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PDF Chart
PDF Chart
ddd Mean wind direction in degrees P199KMH (P99KT,
true rounded off to nearest 10 P49MPS) mean ff
degrees (VRB = VARIABLE or fmfm = 200KMH
when ff < 3kt) (100KT, 50MPS) or
ff Mean wind speed (10-minute 00000 = calm more
mean or since discontinuity)
G Indicator of Gust - if necessary
fmfm Maximum wind speed (gust) - if
KMH or KT or MPS Wind speed units used
Followed when there is a variation in wind direction of 60° or more but less than 180° and wind speed
> 3KT by group below:
dndndn Extreme direction of wind
V Indicator of Variability
dxdxdx Other extreme direction of wind (measured clockwise)
VVVV Prevailing visibility in meters or lowest visibility if visibility is not the same and
fluctuating and the prevailing visibility cannot be determined.
9999 = 10km or more
Followed when visibility is not the same and minimum visibility ≠ prevailing and visibility < 1500m or visibility
< 50% of prevailing and less than 5000m by the group below:
VnVnVnVn Lowest visibility
NDV Abbreviation for no directional variations.
Followed by
VnVnVnVn Lowest visibility
Dv General direction of lowest visibility or most operationally significant if minimum
visibility observed in more than one direction.