ABB 400V Mótorar 2008
ABB 400V Mótorar 2008
ABB 400V Mótorar 2008
Process performance
Best in class
The ABB Process performance motors have what it takes to reach new
levels of efficiency in demanding processes. Combining the best available
materials with superior technology and uncontested expertise, they are
prepared to meet the most demanding expectations - even under toughest
conditions and in the most challenging applications. Helping you to achieve
the most reliable production process and lowest possible total lifecycle cost,
the ABB Process performance motors are prepared to answer any reliability,
availability and energy efficiency challenge - both now and in the future.
Contents Page
1 General information 4
2 Low voltage cast iron motors 15
ABB / LV Motors
Motors // Process
12-2008 3
General information
ABB motors are of the totally enclosed, three phase IEC / EN
squirrel cage type, built to comply with international
Electrical Mechanical
IEC and EN standards. Motors conforming to other
national and international specifications are also IEC/EN 60034-1 IEC 60072
available on request. IEC/EN 60034-2 IEC/EN 60034-5
IEC 60034-8 IEC/EN 60034-6
All production units are certified to ISO 9001 inter-
IEC 60034-12 (for LV only) IEC/EN 60034-7
national quality standard as well ISO 14000 environ-
IEC/EN 60034-9
mental standard and confirm to all applicable EU
IEC 60034-14
— IE1 = Standard efficiency (efficiency levels roughly
It offers two ways of determining the efficiency; direct
equivalent to EFF2 in Europe nowadays)
method and indirect method. The new standard
specifies following parameters for determining the — IE2 = High efficiency (efficiency levels roughly
efficiency according to indirect method: equivalent to EFF1 in Europe nowadays and
identical to EPAct in USA for 60 Hz)
— reference temperature
— three options for determining additional load —IE3 = Premium efficiency (new efficiency class
losses: measurement, estimation and in Europe nowadays and identical to "NEMA
mathematical. Premium" in the USA for 60Hz)
Under the new standard ABB uses the indirect Efficiency levels defined in IEC 60034-30 are based on
calculation method, additional load losses determined tests methods specified in IEC 60034-2-1: 2007.
from measuring. Compared to old efficiency classes acc. to CEMEP
The resulting efficiency values differ from those agreement the scope been expanded.
obtained under the previous IEC testing standard, IEC
IEC 60034-30 covers almost all motors (for example
60034-2: 1996. It must be noted that efficiency values
standard, hazardous area, marine, brake motors):
are only comparable if they are measured using the
same method. — Single-speed, three-phase, 50 Hz and 60 Hz
The motor documentation must state which method is — 2, 4 or 6-pole
used. — Rated output from 0.75 to 375 kW
— Rated voltage UN up to 1000 V
The efficiency values on the technical data pages in
— Duty type S1 (continuous duty) or S3 (intermittent
this catalogue are given according to both new and old
periodic duty) with a rated cyclic duration factor of
calculation methods.
80% or higher
The table below shows the differences between old — Capable of operating direct online
and new standard.
Old efficiency testing standard Following motors are excluded from IEC 60034-30:
EN/IEC 60034-2: 1996 – Motors made solely for converter operation
– Motors completely integrated into a machine (for
Direct method
example, pump, fan and compressor) that cannot
Indirect method: be tested separately from the machine
• PLL (= additional losses) estimated at 0.5 % of
input power at rated load
Winding losses in stator and rotor determined
at 95°C.
New efficiency testing standard
IEC/EN 60034-2-1: 2007
Direct method
Indirect method:
• Measurement; PLL calculated from load tests
• Estimation; PLL at 2.5% - 1.0% of input power at
rated load between 0.1 kW and 1000 kW
• Mathematical calculation; Eh star - alternative
indirect method with mathematical calculation of
Winding losses in stator and rotor determined at
[25°C + actual temperature rise measured]
15 89.4 91.3 89.4 91.8
18.5 90.0 91.8 90.0 92.2
22 90.5 92.2 90.5 92.6
30 91.4 92.9 91.4 93.2
37 92.0 93.3 92.0 93.6
45 92.5 93.7 92.5 93.9
55 93.0 94.0 93.0 94.2
75 93.6 94.6 93.6 94.7
90 93.9 95.0 93.9 95.0
2.2 79.7 79.7 77.7 83.2 84.3 81.8 85.9 86.7 84.3
3 81.5 81.5 79.7 84.6 85.5 83.3 87.1 87.7 85.6
4 83.1 83.1 81.4 85.8 86.6 84.6 88.1 88.6 86.8
5.5 84.7 84.7 83.1 87.0 87.7 86.0 89.2 89.6 88.0
7.5 86.0 86.0 84.7 88.1 88.7 87.2 90.1 90.4 89.1
11 87.6 87.6 86.4 89.4 89.8 88.7 91.2 91.4 90.3
15 88.7 88.7 87.7 90.3 90.6 89.7 91.9 92.1 91.2
18.5 89.3 89.3 88.6 90.9 91.2 90.4 92.4 92.6 91.7
22 89.9 89.9 89.2 91.3 91.6 90.9 92.7 93.0 92.2
30 90.7 90.7 90.2 92.0 92.3 91.7 93.3 93.6 92.9
37 91.2 91.2 90.8 92.5 92.7 92.2 93.7 93.9 93.3
45 91.7 91.7 91.4 92.9 93.1 92.7 94.0 94.2 93.7
55 92.1 92.1 91.9 93.2 93.5 93.1 94.3 94.6 94.1
75 92.7 92.7 92.6 93.8 94.0 93.7 94.7 95.0 94.6
90 93.0 93.0 92.9 94.1 94.2 94.0 95.0 95.2 94.9
110 93.3 93.3 93.3 94.3 94.5 94.3 95.2 95.4 95.1
132 93.5 93.5 93.5 94.6 94.7 94.6 95.4 95.6 95.4
160 93.7 93.8 93.8 94.8 94.9 94.8 95.6 95.8 95.6
200 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
250 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
315 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
355 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
375 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
M000007 LHS
Flange-mounted motor, IM B14 IM V18 IM V19 *) *) *) C = flange mounted,
small flange IM 3601 IM 3611 IM 3631 IM 3651 IM 3661 IM 3671 small flange
Foot- and flange-mounted IM B35 IM V15 IM V36 *) *) *) H = foot/flange-mounted,
motor with feet, IM 2001 IM 2011 IM 2031 IM 2051 IM 2061 IM 2071 top
large flange S = foot/flange-mounted, RHS
T = foot/flange-mounted,
M000010 LHS
Foot-mounted motor,
shaft with free extensions IM 1002 IM 1012 IM 1032 IM 1052 IM 1062 IM 1072
Note: In case of motors mounted with the shaft upwards and water or liquid are expected to go down along
the shaft, the user must take into account to mount some means capable of preventing it.
International Cooling
Circuit arrangement
0: Free circulation (open circuit)
4: Frame surface cooled
Primary coolant
A for air (omitted for simplified designation)
Method of movement of primary coolant
0: Free convection
1: Self-circulation
6: Machine-mounted independent component
Secondary coolant
A for air (omitted for simplified designation)
W for water
Method of movement of secondary coolant
0: Free convection
1: Self-circulation
6: Machine-mounted independent component
8: Relative displacement
IP 5 5
Characteristic letter
Degree of protection to persons and to parts of the motors inside the enclosure
2: Motors protected against solid objects greater than 12 mm
4: Motors protected against solid objects greater than 1 mm
5: Dust-protected motors
Degree of protection provided by the enclosure with respect
to harmful effects due to ingress of water
3: Motors protected against spraying water
4: Motors protected against splashing water
5: Motors protected against water jets
6: Motors protected against heavy seas
IK code:
Classification of degrees of protection provided by
enclosure for motors against external mechanical
IK 08
International mechanical protection
Characteristic group
Relation between IK code and impact energy:
IK code IK 0 IK 01 IK 02 IK 03 IK 04 IK 05 IK 06 IK 07 IK 08 IK 09 IK 10
Impact * 0.15 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.7 1 2 5 10 20
energy ABB
Joule Standard
- Class B 130° C
- Class H 180° C
Surface treatment
ABB Process performance motors are provided as Other corrosion categories C4 M and C5 M are also
standard with painting system that corresponds to available as option. Please see the variant code
corrosion category C3 M acc. to ISO/EN 12944:2. section.
C3 M means exterior urban and industrial atmospheres
with moderate sulfur dioxide pollution and coastal
areas with low salinity. Acc to ISO/EN 12944 the
durability is divided into 3 ranges, low (L), medium
(M) and high (H). Durability low (L) corresponds to 2-5
years, medium (M) to 5-15 years and high (H) more
than 15 years.
When using ABB converters, please use ABB’s At high speeds, the use of metal fans (variant code
DriveSize program for the dimensioning. The tool 068) instead of plastic ones shall be considered. If a
utilizes dimensioning rules based on comprehensive low noise level is required, the use of unidirectional or
combined type tests. special low-noise fans is recommended.
Table 3
Nominal Power (Pn) Preventive measures
2,00 and / or Frame size (IEC)
1,80 Pn < 100 kW No actions needed
Peak voltage ULL, kV
Pn ≥ 100 kW Insulated non-drive end bearing
1,40 OR
IEC 315 ≤ Frame size ≤ IEC 355
ABB Special Insul.
Pn ≥ 350 kW Insulated non-drive end bearing
ABB Standard Insul. OR AND
IEC 400 ≤ Frame size ≤ IEC 450 Common mode filter at the converter
0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20
Rise time 10-90 %, µs
For further information, please contact ABB.
> Motors
>> Low Voltage Motors
>>> Process Performance Motors
Mechanical design.............................16
Rating plates.......................................26
Ordering information..........................27
Technical data.....................................28
Variant codes......................................45
Dimension drawings..........................52
Cast iron motors in brief....................70
Drain holes
Motors that will be operated in very humid or wet In the case of vertical mounting, the upper plug must
environments, and especially under intermittent duty, be hammered home completely. In very dusty environ
should be provided with drain holes. The appropriate ments, both plugs should be hammered home.
IM designation, such as IM 3031, is specified, on the
When mounting arrangement differs from foot mounted
basis of the method of motor mounting.
IM B3, please mention variant code 066 when ordering.
Motor sizes 160 to 450 are fitted with drain holes and
See variant codes 065 and 066 under the heading
closable plugs. The plugs are open on delivery. When
“Drain holes”.
mounting the motors, ensure that the drain holes face
Terminal box for motor sizes 280 to 315, provided either Terminal box for motor sizes 355 to 450, provided either
with a cable gland or a cable box. with a cable gland or a cable box.
Motor Terminal Flange Main Auxliary Cable gland Max. con- Max. rated Terminal
size box opening metric cable entries diameter nection current A bolt size
cable entry mm cable (D/Y conn.)
area, mm2
Motor sizes 71 to 132 on request
160 -180 – 2 x M40 1 x M16 x 1.5 Ø19-27 1 x 35 63 M6
200 -250 – 2 x M63 1 x M16 x 1.5 Ø34-45 1 x 70 160 M10
355 SMB, SMC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 ML, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
400 L, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 LA D 1200 3GZF294730-945 - 2x 3GZF294730-501 4x Ø60-80 6x240
E 750 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 LB D, E 1200 3GZF294730-945 - 2x 3GZF294730-501 4x Ø60-80 6x240
450 LC D, E 1200 3GZF294730-945 - 2x 3GZF294730-501 4x Ø60-80 6x240
1000 r/min (6 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
315 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMA, SMB 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMC D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMC E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 ML 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 LKA 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 LKB 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
400 L, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 LA D, E 750 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 LB D 1200 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 6x240
E 750 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 LC D 1200 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 6x240
E 750 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
750 r/min (8 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
315 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SM 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 ML D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 ML E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
400 LA, LB, 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
400 LC, LKC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
450 L_ D, E 750 3GZF294730-944 - 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
Voltage/frequency codes: Terminal bolt sizes M12.
D = 380-420 VD 50 Hz, 660/690 VY 50 Hz, 440-480 VD 60 Hz Earthing bolt size on stator frame M10.
E = 500 VD 50 Hz, 575 VD 60 Hz
Frame size 450
Above table shows what is included as standard.
Variant code 444 should be used for defining other options:
Terminal Adapter Cable box Terminal Cable Max. rated current Earthing
Cable diameter box cross-section D-connection Y-connection
box or flange
1200 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 210 25 mm2 260 150 2xM10
3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 210 35 mm2 363 210 2xM10
3GZF294730-945 2x 3GZF294730-301 4x Ø48-60 370 50 mm2 470 270 2xM10
3GZF294730-945 2x 3GZF294730-501 4x Ø60-80 370 70 mm2 640 370 2xM10
3GZF293745-1 3x 3GZF294730-301 6x Ø48-60 750 2 x 70 mm2 950 550 2xM10
3GZF293745-1 3x 3GZF294730-501 6x Ø60-80 750 2 x 95 mm2 1300 750 2xM10
3GZF293745-2 Flange for gable glands 1200 2 x 120 mm2 1650 950 4xM12
1200 2 x 150 mm2 2100 1200 4xM12
Adapter and cable box for terminal box size 1200.
To be defined when ordering Cable cross-section area between the winding and the terminal board.
Adapter E-D
Cable gland
3GZF294730-749 (280)
3GZF294730-753 (315) Motor sizes 355 - 450 with
terminal box 750 Adapter E-2D (optional)
Adapter D-D (optional)
Adapter E-D (standard)
3GZF294730-944 Cable box
Cable box
Cable box
Inlet c e f g d
C 62 193 62 193 M8
D 100 300 80 292 M10
Basic version with deep groove ball bearings Version with roller bearings, variant code 037
Motor Number Deep groove ball bearings Motor Number Roller bearings, variant code 037
size of poles D-end N-end size of poles D-end
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
160 2-12 6309/C3 6209/C3 160 2-12 NU 309
180 2-12 6310/C3 6209/C3 180 2-12 NU 310
200 2-12 6312/C3 6210/C3 200 2-12 NU 312
225 2-12 6313/C3 6212/C3 225 2-12 NU 313
250 2-12 6315/C3 6213/C3 250 2-12 NU 315
280 2 6316/C3 6316/C3 280 2 1)
Axially-locked bearings
The outer bearing ring at the D-end can be axially
locked with an inner bearing cover. The inner ring is
locked by tight tolerance to the shaft.
All motors are equipped as standard with an axially-
locked bearing at the D-end.
Transport locking
Motors that have roller bearings or an angular contact Locking may also be fitted in other cases where tran-
ball bearing are fitted with a transport lock before sport conditions are suspected of being potentially
despatch to prevent damage to the bearings during damaging.
transport. In case of transport locked bearing, motor
sizes 280 to 450 are provided with a warning sign.
Radial seal 95x125x10 Radial seal 80x110x10
315LK 4-12 Labyrinth seal Axial seal VS80 - Labyrinth seal
Radial seal 80x110x10
355 2 Labyrinth seal Axial seal VS80 Labyrinth seal
355 4-12 Labyrinth seal Axial seal VS80 - Labyrinth seal
400 2 Labyrinth seal Labyrinth seal - -
400 4-12 Labyrinth seal Axial seal VS95 - Labyrinth seal
450 2 Labyrinth seal Labyrinth seal - -
450 4-12 Labyrinth seal Labyrinth seal - -
On delivery, the motors are ready lubricated with high Lubrication method in cast iron motors
quality grease. The recommended grease used can be 160-450 Regreasable bearings as standard
seen from ABB's Low Voltage Motors Manual delivered solution
together with the motor or for frame sizes 160-450 from 160-250 Permanently greased bearings as an
the lubrication plate fastened to the motor frame. See option
example of a lubrication plate on page 24.
Motors with relubrication nipples
Motors with permanently greased bearings
For sizes 280 to 450 the bearing system has been built
Also motors with frame sizes 160-250 can be equipped so that a valve disc can be used to ease the lubrication.
with permanently greased bearings. Bearings are Motors are lubricated while running.
lubricated with high quality, high temperature grease.
Bearing types are mentioned in the rating plates. Grease outlet opening has closing valves at both ends.
This should be opened before greasing and closed 1-2
The following values can be used as a guide for bearing hours after regreasing. After lubrication close the valves.
lifetime, depending on application and load conditions: This ensures that the construction is tight and dust or
4-8 pole motors about 40,000 h dirt cannot get inside the bearing.
2 pole motors about 20,000 h As an option, a grease collection method can be used.
Lubrication intervals
ABB follows the L1-principle in defining lubrication The table below gives lubrication intervals according to
interval. That means that 99% of the motors are sure the L1-principle for different speeds, ambient temperature
to make the interval time. The lubrication intervals of 25°C. The values are valid for horizontal mounted
can also be calculated according to the L10-principle, motors (B3), with about 80°C bearing temperature and
which are normally doubled compared to L1-values. using high quality grease with lithium complex soap and
Values available from ABB at request. mineral or PAO-oil.
For more information, see ABB's Low Voltage Motors
Frame Amount 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-750 Frame Amount 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-750
size of grease r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min size of grease r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min
g g
Ball bearings: lubrication intervals in duty hours Roller bearings: lubrication intervals in duty hours
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request 160 1) 25 4500 6000 9000 10500 12000 12000
160 1)
25 9000 12000 18000 21500 24000 24000 180 1) 30 3500 4500 7500 9000 12000 12000
180 1) 30 7000 9000 15500 18500 24000 24000 200 1) 40 2750 4000 7000 8500 11500 12000
200 1) 40 5500 8000 14500 17500 23000 24000 225 1) 50 2000 3000 6500 8000 11000 12000
225 1) 50 4000 6500 13000 16500 22000 24000 250 1) 60 1000 2000 4500 5500 7500 9000
250 1) 60 2500 4000 9000 11500 15000 18000 160 2) 25 3500 5000 7500 9000 11000 12000
160 2) 25 7500 10000 15000 18000 22500 24000 180 2) 30 3000 4000 7000 8500 10500 12000
180 2) 30 6000 8500 14000 17000 21000 24000 200 2) 40 1500 2500 5000 6000 8000 10000
200 2) 40 3000 5500 10000 12000 16000 20000 225 2) 50 750 1250 2500 3000 4000 5000
225 2) 50 1500 2500 5000 6000 8000 10000 250 2) 60 500 750 1500 2000 3000 3500
250 2) 60 1000 1500 3500 4500 6000 7000 280 35 1000 1800 - - - -
280 35 2000 3500 - - - - 280 70 - - 4000 5300 7000 8500
280 70 - - 8000 10500 14000 17000 315 35 1000 1800 - - - -
315 35 2000 3500 - - - - 315 90 - - 3300 4300 6000 8000
315 90 - - 6500 8500 12500 16000 355 35 600 1000 - - - -
355 35 1200 2000 - - - - 355 120 - - 2000 3000 5000 6500
355 120 - - 4200 6000 10000 13000 400 40 500 800 - - - -
400 40 1000 1600 - - - - 400 130 - - 1400 2300 4200 6000
400 130 - - 2800 4600 8400 12000 450 40 500 800 - - - -
450 40 1000 1600 - - - - 450 140 - - 1200 2000 4000 4400
450 140 - - 2400 4000 8000 8800
Basic design, 2) High-output design
Permissible radial forces
Motor sizes 160 to 450
Length of Ball bearings Roller bearings
Motor extension 20,000 hours 40,000 hours 20,000 hours 40,000 hours
size Poles E (mm) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N)
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
160 MLA 2 110 3540 2740 2955 2285 7100 4300 6140 4300
4 110 4000 3100 3325 2570 8000 4300 6870 4300
6 110 4170 3200 3440 2655 8600 4300 7270 4300
8 110 4600 3585 3855 2985 9300 4300 7955 4300
160 MLB 2 110 3540 2740 2955 2270 7085 4300 6070 4300
4 110 4085 3300 3370 2725 8300 4300 7055 4300
6 110 4100 3355 3400 2755 8600 4300 7300 4300
8 110 4200 3270 3455 2670 9000 4300 7570 4300
160 MLC 2 110 3400 2600 2855 2200 6800 4300 5885 4300
4 110 3700 3000 3070 2485 7800 4300 6640 4300
6 110 3600 2900 2870 2325 8000 4300 6700 4300
8 110 4170 3370 3370 2725 9000 4300 7585 4300
160 MLD 2 110 3585 2900 3000 2440 7100 4300 6140 4300
4 110 3400 2755 2755 2240 7600 4300 6370 4300
160 MLE 2 110 3185 2570 2640 2140 6785 4300 5770 4300
180 MLA 2 110 4100 3385 3455 2825 8125 5500 7025 5500
4 110 4270 3485 3525 2885 8600 5500 7300 5500
6 110 4700 3800 3855 3155 9400 5500 7900 5500
8 110 4785 3900 3870 3170 9800 5500 8255 5500
180 MLB 2 110 4170 3400 3470 2825 7900 5500 6770 5500
4 110 4185 3400 3440 2810 8500 5500 7200 5500
6 110 4370 3570 3525 2885 9000 5500 7600 5500
180 MLC 4 110 3700 3055 3010 2470 7900 5500 6655 5440
200 MLA 2 110 5600 4685 4700 3925 10900 9100 9470 7900
4 110 6285 5200 5240 4370 12500 9550 10700 8900
6 110 6800 5700 5700 4770 13600 9550 11670 9550
8 110 6800 5700 5600 4685 14100 9550 12000 9550
200 MLB 2 110 5670 4700 4700 3925 11000 9200 9500 7900
4 110 5700 4700 4700 3925 12000 9550 10185 8500
6 110 6400 5370 5300 4425 13200 9550 11200 9385
200 MLC 2 110 5000 4185 4185 3500 10400 8700 8900 7455
4 110 5400 4500 4425 3685 11600 9550 9800 8200
6 110 5800 4885 4740 3955 12500 9550 10600 8800
200 MLD 2 110 4985 4170 4170 3485 10400 8700 8900 7400
6 140 8900 7200 7355 5955 21200 13800 18000 13800
250 SMC 2 140 6800 5500 5670 4600 16300 10900 14000 10900
4 140 7400 6000 6055 4900 18100 13800 15400 12485
6 140 8200 6600 6670 5400 20300 13800 17200 13800
280 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4900 20400 6000 16500 6000
4 140 9200 7800 7300 6200 25100 9200 20300 9200
6 140 10600 8900 8400 7000 28300 9200 23000 9200
8 140 11700 9200 9200 7800 30900 9200 25100 9200
315 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4950 20300 6000 16500 6000
4 170 11400 9400 9000 7450 32500 9600 26600 9600
6 170 13000 9600 10300 8500 37000 9600 30000 9600
8 170 14400 9600 11400 9400 40300 9600 32700 9600
315 ML_ 2 140 7400 6400 5850 5050 20600 5850 16700 5850
4 170 11500 9700 9100 7650 32700 13600 26500 13600
6 170 13200 11100 10400 8800 36900 13600 29900 13600
8 170 14500 12200 11500 9700 40200 13600 32600 13600
315 LK__ 2 140 7400 6550 5800 5150 20800 5550 16800 5550
4 170 11500 10000 9100 7850 33100 13350 26800 13350
6 170 13200 11400 10450 9050 37300 13350 30300 13350
8 170 14600 12600 11550 10000 40800 13350 33100 13350
355 SM_ 2 140 7350 6450 5750 5050 20600 7200 16700 7200
4 210 15200 12600 12000 9950 45500 14000 36900 14000
6 210 17500 14000 13800 11400 51400 14000 41700 14000
8 210 19300 14000 15250 12600 56000 14000 45500 14000
355 ML_ 2 140 7350 6550 5750 5100 20800 6750 16800 6750
4 210 15300 12900 12000 10100 45900 13600 37200 13600
6 210 17600 13600 13900 11600 51500 13600 42100 13600
8 210 19400 13600 15300 12900 56000 13600 45900 13600
355 LK_ 2 140 7350 6650 5650 5150 21000 6750 17000 6750
4 210 15200 13000 11850 10200 46000 13000 37300 13000
6 210 17500 13000 13700 11900 52000 13000 42000 13000
8 210 19400 13000 15200 13000 56500 13000 46000 13000
400 L_ 2 170 7650 6850 4400 3900 23900 9050 19350 9050
4 210 15600 13550 12150 10550 52500 16000 43300 16000
6 210 17800 15450 13850 12000 60000 16000 48800 16000
8 210 19700 16000 15350 13350 65700 16000 53200 16000
400 LK_ 2 170 7650 6850 4400 3900 23900 9050 19350 9050
4 210 15600 11500 12150 10550 52500 11500 43300 11500
6 210 17800 11500 13850 11500 60000 11500 48800 11500
8 210 19700 11500 15350 11500 65700 11500 53200 11500
450 L_ 2 170 7400 6700 3500 3300 24000 7500 19000 7500
4 210 17000 15200 13000 11600 62000 25000 50000 25000
6 210 19000 17000 14000 13000 70000 24000 56000 24000
8 210 21300 19000 16500 14600 76000 23000 62000 23000
The following tables give the permissible axial forces At 60 Hz the values are to be reduced by 10%. For two-
in Newton, assuming zero radial force, ambient speed motors, the values are to be based on the higher
temperature 25°C. The values are based on normal speed. The permissible loads of simultaneous radial and
conditions at 50 Hz with standard bearings and axial forces will be supplied on request. Given axial forces
calculated bearing lives of 20,000 and 40,000 hours. FAD, assumes D-bearing locked by means of locking ring.
