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Integrasi Kurikulum Cambridge

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Berikut ini adalah tabel hasil analisis integrasi learning objectives dalam Cambridge Curriculum dengan Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP)

2006 di jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) berdasarkan teori Fogarty (Connected Way).

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

7Ni1. Recognise negative numbers as positions on a number line, and order, add and subtract positive and negative
integers in context.
7Ni2. Recognise multiples, factors, common factors, primes (all less than 100), making use of simple tests of divisibility;
find the lowest common multiple in simple cases; use the ‘sieve’ for generating primes developed by Eratosthenes.
7Ni3. Recognise squares of whole numbers to at least 20 × 20 and the corresponding square roots; use the notation 72^2
and SQRT(49)
7Np1. Interpret decimal notation and place value; multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000.
7Np2. Order decimals including measurements, changing these to the same units.
7Np3. Round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 and decimals, including measurements, to the nearest whole
number or one decimal place.
7Nf1. Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions, decimals and percentages.
7Nf2. Simplify fractions by cancelling common factors and identify equivalent fractions; change an improper fraction to
Kelas 7 :
a mixed number,and vice versa; convert terminating decimals to fractions, e.g. 0.23 = 23/100
1.1 Melakukan operasi hitung
7Nf3. Compare two fractions by using diagrams, or by using a calculator to convert the fractions to decimals, e.g. and 3/5
bilangan bulat dan pecahan
and 13/20
7Nf4. Add and subtract two simple fractions, e.g. , 1/8+9/8, 11/12-5/8; find fractions of quantities (whole number
answers); multiply a fraction by an integer.
7Nf5. Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100; use fractions and percentages to describe parts of
shapes, quantities and measures.
7Nf6. Calculate simple percentages of quantities (whole number answers) and express a smaller quantity as a fraction or
percentage of a larger one.
7Nf7. Use percentages to represent and compare different quantities.
7Nc1. Consolidate the rapid recall of number facts, including positive integer complements to 100, multiplication facts to
10 × 10 and associated division facts.
7Nc2. Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide two digit numbers by a single-digit number, e.g. 45 × 6,
96 ÷ 6.
Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

7Nc4. Use known facts and place value to multiply simple decimals by one-digit numbers, e.g. 0.8 × 6.
7Nc5. Calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities, e.g. one quarter of 64, 20% of 50 kg.
7Nc8. Add and subtract integers and decimals, including numbers with different numbers of decimal places.
7Nc9. Multiply and divide decimals with one and/ or two places by single digit numbers, e.g. 13.7x8, 4,35+5
7Nc10. Know that in any division where the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor there will be a remainder, e.g. 157 ÷
25 = 6 remainder 7. The remainder can be expressed as a fraction of the divisor, e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6 7/25
7Nc11. Know when to round up or down after division when the context requires a whole-number answer
8Ni1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers.
8Ni2. Identify and use multiples, factors, common factors, highest common factors, lowest common multiples and
primes; write a number in terms of its prime factors, e.g. 500 = 22 × 53.
8Np1. Read and write positive integer powers of 10; multiply and divide integers and decimals by 0.1, 0.01
8Np2. Order decimals, including measurements, making use of the =, ≠, > and < signs
8Np3. Round whole numbers to a positive integer power of 10, e.g. 10, 100, 1000 or decimals to the nearest whole
number or one or two decimal places.
8Nf1. Find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages by converting between them.
1.1 Melakukan operasi hitung 8Nf3. Order fractions by writing with common denominators or dividing and converting to decimals
bilangan bulat dan pecahan 8Nf4. Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers; calculate fractions of quantities (fraction answers); multiply and
divide an integer by a fraction.
8Nf6. Use equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages to compare different quantities.
8Nc1. Use known facts to derive new facts, e.g. given 20 × 38 = 760, work out 21 × 38
8Nc2. Recall squares to 20 × 20, cubes to 5 × 5 × 5, and corresponding roots.
8Nc3. Recall simple equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
8Nc4. Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide simple fractions.
8Nc5. Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide simple decimals, e.g. 0.07 × 9, 2.4 ÷ 3.
8Nc6. Use known facts and place value to calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities.
8Nc9. Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations with integers and fractions.
8Nc11. Consolidate adding and subtracting integers and decimals, including numbers with differing numbers of decimal

