
acquisition. learning, while differences can of errors were found to be common
On that note we will finish impede the learning process. L2 between languages that are similar.
with the influences L1 has on L2. learners go through similar cycles of Transfer only occurs with non-
The contrastive Analysis errors to L1 learners regardless of beginners.
Hypothesis is the comparison of two their mother tongue. Cummins’ Hopefully this gave you a
or more languages to determine the interdependence hypothesis better understanding of second
differences or similarities between suggests there is background language acquisition.
them. L2 learners start off with knowledge and experiences that





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