Mounting arrangement IM B3 FAD FAZ
20,000 hours 40,000 hours
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
size N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
160 MLA 2850 2850 3450 3450 3690 3690 4155 4155 2325 2325 2775 2775 2970 2970 3315 3315
160 MLB 2850 2850 3435 3435 3600 3600 3750 3750 2325 2325 2760 2760 2880 2880 2970 2970
160 MLC 2775 2775 3150 3150 3135 3135 3675 3675 2280 2280 2535 2535 2490 2490 2910 2910
160 MLD 2865 2865 2900 2900 - - - - 2330 2330 2320 2320 - - - -
160 MLE 2500 2500 - - - - - - 2025 2025 - - - - - -
180 MLA 3300 3300 3600 3600 4140 4140 4220 4220 2700 2700 2920 2920 3320 3320 3360 3360
180 MLB 3340 3340 3580 3580 3800 3800 - - 2725 2725 2900 2900 3040 3040 - -
180 MLC - - 3220 3220 - - - - - - 2560 2560 - - - -
200 MLA 4460 4460 5000 5260 5000 5860 5000 5880 3640 3640 4260 4260 4720 4720 4700 4700
200 MLB 4440 4440 4720 4720 5000 5480 - - 3620 3620 3840 3840 4420 4420 - -
200 MLC 3940 3940 4480 4480 4980 4980 - - 3180 3180 3620 3620 3980 3980 - -
200 MLD 3940 3940 - - - - - - 3200 3200 - - - - - -
225 SMA 4980 4980 5000 6080 5000 6520 5000 7420 4060 4060 4920 4920 5000 5260 5000 5960
225 SMB 4860 4860 5000 5880 5000 6020 5000 6940 3960 3960 4780 4780 4840 4840 5000 5560
225 SMC 4380 4380 5000 5240 - - - - 3540 3540 4260 4260 - - - -
225 SMD 4320 4320 4800 4800 - - - - 3480 3480 3820 3820 - - - -
250 SMA 6000 6080 6000 7140 6000 7880 6000 8200 4920 4920 5820 5820 6000 6380 6000 6600
250 SMB 5620 5620 6000 6320 6000 7480 - - 4540 4540 5100 5100 6000 6040 - -
250 SMC 5260 5260 5960 5960 6000 6860 - - 4220 4220 4760 4760 5520 5520 - -
280 SM_ 6200 4250 8000 6000 7250 9250 10300 8300 4900 2900 6250 4250 7150 5150 7950 5950
315 SM_ 6180 4200 9400 7400 10900 8900 12000 10000 4850 2850 7250 5250 8350 6350 9200 7000
315 ML_ 6050 4050 9250 7250 10650 8650 11500 9900 4750 2750 7100 5100 8100 6100 8900 6800
315 LK__ 6000 3950 9100 7150 10500 8500 11750 9750 4650 2650 7000 5000 7950 5950 8900 6900
355 SM_ 3050 6850 8600 12400 10550 14350 12200 16000 1750 5550 5900 9700 7300 11100 8550 12350
355 ML_ 2900 6700 8360 12150 10100 13900 12000 15800 1600 5400 5650 9450 6900 10700 7300 11000
355 LK_ 2850 6650 8200 12000 9900 13700 11450 15250 1550 5350 5450 9250 6700 10500 7800 11600
400 L, LK_ 2150 7150 7100 13100 8850 14850 10450 16450 1)
5800 4300 10300 5500 11500 6750 12750
450 L_ 1800 6800 7600 13500 9000 15000 10800 16800 1)
5500 4500 10500 5600 11500 7000 12900
Mounting arrangement IM V1
20,000 hours 40,000 hours
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
size N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
160 MLA 3100 2578 3820 3150 4100 3410 4440 3845 2570 2048 3120 2450 3325 2635 3640 3045
160 MLB 3120 2570 3880 3085 4120 3240 4140 3450 2580 2030 3180 2385 3360 2480 3340 2650
160 MLC 3080 2500 3620 2770 3680 2700 4240 3260 2560 1980 2985 2135 3005 2025 3445 2465
160 MLD 3220 2540 3420 2470 - - - - 2665 1985 2820 1870 - - - -
160 MLE 2900 2150 - - - - - - 2420 1670 - - - - - -
180 MLA 3660 2940 4160 3150 4800 3675 4960 3740 3060 2340 3460 2450 3940 2815 4040 2820
180 MLB 3760 2960 4220 3095 4500 3285 - - 3125 2320 3500 2375 3700 2485 - -
180 MLC - - 3880 2660 - - - - - - 3220 2000 - - - -
200 MLA 5000 3965 5000 4680 5000 5265 5000 5195 4200 3125 5000 3640 5000 4065 5000 3955
200 MLB 5000 3905 5000 4060 5000 4800 - - 4220 3085 4700 3120 5000 3660 - -
200 MLC 4600 3385 5000 3775 5000 4165 - - 3880 2665 4520 2875 5000 3105 - -
200 MLD 4660 3370 - - - - - - 3925 2635 - - - - - -
225 SMA 5000 4375 5000 5445 5000 5735 5000 6535 4780 3455 5000 4225 5000 4395 5000 5095
225 SMB 5000 4245 5000 5175 5000 5155 5000 6055 4780 3345 5000 3995 5000 3915 5000 4635
225 SMC 5000 3670 5000 4445 - - - - 4440 2900 5000 3425 - - - -
225 SMD 5000 3590 5000 3895 - - - - 4400 2790 5000 2935 - - - -
250 SMA 6000 5345 6000 6300 6000 6950 6000 7125 5840 4225 6000 4920 6000 5350 6000 5385
250 SMB 6000 4830 6000 5325 6000 6370 - - 5640 3810 6000 4085 6000 4830 - -
250 SMC 6000 4395 6000 4900 6000 5575 - - 5400 3415 6000 3700 6000 4135 - -
280 SM_ 7550 3150 9600 4550 11150 5500 12200 7000 6200 1800 7800 2750 9000 3350 9850 4700
315 SM_ 7950 2600 11750 5500 13600 6300 15350 7900 6600 1300 9550 3300 11050 3750 12450 5000
315 ML_ 8650 2300 12500 5050 14900 5800 15400 6300 7300 10300 2900 12350 3250 13600 3400
315 LK__ 9100 1350 13100 3850 15700 4100 16900 6300 7750 10900 1700 13100 1550 14100 3450
355 SM_ 6350 4250 13250 8600 15650 9580 17350 12500 4950 2900 10450 5850 12350 6270 13600 8900
355 ML_ 7100 3700 14600 7950 18050 8600 21100 11650 5750 2350 11850 5150 14700 5300 17000 7600
355 LK_ 7500 3150 15650 6600 19100 7050 21200 8700 6150 1800 12850 3800 15800 3750 17500 5000
400 L, LK_ 8650 2150 16050 6400 18450 6750 20100 8350 7220 13150 3400 15100 3400 16450 4700
450 L_ 11500 20000 4400 26000 3700 27800 5500 10000 17700 1200 22200 23700 1350
Motor sizes 280 to 450 Motor sizes 280 to 450
Rating plate Lubrication plate
Motor size
A Motor type
A B C D. E. F. G B Motor size
C Product code
M3BP 160 MLC 3GBP 161 033 - A D G 003 etc.
D Mounting arrangement code
E Voltage and frequency code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F Generation code
G Variant codes
Explanation of the product code:
Positions 1 to 4 Position 8 to 10
3GBP = Totally enclosed fan cooled squirrel cage motor with Serial number
cast iron frame
Positions 5 and 6
Position 11
- (dash) 2
16 = 160 Position 12
18 = 180 Mounting arrangement
20 = 200 A = Foot-mounted, top-mounted terminal box
22 = 225 R = Foot-mounted, terminal box RHS seen from D-end
25 = 250 L = Foot-mounted, terminal box LHS seen from D-end
28 = 280 B = Flange-mounted, large flange
C = Flange-mounted, small flange (sizes 71 to 112)
31 = 315
H = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box top-mounted
35 = 355
J = Foot- and flange-mounted, small flange with tapped holes
40 = 400
S = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box RHS seen
45 = 450
from D-end
T = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box LHS seen from D-end
Position 7
V = Flange-mounted, special flange
Speed (Pole pairs)
F = Foot- and flange-mounted. Special flange
1 = 2 poles
2 = 4 poles Position 13
3 = 6 poles Voltage and frequency code
4 = 8 poles See table below
5 = 10 poles
6 = 12 poles Position 14
7 = >12 poles Generation code
8 = Two-speed motors for fan drive A, B, C...G
9 = Multi-speed motors, two-speed motors for constant torque The product code must be, if needed, followed by variant codes.
Code letters for supplementing the product code - single speed motors
Code letter for voltage and frequency
Direct start or, with ∆-connection, also Y/∆-start
Motor S D H E F T U X
size 50Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
160-450 220, 230 V∆ - 380, 400, 415 V∆ 440 V∆ 415 V∆ 500 V∆ - 500 VY 660 V∆ 690 V∆ connection or
380,400,415 VY 440 VY 660, 690 VY - - - - - - - frequency,
690 V maximum
Code letters for supplementing the product code - two speed motors
Code letter for voltage (50 Hz)
size A S B D H E X
160-450 220 V 230 V 380 V 400 V 415 V 500 V Other rated voltage,
connection or frequency,
690 V maximum
IP 55 – IC 411 – Insulation class F, temperature rise class B
IE2 efficiency class according to IEC 60034-30; 2008
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque
kW r/min IEC IEC factor
60034- 60034- cos j
2-1; 2007 2;1996
IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full 3/4 Full 3/4
load load load load
100 % 75 % 100 % 75 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
3000 r/min = 2-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
11 M3BP 160 MLA 3GBP 161 031-••G 2929 89.8 90.3 90.9 91.4 0.91 19.2 7.7 36 2.2 2.9
15 M3BP 160 MLB 3GBP 161 032-••G 2933 90.7 91.2 91.7 92.2 0.91 26 7.8 49 2.3 3.1
18.5 M3BP 160 MLC 3GBP 161 033-••G 2936 91.3 91.7 92.4 92.8 0.90 32.5 7.3 60 2.3 3.1
22 M3BP 180 MLA 3GBP 181 031-••G 2950 91.6 91.8 92.6 92.8 0.88 39 7.9 71 2.8 3.2
30 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 201 031-••G 2952 92.3 92.5 93.4 93.6 0.90 52 7.9 97 2.8 3.0
37 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 201 032-••G 2949 92.7 93.0 93.8 94.1 0.90 64 7.7 120 2.6 3.0
45 M3BP 225 SMA 3GBP 221 031-••G 2965 93.6 93.7 94.4 94.5 0.88 79 7.4 145 2.3 2.6
55 M3BP 250 SMA 3GBP 251 031-••G 2968 93.9 93.9 94.6 94.6 0.88 96 7.1 177 2.2 2.8
75 4)
M3BP 280 SMA 3GBP 281 210-••G 2978 94.3 93.9 94.8 94.3 0.88 131 7.6 240 2.1 3.0
90 4)
M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 281 220-••G 2976 94.6 94.3 95.1 94.8 0.90 152 7.4 289 2.1 2.9
110 4)
M3BP 315 SMA 3GBP 311 210-••G 2982 94.7 94.1 95.1 94.4 0.86 194 7.6 352 2.0 3.0
132 4)
M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 311 220-••G 2982 95.1 94.6 95.5 95.0 0.88 228 7.4 423 2.2 3.0
160 4)
M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 311 230-••G 2981 95.4 95.1 96.1 95.6 0.89 269 7.5 513 2.3 3.0
200 4)
M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 311 410-••G 2980 95.7 95.5 96.3 95.9 0.90 336 7.7 641 2.6 3.0
250 4)
M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 351 210-••G 2984 96.3 95.9 96.4 95.9 0.89 425 7.7 800 2.1 3.3
315 4)
M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 351 220-••G 2980 96.6 96.3 96.6 96.3 0.89 535 7.0 1009 2.1 3.0
355 4)
M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 351 230-••G 2984 96.8 96.5 96.8 96.5 0.88 604 7.2 1136 2.2 3.0
400 2) 4)
M3BP 355 MLA 3GBP 351 410-••G 2982 96.9 96.6 96.9 96.7 0.88 680 7.1 1281 2.3 2.9
450 2) 4)
M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 351 420-••G 2983 97.1 96.9 97.1 97.0 0.90 750 7.9 1441 2.2 2.9
500 2) 4)
M3BP 355 LKA 3GBP 351 810-••G 2982 97.1 97.0 97.1 97.0 0.90 830 7.5 1601 2.1 3.5
560 2) 4)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 351 820-••G 2982 97.2 97.1 97.2 97.1 0.90 930 8.0 1793 2.3 3.6
560 5)
M3BP 400 LA 3GBP 401 510-••G 2988 97.2 97.1 97.2 97.0 0.89 940 7.8 1790 2.1 3.4
560 5)
M3BP 400 LKA 3GBP 401 810-••G 2988 97.2 97.1 97.2 97.0 0.89 940 7.8 1790 2.1 3.4
630 5)
M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 401 520-••G 2987 97.4 97.3 97.4 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4
630 5)
M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 401 820-••G 2987 97.4 97.3 97.4 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4
710 2) 5)
M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 401 530-••G 2987 97.5 97.3 97.5 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4
710 2) 5)
M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 401 830-••G 2987 97.5 97.3 97.5 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4
800 1) 5)
M3BP 450 LA 3GBP 451 510-••G 2990 97.2 97.1 97.3 97.2 0.88 1345 7.8 2555 1.3 3.2
900 1) 5)
M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 451 520-••G 2990 97.3 97.1 97.4 97.3 0.88 1515 7.8 2874 1.5 3.1
1000 3) 6)
M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 451 530-••G 2990 97.5 97.3 97.6 97.5 0.89 965 7.8 3194 1.6 3.2
3000 r/min = 2-poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
22 2)
M3BP 160 MLD 3GBP 161 034-••G 2926 91.4 92.1 92.9 93.6 0.92 37.5 7.7 72 2.6 2.9
30 1)
M3BP 160 MLE 3GBP 161 035-••G 2926 91.8 92.5 93.3 94.0 0.92 51 7.8 98 2.8 2.9
30 2)
M3BP 180 MLB 3GBP 181 032-••G 2951 92.2 92.5 93.5 93.8 0.88 53 8.2 97 3.0 3.3
45 2)
M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 201 033-••G 2949 93.0 93.4 94.2 94.6 0.90 77 7.8 146 2.6 2.9
55 1)
M3BP 200 MLD 3GBP 201 034-••G 2950 93.3 93.6 94.6 95.0 0.90 94 8.2 178 2.7 3.1
55 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 221 032-••G 2963 93.9 94.0 94.7 94.8 0.88 96 7.4 177 2.3 2.5
75 1)
M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 221 033-••G 2965 94.5 94.7 95.4 95.6 0.87 132 7.9 242 2.6 2.6
80 1)
M3BP 225 SMD 3GBP 221 034-••G 2966 94.7 94.9 95.6 95.8 0.87 140 8.1 258 2.8 2.7
75 2)
M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 251 032-••G 2969 94.5 94.6 95.2 95.3 0.89 129 7.5 241 2.5 2.8
90 1)
M3BP 250 SMC 3GBP 251 033-••G 2971 94.6 94.7 95.5 95.6 0.89 154 8.1 289 2.9 2.9
110 4)
M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 281 230-••G 2978 95.1 94.8 95.7 95.3 0.90 185 7.9 353 2.4 3.0
250 2) 4)
M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 311 810-••G 2980 96.1 95.9 96.5 96.4 0.89 422 8.1 801 2.8 2.9
315 1) 4)
M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 311 830-••G 2981 96.4 96.2 96.7 96.6 0.89 530 8.8 1009 3.2 3.2
Temperature rise class F Unidirectional fan construction as standard. Direction of rotation must be
Temperature rise class F by voltage 380 V 50 Hz stated when ordering, see variant codes 044 and 045
Temperature rise class F by voltage 400 V and 380 V 50 Hz Unidirectional fan construction as standard. Direction of rotation must be
3dB(A) sound pressure level reduction with unidirectional fan construction. stated when ordering, see variant codes 044 and 045. Current at 690 VD 50 Hz
Direction of rotation must be stated when ordering, see variant codes 044 (voltage code U), lowest possible voltage 500 VD 50 Hz (voltage code E)
and 045
Output Motor type Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Moment Weight Sound
kW r/min IEC IEC factor r/min IEC IEC factor of inertia kg pressure
60034- 60034- cos j 60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD 2
level LP
2-1; 2; 1996 2-1; 2; 1996 kgm 2
2007 IN 2007 IN
Full Full Full Full
load load load load
100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
3000 r/min = 2-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz Basic design
11 M3BP 160 MLA 2920 89.3 90.4 0.91 20.5 2935 90.1 91.2 0.90 18.6 0.045 127 69
15 M3BP 160 MLB 2925 90.3 91.3 0.92 27.5 2938 90.9 91.9 0.90 25.5 0.049 134 69
18.5 M3BP 160 MLC 2928 91.0 92.1 0.91 33.5 2941 91.4 92.5 0.88 32 0.054 142 69
22 M3BP 180 MLA 2944 91.3 92.3 0.90 40.5 2953 91.7 92.7 0.86 38.5 0.078 191 69
30 M3BP 200 MLA 2946 92.0 93.1 0.90 55 2956 92.5 93.6 0.89 50 0.163 271 72
37 M3BP 200 MLB 2942 92.4 93.5 0.90 67 2953 92.9 94.0 0.89 62 0.181 284 72
45 M3BP 225 SMA 2960 93.4 94.2 0.88 83 2968 93.7 94.5 0.87 77 0.25 348 74
55 M3BP 250 SMA 2964 93.7 94.4 0.88 101 2971 94.0 94.7 0.87 93 0.517 405 75
75 M3BP 280 SMA 2975 94.2 94.7 0.89 137 2980 94.6 94.8 0.87 127 0.8 625 77
90 M3BP 280 SMB 2972 94.5 95.0 0.90 159 2978 94.6 95.1 0.89 148 0.9 665 77
110 M3BP 315 SMA 2980 94.7 95.1 0.87 202 2983 94.7 95.1 0.85 190 1.2 880 78
132 M3BP 315 SMB 2980 95.0 95.4 0.89 238 2983 95.1 95.5 0.87 222 1.4 940 78
160 M3BP 315 SMC 2979 95.4 96.1 0.90 282 2982 95.5 96.1 0.89 262 1.7 1025 78
200 M3BP 315 MLA 2977 95.6 96.3 0.90 354 2982 95.8 96.3 0.89 325 2.1 1190 78
250 M3BP 355 SMA 2982 96.3 96.4 0.90 445 2985 96.3 96.4 0.88 412 3 1600 83
315 M3BP 355 SMB 2978 96.5 96.5 0.89 560 2982 96.6 96.6 0.89 515 3.4 1680 83
355 M3BP 355 SMC 2981 96.7 96.8 0.89 632 2985 96.8 96.8 0.88 582 3.6 1750 83
400 M3BP 355 MLA 2980 96.8 96.9 0.89 710 2984 96.9 96.9 0.87 660 4.1 2000 83
450 M3BP 355 MLB 2980 97.0 97.0 0.91 785 2985 97.1 97.1 0.90 720 4.3 2080 83
500 M3BP 355 LKA 2979 97.0 97.0 0.91 870 2984 97.1 97.1 0.90 800 4.8 2320 83
560 M3BP 355 LKB 2980 97.1 97.1 0.91 980 2984 97.2 97.2 0.90 895 5.2 2460 83
560 M3BP 400 LA 2986 97.2 97.2 0.90 980 2989 97.2 97.2 0.88 910 7.9 2950 82
560 M3BP 400 LKA 2986 97.2 97.2 0.90 980 2989 97.2 97.2 0.88 910 7.9 2950 82
630 M3BP 400 LB 2985 97.4 97.4 0.90 1100 2988 97.4 97.4 0.88 1015 8.2 3050 82
630 M3BP 400 LKB 2985 97.4 97.4 0.90 1100 2988 97.4 97.4 0.88 1015 8.2 3050 82
710 M3BP 400 LC 2985 97.4 97.4 0.90 1230 2988 97.5 97.5 0.89 1140 9.3 3300 82
710 M3BP 400 LKC 2985 97.4 97.4 0.90 1230 2988 97.5 97.5 0.89 1140 9.3 3300 82
800 M3BP 450 LA 2989 97.2 97.3 0.89 1400 2991 97.2 97.4 0.87 1310 12.5 4000 85
900 M3BP 450 LB 2989 97.3 97.4 0.89 1575 2991 97.3 97.4 0.88 1460 14 4200 85
1000 M3BP 450 LC Missing data on request 15.5 4400 85
3000 r/min = 2-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz High-output design
22 M3BP 160 MLD 2917 91.0 92.5 0.92 40 2932 91.6 93.2 0.92 36.5 0.064 170 69
30 M3BP 160 MLE 2916 91.4 92.9 0.92 54 2932 92.0 93.5 0.91 49 0.074 184 69
30 M3BP 180 MLB 2945 92.0 93.3 0.90 55 2955 92.3 93.6 0.86 52 0.093 208 69
45 M3BP 200 MLC 2942 92.7 93.9 0.90 81 2953 93.2 94.4 0.89 75 0.198 298 72
55 M3BP 200 MLD 2944 93.0 94.4 0.91 98 2954 93.3 94.7 0.89 92 0.198 320 72
55 M3BP 225 SMB 2959 93.7 94.5 0.89 101 2966 94.0 94.8 0.87 93 0.28 370 74
75 M3BP 225 SMC 2961 94.4 95.3 0.89 136 2968 94.5 95.4 0.84 131 0.316 396 74
80 M3BP 225 SMD 2962 94.6 95.5 0.89 145 2969 94.7 95.6 0.84 139 0.336 410 74
75 M3BP 250 SMB 2965 94.3 95.0 0.89 135 2972 94.6 95.3 0.88 125 0.593 452 75
90 M3BP 250 SMC 2968 94.4 95.3 0.89 162 2973 94.7 95.6 0.88 150 0.654 487 75
110 M3BP 280 SMC 2974 95.0 95.6 0.91 194 2980 95.1 95.7 0.90 179 1.15 725 77
250 M3BP 315 LKA 2977 96.0 96.3 0.89 444 2982 96.1 96.5 0.89 408 2.65 1440 78
315 M3BP 315 LKC 2978 96.3 96.7 0.90 552 2983 96.4 96.8 0.89 508 3.3 1630 78
Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing arrangement, voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
IP 55 – IC 411 – Insulation class F, temperature rise class B
IE2 efficiency class according to IEC 60034-30; 2008
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque
kW r/min IEC IEC factor
60034- 60034- cos j
2-1; 2007 2;1996
IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full 3/4 Full 3/4
load load load load
100 % 75 % 100 % 75 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1500 r/min = 4-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
11 M3BP 160 MLA 3GBP 162 031-••G 1470 90.5 91.0 91.5 92.0 0.84 21 6.8 71 2.4 2.9
15 M3BP 160 MLB 3GBP 162 032-••G 1470 91.4 92.0 92.2 92.8 0.84 28.5 7.5 98 2.5 2.9
18.5 M3BP 180 MLA 3GBP 182 031-••G 1478 91.9 92.3 92.8 93.2 0.84 35 7.7 120 2.6 3.1
22 M3BP 180 MLB 3GBP 182 032-••G 1478 92.1 92.4 93.1 93.4 0.84 41 7.6 142 2.7 3.1
30 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 202 031-••G 1480 92.9 93.1 93.5 93.7 0.84 55 7.2 194 2.4 2.8
37 M3BP 225 SMA 3GBP 222 031-••G 1478 93.2 93.4 93.8 94.0 0.84 68 7.6 239 2.5 2.7
45 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 222 032-••G 1480 93.6 93.7 94.2 94.3 0.85 82 7.8 290 2.5 2.8
55 M3BP 250 SMA 3GBP 252 031-••G 1480 94.0 94.2 94.5 94.7 0.84 100 7.3 355 2.6 2.7
75 M3BP 280 SMA 3GBP 282 210-••G 1484 94.5 94.4 94.9 94.8 0.85 135 6.9 483 2.5 2.8
90 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 282 220-••G 1483 94.7 94.7 95.3 95.3 0.86 159 7.2 580 2.5 2.7
110 M3BP 315 SMA 3GBP 312 210-••G 1487 95.1 94.9 95.6 95.4 0.86 193 7.2 706 2.0 2.5
132 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 312 220-••G 1487 95.4 95.2 95.8 95.7 0.86 232 7.1 848 2.3 2.7
160 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 312 230-••G 1487 95.6 95.5 96.0 95.9 0.85 287 7.2 1028 2.4 2.9
200 2)
M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 312 410-••G 1486 95.6 95.6 96.2 96.2 0.86 351 7.2 1285 2.5 2.9
250 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 352 210-••G 1488 96.2 96.1 96.5 96.4 0.86 438 7.1 1604 2.3 2.7
315 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 352 220-••G 1488 96.3 96.2 96.7 96.6 0.86 550 7.3 2022 2.3 2.8
355 2)
M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 352 230-••G 1487 96.2 96.2 96.7 96.6 0.86 616 6.8 2280 2.4 2.7
400 2)
M3BP 355 MLA 3GBP 352 410-••G 1489 96.3 96.2 96.9 96.7 0.85 700 6.8 2565 2.3 2.6
450 2)
M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 352 420-••G 1490 96.8 96.7 96.9 96.7 0.86 784 6.9 2884 2.3 2.9
500 M3BP 355 LKA 3GBP 352 810-••G 1490 97.0 96.9 97.0 96.9 0.86 875 6.8 3204 2.0 3.0
560 1)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 352 820-••G 1490 96.9 96.8 96.9 96.9 0.85 990 7.2 3589 2.6 2.7
560 2)
M3BP 400 LA 3GBP 402 510-••G 1491 97.0 96.9 97.1 97.0 0.85 980 7.4 3587 2.4 2.8
560 2)
M3BP 400 LKA 3GBP 402 810-••G 1491 97.0 96.9 97.1 97.0 0.85 980 7.4 3587 2.4 2.8
630 2)
M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 402 520-••G 1491 97.1 97.0 97.1 97.0 0.87 1085 7.6 4035 2.2 2.9
630 2)
M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 402 820-••G 1491 97.1 97.0 97.1 97.0 0.87 1085 7.6 4035 2.2 2.9
710 3)
M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 402 530-••G 1491 97.3 97.2 97.2 97.1 0.86 1240 7.6 4547 2.4 3.0
710 3)
M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 402 830-••G 1491 97.3 97.2 97.2 97.1 0.86 1240 7.6 4547 2.4 3.0
800 M3BP 450 LA 3GBP 452 510-••G 1492 97.0 96.9 97.0 96.9 0.86 1385 7.0 5120 1.3 2.8
900 2)
M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 452 520-••G 1492 97.1 97.0 97.1 97.0 0.86 1555 7.0 5760 1.3 2.8
1000 3) 4)
M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 452 530-••G 1491 97.2 97.1 97.2 97.1 0.86 1725 6.8 6405 1.3 2.7
1500 r/min = 4-poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
18.5 M3BP 160 MLC 3GBP 162 033-••G 1464 91.2 91.9 92.4 93.1 0.84 34.5 7.0 121 2.6 2.9
22 2)
M3BP 160 MLD 3GBP 162 034-••G 1463 91.3 92.1 92.5 93.3 0.84 41 7.0 144 2.5 2.9
30 2)
M3BP 180 MLC 3GBP 182 033-••G 1475 92.4 92.7 93.3 93.8 0.83 57 7.7 194 2.7 3.2
37 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 202 032-••G 1478 93.0 93.4 93.7 94.1 0.85 68 7.4 239 2.4 2.7
45 1)
M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 202 033-••G 1478 93.3 93.7 94.2 94.6 0.83 84 7.8 291 2.6 2.9
55 2)
M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 222 033-••G 1475 93.5 93.8 94.2 94.6 0.86 99 7.5 356 2.4 2.5
73 1)
M3BP 225 SMD 3GBP 222 034-••G 1474 93.2 93.5 94.0 94.3 0.84 134 8.1 473 2.6 2.6
75 1)
M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 252 032-••G 1480 94.4 94.6 94.9 95.1 0.84 136 7.8 484 2.8 2.7
90 1)
M3BP 250 SMC 3GBP 252 033-••G 1476 94.3 94.7 95.0 95.4 0.85 162 7.6 582 2.8 2.6
110 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 282 230-••G 1485 95.1 95.1 95.7 95.7 0.86 195 7.6 707 3.0 3.0
250 2)
M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 312 810-••G 1487 95.5 95.4 96.2 96.2 0.86 442 7.4 1605 2.5 2.9
280 2)
M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 312 820-••G 1487 95.7 95.6 96.5 96.4 0.87 482 7.6 1798 2.6 3.0
315 2)
M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 312 830-••G 1488 95.7 95.6 96.5 96.4 0.86 548 7.8 2022 2.6 3.2
37 M3BP 225 SMA 1475 93.0 93.6 0.86 70 1480 93.2 93.8 0.82 67 0.367 324 66
45 M3BP 225 SMB 1477 93.4 94.1 0.87 84 1481 93.6 94.2 0.83 80 0.451 357 66
55 M3BP 250 SMA 1478 93.8 94.3 0.85 104 1482 94.1 94.6 0.83 98 0.778 415 67
75 M3BP 280 SMA 1482 94.3 94.7 0.86 141 1486 94.5 94.9 0.84 132 1.25 625 68
90 M3BP 280 SMB 1481 94.5 95.2 0.87 166 1485 94.7 95.3 0.85 155 1.5 665 68
110 M3BP 315 SMA 1486 95.0 95.5 0.87 202 1488 95.1 95.6 0.85 191 2.3 900 70
132 M3BP 315 SMB 1486 95.3 95.7 0.87 242 1488 95.4 95.8 0.85 227 2.6 960 70
160 M3BP 315 SMC 1485 95.5 95.9 0.86 296 1488 95.6 96.0 0.84 279 2.9 1000 70
200 M3BP 315 MLA 1484 95.5 96.1 0.87 366 1488 95.6 96.2 0.85 342 3.5 1160 70
250 M3BP 355 SMA 1487 96.1 96.4 0.87 455 1489 96.2 96.5 0.85 430 5.9 1610 74
315 M3BP 355 SMB 1487 96.3 96.7 0.87 571 1489 96.4 96.7 0.85 538 6.9 1780 74
355 M3BP 355 SMC 1485 96.1 96.5 0.87 645 1488 96.3 96.7 0.85 608 7.2 1820 78
400 M3BP 355 MLA 1488 96.3 96.8 0.86 740 1490 96.4 96.9 0.84 685 8.4 2140 78
450 M3BP 355 MLB 1488 96.7 96.8 0.87 825 1491 96.8 96.9 0.84 770 8.4 2140 78
500 M3BP 355 LKA 1489 97.0 97.0 0.87 907 1491 97.0 97.0 0.85 852 10 2500 78
560 M3BP 355 LKB 1488 96.8 96.9 0.86 1020 1491 96.8 97.0 0.84 960 10.6 2600 78
560 M3BP 400 LA 1490 96.9 97.0 0.86 1020 1492 97.0 97.1 0.84 970 15 3200 78
560 M3BP 400 LKA 1490 96.9 97.0 0.86 1020 1492 97.0 97.1 0.84 970 15 3200 78
630 M3BP 400 LB 1490 97.0 97.0 0.88 1130 1492 97.1 97.1 0.86 1055 16 3300 78
630 M3BP 400 LKB 1490 97.0 97.0 0.88 1130 1492 97.1 97.1 0.86 1055 16 3300 78
710 M3BP 400 LC 1490 97.2 97.1 0.87 1290 1492 97.3 97.2 0.84 1215 17 3400 78
710 M3BP 400 LKC 1490 97.2 97.1 0.87 1290 1492 97.3 97.2 0.84 1215 17 3400 78
800 M3BP 450 LA 1491 96.9 96.9 0.87 1440 1492 97.1 97.0 0.85 1350 23 4050 85
900 M3BP 450 LB 1491 97.1 97.1 0.87 1620 1492 97.1 97.1 0.85 1515 25 4350 85
1000 M3BP 450 LC 1490 97.2 97.1 0.87 1800 1492 97.2 97.2 0.85 1680 30 4700 85
1500 r/min = 4-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz High-output design
18.5 M3BP 160 MLC 1459 90.8 92.0 0.85 36.5 1467 91.4 92.6 0.83 34 0.11 174 62
22 M3BP 160 MLD 1458 90.9 92.1 0.85 43 1466 91.5 92.7 0.83 40 0.126 187 62
30 M3BP 180 MLC 1472 92 93.1 0.85 59 1477 92.3 93.4 0.81 56 0.22 236 62
37 M3BP 200 MLB 1475 92.7 93.4 0.86 71 1480 93.1 93.8 0.84 66 0.351 308 63
45 M3BP 200 MLC 1475 93.1 94.0 0.85 86 1480 93.3 94.2 0.81 83 0.374 319 63
55 M3BP 225 SMC 1472 93.1 93.9 0.87 103 1477 93.5 94.3 0.85 97 0.485 371 66
73 M3BP 225 SMD 1471 93.0 93.8 0.86 138 1476 93.2 94.0 0.81 134 0.553 399 66
75 M3BP 250 SMB 1478 94.2 94.7 0.85 141 1482 94.5 95.0 0.82 134 0.879 451 67
90 M3BP 250 SMC 1473 94.1 94.8 0.86 169 1478 94.4 95.1 0.84 159 0.954 478 67
110 M3BP 280 SMC 1483 95.0 95.6 0.87 202 1486 95.2 95.7 0.85 189 1.85 725 68
250 M3BP 315 LKA 1485 95.4 96.1 0.87 457 1488 95.6 96.3 0.85 428 4.4 1410 78
280 M3BP 315 LKB 1485 95.6 96.3 0.88 502 1488 95.8 96.5 0.86 470 5 1520 78
315 M3BP 315 LKC 1486 95.6 96.4 0.87 570 1489 95.7 96.5 0.85 535 5.5 1600 78
Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing arrangement, voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
30 M3BP 225 SMA 3GBP 223 031-••G 986 92.1 92.4 92.9 93.2 0.82 57 6.6 290 2.2 2.7
37 M3BP 250 SMA 3GBP 253 031-••G 990 92.4 92.5 93.4 93.5 0.81 71 6.9 357 2.5 2.7
45 M3BP 280 SMA 3GBP 283 210-••G 990 93.3 93.3 94.4 94.3 0.84 82 7.0 434 2.5 2.5
55 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 283 220-••G 990 93.6 93.5 94.6 94.6 0.84 101 7.0 531 2.7 2.6
75 M3BP 315 SMA 3GBP 313 210-••G 992 94.4 94.2 95.0 94.7 0.82 141 7.4 722 2.4 2.8
90 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 313 220-••G 992 94.8 94.7 95.5 95.3 0.84 163 7.5 866 2.4 2.8
110 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 313 230-••G 991 95.2 95.1 95.6 95.5 0.83 202 7.4 1060 2.5 2.9
132 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 313 410-••G 991 95.3 95.2 95.8 95.7 0.83 240 7.5 1272 2.7 3.0
160 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 353 210-••G 993 95.6 95.5 96.0 95.8 0.83 293 7.0 1539 2.0 2.6
200 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 353 220-••G 993 95.8 95.7 96.2 96.1 0.84 357 7.2 1923 2.2 2.7
250 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 353 230-••G 993 96.1 95.9 96.5 96.3 0.83 450 7.4 2404 2.6 2.9
315 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 353 420-••G 992 96.1 96.0 96.4 96.3 0.83 570 7.0 3032 2.5 2.7
355 2)
M3BP 355 LKA 3GBP 353 810-••G 992 95.8 95.7 96.6 96.5 0.83 640 7.6 3417 2.7 2.9
400 3)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 353 820-••G 992 96.0 95.9 96.4 96.4 0.83 722 7.2 3851 2.6 2.6
400 M3BP 400 LA 3GBP 403 510-••G 993 96.2 96.0 96.7 96.6 0.82 730 7.1 3847 2.3 2.7
400 M3BP 400 LKA 3GBP 403 810-••G 993 96.2 96.0 96.7 96.6 0.82 730 7.1 3847 2.3 2.7
450 2)
M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 403 520-••G 994 96.6 96.5 96.9 96.7 0.82 818 7.4 4323 2.4 2.8
450 2)
M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 403 820-••G 994 96.6 96.5 96.9 96.7 0.82 818 7.4 4323 2.4 2.8
500 2)
M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 403 530-••G 993 96.6 96.5 96.9 96.8 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7
500 2)
M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 403 830-••G 993 96.6 96.5 96.9 96.8 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7
560 2)
M3BP 400 LD 3GBP 403 540-••G 993 97.0 96.9 96.9 96.8 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0
560 2)
M3BP 400 LKD 3GBP 403 840-••G 993 97.0 96.9 96.9 96.8 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0
630 M3BP 450 LA 3GBP 453 510-••G 994 97.0 96.9 97.0 97.0 0.84 1115 6.5 6052 1.1 2.5
710 M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 453 520-••G 995 97.0 97.0 97.1 97.1 0.85 1240 7.0 6814 1.3 2.5
800 1)
M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 453 530-••G 995 97.1 97.0 97.1 97.1 0.84 1415 7.2 7678 1.3 2.7
1000 r/min = 6-poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
15 M3BP 160 MLC 3GBP 163 033-••G 974 89.0 89.6 90.8 91.4 0.78 31 6.5 147 1.9 2.8
18.5 M3BP 180 MLB 3GBP 183 032-••G 975 89.7 90.5 91.7 92.5 0.77 38.5 5.9 181 1.8 2.4
30 2)
M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 203 033-••G 985 91.9 92.2 92.9 93.2 0.82 57 7.0 291 2.3 2.8
37 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 223 032-••G 985 92.5 92.8 93.3 93.6 0.81 71 6.7 359 2.3 2.8
45 1)
M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 223 033-••G 983 92.4 92.9 93.4 93.9 0.83 84 6.4 437 2.2 2.5
45 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 253 032-••G 989 92.9 93.2 94.0 94.3 0.84 83 7.0 435 2.6 2.7
55 1)
M3BP 250 SMC 3GBP 253 033-••G 987 93.1 93.4 94.1 94.4 0.84 102 7.2 532 2.8 2.7
75 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 283 230-••G 990 93.8 93.8 95.1 95.2 0.84 137 7.3 723 2.8 2.7
160 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 313 810-••G 992 95.3 95.2 95.8 95.7 0.83 293 7.5 1540 2.6 2.8
180 M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 313 820-••G 992 95.4 95.3 95.9 95.8 0.83 330 7.4 1733 2.6 2.8
200 M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 313 830-••G 989 95.3 95.4 95.7 95.7 0.84 362 6.8 1931 2.5 2.6
30 M3BP 225 SMA 985 91.8 92.6 0.83 59 987 92.2 93.1 0.81 56 0.675 350 63
37 M3BP 250 SMA 988 92.2 93.2 0.83 73 991 92.4 93.4 0.79 70 1.154 395 63
45 M3BP 280 SMA 989 93.2 94.2 0.84 87 991 93.4 94.4 0.82 81 1.85 605 66
55 M3BP 280 SMB 988 93.4 94.5 0.84 106 991 93.6 94.6 0.83 99 2.2 645 66
75 M3BP 315 SMA 991 94.3 94.9 0.84 145 993 94.3 95.0 0.79 140 3.2 830 70
90 M3BP 315 SMB 991 94.8 95.4 0.85 169 993 94.9 95.5 0.82 160 4.1 930 70
110 M3BP 315 SMC 990 95.1 95.5 0.84 211 992 95.2 95.6 0.82 197 4.9 1000 70
132 M3BP 315 MLA 990 95.2 95.7 0.84 250 992 95.3 95.8 0.82 236 5.8 1150 68
160 M3BP 355 SMA 992 95.6 95.9 0.84 305 994 95.6 96.0 0.82 285 7.9 1520 75
200 M3BP 355 SMB 992 95.8 96.1 0.85 372 994 95.8 96.2 0.83 350 9.7 1680 75
250 M3BP 355 SMC 992 96.0 96.4 0.84 470 994 96.1 96.5 0.81 446 11.3 1820 75
315 M3BP 355 MLB 991 96.0 96.3 0.84 592 993 96.1 96.4 0.82 556 13.5 2180 75
355 M3BP 355 LKA 991 95.8 96.5 0.84 665 993 95.8 96.6 0.81 632 15.5 2500 75
400 M3BP 355 LKB 991 95.9 96.4 0.84 752 993 96.0 96.5 0.81 712 16.5 2600 75
400 M3BP 400 LA 992 96.2 96.7 0.83 760 994 96.2 96.7 0.80 720 17 2900 76
400 M3BP 400 LKA 992 96.2 96.7 0.83 760 994 96.2 96.7 0.80 720 17 2900 76
450 M3BP 400 LB 993 96.5 96.8 0.84 850 994 96.6 96.9 0.80 815 20.5 3150 76
450 M3BP 400 LKB 993 96.5 96.8 0.84 850 994 96.6 96.9 0.80 815 20.5 3150 76
500 M3BP 400 LC 992 96.5 96.8 0.84 940 994 96.6 96.9 0.82 888 22 3300 76
500 M3BP 400 LKC 992 96.5 96.8 0.84 940 994 96.6 96.9 0.82 888 22 3300 76
560 M3BP 400 LD 992 96.9 96.8 0.86 1035 994 97.0 96.9 0.83 970 24 3400 77
560 M3BP 400 LKD 992 96.9 96.8 0.86 1035 994 97.0 96.9 0.83 970 24 3400 77
630 M3BP 450 LA 993 96.9 96.9 0.85 1160 995 97.0 97.0 0.83 1090 31 4150 81
710 M3BP 450 LB 994 96.9 97.0 0.86 1295 995 97.0 97.1 0.84 1210 37 4500 81
800 M3BP 450 LC 994 97.1 97.1 0.85 1470 995 97.1 97.1 0.83 1380 41 4800 81
1000 r/min = 6-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz High-output design
15 M3BP 160 MLC 971 88.6 90.4 0.80 32 976 89.2 91.0 0.76 30.5 0.134 185 59
18.5 M3BP 180 MLB 971 89.3 91.3 0.79 39.5 977 89.8 91.8 0.75 38 0.218 234 59
30 M3BP 200 MLC 984 91.7 92.7 0.84 59 987 91.9 92.9 0.80 57 0.547 318 63
37 M3BP 225 SMB 983 92.3 93.1 0.83 73 986 92.6 93.4 0.79 70 0.728 365 63
45 M3BP 225 SMC 981 92.1 93.1 0.84 88 985 92.5 93.5 0.82 83 0.833 393 63
45 M3BP 250 SMB 987 92.7 93.8 0.85 87 990 93.0 94.1 0.83 81 1.393 441 63
55 M3BP 250 SMC 986 92.9 93.9 0.85 106 988 93.2 94.2 0.83 99 1.524 468 63
75 M3BP 280 SMC 988 93.7 95.0 0.85 142 991 93.9 95.2 0.83 132 2.85 725 66
160 M3BP 315 LKA 991 95.2 95.7 0.84 304 992 95.3 95.8 0.82 285 7.3 1410 74
180 M3BP 315 LKB 990 95.3 95.8 0.84 342 992 95.4 95.9 0.82 321 8.3 1520 74
200 M3BP 315 LKC 988 95.2 95.6 0.84 380 990 95.4 95.9 0.83 353 9.2 1600 74
Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing arrangement, voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque
kW r/min IEC IEC factor
60034- 60034- cos j
2-1; 2007 2;1996
IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full 3/4 Full 3/4
load load load load
100 % 75 % 100 % 75 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
750 r/min = 8-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
4 M3BP 160 MLA 3GBP 164 031-••G 728 84.3 84.3 85.4 85.4 0.65 10.5 5.1 52 1.6 2.8
5.5 M3BP 160 MLB 3GBP 164 032-••G 727 85.5 85.7 86.3 86.5 0.64 14.5 5.0 72 1.6 2.8
7.5 M3BP 160 MLC 3GBP 164 033-••G 728 86.7 86.9 88.0 88.2 0.65 19.2 5.0 98 1.6 2.5
11 M3BP 180 MLA 3GBP 184 031-••G 728 87.7 88.5 88.9 89.7 0.68 26.5 4.4 144 1.5 2.0
15 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 204 031-••G 738 89.9 90.3 90.5 90.9 0.73 33 5.4 194 1.8 2.3
18.5 M3BP 225 SMA 3GBP 224 031-••G 739 90.9 91.2 91.5 91.8 0.73 40 5.4 239 2.1 2.5
22 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 224 032-••G 738 91.4 91.7 92.0 92.3 0.74 46.5 5.5 285 2.1 2.4
30 M3BP 250 SMA 3GBP 254 031-••G 741 91.6 91.6 92.6 92.6 0.75 63 6.0 387 2.0 2.5
37 M3BP 280 SMA 3GBP 284 210-••G 741 92.7 92.5 93.4 93.3 0.78 74 7.3 477 1.7 3.0
45 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 284 220-••G 741 93.1 93.0 94.1 93.8 0.78 90 7.6 580 1.8 3.1
55 M3BP 315 SMA 3GBP 314 210-••G 742 93.4 93.3 94.1 94.0 0.81 104 7.1 708 1.6 2.7
75 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 314 220-••G 741 93.6 93.6 94.5 94.4 0.82 141 7.1 968 1.7 2.7
90 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 314 230-••G 741 93.9 93.9 94.8 94.7 0.82 167 7.4 1161 1.8 2.7
110 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 314 410-••G 740 94.0 94.1 95.0 95.0 0.83 203 7.3 1420 1.8 2.7
