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SAWS AviationCodes

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Aviation codes and abbreviations

METAR and TAF codes explained

Below is an abridged explanation of METAR and TAF codes.

METAR - Meteorological Routine Aerodrome Report.

It can also be referred to as an “Actual”.
A METAR is a coded weather bulletin of the observed weather at a specific location or
Aerodrome and which is done at regular, routine times.

SPECI - Special Aeronautical Report.

This is coded exactly as a METAR, BUT is sent immediately whenever specific criteria has been

TAF - Terminal Aerodrome Forecast.

A TAF is a detailed forecast of expected weather elements at an aerodrome that significantly
affects the movement of aircraft.

METAR Examples

TAF Examples


METAR CCCC YYGGggZ (AUTO) dddffKT or dddffGfmfmKT dndndnVdxdxdx VVVV or VnVnVnVnDv


Explanation of METAR and TAF Terms:

CCCC Location or Place - Four letter ICAO ID's designators are is used. (see: Locations)

YYGGggZ Date/time of observation or compilation

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 YY - Day
 GG - Hour
 gg – Minutes
 Z - Time Zone, Z=Zulu or GMT or UTC.

AUTO Used when the observation is done without any human intervention.

dddffKT or dddffGfmfmKT or dndndnVdxdxdx Wind

 ddd –Average Wind Direction in degrees (°) from True North within the preceding 10
 ff – Average Wind Speed in Knots (KT) within the preceding 10 minutes
 G - GUST
 fmfm – Highest wind speed (gust) within the preceding 10 minutes
 KT - Knots
 DndndnVdxdxdx – Used when the wind direction variation is greater than 60o but less than
180 o (Direction being reported in a clockwise direction)
a) VRB - Variable
Used when the windspeed is less than 3KT
Or during a violent thunderstorm when wind direction cannot be determined.
b) Gust is added only if the average wind speed is exceeded by 10KT or more of the mean
wind speed for previous 10 minutes (1KT = 1.85 Km/h).

VVVV or VnVnVnVnDv or CAVOK Horizontal Visibility (see also: RVR)

VVVV In South Africa visibility is measured in meters.
The following increments are used:
 Between 0 and 799m – round DOWN to the nearest 50m
 Between 800 and 4999m – round DOWN to the nearest 100m
 Between 5000 and 9999m – round DOWN to the nearest 1000m
 ≥ 10km – code as 9999

When the horizontal visibility is not the same in all directions, and the minimum visibility is <
1500m, or < 50% of the prevailing visibility a minimum and maximum visibility may be given
followed by the direction.
 Dv is reported as the operationally lowest significant direction as one of the eight
points of the compass (N, NE, etc.), and consists of one or two letters only.
 Values for D are:
N - North, NE - Northeast, E - East, SE - Southeast, S - South,
SW - Southwest, W - West, NW - Northwest.
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Coded in place of the visibility, present weather and cloud groups when the following conditions
occur simultaneously at the time of observation:

 No cloud of operational significance as defined in ICAO Annex 3.

Cloud of operational significance:
A cloud with the height of cloud base below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest
minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, or a cumulonimbus cloud or a towering
cumulus cloud at any height.
 Visibility is more than 10 km
 No significant weather phenomena is present


At aerodromes where instruments are used to measure visibility this group will be included in
the METAR when significant.
RDRDR/VRVRVRVRi Runway Visual Range when no variation in visibility has been observed.

 RDRDR/ - Runway designator/point where the visibility is measured, coded as two digits.
 VRVRVRVR - Measured visibility in meters.
 i - Indicator for tendency in change in visibility
U – upward
D – downward
N - no tendency

RDRDR/VRVRVRVRvVRVRVRVRi Runway Visual Range when variation in visibility has been observed.
The fluctuation is considered significant when the visibility during the last 5 seconds
changes by 50m or 20% of the mean visibility of the previous 10 minutes.
 v - Tendency for the visibility to change by 100m or more from the mean.

ww Weather
Used to report significant weather. The table below shows the abbreviations.

