Unirac RM Engineering Guide
Unirac RM Engineering Guide
Unirac RM Engineering Guide
As part of the planning process for your PV project it is recommended that a thorough site visit be done to ensure
that the site is well understood in order to mitigate any surprises. During the site visit there are several items of
interest that should be examined and noted.
Note: Directional notes apply only to installation sites in the Northern Hemisphere.
In general, a perfectly designed PV system will face true, due south, have minimal shading, and is be positioned
to harvest the most sunlight and therefore produce the maximum amount of electricity. You must evaluate the
following physical characteristics for the site where a PV system can potentially be installed:
Even though maximum output usually occurs with the PV system facing due south, certain site characteristics
may prevent you from adhering to this ideal installation method. Successful PV systems can be installed facing
within a range of due east going south to due west.
The horizontal angle (direction) the array is facing is referred to as the azimuth. The azimuth determines the time
of day the PV system can produce the greatest amount of energy. A system that faces east produces most of its
energy during the morning, while a west-facing system produces more in the afternoon.
The direction a PV system could face can be measured with a compass. This gives a magnetic direction. In
most locations, the true direction and the magnetic direction are not the same. The difference between the two
is called magnetic declination. The magnetic declination of the array varies from location to location, but you can
easily modify magnetic direction to get true direction. One way to compute this is through the NOAA (National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) National Geophysical Data Center website (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/
During the site evaluation, consider various possible locations that would be suitable to mount the PV system. For
each of these locations, record the dimensions and pitch (slope) of the mounting surface. Also make note of any
objects that could potentially shade the area or obstruct the installation. Some objects of concern include vent
pipes, trees, portions of buildings, and air-conditioning units (See sections 1d and 1e, below).
For older buildings, this structural evaluation is very important as many of these buildings have rafters made of
2 x 4’s, a much weaker rafter member than newer buildings use. This could be an issue later when considering
the feasibility of an array designed to attach to such a roof (see section on Roof Attachments).
Roofs can have a variety of roof obstruction which includes HVAC equipment, roof vents, etc. These need to be
considered in the array layout with regards to shading, equipment access and to ensure that the array doesn’t
impact the normal operations of this equipment. There may be requirements as far as a minimum setback
distance from mechanical equipment so be sure to consult your local authority to determine what considerations
need to be taken. Also, discuss with the building owner if roof top equipment needs a specific amount of room for
maintenance operations.
Avoid shade at all costs in your installation since even just a small amount of shade can eliminate most of the
electrical output. In most cases, shading on one small area of one module impacts the output of the entire array.
While some technologies and alternative methods exist for mitigating the effects of shade on the PV system, they
can be expensive and are often unproven in their effectiveness. Be conservative and assume no PV production
can occur if any portion of the array is shaded. There are tools available to help with the shading evaluation at
the site, such as Solar Pathfinder and even an application for an iPhone called Sun Tracker.
— Vent pipes
— HVAC equipment
— Chimneys
— Antennas
— Trees (especially note young trees that continue to grow after installation)
— Buildings
— Higher roofs, or other parts of the building
— Parapets
—Adjacent rows of tilted array
Roof crickets are shallow valleys or ridges built into the roof that are designed to divert water on a roof and direct
it to the designated drain areas. The RM racking system is extremely flexible and able to accommodate roof
crickets up to 3.5 degrees.
A parapet is a barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, or other structure.
Where extending above a roof, it may simply be the portion of an exterior wall that continues above the line of
the roof surface, or may be a continuation of a vertical feature beneath the roof such as a fire wall or party wall.
Parapets are primarily used as guard rails and to prevent the spread of fires.
The wind tunnel study performed on the RM system requires that the wind pressure coefficients increase when
there are parapets. Please take this into account when planning for your system. The U-Builder design tool takes
this into account and will give you the appropriate values.
There may be mechanical equipment on the roof that could cause vibrations to occur and impact the performance
of the racking system. If there is equipment like this on your building it is recommended that you regularly check
on the PV array to ensure that it is in the same structural condition as the day it was installed.
Roofs are designed such that they run off water in certain directions to provide optimal water drainage. The
biggest concern with regards to roof drainage and a PV array is to make sure that the racking does not restrict
the drainage of a roof. Another concern is to make sure that crickets aren’t so deep such that it impacts how the
racking rests on the roof. We recommend that the racking system is in full contact with the roof.
The appearance of the PV system is very important to most system owners, the neighborhood, and sometimes
homeowner associations (HOA). Typically, flush mounted systems have a more acceptable aesthetic appearance.
In some locations, the HOA may have guidelines for PV. Conversely, some states have legislation stating that PV
cannot be prohibited based upon aesthetics alone.
You must evaluate the accessibility of the site for construction equipment and needs. Ask the following questions
when evaluating a site:
• Is there specialized equipment required to access the site? Such as, the roof is only assessable by crane.
• Is there road access near the site? Will equipment have to be carried a long distance by hand?
•Can the installation be done safely? Is specialized safety equipment required?
• In the case of a roof mount, how high is the installation area off of the ground?
• Where will be a good staging area to unload and sometimes prep equipment?
• Do you have all of the permissions necessary, such as adjacent property owners?
The answers may signal an increased installation cost, but not necessarily that PV is unfeasible.
Even if you design the PV system in an aesthetically acceptable manner, other aspects of the installation can
detract from its appearance, such as wiring. During the site evaluation, note the location of the main electrical
service, as well as electrical sub-panels. A grid-tied PV array must be connected to the main panel, main service,
or a sub-panel.
During the design phase, you will address the method of running conduit from the PV system. For example,
on a roof mount, should the wiring method be surface mounting the conduit? Is there a path to run the conduit
through an attic or garage? What materials are required to complete the wiring method? Locations where the
wiring enters the building will require metal conduit.
The following examples of wiring methods for a roof mount are not a comprehensive list. You may choose
different products to accomplish the ideal wiring method for the project at hand.
• Array on roof and inverter in garage: Mount a junction box directly to the roof. Run LFMC (liquid tight
flexible metal conduit) FMC (flexible metal conduit) or EMT (electrical metallic tubing) through the attic. Drop
the conduit through the ceiling of the garage.
• Array on roof and inverter on wall directly below the array: Mount a junction box directly on the roof, over
the soffit. Drop EMT directly down from the junction box and run along the wall.
