EDD Calibration Trim
EDD Calibration Trim
EDD Calibration Trim
2015-09-03 00:26:00
This tutorial explains the common principles of calibration, re-ranging, and trim as they apply to
various kinds of transmitters. The detail procedure varies slightly depending on the measurement
done, sensing principle, and each manufacturer. Refer to the device instruction manual. But once
the common principles are understood, the product manual becomes easier to understand.
1 Calibration
By definition, the term “calibrate” means several different things:
1) Set the range (scale)
2) Trim (correct) the sensor (transducer) reading or current output against a standard
3) Simply compare the sensor (transducer) reading or current output against a standard to see how
large the error is without correcting (trim) it. This is often done in five points, increasing and
decreasing. If the error is too large, the transmitter may be trimmed or replaced.
The reason for separating these functions is that the range can be changed without applying a
physical input. This was a huge time and cost saver and one of the major reasons for the rapid
adoption of smart transmitters. However, do not confuse "sensor trim" with "range setting". Both
are part of calibration, but two very different things. In the view of many, range setting is more like
configuration than calibration.
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2.1 Sensor Trim (Digital Trim)
Over time all sensors drift. Depending on the type of sensor it may be due to extreme pressure or
temperature, vibration, material fatigue, contamination, or other factors. Sensor reading may also be
offset due to mounting position.
Sensor trim is used to correct the digital reading as seen in the device local indicator LCD and
received over the digital communication. For instance, if pressure is 0 bar but transmitter reading
shows 0.03 bar, then sensor trim is used adjust it back to 0 bar.
Sensor trim can also be used to optimize performance over a smaller range than was originally
trimmed in the factory.
The basic principle for calibration (sensor trim) of all transmitters is the same:
1. Apply a known input
2. Tell the transmitter what it is
3. The transmitter calculates internal correction factors
4. The transmitter uses the new correction factors to compute a new correct measurement reading
Sensor trim requires the technician to apply a physical input to the transmitter. Therefore the
technician must either do sensor trim in the field at the process location, or the transmitter has to be
brought back into the workshop to perform sensor trim. This applies to 4-20 mA/HART,
WirelessHART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, as well as PROFIBUS transmitters. Sensor trim in the
field is easiest done using a handheld communicator connected to the running bus which is
supported by 4-20 mA/HART, WirelessHART, and FOUNDATION fieldbus. For PROFIBUS-PA
the trim command can either be sent from the control system, or the transmitter can temporarily be
disconnected from the running bus to perform the sensor trim.
Zero trim requires the physical input applied to be zero, this is often used with pressure transmitters
For best accuracy perform sensor trim in two points, close to lower range value and upper range
value. This is where lower and upper sensor trim is used. A known physical input is applied to the
transmitter to perform the sensor trim, the technician keys in the applied value (on a computer or
handheld communicator) communicated to the transmitter, allowing the transmitter to correct itself.
The physical input values applied for lower and upper sensor trim respectively are stored in the
transmitter memory and are referred to as Lower Sensor Trim Point and Upper Sensor Trim Point
respectively. EDDL plays an important role in sensor trim because a “wizard” created by the device
manufacturer guides the user step by step through the process.
Sensor trim requires a very accurate input to be applied. The factory calibration equipment is
usually more accurate than the portable calibrators at site. Moreover, transmitters these days are
typically very stable. Therefore, sensor trim of brand new transmitters is rarely done at
Note that sensor trim is done in firmware in the transmitter microprocessor; it is not done in the
sensor itself. The trim is really a mathematical function, adjusting numerical bias and gain factors.
That is, it is the sensor reading after the A/D conversion which is trimmed, not the sensor hardware
Sensor trim is the aspect of calibration which this white paper focuses on. That is:
• Pressure calibration
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• Flow calibration
• Temperature calibration
• Level calibration
• Etc.
Note that the sensor trim points are not just “set”; they are NOT range configuration parameters.
These two parameters are written when sensor trim is performed. The transmitter then remembers
these points were the trim was made. Typically there is a sensor trim wizard (“method”) that takes
the technician step by step through the calibration process and it is this sensor trim wizard that
writes the sensor trim point parameters.
