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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C989/C989M − 17

Standard Specification for

Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C989/C989M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* ization established in the Decision on Principles for the

1.1 This specification covers slag cement for use as a Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
cementitious material in concrete and mortar. mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
NOTE 1—The material described in this specification may be used for
blending with portland cement to produce a cement meeting the require- 2. Referenced Documents
ments of Specification C595/C595M or as a separate ingredient in
concrete or mortar mixtures. The material may also be useful in a variety 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
of special grouts and mortars, and when used with an appropriate C109/C109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of
activator, as the principal cementitious material in some applications. Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube
NOTE 2—Information on technical aspects of the use of the material
described in this specification is contained in Appendix X1, Appendix X2,
and Appendix X3. More detailed information on that subject is contained C114 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic
in ACI 233R-03.2 Cement
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the gregates
inch-pound units are shown in brackets. The values stated in C150/C150M Specification for Portland Cement
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each C185 Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining Mortar
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance C188 Test Method for Density of Hydraulic Cement
with the standard. Values are stated in only SI units when C204 Test Methods for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by
inch-pound units are not used in practice. Air-Permeability Apparatus
C430 Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the
1.3 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes 45-µm (No. 325) Sieve
that provide explanatory information. These notes and foot- C452 Test Method for Potential Expansion of Portland-
notes (excluding those in tables) shall not be considered as Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate
requirements of this standard. C465 Specification for Processing Additions for Use in the
1.4 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the Manufacture of Hydraulic Cements
test methods described in this specification. This standard does C595/C595M Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this for Test Methods for Construction Materials
standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environ- C1012/C1012M Test Method for Length Change of
mental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate Solution
limitations prior to use. C1038/C1038M Test Method for Expansion of Hydraulic
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor- Cement Mortar Bars Stored in Water
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- C1437 Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
C1778 Guide for Reducing the Risk of Deleterious Alkali-
Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D3665 Practice for Random Sampling of Construction Ma-
C09.27 on Ground Slag. terials
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2017. Published October 2017. Originally
approved in 1982. Last previous edition approved in 2016 as C989/C989M – 16ɛ1.
DOI: 10.1520/C0989_C0989M-17. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
ACI 233R-03 Slag Cement in Concrete and Mortar. Available from American contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094, Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
http://www.concrete.org. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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C989/C989M − 17
3. Terminology TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements
Sulfide sulfur (S), max, % 2.5
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
method, refer to Terminology C125.