It is also recommended that you have someone evaluate the roof to determine if there are any special wind
considerations to take into account. For example there could be roof equipment or building geometry that could
cause a channeling effect on the roof. If a condition like this exists it would be wise to keep the PV array out of
this type of area or address this by adding additional support or possibly attachments.
To be safe and to comply with the law, PV systems Code compliance is a broad term which includes compliance
you design and install must comply with rules with the following (listed in order of applicability at the
that regulate structural, electrical and fire-related project level)
aspects of a PV system and the structure (if
applicable) to which the PV system is attached.
External to Code Compliance
You can find the rules in documents known as
building code, electric code and fire code. Since Listing Authorities
the main purpose of installing PV is to generate Certifications/Product Ratings
electricity, you might imagine that there are rules Guidelines
or code to govern the installation of electricity- Best Practices
generating equipment. What may be less evident
is that there are rules that govern the structural
aspects of PV, as well as regulations applicable to Requirements of
fire safety of the PV system. PV systems are often Code Compliance
attached to the roofs or walls of other structures or
buildings. Building codes govern the construction
and alteration of structures and buildings and Model Codes
any appurtenances attached to those buildings
or structures (such as PV systems). Also, some Currently
versions of the fire code now include new, PV- Enforced Codes
specific rules which provide for rooftop access and
ventilation operations for firefighters.
Local AHJ
Model code consists of code documents issued by the governing bodies of the construction, fire safety and
electric industries. These model codes act as a master reference for states and municipalities in terms of code
While model code is the standard for our industry, it does not include language specific to PV systems. You, along
with your local AHJ, must interpret code relating to structures and electrical systems and apply those laws to your
PV design.
• International Building Code (IBC): This model building code has been adopted in most
jurisdictions in the U.S. and is published by the International Code Council (ICC). The International
Building Code is what all solar structures should be evaluated against.
• National Electric Code (NEC): This model code contains a subset of specifics for residential buildings and
is applicable to residential one- and two-family dwellings. It is published by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA)
• International Fire Code (IFC): This model code covers the minimum safety requirements for electrical
installations and fire safety concerns. It is published by the ICC.
The model code often invokes other external documents to offer further clarification of the code. This external
document might include more specific standards, test reports and design manuals. Some examples of such
detailed documentation that you may need to reference are shown in the table below.
Note: The document listing below is not meant to be exhaustive and other documents may apply to a particular
installation depending on the installation location or project type.
Underwriters Laboratory Standards UL 2703, 1703, 1741 Electrical Applicable to PV modules, inverters and array
Division and 467 wiring, bonding and grounding
IEEE IEEE Standards 929- Electrical
2000 and 1262-1995
Aluminum Association Aluminum Aluminum Design Structural Advises on the use of aluminum in structures.
Design Manual 1 (AA ADM 1) Manual (ADM)
American Institute of Steel Specification for Structural Advises on the use of steel in structures.
Construction (AISC) Structural Steel Buildings
Structural and Provides consensus technical standards for a
American Society for Testing and Various
Electrical wide range of materials, products, systems and
American Iron and Steel Institute Publications S100 2007 Structural North American specification for the design of
and S100-NAS
cold-formed steel structural members. These two
specifications also advise on the use of steel in
American Wood Council Allowable Stress Design Structural Advises on structural issues involving wood
/ Load and Resistance
Factor Design
Listing authorities actually evaluate a product for compliance with a model code. Many products can be considered
to be code-compliant that are not listed; however, a product listed with these authorities has been vetted against
the standards of the model code by top experts in the field. These listing authorities cooperate with and abide by
the regulatory agencies governing such fields by law.
• International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES): This division of the ICC evaluates building
products for compliance to code.
• National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Develops minimum fire safety standards in the U.S. The main
NFPA document used in the PV industry is the NEC.
• Underwriters Laboratory (UL): Performs product certifications and writes standards for safety. It is an
independent, for-profit product safety certification organization.
• *UL does not have power of law in the U.S. A product can pass UL certification without being UL listed.
Their listing doesn’t mean a product will perform, it merely means that the product will not present a hazard.
• Community Europe (CE): Performs testing of equipment in the European Economic Area. The CE mark
certifies that a product meets EU safety requirements. By affixing the CE marking to a product, the
manufacturer – on his sole responsibility – declares that it meets EU safety and health and environmental
• ETL: The ETL certification mark is from the independent laboratory at Intertek. It is proof of product
compliance (electrical, gas and other safety standards) to North American safety standards, including UL,
ANSI, CSA, ASTM and NFPA standards.
• Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC): Offers evaluation services for all types of innovative
building construction materials, products, systems and services. CCMC evaluations are supported by the
latest technical research and expertise and are based on the requirements of the National Building Code of
Canada or Provincial/Territorial Building Codes.
When a local jurisdiction adopts a building code, it adopts a specific edition of the model code. This may not be
the most current edition of the model code issued.
They may adopt the model code verbatim as the building, electric or fire codes for their jurisdiction, or they
may adopt a modified edition of the code with amendments or additional rules. In some cases, the additional
requirements and exemptions are issued as a separate document or, the jurisdiction may create a merged code,
incorporating all of the local revisions. In still other cases, the jurisdiction may print, under its own title, their
own version of the code. An example of this final scenario is the California Building Code.
Most importantly, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) knows what codes have been adopted for your site
and can tell you what codes will apply to the installation. The very first thing a contractor should do to be code
compliant is to talk to the local AHJ before starting a final design. The local AHJ ultimately holds the authority
over permitting, inspecting and approving your work, so consulting with them is essential. The question to be
answered by the AHJ is, “What codes cover my installation site, and what is the edition/year of that code?”
Municipal-specific Code
State-specific Code
IEEE Standard
STM FDG AWC UL 467 Others Bonding/
929-2000 Grounding
UL 1741 Others Inverters
Various organizations in the field also issue guidelines of their own. These guides sometimes contain valuable
information, but remember they are only guidelines, and not the letter of the law. Organizations with guidelines
you might be aware of are: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA),
Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing Association (ARMA), National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA).
Keep in mind that every top level code is comprised of many pieces and parts that contribute to compliance
requirements. Once you know the applicable code and the edition being enforced in your installation area, you
can easily source the information to succeed in being compliant.
While the manufacturer’s installation instructions generally take precedence over other requirements, many local
or state jurisdictions have additional requirements beyond those found in the National Electrical Code (NEC).
When a PV system is utility owned and operated, the installation is technically outside the scope of the NEC.