Note that calculating what the output current value should be is done in firmware in the transmitter
microprocessor. It is a mathematical function.
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DCS Range
100 kPa
80 kPa
Operator Console PV = 70 kPa
60 kPa
40 kPa
Analog Output
Current 20 kPa Analog Input Current
4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA
100% / 20 mA
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
75% / 16 mA
Current = 14 mA
50% / 12 mA
25% / 8 mA
0% / 4 mA Transmitter Range
20 40 60 80 100
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
= 70 kPa
Figure 1 Range/scaling of transmitter and indication
The analog 4-20 mA output of a transmitter is limited to the LRV to URV range. Thus the analog
output does not benefit from the full LSL to USL capability of the sensor.
Actual Process
Saturates at 20 mA
Saturates at 4 mA
50.00 4 mA = 0 inH2O
20 mA = 150 inH2O
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Figure 2 In an analog signal system the measurement is confined within range values
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Does not saturate at range
Utilizes full sensor limits
Figure 3 In a digital bus signal system the measurement enjoys the full sensor limits
Rangeability is the ratio of the smallest permitted span to the Upper Sensor Limit. For instance, if
the Upper Sensor Limit is 80 kPa and the minimum span is 2 kPa, then the turndown ratio
(rangeability) of that transmitter is 40:1.
Transmitter range setting is done without applying input, and therefore can be done remotely from a
central location. For instance, set range of pressure transmitter to get 4 mA when input is 0 bar and
20 mA when pressure is 40 bar. Range must be set within the Lower Sensor Limit (LSL) and Upper
Sensor Limit (USL). Transmitters usually also have a minimum span to be observed. The difference
between URV and LRV must exceed the minimum span, or else the analog output resolution and
percentage accuracy is too poor since with a small span the quantization error from the sensor A/D
converter gets amplified too much. The transmitter will reject range setting and sensor trim attempts
not observing the LSL, USL, and minimum span limits.
In some applications, particularly DP level, it is necessary to reverse the range such that the LRV >
URV. For instance, the range may have been set -87 to -1 mbar initially, but the application may
actually require the range to be -1 to -87 mbar. That is the range has to be reversed:
To make this range change the technician would typically make the mistake of directly keying in -1
mbar for LRV which would be rejected since both URV and LRV would then be -1 mbar leaving a
span of 0 mbar which would violate the minimum span. Or, the technician would attempt to directly
key in -87 mbar for URV which would also be rejected since both URV and LRV would then be -
87 mbar also violating the minimum span. The solution is to first key in an intermediate value. For
instance, setting the LRV to -40, then setting URV to -87, and lastly setting LRV to the final -1
The same procedure applies if the sensor trim points are to be reversed
The sensor limits depend mostly on physical restrictions of the sensor. The sensor limits cannot be
changed, therefore they are always read-only. Different sensors have different sensor limits. For
example, various RTDs and thermocouples have different sensor limits. In temperature applications,
a sensor type with sufficient sensor limits has to be selected to accommodate the range of the
application. Since the range limits are physical and cannot be changed, to get wider sensor limits to
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accommodate a wider range, it is necessary to purchase a new sensor. Similarly, pressure
transmitters have a selection of sensor modules with different range limits from the lowest “draft”
up to very high pressures. To get wider sensor limits to accommodate a wider range, it is necessary
to purchase a new sensor.
zero suppression: For a suppressed-zero range, the amount the measured variable zero is
below the lower range-value.
When the lower range value (4 mA point) is above zero, for instance a range of 20 to 100, is called
zero suppression. When the lower range value (4 mA point) is below zero, for instance range of -25
to +100, or -100 to 0, or -100 to -20, this is called zero elevation. That is, elevation and suppression
relates to the lower range value (the 4 mA of the transmitter range).
Elevation and suppression are chiefly used in differential pressure measurement since this make it
possible to measure liquid levels with wet legs and remote seals etc. In smart transmitters it is all
done in firmware and nobody ever asks about it anymore. The ability of a transmitter to do
elevation and suppression was stated in % and relates to rangeability (turndown). A popular analog
pressure transmitter had a 6:1 rangeability and therefore used to sport 600% elevation and 500%
suppression. Modern smart pressure transmitters have capabilities in order of several thousand
percent so it is no longer discussed.
