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Phase - Locked Loops

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THE l'l l /\Sl·> L OC' K E I> LOO P (!'LL) CIH-

CUit "locks·· the frequency and
phase of a variable-frequency
oscillator to that of an input ref-
erence . An electronic servo loop.
it provides frequency-selective
tuning and filtering without the
need for coils or inductors. a de-
sirable feature in miniature.
solid-state circuits.
This article examines the the-
ory and basic operating princi-
ples of phase-locked loop cir-
cuits. It then shows many
practical a pp! icalions for the
voltage-con trolled oscillator in-
tegrated within a monolithic
PLL circuit. Subsequent arti -
cles in this series will examine
communications and control
circuits that make use of com-
plete PLL ICs.
Figure I is the block diagram
of a basic PLL circuit. It consists
of blocks representing the
phase comparator (sometimes
called the phase-detector). low-
pass tilter (LPFJ. and a linear.
voltag e -cont rolled os c illator
(VCOJ. Prominent applications
for PLL ICs include FM demod-
ulators . frequency synthesis.
and tone decoding.
Learn about
PLL principles
The phase comparator re-
phase-locked loops (PLLJ,
ceives and compares the phase
and frequency of the circuit's
and design
output frequency (f0 ) with an communications and control
external input reference fre-
quency ([HJ. and generates a cor- circuits with them.
responding variable output er-
ror voltage.
After the error voltage is fil- verse response takes place. The Frequency multiplication
tered by the LPF. it is fed to the phase comparator's output de- In the basic PLL block di-
control input of the VCO so that creases. again directing the agram in Fig. 1. the output sig-
a ny frequency or phase dif- vco·s frequency to lock to the nal frequency locks to the mean
fe rences between)~) and_f1< are same frequency as the inpu t ref- value of the input frequency so
prngressively reduced to zero. erence. that the input and output fre-
When that occurs. the loop is The low-pass tiller is the es- quencies are identical. Figure 2
said to be locked . sential part of the PLL circuit shows a variation of that circuit
If the VCO's frequency is ini- that converts the output of the in which the output frequency
tially below that of the input ref- phase detector in to a smooth is precisely ten lim es greater
erence. the phase comparator's DC control voltage. Becau se it than the input frequency. As a
outp u t swi ngs pos it ive. Its fil- has a finite lime constan t. PLL result. the circuit a cts like a fre-
tered voltage output then com- locking is not instantan eous. quency multiplier.
m ands the VCO's frequency to and the output frequency locks In the block diagram of Fig. 2.
in crease until both its frequen - to the mean value offw rather a divide-by-ten counter is inser-
cy and phase precisely match than to its instantaneous value . ted in the feedback loop be-
those of the input reference . This characteristic is valued for tween the VCO output and the
Similarly, if the VCO's fre - producing clean outpu t fre - input of the phase comparator.
q uency increases above that of quencies from a noisy input ref- Consequently. the phase com-
the internal reference. the re- erence freq'u encies. parator locks to the output fre- 47
cy X-times higher than the pro-
grammable counter stage. In
the example shown. the pre-
scaler has a divide-by value of
20 x . giving the synthesizer the
ability to cover 2 to 20 MHz in
900 discrete steps. A disadvan-
FIG. 1-PHASE-LOCKED LOOP (PLL) circuit. tage is that it causes the step
value of the synthesizer to in-
crease by a ratio equal to the
prescaler value (i.e . , to
20 xjH)-20 kHz in this circuit.
In the Fig. 5 circuit, a mixer
technique synthesizes frequen-
cies between 100 and lOI MHz
in 1000 discrete steps of I kHz.
The VCO's output is mixed with
a crystal-derived 99 . 9-MHz fre-
FIG. 2-FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER circuit based on the PLL. quency before being sent
through a low-pass filter to pro-
quency of the divide-by-ten High-frequency synthesis duce a 100-KHz to I. I-MHz dif-
counter instead of the output The programmable counter is jerence frequency. That dif-
frequency of the VCO. an essential function of all fre- ference frequency then enters
Therefore. at the lock con- quency synthesizers . Practical the PLL and passes through the
dition, the VCO's frequency !f0 ) counters typically respond to programmable counter stages.
is ten times greater than the in- maximum input frequencies of This scheme permits the VCO
put reference signal !JI<). and only a few megahertz. As a re- frequency to be varied in steps
the circuit acts as a 10 x fre- sult, the Fig. 3 circuit cannot equal to thefH value, but it lim-
quency multiplier. This circuit directly synthesize frequencies its the VCO"s useful span to a
can multiply by any number higher than a few megahertz. few megahertz.
other than ten if it has a counter Figures 4 to 6 show three alter- Figure 6 shows how the mixer
with an appropriate division native versions of high-frequen- and prescaler circuits in Fig. 5
ratio in its feedback loop. cy PLL synthesizer circuits. can be combined to make a
The circuit in Fig. 4 depends wide-range. high-frequency
Frequency synthesis. on a prescaling technique. An synthesizer that can generate
The PLL circuit can also func- additional divide-by-X , fixed- frequencies between 100 and
tion as a precise programmable value, high-frequency counter I20 MHz in 1000 discrete 20-Hz
frequency synthesizer (see Fig. stage (the prescaler) is located steps. The VCO's output fre-
3). The reference input frequen- between the VCO output and quency is mixed with a crystal-
cy of the phase comparator is a the input of the programmable derived 98-MHz frequency and
fixed precision I-kHz signal de- counter. put through a low-pass filter to
rived from a I-MHz crystal os- This configuration permits produce an output from 2 to 22
ci I lator through a divide- the VCO to operate at a frequen- MHz.
by-1000 counter.
As in the frequency multiplier
circuit, there is a counter in the
feedback loop between the 2)~~
VCO 's output and the phase 100lcHz TO 1MHz
(1kHz STEPS)
comparator's input. However,
this circuit is externally pro-
grammable, so it can provide
any whole-number division
ratio between IOO x and FIG. 3-FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER based on the PLL.
IOOO x .
This feature permits the cir-
cuit to generate or synthesize
accurate, stable frequencies be-
tween 100 kHz and I MHz in I-
kHz steps. The VCO circuit in
Fig. 3 must have a frequency
span range of at least 10 to I to
cover the required range. More-
over, the frequency step value
corresponds to the I-kHz exter-
48 nal input frequency. FIG. 4-FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER with prescaler based on the PLL.
the PLL through the program-
VOLT.11,GE"- mable counter. This synthesizer
CONTR.OLLED circuit gives excellent results .