But what exactly is a utility? This is a very important distinction because the NEC generally requires the use of
equipment listed to UL standards. However, if a PV installation is not subject to the NEC, the use of equipment
designed to meet other standards, such as those established by the IEC, may be permitted.
Since the standards to which PV equipment must conform vary by context, as do the applicable codes, it is
incumbent on designers and installers to understand the regulatory context within which they are working. This
regulatory context influences what equipment and installation practices are likely to be acceptable to the AHJ
and the interconnected utility. Because there is no universal set of requirements, system designers and installers
must be proactive about communicating with AHJs and utilities to streamline project permitting, inspection and
After the aforementioned factors have been considered with your site, you’ll want to determine the layout of your
project by taking the following items into consideration. This will help you ensure that you’ll fit the PV array into
your designated area in the most effective manner.
All modules in a RM installation are racked in a landscape orientation, and feature a nominal 10-degree fixed tilt.
In order to calculate the amount of roof space required for an installation, you need to determine East-West and
North-South array dimensions.
We recommend a ¼” gap between the panels in the east-west direction so be sure to include that when
calculating the total width of the array.
Mechanical Characteristics
Cell Type Poly-crystalline 156x156mm (6 inch)
The RM ballast bay will dictate the spacing between rows. The figure below shows the typical spacing between
modules rows:
Be sure to take this spacing into account when determining how to occupy your roof space effectively in the
North-South direction.
A setbacks is how far from the edge of the roof or roof obstruction your array will be installed. The proprietary
wind study conducted on the RM product requires a minimum of 3 feet from the outermost point of the array to
the edge of the roof. Your local building code may require a different setback so be sure to check with your local
AHJ to see what’s required. There are also requirements as far as setbacks from certain roof equipment. Be sure
to evaluate what those may be depending on the type of equipment on your roof.
The RM product is design to be “modular” in order to easily accommodate unique layouts caused by roof
obstructions. There are often vents, mechanical equipment and skylights on flat roofs that govern the layout of
an array. With these roof obstructions there are things to consider such as setbacks from the equipment as well
as access ways which are typical spelled out in the respective building or fire codes. Note that when an array has
many “breaks” in it to accommodate obstructions that you are not getting the most efficient use of the racking
and can often cause the required ballast to increase based on the results from the wind study.
The RM system may be installed on the following roofing materials: EPDM, TPO, PVC, Modified Bitumen and Built-
Up Roofs. For Tar and Gravel roof applications contact Unirac for guidance.
• Basic or Design Wind Speed: Often referred to as a • Roof Height: Factors into the wind load. The higher
“3-second gust”, this is the highest sustained wind gust the roof, the more constant the wind can be, and
over a 3 second period having a probability of 1 in 50 therefore certain sections of the code categorize roof
being exceeded in any year. The wind load is always height. Generally, the mean roof height is used.
considered to be acting perpendicular to the module
surface and in a constant fashion, rather than variable • Ground Snow load: The design weight of snow per
(as the wind is normally). You can get this information unit area (i.e. pounds per square foot). Considered an
from the local building department or planning unchanging load, it can vary greatly from location to
commission. Other sources such as the ASCE 7 design location. The weight of the accumulated snow varies
standard are available but not always specific enough. depending on the amount and the local humidity. Since
this is a gravitational load, a tilted array experiences
• Roof Zones: The wind study performed on the only a component of the load, and some code officials
RM system took into account the increases in wind recognize a reduction. The local building department
pressure that can occur on the edge and corner areas establishes this value based on historical data, and can
of a roof. Because of this there are no additional provide the value or you can get it from other sources
multipliers needed for panels located in the edge or like www.designcriteriabyzip.com.
corner zones of a roof (zones 2 & 3). However please
make sure the outside edge of the array is at least 3 • Seismic Conditions: The changing or dynamic lateral
feet from the edge of the roof. load due to earthquake activity. For arrays located
in seismic areas, the design of the support structure
• Wind Exposure Category: Provides a factor for should resist the additional horizontal load.
how protected the array is from the wind based on
surrounding characteristics of the project site. For • Dead load: An unchanging load presented to the roof
example, an urban setting with closely spaced building from purely the weight of the array components, such
surrounding might be in a lower exposure category as modules, support structure, etc.
than one at the edge of a large lake. The code
establishes three categories: B, C and D, ranging from • Ice load: This load is due to freezing rain or in-
most protected from the wind, to least. When in doubt cloud icing. Where the potential for sub-freezing
of which exposure category to use, be conservative temperatures exists, include ice load in addition to
and choose the higher category to avoid subjective snow loads.
compliance discussions upon final inspection.
• Vibration load: A changing or dynamic load due to
• Wind load: A changing or dynamic load presented to periodic movement. Arrays installed in a vibratory
a structure due to the wind and is calculated using the environment. The vibratory environment may also
design, or basic wind speed. affect the electrical side of the PV array and should be
considered accordingly.
Most of the loads potentially placed on a PV array are determined by the data collected for the location of the
array. Wind and snow loads and are examples of load data that vary by location. For more information on types
of loads, see the previous section on Engineering Variables and Loads.
Determining the environmental conditions may be done by contacting the local AHJ. There are also websites, like
www.designcriteriabyzip.com and www.atcouncil.org and even a diagram in the ASCE 7 that can help. However,
special micro-climates exist whose conditions may be outside of the scope of those resources. When in doubt
about the potential loads, the local building department and a structural engineering professional should be
Code officials require that structural analysis to include the combination of all design loads. Most people have
been in a snow storm when the wind was blowing and have experienced this type of combination load: wind and
The application and approval for use of all components should be made by the registered design professional of
responsible charge. The structural engineer applies all relevant construction and design codes for the array, the
connection of the array to the structure, and the ability of the structure to handle the loads.
A good PV support structure manufacturer can provide your structural engineer with technical specification
documentation and preliminary engineering calculations related to the structural aspects of their support structure
solutions. An example of this type of content is Unirac’s Technical Data Sheets and reports obtained from their
configuration tools.
In a PV installation, wind creates pressure on the array, which results in a distributed load. This distributed load is
then transferred through the racking system to the roof.
• Prescriptive methods are methods that have been developed in such a way that a set of assumptions are
made in order to simplify the design process. This takes away having to run custom calculations every time
as long as you fall within the listed assumptions.
• Provided later in this guide are design tables that can be utilized in lieu of the U-Builder. These tables do
have limitations but were developed using the same methodology that is built into the Unirac U-Builder.