4. Classification 9. Sampling
4.1 Slag cement is classified by performance in the slag 9.1 The following sampling and testing procedures shall be
activity test in three grades: Grade 80, Grade 100, and Grade used by the purchaser to verify compliance with this specifi-
120 (see Table 1). cation.
NOTE 3—Sulfur in granulated blast-furnace slag is present predomi-
5. Ordering Information nantly as sulfide sulfur. In most cases, instrumental analyses, such as x-ray
fluorescence, cannot differentiate sulfide sulfur from sulfate. Determine
5.1 The purchaser shall specify the grade of slag cement and report the sulfide sulfur content separately, and do not include it in the
desired and the optional chemical or physical data to be SO3 calculations.
reported. 9.2 Take random grab samples either from a delivery unit or
at some point in the loading or unloading process so that no
6. Additions sample represents more than 115 Mg [125 tons] (Note 4). If
6.1 Slag cement covered by this specification shall contain samples are taken from rail cars or trucks, take at least two
no additions except as follows: separate 2-kg [5-lb] portions and thoroughly mix them to
6.1.1 It is permissible to add calcium sulfate to slag cement obtain a test sample (Note 5). Sample by removing approxi-
provided it has been demonstrated by Test Method C1038/ mately a 300-mm [12-in.] layer of slag cement. Make a hole
C1038M that a test mixture will not develop expansion in before obtaining a sample to avoid dust collector material that
water exceeding 0.020 % at 14 days. In the test mixture, 50 % has discharged into the delivery unit after the predominant slag
of the mass of portland cement shall be replaced by an equal cement flow has ceased. Sample at a rate of one sample per
mass of slag cement. The portland cement used in the test month or one sample for each 2300 Mg [2500 tons] of
mixture shall meet the requirements of Specification C150/ shipments, whichever is more frequent.
C150M. When the manufacturer supplies cement under this NOTE 4—Standard statistical procedures are recommended for ensuring
provision, upon request, supporting data shall be supplied to that samples are selected by a random procedure; see Practice D3665.
the purchaser. These procedures can be used to select the days within a month or within
6.1.2 When processing additions are used in the manufac- a week that samples will be taken. The delivery unit or time of day then
should be chosen randomly.
ture of slag cement, the maximum amount used shall comply NOTE 5—The quantity of sample specified is more than adequate for the
with the requirements of Specification C465 when tested using testing required. A 2-kg [5-lb] portion should be retained in a sealed
a blend that is 50 % slag cement and 50 % portland cement by container for retesting if that is considered necessary to verify compliance.
10. Test Methods
7. Chemical Composition 10.1 Slag-Activity Tests with Portland Cement:
7.1 Slag cement shall conform to the chemical requirements 10.1.1 Slag activity shall be evaluated by determining the
prescribed in Table 2. compressive strength of portland-cement mortars and the
corresponding mortars made with the same mass of a blend that
8. Physical Properties is 50 % slag cement and 50 % portland cement by mass.
8.1 Slag cement shall conform to the physical requirements NOTE 6—Appendix X1 discusses the effects of cement, temperature,
of Table 1. and amount of slag cement used on performance with portland cement.
10.1.2 Reference Cement—The portland cement used in the
slag activity tests shall be the common reference cement
TABLE 1 Physical Requirements supplied by CCRL4 that complies with the standard chemical
Item and physical requirements of Specification C150/C150M, Type
Fineness: I or Type II, and with the additional requirements of total alkali
Amount retained when wet screened on a 45-µm (No. 325) 20 content and compressive strength limits as shown in Table 3.
sieve, max % Alternatively, a portland cement source meeting the standard
Specific surface by air permeability, Test Methods C204 shall ...
be determined and reported although no limits are required. chemical and physical requirements for a C150, Type I or Type
Air Content of Slag Mortar, max % 12 II, including the additional limits in Table 3, is permitted to be
Average of Last Five Any Individual used. Sufficient cement shall be reserved to avoid changing
Consecutive Samples Sample reference cement more often than every two months. After the
Slag Activity IndexA
28-Day Index, min %
Grade 80 75 70 4
The sole source of commercially available reference portland cement known to
Grade 100 95 90 the committee at this time is CCRL, 4441 Buckeystown Pike, Suite C; Frederick,
Grade 120 115 110 Maryland 21704; www.CCRL.us. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
7-Day Slag Activity Index shall be determined on Grades 100 and 120, and provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
reported for informational purposes. receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1
which you may attend.

