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3M™ Safety & Security Window Film

Ultra S600
Technical D ata
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P remium tear resistant safety and security window film utiliz ing microlayered film technology
O ptically clear, 6 -mil (0 .15 mm) thick film for application to interior glass surface
P rovides shatter resistance to protect from brok en glass haz ards caused by seismic activity, spontaneous glass
break age, and other impact events
B road range of application use, including bomb blast mitigation, windstorm protection, safety glaz ing, and deterring
smash & grab attempts and break & entry events
C an be combined with 3M Impact P rotection Attachment systems for additional safety and security
E x hibits strong adhesion to glass and shock absorbing properties
P rotective hardcoat provides scratch resistance and durability
P rotects from the harmful effects of U V light and reduces fading of interior furnishings
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Ultra S600
Single Pane Tinted Double Pane Double tinted
1/4" Ultra 1/4" Ultra Dual 1/4" Ultra Dual 1/4" Ultra
Film Clear S600 tint S600 Clear S600 tint S600
Coefficient 0.82 0.78 0.63 0.59 0.70 0.68 0.51 0.46
Visible LightTransmitted 89% 84% 53% 47% 79% 73% 47% 41%
Visible LightReflected
Interior 9% 10% 6% 6% 15% 18% 13% 8%
Visible LightReflected
Exterior 8% 10% 6% 6% 15% 18% 8% 8%
U Value 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
UV Block 38% 99% NA 99% NA 99% NA 99%
Total SolarEnergy
Rej ected 19% 22% 37% 41% 30% 32% 49% 54%
Glare Reduction NA 5% NA 11% NA 8% NA 13%
HeatLoss Reduction NA 0% NA 0% NA 0% NA 0%
SolarHeatReduction NA 4% NA 6% NA 3% NA 9%
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(nominal) E J)U)KL
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]TU)KTV E FHG)g)]T`)]L N G)U klG)I)J O J)W fVTY W N W L
< 5 % haz e
U ltra S 6 0 0 0 .0 0 6 ” 42 30 ,0 0 0 psi 18 0 lbs/in > 12 5 % 1,15 0 lbs% 19 .2 lbf < 5 0 0 k psi
*not for specification purposes

The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All
details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.

  3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2 0 12 . All rights reserved.
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0 0 4 /0 8 D MR #
1-8 6 6 -4 9 9 -8 8 5 7
www.3M.com/windowfilm 75
3M Ultra S600 Safety and Security Window Film
mTn o _ KTG)g)V
This specification is for an optically clear glass shatter resistant and abrasion resistant window film which, when applied to the interior window
surface, will help hold brok en glass together and reduce the ultra-violet light that normally would enter through the window. This is an easily
applied, premium tear-resistant safety and security window film that is useful for increased measure of protection in a broad range of applications,
including basic glass fragment retention, spontaneous glass break age, seismic preparedness, safety glaz ing applications, protection from
windborne debris, bomb blast mitigation, and deterring S mash and G rab or B kr reak
q O L
] _s E oTntry
o _ ]events.
VL ^;]tU)I C ertain
_ VTKTJ)F applications may req uire the film be
used in conjunction with a film attachment system. The film shall be called p N L ^lu N U)I)Gv M)N O P .
w n o elg)g O N TK ] )Y O VlxG)KTJ P VTUL
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the ex tent referenced. The publications are referred to in the tex t by the basic
designation only.

