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Transformer Summer Tranning Report by Vijay

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(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical


Submitted by:

Vijay kumar

B.Tech.(EE),VII Sem


I would like to express our heart filled gratitude to the various people
those who have helped us during the entire training period.

I would especially like to extend a word of thanks to, for it was under
his able guidance and leadership that I was permitted to be a part of
this esteemed training.

Also I would like to thank all the members of MELCON

company , for he was instrumental in guiding us to the various parts
of the transformer and thus played a vital role in enriching our
knowledge and the technical knowledge.

At last I would like to thank who helped me a lot in making this

training successful.


With the completion of this training I am now aware of the basic

concepts of TRANSFORMER. This training included the construction as
well as the operation and maintenance of the Transformer. I have worked
almost as an employee engineer to the extent of my technical
capabilities. Doing all these I have acquired a lot of knowledge about the
working of Transformer.

I have gained following things out of it:

 I got an overview of the actual working of Transformer.

 Understanding the practical concepts of Transformer.

 Exposure to various parts of Transformer.

 Fault and alarm message processing, and tracing.

 How to recover from faults which can lead to Transformer failure and


























5. B-H CURVE 18











The Transformer is a device that which transfers electrical energy from one
electrical circuit to another electrical circuit without change in frequency. It is
electrically isolated and magnetically coupled. Actually, the transformer is an
electromagnetic energy conversion device, since the energy received by the
primary is first converted to magnetic energy and it is then reconverted in to
useful electrical energy. Power transformer is one which step-up or step-down the
voltage level based on requirement without change in the frequency.

Large-scale generation of electric power usually three phases at

generated voltages of 11kv or higher. Transmission is generally at higher voltages
of 132,220,400 and 750kv for which three phase transformers are necessary to
step-up the generated voltage to that of the transmission line. Next at load centers
the transmission voltage are reduced to distribution voltages of 66,33 and 11kv.
Further at most of the consumers, the distribution voltages are still reduced to
utilization voltages of 440 and 220V. Years ago it was a common practice to use
suitably inter connected three single phase transformer instead of a single three-
phase transformer.


A Transformer is a static device by means of which Electric power in one circuit

is transformed into electric power of another circuit without change in the
frequency. It can raise or lower the voltage level in a circuit with a corresponding
decrease or increase in current. The transformer mainly works on the principle of
electromagnetic induction between two circuits linked by a common magnetic

It consists of two inductive coils which are electrically separated but

magnetically linked through a path of low reluctance. The two coils posses high
mutual inductance. If one coil is connected to a source of alternating voltage, an
alternating flux is set up in the core, most of which is linked with other coil in
which it produces mutually-induced emf based on Faraday’s laws of
electromagnetic induction.

If the second coil circuit is closed, a current flows in it and so electrical energy is
transferred from one coil to another. The first coil, in which electrical energy is
fed from a.c supply mains, is called primary winding and the other from which
energy is drawn out is called secondary winding.

 Faraday’s law states that:


 where VS is the instantaneous voltage.

 NS is the number of turns in the secondary coil.

 Since the same magnetic flux passes through both the primary and
secondary coils in an ideal transformer, the instantaneous voltage across
the primary coil


Taking the ratio of the two equations

for VS and VP gives the basic

equation for stepping up or stepping

down the voltage

 If Ns>Np, Vs>Vp

 Such transformer voltage across secondary is greater than primary voltage

called step up transformer.

 Voltage cross secondary less than primary voltage called step down

* Ideal power equation

Power input=power output



Where current is inversaly proportional to respective voltage.


E = 4.44*F*Flux= 4.44F*Na*Bmax
Bmax = Flux density Flux density = flux/area


There are following types of transformer:

*According to construction:
1. core type
2. shall type

*According to no of phase:
1.Single phase
2.Three phase

*According to cooling:
1.Oil cooled
2. Air cooled or dry type

*According to no of turns:
1.step up

2.step down

Oil cooled transformer:

In oil cooled transformer use different type of oils for cooling purpose .
These are-
oil cooled natural cooled(ONAN)
oil cooled water cooled(ONWF)
oil cooled air forced (ONAC)

`Dry type or air cooled transformer:

In this type of transformer use air as a cooling medium . when transformer are
high rating then we use additional fans for cooling purpose .
1) natural air type
2) air natural forced air

Outer frame of dry type transformer

According to phase of transformer:

According to no of turns:

Step up transformer :- if no of turns are greater then as compare to primary side

no of turns that is step up transformer.
Step down transformer :- if no of turns in primary side is greater then as compare
to secondary side than it is called step down transformer.


A transformer has no moving internal or external part. It transfer energy from one
electric circuit to another electric circuit by electromagnetic induction . external
cooling may have include cooling fans, radiator, heat exchanger ,oil pumps etc.

There are following parts –

2.Primary and Secondary Winding
3.Transformer Tank
4.Cooling Tubes


Core :- Every transformer has a core, which is surrounded by windings. The core
is made out of special cold rolled grain oriented silicon sheet steel laminations.
The special silicon steel ensures low hysterisis losses. The silicon steel
laminations also ensure high resistively of core material which result in low eddy
currents. In order to reduce eddy current losses, the laminations are kept as thin as
possible. The thickness of core is generally based upon the rating of power and
distribution transformer.
Core type transformer has high leakage flux and high erraction
Transformer core are two types:-
1) Shell type
2) Core type
The ideal shape for the section of the core is a circle, as this would mean no
wastage of space between the core and windings, except the space taken by the
insulation between laminations.
A perfectly circular section of core would mean varying dimensions for each
successive lamination, which may not be economical. A compromise is therefore
struck and a stepped core (four or six steps) construction is normally preferred.
The net sectional area is calculated from the dimensions of the various sections
and giving due allowance for the insulation thickness.
To make the best use of the grain oriented silicon steel it is necessary that the flux

run parallel to the direction of the rolling for as much of the magnetic path as
This is achieved by selecting identical cross-section and shape for core and yoke
sections and having mitered corners.
The materials used are such as to give low hysteretic losses, for a particular flux
density. These are dependant on weight of material used and design flux density.
In case a low flux density is employed, the weight of material increases, which in
turn also leads to increase in length of mean turn of transformer coil.
Both these aspects result in increase in losses.
Similarly, the eddy current loss depends on the quality of material thickness
of laminations and the flux density employed The limb laminations in small
transformers are held together by stout webbing tape or by suitably spaced glass
fiber bends.
The use of insulated bolts passing through the limb laminations has been
discontinued due to number of instances of core bolt failures.
The top and bottom mitered yokes are interleaved with the limbs and are clamped
by steel sections held together by insulated yoke bolts.
The steel frame s clamping the top and bottom yokes are held together by vertical
tie bolts.
Core type :
Type A
Type B
Type C

Core assembly :

1.Window height
2.Centre length

3.Core diameter
5.Width length
6.Core channel
7.Tie rod
8.Core bolt

(i) Core

The iron core is made of thin laminated silicon steel (2-3 % silicon)
Pre-cut insulated sheets are cut or pressed in form and placed on the top of
each other .The sheets are overlap each others to avoid (reduce) air gaps.
1. Easy in design
2. Has low mechanical strength due to non bracing of windings
3. reduction of leakage reactance is not easily dismantled.
4. The assembly can be easily dismantled for repair work.
5. Better heat dissipation from windings.
6. Has longer mean length of core and shorter mean length of coil
turn. Hence best suited for Extra High voltage(EHV) requirements.

(ii) shell

1. Comparatively complex
2. High mechanical strength
3. Reduction of leakage reactance is highly possible
4. It cannot be easily dismantled for repair work.
5. Heat is not easily dissipated from windings since it is surrounded by core
6. It is not suitable for EHV require

Definition & Description of terms

Primary winding: The winding where incoming power supply is connected.

Usually this refers to High Voltage side in distribution transformers,
Secondary winding: the winding where the principal load is connected. Usually
this refers to Low Voltage side in Distribution transformers.
No load loss: The losses taking place in a transformer when only primary winding is
energized and all secondary windings are open. They represent constant losses in a

Dielectric loss: The losses taking place in a stressed dielectric medium

(insulation)subjected to stress reversals.
Iron losses: The losses taking place in the magnetic core. There are
two types;

Hysteresis losses: This loss depends upon the area of the hysteresis loop,
which is depending upon the maximum flux density, the type of material and
frequency. It is independent of the waveform
Eddy current losses in core: This is loss due to circulating currents induced by
voltage in the thickness of core laminations. It depends upon thickness of
lamination, path resistance which is depended upon the type of material, R.M.S. flux
density i.e. waveform and square of frequency.
Eddy losses in a conductor: For a thick conductor, the induced voltage
within the conductor cross section due to self link age and due to current in other
conductor varies.
The difference in induced voltage in the local path in the thickness of the
conductor causes extra eddy current loss. This loss varies with square of
current and square of frequency.
hyStray losses: All current dependant losses in a winding other than the basic IR


Stray losses include eddy loss in the conductor, eddy current in structural paths
in close proximity to outgoing conductor and the eddy loss in general in the
structural parts. In dry type transformers, the last two mentioned types of stray losses
are absent.
Form factor: It is the ratio of the r.m.s. value of a waveform to the average
value over one half cycle. For a sine wave the value of form factor is 1.11. For
distorted waves with higher peak values, the form factor is higher.
Harmonics: Frequencies other than the main fundamental frequency of current
or voltage which are present in a distorted wave as multiples of base
fundamental frequency.
Transformer Polarity: This refers to the relative direction of the induced
voltages between the high voltage terminals and the low voltage terminals.
During the AC half-cycle when the applied voltage (or current in the case of a
current transformer) is from H1 to H2 the secondary induced voltage direction will
be from X1 to X2. In practice, Polarity refers to the way the leads are brought out
of the transformer.
Burden:The load on an instrument transformer is referred to as a “burden”.