Range setting is only applicable to transmitter with 4-20 mA analog output. That is, for 4-20
mA/HART transmitters, not for pure digital solutions like FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) or
WirelessHART transmitters. The reason being that FF and WirelessHART transmitters has no 4-20
mA analog output, therefore there is no need to set 4 mA and 20 mA range points. For 4-20 mA
systems the range is set in both the transmitter and controller. For FF and PROFIBUS the range is
set in the controller, and need not be set in the transmitter which can lead to some confusion for
beginners. The only exception for FF, WirelessHART, and PROFIBUS transmitters may be for
differential pressure (DP) flow and level measurement where the end-points of the DP scale (e.g. 0-
250 inH2O in XD_SCALE) and corresponding flow or level scale (e.g. 0-400 bbl/day in
OUT_SCALE). This also enables DP transmitters to locally indicate in flow or level units. FF and
PROFIBUS devices have provision for setting a range in the transmitter even though it may not be
used for the application.
4-20 mA
Transmitter A DCS EU
Sensor EU % Current 4 Current % Range %
Sensor Range PID
Trim Trim Trim (AI)
Transmitter Valve / Controller
AI s
Sensor B EU Range &
Trim PID
Figure 4 An analog signal system requires range, current trims, and scaling. A digital bus
system does not
However, the nominal operating range has to be specified also for FOUNDATION fieldbus and
WirelessHART transmitters for sizing purposes when purchasing, such that the device supplier can
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pick the appropriate sensor model. There is also a need to select the desired engineering unit in the
device. The DCS may need a range set in database as scaling end-points for bargraphs and trend and
will also need a range for PID control even though there is no range in the FOUNDATION fieldbus or
WirelessHART device. In control applications, level is usually expressed in percentage of full tank.
The output of both the FF transducer block and the AI function block is engineering unit. For most
applications there is no need to set range in either block in order to get the PV. However, many
systems use the range in the FF transmitter AI block to scale the faceplates bargraphs. A narrower
range may optionally be set to increase the resolution of the faceplate bargraph. If a range is set in
the AI block, the percentage of range can be seen from the FIELD_VAL parameter.
E.U. E.U.
Sensor ucer AI
DCS Range
100 kPa
80 kPa
Operator Console PV = 76 kPa
60 kPa
40 kPa
Analog Output
Current 20 kPa Analog Input Current
4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA
100% / 20 mA
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
50% / 12 mA
25% / 8 mA
0% / 4 mA Transmitter Range
0 100
kPa kPa
= 70 kPa
Figure 6 In this example a mismatch in LRV results in erroneous indication
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There are typically two ways to set the range of the transmitter:
• Direct numeric value entry
• To applied input
The set PV LRV command is also common to cancel wet-leg for DP transmitters in all kinds of
application including flow. The set PV LRV and set PV URV commands are equivalent to pushing
the 'zero' and 'span' buttons respectively found on some transmitters.
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History Lesson: Non-interactive zero and span
One of the major time saving benefits that came with microprocessor-based transmitters was non-
interactive zero and span:
When lower range value is set to applied input, the span (i.e. the difference between upper range
value and lower range value) is maintained. That is, the upper range value is shifted by the same
amount as the lower range value. For instance, if the original range was 0-100 kPa, and lower range
value is set to applied input when the applied input is 20 kPa, the new range will be 20-120 kPa,
maintaining the original span of 100 kPa. That is, the upper range value was also shifted by 20 kPa
just like the lower range value. However, if upper range value is set to applied input, the lower
range value zero) is not changed. For instance, if the original range was 0-100 kPa, and upper range
value is set to applied input when the applied pressure is 80 kPa, the new range will be 0-80 kPa,
maintaining the original zero of 0 kPa. That is, the lower range value was not shifted.
That is, changing the zero does not affect the span, changing the span does not affect the zero. This
is non-interactive zero and span.