Sign Present and Forecast Weather

Qualifier Weather Phenomena
Intensity of
Descriptor 2 Precipitation 3 Obscuration 4 Other 5
Proximity 1
- = Light MI = Shallow DZ = Drizzle BR = Mist PO = Dust/sand whirls
BC= Patches RA = Rain FG= Fog SQ = Squalls
Moderate PR = Partial SN= Snow FU = Smoke FC = Funnel Clouds
(Covering part of SG = Snow Grains VA = Volcanic Ash (tornado or

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Sign Present and Forecast Weather
Qualifier Weather Phenomena
Intensity of
Descriptor 2 Precipitation 3 Obscuration 4 Other 5
Proximity 1
(no qualifier) the aerodrome) IC= Ice crystals DU= Widespread waterspout)
DR = Low Drifting (diamond dust) Dust SS = Sandstorm
+ = Heavy BL = Blowing PE = Pellets SA = Sand DS = Dust storm
SH = Shower(s) GR= Hail HZ = Haze
VC = Vicinity > TS = Thunderstorm GS = Small hail
FZ = Freezing and/or
(super cooled) snow pellets

NsNsNshshshs or VVhshshs or NSC..

NsNsNshshshs Clouds (see also: CAVOK, NSC, Cloud Type, Cloud Atlas)
NsNsNs Cloud amount
The following abbreviations are used:
 FEW - 1 to 2 octas
 SCT - 3 to 4 octas
 BKN - 5 to 7 octas
 OVC - 8 octas

hshshs Cloud height in feet above ground level (AGL).

 Coded as three digits
 e.g. 200ft (002), 1000ft (010), 2500ft (025), 10000ft (100)
The only 2 Cloud types used in a METAR and TAF (appended directly after the hshshs section
of the NsNsNshshshs Code group) and on Sigwx Charts are:
 CB – Cumulonimbus
 TCU - Towering Cumulus
(see also note on Sigwx Charts)

VVhshshs Vertical visibility

When the sky is obscured and instrumentation is available to measure vertical visibility,
hshshs is given in increments of 100ft and coded as one would code cloud height.

NSC No Significant Cloud

Coded in place of the present weather and cloud groups when the following conditions occur
simultaneously at the time of observation:

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 No cloud
 No Cumulonimbus
 No cloud below 1 500 metres (5 000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude,
whichever is the greater.
 Visibility is less than 10 km
 Significant weather phenomena is present

TT/TdTd Temperatures
TT – Temperature in whole degrees Celsius (rounded to the nearest whole number)
Td – Dew Point Temperature in whole degrees Celsius. (Rounded to the nearest whole

Q - indicator for QNH
PHPHPHPH - Pressure reduced to sea level. Reported as a whole number (ignoring the tenth
digit). Measured in hecto Pascal (HPa), 1 Hpa = 1 mB(millibar)

REww Recent Significant Weather of operational significance (see also: ww)

 Up to three groups of information on recent weather can be given by the indicator RE
followed immediately by the appropriate abbreviations
 To be reported only if the following weather phenomena were observed during the period
since the last routine report, or last hour, whichever is shorter, but not at the time of
No intensity of the recent weather phenomena shall be indicated.
- Freezing precipitation
- Moderate or heavy drizzle, rain or snow
- Moderate or heavy ice pellets, hail, small hail and/or snow pellets
- Moderate or heavy blowing snow (including snowstorm)
- Sandstorm or duststorm
- Thunderstorm
- Funnel cloud(s) (tornado or water spout)
- Volcanic ash

 REw'w' shall only be included as recent weather IF the same phenomenon of the same or
greater intensity is not reported as present weather.
e.g.1 A heavy rainshower 20 minutes before the time of observation, with moderate rain
at the time of observation, shall be coded RERA.
e.g.2 Moderate rain 20 minutes before the time of observation, with a moderate rain
shower at the time of observation, shall not be coded as REw'w'.