CRGO Laminations for Transformers:

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) silicon steels are used for laminations of the
Power Transformers. Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) sheets will have superior
magnetic properties in the direction of rolling. The crystals are aligned in the
direction by cold rolling followed by heat treatment process. Magnetic properties of
the CRGO steel Sheets are dependent on the magnetic properties of the individual
crystals of the material and the direction of orientation of the crystal. The properties
of the CRGO silicon steels are improved by composition, manufacturing process,
heat treatment, laser irradiation etc.
Thickness of the CRGO sheets will be of the order of 0.33mm to 0.25mm. These
CRGO Steel Laminations are stacked together to form a magnetic core for the
Transformer. The Commercially available CRGO steel sheets will have 3% of
Silicon. Higher the Silicon content increases the resistivity and reduces the eddy
current losses. But Silicon Content above 3.5% makes the CRGO silicon steel sheets
brittle. Silicon content of 3% to 3.25% is used in commercial grades of CRGO steel.


The following features or properties influence for selecting the CRGO steel sheet as
magnetic core circuits for transformers. Maximum magnetic induction to obtain high
induction amplitude in an alternating field.Core loss will be independent of the load
of the transformer. By using CRGO steel sheets core loss is low result in reduction of
the constant losses. Low apparent power input (Low hysteresis loss) results in low no
load current. High grade surface insulation.
Good mechanical processing properties. Low magnet results in low noise level
In order to appreciate the CRGO Steel material first we have to understand the core
losses in the Transformer.
Core Losses in Transformer:
Core losses of a transformer consist of Hysteresis and Eddy Current losses. About
80% of the no load losses are due to properties of the material and remaining 20% of
the core losses are due to design and manufacturing process.

Windings are arranged in concentric formation with lowest voltage winding
next to the core. Over LV winding , HV tapping and HV main windings are
placed. Some times tapping winding is placed after HV main winding depending
upon requirement. Various types of winding used for making coils are as follows:
Low voltage: helical/disc
High voltage: partially inter leaved disc/layer/winding.
Tapping winding: Inter wound spiral/helical coil. Paper covered insulated copper
strips are continously transposed cables are used for making winding. Windings
are compressed before assembly and remain in compressed position by means of
clamping bolts.
Cylindrical type (lv)
Helical type (lv)
Cross over type (hv)
Continuous disc type(hv)
Cylindrical type : These winding are layered type and use either rectangular
(or strip) or round conductor .
Helical type : these types of wdg are use for low voltage coil of medium and high
capacity transformer where no of coil turns is small but the current is high( high
as 2000 A).
Cross over winding : such type of wdg are suitable for current not exceeding 20
A and very largly employed for hv wdg of low rating transformer where no of
turns may be large but conductor are of small circular section .
Continuous disc type : In this wdg coil or disc are connected in series or parallel

Transformer tanks are made up of thin sheet steel. The tank provides a rigid
support to the fittings and accessories. The function of it is to provide a protective
cover to the core, windings, and other parts including transformer oil.

Bushing compress a central conductor surrounded by graded insulation. A bushing is
necessary when a conductor is taken out through metallic or a well.
Oil filled bushings is used for 33kv applications. For making the bushings
compact Synthetic resin bonded condenser bushings (SRBB) impregnated paper
condenser bushing is used (OIP condenser bushing)
The condenser bushing consists of central conductor surrounded by alternator
layer of insulating paper and thin coil. The capacitor formed by alternator layer of
thin foil and paper insulation results in uniform dielectric stress distribution between
conductor surface and earthed flange.

The bushing core is coated with suitable resin. The assembly is enclosed in
hollow porcelain and is provided with support flange and top hood. The porcelain is
filled with dielectric oil.

The cooling systems are necessary for dissipating the heat generated in the
transformer due to load loss .The various types of cooling system are mentioned in
table .The radar fans are arranged for MVA at Renigunta substation. The
arrangement makes use of air blast fans.
O.N.A.N( Oil natural air natural):
This is widely used for transformer upto 30MVA. Transformers are fitted
with panel type radiators for oil natural circulation.
O.N.A.F( Oil natural air forced):
This is widely used for transformers between 30 & 60 MVA. The panel type radiators
are provided with cooling fans. Fans are switched on during heavy loads.
O.F.A.F( Oil forced air forced):
This is method is used for transformers above 60MVA. Oil circulation
through coolers. The coolers have cooling fans to exchange heat from oil to air.
O.F.W.F( Oil forced water forced):
The heat is exchanged from oil to cooling water. Both oil and cooling water
are circulated through radiator.
A.N( Air natural): The ambient air used for cooling in this method, is useful for oil-
less transformer upto 1.5MVA.


Radiators are heat exchangers used to transfer thermal energy from one
medium to another for the purpose of cooling. These are long, flat shaped of layers
independent to each other through which transformer oil circulates.
By using fans Oil-Natural Air-Forced cooling is provided such that rated

power will increase as compared to oil-natural Air-Natural type of cooling. Fans can
be either automatically or manually powered.

The transformer is filled with dielectric oil.In case of oil filled transformer
conservator is provided .It is installed at a slightly higher level than that of tank
.During higher loads the oil in the tank expands and the level of oil in the conservator
rises. The air cushion in the conservator permits expansion and contraction of the oil
in the tank without contact with moist external air. The cushion in the conservator is
connected to the external atmosphere via a silica ensuring dryness of incoming air
during the breathing. Normally the conservator capacity is to be 10-20% of oil
volume in the tank.
A breather is provided to prevent contamination of transformer oil in the
conservator by the moisture present in the air entering the conservator. The outside
air is drawn into the conservator through breather, every time the transformer cools
down. The breather is packed with blue colored silica gel, which has the property of
absorbing all water vapour contained in the air passing through it, there by making
the air quite dry. The charge should be replaced if it becomes pink. The old silica gel
can be reconditioned and used again by heating up in an Owen to 150-200 c to drive
out all absorbed water.

When oil expands, sometimes pressure inside the tank may increase
rapidly so that tank may explode. By opening the valve, pressure inside the tank can
get into normal operating point.

The taps help in changing the turns ratio so that transformer output
voltage and hence the consumer’s terminal voltage can be controlled without any
supply interruptions. This tap changer is used for daily or short period voltage
alternations. During the operation of an on-load tap changer;
The circuit should not be opened otherwise dangerous sparking will occur.
No part of the tapped winding should get short-circuit.

The following characteristics are required for an oil to be used as
transformer oil:
Mineral oil grade B should be used. It should have a high di-electric strength i.e,
not less than 30KV in the transformer tank. It should contain negligible moisture
content. It should be perfectly clear and pale in color. Green color indicates
presence of copper soaps. Cloudiness indicates presence of moisture or impurities
like sludge or dust.
Acidity content should be very low, as it will cause precipitation of sludge and
corrosion of metal surfaces. It should be chemically stable, i.e. it should be
impervious to the action of oxygen in the air even at high temperatures.


This PRD is designed to be used on power transformers. when pressure in the
tank rises over predetermined safe limit ,this valve operates and performs following
functions .
*Allows the pressure to drop by instantaneously opening a port of about 150mm
*Gives visual indication by raising a flag.
*Operates a micro switch .This switch has 1 NO and 1NC contacts (four terminals
.Hence switch can be effectively used in control switch.

• KW or KVA rating of machine
• Rated working voltage
• Operating speed
• Full load current
• Class of insulation
• Frame size
• Manufacturers name
• Type of cooling
• %Impedance as per GTP
• No load loss
• Load loss
• Year of manufacture
• Vector group
• T/F serial no
• Total mass of T/F
• Core & Coil mass
• Quantity of oil


Insulating material is the material which provides better dielectric strength and
insulation. A good insulating material should have following property:-

1. High dielectric strength to sustain at high temperature.

2. High resistivity.
3. Good thermal conductivity.
4. High degree of thermal stability.

The insulating materials are classified in different class according to their

temperature withstand capacity.