• The Unirac design tool “U-Builder” performs live analytical calculations based on your project inputs. It is
always recommended that a design professional review the results of the U-Builder in order to make sure
the correct inputs were used based on the site specific conditions and your local permitting requirements.
Analytical Method:
Analytical methods are custom calculations that take into account project specific conditions without making any
generalizations or assumptions. These methods tend to take much longer, but can lead to the most accurate
• Basic wind speed: as defined earlier this is the 3-second gust that is to be used for design. This is
determined by local code.
• Exposure: Is the building in an urban area with lots of buildings (B) or in an exposed open area such as
grass lands or next to a body of water (C)? It is crucial that the appropriate Exposure category be used
as it has a major impact on the design wind pressures. Exposure C loads will be significantly higher than B
which will results in more ballast.
• Snow: Check with your local building department to determine the appropriate value to use for your
project. This value is important to know so you can calculate the total load to the roof and make sure not
to exceed the capacity of the structure. Be sure to use the roof snow load and not the ground snow load as
it takes into account factors that reduce the load.
• Building height: It’s critical to use the accurate building height when evaluating the loads on the array.
The height of the building has a huge impact on the wind loads. The U-Builder and prescriptive tables
are valid up to 60’. For anything past this please consult a design professional to determine the appropriate
• Parapet: Does the structure you’re working have a parapet along the edge of the roof? A parapet
height of “1H” means it’s approximately the height of the array (~14”) , a parapet height of “2H” is
approximately 2x the height of the array. The taller the parapet the higher the wind loads so make sure to
use the appropriate value.
• What’s your block weight?: The block weight is important in order to determine the correct number of
blocks to use for ballast. The U-Builder allows you to input the exact weight of the blocks you’re working
with. Note that the lighter the block the more blocks you’ll need. The RM ballast bays are only designed
to hold up to 4 – 4”x8”x16” cap blocks so in cases where more blocks are needed you’ll need to add bays to
accommodate the extra blocks. The weight of these blocks can vary by region but are readily available.
The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) issued a document in August 2012 addressing
seismic considerations for roof top solar pv arrays. This document, SEAOC PV1-2012, titled “Structural Seismic
Requirements and Commentary for Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays” will be used to determine the requirements for
the RM system to resist seismic loads. In the document and in the reference materials used by the committee to
write the document the primary emphasis is on the life safety issues associated with a roof top array. Essentially
the array must not endanger life either through a direct physical means (components flying off the roof or
through a skylight) or indirect physical means (the array moves and blocks access for firefighters or creates an
electrical short).
• First determine your Ss and S1 values for the site from the maps in Chapter 22 of ASCE 7
• Next calculate the SDS based on Site Class and Site Coefficient, Fa. (ASCE 7-10, Section 11.4)
• If the soil properties are not known in sufficient detail to determine the site class, ASCE 7-10 requires the
use of Site Class D as a default.
The prescriptive method described in Section 6 of SEAOC PV1-2012 is permitted when all the following conditions
are met:
• Ip per ASCE 7-10 Chapter 13 is equal to 1.0 for the array and all rooftop components adjacent to the array.
• The maximum roof slope at the location of the array is less than or equal to 3 degrees (5.24 percent).
In some cases roof pads may need to be added to a system in order to meet the SEAOC minimum friction
requirements for an unattached system. Refer to the table below for quantities:
The Roof Pads should be evenly distributed throughout the array and also placed such that there are not bays
with only 1 pad. This will ensure that each bay is level and will perform as designed.
Per Section 7 of SEAOC PV1-2012, the design seismic displacement, ∆mpv, is 6 inches for Seismic Design
Categories A, B, and C and is equal to [(Sds-0.4)2]*60 inches, but not less than 6 inches, for Seismic Design
Categories D, E, and F. Per Section 6 of SEAOC PV-1, the Minimum Separations for unattached arrays are as
Ss 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
2.0 26.5 53.0 53.0 79.5
1.5 11.0 22.0 36.0 36.0
1.0 3.5 7.0 36.0 36.0
TO ROOF 3.0 6.0 36.0 36.0
OBSTRUCTION 'B' 3.0 6.0 36.0 36.0
DISTANCE, INCHES 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
2.0 26.5 53.0 53.0 79.5 7 8 6 16 23 18 15 13
1.5 11.0 22.0 36.0 36.0 10 10 9 22 31 24 20 17
1.0 3.5 7.0 36.0 36.0 13 14 12 29 41 33 27 23
0.5 3.0 6.0 36.0 36.0 13 14 12 29 41 33 27 23
0.3 3.0 6.0 36.0 36.0 13 14 12 29 41 33 27 23
Assumptions: Site class ‘D’, modules are 39”x77”, 55 lbs, Ip and Ie are equal to 1.0, minimum ballast is 32 lbs.
for 4 PSF, 52 lbs. for 5 and 6 psf, and 78lbs for 7 PSF
Attached Arrays:
If a seismic attachment is deemed necessary, this method should suffice as it satisfies SEAOC PV1 2012 and ASCE
7-10, Chapter 13. These documents give the formulas to calculate Fp or the seismic force on the array. That force
is compared to the strength of the system to determine the number of seismic penetrations required.
The values ap= 1.0 and Rp=1.5 are recommended by the SEAOC document. Friction can be used to reduce the Fp
when all of the following conditions are met:
– Maximum slope= 7 degrees (5.7 is the maximum for the wind tunnel)
– The RM system’s center of mass is less than 36” off the rooftop
– The Rp is equal to 1.5 or less
With these conditions met, the maximum contribution of friction to resisting Fp is (0.9-0.2SDS)(0.7µ)* Weight
The friction coefficient µ must be determined from testing per ASTM G115 for Seismic Design Categories D,E
or F. For Seismic Design Categories A,B or C and with a roof surface of mineral-surfaced cap sheet, single ply
membrane, or spray foamed membrane (not gravel, wood, or metal) then the friction coefficient can be assumed
to be 0.4. (See SEAOC PV1-2012 section 8 for further details.) In the case of the RM array, this can be applied to
our calculation of Fp where the Weight of the system (weight of the module, ballast tray, and ballast of the area
considered) minus the friction weight (weight of the system divided by a factor of safety of 1.5). (The tray with
the seismic penetration should not be moving or using friction.)
To calculate the design seismic load for an array (ASCE 7-10 13.3-1)
This value can now be divided by the capacity of the RapidFeet to determine the quantity of attachments needed. Please
round up to next whole number.