The 19 8 5 American S ociety for H eating, R efrigeration, and Air C onditioning E ngineers (AS H R AE ) H andbook of F undamentals.
The American N ational S tandards Institute (AN S I).
AN S I Z 9 7 .1 S pecification for S afety G laz ing Material used in B uildings
The American S ociety for Testing and Materials (AS TM):
AS TM E -30 8 S tandard R ecommended P ractice for S pectrophotometry and D escription of C olor in C IE 19 31 S ystem
AS TM E -9 0 3 S tandard Methods of Test for S olar Absorbance, R eflectance and Transmittance of Materials U sing Integrating S pheres
AS TM D -8 8 2 S tandard Test Method for Tensile P roperties of Thin P lastic S heeting
AS TM D -10 4 4 S tandard Method of Test for R esistance of Transparent P lastics to S urface Abrasion (Taber Abrader Test)
AS TM D -2 5 8 2 S tandard Test Method for P uncture-P ropagation Tear R esistance of P lastic F ilm and Thin S heeting
AS TM D -4 8 30 S tandard Test Methods for C haracteriz ing Thermoplastic F abrics U sed in R oofing and W aterproofing.
AS TM G -9 0 S tandard P ractice for P erforming Accelerated O utdoor W eatheriz ing for N on-metallic Materials U sing C oncentrated N atural S unlight
AS TM G 2 6 S tandard P ractice for P erforming Accelerated O utdoor W eatheriz ing for N on-metallic Materials U sing C oncentrated N atural S unlight
AS TM E -8 4 S tandard Method of Test for S urface B urning C haracteristics of B uilding Materials
AS TM D -10 0 4 S tandard Method of Test for R esistance of Transparent P lastics to Tearing (G raves Tear Test)
AS TM E -18 8 6 S tandard Test Method for P erformance of E x terior W indows, C urtain W alls, D oors, and Impact P rotective S ystems Impacted by Missile(s)
and E x posed to C yclic P ressure D ifferentials
AS TM E -19 9 6 S tandard S pecification for P erformance of E x terior W indows, C urtain W alls, D oors and Impact P rotective S ystems Impacted by W indborne
D ebris in H urricanes
AS TM F -16 4 2 S tandard Method of Test for G laz ing and G laz ing S ystems S ubject to Airblast L oadings, as adapted by the U .S . G overnment G S A Test
S tandard P rotocols
AS TM F -2 9 12 S tandard S pecification for G laz ing and G laz ing S ystems S ubjected to Airblast L oadings
The C onsumer P roducts S afety C ommission (C P S C ) 16 C F R , P art 12 0 1, S afety S tandard for Architectural G laz ing Material

G S A-TS 0 1-2 0 0 3 G eneral S ervices Adminstration S tandard Test for G laz ing and G laz ing S ystems S ubject to Airblast L oadings

W indow 4 .1. A C omputer Tool for Analyz ing W indow Thermal P erformance, L awrence B erk eley L aboratory
p kl]L
3.1 M)N O P : The film material shall consist of an optically clear polyester film, consisting of 4 2 co-ex trdued microlayers, with a durable
acrylic abrasion resistant coating over one surface, and a U V stabiliz ed pressure sensitive adhesive on the other. The film color is clear and will
not contain dyed polyester. The film shall have a nominal thick ness of 6 mils (0 .0 0 6 inches). There shall be no evidence of coating voids. The film
shall be identified as to Manufacturer of O rigin (hereafter to be called Manufacturer).


The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All
details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.