Y 90’C

A 105’C

E 120’C

B 130’C

F 155’C

H 180’C


Insulating material used in transformer are:

 Insulating oil
 Insulating paper
 Press board
 Gasket sheet
 Wood
 Insulation covered on conductors
 Bakelite tube(SRBP TUBE)
 Sleeve
 Cotton tape
 Warnish
 Bushing
 Creep paper
 Fibre class material for dry type

• Fibre class sheet

• Self adhesive fibre glass tape
• Warnish for dry type (Dr. beck & BIC)
• Fibre glass covered conductors
• Fibre Dogbone channel
• Nomax paper
• Fibre Bakelite
• Fibre glass sleeve
• Nylon stud
• Link bolt
• Fibre SRBP tube

Vector Group of Transformer


Three phase transformer consists of three sets of primary windings, one for each
phase, and three sets of secondary windings wound on the same iron core.
Separate single-phase transformers can be used and externally interconnected to
yield the same results as a 3-phase unit.
The primary windings are connected in one of several ways. The two most
common configurations are the delta, in which the polarity end of one winding is
connected to the non-polarity end of the next, and the star, in which all three non-
polarities (or polarity) ends are connected together. The secondary windings are
connected similarly. This means that a 3-phase transformer can have its primary
and secondary windings connected the same (delta-delta or star-star), or
differently (delta-star or star-delta).
It’s important to remember that the secondary voltage waveforms are in phase
with the primary waveforms when the primary and secondary windings are
connected the same way. This condition is called “no phase shift.” But when the
primary and secondary windings are connected differently, the secondary voltage
waveforms will differ from the corresponding primary voltage waveforms by 30
electrical degrees. This is called a 30 degree phase shift. When two transformers
are connected in parallel, their phase shifts must be identical; if not, a short circuit
will occur when the transformers are energized.”
Basic Idea of Winding:

 An ac voltage applied to a coil will induce a voltage in a second coil where the
two are linked by a magnetic path. The phase relationship of the two voltages
depends upon which ways round the coils are connected. The voltages will
either be in-phase or displaced by 180 deg
 When 3 coils are used in a 3 phase transformer winding a number of options
exist. The coil voltages can be in phase or displaced as above with the coils

connected in star or delta and, in the case of a star winding, have the star point
(neutral) brought out to an external terminal or not.


 An ac voltage applied to a coil will induce a voltage in a second coil where the
two are linked by a magnetic path. The phase relationship of the two voltages
depends upon which way round the coils is connected. The voltages will
either be in-phase or displaced by 180 deg.
 When 3 coils are used in a 3 phase transformer winding a number of options
exist. The coil voltages can be in phase or displaced as above with the coils
connected in star or delta and, in the case of a star winding, have the star point
(neutral) brought out to an external terminal or not.

 When Pair of Coil of Transformer have same direction than voltage
induced in both coil are in same direction from one end to other end.
 When two coil have opposite winding direction than Voltage induced in
both coil are in opposite direction.

Winding connection designations:

 First Symbol: for High Voltage: Always capital letters.

 D=Delta, S=Star, Z=Interconnected star, N=Neutral
 Second Symbol: for Low voltage: Always Small letters.
 d=Delta, s=Star, z=Interconnected star, n=Neutral.
 Third Symbol: Phase displacement expressed as the clock hour number

 Example–Dyn11
Transformer has a delta connected primary winding (D) a star connected
secondary (y) with the star point brought out (n) and a phase shift of 30 deg
leading (11).
 The point of confusion is occurring in notation in a step-up transformer. As the
IEC60076-1 standard has stated, the notation is HV-LV in sequence. For
example, a step-up transformer with a delta-connected primary, and star-
connected secondary, is not written as ‘dY11′, but ‘Yd11′. The 11 indicates the
LV winding leads the HV by 30 degrees.
 Transformers built to ANSI standards usually do not have the vector group
shown on their nameplate and instead a vector diagram is given to show the
relationship between the primary and other windings.
Phase Displacement between HV and LV Windings:

 The vector for the high voltage winding is taken as the reference vector.
Displacement of the vectors of other windings from the reference vector, with
anticlockwise rotation, is represented by the use of clock hour figure.
 IS: 2026 (Part 1V)-1977 gives 26 sets of connections star-star, star-delta, and
star zigzag, delta-delta, delta star, delta-zigzag, zigzag star, zigzag-delta.
Displacement of the low voltage winding vector varies from zero to -330° in
steps of -30°, depending on the method of connections.
 Hardly any power system adopts such a large variety of connections. Some of
the commonly used connections with phase displacement of 0, -300, -180″ and
-330° (clock-hour setting 0, 1, 6 and 11).
 Symbol for the high voltage winding comes first, followed by the symbols of
windings in diminishing sequence of voltage. For example a 220/66/11 kV
Transformer connected star, star and delta and vectors of 66 and 11 kV
windings having phase displacement of 0° and -330° with the reference (220
kV) vector will be represented AsYy0 – Yd11.
 The digits (0, 1, 11 etc) relate to the phase displacement between the HV and
LV windings using a clock face notation. The phase representing the HV

winding is taken as reference and set at 12 o’clock. Phase rotation is always
anti-clockwise. (International adopted).
 Use the hour indicator as the indicating phase displacement angle. Because
there are 12 hours on a clock, and a circle consists out of 360°, each hour
represents 30°.Thus 1 = 30°, 2 = 60°, 3 = 90°, 6 = 180° and 12 = 0° or 360°.
 The minute hand is set on 12 o’clock and replaces the line to neutral voltage
(sometimes imaginary) of the HV winding. This position is always the
reference point.
 Example:
 Digit 0 =0° that the LV phases is in phase with the HV phasor
Digit 1 =30° lagging (LV lags HV with 30°) because rotation is anti-
 Digit 11 = 330° lagging or 30° leading (LV leads HV with 30°)
 Digit 5 = 150° lagging (LV lags HV with 150°)
 Digit 6 = 180° lagging (LV lags HV with 180°)
 When transformers are operated in parallel it is important that any phase shift
is the same through each. Paralleling typically occurs when transformers are
located at one site and connected to a common bus bar (banked) or located at
different sites with the secondary terminals connected via distribution or
transmission circuits consisting of cables and overhead lines.

Phase Shift Connection


0 Yy0 Dd0 Dz0

30 lag Yd1 Dy1 Yz1

60 lag Dd2 Dz2

120 lag Dd4 Dz4

150 lag Yd5 Dy5 Yz5

180 lag Yy6 Dd6 Dz6

150 lead Yd7 Dy7 Yz7

120 lead Dd8 Dz8

60 lead Dd10 Dz10

30 lead Yd11 Dy11 Yz11

 The phase-bushings on a three phase transformer are marked either ABC,

UVW or 123 (HV-side capital, LV-side small letters). Two winding, three
phase transformers can be divided into four main categories

Group O’clock TC

Group I 0 o’clock, 0° delta/delta, star/star

Group II 6 o’clock, 180° delta/delta, star/star

Group III 1 o’clock, -30° star/delta, delta/star

Group IV 11 o’clock, +30° star/delta, delta/star

Minus indicates LV lagging HV, plus indicates LV leading HV

Points to be consider while Selecting of Vector Group:

 Vector Groups are the IEC method of categorizing the primary and secondary
winding configurations of 3-phase transformers. Windings can be connected as
delta, star, or interconnected-star (zigzag). Winding polarity is also important,
since reversing the connections across a set of windings affects the phase-shift
between primary and secondary. Vector groups identify the winding
connections and polarities of the primary and secondary. From a vector group
one can determine the phase-shift between primary and secondary.

For selecting Star Connection:

 A star connection presents a neutral. If the transformer also includes a delta
winding, that neutral will be stable and can be grounded to become a reference
for the system. A transformer with a star winding that does NOT include a
delta does not present a stable neutral.
 Star-star transformers are used if there is a requirement to avoid a 30deg phase
shift, if there is a desire to construct the three-phase transformer bank from
single-phase transformers, or if the transformer is going to be switched on a
single-pole basis (ie, one phase at a time), perhaps using manual switches.
 Star-star transformers are typically found in distribution applications, or in
large sizes interconnecting high-voltage transmission systems. Some star-star
transformers are equipped with a third winding connected in delta to stabilize
the neutral.
For selecting Delta Connection:
 A delta connection introduces a 30 electrical degree phase shift.
 A delta connection ‘traps’ the flow of zero sequence currents.
For selecting Delta-Star Connection:
 Delta-star transformers are the most common and most generally useful
 Delta-delta transformers may be chosen if there is no need for a stable neutral,
or if there is a requirement to avoid a 30 electrical degree phase shift. The most

common application of a delta-delta transformer is as tan isolation transformer
for a power converter.
For selecting Zig zag Connection:
 The Zig Zag winding reduces voltage unbalance in systems where the load is
not equally distributed between phases, and permits neutral current loading
with inherently low zero-sequence impedance. It is therefore often used for
earthing transformers.
 Provision of a neutral earth point or points, where the neutral is referred to
earth either directly or through impedance. Transformers are used to give the
neutral point in the majority of systems. The star or interconnected star (Z)
winding configurations give a neutral location. If for various reasons, only
delta windings are used at a particular voltage level on a particular system, a
neutral point can still be provided by a purpose-made transformer called a
‘neutral earthing.
For selecting Distribution Transformer:
 The first criterion to consider in choosing a vector group for a distribution
transformer for a facility is to know whether we want a delta-star or star-star.
Utilities often prefer star-star transformers, but these require 4-wire input
feeders and 4-wire output feeders (i.e. incoming and outgoing neutral
 For distribution transformers within a facility, often delta-star are chosen
because these transformers do not require 4-wire input; a 3-wire primary
feeder circuit suffices to supply a 4-wire secondary circuit. That is because any
zero sequence current required by the secondary to supply earth faults or
unbalanced loads is supplied by the delta primary winding, and is not required
from the upstream power source. The method of earthing on the secondary is
independent of the primary for delta-star transformers.
 The second criterion to consider is what phase-shift you want between primary
and secondary. For example, Dy11 and Dy5 transformers are both delta-star. If
we don’t care about the phase-shift, then either transformer will do the job.