V CO operation.
The voltage-con trolled os-
CRYSTAL cillator in high-frequency PLL
OSCtl.1.ATOlil synthesizers typically must
cover a very limited span range.
This function is typically per-
formed by a variable capacitor-
controlled transistor oscillator
with a buffer circuit. By con-
trast, th e VCO in low-frequency
FIG. 5-HIGH·FREOUENCY, MIXER·TYPE synthesizer based on the PLL.
synthesiz e rs typically must
cover a very wide span range.
That circuit is typically a special
FREQ (rl'I - VOLTAGE· Y.::<.OUTPUT monolithic CMOS or bipolar IC
1kHz i.St. CONTROllID · ~! FREQ oscillator.
fR OSC1UATO~ 100 TO 120MHZ
Some monolithic PLL inte-
'o grated circuits contain excel-
lent wide-range VCOs that can
CRYSTAL be used by themselves in prac-
OSClt LAi'ElR tical circuits. An example is the
popular Harris CMOS
CD4046B. widely alternate-
sourced by many other man-
ufacturers including Motorola.
National Semiconductor. Phi-
FIG. 6-WIDE·RANGE, HIGH-FREQUENCY synthesizer based on the PLL. lips. and SGS-Thomson. It is
also made with HC and HCT
SIGNAL CMOS technologies.

16 The CD4046B PLL IC .

Figure 7 is the block diagram
for the CD4046B that includes
PHASE external components . It con-
2 PHASE COMP I OUT sists of a low-power. linear. volt -
age-controlled oscillator (VCO).
a source-follower. a Zener diode.
13 and two phase comparators .
PHASE COMP II OUT The two phase comparators
have a common signal input
PHASE PULSES and a common comparator in-
R3 put. The signal input can be di-
rectly coupled for a large voltage
signal. or capacitively coupled
to the self-biasing amplifier for
.....- - - - - -1---0------ - -.. PASS a small voltage signal
FILTER Phase comparator I. an ex-
clusive OR gate. provides a dig-
,10 DEMODULATOR ital e rror sig nal (PHAS E COMP 1
-, OUT
ouT) and maintains 90° phase

Vss shifts at the VCO center fre-
quency. Between signal input
and comparator input (both at
t 50% duty cycle). it can lock onto
Vss the signal input frequencies
8 15 that are close to harmonics of
Vss ZENER the VCO's ce nter frequen cy. It
offers good noise-rejection per-
FIG. 7-BLOCK DIAGRAM for the CD4046B PLL IC showing its external components formance. but must be driven
and connections.
by square waves on both pins 3
That output is then reduced by a divide-by-20 pres c al er and 14. It has only a narrow cap-
to the 100-kH z to 1. 1-MHz range stage before it is fed back in to t u rc-f requency range . 49
more. When high, the INHIBIT the voltage-controlled oscillator
input disables the VCO and section of the CD4046B. In Fig.
1 16 Voo
source-follower to minimize 9, pin 9 is permanently con-
2 15 ZENER
standby power consumption. nected to tl1c supply so that the
The Zener diode between pin 8 circuit acts as a basic square-
(V 55 ) and 15 (ZENER) has a nomi- wave oscillator. Its frequency is
VCOOUT nal operating value of 5.6 volts: variable over a 10 to 1 range by
INHIBIT S .12 R2 it can provide supply regula- adjusting trimmer potentiome-
CIA 6 11
Rt tion, if required. ter Rl. ·
Cle 7 'l O DEMODULATOR OU~ Pin 9 has a nearly infinite in- Pin 4 is tied directly to pin 3
Vss e g VCO IN put impedance. It c·an be driven (COMPARATOR IN). If pin 3 is al-
from a high-impedance source. lowed to float, the comparators
The internal source-follower self-oscillate at about 20 MHz,
CD40468 PLL IC in a 16-pin dual-in-line
stage permits the voltage at pin and superimpose a high-fre -
package. 9 to be externally monitored quency on the VCO output
without loading the source. Pin waveform.
5 (1N111rnT) is normally connected Figure 10 shows how to con-
+9V C1
to pin 8 to enable both the VCO nect the CD4046B as a wide-
and the source-follower. range VCO. Resistor R2 and ca-
pacitor Cl set the maximum fre-
+9V C1 quency that can be obtained,
vco 0.1 and trimmer potentiometer Rl
controls the frequency through
the pin 9 voltage. The frequency
R1 falls nearly to zero (at a rate of a
100K VCO
i SET OUTPUT few cycles per minute) when pin
FREQ) 9 is set at zero volts.
The effective control range of
pin 9 varies from about 1 volt
above zero to 1 volt below the
positive supply value (e.g., po-
200 Hz to 2 kHz.
FIG. 10-WIDE-RANGE VCO, variable
Phase comparator II. an edge- from near-zero to 1.4 kHz by adjusting
t riggered digital memory net- the voltage on pin 9.
work, provides a digital error
signal (PHAS F: COMP II OUT) and R1
lock-in signal (phase pulses) to 100K vco
indicate a locked condition. It 1N4148
maintains a 0° phase shift be-
tween the signal and com - 100K
parator inputs. It can be driven ,, FREQ) R2 R3
by crude , non-symmetrical 4.7MEG 100K
waveforms on pins 3 and 14. Al-
though it has a very wide cap-
ture-frequency range, it has
poor noise rejection . FIG. 12-RESTRICTED-RANGE VCO,
The VCO produces an output FIG. 11-WIDE-RANGE VCO fully varia- variable from 60 Hz to 1.4 kHz with trim-
signal (vco ouT) whose frequen- ble down to zero frequency mer potentiometer R1.
cy is determined by the voltage
at pin 9 (vco IN) and the input Figure 8 is the pinout di- +9V
and the capacitor between pins agram for the CD4046B in a 16-
6 and 7 (CIA and Cl 8 , respec- pin dual-in-line package. It will
tively) and resistors Rl and R2 operate over a supply voltage
at pins 11 and 12 (m and R2, range (V 00 ) of 3 to 18 volts. Typ- R1 vco
respectively). Resistor R2 per- ical power consumption is 70 (FREQ)
mits the minimum operating microwatts. and its VCO fre-
frequency to be preset. The VCO quency is typically 1.3 MHz. The
generates a symmetrical CD4046B has a maximum oper-
squarewave output that ap - ating frequency of about 1. 6
pears on pin 4 (vco ouT). MHz.
The source-follower output of
the VCO IN (DEMODULATOR ouT) VCO applications
is used with an external resistor Figures 9 to 17 show various FIG. 13-ALTERNATIVE RESTRICTED-
50 whose value is 10 kilohms or ways to make practical use of range VCO.
tentiometer Rl has a "dead" "dead" regions of Rl ::: an be ating frequency can be reduced
control region of several hun- eliminated by placing a silicon to zero by connecting 10-
dred millivolts at either end of diode in series with each end of megohm resistor R2 from pin 12
its span.) Rl (Dl and 02). The circ·.iit also to pin 16 (V00 ). When the fre -
Figure 11 shows how the shows how the minimum oper- quency is reduced to zero, the
VCO output randomly settles to
either the Iogic-0 or Iogic-1
+9V C1 state.
0.01 Figure 12 shows how the re-
sistor at pin 12 can also be con-
OUTPUT2 nected to pin 8 to set the
6 7
R1 r""""......._.....__~=-----o i_n_r u ... minimum operating frequency
I ' I t I •
100K 1 I I I I '
of a restricted-range VCO. The
L...--.-__.l-'--*---0 Art.ft
minimum frequen cy is deter-
mined by the combi nation of R2
R2 and Cl. and the maximum fre-
100K quency is determined by Cl and
the parallel value of R2 and R3 .
Potentiometer RI can vary the
FIG. 14-A TWO-PHASE, WIDE-RANGE VCO. frequency range from 60 Hz to
1.4 kHz.
Figure 13 shows an alter-
+9V native version of the restricted-
0.01 PRESS S1

