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D 5907 Sedimentos Uspendidos

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Designation: D 5907 – 96a

100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Method for

Filterable and Nonfilterable Matter in Water1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5907; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

1.1 This test method covers the determination of filterable 3.2.1 filterable matter—also commonly referred to as total
and nonfilterable matter in drinking, surface, and saline waters, dissolved solids. It is that dissolved matter that is capable of
domestic and industrial wastes. The practical range of the passing through a glass fiber filter and dried to constant weight
determination of nonfilterable particulate matter is 4 to 20 000 at 180°C, as determined by following the procedures outlined
mg/L. The practical range of the determination of filterable in this test method.
matter is 10 to 20 000 mg/L. 3.2.2 nonfilterable matter—also commonly known as total
1.2 Since the results measured by this test are operationally suspended solids. It is that particulate matter that is retained on
defined, careful attention must be paid to following the a glass fiber filter and dried to a constant weight at 103 to
procedure as specified. 105°C, as determined by following the procedures outlined in
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the this test method.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4. Summary of Test Method
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 4.1 A well-mixed sample is filtered through a weighed
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For a specific standard glass fiber filter. The suspended solids are retained on
hazard statement, see Section 9. the filter, which is dried at 105°C and weighed. The increased
mass on the filter represents the nonfilterable matter.
2. Referenced Documents 4.2 The filtrate from 4.1 may be used to determine the
2.1 ASTM Standards: filterable matter. The filtered sample (liquid phase) is evapo-
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water2 rated to dryness and heated to 180°C in a tared vessel to a
D 1192 Specification for Equipment for Sampling Water constant weight.
and Steam in Closed Conduits2 5. Significance and Use
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water2
D 2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of 5.1 Solids, both as filterable and nonfilterable matter, are
Applicable Methods of Committee D-19 on Water2 important in the treating of raw water and waste water, and in
D 3370 Practices for Sampling Water from Closed Con- monitoring of streams.
duits2 5.2 Waste solids impose a suspended and settleable residue
D 3856 Guide for Good Laboratory Practices in Laborato- in receiving waters. Suspended and soluble materials provide a
ries Engaged in Sampling and Analysis of Water2 matrix for some biological slime and, in sufficient quantity,
D 4210 Practice for Intralaboratory Quality Control Proce- impair respiration of organisms. These solids may create
dures and a Discussion on Reporting Low-Level Data2 nuisance slime beds and odors while imposing a long-term
E 319 Practice for the Evaluation of Single-Pan Mechanical biological oxidation load over limited receiving water areas.
Balances3 5.3 Knowledge of suspended and soluble materials is im-
E 898 Methods of Testing Top-Loading, Direct-Reading portant in treating raw water supplies. Knowledge of solids
Laboratory Scales and Balances3 loading can aid in determining the type or amount of treatment,
or both, necessary to make the water acceptable for use. Such
3. Terminology information may also be used to determine acceptability of
3.1 Definitions: For definitions of other terms used in this water after treatment. Too little treatment may not be desirable
test method, refer to Terminology D 1129. and excess treatment costs money.
5.4 Stream monitoring is important for environmental rea-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water sons. Stream improvements, water pollution monitoring, mass
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.05 on Inorganic Constituents wasting, algal studies, and sediment loads are but a few of the
in Water. many reasons streams are monitored.
Current edition approved May 10, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally
published as D 5907 – 96. Last previous edition D 5907 – 96. 6. Interferences
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 6.1 For some samples, chemical reactions may cause some


