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Negative Sequence Transformation: W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6

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In a wye/wye transformer with no phase shift of positive sequence voltages and currents, Yy0,

the bushing currents are equal to the winding currents (I1U = IW1, I1V = IW2, I1W = IW3, I2U = IW4, I2V
= IW5, and I2W = IW6), equation (8) tells us how to sense flux balance. The balanced condition can
be directly measured by a differential relay that only monitors by a simple ratio difference. (A
real world transformer differential relay would also need to have a “block for inrush detection”
algorithm as well.)

For any other winding or CT configuration than Yy0 we need a systematic method of creating
“phase compensation” equations so that various combined or inverted winding currents on the
relay inputs will be recognized as a balanced condition. To proceed, we need to determine the
current seen at the transformer bushings and the relay for any given winding and CT

Negative Sequence Transformation

Before proceeding, some acknowledgement should be given to the fact that there are even
more possible wye and delta connections than listed, if one opens up the thought process of
swapping two phases at a time rather than three, on only one side of the transformer, in which
case one transforms positive sequence phase rotation to negative sequence phase rotation
across the transformer. Since this transformation would not be done in normal practice, it was
not considered in development of this paper.

Wye Winding Transformations

There are 6 ways to connect a wye winding, as described earlier. Each modifies the W1, W2,
and W3 (or W4,5,6,etc.) current by some transformation factor. For instance, if we connect the U, V,
and W bushings to the non-polarity side of windings W1, W2, and W3, respectively, as is done in
the Y6 connection, we have effectively multiplied all currents by -1. Each connection method has
its own transformation effect.

The equations below state the effective transformation in a mathematical format. This format will
be useful when there are several transformations in series and we need to multiply them
together to find the total effect. The equations give the current that will be seen on bushings U,
V, and W for a given current in W1, W2, and W3, but where current is stated in terms of IW =kφφ.
and kφ is as given in (3). All equations relate IUVW to φ123 because the flux generated by the load
current on each leg is the common element for all winding sets.

There are six 3x3 matrices that represent how the winding currents could be transformed by the
various wye connection. In the condensed matrix equations on the right side, it can be seen that
only four matrix transformations, 1, -1, R1, and R2, are needed to represent the 6 wye
transformation matrices. The value of this reduction in possible transformations will become
clearer when delta and zigzag windings are analyzed further below. The R1 and R2
transformations “rotate” the bushing and winding connections. Given currents I1, I2, and I3, the
effect of each rotation is to say:

R1 (1200 CCW shift): I1new = I3old Inew

2 = I1old Inew
3 = Iold
R 2 (1200 CW shift) : I1new = Iold
2 Inew
2 = Iold
3 Inew
3 = I1old

The matrix form of (9), R1 and R2, will be seen in the equations to follow. In the equations to
follow, note a positive flux generates a positive current.


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