A common mistake is to isolate, equalize, and vent the manifold and click the 'Set PV LRV'
command in the device management software or handheld field communicator, or pushing the 'zero'
and button on the device thus changing the range bringing the analog output to 4 mA.
However, checking the PV in the device management software or local transmitter indicator will
reveal the sensor reading with no pressure applied is still 1 inH2O and the range is changed to 1-101
in H2O. Two wrongs appear to make a right
A common mistake is to click the 'Zero Trim' command in the device management software or
handheld field communicator thus changing the sensor reading bringing the analog output to 4 mA.
However, if the 4-20 mA/HART pressure transmitter is isolated and vented, and the PV checked in
the device management software or local transmitter indicator, it will show the sensor reading with
no pressure applied is -1 inH2O. Two wrongs appear to make a right
Current trim is only applicable to transmitter with 4-20 mA analog output. That is, for 4-20
mA/HART transmitters, not for FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF), PROFIBUS-PA, or WirelessHART
transmitters, the reason being pure digital transmitters have no 4-20 mA analog output.
Current trim requires the technician to measure the physical output current from the transmitter.
Therefore the technician must either do current trim in the field at the process location by
connecting a multimeter to the transmitter test terminals, or the transmitter has to be brought back
into the workshop to perform current trim. Current trim in the field is possible using a handheld
communicator. EDDL plays an important role in current trim because a “wizard” created by the
device manufacturer guides the user step by step through the process.
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LSL Lower Sensor Limit Lowest possible value for the 4 mA point
LRV Lower Range Value The 4 mA point
URV Upper Range Value The 20 mA point
USL Upper Sensor Limit Highest possible value for the 20 mA point
Span URV minus LRV
Zero Same as LRV
Turndown Span divided by URV
Analog Output
100% / 20mA
0% / 4 mA
Transmitter Input
Figure 7 Range values and limits
Current trim is used to match the positioner current input to the analog output current of the analog
output (AO) card channel on the DCS. For instance, the DCS PID output may be 0.00% but the
positioner setpoint may show 0.13% because of differences in current calibration.
Current trim is only applicable to positioners with 4-20 mA input. That is, for 4-20 mA/HART
positioners, not for FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) positioners, the reason being pure digital
positioners have no 4-20 mA input.
Current trim requires the technician to connect a precision current source or to measure the physical
input to the positioner. Therefore the technician must either do current trim in the field at the valve
by connecting a multimeter to the positioner test terminals, or the valve has to be brought back into
the workshop to perform current trim. Current trim in the field is possible using a handheld
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Figure 8 Positioner manufacturer uses EDDL to illustrate connection for current trim
Figure 9 Automatic valve positioner travel calibration wizard rendered by the system from
Likewise, the analog 4-20 mA actual valve position feedback current output of a 4-20 mA
positioner is calibrated just like a 4-20 mA transmitter. EDDL plays an important role in position
feedback sensor trim because a “wizard” created by the device manufacturer guides the user step by
step through the process.
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Again, this process is not required for FOUNDATION fieldbus positioners or for position feedback
transmitters based on WirelessHART.
The procedure for sensor trim may also vary slightly from one manufacturer to the next depending
on the requirement for the particular sensor technology. EDDL plays an important role in sensor
trim because a “wizard” created by the device manufacturer guides the user step by step through the
Some calibration is easier in the workshop, such as pH sensor buffering where the pH sensor has to
be put into with buffer solutions and distilled water. This is easier in the lab. Smart pH sensors have
a memory chip inside making it possible to calibrate the sensor in the lab and bring it to the field,
carrying the calibration offset and slope data inside its memory chip. Once connected, the pH
transmitter/analyzers upload the calibration data from the sensor memory.
6 Poor Hosts
The original DD technology from 1992 made it possible to calibrate all transmitters using the same
handheld field communicator or laptop software. Before DD only proprietary solutions existed.
The most basic content of a DD file is the Device Definition describing the blocks and the
parameters in the device, including limits, options, and help etc. The original DD technology from
1992 also included Business Logic such as "wizards" (aka "methods") which is a kind of script
created by the transmitter manufacturer to guide the technician through the sensor trim process.