  3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2 0 12 . All rights reserved.
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0 0 4 /0 8 D MR #
1-8 6 6 -4 9 9 -8 8 5 7
www.3M.com/windowfilm 76
3M Ultra S600 Safety and Security Window Film
3.2 )M NOP N PZN O { :
a) Tensile S trength (AS TM D 8 8 2 ): 30 ,0 0 0 psi (6 0 lbs per inch width)
b) B reak S trength (AS TM D 8 8 2 ): 30 ,0 0 0 psi (18 0 lbs per inch width)
c) P ercent E longation at B reak (AS TM D 8 8 2 ): 12 5 %
d) P ercent E longation at Y ield (AS TM D 8 8 2 ): greater than 10 0 %
e) Y ield S trength at 3% E longation: 12 ,0 0 0 psi (2 4 lbs per inch width)
f) G raves Tear R esistance (AS TM D 10 0 4 , max imum force): 2 0 lbs
g) G raves Area Tear R esistance (AS TM D 10 0 4 ): 1,15 0 lbs%
h) P uncture P ropagation Tear R esistance (AS TM D 2 5 8 2 ): 19 .2 lbf
i) Y oung’s Modulus (AS TM D 8 8 2 ): 5 0 0 k psi
3.3 : film applied to ¼ ” thick clear glass
a) V isible L ight Transmission: 8 4 %
b) V isible R eflection: not more than 10 %
c) U ltraviolet Trasmission: less than 1% (30 0 – 38 0 nm)
d) S olar H eat G ain C oefficient: 0 .7 8
] ] Y)N O N L ^
3.4 M)O PZP :
The Manufacturer shall provide independent test data showing that the window film shall meet the req uirements of a C lass A Interior F inish
for B uilding Materials for both F lame S pread Index and S mok ed D evelopment V alues per AS TM E -8 4
3.5 : The Manufacturer shall provide independent test data showing that the film shall have a surface coating that is resistant to abrasion
such that, less than 5 % increase of transmitted light haz e will result in accordance with AS TM D -10 4 4 using 10 0 cycles, 5 0 0 grams weight, and the C S 10 F
C albrase W heel.
elI)R)VTW N d V _ ^WL
3.6 : The film shall be supplied with a high mass pressure sensitive weatherable acrylate adhesive applied uniformly over the surface
opposite the abrasion resistant coated surface. The adhesive shall be essentially optically flat and shall meet the following criteria:
a. V iewing the film from a distance of ten feet at angles up to 4 5 degrees from either side of the glass, the film itself shall not appear distorted.
b. It shall not be necessary to seal around the edges of the applied film system with a lacq uer or other substance in order to prevent moisture or free water
from penetrating under the film system.
G)F _ ][
VL ^ c O ]T} N )U `
3.7 | P : The film, when applied to either side of the window glass, shall pass a 4 0 0
ft-lb impact when tested according to
16 C F R C P S C P art 12 0 1 (C ategory 2 ) and AN S I Z 9 7 .1 (C lass A, U nlimited) and shall pass the accelerated weathering test req uirements for both tensile strength
and peel strength.
3.8 per AS TMs E 18 8 6 / E 19 9 6
a. F ilm shall pass impact of Medium L arge Missile “C ” and withstand subseq uent pressure cycling (per AS TMs E 19 9 6 and E 18 8 6 ) at 5 0 psf D esign
pressure with use of 3M Impact P rotection Adhesive attachment system.
b. F ilm shall pass impact of S mall Missile “A” and withstand subseq uent pressure cycling (per AS TMs E 19 9 6 and E 18 8 6 ) at 5 0 psf D esign P ressure with
use of 3M Impact P rotection Adhesive attachment system.
G P Y O ]TWL%k N L N `)]L N G)U)~
3.9 a Z a
a. G S A R ating of “3A” (V ery L ow H az ard) with minimum blast load of 11 psi overpressure and 5 5 psi*msec blast impulse
b. G S A R ating of “3B ” (L ow H az ard) with minimum blast load of 10 psi overpressure and 8 9 psi*msec blast impulse
c. AS TM F 16 4 2 rating of “L ow H az ard” with mimim blast load of 4 psi overpressure and 2 8 psi*msec blast impulse


The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All
details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.

  3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2 0 12 . All rights reserved.
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0 0 4 /0 8 D MR #
1-8 6 6 -4 9 9 -8 8 5 7
www.3M.com/windowfilm 77
3M Ultra S600 Safety and Security Window Film
R)VelJLR)G)F N }VTIZxVT] O VTF € elg)g O N KT]L
G)Fz elx)e {
4 .1 The AD A shall provide documentation that the AD A is certified by the Manufacturer of the window film to install said window film as per the
Manufacturer’s specifications and in accordance with specific req uests as to be determined and agreed to by the customer.
4 .2 Authoriz ation of dealership may be verified through the company’s 3M ID N umber.
4 .3 The AD A will provide a commercial building reference list of ten (10 ) properties where the AD A has installed window film. This list will include
the following information:
* N ame of building
* The name and telephone number of a management contact
* Type of glass
* Type of film
* Amount of film installed
* D ate of completion

