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BS1881-208 1996

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This standard provides recommendations for determining the initial surface absorption of concrete through testing. It describes the necessary apparatus, calibration procedures, testing methodology, and factors that can influence the results.

This standard aims to standardize the testing procedure for determining the initial rate of absorption of water into concrete surfaces. This can provide insights into properties like permeability.

A number of British organizations are represented on the committees responsible for developing this standard, including associations related to concrete, construction materials, testing equipment, and various professional bodies.

British Standard

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Giorgio Cavalieri
on March 13, 2001

This is an uncontrolled copy.

Ensure use of the most current
version of this standard by
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Testing concrete —
Part 208: Recommendations for the
determination of the initial surface
absorption of concrete
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

ICS 91.100.30
BS 1881-208:1996

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical

Committee B/517, Concrete, to Subcommittee B/517/1, Concrete production
and testing, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers

Association of Metropolitan Authorities
British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

British Cement Association
British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
British Precast Concrete Federation
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Building Employers’ Confederation
Cement Admixtures Association
Cementitious Slag Makers’ Association
Concrete Society
County Surveyors’ Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment
Department of Transport (Highways Agency)
Electricity Association
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Federation of Piling Specialists
Institute of Concrete Technology
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Water and Environmental Management
National House-Building Council
Quality Ash Association
Sand and Grovel Association
Society of Chemical Industry

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board for
Building and Civil Engineering,
was published under the
authority of the Standards
Board and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
15 September 1996
Amd. No. Date Comments
© BSI 12-1998

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference B/517/1
Draft for comment 95/106828 DC

ISBN 0 580 26201 4

BS 1881-208:1996


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Applications 1
5 Factors influencing the initial surface absorption of concrete 2
6 Apparatus 2
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

7 Calibration of apparatus 5
8 Procedure 5
9 Factors affecting test results 7
10 Precision 7
11 Test report 7
Figure 1 — Assembly of typical absorption apparatus 3
Figure 2 — Typical cap suitable for clamping onto a smooth
horizontal surface 4
Figure 3 — Typical cap suitable for use on a vertical surface 4
Table 1 — Determination of period of movement 6
Table 2 — Correction factors to convert readings to an
equivalent value at 20 °C 7
List of references Inside back cover

© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 1881-208:1996


This Part of BS 1881 has been prepared by Subcommittee B/517/1. It supersedes

clause 6 of BS 1881-5:1970 which has been deleted. All aspects of testing concrete
are included as Parts of BS 1881 from sampling fresh concrete to assessing
concrete in structures. BS 1881-201:1986 Guide to the use of non-destructive
methods of test for hardened concrete gives general guidance on the choice of
non-destructive test methods and should be consulted for advice on methods
which complement the measurement of initial surface absorption or are useful as
In this Part of BS 1881, recommendations for surface absorption differ from those
in clause 6 of BS 1881-5:1970 in the omission of the requirement for a

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

measurement at 2 h after commencing the test since this is no longer regarded as
providing useful additional information in practice. Recommendations on
applications, factors influencing results and interpretation is also provided.
The method given in this standard provides a low pressure assessment of the
water absorption of the concrete surface. Other tests currently under
development involve higher pressures or surface drilling and the results from
such tests will be governed by properties of the concrete not necessarily related to
surface absorption.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 1881-208:1996

1 Scope 4 Applications
This Part of BS 1881 gives recommendations for a 4.1 General
method of determining the initial surface absorption This test method provides data for assessing the
of oven dried concrete, of concrete in the laboratory uniaxial water penetration characteristics of a
which cannot be oven dried and of site concrete. concrete surface. The applied pressure of 200 mm
Recommendations are given on areas of application head of water is worse than the severest weather
of this method and the interpretation of results. exposure in the UK due to driving rain. The results
may be considered to be related to the quality of
2 References finish and to the durability of the surface under the
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