132 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 354 210-••G 744 94.7 94.5 95.7 95.6 0.80 250 7.5 1694 1.5 2.6
160 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 354 220-••G 744 95.2 95.0 95.7 95.6 0.80 305 7.6 2054 1.6 2.6
200 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 354 230-••G 743 95.3 95.2 95.7 95.6 0.80 378 7.4 2570 1.6 2.6
250 2)
M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 354 420-••G 743 95.4 95.4 95.9 95.8 0.80 476 7.5 3213 1.6 2.7
315 1)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 354 820-••G 742 95.5 95.5 95.9 95.9 0.80 594 7.9 4054 1.7 2.7
315 2)
M3BP 400 LA 3GBP 404 510-••G 744 96.1 96.1 96.4 96.3 0.81 582 7.0 4043 1.2 2.6
315 2)
M3BP 400 LKA 3GBP 404 810-••G 744 96.1 96.1 96.4 96.3 0.81 582 7.0 4043 1.2 2.6
355 2)
M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 404 520-••G 743 96.2 96.2 96.5 96.5 0.83 640 6.8 4563 1.2 2.5
355 2)
M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 404 820-••G 743 96.2 96.2 96.5 96.5 0.83 640 6.8 4563 1.2 2.5
400 2)
M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 404 530-••G 744 96.3 96.2 96.6 96.5 0.82 735 7.4 5134 1.3 2.7
400 2)
M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 404 830-••G 744 96.3 96.2 96.6 96.5 0.82 735 7.4 5134 1.3 2.7
450 2)
M3BP 450 LA 3GBP 454 510-••G 744 96.2 96.3 96.3 96.4 0.83 812 6.0 5776 1.0 2.5
500 2)
M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 454 520-••G 744 96.3 96.4 96.4 96.4 0.83 900 6.4 6418 1.0 2.6
560 2)
M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 454 530-••G 744 96.4 96.4 96.6 96.5 0.82 1020 7.0 7188 1.2 2.9
630 1)
M3BP 450 LD 3GBP 454 540-••G 745 96.6 96.6 96.7 96.6 0.81 1160 7.6 8075 1.3 3.2
750 r/min = 8-poles 400 V 50 Hz High output design
55 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 284 230-••G 741 93.4 93.3 94.4 94.3 0.80 105 7.9 709 1.9 3.1
132 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 314 810-••G 740 94.1 94.2 95.1 95.2 0.83 243 7.3 1703 1.8 2.6
150 2)
M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 314 820-••G 741 94.2 94.3 95.3 95.3 0.83 275 7.7 1933 1.9 2.7
160 2)
M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 314 830-••G 740 94.2 94.3 95.2 95.2 0.83 292 7.7 2065 1.9 2.8
Output Motor type Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Moment Weight Sound
kW r/min IEC IEC factor r/min IEC IEC factor of inertia kg pressure
60034- 60034- cos j 60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD 2
level LP
2-1; 2; 1996 2-1; 2; 1996 kgm 2
2007 IN 2007 IN
Full Full Full Full
load load load load
100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
750 r/min = 8-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz Basic design
4 M3BP 160 MLA 725 84.0 85.1 0.68 10.6 730 84.1 85.2 0.62 10.6 0.069 121 59
5.5 M3BP 160 MLB 723 85.3 86.1 0.67 14.6 729 85.4 86.2 0.61 14.6 0.087 134 59
7.5 M3BP 160 MLC 725 86.3 87.6 0.67 19.6 730 86.8 88.1 0.63 19.1 0.134 185 59
11 M3BP 180 MLA 724 87.2 88.4 0.70 27.5 730 87.8 89.0 0.66 26.5 0.218 234 59
15 M3BP 200 MLA 736 89.5 90.1 0.75 34 739 90.0 90.6 0.71 32.5 0.468 290 60
18.5 M3BP 225 SMA 737 90.5 91.1 0.75 41.5 740 91.0 91.7 0.71 39.5 0.686 350 63
22 M3BP 225 SMB 736 91.1 91.7 0.76 48 739 91.5 92.1 0.72 46 0.739 363 63
30 M3BP 250 SMA 739 91.4 92.4 0.77 65 741 91.6 92.6 0.73 63 1.404 440 63
37 M3BP 280 SMA 740 92.5 93.4 0.80 75 742 92.7 93.4 0.76 73 1.85 605 65
45 M3BP 280 SMB 740 93.0 93.9 0.80 91 742 93.1 94.1 0.75 89 2.2 645 65
55 M3BP 315 SMA 741 93.2 93.9 0.83 108 743 93.4 94.1 0.79 103 3.2 830 62
75 M3BP 315 SMB 740 93.4 94.3 0.83 147 742 93.7 94.5 0.81 137 4.1 930 62
90 M3BP 315 SMC 740 93.8 94.6 0.84 173 742 94.0 94.8 0.81 164 4.9 1000 64
110 M3BP 315 MLA 739 93.8 94.9 0.84 210 741 94.1 95.0 0.81 198 5.8 1150 72
132 M3BP 355 SMA 743 94.6 95.6 0.82 257 745 94.7 95.7 0.78 247 7.9 1520 69
160 M3BP 355 SMB 743 95.1 95.6 0.82 310 745 95.2 95.7 0.78 300 9.7 1680 69
200 M3BP 355 SMC 742 95.1 95.6 0.81 398 744 95.3 95.7 0.78 373 11.3 1820 69
250 M3BP 355 MLB 741 95.3 95.6 0.81 490 743 95.4 95.9 0.78 468 13.5 2180 72
315 M3BP 355 LKB 741 95.4 95.8 0.82 610 743 95.5 95.9 0.78 590 16.5 2600 75
315 M3BP 400 LA 743 96.0 96.3 0.82 608 744 96.1 96.4 0.79 580 17 2900 71
315 M3BP 400 LKA 743 96.0 96.3 0.82 608 744 96.1 96.4 0.79 580 17 2900 71
355 M3BP 400 LB 742 96.1 96.4 0.84 665 744 96.2 96.6 0.82 624 21 3200 71
355 M3BP 400 LKB 742 96.1 96.4 0.84 665 744 96.2 96.6 0.82 624 21 3200 71
400 M3BP 400 LC 743 96.2 96.5 0.83 765 744 96.3 96.6 0.80 720 24 3400 71
400 M3BP 400 LKC 743 96.2 96.5 0.83 765 744 96.3 96.6 0.80 720 24 3400 71
450 M3BP 450 LA 743 96.1 96.2 0.84 845 744 96.3 96.4 0.81 800 26 3750 80
500 M3BP 450 LB 743 96.2 96.3 0.84 935 744 96.4 96.5 0.81 890 29 4000 80
560 M3BP 450 LC 744 96.3 96.5 0.84 1050 745 96.5 96.6 0.8 1008 35 4350 80
630 M3BP 450 LD 744 96.5 96.6 0.83 1192 745 96.6 96.7 0.79 1150 41 4800 80
750 r/min = 8-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz High-output design
55 M3BP 280 SMC 739 93.2 94.2 0.82 108 742 93.4 94.4 0.78 104 2.85 725 65
132 M3BP 315 LKA 739 93.9 95.0 0.84 251 741 94.2 95.2 0.82 238 7.3 1410 74
150 M3BP 315 LKB 739 94.1 95.2 0.84 287 741 94.3 95.3 0.82 270 8.3 1520 74
160 M3BP 315 LKC 738 94.0 95.1 0.84 305 741 94.3 95.2 0.82 285 9.2 1600 75
Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing arrangement, voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque
kW r/min IEC IEC factor
60034- 60034- cos j
2-1; 2007 2;1996
IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full 3/4 Full 3/4
load load load load
100 % 75 % 100 % 75 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
600 r/min = 10-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
37 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 285 220-••G 593 92.5 92.2 92.9 92.5 0.73 80 6.6 596 1.6 3.0
45 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 285 230-••G 592 92.9 92.8 93.3 93.0 0.75 93 6.7 726 1.6 2.8
55 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 315 220-••G 594 93.8 93.6 94.4 94.2 0.78 108 6.7 884 1.6 2.7
75 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 315 230-••G 593 93.6 93.5 94.2 94.1 0.78 149 6.6 1208 1.5 2.8
90 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 315 410-••G 593 93.7 93.6 94.5 94.3 0.78 177 6.6 1449 1.7 2.7
110 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 355 210-••G 595 94.5 94.3 95.1 94.9 0.76 220 6.6 1765 1.3 2.5
132 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 355 220-••G 594 94.8 94.7 95.3 95.2 0.79 253 6.6 2122 1.3 2.4
160 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 355 230-••G 594 94.8 94.7 95.5 95.3 0.77 312 6.9 2572 1.4 2.5
200 2)
M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 355 420-••G 594 95.0 94.9 95.5 95.4 0.78 390 6.5 3215 1.4 2.4
250 1)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 355 820-••G 593 95.1 95.1 95.6 95.5 0.78 490 6.3 4026 1.4 2.3
250 M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 405 520-••G 595 95.3 95.1 95.8 95.6 0.74 510 6.2 4012 1.3 2.3
250 M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 405 820-••G 595 95.3 95.1 95.8 95.6 0.74 510 6.2 4012 1.3 2.3
315 M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 405 530-••G 595 95.4 95.3 95.9 95.7 0.74 644 6.2 5056 1.3 2.3
315 M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 405 830-••G 595 95.4 95.3 95.9 95.7 0.74 644 6.2 5056 1.3 2.3
355 M3BP 450 LA 3GBP 455 510-••G 596 96.0 95.8 96.3 96.3 0.72 740 5.8 5988 1.1 2.2
400 M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 455 520-••G 596 96.0 95.8 96.4 96.3 0.72 835 5.7 6409 1.0 2.1
450 M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 455 530-••G 596 96.1 95.9 96.5 96.4 0.73 920 5.8 7210 1.0 2.1
500 1)
M3BP 450 LD 3GBP 455 540-••G 596 96.1 96.0 96.5 96.4 0.71 1050 5.9 8011 1.1 2.2
500 r/min = 12-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
30 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 286 220-••G 493 90.2 89.5 91.8 91.0 0.59 81 5.8 581 1.9 3.0
37 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 286 230-••G 493 90.6 89.8 91.9 91.0 0.58 100 6.3 717 2.0 3.2
45 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 316 220-••G 494 92.8 92.8 93.4 93.3 0.76 92 6.5 870 1.6 2.6
55 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 316 230-••G 493 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.5 0.77 112 6.5 1065 1.6 2.6
75 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 316 410-••G 493 93.1 93.2 93.8 93.8 0.76 154 6.3 1453 1.5 2.5
90 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 356 210-••G 495 93.4 93.3 94.3 94.1 0.72 192 5.7 1736 1.3 2.4
110 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 356 220-••G 495 93.8 93.6 94.5 94.3 0.71 238 6.0 2122 1.4 2.5
132 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 356 230-••G 495 93.8 93.7 94.6 94.5 0.71 285 6.0 2546 1.4 2.5
160 2)
M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 356 420-••G 494 93.7 93.8 94.7 94.6 0.74 330 5.7 3093 1.3 2.4
200 1)
M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 356 820-••G 494 93.9 93.9 94.2 94.0 0.73 422 5.8 3866 1.4 2.4
200 M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 406 520-••G 495 95.0 94.9 95.2 95.1 0.79 384 5.4 3858 1.1 2.2
200 M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 406 820-••G 495 95.0 94.9 95.2 95.1 0.79 384 5.4 3858 1.1 2.2
250 M3BP 400 LC 3GBP 406 530-••G 495 95.1 95.0 95.4 95.3 0.79 480 5.7 4823 1.1 2.2
250 M3BP 400 LKC 3GBP 406 830-••G 495 95.1 95.0 95.4 95.3 0.79 480 5.7 4823 1.1 2.2
315 M3BP 450 LB 3GBP 456 520-••G 496 95.6 95.5 95.9 95.7 0.76 625 5.5 6065 1.0 2.1
355 2)
M3BP 450 LC 3GBP 456 530-••G 495 95.7 95.6 96.0 95.8 0.76 700 5.3 6848 1.0 2.0
400 2)
M3BP 450 LD 3GBP 456 540-••G 495 95.7 95.6 96.0 95.9 0.77 780 5.3 7717 1.0 2.0
Output Motor type Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Moment Weight Sound
kW r/min IEC IEC factor r/min IEC IEC factor of inertia kg pressure
60034- 60034- cos j 60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD 2
level LP
2-1; 2; 1996 2-1; 2; 1996 kgm 2
2007 IN 2007 IN
Full Full Full Full
load load load load
100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
600 r/min = 10-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz Basic design
37 M3BP 280 SMB 592 92.4 92.9 0.76 80 593 92.4 92.8 0.70 80 2.2 645 60
45 M3BP 280 SMC 591 92.9 93.2 0.77 95 593 92.9 93.2 0.72 94 2.85 725 60
55 M3BP 315 SMB 593 93.7 94.3 0.80 110 595 93.8 94.4 0.76 108 4.1 930 70
75 M3BP 315 SMC 592 93.5 94.1 0.80 152 594 93.6 94.2 0.76 147 4.9 1000 70
90 M3BP 315 MLA 592 93.6 94.4 0.80 181 594 93.7 94.5 0.75 179 5.8 1150 70
110 M3BP 355 SMA 594 94.4 95.1 0.79 223 595 94.5 95.1 0.74 218 7.9 1520 73
132 M3BP 355 SMB 594 94.7 95.1 0.81 265 595 94.8 95.2 0.77 253 9.7 1680 73
160 M3BP 355 SMC 594 94.7 95.4 0.80 322 595 94.8 95.4 0.75 315 11.3 1820 76
200 M3BP 355 MLB 593 94.9 95.3 0.80 400 594 95.0 95.5 0.76 385 13.5 2180 77
250 M3BP 355 LKB 592 95.0 95.3 0.80 505 594 95.2 95.6 0.76 485 16.5 2600 79
250 M3BP 400 LB 594 95.2 95.8 0.76 520 595 95.3 95.8 0.72 508 20 3100 79
250 M3BP 400 LKB 594 95.2 95.8 0.76 520 595 95.3 95.8 0.72 508 20 3100 79
315 M3BP 400 LC 594 95.3 95.9 0.76 658 595 95.4 95.9 0.72 640 24 3400 79
315 M3BP 400 LKC 594 95.3 95.9 0.76 658 595 95.4 95.9 0.72 640 24 3400 79
355 M3BP 450 LA 595 95.9 96.3 0.75 745 596 96.0 96.3 0.69 745 31 4050 82
400 M3BP 450 LB 595 95.9 96.4 0.75 840 596 96.0 96.4 0.69 840 34 4250 82
450 M3BP 450 LC 595 95.9 96.5 0.75 945 596 96.1 96.5 0.70 928 38 4550 82
500 M3BP 450 LD 595 96.0 96.5 0.74 1060 596 96.1 96.5 0.68 1060 42 4800 82
500 r/min = 12-poles 380 V 50 Hz 415 V 50 Hz Basic design
30 M3BP 280 SMB 492 90.4 92.0 0.63 79 493 90.0 91.7 0.55 83 2.2 645 71
37 M3BP 280 SMC 492 90.8 92.1 0.63 97 494 90.4 91.7 0.55 102 2.85 725 71
45 M3BP 315 SMB 493 92.7 93.3 0.79 93 494 92.9 93.4 0.74 91 4.1 930 0
55 M3BP 315 SMC 493 92.8 93.5 0.79 114 494 93.0 93.6 0.74 111 4.9 1000 0
75 M3BP 315 MLA 492 93.0 93.7 0.79 155 494 93.2 93.9 0.74 152 5.8 1150 0
90 M3BP 355 SMA 494 93.4 94.1 0.75 196 495 93.4 94.2 0.69 193 7.9 1520 75
110 M3BP 355 SMB 494 93.7 94.5 0.75 237 495 93.7 94.4 0.68 242 9.7 1680 75
132 M3BP 355 SMC 494 93.8 94.7 0.75 284 495 93.8 94.6 0.68 286 11.3 1820 77
160 M3BP 355 MLB 493 93.6 94.5 0.76 340 495 93.8 94.7 0.71 335 13.5 2180 77
200 M3BP 355 LKB 493 93.8 94.2 0.76 425 495 93.9 94.1 0.70 422 16.5 2600 79
200 M3BP 400 LB 495 94.9 95.1 0.81 395 495 95.0 95.2 0.77 380 20 3100 82
200 M3BP 400 LKB 495 94.9 95.1 0.81 395 495 95.0 95.2 0.77 380 20 3100 82
250 M3BP 400 LC 494 95.0 95.3 0.81 492 495 95.1 95.4 0.77 475 24 3400 82
250 M3BP 400 LKC 494 95.0 95.3 0.81 492 495 95.1 95.4 0.77 475 24 3400 82
315 M3BP 450 LB 495 95.5 95.9 0.78 640 496 95.6 95.9 0.73 625 34 4300 82
355 M3BP 450 LC 495 95.6 95.9 0.79 710 496 95.7 96.0 0.74 695 38 4550 82
400 M3BP 450 LD 495 95.6 95.9 0.79 800 496 95.7 96.0 0.75 770 42 4800 82
Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing arrangement, voltage and frequency
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect (see ordering information page)
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 Weight
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2 kg
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
3000/1500 r/min = 2/4 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, two separate windings
13/1.9 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 352-••A 2940/1470 1)
88.5/79.5 0.92/0.79 23/4.4 7.8/6.4 42/12 2.1/2.1 3.0/2.5 0.054 133
17.5/2.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 353-••A 2925/1475 1)
89.0/81.0 0.92/0.77 31/5.8 7.1/6.7 57/16 2.0/2.5 2.6/2.9 0.057 140
20/2.8 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 357-••A 2930/1465 1)
89.0/77.0 0.90/0.77 36/6.9 6.4/5.8 65/18 2.1/1.9 2.4/2.0 0.094 194
25/3.6 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 358-••A 2940/1465 1)
90.0/78.0 0.88/0.78 46/8.6 7.5/7.3 81/24 2.6/1.9 2.9/1.9 0.108 200
30/4.1 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 210-••A 2945/1480 1)
91.5/85.0 0.89/0.72 54/10 8.0/7.1 97/26 2.2/2.7 2.8/2.8 0.15 250
38/5.5 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 211-••A 2945/1480 1)
92.5/86.5 0.91/0.74 67/13 7.7/6.8 123/35 2.2/2.6 2.6/2.6 0.19 270
43/6 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 207-••A 2950/1475 1)
92.5/86.5 0.90/0.78 75/13 7.1/5.8 139/39 2.3/2.7 2.4/2.0 0.26 335
50/7 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 208-••A 2955/1480 1)
93.0/87.5 0.91/0.78 86/15 7.3/6.1 162/45 2.4/2.9 2.4/2.1 0.29 355
70/10 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 204-••A 2965/1485 1)
94.0/89.5 0.90/0.76 119/22 9.3/7.1 225/64 2.3/2.5 3.1/2.3 0.57 465
84/12 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 221-••G 2980/1492 94.3/90.4 94.6/90.2 0.88/0.74 147/26 8.0/7.3 269/77 2.1/3.1 3.0/2.8 0.9 665
100/15 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 231-••G 2974/1492 94.2/91.3 94.5/91.0 0.91/0.75 169/32 6.7/7.3 321/96 1.8/2.7 2.5/2.8 1.15 725
125/18 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 221-••G 2983/1493 94.8/92.0 95.0/91.9 0.87/0.73 220/39 7.5/6.3 400/115 2.1/2.4 2.9/2.4 1.4 940
132/20 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 318 231-••G 2978/1492 94.6/92.4 95.2/92.4 0.89/0.74 226/42 6.8/7.2 423/128 1.9/2.7 2.5/2.6 1.7 1025
190/27 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 411-••G 2981/1492 95.4/93.0 95.8/93.1 0.89/0.74 322/57 7.8/6.7 609/173 2.5/3.2 2.8/2.5 2.1 1190
220/30 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 358 211-••G 2982/1491 95.8/91.9 95.8/91.6 0.90/0.78 370/61 6.8/6.6 705/192 1.3/2.4 2.8/2.4 3 1600
350/45 M3BP 355 MLA 3GBP 358 411-••G 2982/1493 96.3/93.6 96.4/93.2 0.88/0.68 600/102 7.3/7.2 1121/288 2.0/2.8 2.6/2.6 4.1 2000
3000/1500 r/min = 2-4 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, Dahlander-connection
10/2 M3BP 160 MA 3GBP 168 301-••A 2910/1465 1)
85.0/83.5 0.89/0.73 19/4.8 5.9/6.1 30/43 1.5/2.4 2.3/2.8 0.039 118
16/3.2 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 302-••A 2915/1465 1)
87.5/86.5 0.92/0.76 28.5/7 6.6/6.3 52/21 1.8/2.5 2.4/2.8 0.054 133
19.5/4.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 303-••A 2930/1465 1)
89.0/88.0 0.89/0.77 36/9.7 7.6/6.4 64/29 2.3/2.5 2.9/2.8 0.057 140
21.5/4.7 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 305-••A 2935/1465 1)
90.0/88.0 0.91/0.77 38/10 7.0/5.3 70/28 2.1/2.1 2.6/2.3 0.094 194
26/5.2 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 306-••A 2940/1470 1)
90.5/89.5 0.89/0.75 47/11 6.9/5.8 85/34 2.3/2.4 2.6/2.4 0.108 200
32/8 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 110-••A 2940/1465 1)
90.0/89.5 0.89/0.85 58/16 7.1/6.2 104/52 2.0/2.0 2.5/2.2 0.28 255
39/10 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 111-••A 2950/1475 1)
91.5/91.0 0.89/0.85 69/19 7.4/6.2 126/65 2.0/2.0 2.6/2.3 0.34 275
42/11 M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 208 112-••A 2950/1470 1)