Phase-shift is important when we are paralleling sources. We want the phase-
shifts of the sources to be identical.
 If we are paralleling transformers, then you want them to have the same the
same vector group. If you are replacing a transformer, use the same vector
group for the new transformer, otherwise the existing VTs and CTs used for
protection and metering will not work properly.
 There is no technical difference between the one vector groups (i.e. Yd1) or
another vector group (i.e. Yd11) in terms of performance. The only factor
affecting the choice between one or the other is system phasing, ie whether
parts of the network fed from the transformer need to operate in parallel with
another source. It also matters if you have an auxiliary transformer connected
to generator terminals. Vector matching at the auxiliary bus bar
Application of Transformer according to Vector Group:

(1) (Dyn11, Dyn1, YNd1, YNd11)

 Common for distribution transformers.

 Normally Dyn11 vector group using at distribution system. Because
Generating Transformer are YNd1 for neutralizing the load angle between 11
and 1.
 We can use Dyn1 at distribution system, when we are using Generator
Transformer are YNd11.
 In some industries 6 pulse electric drives are using due to this 5thharmonics
will generate if we use Dyn1 it will be suppress the 5th harmonics.
 Star point facilitates mixed loading of three phase and single phase consumer
 The delta winding carry third harmonics and stabilizes star point potential.
 A delta-Star connection is used for step-up generating stations. If HV winding
is star connected there will be saving in cost of insulation.
 But delta connected HV winding is common in distribution network, for
feeding motors and lighting loads from LV side.

(2) Star-Star (Yy0 or Yy6)

 Mainly used for large system tie-up Transformer.

 Most economical connection in HV power system to interconnect between two
delta systems and to provide neutral for grounding both of them.
 Tertiary winding stabilizes the neutral conditions. In star connected
transformers, load can be connected between line and neutral, only if
(a) the source side transformers is delta connected or
(b) the source side is star connected with neutral connected back to the source
 In This Transformers. Insulation cost is highly reduced. Neutral wire can
permit mixed loading.
 Triple harmonics are absent in the lines. These triple harmonic currents cannot
flow, unless there is a neutral wire. This connection produces oscillating
 Three phase shell type units have large triple harmonic phase voltage.
However three phase core type transformers work satisfactorily.
 A tertiary mesh connected winding may be required to stabilize the oscillating
neutral due to third harmonics in three phase banks.
(3) Delta – Delta (Dd 0 or Dd 6)

 This is an economical connection for large low voltage transformers.

 Large unbalance of load can be met without difficulty.
 Delta permits a circulating path for triple harmonics thus attenuates the same.
 It is possible to operate with one transformer removed in open delta or” V”
connection meeting 58 percent of the balanced load.
 Three phase units cannot have this facility. Mixed single phase loading is not
possible due to the absence of neutral.
(4) Star-Zig-zag or Delta-Zig-zag (Yz or Dz)

 These connections are employed where delta connections are weak.

Interconnection of phases in zigzag winding effects a reduction of third
harmonic voltages and at the same time permits unbalanced loading.

 This connection may be used with either delta connected or star connected
winding either for step-up or step-down transformers. In either case, the zigzag
winding produces the same angular displacement as a delta winding, and at the
same time provides a neutral for earthing purposes.
 The amount of copper required from a zigzag winding in 15% more than a
corresponding star or delta winding. This is extensively used for earthing
 Due to zigzag connection (interconnection between phases), third harmonic
voltages are reduced. It also allows unbalanced loading. The zigzag connection
is employed for LV winding. For a given total voltage per phase, the zigzag
side requires 15% more turns as compared to normal phase connection. In
cases where delta connections are weak due to large number of turns and small
cross sections, then zigzag star connection is preferred. It is also used in
(5) Zig- zag/ star (ZY1 or Zy11)

 Zigzag connection is obtained by inter connection of phases.4-wire system is

possible on both sides. Unbalanced loading is also possible. Oscillating neutral
problem is absent in this connection.
 This connection requires 15% more turns for the same voltage on the zigzag
side and hence costs more. Hence a bank of three single phase transformers
cost about 15% more than their 3-phase counterpart. Also, they occupy more
space. But the spare capacity cost will be less and single phase units are easier
to transport.
 Unbalanced operation of the transformer with large zero sequence fundamental
mmf content also does not affect its performance. Even with Yy type of poly
phase connection without neutral connection the oscillating neutral does not
occur with these cores. Finally, three phase cores themselves cost less than
three single phase units due to compactness.

(6) Yd5:

 Mainly used for machine and main Transformer in large Power Station and
Transmission Substation.
 The Neutral point can be loaded with rated Current.
(7) Yz-5

 For Distribution Transformer up to 250MVA for local distribution system.

 The Neutral point can be loaded with rated Current.
Application of Transformer according according to Uses:

 Step up Transformer: It should be Yd1 or Yd11.

 Step down Transformer: It should be Dy1 or Dy11.
 Grounding purpose Transformer: It should be Yz1 or Dz11.
 Distribution Transformer: We can consider vector group of Dzn0 which
reduce the 75% of harmonics in secondary side.
 Power Transformer: Vector group is deepen on application for Example:
Generating Transformer: Dyn1 , Furnace Transformer: Ynyn0.

The following routine tests must be carried out on all power transformers :
• separate-source voltage withstand test
• induced voltage test
• voltage ratio measurement and check of polarities and connections
• no-load current and no-load loss measurement
• winding resistance measurement
• short-circuit impedance and load loss measurement

1 Dielectric tests – Separate-source voltage withstand test

The single-phase applied voltage wave shape shall be approximately sinusoidal.
The test must be performed at rated frequency. At the end of the test, the test
voltage shall be rapidly reduced up to 1/3 the full voltage before disconnection.
The full test voltage shall be applied for 60 seconds between the winding under
test and all the remaining windings, magnetic core, frame and enclosure
connected to earth. The test shall be performed on all the windings.The test is
successful if no failure occurs at full test voltage.

2 Induced voltage test

The test voltage shall be twice the value corresponding to the rated voltage; it
shall be applied between the terminals of the secondary windings, by maintaining
the primary winding open. The duration of the test at full voltage shall be 60 s,
and the frequency twice the rated value. The test shall start with a voltage lower
than 1/3 the full test voltage, and it shall be quickly increased up to full value. At
the end of the test, the voltage shall be rapidly reduced up to 1/3 the rated value
before disconnection. The test is successful if no failure occurs at full test voltage.

3 Voltage ratio measurement and check of polarities and connections

Voltage ratio measurement and check of polarities and connections shall be
performed on all tap changer Positions , the correspondence between the numbers

assigned to the tappings and the ratings shall also be checked. Voltage ratio
measurement shall be performed phase by phase between the terminals of
corresponding windings. Voltage ratio measurement is carried out by use of
potentiometric method.

4. No-load current and no-load loss measurement

This test is performed by supplying LV windings at rated frequency and rated
voltage. The wave shape shall be as nearly as possible of the sine-wave and the
primary windings shall be open. The frequency of the test shall not differ from the
rated value more than ± 1%. No-load current and loss shall be measured as well as
the mean value and the effective value of the voltage. If these two readings are
equal, no correction shall be applied on the measurement of no-load loss;
otherwise, no-load loss shall be referred to sine-wave condition in accordance
with IEC Standards 60076-1. No-load current shall result as the average value of
three readings performed by effective value ammeters. Three wattmeters shall be
used to measure the power, by using instrument transformers and transducers
when necessary.

5. Winding resistance measurement

Winding resistance measurement shall be performed when the windings are at
ambient temperature without supply for a time long enough to achieve this
condition. The measurements shall be carried out in direct current between
terminals according to the sequence U-V; V-W; WU.
Ambient temperature shall also be measured. It shall result as the average value of
three measurements performed by apposite thermal sensors.

HV winding resistance measurement

HV winding resistance measurement shall be performed by measuring
simultaneously voltageand current. The voltmeter and ammeter must be
connected as follows :

• voltmeter terminals must be connected beyond current cables;
• the current shall not exceed 10% of winding rated current;
• the measurement shall be carried out after voltage and current are stable.
Unless otherwise agreed, the HV winding shall be connected on principal tapping.
LV winding resistance measurement
LV winding resistance measurement shall be performed by measuring
simultaneously voltage and current. The voltmeter and ammeter shall be
connected as follows :
• voltmeter terminals shall be connected beyond current cables;
• the current shall not exceed 5% of winding rated current;
• the measurement shall be carried out after voltage and current are stable.

6.Short-circuit impedance and load loss measurement

Short-circuit impedance and load loss measurement shall be performed at rated
frequency, by applying on the transformer primary windings ( connected on
principal tapping) a three –phase sine-wave voltage system. The secondary
windings shall be short-circuited. Applied voltage, current and load loss shall be
The frequency of the test shall not differ from the rated frequency more than ±
1%. In case the rated power is higher than 1000 kVA, load loss shall be measured
by using three wattmeters, in order to reduce measurement uncertainties. When
necessary, instrument transformers and transducers shall be used. The measured
values shall be referred to rated current and then calculated at reference
temperature. This temperature is the annual average ambient temperature (20°C)
increased by the permissible temperature rise in accordance with the temperature
class of the windings. IEC 60726 specify the permissible temperature rises on
table no. 4. Beside, IEC 60076-1 give a complete explanation of how to perform
the carries at rated current and at reference temperature.