TTTTT Trend Forecast

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 This type of forecast is used to indicate significant changes in the weather expected
within a two hour period from the time of issue of the METAR and need not be
followed by a time.
 Trends are added to the METARs of locations where no forecaster is available to give
trend forecast. It is omitted with Auto METARs and those from smaller locations.
 A TREND consists of either dddffKT / dddffGfmfmKT / VVVV / CAVOK / ww /
NsNsNshshshs individually or in combinations thereof.
 NOSIG – A trend forecast signifying “No Significant Change.”

SPECI Special METAR criteria

A SPECI is the same as a METAR but issued when the following criteria is met:
1) When the mean surface wind direction has changed by 60° or more from that given in
the latest report, the mean speed before and/or after the change being (10 kt) or more
2) The mean surface wind speed has changed by 10Kt or more from that given in the latest
report .
3) The variation from the mean surface wind speed (gusts) has changed by (10 kt) or more
from that at the time of the latest report, the mean speed before and/or after the
change being (15 kt) or more.
4) Visibility changes to or passes:
i. 800, 1 500 or 3 000 m (SPECI) - 150, 350, 600, 800,1500, 3000m (TAF)
ii. 5000m where significant numbers of VFR flights are operating.
5) Runway visual range changes to or pass 150, 350, 600, 800m.
6) When the onset, cessation or change in intensity of any of the following weather phenomena

— freezing precipitation

— moderate or heavy precipitation (including showers thereof)

— thunderstorm (with precipitation)

7) When the onset or cessation of any of the following weather phenomena occurs:

— freezing fog

— thunderstorm (without precipitation);

— duststorm

— sandstorm

— funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout);

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— low drifting dust, sand or snow

— blowing dust, sand or snow

— squall

8) When any combination of weather in the significant weather table begins, ends or
changes intensity.
9) Height of the base of the lowest cloud layer of BKN or OVC extent, changes to or passes:
i. 100, 200, 500 or 1000ft.
ii. 1500ft where significant numbers of VFR flights are operating.
10) When the amount of cloud below 1500ft changes from:
i. from SCT or less to BKN or OVC
ii. from BKN or OVC to SCT or less
11) When the sky is obscured and vertical visibility changes to or passes:
i. 100, 200, 500, 1000ft.
12) Increase in temperature of 2 degrees Celsius or more.

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or NIL
TAF AMD CCCC YYGGggZ or dddffGfmfmKT
or Y1Y1G1G1/Y2Y2G2G2 or

VVVV wlwl or VVhshshs
or or NSC


or TTTTT dddffGfmfmKT or or VVhshshs
or or NSW or NSC

Explanation of TAF Terms:

AMD Amended
Amendments or changes made to previous TAF.

COR Corrected
Correction/s was made to the TAF.

CCCC Location or Place - Four letter ICAO ID's designators are is used. (see: Locations)

YYGGggZ Date/time of issue of TAF

 YY - Day
 GG - Hour
 gg – Minutes
 Z - Time Zone, Z=Zulu or GMT or UTC.

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NIL Missing
If not available or not received.

Y1Y1 Date of validity of the start of the TAF
G1G1 Time at start of TAF validity
Y2Y2 Date of validity of the end of the TAF
G2G2 Time at end of TAF validity

CNL Cancelled
TAF was cancelled. This may be due to the following reasons:
1. No observation (METAR) available.
2. TAF could not be kept under constant review.

dddffKT dddffGfmfmKT dndndnVdxdxdx Wind

 ddd –Average Wind Direction in degrees (°) from True North within the preceding 10
 ff – Average Wind Speed in Knots (KT) within the preceding 10 minutes
 G - GUST
 fmfm – Highest wind speed (gust) within the preceding 10 minutes
 KT - Knots
a) VRB - Variable
Used when the windspeed is less than 3KT
Or during a violent thunderstorm when wind direction cannot be determined.
b) Gust is added only if the average wind speed is exceeded by 10KT or more of the mean
wind speed for previous 10 minutes (1KT = 1.85 Km/h).