Wizards thus make sensor trim easy. Wizards, conditionals, and help are explained further in the
section on EDDL. However, not all transmitters provided wizards in their DD file and not all
intelligent device management software supported wizards. That is, on many systems and for many
types of transmitters, sensor trim in the past was not so easy. For instance, FOUNDATION fieldbus
transmitters which in the past had to set the correct mode, in the correct block, write value to correct
parameter, and remember to return block mode. At the same time the technician also had to
remember to inform operations. All of this in addition to actual sensor trim task itself such as
applying input, or working the manifold etc. Lack of wizards was not a problem with the DD
technology itself, it was poor implementation in many early products.
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Figure 10 Not all systems supported EDDL “Business Logic”, and the graphical User
Interface Description was not introduced until 2006.
The EDDL enhancement done in 2006 is a User Interface Description which includes graphics such
as trend charts, waveform graphs, dial gages, bargraphs, bar charts, and tables etc. Graphics, menu
system, wizards, and conditionals are now mandatory for all FOUNDATION fieldbus and 4-20
mA/HART compliant host systems. Therefore, make sure to use a control system which supports
enhanced EDDL.
Using wizards the transmitter manufacturer's expert embeds their calibration know-how in the
EDDL file taking the technician through the task step-by-step. This ensures the correct sequence is
followed, thereby simplifying tasks and reducing mistakes. Entries provided by the technician as
part of the procedure, such as applied input, are validated for plausibility before being accepted by
the transmitter avoiding gross errors. This same sequence will be followed regardless which EDDL
software the technician chooses to use.
Typical steps in a sensor zero trim calibration wizard for a pressure transmitter are:
• Instruct technician to tell operations to put the associated control loop in manual so control
is not upset when PV changes when sensor reading changes.
• inform the technician the sensor reading will change
• Instruct the technician to apply zero physical input (e.g. by isolate, equalize, and vent the
• Instruct the technician to wait while the sensor reading stabilizes and is corrected by the
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• Inform the technician the zero sensor trim was successful
• Instruct technician to tell operations the associated control loop can be put back in automatic
Because the sequence is driven according to the steps defined by the transmitter manufacturer, all
technicians will follow that same sequence when calibrating that type of transmitter. All
transmitters will be calibrated the same way every time. Transmitter manufacturers use conditionals
to make the wizards more intelligent, for instance only ask for user input which is relevant based on
prior selection, only display valid options, and evaluate plausibility (if it is reasonable) of any user
Figure 11 Calibration wizard is created by the device manufacturer's expert to guide the user
7.2 Consistent
EDDL (www.eddl.org) has a multilingual dictionary including standard text for user prompts in the
wizards, error messages, parameter labels, and even help. This dictionary is references by
transmitter manufacturers, thus providing consistency making work more intuitive and reducing
errors because transmitters of different type from different manufacturers will use the same message
(refer to separate white paper on consistent look & feel).
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Figure 12 Transmitter know-how provided by the device manufacturer's expert
Other device integration technologies do not work on handheld field communicators, thus are not as
convenient and portable. Other device integration technologies do not have a standard dictionary
and therefore do not provide the consistency and ease of use.
Mixing EDDL with other device integration technologies will make calibration more difficult. If
transmitters are used only with EDDL they are all calibrated the same way. If EDDL is mixed with
other technologies there will be more than one way of doing calibration. Moreover, the drawbacks
and limitations of other technologies will be introduced into the system (refer to white paper on
system administration).
9 Pre-Commissioning Calibration
If there is a need to "calibrate" (perform sensor trim) or not the transmitters before installation is a
common question. Don’t calibrate for the sake of calibrating. Since sensor trim is done in the
factory when the transmitter is manufactured, to trim the sensor or not before installation depends
on if it will drift during shipment. These days transmitters are very rugged and don't drift during
shipment. Hence there is typically no need to perform sensor trim before installation.
Usually, this question only comes up for pressure and temperature transmitters - presumably
because portable calibrators exist for temperature and pressure. There is no discussion about site
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calibration of the flowmeters for gas or liquid, and not for many other transmitters - presumably
because it would be very much more difficult to do.
