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2.5.1 - Rollers Series PSV Where Used

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1 - Rollers series PSV

Where used
Rollers PSV are particularly suited to
conveyors that operate in very difficult
conditions, where working loads are high,
and large lump size material is conveyed;
and yet, despite these characteristics, they
require minimal maintenance.

Typical types of application are: mines,

caves, cement works, coal-fired electric
utilities and dock installations.

The effectiveness of the PSV roller seal-

ing system provides the solution to the
environmental challenges of dust, dirt,
water, low and high temperatures or
applications where there is a large temperature
imbalance between day and night.

The working temperature, with standard

greased components is defined as between
-20°C and +100°C.
It is possible to reach temperatures outside
of this range using special grease, bearings
and seals.

2 Rollers The rollers series PSV offer the highest Roller shell
quality and the maximum load capacity of It is the external diameter of the roller that is
Rulmeca’s production. in contact with the conveyor belt.
series It consists of a steel welded tube produ-
The unique design of our hermetic seal sys- ced according to Rulmeca standards,
PSV tem not only protects the bearings but offers with reference to tight tolerances and
maximum effectiveness and long life, even in particular specifications.
the presence of the most severe pollutants. The tube is cut and machined using auto-
matic numerically controlled machines, that
The control of all roller materials from incom- guarantee and maintain the tolerances and
ing inspection, through manufacture and the precision of the square cut.
assembly in the automatic cycle, with on
line function tests on 100% of production, Bearing housing
allows us to state that the function and life of It is a steel monolithic structure, deep drawn
this roller is among the highest in the world. and sized to a forced tolerance ISO M7 at
the bearing position. This tolerance is nec-
Attention to detail, whether at the design essary to guarantee the optimum assembly
stage or in the various manufacturing of the bearing by ensuring that it is square
phases, observing close limits of starting to the spindle of the roller.
resistance, of eccentricity and axial play,
results in notable savings in energy and a The thickness of the housings is propor-
reduction in maintenance over time. tional to the spindle diameter and to the
Spindle bearing type, with thicknesses that are up to
These factors give rise to business econo- 5 mm, to guarantee the maximum strength
mies, confidence and high productivity, for each application, including the heaviest.
objectives pursued by all users of belt
conveyors. Monobloc
The bearing housings of the PSV rollers are
The Quality System certified ISO welded to the tube body using autocentral-
9001:2008 got from Rulmeca attest to their ising automatic welding machines utilising a
continuous quality standards, and their stated continuous wire feed: our patented system
performance. “UNIBLOC”.

Internal seal Circlip Stone guard

Roller shell Bearing housing Precision Labyrinth Cover External
Spindle bearing seal wiper seal