92.5/91.0 0.89/0.77 75/23 7.7/5.6 136/71 2.2/2.1 3.0/2.5 0.19 280
45/13 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 107-••A 2955/1475 1)
93.0/91.5 0.92/0.82 76/25 7.4/5.3 145/84 2.0/2.0 2.6/2.1 0.27 335
55/15 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 108-••A 2955/1475 1)
93.5/92.5 0.91/0.82 94/29 7.3/5.4 178/97 2.0/2.0 2.6/2.2 0.3 355
75/25 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 104-••A 2965/1475 1)
94.5/93.0 0.92/0.82 125/48 8.9/5.5 241/162 2.3/2.0 3.1/2.2 0.36 465
90/30 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 228-••G 2965/1484 93.0/92.9 93.5/93.6 0.91/0.86 153/54 7.3/5.8 290/193 1.4/1.7 3.0/2.2 1.5 665
105/33 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 238-••G 2966/1483 93.3/93.6 93.5/93.9 0.87/0.85 186/60 7.4/5.7 338/212 1.6/1.7 3.1/2.3 1.85 725
125/25 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 228-••G 2972/1490 94.1/94.6 94.9/94.5 0.88/0.73 217/53 5.6/6.0 402/160 1.3/1.8 2.1/2.1 1.4 940
175/45 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 418-••G 2980/1492 94.8/95.5 95.4/95.4 0.93/0.84 287/81 9.4/8.3 561/288 2.0/2.0 3.4/2.8 3.5 1160
260/65 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 358 228-••G 2983/1491 95.9/95.4 95.9/95.0 0.88/0.70 450/140 7.5/5.5 832/416 1.6/1.8 2.7/2.0 3.4 1680
320/80 M3BP 355 MLA 3GBP 358 418-••G 2983/1492 96.3/95.9 96.2/95.7 0.90/0.75 540/160 8.5/7.1 1024/512 1.6/2.1 3.0/2.6 4.1 2000
400/100 M3BP 355 LKA 3GBP 358 818-••G 2983/1492 96.6/96.2 96.5/96.0 0.90/0.75 670/200 8.0/6.4 1280/640 1.7/2.0 3.0/2.5 4.8 2320
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1500/1000 r/min = 4/6 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, two separate windings
10.5/3.5 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 354-••A 1460/965 1)
87.0/75.5 0.84/0.78 21/8.6 6.4/4.1 69/35 2.0/1.3 2.5/1.7 0.089 127
14.5/4.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 355-••A 1460/970 1)
88.5/77.0 0.85/0.76 28/11 6.9/4.6 95/44 2.2/1.5 2.6/1.9 0.119 148
16/5 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 359-••A 1470/980 1)
89.0/78.0 0.83/0.73 31/12.5 6.3/4.6 104/49 1.9/1.5 2.5/2.0 0.176 194
20/6.5 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 360-••A 1470/980 1)
90.0/79.5 0.83/0.74 39/16 7.2/5.0 130/63 2.4/1.8 2.7/2.0 0.224 207
23/7.2 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 213-••A 1475/985 1)
89.5/84.0 0.88/0.87 43/15 7.7/7.8 149/70 1.6/1.9 2.8/2.9 0.44 250
30/9 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 214-••A 1470/985 1)
90.0/83.5 0.90/0.89 54/18 7.7/6.3 195/87 1.6/1.2 2.7/2.1 0.53 275
34/11 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 209-••A 1470/985 1)
91.0/85.0 0.91/0.89 60/21 7.7/6.7 221/107 1.5/1.3 2.7/2.3 0.67 320
42/14 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 210-••A 1475/985 1)
91.5/89.0 0.89/0.89 75/27 8.4/6.8 272/136 1.7/1.4 3.0/2.3 0.78 345
63/18.5 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 205-••A 1475/985 1)
93.5/87.0 0.89/0.79 110/40 7.5/7.3 408/179 2.4/3.0 2.7/2.6 0.89 465
85/27 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 224-••G 1487/992 94.1/90.3 94.3/90.4 0.82/0.73 160/59 7.5/6.9 546/260 2.7/3.2 3.1/3.1 1.5 665
100/30 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 234-••G 1486/991 94.5/90.3 94.7/90.6 0.85/0.77 180/62 7.3/6.6 643/289 2.5/2.8 2.9/2.6 1.85 725
120/36 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 224-••G 1487/991 94.7/90.7 95.1/91.4 0.86/0.79 212/72 6.2/6.0 771/347 1.6/2.2 2.4/2.4 2.6 960
145/43 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 318 234-••G 1487/991 94.9/91.6 95.3/92.4 0.86/0.79 256/86 6.3/6.2 931/414 1.7/2.4 2.4/2.4 2.9 1000
180/54 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 414-••G 1485/990 95.1/91.4 95.5/92.0 0.86/0.79 318/108 6.1/6.0 1158/521 1.9/2.5 2.5/2.4 3.6 1160
210/63 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 318 814-••G 1486/990 95.0/91.1 95.2/91.3 0.86/0.79 372/127 6.4/6.2 1349/608 2.0/2.7 2.6/2.5 4.4 1410
220/65 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 358 214-••G 1489/991 95.6/93.1 95.9/93.5 0.85/0.77 390/131 6.3/6.3 1411/626 1.6/2.1 2.5/2.2 5.9 1610
250/75 M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 318 824-••G 1489/992 95.4/92.0 95.6/92.4 0.85/0.77 445/153 7.7/7.2 1603/722 2.4/3.3 3.0/2.9 5 1520
300/90 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 358 234-••G 1488/991 95.8/93.7 96.0/94.2 0.86/0.76 525/183 6.3/6.9 1925/867 1.6/2.5 2.4/2.4 7.2 1820
390/110 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 358 424-••G 1490/992 96.1/94.1 96.4/94.5 0.84/0.77 700/221 7.4/7.1 2.0/2.6 2.8/2.4 8.4 2140
1500/750 r/min = 4/8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, two separate windings
9/1.3 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 356-••A 1460/735 1)
87.0/60.0 0.84/0.53 18/5.9 6.6/4.0 59/17 2.0/2.2 2.5/2.7 0.089 127
13/1.8 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 357-••A 1455/735 1)
88.0/64.0 0.85/0.53 26/8.2 6.0/4.1 89/26 1.9/2.2 2.3/2.6 0.119 148
16/2.3 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 361-••A 1475/740 1)
88.5/64.0 0.82/0.53 32/9.7 6.8/4.1 104/30 2.2/2.2 2.7/2.6 0.176 194
19/2.7 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 362-••A 1475/740 1)
89.5/68.0 0.83/0.54 37/10.5 7.5/7.2 123/35 2.6/2.6 2.9/2.6 0.224 207
26/3.3 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 216-••A 1475/740 1)
91.0/73.0 0.85/0.59 49/11 6.9/4.6 168/46 2.1/2.2 2.5/2.3 0.28 255
30/3.8 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 217-••A 1470/740 1)
91.5/75.5 0.86/0.59 55/12.5 6.7/4.6 195/49 2.1/2.2 2.4/2.2 0.34 275
38/5.2 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 211-••A 1480/740 1)
91.5/80.5 0.84/0.63 72/15 7.3/5.2 245/67 2.1/2.3 2.6/2.3 0.41 330
46/7 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 212-••A 1480/740 1)
92.5/82.0 0.86/0.66 85/19 7.7/4.9 297/90 2.3/2.1 2.7/2.1 0.49 355
63/10 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 206-••A 1475/740 1)
93.5/83.0 0.89/0.65 110/27 7.5/6.0 408/129 2.4/3.0 2.7/2.7 0.89 465
85/12 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 222-••G 1487/744 94.1/85.2 94.3/85.5 0.82/0.60 160/34 7.5/5.8 546/154 2.7/2.9 3.1/2.5 1.5 665
100/15 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 232-••G 1486/744 94.5/86.4 94.7/86.5 0.85/0.62 180/40 7.3/5.7 643/193 2.5/2.9 2.9/2.4 1.85 725
120/16 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 222-••G 1487/744 94.7/87.8 95.1/87.8 0.86/0.66 212/40 6.2/4.7 771/205 1.6/1.9 2.4/2.2 2.6 960
145/19 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 318 232-••G 1487/744 94.9/88.9 95.3/88.9 0.86/0.65 256/47 6.3/4.9 931/244 1.7/2.0 2.4/2.2 2.9 1000
180/23 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 412-••G 1485/744 95.1/89.2 95.5/89.2 0.86/0.65 318/57 6.1/5.1 1158/295 1.9/2.3 2.5/2.3 3.6 1160
210/27 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 318 812-••G 1486/744 95.0/89.0 95.2/88.8 0.86/0.65 372/67 6.4/5.0 1349/347 2.0/2.4 2.6/2.3 4.4 1410
220/28 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 358 212-••G 1489/744 95.6/91.1 95.9/91.4 0.85/0.64 390/69 6.3/5.0 1411/359 1.6/2.0 2.5/2.2 5.9 1610
250/32 M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 318 822-••G 1489/744 95.4/89.8 95.6/89.8 0.85/0.64 445/80 7.7/5.1 1603/411 2.4/2.4 3.0/2.3 5 1520
300/38 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 358 232-••G 1488/745 95.8/92.0 96.0/92.0 0.86/0.62 525/96 6.3/5.5 1925/487 1.6/2.2 2.4/2.3 7.2 1820
390/50 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 358 422-••G 1490/744 96.1/92.4 96.4/92.6 0.84/0.64 700/122 7.4/5.0 2499/642 2.0/2.1 2.8/2.1 8.4 2140
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1500/750 r/min = 4-8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, Dahlander-connection
10.5/2.2 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 304-••A 1460/735 1)
87.5/79.0 0.84/0.54 21/7.4 6.9/3.7 69/29 2.2/1.5 2.7/2.3 0.089 127
15.5/2.7 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 305-••A 1460/735 1)
88.5/79.5 0.85/0.51 30/9.5 6.9/3.9 101/35 2.2/1.7 2.6/2.6 0.119 148
17/3.4 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 307-••A 1470/730 1)
88.5/78.0 0.85/0.56 33/11 5.8/4.3 111/44 1.7/1.2 2.3/1.9 0.176 194
22/4.4 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 308-••A 1475/735 1)
89.5/79.0 0.83/0.53 43/15 6.7/3.9 143/57 2.0/1.7 2.6/2.3 0.224 207
29/6.5 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 116-••A 1470/730 1)
90.5/86.0 0.86/0.64 54/17 6.9/4.2 188/81 2.2/1.9 2.4/1.9 0.28 255
33/8 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 117-••A 1475/730 1)
91.5/86.5 0.86/0.64 61/21 7.8/4.2 214/105 2.6/1.9 2.6/1.8 0.34 275
42/10 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 111-••A 1480/740 1)
92.0/89.5 0.86/0.64 85/27 7.8/5.0 271/129 2.5/2.2 3.0/2.3 0.49 335
50/11 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 112-••A 1465/735 1)
92.5/89.5 0.87/0.65 91/28 7.3/4.7 324/143 2.3/2.0 2.5/2.0 0.49 355
60/15 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 106-••A 1475/735 1)
93.0/90.0 0.86/0.70 104/34 7.9/4.7 388/195 2.6/2.1 2.7/2.0 0.89 465
80/18.5 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 229-••G 1486/743 93.6/91.5 94.1/91.5 0.85/0.62 145/47 7.6/5.2 514/238 2.4/2.0 2.9/2.2 1.5 665
90/20 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 239-••G 1486/743 94.0/91.9 94.4/91.9 0.87/0.62 160/50 7.8/5.3 578/257 2.6/2.1 2.9/2.3 1.85 725
125/28 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 229-••G 1488/744 94.6/92.8 95.1/92.6 0.84/0.60 226/73 7.5/4.8 802/359 1.9/1.6 2.8/2.1 2.6 960
160/37 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 419-••G 1486/742 94.8/92.9 95.0/92.8 0.86/0.62 283/93 7.4/4.5 1028/476 2.0/1.6 2.6/1.9 3.5 1160
200/50 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 318 819-••G 1487/742 94.7/93.0 94.9/92.9 0.86/0.62 354/125 7.9/4.4 1284/643 2.3/1.6 2.8/1.8 4.4 1410
220/50 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 358 219-••G 1489/744 95.4/94.5 95.7/94.3 0.85/0.61 395/126 7.4/4.6 1411/642 1.8/1.5 2.6/2.0 5.9 1610
260/65 M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 318 839-••G 1489/743 95.1/93.3 95.3/93.5 0.85/0.61 470/165 8.5/4.8 1667/835 3.0/1.9 3.2/2.0 5.5 1600
300/70 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 358 239-••G 1490/745 95.9/94.8 96.0/94.6 0.85/0.60 532/177 8.3/4.9 1923/897 2.3/1.7 2.9/2.0 7.2 1820
1000/750 r/min = 6/8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Fan drive, two separate windings
17/7.5 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 221-••A 985/740 1)
88.0/81.5 0.85/0.77 33/17 7.1/6.4 165/97 2.2/2.2 2.5/2.5 0.42 260
20/9 M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 208 222-••A 985/740 1)
88.5/82.5 0.84/0.74 39/21 7.6/7.0 194/116 2.4/2.6 2.7/2.9 0.48 275
26/12 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 215-••A 985/740 1)
89.5/84.5 0.85/0.76 49/27 7.4/7.1 252/155 2.2/2.4 2.5/2.7 0.63 320
32/14 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 216-••A 985/740 1)
90.5/85.5 0.83/0.76 62/31 7.0/7.2 310/180 2.4/2.5 2.4/2.5 0.74 345
43/15 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 208-••A 990/745 1)
91.0/86.0 0.84/0.75 81/34 7.3/7.4 415/198 2.2/2.7 2.5/2.8 1.41 460
53/20 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 288 226-••G 990/745 92.8/88.0 93.4/88.0 0.84/0.72 99/46 6.4/7.2 511/256 2.2/3.0 2.4/2.6 2.2 645
70/26 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 288 236-••G 992/745 93.3/89.5 94.1/90.0 0.81/0.73 132/58 7.9/7.3 674/333 2.7/3.2 2.8/2.6 2.85 725
84/36 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 318 226-••G 993/745 94.0/90.0 94.3/90.8 0.83/0.74 156/78 7.2/7.2 808/461 1.9/2.7 2.4/3.0 4.1 930
103/44 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 318 236-••G 993/745 94.1/91.0 94.5/91.5 0.81/0.75 195/94 7.9/7.0 991/564 2.2/2.7 2.6/2.8 4.9 1000
123/52 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 318 416-••G 993/745 94.2/91.2 94.8/92.0 0.82/0.75 230/109 7.6/7.3 1183/667 2.1/2.8 2.5/2.8 5.8 1150
140/60 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 318 816-••G 993/745 94.4/92.0 94.7/92.5 0.83/0.74 260/127 7.6/7.9 1346/769 2.1/3.1 2.4/3.0 7.3 1410
140/60 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 358 216-••G 994/745 94.9/92.6 95.3/93.0 0.81/0.75 263/125 7.3/7.4 1345/769 2.0/2.6 2.6/2.5 7.9 1520
158/67 M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 318 826-••G 993/745 94.5/92.2 94.9/92.7 0.84/0.74 288/142 7.6/8.0 1519/859 2.1/3.2 2.4/3.0 8.3 1520
180/76 M3BP 315 LKC 3GBP 318 836-••G 993/745 94.7/92.4 95.1/92.9 0.83/0.73 330/163 8.1/8.4 1731/974 2.3/3.5 2.5/3.2 9.2 1600
180/76 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 358 226-••G 994/745 95.3/93.0 95.5/93.3 0.81/0.75 317/157 7.5/7.3 1729/974 2.2/2.7 2.7/2.5 9.7 1680
210/88 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 358 236-••G 994/745 95.4/93.2 95.6/93.5 0.82/0.76 390/178 7.3/7.0 2017/1128 2.2/2.6 2.6/2.4 11.3 1820
250/105 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 358 426-••G 994/744 95.4/93.1 95.6/93.4 0.81/0.75 463/218 7.3/6.6 2402/1348 2.3/2.6 2.7/2.4 13.5 2180
315/132 M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 358 826-••G 993/745 95.5/93.5 95.8/93.7 0.81/0.71 583/290 6.9/8.3 3029/1692 2.2/3.6 2.5/3.0 16.5 2600
355/150 M3BP 400 LB 3GBP 408 526-••G 995/745 96.1/94.7 96.4/94.9 0.80/0.76 664/300 7.0/6.5 3407/1923 1.6/1.9 2.6/2.2 20.5 3150
355/150 M3BP 400 LKB 3GBP 408 826-••G 995/745 96.1/94.7 96.4/94.9 0.80/0.76 664/300 7.0/6.5 3407/1923 1.6/1.9 2.6/2.2 20.5 3150
400/170 M3BP 400 LD 3GBP 408 546-••G 995/746 96.2/94.9 96.5/95.2 0.82/0.75 730/345 6.8/7.1 3839/2176 1.5/2.1 2.4/2.4 24 3400
400/170 M3BP 400 LKD 3GBP 408 846-••G 995/746 96.2/94.9 96.5/95.2 0.82/0.75 730/345 6.8/7.1 3839/2176 1.5/2.1 2.4/2.4 24 3400
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
3000/1500 r/min = 2/4 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, two separate windings
12/6 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 359-••A 2835/1460 1)
87.5/84.5 0.92/0.80 22/13 7.7/6.0 39/39 2.1/2.3 2.8/2.4 0.054 133
15/7.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 360-••A 2940/1460 1)
88.5/84.5 0.93/0.78 27/16.5 7.9/6.0 49/49 2.2/2.4 2.9/2.4 0.057 140
18/9 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 352-••A 2945/1460 1)
89.0/84.0 0.90/0.77 32/20 7.7/5.2 58/59 2.5/2.3 2.8/2.1 0.108 200
23/12 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 201-••A 2960/1475 1)
90.0/89.0 0.89/0.85 42/23 7.8/7.4 74/77 1.7/2.2 2.8/2.5 0.28 255
30/16 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 202-••A 2960/1475 1)
91.0/90.0 0.90/0.87 53/30 8.2/7.3 97/104 1.8/2.2 2.9/2.5 0.34 275
36/18 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 201-••A 2960/1480 1)
91.5/91.5 0.91/0.76 63/38 8.0/7.2 116/116 2.5/3.8 2.7/2.5 0.26 335
40/20 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 202-••A 2960/1475 1)
92.0/91.5 0.91/0.79 69/41 8.5/6.5 129/129 2.8/3.3 2.8/2.2 0.29 355
50/25 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 201-••A 2965/1485 1)
93.0/93.0 0.91/0.76 86/52 8.9/8.5 161/161 2.1/3.5 2.9/2.9 0.57 465
65/33 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 221-••G 2979/1488 93.0/92.8 93.5/93.2 0.89/0.77 112/67 7.5/6.7 208/212 1.8/2.8 2.7/2.5 0.9 665
82/41 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 289 231-••G 2979/1488 93.8/93.5 94.1/93.9 0.90/0.78 141/81 7.8/7.2 263/263 2.1/3.1 2.7/2.6 1.15 725
100/50 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 319 221-••G 2986/1488 93.8/93.9 94.0/94.2 0.85/0.76 183/101 8.6/5.8 320/321 2.3/2.5 3.3/2.3 1.4 940
125/63 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 319 231-••G 2979/1490 94.2/94.0 94.6/94.1 0.90/0.76 214/127 7.2/7.0 401/404 1.8/2.8 2.6/2.3 1.7 1025
155/78 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 411-••G 2985/1489 95.0/94.4 95.2/94.5 0.89/0.76 267/157 8.9/6.9 496/500 2.6/2.8 3.2/2.2 2.1 1190
180/90 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 359 211-••G 2985/1490 95.2/94.8 95.3/94.9 0.89/0.78 308/175 7.7/7.0 576/577 1.4/2.5 3.2/2.9 3 1600
300/150 M3BP 355 MLA 3GBP 359 411-••G 2985/1491 95.9/95.4 96.0/95.5 0.88/0.69 512/328 8.0/7.5 960/961 2.0/2.9 2.9/2.4 4.1 2000
3000/1500 r/min = 2-4 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, Dahlander-connection
9/6.5 M3BP 160 MA 3GBP 168 306-••A 2885/1440 1)
83.0/82.0 0.92/0.74 17.1/15.6 4.6/4.3 40/43 1.3/1.7 1.9/1.9 0.039 118
12.5/9 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 307-••A 2890/1440 1)
85.5/85.5 0.93/0.80 22.5/19 5.2/4.6 41/60 1.4/1.8 1.9/1.9 0.054 133
15/10.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 308-••A 2900/1445 1)
87.0/86.0 0.93/0.77 27/23 5.8/4.9 49/69 1.6/2.1 2.1/2.1 0.057 140
18/12 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 301-••A 2940/1455 1)
89.0/89.0 0.88/0.79 33/25 6.8/5.3 59/79 2.1/2.4 2.6/2.2 0.094 194
24/17 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 302-••A 2945/1455 1)