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

8Nc12. Divide integers and decimals by a single-digit number, continuing the division to a specified number of decimal
places, e.g. 68 ÷ 7.
9Ni1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide directed numbers.
9Ni2. Estimate square roots and cube roots.
9Np2. Round numbers to a given number of decimal places or significant figures; use to give solutions to problems with
an appropriate degree of accuracy.
9Nf1. Consolidate writing a fraction in its simplest form by cancelling common factors.
9Nf4. Recognise when fractions or percentages are needed to compare different quantities
9Nc5. Recognise the effects of multiplying and dividing by numbers between 0 and 1.
7Nc3. Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 100.
7Nc6. Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations with whole numbers and decimals
7Nc7. Use the order of operations, including brackets, to work out simple calculations
7Pt1. Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations with whole numbers and decimals
7Pt6. Check results of calculations by using inverse operations
8Ni3. Calculate squares, positive and negative square roots, cubes and cube roots; use the notation 49 and 64 3 and index
1.2 Menggunakan sifat-sifat opera-si notation for positive integer powers.
hitung bilangan bulat dan pecahan 8Nf2. Convert a fraction to a decimal using division; know that a recurring decimal is a fraction.
dalam pe-mecahan masalah. 8Nf5. Calculate and solve problems involving percentages of quantities and percentage increases or decreases; express
one given number as a fraction or percentage of another
8Nc10. Use the order of operations, including brackets, with more complex calculations
8Nc13. Multiply and divide integers and decimals by decimals such as 0.6 or 0.06, understanding where to place the
decimal point by considering equivalent calculations, e.g. 4.37 × 0.3 = (4.37 × 3) ÷ 10, 92.4 ÷ 0.06 = (92.4 × 100) ÷ 6.
8Pt1. Calculate accurately, choosing operations and mental or written methods appropriate to the numbers and context.
8Pt2. Use the order of operations, including brackets, with more complex calculations.
8Pt8. Solve word problems involving calculations with whole numbers, fractions, percentages, decimals, money or
1.2 Menggunakan sifat-sifat opera-si measures, including multi-step problems.
hitung bilangan bulat dan pecahan 9Ni3. Use positive, negative and zero indices and the index laws for multiplication and division of positive integer
dalam pe-mecahan masalah. powers.
9Np3. Use the order of operations, including brackets and powers.

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

9Nf2. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions, interpreting division as a multiplicative inverse, and cancelling
common factors before multiplying or dividing.
9Nf3. Solve problems involving percentage changes, choosing the correct numbers to take as 100% or as a whole,
including simple problems involving personal or household finance, e.g. Simple interest, discount, profit, loss and tax.
9Nc3. Consolidate use of the rules of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations.
9Nc4. Multiply by decimals, understanding where to position the decimal point by considering equivalent calculations;
divide by decimals by transforming to division by an integer
9Ae2. Use index notation for positive integer powers; apply the index laws for multiplication and division to simple
algebraic expressions.
7Ae1. Use letters to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meanings of the words term, expression and
2.1 Mengenali bentuk aljabar dan
unsur unsurnya
9Ae3. Construct algebraic expressions.
7Ae2. Know that algebraic operations follow the same order as arithmetic operations
2.2 Melakukan operasi pada bentuk
7Ae3. Construct simple algebraic expressions by using letters to represent numbers
7Pt2. Manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and apply routine algorithms.
7Ae4. Simplify linear expressions, e.g. collect like terms; multiply a constant over a bracket.
7Ae5. Derive and use simple formulae, e.g. to change hours to minutes.
7Ae6. Substitute positive integers into simple linear expressions/formulae.
7Ae7. Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side only), e.g. 2x = 8, 3x +
2.3.Menyele-saikan per-samaan linear 5 = 14, 9– 2x = 7.
satu variabel. 8Pt3. Manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and apply routine algorithms.
9Ae8. Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and without brackets, negative signs anywhere
in the equation, positive or negative solution); solve a number problem by constructing and solving a linear equation.
9As6. Use systematic trial and improvement methods to find approximate solutions of equations such as x 2 + 2x = 20 (1,
2 and 7).
9Ae9. Solve a simple pair of simultaneous linear equations by eliminating one variable.
2.4 Menyele-saikan per-tidaksama-an
9Ae11. Understand and use inequality signs (<, >, Y, [); construct and solve linear inequalities in one variable; represent
linear satu variabel.
the solution set on a number line.
Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