2.1 Normative references effects of natural weathering. The results are of

This Part of BS 1881 incorporates, by dated or little relevance to behaviour under higher water
undated reference, provisions from other pressures, and cannot be used to assess the
publications. These normative references are made permeability of a body of concrete.
at the appropriate places in the text and the cited This test method can be applied to exposed
publications are listed on the inside back cover. For aggregate or profiled surfaces provided that a
dated references, only the edition cited applies; any watertight seal can be obtained with the apparatus.
subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited The test is not applicable to specimens or areas
publication apply to this Part of BS 1881 only when showing obvious porosity, honeycombing or
incorporated in the reference by amendment or cracking. Misleading results can be obtained when
revision. For undated references, the latest edition tests are performed on thin concrete sections
of the cited publication applies, together with any through which water could penetrate during the
amendments. test. Tests should not be repeated at positions
2.2 Informative references within an area affected by previous tests.
This Part of BS 1881 refers to other publications 4.2 Quality control
that provide information or guidance. Editions of 4.2.1 Precast concrete
these publications current at the time of issue of this
The test is most reliably applied to precast concrete
standard are listed on the inside back cover, but units which can be tested under standardized dry
reference should be made to the latest editions. conditions. Results obtained may be compared with
predetermined acceptance limits.
3 Definitions
4.2.2 Cast stone
For the purposes of this Part of BS 1881 the
definitions in BS 6100-6.2 apply together with the Details of recommended acceptance requirements
following: for cast stone are given in BS 1217 on the basis of
results obtained by this method.
location 4.2.3 In situ concrete
region of concrete that is being assessed and that, It is difficult to achieve standardized drying
for practical purposes, is assumed to be of uniform conditions for in situ concrete although generalized
quality classification limits relating to surface weathering
characteristics have been proposed which can be
3.2 applied to in situ test results. The method has been
initial surface absorption successfully used on this basis to assess compliance
rate of flow of water into concrete per unit area at a with specifications for weathering performance1).
stated interval from the start of the test and at a Combinations of initial surface absorption and cover
constant applied head to reinforcement have been proposed2).
3.3 4.3 Comparability surveys
surface zone
Since it is sensitive to surface finish as well as to the
zone of concrete immediately behind the surface quality of the concrete in the surface zone, the test
NOTE The thickness of the zone that influences the result of provides a means of comparative assessment of
this test may range between a few millimetres and several these characteristics. With careful interpretation,
centimetres depending on the nature and condition of the
concrete. the test may usefully be applied to in situ concrete

Permeability testing of site concrete — A review of methods and experience. Concrete Society Technical Report 31
Levitt.M. The ISAT for limit state design for durability. Concrete. Vol 19, No.7, p 29. July 1985.

© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 1881-208:1996

5 Factors influencing the initial 6.3 Connections

surface absorption of concrete 6.3.1 Inlet. The inlet tube to the cap is connected to
Guidance concerning their influence upon the the reservoir by a flexible tube of sufficient length to
interpretation of results in practical circumstances enable a head of water between 180 mm
is given in clause 9. All the following factors affect and 220 mm above the surface of the concrete under
the surface absorption of concrete: test to be maintained, and is fitted with a tap.
a) moisture conditions; 6.3.2 Outlet. The outlet tube from the cap is
connected to the capillary tube by a flexible tube of
b) concrete mix;
sufficient length to enable the capillary tube to be

