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Product Data: 39RN, RW072-110 Indoor and Outdoor Air Handlers

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Product 39RN,RW072-110

Indoor and Outdoor

Data Air Handlers

36,000 to 55,000 Nominal Cfm

Carrier’s 39R air handlers are

designed for maximum flexibility,
offering the ultimate choice in struc-
tural rigidity, acoustical performance
and air tightness.
• Sturdy construction with 2-in. thick
panels for indoor applications.
• Units are available in galvanized
steel, stainless steel or aluminum,
with solid or perforated liners.
• Available AgION™ antimicrobial
coated liners.
• Double sloped stainless steel
condensate drain pan ensures
proper drainage and complies with
ASHRAE Standard 62.
• Stacked coils are rack mounted and
individually removable.
39RN INDOOR UNIT • Optional Tedlar® film wrapping
available for protecting panel
• High pressure constructions up to
8 in. wg, with an air leakage rate
lower than the maximum
permissible by class 3 SMACNA air
leakage standard and/or less than
1% of the nominal airflow.
• Quality assurance ISO 9001:2000

Versatility and quality
The 39R air handler’s modular design
provides the flexibility that previously
existed only in smaller units. By group-
ing a number of accessory modules to-
gether, the modular design minimizes
field joining while allowing units to be
customized for specific requirements.
Accessibility is required from only
one side of the unit, increasing location


Copyright 2004 Carrier Corporation Form 39R-2PD

All sections can be factory assembled Double-wall construction is filled with double wall access panels, insulated for
on a full length, sturdy unibase frame acoustic media. high acoustic performance.
so that the unit can be shipped in a sin- Internally mounted motors are Coil sections are constructed to
gle piece. If conditions do not permit provided from the factory with an prevent air leakage with galvanized
handling the unit in one piece, it can be integral base with 2-in. deflection steel blank off sheets and insulated
shipped in multiple sections. seismic isolators and a flexible connec- removable panels that are both
The quality construction of the 39R tion for full vibration isolation of fan gasketed and bolted.
air handler is the result of the latest and motor assembly. Factory-installed Chilled water coils — These coils
manufacturing technology, combined variable frequency drives (VFDs) are have headers precisely sized to mini-
with over 25 years of experience. also available. mize water pressure loss. Chilled water
Custom engineered for dura- Carrier’s 39R air handlers use maxi- coils are manufactured of 5/8-in. OD
bility and longevity mum efficiency AMCA certified fans; copper tubes with aluminum plate fins
both airfoil centrifugal and plenum fans (8, 10, or 14 fins per in.). Copper and
39R air handlers are designed using are available. All fan wheels are dy- E-coated fins are optional. Vertically
proven structural principles and lead-
namically balanced after assembly to staggered, extra large, large, and
ing edge manufacturing technology.
ensure smooth operation. Fan hous- small (bypass) face area coils are avail-
In-house developed CAD software ings have airtight lock seams or able in 4, 6, 8, or 10 rows. Steel coil
allows for custom design based on
continuously welded construction. Fan connectors with male pipe thread are
parametric algorithms and incorpo-
options include: Self-aligning pillow standard.
rates a database of pre-engineered block bearings, belt guards and inlet
modules. Modules can be customized Direct expansion coils — The di-
screens, nested inlet guide vanes, rect expansion coils offer design flexi-
using AMCA (Air Movement and Con-
actuators, and extended lube lines. bility plus optimization of coil perfor-
trol Association) application guidelines
to ensure optimum air performance. Outdoor units are constructed to mance. Coils are available in large face
ensure that water does not leak in. area, with 4, 6, or 8 rows. The tubes
Standard cabinets are constructed
Design includes a sloped roof, gasket- are of 1/2-in. OD copper with
with G-90 hot dip galvanized steel with ed screws, guttering and mechanical aluminum-plate fins, and 8, 11, or
2-in. thick double walls suitable for
sealing with capped seams. 14 fins per inch. Copper and
pressure differentials up to 8 in. wg
E-coated fins are available as an op-
static. Easy service and maintenance tion. Choose from half, full, or double
The perimeter base frame is de- A wide access door in the blower circuits. Most direct expansion coils
signed to ensure maximum rigidity dur- section on the drive side allows for have at least two splits allowing you to
ing lifting and handling, with structural easy servicing and motor removal. A match a coil with one or two condens-
supports spaced at regular intervals double adjustment slide base provides ing units for independent refrigerant
and located to support heavy loads for proper alignment and belt tension systems.
such as integral bases and coils. The adjustment. Hot water coils — The Carrier line
perimeter’s frame has a double heavy- Fan arrangements provide ample of hot water coils is designed to pro-
duty galvanized steel channel, which is space for maintenance of opposite vide heating capability for a complete
fully insulated to minimize thermal drive side bearings. range of applications, at a working
The blow-thru section has two pressure of 250 psig at 200 F. Hot
Units have drainable flooring, with access panels to permit access to water coils are offered in 1, 2 or
all sections designed to accept 11/2 in. plenums upstream and downstream of 4 rows, with fin spacings of 8, 10, or
drain connections. The floor is ther- the cooling coil. 14 fins per inch. Coils have
mally insulated with 4-in. fiberglass aluminum plate fins with copper tubes
Side loading flat filter sections have
media. Floor joints form a watertight (copper and E-coat fins available). Hot
seal throughout the unit. access doors on one or both sides.
water coils are available with large,
Wall and ceiling panels are mechani- Extensive optimized coil small (bypass) or hot deck face areas.
cally fastened with rigid intermediate selection Steam coils — The 39R inner distrib-
T-mullions. All panels are reinforced The 39R air handlers have a wide uting tube (IDT) steam coils are de-
for rigidity and durability. Panels are selection of coils to meet your applica- signed for a working pressure of
externally sealed with polyurethane tion needs. All 39R coils have Carrier’s 175 psig at 400 F. The plate-fin steam
caulking. high-performance coil surface; the coil coil is available in 1 row, 1-in. OD
Access doors are designed for maxi- tubes are mechanically expanded into copper tubes, with 6, 8, or 12 alumi-
mum airtightness and optimum acous- the fins for improved fin bonding and num fins per inch. Steam coils are
tical performance. A rounded steel peak thermal transfer. All vent and available in large, small (bypass), and
sheet design with a single gasket join drain connections are accessible from hot deck face areas, and are sloped to
reduces sound and air leakage. Gaskets outside the cabinet. Optional copper drain condensate. Steam coils are es-
are self-gripping to ensure long service fins with stainless steel casings are pecially suited to applications where
life without loss of tightness. Doors available for all coils. sub-freezing air enters the air-handling
are built with G-90 galvanized steel. Blow-thru coil sections and sections unit, or where uniformity of leaving-air
with restricted space have 2-in. thick, temperature is required.

Features/Benefits (cont)
Provisions for indoor air • Standard coil arrangement with of a mixing box and an angular filter sec-
quality (IAQ) requirements single, double and triple coil high tion into a space saving configuration.
• 2-in. or 4-in. flat filters individual pining connections Economizer section — The econo-
• 2-in. or 4-in. angle filters extended through the cabinet wall mizer is a combination of two mixing
• Side loading 2-in. or 4-in. pre-filters • Vertically staggered and overlapped boxes in a compact assembly, which
with up to 22-in. deep final bag coils with piping connections permits an accurate modulation of
filters extended through the cabinet wall fresh air, return air and exhaust air.
• Front loading HEPA filters on the same side, minimizing the
Combination angular filter and
coil section height
One or more double-sloped stain- economizer — This basic arrange-
• A blow-thru dual duct arrangement
less steel drain pans help to remove with the cooling and heating coil in ment combines the characteristics of
condensate completely. This eliminates the economizer and an angular filter
a double-deck configuration
the buildup of stagnant water during section in a space saving configuration.
shutdown periods and keeps the air 39R air handlers are offered in
four standard coil face area sizes, Internal face and bypass section
handler free of odors and bacteria. — This section is offered to modulate
Stainless steel is easy to clean and permitting the selection of the most
airflow across a coil using opposed
resists erosion. economical heat transfer service. Coils
offer a variety of fin spacings, rows, blade dampers. Usage is limited to
Protective Tedlar® wrapping on small face area coils.
and circuiting combinations to accu-
panels provides additional protection Dampers — All dampers, including
rately meet load requirements.
against fiber erosion. This option is multizone, are low leak airfoil blade
ideal for sound critical applications Tubes, fins and casings can be
type with a leakage rate of less than
with high IAQ standards. (optionally) constructed of special
1 percent for parallel blades and less
materials in varying thicknesses to suit
As an option, the inside liners and all applications. than 0.5 percent for opposed blades,
floor surface are available with both at 8 in. static pressure differential.
AgION™ coated galvanized steel. Components for customizing Air blender section — Carrier of-
AgION antimicrobial coating uses standard units fers an air blender section to reduce air
the controlled release of silver ions to The fully customizable 39R air handler stratification downstream of a mixing
provide continuous suppression of is available with many options. box or a face and bypass section. Air
microbial growth on the product to Mixing box section — The mixing blenders are static devices that do not
which it is applied. box is a simplified means of modulat- require cleaning, although an access
ing any desired ratio of fresh air and door is available to allow access to the
Multiple coil mounting options downstream section.
for maximum flexibility return air using dampers with parallel
acting blades. Access section — Access sections
Cooling and heating sections are avail-
Combination angular filter and allow for service of internally mounted
able with the following coil mounting
mixing box — This compact arrange- components. They are often installed
options. between coil sections and upstream
ment combines the basic characteristics
from a font loading filter section.

Table of contents
Features/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
ARI Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Model Number Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-15
Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-21
Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-55
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56-60

Features/Benefits (cont)
(Type A Shown)









ARI certification
The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) is a Coils installed in the Carrier 39 Series Air-Handling
voluntary, nonprofit organization comprised of the manu- Units are rated and certified in accordance with ARI
facturers of air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating Standard 410.
products. More than 90 percent of the air conditioning and Plenum fans are rated in accordance with Air Movement
refrigeration machinery and components manufactured in and Control Association (AMCA) 210.
the United States is produced by members of ARI.
Carrier 39 Series Air-Handling Units are rated and certi-
fied in accordance with ARI Standard 430, which is the
industry standard for central station air-handling units.
Certification by participating manufacturers of units within
the scope of this program requires that the ratings and
performance of any central station unit certified to ARI be
established in accordance with the ARI Standard.

Model number nomenclature

39R N 072 A 000001 12

Central Station

Code Model Shipping No. of Pieces

N – Indoor Unit Example: 12 = 1 of 2
W – Outdoor Unit 22 = 2 of 2

000001 thru 999999 — Standard Uni

Unit Size
110 Version

Quality Assurance
Certified to ISO 9001:2000

Application data
Central station air handler to use a blow-thru arrangement and add the fan heat
before the cooling coil. With a draw-thru unit, the
The central station air handler is a heating, ventilating, or airstream must be subcooled to anticipate the addition of
air-conditioning unit that is centrally located in, or on, a fan heat downstream of the cooling coil. Thermal storage
building or structure and from which air is distributed to and cold air distribution systems benefit from blow-thru
desired areas through a system of ducts. applications.
The 39R factory packaged unit Dual duct — This unit delivers 2 outputs; one outlet
Individual components, such as fans, coils, and filters, are produces hot air while the other outlet produces cold air.
assembled at the factory. Packaged equipment is less
costly than field-fabricated equipment and does not require FILTER HOT
assembly. The basic air-handling unit consists of a fan HEAT DECK
section and a coil section. Other components, such as COLD

filter sections, air mixing boxes, access sections, and BOX
damper sections, may also be provided. AIRFLOW

Central station configurations

Draw-thru units
Horizontal Multizone — In a multizone application, mixing dampers
blend hot-deck and cold-deck temperatures to produce a
desired temperature for individual zones. Several blending
dampers per unit produce independent zones, each zone
responding to its own thermostat.

Face and bypass units


High filtration units

High filtration units employ a filter section ahead of the
cooling and heating coils. A second filter section, called a
final filter, is placed at the end of the unit at the point
where the air enters the ductwork.