9As6. Use systematic trial and improvement methods to find approximate solutions of equations such as x 2 + 2x = 20 (1,
2 and 7).
3.1 Membuat model ma-tematika dari
masalah yang ber-kaitan dengan
persamaan dan perti-daksama-an
linear satu variabel.
3.2 Menyele-saikan mo-del mate-
matika dari masalah yang ber-kaitan -
dengan persamaan linear satu variabel.
3.3 Menguna-kan konsep aljabar da-
7Pt8. Solve word problems involving whole numbers, percentages, decimals, money or measures: choose operations and
lam peme-cahan ma-salah arit-metika
mental or written methods appropriate to the numbers and context, including problems with more than one step.
so-sial yang sederhana.
7Nf8. Use ratio notation, simplify ratios and divide a quantity into two parts in a given ratio.
7Nf9. Recognise the relationship between ratio and proportion.
7Nf10. Use direct proportion in context; solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion.
8Nf7. Simplify ratios, including those expressed in different units; divide a quantity into more than two parts in a given
3.4 Mengguna- kan per-bandingan 8Nf8. Use the unitary method to solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion.
untuk pe-mecahan masalah. 8Nc8. Solve simple word problems including direct proportion problems.
8Gp4. Interpret and make simple scale drawings.
9Nf5. Compare two ratios; interpret and use ratio in a range of contexts.
9Nf6. Recognise when two quantities are directly proportional; solve problems involving proportionality, e.g. converting
between different currencies.
9Gp8. Make and use scale drawings and interpret maps.
4.1 Mema-hami pe-ngertian dan -
notasi himpunan, serta pe-nyajiannya

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

4.2 Memahami konsep himpunan -

4.3 Melakukan operasi iri-san, ga- -
bungan, kurang (selisih), dan kom-
plemen pada himpunan.
4.4 Menyaji-kan him-punan dengan -
diagram Venn.
4.5 Menggu-nakan konsep himpunan -
dalam pe-mecahan masalah.

7Gs4. Estimate the size of acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest 10°
7Gs6. Calculate the sum of angles at a point, on a straight line and in a triangle, and prove that vertically opposite angles
are equal; derive and use the property that the angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°
5.1Menentu-kan hu-bungan an-tara
7Gs7. Solve simple geometrical problems by using side and angle properties to identify equal lengths or calculate
dua garis, serta besar dan jenis sudut.
unknown angles, and explain reasoning.
9Gp9. Find by reasoning the locus of a point that moves at a given distance from a fixed point, or at a given distance
from a fixed straight line.
7Gs5. Start to recognise the angular connections between parallel lines, perpendicular lines and transversals.
5.2 Mema hami sifat-sifat sudut yang 8Gs4. Identify alternate angles and corresponding angles.
terbentuk jika dua garis berpotongan 8Gs6. Solve geometrical problems using properties of angles, of parallel and intersecting lines, and of triangles and
atau dua garis sejajar berpotongan special quadrilaterals, explaining reasoning with diagrams and text.
dengan garis lain 9Gs2. Solve problems using properties of angles, of parallel and intersecting lines, and of triangles, other polygons and
circles, justifying inferences and explaining reasoning with diagrams and text.