Array 5x5 10 x 10 15 x 15 20 x 20 25 x 25
Modules 25 100 225 400 625
Weight (lbs) 3700 11100 22000 37000 55000
Ss Total Attachments Total Attachments Total Attachments Total Attachments Total Attachments
2.00 3 9 17 28 41
1.50 2 6 12 19 28
1.25 2 5 9 15 22
1.00 1 4 7 12 18
0.75 1 3 5 9 12
0.50 1 2 3 5 7
0.25 0 0 0 0 0
Below is the layout of the sample array. Note that the blocks in the highlighted bays are replaced with a seismic
attachment (in yellow). The numbers represent the ballast bays and the number of bricks required for each.
2 3 3 3 2
3 0 3 0 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 4 0 4 3
2 3 3 3 2
In a case like this it would be fine to use the minimum attachments of 3 however an extra attachment could be
added to have an attachment in each corner for symmetry.
• 7-05: This code incorporates an importance factor into the wind calculations based on the type of building that
is being evaluated and typically has lower wind speeds than 7-10 code. Your local building department should tell
you if this one is applicable.
• 7-10: This is the newer code that went into effect in 2012 however has only been adopted in a few regions.
This code has different wind maps based on the risk category of the building. In general the design wind speeds
are high as compared to 7-05 however due to the changes in load combinations the final wind pressures are often
lower. We recommend using this code for the RM product in order to obtain lower ballast loads however it’s up to
the building department as to whether or not it’s applicable for each respective location.
Regarding module size, as long as your module is less than the specifications listed above you can use these
tables. If you’re working with a module larger than this please consult the U-Builder design tool. For the most
accurate results we do recommend using our U-Builder design tool.
72 Cell ‐ No Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐05 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 102 158 58 102 44 89 28 61 6 20
85 30 137 205 83 137 66 120 45 86 18 35
60 177 259 111 177 90 156 66 115 33 53
15 121 183 71 121 56 105 37 74 12 28
90 30 160 236 99 160 80 141 57 103 27 46
60 204 297 130 204 107 181 80 135 43 66
15 161 237 100 161 80 142 57 103 27 46
B 100 30 209 302
134 209 110 185 82 138 44 68
60 264 378 173 264 144 235 110 178 64 93
15 205 297 131 205 108 182 80 135 43 66
110 30 263 376 172 263 144 234 109 178 64 92
60 330 468 219 330 185 295 144 226 88 123
253 363
COMPANY 165 253 138 226 105 171 61 88
120 30 322 457 214 322 180 288 140 221 86 119
60 402 566 270 402 229 361 180 279 115 156
110 30 310 410 210 265 180 260 134 210 64 114
60 384 506 262 329 226 323 171 262 86 147
15 299 396 202 256 173 251 129 202 61 110
120 30 376 495 256 322 221 316 167 256 83 P-35
60 464 609 319 399 276 392 210 319 109 181
15 132 181 83 110 69 108 47 83 13 37
85 30 171 230 111 144 93 141 66 111 24 54
90 30 196 263 128 165 108 162 78 128 31 65
60 245 327 164 209 139 204 103 164 46 86
15 197 264 129 166 109 163 79 129 31 65
C 100 30 250 333 167 213 142 208 105 167 47 88
60 311 412 211 266 180 261 135 211 65 115
15 246 327 164 209 140 205 103 164 46 86
110 30 310 410 210 265 180 260 134 210 64 114
60 384 506 262 329 226 323 171 262 86 147
15 299 396 202 256 173 251 129 202 61 110
120 30 376 495 256 322 221 316 167 256 83 143
60 464 609 319 399 276 392 210 319 109 181
Unirac RM 08/01/13
60 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs) 72 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐05 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules ASCE 7‐05 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg. Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 132 181 83 110 69 108 47 83 13 37 15 141 196 86 116 69 113 44 86 6 33
85 30 171 230 111 144 93 141 66 111 24 54
85 30 184 252 117 154 96 151 66 117 18 52
60 215 288 142 182 120 178 88 142 37 73 60 235 317 152 198 128 193 90 152 33 74
15 153 207 98 128 82 125 57 98 19 46 15 164 226 102 136 84 133 56 102 12 43
90 30 196 263 128 165 108 162 78 128 31 65
90 30 213 289 137 179 114 175 80 137 27 65
60 245 327 164 209 139 204 103 164 46 86 60 269 361 177 227 149 223 107 177 43 89
15 197 264 129 166 109 163 79 129 31 65 15 214 291 138 180 115 176 80 138 27 65
B 100 30 250 333 167 213 142 208 105 167 47 88
B 100 30 274 368 180 232 152 227 110 180 44 91
60 311 412 211 266 180 261 135 211 65 115 60 344 458 230 292 196 287 144 230 64 121
15 246 327 164 209 140 205 103 164 46 86 15 270 362 177 228 149 223 108 177 43 89
110 30 310 410 210 265 180 260 134 210 64 114
110 30 342 456 229 291 195 285 144 229 64 121
60 384 506 262 329 226 323 171 262 86 147 60 426 564 288 364 247 357 185 288 88 157
15 299 396 202 256 173 251 129 202 61 110 15 330 440 220 281 187 275 138 220 61 116
120 30 376 495 256 322 221 316 167 256 83 143 120 30 417 552 282 356 241 349 180 282 86 153
60 464 609 319 399 276 392 210 319 109 181 60 517 681 353 443 303 435 229 353 115 197
15 132 181 83 110 69 108 47 83 13 37 15 141 196 86 116 69 113 44 86 6 33
85 30 171 230 111 144 93 141 66 111 24 54 85 30 184 252 117 154 96 151 66 117 18 52
60 215 288 142 182 120 178 88 142 37 73 60 235 317 152 198 128 193 90 152 33 74
15 153 207 98 128 82 125 57 98 19 46 15 164 226 102 136 84 133 56 102 12 43