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

c) aggregate; set horizontally at a head of water between 180 mm
d) surface finish and type; and 220 mm above the surface of the concrete under
e) curing; test.
f) age of concrete; 6.4 Reservoir, of glass or plastics material of
about 100 mm diameter.
g) cracking (visible cracks should be avoided);
h) water type; 6.5 Capillary tube and scale. A length of precision
bore glass capillary tubing at least 200 mm long and
i) temperature. with a bore of 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm radius, determined
Although impurities in the water can influence the as described in 7.2, is fixed to a scale calibrated by
rate of absorption, this effect may be disregarded the procedure described in 7.3.
provided that the water is of potable quality. NOTE The length of capillary tubing necessary to accommodate
However, distilled or de-ionized water shall be used the full range of possible initial surface absorption values
for calibrating the capillary tube (see 7.2). indicated in Table 1 will depend upon the radius of the capillary
bore and the cap size. The scale is marked in divisions as
described in 7.3.
6 Apparatus For a cap of the minimum dimensions given in 6.2, a capillary
6.1 Test assembly, comprises a watertight cap which bore of 0.4 mm radius and concrete of high initial absorption, the
length required would exceed 1 m. To limit the length of tube to
is sealed to the concrete surface and connected by a convenient value, a combination of cap size and capillary bore
means of flexible tubes to a reservoir and a capillary should be chosen to accommodate the range of initial surface
tube with a scale. A control tap is fitted to the absorptions anticipated. The more permeable the concrete, the
connection between the reservoir and cap. A typical larger the bore or the length needs to be. The capillary tube
protrudes beyond one end of the scale for connection to the outlet
test assembly is illustrated in Figure 1. of the cap.
6.2 Cap, of any suitable rigid non-corrodible 6.6 Stands and clamps, to support the reservoir and
impermeable material providing a minimum area of capillary tube and scale, allowing for adjustments
water contact with the surface to be tested within the ranges given in 6.3.
of 5 000 mm2.
6.7 Stop watch or clock, accurate to 0.5 s.
NOTE It is useful for the cap to be made of a transparent
material such as a clear acrylic, polyester or epoxy resin 6.8 Measuring cylinder, of 10 ml capacity
(reinforced if necessary) as this allows the operator to observe the conforming to BS 604.
filling of the cap with water and the displacement of the air.
6.9 Thermometers, accurate to the nearest 0.2 °C,
An inlet and an outlet tube are fixed into the cap,
suitable for measuring the temperature of the water
the former connecting to the reservoir and the latter
and of the concrete surface.
to the capillary tube. The outlet is so positioned that
it is at the highest part of the cap to allow all 6.10 Drying oven, ventilated, in which the
trapped air to escape. temperature is controlled at (105 ± 5) °C.
A suitable cap for clamping onto horizontal concrete 6.11 Cooling cabinet, dry airtight vessel of sufficient
specimens with a relatively smooth surface as capacity to contain the specimens to be tested.
illustrated in Figure 2. This has a soft elastomeric 6.12 Balance, of appropriate capacity to weigh the
gasket to provide a watertight seal. It is possible for specimens to the accuracy required by 8.1.2.
the gasket to be glued to the surface of smooth dry
laboratory specimens. In cases where either the
surface of the concrete is not smooth, or the cap
cannot be clamped onto the surface to be tested, the
cap should have a knife edge for contact with the
concrete. Recommendations for fixing the cap to the
test surface is given in 8.2. A suitable cap for testing
vertical or sloping surfaces or soffits is illustrated
in Figure 3.

2 © BSI 12-1998
3 Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
© BSI 12-1998

Figure 1 — Assembly of typical absorption apparatus

BS 1881-208:1996
BS 1881-208:1996

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Figure 2 — Typical cap suitable for clamping onto a smooth horizontal surface

Figure 3 — Typical cap suitable for use on a vertical surface

4 © BSI 12-1998
BS 1881-208:1996

7 Calibration of apparatus 7.3 Capillary scale

7.1 General From the dimensions of the cap, taking account of
the seal geometry, calculate the area of contact of
The calibration of the capillary tube is arranged so
the water with the specimen, A1,and record this
that the movement of water along it during 1 min,
in mm2. Calculate the area of the bore of the
as read directly from the scale, equals the initial
capillary, A2, in mm2 using the value of r calculated
surface absorption in ml/(m2.s) at a constant head
as described in 7.2 from:
and temperature during the test.
A2 = π r2
7.2 Radius of bore of capillary tube
Prepare a scale to mount behind the capillary tube
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Measure the length of the capillary tube (6.5) and marked off with at least 180 divisions,
record it to the nearest millimetre. Flush the tube spaced 6 × 10– 4 A1/A2 mm apart. Each such division
through with soap solution, followed by at will then represent 0.01 units of ml/(m2.s).
least 25 ml of distilled or de-ionized water. Clamp
the tube horizontally and connect it to the 8 Procedure
reservoir (6.4) by means of the flexible tube (6.3.1)
fitted with a tap. Fix the reservoir such that a head 8.1 Selection and recommended preparation
of water of (200 ± 5) mm is maintained during the of specimens
course of the calibration. 8.1.1 Number of specimens
Close the tap and fill the reservoir with distilled or Test at least three separate specimens or locations
de-ionized water to the specified level. Determine selected to be representative of the concrete under
the temperature of the water using the examination and suitable for test with the cap and
thermometer (6.9) and ensure that this is clamping system to be used. Areas exhibiting
within 1 °C of ambient. Open the tap and, when a surface cracking should normally be avoided. Mould
steady discharge occurs, place the measuring oil or curing membranes may affect the results as
cylinder (6.8) under the open end and begin to can the procedures needed to remove them.
collect the water. Record in seconds the time
8.1.2 Oven dried specimens
required to collect 10 ml of water.
Dry the specimen in the oven (6.10) at (105 ± 5) °C
Repeat this procedure twice more and calculate the
until constant mass is achieved, i.e. not more
mean of the three times.
than 0.1 % weight change over any 24 h drying
Calculate the bore radius of the capillary tube, r, in period. When the specimen has reached constant
millimetres, from the following equation: mass, place it in the cooling cabinet (6.11) and allow
4 KL the temperature in the cabinet to fall to within 2 °C
r = --------
t of that of the room. Leave each specimen in the
cabinet until required for testing. Concrete made
with high alumina cement should not be conditioned
by oven drying.
L is the length of the capillary tube
8.1.3 Non-oven dried specimens
(in millimetres); Conditioning for laboratory testing
t is the mean time to collect 10 ml of water
(in seconds); Allow the concrete unit or specimen to remain in the
laboratory for a minimum period of 48 h at a
K is a coefficient incorporating the viscosity of temperature of (20 ± 2) °C before testing.
water and the geometry of the apparatus
obtained from the values below using linear Conditions for site testing
interpolation between adjacent values. Protect the surface to be tested from water for a
period of at least 48 h prior to the test. Do not allow
contact between the protective material and the
Water 10 15 20 25 30 surface to be tested. Protect the surface from direct
temperature sunlight for at least 12 h prior to and during the
(°C): test.
Factor K: 0.0167 0.0145 0.0128 0.0 114 0.0100 8.2 Fixing the cap
Slightly grease the gasket where it is made of a solid
elastomer. Foamed elastomeric gaskets may or may
not need greasing.