5.3 Melukis sudut -

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

6.1 Mengiden-tifikasi sifat-sifat

segitiga berda-sarkan sisi dan sudut- -
7Gs1. Identify, describe, visualise and draw 2D shapes in different orientations.
7Gs2. Use the notation and labelling conventions for points, lines,angles and shapes.
6.2 Menginden- tifikasi sifat-sifat
7Gs3. Name and identify side, angle and symmetry properties of special quadrilaterals and triangles, and regular
perse-gipanjang, persegi, trapesium,
polygons with 5, 6 and 8 sides.
jajargen-jang, belah ketupat dan
7Gs9. Recognise line and rotation symmetry in 2D shapes and patterns; draw lines of symmetry and complete patterns
with two lines of symmetry; identify the order of rotation symmetry.
8Gs8. Identify all the symmetries of 2D shapes.
7Ga1. 7Ma1 Know the abbreviations for and relationships between square metres (m2), square centimetres (cm2), square
millimetres (mm2).
7Ga2. 7Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area and perimeter of a rectangle; calculate the perimeter and area of
6.3 Menghi -tung keli-ling dan luas compound shapes made from rectangles.
bangun se-gitiga dan segiempat serta 8Ga1.• 9Ma1 Convert between metric units of area, e.g. mm2 and cm2, cm2 and m2 and volume, e.g. mm3 and cm3,
mengguna-kannya da-lam peme-cahan cm3 and m3; know and use the relationship 1 cm3 = 1 ml.
masalah. 8Ga2. 8Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezium; calculate areas of
compound 2D shapes.
8Ga2.9Ma2. Know that land area is measured in hectares (ha), and that 1 hectare = 10 000 m2; convert between hectares
and square metres.
6.4 Melukis segitiga, garis ting-gi,
garis bagi, garis berat dan garis sum- -
8Ae1. Know that letters play different roles in equations, formulae and functions; know the meanings of formula and
Kelas 8:
8Ae2. Know that algebraic operations, including brackets, follow the same order as arithmetic operations; use index
1.1 Melakukan operasi aljabar
notation for small positive integer powers.
8Ae3. Construct linear expressions.

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

8Ae4. Simplify or transform linear expressions with integer coefficients; collect like terms; multiply a single term over a

9Ae1. Know the origins of the word algebra and its links to the work of the Arab mathematician Al’Khwarizmi.
1.2 Mengurai- kan bentuk aljabar ke 9Ae4. Simplify or transform algebraic expressions by taking out single-term common factors.
dalam faktor-faktornya 9Ae5. Add and subtract simple algebraic fractions.
9Ae6. Derive formulae and, in simple cases, change the subject; use formulae from mathematics and other subjects.
7As3. Represent simple functions using words, symbols and mappings.
8Ae6. Substitute positive and negative integers into formulae, linear expressions and expressions involving small powers,
e.g. 3x2 + 4 or 2x3, including examples that lead to an equation to solve.
1.3 Memahami relasi dan fungsi
8As3. Express simple functions algebraically and represent them in mappings.
9Ae10. Expand the product of two linear expressions of the form x ± n and simplify the corresponding quadratic
9Ae7. Substitute positive and negative numbers into expressions and formulae.
1.4 Menentu-kan nilai fungsi
9As3. Find the inverse of a linear function.
1.5 Membuat sketsa gra-fik fungsi 7Gp1. Read and plot coordinates of points determined by geometric information in all four quadrants.
aljabar se-derhana pada sis-tem koor- 9As7. Construct functions arising from real-life problems; draw and interpret their graphs.
dinat Car-tesius 9As8. Use algebraic methods to solve problems involving direct proportion, relating solutions to graphs of the equations.
7As4. Generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a linear equation, where recognise straight-line graphs parallel to the x- or y-
8As4. Construct tables of values and use all four quadrants to plot the graphs of linear functions, where y is given
explicitly in terms of x; recognise that equations of the form y = mx + c correspond to straight-line graphs.
1.6 Menentu- kan gradi-en, persa- 8Gp1. Find the midpoint of the line segment AB, given the coordinates of points A and B.
maan dan grafik garis lurus. 9As4. Construct tables of values and plot the graphs of linear functions, where y is given implicitly in terms of x,
rearranging the equation into the form y = mx + c; know the significance of m and find the gradient of a straight line
9As5. Find the approximate solutions of a simple pair of simultaneous linear equations by finding the point of
intersection of their graphs.
Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

