A Day Lesson Plan
A Day Lesson Plan
A Day Lesson Plan
I. Learning Objectives
A. Given discussion the students will be able to explain the concept of rhythm in
the elements of music.
B. Given discussion the grade 6 students will be able to demonstrate the concept
of rhythm by using beats, meter, tempo, and accent in the elements of music.
C. Given examples the grade 6 students will be able to fully understand the flow of
rhythm in music.
A. Greetings
-Good morning class? Good morning Sir!
-How are you today? We’re fine Sir!
B. Prayer
-Before we start let us pray. Close eyes and short meditation.
C. Attendance
-Let us check your Present Sir/Absent Sir.
II. Motivation
Did you know that music can make up No Sir, we don’t know that.
the best of us? Read Psalm 45: 1 “My Really Sir? Thank you for the wisdom.
heart overflows with a good theme; I
address my verses to the King; my
tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
III. Lesson Presentation
What are the parts of Rhythm? Sir, the four parts of rhythm are beat, meter,
There are 4 of them. tempo, and accent.
IV. Application
Hebrews 2:12
He says, “I will declare your name to
my brothers and sisters; in the
assembly I will sing your praises.”
VI. Agreement