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C989/C989M − 17
TABLE 3 Alkali and Strength Limits of Reference Portland Slag activity index, %,
Cement for Slag Activity Tests Compressive strength at 7 and 28 days, of slag
Total Alkalies (Na2O + 0.658 K2O) min % 0.60 cement-reference cement mortar,
max % 0.90
Compressive Strength, MPa, min, 28 daysA 35 [5000 psi] Compressive strength at 7 and 28 days, of portland
The minimum strength limit is based solely on the strength of the Test Method
cement mortar,
C109/C109M mortar cubes, as required in Specification C150/C150M, regardless Total alkalies of the reference cement
of the strength of the flow-controlled Specification C989 mortar cubes. (Na2O + 0.658 K2O), Fineness of reference cement, and Potential compound composition of the reference
initial testing to determine compliance with the compressive portland cement.
strength requirement of Table 3, the reference cement shall be 10.1.7 Precision—The single and multilaboratory state-
re-qualified at least every six months. ments are based on slag activity index tests using one slag
NOTE 7—Different reference cements may produce different Slag
cement, in duplicate, at 7 and 28 days after fabrication of
Activity Index results. Reference portland cement meeting the require- samples. The same slag cement and CCRL reference cement
ments of 10.1.2 is available from CCRL.5 were used at each of 22 laboratories (Note 8).
10.1.3 Preparation of Specimens—Prepare mortars in accor- NOTE 8—The precision of this test method was determined from an
dance with Test Method C109/C109M, except that sufficient interlaboratory study (ILS) under the jurisdiction of ASTM Subcommittee
water shall be used in each batch to produce mortar at a flow C09.27. The ILS program was conducted in 2015. Practice C670 was
of 105 to 115 % as defined in Test Method C1437. The followed for the design and analysis of the data. The details are given in
proportions of dry ingredients shall be as follows:
Reference Cement Mortar: The single-laboratory standard deviation has been
500 g portland cement found to be 1.65 % at 7 days and 2.62 % at 28 days. Therefore,
1375 g graded standard sand the slag activity indices of properly conducted tests based on
Slag Cement-Reference Cement Mortar: single batches of mortar mixed on the same day would not be
250 g portland cement expected to differ by more than 4.6 % at 7 days and 7.3 % at
250 g slag cement 28 days in more than one case in 20.
1375 g graded standard sand The multilaboratory standard deviation has been Mix a reference cement batch each day that a slag found to be 6.88 % at 7 days and 4.78 % at 28 days Therefore,
cement-reference cement batch is mixed until at least five the slag activity indices of properly conducted tests of single
batches have been mixed with the reference cement. batches by different laboratories would not be expected to
Thereafter, reference cement batches need not be mixed more differ by more than 19.3 % at 7 days or 13.4 % at 28 days in
often than once a week whenever slag cement is being more than one case in 20.
produced or shipped. 10.2 Slag Cement Density—Determine in accordance with
10.1.4 Test Ages—Determine the compressive strength of Test Method C188.
mortar specimens at 7 and 28 days age in accordance with Test
10.3 Amount of Slag Cement Retained on a 45-µm (No. 325)
Method C109/C109M.
Sieve—Determine in accordance with Test Method C430.
10.1.5 Calculation—Calculate the slag activity index to the
nearest percent for both 7 days and 28 days as follows: 10.4 Slag Cement Fineness by Air Permeability—Determine
in accordance with Test Methods C204.
Slag activity index, % 5 ~ SP/P ! 3 100 (1)
NOTE 9—In Test Methods C204, the applicable b is 0.9.
10.5 Sulfate Ion in Slag Cement Reported as SO3—
SP = average compressive strength of slag cement-reference
Determine as sulfur trioxide in accordance with Test Methods
cement mortar cubes at designated ages, MPa [psi], and
P = average compressive strength of reference cement C114, except the sample need not be completely decomposed
mortar cubes at designated age, MPa [psi]. by acid.
The reference cement-mortar strength used to calculate a 10.6 Sulfide Sulfur in Slag Cement—Determine in accor-
slag activity index shall, when a reference cement mortar is dance with Test Methods C114.
mixed on the same day as a slag cement-reference cement 10.7 Chloride Content of Slag—Determine in accordance
mortar, be the result for that batch. Otherwise, the average of with Test Methods C114.
tests of the five most recent reference cement-mortar batches 10.8 Air Content of Slag Cement Mortar—Determine in
shall be used. accordance with Test Method C185, except use 350 g of slag
10.1.6 Report—The report should include the following: cement in the standard mortar batch. Calculate using the
appropriate density of the slag cement.
The sole source of commercially available reference portland cement known to
the committee at this time is CCRL, 4441 Buckeystown Pike, Suite C; Frederick,
Maryland 21704; www.CCRL.us. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1048. Contact ASTM Customer
which you may attend. Service at service@astm.org.

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C989/C989M − 17
11. Rejection and Rehearing 13. Manufacturer’s Statement
11.1 The purchaser has the right to reject material that fails 13.1 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall
to conform to the requirements of this specification. Rejection state in writing the nature, amount, and identity of any
shall be reported to the producer or supplier promptly and in processing or other additions made to the slag cement.
writing. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests,
the producer or supplier is not prohibited from making a claim 14. Package Marking and Shipping Information
for retesting. 14.1 When the slag cement is delivered in packages, the
classification of the slag cement, the name and brand of the
NOTE 10—In the event of a Slag Activity Index dispute, the purchaser
should request a sample of the producer’s reference cement for retest.
manufacturer, and the mass of the slag cement contained
therein shall be plainly marked on each package. Similar
12. Certification information shall be provided in the shipping invoices accom-
panying the shipment of packaged or bulk slag cement. All
12.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order, packages shall be in good condition at the time of inspection.
a manufacturer’s report shall be furnished at the time of
shipment stating the results of tests made on samples of the 15. Storage
material taken during production or transfer and certifying that 15.1 The slag cement shall be stored to permit easy access
the slag cement conforms to applicable requirements of this for proper inspection and identification of each shipment and in
specification. a suitable weather-tight building that will protect the slag
12.2 When specified in the purchase order or contract, test cement from dampness and minimize quality deterioration.
data shall be furnished on the chloride ion content of the slag
16. Keywords
NOTE 11—Guidance on preparing the manufacturer’s report is provided 16.1 blast-furnace slag; granulated blast furnace slag; slag
in Appendix X4. activity index; slag cement