D 5907
materials to change from one phase to another. For example, in provide a seal. The top should be removable to allow easy
some groundwaters, ferrous ions may form insoluble ferric access for removing the filter. A Gooch crucible with a fritted
hydroxides. Softened water high in carbonates may precipitate bottom may be used in lieu of the funnel.
calcium carbonate. In such cases, holding time may have a 7.3 Planchet or Pan, made of aluminum or stainless steel,
critical impact upon both the filterable and nonfilterable matter. capable of supporting the filter when it is not on the filter
Such samples may have to be filtered in the field. assembly.
6.2 This test method is not meant to include nonrepresen- 7.4 Drying Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature
tative particulates such as leaves, sticks, insects, fish, etc. These between 103 and 105°C for nonfilterable matter and between
should be removed before the analysis. 178 and 182°C for filterable matter.
6.3 Certain materials may be measured poorly, or not at all. NOTE 2—To prevent dust and sample from being blown around, it is
Some materials may decompose or volatilize at the required preferred that the oven for the particulate matter be of a gravity convection
temperature. Other substances, such as glycerin or sulfuric type. If this is not possible, samples should be shielded from the forced air
acid, will remain liquid at the required temperature, giving of mechanical convection ovens.
variable results. Oils and greases may present similar problems 7.5 Analytical Balance, capable of measuring to the nearest
and can end up in either the filterable or nonfilterable portion. 0.1 mg.5
6.4 Suspended solids samples high in dissolved matter, such 7.6 Vacuum Source.
as saline waters, brines, and some wastes, may be subject to a
positive interference by the retention of dissolved matter, such 8. Reagents and Materials
as salts and sugars, on the filter. Care must be taken in the final 8.1 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references
rinsing of the filter so as to minimize this potential interferant. to water shall be understood to mean reagent water conforming
Additional washing may be necessary. to Type I or II of Specification D 1193. Type III or IV may be
6.5 Clogging of the filter with too fine or too much material used if they effect no measurable change in the blank or
will prolong the filtering time and retain smaller particles that sample.
would normally pass through the filter, thus giving elevated
values to nonfilterable matter and low values to the filterable 9. Hazards
matter. Biological material, such as algae, may also prolong 9.1 Care must be taken to ensure filter funnels and filtering
filtration time or plug the filter. flasks are in a sound state. Any tiny nick, scratch, or weakness
6.6 Some samples may be hygroscopic, requiring prolonged in glass flasks or other apparatus can create a potential for an
drying, extra careful desiccation, and rapid weighing. For implosion hazard. Wrapping a flask is not adequate protection
filterable matter, samples highly mineralized or high in bicar- in case of an implosion. It is recommended that a solid shield,
bonate may require careful and possibly prolonged drying. For such as a plexiglass cage, be placed around any filtering flask.
the bicarbonate, the extended drying may be needed to ensure
10. Sampling
complete conversion to carbonate.
6.7 Too much material retained on the filter may entrap 10.1 Collect the sample in accordance with the applicable
water, and may also require extended drying time for the ASTM standard as follows: Specification D 1192 and Practices
suspended solids. For filterable matter, excessive residue in the D 3370.
dish may cause the formation of a water-trapping crust, giving 11. Procedure
elevated values.
6.8 For some users, certain biological materials, such as 11.1 Prepare the glass fiber filters before use.
algae, slimes, insects, or other small crustaceans, may be 11.1.1 Place the glass fiber filter on the membrane filter
considered to be positive interferences for nonfilterable matter. assembly, or insert into the bottom of a suitable Gooch
Modifications or adjustments may be needed to generate a crucible, with the wrinkled surface up. While a vacuum is
better value. An example is determining chlorophyll content to applied, wash the disc with three successive volumes of water.
estimate the amount of algae present. Such modifications may Each volume of water should be equal to 3 mL for each square
be beyond the scope of this test method. centimetre of filterable surface area. For standard 47 mm filter
holders with 35 mm diameter funnels, this would be 30 mL for
7. Apparatus each wash for a total of 90 mL. Continue the vacuum until the
7.1 Glass Fiber Filters, without organic binder.4 free water has been removed. Discard the washings.

NOTE 1—Although there is no organic binder in these filters, they may NOTE 3—Proper washing is important for removing loose fiber and wet
contain a wet strength resin that is partially soluble. It is therefore strength resins. One 90-mL wash is not as effective as three 30-mL
important to adequately prewash the filters as prescribed. washes.
NOTE 4—On some filters it may be difficult to tell which is the wrinkled
7.2 Membrane Filter Assembly—A borosilicate glass, stain- side. Usually the opposite side has faint markings of the wire mesh used
less steel, or plastic funnel with a flat, fritted, or grid base so as to manufacture the filter mat.
to provide uniform support and filterable surface. The top 11.1.2 Skip 11.1.3 and 11.1.4 if only filterable matter is
section of the funnel shall fit over the edge of the filter to being determined.