J~ L range VCO. Its maximum fre-
quency is controlled by R2 and
16 6 7 3
100K C l. and the minimum frequen-
>-1;--- +- - 1 C04046B
n_ cy is controlled by Cl and R2
and R3. With a suitable choice
OUTPUT of values for R2 and R3. the re-
stricted-range VCO can span
a.ny range from 1 to I to near
The VCO can be set up to gen-
erate a pair of squarewave out-
FIG.15-MANUALLY GATED wide-range VCO. puts 180° out-of-phase by con-
necting the '{CO ou tput to the
+9V C1 phase comparator input. mak-
O.Q1 ing pin 14 (SIGNAL IN) high. and

r 7
taking the 180° out -of-phase
output from pin 2. as shown in
Figure 14. This circuit takes ad-
vantage of the integrated cir-
5 8 11 cuit's built-in exclusive OR gate
at pin 2.
As shown in Fig. 15. the VCO
section of the CD4046B can be
disabled by connecting pin 5
high to logic 1. This feature per-
FIG. 16-ELECTRONICALLY GATED, wide-range VCO with an external gate inverter. mits the VCO to be gated on and
off by external signals. The VCO
C1 GATE can be manually gated with
+9V INPUT pushbutton switch SI that is

SL connected between pin 5 and

Figure 16 shows how the VCO
CD4046B can be gated electronically by an
external inverter stage. one-
2 5 8 11
OUTPUT fourth of a CD4011B. a CMOS
GATE NANO gate. Alternatively. if you
INPUT do not need two-phase ouput
100K capability. Fig. 17 shows how
the internal exclusive OR phase
detector can control the gate. In
FIG. 17-ELECTRONICALLY GATED, wide-range VCO with an Internal exclusuve OR this circuit. pin 4 is not con-
phase detector to permit gate inversion. nected to pin 3. !l 51


month's article on phase-locked
loops left off. Last month the
basic principles of the phase-
locked-loop were explained and
the functional sections of a pop-
u I a r CMOS PLL IC, the
CD4046B were described. The
circuits presented in that arti-
cle showed various ways to con-
figure the voltage-controlled os-
cillator (VCO) section of the
CD4046B for practical frequen-
cy-dependent applications.
Sound-effects generators
The versatility of the VCO sec-
tion of the CD4046B IC was ex-
plained last month. Its operat-
ing frequency can be swept over
a very wide range under the con-
trol of voltages applied to pin 9.
Moreover, its output can be
gated on or off with a voltage
applied to pin 5 . These charac-
teristics make the CD4046B
suitable as the principle compo-
nent in many different circuits
for sound-effects generation.
Figures I to 6 are schematics for
sound-effects generators.
The circuit in Fig. I can emit a
conventional siren sound. It Experiment with these
produces a tone that rises slow-
ly to a maximum value when Sl phase-locked loop circuits, and put
is closed, and falls slowly from
that maximum to silence when them to work in your designs.
SI is opened.
This response is caused by
the voltage on Cl that is applied through C4 and transistor QI. charges through RS. The cycle
to voltage-control pin 9. It rises Figure 2 shows how the Fig. I is repeated again on the arrival
exponentially through RI when circuit can be modified to give a of the next pulse .
SI is closed, and falls exponen- quick response in which the fre- Figure 4 shows a different
tially through R2 when SI is quency rapidly switches to its kind of sound-generator circuit
opened. Resistor R3 ensures maximum value when SI is that can generate either a
that the operating frequency closed (as Cl discharges expo- pulsed or warble tone, depend-
falls to zero when the voltage at nentially through R3). Figure 3 ing on the setting of S2. Push-
pin 9 is zero. The VCO output is shows another circuit modifica- button switch Sl simulta-
AC coupled to the speaker tion that generates a "phasor" neously enables pin 5 of the
sound (similar to that heard CD4046B to gate on the
aboard the starship Enterprise CD4001B astable multivibrator
in the Star Trek TV series) when which, in tum, applies a rec-
pushbutton switch Sl is dosed. tangular (alternately fully-high
In this circuit, the CD4011B IC and fully-low) waveform to the
is configured as an astable IC's pin 9.
multivibrator that is gated In the pulsed mode. the VCO
through SL It produces a chain generates zero frequency when
of 4 millisecond pulses at inter- pin 9 is low, but in the warble
vals of 70 milliseconds. mode it generates a tone that is
Each pulse rapidly charges 20% lower than the high tone
capacitor C2 through R3 and generated when pin 9 is low.
FIG. 1-ELECTRONIC SIREN CIRCUIT 02 to produce a high tone Figure 5 is a circuit that pro-
based on a CMOS CD4046B PLL IC. which decays slowly as C2 dis- duces a special-effects run - 69
down clicking sound like that of rapidly charges to a high voltage
the big "wheels of fortune" seen through 02. Simultaneously.
in television game shows. The Q 1 is biased on through the
time between clicks is constant combination of 03 and R4.
after pushbutton switch Sl is which connects R6 between pin
pressed. However, whenSl is re- 11 and ground. This makes the
leased, the time between clicks VCO operate at tens of kilohertz.
increases as the "wheel" appar- effectively generating a random
ently slows to a standstill. The number of clock pulses.
FIG. 2-0UICK-START SIREN CIRCUIT circuit operates as follows: When Sl is released, Ql is
based on a CD404668 PLL IC. When PBl is pressed, Cl turned off and the timing of the
VCO is governed by R7. At the
same time, Cl discharges
rapidly to half the value of the
9VTO 12V supply voltage through RI. R2
and 01. This discharge causes

