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Ae 3

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Written test answer-3

1A) Define Low pass Filter and High pass filter with their respective
frequency response cure.
Low pass filter:-

The low pass filter only allows low frequency signals from 0 Hz to its cut-off frequency f. At f, the
gain is down by 3db (0,707 times of Af). After that the gain decreases as frequency increases. The
frequency range 0 to f,, Hz is called pass band and beyond f,, is called stop band.

High pass filter:-

The high pass filter only allows high frequency -signals from its cut-off frequency f. The gain
increases as frequency increases Atf, the gain is down by 3db (0.707 times of Af). After fL gain
remains constant and maximum. The frequency range 0 to fL Hz is called stop band and beyond fL is
called pass band.
1B) Explain the first order butterworth Low pass Filter.
The below figure shows a first order low pass Butter- worth filter that uses an RC network for low
pass filtering and Op-amp as non-inverting amplifier configuration.

Thus the low pass filter has a nearly constant gain A, from 0 Hz to high cut off frequency f. At f the
gain is 0.707 A, and after fH it decreases at a constant rate with an increases in frequency. f, is called
cutoff frequency because the gain of filter at this frequency is reduced by 3dB.

2A) Define Band pass Filter and band Reject filter with their
respective frequency response cure.
The band pass filter allows signals to pass within a certain range of frequency band set up between
two points while blocking both the lower and higher frequencies:


The band Reject/Elimination filter rejects signals within za certain range of frequency band set up
between two points while allowing both the lower and higher frequencies:
2B) Explain the first order butterworth high pass Filter
The below figure shows a first order high pass Butter-worth filter that uses an RC network for high
pass filtering and Op-amp as non-inverting amplifier configuration.
Thus the high pass filter has a nearly constant gain AF from cut off frequency fL At f, the gain is 0.707
Afand before Fl it increase at a constant rate with an increases in Cap frequency is called cutoff
frequency because the gain of filter at this frequency is reduced by 3dB.

Section 2
3A)Explain the barkhausen Criterion.
Barkhausen Criteria for sustained oscillations states that -

 The total phase shift around a loop is precisely 0 degree or 360 degree.
 The magnitude of the product of open loop gain and feedback factor is unity.

That is |Aẞ-1|

The criterion Aẞ= 1 is satisfied only at one frequency which generates sustained oscillations. This is
known as Barkhausen criterion.
3B) Develop a circuit to generate oscillation using an RC network.
RC Phase Shift Oscillator :

In a Resistance-Capacitance Oscillator or simply an RC Oscillator, we make use of the fact that a

phase shift occurs between the input to a RC network and the output from the same network by
using RC elements in on the feedback branch.

In an RC Oscillator circuit the input is shifted 180° again through the amplifier stage and 180° again
through a second inverting stage giving us "180"+180° 360°" of phase shift which is effectively the
same as 0° thereby giving us the required positive feedback.

In an operational RC phase shift oscillator connected an "inverting amplifier" configuration which

produces the differ required 180° phase shift while the RC network produces the other 180° phase
shift at the required frequency (180° + 180°).

4A)Explain thr working of Hartley Oscillator.

Hartley Oscillator consists of a parallel LC resonator tank circuit whose feedback is achieved by way
of an inductive divider.
The Hartley oscillator exists in several forms, with the most common form being the transistor
circuit. This Hartley Oscillator configuration has a tuned tank circuit with its resonant coil tapped to
feed a fraction of the output signal back to the emitter of the transistor. Since the output of the
transistors emitter is always "in-phase" with the output at the collector, this feedback signal is

The oscillating frequency which is a sine-wave voltage is determined by the resonance frequency of
the tank circuit.

4B) Develop a circuit to generate oscillation which uses a capacitive

voltage divider.

Section 3
5A) Analyse the working of IC555 as Astable Multivibrator.

