Behavior of Steel Box Girders With Top Flange Bracing
Behavior of Steel Box Girders With Top Flange Bracing
Behavior of Steel Box Girders With Top Flange Bracing
By Zhanfei Fan,1 Student Member, ASCE, and Todd A. Helwig,2 Associate Member, ASCE
ABSTRACT: A critical design stage for steel girders occurs during casting of the concrete bridge deck, when
the noncomposite steel section must support the wet concrete and the entire construction load. Although a
composite box girder has a high torsional stiffness in the completed bridge, during construction the open section
is relatively flexible in torsion. A horizontal truss system is usually installed at the top flange level to increase
the torsional stiffness and form a quasi-closed section. This paper presents results from a finite-element study
on the bending behavior of trapezoidal box girder systems during construction. The results show that large forces
can develop in the horizontal truss system due to vertical bending of the box girder. For truss systems with a
single diagonal, the forces induced from bending result in large lateral bending stresses in the top flanges of the
box. Many current design methods and computer programs do not consider the truss forces and top flange lateral
bending stresses induced from bending. Expressions to estimate the bending forces in the lateral truss system
as well as the lateral bending stresses in the top flange are developed. A numerical example illustrates the use
of the expressions.
INTRODUCTION system that is used, large lateral bending stresses may result
in the top flange. These large brace forces and girder stresses
Composite box girder bridges usually consist of steel girders are often not predicted by computer programs for box girder
of trapezoidal cross section with two top flanges and a con- analysis. An analytical method to evaluate truss forces and
crete slab. The closed cross section of the box in the completed girder stresses is therefore warranted.
bridge has a torsional stiffness that may be 100 to more than The paper will begin by presenting background information
1,000 times the stiffness of a comparable I-girder section. The and discussing recommendations by current design guides, fol-
large torsional stiffness makes box girders attractive for ap- lowed by an overview of the finite-element model used in the
plication in horizontally curved bridges in which the bridge analysis. Results from the finite-element analysis (FEA) will
geometry may result in large torques on the girders. In addi- then be presented; they show the effects of vertical bending
tion, there are a number of other structural, maintenance, and on horizontal truss forces and lateral bending of the top
aesthetic advantages that make box girders attractive for use flanges. Comparisons are made with the FEA results and pro-
in both curved and straight bridges. posed design equations that are developed in Appendix I. The
Although the torsional stiffness of a composite box girder last section of the paper summarizes the findings in the paper.
is large in the completed bridge, during transport, erection, and A numerical example is presented in Appendix II.
construction the girder consists of an open section with rela-
tively low torsional stiffness. This poses a major problem dur- BACKGROUND
ing the early stages of bridge construction when the steel sec-
tion may be subjected to large torques. Fig. 1 shows some The distribution of torsional moments in a curved box girder
typical bracing systems employed in box girders to increase may be obtained using a computer program for curved girders,
the torsional stiffness of the steel section. Internal cross frames or by approximate methods such as the M/R method discussed
[Fig. 1(a)] or diaphragms are used to control distortion of the by Tung and Fountain (1970). Although a three-dimensional
cross section from the applied torsion. Although external di- finite-element analysis may be performed on the box girder,
aphragms between adjacent girders can be used to increase the most current programs for curved girders are based on a grid
torsional stiffness of the bridge, they are mainly used only at analysis that makes use of line elements to model the girder.
supports due to aesthetic and fatigue concerns. A horizontal A program based upon a grid analysis typically requires the
truss fastened to the box near the top flanges is commonly cross-sectional properties such as the moment of inertia and
used to increase the torsional stiffness of the steel section. The
girder with the horizontal truss as shown in Fig. 1(b) or Fig.
1(c) is often referred to as a quasi-closed box girder.
The present paper focuses on the design and behavior of
the top flange horizontal truss that is used to increase the tor-
sional stiffness of the steel section during girder erection and
bridge construction. In particular, the effects of vertical bend-
ing of the box girder on the truss forces will be addressed.
Most current design methods neglect the effects of girder
bending stresses on the horizontal truss behavior; however, in
some cases, truss forces in the maximum bending region may
actually exceed the maximum member forces caused by the
torsional moments. In addition, depending on the type of truss
Res. Asst., Civ. Engrg. Dept., Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-
Asst. Prof., Civ. Engrg. Dept., Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX.
Note. Associate Editor: Ronald D. Ziemian. Discussion open until Jan-
uary 1, 2000. To extend the closing date one month, a written request
must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on Decem-
ber 22, 1998. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineer- FIG. 1. Bracing Systems for Box Girders: (a) Internal Cross-
ing, Vol. 125, No. 8, August, 1999. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/99/0008- Frame; (b) Single Diagonal-Type Horizontal Top Truss; (c) X-
0829–0837/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 19903. Type Horizontal Top Truss
K2 = ⫹ (13) which was found by dividing the maximum flange lateral mo-
Ad As
ment of [Sbend(2s)/8] by the section modulus (b 2f tf )/6.
which are the same expressions given in (2a) and (4).