© BSI 12-1998 5
BS 1881-208:1996

In the case of knife edged caps, form a seal round the 8.6 Readings
outside of the cap to prevent any loss of water from Take readings normally after the following intervals
under the knife edge. A variety of materials can be from the start of the test:
used, and should be firmly applied to the concrete
and the edges of the cap to build a wall capable of — 10 min;
withstanding the water pressure. One of the best — 30 min; and
materials is modelling clay into which enough — 1 h.
grease can be kneaded to enable it to “wet” glass or As the test proceeds, the moisture content of the
metal. The colour may be selected to match the concrete will increase and capillary pores within the

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

concrete. concrete adjacent to the test area become water
A gentle application of heat to the test surface helps filled. The rate of surface absorption will normally
to remove residual moisture and may assist in the diminish as the duration of the test increases.
adhesion of the sealing compound. If this procedure Just before the specified intervals lower the
is adopted it should be stated in the report. capillary tube so that water runs in to fill it
Clamp the cap into position or fix into place and test completely and then fix it in a horizontal position at
by blowing gently down one of the tubes whilst the same level as the surface of the water in the
closing the other. Leakage may occur in the course reservoir.
of a test under site conditions due to movement of At each of the specified test intervals close the tap to
the seal and can be detected by applying a small allow water to flow back along the capillary tube.
amount of soap solution to the outside of the joint. When the meniscus reaches the scale start the stop
Carefully examine the sealing of the cap throughout watch. After 5 s note the number of scale divisions
each test and if any signs of leakage are observed the meniscus has moved and, by reference
discontinue the test. to Table 1, determine the period during which
8.3 Assembling the apparatus movement is to be measured.
Set up the reservoir so that when it is filled (see 8.5) Table 1 — Determination of period of
a head of 180 mm to 220 mm of water is applied to movement
the surface of the concrete. Number of scale divisions Period during which
NOTE For non-horizontal surfaces measure the head of water moved in 5 s movement is measured
from mid-height of the concrete under the cap.
<3 2 min
Connect the reservoir to the inlet of the cap with the
flexible tubing, which has the tap fitted to it. 3 to 9 1 min
Support the capillary tube, calibrated as described 10 to 30 30 s
in clause 7, horizontally just below the level of the > 30 Record initial surface
surface of the water in the reservoir. absorption as more than
8.4 Temperature of water 3.60 ml/(m2.s)
In laboratory tests maintain the temperature of the NOTE 1 division = 0.01 unit (see 7.3).
water at (20 ± 2) °C.
In site tests no limits can be laid down, but take Record the number of scale divisions moved during
precautions to avoid undue fluctuations in the the period selected from Table 1. When readings are
temperature of the water during the test. taken over a 2 min or 30 s period, multiply the
number of divisions by 0.5 or 2 respectively to
8.5 Starting the test convert the reading to a 1 min period. Record the
Measure and report the temperature of the concrete actual or equivalent number of scale units traversed
surface adjacent to the cap to the nearest 1 °C. per min, which is 0.01 times the number of
Close the tap from the reservoir and fill the divisions, as the initial surface absorption in
reservoir with water. Start the test by opening the ml/(m2.s) for that particular test interval. If the
tap to allow the water to run into the cap and record movement over the 5 s period exceeds 30 scale
this start time. Flush all air from the cap through divisions record the initial surface absorption as
the capillary tube, assisted if necessary, by sharply more than 3.60 ml/(m2.s).
pinching the flexible tubing. Replenish the reservoir
to maintain the head of 180 mm to 220 mm of water
and raise one end of the capillary tube just above the
water level to prevent further outflow. Take care at
all times to ensure that the reservoir does not empty