VVVV or CAVOK Horizontal Visibility (see also: RVR)

VVVV In South Africa visibility is measured in meters.
The following increments are used:
 Between 0 and 799m – round DOWN to the nearest 50m
 Between 800 and 4999m – round DOWN to the nearest 100m
 Between 5000 and 9999m – round DOWN to the nearest 1000m
 ≥ 10km – code as 9999

Coded in place of the visibility, present weather and cloud groups when the following conditions
occur simultaneously at the time of observation:
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 No cloud of operational significance as defined in ICAO Annex 3.
Cloud of operational significance:
A cloud with the height of cloud base below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest
minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, or a cumulonimbus cloud or a towering
cumulus cloud at any height.
 Visibility is more than 10 km
 No significant weather phenomena is present

NsNsNshshshs or VVhshshs or NSC

NsNsNshshshs Clouds (see also: CAVOK, NSC, Cloud Type, Cloud Atlas)
NsNsNs Cloud amount
The following abbreviations are used:
 FEW - 1 to 2 octas
 SCT - 3 to 4 octas
 BKN - 5 to 7 octas
 OVC - 8 octas

hshshs Cloud height in feet above ground level (AGL).

 Coded as three digits
 e.g. 200ft (002), 1000ft (010), 2500ft (025), 10000ft (100)
The only 2 Cloud types used in a METAR and TAF (appended directly after the hshshs section
of the NsNsNshshshs Code group) and on Sigwx Charts are:
 CB – Cumulonimbus
 TCU - Towering Cumulus
(see also note on Sigwx Charts)

VVhshshs Vertical visibility

When the sky is obscured and instrumentation is available to measure vertical visibility,
hshshs is given in increments of 100ft and coded as one would code cloud height (see hshshs

NSC No Significant Cloud

Coded in place of the present weather and cloud groups when the following conditions occur
simultaneously at the time of observation:
 No cloud
 No Cumulonimbus
 No cloud below 1 500 metres (5 000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude,
whichever is the greater.
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 Visibility is less than 10 km
 Significant weather phenomena is present

wlwl Forecast weather which are deemed significant to the aircraft operations
Using the appropriate abbreviations (see ww), forecast weather is restricted to the occurrence of
one or more, up to a maximum of three, of the following weather phenomena, together with
their characteristics:
 Freezing (FZ) precipitation;
 Freezing fog;
 Moderate or heavy precipitation (including showers –SH);
 Low drifting (DR) dust, sand or snow;- Duststorm (DS);
 Sandstorm (SS);
 Thunderstorms (TS);
 Squall (SQ);
 Funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout –FC);
 Other weather phenomena given in code table 4678 which are expected to cause a significant
change in visibility.

TX = Forecast maximum temperature to follow
TfTf = Forecasted maximum temperature in o Celcius
YfYf = Date of forecasted maximum temperature
GfGfZ= Hour in UTC of forecasted maximum temperature

TN = Forecast minimum temperature to follow
TfTf = Forecasted minimum temperature in o Celcius
YfYf = Date of forecasted minimum temperature
GfGfZ= Hour in UTC of forecasted minimum temperature

PROBC2C2 PROBC2C2 TTTTT PROB % - Probability

% - percentage, only 30 or 40 is used. If a higher probability is expected (50) the PROB group is
omitted and only TEMPO is used.


TEMPO – TEMPORARY Used when temporary fluctuations are expected of less than one hour
and less than half the period in aggregate between the period of expected fluctuation.
BECMG – BECOMING Used when a gradual change in some of the forecast elements is
expected - a two hour time period is given in which this gradual change is predicted.

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YY is the date and GG time of start of expected change
YeYe is the date and GeGe time of end of expected change

NSW No significant Weather

If no significant weather, as defined above is expected to occur, the group is omitted. However,
after a change group, if the weather ceases to be significant, the weather group w’w’ is
represented by NSW (abbreviation for Nil Significant Weather).