90 30 196 263 128 165 108 162 78 128 31 65 90 30 213 289 137 179 114 175 80 137 27 65
60 245 327 164 209 139 204 103 164 46 86 60 269 361 177 227 149 223 107 177 43 89
15 197 264 129 166 109 163 79 129 31 65 15 214 291 138 180 115 176 80 138 27 65
C 100 30 250 333 167 213 142 208 105 167 47 88 C 100 30 274 368 180 232 152 227 110 180 44 91
60 311 412 211 266 180 261 135 211 65 115 60 344 458 230 292 196 287 144 230 64 121
15 246 327 164 209 140 205 103 164 46 86 15 270 362 177 228 149 223 108 177 43 89
110 30 310 410 210 265 180 260 134 210 64 114 110 30 342 456 229 291 195 285 144 229 64 121
60 384 506 262 329 226 323 171 262 86 147 60 426 564 288 364 247 357 185 288 88 157
15 299 396 202 256 173 251 129 202 61 110 15 330 440 220 281 187 275 138 220 61 116
120 30 376 495 256 322 221 316 167 256 83 143 120 30 417 552 282 356 241 349 180 282 86 153
60 464 609 319 399 276 392 210 319 109 181 60 517 681 353 443 303 435 229 353 115 197
72 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐05 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 141 196 86 116 69 113 44 86 6 33
85 30 184 252 117 154 96 151 66 117 18 52
60 235 317 152 198 128 193 90 152 33 74
15 164 226 102 136 84 133 56 102 12 43
90 30 213 289 137 179 114 175 80 137 27 65
60 269 361 177 227 149 223 107 177 43 89
15 214 291 138 180 115 176 80 138 27 65
B 100 30 274 368 R 180 232 152 227 110 180 44 91
60 344 458 230 292 196 287 144 230 64 121
15 270 362 177 228 149 223 108 177 43 89
110 30 342 456 229 291 195 285 144 229 64 121
60 426 564 288 364 247 357 185 288 88 157
440 220 281 187 275 138 220 61 116
120 30 417 552 282 356 241 349 180 282 86 153
125 30 178 255 116 178 96 158 73 119 42 61
60 223 318 148 223 124 200 96 153 58 82
15 152 221 97 152 80 135 60 101 32 50
130 30
15 99 148 60 99 47 86 33 62 13 25
110 30 129 190 81 129 66 114 48 84 24 39
115 30 145 211 92 145 76 128 56 96 30 46
60 184 263 120 184 100 164 76 124 44 64
15 124 183 78 124 63 110 46 81 22 37
C 120 30 161 233 104 161 86 143 64 107 36 54
60 203 290 134 203 112 181 86 138 51 73
15 138 201 87 138 72 122 53 91 27 43
125 30 178 255 116 178 96 158 73 119 42 61
60 223 318 148 223 124 200 96 153 58 82
15 152 221 97 152 80 135 60 101 32 50
130 30 195 279 128 195 107 174 82 132 48 69
60 245 347 163 245 137 219 107 168 66 92
Unirac RM 08/01/13
60 Cell ‐ No Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs) 72 Cell ‐ No Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg. Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 99 148 60 99 47 86 33 62 13 25 15 103 159 59 103 45 89 28 61 6 20
110 30 129 190 81 129 66 114 48 84 24 39 110 30 138 206 83 138 66 121 46 87 19 36
60 165 238 106 165 88 147 66 110 37 55 60 178 261 112 178 91 157 66 116 33 54
15 111 165 68 111 55 98 39 71 18 31 15 117 178 69 117 54 102 35 72 11 26
115 30 145 211 92 145 76 128 56 96 30 46 115 30 155 230 96 155 77 137 55 99 25 44
60 184 263 120 184 100 164 76 124 44 64 60 199 290 127 199 104 177 77 131 41 64
15 124 183 78 124 63 110 46 81 22 37 15 132 198 79 132 63 116 43 83 17 33
B 120 30 161 233 104 161 86 143 64 107 36 54 B 120 30 173 255 109 173 88 153 64 113 32 52
60 203 290 134 203 112 181 86 138 51 73 60 221 320 142 221 118 197 88 147 49 74
15 138 201 87 138 72 122 53 91 27 43 15 148 219 90 148 72 130 51 94 22 40
125 30 178 255 116 178 96 158 73 119 42 61 125 30 192 280 122 192 100 170 74 126 38 60
60 223 318 148 223 124 200 96 153 58 82 60 244 351 159 244 132 218 100 164 57 84
15 152 221 97 152 80 135 60 101 32 50 15 164 241 102 164 82 144 59 105 28 47
130 30 195 279 128 195 107 174 82 132 48 69 130 30 212 307 136 212 112 188 84 141 46 69
60 245 347 163 245 137 219 107 168 66 92 60 268 384 176 268 147 239 112 182 66 95
15 99 148 60 99 47 86 33 62 13 25 15 103 159 59 103 45 89 28 61 6 20
110 30 129 190 81 129 66 114 48 84 24 39 110 30 138 206 83 138 66 121 46 87 19 36
60 165 238 106 165 88 147 66 110 37 55 60 178 261 112 178 91 157 66 116 33 54
15 111 165 68 111 55 98 39 71 18 31 15 117 178 69 117 54 102 35 72 11 26
115 30 145 211 92 145 76 128 56 96 30 46 115 30 155 230 96 155 77 137 55 99 25 44
60 184 263 120 184 100 164 76 124 44 64 60 199 290 127 199 104 177 77 131 41 64
15 124 183 78 124 63 110 46 81 22 37 15 132 198 79 132 63 116 43 83 17 33
C 120 30 161 233 104 161 86 143 64 107 36 54 C 120 30 173 255 109 173 88 153 64 113 32 52
60 203 290 134 203 112 181 86 138 51 73 60 221 320 142 221 118 197 88 147 49 74
15 138 201 87 138 72 122 53 91 27 43 15 148 219 90 148 72 130 51 94 22 40
125 30 178 255 116 178 96 158 73 119 42 61 125 30 192 280 122 192 100 170 74 126 38 60
60 223 318 148 223 124 200 96 153 58 82 60 244 351 159 244 132 218 100 164 57 84
15 152 221 97 152 80 135 60 101 32 50 15 164 241 102 164 82 144 59 105 28 47
130 30 195 279 128 195 107 174 82 132 48 69 130 30 212 307 136 212 112 188 84 141 46 69
60 245 347 163 245 137 219 107 168 66 92 60 268 384 176 268 147 239 112 182 66 95
72 Cell ‐ No Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 103 159 59 103 45 89 28 61 6 20
110 30 138 206 83 138 66 121 46 87 19 36
60 178 261 112 178 91 157 66 116 33 54
15 117 178 69 117 54 102 35 72 11 26
115 30 155 230 96 155 77 137 55 99 25 44
60 199 290 127 199 104 177 77 131 41 64
15 132 198 79 132 63 116 43 83 17 33
B 120 30 173 255 R
109 173 88 153 64 113 32 52