6 © BSI 12-1998
BS 1881-208:1996

If the reading taken 10 min after the start of the test 9.5 Temperature of the concrete
is below 0.05 ml/(m2.s), stop the test and record the Major variations in the surface temperature of the
result with the comment “concrete too impermeable concrete, from the 20 °C value for which the
to be sensitive to a longer term test”. Similarly, equipment has been calibrated, are likely to
where the 10 min reading is above 3.60 ml/(m2.s), influence results significantly owing to changes in
stop the test and record the result with the comment viscosity of the water. The correction factors given
concrete too permeable to be within the sensitivity in Table 2 should be used to convert site results to
of the test method. an equivalent 20 °C value.
Between test intervals leave the tap open and Table 2 — Correction factors to convert
maintain the level of the water in the reservoir at
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

readings to an equivalent value at 20 °C

the specified head. The capillary tube may be tilted
Concrete surface Multiply by
or raised a little to prevent overflow of the water.
9 Factors affecting test results
5 1.5
9.1 General
10 1.3
Detailed interpretation of results will depend upon
the purpose and circumstances of use of the test, but 15 1.1
the factors influencing results which are described 20 1.0
in clause 5 should be given due consideration.
25 0.9
Interpretation can be assisted by the
recommendations given in the following clauses 30 0.8
which is based on experience of using the method in
the United Kingdom. 10 Precision
9.2 Sensitivity to initial moisture condition of It is not possible to give precision data as trials have
non-oven dried specimens not been carried out according to procedures given
Experience suggests that provided the conditioning in this standard.
has been carried out as described in 8.1.3, then
sensitivity to residual moisture is not high in 11 Test report
relation to the influence of other factors. The effect The following information should be included in the
of such moisture will decrease as the duration of the test report on each specimen or each location:
test increases.
a) date, time and place of test;
9.3 Variability of concrete
b) age of concrete under test (if known);
The results reflect the variability, which may be c) identification and description of test specimen
considerable, of the condition of the surface and of or element;
concrete properties in the surface zone. Concrete
subjected to site or laboratory conditioning is likely d) location within the element, where applicable;
to yield more variable results than oven dried e) positions tested, where applicable
concrete. Oven drying may cause changes in the (with sketches);
cement paste structure and can give different f) detailed description of the surface of the
results from “naturally dry” concretes. concrete;
9.4 Period of test g) orientation of the test surface (horizontal,
In some instances, such as assessment of potential vertical or other direction);
weathering characteristics or protection afforded to h) description of the conditioning prior to test
embedded steel, broad conclusions based on results (including surface heat treatment);
of 10 min tests may be considered adequate. i) method of sealing the cap;
However, the effects of moisture condition indicated
j) area of water contact of the cap, dimensions of
in 9.2 should not be overlooked. When the test area
the cap and length of the capillary;
has been heated (see 8.2) reliance upon 10 min
values may not be justified. k) temperature of the concrete surface;
l) all initial surface absorption test results in
ml/(m2.s) as obtained in 8.6;
m) results corrected to equivalent 20 °C values
(see 9.5).

© BSI 12-1998 7
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

BS 1881-208:1996

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references

BSI publications

BS 604:1982, Specification for graduated glass measuring cylinders.

BS 1217:1986, Specification for cast stone.
BS 1881, Testing concrete.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 13-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

BS 1881-201:1990, Guide to the use of non-destructive methods of test for hardened concrete3).
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-6, Concrete and plaster.
BS 6100-6.2:1986, Concrete.

Other publications
“Permeability testing of site concrete — A review of methods and experience”. Concrete Society Report, 1988.

3) Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 12-1998
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