TT = FM = Expected change expected FROM a specific time
YY = Date of expected change
GG = Time in hours of expected change
gg = Time in minutes of expected change

Sigwx Charts The only other cloud abbreviations used in Sigwx charts besides CB and TCU:
 ST – Stratus
 SC - Stratocumulus
 CU – Cumulus
 NS – Nimbostratus
 AC – Altocumulus
 AS - Altostratus

Cloud types not significant to aviation and are not in any aviation forecasts:
Ci – Cirrus Cs – Cirrostratus Cc – Cirrocumulus

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METAR Examples

METAR FALE 271130Z 19017KT 9999 SCT025 BKN045 26/20 Q1015 NOSIG=
Report for station FALE: King Shaka Intl Airport, South Africa 29.3652S 031.0711E
Observation time: [Day: 27] [Time: 11:30 GMT or 13:30 SAST]
Wind speed: 17kt (8.7 m/s)
Wind direction: 190°
Visibility: 10km or more
Clouds: Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) 2500ft agl
Clouds: Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) 4500ft agl
Air Temperature: 26° C
Dew-Point Temperature: 20° C
Observed QNH: 1015 hPa
NOSIG No significant change is expected in the next two hours

SPECI FAOR 081340Z 19013G29KT 160V220 3000 -TSRA BR FEW014 SCT036CB 13/12 Q1020
TEMPO 1500 BKN010=
Forecast for station FAOR: O R Tambo Intl, South Africa 26.09S 028.1348E
Observation time: [Day: 08] [Time: 13:40 GMT or 15:40 SAST]
Wind speed: 13kt (6.5 m/s)
Wind direction: 190°
Wind direction variation: varying between 160o and 220o
Visibility: 3km
Present Weather: Light Thundershower with rain; mist
Clouds: Few Clouds (1 to 2 oktas) 1400ft agl
Clouds: Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) 3600ft agl ; Cumulonimbus clouds
Air Temperature: 13° C
Dew-Point Temperature: 12° C
Observed QNH: 1020 hPa
TREND A temporary change with the visibility being reduced to 1500m and
broken clouds (5-7octas) 1000ft agl is expected in the next two hours.

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TAF Examples

TAF FAUT 270900Z 2710/2718 21010KT 9999 SCT012 BKN025 TX23/2712Z TN20/2718Z
TEMPO 2710/2715 5000 RA BKN010=
Forecast for station FAUT: K. D. Matanzima Airport, South Africa 31.32S 028.40E
Observation time: [Day 27 09:00 UCT or 11:00 SAST]
Forecast start time: [Day 27 10:00 UCT or 12:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 18:00 UCT or
20:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 210°
Wind speed: 5.1 m/s (10kt)
Visibility: 10km or more
Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) at 360 meters (1200ft) AGL
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 750 meters (2500ft) AGL

Maximum Temperature 23 at Day 27 12:00 UCT or 14:00 SAST

Minimum Temperature 20 at Day 27 18:00 UCT or 20:00 SAST

Temporary Time: [Day 27 10:00 UCT or 12:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 15:00
UCT or 17:00 SAST]
Horizontal visibility: 5000 metres
Weather: Moderate Rain
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 300 meters (1000ft) AGL

TAF FAOR 271000Z 2712/2818 34010KT 9999 SCT040 TX26/2813Z TN15/2803Z

BECMG 2714/2716 22018KT
TEMPO 2714/2719 5000 TSRA FEW035CB BKN080
BECMG 2718/2720 09013KT SCT020
PROB40 TEMPO 2800/2807 5000 BR BKN008 BKN020
PROB30 TEMPO 2800/2805 4000 SHRA BR BKN005
BECMG 2809/2811 34008KT SCT040
PROB40 TEMPO 2811/2818 -TSRA FEW035CB
BECMG 2814/2816 03008KT
PROB30 TEMPO 2814/2817 5000 TSRA SCT030CB
Forecast for station FAOR: O R Tambo Intl, South Africa 26.09S 028.1348E

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Observation time: [Day 27 10:00 UCT or 12:00 SAST]
Forecast start time: [Day 27 12:00 UCT or 14:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 18:00 UCT or
20:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 340°
Wind speed: 5.1 m/s (10kt)
Visibility: 10km or more
Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) at 1200 meters (4000ft) AGL

