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Task Title: Active Learning Environments

Name: Jawaher Ahmed Alkaabi

Course: EPC 3903 – Practicum 3b
Instructor: Robin Ogdol

(Technology, 2017)
TP Task 2 – Active Learning Environments

Planning activities that allow students to clarify, question, apply, and consolidate new

What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the
inquiry cycle?

An active learning environment is a place that stud ents must be engaged to learn things. An
active learning environment is most likely student-centered based, where they can demonstrate
what they’re learning, hands- on based activities, and a classroom that is supported by
interactive walls. Active learning environment is beneficial for students because, it increase
their thinking, understanding, their ability to solve problems, be more enthusiastic and
demonstrate a good behavior. As I mentioned before that an active learning environment is
student-centered based and is similar to the inquiry cycle, where you can see that in t he inquiry
cycle there are few parts where the teacher is included, and most likely the teacher is an
observer, facilitator, provider and an evaluator. Teacher tries to provide students with the
support needed and making learning easier. Where students exp lore, investigate, create, act,
ask, reflect and discuss the learning. Afterward, the teacher correct the things they did wrong
and provide help.

Active Learning Classrooms. (n.d.). Retrieved from Queen's University :
http://queensu.ca/activelearningspaces/active -learning/benefits-active-
Joe. (2015). IB PYP Inquiry Cycle Poster w/ Action Cycle. Retrieved from
Teachers Pay Teachers:
https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/IB -PYP-Inquiry-Cycle-
Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior

What was the impact of the
What was the activity? learning to this
activity i.e. no. of ss engaged?

Students had numbers from 1 to Students will be able Students weren’t engaged at first to
10 in Arabic which has different to learn and identify do this activity, they won't focus
formation from the English Arabic numbers. since it’s hard for them to
numbers. The teacher will say one understand Arabic. However, the
number out loud and students has more they did this activity the more
to circle that number with saying active they get, because after few
it out loud. times they were able to understand
and identify all/ few numbers.

Students had to complete the Students will be able Each group/ level got a challenging
patterns given. Each level had a to identify patterns. yet appropriate activity for their
little different activity, but all of level. Students were focused on the
them had the same purpose. activity.

Writing numbers from 1 to 10. Students will identify Quoting student A “writing
numbers. numbers is boring and long.”
(During both the Arabic and the
English class) Student B “I don’t want to write
this, Ms. Jaw write it for me

And other few students relate to

both student A and B. We can see
that students do not like this kind
of activity since they already know
the numbers or in the Arabic class
case they find it hard.

Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened?
The activities listed above are considered tiresome to the students. If I had to choose according
to my observation, I would say they enjoyed most the patterns activity. They had a more
challenging task given which made them focus and think.

Record and reflect on the safety components of at least 3 lessons taught whilst on TP.:

What safety issues were taken into Using the scissors, and don’t push each
consideration? other.

Before giving the scissors, the teacher (I)

told the students when is the proper time to
use the scissors “Don’t walk around the
Were the students made aware of them? classroom holding the scissor, use the scissor
How? only to cut papers.”

Before going to the playground, the teacher

asked the students not to run or push each

During the lesson, we didn’t face any issue,

but while going to the playground one student
Did any safety issues arise in the lesson that started to run and pushing others, and one
were not planned for? student got hurt. However, MST decided to
talk to the student and I went to the
playground with the rest of the students.

There is no signage in the classroom, yet the

Is there signage in the classroom regarding
teacher still reminds them of the safety rules
when needed.

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