60 221 320 142 221 118 197 88 147 49 74
15 148 219 90 148 72 130 51 94 22 40
125 30 192 280 122 192 100 170 74 126 38 60
60 244 351 159 244 132 218 100 164 57 84
241 102 164 82 144 59 105 28 47
130 30 212 307 136 212 112 188 84 141 46 69
60 268 384 176 268 147 239 112 182 66 95
125 30 232 310 154 197 131 193 96 154 42 81
60 290 384 195 247 167 242 124 195 58 106
15 200 269 132 169 111 166 80 132 32 67
130 30 254 338 170 216 145 212 107 170 48 P-37
60 316 418 214 270 183 265 137 214 66 117
15 133 182 84 111 69 109 47 84 13 37
110 30 172 232 111 145 93 142 66 111 24 54
115 30 191 257 125 161 105 158 76 125 30 63
60 240 319 160 204 136 200 100 160 44 84
15 165 223 107 139 89 136 63 107 22 51
C 120 30 211 283 139 179 118 175 86 139 36 71
60 264 351 177 225 151 221 112 177 51 94
15 182 246 119 154 100 151 72 119 27 59
125 30 232 310 154 197 131 193 96 154 42 81
60 290 384 195 247 167 242 124 195 58 106
15 200 269 132 169 111 166 80 132 32 67
130 30 254 338 170 216 145 212 107 170 48 90
60 316 418 214 270 183 265 137 214 66 117
Unirac RM 08/01/13
60 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs) 72 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg. Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 133 182 84 111 69 109 47 84 13 37 15 142 197 86 117 70 114 45 86 6 34
110 30 172 232 111 145 93 142 66 111 24 54 110 30 186 254 117 155 97 151 66 117 19 53
60 216 289 143 183 121 180 88 143 37 74 60 236 319 153 199 128 195 91 153 33 75
15 149 202 95 125 79 122 55 95 18 44 15 160 220 99 132 81 129 54 99 11 41
115 30 191 257 125 161 105 158 76 125 30 63 115 30 207 282 133 174 111 170 77 133 25 62
60 240 319 160 204 136 200 100 160 44 84 60 262 353 172 222 145 217 104 172 41 86
15 165 223 107 139 89 136 63 107 22 51 15 178 244 112 149 92 145 63 112 17 50
B 120 30 211 283 139 179 118 175 86 139 36 71 B 120 30 230 311 149 194 125 190 88 149 32 72
60 264 351 177 225 151 221 112 177 51 94 60 290 389 192 246 162 241 118 192 49 98
15 182 246 119 154 100 151 72 119 27 59 15 198 269 126 165 105 162 72 126 22 58
125 30 232 310 154 197 131 193 96 154 42 81 125 30 254 342 166 214 140 210 100 166 38 82
60 290 384 195 247 167 242 124 195 58 106 60 319 426 212 271 180 266 132 212 57 111
15 200 269 132 169 111 166 80 132 32 67 15 218 295 140 183 117 179 82 140 28 67
130 30 254 338 170 216 145 212 107 170 48 90 130 30 279 374 184 236 155 231 112 184 46 93
60 316 418 214 270 183 265 137 214 66 117 60 349 465 234 297 199 291 147 234 66 124
15 133 182 84 111 69 109 47 84 13 37 15 142 197 86 117 70 114 45 86 6 34
110 30 172 232 111 145 93 142 66 111 24 54 110 30 186 254 117 155 97 151 66 117 19 53
60 216 289 143 183 121 180 88 143 37 74 60 236 319 153 199 128 195 91 153 33 75
15 149 202 95 125 79 122 55 95 18 44 15 160 220 99 132 81 129 54 99 11 41
115 30 191 257 125 161 105 158 76 125 30 63 115 30 207 282 133 174 111 170 77 133 25 62
60 240 319 160 204 136 200 100 160 44 84 60 262 353 172 222 145 217 104 172 41 86
15 165 223 107 139 89 136 63 107 22 51 15 178 244 112 149 92 145 63 112 17 50
C 120 30 211 283 139 179 118 175 86 139 36 71 C 120 30 230 311 149 194 125 190 88 149 32 72
60 264 351 177 225 151 221 112 177 51 94 60 290 389 192 246 162 241 118 192 49 98
15 182 246 119 154 100 151 72 119 27 59 15 198 269 126 165 105 162 72 126 22 58
125 30 232 310 154 197 131 193 96 154 42 81 125 30 254 342 166 214 140 210 100 166 38 82
60 290 384 195 247 167 242 124 195 58 106 60 319 426 212 271 180 266 132 212 57 111
15 200 269 132 169 111 166 80 132 32 67 15 218 295 140 183 117 179 82 140 28 67
130 30 254 338 170 216 145 212 107 170 48 90 130 30 279 374 184 236 155 231 112 184 46 93
60 316 418 214 270 183 265 137 214 66 117 60 349 465 234 297 199 291 147 234 66 124
72 Cell ‐ With Parapet Required Ballast per Module for Load Sharing Region (lbs)
ASCE 7‐10 1 module 4 modules 6 modules 9 modules 25 modules
Wind Bldg.
Exposure Speed Height Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Interior Exterior
15 142 197 86 117 70 114 45 86 6 34
110 30 186 254 117 155 97 151 66 117 19 53
60 236 319 153 199 128 195 91 153 33 75
15 160 220 99 132 81 129 54 99 11 41
115 30 207 282 133 174 111 170 77 133 25 62
60 262 353 172 222 145 217 104 172 41 86
15 178 244 112 149 92 145 63 112 17 50
B 120 30 230 311 R
149 194 125 190 88 149 32 72
60 290 389 192 246 162 241 118 192 49 98
15 198 269 126 165 105 162 72 126 22 58
125 30 254 342 166 214 140 210 100 166 38 82
60 319 426 212 271 180 266 132 212 57 111
295 140 183 117 179 82 140 28 67
130 30 279 374 184 236 155 231 112 184 46 93
60 349 465 234 297 199 291 147 234 66 124
The RM racking system interconnects the modules through the ballast bays. Therefore, the ballast in each bay
contributes to resisting the uplift of any module it is supporting. The ballast distribution is calculated by first
calculating the net uplift pressure on every module in the array. That uplift is then converted into a total number
of ballast blocks required to resist the uplift on the module. This ballast requirement is equally distributed to the
bays supporting a module and the final distribution of ballast is such that local and total ballast requirements are
fully satisfied. Below is an example of lbs. of uplift on a panel and how the final ballast distribution is determined.