Blow-thru units
Blow-thru arrangements are more suitable on systems with MIXING


a significant amount of fan (and motor) heat. Fan heat can BOX FAN FUSER FILTER
add 0.3° F to 0.5° F per in. of total static pressure to the
airstream. Therefore, on such systems, it is more efficient

Fans Fan selection criteria
The 39R air handlers use belt-driven centrifugal fans. System requirements — The major factors that influ-
A centrifugal fan is one in which the air flows radially ence fan selection are airflow, external static pressure, fan
through the impeller. Centrifugal fans are classified accord- speed, brake horsepower, and sound level. Additional
ing to fan wheel and blade construction. 39R fans are system considerations include the fan control method,
double width, double inlet (DWDI) with airfoil blades. overloading, and non-standard air density. Fan selection
Plenum fans are selected as single width, single inlet (SWSI) for air-conditioning service usually involves choosing the
with airfoil blades. Standard and small wheels are available smallest fan that provides an acceptable level of perfor-
on all sizes. mance, efficiency and quality.
Pressure considerations — The static pressure is the re-
Laws of fan performance sistance of the combined system apart from the fan. Con-
Fan laws are used to predict fan performance under chang- tributors to static pressure include other components in the
ing operating conditions or by fan size. They are applicable air handler, ductwork, and terminals. The static pressure is
to all types of fans. dependent on the airflow through the system, which is de-
The fan laws are stated below. The symbols used in the termined by the air conditioning requirements. As shown
formulas represent the following variables: in the second fan law in the table above, the static pressure
varies as the square of the airflow (cfm). This ratio between
CFM — Volume rate of flow through the fan.
pressure and airflow determines the system curve for any
RPM — Rotational speed of the impeller. air-handling system.
P — Pressure developed by the fan. The static pressure used to select a fan should be the
Hp — Horsepower input to the fan. pressure calculated for the system at design airflow. If the
D — Fan wheel diameter. The fan size number can be static pressure is overestimated, the amount of increase in
used if it is proportional to the wheel diameter. horsepower and air volume depends upon the steepness of
the fan curves in the area of selection.
W — Air density, varying directly as the barometric pres-
sure and inversely as the absolute temperature. With airfoil (AF) fans (non-overloading), if the actual static
pressure is less than the design static pressure, the fan
Application of these laws is limited to cases where fans
delivers more air with little or no increase in bhp in most
are geometrically similar.
applications. In this case, therefore, adding a safety factor
to the calculated static pressure can increase fan horse-
power (and costs) unnecessarily.

Airflow varies directly with the Speed. =
Air Density 2
(RPM) Fan Size
Distribution System
Pressure varies as the square of
the Speed.
= ( RPM

= (
Horsepower varies as the cube of Hp1 RPM 1
the Speed. Hp2 2

Capacity and Horsepower vary as
the square of the Fan Size.
= ( DD )
Air Density
Tip Speed Speed varies inversely as the RPM1 D2
Fan Size. =
Pressure remains constant. P1 = P 2
(D) Capacity varies as the cube of
the Size.
= ( DD )1

= ( )
Air Density Pressure varies as the square of P1 D 1
Wheel Speed the Size. P2 D 2

= ( )
Horsepower varies as the fifth Hp1 D 1
power of the Size. Hp2 D 2

Pressure Speed, Capacity, and Horsepower 1/2

Fan Size
Distribution System
vary inversely as the square root
of Density.
= ( WW )
(W) Airflow Pressure and Horsepower vary with P1 Hp1 W1
Density. = =
Fan Size P2 Hp2 W2
Distribution System
Speed remains constant. RPM1 = RPM2

Application data (cont)
Stability — Fan operation is stable if it remains un- VAV EXAMPLES
changed after a slight temporary disturbance, or if the fan 11

operation point shifts to another location on the fan curve 10

after a slight permanent disturbance. Fan operation is
unstable if it fluctuates repeatedly or erratically. There are
2 main types of unstable fan operation: O

System surge is a cycling increase and decrease in T

system static pressure.
L 6
Fan stall is the most common type of instability, and it
occurs with any type of centrifugal fan when the fan is I 5
starved for air. 4
Normally, the rotation of the fan wheel forces the air W
through the blade passageway from the low pressure to the G

high pressure side of the fan. If the airflow is restricted too 2 MP

much, however, there is not enough air to fill the space be- 1
tween the blades and the air distribution between the
blades becomes uneven and erratic. Air can flow back- 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
wards through the wheel and the noise level is substantially AIRFLOW (1000 CFM)
increased. If the fan runs in this condition for a long time, MSE — Maximum Static Efficiency RP — Rated Point
SC — System Curve MP — Minimum Point
wheel failure is likely to occur.
For a given speed, the operating point where a fan stalls
is a function of the wheel geometry and wheel speed. In Sound considerations — The fan is one of the main
general, the stall point is within the range of 15 to 25% of sound sources in an air-conditioning system. Other sources
the airflow obtained at free delivery. of sound include the duct system and terminals, because
Stability and VAV applications — Special considerations they generate turbulence in the air flowing through them.
must be made for VAV systems. While the initial fan selection Simply estimating fan sound does not give an accurate pic-
may be acceptable, its operating point could shift to a point of ture of total system sound, but because fan sound is a
stall at minimum airflow and pressure conditions. The typical major component of system sound, fan sound should be
minimum airflow is half of the design cooling airflow, which is minimized.
also often equal to the heating airflow. To determine and plot To minimize its sound generation, a fan must be correct-
the minimum airflow versus static pressure, use the following ly sized and should be selected to operate at or near peak
equation. This equation solves for the static pressure at a spe- efficiency. Oversized fans can generate much higher sound
cific airflow based on a minimum static pressure set point: power levels than necessary, especially in VAV systems op-
erating at low airflows. Undersized fans can also result in
(( CFM1
X (SPDESIGN – SPMIN) ) + SPMIN = SP1 higher sound power levels because of increased fan speeds
and the higher tip velocity of the air leaving the fan blades.
(( 7,500
X (4 – 2) ) + 2 = 2.50 in. wg For VAV systems, the part load point at which the fan
operates most of the time should be used to select a fan for
CFM — Airflow in Cubic Feet Per Minute lowest sound output.
SP — Static Pressure
NOTE: The outlet velocity has no direct effect on sound gen-
The following table illustrates a system with an airfoil fan eration and is not a factor used to determine sound power.
wheel at a cooling design of 15,000 cfm and a system Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are used to modulate
static pressure of 4 in. wg. The minimum airflow is fan volume. A VFD reduces the sound power level as the
7,500 cfm with a minimum system static pressure setpoint fan speed is reduced. At 50% load, the sound level is re-
of 2 in. wg. The minimum static set point is based on zero duced approximately 15 dB compared to the sound level at
airflow and does not coincide with the minimum design 100% load. When using variable frequency drives, it is im-
airflow. portant to be sure that the static deflection of the vibration
Example: isolators is adequate. At very low fan speeds, the fan fre-
SYSTEM AND FAN STATIC PRESSURE quency may approach the natural frequency of the spring
in. wg isolation. If this happens, the vibration levels can be ampli-
100 15,000 4.00 fied and resonant vibration conditions can occur.
90 13,500 3.62
80 12,000 3.28 When sound level is a major consideration, a blow-thru
70 10,500 2.98 fan should be considered because of the reduced discharge
60 9,000 2.72 sound level. This sound reduction is due to the sound
50 7,500 2.50 absorption of the coil section upstream from the fan. Blow-
thru units also have a narrower discharge opening that
As shown on the highlighted VAV curve, the minimum more closely matches the main duct dimensions. Transition
airflow and static pressure (MP) are both well within the fittings and elbows can be reduced in size or eliminated,
acceptable operating conditions of the fan. thereby eliminating a sound source.

To obtain projected sound data for a selected 39R unit, Fan application
use the electronic catalog AHUBuilder® program. Certain fans are more efficient in low static pressure
Fan, motor, and drive heat considerations — The systems, while others operate best in higher pressure
work output of a fan and its motor and drive contribute systems. Some fan types are designed to handle very large
directly to the airflow and pressure exiting the air handler. air volumes while others are more efficient at lower vol-
Not all of the energy output of the fan generates airflow, umes. See the table on page 10.
however. Fan motors are not 100% efficient, and their Airfoil (AF) fans have their greatest efficiency at higher
efficiency loss translates directly into heat that must be static pressures (4.0 to 8.0 in. wg total static pressure).
factored in when calculating the temperature rise across a
Because of the shape of the AF fan performance curve,
fan section. Fans also add a certain amount of heat to the
airstream due to the effects of compression and bearing bhp decreases as air volume decreases only when a VAV
volume control device such as variable-frequency drive
friction. Finally, belt drives do not transmit all of the energy
(VFD) is used.
generated by the motor. Some of the energy is lost in the
form of heat due to belt tension and the type and number Plenum fans (sometimes called “plug” fans) are typically
of belts. Belt drive bhp losses range from 2 to 6 percent; a used in medium to high static pressure applications where
3% loss is typical. ductwork requires discharge location flexibility. They can
Because the 39R Series air handlers all have their fans, reduce the need for ductwork turns or diffusers, especially
when equipment room space is limited.
motors, and drives located within the airstream, heat losses
from these components affect the power requirements, Plenum fans are less efficient than double-width, double-
cooling load, and heating load. inlet airfoil fans. General construction also differs from that
of AF fans. The fan does not have a scroll to enclose the
Power losses in the motor and drive should be allowed
fan wheel and direct airflow. Instead, the entire interior of
for when determining the motor output (bhp), so that the
motor can be correctly sized and so that the additional heat the plenum fan section is pressurized by the fan.
output can be subtracted from cooling capacity or added to Plenum fans have single-width, single-inlet (SWSI) con-
heating capacity. A typical example follows: struction. The fan shaft is parallel with the airflow, and the
Given Fan Operating Point: motor and bearings are located inside the plenum in the
pressurized airstream. An optional inlet screen and wheel
13,224 cfm cage can be installed on the fan to help protect personnel
9.6 Fan bhp during maintenance.
3.0% Estimated drive loss Plenum fans are generally used where there are space
Calculate the required fan motor output (Hp) due to drive limitations, a need for discharge flexibility, a need for
loss. reduced discharge sound, or where duct configurations
might change in the future. For example, in an application
Hp = (Fan bhp) x (Drive Loss)
where there is not enough room in the building for a large
Hp = 9.6 x 1.03 main duct, several smaller duct runs may approach the
Hp = 9.89 hp (select 10 Hp motor) mechanical equipment room from all sides. In such an
Calculate the total fan motor heat output (Q) according to application, several connections can be made to one or
motor efficiency: more sides of the plenum fan section. Installing contractors
can cut outlets in the plenum box at the time of installation
Q = (Motor Output) ÷ (Motor Efficiency [Typical]) to suit the conditions at the jobsite.
Q = 9.89 ÷ 0.86 Because the casing of a plenum fan section acts as a
Q = 11.5 hp sound attenuator, plenum fans are also sometimes used
Convert horsepower to Btu per hour. when discharge sound levels need to be reduced.
11.5 hp x 2545 = 29,268 Btuh Duct takeoffs from plenum fans can have relatively high
pressure losses and can also create turbulence that causes a
Calculate the increase in leaving-air temperature (∆T) due
larger pressure drop across coil and filter sections. When
to fan and motor heat and drive losses:
selecting a plenum fan size, the pressure drop for the duct
Q = 1.1 x cfm x ∆T takeoffs must be added to the external static pressure for
29,268 Btuh = 1.1 x 13,224 x ∆T the rest of the system.
29,268 Btuh = 14,546.4 x ∆T
T = 2.01 F (use to estimate coil requirements)

Application data (cont)
To calculate the pressure losses from plenum fan duct Duct design considerations
takeoffs, use the following formula and refer to the figure The discharge ductwork immediately downstream from the
below. fan is critical for successful applications. Poorly designed
Pl = Pp – Pd = (Cv) (Vp) ductwork can degrade fan performance and contributes to
Where Pl is the pressure loss, Pp is the plenum pressure, excessive pressure drop and noise.
Pd is the duct pressure, Cv is the pressure loss coefficient, The 39R Series airfoil fans are tested as part of a system
and Vp is the velocity pressure in the duct. Note that for ra- with straight discharge ductwork, and the fan ratings are
dial duct takeoffs, Cv is 1.5 in. wg, while for axial duct based on this duct design. When designing ductwork in the
takeoffs, Cv is 2.0 in. wg. To calculate velocity pressure field, it is important to use a straight discharge duct of the
(Vp) in the duct, use the following formula, where V is the correct dimensions to obtain maximum fan performance.
air velocity in the duct: The straight section of ductwork helps the airflow to devel-
Vp = [(V) ÷ (4005)]2 op a uniform velocity profile as it exits the fan and allows
the velocity pressure to recover into static pressure. See
Also note that with more than one duct takeoff and dif-
the figure on page 11.
ferent duct velocities, the highest duct velocity and highest
Cv value should be used in the formulas. For 100% recovery of velocity pressure into static pres-
sure, the straight portion of the discharge duct must be at
PLENUM FAN APPLICATION least at least 21/2 times the discharge diameter in length
Cv = 1.5 in. wg for velocities of 2500 fpm or less. For each additional
P = (1.5) x (V ÷ 4005)2 1000 fpm, add one duct diameter to the length of the
straight portion of the ductwork.
Pd As an example of how to size the straight portion of
duct, assume the fan has a 34 x 34 in. discharge outlet
(8.03 sq ft). The equivalent diameter is 39 in., so the
straight duct length required would be 8 ft long.
Plenum fans do not require straight ductwork of a partic-
ular minimum length, because velocity pressure is convert-
FLOW ed to static pressure inside the plenum fan section. Outlet
ducts, however, should not be installed directly in line with
the air discharge from the fan wheel.
Cv = 2.0 in. wg
NOTE: V is the air velocity in the duct. P = (1.5) x (V ÷ 4005)2


Airfoil • Double-width, double-inlet (DWDI) construction.
(AF) • Best in high capacity and high-pressure
Side View applications (4 to 8 in. wg).
• Horsepower peaks at high capacities.
• Most expensive of centrifugal fans. For medium to high air capacity and pressure
• Operates at high speeds, typically 1200 to applications.
2800 rpm.
• Blades have aerodynamic shape similar to
airplane wing and are curved away from direction
of rotation.
End View • Single-width, single-inlet (SWSI) construction.
• Characteristics similar to DWDI airfoil fan.
• Blades have aerodynamic shape similar to Best in applications with limited space or
airplane wing and are curved away from direction multiple ducts.
of rotation. Fewer blades and wider blade
spacing than AF fans.