' }~
R6 the VCO to operate at about 100
10MEGc3 Hz. Capacitor Cl then slowly
discharges through R3. and the
16 7 VCO frequency slowly decays to
zero in about 15 seconds.
The output of the circuit in
5 t1 cs
Fig. 5 can directly clock most
4ml PULSES AT 0.1 counters. It can be directly cou-
70ms INTERVALS pled through R9 to an external
crystal or ceramic transducer to
RS R7 R8 produce low-level run-down
1MEG 12K 12K sounds.
The circuit's output can settle
in either the logic-zero or logic-
FIG. 3-PHASOR-SOUND GENERATOR circuit based on a CD404668 IC.
one state when the run-down is
9V TO 12V complete. Therefore. the output
should not be DC coupled to cir-
C1 R1 cuits such as power amplifier
O.l 3.3MEG stages.
Figure 6 is a schematic show-
ing how the circuit in Fig. 5 can
be modified to ensure that its
output always settles in the log-
ic-zero when run-down is com-
plete. This modification make
S1 .J the circuit safe for direct-coup-
(OPERATE) r') ling the output to power ampli-
fier stages.
In this circuit, the CA3140
operational amplifier is config-
ured as a voltage comparator. It
FIG. 4--COMBINED PULSED /WARBLE TONE alarm generator based on the CD40468. is set up to turn the VCO off
automatically and drive its. out-
+9V " put low through pin 5 when the
voltage at pin 9 falls below a ref-
~o s1
SPIN erence value of about 2 volts. (It
C2 is set on pin 3 of the op-amp).
D2 D3
1N4148 1N4148 12 ,16 Special VCO circuits
The VCO section of the
CD4046B is so versatile that it
R4 lends itself to a wide variety of
47K R9
+ 820!.) special-purpose waveform gen-
R6 erator applications. Figures 7 to
C1 10K
10µF SOUND OUTPUT TO 9 are examples of these circuits.
R7 CRYSTAL OR CERAMIC The circuit in Fig. 7 is a sim-
plejrequency shift keyed (FSK)
square-wave generator. With
70 FIG. 5-RUN-DOWN CLOCK/SOUND generator circuit. the component values shown in
to a wide-range, universal.
squarewave "clock" generator
that covers the nominal range
0.5 Hz to 500 kHz in three
switch-selected bands. This cir-
cuit can be a useful" test instru-
ment that provides a two-phase
OUTPUT output . It can operate in either
the free-funning or the gated
R4 R6 RB Phase-locked circuits
1MEG 471( 1MEG The basic operating princi-
__. ples of the CMOS phase-locked
loop (PLL) IC were explained last
FIG. &-MODIFIED RUN-DOWN generator circuit. month. You should review that
C1 10V TO 15V
+9V 0.01 C3
R2 1~4
471< 1MEG

C2 R3
0.22 47K


(FSK) generator. Logic O = 1.2 kHz and FIG. 8-FREQUENCY MODULATOR CIRCUIT generates 220 kHz.
logic 1 = 2.4 kHz.

this figure, the circuit will gen-

erate a tone frequency of 2.4 C2
kHz when a logic-one signal is 1µF
ajpplied to pin 9. It will also gen- POLYESTER SWITCH St RANGES
erate a 1.2-kHz tone when a log- 1. 5 T050Hz
2. SOHz TO SlcHz
ic-zero signal is applied to the 3. 5 TO SOOllHz
same point. 01

The high-frequency tone is 1N4148

set by the values of Cl and R2, A6 2 ; l : : : :
and the low-frequency tone is 22K Loo >--~~-"'! CD4046B t l I I I I

set by the values of Cl. R2, and OUTPUT_H_H__H_
R3. Other frequencies can be GATE 5 1
obtained by altering those com- RS
ponent values.
The circuit in Fig.8 is a 220-
kHz frequency modulation (FM) R1 R3 R4
02 22K
waveform generator. The inter- 100K 1N4148 47K
nal Zener diode at pin 15 of the
CD4046B provides a stable FREE-RUN
power supply for the CD3140
op-amp, which is configured as GAT
a multiply-by-20 inverting AC FIG. 9--UNIVERSAL CLOCK/SQUAREWAVE generator.
amplifier. It has a quiescent bias
of about 2.6 volts applied to its age-control input terminal pin 9 article unless you have a clear
non-inverting A input at pin 3 of the CD4046B"s VCO . The understanding of those princi-
through R2 and R3. component values of C3 and R6 ples before you work with the
As a result, output pin 6 of the were selected so that it gener- circuits presented in the re-
op-amp produces an approxi - ates a mean output '"carrier'"fre- mainder of this article. They
mate 2.6-volt potential that is quency of220 kHz. This output will make use of all of the PLL's
amplitude modulated with an frequency is modulated by the circuitry.
amplified ( x 20) version of the original AF input signal. Figure 10 shows the
audio frequency input signal. Figure 9 shows how the CD4046B organized as a wide-
This output is applied to volt- CD4046B VCO can be converted range signal tracker. It will com- 71
+9V i i 11 voo
, , I ,
t I I I
13 16 I I I I v

'ourn _ r roo


I ' I I
2 I I ' I
PIN1 ~Voo
OUTPUT -- - -- -- ~ - OV
3 11
PIN2 J [ ----w-t2DD
100K 180pF

......- . - -.:IM!lli.
FIG. 1G-WIDE·RANGE PLL SIGNAL TRACKER showing waveforms obtained when
the loop is locked.