90.0/90.0 0.89/0.80 43/34 7.4/5.2 78/111 2.4/2.4 2.8/2.1 0.108 200
32/24 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 101-••A 2940/1470 1)
89.0/90.5 0.89/0.86 58/45 6.8/5.9 104/156 1.8/2.1 2.4/2.1 0.28 255
39/29 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 102-••A 2950/1470 1)
90.5/91.0 0.84/0.86 75/53 6.8/7.0 126/188 1.7/2.2 2.6/2.4 0.34 275
42/32 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 101-••A 2955/1475 1)
92.5/93.0 0.92/0.88 71/57 7.1/6.5 136/207 1.5/1.9 2.5/2.3 0.49 330
50/40 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 102-••A 2960/1475 1)
92.5/93.0 0.84/0.87 94/71 7.4/7.1 161/259 1.8/2.0 2.8/2.5 0.49 355
68/50 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 101-••A 2940/1475 1)
93.0/93.5 0.93/0.88 113/87 6.6/6.9 220/324 1.5/2.1 2.4/2.5 0.89 465
90/65 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 228-••G 2965/1488 93.0/94.4 93.5/94.8 0.91/0.85 153/117 7.3/8.6 290/417 1.4/2.8 3.0/3.3 1.5 665
105/75 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 289 238-••G 2966/1486 93.3/94.7 93.5/94.9 0.87/0.84 186/136 7.4/8.2 338/482 1.6/2.6 3.1/3.3 1.85 725
125/85 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 319 228-••G 2972/1485 94.1/94.3 94.9/95.0 0.88/0.73 217/178 5.6/5.3 402/547 1.3/1.9 2.1/1.9 1.4 940
175/120 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 418-••G 2980/1491 94.8/95.5 95.4/96.0 0.93/0.81 287/223 9.4/9.9 561/769 2.0/3.0 3.4/3.6 3.5 1160
250/160 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 359 238-••G 2982/1491 95.8/95.9 95.9/95.7 0.88/0.63 430/383 7.5/6.4 801/1025 1.6/2.7 2.7/2.6 3.6 1750
310/200 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 359 428-••G 2983/1491 96.2/96.2 96.3/96.2 0.91/0.71 510/425 8.1/7.5 992/1281 1.6/2.6 3.0/3.2 4.3 2080
380/250 M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 359 828-••G 2982/1490 96.4/96.4 96.5/96.5 0.91/0.73 630/515 7.9/7.2 1217/1602 1.7/2.5 3.0/3.0 5.2 2460
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1500/1000 r/min = 4/6 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, two separate windings
7.5/5.5 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 361-••A 1465/965 1)
85.5/80.5 0.83/0.77 15.5/13 7.1/4.7 49/54 2.1/1.8 2.7/1.9 0.089 127
11.5/8.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 362-••A 1465/965 1)
86.5/82.5 0.84/0.76 23/19.5 7.0/4.9 75/84 2.1/1.8 2.8/2.0 0.119 148
13/8 M3BP 180 M 3GBP 188 353-••A 1475/975 1)
88.0/82.5 0.82/0.75 26/19 6.5/4.3 84/78 1.9/1.4 2.6/1.8 0.176 194
15/10 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 354-••A 1475/975 1)
88.5/84.0 0.83/0.74 30/23 7.1/4.4 97/98 2.3/1.5 2.7/1.9 0.224 207
18/12 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 204-••A 1475/985 1)
88.5/86.0 0.91/0.86 33/24 7.6/7.8 117/116 2.1/2.6 2.5/2.6 0.42 260
22/14.7 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 205-••A 1480/985 1)
89.5/86.5 0.89/0.87 40/29 8.2/7.6 142/143 2.4/2.6 2.8/2.5 0.48 275
25/16.7 M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 208 206-••A 1475/980 1)
89.0/85.5 0.87/0.88 47/32 7.7/6.7 162/162 2.3/2.3 2.6/2.2 0.48 275
32/21 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 203-••A 1480/985 1)
90.0/89.5 0.88/0.86 58/40 8.6/8.0 206/204 2.3/2.4 2.8/2.7 0.63 320
36/24 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 204-••A 1480/985 1)
90.5/90.0 0.88/0.87 66/45 8.4/7.4 232/233 2.2/2.2 2.8/2.5 0.74 345
50/32 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 202-••A 1475/985 1)
92.5/90.5 0.89/0.80 89/65 7.5/7.1 324/310 2.3/3.1 2.6/2.6 0.89 465
65/43 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 224-••G 1485/988 92.6/91.6 92.9/91.9 0.86/0.78 117/87 6.6/6.4 418/416 1.8/2.9 2.5/2.4 1.5 665
76/50 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 289 234-••G 1487/989 93.4/92.5 93.7/92.6 0.86/0.78 137/101 7.2/7.4 488/483 2.2/3.3 2.7/2.5 1.85 725
90/60 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 319 224-••G 1490/991 94.0/93.3 94.3/93.6 0.84/0.75 165/125 7.3/6.6 577/578 1.9/2.7 2.8/2.6 2.6 960
110/75 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 319 234-••G 1490/992 94.0/93.5 94.5/93.9 0.84/0.73 200/158 7.3/7.1 705/722 2.0/3.2 2.8/2.8 2.9 1000
140/95 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 414-••G 1489/990 94.3/93.2 94.9/93.7 0.85/0.77 250/190 7.2/6.4 898/916 2.1/2.9 2.8/2.5 3.5 1160
170/112 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 319 814-••G 1489/992 94.2/93.3 94.7/93.9 0.85/0.74 305/235 7.1/7.2 1090/1078 2.1/3.5 2.8/3.0 4.4 1410
180/120 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 359 214-••G 1491/992 95.1/94.9 95.4/95.1 0.84/0.74 330/245 6.8/7.5 1153/1155 1.6/2.8 2.7/2.7 5.9 1610
200/132 M3BP 315 LKB 3GBP 319 824-••G 1491/992 94.6/93.6 95.1/94.1 0.83/0.74 366/277 8.5/7.4 1281/1271 2.6/3.6 3.4/3.1 5 1520
250/167 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 359 234-••G 1490/991 95.4/94.9 95.7/95.2 0.85/0.76 445/335 6.7/6.9 1602/1609 1.6/2.6 2.6/2.4 7.2 1820
330/220 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 359 424-••G 1492/992 95.7/95.2 96.0/95.4 0.83/0.76 605/443 7.8/7.6 2112/2118 2.1/3.0 3.1/2.6 8.4 2140
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1500/750 r/min = 4/8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, two separate windings
5.5/2.7 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 363-••A 1465/730 1)
85.0/71.0 0.83/0.57 11.5/9.6 6.8/4.0 36/35 2.1/2.0 2.6/2.3 0.089 127
9/4.5 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 364-••A 1465/730 1)
86.5/73.5 0.83/0.56 18/16 7.0/4.1 59/59 2.1/2.1 2.7/2.5 0.119 148
14/7 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 356-••A 1475/735 1)
88.0/76.0 0.83/0.56 28/24 7.7/4.2 91/91 2.6/2.3 2.9/2.3 0.225 207
18.5/9.4 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 207-••A 1475/730 1)
89.5/82.5 0.85/0.65 35/26 7.3/4.3 120/123 2.2/1.9 2.5/1.8 0.28 255
22/11 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 208-••A 1480/735 1)
90.5/83.0 0.84/0.60 42/32 8.4/4.7 142/143 2.6/2.4 2.9/2.2 0.34 275
28/14 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 205-••A 1480/735 1)
90.0/85.5 0.85/0.61 53/39 7.7/4.9 181/182 2.1/2.4 2.7/2.2 0.41 330
34/17 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 206-••A 1480/735 1)
92.0/87.0 0.86/0.66 63/43 7.9/4.8 219/221 2.2/2.2 2.7/2.0 0.49 355
50/25 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 203-••A 1480/740 1)
92.5/88.0 0.87/0.60 90/68 8.6/6.0 323/323 2.6/3.5 3.0/2.9 0.89 465
60/30 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 222-••G 1486/741 92.6/89.3 92.8/89.5 0.86/0.65 110/74 6.8/5.4 386/387 2.0/2.7 2.6/2.3 1.5 665
74/37 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 289 232-••G 1487/741 93.8/90.0 94.0/90.2 0.86/0.64 132/93 7.3/5.7 475/477 2.2/2.9 2.7/2.4 1.85 725
90/45 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 319 222-••G 1490/742 94.0/91.0 94.3/91.0 0.84/0.64 165/112 7.3/5.0 577/579 2.0/2.4 2.8/2.1 2.6 960
110/55 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 319 232-••G 1490/742 94.0/91.3 94.5/91.5 0.84/0.63 200/139 7.3/5.0 705/708 2.0/2.5 2.8/2.1 2.9 1000
140/70 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 412-••G 1489/742 94.3/91.6 94.9/92.2 0.85/0.63 250/173 7.0/5.0 898/901 2.0/2.6 2.7/2.2 3.5 1160
180/90 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 359 212-••G 1491/743 95.1/93.4 95.4/93.5 0.84/0.62 330/225 6.8/6.0 1153/1157 1.6/2.4 2.7/2.4 5.9 1610
250/115 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 359 232-••G 1490/744 95.4/93.7 95.7/93.8 0.85/0.60 445/293 6.7/6.4 1602/1476 1.6/2.7 2.6/2.5 7.2 1820
330/145 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 359 422-••G 1492/743 95.7/94.0 96.0/94.1 0.83/0.63 605/355 7.8/6.1 2112/1864 2.1/2.5 3.1/2.3 8.4 2140
1500/750 r/min = 4-8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, Dahlander-connection
8/4.5 M3BP 160 M 3GBP 168 309-••A 1440/730 1)
84.5/79.5 0.86/0.60 16/13.5 4.5/3.4 53/59 1.3/1.4 1.8/1.9 0.089 127
12/7 M3BP 160 L 3GBP 168 310-••A 1445/730 1)
86.5/81.0 0.87/0.59 23/21 5.0/3.5 79/92 1.5/1.4 1.9/1.9 0.119 148
16/8 M3BP 180 L 3GBP 188 304-••A 1460/730 1)
88.0/78.5 0.86/0.53 31/28 1.9/3.4 105/104 1.4/1.6 1.9/2.1 0.224 207
22/13 M3BP 200 MLA 3GBP 208 107-••A 1475/735 1)
87.5/86.0 0.81/0.69 45/32 6.5/5.9 142/169 2.0/2.5 2.6/2.7 0.36 245
25/15 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 108-••A 1475/735 1)
89.0/86.0 0.86/0.67 47/38 7.6/6.0 162/195 2.2/2.6 2.7/2.7 0.42 260
29/17 M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 208 109-••A 1475/735 1)
90.0/88.0 0.91/0.75 52/38 7.2/6.1 188/221 2.2/2.6 2.4/2.4 0.48 275
35/21 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 105-••A 1475/735 1)
90.0/89.0 0.90/0.74 63/47 6.7/5.8 227/273 1.7/2.1 2.2/2.3 0.63 320
42/25 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 106-••A 1475/735 1)
91.0/89.5 0.91/0.75 74/54 6.8/5.9 272/325 1.8/2.1 2.2/2.2 0.74 345
50/30 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 103-••A 1480/740 1)
92.0/90.5 0.90/0.75 86/70 7.3/6.4 355/426 2.1/2.5 2.5/2.5 1.5 460
65/40 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 229-••G 1487/743 91.8/91.5 93.2/92.2 0.88/0.69 116/92 7.8/6.6 417/514 2.0/2.7 2.8/2.7 2.2 645
85/50 M3BP 280 SMC 3GBP 289 239-••G 1487/743 92.5/92.2 93.9/93.0 0.88/0.68 149/115 8.7/7.2 546/643 2.4/3.0 3.0/2.9 2.85 725
95/65 M3BP 315 SMB 3GBP 319 229-••G 1489/744 93.2/93.0 94.0/93.4 0.88/0.72 166/140 7.8/6.2 609/834 2.4/2.7 2.8/2.5 4.1 930
115/80 M3BP 315 SMC 3GBP 319 239-••G 1489/743 93.6/93.2 94.4/93.8 0.89/0.73 198/167 8.0/6.2 738/1028 2.6/2.6 2.8/2.4 4.9 1000
150/95 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 419-••G 1489/744 93.3/93.5 94.3/94.2 0.88/0.73 260/201 8.1/6.5 962/1219 2.7/2.9 2.8/2.5 5.8 1150
190/120 M3BP 315 LKA 3GBP 319 819-••G 1489/744 93.7/93.7 94.6/94.3 0.88/0.73 332/252 8.6/6.8 1219/1540 2.9/3.0 3.0/2.5 7.3 1410
200/125 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 359 229-••G 1490/745 94.8/94.6 95.2/94.9 0.90/0.71 340/270 8.5/6.9 1282/1602 2.4/2.6 2.9/2.6 9.7 1680
290/185 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 359 429-••G 1490/744 95.4/94.9 95.6/95.1 0.90/0.72 490/390 8.5/6.5 1859/2374 2.7/2.5 3.0/2.5 13.5 2180
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight
kW r/min IEC IEC factor inertia
60034- 60034- cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg
2-1; 2;1996 kgm2
2007 IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full Full A IN Nm TN TN
load load
100 % 100 % 100 %
Frame sizes 71 to 132 on request
1000/750 r/min = 6/8 poles 400 V 50 Hz Constant torque, two separate windings
16/12 M3BP 200 MLB 3GBP 208 219-••A 985/740 1)
86.5/82.5 0.85/0.73 31/29 7.0/6.3 155/155 2.1/2.4 2.4/2.6 0.42 260
18/13.5 M3BP 200 MLC 3GBP 208 220-••A 985/740 1)
87.5/83.5 0.83/0.72 36/32 7.9/6.6 174/174 2.5/2.6 2.8/2.8 0.48 275
23/17 M3BP 225 SMB 3GBP 228 213-••A 985/740 1)
89.0/85.5 0.84/0.78 46/37 7.9/6.3 222/220 2.3/2.2 2.7/2.3 0.63 320
28/20 M3BP 225 SMC 3GBP 228 214-••A 985/740 1)
89.0/86.5 0.86/0.77 57/43 7.1/6.5 272/259 2.0/2.3 2.4/2.4 0.74 345
37/27 M3BP 250 SMB 3GBP 258 207-••A 990/740 1)
90.0/87.5 0.83/0.75 71/59 7.8/6.7 357/348 2.3/2.5 2.7/2.5 1.41 460
47/35 M3BP 280 SMB 3GBP 289 226-••G 991/744 91.2/90.0 92.2/90.7 0.83/0.69 89/81 6.5/7.1 453/449 2.1/3.3 2.5/2.5 2.2 645
2 60/45
280 SMC 3GBP
315 SMB 3GBP
315 SMC 3GBP
289 236-••G
319 226-••G
319 236-••G
2.4/3.3 2.7/2.4 2.85
1.8/2.6 2.7/2.6 4.1
1.8/2.8 2.7/2.7 4.9
106/80 M3BP 315 MLA 3GBP 319 416-••G 993/744 93.0/92.7 93.6/93.3 0.83/0.73 198/171 7.5/7.5 1019/1026 1.9/3.1 2.7/2.8 5.8 1150
110/83 M3BP 355 SMA 3GBP 359 216-••G 994/746 94.4/93.4 94.9/93.7 0.82/0.72 204/177 7.3/8.0 1057/1062 1.9/3.0 2.6/2.7 7.9 1520
135/100 M3BP 355 SMB 3GBP 359 226-••G 994/745 94.6/93.8 95.1/94.0 0.82/0.75 250/204 7.3/7.2 1297/1282 2.0/2.7 2.6/2.4 9.7 1680
155/116 M3BP 355 SMC 3GBP 359 236-••G 994/744 94.8/94.0 95.3/94.2 0.82/0.75 288/236 7.1/7.1 1489/1489 1.9/2.7 2.5/2.4 11.3 1820
180/135 M3BP 355 MLB 3GBP 359 426-••G 994/744 94.8/94.1 95.1/94.3 0.81/0.74 340/282 6.8/7.1 1729/1733 2.0/2.9 2.5/2.5 13.5 2180
220/165 M3BP 355 LKB 3GBP 359 826-••G 993/744 95.0/94.2 95.3/94.4 0.81/0.74 410/340 6.2/6.9 2116/2118 1.8/2.8 2.2/2.4 16.5 2600
Missing data on request The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement,
voltage and frequency (see ordering information page)
Code / Variant 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
530 2-year extension on standard warranty R R R R R M M M P P
531 Sea freight packing NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
417 Vibration acc. to Grade B (IEC 60034-14). P P P P P P P P R R
423 Balanced without key. P P P P P P P P P P
424 Full key balancing. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
Bearings and Lubrication
036 Transport lock for bearings. M M M M M M M M P P
037 Roller bearing at D-end. M M M M M M M M P P
039 Cold resistant grease. R R R R R M M M P P
040 Heat resistant grease. S S S S S M M M P P
057 2RS bearings at both ends. M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
058 Angular contact bearing at D-end, shaft force away P P P P P P P P P P
from bearing.
059 Angular contact bearing at N-end, shaft force P P P P P P P P P P
towards bearing.
060 Angular contact bearing at D-end, shaft force NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
towards bearing.
061 Angular contact bearing at N-end, shaft force away NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
from bearing.
107 Pt100 2-wire in bearings. P P P P P M M M P P
130 Pt100 3-wire in bearings. NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
194 2Z bearings greased for life at both ends. M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
420 Bearing mounted PTC thermistors. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
433 Outlet grease collector NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
796 Grease nipples JIS B 1575 PT 1/8 Type A M M M M M M M M P P
797 Stainless steel SPM Nipples M M M M M M M M P P
798 Stainless steel grease nipples M M M M M M M M P P
799 Grease nipples flat type DIN 3404, thread M10x1 NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
412 Built-on brake. R R R R R P P P P R
Branch standard designs
142 "Manilla connection". P P P P P P P NA NA NA
178 Stainless steel / acid proof bolts. M M M M M M M M P P
204 Jacking bolts for foot mounted motors. NA NA NA NA NA P P S S S
209 Non-standard voltage or frequency, (special winding). P P P P P P P P P P
396 Motor designed for ambient temperature -20°C R R R R R P P P P P
to -40°C, wtih space heaters
(code 450/451 must be added).
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
189 Separate motor cooling, IP44, 400V, 50Hz M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
(fan axial, N-end).
206 Steel fan NA NA NA NA NA P P P P NA
422 Separate motor cooling (fan top or side, N-end). NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
791 Stainless steel fan cover NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
035 Assembly of customer supplied coupling-half. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
141 Binding dimension drawing. M M M M M M M M P P
Drain holes
065 Plugged existing drain holes. M M M M M M M M P P
448 Draining holes with metal plugs. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
Earthing Bolt
067 External earthing bolt. NA NA NA NA NA S S S S S
Hazardous Environments
See catalogue "Motors for Hazardous Areas"
for details.
Heating elements
450 Heating element, 100-120V. M M M M M M M M P P
451 Heating element, 200-240V. M M M M M M M M P P
Insulation system
014 Winding insulation class H. P P P P P P P P P P
405 Special winding insulation for frequency converter P P P P P P P P P P
406 Winding for supply >690<=1000 Volts. NA NA P P P P P P P P
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
111 Painting system C3M acc. to ISO 12944-5:2007 NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
114 Special paint colour, standard grade. M M M M M M M M P P
115 Offshore zink primer painting. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
179 Special paint specification. R R R R R R R R R R
754 Painting system C5M acc. to ISO 12944-5:2007 NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
005 Metal protective roof, vertical motor, shaft down. M M M M M M M M P P
072 Radial seal at D-end. M M M M M M M P P P
073 Sealed against oil at D-end. M M M M M P P P P P
158 Degree of protection IP65. M M M M M M M M P P
211 Weather protected, IP xx W M M M M M P P P P P
403 Degree of protection IP56. M M M M M M M M P P
404 Degree of protection IP56, without fan and fan cover. P P P P P R R R NA NA
434 Degree of protection IP56, open deck. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P NA
783 Labyrinth sealing at D-end. NA NA NA NA NA P P S S S
Rating & instruction plates
002 Restamping voltage, frequency and output, M M M M M M M M P P
continuous duty.