Methods of fan air-volume control
DISCHARGE DUCT • Inlet guide vanes (IGVs)
CENTRIFUGAL • Variable frequency drives (VFDs)
A short description of these control methods follows. A
summary comparison table is provided at the end of the
Inlet guide vanes — Inlet guide vanes (IGVs) are the
100% EFFECTIVE DUCT LENGTH most common method of variable air volume control. Sub-
2 1/2 DIAMETERS AT 2500 FPM stantial energy savings can be gained by using IGVs to re-
duce airflow and system pressure at reduced loads while
maintaining a constant fan speed.
Inlet guide vanes (IGVs) are installed in the fan inlet to al-
Fan control on variable air volume systems ter the fan’s intake air supply, thereby modulating the fan
Introduction — With their inherent characteristics of re- output. The IGVs open and close in response to system
ducing airflow to meet demand, VAV systems can be a pressure and air volume requirements.
source of major energy savings, because fan brake horse- Due to the additional airflow resistance of the IGVs in
power (bhp) varies with the amount of air delivered. the airstream, fan speed must be increased to obtain the
The degree to which bhp savings are realized, however, design airflow and static pressure compared to a unit with-
is also affected by the type of fan volume control selected out IGVs.
and the effectiveness of its application. Effective fan con- The horsepower requirement also increases. Even
trol assures proper duct pressure for the required control though power requirements are slightly higher at the
stability of the air terminals and provides quiet terminal design pressure and airflow, however, the increase is
unit operation when “riding the fan curve.” offset by the reduction in power requirements at part load
Consider the following when selecting a fan volume con- conditions.
trol method: With inlet guide vane control, the closing of the vanes
1. System parameters: causes the air to spin in the direction of fan rotation. The
spin results in less static pressure being generated and less
a. Airflow (cfm).
b. Static pressure. horsepower being required at the reduced airflow.
c. Percent volume reduction (turndown). As the system load decreases and terminal units begin to
throttle, duct static pressure increases. The pressure
2. Fan type and selection point:
increase is detected by a static pressure sensor in the duct
a. Design point efficiency. system. The sensor causes the operator to close the inlet
b. Part load efficiency (especially the point where the guide vanes sufficiently to maintain duct pressure at the
fan will be operating most of the time). control setting.
c. Part load stability.
Inlet guide vanes actually change the fan performance
3. Ease of control installation and use. characteristics as well as reducing the amount of delivered
4. Motor selection: air. As the vanes close, there is a new and different fan per-
a. Higher bhp inputs due to efficiency of VAV control formance curve at each vane setting. Airflow, static pres-
method. sure, and bhp are all different points on the new curves.
b. Compatibility with VAV control. Two disadvantages of inlet guide vanes are:
5. Sound levels:
1. As an obstruction to the airstream, they cause a slight
a. Fan-generated sound. fan efficiency loss (increase in required bhp at design
b. Terminal sound. conditions).
c. Control-generated sound.
2. They are a source of sound generation at reduced
d. System sound (ducts, fittings).
cfm. While the sound caused by fan blades diminishes
6. Initial cost and operating cost. at lower airflows, the sound caused by the vanes
7. Reliability and ease of maintenance. increases. The overload sound level, then, is a func-
tion of both the inlet vane position and the quantity of
System parameters air being handled. Sound attenuation devices
Before a fan type or control is selected, the system must be designed to handle full airflow may be inadequate at
analyzed at both the design point and part load. The fan is reduced flow.
likely to be operating at part load a large percentage of the

Application data (cont)
Variable frequency drives — Variable frequency drives discharge dampers or inlet guide vanes. At reduced load
(VFDs) are used to modulate the fan motor speed in re- requirements, fan speed is reduced proportionately, with
sponse to air volume requirements. To vary the motor resulting lower airflow, lower static pressure, lower bhp
speed, a VFD changes the input frequency and line voltage requirements, and lower sound levels.
into a wide range of frequency and voltage outputs, while As the load decreases in a VAV system and the terminal
maintaining a constant ratio of frequency to voltage. units throttle, duct static pressure increases. A static pres-
Variable frequency drives convert input ac power to dc sure sensor in the duct system detects the pressure increase
power and then convert the dc power to a different and initiates a fan speed change through the VFD.
ac power output using an inverter. The inverter creates the Fan speed is reduced until the duct sensor detects a
ac output by rapidly switching the polarity of the voltage satisfactory duct pressure. The Variable Frequency Fan
from positive to negative. Power output from the VFD is Speed Control chart illustrates the results of fan speed
not a smooth sine wave, but has many “steps” in the wave reduction as operation shifts from Point A to Point B. If
form. This type of power output can cause a standard fan duct pressure begins to fall due to terminal units opening,
motor to exceed its rated temperature range. The stepped the duct sensor signals the VFD to increase fan speed.
power output also results in motor efficiency losses that
must be considered when calculating the energy savings of- This method of air volume control permits fan speed
reduction down to as low as 10% of the design speed. With
fered by the VFD.
FC fans riding the fan curve at the lower rpm, airflow may
Because of the stepped power output generated by be as low as 10% of peak design, as long as motor RPM is
VFDs, fan motors rated for inverter duty are recommend- not less than 1/6 of motor synchronous speed.
ed. If a standard motor is used with a VFD, the motor
The method may be applied to any size VAV system with
should not be operated at the full service factor. Variable
any type of fan. It is particularly cost effective on systems
frequency drives can be an effective way to control
air volume and save energy. They can provide greater with high turndown requirements where the full speed re-
duction capability can be used.
reduction in fan bhp than throttling with either fan


Unit control arrangements with Carrier Direct For supply fan applications, the field-installed CC6400
Digital Controls processor maintains the duct static pressure at a desired set
Supply fan control — Supply fan control is used to point between 0.2 and 4.5 in. wg to within ±0.1 in. wg
match the supply fan delivery to the airflow required by the throughout the fan control range. In applications where
load in a variable air volume system. This is done by main- over 100 ft of pneumatic tubing is required, the transducer
taining a constant static pressure in the supply duct at a must be removed from the control box and remotely
point approximately 2/3 of the distance from the supply mounted near the static pressure pickup.
fan discharge. Indoor air quality (IAQ) applications
The field-provided/field-installed CC6400 processor The CO2 demand-controlled ventilation override increases
uses a control loop to provide the capability. This proces- the minimum ventilation level in order to maintain the CO2
sor measures the static pressure at the pick-up probe, com- level at or below the maximum level per person. Features
pares it to the desired set point, and modulates the fan vol- include the ability to save energy by ventilating only to the
ume control device. See the Supply Fan Control figure. actual rate required, rather than the maximum design occu-
The volume control device can be a factory-installed or pancy rate. When combined with Product Integrated Con-
field-installed variable frequency drive (VFD). trols, the feature automatically adapts and changes
The VFD offers several advantages over inlet guide ventilation quantity without operator set point adjustments.
vanes. First, the VFD operates more efficiently in most ap- The feature has user-selectable values for minimum mixed
plications, thus saving energy. The VFD also provides the air temperature override, maximum damper ventilation
ability to maintain control over a much larger airflow range override position, and supply air tempering (when hot
(it has a higher turn-down ratio). The following guideline water/steam heat is used).
should be used to ensure proper control:
Variable frequency drives should not be operated at
below 10% of the maximum for which the fan was select-
ed, regardless of the fan type.








DDC — Direct Digital Control

MXB — Mixing Box Static Pressure Pick-Up
VFD — Variable Frequency Drive

Application data (cont)
Coils The first step in selecting an air handler size is to deter-
Coil definitions — A coil, as the term is used with air- mine the maximum allowable face velocity.
handling equipment, is a heat exchange device. A heating This maximum is determined by the specifier and is
or cooling medium passes through the coil, where it either based primarily on the following criteria:
rejects heat to, or absorbs heat from, the airstream passing 1. Avoidance of moisture carryover into the ductwork
over the coil, depending upon the relative temperatures of (applies to cooling coils only).
medium and airstream.
2. Air pressure drop across the coil.
Tube — The tube is a small-diameter pipe through which
3. Heat transfer efficiency.
the heating or cooling medium passes as it rejects or ab-
sorbs heat. Coil tubes are generally constructed of copper The maximum safe air velocity without moisture carry-
but may be made of other metals. over into the ductwork depends on the type and spacing of
the finned surface, the amount of moisture on the coil, and
Fin — The coil fin is a thin metal plate attached to the tube
to improve the heat transfer efficiency from medium to air- the geometry between coil and fan inlet or ductwork. Since
coil moisture conditions vary, and coil versus duct geome-
stream. Typically, it is made of either aluminum or copper.
try varies (for example, between draw-thru, blow-thru, ver-
Header — The header is a pipe of large diameter to tical, or horizontal units), the specified maximum face ve-
which several tubes are connected. It serves as a distributor locity should allow for these variations.
of the heating or cooling medium to the tubes. Headers are
Fan horsepower is also affected by face velocity, since
typically of non-ferrous metal or steel.
the air resistance across the coil varies roughly as the
square of the face velocity.
AIRFLOW DEPTH For the above reasons, the maximum specified face ve-
TUBE locity is normally a conservative figure (on the low side).
Suggested design face velocities are as follows:


Cooling 400 to 550 fpm
Heating 400 to 800 fpm
In variable air volume (VAV) applications, the system
generally operates below peak air volume for extended pe-
NOM. riods. In such cases, the design face velocity is commonly
INLET LENGTH FINNED selected at the higher end of the suggested range.
CASING Tube face — This is the number of tubes in any one coil

Casing — The supporting metal structure for tubes and

header is called a casing. It is usually made of galvanized
steel but can be made of other materials (stainless steel).
Inlet and outlet — These are pipe stubs on the header
where the heating or cooling medium enters and leaves the
In water coils, the supply inlet is the pipe stub located on
the side where the air leaves the coil. The outlet is the stub
on the entering air side of the coil. Such an arrangement is
known as counterflow.
In steam coils, the inlet is always the higher stub so that Above is a 4-row coil with a 4-tube face. Note that tubes
condensate will drain out of the lower stub. are staggered in adjacent rows. Cooling coils are typically
Finned area or face area — The working area of the available in 4, 6, 8, and 10-row configurations. Tubes
coil is defined as the width x length of the finned area should have an outside diameter (OD) of 5/8 in. to maxi-
through which air passes. This finned or face area does not mize heat transfer at minimum water flows. Coils should be
include the extra dimensions for the casing. sized for the most efficient use of water.
Face velocity — This is the air velocity in fpm across the Water temperature differences of 12 to 16° F are typical
finned or face area of a coil. It is determined by dividing the and represent optimum selection points.
air volume in cfm by the coil face area in square feet.
Air Volume (cfm)
Face Velocity (Fpm) =
Coil Face Area (sq ft)

Pass — That part of the circuit that passes through the drop solenoid valve control as illustrated above and let the
airstream once. Below is a 4-pass circuit. suction cutoff unloaders “ride” with the load. The second is
to use drop solenoid valve control as illustrated above with
electric unloaders and let the control algorithm determine
the combination of solenoid valves and unloaders to limit
tons/circuit to acceptable limits. The third is to limit the
minimum amount of unloading so that tons/circuit is with-
in acceptable limits.
Ethylene glycol
Direct expansion (DX) coils — Direct expansion coils The effects of ethylene glycol usage on coil capacity and
pressure drop can be determined from the AHUBuilder®
can have two intertwined refrigerant circuits. In addition,
program. For a quick estimate of these effects, however,
half, full and circuiting configurations are offered to allow
optimum system performance and oil return at full and use the chart below.
part-load operation. The chart is based on 6-row/14-fin coil performance
with the only variable being ethylene glycol concentration
Circuiting selection should result in a circuit loading of 1.5
to 3.0 tons per circuit at design load. Circuit loading must be by weight.
evaluated at minimum load to ensure that it does not drop
below 1.25 tons per circuit. Solenoid valves may be used, if ETHYLENE GLYCOL EFFECTS
necessary, to shut off the refrigerant supply to individual
expansion valves to maintain adequate coil circuit loading.
Compressor minimum unloading and TXV quantity is
necessary to determine minimum tonnage per circuit. Min-
imum Unloading Equation:
(Tons/Circuit) x (Minimum Unloading)
x (Total # of TXVs)
# of TXVs Active
Condensing Unit: 38ARS012
Minimum Unloading: 33%
Coil: 6 row, 10 FPI, Half Circuit
Coil Tons/Circuit: 1.68
Total TXVs: 2
NOTE: Use the percentage of ethylene glycol concentration for burst
In the first example we will determine the tons/circuit protection, not freeze-up protection.
when both TXVs are active and the compressor is
unloaded to its minimum of 33%.
(1.68 Tons/Circuit) x (33% Minimum Unloading) Filters
x (2 TXVs) Air is contaminated in varying degrees by soil, organic mat-
2 TXVs Active ter, spores, bacteria, smoke, dust, and fumes.
Air cleaning and filtration devices are required in order
(1.68) x (.33) x (2) to create a clean work environment, reduce cleaning costs,
= and extend the life of machinery or equipment.
= .55 tons/circuit at minimum unloading UNACCEPTABLE Filter ratings
Filters are rated according to efficiency and dust-holding
If we install a liquid line solenoid valve before one of the capacity.
TXVs and close it so that only one TXV is active when the
compressor is unloaded to its minimum of 33%, we see the The most commonly accepted method of testing filter ef-
following: ficiency is per ASHRAE Standard 52. Previously used
methods include AFI (American Filter Institute) and NBS
(1.68 Tons/Circuit) x (33% Minimum Unloading) (National Bureau of Standards) methods. Absolute, or
x (2 TXVs) HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, because of
1 TXV Active the unusually small particles involved, are tested by the
DOP (Dioctylphthalate particle) test.
(1.68) x (.33) x (2) Filter dust-holding capacity is directly related to filter life.
1 The filter is replaced when the amount of dirt and dust it
= 1.10 tons/circuit at minimum unloading ACCEPTABLE contains builds up air resistance to an unacceptable level.
Air resistance build-up is measured by a filter air-resistance
There are three different options to control tons/circuit gage.
when using an unloading compressor. The first is to use