Standard Fittings listed below are normally provided on the transformers for the
correct and safe operation of the unit. These fittings conform to the requirement
of International Standard IEC60076.
1. Rating and terminal marking plate.
2. Tap changing arrangement
(a) Off – circuit tap changing switch
(b) Off – circuit tap changing link
(c) On Load tap changer
3. Two earthing terminals
4. Lifting Lugs
5. Drain – cum filter valve
6. Pressure Relief Device
7. Silica gel dehydrating breather.
8. Oil Level Indicator.
9. Thermometer Pocket.
10. Conservator with drain plug and filling hole.
11. Air Release plug.
12. Jacking lugs (above 1600 KVA)
13. Filter valve (top tank)
14. under base unidirectional flat rollers.

These are optional fittings provided at an extra cost, if customer specifically
orders them.
a) Winding temperature indicator
b) Oil temperature indicator
c) Gas and oil actuated (Buchholz) relay
d) Conservator drain valve

e) Shut off valve between conservator and tank.
f) Magnetic oil level gauge
g) Explosion vent
h) Filter valve (Bottom of tank)
i) Skid under base with haulage holes
j) Junction box.
(a) Rating and Terminal marking plate:-
The transformer is supplied with rating and terminal marking plate of a non
corrosive metal or metal with protective covering on which all information
concerning the rating. Voltage ratio , weights , oil quality etc. along with the serial
number of the unit is engraved
(b) Tap changing arrangement :
i) Off - circuit tap changing switch:--
The transformer is fitted with an off-circuit tap changing switch to obtain
required tap voltage. It can be hand operated by a switch handle mounted on
the tank. Locking device is fitted to the handle to padlock it on any tap position
and also to prevent any unauthorized operation of switch. The switch
mechanism is such that it can be locked only when it is bridging two contacts on
any particulars tapping position and cannot be locked in any intermediate position
.It is important that the transformer should be isolated from the live lines,
before moving the switch. Operating the switch when transformer is energized,
will damage the switch contacts due to severe arcing between the contacts, and
may damage windings also.
II) Off – circuit tap changing links:
Contact bridging links are provided inside the transformer tank, to obtain required
tap voltage. Links are required to be unbolted and are fixed in any required
position of the tap. Links are approachable from inspection holes in tank cover. In
case of conservator units, oil level has to be dropped below the inspection opening
before unbolting inspection covers.

III) On – Load tap changer:
On load tap changer is normally mounted on the tank is a separate housing and
connected to winding leads through copper studs fixed on a insulated terminal
board Terminal board is on leak proof. Oil in the tank need not be lowered down
for a attending to OLTC gear. Please see OLTC leaflet for the operation and
maintenance instructions.
c) Earthing Terminals:
Core laminations assembly is connected to core clamping frame by a cu. strip
which is in turn
connected to the tank. Two earthing terminals are provided on the tank which sho
uld be connected to the earthing system of supporting structure of transformer or
the station.
d) Lifting Lugs:
Two / Four lifting lugs of adequate capacity are provided on tanks to lift
completely assembled transformer filled with oil. All lugs are designed for
simultaneous use and should be used simultaneously to lift the transformer.
Two/Four lifting lugs are provided on core clamps for un tanking the core and
windings. All heavy fittings are also provided with individual lifting lugs.
e) Valves and drain plugs:
i) Valves:-Transformer is equipped with Drain cum filter valve at bottom of tank.
Filter valve at top of tank. Valves are fitted with plugs / blanking plates to stop the
dirt or moisture entering inside the valve and avoid the contamination of the
transformer oil.
II) Drain Plugs:-Drain Plug is provided on conservator to drain out oil.
f) Silica gel dehydrating breather :
Silica gel breather is fitted with silica gel which absorbs moisture from the
air entering the transformer, thus preventing deterioration of oil and insulation due
to moisture condensation.
The breather contains oil unit at the bottom which prevents the entry of dust solid
particles present in the air. The color of silica gel is blue when dry and turns pink

when it has absorb a certain percentage of moisture by weight. The change in
colour of gel can be observed through window on a container. Breather when
fitted should examined to ascertain, that the silica gel is dry (blue in color) The
frequency of inspection of gel depends upon local climate and operating
conditions. This dehydrating breather is used in conventional type of transformer
where breather in transformer is applicable. In case of hermetically sealed
transformer, silica gel breather is not required; there is no breathing in this
g) Oil Level indicator:
Plain Oil level gauge Indicates oil level in tank or conservator, window opening is
fitted with grooved Perspex sheet and metal frame to give clear indication of oil
h) Thermometer Pockets:
This pocket is provided to measure temperature of the top oil in tank
with mercury in glass type thermometer. It is essential to fill the pocket with
transformer oil before inserting the thermometer, to have uniform and correct
reading. One additional pocket is provided for dial type thermometer (OTI) with
I) Conservator with drain plug and filling hole:
Conservator is normally provided on all ratings of transformers which provides
the space for the expansion / contraction of oil on account of the variation of oil
temperature during service. It prevents the oil in the tank from coming in direct
contact with the atmosphere and protects it from deterioration .Conservator is
provided with silica gel breather, oil level gauge, oil filling hole with blanking
plate and drain plug for draining/ sampling of oil contaminated by moisture and
J) Air release plug:
Air release plug is normally provided on the tank cover for transformer
with conservator. Spaces provided in the plug which allows air to be escaped
without removing the plug fully from these at. Plug should be unscrewed till air

comes out from cross hole and as soon as oil flows out it should be closed. Air
release plugs are also provided on radiator headers and outdoor bushings.
K) Jacking lugs:
Four jacking lugs are normally provided for transformers above 1600 KVA. All
lugs should be used simultaneously to avoid damage to jacking pads and tank.
Suitable hydraulic or mechanical jacks may be used to jack up the transformer.
L) Rollers
Four rollers, plain or flanged type, are provided on e4very transformer.
Suitable arrangement of track for the rollers should be made at site, to facilitate
movement of the transformer. The track provided should be leveled properly so
that all wheels rest on the track. Rollers are normally detached from the tank base
at the time of transport.

a) Winding temperature Indicator:
The windings temperature indicator indicates ‘’ Hot spot’’ temperature of the
winding. This is a’ Thermal Image type’’ indicator. This is basically an oil
temperature indicator with a heater responsible to raise the temperature equal to
the ‘’Hot spot’’ gradient between winding and oil over the oil temperature. Thus,
this instrument indicates the ‘’Hot Spot’’ temperature of the windings. Heater coil
is fed with a current proportional to the windings current through a current
transformer mounted on the winding under measurement. Heater coil is either
placed on the heater bulb enveloping the sensing element of the
winding temperature indicator immersed in oil or in the instrument. The value of
the current fed to the heater is such that it raises the temperature by an amount
equal to the hot spot gradient of the winding, as described above. Thus
temperature of winding is simulated on the dial of the instrument. Pointer is
connected thought a mechanism to indicate the hot spot temperature on dial. WTI
is provided with a temperature recording dial main pointer. Maximum pointer and
re setting device and two sets of contacts for alarm and trip.

b) Oil Temperature Indicator:
Oil temperature indicator provides local temperature of top oil. Instruments are
provided with temperature sensing bulb, temperature recording dial with the
pointer and maximum reading pointer and resetting device .Electrical contacts are
provided to give alarm or trip at a required setting (on capillary tube type

c) Gas and oil actuated Buchholz relay:

In the event of fault in an oil filled transformer gas is generated, due to which
buchholz relay gives warning of developing fault. Buchholz relay is provided with
two elements one for minor faults (gives alarm) and other for major faults
(tripping).The alarm elements operates after a specific volume gets accumulated
in the relay. Examples of incipient faults which will generate gas in oil are:-

i) Failure of core bolt insulation.
ii) Shorting of lamination and core clamp.
iii) Bad Electrical contact or connections.
iv) Excessive hot spots in winding.The alarm element will also operate in the
event of oil leakage.
The trip element operates due to sudden oil surge in the event of more serious
fault such as:-
i) Earth fault due to insulation failure from winding to earth.
ii) Winding short circuit inter turn, interlayer, inter coil etc.
iii) Short circuit between phases.
iv) Puncture of bushing. The trip element will also operate if rapid loss
of oil occurs. During the operation of transformer, if there is an alarm
transformer should be isolated from lines and possible reasons, listed
above for the operation of relay should be checked starting with simple
reason such as loss of oil due to leaks, air accumulation in relay
chamber which may be the absorbed air released by oil due to change
in temperature etc. Rating of contacts:-0.5 Amps. At 230 Volts AC or
220 Volts. DC.

Magnetic Oil Gauge:
This is a dial type gauge, mounted directly on the conservator to indicate oil level.
This is supplied with low level alarm contacts (if asked for) and
the electrical connections of which are brought out to a terminal box of the oil
gauge. Suitable alarm circuit may be connected to the seterminals. This oil
gauge is not dispatched separately, but is mounted on the conservator, with float
arm adjusted to correct length.
Explosion Vent:
Explosion vent is provided to give protection against the excessive
pressure that may developedinside the transformer due to internal fault. On specifi
c requirement the explosion vent isprovided with two diaphragms one at the
bottom (near tank) and the other at the top. If excessive pressure is developed in
the tank, both diaphragms will rupture and oil in tanks will be thrown out through
the vent. One pressure equalizer pipe is provided between explosion vent and the
conservator to maintain equal pressure in the empty spaces of vent
and conservator. In this case oil level indicator is provided on the explosion vent
to indicate rupture of bottom diaphragm.