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 When slag cement is used in concrete with portland the particular cement used. The results of the slag activity test
cement, the levels and rate of strength development will do not provide quantitative predictions of strength performance
depend importantly on the properties of the slag cement, the in concrete. Performance in concrete will depend on a large
properties of the portland cement, the relative and total number of factors including the properties and proportions of
amounts of slag cement and portland cement, and the concrete the slag cement, the portland cement, and other concrete
curing temperatures. ingredients, concrete temperatures, and curing conditions; and
other conditions.
X1.2 The reference cement used to test slag activity in this
specification must have a minimum 28-day strength of 35 MPa X1.3 Concrete strengths at 1, 3, and even 7 days may tend
[5000 psi] and an alkali equivalent between 0.6 and 0.9 %. to be lower using slag cement-portland cement combinations,
Performance of the slag cement with other portland cements particularly at low temperatures or at high slag cement per-
may be significantly different. The slag-activity test also can be centages. Concrete proportions will need to be established
used to evaluate relative hydraulic activity of different slag considering the importance of early strengths, the curing
cements with a specific cement or of different shipments of the temperatures involved and the properties of the slag cement,
same slag cement. Such comparisons will be improved if all the portland cement, and other concrete materials. Generally a
tests are made with a single sample of cement. To properly higher numerical grade of slag cement can be used in larger
classify a slag cement, the reference portland cement must amounts and will provide improved early strength perfor-
conform to the limits on strength and alkali content. Even mance; however, tests must be made using job materials under
within these limits, performance will depend to some extent on job conditions.

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C989/C989M − 17


X2.1 General—Concrete manufactured with high percent- ages. Data from studies of laboratory exposure of mortars to
ages of slag cement is generally considered to have greater sodium and magnesium sulfate solutions provide the following
resistance to attack by sulfates than do portland cements, based general conclusions.
largely upon comparisons of these mixtures with similar X2.3.1 The combinations of slag cement and portland
mixtures containing ordinary (Type I) portlands. These high cement, in which the slag cement content was greater than 60
volume slag cement mixtures (containing 60 % or more slag) to 65 %, had high sulfate resistance, always better than the
are widely used for sulfate and sea-water resistant concretes portland cement alone, irrespective of the Al2O3 content of the
throughout the world. slag cement. The improvement in sulfate resistance was
X2.2 Sulfate Resistance of Portland Cements—The sulfate greatest for the portland cements with the higher C3A contents.
resistance of concrete is dependent upon a number of factors, X2.3.2 The low alumina (11 %) slag cement tested in-
including mortar permeability and the type and concentration creased the sulfate resistance independently of the C3A content
of the sulfate solutions involved. Others, directly related to the of the portland cement. To obtain adequate sulfate resistance,
cement characteristics, include calcium hydroxide concentra- higher slag cement percentages were necessary with the higher
tion and the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content. Specification C3A portland cements.
C150/C150M provides limits on the C3A for sulfate-resistant X2.3.3 The high alumina (18 %) slag cement tested, ad-
cements. Specification C150/C150M Type V requirements versely affected the sulfate resistance of portland cements
provide for a limit on the tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF) when blended in low percentages (50 % or less). Some tests
plus twice the C3A. The Specification C150/C150M table of indicated rapid decreases in resistance for cements in the 8 and
Optional Physical Requirements includes a maximum limit on 11 % C3A ranges with slag cement percentages as low as 20 %
expansion of Type V cement in mortar bars when tested by Test or less in the blends.
Method C452. When this option is selected, the standard limits
on tricalcium aluminate and on tetracalcium aluminoferrite X2.3.4 Tests on slag cement (7 to 8 % alumina) in Ontario
plus twice the tricalcium aluminate do not apply. Test Method (3) have shown that a 50:50 combination by mass with Type I
C1012/C1012M can be used to measure the effects of exposure portland cement (having up to about 12 % C3A) is equivalent
to external sulfate environments on mortar or concrete. in sulfate resistance to the Type V cement used in that study.

X2.3 Effect of Slag Cement on Sulfate Resistance—The use X2.4 Tests for Sulfate Resistance—When the relative sulfate
of slag cement will decrease the C3A content of the cementing resistance of a specific portland cement-slag cement combina-
materials and decrease the permeability and calcium hydroxide tion is desired, tests should be conducted in accordance with
content of the mortar or concrete. Tests have shown that the Test Method C1012/C1012M (4). Studies by Subcommittee
alumina content of the slag cement also influences sulfate C01.29 on sulfate resistance using Test Method C1012/
resistance (1, 2),7 and that high alumina content can have a C1012M, as reported by Patzias (5), recommended the follow-
detrimental influence at low slag cement-replacement percent- ing limits for expansion of portland cement and slag cement
combinations at six months of exposure:
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of Moderate sulfate resistance — 0.10 % max
this standard. High sulfate resistance — 0.05 % max