4 5
Millipore AP-40, Whatman 934-AH, Gelman type A/E, or equivalent, was The balance prescribed in this test method should be tested periodically
specified for the round-robin. according to Practice E 319 or Test Method E 898.


D 5907
11.1.3 Release the vacuum and carefully remove the filter volume of sample that will filter rapidly and time how long it
with forceps. Place the filter on a planchet, and dry in an oven takes to filter.
at 103 to 105°C for 1 h. Gooch crucibles with filter may be Repeat, increasing the volume until it can
handled without the planchet. be determined at what point the filtration rate drops off rapidly.
11.1.4 Remove from the oven and place in a desiccator until Plot the time versus the volume filtered. Select the
cool. If the desiccation time exceeds 12 h, reheat and desiccate proper volume as that just short of the time that a significant
again. Weigh the filter plus planchet to the nearest 0.1 mg just change in filtration rate occurs. An example of a break point
before using. After oven drying, the filter shall be handled only curve is shown in Appendix X1.
with forceps, and the planchet or crucible shall be handled only NOTE 8—If at least 2.5 mg of material cannot be retained on the filter
with forceps, tongs, or lint-free gloves. because of plugging, a larger diameter filtration system is suggested.
11.2 Preparation of the Evaporating Dish: Fritted membrane style filter holders range in sizes up to 9 cm in diameter.
11.2.1 If filterable matter is to be determined, heat a clean 11.3.4 Analyze sample volumes of less than 20 mL by
dish to 178 to 182°C in an oven for 1 h. After removing from diluting 100 mL to 1 L and running the diluted sample. This is
the oven, treat as in 11.1.3. to assure that a representative sample is obtained. Pipetting is
NOTE 5—The dish should be as small as practical to contain the volume generally discouraged since the pipet tip can act as a filter.
of the sample plus the rinses. The relative mass of the dish needs to be kept 11.4 Assemble the filter apparatus with the prepared filter
at a minimum in order to be able to measure small mass differences with (see 11.1) and start the suction. If the filter is not sealed around
any accuracy. This is because of the inherent difficulties of trying to the edges by the funnel, such as in the case with a Gooch
control temperature and moisture on a large mass within the requirements crucible, wet the filter with a small volume of water to seat it
of the test. For larger volumes, it may be more practical to evaporate
to the base or support. If filterable matter is to be determined,
smaller increments, refilling the dish when dry until all the sample is
transferred. be sure the suction flask is clean.
NOTE 6—The dish should be made of a material that is inert to the NOTE 9—If the sample size is small, it may be convenient to place a
sample. Materials such as aluminum will oxidize when heated with many smaller container, such as a large test tube, into the vacuum flask in order
liquids, increasing the mass of the pan. Glass or light weight ceramic to catch the sample and rinses for filterable matter.
material is generally preferred.
11.5 Mix the sample thoroughly, and quickly transfer a
11.3 Determine the proper sample volume. volume of sample as determined in 11.2 into a “to contain,” or
11.3.1 Sample volume determination for nonfilterable mat- TC, graduated cylinder. Pour this measured sample onto the
ter. filter and continue to apply suction until all traces of water have Start with a volume of sample equal to about 10 passed through.
mL/cm2 of filterable surface area. For the standard 47 mm filter NOTE 10—Because of the nature of TSS, it is important to thoroughly
holders with 35 mm diameter funnels, this would be about 100 mix each sample immediately before every aliquot is taken. Many
mL. If this fails to yield at least 2.5 mg of dry solids on the suspended solids settle rapidly, giving a distorted sample if not carefully
filter, increase the sample volume until that mass is attained, a mixed and quickly sampled.
volume of 1 L is reached, or the “break point” in is 11.6 With the suction still on, wash the graduated cylinder,
reached. Do not exceed 200 mg on the filter. the filter, and particulate matter, and the funnel wall with three For other filter sizes, maintain at least 1 mg of dry portions of water, allowing complete drainage between wash-
solids per 4 cm2 of filterable surface area, with a minimum of ing. Each portion of wash water should be about 2 mL/cm2 of
2.5 mg. filterable surface. For a 47 mm filter with a 35 mm diameter If the filtration time exceeds 5 min, develop a funnel, the volume of each portion should be 20 mL, for a total
“break-point” curve (see 11.3.3). This process needs to be done of 60 mL. If filterable matter is being run, save the wash water
only when the character of a sample is unfamiliar or changes. with the sample.
11.3.2 Sample volume determination for filterable matter. NOTE 11—For nonfilterable matter samples with high dissolved solids Choose a sample volume to yield between 2.5 and contents, such as seawater and brine solutions, small increments of extra
200 mg. If more than 5 min is needed for the filtration, perform wash water may be required. Tests such as conductivity, chloride,
the “break point” determination as per 11.3.3. dissolved solids, etc. can be used to determine when there are no
significant dissolved solids in the wash water. For filterable matter, this
NOTE 7—If the solids are expected to be high, a known proportion of generally is not a significant problem.
the total material, sample plus wash solution, that passed through the filter
may be used for the determination. For example, if 200 mL of sample was
11.7 After the filter has been sucked dry, release the vacuum
filtered and only 190 mL of liquid passed through the filter (with all free and carefully remove the filter from the filtering apparatus and
filterable liquid passing through, leaving 10 mL of nonfilterable solids place on the planchet, or remove the Gooch crucible from the
retained on the filter), the total volume of filtrate would be 250 mL, crucible holder.
including the wash water. If a 100-mL portion of the filtrate could be used 11.8 If filterable matter is being determined, carefully trans-
for the filterable solids test, the final mass of dried solids weighed would fer the contents from the filtering flask into the evaporating
have to be divided by 0.4 to account for the 40 % proportion of the sample dish (see 11.2). Rinse the filtering flask three times with a small
portion of water and add the rinse to the evaporating dish.
11.3.3 Break-Point Determination: 11.9 If nonfilterable matter is being determined, dry the Place filter in the filtering apparatus. For this filter at least 1 h at 103 to 105°C. The drying time should be
procedure, the filter needs no preparation. Add a small, known long enough to ensure a constant weight. Place in a desiccator,