004 Additional text on std rating plate M M M M M M M M P P
(max 12 digits on free text line).
095 Restamping output (maintained voltage, frequency), M M M M M P P P P P
intermittent duty.
135 Mounting of additional identification plate, stainless. M M M M M M M M P P
139 Additional identification plate delivered loose. M M M M M M M M P P
160 Additional rating plate affixed. M M M M M M M M P P
161 Additional rating plate delivered loose. M M M M M M M M P P
163 Frequency converter rating plate. Rating data M M M M M M M M P P
according to quotation.
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
2 421
VIK design (Verband der Industriellen Energie- und
Kraftwirtschaft e.V.).
Fulfilling Korean MEPS efficiency regulations
540 China energy label R R R R R M M M NA NA
756 EDF design (Electricité de France), non-classified zone. NA NA NA NA NA P P P R R
757 EDF design (Electricité de France), zone E1 K3. NA NA NA NA NA P P P R R
758 Saudi Aramco design. NA NA NA NA NA P P P NA NA
773 EEMUA No 132 1988 design NA NA NA NA NA R R R R R
775 Design according to SHELL DEP NA NA NA NA NA M M P P NA
January 1999 design.
778 GOST Export/Import Certificate (Russia). M M M M M M M M P P
779 SASO Export/Import Certificate (Saudi Arabia) NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
Stator winding temperature sensors
120 KTY 84-130 (1 per phase) in stator winding. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
121 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (3 in series), M M M M M M M M P P
130ºC, in stator winding.
122 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (3 in series), M M M M M M M M P P
150ºC, in stator winding.
123 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (3 in series), NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
170ºC, in stator winding.
124 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (3 in series), NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
140ºC, in stator winding.
125 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (2x3 in series), NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
150ºC, in stator winding.
127 Bimetal detectors, break type (NCC), (3 in series, M M M M M P P P P P
130ºC & 3 in series, 150ºC), in stator winding.
435 PTC - thermistors (3 in series), 130ºC, in stator winding. M M M M M M M M P P
436 PTC - thermistors (3 in series), 150ºC, in stator winding. S S S S S S S S S S
437 PTC - thermistors (3 in series), 170ºC, in stator winding. M M M M M M M M P P
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
180 Terminal box RHS (seen from D-end). P P P P P P P P P NA
187 Cable glands of non-standard design. NA NA NA NA NA R R R R R
230 Standard metal cable glands. M M M M M S S S S S
231 Standard cable glands with clamping device. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
380 Separate terminal box for temperature detectors, std. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
400 4 x 90 degr turnable terminal box. S S S S S S S S P NA
409 Large terminal box with two terminal blocks. NA NA NA NA NA P P NA NA NA
413 Extended cable connection, no terminal box. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P NA
418 Separate terminal box for auxiliaries, standard material. M M M M M P P P P P
444 Adapter and cable box for terminal box size 1200. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA P
447 Top mounted separate terminal box for monitoring NA NA NA NA NA M M M NA NA
466 Terminal box at N-end. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
467 Lower than standard terminal box and rubber extended P P P P P NA NA NA NA NA
cable. Cable length 2m.
468 Cable entry from D-end. NA NA NA NA NA M M P NA NA
469 Cable entry from N-end. M M M M M P P P P NA
567 Separate terminal box material: Cast Iron NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
568 Separate terminal box for heating elements, std. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
569 Separate terminal box for brakes NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
729 Cable flanges without holes/ Blank gland plates. M M M M M M M M P P
730 Prepared for NPT cable glands NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
731 Two standard metal cable glands. Note: Frame sizes M M M M M S S S S S
355-450 with cable box.
742 Protective cover for accessory terminal block in main NA NA NA NA NA M M M P P
terminal box.
743 Painted flange for cable glands. M M M M M M M M P P
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
761 Vibration spectrum test. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
762 Noise level test. P P P P P P P P P P
763 Noise spectrum test. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
764 Test with ABB frequency converter available at ABB NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
test field. ABB standard test procedure.
Variable speed drives
701 Insulated bearing at N-end. NA NA M M M M M M P P
704 EMC cable gland. M M M M M M M M P P
Separate motor cooling
183 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end). M M M M M M M P P P
189 Separate motor cooling, IP44, 400V, 50Hz (fan axial, M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
422 Separate motor cooling (fan top or side, N-end). NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
Mounting of tacho, tacho not included
182 Pulse sensor mounted as specified. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
470 Prepared for hollow shaft pulse tacho (L&L equivalent). M M M M M P P P P P
479 Mounting of other type of pulse tacho with shaft NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
extension, tacho not included.
570 Prepared for hollow shaft pulse tacho (L&L 503). NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Mounting of tacho, tacho included
062 Tachogenerator. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
472 1024 pulse tacho (L&L 861). M M M M M P P P P P
473 2048 pulse tacho (L&L 861). M M M M M P P P P P
572 1024 pulse tacho (L&L 503). M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
573 2048 pulse tacho (L&L 503). M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
486 Separate motor cooling (fan top, N-end) and NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
prepared for DC-tacho.
574 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end) and M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
prepared for hollow shaft tacho (L&L 503).
578 Separate motor cooling, IP44, 400V, 50Hz (fan axial, M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
N-end) and prepared for hollow shaft tacho (L&L 503).
Separate motor cooling & prepared for tacho,
tacho included
429 Separate motor cooling (fan top, N-end) and 1024 NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
pulse tacho (Leine & Linde 861) mounted.
476 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end) and 1024 M M M M M P P P P P
pulse tacho (L&L 861).
477 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end) and 2048 M M M M M P P P P P
pulse tacho (L&L 861).
510 Separate motor cooling (fan top, N-end) and 2048 NA NA NA NA NA P P P P P
pulse tacho (Leine & Linde 861) mounted.
576 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end) and 1024 M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
pulse tacho (L&L 503).
577 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end) and 2048 M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
pulse tacho (L&L 503).
580 Separate motor cooling, IP44, 400V, 50Hz M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
(fan axial, N-end) and 1024 pulse tacho (L&L 503).
581 Separate motor cooling, IP44, 400V, 50Hz M M M M M NA NA NA NA NA
(fan axial, N-end) and 2048 pulse tacho (L&L 503).
Y/D starting
117 Terminals for Y/D start at both speeds P P P P P P P R R R
(two speed windings).
118 Terminals for Y/D start at high speed NA NA NA NA NA P P R R R
(two speed windings).
119 Terminals for Y/D start at low speed NA NA NA NA NA P P R R R
(two speed windings).
Note: Variant code option list also valid for premium efficiency motors M4BP 160-355.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously.
S = Included as standard
P = New manufacturer
M = On modification of a stocked motor; or on new manufacture, the number of number per order may be limited.
R = On request
NA = Not applicable.
Tolerances M3BP:
A, B ISO js14 1)
MLA-2, MLB-2, MLC-2, MLA-4, MLA-6, Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
C, CA ± 0.8 MLA-8 and MLB 8-poles For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
D, DA ISO k6 < Ø 50mm MLD-2, MLE-2, MLB-4, MLC-4, MLD-4, ‘’ or contact ABB.
ISO m6 > Ø 50mm MLB-6, MLC-6 and MLC-8 poles
F, FA ISO h9 M4BP:
H +0 -0.5
MLB-2, MLC-2, all 4- and 6-poles
160 to 200 225 to 250
160 1)
2-8 338 257 42 32 M16 M12 110 80 36 28 12 10 37 45 27 35 261 195
160 2)
2-8 338 257 42 32 M16 M12 110 80 36 28 12 10 37 45 27 35 261 195
180 2-8 381 257 48 32 M16 M12 110 80 36 28 14 10 42.5 51.5 27 35 281 215
200 2-8 413 300 55 45 M20 M16 110 110 42 36 16 14 49 59 39.5 48.5 328 249
225 2 460 300 55 55 M20 M20 110 110 42 42 16 16 49 59 49 59 348 269
225 4-8 460 300 60 55 M20 M20 140 110 42 42 18 16 53 64 49 59 325 269
250 2 508 300 60 55 M20 M20 140 110 42 42 18 16 53 64 49 59 376 297
250 4-8 508 300 65 55 M20 M20 140 110 42 42 18 16 58 69 49 59 376 297
Tolerances M3BP:
D, DA ISO k6 < Ø 50mm 1)
MLA-2, MLB-2, MLC-2, MLA-4, MLA-6, Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
ISO m6 > Ø 50mm MLA-8 and MLB 8-poles For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
F, FA ISO h9
MLD-2, MLE-2, MLB-4, MLC-4, MLD-4, ‘’ or contact ABB.
MLB-6, MLC-6 and MLC-8 poles
N ISO j6
MLB-2, MLC-2, all 4- and 6-poles
Tolerances M3BP:
A, B ISO js14 1)
MLA-2, MLB-2, MLC-2, MLA-4, MLA-6, Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
C, CA ± 0.8 MLA-8 and MLB 8-poles For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
D, DA ISO k6 < Ø 50 mm
MLD-2, MLE-2, MLB-4, MLC-4, MLD-4, ‘’ or contact ABB.
ISO m6 > Ø 50 mm MLB-6, MLC-6 and MLC-8 poles
F, FA ISO h9 M4BP:
H +0 -0.5 1)
N ISO j6 2)
MLB-2, MLC-2, all 4- and 6-poles
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
A, B ± 0,8
Terminal box 750
For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
C, CA ± 0.8 ‘’ or contact ABB.
D ISO k6 < Ø 50mm
ISO m6 > Ø 50mm
F ISO h9
H +0 -0.5
N ISO j6
280 SM_ 2 577 65 60 M20 M20 140 140 40 40 18 18 58 69 53 64 11 11
4-12 577 75 65 M20 M20 140 140 40 40 20 18 67.5 79.5 58 69 12 11
315 SM_ 2 645 65 60 M20 M20 140 140 40 40 18 18 58 69 53 64 11 11
4-12 645 80 75 M20 M20 170 140 40 40 22 20 71 85 67.5 79.5 14 12
315 ML_ 2 645 65 60 M20 M20 140 140 40 40 18 18 58 69 53 64 11 11
4-12 645 90 75 M24 M20 170 140 48 40 25 20 81 95 67.5 79.5 14 12
315 LK_ 2 645 65 60 M20 M20 140 140 40 40 18 18 58 69 53 64 11 11
4-12 645 90 75 M24 M20 170 140 48 40 25 20 81 95 67.5 79.5 14 12
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Terminal box 750 Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
D, DA ISO m6 For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
F, FA ISO h9 ‘’ or contact ABB.
N ISO j6 (280 SM_)
ISO js6 (315_)
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
A, B ± 0,8
Terminal box 750
For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
D ISO m6 ‘’ or contact ABB.
F ISO h9
H +0 -1.0
N ISO j6 (280 SM_)
ISO js6 (315_)
C ± 0.8
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Terminal box 750 Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
A, B ± 0,8 H +0 -1.0
Terminal box 1200 For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
D, DA ISO m6 N ISO j6
Size with alternative dimensions ‘’ or contact ABB.
F, FA ISO h9 C, CA ± 0.8
355 SM_ 2 740 70 70 M20 M20 140 140 42 40 20 20 62.5 74.5 62.5 74.5 12 12
4-12 740 100 90 M24 M24 210 170 51 51 28 25 90 106 81 95 16 14
355 ML_ 2 740 70 70 M20 M20 140 140 42 40 20 20 62.5 74.5 62.5 74.5 12 12
4-12 740 100 90 M24 M24 210 170 51 51 28 25 90 106 81 95 16 14
355 LK_4) 2 740 70 70 M20 M20 140 140 42 40 20 20 62.5 74.5 62.5 74.5 12 12
4-12 740 100 90 M24 M24 210 170 51 51 28 25 90 106 81 95 16 14
400 L_ 2 814 80 70 M20 M20 170 140 42 40 22 20 71 85 67.5 79.5 12 12
4-12 814 110 90 M24 M24 210 170 50 50 28 25 100 116 81 95 16 14
400 LK 4) 2 814 80 70 M20 M20 170 140 42 40 22 20 71 85 67.5 79.5 12 12
4-12 814 100 90 M24 M24 210 170 50 50 28 25 90 106 81 95 16 14
450 L_ 2 966 80 - M20 - 170 - 42 - 22 - 71 85 - - 14 -
4-12 966 120 100 M24 M24 210 210 50 50 32 28 109 127 100 116 18 16
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Terminal box 750 Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
D, DA ISO m6 N ISO js6 (315_)
Terminal box 1200 For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
F, FA ISO h9 4)
Size with alternative dimensions ‘’ or contact ABB.
Tolerances: 1)
Terminal box 370
Terminal box 750 Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
A, B ± 0,8 H +0 -1.0
Terminal box 1200 For detailed drawings please see our web-pages
D, DA ISO m6 N ISO js6
Size with alternative dimensions ‘’ or contact ABB.
F, FA ISO h9 C ± 0,8
Motor size A1 B1 H1
160 to 180 257 257 106
Detailed view
Brake Brake For motor Brake Brake For motor Brake Brake For motor
type torque Nm size type torque Nm size type torque Nm size
KFB 10 100 160 SFB 16 160 200 - 225 NFF 10 100 160
KFB 16 160 160 - 180 SFB 25 250 200 - 250 NFF 16 160 160 - 180
KFB 25 250 180 - 225 SFB 40 400 225 - 250 NFF 25 250 180 - 225
KFB 40 400 200 - 250 SFB 63 630 250 NFF 40 400 200 - 250
KFB 63 630 225 - 280 SFB 100 1000 280 - 315 NFF 63 630 225 - 250
KFB 1000 1000 280 - 315 SFB 160 1600 315 - 355 For sizes 280-450 on request
KFB 1600 1600 315 - 355 SFB 250 2500 355 - 400
On request 355 - 450 SFB 400 4000 400
On request 450
2 Motor
size Poles
Foot- and flange-mounted
160 2-8 834 587 356 834 587 356 834 587 356
180 2-8 910 637 372 910 637 372 910 637 372
200 ML 2-8 994 684 432 994 684 432 994 684 432
225 SM 2 1071 754 460 1071 754 460 1071 754 460
225 SM 4-8 1101 754 460 1101 754 460 1101 754 460
250 SM 2-8 1110 761 460 1110 761 460 1110 761 460
casti iron motors sizes 180 to 250
Variant codes 005 183 189 472, 473 474, 476
572, 573, 658 477, 574
576, 577
Motor Pole L L L L L
size no
160 1) 2-8 635 996 851 668 996
160 2) 2-8 732 1093 948 763 1093
180 2-8 779 1142 995 811 1143
200 2-8 875 1273 1129 918 1274
225 2 902 1308 1158 945 1307
225 4-8 932 1338 1188 975 1337
250 2-8 937 1351 1203 981 1351
280SM_ 2 1190 1472 NA 1184 1620
4-12 1190 1472 NA 1184 1620
315SM_ 2 1290 1552 NA 1268 1708
4-12 1320 1582 NA 1298 1738
315ML_ 2 1400 1662 NA 1378 1820
4-12 1430 1692 NA 1408 1850
315LK_ 2 1561 1920 NA 1584 2054
4-12 1591 1950 NA 1614 2084
355SM_ 2 1513 1835 NA 1504 1963
4-12 1583 1905 NA 1574 2033
355ML_ 2 1618 1986 NA 1609 2119
4-12 1688 2056 NA 1679 2189
355LK_ 2 1881 2236 NA 1899 2409
4-12 1951 2306 NA 1929 2439
400L/LK 2 1968 2313 NA 1946 2435
4-12 2008 2353 NA 1986 2475
450L_ 2 2362 2530 NA 2260 2530
4-12 2402 2570 NA 2300 2570
2-poles, MLA 4- and 6-poles, MLA and MLB 8-poles.
High output, MLB 6-poles, MLC 8-poles
Motor Weight
size AV LV LVT DV O 1) S 2) kg
280SM_ 681 1010 1090 616 50 762 38
Clearance for motor cooling.
Clearance for removal of silencer.
Ymax. Motor
Xmax. 3 5 Rail
2 Plate
Each set includes two complete slide rails including screw for
mounting the motor on the rails. Screws for mounting the rails
on the foundation are not included. Slide rails are supplied with
unmachined lower surfaces and should, prior to tightening
down, be supported in a suitable manner.
Type Motor M M2 M3 W X X1 X2 X3 X5 X6 Y Y1 Y2 Y3 Weight/
size max max min rail kg
ZHKJ 50 280 28 25 20 135 850 150 125 135 200 900 50 100 80 50 14.5
ZHKJ 63 315 28 25 20 220 1040 150 125 150 200 1090 50 100 80 50 17.5
ZHKJ 71 1) 355 33 30 20 275 1260 190 145 185 240 1320 60 140 120 50 31.0
ZHKJ 71 1) 400 33 30 20 180 1260 190 140 200 240 1320 60 140 120 50 31.0
ZHKJ 90 450 28 30 28 260 1420 240 140 210 300 1480 70 180 158 60 61.0
When mounting on a ceiling or on a wall please contact the manufacturer.
Each set includes two complete slide rails including screw for
mounting the motor on the rails. Screws for mounting the rails
on the foundation are not included. Slide rails are supplied with
unmachined lower surfaces and should, prior to tightening
down, be supported in a suitable manner.
1 Stator frame 17 Outer bearing cover, N-end
2 Endshield, D-end 18 Seal, N-end
3 Screws for endshield, D-end 19 Wave spring
4 Endshield, N-end 20 Valve disc, N-end
5 Screws for endshield, N-end 21 Bearing, N-end
6 Rotor with shaft 22 Inner bearing cover, N-end
7 Key, D-end 23 Screws for bearing cover, N-end
8 Terminal box 24 Fan
9 Terminal board 25 Fan cover
10 Intermediate flange 26 Screws for fan cover
11 Screws for terminal box cover 27 Rating plate
12 Outer bearing cover, D-end 28 Regreasing plate
13 Valve disc with labyrinth seal, D-end; 29 Grease nipple, D-end
standard in 2-pole motors (V-ring in 4-8 pole) 30 Grease nipple, N-end
14 Bearing, D-end 31 SPM nipple, D-end
15 Inner bearing cover, D-end 32 SPM nipple, N-end
16 Screws for bearing cover, D-end
Bearing seal
Axial seal as standard, radial seal on request
Regreasable bearings, regreasing nipples M6x1
Rating plate
Material Stainless steel, SS-EN 10088, 0.5 mm
Paint colour shade Blue, Munsell 8B 4.5/3.25 / NCS 4822 B05G / RAL 5014
Corrosion class C3 medium according to ISO/EN 12944-2
Bearings D-end 2-pole 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3
4-12 -pole 6316/C3 6319/C3 6322/C3 6324/C3 6326M/C3
Paint colour shade Blue, Munsell 8B 4.5/3.25 / NCS 4822 B05G / RAL 5014
> Motors
>> Low Voltage Motors
>>> Process Performance Motors
The motors are normally fitted with single-row deep When there are high axial forces, angular-contact ball
groove ball bearings as listed in the table below. bearings should be used. This option is available on
request. When a motor with angular-contact ball
If the bearing at the D-end is replaced with a roller
bearings is ordered, the method of mounting and direc-
bearing (NU- or NJ-), higher radial forces can be
tion and magnitude of the axial force must be specified.
handled. Roller bearings are suitable for belt drive
For special bearings, please see the variant codes.
Basic version with deep groove ball bearings Version with roller bearings, variant code 037
Motor Number Deep groove ball bearings Motor Number Roller bearings, variant code 037
size of poles D-end N-end size of poles D-end
160 2-12 6309/C3 6209/C3 160 2-12 NU 309
180 2-12 6310/C3 6209/C3 180 2-12 NU 310
200 2-12 6312/C3 6210/C3 200 2-12 NU 312
225 2-12 6313/C3 6212/C3 225 2-12 NU 313
250 2-12 6315/C3 6213/C3 250 2-12 NU 315
280 2 6316/C3 6316/C3 280 2 1)
On request
Axially-locked bearings
The outer bearing ring at the D-end can be axially
locked with an inner bearing cover. The inner ring is
locked by tight tolerance to the shaft.
All motors are equipped as standard with an axially-
locked bearing at the D-end.
Transport locking
Motors that have roller bearings or an angular contact Locking may also be fitted in other cases where
ball bearing are fitted with a transport lock before transport conditions are suspected of being potentially
despatch to prevent damage to the bearings during damaging.
transport. In case of transport locked bearing, motor
sizes 280 to 355 are provided with a warning sign.
On delivery, the motors are ready lubricated with high Lubrication method in cast iron motors
quality grease. The recommended grease used can be 160-355 Regreasable bearings as standard
seen from ABB's Low Voltage Motors Manual delivered solution
together with the motor or for frame sizes 160-355 from 160-250 Permanent greased bearings as an
the lubrication plate fastened to the motor frame. See option
example of a lubrication plate on page 24.
Motors with relubrication nipples
Motors with permanently greased bearings
For sizes 280 to 355 the bearing system has been built
Motors with frame sizes 160-250 can be equipped with so that a valve disc can be used to ease the lubrication.
permanently greased bearings. Bearings are lubricated Motors are lubricated while running.
with high quality, high temperature grease. Bearing types
are mentioned in the rating plates. Grease outlet opening has closing valves at both ends.
This should be opened before greasing and closed 1-2
The following values can be used as a guide for bearing hours after regreasing. After lubrication close the valves.
lifetime, depending on application and load conditions: This ensures that the construction is tight and dust or
4-8 pole motors about 40,000 h dirt cannot get inside the bearing.
2 pole motors about 20,000 h As an option, a grease collection method can be used.
3 Lubrication intervals
ABB follows the L1-principle in defining lubrication The table below gives lubrication intervals according
interval. That means that 99% of the motors are sure to the L1-principle for different speeds, ambient
to make the interval time. The lubrication intervals temperature of 25°C. The values are valid for horizontal
can also be calculated according to the L10-principle, mounted motors (B3), with about 80°C bearing
which are normally doubled compared to L1-values. temperature and using high quality grease with lithium
Values available from ABB at request. complex soap and mineral or PAO-oil.
