Li Chun
Li Chun
Li Chun
Main problems with registered addresses in CPR
Main problems with registered addresses in CPR
Dwelling ID Family ID Household ID Person ID Name Sex Age Income
H101 1 1 1 Astrid Female 72 y1
H102 2 2 2 Geir Male 35 y2
H102 2 2 3 Jenny Female 34 y3
H102 2 2 4 Markus Male 5 y4
H201 3 3 5 Knut Male 29 y5
H201 4 3 6 Lena Female 28 y6
H202 5 4 7 Ole Male 28 y7
Household Register
Dwelling ID Family ID Household ID∗ Person ID Name Sex Age Income
H101 1 1 1 Astrid Female 72 y1
H101 2 2 2 Geir Male 35 y2
H101 2 2 3 Jenny Female 34 y3
H101 2 2 4 Markus Male 5 y4
H101 3 3 5 Knut Male 29 y5
- 4 4 6 Lena Female 28 y6
- 5 4 7 Ole Male 28 y7
Key elements of HR 2006
• ‘cohabitation tendency’
Key elements of HR 2006
Key elements of HR 2006
Key elements of HR 2006
How to assessing statistical uncertainty?
• SPREE (Purcell & Kish, 1980) to GSPREE (Zhang & Chambers, 2004):
mixed-effects model relating the association structure of the CA-
household (target) to that of the CPR-family (auxiliary)
How to assessing statistical uncertainty?
How to assessing statistical uncertainty?
Example: To obtain household age composition for 4 age groups
(0-18, 18-30, 31-65, 66+), use dummy-index value matrix as follows
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
X = 1 0 0 0 ⇒ AX = 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
How to assessing statistical uncertainty?
Integrating HR and DR
Integrating HR and DR
Person Household Dwelling Dwelling
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 2 2 N/A
4 3 2 N/A
.. .. .. ..
- - - DP + 1
.. .. .. ..
- - - D
NB. M = 2.24 × 106 and D = 2.42 × 106 in 2011
Integrating HR and DR
Nearest neighbour linkage (NNL) of units
sets of units A = {1, 2, ..., nA} and B = {1, 2, ..., nB }
[1] Chen, J. and Shao, J. (2000). Nearest neighbor imputation for survey data.
Journal of Official Statistics, vol. 16, pp. 113-131.
[2] Purcell, N.J. and Kish, L. (1980). Postcensal estimates for local areas (or
domains). International Statistical Review, Vol. 48, pp. 3 - 18.
[3] Zhang, L.-C. (2009). Estimates for small area compositions subjected to in-
formative missing data. Survey Methodology, vol. 35, pp. 191-201.
[4] Zhang, L.-C. (2011). A unit-error theory for register-based household statis-
tics. Journal of Official Statistics, vol. 27, pp. 415-432.
[5] Zhang, L.-C. and Chambers, R.L. (2004). Small area estimates for cross-
classifications. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, vol. 66,
pp. 479-496.
[6] Zhang, L.-C. and Hendriks, C. (2012). Micro integration of register-based cen-
sus data for dwelling and household. UNECE: Work Session on Statistical
Data Editing, 2012.