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Long Vs

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Long vs.

Basa Case Digest

Long vs. Basa
[GRs 134963-64, 27 September 2001];
Lim Che Boon vs. Basa [GRs 135152-53], Lim Che Boon vs. Basa [GR 137135]

Facts: In 1973, a religious group known as "The Church In Quezon City (Church Assembly Hall),
Incorporated" (CHURCH) was organized as "an entity of the brotherhood in Christ.'' It was registered in the
same year with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a non-stock, non-profit religious
corporation for the administration of its temporalities or the management of its properties. The Articles of
Incorporation and By-laws of the CHURCH decree that its affairs and operation shall be managed by a
Board of Directors consisting of 6 members, 3 who shall be members of the CHURCH. Zealous in
upholding and guarding their Christian faith, and to ensure unity and uninterrupted exercise of their religious
belief, the members of the CHURCH vested upon the Board of Directors the absolute power "(to preserve
and protect the faith and to admit and expel a member of the CHURCH.

Only "persons zealous of the Gospel, faithful in Church work and of sound knowledge of the Truth, as the
Board of Directors shall admit to membership, shall be members of the (CHURCH)." The procedure for the
expulsion of an erring or dissident member is prescribed in Article VII (paragraph 4) of the CHURCH By-
laws, which provides that "If it is brought to the notice of the Board of Directors that any member has failed
to observe any regulations and By-laws of the Institution (CHURCH) or the conduct of any member has
been dishonorable or improper or otherwise injurious to the character and interest of the Institution, the
Board of Directors may by resolution without assigning any reason therefor expel such member from such
Institution and he shall then forfeit his interest, rights and privileges in the Institution."

As early as 1988, the Board of Directors observed that certain members of the CHURCH, including Alfredo
Long, Joseph Lim, Liu Yek See, and Felix Almeria, exhibited "conduct which was dishonorable, improper
and injurious to the character and interest of the (CHURCH)" by "introducing (to the members) doctrines
and teachings which were not based on the Holy Bible" and the Principles of Faith embraced by the
CHURCH. Confronted with this situation, Lydia Basa, Anthony Sayheeliam and Yao Chek, as members of
the Board of Directors, and some responsible members of the CHURCH, advised Long, et al. "to correct
their ways" and warned them that if they persist in their highly improper conduct, they will be dropped from
the membership of the CHURCH; during Sunday worship gatherings, "in small group meetings and even
one-on-one personal talk with them." Long et al. ignored these repeated admonitions. Alarmed that Long, et
al.'s conduct will continue to undermine the integrity of the Principles of Faith of the CHURCH, the Board
of Directors, during its 30 August 1993 regular meeting held for the purpose of reviewing and updating the
membership list of the CHURCH, removed from the said list certain names of members, including the
names of Joseph Lim, Liu Yek See, Alfredo Long and Felix Almeria.

Issue: Whether the expulsion of Joseph Lim, Liu Yek See, Alfredo Long and Felix Almeria from the
membership of the CHURCH by its Board of Directors through a resolution issued on August 30, 1993 is in
accordance with law.


The By-laws of the CHURCH, which the members have expressly adhered to, does not require the Board of
Directors to give prior notice to the erring or dissident members in cases of expulsion. In the By-law
provision, the only requirements before a member can be expelled or removed from the membership of the

(a) the Board of Directors has been notified that a member has failed to observe any regulations and By-laws
of the CHURCH, or the conduct of any member has been dishonorable or improper or otherwise injurious to
the character and interest of the CHURCH, and
(b) a resolution is passed by the Board expelling the member concerned, without assigning any reason

Thus, a member who commits any of the causes for expulsion enumerated in paragraph 4 of Article VII may
be expelled by the Board of Directors, through a resolution, without giving that erring member any notice
prior to his expulsion. The resolution need not even state the reason for such action.

The CHURCH By-law provision on expulsion, as phrased, may sound unusual and objectionable as there is
no requirement of prior notice to be given to an erring member before he can be expelled; but that is how
peculiar the nature of a religious corporation is vis-a-vis an ordinary corporation organized for profit.

It must be stressed that the basis of the relationship between a religious corporation and its members is the
latter's absolute adherence to a common religious or spiritual belief . Once this basis ceases, membership in
the religious corporation must also cease. Thus, generally, there is no room for dissension in a religious

And where any member of a religious corporation is expelled from the membership for espousing doctrines
and teachings contrary to that of his church, the established doctrine in this jurisdiction is that such action
from the church authorities is conclusive upon the civil courts. Obviously recognizing the peculiarity of a
religious corporation, the Corporation Code leaves the matter of ecclesiastical discipline to the religious
group concerned.