Packing and Dispatch:
Transformer is generally dispatched oil filled and ready for the service.
Occasionally ,in case of large units. It is necessary to dismantle certain fittings
and pack them separately to meet the transport limitations and avoid any transit
damage. In such case oil is lowered below the top tank cover and
space between the oil and tank cover is filled with dry air at normal atmospheric
pressure. The oil required for topping up conservator, radiators etc. is supplied
separately in sealed drums .Parts generally detached for transport are as follows :
a) Conservator with oil gauge.
b) Detachable cooling radiators, when provided. In case of corrugation, they are
fixed type.
c) Other accessories such as Buchholz relay, Explosion vent,
silica gel breather,Magnetic oil gauge, Pipe connection.

The transformer may get damaged during transit, hence on the receipt of unit
at site, it is necessary to examine main unit and components very carefully with
packing list sent with each transformer. Damages and shortages, if any, should be
reported to the Kotsons Private Limited, Agra
.With the photograph and other useful evidence wherever possible. Opendelivery
certificate should be obtained from the carriers. Particular attention should be
given to the damages of :
a) Main tank
b) Protruded fittings on the tank, such as valves conservator, brackets, welded /
bolts, radiators if applicable, corrugations etc.
c) Porcelain bushings: Porcelain parts and current carrying stems
d) Accessories:
i) Magnetic oil gauge Dial glass, float and mercury switches
ii) Dial type thermometer Dial glass, pointers, capillary tube, stem, protectioncaps
of operating keys for maximum indication pointer and contacts.

iii) Buchholz relay Winding glasses, operating floats and mercury switches.
iv) Explosion vent Glass and Bakelite diaphragm for cracks and puncture
v) Marshalling / Junction boxes
Window glasses, inside instruments (if any) and cable glands.
e) Corrugated fins.
f) Oil leakage through the tank cover, bushing / valves etc. if any A sample of oil
should be taken from bottom of the tank and tested for the Electric strength(break
down voltage) which should not be below 50 KV (RMS) when tested on a
standard test gap as specified in IEC 600296.
Transformer and all packing cases containing the accessories should be handled in
right position indicated, and while handling should not drop down to avoid
damages to the delicate instruments packed inside.
(a)Lifting: The transformer should be unloaded by means of crane or lifting
device of sufficient capacity. (Please refer the rating plate for details of weight).
All lifting lugs provided for the purpose must be used for the lifting
of transformer to avoid unbalance and undue stresses on the lug. Parts other than
lifting lugs should not be used for lifting
.b) Jacking :
Four jacking lugs are provided on transformer, each designed to share quarter
load. While using jacking pads, utmost care should be exercised in the proper
application of jacks, as any improper application will not only damage the jacking
pads but also the transformer
C) Towing
: Rollers / wheels should be used for shifting the transformer from one place too
roller axles or radiators should not be singed for the purpose of towing. Haulage
holes provided on the tank should be uses
d) Packing cases: Cases containing various accessories should be handled
carefully so that the contents are not damaged.

Indian code of Practice for Instattation and a Maintenance of Transformer IS:
10028 generally covers all the relevant aspects of the special attention required at
the time of erection of transformer, should be referred before commissioning
installation works.
a) Instruction to Erection Personnel:-Persons having access to the interior of
the transformer while inspection , fitting bushing or any other fittings, should
empty their pockets and all loose articles. Spanners and other tools in use should
be securely tied with a cotton tape at a suitable point so that they can be recovered
if accidentally flopped inside.
b) Cleaning:-Fibrous cleaning materials should bot be used. The presence of
loose fibers in suspension with transformer oil can reduce its insulation property.
If cleaning or wiping is necessary, this should be done with clean dry oil using
soft non-fluffy cloth.
c) Fire risk:-Transformer oil is inflammable and under certain circumstances in a
confined place become explosive. Naked light and flame should never be used
near the transformer.
d) Condensation:-Transformer oil and other solid insulation normally used in
transformer construction absorb moisture easily, particularly when cold.
Condensation can be caused if the interior of a tank is exposed to atmosphere. But
taking adequate care this can be minimized. The transformer can be protected
from “damp” hazards by circulating warm and dry oil through it until temperature
is 5 to 10C above ambient. This should be done before allowing access to the
interior of tank. Warm oil should be circulated all the time while transformer is
open to atmosphere.
e) Painting:-Corroded components should be cleaned thoroughly to remove the
rust, dirt and grease and repaint with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats
of enamel paint. Retouching of paint may be required where paint is damaged
during transit.

Wherever transformers are mounted on poles the structure should be strong
enough to withstand weight of the transformer, wind pressure and other
atmospheric conditions.
Erection of transformer:-Generally small transformers up to 1000 KVA are
dispatched oil filled fitted with all fittings. Fittings dismantled to facilitate
transport, may be reassembled in the following sequence depending on the site
Sequence of erection:
a) Fitting of rollers
b) Oil check
c) Conservator
d) Buchholz relay and pipe work
e) Silica gel dehydrating
f) Explosion vent
g) Terminals HV – LV bushings or cable boxes, CT terminals etc.
h) Topping up of oil
i) Radiators
j) Temperature indicators
k) Marshalling Boxes
Details of erection:
All fittings and accessories should be assembled as shown in outline drawing.
1)Rollers :Before mounting of rollersthey should be checked for soundness of cast
ing and that bearing surface is not damaged.
ii) Bearing surface should be greased or oiled before mounting.
iii) Assembly of rollers become simple if the transformer is lifted by overhead
crane or pulley block. Transformer may be jacked up with mechanical or
hydraulic jacks.(Jacking pads are provided for transformers 1600 KVA and
above). Height of jacking pads from ground, without wheels in positions, is not
less than 300 mm. Suitable wooden or steel packing may be given under jacks to
raise the jack height.

b) Oil check:-A sample of oil should be taken out from bottom of tank and tested
for the Electric strength, ( break – down voltage ) which should not be below 30
KV (RMS) when tested on a standard test as specified in IEC – 600296 Table 1-9.
(Electrode dia. 120.5 mm polished, electrode gap 2.5 mm # 0.1). The electric
strength shall be arithmetic mean of the six results on same sample of oil.
c) Conservator:-
i) Before assembly of conservator, make sure that inside of vessel and pipe work
is free from rust, dust, grease and moisture. If found corroded, clean the rust and
repaint with oil resistant paint from inside. Enamel paint given is on the outside
on a coat of red oxide-zinc chromate primer.
ii) Mount conservator on the corresponding supports in tank cover. Pipe work
should be assembled in the following sequence Conservator through Buchholz
relay to tank. Conservator to silica gel breather.
iii) Magnetic oil gauge should be assembled on position.
iv) Plain oil gauge window glass should be checked for the cracks which may
lead to oil leaks and entry of moisture in the conservator.
Gasket should be tightened uniformly to make joints leak proof. Deteriorated and
leaky gaskets should be replaced.
d) Buchholz relay:-
*Relay pipe work should be slopping 3 deg. To 7 deg. Upwards towards conserva
* Arrow heads on the body should be pointing towards the conservator
* Floats which operate elements should be free.
* Check that mercury switches are intact.
* Test alarm and trip mechanism.
In order to test alarm and trip mechanism, the relay is provided with two separate
petcocks which enable air to be injected into the body of the relay. For testing
inject air using a cycle pump or any other suitable device until switch operates .

e) Silica gel dehydrating breather:
Breather is connected to the conservator through a pipe work. Breather assembly
should be suitably clamped to prevent vibrations.
• Fill up transformer oil through filling hole, in the bottom compartment
of breather uptothe filling level mark. Air entry hole is sealed with the
adhesive tape, which should be removed for free passage of air.
• Check that silicagel is blue in color, ifnotreactivate or replace with fresh
f) Explosion vent:
i) Explosion vent is provided with a bakelite diaphragm. Normally transformer is
dispatched fitted with explosion vent. If dismantled for the transport, remove
blanking plate from bottom of vent before assembly on tank
.ii) Check whether inside of vent is corroded. Rust should be completely
removed and inside painted with oil resistant paint.
iii) Before assembly make sure that top and bottom diaphragms if provided are int
iv) Diaphragm should be held between two gaskets and care should be taken to
clamp the flanges uniformly to prevent cracking of diaphragm.
v) Pressure equalizer pipe may be provided on against specific requirement which
connects top of explosion vent and vents it to the atmosphere through the

Changing of insulator in case of failure:

* Disconnect the transformer from supply lines.
* Drop the oil level below the mounting hole on tank.
* Remove the arcing horns.
*Remove the top cap by unscrewing the nuts at the top. Hold the soldered stem
with lead securely so that it does not slip in tank or get damaged while removing
the porcelain.
*Remove the defective porcelain by removing the fixing nuts on the studs and

clamping members.While removing the porcelain care must be taken not to
damage the inside soldered joint and the threaded part of stem.
* Assemble the new porcelain as given in Erection of Bushing.
Bushing (through stem type) through stem bushing
(a) Outdoor through stem type porcelain bushing.
(b) Cable box type porcelain bushing.
(c ) Cable box type epoxy bushings.