Selection procedure
Carrier’s AHUBuilder® program provides exact coil and SPECIFICATION WORKSHEET
performance data certified to the ARI 410 and 430 stan-
dards. In addition to standard outputs, the programs pro- JOB NAME _______________________________________
vide coil moisture carryover information. When informa- MARK FOR _______________________________________
tion from the computer selection programs is not available,
use the following general guidelines for velocity limits to CAPACITY _______________ CFM _________________
avoid moisture carryover.
COIL MOISTURE BLOWOFF LIMITS (fpm) Internal ________ External ________ Total _________
8 550 500 RPM ________ BHP ________ CYCLES ______
10 550 425
MTR TYPE _______________________________________
14 550 375
1. See AHUBuilder program for specific limitations. COOLING COIL: SUPPLY ______ RETURN ________
2. Data shown is for general use in high latent conditions.
3. Coils with E-coated fins exhibit the same limitations as copper fins. HEATING COIL: SUPPLY ______ RETURN ________
4. Units apply to clean, properly maintained coils.
Cost-efficient, computerized selection SIZE ____________________ QTY _________________
SIZE ____________________ QTY _________________
The Products and Systems Electronic Catalog is a series of
computer programs designed to run on an IBM-compatible COMPONENT SEQUENCE LENGTH WEIGHT
personal computer to select products and systems offered
____________________ + _________ ___________
by Carrier.
____________________ + _________ ___________
General features:
• Provides “true” selection for all air-handling units coils ____________________ + _________ ___________
and fans. Required capacity and/or entering and ____________________ + _________ ___________
leaving conditions may be specified with the program ____________________ + _________ ___________
determining performance ratings for all applicable coil
configurations. User-specified performance rating for ____________________ + _________ ___________
a particular configuration or specified performance ____________________ + _________ ___________
____________________ + _________ ___________
• Guaranteed projection of unit size vs airflow without
water carryover problems ____________________ + _________ ___________
• Minimized specifying input criteria — fixed or rarely ____________________ + _________ ___________
changing parameters user specified as defaults and sep-
arated from main input screen MOTOR
____________________ —
+ _________ ___________
• Displayed output mode of coil performance ratings
____________________ —
+ _________ ___________
allow side-by-side comparison of user-defined perfor-
mance ratings values (4 calculated values for each coil),
or complete performance ratings of all coils in a spread- TOTAL __________ ___________
sheet format.
• Detailed summary reports including cooling, heating, COMMENTS: ______________________________________
fan, acoustic, and physical performance data can be _________________________________________________
generated in different formats. Fully featured on-line _________________________________________________
help system contained within the program
• Easier to use than previous generation systems PREPARED BY: ____________________________________
• Uses ARI approved method, reduces engineering DATE: ____________________________________________
Special features — Allows user to continually monitor
and modify input/output. Provides processing for special
• Ethylene glycol or brine,
• Altitude

Typical unit configurations







Selection procedure (cont)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


1. Find the required airflow by reading across available airflow (cfm x 1000) scale at the bottom of the chart.
2. Read down from the selected airflow until the desired face velocity (fpm) is reached.
3. From this point, move to the left to determine the unit size.
Face velocity 400 to 450 fpm
Most commonly used for high latent load applications. Space requirements and costs are higher than other selections.
Face velocity 450 to 550 fpm
Represents most standard commercial HVAC cooling applications. Good value and space balance.
Face velocity 550 to 600 fpm
Best selection for space and cost if conditions permit.
Face velocity 600 to 700 fpm
Best selection for heating only applications.
1. Airflow is based on use of an extra large face area coil.
2. Fan velocities are based on a nominal cooling coil face area as shown by unit size; heat and vent applications
can have velocities greater than 600 fpm.






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


1. Find the required airflow by reading across available airflow (cfm x 1000) scale at the bottom of the chart.
2. Read down from the selected airflow until the desired face velocity (fpm) is reached.
3. From this point, move to the left to determine the unit size.
Face velocity 400 to 450 fpm
Most commonly used for high latent load applications. Space requirements and costs are higher than other selections.
Face velocity 450 to 550 fpm
Represents most standard commercial HVAC cooling applications. Good value and space balance.
Face velocity 550 to 600 fpm
Best selection for space and cost if conditions permit.
Face velocity 600 to 700 fpm
Best selection for heating only applications.
1. Airflow is based on use of a large face area coil.
2. Fan velocities are based on a nominal cooling coil face area as shown by unit size; heat and vent applications
can have velocities greater than 600 fpm.

Selection procedure (cont)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


1. Find the required airflow by reading across available airflow (cfm x 1000) scale at the bottom of the chart.
2. Read down from the selected airflow until the desired face velocity (fpm) is reached.
3. From this point, move to the left to determine the unit size.
Face velocity 400 to 450 fpm
Most commonly used for high latent load applications. Space requirements and costs are higher than other selections.
Face velocity 450 to 550 fpm
Represents most standard commercial HVAC cooling applications. Good value and space balance.
Face velocity 550 to 600 fpm
Best selection for space and cost if conditions permit.
Face velocity 600 to 700 fpm
Best selection for heating only applications.
1. Airflow is based on use of a small or bypass face area coil.
2. Fan velocities are based on a nominal cooling coil face area as shown by unit size; heat and vent applications
can have velocities greater than 600 fpm.






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


1. Find the required airflow by reading across available airflow (cfm x 1000) scale at the bottom of the chart.
2. Read down from the selected airflow until the desired face velocity (fpm) is reached.
3. From this point, move to the left to determine the unit size.
Face velocity 400 to 450 fpm
Most commonly used for high latent load applications. Space requirements and costs are higher than other selections.
Face velocity 450 to 550 fpm
Represents most standard commercial HVAC cooling applications. Good value and space balance.
Face velocity 550 to 600 fpm
Best selection for space and cost if conditions permit.
Face velocity 600 to 700 fpm
Best selection for heating only applications.
1. Airflow is based on use of a vertical staggered face area coil.
2. Fan velocities are based on a nominal cooling coil face area as shown by unit size; heat and vent applications
can have velocities greater than 600 fpm.

Performance data


COMPONENT 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Throwaway (2 in.) 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.22 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.40 0.46
FLAT Permanent (2 in.) 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21
Throwaway (4 in.) 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.40 0.46
Throwaway (2 in.) 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.22
FILTER/MIXING Permanent (2 in.) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.15
Throwaway (4 in.) 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.22
Throwaway (2 in.) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.14
ANGLE* Permanent (2 in.) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.10
Throwaway (4 in.) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.14
(60-65) 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.40 0.48 0.52
Bag† (80-85) 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.48 0.54 0.60 0.65
(% Efficient)
BAG/ (90-95) 0.23 0.29 0.36 0.43 0.51 0.60 0.67 0.75 0.85 0.94 1.00
CARTRIDGE (60-65) 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51
(80-85) 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.71
(% Efficient)
(90-95) 0.23 0.30 0.37 0.44 0.51 0.58 0.65 0.72 0.79 0.85 0.92
HEPA†† 0.54 0.68 0.82 0.97 1.11 1.25 1.40 1.53 1.67 1.83 1.95
*Filter data shown is for clean filter. Consult filter manufacturer’s recom- ††Filter data shown is for clean filter. Consult filter manufacturer’s recom-
mendation for final dirty-filter pressure drop. Typically, 0.5 in. wg is allowed mendation for final dirty-filter pressure drop. Typically, 2.5 in. wg is allowed
for dirty filter. Add pressure drop for pre-filter (flat filter) if used. for dirty filter. Add pressure drop for pre-filter (flat filter) if used.
†Filter data shown is for clean filter. Consult filter manufacturer’s recom- NOTE: Filters are field supplied and installed. Pressure drop values shown
mendation for final dirty-filter pressure drop. Typically, 1.0 in. wg is allowed are typical and can vary with manufacturer and filter efficiency.
for dirty filter. Add pressure drop for pre-filter (flat filter) if used.
**Filter data shown is for clean filter. Consult filter manufacturer’s recom-
mendation for final dirty-filter pressure drop. Typically, 1.5 in. wg is allowed
for dirty filter. Add pressure drop for pre-filter (flat filter) if used.


39R Air Velocity Through Component (fpm)
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 3000 4000
Air Blender — 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.29 0.39 — — — —
Diffuser Plate 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.56 —
Mixing or Exhaust Box 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.44 1.00 —
Zone Damper — — — 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.25 0.48
Side Intake Louver 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.18 0.25 0.33 — — — —
Rear Inlet Hood 0.24 0.53 0.94 1.47 — — — — — — —
1. For mixing box dampers, pressure drops are worst case which will occur
with one damper open and one closed. With one damper partially open
and one partially closed, the actual pressure drop will be much less.
2. Diffuser plates are mounted on fan discharge.

300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
8 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.51 0.66 1, 2, or 8 0.08 0.13 0.19 0.26 0.34 0.43 0.53 0.64 0.75
4 10 0.18 0.29 0.44 0.59 0.77 4
10 0.09 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.39 0.50 0.61 0.72 0.85
14 0.23 0.36 0.52 0.70 0.90 14 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.37 0.47 0.59 0.71 0.85 0.99
8 0.23 0.38 0.55 0.76 1.00
6 10 0.28 0.45 0.65 0.89 1.15
14 0.34 0.55 0.79 1.06 1.36
8 0.30 0.50 0.74 1.02 1.33 FACE VELOCITY (fpm)
8 10 0.36 0.60 0.88 1.19 1.53 ROWS FINS
14 0.46 0.73 1.05 1.41 1.81 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
8 0.38 0.63 0.92 1.27 1.66 6 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34
10 10 0.47 0.75 1.09 1.49 1.89 1 8 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.65 0.76
14 0.57 0.91 1.31 1.76 2.26 12 0.12 0.18 0.27 0.37 0.47 0.58 0.72 0.85 1.01 1.15

Physical data
General unit dimensions



UNIT Height Width
SIZE (in.) (in.)
072 113 124
085 113 144
095 133 143
110 133 163
1. Weights and dimensions are approximate.
For more exact dimensions, consult with
your local Carrier Sales Engineer or select
your desired unit using AHUBuilder®
software program.
2. All dimensions in inches unless otherwise

H — Height
W — Width



UNIT Height Width
SIZE (in.) (in.)
072 1179/16 124
085 118 144
095 138 143
110 13711/16 163
1. Unit sizes 072-095 with a coil connection
housing (CCH) will increase in height by
1 inch.
2. Unit size 110 will have a double sloped

W H — Height
W — Width

Physical data (cont)
General unit dimensions (cont)


072 085 095
Dimensions (in.)
H 1179/16 118 138
W 124 144 143
RH 113 113 133
FH 1159/16 116 136
FH — Front Height
H — Overall Height
RH — Rear Height
W — Width


137 11/16"

134 11/16"


81 1/2" 81 1/2"

Air distribution components




072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 50 52 57 57 AWL 50 52 57 57
DA 41 41 46 46 DA 41 41 46 46
DW 104 124 123 143 DW 104 124 123 143
Weight (lb) 1760 2012 2341 2576 Weight (lb) 1803 2064 2398 2641
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Dampers are placed on top of unit and are typically 4-in.
3. Add 2-in. to airway length for floor opening.
4. Add 9 in. to AWL for mixing boxes with rear outdoor air


Mixing boxes shall have parallel or opposed blades and interconnecting outside-air and return-air dampers.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with blade seals and stainless
steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating synthetic bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall
be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Physical data (cont)
Air distribution components (cont)


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110 39RW OUTDOOR

UNIT SIZE UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 63 65 70 70 AWL 63 65 70 70
DA 41 41 46 46 DA 41 41 46 46
DW 104 124 123 143 DW 104 124 123 143
Weight (lb) 2680 3064 3542 3879 Weight (lb) 2734 3129 3612 3958
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Add 14-in. to the AWL with floor opening.
3. Add 9 in. to AWL for mixing boxes with rear outdoor air


Filter mixing boxes shall have doublewall, insulated, galvanized steel floors. Hinged doublewall access door on both sides shall be available as
an option.

Angle filter sections shall accept either 2-in. or 4-in. filters of standard sizes, arranged in a horizontal V formation.