Figure 13 Intelligent Device Management (IDM) software gives access to documentation like
instruction manuals
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Figure 14 IDM software based on EDDL supports audit trail for all devices, not just some
When used with documenting calibrators, the calibration records include "as found" / "as left"; that
is percentage error graph at five points before and after sensor trim was performed.
11 Documenting Calibrators
A calibrator can be used to perform sensor trim or current trim, but is not required for range setting.
Calibrators are primarily used for pressure and temperature sensor trim. For smart transmitters using
4-20 mA/HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, or PROFIBUS-PA, a documenting calibrator is a good
option as it enables “paperless calibration”.
11.1 Communication
Traditionally an instrument technician on a calibration job carries two tools: a portable calibrator for
the input to the transmitter and to measure the analog output plus a handheld field communicator to
send the trim commands.
A documenting calibrator combines the functionality of a portable calibrator with that of a handheld
field communicator into a single tool. The portable documenting calibrator communicates digitally
with the intelligent transmitters and is able to retrieve all the identification information in the
transmitter as well as range information and sensor limits etc. The documenting calibrator also
retrieves the measured value digitally from the transmitter. The documenting calibrator not only
compares the sensor reading against the standard, but is also able to send the trim commands to the
transmitters when the technician performs sensor trim or current trim so as to achieve an accurate
reading. Documenting calibrators supporting 4-20 mA/HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, and
PROFIBUS-PA are available. Some documenting calibrators are based on EDDL supporting
wizards, thus making the instrument technician’s job easier.
Therefore, instead of having to carry two tools, the instrument technician carries a single tool.
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11.2 Record Keeping
Traditionally an instrument technician on a calibration job carries two tools also carries a clipboard
with a calibration form where the calibration job is documented.
A documenting calibrator can automatically document the calibration performed, thus also
eliminating the need to carry a clipboard for writing down all the data by hand in the field. The
documenting calibrator internally stores the input points applied and the corresponding output
generated by the transmitter in the calibration process. These data points can be stored for both “as
found” before trim and “as left” after trim was done based on the transmitter's measured value
digitally preserving full precision. Identification information such as manufacturer, device type,
version, and serial number and include as part of the calibration result documentation without
requiring manual data entry. This saves time by avoiding manual data entry and mistakes.
Documenting calibrators store the calibration data internally, until they are docked and the data
automatically uploaded to (synchronized with) the audit trail in the Intelligent Device Management
(IDM) software or their dedicated calibration management software. The software permits the
calibration report to be generated and printed.
Manual data recording and data entry is not required, reducing the burden on technicians and
minimizing mistakes. While handwritten paperwork documentation for the calibration may be
illegible or incomplete, data from a documenting calibrator is always legible and complete for
record keeping.
12 Single Solution
Because EDDL is a text file from which the device page graphics is rendered by the device
management software, the calibration wizards and help are rendered the same way for all devices
regardless of protocol, manufacturer, or type. This consistency achieved thanks to EDDL makes
calibration easier and intuitive (see separate technical white paper on consistency of use). No other
technologies can provide a comparable result.
13 Conclusion
For plants that are looking for an easy solution to calibrating multiple types and versions of
transmitters, EDDL technology is a perfect match. EDDL meets the need of plants to calibrate all
types of devices from a single software application using a single technology while at the same time
making it fast and easy to keep the system up to date with new device versions. Plants should
upgrade existing DD systems to EDDL with enhancements to enjoy the greater ease of use afforded
by the standard graphical display.
Calibration trim is just one of the ways in which intelligent device management software based on
EDDL reduces maintenance & operational cost. Please refer to other technical white papers on
advanced diagnostics, configuration/setup, and system administration etc.