For more information, see ABB's Low Voltage Motors
Frame Amount 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-750 Frame Amount 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-750
size of grease r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min size of grease r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min r/min
g g
Ball bearings: lubrication intervals in duty hours Roller bearings: lubrication intervals in duty hours
160 1) 25 9000 12000 18000 21500 24000 24000 160 1) 25 4500 6000 9000 10500 12000 12000
180 1) 30 7000 9000 15500 18500 24000 24000 180 1) 30 3500 4500 7500 9000 12000 12000
200 1) 40 5500 8000 14500 17500 23000 24000 200 1) 40 2750 4000 7000 8500 11500 12000
225 1) 50 4000 6500 13000 16500 22000 24000 225 1) 50 2000 3000 6500 8000 11000 12000
250 1) 60 2500 4000 9000 11500 15000 18000 250 1) 60 1000 2000 4500 5500 7500 9000
160 2) 25 7500 10000 15000 18000 22500 24000 160 2) 25 3500 5000 7500 9000 11000 12000
180 2) 30 6000 8500 14000 17000 21000 24000 180 2) 30 3000 4000 7000 8500 10500 12000
200 2) 40 3000 5500 10000 12000 16000 20000 200 2) 40 1500 2500 5000 6000 8000 10000
225 2) 50 1500 2500 5000 6000 8000 10000 225 2) 50 750 1250 2500 3000 4000 5000
250 2) 60 1000 1500 3500 4500 6000 7000 250 2) 60 500 750 1500 2000 3000 3500
280 35 2000 3500 - - - - 280 35 1000 1800 - - - -
280 70 - - 8000 10500 14000 17000 280 70 - - 4000 5300 7000 8500
315 35 2000 3500 - - - - 315 35 1000 1800 - - - -
315 90 - - 6500 8500 12500 16000 315 90 - - 3300 4300 6000 8000
355 35 1200 2000 - - - - 355 35 600 1000 - - - -
355 120 - - 4200 6000 10000 13000 355 120 - - 2000 3000 5000 6500
Basic design
High-output design
Permissible radial forces
Motor sizes 160 to 355
Length of Ball bearings Roller bearings
Motor extension 20,000 hours 40,000 hours 20,000 hours 40,000 hours
size Poles E (mm) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) FX0 (N) FXmax(N)
160 MLA 2 110 3540 2740 2955 2285 7100 4300 6140 4300
4 110 4000 3100 3325 2570 8000 4300 6870 4300
6 110 4170 3200 3440 2655 8600 4300 7270 4300
8 110 4600 3585 3855 2985 9300 4300 7955 4300
160 MLB 2 110 3540 2740 2955 2270 7085 4300 6070 4300
4 110 4085 3300 3370 2725 8300 4300 7055 4300
6 110 4100 3355 3400 2755 8600 4300 7300 4300
8 110 4200 3270 3455 2670 9000 4300 7570 4300
160 MLC 2 110 3400 2600 2855 2200 6800 4300 5885 4300
4 110 3700 3000 3070 2485 7800 4300 6640 4300
6 110 3600 2900 2870 2325 8000 4300 6700 4300
8 110 4170 3370 3370 2725 9000 4300 7585 4300
160 MLD 2 110 3585 2900 3000 2440 7100 4300 6140 4300
4 110 3400 2755 2755 2240 7600 4300 6370 4300
160 MLE 2 110 3185 2570 2640 2140 6785 4300 5770 4300
180 MLA 2 110 4100 3385 3455 2825 8125 5500 7025 5500
4 110 4270 3485 3525 2885 8600 5500 7300 5500
6 110 4700 3800 3855 3155 9400 5500 7900 5500
8 110 4785 3900 3870 3170 9800 5500 8255 5500
180 MLB 2 110 4170 3400 3470 2825 7900 5500 6770 5500
4 110 4185 3400 3440 2810 8500 5500 7200 5500
6 110 4370 3570 3525 2885 9000 5500 7600 5500
180 MLC 4 110 3700 3055 3010 2470 7900 5500 6655 5440
8 140 9600 7800 7900 6400 22700 13800 19300 13800
250 SMB 2 140 7100 5800 6000 4885 16700 10900 14400 10900
4 140 7800 6300 6470 5240 18900 13800 16200 13100
6 140 8900 7200 7355 5955 21200 13800 18000 13800
250 SMC 2 140 6800 5500 5670 4600 16300 10900 14000 10900
4 140 7400 6000 6055 4900 18100 13800 15400 12485
6 140 8200 6600 6670 5400 20300 13800 17200 13800
280 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4900 20400 6000 16500 6000
4 140 9200 7800 7300 6200 25100 9200 20300 9200
6 140 10600 8900 8400 7000 28300 9200 23000 9200
8 140 11700 9200 9200 7800 30900 9200 25100 9200
315 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4950 20300 6000 16500 6000
4 170 11400 9400 9000 7450 32500 9600 26600 9600
6 170 13000 9600 10300 8500 37000 9600 30000 9600
8 170 14400 9600 11400 9400 40300 9600 32700 9600
315 ML_ 2 140 7400 6400 5850 5050 20600 5850 16700 5850
4 170 11500 9700 9100 7650 32700 13600 26500 13600
6 170 13200 11100 10400 8800 36900 13600 29900 13600
8 170 14500 12200 11500 9700 40200 13600 32600 13600
315 LK__ 2 140 7400 6550 5800 5150 20800 5550 16800 5550
4 170 11500 10000 9100 7850 33100 13350 26800 13350
6 170 13200 11400 10450 9050 37300 13350 30300 13350
8 170 14600 12600 11550 10000 40800 13350 33100 13350
355 SM_ 2 140 7350 6450 5750 5050 20600 7200 16700 7200
4 210 15200 12600 12000 9950 45500 14000 36900 14000
6 210 17500 14000 13800 11400 51400 14000 41700 14000
8 210 19300 14000 15250 12600 56000 14000 45500 14000
355 ML_ 2 140 7350 6550 5750 5100 20800 6750 16800 6750
4 210 15300 12900 12000 10100 45900 13600 37200 13600
6 210 17600 13600 13900 11600 51500 13600 42100 13600
8 210 19400 13600 15300 12900 56000 13600 45900 13600
355 LK_ 2 140 7350 6650 5650 5150 21000 6750 17000 6750
4 210 15200 13000 11850 10200 46000 13000 37300 13000
6 210 17500 13000 13700 11900 52000 13000 42000 13000
8 210 19400 13000 15200 13000 56500 13000 46000 13000
The following tables give the permissible axial forces At 60 Hz the values are to be reduced by 10%. For
in Newton, assuming zero radial force, ambient two-speed motors, the values are to be based on the
temperature 25°C. The values are based on normal higher speed. The permissible loads of simultaneous
conditions at 50 Hz with standard bearings and radial and axial forces will be supplied on request. Given
calculated bearing lives of 20,000 and 40,000 hours. axial forces FAD, assumes D-bearing locked by means
of locking ring.
Mounting arrangement IM B3 FAD FAZ
20,000 hours 40,000 hours
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
size N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
160 MLA 2850 2850 3450 3450 3690 3690 4155 4155 2325 2325 2775 2775 2970 2970 3315 3315
160 MLB 2850 2850 3435 3435 3600 3600 3750 3750 2325 2325 2760 2760 2880 2880 2970 2970
160 MLC 2775 2775 3150 3150 3135 3135 3675 3675 2280 2280 2535 2535 2490 2490 2910 2910
160 MLD 2865 2865 2900 2900 - - - - 2330 2330 2320 2320 - - - -
160 MLE 2500 2500 - - - - - - 2025 2025 - - - - - -
180 MLA 3300 3300 3600 3600 4140 4140 4220 4220 2700 2700 2920 2920 3320 3320 3360 3360
180 MLB 3340 3340 3580 3580 3800 3800 - - 2725 2725 2900 2900 3040 3040 - -
180 MLC - - 3220 3220 - - - - - - 2560 2560 - - - -
200 MLA 4460 4460 5000 5260 5000 5860 5000 5880 3640 3640 4260 4260 4720 4720 4700 4700
200 MLB 4440 4440 4720 4720 5000 5480 - - 3620 3620 3840 3840 4420 4420 - -
200 MLC 3940 3940 4480 4480 4980 4980 - - 3180 3180 3620 3620 3980 3980 - -
200 MLD 3940 3940 - - - - - - 3200 3200 - - - - - -
225 SMA 4980 4980 5000 6080 5000 6520 5000 7420 4060 4060 4920 4920 5000 5260 5000 5960
225 SMB 4860 4860 5000 5880 5000 6020 5000 6940 3960 3960 4780 4780 4840 4840 5000 5560
225 SMC 4380 4380 5000 5240 - - - - 3540 3540 4260 4260 - - - -
225 SMD 4320 4320 4800 4800 - - - - 3480 3480 3820 3820 - - - -
250 SMA 6000 6080 6000 7140 6000 7880 6000 8200 4920 4920 5820 5820 6000 6380 6000 6600
250 SMB 5620 5620 6000 6320 6000 7480 - - 4540 4540 5100 5100 6000 6040 - -
250 SMC 5260 5260 5960 5960 6000 6860 - - 4220 4220 4760 4760 5520 5520 - -
280 SM_ 6200 4250 8000 6000 7250 9250 10300 8300 4900 2900 6250 4250 7150 5150 7950 5950
315 SM_ 6180 4200 9400 7400 10900 8900 12000 10000 4850 2850 7250 5250 8350 6350 9200 7000
315 ML_ 6050 4050 9250 7250 10650 8650 11500 9900 4750 2750 7100 5100 8100 6100 8900 6800
315 LK__ 6000 3950 9100 7150 10500 8500 11750 9750 4650 2650 7000 5000 7950 5950 8900 6900
355 SM_ 3050 6850 8600 12400 10550 14350 12200 16000 1750 5550 5900 9700 7300 11100 8550 12350
355 ML_ 2900 6700 8360 12150 10100 13900 12000 15800 1600 5400 5650 9450 6900 10700 7300 11000
355 LK_ 2850 6650 8200 12000 9900 13700 11450 15250 1550 5350 5450 9250 6700 10500 7800 11600
Mounting arrangement IM V1 FAD
20,000 hours 40,000 hours
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
size N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
160 MLA 3100 2578 3820 3150 4100 3410 4440 3845 2570 2048 3120 2450 3325 2635 3640 3045
160 MLB 3120 2570 3880 3085 4120 3240 4140 3450 2580 2030 3180 2385 3360 2480 3340 2650
160 MLC 3080 2500 3620 2770 3680 2700 4240 3260 2560 1980 2985 2135 3005 2025 3445 2465
160 MLD 3220 2540 3420 2470 - - - - 2665 1985 2820 1870 - - - -
160 MLE 2900 2150 - - - - - - 2420 1670 - - - - - -
180 MLA 3660 2940 4160 3150 4800 3675 4960 3740 3060 2340 3460 2450 3940 2815 4040 2820
180 MLB) 3760 2960 4220 3095 4500 3285 - - 3125 2320 3500 2375 3700 2485 - -
180 MLC) - - 3880 2660 - - - - - - 3220 2000 - - - -
200 MLA 5000 3965 5000 4680 5000 5265 5000 5195 4200 3125 5000 3640 5000 4065 5000 3955
200 MLB 5000 3905 5000 4060 5000 4800 - - 4220 3085 4700 3120 5000 3660 - -
200 MLC 4600 3385 5000 3775 5000 4165 - - 3880 2665 4520 2875 5000 3105 - -
200 MLD 4660 3370 - - - - - - 3925 2635 - - - - - -
225 SMA 5000 4375 5000 5445 5000 5735 5000 6535 4780 3455 5000 4225 5000 4395 5000 5095
225 SMB 5000 4245 5000 5175 5000 5155 5000 6055 4780 3345 5000 3995 5000 3915 5000 4635
225 SMC 5000 3670 5000 4445 - - - - 4440 2900 5000 3425 - - - -
225 SMD 5000 3590 5000 3895 - - - - 4400 2790 5000 2935 - - - -
250 SMA 6000 5345 6000 6300 6000 6950 6000 7125 5840 4225 6000 4920 6000 5350 6000 5385
250 SMB 6000 4830 6000 5325 6000 6370 - - 5640 3810 6000 4085 6000 4830 - -
250 SMC 6000 4395 6000 4900 6000 5575 - - 5400 3415 6000 3700 6000 4135 - -
280 SM_ 7550 3150 9600 4550 11150 5500 12200 7000 6200 1800 7800 2750 9000 3350 9850 4700
315 SM_ 7950 2600 11750 5500 13600 6300 15350 7900 6600 1300 9550 3300 11050 3750 12450 5000
315 ML_ 8650 2300 12500 5050 14900 5800 15400 6300 7300 10300 2900 12350 3250 13600 3400
315 LK__ 9100 1350 13100 3850 15700 4100 16900 6300 7750 10900 1700 13100 1550 14100 3450
355 SM_ 6350 4250 13250 8600 15650 9580 17350 12500 4950 2900 10450 5850 12350 6270 13600 8900
355 ML_ 7100 3700 14600 7950 18050 8600 21100 11650 5750 2350 11850 5150 14700 5300 17000 7600
355 LK_ 7500 3150 15650 6600 19100 7050 21200 8700 6150 1800 12850 3800 15800 3750 17500 5000
Motor size
A Motor type
A B C D, E, F, G B Motor size
C Product code
M4BP 280 SMB 3GBP 281 220 - A D G 003 etc. D
Mounting arrangement code
Voltage and frequency code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F Generation code
G Variant codes
Explanation of the product code:
Positions 1 to 4 Position 12
3GBP = Totally enclosed fan cooled squirrel cage motor with Mounting arrangement
cast iron frame A = Foot-mounted, top-mounted terminal box
R = Foot-mounted, terminal box RHS seen from D-end
L = Foot-mounted, terminal box LHS seen from D-end
Positions 5 and 6 B = Flange-mounted, large flange
IEC-frame C = Flange-mounted, small flange (sizes 71 to 112)
16 = 160 H = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box top-mounted
18 = 180 J = Foot- and flange-mounted, small flange with tapped holes
20 = 200 S = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box RHS seen
22 = 225 from D-end
25 = 250 T = Foot- and flange-mounted, terminal box LHS seen from D-end
28 = 280 V = Flange-mounted, special flange
31 = 315 F = Foot- and flange-mounted. Special flange
35 = 355
Position 13
Position 7 Voltage and frequency code
Speed (Pole pairs) See table below
1 = 2 poles
Position 14
2 = 4 poles
Generation code
3 = 6 poles
A, B, C...G
Position 8 to 10 The product code must be, if needed, followed by variant codes.
Serial number
Position 11
- (dash)
Code letters for supplementing the product code - single speed motors
Code letter for voltage and frequency
Direct start or, with ∆-connection, also Y/∆-start
Motor S D H E F T U X
size 50Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
160-355 220, 230 V∆ - 380, 400, 415 VY 440VY 415 V∆ 500 V∆ - 500 VY 660 V∆ 690 V∆ Other rated
380, 400, 415 V∆ 440V∆ 660, 690 VY - - - - - - - voltage,
connection or
frequency, 690 V
Output Motor type Product code Speed Efficiency Efficiency Power Current Torque Moment of Weight Sound
kW r/min IEC 60034- IEC 60034- factor inertia pressure
2-1; 2007 2;1996 cos j J = 1/4 GD2 kg level LP
kgm2 dB(A)
IN Is TN Ts Tmax
Full 3/4 Full 3/4 A IN Nm TN TN
load load load load
100 % 75 % 100 % 75 % 100 %
3000 r/min = 2-poles 400 V 50 Hz Basic design
11 M4BP 160 MLA 3GBP 161 051-••G 2946 91.4 91.4 92.3 92.3 0.92 18.8 7.6 36 2.3 3.1 0.054 142 69
15 M4BP 160 MLB 3GBP 161 052-••G 2936 92.0 92.4 92.9 93.3 0.92 25.5 7.8 49 2.7 3.1 0.064 171 69
18.5 M4BP 160 MLC 3GBP 161 053-••G 2939 92.4 92.8 93.3 93.7 0.93 31 8.1 60 2.9 3.2 0.074 184 69
22 M4BP 180 MLA 3GBP 181 051-••G 2950 92.7 92.9 93.5 93.7 0.91 37.5 8.1 71 3.0 3.2 0.118 235 69
30 M4BP 200 MLA 3GBP 201 051-••G 2956 93.4 93.4 94.0 94.0 0.90 52 8.0 97 2.8 3.1 0.198 299 72
37 M4BP 200 MLB 3GBP 201 052-••G 2954 93.7 93.9 94.3 94.5 0.91 63 8.0 120 2.8 3.0 0.219 314 72
45 M4BP 225 SMA 3GBP 221 051-••G 2967 94.2 94.1 94.9 94.8 0.91 76 8.0 145 2.5 2.6 0.336 410 74
55 M4BP 250 SMA 3GBP 251 051-••G 2969 94.4 94.4 95.0 95.0 0.90 93 7.5 177 2.3 2.8 0.593 453 75
75 M4BH 280 SMB 3GBH 281 220-••G 2976 94.8 94.5 95.2 94.8 0.90 126 7.2 241 2.0 2.7 0.9 665 1)
90 M4BH 280 SMC 3GBH 281 230-••G 2978 95.3 95.0 95.7 95.3 0.91 150 8.0 289 2.6 3.0 1.15 725 1)
110 M4BH 315 SMB 3GBH 311 220-••G 2982 95.5 95.3 96.0 95.7 0.89 185 7.5 352 2.1 2.8 1.4 940 1)
132 M4BH 315 SMC 3GBH 311 230-••G 2980 95.7 95.0 96.2 96.0 0.90 221 7.5 423 2.2 2.7 1.7 1025 1)
160 M4BH 315 MLA 3GBH 311 410-••G 2978 95.9 95.8 96.5 96.3 0.90 265 7.5 513 2.2 2.7 2.1 1190 1)
11 M4BP 160 MLA 3GBP 162 051-••G 1475 92.0 92.2 92.7 92.9 0.83 20.5 8.0 71 3.0 3.3 0.11 174 62
15 M4BP 160 MLB 3GBP 162 052-••G 1474 92.3 92.5 93.0 93.2 0.84 28 8.1 97 2.9 3.4 0.126 187 62
18.5 M4BP 180 MLA 3GBP 182 051-••G 1479 93.1 93.5 93.6 94.0 0.84 34 7.6 119 2.6 2.9 0.22 235 62
22 M4BP 180 MLB 3GBP 182 052-••G 1479 93.1 93.5 93.6 94.0 0.84 40.5 7.9 142 2.9 3.0 0.22 236 62
30 M4BP 200 MLA 3GBP 202 051-••G 1482 93.8 94.0 94.3 94.5 0.85 54 7.5 193 2.5 2.9 0.374 319 63
37 M4BP 225 SMA 3GBP 222 051-••G 1483 94.2 94.1 94.6 94.5 0.86 66 8.8 238 2.8 3.1 0.553 399 66
45 M4BP 225 SMB 3GBP 222 052-••G 1481 94.3 94.3 94.6 94.6 0.87 79 8.1 290 2.6 2.9 0.553 399 66
55 M4BP 250 SMA 3GBP 252 051-••G 1480 94.6 94.7 95.0 95.1 0.86 98 8.0 355 3.0 2.9 0.854 476 67
75 M4BH 280 SMB 3GBH 282 220-••G 1484 95.1 95.0 95.4 95.2 0.86 132 7.3 483 2.6 2.9 1.5 665 1)
90 M4BH 280 SMC 3GBH 282 230-••G 1484 95.4 95.4 95.6 95.5 0.88 156 7.4 579 2.8 2.8 1.85 725 1)
110 M4BH 315 SMB 3GBH 312 220-••G 1488 95.5 95.4 96.2 96.0 0.86 194 7.5 706 2.3 2.8 2.6 960 1)
132 M4BH 315 SMD 3GBH 312 240-••G 1487 95.5 95.4 96.3 96.2 0.87 228 7.4 848 2.4 2.8 3.2 1065 1)
160 M4BH 315 MLB 3GBH 312 420-••G 1486 95.8 95.8 96.4 96.3 0.87 275 7.2 1028 2.3 2.6 3.9 1220 1)
200 M4BH 355 SMA 3GBH 352 210-••G 1490 96.4 96.3 96.6 96.5 0.87 343 7.1 1282 2.1 2.7 5.9 1610 1)
250 M4BH 355 SMB 3GBH 352 220-••G 1491 96.7 96.6 96.8 96.7 0.87 428 7.9 1601 2.5 2.9 6.9 1780 1)
55 M4BH 280 SMC 3GBH 283 230-••G 992 94.7 94.6 95.2 94.9 0.86 98 7.9 530 2.6 2.7 2.85 725 1)
75 M4BH 315 SMB 3GBH 313 220-••G 992 95.1 95.1 95.6 95.5 0.84 135 7.0 722 2.4 2.7 4.1 930 1)
90 M4BH 315 SMC 3GBH 313 230-••G 992 95.5 95.5 95.9 95.8 0.84 161 7.8 866 2.6 2.9 4.9 1000 1)
110 M4BH 315 MLA 3GBH 313 410-••G 992 95.7 95.7 96.0 95.9 0.84 197 7.4 1059 2.6 2.7 5.8 1150 1)
Missing data on request Efficiency values are given according to both IEC/EN 60034-2-1; 2007 and IEC
60034-2; 1996. Please note that the values are not comparable without knowing
the testing method. ABB has calculated the new efficiency values acc. to indirect
method, stray losses (additional losses) determined from measuring.
Low voltage motors and generators
Motors for hazardous areas Other applications
Process performance motors for – Flameproof motors – Open drip proof motors
more demanding applications – Increased safety motors – Global motors
– Cast iron motors – Non-sparking motors – Brake motors
– Premium efficiency motors – Dust ignition proof motors – Single phase motors
– NEMA motors – High ambient motors
– Permanent magnet motors
Industrial performance motors - Marine motors – High speed motors
flexibility for most customer applications – Aluminum motors – Wind turbine generators
– Aluminum motors – Steel motors – Smoke venting motors
– Steel motors – Cast iron motors – Water cooled motors
– Cast iron motors – Open drip proof motors – Motors for roller table drives
– Servomotors
General performance motors -
out-of-the-box simplicity for high
volume customers
– Aluminum motors
– Cast iron motors