Section of PSV/1,2,3,4,5-FHD

Tube and bearing housing form a monolithic conveyors. night in particular climates.
structure of exceptional strength which itself
Connecting spindle / bearing, bearing The seal must also contain and retain a good
reduces to the minimum any imbalance in
housing quantity of grease for the bearing lubrication.
the roller. This guarantees the alignment and
PSV rollers require particular tolerances for the
concentricity with respect to the external As a guarantee and to complete the PSV
bearing housing, for the spindle and the bear-
diameter of the component parts of the roller sealing system the final components
ing itself, that enables the roller to function
sealing system. are assembled at either end:
optimally for a long life, whilst under pressure.
The optimum balance and concentricity thus - strong external stone guards formed as
obtained allows these rollers to be used at the The above mentioned tolerances functionally
a shield, in anti-corrosive thermoplastic
highest speeds, eliminating harmful vibration guarantees the autoalignment of the inter-
material, to protect the seals from the fall
to the conveyor structure and the “hammer nal and outer bearing rings of the ball race
of material onto the
effect” on the bearings of the rollers. resulting in a good performance even when
end cap of the roller.
the spindle deflection is extreme due to
Spindle overloading.
- seal with two principal sections: one
This is the component which sustains the external and one internal.
roller when it is assembled into the troughing Sealing
set supports. It is made from drawn steel, The seals comprise the most important
- external section: self cleaning in that it
cut and machined by automatic numerically components in the design of the PSV
centrifugally repels water and dust naturally
controlled machines. rollers.
towards the outside. Comprises a lip ring
The spindle is ground for all its lenght or in seal made from soft anti-abrasive rubber
The principal task of the seals is to protect
the bearings and seals zones to a precision with a large contact surface that provides an
the bearing from harmful elements that
tolerance, to guarantee a perfect match of effective hermetic seal of long working life.
may impinge from the outside or the inside
bearings, seals and optimum performance. The self cleaning effect is principally due to
of the roller.
Bearings the particular design of the cover cap and
These are the parts which give virtually The working conditions of these rollers the shape of the bearing housing which
frictionless rotation to the tube body with is very often the most severe, with the when rotating, tends to expel all pollutants,
respect to the fixed spindle. presence of dust, abrasive sand, water and centrifugally.
Precision bearings only are used. various other pollutants.
- internal section: triple lip labyrinth in
They are the radial ball race type of the On the inside of the roller there may be nylon PA6 greased to give further bearing
series: 6204, 6205, 6305, 6206, 6306, particles formed by the rusting of the internal protection.
6308 with internal clearance tolerance C3, tube body or condensation caused by the Behind the bearing a sealing ring in nylon
ideal for applications of rollers used for belt thermal changes that arise between day and PA6 is positioned that provides an ample

Internal seal Circlip Stone guard

Roller shell Bearing housing
Precision Labyrinth Cover External
Spindle bearing seal wiper seal

Section of PSV/7-FHD

2 Rollers

grease reservoir and also retains the grease Lubrication

near to the bearing even when there is a PSV rollers are lubricated for life with
depression due to an abrupt change in an abundant quantity of lithium based
temperature (pumping effect). water repellent grease, that guarantees the
This ring acts also as a seal to counteract correct lubrication for the working life of
the eventual formation of condensation and the roller.
oxidation which could take place inside
the tube. Final inspection
All PSV rollers are assembled on automatic
- locking system: provided by means of the assembly machines with live test stations
correctly located circlips, which today is the that maintains roller rotation for a sufficient
best and the strongest system implemented time to distribute the grease into the bear-
in heavy rollers for belt conveyors. ings and all the other internal components.
100% of the rollers are tested to verify their
low-torque characteristics.

Programme of production series PSV

roller ø basic spindle bearing note

type mm design s d ch
The table indicates the type and diameter PSV/1-FHD 63 N 3 20 14 6204
of standard rollers in production ac-
cording to European standards to DIN 89 N 3
15207- ISO 1537. 108 N 3,5
133 N 4
Upon request rollers may be supplied with
varying dimensions, tube thickness end PSV/2-FHD 89 N 3 25 18 6205
diameters according to standards CEMA, 108 N 3,5
133 N 4
159 N 4,5
Rollers certified according to ATEX 94/9/EC norms,
Explosion Group I category M2 for Mines,
Explosion Group II category 2G for gas and 2D for dust, PSV/3-FHD 89 N 3 25 18 6305
Explosion Group II category 3G for gas and 3D for dust
with tube and
(Zones 1, 2 for gas, Zones 21, 22 for dust). 108 N 3,5 spindle in steel
S235JR (EN 10027-1)
133 N 4
ex Fe360 (EN 10025),
159 N 4,5 St37 (DIN 17100)
PSV/4-FHD 89 N 3 30 22 6206
108 N 3,5
133 N 4
159 N 4,5
PSV/5-FHD 89 N 3 30 22 6306

108 N 3,5
133 N 4

159 N 4,5
PSV/7-FHD 108 N 4 40 32 6308
133 N 4
159 N 4,5
194 N 6,3
219 N 6,3


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