4 .4 U pon req uest, the AD A will provide a G lass S tress Analysis of the ex isting glass and proposed glass/film combination as recommended by
the film Manufacturer.
4 .5 U pon req uest, the AD A will provide an application analysis to determine available energy cost reduction and savings.
Tn o fVTy)J N HF V P VTUL
5 .1 The Manufacturer will insure proper q uality control during production, shipping and inventory, clearly identify and label each film core with the
product designation and run number.
5 .2 The Manufacturer will, upon req uest and pre-approval, provide 10 0 % financing for the complete installation of the window film to the end-user
customer in either an installment purchase or lease purchase format to be decided upon by customer.
5 .3 Materials shall be manufactured by:
3M R enewable E nergy D ivision
3M C enter, B uilding 2 35
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0
5.4 Point of Contact: John Susnik, Sunray 800-295-8468. Email: john@sunrayfilms.com.
s n o el g)g O N KT]L N G)U
] P N U)]L N G)U
6 .1 b‚ Z : E x amine glass surfaces to receive new film and verify that they are free from defects and imperfections, which will affect the
final appearance. C orrect all such deficiencies before starting film application.
6 .2 :
a. The window and window framing will be cleaned thoroughly with a neutral cleaning solution. The inside surface of the window glass shall be scraped
with stainless steel raz or blades with clean, sharp edges to ensure the removal of any foreign contaminants without damages the glass surface.
b. D rop cloths or other absorbent material shall be placed on the window sill or sash to absorb moisture accumulation generated by the film application.
] O O ] L N G)U
6 .3 | : The film shall be applied as to the specifications of the Manufacturer by an AD A.
a. Materials will be delivered to the job site with the manufacturer’s labels intact and legible.
b. To minimiz e waste, the film will be cut to specification utiliz ing a vertical dispenser designed for that purpose. F ilm edges shall be cut neatly and sq uare
at a uniform distance of 1/8 " (3 mm) to 1/16 " (1.6 mm) of the window-sealing device.
c. F ilm shall be wet-applied using clean water and slip solution to facilitate positioning of the film onto glass.
d. To ensure efficient removal of ex cess water from the underside of the film and to max imiz e bonding of the pressure sensitive adhesive, polyplastic
bladed sq ueegees will be utiliz ed.
e. U pon completion, the film may have a dimpled appearance from residual moisture. S aid moisture shall, under reasonable weather conditions, dry flat
with no moisture dimples within a period of 30 calendar days when viewed under normal viewing conditions.
f. After installation, any left over material will be removed and the work area will be returned to original condition. U se all necessary means to protect the
film before, during and after the installation.

The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All
details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.

  3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2 0 12 . All rights reserved.
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0 0 4 /0 8 D MR #
1-8 6 6 -4 9 9 -8 8 5 7
www.3M.com/windowfilm 78
3M Ultra S600 Safety and Security Window Film
ƒTn ol„ O TV ]TU N U)`
The film may be washed using common window cleaning solutions, including ammonia solutions, 30 days after application. Abrasive type cleaning agents and
bristle brushes, which could scratch the film, must not be used. S ynthetic sponges or soft cloths are recommended.
… n o u†]TF9FH]TUL ^
a) The application shall be warranted by the film manufacturer (3M) for a period of _ _ _ _ _ years in that the film will maintain solar reflective properties without
crack ing, craz ing, delaminating, peeling, or discoloration. In the event that the product is found to be defective under warranty, the film manufacturer (3M) will
replace such q uantity of the film proved to be defective, and will additionally provide the removal and reapplication labor free of charge.
b) 8 .2 The film manufacturer (3M) also warrants against glass failure due to thermal shock fracture of the glass window unit (max imum value $ 5 0 0 per window)
provided the film is applied to recommended types of glass and the failure occurs within six ty (6 0 ) months from the start of application. Any glass failure must be
reviewed by the film manufacturer (3M) prior to replacement.


The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All
details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.

  3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2 0 12 . All rights reserved.
S t. P aul, MN 5 5 14 4 -10 0 0 0 4 /0 8 D MR #
1-8 6 6 -4 9 9 -8 8 5 7
www.3M.com/windowfilm 79

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