Filter-mixing boxes shall have parallel or opposed blades and interconnecting outside-air and return-air dampers.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with blade seals and stainless
steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating synthetic bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall
be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Air distribution components (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 63 71 71 68 AWL 63 71 71 68
Weight (lb) 1844 2266 2509 2632 Weight (lb) 1898 2337 2579 2709
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. The AWL length and weights of Air Mixer sections are the
same, with or without access door.


Air mixer sections reduce air stratification downstream of a mixing box or a face and bypass damper section. A 75% efficiency air mixer section
allows a large volume of fresh air.

The following formula gives the maximum outside air volume to maintain the air temperature above 35 F at any point along the air mixer section

0.88 TR + 0.12 TO –35

Max. % fresh air = x 100
(TR – TO)
Where TR = return air temperature (F)
TO = outside air temperature (F)

Physical data (cont)
Air distribution components (cont)


UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133
W 124 144 143 163
AWL 91 91 101 101
DA 41 41 46 46
DW 104 124 123 143
Weight (lb) 2858 3163 3696 4038
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Top or bottom openings are optional.
3. Add 5 in. to the AWL when component is configured with one bottom intake opening.
4. Add 10 in. to the AWL when component is configured with two bottom intake openings.
Viewports shall be available as a factory-installed option on the access door(s) of indoor economizer sections only.
Marine lights shall be available as a factory-installed option.

Indoor economizer sections shall have parallel or opposed blades and interconnecting outside-air and return-air dampers.
Damper frames on indoor units extend 4-in. outside the unit, as shown.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with blade
seals and stainless steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating synthetic
bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Air distribution components (cont)









24" (2)




39RW OUTDOOR 072 085 095 110 AWL — Airway Length
UNIT SIZE DA — Duct Depth
Dimensions (in.) DW — Duct Width
H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16 H — Height
W — Width
W 124 144 143 163
AWL 136 158 146 168
DA 71 71 91 91
DW 62 73 63 73
K 96 96 117 117
L (Qty) Size) (2) 64 (2) 75 (2) 69 (2) 80
U 71 71 91 91
V 37 44 38 44
D 59 66 64 80
Weight (lb) 2975 3321 3841 4228

Viewports shall be available as a factory-installed option on the access door(s) of indoor economizer sections only.
Marine lights shall be available as a factory-installed option.

Indoor economizer sections shall have parallel or opposed blades and interconnecting outside-air and return-air dampers.
Damper frames on indoor units extend 4-in. outside the unit, as shown.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with blade seals and stainless
steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating synthetic bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall
be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Physical data (cont)
Air distribution components (cont)


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110

Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133
W 124 144 143 163
AWL 106 106 116 116
DA 41 41 46 46
DW 104 124 123 143
Weight (lb) 3239 3579 4138 4516
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Add 12-in. to airway length when component is configured with two bottom intake openings.

Indoor economizers shall have doublewall, insulated, galvanized steel floors. Accessibility options shall be hinged doublewall access doors on
both sides.

Angle filter sections shall accept either 2-in. or 4-in. filters of standard sizes, arranged in a horizontal V formation.

Indoor economizer sections shall have parallel or opposed blades and interconnecting outside-air and return-air dampers.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with blade seals and stainless
steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating synthetic bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall
be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Air distribution components (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 36 36 36 36 AWL 36 36 36 36
Weight (lb) 1401 1571 1742 1929 Weight (lb) 1432 1607 1778 1970
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width

39RN, 39RW UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110

Bypass Damper (Qty...Height [in.]) 1...33 1...33 1...51 1...51
Face Damper Height (Qty...Height [in.]) 2...30 2...30 2...33 2...33
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


Internal Face and Bypass damper sections shall have opposed blades and interconnecting face and bypass dampers.

Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6-in. wide and made of extruded aluminum, with
blade seals and stainless steel jamb seals. Blades shall be mechanically fastened to axle rods rotating in self-lubricating
synthetic bearings. Maximum leakage rate shall be 10 cfm/ft2 at 4-in. wg differential pressure.

Physical data (cont)
Access sections


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110 39RW OUTDOOR

UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
H (in.) 113 113 133 133 H (in.) 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W (in.) 124 144 143 163 W (in.) 124 144 143 163
Small Access Small Access
AWL (in.) 23 23 23 23 AWL (in.) 23 23 23 23
Weight (lb) 516 563 599 647 Weight (lb) 536 586 622 673
Medium Medium
AWL (in.) 25 25 25 25 AWL (in.) 25 25 25 25
Weight (lb) 560 612 651 703 Weight (lb) 582 637 676 731
Large Large
AWL (in.) 29 29 29 29 AWL (in.) 29 29 29 29
Weight (lb) 650 710 755 815 Weight (lb) 675 739 784 848
Extra Large Extra Large
AWL (in.) 35 35 35 35 AWL (in.) 35 35 35 35
Weight (lb) 784 857 912 984 Weight (lb) 814 892 947 1024
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option. View ports shall be available
as a factory-installed option on the access door(s) of the section.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in.
intervals (center to center).

Plenum sections


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110 39RW OUTDOOR

UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 50 52 57 57 AWL 50 52 57 57
DA 41 41 46 46 DA 41 41 46 46
DW 104 124 123 143 DW 104 124 123 143
Weight (lb) 1715 1963 2289 2519 Weight (lb) 1758 2015 2346 2584
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Add 2 in. to airway length for floor discharge opening.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option. View ports shall be available as
a factory-installed option on the access door(s) of the section.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Physical data (cont)
Filtration components


39RN INDOOR 39RW OUTDOOR 072 085 095 110

072 085 095 110 UNIT SIZE
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 9 9 9 9 AWL1 9 9 9 9
AWL2 11 11 11 11 AWL2 11 11 11 11
Weight1 (lb) 382 440 484 553 Weight1 (lb) 392 451 495 566
Weight2 (lb) 401 462 508 581 Weight2 (lb) 412 475 521 596
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 5 — 12 x 24 4 4 5 —
24 x 24 16 20 25 30 24 x 24 16 20 25 30
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Filter
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Add 2 in. to the filter AWL for an upstream or downstream split.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Filtration components (cont)


39RN INDOOR 39RW OUTDOOR 072 085 095 110

UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110 UNIT SIZE
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 6 6 6 6 AWL1 6 6 6 6
AWL2 8 8 8 8 AWL2 8 8 8 8
Weight1(lb) 314 367 406 469 Weight1 (lb) 319 373 412 476
Weight2 (lb) 330 385 426 492 Weight2 (lb) 337 393 434 501
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 — — 12 x 24 4 4 — —
24 x 24 16 20 25 30 24 x 24 16 20 25 30
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Filter
H — Height
W — Width
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Physical data (cont)
Filtration components (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 30 30 30 30 AWL 30 30 30 30
Weight (lb) 1032 1175 1331 1443 Weight (lb) 1058 1205 1361 1477
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 8 8 10 — 12 x 24 8 8 10 —
24 x 24 32 40 50 60 24 x 24 32 40 50 60
AWL — Airway Length with 2-in. or 4-in. Filter
H — Height
W — Width
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Filtration components (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 31 31 31 31 AWL1 31 31 31 31
AWL2 33 33 33 33 AWL2 33 33 33 33
Weight1 (lb) 808 906 979 1087 Weight1 (lb) 837 937 1010 1123
Weight2 (lb) 849 951 1028 1141 Weight2 (lb) 877 984 1061 1178
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 9 6 12 x 24 4 4 9 6
24 x 24 16 20 20 24 24 x 24 16 20 20 24
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Pre-filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Pre-filter
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. If the section is shipped separately, add 2 in. to AWL.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Physical data (cont)
Filtration components (cont)


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110 39RW OUTDOOR

UNIT SIZE UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 25 25 25 25 AWL1 25 25 25 25
AWL2 27 27 27 27 AWL2 27 27 27 27
Weight1 (lb) 785 881 953 1059 Weight1 (lb) 807 906 978 1087
Weight2 (lb) 824 925 1001 1112 Weight2 (lb) 847 952 1028 1143
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 — — 12 x 24 4 4 — —
24 x 24 16 20 25 30 24 x 24 16 20 25 30
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Pre-filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Pre-filter
H — Height
W — Width
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Filtration components (cont)


39RN INDOOR 39RW OUTDOOR 072 085 095 110

072 085 095 110 UNIT SIZE
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 25 25 25 25 AWL1 25 25 25 25
AWL2 27 27 27 27 AWL2 27 27 27 27
Weight1 (lb) 808 906 979 1087 Weight1 (lb) 830 931 1004 1115
Weight2 (lb) 848 951 1028 1141 Weight2 (lb) 871 978 1005 1172
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 9 6 12 x 24 4 4 9 6
24 x 24 16 20 20 24 24 x 24 16 20 20 24
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Pre-filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Pre-filter
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. If the section is shipped separately, add 4 in. to AWL.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Physical data (cont)
Filtration components (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL1 16 16 16 16 AWL1 16 16 16 16
AWL2 18 18 18 18 AWL2 18 18 18 18
Weight1 (lb) 583 661 719 806 Weight1 (lb) 597 677 735 824
Weight2 (lb) 612 694 755 846 Weight2 (lb) 628 712 773 866
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 4 4 — — 12 x 24 4 4 — —
24 x 24 16 20 25 30 24 x 24 16 20 25 30
AWL1 — Airway Length with 2-in. Pre-filter
AWL2 — Airway Length with 4-in. Pre-filter
H — Height
W — Width
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Filtration components (cont)



UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL 16 16 16 16 AWL 16 16 16 16
Weight (lb) 539 612 667 750 Weight (lb) 553 628 683 768
Filters (Qty) Filters (Qty)
12 x 24 — — — 5 12 x 24 — — — 5
24 x 24 16 20 25 25 24 x 24 16 20 25 25
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. The air velocity through the HEPA filter section must be
verified to ensure it does not exceed 500 fpm.
3. HEPA filter sections come equipped with retaining
brackets for the four corners of the HEPA filter frame.


Plenum sections shall have 2-in. double wall, insulated, G90 galvanized construction.

A stainless steel hinged double wall access door on a specified hand side shall be available as an option.

The floor of each section is 4 in. double wall construction, thermally insulated with 4 in. fiberglass media.

Section floor joints form a watertight seal through the unit.

The floor frame includes a heavy-duty structural support grid consisting of formed galvanized steel inverted U-channels at 16-in. intervals
(center to center).

Physical data (cont)
Heat transfer sections



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL See Notes AWL See Notes
Weight (lb) See Notes Weight (lb) See Notes
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width
Coil face areas available:
— Extra Large
— Large
— Small
— Vertical Staggered

1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. The coil section airway length varies based on the coil size.
Refer to the Coil Depth Chart for details, page 55.
3. Component weight and AWL is determined by coil selection.
Refer to AHUBuilder® software for weights and dimensions.


All coil sections shall be solid doublewall construction of pre-painted galvanized steel inner and outer panels and insulation. The resultant min-
imum R-value of the panel assemblies shall not carry an R-value of less than 7.6.

Drain pans shall be insulated doublewall galvanized or stainless steel construction. The pan shall be sloped toward the drain fitting. Drain pan
shall have a recessed bottom drain design with integral FPT elbow for side discharge and trapping. One drain outlet shall be supplied for each
cooling coil section. Drain pan shall allow no standing water and comply with ASHRAE Standard 62. Where 2 or more coils are stacked in a
coil bank, intermediate drain pans shall be provided and the condensate shall be piped to the side of the section. The bottom coil shall not
serve as a drain path for the upper coil.

See the guide specifications on page 56 for coil detail options.

Heat transfer sections (cont)



072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
AWL See Notes AWL See Notes
Weight (lb) See Notes Weight (lb) See Notes
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width
1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Heating coil AWL varies based on the size of coil selected.
Refer to Coil Depth Chart for details, page 55.
3. Component weight and AWL is determined by coil selection.
Refer to AHUBuilder® software for weights and dimensions.


All coil sections shall be solid doublewall construction of pre-painted galvanized steel inner and outer panels and insulation. The resultant min-
imum R-value of the panel assemblies shall not carry an R-value of less than 7.6.

Drain pans shall be insulated doublewall galvanized or stainless steel construction. The pan shall be sloped toward the drain fitting. Drain pan
shall have a recessed bottom drain design with integral FPT elbow for side discharge and trapping. One drain outlet shall be supplied for each
cooling coil section. Drain pan shall allow no standing water and comply with ASHRAE Standard 62. Where 2 or more coils are stacked in a coil
bank, intermediate drain pans shall be provided and the condensate shall be piped to the side of the section. The bottom coil shall not serve as
a drain path for the upper coil.

See the guide specifications on page 56 for coil detail options.

Physical data (cont)
Heat transfer sections (cont)


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110 1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
UNIT SIZE 2. Section airway length is based on 6-row cooling coil (large
Dimensions (in.) face coils only).
H 159 159 184 184 3. Height is based on largest heating coil.
4. The maximum number of zones and the zone width are
W 124 144 143 163 determined by the following equations:
AWL No. of Zones = DW/6.14) Rounded Down
6 Row 93 93 103 103 Zone Damper Width = DW/(No. of Zones)
5. Multizone section weights are based on 6-row cooling and
8 Row 96 96 106 106 2-row heating coils.
10 Row 99 99 109 109 6. Diffuser is built into coil section.
DA 37 37 42 42
Front Discharge
DW (in.) 110 130 129 149
Zones 17 21 21 24
Vertical Discharge
DW (in.) 114 134 133 153
Zones 18 21 21 24
Weight (lb) 5889 6643 7697 8674
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width
H — Height
W — Width


All coil sections shall be solid doublewall construction of pre-painted galvanized steel inner and outer panels and insulation. The resultant
minimum R-value of the panel assemblies shall not carry an R-value of less than 7.6.