X3.1 General—If properly proportioned in concrete X3.3 Mitigating ASR with Slag Cement—Slag cement miti-
mixtures, slag cement has been shown to prevent excessive gates ASR by reducing the total alkalis in the system and by
expansion due to alkali-silica reaction. consuming alkalis in the hydration reaction, making them
unavailable for the alkali aggregate reaction. The percentage of
X3.2 ASR in Concrete—Alkali silica reaction occurs in
slag cement required to mitigate alkali silica reaction is
concrete if certain siliceous aggregates are placed in a highly
dependent on the reactivity of the aggregate and the alkali
alkaline environment and, in the presence of water, form an
loading of the concrete. For concretes containing very reactive
expansive gel. When this gel forms, tensile stresses develop in
the concrete around the expanding gel which can cause the aggregates or for concretes with a high alkali loading, higher
concrete to crack. The extent of the reaction is directly related percentages of slag cement may be required to insure mitiga-
to the alkalinity of the solution, the reactivity of the aggregate, tion. For more information on ASR mitigation, including test
and the availability of water, which fuels the reaction. methods, see Guide C1778.

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C989/C989M − 17


X4.1 To provide uniformity for reporting the results of tests requirements, but should certify that the slag cement shipped is
performed on slag cements under this specification, as required represented by the certificate and that the cement conforms to
by Section 12 of Specification C989/C989M entitled applicable requirements of the specification at the time it was
“Certification,” an example Mill Test Report is shown in Fig. tested (or retested) or shipped.
X4.4 The sample Mill Test Report has been developed to
X4.2 The identity information given should unambiguously
reflect the chemical and physical requirements of this specifi-
identify the cement production represented by the Mill Test
cation and recommends reporting all analyses and tests nor-
Report and may vary depending upon the manufacturer’s
designation and purchaser’s requirements. mally performed on slag cements meeting Specification C989/
C989M. Purchaser reporting requirements should govern if
X4.3 The Manufacturer’s Certification statement may vary different from normal reporting by the manufacturer or from
depending upon the manufacturer’s procurement order, or legal those recommended here.

ABC Cement Company

Qualitytown, NJ

Plant: Example Slag Cement ASTM C989 Grade 100 December 7, 2009

Production Period November 15, 2009 to November 30, 2009


Item Test Result ASTM C989 Spec Limit

Sulfide Sulfur (S), % 1.1 2.5 max.

Sulfate Sulfur (as SO3), % 2.7

Aluminum Oxide (as Al2O3) 10.5


Item Test Result ASTM C989 Spec Limit

Compressive StrengthB
7 Day (psi) 3669
28 Day (psi) 5695

Slag Activity Index (%)

7 Day 94
28 Day 118 95

Blaine (m2/kg) 495 A

45 micron (% retained) 3 20 max.

Air Content, % 2 12 max.

Specific Gravity 2.93

Not applicable.
Reference cement chemical and physical data furnished upon request.

We certify that the above described slag cement, at the time of shipment, meets the chemical and physical requirements
of ASTM C989 – 09 or (other) _______ specification.

Signature: _________________________ Title: _________________________________ Date: _________.

FIG. X4.1 Example Mill Test Report

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C989/C989M − 17
X4.5 Slag cements may be shipped prior to later-age test estimates based on historical production data. The report
data being available. In such cases, the test value may be left should indicate if such estimates are provided.
blank. Alternatively, the manufacturer can generally provide


(1) Locher, F. W., “The Problems of the Sulfate Resistance of Slag (4) Hooton, R. D., and Emery, J. J., “Sulfate Resistance of a Canadian
Cements,” Zement-Kalk-Gips, No. 9, September, 1966. Slag Cement,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol 87, No. 6, November–De-
(2) Van Aardt, J. H. P., and Visser, S., “The Behavior of Mixtures of cember 1990.
Milled Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag and Portland Cement in Sulfate (5) Patzias, T., “The Development of ASTM Method C1012/C1012M
Solutions,” Bulletin 47, National Building Research Institute, South with Recommended Acceptance Limits for Sulfate Resistance of
Africa, 1967. Hydraulic Cements,” Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, Vol 13, No.
(3) Chojnacki, B., “Sulfate Resistance of Blended (Slag) Cement,” Report 1, ASTM, 1991.
EM-52, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ontario, Canada


Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C989/C989M – 16ɛ1) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2017.)

(1) Added Note 9. (2) Revised “blast-furnace slag” in Keywords.

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C989/C989M – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 15, 2016.)

(1) Revised Appendix X3 to clarify that slag cement mitigates (3) Revised 10.1.3.
only ASR and direct users to Guide C1778. (4) Added Test Method C1437 to Section 2.
(2) Revised 2.1 to add Guide C1778. (5) Revised 10.1.7 –

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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