Maximum Temperature 26 at Day 28 13:00 UCT or 15:00 SAST

Minimum Temperature 15 at Day 28 03:00 UCT or 05:00 SAST

Becoming time: [Day 27 14:00 UCT or 16:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 16:00 UCT or
18:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 220°
Wind speed: 9.3 m/s (18kt)
Temporary Time: [Day 27 14:00 UCT or 16:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 19:00
Horizontal visibility: 5000 metres
Weather: Moderate Thunderstorm with Rain
Few Clouds (1 to 2 oktas) at 1050 meters (3500ft) AGL is Cumulonimbus Cloud
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 2400 meters (8000ft) AGL
Becoming time: [Day 27 18:00 UCT or 20:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 20:00 UCT or
22:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 090°
Wind speed: 6.7 m/s (13kt)
Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) at 600 meters (2000ft)
Probability 40%
Temporary Time: [Day 28 00:00 UCT or 02:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 07:00
UCT or 09:00 SAST]
Horizontal visibility: 5000 metres
Weather: Mist
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 240 meters (800ft) AGL
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 600 meters (2000ft) AGL
Probability 30%
Temporary Time: [Day 28 00:00 UCT or 02:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 05:00
UCT or 07:00 SAST]
Horizontal visibility: 4000 metres
Weather: Moderate Showers of Rain; Mist
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 150 meters (500ft) AGL
Becoming time: [Day 28 09:00 UCT or 11:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 11:00 UCT or
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13:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 340°
Wind speed: 4.1 m/s ((8kt)
Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) at 1200 meters (4000ft) AGL
Probability 40%
Temporary Time: [Day 28 11:00 UCT or 13:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 18:00
UCT or 20:00 SAST]
Weather: Light Thunderstorm with Rain
Few Clouds (1 to 2 oktas) at 1050 meters (3500ft) AGL is Cumulonimbus Cloud
Becoming time: [Day 28 14:00 UCT or 16:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 16:00 UCT or
18:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 030°
Wind speed: 4.1 m/s (8kt)
Probability 30%
Temporary Time: [Day 28 14:00 UCT or 16:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 28 17:00
UCT or 19:00 SAST]
Horizontal visibility: 5000 metres
Weather: Moderate Thunderstorm with Rain
Scattered Clouds (3 to 4 oktas) at 900 meters (3000ft) AGL is Cumulonimbus Cloud

TAF AMD FAEL 271038Z 2710/2719 20010KT 9999 BKN010 TX24/2712Z TN21/2719Z
TEMPO 2710/2715 3000 DZ BR BKN007
BECMG 2710/2712 16006KT=

Forecast for station FAEL: East London Airport, South Africa 33.0208S 027.4933E
Observation time: [Day 27 10:38 UTC or 12:38 SAST]
Forecast start time: [Day 27 10:00 UTC or 12:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 19:00 UTC or
21:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 200°
Wind speed: 5.1 m/s (10kt)
Visibility: 10km or more
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 300 meters (1000ft) AGL

Maximum Temperature 24 at Day 27 12:00 UTC or 14:00 SAST

Minimum Temperature 21 at Day 27 19:00 UTC or 21:00 SAST

Temporary Time: [Day 27 10:00 UTC or 12:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 15:00

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UTC or 17:00 SAST]
Horizontal visibility: 3000 metres
Weather: Drizzle; Mist
Broken Clouds (5 to 7 oktas) at 210 meters (700ft) AGL
Becoming time: [Day 27 10:00 UTC or 12:00 SAST] Until time: [Day 27 12:00 UTC or
14:00 SAST]
Wind direction: 160°
Wind speed: 3.1 m/s (6kt)

TAF FAOR 110900Z 1110/1121 CNL=

Location O.R. Tambo International Airport, issued on the 11th at 09:00, would be valid for the
11th from 10:00 UTC or 12:00 SAST until 21:00 UTC or 23:00 SAST, but cancelled.

The South African Weather Service uses ICAO codes for all aviation forecasts.
Familiarize yourself with these codes in order to understand the forecasts better.

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