Drain pans shall be insulated doublewall galvanized or stainless steel construction. The pan shall be sloped toward the drain fitting. Drain
pan shall have a recessed bottom drain design with integral FPT elbow for side discharge and trapping. One drain outlet shall be supplied
for each cooling coil section. Drain pan shall allow no standing water and comply with ASHRAE Standard 62. Where 2 or more coils are
stacked in a coil bank, intermediate drain pans shall be provided and the condensate shall be piped to the side of the section. The bottom
coil shall not serve as a drain path for the upper coil.

See the guide specifications on page 56 for coil detail options.

Fan motor sections


(5) 6" 4"(3) E(5) x D


D x E




072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 112 133
W 124 144 143 163
D (discharge with) 38.6 38.8 43.6 47.6
E (discharge length) 116 136 135 155
R (required access) 29 35 35 35
AWL See Notes
Weight (lb) See Notes
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width

1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. Plenum fan airway length will vary based on the motor size selected, refer to the plenum fan airway length chart on
page 51.
3. Plenum fan section is 4-in. shorter if connected to a downstream component.
4. Section weights vary based on motor size and AWL. Refer to AHUBuilder® software for weights.
5. Top or End Discharge openings are pre-cut at the factory (standard).
6. Option available to eliminate the pre-cut openings.


The fan section shall have a doublewall, insulated, galvanized steel floor. Accessibility options shall be hinged doublewall
access door on both sides.

Viewports shall be available as a factory-installed option on the door(s) of this section.

Marine lights shall be available as a factory-installed option.

See the guide specifications on page 56 for fan detail options.

Physical data (cont)
Fan motor sections (cont)


39RN INDOOR 072 085 095 110

Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133
W 124 144 143 163
AWL See Notes
Weight (lb) 7052 8064 8375 11,092
AWL — Airway Length
H — Height
W — Width

1. All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
2. The fan section AWL varies on the motor size selected. See Fan Airway Lengths chart for details, page 50.
3. Fan section weights vary based on motor size selected. Section weights include 75 hp motor and standard fan.


The fan coil section shall have a doublewall, insulated, galvanized steel floor. Accessibility options shall be hinged doublewall access door on
both sides.

Viewports shall be available as a factory-installed option on the access panel(s) or door(s) of this section.

Marine lights shall be available as a factory-installed option.

See the guide specifications on page 56 for fan detail options.

Air diffuser sections




C A 15”





072 085 095 110 072 085 095 110
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (in.)
H 113 113 133 133 H 1179/16 118 138 13711/16
W 124 144 143 163 W 124 144 143 163
A 12 12 12 12 A 12 12 12 12
B 6 6 6 6 B 6 6 6 6
AWL 27 27 27 33 AWL 27 27 27 33
Weight (lb) 657 721 763 1005 Weight (lb) 680 724 790 1042
AWL — Airway Length
DA — Duct Depth
DW — Duct Width FAN C D
H — Height SIZE (in.) (in.)
W — Width 330 11 14.5
365 12 16
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.
402 16 17.8
445 18 18.5
490 18 18.5


Blow-thru airfoil (AF) supply fan sections shall have a diffuser section downstream, as it is necessary to diffuse the air before coils or filter

Physical data (cont)
Outdoor section





UNIT SIZE A Width B Depth Weight WIDTH
(in.) (in.) (in.) (lb) (in.) (in.)
072 2 26 120 36 203 41 104
085 2 26 140 36 224 41 124
095 2 26 139 36 223 46 123
110 2 26 159 36 244 46 143
1. All hoods are available with aluminum filters.
2. Maximum velocity for aluminum filter is 500 fpm.
3. Minimum recommended distance to building roof surface from hood opening is 36 inches.


Outside air hood shall be constructed of 16-gage, pre-painted galvanized steel and sized for 100% of unit nominal cfm.

AIRFOIL FANS (Supply and Return)
39R UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
WHEEL SIZE Std Small Std Small Std Small Std Small
WHEEL DIAMETER (in.) 361/2 33 401/4 361/2 441/2 401/4 49 441/2
Class II 1418 1609 1286 1609 1163 1286 1056 1163
Class III 1791 1982 1624 1982 1469 1624 1334 1469
Class II 37/16 37/16 37/16 37/16 315/16 37/16 315/16 315/16
Class III 211/16 211/16 215/16 211/16 37/16 215/16 37/16 37/16
Class II 181.0 166.0 197.0 181.0 277.0 197.0 313.0 277.0
Class III 243.0 172.0 274.0 243.0 374.0 274.0 511.0 374.0
Class II 325.0 261.0 383.0 325.0 593.0 383.0 688.0 593.0
Class III 406.0 291.0 454.0 406.0 617.0 454.0 709.0 617.0
No. Fan Blades 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Maximum (ODP/TEFC) 405T 405T 405T/444T 405T 444T/445T 444T/445T 444T/445T 444T/445T
Minimum (ODP/TEFC) 215T 213T 215T 215T 254T 215T 256T 254T
Maximum 100 100 125 125 150 150 150 150
Minimum 10 7.5 10 10 15 10 20 15
LEGEND NOTE: Data is for 50 Hz and 60 Hz motors.
AFTC — Airfoil Fan (Twin Cities)
ODP — Open Dripproof
TEFC — Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled

PLENUM FANS (Supply and Return)

39R UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
WHEEL SIZE Std Small Std Small Std Small Std Small
WHEEL DIAMETER (in.) 441/2 393/8 491/8 441/2 551/8 491/8 63 551/8
Class II 1194 1337 1070 1194 955 1070 835 955
Class III 1515 1696 1358 1515 1212 1358 1060 1212
Class II 27/16 37/16 37/16 37/16 315/16 37/16 315/16 315/16
Class III 211/16 211/16 215/16 211/16 37/16 215/16 37/16 37/16
Class II 181.0 166.0 197.0 181.0 277.0 197.0 313.0 277.0
Class III 243.0 172.0 274.0 243.0 374.0 274.0 511.0 374.0
Class II 325.0 261.0 383.0 325.0 593.0 383.0 688.0 593.0
Class III 406.0 291.0 454.0 406.0 617.0 454.0 709.0 617.0
No. Fan Blades 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Maximum (ODP/TEFC) 365T 365T 405T/444T 365T 405T/444T 405T/444T 405T/444T 405T/444T
Minimum (ODP/TEFC) 215T 213T 215T 215T 254T 215T 256T 254T
Maximum 75 60 125 75 125 125 125 125
Minimum 7.5 10 10 10 15 10 20 15
LEGEND NOTE: Data is for 50 Hz and 60 Hz motors.
ODP — Open Dripproof
PFTC — Plenum Fan (Twin Cities)
TEFC — Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled

Physical data (cont)
Fan Wheel Motor 39R072 39R085 39R095 39R110
213T 87 93 97 — — — — — — — — —
215T 87 93 97 — — — — — — — — —
254T 91 98 101 — — — — — — — — —
256T 91 98 101 — — — — — — — — —
284T 93 100 103 — — — — — — — — —
330 286T 93 100 103 — — — — — — — — —
324T 96 103 106 — — — — — — — — —
326T 96 103 106 — — — — — — — — —
364T 101 108 112 — — — — — — — — —
365T 101 108 112 — — — — — — — — —
405T 104 111 114 — — — — — — — — —
215T 92 100 103 92 100 103 — — — — — —
254T 96 104 107 96 104 107 — — — — — —
256T 96 104 107 96 104 107 — — — — — —
284T 99 106 110 99 106 110 — — — — — —
286T 99 106 110 99 106 110 — — — — — —
324T 101 109 112 101 109 112 — — — — — —
326T 101 109 112 101 109 112 — — — — — —
364T 107 115 118 107 115 118 — — — — — —
365T 107 115 118 107 115 118 — — — — — —
405T 109 117 120 109 117 120 — — — — — —
215T — — — 98 107 111 98 107 111 — — —
254T — — — 102 111 115 102 111 115 — — —
256T — — — 102 111 115 102 111 115 — — —
284T — — — 105 113 117 105 113 117 — — —
286T — — — 105 113 117 105 113 117 — — —
324T — — — 107 116 120 107 116 120 — — —
326T — — — 107 116 120 107 116 120 — — —
364T — — — 113 122 126 113 122 126 — — —
365T — — — 113 122 126 113 122 126 — — —
405T — — — 115 124 128 115 124 128 — — —
444T — — — 125 134 138 125 134 138 — — —
445T — — — — — — 125 134 138 — — —
254T — — — — — — 109 119 123 109 119 123
256T — — — — — — 109 119 123 109 119 123
284T — — — — — — 111 121 125 111 121 125
286T — — — — — — 111 121 125 111 121 125
324T — — — — — — 114 124 128 114 124 128
445 326T — — — — — — 114 124 128 114 124 128
364T — — — — — — 120 129 134 120 129 134
365T — — — — — — 120 129 134 120 129 134
405T — — — — — — 122 131 136 122 131 136
444T — — — — — — 132 142 146 132 142 146
445T — — — — — — 132 142 146 132 142 146
256T — — — — — — — — — 117 127 131
284T — — — — — — — — — 119 129 134
286T — — — — — — — — — 119 129 134
324T — — — — — — — — — 122 132 136
326T — — — — — — — — — 122 132 136
364T — — — — — — — — — 127 137 142
365T — — — — — — — — — 127 137 142
405T — — — — — — — — — 129 140 144
444T — — — — — — — — — 140 150 154
445T — — — — — — — — — 140 150 154
AFTC — Airfoil Fan (Twin Cities)
THF/BHF — Top Horizontal Front/ Bottom Horizontal Front
UBF/UBR — Upblast Front/Upblast Rear
DBF/DBR — Downblast Front/Downblast Rear

Fan Wheel Size (PFTC) Motor Frame Size 39R072 39R085 39R095 39R110
213T 76 — — —
215T 76 — — —
254T 76 — — —
256T 76 — — —
391 284T 78 — — —
286T 78 — — —
324T 80 — — —
326T 80 — — —
365T 81 — — —
215T 79 79 — —
254T 81 81 — —
256T 81 81 — —
284T 82 82 — —
286T 83 83 — —
324T 84 84 — —
326T 85 85 — —
365T 86 86 — —
215T — 83 83 —
254T — 84 84 —
256T — 84 84 —
284T — 86 86 —
286T — 86 86 —
324T — 88 88 —
326T — 88 88 —
364T — 89 89 —
365T — 91 91 —
405T/444T — 93 93 —
254T — — 90 90
256T — — 90 90
284T — — 92 92
286T — — 92 92
551 324T — — 94 94
326T — — 94 94
364T — — 95 95
365T — — 97 97
405T/444T — — 99 99
256T — — — 95
284T — — — 97
286T — — — 97
324T — — — 99
631 326T — — — 99
364T — — — 100
365T — — — 103
405T — — — 104
444T — — — 106
PFTC — Plenum Fan (Twin Cities)
1. Plenum fan sections connected to another unit section will be 4-in. shorter.
2. Plenum fan sections must be configured with an upstream access section.

Physical data (cont)
39R UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Vertical Staggered Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 38,250 45,350 52,900 61,250
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 51x108 2 — 51x128 4 — 30x127 4 — 30x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 76.5 90.7 105.8 122.5
Extra Large Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 37,350 44,000 49,150 56,750
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 48x112 2 — 48x132 3 — 36x131 3 — 36x151
Total Face Area (sq ft) 74.7 88.0 98.3 113.5
Large Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 36,000 42,650 47,650 55,150
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 48x108 2 — 48x128 3 — 36x127 3 — 36x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 72.0 85.3 95.3 110.3
Small/Bypass Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 22,500 26,650 29,100 33,700
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 30x108 2 — 30x128 2 — 33x127 2 — 33x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 45.0 53.3 58.2 67.4

Large Face Area

Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 36,000 42,650 47,650 55,150
2 — 35x127 2 — 35x147
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 47.5x108 2 — 47.5x128 1 — 37.5x127 1 — 37.5x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 72.0 85.3 95.3 110.3
Large Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 36,000 42,650 47,650 55,150
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 48x108 2 — 48x128 3 — 36x127 3 — 36x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 72.0 85.3 95.3 110.3
Hot Deck Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 700 fpm 25,200 29,890 33,320 38,570
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 1 — 48x108 1 — 48x128 1 — 54x127 1 — 54x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 36.0 42.7 47.6 55.1
Small/Bypass Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 700 fpm 31,500 37,310 40,740 47,180
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 30x108 2 — 30x128 2 — 33x127 2 — 33x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 45.0 53.3 58.2 67.4
Large Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 500 fpm 36,000 42,650 47,650 55,150
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 48x108 2 — 48x128 3 — 36x127 3 — 36x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 72.0 85.3 95.3 110.3
Hot Deck Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 700 fpm 25,200 29,890 33,320 38,570
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 1 — 48x108 1 — 48x128 1 — 54x127 1 — 54x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 36.0 42.7 47.6 55.1
Small/Bypass Face Area
Nominal Capacity (cfm) at 700 fpm 31,500 37,310 40,740 47,180
Coil Qty — Size (in.) 2 — 30x108 2 — 30x128 2 — 33x127 2 — 33x147
Total Face Area (sq ft) 45.0 53.3 58.2 67.4
NOTE: Refer to the AHUBuilder® selection software for coil connection sizes.