Topping up of transformer oil:

Topping up of oil is required for transformers which have been dispatched with
lowered oil level.
• Oil should be topped up only after fitting conservator pipe
work, explosion vent, HV,LV terminal arrangement and CT
terminals, Oil level is lowered 20 mm below the tank cover, and
under no circumstances it should be reduced further which might
expose the switch and windings to the moisture in atmosphere.
• Oil used for topping up is delivered in tins, drums should be tested for
dielectric strength before topping up. Clean and dry oil must be
used for topping up.
• Whilefilling oil, it is preferable to pass oil through filter plant. Ensure
that filter paper sare new and clean.
• Conservator may be filled up until oil level reaches ‘’ Filling Level’’
mark for prevailing temperature (30 deg .C).

After finalization of the erection work the following tests should be
conducted :-
(a) Sample of oil taken from the transformer and subjected to electric test (breakd
own value) of 50KV (RMS) as specified in IS : 335.
(b) Release trapped air through air release plugs and valve fitted for the purposeon
various fittings like radiators, bushing caps, tank cover, Bushing turrets etc.
(c) The float lever of the magnetic oil level indicator (if provided) should be move
dup and down between the end position to check t hat the mechanism does
not stick at any point. If the indicator has signaling contact they should be
checked at the same time for correct operation. Checking the gauge by draining
oil is a more positive test.
(d) Check whether gas operated really (if provided) is mounted at angle by placin
g a spirit level on the top of the relay. See that the conservator is filled up to the
filling oil level marked on plain oil gauge side and corresponding to the pointer
reading in MOG side. Check the operation of the alarm and trip contacts of there
lay independently by Injecting air through the top cocks using a dry air bottle.
The air should be released after the tests. Make sure that transformer oil runs
through pert cock of Buchholz relay.
(e) Check alarm and trip contacts of WTIs, Dial type thermometer, magnetic oilga
uge etc. (if provided).
f) Ensure that off circuit switch handle is locked at the desired tap position with
(g) Make sure that all valves except drain, filter and sampling valves are opened(s
uch as radiator valves, valves on the buchholz relay pipe line if Provided).
(h) Check the condition of silicagel in the breather to ensure that silicagel in the
breather is active and color is blue. Also check that the transformer oil is filled in
the silica gel breather up to the level indicated.

(i) Check tightness of external electrical connections to bushings.
(j) Give a physical check on all bushing for any crack or any breakage e of
porcelain. Bushing with cracks or any other defects should be immediately
(k) Check the neutral earthing if specified.
(l) Make sure that neutrals of HV / LV are effectively earthed.
(m) Tank should be effectively earthed at two points.
(n) Check that the thermometer pockets on tank cover are filled with oil.
(o) If the oil temperature indicator is not working satisfactorily, loosen and remove
the thermometer bulb from the pocket on the cover and place it with a
standard thermometer in a suitable vessel filled with transformer oil. Warm the oil
slowly while string it and take reading of the thermometers if an adjustment of
the transformer thermometer is necessary the same many be done. Also
check signaling contacts and set for the desired temperature. For transformer
furnished with thermometers for both oil and winding temperature, the signaling
contacts are recommended to be set to operate at the following temperatures.

(a) Oil is easily contaminated, it is very important while sampling the oil and
filling the tank to keep the oil free from contamination.
(b) All equipment used when handling the oil must be washed with clean
transformer oil before use. (The oil used for washing must be discarded).
Particular attention shall be paid to the cleanliness of bends, valves and other
points where the dirt and moistures tends to collect.
(c) For sampling the oil, glass containers with glass stoppers are preferred
over the metal type, which are susceptible to contamination by dirt etc.
Cleanliness is essential as small amount of dirt and water greatly affect
the accuracy of test results. Was shall note used for sealing the sample oil bottles.
However, the stopper can be covered by aback of silica gel tied in a piece cloth.
(d) Flexible steel hose is recommended for handling insulation oil, some kinds of

synthetic rubber hoses are also suitable, but only those known to be satisfactory
should be used. Ordinary rubber \ hose should not be used for this purpose as
oil dissolves the sulphur from the rubber and is there by contaminated. Hose
used for handling oil should be clean and free from loose dust, rust or scale.
(e) Transformer must always be disconnected from the electricity supply system b
eforethe oil level in tanks is lowered.
(f) Oil must not be emptied near naked lights as vapor released is inflammable.
(g) Minute quantities of moisture (Particularly in the presence of fiber or dust)_
lower the dielectric strength of the oil. Therefore to reduce the risk of
condensation of the moisture entering the oil containers should be taken into
a warm room and should not be opened until the entire body has attained the
same temperature as the room.
(h) The oil level should be che3cked at frequent intervals and any excessive
leakage of oil investigated. There may be slight loss of oil by evaporation, this
need not cause concern if the tank is topped up at regular intervals.
(i) All minor leaks or sweating should be repaired as quickly as possible
(j) Oil topping up should, generally comply with IS 335-1972 and preferably
be from the same source as the original oil. The oils from different crudes may
not be completely mixable and may separate into layers, however if they are
made from same feed stock, they can be mixed. New oil from a different source
may be added, as made up only, but not exceeding about 10%.
k) Condition of oil can be checked by ascertaining its acidity and electric strength.
Both properties should be measured at regular intervals by method given in IS
335-1972.The acidity is normally between 0.3 to 0.5 mg KOH per g of oil, the
cover should be removed to ascertain the condition of the interior of the tank and
core and windings, oil should be treated or discarded if sludge or corrosion is
evident. It may be noted the reconditioning by centrifugal separation filtration
does not remove sludge, dust, dirt etc and will tend to retard the process of
deterioration. Filters with fullers Earth will help to reduce acidity in the used oils
and in addition improve the resistivity. Oil with excessive acidity should be

reconditioned. Reconditioning can generally be under taken only at the factory.
(l) Sample of the oil should be taken at regular intervals and tested to IS 335.Reco
mmended intervals for tests are mentioned in maintenance schedule
Following are the factors affecting the life of transformer.
(a) Moisture:-Due to higher affinity of water, the transformer oil and the
insulation paper absorb moisture from the air, which result in decrease of
dielectric strength. Hence preventive steps should be taken to guard against
moisture penetration to the transformer. This will include blocking of all openings
for free access of air n storage and frequent reactivation of breathers in service.
(b) Oxygen:-Oxygen may be present inside the transformer oil due to air pockets
trapped in the windings, etc. The oxygen reacts on the cellulose of insulation and
decomposes it, which will result in sludge formation, blocking free circulation of
oil. Sometimes, the oxygen may act as catalytic agent and increase the operating
between hot oil and bare copper.
(c) Solid impurities:-Dielectric strength of oil diminishes appreciable by minute
quantities of solid impurities. It is therefore a good practice to filter the oil after it
has been in service for reasonable time.
(d) Varnishes:-Some varnishes particularly of the oxidizing type enter readily in
reaction with transformer oil and precipitate sludge on the windings. Synthetic
varnishes having acid inhibiting properties generally delay the natural formation
of acid and sludge in the oil. This should be done in mind by the maintenance
engineer when rewinding and replacing the coils during repairs of transformers.
(e) Effects of slackness of windings:-Coils are fully clamped before the
transformer leaves the factory. Natural setting of coils may takes place during first
few months of operation. Slackness of winding may cause a Failure due to
repeated movement of coils which may wear the conductor insulation at some
places and lead to an interterm failure. The coils may also get displaced under the
load conditions or momentary short circuit which may cause electric and
magnetic unbalance. It is therefore a good practice to lift the core and winding of

a transformer and remove any slackness by tightening the rods of pressure screws.
Maintenance Procedure:
(a) No work should be done on the transformer unless it is disconnected from all
external electrical circuits and all windings have been solidity earthed. General
notes on information given under storage handling and inspection are applicable
for routine maintenance. Oil level shall be maintained to keep the insulation under
oil and lowered to reasonable before slackness and removing bolts, nuts and
conservators, radiators; etc. No fire shall be near the transformer while work is
going on. Precautions are to be taken to secure tools with tape outside the tank, to
prevent them from dropping inside the tank.
(b) Core and Winding:-It is recommended that the core and windings be
removed from the tank for visual inspection as per the maintenance schedule at
the end. The windings should be examined to ensure the no sludge has deposited
blocking the oil ducts. Any loose nut and bolt should be tightened. Adjusting rods
/ coil clamping screws provided should be tightened to bear evenly and firmly on
the coil clamping block/rings, if there is any slacking of windings. Before lifting
the core and windings from the tanks it is necessary to disconnect the windings
from the bushings inside the tank, to disconnect the off circuit tap switch handle,
to remove earthing strip between the core and the tank, and remove fixing bars
between core clamps and tanks guide bars. The core and windings must be
removed with great care under cover and in dry lace. If this is not possible a
visual inspection of as much of the transformer as can be seen within its tanks
should be carried out. Refer unmaking instruction also.
(c) Off circuit tap switch:
i) This is an integral part of the transformer. Care should be taken to switch off th
etransformer from line before operating the switch handle. To operate the switch,
unlock the operating handle by removing the locking strip/pin. Move the handle
to required position and relock. Tapping position number can be seen through the
windows of handle alternatively on the handle when window not provided.
ii) Off Circuit tap changing links :-Tap changing links are provided inside the