Section 91 of the Corporation Code, which has been made explicitly applicable to religious corporations by
the second paragraph of Section 109 of the same Code, provides for the termination of membership. It
provides that

"Membership shall be terminated in the manner and for the causes provided in the articles of incorporation
or the by-laws. Termination of membership shall have the effect of extinguishing all rights of a member in
the corporation or in its property, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws."

In fact, Long, et al. really have no reason to bewail the lack of prior notice in the By-laws. They have
waived such notice by adhering to those By-laws. They became members of the CHURCH voluntarily. They
entered into its covenant and subscribed to its rules. By doing so, they are bound by their consent. Even
assuming that Long, et al.'s expulsion falls within the Constitutional provisions on "prior notice" or "due
process," still the Court can not conclude that Basa, et al. committed a constitutional infraction. Long, et al.
were given more than sufficient notice of their impending expulsion, as shown by the records.
Agilent Technologies Singapore vs. Integrated Silicon Techngology Philippines Corp.
[GR 154618, 14 April 2004]

Facts: Agilent Technologies Singapore (Pte.), Ltd. is a foreign corporation, which, by its own admission, is
not licensed to do business in the Philippines. Integrated Silicon Technology Philippines Corporation is a
private domestic corporation, 100% foreign owned, which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and
assembling electronics components. Teoh Kiang Hong, Teoh Kiang Seng and Anthony Choo, Malaysian
nationals, are current members of Integrated Silicon’s board of directors, while Joanne Kate M. dela Cruz,
Jean Kay M. dela Cruz, and Rolando T. Nacilla are its former members. The juridical relation among the
various parties in the case can be traced to a 5-year Value Added Assembly Services Agreement (VAASA),
entered into on 2 April 1996 between Integrated Silicon and the Hewlett-Packard Singapore (Pte.) Ltd.,
Singapore Components Operation (HP-Singapore). Under the terms of the VAASA, Integrated Silicon was
to locally manufacture and assemble fiber optics for export to HP-Singapore.

HP-Singapore, for its part, was to consign raw materials to Integrated Silicon; transport machinery to the
plant of Integrated Silicon; and pay Integrated Silicon the purchase price of the finished products. The
VAASA had a five-year term, beginning on 2 April 1996, with a provision for annual renewal by mutual
written consent. On 19 September 1999, with the consent of Integrated Silicon, HP-Singapore assigned all
its rights and obligations in the VAASA to Agilent. On 25 May 2001, Integrated Silicon filed a complaint
for “Specific Performance and Damages” against Agilent and its officers Tan Bian Ee, Lim Chin Hong, Tey
Boon Teck and Francis Khor (Civil Case 3110-01-C), alleging that Agilent breached the parties’ oral
agreement to extend the VAASA. Integrated Silicon thus prayed that Agilent be ordered to execute a written
extension of the VAASA for a period of five years as earlier assured and promised; to comply with the
extended VAASA; and to pay actual, moral, exemplary damages and attorney’s fees.

On 1 June 2001, summons and a copy of the complaint were served on Atty. Ramon Quisumbing, who
returned these processes on the claim that he was not the registered agent of Agilent. Later, he entered a
special appearance to assail the court’s jurisdiction over the person of Agilent. On 2 July 2001, Agilent filed
a separate complaint against Integrated Silicon, Teoh Kang Seng, Teoh Kiang Gong, Anthony Choo, Joanne
Kate M. dela Cruz, Jean Kay M. dela Cruz and Rolando T. Nacilla, for “Specific Performance, Recovery of
Possession, and Sum of Money with Replevin, Preliminary Mandatory Injunction, and Damages”, before the
Regional Trial Court, Calamba, Laguna, Branch 92 (Civil Case 3123-2001-C). Agilent prayed that a writ of
replevin or, in the alternative, a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction, be issued ordering Integrated
Silicon, et. al. to immediately return and deliver to Agilent its equipment, machineries and the materials to
be used for fiber-optic components which were left in the plant of Integrated Silicon; and that the latter be
ordered to pay actual and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. Integrated Silicon, et. al. filed a Motion to
Dismiss in Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C, on the grounds of lack of Agilent’s legal capacity to sue; litis
pendentia; forum shopping; and failure to state a cause of action. On 4 September 2001, the trial court
denied the Motion to Dismiss and granted Agilent’s application for a writ of replevin.