39R UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
CIRCUITING TYPE Full Double Full Double Full Double Full Double
Airflow (cfm) at 500 fpm 35,625 42,222 47,405 54,870
Total Face Area (sq ft) 71.3 84.4 94.8 109.7
Tubes in Face 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 28 28 30 28 28 30 28 28 30 28 28 30
Finned Length (in.) 108 108 108 108 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 127 127 127 147 147 147 147 147 147
Finned Height (in.) 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 35.0 35.0 37.5 35.0 35.0 37.5 35.0 35.0 37.5 35.0 35.0 37.5
No. of Circuits — Total 38 38 76 76 38 38 76 76 28 28 30 56 56 60 28 28 30 56 56 60
COIL SECTION Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower
4-Row Coil
Circuit Equivalent Length (ft) 40.5 40.5 — — 47.2 47.2 — — 46.8 46.8 46.8 — — — 53.5 53.5 53.5 — — —
Refrigerant Charge (lb) 32.0 — — 37.0 — — 42.0 — — — 48.0 — — —
Face Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 — — 4 4 — — 2 2 2 — — — 2 2 2 — — —
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 — — 10/9 10/9 — — 14 14 15 — — — 14 14 15 — — —
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 — — 13/8 13/8 — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — —
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 — — 11/8 11/8 — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — —
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/
Distributor Nozzle Size — — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — —
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8
Intertwined Row Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 — — 4 4 — — 2 2 2 — — — 2 2 2 — — —
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 — — 10/9 10/9 — — 14 14 15 — — — 14 14 15 — — —
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 — — 13/8 13/8 — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — —
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 — — 11/8 11/8 — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — —
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/
Distributor Nozzle Size — — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — —
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8
6-Row Coil
Circuit Equivalent Length (ft) 40.5 40.5 — — 47.2 47.2 — — 46.8 46.8 46.8 — — — 53.5 53.5 53.5 — — —
Refrigerant Charge (lb) 53.0 — — 62.0 — — 69.0 — — — 80.0 — — —
Face Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 — — 4 4 — — 2 2 2 — — — 2 2 2 — — —
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 — — 10/9 10/9 — — 14 14 15 — — — 14 14 15 — — —
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 — — 13/8 13/8 — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — —
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 — — 11/8 11/8 — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — —
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/
Distributor Nozzle Size — — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — —
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8
Intertwined Row Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 — — 4 4 — — 2 2 2 — — — 2 2 2 — — —
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 — — 10/9 10/9 — — 14 14 15 — — — 14 14 15 — — —
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 — — 13/8 13/8 — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — — 15/8 15/8 15/8 — — —
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 — — 11/8 11/8 — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — — 13/8 13/8 13/8 — — —
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/
Distributor Nozzle Size — — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — — C-15 C-15 C-15 — — —
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8
8-Row Coil
Circuit Equivalent Length (ft) 40.5 40.5 19.5 19.5 47.2 47.2 22.8 22.8 46.8 46.8 46.8 22.7 22.7 22.7 53.5 53.5 53.5 26.0 26.0 26.0
Refrigerant Charge (lb) 75.0 88.0 99.0 114.0
Face Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 14 14 15 14 14 15 14 14 15 14 14 15
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ C-15
Distributor Nozzle Size C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8
Intertwined Row Split Coils
No. of TXVs 4 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4
No. of Circuits per Distributor 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/9 14 14 15 14 14 15 14 14 15 14 14 15
Suction Connections (in. OD) 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8
Distributor Connections (in. OD) 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8
E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ E-10/ C-15
Distributor Nozzle Size C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15 C-15
E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8

TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve

NOTE: Factory supplied distributors have factory selected nozzle sizes as shown. If necessary,
replace factory-supplied nozzles with field supplied and installed nozzles. Consult
AHUBuilder® software selection program for correct nozzle selection.

Physical data (cont)
39R UNIT SIZE 072 085 095 110
Cooling Coil Vertical Staggered
4 Row 1938 2137 2397 2700
6 Row 2798 3172 3542 4022
8 Row 3370 3831 4292 4890
10 Row 3964 4514 5068 5786
Cooling Coil Extra Large
4 Row 1261 1432 1608 1846
6 Row 2026 2326 2617 3018
8 Row 2550 2931 3302 3813
10 Row 3074 3536 3987 4609
Cooling Coil Large
4 Row 1494 1711 1921 2212
6 Row 2013 2312 2601 3002
8 Row 2532 2912 3281 3792
10 Row 3051 3513 3961 4582
Cooling Coil Small
4 Row 1400 1600 1792 2062
6 Row 1872 2145 2408 2778
8 Row 2344 2689 3023 3494
10 row 2816 3234 3639 4209
Heating Coil Standard
1 or 2 Row 777 891 1008 1193
4 Row 1337 1540 1739 2015
NOTE: Weights are approximate. Refer to the AHUBuilder® selection software for current component weights.

COIL 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125 2.625 3.125 3.625 5.125
Connection Size (in.)
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 2 2.5 3 4
1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.75 8.0 12.0
2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.75 8.0 12.0
4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.50 8.0 12.0
6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.00 10.0 12.0
8 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.50 12.5 12.5
10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.50 12.5 12.5
4 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
DX 6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
8 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.00 5.0 5.5
Steam (IDT)
2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.00 5.0 5.5

AWL = CD + 5″ AWL = CD + 11″ AWL = (2 x CD) + 35″

AWL — Airway Length
CD — Coil Depth
DX — Direct Expansion
IDT — Inner Distributing Tube

1. All dimensions are inches.
2. If the calculated AWL value is a decimal number, round up to the next whole number.
3. Add 3-in. to the coil AWL for each split. For example, if the coil section has an upstream and downstream split, add 6-in. to the AWL.

Guide specifications
39R Central Station Air-Handling Units 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS
HVAC Guide Specifications Do not operate units for any purpose, temporary or
permanent, until ductwork is clean, filters are in
Size Range: 36,000 to 55,000 Nominal Cfm place, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test run
Carrier Model Number: 39RN — Indoor Unit under observation.
39RW — Outdoor Unit Part 2 — Products
1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE Carrier Air Conditioning. Model as scheduled and
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: detailed.
Company specializing in manufacturing the 2.02 GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Products specified in this section with minimum of A. 2-in. Casing — Side Panel Construction:
five years documented experience.
1. All side panels shall be constructed of minimum
B. Units shall be manufactured in a facility registered to 2-in. (50 mm) thick double wall thermal acous-
ISO 9001:2000 manufacturing quality standard. tic panels. They shall have a 2-in. thick cross-
C. The following parameters shall establish the selec- section and be filled with 2-in. thick fiberglass
tion criteria and shall be as specified: airflow rates, insulation. The insulation shall have a thermal
external static pressures, and water flow rates. The resistance equivalent to R-4 per inch.
following are to be as specified or improved: coil 2. The wall liners shall individually cover each
and filter face velocities, cabinet air leakage rate, panel to provide a sturdy and uniform insulation
inlet/discharge/radiated sound power levels, and protection. If required, the panels shall be inter-
internal static pressures/brake horsepower. nally reinforced with galvanized steel Z channel
D. Air-handling unit assembly shall have UL 1995 certi- stiffeners for structural integrity and to prevent
fication for safety, including use with electric heat. air induced internal vibrations.
E. Products requiring electric connection shall be listed 3. Exterior wall panels shall be a minimum of
and classified by ETL and CSA as suitable for the 18-gage G-90 galvanized steel.
purpose specified and indicated. 4. The inner wall shall be a minimum of 22-gage
F. Coil performance shall be certified in accordance perforated or solid G-90 galvanized steel.
with ARI Standard 410. 5. All panels shall be internally fastened together
G. Air-handling unit shall be ARI 430 listed and meet with intermediate adjoining T-mullions and
NFPA 90A requirements. externally sealed with a heavy bead of polyure-
H. Units shall be factory built and shipped in a single thane caulking compound to provide a visible
piece, multiple sections or as a knocked down assurance of seal.
package depending on the project specification 6. Units must be suitable for pressure differentials
and/or field restrictions. up to 8 in. wg static pressure.
I. Fans shall conform to AMCA standards regarding 7. The insulation media shall have long resilient
testing and construction. Fans shall bear the AMCA inorganic glass fibers bonded with a thermoset-
certified rating seal for sound and airflow. ting resin. Neoprene coated insulation is not
J. Filter media shall be UL, Canada listed. acceptable due to its potential for fiber erosion
and bacterial growth, nor is foil-faced insulation
due to its easy tearing characteristics.
Inspect for transportation damage and store in clean
B. Construction:
dry place and protect from weather and construction
traffic. Handle carefully to avoid damage to compo- 1. Units shall be constructed from heavy gage
nents, enclosures, and finish. formed galvanized steel around the perimeter of
unit, with intermediate formed galvanized chan-
nels spaced at maximum 21-in. intervals. The
Do not operate units until ductwork is clean, filters minimum base height shall be 63/8 inches.
are in place, bearings lubricated, condensate prop-
2. To reduce thermal conductivity and prevent con-
erly trapped, piping connections verified and leak
densation, the entire perimeter frame shall be
tested, belts aligned and tensioned, all shipping
braces have been removed, and fan has been test uniformly insulated.
run under observation. 3. A 16-gage galvanized steel floor surface shall be
installed on the base and structural support grid.
The floor shall be reinforced from below. All
Include instructions for lubrication, filter replace- seams shall be sealed to form a watertight
ment, motor, drive adjustment, spare parts lists, and assembly. Base shall be provided with lifting
wiring diagrams. lugs, a minimum of four (4) per unit section.
The base shall be insulated with 4-in. (100 mm)

fiberglass insulation and underlined with a D. Access Doors:
22-gage galvanized steel liner. 1. Access doors shall be manufactured from
4. All duct connections or control dampers in the 18-gage galvanized steel. The doors shall be
floor of the unit shall be covered with painted double wall construction with 18-gage solid
heavy gage steel bar grating bolted in place, to metal liner on the inside. Two-in. fiberglass
prevent people and large objects from passing insulation shall be sandwiched between the
through the unit floor into the ductwork. Bar 18-gage outer layer and the 18-gage inner
grating shall be designed for a maximum deflec- layer.
tion of 1/4 in. under a concentrated load of 2. Provide thermal inspection windows. The
300 lb at mid span. windows shall be made of two 1/4-in. thick tem-
5. Provide auxiliary drains in fan sections down- pered glass panels separated by a 3/4-in. air
stream of cooling coils and humidifiers, econo- space. The inspection window shall be installed
mizer fresh air intakes, and in mixing boxes. to the metal door with a heavy-duty rubber
6. All drain connections on floor-mounted air- mounting frame.
handling units shall terminate at the side of the 3. Door frames shall be made from 16-gage galva-
unit. nized steel with the outside of the door flush
C. Outdoor Units: with the unit. The corners of the frame shall
have a 3 in. radius and shall include self-gripping
1. Outdoor units roof shall be double wall con-
automotive gasketing to ensure appropriate air-
struction, sloped away from the hand side of tightness and durability.
the unit. For units larger than size 95, the roof
will slope to both sides of the unit. Outdoor unit 4. Each door shall have two (2) cast iron “Dynair”
roof panels utilize a standing seam construction latches operable from either side of door and a
with cap strips over roof flanges. Cap strips are minimum of two (2) heavy-duty strap hinges.
turned down on both sides and shall include Hinges shall be made of electropolished, 10-gage
slimmed profiles to allow water runoff. The roof 304 stainless steel. Doors shall be removable by
shall be sloped a minimum of 1/4 in. per ft to releasing set screws and pushing the pins out of
ensure rain and snow runoff. the hinges. Doors must open against the high-
pressure side of the air handlers.
2. Outdoor units exterior surface shall be painted
with a high quality air-dried waterborne poly- E. Fan Section:
urethane copolymer. 1. Fans shall be airfoil or plenum as indicated in
3. Roof curbs shall be built in sections and deliv- the schedules or as implied by the specified
ered to the job site in an unassembled, knock- equipment.
down state. Curbs shall be constructed of heavy 2. Fan performance shall be based on tests con-
gage galvanized steel, 14 in. or 24 in. in height. ducted in accordance with AMCA standard test
Nailer strips, gasketing, insulation, and counter- code for air moving devices. All fans shall be
flashing shall be provided and installed by the certified to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.
contractor. The fans shall have quiet and stable operation
4. Outside air hoods shall be constructed of under all conditions. The fan manufacturer shall
16-gage, pre-painted galvanized steel and sized provide sound power ratings in the eight octave
for 100% of unit nominal cfm. Intake hoods bands which shall be based on AMCA
shall include easily accessible 1-in. aluminum standards. Sound power ratings shall be in
filters with a maximum velocity of no more than decibels referenced to 10-12 watts.
500 fpm. 3. Fans shall be dynamically balanced by the fan
5. Side Intake Louvers: manufacturer. An analyzer shall be used to mea-
sure velocity, and the final reading shall not
a. Frames and blades shall be 6063 alloy,
exceed 0.1 in. per second. The vibration level
.081-in. thick, mechanically fastened with shall be recorded on the fans as proof of the
stainless steel fasteners. Frame depth shall
final dynamic balance at the factory.
be 6 inches.
4. Fans and motors shall be mounted on all
b. Vertical blades shall be designed to collect welded, structural steel, prime coated integral
and drain water to the exterior of the unit.
bases with 2 in. deflection seismic spring isola-
c. Louvers shall have 1/2-in. mesh removable tors and supplied with flexible connection
aluminum bird screen. between the fan and the cabinet. High pressure
d. Louvers shall be designed to withstand a fans shall have thrust restraints to ensure stable
wind load of 25 lb per sq ft. operation and to protect the flexible connec-
e. Water penetration shall be no more than tions from tearing.
0.01 oz per sq ft of free area at 1250 fpm 5. Plenum fans shall be centered within the
per AMCA publication 511. cabinet for best aerodynamics and the wheel
tips shall be at least half a wheel diameter away