X-Type Truss Forces due to Lateral Load
SD-Type Truss Components
The joints between the truss and the flanges can be divided A force of ps results at each truss panel point due to the
into two types, A and B, as shown in Fig. 19(b). At joint A lateral load component, p. The diagonals and the struts in an
only a strut is connected to the flange, while a strut and two X-type truss resist this force. The longitudinal deformation of
diagonals frame into joint B. Since the lateral stiffness of the the top flanges is assumed negligible. Therefore, if the elon-
web is negligible, lateral equilibrium of a top flange shows gation of the struts is v, the elongation of the diagonals, ⌬diag
that the interactive forces Q and Sbend are equal in magnitude is
and opposite in direction. Horizontal equilibrium of joint B in ⌬diag = v sin ␣ (21)
Fig. 19(b) gives
The axial forces in struts and diagonals are given by the fol-
Sbend = ⫺Dbend sin ␣ (14) lowing expressions:
v fx Top s cos ␣
Slat = EAs (22) Dbend =
b K2
Dlat = EAd
= EAd sin ␣
(23) 冉 ⫺122.8 MPa ⫻
1,000 kPa
MPa 冊(3.05 m)cos(45⬚)
= = ⫺71.2 kN
The equilibrium at the joints requires 3,720 m⫺1
Slat ⫹ 2Dlat sin ␣ = ps (24)
The bending forces in both diagonals X1 and X2 is ⫺71.2 kN
Substitution of (22) and (23) into (24) results in the following (⫺160 kips) compression.
expression for v:
ps Total
冉 冊
v= (25)
EAs 2EAd Using (6b), the total axial forces are ⫺97.9–71.2 = ⫺169.1
⫹ sin2␣ kN (38.0 kips) for diagonal X1 (compression) and 97.9–71.2
b d
= 26.7 kN (6.0 kips) for diagonal X2 (tension). The FEA re-
Substituting (25) back into (22) and (23) and rearranging re- sults are ⫺159.2 kN for X1 and 31.5 kN for X2. Note: If the
sults in the following expressions: diagonal force due to the lateral load component is considered
using (27), the results are ⫺162.2 kN for X1 and 33.6 kN for
Slat = ps (26) X2.
Ad K2
b sin ␣ Strut Force
Dlat = ps (27)
As K2 Using a bending moment of 5,670 kN ⭈ m, the axial diagonal
forces due to bending in the panel to the left of the above
where K2 is given in (13). Since the forces in the diagonal are
panel [80.8 m (265 ft) to support A] can be calculated as above
generally small compared to the forces due to bending and
to give Dbend = ⫺51.0 kN (⫺11.5 kips). The axial force in the
torsion, the method presented in the main text designs only
strut between these two panels due to bending is calculated by
the struts for the force ps.
(2b) using the average Dbend from the two adjacent panels
Consider the three-span box girder shown in Fig. 6. Deter-
Sbend = ⫺2Dbend sin ␣ = ⫺2 冉⫺51.0 kN ⫺ 71.2 kN
mine the axial forces in the bracing panel in the interior span ⭈ sin(45⬚) = 86.4 kN (19.4 kips) (30)
located 29.0 m (95.0 ft) to the right of support B [or 83.8 m
(275 ft) from support A]. The bending and torsional moments The lateral component of the applied loading is p = 24.1 ⫻
in the middle of the panel are 7,907 kN ⭈ m (69,985 k ⭈ in.) and 0.25 = 6.0 kN/m (0.4 kips/ft), which results in ps = 6.0 ⫻
⫺514 kN ⭈ m (⫺4,554 k ⭈ in.), respectively. Assume WT6 ⫻ 13 3.05 = 18.3 kN (4.1 kips). The total strut force is therefore
diagonals [Ad = 24.6 cm2 (3.8 sq. in.)] and an L4 ⫻ 4 ⫻ STot = 86.4 ⫹ 18.3 = 104.7 kN (23.5 kips). The FEA results
5/16 strut [As = 15.5 cm2 (2.4 sq in.)] for the X-type truss. yielded 94.4 kN. If (26) is used, which accounts for the di-
agonals carrying a portion of the lateral load component, Slat
Torsion = 8.6 kN, which results in STot = 86.4 ⫹ 8.6 = 95.0 kN.
Using the equations from the EPM as outlined in Fig. 2, the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
shear flow is given by q = T/(2A0). A0 is the area enclosed by
The writers would like to thank the Texas Department of Transporta-
the box. The average width of the box is (304.8 ⫹ 190.5)/2 tion (TxDOT) for providing funding for this research investigation. In
= 247.7 cm (97.5 in.) and the depth is 228.6 cm (90 in.), from addition, the writers would like to extend special thanks to Karl Frank,
which A0 = 247.7 ⫻ 228.6 = 5.66 m2 (8,775 sq in.). The shear Joseph Yura, Reagan Herman, Chris Gilchrist, Bryan Chen, and Michael
flow is therefore q = 514/[2(5.66)] = 45.4 kN ⭈ m (0.26 kips/ Lopez, as well as TxDOT engineers Arnie Cohen and John Vogel.
in.). The width of the box at the top is 3.05 m (120 in.), while
␣ = 45⬚, which therefore gives DEPM = qb/(2 sin ␣) = 45.4 ⫻ APPENDIX III. REFERENCES
3.05/[2 sin(45⬚)] = ⫾97.9 kN (⫾22.0 kips). Diagonal X2 will
ANSYS users manual: Version 5.3. (1996). ANSYS, Houston, Pa.
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a bending stress at the top flange equal to ⫺122.8 MPa Houston, Tex.
(⫺17.81 ksi) in compression. The length of the diagonal is Guide specifications of horizontally curved highway bridges. (1993).
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d 2b sin2␣ 431 cm 2 ⫻ (305 cm) ⫻ sin2(45⬚)
K2 = ⫹ = 2 ⫹
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Ad As 24.6 cm 15.5 cm2 Pittsburgh.
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= 37.2 cm⫺1 = 3,720 m⫺1 (28) gineering approach. Springer, New York.
⫺1 ⫺1
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