Without filing a motion for reconsideration, Integrated Silicon, et. al. filed a petition for certiorari with the
Court of Appeals. In the meantime, upon motion filed by Integrated Silicon, et. al., Judge Antonio S. Pozas
of Branch 92 voluntarily inhibited himself in Civil Case 3123-2001-C. The case was re-raffled and assigned
to Branch 35, the same branch where Civil Case 3110-2001-C is pending. On 12 August 2002, the Court of
Appeals granted Integrated Silicon, et. al.’s petition for certiorari, set aside the assailed Order of the trial
court dated 4 September 2001, and ordered the dismissal of Civil Case 3123-2001-C. Agilent filed the
petition for review.
1. Whether a foreign corporation without a license is incapacitated from bringing an action in
Philippine courts.
2. Whether Agilent was doing business in the Philippines.
HELD 1. A foreign corporation without a license is not ipso facto incapacitated from bringing an
action in Philippine courts. A license is necessary only if a foreign corporation is “transacting” or
“doing business” in the country. Section 133 of the Corporation Code provides that "No foreign
corporation transacting business in the Philippines without a license, or its successors or assigns,
shall be permitted to maintain or intervene in any action, suit or proceeding in any court or
administrative agency of the Philippines; but such corporation may be sued or proceeded against
before Philippine courts or administrative tribunals on any valid cause of action recognized under
Philippine laws." The aforementioned provision prevents an unlicensed foreign corporation “doing
business” in the Philippines from accessing our courts. In a number of cases, however, the Court held
that an unlicensed foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines may bring suit in Philippine
courts against a Philippine citizen or entity who had contracted with and benefited from said
corporation. Such a suit is premised on the doctrine of estoppel. A party is estopped from challenging
the personality of a corporation after having acknowledged the same by entering into a contract with
it. This doctrine of estoppel to deny corporate existence and capacity applies to foreign as well as
domestic corporations. The application of this principle prevents a person contracting with a foreign
corporation from later taking advantage of its noncompliance with the statutes chiefly in cases where
such person has received the benefits of the contract. The principles regarding the right of a foreign
corporation to bring suit in Philippine courts may thus be condensed in four statements: (1) if a
foreign corporation does business in the Philippines without a license, it cannot sue before the
Philippine courts; (2) if a foreign corporation is not doing business in the Philippines, it needs no
license to sue before Philippine courts on an isolated transaction or on a cause of action entirely
independent of any business transaction; (3) if a foreign corporation does business in the Philippines
without a license, a Philippine citizen or entity which has contracted with said corporation may be
estopped from challenging the foreign corporation’s corporate personality in a suit brought before
Philippine courts; and (4) if a foreign corporation does business in the Philippines with the required
license, it can sue before Philippine courts on any transaction.

2. The challenge to Agilent’s legal capacity to file suit hinges on whether or not it is doing business
in the Philippines. However, there is no definitive rule on what constitutes “doing”, “engaging in”, or
“transacting” business in the Philippines, the Corporation Code itself is silent as to what acts
constitute doing or transacting business in the Philippines. An analysis of the relevant case law, in
conjunction with Section 1 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Foreign Investments
Act of 1991 (FIA, as amended by RA 8179), would demonstrate that the acts enumerated in the
VAASA do not constitute “doing business” in the Philippines. Section 1 of the Implementing Rules
and Regulations of the FIA (as amended by RA 8179) provides that the following shall not be
deemed “doing business”: (1) Mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in domestic
corporations duly registered to do business, and/or the exercise of rights as such investor; (2) Having
a nominee director or officer to represent its interest in such corporation; (3) Appointing a
representative or distributor domiciled in the Philippines which transacts business in the
representative’s or distributor’s own name and account; (4) The publication of a general
advertisement through any print or broadcast media; (5) Maintaining a stock of goods in the
Philippines solely for the purpose of having the same processed by another entity in the Philippines;
(6) Consignment by a foreign entity of equipment with a local company to be used in the processing
of products for export; (7) Collecting information in the Philippines; and (8) Performing services
auxiliary to an existing isolated contract of sale which are not on a continuing basis, such as
installing in the Philippines machinery it has manufactured or exported to the Philippines, servicing
the same, training domestic workers to operate it, and similar incidental services. By and large, to
constitute “doing business”, the activity to be undertaken in the Philippines is one that is for profit-
making. Herein, by the clear terms of the VAASA, Agilent’s activities in the Philippines were
confined to (1) maintaining a stock of goods in the Philippines solely for the purpose of having the
same processed by Integrated Silicon; and (2) consignment of equipment with Integrated Silicon to
be used in the processing of products for export. As such, Agilent cannot be deemed to be “doing
business” in the Philippines. Integrated Silicon, et. al.’s contention that Agilent lacks the legal
capacity to file suit is therefore devoid of merit. As a foreign corporation not doing business in the
Philippines, it needed no license before it can sue before our courts.

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