 Resistance R, is connected between Vcc pin (no. 8) and discharge pin (no. 7).
 A Another resistance R, is connected between threshold pin (no. 6) and discharge pin.
 Trigger pin (no. 2) is shorted with threshold pin.
 Capacitor C is connected as shown between threshold pin and ground.
 Control voltage input pin (no. 5) is connected to ground through 0.01uF capacitor.
 The output is taken from pin no. 3.
 Reset input pin (no. 4) is connected to Vcc to enable internal flip-flop operation.
 Pin no. 8 is connected to Vcc for +Ve bias and pin no. 1 is connected to ground for -Ve bias.
 Operation:
This mode is self triggering and changes its state automatically from high to low and low and
high. This is achieved by shorting threshold and trigger pin. The output waveform is also
shown in figure.

T=0.693(R1+R2).C and
t=0.693 x R xC

Initially output is high. The capacitor charges CC towards Vcc through R, and R. When it
reaches 2/3 Vc CC the threshold comparator gives high output. This will set the flip-flop. So
the output becomes low and discharging transistor becomes ON. So capacitor finds
discharging path through R, to discharge pin. As capacitor discharges to 1/3 Vee the trigger
comparator gives high output. This will cc reset the flip-flop. So output again becomes high
and discharging transistor is OFF. So capacitor will again start charging. Thus capacitor will
charge and discharge between 2/3 Vcc and 1/3 Vcc limits. This cycle continuous and we CC
get high-low-high-low output continuously at a rate of charging and discharging of capacitor.

5B) Build a circuit to block a range of frequency band and allow all
other frequencies to pass through.
A wide band-stop filter using a low-pass filter, a high-pass filter and a summing amplifier is shown in
the above figure. For a proper band reject response, the low cut-off frequency f, of high-pass filter
must be larger than the high cut-off frequency f of the low-pass filter. In addition, the passband gain
of both the high-pass and low- pass sections must be equal.
6A)Analyse the working IC555 as Monostable Multivibrator.
The given figure illustrates the connections of IC555 used as monostable multivibrator.

 Instead of connecting one resistor in between threshold and discharge pin, they are shorted
here as shown.
 One resister R, is connected between Vcc pin and discharge pin.
 The capacitor C is connected as shown in between threshold pin and ground.
 External trigger is applied at trigger input pin IN. This pin is kept high at Vcc by connecting it
to Vcc through Vo CC IK resistor R1.
 Control voltage input pin (no. 5) is connected to ground through 0.1uF capacitor.
 The output is taken from pin no. 3. Reset input pin (no. 4) is connected to Vcc to enable
internal flip-flop operation.
 Pin no. 8 is connected to Vee for +Ve bias and pin no. CC 1 is connected to ground for -Ve

In this mode the state of output will only change from low to high (and then back to low) if
external negative trigger pulse is applied. The trigger input and the output pulse is as shown
in figure.
Before trigger is applied, the capacitor charges to Vee through R,. When it reaches to 2/3 Vcc
the threshold comparator gives high output. That will set flip-flop. So output is low and
discharge transistor is ON. So capacitor discharges and that's why output is low. When
negative trigger pulse is applied, the trigger comparator gives high output. This will reset the
flip-flop. So output becomes high and discharging transistor becomes off. So again capacitor
starts charging towards Voc. When it reaches 2/3 Vee flip flop sets and output automatically
becomes low. So the output becomes high only when trigger is applied and remain high till
capacitor charges to 2/3 Ve

6B) Build a circuit to allow signal to pass within certain range of

frequency band and block lower and higher frequency.
If the two filters HPF and LPF are connected in series it becomes wide band pass filter BPF.The band
pass filter allows signals to pass within a certain range of frequency band set up between two points
while blocking both the lower and higher frequencies. Form 0 Hz to f, gain will be increasing with
increase in frequency. From fL to fH+.

gain will be constant and maximum Af. Beyond f,, gain decreases with increase in frequency. Simple
Active Band Pass Filter can be easily made by cascading together a single HFP and LFP as shown in

The cut-off or corner frequency of the low pass filter (f) is higher than the cut-off frequency of the
high pass filter (f) and the difference between the frequencies at the -3dB point will determine the
"bandwidth" of the band pass filter while attenuating any signals outside of these points.

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