PIN1 covers a 1 to 9 kHz range.

f ROM to that obtained with pin 9 at

{ the supply voltage (V00 ).
PIN2 LOCK Figure 11 is a simple lock de-
OUTPUT tector/indicator circuit that can
be used in conjunction with the
*TIE ALL UNUSED INPUT PINS PLL circuit of Fig . 10. ln the
18.9.12. &13) TO GROU,NO PLL, the output of each phase
FIG. 11-PHASE·LOCKED LOOP "lock" dectector/indicator. comparator is a series of pulses
whose ·w idths are proportional
to the difference between its two
+9V fREGUlATED) input signals.
C2 The output of phase com-
0.1 parator I is normally low, and
that of phase comparator II is
normally high, except for these
pulses. When the PLL circuit is
6 7 locked (see Fig. 10), the two out-
puts are almost perfect mirror
C1 images of each other.
In the lock detector/indicator
circuit of Fig. 11, those features
are implemented through two-
FIG. 12-PRECISION NARROW-BAND TONE SWITCH has a range of 1.8 kHz to 2.2 kHz. input NOR gate ICI-a. which is
driven from the outputs of the
.ov 1A£Gul.Ar!D) This circuit (and the others two comparators . If the loop is
shown here) takes advantage of locked, the ICI -a output re-
the internal wide-range phase mains permanently low, thus
comparator II. This circuit per- driving ICI-b output high and
mits it to lock to any signal turning on LEDL
within the "span" range of the If the loop is not locked. how-
VCO. The filter formed by R2, ever, the ICI-a output is formed
•IV (REGULATE>)"" R3, and C2 is organized as a as a series of positive-going
sample-and-hold amplifier in pulses that rapidly charge Cl
this operating mode. lts compo- through DI and RI. This forces
nent values determine the set- IC l -b low and holds LEDI off.
tling and tracking times of Figure 12 shows how a PLL
s ignal capture. circuit can be combined with a
The VCO's operating frequen- lock indicator to form a preci-
multiplier/pre-scaler circuit.
cy is determined by the values of sion narrow-band tone switch.
RI and Cl and the voltage on The VCO's maximum frequency
pute and track any input signal pin 9. The VCO "span" (and is determined by RI and C 1, and
from 100 Hz to 100 kHz, pro· thus the capture and tracking the minimum frequency is de-
vided that the input signal to range of the circuit) ranges termined by RI, R2. and Cl.
pin 14 switches fully between from the VCO frequency value The frequency is variable
72 the zero and one logic levels . obtained with pin 9 at zero volts from about 1.8 kHz to 2.2 kHz
with the component values
shown in Fig. 12. The circuit FUNCTION GENERATORS Note: A copy of B&K Precision's
can only lock to input signals continuedfrom page 50 Guidebook to Funcclon Gener-
within this frequency range. ators will be sent to any reader free
Figures 13 and 14 are sche- of charge by addressing a request
In writing to Guldeboc k. B + K Pre-
matics for several practicalfre- cision. 64 70 West Cortland Street.
quency multiplier circuits. The Chicago. IL 60635.
circuit in Fig. 13 serves as a
multiply by 100 frequency mul-
tiplier/pres cal er that can
," nature represents the forward
change 1 Hz to 150 Hz input sig-
nals into 150 Hz to 15 kHz out-
put signals.
, ," voltage drop. The vertical part of
the signature represents the for-
ward current, and the horizon-
The circuit in Fig. 14 is a sim-
ple frequency synthesizer: It is
fed with a precise (crystal-de-
, tal part represents the reverse
voltage drop.
In the waveform for the Zener
rived) 1-kHz input signal. and diode in Fig. 9-d, the forward
its output is a whole-number a current is a function of the for-
multiple (in the range x 1 to ward voltage. But when the re-
x 9) of this signal. The ,.. ~ ......
verse voltage equals the PN
junction breakdown voltage. re-
CD401 7B is organized as a pro-
grammable divide-by-N counter
in this application . A single
CD40 l 7B can be replaced by a '~ "' , ~~
verse current increases rapidly.
producing a vertical line in the
lower left quadrant of the
series of programmable decade
counters to form a wide-range
(10 Hz to 1 MHz) synthesizer. n
" ............... _
screen. This line is the break-
over point or Zener voltage, and
it is established by the knee in
the signature.
The signature techn ique can
b be applied to test and explain
the operation of all electronic
components. It is simple to use.
NIGHT VISION SCOPES it can speed troubleshooting.
continuedfrom page 62 I and it works well on unpowered
circuit boards . Even electronic
service centers operating under
chase a suitable IR filter at most tight budget constraints can af-
retail camera stores. or you can ford this method.
stack four or five layers of com- It is worth noting that two
pletely exposed, developed film functionally identical lCs which
negatives between the incan- c seem to be operating normally
descent lamp and flashlight can have different pin sig-
lens. This film can be obtained natures because of differences
as scrap from local photo de- in chip fabrication. You might
veloping shops. Cut four or five I encounter this when testing
disks from this exposed film to
fi. t inside the plastic or glass j
I functionally identical IC's from
different manufacturers. Dif-
lens cap of your flashlight. ferent signatures do not neces-
A complete kit of parts to I sarily indicate a device fault.
build both of the scopes de-
scribed in this article can be ob-
I With experience in the careful
interpretation of signatures,
tained from the source given in signature analysis can help you
the parts list. If you elect to buy d
to identify defective compo-
a surplus image tube to make a nents quickly-even those with
night-vision scope from marginal problems. Defective
scratch, purchase or obtain a ICs (open-circuited or short-cir-
"fast" camera lens and a magni- cuited) can be isolated rapidly
fying glass for use as an eye- by persons with little or no expe-
piece. You can then assemble all rience doing this. n
of these parts in a suitable met-
al or plastic tube. The power
supply described here will VOLTAGE SIGNATURES for electronic
power most imaging tubes, re- components : resistor (a), Inductor or ca-
gardless of their size or country pacitor (b), silicon signal diode (c), light-
of origin . n 8 emitting diode (d), and Zener diode (e). 73
try to dial any number. You have to replace the EEPROM
HON E.-CALL RESTRICTO with a blank chip.
should hear a tone after press-
continuedjrom page 56 ing the first digit, and a busy The EEPROM has enough
signal will be placed on the line memory to hold 248 characters
prototype unit. Run the wires to prevent you from completing including the # sign which sep-
through the slots and assemble the call. If that does not occur, arates the telephone numbers.
the two halves of the case. the call restrictor is not operat- You can enter full 7- or ll-dig-
ing properly. it numbers. or you can enter
Operation Make a list in advance of the partial numbers such as 786 ,
Locate a suitable phone jack telephone numbers that you and all numbers beginning
in your home or business and want to either block or allow. If with that prefix will be consid-
plug in the phone cord of the you want to add or remove num- ered part of the list. A prefix can
Telephone Call Restrictor. Put it bers. that list will come in be any length; entering 1-900
in a location that is not accessi- handy. When programming the will add all 900 numbers to the
ble to those whose phone access unit, LEDl will light imme- list, while entering 1-9 will add
you wish to control, and plug diately prior to the input of tele- all numbers beginning with 1-9
the wall adapter into an AC out- phone numbers and/or pass- (1-900, 1-976, 1-905, etc.).
let. word. indicating thatthe cur- At any time you can bypass
Refer to Tuble 1 for the set of cui t is in the programming the call r e strictor from any
programming commands that mode and that a valid password phone on the lin e simply by
can be entered from your Touch- has been entered (if applicable). pressing #. your password, and
Tone phone. Initially, before pro- Until you decide on a password then hanging up. The unit is
gramming, set the call restric- and have entered it into the then disabled until the next call
tor to the ''.Allow Group" mode. EEPROM. omit this number is made, and is re-enabled upon
Because there have not been wherever it appears in the pro- completion of that call. With the
any numbers entered into the gramming sequence in Tuble 1. Telephone Call Restrictor you
EEPROM. all numbers that Be careful not to enter a pass- can finally gain complete con-
someone attempts to dial will be word and then forget the trol of your phone, and your bill,
blocked. Pick up the phone and number. If that occurs. you will whether at home or at work. n