tank. They are located under oil, and are accessible from the inspection opening to
operate the links. Links should be unbolted by loosening nuts on studs and fixed
in desired tap position
iii) On Load tap changer:-On load tap changer is normally mounted on the tank is
a separate housing and connected to winding leads through copper studs fixed on
a insulated terminal board Terminal board is on leak proof. Oil in the tank need
not be lowered down for a attending to OLTC gear. Please see OLTC leaflet for
the operation and maintenance instructions.
(d) Conservator :-Conservator is so designed that the lower part acts as sump in
which any impurities entering the conservator will collect. A drain plug is fitted at
the lowest point of the conservator for draining and sampling oil. While sampling,
care must be taken to run off any contaminated oil before taking a sample for
testing. The inside of the conservator should be cleaned every 2 to 3 years by
flushing clean transformer oil to remove sludge and other impurities. Oil level
should be maintained at “Filling level” mark (+30C).
(e) Oil gauges:-Plain oil gauge : Oil gauge glass should be kept clean so that
the gauge can fulfill their purpose. Broken glasses should be replaced
immediately. Magnetic oil gauge : When the conservator is stripped for cleaning,
the mechanism of the float type oil gauge should be inspected and cleaned. The
function of alarm and trip contacts should be checked.
(f) Silica gel dehydrating breather :-Breather should be examined frequently to
ascertain if the silica gel requires changing. The frequency of inspection depends
on local climate and operating conditions. More frequent inspection are needed
when the climate is humid and when transformer is subject to fluctuating load.
The crystals of silica gel in the rather act as an indicator and changed from blue to
pink, on becoming saturated with moisture. When majority of crystals have turned
pink, the silica gel should b heated in or over a shallow pan at a temperature
of150C to 200C until the original blue colour is regained .This usually takes 2 to 3
hours. Oil should be cleaned to remove dust and dirty oil. The level in oil seal
should be maintained with fresh oil. Check that inside of connecting pipe between

breather and conservator is clean and not rusted.
(g) Buchhloz relay :-Routine operation and mechanism inspection tests should be
carried our at one or two yearly intervals respectively. Te operation is tested by
injecting air through lower level petcock of double float buchhloz relay.(refer
installation manual of Buchhloz relay for testing). After inspection, any air, which
has accumulated in the gas chamber, must be released at the upper level petcock
leaving the chamber full of oil .To carry out mechanical inspection, the oil level
should first be brought below the level of relay or the shut off valve between
conservator and tanks closed and the mechanism removed. The float should be
tightly clamped and be in good order. If a mercury switch is defective owing to
the glass being cracked. There will b clouding of the glass. In such cases the
switch must be replaced during operation if there is an alarm and gas is found to
be collected, the transformer should be isolated from lines and the gas should be
tested and analyzed to find out the nature of fault. Sometimes if may be noticed
that the gas collected is only air. The reason for this may be that the oil is
releasing any absorbed air due to change in temperature. Internal faults can be
identified to a great extent by a chemical analysis of gas .By examining the gas it
is possible to detect the nature of fault.
i) Colorless and odorless gas with faint odor of oil is air trapped in the oil or insul
ii) Grayish white, non inflammable gas with sharp penetrating odor may by due to
overheating or faulty insulation.
iii) Yellowish and inflammable gas may be due to surface leakage on material like
v) Darkgrayand inflammable gas may be due to flashover in oil or due to
excessive over heating of oil caused by a fault in the winding or core.
(h) Explosion vent :-The diaphragm, which is fitted at the exposed end of the vent
should be inspected at frequently intervals and replaced if damaged. Failure to
replace the diaphragm quickly may allow the ingress of moisture in the
transformer. If the bottom diaphragm has broken because of a faulty in the t/f,

inspection should be carried our to determine the natural and cause of the fault.
(i) Gasket :-Gasket sometimes shrink during service. It is therefore, necessary to
check the tightness of all bolts/ fasteners of casketed
joints. The bolts should be tightened evenly around the joints to avoid uneven
pressure. Leaky gaskets should be replaced as soon as the circumstances permit.
(j) Pipe Work:-The pipe work should be inspected at least once a year. Leak may
be due to badly sealed joints caused by misalignment, in which case the pipes
should be aligned and joints remade.
(k) Temperature Indicators:-At each yearly maintenance inspecting, the level of
oil in the pockets holding thermometer bulbs should be checked and the oil
replenished if required. The capillary tubing should be fastened down again if it
has become lose. Dial glasses should be kept clean. Temperature indicators,
if found to be reading incorrectly, should be calibrated with standard thermometer
immersed in hot oil bath.
(L) Paint work :-During storage and service, the paint work should be inspected
once a year and necessary painting or retouching carried out. If the metal surface
is exposed and becomes dirty rusty or greasy because of delay in repairing the
paint work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned before repainting tonsure a
good bond between metal and paint. If recommended paints are not available, any
good quality synthetic enamel paint may be used .


 Winding temperature scanner for dry type

 Winding temperature indicator
 Oil temperature indicator
 Buchholz relay
 HT fuse.LT fuse and G.O.
 LT ckt breaker & HT ckt breaker with over load earth fault relay tripping
 Pressure relief valve(PRV)
 Horn gap, rod gap, Lightning arrester
 Explosive vent pipe
 Breather
 Earthing transformer
 NGT & NET etc.


Essential qualities of protection-
1) Selectivity
2) Reliability
3) Sensitivity
4) Stability
5) Fast operation
Transformer being a vital equipment, its protection is equally important.
Transformer may suffer from:-
(i) Earth Fault
(ii) Phase to phase fault
(iii)Inter turn fault

(iv) Core fault

A) Star connected winding with neutral point earthed through an impedance:

The fault current for the fault is dependent on the valve of earthing impedance and
is also proportional to the distance of the fault from neutral point as the voltage at
the fault point will be directly proportional to the distance. The fault current in the
primary winding depends on the transformation ratio b/w pm winding and short
circuited turns, which varies with the position of fault in the winding.

B) Star connected winding with neutral point solidly earthed:-

In this case, fault current is controlled by the leakage reactance of the winding
which varies with the position of fault on the winding. As in the earlier case, the
voltage available for fault current varies with the position of fault on the winding.
It is seen that the reactance decreases very rapidly for the fault point approaching
the neutral and hence the fault current is the highest for a fault near the neutral
end of the winding.

C) Restricted earth fault protection:-

A simple over current and earth fault system will not give protection cover for a
star connected winding, particularly if the neutral is earthed through an impedance
. Restricted earth fault protection on a t/f is a subject for which there has been
little attention and , compared to other types of protection, very little literature
exists. Depending on the method of t/f earthing and fault location, some t/f earth
faults results in only a small increase in phase current, which t/f differential
protection may not detect . Conversely , the amount of current in the neutral may
be sufficient to detect most or all earth faults, again depending on the earthing
method. By connecting an REF relay to CTs installed in correct locations on the
t/f , one can use REF protection to complement differential protection in detecting
t/f earth fault.

Phase to phase faults in the t/f are rare. If such a fault does occur, it will give rise
to substantial current to operate instantaneous over current relay on the primary
side as well as the differential relay.


Inter turn fault occurs because of mechanical forces on the winding due to
external short ckt. T/f differential protection protects against short ckts b/w turns
of a winding and b/w windings that correspond to phase to phase or three phase
type short ckts.
If there is no earthing connection at the t/f location point, this protection can also
be used to protect against earth fault. If the earth current is limited by impedance ,
it is generally not possible to set the current threshold to a value less than the
limiting current. The protection must be then carried out by a high impedance
differential protection.
T/f differential protection operates very quickly , roughly 30 ms, which allows
any t/f deterioration in the event of a short ckt b/w windings to be avoided.


If any portion of the core insulation becomes defective of the laminated structure
of the core is bridged by any conducting material which can permit sufficient
eddy current to flow, it will cause serious over heating. This additional core loss
although it causes severe local heating, will not produce a noticeable change in
the input current and can not be detected by normal electrical protection. However
it is desirable to detected before a major fault has been created. Excessive heating
of core will break down t/f oil with evolution of gas. This gas rises to the

(a) All faults in t/f or and winding results in the localized heating and
breakdown of oil. When the fault is of very minor type such as hot joint,
gas is released slowly and rises towards conservator . A major fault where
severe arcing takes place causes rapid release of large volume of gas and
oil vapour. This violent evolution of gas and oil vapour does not have time
to escape instead builds up pressure and bodily displaces the oil, causing
surge of oil to pass up the relief pipe to conservator recognition of the
above action by buchholz, and the limitation of other means of detecting
certain types of fault, led to the development of a protective device known
by his name. Two electrical contacts are available in buchholz relay, one
for alarm and the other for trip.
(b) Because the heavy arcing inside the t/f .if excessive pressure is generated,
it is released through the pressure relief device. Also one electrical contact
on the device is made which trips the circuit breakers and isolate the t/f
from electrical circuit.
(c) The overload of persistent fault increases oil temperature and winding
temperature or both .If the temperature increases beyond safe working
limit, the electrical contacts provided on these devices are made. When
first contact is made it gives alarm signal in the control room. If
temperature rises further ,another contact is made which trips the t/f.


At the conclusion of my training report of practical training, I wish to record my

deep sense of satisfaction and pride for undergoing 30 days of practical training

By this training I not only fulfilled the requirements of syllabus of my B.tech

degree but also had the opportunity of seeing how men and m/c are at work at the
company. I got the experience how the discipline, responsibility, sense of duty ,
cordial relation and proper understandings are prevailed at all levels of hierarchy.

Thus my training program was fairly planned and nicely executed to my entire
satisfaction it was meaningful practical training in all aspects.




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