Guide specifications (cont)
from the cabinet to prevent air induced vibra- tachometer readings. Optional belt guard shall
tions and enhanced airflow profile. be sized to allow either sheave to be increased
6. Housed centrifugal fans shall be double width by two sizes.
and double inlet arrangement type 3. Air inlets G. Vibration Isolation:
shall be at least 0.7 of a wheel diameter away 1. An integral all welded structural steel vibration
from the cabinet wall to minimize airflow resis- isolation base shall be provided for the fan and
tance. Fans shall be centered within the cabinet motor. Motor slide bases shall be double adjust-
for best aerodynamics. ment type. Unpainted or galvanized, bolted
7. Fans shall be constructed of low carbon steel together fan/motor bases are not acceptable.
and painted with an approved coating. Each fan Base shall be free-floating at all four corners on
shall receive a documented inspection by a spring type isolators.
qualified inspector. The inspection shall include 2. Isolators shall be seismic, with leveling bolts and
welding, dimensions, bearings, and overall neoprene isolation pads, selected to a minimum
workmanship. isolation efficiency of 95% with the disturbing
8. Wheel diameters and discharge areas shall be in frequency rotating at 600 rpm.
accordance with the standard sizes adopted by 3. Spring deflection shall be at least 2 in. (50 mm).
AMCA. Inlets shall be fully streamlined and
H. Coils:
housings shall be suitably braced to prevent
vibration and pulsation. Housings shall be 1. Coils shall be fully enclosed within the section
constructed of heavy-gage steel and shall be and shall be double wall construction consistent
continuously welded throughout. The standard with the unit casing construction.
coating shall be durable and heat resistant up to 2. Piping connections shall extend to the outside
500 F. Fan shafts shall be solid and keyed to fan through rubber grommets. Cooling coil connec-
wheels. They should also be keyed to the tions shall include dual rubber grommets: on the
sheaves for positive wheel to shaft interlock. outer skin and inner liner.
9. The first critical shaft speeds shall be at least 3. Coil(s) shall include galvanized steel blank off
125% (Class I and II) and 142% (Class III) of the sheets to hold coil(s) rigid and prevent air from
fan’s maximum operating speed. Bearings shall bypassing the coil(s).
be designed for heavy-duty service with a mini- 4. Removable 2 in. thick access panels shall be
mum L-50 life of 200,000 hours. Bearing rat- provided on both sides to remove coils through
ings are to be based on the fans’ maximum casing wall. Coils shall be mounted on indepen-
catalogued operating speed and horsepower. dent racks and shall be individually removable.
Pillow block bearings shall be either single row
ball or double row spherical roller type. Bearing 5. Blow-thru double-deck sections shall be sup-
bars shall be rigidly fixed to the base (bearing plied with two inspection access panels, one
supports mounted to the inlet funnel are unac- upstream and one downstream of cooling coils.
ceptable). Bearing supports shall consist of two 6. Drain pans shall have a double slope for
or more full-length structure uprights. positive drainage, constructed of 16-gage,
10. Plenum fan wheels shall be surrounded by a 304 stainless steel and continuously welded.
removable expanded metal enclosure. Drain connections shall be 11/2-in. brass sweat
11. Housed centrifugal fans installed in a blow-thru
arrangement shall be supplied with a perforated 7. Intermediate coils shall have double slope drain
diffuser plate to uniformly diffuse air in down- pans, constructed of 16-gage, 304 stainless
stream plenums. steel and continuously welded. Intermediate
drain pans shall have 1 in. drains flowing
F. Motors and Drives: directly out of the side of the section. High air
1. Motors shall be supplied in accordance with volume units and/or high latent load units shall
electrical/mechanical specifications and sched- have individual drain connections for each
ules. They shall be mounted on slide bases for stacked drain pan within the section.
proper alignment and belt tension adjustment. 8. Floor drain hubs shall be recessed in the pans to
2. Provide V-belt, cast-iron sheaves, and rein- ensure complete drainage.
forced rubber belts (minimum of 2 belts per 9. Coils shall be tested by the coil manufacturer
drive). The belts and drives shall be selected for and rated in accordance with ARI standard
minimum 150% of the motor nameplate horse- 410.
10. Direct expansion, chilled water and hot water
3. Belt drive types and service factor shall be coil cores shall be tested by the coil manufac-
in accordance with the general mechanical turer with 315 pounds of air pressure under
specifications. warm water and be suitable for operation at
4. An optional metal belt guard has sides and face 250 psig working pressure. Water coils shall be
of galvanized steel with openings for fan

circuited for drainability without removing indi- side access filter rack shall accept both 2 in. and
vidual plugs from each tube. 4 in. pre-filters and single headered final filters.
11. The primary surface of all coils shall be round Gasketed access doors shall tightly seal filters
seamless copper tubes. The secondary surface together.
shall consist of rippled aluminum plate fins. Fins 3. Provide access door on one or both sides of
shall have full drawn collars to provide a contin- unit as per the drawings and specifications.
uous cover over the entire tube surface for max- L. Filter Gages:
imum heat transfer. The tubes shall be
1. Provide and flush mount Dwyer 2000 Magne-
mechanically expanded into the fins to provide
helic air filter gages.
a continuous primary to secondary compres-
sion bond over the entire fin length. 2. Static pressure tips, shut off valves and tubing
shall be provided and installed by the air-
12. Coil casings shall be constructed of galvanized
handling unit manufacturer.
steel. Coil side plates shall be of reinforced
flange type construction. 3. One Magnehelic gage shall be provided for
each filter bank.
13. Water coils shall have copper headers, steel
male pipe connections, a vent connection at M. Mixing Box Section:
the highest point, and a drain connection at the Mixing box section shall be complete with parallel
lowest point. blade type dampers. They shall be positioned so that
14. Non-freeze steam coils shall have copper head- the airstreams are directed into a merging pattern.
ers, steel male pipe connections, tube-within- As requested, driving linkages shall be accessible
a-tube construction, and shall be pitched in from inside or outside the casing. Damper sizes
the section to ensure positive condensation shown are minimum allowable, in order to keep
drainage. damper pressure drop and noise to a minimum.
Where shown on plans, furnish access doors to ser-
15. Refrigerant coils shall have brass liquid distribu-
vice linkages and actuators.
tors and sweat type copper suction connections.
I. Pre-Filter Section: N. Economizer Section:
Economizer section shall be complete with parallel
1. Filter types, efficiencies and face areas shall be
blade type dampers. The mixing and outside-air
in accordance with the schedule.
dampers shall be positioned so that the airstreams
2. Pre-filters shall be front loading where access is are directed into a merging pattern. To increase the
available upstream of the filter section or slide damper authority to 20% and obtain a more linear
out through the side when access is not avail- relationship between damper position and airflow, a
able. Front loading filters shall be mounted on perforated plate shall be provided at the mixing
factory-fabricated 16-gage galvanized steel damper. As required, driving linkages shall be acces-
holding frames complete with 1/4-in. x 1/2-in. sible from inside or outside the casing. Damper sizes
open cell gasket. Side access filters shall slide shown are minimum allowable, in order to keep
out through factory fabricated aluminum extru- damper pressure drop and noise to a minimum.
sion racks and shall have previously described Where shown on plans, furnish access doors to ser-
access doors. vice linkages and actuators.
J. Upstream/Downstream Loading Final Filter Section: O. Air Mixer:
1. Filter types, efficiencies and face areas shall be 1. Stratification eliminators shall have no moving
in accordance with the schedule. or adjustable parts and shall consist of heavy
2. Filter section shall be factory fabricated as part gage all welded frame containing a set of direc-
of the air-handling unit. Filters shall be arranged tional changing vanes and a cone designed for
for loading into positive sealing factory fabri- almost perfect mixing of airstreams of different
cated galvanized steel frames. Frames shall be temperatures and velocities.
riveted together, and the filter rack assembly 2. Standard construction of all welded aluminum
mounted in the air handler. Filter rack shall 0.081 in. framing, 0.081 in. turbulators and
include blank-off sheets and thoroughly caulked aluminum directional blades.
to complete the seal.
3. Airstream temperatures shall be mixed to within
3. Provide walk-in filter access sections upstream/ ±6° F of the theoretical mixed-air temperature.
downstream of filter rack with adequate space
P. Dampers:
for filter service.
K. Side Access Final Filter Section: 1. Extruded aluminum damper frame shall not be
less than 0.080 in. (12-gage) in thickness and
1. Filter types, efficiencies and face areas shall be 4 in. deep.
in accordance with the schedule.
2. Damper blades shall be airfoil design, 6 in. wide
2. Filter section shall be factory fabricated as part and made of extruded aluminum profiles.
of the air-handling unit. Extruded aluminum,

Guide specifications (cont)
3. Blade gaskets shall be extruded elastomer by Carrier or shipped by others to the factory
secured in an integral slot within the aluminum for mounting.
extrusions. Frame seals shall be extruded 8. Motors shall be wired to a power package
thermoplastic. including the starter, main fused or non-fused
4. Pivot rods shall be 7/8-in. (22 mm) hexagon disconnect, thermal overloads, motor winding
extruded aluminum interlocking into blade sec- thermistors, control relays, and control
tion. Bearings shall have a double seal with a transformer.
Celcon inner bearing fixed to the rod within a 9. Factory-mounted temperature, humidity, pres-
polycarbonate outer bearing inserted into the sure sensors and freezestat.
frame so that the outer bearing cannot rotate.
10. Sensors provided or shipped by others to the
5. Bearings shall be designed so that there is no factory for mounting.
metal-to-metal or metal-to-bearing contact.
11. Factory-mounted smoke detectors.
6. Linkage hardware shall be installed outside the
12. Factory-installed and wired DDC (Direct Digi-
frame and constructed of aluminum and corro-
tal Controls) panel.
sion resistant, zinc and nickel-plated steel.
Drive shaft rod shall be extendable on both 13. Single point wiring where the power package
sides of the dampers. includes a step-down transformer to power
the 120-v lighting. In this case, all wiring ter-
7. Dampers shall be designed for operation in
minates at one main disconnect. The DDC
temperatures ranging between –40 F (–40 C)
and 212 F (100 C). control panel may or may not be factory
installed depending on contractual and specifi-
8. Damper seals shall be designed for minimum cation requirements.
air leakage by means of overlapping seals. Air
leakage through a 48 in. x 48 in. damper shall 14. Dual point wiring where the power package
does not include a step-down transformer to
not exceed 10.3 cfm/sq. ft against 4 in. wg
power the 120-v lighting. The step-down
differential static pressure. Air leakage data
shall be certified under the AMCA certified transformer is included in the lighting circuit
and therefore, the lighting circuit is controlled
ratings program.
independently of the power package. Two
Q. Electrical Options: power points are required: one for the motors'
1. Lights shall be wired to individual switches. power package and another for the lighting
2. Lights shall be wired to individual switches and circuit. The DDC control panel may or may
utility receptacles. not be factory installed depending on contrac-
tual and specification requirements.
3. Lights shall be wired to a single switch with or
without a utility receptacle. 15. All components shall be CSA and/or UL
4. Lighting and utility receptacles shall be wired
to a single 120 volt point, terminating at a 16. Units shall be CSA or ETL factory approved
designated junction box mounted on the air- for electrical safety. Approval includes a
handling unit. dielectric factory test. Approved air-handling
units shall have a CSA or ETL label.
5. Motors shall be wired to individual disconnects
located inside or outside their respective fan R. Special Features:
sections. Tedlar® coating is available as an option for the
6. Motors shall be wired to a starter/disconnect unit lining. AgION™ antimicrobial coating is also
package. Fused or non-fused disconnects, available as an option to suppress microbial growth
depending on the electrical specification. on air handler interior walls.
7. Motors shall be wired to variable frequency
drives. The frequency drives may be provided

Carrier Corporation • Syracuse, New York 13221 5-04

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 3 New Book 4 Pg 60 Catalog No. 523-938 Printed in U.S.A. PC 201 Form 39R-2PD
Tab 1b Tab 4CS2 Replaces: 39R-1PD

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