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ries on phase-locked loop and
related circuits. It focuses on
the monolithic NE565 phase-
locked loop and the NE566
function generator, both prime
sourced by Philips (Signetics)
but alternate sourced by at least
four other multinational sup-
pliers . The electrical charac-
teristics of these two PLL !Cs are
described, and their block di -
agrams are presented. Circuit
schematics based on these de-
vices are included for learning
and experimentation.
The last two articles in this
series explained the basic oper-
ating principles of the phase-
locked loop and examined ap-
plications for the popular

The NE565 PLL IC

The NE565 is a general pur-
pose monolithic PLL used in cir-
cuits for frequency-shift keying
(FSK), telemetry receivers. tone
decoders, and FM discrimi -
nators, to mention just a few.
Figure 1 shows the principal
functional blocks of the NE565 : Learn more about designing with
phase detector (comparator).
amplifier. stable voltage control phase-locked loop circuits in this
oscillator (VCO). and low-pass
filter. The self-contained adapt- continuation of last month's article
able filter and demodulator
cover a frequency range of0.001 VCO. This frequency can be ad- formed by an internal resistor
Hz to 500 kHz. justed externally with a resistor and an external capacitor. Fig-
The center frequency of the or capacitor. The low-pass filter. ure 2 is the pinout diagram of
NE565 is determined by the which determines the capture the most popular plastic, 14-pin
free-running frequency of the characteristics of the loop, is DIP package for the NE565.
The NE565 is not as versatile
+V as the CD4046B because the
voltage control tnput pin of its
VCO section is permanently
tied to the amplifier output
INPUT PHASE AMPLIFIER l--'INlr- --+:-..__.r. oEMOD. OUTPUT through the internal 3.6-kil-
DETECTOR ,_____ ___,,__
OK_--+--~6- - r REF. OUTPUT ohm filter resistor (see Fig. l ). As
5 a result, its VCO can ·t function
4 NE565 separately from the rest of the
device. While the NE565 works
Jl__f well in many of the same ap-
plications as the CD4046B, un-
like that PLL device, it is not
recommended as a general-pur-
9--/\/V\ pose signal generator.
R C1 Figure 3 is the the schematic
for an NE565 with external
v~---- components organized as a sig-
-V nal tracker or FM demodulator.
FIG. 1-BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE NE565 phase-locked loop IC. The PLL is powered by a split 12- 63
volt ( + 6-volt and - 6-volt) unused pin 3 is grounded. internal 3.6-kilohm resistor at
power supply. T~e external sig- Output pin 4 of the VCO is pin 7 causes a short time delay.
nal input to be tracked or de- tied to pin 5, the phase detec- Therefore, if the input signal is
modulated is typically con- tor's input terminal. to complete noisy, has jitter, or is frequency
nected to input pin 2 of the the phase-locked loop. The free- modulated (FM), the VCO locks
phase detector of the PLL, while running frequency lf0) of the to the mean frequency of the
VCO can be adjusted with the input signal and generates a
RC network connected to pins 8 "clean" output at pin 4 or 5.
and 9 so that it corresponds to This produces a demodulated
the mid-range value of the exter- FM output at pin 7. The 0.001
14 nal input signal. µF capacitor (C2) connected be-
Under those conditions, the tween pins 7 and 8 assures cir-
VCO's frequency can "lock'" to cuit stability.
2 13
INPUT NC the input signal. This frequen-
cy lock condition occurs be- NE565 characteristics
3 12 cause the mean DC level of the Table 1 summarizes the lead-
phase detector's amplified out- ing characteristics of the
1f put is directly proportional to NE565. The IC is normally con-
the difference between the in- figured with a split (positive and
10 put and VCO frequencies, and it negative) power supply, which
VCOINPUT can act to voltage control the must be between ± 6 and ± 12
6 REFERENCE EXTERNALC 9 VCO input. volts, but it can also be powered
OUTPUT FORVCO As a consequence. if the input by a single-ended + 12 to + 24-
frequency rises above that of the volt supply.
OUTPUT FORVCO VCO. the detector's output also The phase detector section of
rises and automatically drives the IC has a typical input im-
the VCO's frequency toward pedance of 10 kilohms on each
FIG. 2-PINOUT DIAGRAM of the NE565. that of the input until locking terminal. The IC can lock and
occurs. track to input impedance of 10
The single-pole loop filter kilohms on each terminal, and
~----<11---- +6V
formed by capacitor C3 (be- lock and track to input signals
tween pins 7 and 10) and the with amplitudes as low as 1 mil-