2.1 Menyele-saikan sis-tem persa- 8Ae7. Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on either or both sides, without or with
maan line-ar dua va-riabel brackets).
2.2 Membuat model matematika dari
masa-lah yang berkaitan dengan -
sistem per-samaan linear dua variabel
2.3 Menyele-saikan model mate-
matika dari masalah yang ber-kaitan
9Ae9. Solve a simple pair of simultaneous linear equations by eliminating one variable.
dengan sistem per-samaan linear dua
variabel dan penaf-sirannya
3.1 Menggu-nakan Teorema Pythago-
8Gs3. Know that the longest side of a right-angled triangle is called the hypotenuse.
ras untuk menentu-kan pan-jang sisi-
9Gs7. now and use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve two-dimensional problems involving right-angled triangles.
sisi segi-tiga siku-siku.
3.2 Memecahkan masalah pada
bangun datar yang berkaitan dengan -
Teorema Pythagoras.
4.1 Menentu kan unsur dan bagian-
8Ga1. 8Ma1 Know the definition of a circle and the names of its parts.
bagian lingkaran

4.2 Menghitung keliling dan luas 8Ga1. 8Ma1 Know and use formulae for the circumference and area of a circle.
lingkaran 8Ga3. 8Ma3 Use simple nets of solids to work out their surface areas.
4.3 Mengguna-kan hu-bungan su-dut
pusat, panjang busur, luas juring da- -
lam peme-cahan masalah.
4.4 Menghitung panjang garis
singgung persekutuan dua lingkaran

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

8Gs10. Use a ruler and compasses to construct:

4.5 Melukis lingkaran dalam dan
– circles and arcs – a triangle, given three sides (SSS)
lingkaran luar suatu segitiga
– a triangle, given a right angle, hypotenuse and one side (RHS)
5.1 Mengiden- tifikasi sifat-sifat
7Gs8. Recognise and describe common solids and some of their properties, e.g. the number of faces, edges and vertices.
kubus, ba-lok, prisma dan limas serta
8Gs7. Draw simple nets of solids, e.g. cuboid, regular tetrahedron, square-based pyramid, triangular prism.
5.2 Membuat jaring-jaring ku-bus,
balok, prisma dan limas
7Pt4. Recognise and use spatial relationships in two and three dimensions.
7Ga3. 7Ma3 Derive and use the formula for the volume of a cuboid; calculate volumes of cuboids
7Ga4. 7Ma4 Calculate the surface area of cubes and cuboids from their nets.
5.3 Menghi-tung luas permukaan dan
8Ga2. 8Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezium; calculate areas of
volu-me kubus, balok, pris-ma dan
compound 2D shapes, and lengths, surface areas and volumes of cuboids.
8Ga3. 8Ma3 Use simple nets of solids to work out their surface areas.
8Ga4. Ma4 Calculate lengths, surface areas and volumes in right-angled prisms.
9Pt4. Recognise and use spatial relationships in two dimensions and three dimensions.
Kelas 9:
1.1 Mengiden tifikasi bangun-bangun 8Gs1. Know that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and angles are equal.
datar yang sebangun dan kongruen
1.2 Mengiden- tifikasi sifat-sifat dua 8Ga2. 8Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezium; calculate areas of
segi-tiga seba-ngun dan kongruen compound 2D shapes, and lengths, surface areas and volumes of cuboids.
1.3 Menggunakan konsep keseba-
ngunan segitiga dalam pemecah-an -
2.1 Mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur
tabung, kerucut dan bola

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

2.2 Menghi-tung luas selimut dan

8Ga4. Ma4 Calculate lengths, surface areas and volumes in rightangled cylinders.
volume tabung, kerucut dan bola
2.3 Memecah- kan masa-lah yang
berkaitan dengan tabung, kerucut dan 8Pt5. Recognise and use spatial relationships in two and three dimensions.
7Dc1. Decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and collect and organise the data
7Dc2. Design and use a data collection sheet or questionnaire for a simple survey
7Dp1. Find the mode (or modal class for grouped data), median and range.
7Dp2. Calculate the mean, including from a simple frequency table.
7Di1. Draw conclusions based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics
7Di2. Compare two simple distributions using the range and the mode, median or mean.
8Dc1. Identify and collect data to answer a question; select the method of collection, sample size and degree of accuracy
3.1 Menentu- kan rata-rata, median,
needed for measurements.
dan modus data tung-gal serta
8Dc2. Know the difference between discrete and continuous data.
8Dp1. Calculate statistics for sets of discrete and continuous data; recognise when to use the range, mean, median and
mode and, for grouped data, the modal class.
8Di2. Compare two distributions, using the range and one or more of the mode, median and mean.
9Dc1. Suggest a question to explore using statistical methods; identify the sets of data needed, how to collect them,
sample sizes and degree of accuracy.
9Dc2. Identify primary or secondary sources of suitable data.
9Dc4. Collect and tabulate discrete and continuous data, choosing suitable equal class intervals where appropriate.
7Dc3. 7Dc3 Construct and use frequency tables to gather discrete data, grouped where appropriate in equal class
intervals. Dp Processing and presenting data
3.2.Menyajikan data dalam bentuk 7Dp3. Draw and interpret:
tabel dan diagram batang, garis, dan – bar-line graphs and bar charts – frequency diagrams for grouped discrete data
lingkaran – simple pie charts – pictograms
8Dp2. Draw, and interpret: – frequency diagrams for discrete and continuous data
– pie charts – simple line graphs for time series – stem-and-leaf diagrams