D 5907
TABLE 1 Nonfilterable Matter (TSS)A
Number of Expected Amount Measured Amount ST, SO, Bias, Bias, Statistically
Laboratories in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L % Significant
6 5 4.75 0.23 NA −0.25 −5 yes
11 10 9.4 0.69 0.94 −0.6 −6 yes
11 15 14.8 1.41 0.94 −0.2 −1 no
11 30 28.9 1.50 0.56 −1.1 −4 yes
10 36 34.6 0.98 0.56 −1.4 −4 yes
11 50 49.2 2.05 1.79 −0.8 −2 no
11 67.4 65.3 2.53 1.79 −2.1 −3 yes
11 70 68.7 2.82 1.63 −1.3 −2 no
10 80 78.7 2.97 1.63 −1.3 −2 no
NA 5 not available. There is no acceptable Youden pair for this sample set.

TABLE 2 Filterable Matter (TDS)

Number of Expected Amount Measured Amount ST, SO, Bias, Bias, Statistically
Laboratories in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L % Significant
6 37.5 36.7 2.8 2.1 −0.8 −2 no
6 56.2 54.8 3.1 2.1 −1.4 −2 no
6 112 101 12 15 −11 −10 no
6 135 126 21 15 −11 −8 no
6 188 173 16 9.3 −15 −8 no
6 253 228 11 9.3 −25 −10 yes
6 262 243 18 2.9 −19 −7 no
6 300 279 21 2.9 −21 −7 no