3 4 2 2 2 4 3
3 4 2 2 2 4 3
4.7 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.7
3 4 4 4 4 4 3
4.3 2.5 2 2 2.5 4.3
2 3 3 3 3 3 2
4.3 2 1 1 2 4.3
• Here are figures of how we recommend installing bays with 1, 2 and 3 blocks:
The ballast layout output from the Unirac U-Builder displays the number of blocks needed for each bay. It’ll
also calculates an initial round of supplemental bays. In cases where the number of blocks needed for the
supplemental bays is greater than “4” you’ll need to add more bays. There are only so many bays that can
physically fit so there will need to be some adjustments in the field to make sure your bays fit and that the
number of blocks needed are installed.
4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4
4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4
4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4
4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4
4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4
4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4
4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4
4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4
4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4
Typically only 2 bays will fit in between the primary bays. If there’s an instance where more than 2 bays are
needed place the additional bays in the next closest available gap. This can be east, west or north of the area
where it’s needed. Here’s an example of this situation.
In this case you need 3 total bays in the area where the “12” is. In this
4 X 4 case you put 2 bays with 4 blocks a piece in the “12” area and then add an
X additional bay with 4 blocks where the red “x” is.
4 12 4
To find the worst case for point loading of our ballast trays, we need to find the ballast tray with the most ballast
and carrying 4* ¼ of the modules weight. In other words, if a module has more than four ballast trays attached,
the point load is spread out more. If a ballast tray has fewer than four modules attached to it, then the load is
also spread out.
Sample Inputs:
Module size : 77”x39”
Module weight: 55lbs
Ground Snow load (ASCE 7 figure 7-1): 20psf
Note that the ground snow load can be reduced since this is a roof application.
Max weight of ballast: 128lbs
As you can see this calculation includes the snow load which may not always be required. For more extreme
events, Unirac does have an accessory that can help. The roof pad snaps into the bottom of the ballast tray to
provide protection from abrasion and improve point loading. Since the pad is made of a TPE, it is flexible and the
effective area is not quite the physical area. From our testing, the effective footprint of the RM tray with the roof
pads is 51.4 in2. Using this value the applied load to the roof would be the following:
PV Module: First step is to select the appropriate PV module for your project. This is critical as it will determine
overall array dimension and will also take into account the weight of the panel in the calculations.
Layout: Next input your layout into the tool by dragging the slider bars on the right side of the grid and below
the grid to get the overall size. You can then click on individual modules to input any breaks in the array that you
may have due to roof obstruction.
Location inputs: Next fill in the appropriate project inputs which include wind speed, snow load, exposure,
seismic building height, block weight parapet height and building code. All of these inputs should be verified by
your local building department. Click the orange “CONTINUE” button to go to the next page.
Select Accessories: Click the drop down box on the header to be able to select Seismic Attachments, Roof Pads
and WEEB Lugs if you choose to.
Complete Parts List: At this step you can adjust the part quantities if you choose to. The number parts
automatically generated are minimum quantities to build the array. Click the orange “CONTINUE” button to go to
the next page.
Project Info: Within this box you can click the “EDIT” link next to each of the respective titles to input the
project information.
Design Results: In this section there are direct links to the “Bill of Materials”, “Engineering Report” and the
“Installation and Design Plan” where you can either open each respective one or you can print them directly from
the printer icon links.
Product Documents: In this section are links to all product documentation including guides, manuals and
certification letters.
The bonding of PV modules to the array is done with the assembly of the array. The bolts that hold the modules
to the array provide the bonding path from the module to the array. The bonding path then continues to the ‘foot’
that holds the weight of the module. The ‘foot’ has a mechanical interference fit to the ‘ski’ of the ballast tray.
The ballast tray is assembled with mechanical interferences that create electrical bonding pathways in the N-S
direction and the E-W direction. This has been tested and approved for electrical bonding by ETL for UL2703.
Grounding Lug Mounting Details: Ground Lug Bolt size Drill size
Details are provided for both the WEEB and Ilsco
products. Only one lug is recommended per string. WEEBLug 1/4”-20 17/64”
Installation must be in accordance with NFPA NEC 70.
The electrical designer of record should refer to the
Ilsco #10-32 7/32”
latest revision of NEC for actual grounding conductor
cable size.
Note: This is only one recommendation. Because of the versatility of the strut profile you can use snake trays,
cable trays or whatever may be preferred.
Utility Inspection: Some utilities want to inspect, or at least reserve the right to inspect the PV installation.
This inspection may be to verify code compliance, that proper utility disconnects are present or to check
information provided in the interconnection application.
Building Inspection: Some jurisdictions may require the construction to be approved by a building inspector.
Other entities: In locations where non-utility rebates are available, the entity providing the incentive may
require a separate inspection.
The PV installation industry is still considered a young one, and the popularity of PV is growing rapidly, which can
lead to a fair amount of confusion even among inspection authorities. While everyone has safety at the core of
their motivations, it will take a while for concrete, consistent, and accurate information to find its way to all of
the stakeholders. Some inspection officials may require items that are not always anticipated by manufacturers,
especially in terms of the support structure. Make sure to have an overabundance of documentation and
information at your fingertips to satisfy even the most demanding inspector, or, better yet, use materials and
products endorsed by agencies already familiar to them.
Below is a quick summary of the technical specifications of the RM ballasted roof system. Specific details on each
of the topics to follow.
Assembled Views:
Assembled Views:
4 3 2 1
12.89 ft
77.06 in .50 in
D Module Width Spacing Between D
17.49 in
39.09 in
Module Width
13.13 in
19.02 in 38.88 in
10.28 in
Occupied Space Occupied Space
Contact Length Between Modules Between Bays
(For 39" Modules)
18.04 in 18.48 in
Bay Extension on Bay Extension on
South Side North Side
DRAFTSMAN: 1411 Broadway Blvd. NE
dave dellara Albuquerque NM 87102 USA
Phone: 505.242.6411
Module Clip Hex Bolt Ballast Bay: Supports the PV module and holds
the ballast blocks. The Ballast Bay supports four
interior modules, two edge modules and one corner
module. It contains a maximum of 3 full size ballast
Ballast Bay blocks (4”x8”x16”).
Seismic Attachment Module Clip: Secures the module to the Ballast Bay
by attaching to the return flange on the underside
of the module frame. The clip uses a 3/8” stainless
steel bolt that attaches to the side of the module
frame. One size fits all! The Module Clip attachment
has been designed to provide a bonding path
from the PV module to the Ballast Bay therefore it
electrically bonds all interconnected modules.