8 10 Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage ±6 ±12 v
EXTERNAL OUTPUT Input impedance 5 10 kn
Input level for tracking 10 mVRMS
NE565 OUTPUT VCO Characteristics
3 4 Center frequency 500 kHz
Drift with temperature 300 ppm/°C

19 1

Drift with supply voltage
Triangle wave
0.2 1.5 %/V

,/V'V C1
Output voltage level 1.9 2.4 3 Vp-p
Linearity 0.5 %
signal trackerand FM-demodulator. Square wave
Logic "1" output voltage +4.9 +5.2 v
Logic "O" output voltage -0.2 +0.2 v
Rise time 20 ns
Ir v' V' Fall time 50 ns
I\. I/ I\ I/
,,._\ I/
Output current (sink) 0.6 mA

. - ..-
' Output current (source) 5 10 mA
..,. Demodulated output
~ ~ +4
0.. CJ)
Output voltage level 4.0 4.5 5.0 v

I-~ +2 Maximum voltage swing 2 Vp-p
i= c o
0 -2 "" -~ .. .... Output voltage swing
Total harmonic distortion
+V =-V=6V
Output impedance 3.6 kQ
FIG. 4-VCO OUTPUT WAVEFORMS for Offset voltage (pins 6 to 7) 50 200 mV
the NE565 with a plus and minus 6-volt AM rejection 40 dB
64 power supply.
livolt RMS. Normally. input sig-
nals should be AC coupled, but
they can be DC coupled if the
DC resistances seen from pins 2
and 3 are equal and there is no
DC voltage difference between
those pins.
The high stability of the
NE565's VCO can be seen in its
typical drift with temperature
specification of 300 ppm/°C and
its typical drift with supply volt-
age specification is 0. 2 % per
volt when the supply voltage is
± 6 to ± 7 volts. Both of these
values are measured atj 0 • FIG. 5-FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYING (FSK) demodulator circuit.
The VCO provides well
formed. TTL-compatible square
waves and triangle waves, as
shown in Fig. 4. Those wave-
forms were obtained with the IC
powered by a split 12-volt sup-
ply. The square waves, with typ-
ical rise and fall times of 20 and
50 nanoseconds, respectively,
appear at pin 4, and highly lin-
ear triangle waves appear at pin
9 of the VCO.
The VCO's free-running fre-
quency {f0 ) is set by trimmer po-
tentiometer R3 in series with
the + 6-volt power source be-
tween pins 8 and 10 and by ca-
FIG. 6-60 kHz FM DEMODULATOH with a single-ended power supply.
pacitor Cl in series with the
- 6-volt power source between
pins 9 and 1. That frequency in
kilohertz can be calculated as:
j 0 = 1.2/(4 RC)
where R is in kilohms and C is SCHMID
in micofarads.
Resistor R3 can have any val-
ue between 2 and 20 kilohms,
but the optimum value is about
5 kilohms. Capacitor Cl can
have any value. Normally, the
NE565 will phase-lock to any in-
put signal frequency that is
within the range of plus or
FIG. 7-FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE NE566 function generator.
minus 60% of thej0 value. This
is known as the circuit's lock
range. FSK demodulator GROUND v+
The output section of the IC Frequency shift keying (FSK)
yields a demodulated output at is widely accepted in digital NC NE566
pin 7, and pin 6 gives a DC refer- communications systems. The SQUARE WAVE
ence voltage that is close to the transmitter generates a contin~ OUTPUT

DC potential of pin 7. If a re- uous two-tone carrier signal TRIANGLE WAVE MODULATION
sistor is placed between pins 6 from binary signals with a mark OUTPUT INPUT .
and 7, the gain of the IC's out- or logic 1 state represented by
put stage can be reduced with one tone and the space or logic FIG. 8--PINOUT DIAGRAM of the NE566
with little change in the DC volt- 0 state represented by another function generator.
age level of the output. This al- tone. An FSK decoder in the re-
lows the lock range to be ceiver converts the two-tone car- coder of a 1070-Hz to 1270-Hz
decreased to a value as low as rier back to a binary signal. input waveform. When the sig-
20% ofj0 , with little change in Figure 5 shows the NE565 nal appears at the input, the
thef0 value. (ICl) organized as an FSK de- loop locks to it and tracks it be- 65
Ve '7 10 VOLlS
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit ::c

Supply voltage ±6 ±24 v g

g_ 20
VCO Characteristics M'
Maximum operating frequency 1 MHz e:. 10

""" ~ '
Drift with temperature 300 ppm/°C
~ 5
Drift with supply voltage 0.2 2.0 %/V ~
Control terminal input Cii
impedance 1 MQ ~ 2 '" ' '
FM distortion(±% deviation) 0.4 1.5 % 1 ''
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10
Maximum sweep rate 1.0 mHz
Sweep range 10:1
Triangle wave output quency of the Fig. 9 circuit as a function
Impedance 50 Q of resistance R3.
Output voltage level 1.9 2.4 Vp-p ... +V = 12 V.OLTS
Linearity 0.5 % £;: ~
c.. en +6
Square wave input f- f-
::::> _J +5
/ \. / \. /
Voltage 5.0
f- :::.
" /
" /

Duty cycle
Rise time
40 50
60 %
~ fil +10
+12 - ...__
f- ~ +B
Fall time 50 ns =>o

10 I I
~ 2:.
-- I -- - -
tween the two frequencies, with
a corresponding DC shift at the ~
M' 1.0
"'\. +V = 12 VOLTS
Ve= 10.5 VOLTS
R3=4K -
output. s \ waveforms for the generator circuit of