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

8Di1. Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams for discrete and continuous data, and draw conclusions, relating statistics and
findings to the original question.
8Di3. Compare proportions in two pie charts that represent different totals.
8Dc3. Construct and use:
– frequency tables with given equal class intervals to gather continuous data. – two-way tables to record discrete data
9Dc3. Design, trial and refine data collection sheets.
9Dp2. Select, draw, and interpret diagrams and graphs, including:
– frequency diagrams for discrete and continuous data
– line graphs for time series – scatter graphs to develop understanding of correlation
– back to back stem-and-leaf diagrams
9Di1. Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams and make inferences to support or cast doubt on initial conjectures; have a
basic understanding of correlation.
9Pt5. Draw accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs and constructions
9Ps1. Identify, organise, represent and interpret information accurately in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic
4.1 Menentu-kan ruang sampel suatu 7Db4. Identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event.
percobaan 8Db3. Find and list systematically all possible mutually exclusive
7Db1. Use the language of probability to describe and interpret results involving likelihood and chance
7Db2. Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1.
7Db3. Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple
7Db6. Compare experimental and theoretical probabilities in simple contexts
8Db1. Know that if the probability of an event occurring is p, then the probability of it not occurring is 1 – p.
4.2 Menentu-kan pelu-ang suatu
8Db2. Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in practical contexts.
kejadian sederhana
8Db4. Compare estimated experimental probabilities with theoretical probabilities, recognising that:
– when experiments are repeated different outcomes may result – increasing the number of times an experiment is
repeated generally leads to better estimates of probability
9Db1. Know that the sum of probabilities of all mutually exclusive outcomes is 1 and use this when solving probability

Kompetensi Dasar KTSP Learning Objective of Cambridge

9Db2. Find and record all outcomes for two successive events in a sample space diagram.
9Db3. Understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability and use this to compare outcomes of experiments in a
range of contexts.
5.1 Mengiden-tifikasi sifat-sifat
bilangan berpangkat dan bentuk akar
5.2 Melakukan operasi al-jabar yang
9Np1. Recognise the equivalence of 0.1, 10 1 and 10–1; multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10 to the
melibatkan bilangan berpangkat bulat
power of any positive or negative integer.
dan bentuk akar.
5.3 Memecah- kan masa-lah seder-
hana yang berkaitan dengan bilangan -
berpangkat dan bentuk akar
7As1. Generate terms of an integer sequence and find a term given its position in the sequence; find simple term-to-term
8As1. Generate terms of a linear sequence using term-to-term and position-to-term rules; find term-to-term and position-
6.1 Menentu-kan pola barisan bilangan
to-term rules of sequences, including spatial patterns.
8As2. Use a linear expression to describe the nth term of a simple arithmetic sequence, justifying its form by referring to
the activity or practical context from which it was generated.
9As1. Generate terms of a sequence using term-to-term and positionto-term rules.
6.2 Menentu kan suku ke-n barisan 7As2. Generate sequences from spatial patterns and describe the general term in simple cases.
aritmatika dan barisan geometri 9As2. Derive an expression to describe the nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
6.3 Menentu-kan jumlah n suku
pertama deret aritmatika dan geometri
6.4 Memecahkan masalah yang
berkaitan dengan barisan dan deret

Tabel 1. Learning objectives dalam Cambridge curriculum yang dapat diintegrasikan pada KTSP 2006

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