Unit - IX Interaction Between A.C and D.C Systems 9.0 Introduction
Unit - IX Interaction Between A.C and D.C Systems 9.0 Introduction
Unit - IX Interaction Between A.C and D.C Systems 9.0 Introduction
Fig. 9.1. Shows the AC system representation at the converter busbar Individual impendences of AC
system are given. Now, strength of the system can be obtained by combining various impendences
into an equivalent Thevinin's source impedence Zst
Zs = Source impedence
ZL = Load impendence
In most of the A.C. systems at fundamental frequency, system impedence is approximately equals to
a fixed inductance but at other harmonics it is not the case. Short circuit Ratio (SCR) is very important
factor to know the converter behaviour even though it does not define the system impedence at
higher order harmonics.
Modern invertors feed power into relatively weak systems which is due to decrease in short circuit
ratio of HVDC system at the receiving end. This may causes to increased over voltages and inverter
mal operation. It is better to have SCR in the range 2 to 4 with regard to stability and voltage control.
At high values of SCR fundamental and harmonic frequency voltage problems may still occur in the
A.C. network. In such cases special measures have to be taken in order to maintain an acceptable
quality of supply to consumers.
It is always economical to generate reactive power from local generators with minimum size filter to
reduce harmonics.
In some cases it may be necessary to provide reactive power compensation fbr A.C. systems. Most of
reactive power is supplied by shunt harmonic filters and reactive power compensation can be
provided by shunt capacitors banks and synchronous condenser.
Usually filters and capacitors are provided at by terminal and synchronous Compensators are
connected at the load end.
The size of filters for harmonic reduction is justified by economy and ability of A.C. system to permit
the step changes in system voltage due to filter switching operation.
In case of Gotland link control, DC link is provided with a synchronous compensator. Here there is no
other power fended than the D.C.link once if the network started.
Whenever the power rating of line is greater than the rating of running generators in A.C. system then
the line terminal can share in the frequency regulation.
It is to be noted that the d.c. link is insensitive to frequency variations, unless some sensitivity
is deliberately added to the control system.
A constant power flow can over speed a receiving system and sending system eventually overlaps
whenever the d.c. link power is more than the generation
As we discussed earlier that HVDC transmission system is a point to point system with only two
terminal one of which it rectifier end and the other end. HVDC station converts AC into DC (or) DC into
AC. A MTDC system has more than two terminals some of them operating as rectifiers and other as
A two terminal HVDC system can he transformed into MTDC system by introducing Tapping. Parallel
operation of several converters is else, terminal operation.
These parallel MTDC systems are further classified into two types
i) Radial system
ii) Mesh system
Series connected system is to be grounded at only one point, which may be shifted according to
the changes in operating conditions, provided line insulation is adequate. Series MTDC system
performance and insulation co-ordination can be improved by using a grounding capacitor, during
transient conditions.
In series connected MTDC system current flowing through all the system is same. Losses and
reactive power requirements in the valve damper circuits can be minimized by adjusting firing
angles with the help of tap changer control.
The power is taken from AC systems into the DC loop from rectifiers and power delivered to the
AC system through inverters.
The total DC power received is equal to the total DC power supplied plus total DC loss.
PR =Pi+PL.
At any instant sum of the voltage across the rectifier station must be larger than the
sum of voltage across inverter station.
Power reversal, current control and switching in (or) out of a bridge is accomplished
by blocking (or) bypassing valves in a manner similar-to that in a two terminal DC system.
A radial system in which one end of all the converter terminals are connected to a common
point. Disconnection of one segment causes to the interruption of the power from one or
more converter stations.
In a mesh connected system disconnection of one of the converter station will not cause
interruption to the power flow. Reversal of power in MTDC system is accomplished by
mechanical switching.
2. In series system valve voltage rating is related to the power but in parallel systems valve
current rating is related to the power rating.
3. Losses occurring in a line are more in series MTDC system than in parallel system.
4. Since voltage along the line varies in series system causes to insulation co-ordination
5. Incase of a permanent fault occurred in line causes to the shut down of whole series system
where as in parallel system it leads to only shutdown of converter station
6. Due to the commotion Failure and reduction in AC voltage, current is transferred from the
other terminals in parallel system causes over loading of converters. Inverters with small
ratings are mom affected by such type of problems.
7. Control and protection of series MTDC systems is similar to two terminal system but
protection of parallel system increases communication requirements.
Form the above discussion it may be concluded that series systems are appropriate for taps
of rating less than 20% of the inverter and parallel systems are more versatile, may be widely
used in AC systems.
First application of MTDC system is saradinia-corsica-italy link, between Saridinia and Corsica
is tapped at Corsica. This is a 50MW parallel connected tap with two 100kV six pulse thyristor
bridges connected in series.
i) The operating current due to frequency control can be as low as 10% of the rated
current leads to the increase in voltage rating of the series tap
ii) Series tap in inverter operation reduces voltage at the main inverter there by
increasing extinction angles. Since the probability of arc through increases causing
damage to the mercury arc valves.