14 Questions
Post your questions on transmitter calibration and intelligent device management with the EDDL
group on Linkedin:
www.eddl.org 19
15 References
EDDL Brochure and Technical Description on www.eddl.org site
Jonas Berge, "Fieldbuses for Process Control: Engineering, Operation, and Maintenance", ISA,
2002, ISBN 1-55617-760-7
Appendix A: FF Parameters
Systems based on enhanced EDDL shows range, calibration, and other information organized in
hierarchical menu trees, tabs, and frames with human readable labels etc. However, older systems
based on traditional DD (without EDDL enhancements) typically show parameters in list or table
form, displayed with a cryptic parameter name. These are the parameters:
In most devices, the transducer block PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE cannot be configured from the
transducer block. If at all used, transmitter range is configured in the AI function block parameter
XD_SCALE which automatically updates the transducer block PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE.
However, some transmitter may require the range to be configured manually in both places. That is,
there are two types of FF transmitters:
1. Transmitters where range can only be set in the AI block XD_SCALE parameter (not in the
transducer block) making BLOCK_ERR due to XD_SCALE mismatch impossible. This is easy
to use.
2. Devices where range can be set in both the XD_SCALE parameter in the AI block and in the
PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE parameter in the transducer block making BLOCK_ERR due to
XD_SCALE mismatch possible. This can be confusing..
Note the AI block must be in Out of Service mode in order to change XD_SCALE or OUT_SCALE
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400 bbl/day
300 bbl/day
200 bbl/day
Square Root
100 bbl/day
0 bbl/day XD_SCALE
0 62.5 125 182.5 250
If the pressure transmitter is measuring pressure or DP (L_TYPE is ‘direct’), there is no need to set
XD_SCALE. Setting XD_SCALE is only required for DP flow and DP level applications where the
transmitter shall convert and scale a DP into flow or level. When L_TYPE is ‘direct’ the pressure
reading will be seen in the transducer block and on the AI block PV and OUT
With the introduction of microprocessors in instrumentation and digital communication, the HART
protocol was introduced superimposed over the 4-20 mA signal. The HART commands supported
by the device, how device information is displayed, and the wizards to make tasks like calibration
easy are described using EDDL.
mA %
3.6 -2.50 Failure low
3.8 -1.25 Saturated low
4.0 0.00 Lower Range Value
20.0 100.00 Upper Range Value
20.5 103.13 Saturated high
21.0 106.25 Failure high
Analog Current
Valid range
0% / 4 mA Saturated Low
-1.25% / 3.8 mA
-2.50% / 3.6 mA Failure Low
0 mA
By using transmitters and systems that both conform to the NE43 recommendation, it is possible to
flag faults to the operators and control strategies. However, note that all device errors, severe and
trivial, are flagged the same way so the operator cannot tell the difference and that if any error
occurs it is flagged and the measurement value is not provided.
FOUNDATION fieldbus and PROFIBUS-PA transmitters use fast digital communication with
separate status indication for each measurement including measurement validity flagged in real-
time as ‘Good’, ‘Bad’, or ‘Uncertain’. This allows operators and control strategies to severe
problems from trivial issues. This allows the control strategy to put the loop in manual in case of
failure, with the option to trip. For non-severe issues the value is still displayed with ‘Uncertain’
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Alternatively, the same Intelligent Device Management (IDM) software or configuration software is
used to calibrate 4-20 mA/HART and Fieldbus transmitters. A 4-20 mA/HART transmitter requires
the laptop to be fitted with a HART-USB interface while a Fieldbus transmitter requires a Fieldbus-
USB interface. A PROFIBUS-PA device requires a PA-USB interface.
A 4-20 mA/HART transmitter has to be powered by a DC power supply and 250 ohm resistor, all
connected in series. A Fieldbus or PROFIBUS-PA transmitter has to be powered by a fieldbus
power supply, connected in parallel. Portable fieldbus power battery packs are convenient both for
field work and on the bench. A fieldbus transmitter could also be powered by the Fieldbus-USB
interface eliminating the need for separate power.
Thanks to enhanced EDDL graphics and wizards, the procedure for calibrating the 4-20 mA/HART
version of a device is the same as calibrating the Fieldbus version of that same device.
In some 4-20 mA devices the cut-off point is specified on DP while in other transmitters the cut-off
is defined on flow. There is a big difference in that a 4% cut-off in DP units corresponds to a 20%
cutoff in flow units.
www.eddl.org 23