Loop filter C2 has a small val- UJ
u Fig. 9.
z 0.1
ue to eliminate overshoot on the ~
output pulse, and a three-stage Li \. circuitry.
< 0.01 An NE529 between pin 6 of
RC ladder filter removes carrier c..
< \.
components from the output. u ICl , the NE565, and the output
This filter has a band edge that 0.001
\. of the circuit makes the output
is approximately half way be- of the filter CMOS logic compati-
tween the maximum FSK key-
ing rate (300 baud or 150 Hz)
and twice the input frequency
(about 2200 Hz).
1 10


1U"" 1o4 105
' 10
6 ble. Adjusting trimmer potenti-
ometer R3 sets the free-running
frequency of the VCO to give a
slightly positive output voltage
function of capacitance for an NE566
The NE529 (IC2) ·is a high- when R3 = 4 kilohms. when a 1070-Hz input signal is
speed analog voltage com- appiied.
parator that combines a Schot- 2.5 The input connection of the
tky diode with two high-speed circuit shown in Fig. 5 is typical
>- for applications where a DC
TTL gates and a precision am- ~ 2.0

+10V TO 4'V
a /
./ voltage is present at the source,
preventing a direct connection.
~ 1.5
u.. v Both input terminals are re-
R3 fil / turned to ground with identical
~ 0.5

v resistors. In this circuit, the val-
ues of resistors Rl and R2 were
selected to give a 600-ohm input
z v
/ impedance.
0 0.5
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Single-ended power
(BETWEEN PIN B AND PIN 5) - VOLTS Figure 6 shows the NE565
configured as a 60-kHz FM de-
quency of the Fig. 9 circuit as a function modulator that is powered from
of control voltage. a single-ended 12- to 24-volt
IFUT plifier on a monolithic chip. It is A resistive voltage divider (Rl
FIG. 9-FIXED FREQUENCY GENER- useful in analog to digital con- and R2) and R3 and R4 apply a
ATOR circuit based on the NE566 func- version and can act as an inter- balanced bias voltage to input
66 tion generator. face between TTL and ECL pins 2 and 3 of the NE565. The
6, has a value of O.OOlµF to sta-
bilize the circuit.
The operating frequency of
the NE566 is:
f = "" ( + V - VcJIR3 x C3 x + V

Resistor R3 should be in the

range of 2 to 20 kilohms.
Figure 10 is a graph of output
frequency as a function o( the
values of capacitor C3 when R3
has a value of 4 kilohms. The
frequency can be varied from 5
Hz with a C3 of lOµF to about
200 kHz with a C3 of O.OOOlµF.
Figure 11 is a graph of nor-
malized frequency as a function
of control voltage, and Fig. 12 is
a graph of normalized frequen-
FIG. 14-THREE-BAND FM GENERATOR based on the NE566 general-purpose func-
cy as a function of resistance
tion generator. R3. Figure 13 is a graph of VCO
outputs of the circuit in Fig. 9
60-kHz FM input signal is AC- external timing capacitor.. when the power supply is 12
coupled to pin 2. The VCO's free- A linear triangle wave is gen- volts.
running frequency is set to 60 erated across the capacitor and Figure 14 shows a modifica-
kHz with R6, C2 and trimmer appears at pin 3, and a square tion that can be made to the Fig.
potentiometer R5. The decoded wave generated at the Schmitt 9 schematic to convert it into a
output signals are fed through a trigger switches the current wide-range, three-band FM gen-
three-stage, low-pass filter to sources when the capacitor erator. The frequency can be al-
minimize the effects of un - voltage reaches preset levels. tered by trimmer potentiometer
wanted noise on the signals. These waveforms are available R4, and three different frequen-
at the output pins of the buffer cies can be obtained with selec-
NE566 fundamentals amplifiers. tor switch Sl in series with C3,
The NE566, a general-pur- Figure 8 is the pinout di- C4, and C5 in parallel and con-
pose function generator, is a lin- agram for the popular 8 -pin . nected to pin 7 of the NE566. As
ear voltage-controlled oscillator plastic DIP package. The NE566 stated earlier about Fig. 9, ca-
capable of producing buffered is, however, also packaged in a pacitor C3 can have any value,
squarewave and triangle-wave 14-pin DIP package. Tuble 2 lists so C3, C4, and C5 can have val-
outputs, at fixed and variable selected electrical charac- ues to give three different fre-
frequwncies, up to a maximum teristics of the NE566. It can be quencies.
of about 1 MHz. Its frequency of seen that the impedance values The voltage levels of the tri-
oscillation is determined by an for both the triangle-wave and angle-wave and squarewave
external resistor and capacitor squarewave outputs are a low outputs can be varied by trim-
and the voltage applied to the 50 ohms. mer potentiometers R6 and R7.
control pin. Figure 9, a schematic show- Those waveforms can be fre-
The oscillator can be pro- ing the NE566 configured as a quency modulated by applying
grammed over a ten to one fre- fixed-frequency FM waveform the modulation waveform to pin
quency range by the appropri- generator, shows the locations 5 through input capacitor Cl.
ate selection of an external of the external components re- Resistor R3 raises the circuit's
resistance. It can also be modu- quired for its functioning. Fre- input impedance to its value of
lated over a ten to one range by a quency is determined by re- 22 kilohms.
control voltage. The NE566 sistor R3 with capacitor C3 and The NE565 PLL and associ-
finds applications in tone, sig- by µie voltage applied to its con- ated NE566 function generator
nal, and clock generators, as trol terminal. are useful intergrated circuits
well as FM modulators. Resistor R3 must have a value to be familiar with. The circuits
Figure 7 is a block diagram of between 2 and 20 kilohms but presented here should give you
the NE566. The principal capacitor C3 can have any val- a working knowledge of the ICs'
blocks are current sources, a ue. The control voltage must be applications.
Schmitt trigger, and two buffer between % ,and the full supply The final article in this series
amplifiers. 1\vo essential exter- voltage. about PLL devices w111 describe
nal components, Rl and Cl. are The output frequency can var- the NE567, a highly stable
shown. The VCO section con- ied or modulated over a ten to phase-locked loop device. Al-
sists of the pair of voltage-con- one range by variation of the though it is primarily used as a
trolled current sources that control voltage. Capacitor C2, tone decoder, the IC has addi-
linearly charge or discharge an connected between pins 5 and tional applications as well. n 67

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