cool, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg as in 11.1.3. ~mg of residue 1 dish! 2 mg of dish
5 mL of sample filtered 3 1000 (2)
NOTE 12—The drying time should be checked on new types of samples
and periodically on familiar samples to be sure that it is sufficient for the 13. Report
mass to be constant; that is, the difference is less than 0.5 mg, or 4 % of
the previous weighing, whichever is greater. 13.1 Do not report results smaller than the nearest milligram
11.10 Evaporate the liquid for the filterable matter on a per litre. The precision and bias data from the round-robin
steam bath or in an oven at 103 to 105°C. After the liquid is suggest the method is good to two significant figures at most.
gone, dry the evaporating dish at 178 to 182°C for at least 1 h. There should be supporting data available in the laboratory
The drying time should be long enough to ensure a constant before reporting more significant figures.
weight. Place in a desiccator, cool, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 14. Precision and Bias
mg as in 11.1.3.
14.1 The single-operator precision and overall precision and
NOTE 13—The drying time should be checked on new types of samples bias of this test method are given in Table 1 for nonfilterable
and periodically on familiar samples to be sure that it is sufficient for the matter and Table 2 for filterable matter. The material tested
mass to be constant; that is, the difference is less than 0.5 mg, or 4 % of
the previous weighing, whichever is greater.
was a purchased commercial suspended solids material in an
unspecified mixture of salt.6 The material is only available at
11.11 With each batch of samples that are run, a blank shall the maximum concentration tested. Other concentrations were
be run. The blank shall be taken through the process without created for testing by diluting the original solution. The
the addition of a sample in 11.4. If a blank filter shows any precision and bias statement reflects only the results for this
increase in mass or a loss of greater than 0.4 mg, rerun the specified matrix and may not reflect other matrices. The
samples associated with it. If the mass of a blank evaporating material tested was the only material known to the committee
dish varies by more than 60.5 mg from the initial mass, rerun to be available in a liquid form that can test all aspects of the
the samples associated with it. The blank result is not test method. The limit of available known material in a form
subtracted from the sample. that can test all aspects of this test method prohibits testing the
NOTE 14—A blank filter carried through the process generally loses a full range of the method.
mass of about 0.2 mg. So, blank requirements represent the range 14.2 Six independent laboratories and operators
of − 0.26 0.2 mg. successfully completed the round robin study for filterable
matter. Six to eleven independent laboratories successfully
12. Calculation
completed the round robin study for nonfilterable matter. The
12.1 Calculate the amount of nonfilterable matter as precision and bias evaluation for this test method was
follows: conducted using a Youden pair design and conforms to Practice
total nonfilterable matter, in mg/L
~mg of residue 1 filter! 2 mg of filter
5 mL of sample filtered 3 1000 (1) 6
Alpha-trol solution available from Alpha-trol, Inc., P.O. Box 867, Levittown,
PA 19058. Another source of solution has been identified. Should satisfactory data
12.2 Calculate the amount of filterable matter as follows: from other sources be made available, such data will be included in the precision and
total filterable matter, in mg/L bias statement.


D 5907
D 2777–86 and meets existing requirements for interlaboratory recommended that the user use Practice D 4210 and Guide
studies of Committee D-19 test methods. Information on D 3856 as guides for establishing QA/QC.
low-level results from laboratories that survived the ranking 14.5 Before this test method is applied to the analysis of
tests, but not meeting full requirements of the test method, is samples, the analyst shall establish his/her own precision and
given in Appendix X2. bias data.
14.3 A duplicate and known control sample should be run
each day that a sample is analyzed. The duplicate and control 15. Keywords
sample shall meet satisfactory limits as established by the
control chart before an analysis is considered satisfactory. 15.1 dissolved matter; dissolved solids; filterable matter;
14.4 Until such time as other quality assurance/quality nonfilterable matter; suspended matter; suspended solids
control (QA/QC) procedures are established, it is


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Fig. X1.1 illustrates a break-point determination.

FIG. X1.1 Example of a Filtration Study for TSS Breakpoint


X2.1 Table X2.1 and Table X2.2 are for informational these low levels (the 2 and 5 mg/L TSS samples and the 7.5 and
purposes only and are not meant to validate the test method at 18.8 mg/L TDS samples). Some of the information for these

TABLE X2.1 Nonfilterable Matter (TSS)

Number of Expected Amount Measured Amount ST, SO, Bias, Bias, Statistically
Laboratories in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L % Significant
10 2 1.5 0.36 0.16 −0.5 −25 yes
10 5 4.6 0.31 0.16 −0.4 −8 yes


D 5907
TABLE X2.2 Filterable Matter (TDS)
Number of Expected Amount Measured Amount ST, SO, Bias, Bias, Statistically
Laboratories in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L in mg/L % Significant
6 7.5 7.6 1.8 1.9 0.1 +1 no
6 18.8 17.9 2.7 1.9 −0.9 −5 no

low-level sample values came from data that did not meet the mass at the end of the test.
requirements of the test method, mainly having insufficient

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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